To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 1 SEAFORD SceneSeptember 2022 Issue 185 Your Community Magazine, Business Directory and What’s On Guide Distributed free each month to homes and businesses in Seaford StridersSeafordJazzPointSplashHavenCuckmereCelebrateFestivalArtwaveClub RenaturingSeafordSeafordMayorTownCouncilOntheVerge:Seaford

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4 Seaford Town Council Supports Local Groups 6 Seaford Splash! 8 Celebrate Cuckmere Haven Art Exhibition 10 Sussex Contemporary Illustrators and Printmakers (SCIP) 14 Splash Point Jazz Club 16 Seaford Photographic Society 18 Newhaven Festival 20 Uno22: Nine 22 Seaford Rotary 24 Seaford Little Theatre – The Nightingales 28 A View from the Potting Shed 33 Seaford Community Garden 36 Seaford Afternoon Flower Club 37 Green Thumb 43 The Macmillan Garden Trail 2022 44 Wood Creatives 47 Alfriston and Cuckmere Valley Twinning Association 51 Clifden House 52 Sussex Wildlife Trust 54 Seaford for Ukraine 56 Friends of Bishopstone Station 59 Newberry Tully Estate Agent 60 Give Street Project 62 Citizens Advice 66 The Difference Between Success and Failure 70 Neighbourhood Watch Roundup 73 The Probus Club of Seaford 74 Seaford Stamp & Postcard Club 75 Newhaven & District Model Railway Club 77 Moist Orange Cake 79 Seahaven Hard of Hearing Club 81 Praise for Community Rail Volunteers 82 A Good Read 84 Seaford Sessions 85 Seaford Striders’ Mince Pie 10 is Back! 90 Seaford Mayor Hosts the Annual Civic Service 2022 94 In Praise of Praise 96 On the Verge – Renaturing Seaford 98 Seaford Museum 100 Heads Up! 105 Corelli Ensemble Concert Series 107 Inner Wheel Club of Seaford 113 Seaford u3a News 120 Sunglasses 123 What’s On in September? 129 Index of Businesses
Finally, we’re not mentioning a certain festival just yet, but Seaford Striders Mince Pie 10-mile run returns –register early to avoid disappointment (page 85). So get your trainers on and lets go...September here we come!
Save every drop of water!
to the September issue of Seaford Scene. Artwave is back this year, with even more wonderful open houses and exhibitions on in Seaford, involving work by local artists and craftspeople. Be sure to check out the venues on the Seaford Trail, highlighted throughout this issue and listed in the What’s On pages, 123 to 128. Celebrate Cuckmere Haven also takes place this month with arts, conversations and workshops (page 8) and the Beacon Show continues until the end of September, which includes their Down in the Deep paper creations as part of Artwave – see this month’s front cover design and turn to page 10. The Newhaven Festival takes place too, with various events being held in Newhaven town – see page 18. Music-wise, why not pop along to the Splash Point Jazz Club for an evening of top-class jazz? It’s on every month so check it out on page 14, or if you prefer classical music, then the Corelli Ensemble concerts for this year, are listed on page 105, and there’s also brilliant folk music on at Seaford Sessions, see page 84 – you’re spoilt for choice!
Seaford Scene, Lower Ground Floor, 40A Herbert Road, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 6PB Tel: 01273 710793 Email: 6th SEPT
Cover image: Artwave ‘Down in the Deep’ Community Paper installation at SEA Climate Hub, www.wearescip. – see page 10.

The next grants process will commence in April 2023, when application forms will be available to download from the Town Council’s website. If you would like further information then please email Lucy Clark, Finance Manager, at lucy.clark@seafordtowncouncil. Please recycle this magazine when you have finished with it.
Premier United Football Club was awarded £500 towards the purchase of goal posts for the U13 and U14 Girls Teams along with use at matches.
Cuckmere Buses was awarded £2,000 towards the ongoing annual running costs and to avoid deficits.
Down Syndrome Development Trust was awarded £1,000 towards supporting Seaford-based children with Downs Syndrome and their families to access their diverse range of programmes.
Seaford Town Council is pleased to announce that following the 2022 – 2023 grant process, twelve local organisations have been awarded financial grants totalling £20,000. All grants will directly benefit the residents of Seaford and the town itself.
St Wilfrid’s Hospice was awarded £2,000 towards the cost of running their fleet of cars, which are used to visit patients in Seaford.
The Mayor of Seaford, Cllr Olivia Honeyman: said ‘Thanks to everyone who applied for the Seaford Town Council grants, whether successful or not, you are all working hard and showing how much you care about the Seaford community.’
The Town Council would like to thank these organisations for their continued hard work and contribution to the town, and is delighted to be able to assist and support these organisations where possible.
St James’ Trust (Seaford) was awarded £1,000 towards the use of the Lions Mini Bus that is used every week.
Seaford Town Football Club was awarded £1,500 towards the purchase of a Club mini-bus to help transport all the youth and senior teams.
Seaford Musical Theatre was awarded £2,750 towards the repair/replacement of their defective flat roof, which leaks continuously, causing internal damage.
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Teddy Treats Children’s Charity was awarded £3,000 towards supporting local young people to attend dance, singing, sports and art activities and to continue to fund afterschool streetdance via Seaford Primary schools and Seaford Head Secondary School.
The Youth Counselling Project was awarded £3,000 towards providing 60 sessions of wellbeing support and mental health interventions, with each child receiving 10 face-to-face sessions with relevant therapists.
The Town Council has granted £20,000 as part of its annual grants scheme to benefit the town and its residents.
Seaford Community Partnership was awarded £250 towards various administrative costs enabling the Partnership’s volunteers to progress with their current projects.
Seaford Bonfire Society was awarded £3,000 towards the cost of medical emergency professionals, along with the costs towards the event security.


The event gives art lovers the chance to discover new work, meet artists and makers and buy directly from them. Follow the trails shown in the brochure and enjoy a diverse range of work including jewellery, painting, sculpture, printmaking, textiles, ceramics, metalwork and photography. For more info go to
Images from top: Artist Penny Boylan is opening her Hill Rise home for Artwave; Artist Sally-Mae Joseph’s house in Milldown Road is on the Artwave Trail; Jim Broadbent stars with Helen Mirren in The Duke at Seaford Community Cinema on 2nd September.
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Welcome to Andrea Hargreaves’ rundown of arts and cultural events coming up in Seaford this month.
Art Seaford Art Club’s annual show at the Crypt Gallery in Church Street closes on Wednesday 31st August and this group is followed on Saturday 3rd September by Sussex Designers and Makers which is showcasing work by graphic artists, designers and makers in an exhibition running at the gallery until Sunday 18th September.
Drama Seaford Little Theatre is presenting feel-good, romantic and nostalgic The Nightingales from Friday 2nd September until Saturday 10th September, with performances starting at 7.45pm except for the first Saturday which is a matinée at 2.30pm. Set in the 1950s, the play concerns a couple of old Music Hall troupers heading a family of performers who are thrown into a ‘right two and eight’ when cabaret star Jack’s parents arrive – to stay. The play was written by Peter Quilter and is directed by Trish Richings. Tickets from the Tourist Information Centre or from
The Artwave Festival runs from Saturday 3rd indistrict,throughoutHousesaSeptemberuntilSeptemberSunday18thwithwealthofOpentovisittheLewesmanyofthemandaroundSeaford.
Jazz Pianist/singer Neal Richardson and his trio are back at Splash Point Jazz Club at The View, Seaford Head Golf Club, on Wednesday 14th September at 7pm with tenor sax Jane Tuff. Tickets from www.wegottickets or on the door.
Artwave Festival
Cinema CinemaCommunitySeafordreturns to the Barn Theatre, Saxon Lane from its summer break on Friday September2ndat 7.30pm with true story and dramacomedy The Duke (12) starring Jim Broadbent as the man who stole a Goya. Other big names include Helen Mirren, Stephen Rashbrook and Anna Maxwell-Martin. This is followed on 9th September by Ali & Ava (15), another UK-made film, this one about an individually very different couple who bond over a child. Tickets from the Tourist Information Centre (TIC) in Church Street or from
Folk Seaford Sessions is hosting The Paul McKenna Band at Seaford Little Theatre, Steyne Road on Saturday 17th September at 7.30pm, tickets from and the TIC. See page 84 for more info. Events coming up? Please email Andrea at at least a week before Seaford Scene’s deadline (see page 3) with forthcoming events and jpg images.

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 7 01323 509661 OUR SHOWROOM IS OPEN OR CALL US FOR A HOME VISIT 6 Harvington Business Park, Brampton Road, Eastbourne BN22 9AF SHOWROOM OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9-5 SATURDAY 9-1, CLOSED BANK HOLIDAYS WE SUPPLY BLINDS, CURTAINS, SHUTTERS AND AWNINGS

9th September 6pm: Smuggling – Fact and Fiction
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More than 70 artists exhibiting over 90 works make it Artwave Festival’s largest and most diverse venue. Visitors will enjoy the display of paintings, prints, sculptures, textiles, ceramics and jewellery all in the South Hill Barn with its stunning backdrop of the Seven Sisters. The exhibition has been specially curated to showcase the works that have been inspired by one of the nation’s most loved views -– The Seven Sisters Cliffs and The Cuckmere Valley. Along with the exhibition will be daily demonstrations by participating artists, explaining differing artistic styles and techniques. Fascinating evening events will include talks and music. Open Wednesdays to Sundays 11am to 5pm 3rd – 18th September 2022. Exhibition free. South Hill Barn, Seaford, BN25 4JQ. Coffees, teas and lunches by Brewsters Coffee. Dogs welcome. Evening events are ticketed. For more information, complete programme and bookings:
16th September 6pm: Clouds under the Sea – Cable Hut 14 and the Birth of Global Communication Local Historian and author, Kevin Gordon, will take you through the birth of international submarine cable communication that began from the tiny hut nestled on the beach at Cuckmere Haven.
Professor Maziar Nekovee, Director of 6G lab and Dean of the AI Institute at Sussex University, will explain the present-day communication network and how over 98% of the world’s international communication relies on the thousands of miles of cables that cross the world’s oceans, and what to expect in the future.
All proceeds go to Cuckmere Haven SOS Charity
Image: Lucy Mutter, ‘Reflections’ collage.
This popular local string chamber orchestra will be playing a set of music appropriate to the setting and in the stunning South Hill Barn.
2022 sees the return of the Celebrate Cuckmere Haven Art Exhibition at the magnificent South Hill Barn – 3rd to 18th September
A fascinating evening of intrigue and adventure with Chris McCooney, writer and historian on the smugglers on the South Coast and Alex Preston author of the novel Winchelsea, an electrifying story of vengeance, that makes the past so real we can touch it. Recently read on BBC Radio 4’s Book at Bedtime.
Daily free demonstrations will include: Lyndsey Smith: watercolours and mixed media; Helen Brown: print making; Lucy Mutter: collage; Tony Parsons: oil painting.
Seaford Scene is a completely independent small business. All rights are reserved over the content and design of Seaford Scene unless agreed otherwise. The opinions expressed in editorial matter are not necessarily those of the publisher. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of entries. Seaford Scene cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by errors, omissions or alterations, and assumes no risk or liability for articles or adverts or the accuracy of the facts within them that are provided by contributors. Seaford Scene does not endorse companies, products, services or religious or political organisations that appear in this magazine.
17th September 6pm – Corelli Ensemble Candle-lit Concert

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The Beacon Show public arts trail continues along Seaford beach this September, shining a light on Seaford’s coastal community and celebrating the unique coastline. During the summer the SCIP team have been busy working with the community on a wide range of events and creative workshops, to further the community’s relationship with the local coastline and its natural heritage. SCIP partnered with Plastic Free Seaford for Plastic Free July working together to smash the beach clean attendance record set by local environmentalist Claire Sumners, and with 103 attendees they certainly did Claire proud. ‘It was extremely important to us that this project promoted the risks that waste presents to our local and international coastlines, and also promotes sustainable use of our beach. We were so excited to see so many new faces at the beach clean, connecting through The Beacon Show with this important subject’,
Drop off points in Seaford: Seaford Climate Hub ( 4 Clinton Place); Swimming Squidz Swim School, Marine Parade); on the Seafront by Frankie’s Beach Cafe, Opp. Buckle Car Park and by Holy Cow Kiosk. Don’t forget to bring back your inflatables from holiday so they can be recycled too!
If you can’t get to the drop off points please call: 07765 903165 - Sewing Machinists also wanted!
The exhibit opens on 3rd September at The SEA Climate Hub in Seaford, and is open Thursday to Sunday throughout The ArtWave Festival. Entry is free and everyone is welcome, including young children. For all opening times visit
10 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers SUSSEX
The Beacon Show public art trail continues along Seaford Beach throughout the summer until the end of September 2022.
says Josie Swan, SCIP Overco-founder.thepast three months’ dozens of young people and adults have joined SCIP in their new home, The Crypt Gallery, to work with paper artist Lauren Hayes and learn some amazing papercrafting skills. From bright bold colour, pop corals, to intricately decorated lobsters, the community has created a huge range of beautiful creations, using Canford papers donated by Daler Rowney for the project. The pieces made by the participants will all be exhibited as part of the forthcoming Down in the Deep paper exhibit, which brings Sussex marine life to Seaford for Artwave Festival this September. ‘It’s been such a fun process working on the prep for Down in the Deep, and the skills and tips Lauren Hayes has given us all have been amazing! The young people and adults have all really responded to the project, and we can’t wait to see all their creations come together!’
Alice Carter, SCIP co-founder. Down in the Deep is a wonderful opportunity to continue exploring The Beacon Show’s theme of local marine life, and also learn about the threats it faces. It has been supported by The Rampion Community Fund.
Recycling old inflatables: lilos, dinghies, arm bands, paddling pools, beach balls (and air beds!) – saving them from landfill and protecting the environment!
Individual bags and purses will be sold via our website (currently under construction) and part of the proceeds from every sale will go to the RNLI.
The Beacon Show and Down in the Deep exhibit are funded by The European Regional Development Fund as part of the Welcome Back Fun, Rampion Offshore Wind Farm, Sussex Giving, The National Lottery Community Fund, Cheeky Wipes, Daler Rowney, Florence House, and supported by Seaford Town Council, Visit Lewes, Hello Flamingo, Valspar and Parker Building Supplies. ‘Down in the Deep’ Community Paper installation at SEA Climate Hub

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To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 13 A family business established in 1994 in Peacehaven, East Sussex. Since our inception we have been suppliers to the trade and public alike. Our aim is to provide our customers with unrivalled quality, value and service from initial enquiry, and at every stage through to delivery / installation. We believe in our products and are passionate about them. Unit B4, Meridian Industrial Estate, Peacehaven, East Sussex BN10 8JQ Telephone: 01273 587666 Email: Website: We supply a comprehensive range of: Windows (uPVC and Aluminium) Doors (Reside ntial, French, Patio and Bi fold) Conservatories (to customer requirements) Replacement glazed unit service available for misted / broken down unit s. Large selection of hardware held in stock for repair / refurbishment. (Handles, hinges, locks, cylinders, espagnolettes etc.) Call our experienced team for advice and to discuss you requirements.

Splash Point Jazz plays at The View on the second Wednesday of each month, so look forward to tenor sax Jane Tuff on 14th September. Andrea Hargreaves
Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers of that club’s MC with a line of patter that evoked Ronnie’s cheeky impertinence. Inventive humour ran through the evening, with Neal for instance playing a G while introducing No More Blues, to evoke the minuscule bikinis on hedonistic Copacabana beach. A hot night got even hotter. The result was a party linkedwhereatmosphereguestswerebytheirlove of jazz, a fiesta where the guest of honour superseded his build up. For Brandon, who has performed with Eric Clapton and featured on film soundtracks including Alfie and The Look of Love, lived up to Jazz Journal’s description of him as: ‘Muscular and robust one moment, warm and soothing another, stretching out with an abrasive edge.’ His four-octave range appeared effortless and fun as he tiptoed into the highest notes. He and his tenor sax were one as his head dipped and left knee bent towards the right when caught in the emotion of the music. Then his torso and neck straightened like a strongman about to lift a man mountain as the tempo and volume increased. Magic to watch and magic to hear as his sax produced rippling notes that rolled into waves of energy that could have powered Seaford – but when did he Onbreathe?double bass Nigel extracted emotion with every pluck of his strings, his strong fingers achieving a fine range of emotive sound, while Paul caressed his percussion instruments with tenderness, before bringing out the big guns, each quietly supporting Brandon before delivering their own solo spots with ingenuity. For an encore we were treated to a riotous 12-bar blues including Sue muting her trumpet with a red-andwhite sink plunger. Well, it was that sort of night.
Photos l-r: Nigel Thomas and Sue Richardson with Brandon Allen; Neal Richardson with Nigel Thomas.
Close my eyes and I could have been in Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club. But then I would have missed the wide-ranging musicality and powerful physicality that is the wizardry of tenor sax Brandon Allen. This is the performer who Jazzwise Magazine acclaimed, ‘Arguably the most exciting tenor player in Britain today.’ And there he was, 70 or so miles south of London, guesting at Neal Richardson’s monthly Splash Point Jazz Club session at The View, Seaford Golf Club. And we loved him. What’s more, we loved an evening that also featured the Eastbourne club’s hugely talented Andy Panayi on soprano sax, Sue Richardson who combined quiet vocals and belting trumpet interchangeably, Neal (vocals and piano), Nigel Thomas (double bass) and Paul Cavaciuti (drums).
If jazz is a combination of blues, syncopation, swing and creative freedom, then these six people added another element: joy, both in the way they clearly got a tremendous kick out of jamming together and how the audience rapturously appreciated their performances. Brandon and Andy duetting was a harmonic treat. But back to Neal for a moment. This man not only creates much of his own material – I particularly liked his warm nod to Victoria Wood in the very funny Can’t Get Down and Dirty Tonight – he makes the piano keys dance, and sings and is a comedian. A brief return to Ronnie Scott’s here, because he has something

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 15 V. R. FLOWERS & SON 1-3 Station Approach, Seaford (opposite the railway station) 01323 892040 Free car parking Local family business - established nearly 75 years Expert advice - vast choice - free local delivery Spoilt for choice Sofas, recliners, beds, tables, chairs, carpets & flooring 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 FLOORS of FURNITURE

Following our summer break, we are now pleased to be starting another season packed with exciting talks, competitions, outings, and practical evenings. The first meeting is at Seaford’s Con Club on Friday 2nd September, when we welcome everybody back and get together for a bit of socialising. Members will also get the opportunity to share some of the photos they have taken over the summer and briefly talk about them if they want to. Hopefully we will also be welcoming some new members. The following week, 9th September, is our first competition of the season. This is an on-line Zoom meeting, and will feature Round One of the PDI League for Projected Digital Images. On 16th September we are back at the Con Club, where we are delighted to be holding our first Print Competition for over two and a half years. It is the first round of the Print League, judged by long-term friend of the club, Jack Taylor EFIAP DPAGB. On 23rd September we have an on-line talk, via Zoom, on Smartphone Photography. This should be an interesting one, as phone camera technology has improved so much recently and you don’t necessarily need a lot of expensive camera equipment to take good photos these days. There’s no meeting on the last day of the month, but instead we have an ‘Out and About’ event the following day, on Saturday 1st October. More details about this will be posted on the website. Our annual exhibition, the first since 2019, was held over two weeks in the summer at St Leonard’s Church,
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Cleaning, ironing, errands, admin, etc. Reliable and friendly team, fully insured Locally recommended Kathy 07761 084330 chores and more 07761
SOCIETYPHOTOGRAPHICSEAFORD a new venue for us. Many thanks to the Mayor of Seaford, Olivia Honeyman, who came along to select her favourite photo for the ‘Best in Show’ award –congratulations to Steve Wares, whose print The Flying Rainbow (Gannet) was chosen. The exhibition was a great success and we had getting on for 500 visitors in total. It was good to meet so many people and see them enjoying the club’s work. There were around 60 mounted prints on display, as well as a slideshow of projected images. Most of the prints on display were for sale or available to win with the raffle, with many more available in browsers for people to look through and purchase. We were pleased to have a good number of sales, and we received a lot of positive feedback about the quality and variety of the photos on display. Many thanks to all those at the club and the church who helped with the organising, and to all those who visited. We are hoping to do the same thing again next summer. If you are thinking about joining us, just come along to one or two of the above meetings to see what you think, with no obligation. For the meetings at the Con Club (1st and 3rd Fridays of the month) just turn up. For all other meetings, drop us an email, using the contact form on our website, and we’ll send you an invite. We cater for all levels of skill and experience, and you can see all you need to know about the club, including the programme of events, on our website:
Photos: The annual exhibition in St Leonard’s Church; Steve Wares with his Best in Show photo.

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 17 Visit artists & makers in Lewes, Newhaven, Seaford and the surrounding villages 3 rd - 18 th September Pick up a guide from the Seaford Tourist Information Centre or plan your visit online Venue 111 - The Wooden Truth Printing Press Seaford scene ad-2.qxp_Seaford Scene 1/2page 01/08/2022 15:05 Page 1

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critic and TV presenter Andrew Graham-Dixon gives a timely and topical talk reflecting on the ways in which art has been shaped by social crisis and upheaval. More mid-life crisis than social crisis, Miss Hope Springs, the hilarious piano-playing comedy, cabaret, and chanteuse opens her somewhat battered suitcase of dreams to share musical mementos from her Ritz to the pits life.
Photos from top: Doorstep Duets by New Adventures Dance Company on Newhaven’s West Quay; Andrew Graham Dixon gives a talk on Art & Social Crisis at the Hillcrest Centre; Doorstep Duets by New Adventures Dance Company.
MarinathatConservationDiscoverUnderseaatjustthebiologistsmarinecanexploreunderwaterworldbeyondtheharbourTheLivingCoastExperience.theMarineZonerunsfromBrightontoBeachyHead through a 360-degree interactive VR experience. Drop into St Michael’s Church for a collaborative and fun drawing session with artist Johnsey, or join eco-poet Kin’d & Kin’d for a workshop upstairs at the RNLI building. Bring your memories of Newhaven and Sussex dialect words and become part of Re-wilding the Word-hoard, with sculptor Jo Sweeting, writer Louisa Thomsen Brits, and filmmaker Jane Mote. Join local storyteller Jamie Crawford on a guided walk around Newhaven’s un-explored edgelands, or the well-named urban tree expert Paul Wood for an entertaining and enlightening tour of Newhaven’s urban forest.
Add to that the 16 venues on the Artwave Haven Trail, a new contemporary art gallery on the Highstreet, and the new monthly Newhaven Flea Market at Hillcrest, and there’s a whole load of stuff to do in Newhaven this September. Check for the full lineup and ticket availability.
Dirty Footprints bring free kids’ theatre to Newhaven Library, Salon 69 returns with six short talks followed by supper, and there’s a free afternoon of music at the Denton Island Bandstand, plus an alfresco revival of songs and shanties from the Tidemills Community Choir on the beach.
OPEN DAY 2022 LONG AND SHORT COURSES IN FINE FURNITURE AND WOODWORKING 10TH & 11TH SEPT 9.30 4.30 R O B I N S O N H O U S E S T U D I O U N I T E 1 & E 2 E A S T S I D E B U S I N E S S P A R K B E A C H R O A D N E W H A V E N Showcasing contemporary Furniture design
The Newhaven Festival returns for its fifth year with a diverse lineup of events during September With a thriving creative community and support from the Town Council, Creative Newhaven, and Centre,Ateveryone.offersthisEnterpriseNewhavenZone,year’sfestivalsomethingfortheHillcrestleadingart

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 19 2022 sees the return of the Celebrate Cuckmere Haven Art Exhibition at the magnificent South Hill Barn 3rd to 18th of September More than 70 artists exhibiting over 90 works make it Art Wave Festival’s largest and most diverse venue. Along with the exhibition will be daily demonstrations by participating artists explaining differing artistic styles and techniques. Fascinating evening events will include talks and music. Visit: for details Open Wednesdays to Sundays 11am to 5pm South Hill Barn, Chyngton Lane (off Chyngton Way) Painting by Frances Featherstone Handmade bespoke invitations, menus, place cards, seating plans, order of service…..and more, including handwritten modern calligraphy signage. Weddings, Christenings, Parties, Corporate….any occasion. Free studio consultation. Find me on Instagram and Facebook.

An Extra Special Kaleidoscopic Selection of Artwork for Artwave 22 Gallery Uno, 14a High Street, Seaford BN25 1PG
Linda Wells – Fibre & Textile Art Originally from Bromley in Kent, Linda started her working life in window display. Whilst working at Marshall and Snelgrove in Oxford Street, London, she learnt her trade by attending day-release courses and on-the-job training. At that time window displays played a large role in projecting the image of the retailer and were all individually tailored for each store. She recalls one Christmas when the windows were dressed as Dickensian street scenes, with the display team making every prop and costume from scratch. Yet, there wasn’t a single piece of merchandise for sale. Moving to the design department, she helped create and interiorimplementdisplays and adapting them for stands for Ideal Home exhibitions at Earl’s Court. This inspired her to study Interior Design, becomingsubsequentlycontracts manager for the House of Fraser at their London head office. Amongst her various clients was a house builder who commissioned Linda to design and dress over forty show homes in and around London, eventually supplying the homeowners with everything down to knives and forks. Her client list also significantly included royalty, supplying gifts to the household of the Queen Mother at Clarence House. One of her treasured memories was when she met the Queen Mother and her corgis at St James’ Palace.
September arrives and with it the twenty-ninth festival of visual art, Artwave. As with the other fourteen other venues around the town, Gallery Uno will be warmly inviting you in and will be taking enormous pride in showing you their extra special ‘kaleidoscopic’ selection of art, craft and design for the occasion. Our featured exhibitor during Artwave uniquely challenges the boundaries between craft and art. Working in textiles, Linda Wells produces framed, embroidered compositions that could be easily mistaken for fine art painting. Frustratingly her participation in Sussex Arts Collective events had to be deferred due to COVID. Her work now has become an indispensable part of their exhibitions at Uno and greatly admired by the many.
After moving Buckinghamshire,to Linda returned to academic studies in Fine Art and Textiles, gaining a City and Guilds in Creative Embroidery. Now working part time, Linda found she had free time to join art groups and exhibit on a regular basis.
NINE Opening times: Mon – Sat 10am – 4pm, Sundays and Bank Holiday Monday midday – 3pm. Open daily throughout Artwave – Saturday 27th August to Monday 26th Sept (closed Weds 31st August and 21st Sept).
20 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers NINE –
During a trip to New Zealand, Linda discovered wool fibres and the unbelievable range of colours available. On return Linda experimented with wet felting, where the agitation of fibres forms a fabric ideal as a base for embroidery. Thereafter and for the past 14 years she has developed her distinctive techniques, capturing other fibres and threads in the felt base before adding detail by machine and hand embroidery. She likens it to drawing and painting, but using wool fibres and threads to build up layers and returning to a piece several times. No two works are the same; what she calls Her‘Linda-vidual’.loveofthe Sussex coast and countryside eventually brought her to Seaford, and it’s the local landscape that she now finds her greatest inspiration. In addition to her felt compositions, she exploits the versatility of the medium, producing small gift items all available at Uno.


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The Prize Winners were: Overall winner and winner of the Instrumental Section, Isobel Peerless (Violin); Winner of the Vocal Section, Grace Kelly; Winner of the Ensemble Section, Five members of Seaford Head Samba. A special prize for potential was presented to singer Emma Hayward. The section winners were presented with their prizes by the Mayor of Seaford, Councillor Olivia Honeyman. Seaford Rotary President Ann Reed presented the overall winner, violinist Isobel Peerless, with the Colin Seymour Shield. Congratulations to all the competitors and thank you for entertaining us.
Young Artists continues to be one of the competitions which has been possible to hold again, despite the pandemic, although this year it was held much later than usual. Altogether it attracted twenty-nine entries – five Beginners, (under 7), ten Juniors, (7 – 10) and, with a lot of support from the Head of Art at Seaford Head School, fourteen in the 11 – 13 years group.
After a two-year absence, the 10th Seaford Rotary Young Musician of the Year competition was held on Saturday 9th July at Seaford Baptist Church. The aim of ofthebymusicalshowcaseyoungsterstocompetitiontheisencouragetotheirtalentgivingthemexperienceperformingon
Prizes in the Beginners and Juniors sections were shared between students at Cradle Hill and Chyngton Primary Schools. In the Beginners section Peggy and Phoebe from Cradle Hill Primary School were placed first and second with Sophie from Chyngton Primary School taking third place. There was a turn round, however, in the 7 – 10 age group where Venus, Aaron, and Orla from Chyngton Primary took the first, second and third places. Prizes and certificates of commendation were presented at both Cradle Hill and Chyngton Primary Schools by President Ann Reed. All the prizes in the 11 – 13 group were won by students from Seaford Head School with first, second, and third-place prizes being awarded to Douglas, Anna, and Lily. As the standard was so high, an additional Highly Commended prize was also presented to Saiyara. This competition cannot run successfully without the cooperation of all our Seaford schools and also our judge Richard K. Potter, all to whom grateful thanks are due.
a public stage. This year there were nine soloists in the instrumental and vocal categories and three ensembles. Ages ranged from 11 to 16. The music ranged from classical to present-day pop; the instruments played included keyboard, violin, cello, electric guitar, and percussion. The audience, which included the Mayor of Seaford, Councillor Olivia Honeyman, Young Mayor Erin Franklin and Deputy Young Mayor Nia White was treated to a varied concert performed with confidence by all the competitors. It was good to see those who were slightly nervous about taking part lose their fears and come off stage having obviously enjoyed the experience. The event could not have happened without our three judges, Pat White, Sue Richardson and Frank Parker. It is always a challenging task to compare the different instruments, songs and styles of music. Young Mayor Erin Franklin and Deputy Young Mayor Nia White presented certificates to each of the competitors. At the end of the evening, Seaford Rotary President Ann Reed congratulated all the competitors and thanked all who had helped in making this a most successful evening.
Young Artist’s Competition
Seaford Rotary welcomes new members and new Friends of Seaford Rotary. For more information contact us on
The task was to provide a painting or drawing on the theme of Arrival of Spring which offered extensive scope to interpret the task in various ways, and which provided a challenge to the judge because of the ingenuity of some of the entries, and the high standard achieved by many of the competitors. We were again privileged to obtain the services of local artist Richard K. Potter to carry out the judging, and he took into account creativity and originality, quality of execution, representation of the task, and overall impression in deciding the winners.
Photo: Competitors with their certificates.
Young Musician of the Year 2022

A level Maths and Chemistry tuition in Seaford
ROTARY Contact Maeve by email: or phone 07765 715729
The Philip Moorey Award
I am a sympathetic, supportive, experienced and understanding teacher. I am also a church organist in Seaford and choir leader, and I play for gigs and events in different places. This involves playing music suited to the occasion and that requested of many different styles. If you would like lessons please contact me: Coryn Roberts 07738 398146
Closing date: Friday 14th October 2022
A level Marks lower than Experienced teachers Preparation for A levels, Online lessons also janemathematics@gmail.comContact: Marks lower than you hoped, or want to get ahead as you start A Level?
To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 23
Call David on 07542 663358 to discuss your Retired or have time on your hands?
Retired or have time on your hands?
Experienced teachers of A Level Chemistry and Maths offers one to one tuition. Preparation for A Levels, holiday catch up, or just occasional lessons. Online lessons also available.
Did you play the piano or keyboard when you were younger?
Do you want to return to playing but would like some help to remember and build up confidence?
Contact: or
So, if you know someone under 18 who you think would be a suitable candidate, download the Information Pack and Entry Form from Seaford Rotary’s website or email:
Retired joiner, cabinet maker and tutor with 50 years experience provides bespoke tuition in well-equipped workshop in Seaford.
Seaford Rotary, in conjunction with Mercread Youth Centre, is launching a new annual event to find Seaford’s Young Citizen of the Year 2022. This will be awarded to a young Seaford resident who has made an outstanding contribution to our community.
Marks lower than you hoped, or want to get ahead as you start A level?
Fancy learning a new skill or have a project where you lack the expertise or equipment to turn it into a reality. Retired joiner, cabinet maker and tutor with 50yrs experience provides bespoke tuition in well equipped workshop in Seaford.
Call David on 07542 663358 to discuss your requirements Call David on 07542 663358 to discuss your requirements.
Experienced teachers of A level Chemistry and Maths offers one to one tuition. Preparation for A levels, holiday catch up, or just occasional lessons. Online lessons also available. janemathematics@gmail.comContact: or
Fancy learning a new skill or have a project where you lack the expertise or equipment to turn it into a reality?
Fancy learning a new skill or have a project where you lack the expertise or equipment to turn it into a reality. Retired joiner, cabinet maker and tutor with 50yrs experience provides bespoke tuition in well equipped workshop in Seaford.
Do you just want to learn to play and not do exams?
Young Citizen of the Year
For more information maevejenkinsonviolin.weebly.comvisit:
A Level Maths and Chemistry Tuition in Seaford
Retired or have time on your hands?

HarveyLesleyDRAMA Confidence Creative Constructive Join the highly regarded Seaford Youth Drama Group! Ages from 7 Qualified and experienced ex-professional actress/teacher Chris Stanley AGSM LRAM Dip. Couns:
Enhanced DBS checked. For more details phone Chris on 01323 892023 N N NN
Drawing Workshops with 10am
Peter Quilter, the West End and Broadway author of this feel-good happy play started his career as a BBC presenter and actor – so he has insider knowledge of dramas both onstage and backstage! Action in The Nightingales centres round a family of theatrical folk whose private lives hold more comedy and tragedy than their onstage appearances. Somehow a grand piano has found its way onto the Seaford stage and will be an important part of the action. This production features five of Seaford’s finest actors Lesley Drew and Alan Lade (pictured), Josie Hobbs, Roland Boorman and Rebecca Kite. Direction is by Trish Richings who also directed the memorable On Golden Pond. Seaford audiences are in for a treat! Tickets are now on sale from Tourist Information and online at or are numbered and priced at £9 for the raised seats and £8 for the level seats. - 12pm £15 per session Monday of PARK Contact me on 07722 236741 Sussex.
every month at PARADISE
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Seaford Little Theatre presents The Nightingales by Peter Quilter from Friday 2nd to Saturday 10th September at 7.45pm. Matinée only on Saturday 3rd September at 2.30pm.

Most of our walks are on a Wednesday or Sunday Make new friends and get plenty of outdoor exercise. We also have regular social events and organise regular walking holidays and weekends away Check our walks programme on website or for further information contact admin@beachyheadramblers.comMembership
Our friendly Club invites you to join us at one of our social gatherings (you are welcome to bring a companion). These gatherings take place every other Monday at St James Trust, 11, Blatchington Road, Seaford. There is light entertainment, talks, bingo and best of all, tea & cakes. Not forgetting a chat with friends For further information contact Jeff on: 01323 894060 or email:
Walks in the Local area with Beachy Head Ramblers
SINGING FOR FUN For adults of all ages and abilities Like to sing for the sheer JOY of it? ...then join us each week for a time of musical fun! Wednesdays 11am – 12pm Thursdays 7pm – 8pm Seaford Baptist Church Price £6 on the door No need to read music – words are provided! Please contact Sally-Ann Fatkin Landline: 01323 365 495 Mobile: 07799 818 590 Email:
Have you suffered a stroke or are otherwiseimpaired?physically
To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 25 ONE-YEARCHEAPEST,FIXEDENERGYDEALINTHEUK Bring your bills for advice and switching Call Michael on: 01323 898070 07726 349880 at Fonetastic Place Lane, Seaford Wednesdays, 10.30am to 1pm
Most of our walks are on a Wednesday or Sunday Make new friends and get plenty of outdoor exercise. We also have regular social events and organise regular walking holidays and weekends away Check our walks programme on web site or for further information contact beachyheadramblers.comadmin@beachyheadramblers.comMembership
Seaford Stroke & Caring Club

26 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers Maria Caulfield MP for Lewes For Help & Advice As your Member of Parliament I try to be as accessible as possible to residents. I hold regular advice surgeries across the constituency. If you would like an appointment to discuss an issue or concern please do not hesitate to contact me Whatever your concern please get in touch. 01273 513509 Unit 6, Villandry, West Quay, Newhaven BN9 9GB Promoted by Luke Proudfoot on behalf of Maria Caulfield, both of Unit 6 Villandry, West Quay, Newhaven, BN9 9GB Book a different head space at your local library Find your new study space

Elite Anglo Chinese Services provide 24/7 support to our ho st families and students, so whenever there is a problem, we are available to help you! If you are interested please do contact us for more information. Gwyn and Evelyn Phillips Host Family Co ordinators Tel : 01428 648393 or email:
To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 27 6,000 sq ft of Local and Domestic History in peace and war. Now with lift andaccess.step-free TheEsplanadeSeafordTower,Martello Opening SaturdaysHoursandSundays11am-4pm,Wednesdays2-4pm.
Get involved with the Museum - whatever your experience or skills . Email a message at 01323 898222 Seaford Museum & Heritage Society
A fascinating talk by Charlie Grimble on the history and legacy of Tidemills area at 2.30 pm. Admission at the door £5, £3 for Museum members.
Host Families wanted Description
Please see our web - or our Facebook page 2.30 pm, Friday, October 14th in the Little Theatre, Steyne Road, Seaford - past and
Elite Anglo Chinese Services are looking for host families in the Seaford and Eastbourne Area to host our International students for their Exeats, Half Terms and holidays. Our Guardian agency has Gold Standard accreditation with AEGIS and BSA. No previous experience is needed. We pay a good daily rate and reimburse all mileage .
If you have a warm comfortable home with spare room(s) it is an ideal way to earn good money. You are required to provide 3 meals a day, a comfortable room and support when required.

I won a first prize at the annual show for a patio pot, one of several that I planted up earlier in the season to provide big splashes of summer colour. If you don’t want the bother of doing your own, then a visit to the garden centre in late spring or early summer will provide excellent choices of ready-made patio pots and hanging baskets. Container gardening is in fact big business, but it wasn’t always so. The gardens of my childhood didn’t have pots, plants went into the ground. WW2 had encouraged Dig for Victory, when flower beds made way for veg, but the 1950s saw a change as the economy improved and gardeners returned to flower growing. I remember my dad’s pompom dahlias. There were no garden centres in Britain in the early 50s, plants were grown from seed, swapped with friends and neighbours, or bought from nurseries, but often bare-root and only in their season. Revolution came in the 1960s with the arrival of garden centres and containerised plants. Edward Stewart is credited with these introductions to the country, following a trip to Toronto in 1953. His family had a nursery in Ferndown, Dorset, where converted sheds became their first garden centre in 1955. In 1961 they opened‘Garden-Lands in Christchurch. The rest is history, garden centres now provide a day out with shopping opportunities, lunches, teas and those containerised plants. With dwarf varieties of everything from buddleias to fig trees, you barely need a border.
and bulb catalogues, to plan for next year’s season in your garden, and for the annual show. On 6th August the Society held it’s first show in three years at Cradle Hill Community Primary School. It was a busy, successful afternoon, with 200+ visitors viewing the numerous entries in multiple categories, and while the weather has been especially challenging for gardeners this season, there was plenty to see from artichokes to hydrangea heads.
July’s speaker Tom Hart Dyke was very much enjoyed. More to come this month when we welcome Mercy Morris to St Luke’s, Walmer Road on Tuesday 27th September at 7pm to talk about house plants. Also this month a coach outing to National Trust-Polesdon Lacey on Thursday 8th, just £18 for NT members, £32 for non NT members. On Saturday 1st October the last outing of the year visits RHS Hyde Hall, £22 per person. To reserve your place contact Pippa Logan on 01323 49156.
28 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers
3 Connect as many water butts as you can to your downpipes. Don’t forget garage, sheds etc.
3 Water camellias and rhodedendrons to ensure development of flower buds.
3 Take semi-ripe cuttings. An easy way to propogate a wide range of hardy plants, especially evergreens. See uk – cuttings.
September already! Schools are back, the days are growing shorter, and before long there will be that autumn nip in the air. It’s time to scrutinise those seed
3 Plant daffodil bulbs, also wallflowers, sweet William and polyanthus.

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 29 Seaford SeafordSeafordSeafordDrivewaysDrivewaysDrivewaysSeafordDrivewaysSeafordDrivewaysDrivewaysSeafordDrivewaysSeafordDrivewaysSeafordDrivewaysSeafordDriveways SEAFORD DRIVEWAYS LANDSCAPE & KP A5 Leaflet.indd 1 10/03/2022 11:22

30 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers Briar Rose Garden Services For a free quotation please call: Simon Hookway Tel: 01323 417778 / 07841 115822 Email: All aspects of gardening work undertaken, including: grass cutting shrub pruning hedge cutting border clearance turf laying small tree pruning fencing Over 20 years experience. Briar Rose Garden Services For a free quotation please call: Simon Hookway Tel: 01323 417778 / 07841 115822 Email: All aspects of gardening work undertaken, including: grass cutting shrub pruning hedge cutting border clearance turf laying small tree pruning fencing Over 20 years experience. • LAWN MOWING • HEDGE CUTTING • TREE SURGERY • LAWN RETURFING • POWER WASHING & GUTTERS • SOFT LANDSCAPING • CLEARANCE • WEED KILLING • GREEN WASTE GARDENING A professional, fully insured, local company Tel: 01323 891415 Mob: 07843 095545 Email: sussextreefella l Fortnightly mowing service l Fortnightly maintenance service l Both domestic and commercial Please get in contact to arrange a quote

32 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers 01323 897873 or 07752 553939 With over 16 years design and landscaping experience, RHS qualified designer and BSc Hons construction landscaper. Fully Insured For all your landscaping needs hard and soft landscaping - garden design - turfing - fencing / decking patios / driveways - general landscaping works Please call now for a quotation

Photos from top: Lesley with Oleander cuttings; First passion flower on the rose arbour; James spreads a mulch of compost on one of the raised beds; This Jersey tiger moth, captured on camera by Phil, visited the garden on Macmillan Trail day; Neill picks French beans; Maggie’s grandson Mark helping out with the apples; The courgette that got away… and grew into a marrow.
Take a large quantity of coffee grounds, several buckets of tomato plant trimmings, lots of unseeded annual weeds, myriad dead-headed blooms and several buckets of kitchen vegetable waste, mix all together and what do you get? Amazingly rich compost of course! As the week’s chief compost chef, James said that the coffee grounds, saved by Nemeir and Sarah at Baca’s café in Dane Road, made brilliant compost when forked into the other ingredients. The tomatoes and cucumbers were fed by a mixture of this compost and commercial compost, lately generously contributed by Morrisons, he said. Volunteers including James, Katie and Veronica had a big job on their hands, contributed to by the success of the compost: harvesting said salad stuffs and cutting off the tomatoes’ lower foliage in order to let the light in to ripen the burgeoning trusses.
The Garden Team
Some of the produce, including French beans being picked by Neill and other volunteers, courgettes and marrows, was being sold on Maggie’s sales table, while more produce and plants were being earmarked for the garden’s stand at Seaford Horticultural Show, for which volunteers were eager to not only sell it but also to demonstrate what a great place Seaford Community Garden in the Crouch is. While a good half dozen people were involved in selecting plants and produce for the show, deciding
To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 33 SHED MAN
what could be immediately boxed up and what should be left for the actual day, other volunteers were hard at work reducing apples to allow more room growth,for dividing irises, gathering Melianthus seed pods for germination and lavender for bunching and drying, and potting up oleander cuttings, these no longer being imported due to disease. Meanwhile, on that early August Wednesday, on the classroom table Steph had placed one of her legendary cakes. Could life get better? To lepidopterists the sighting of a Jersey tiger moth on the garden’s very successful Macmillan Trail day might equal, it but it would be a close run thing. Thanks to Phil and his camera we have it on record that this daytime flyer alighted in Seaford, miles away from its more usual Hampshire to Devon territory. And that’s typical of this garden of surprises.

34 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers FOR A PROFESSIONAL AND RELIABLE SERVICE CALL NOW 01323 741112 or 07730 and Construction l Patios l Driveways l Paths and Walls Treework l Pruning l Turfing l Planting l Fencing l Clearance Items will be reduced from 25% to 50% off of ticket price www maysterracotta com Tel 01323 847 m281 ay@maysterracotta com Look for this sign, stay on Burwash Road A265 and turn into the entrance of Watsons Auctions.Metalwork Statues Quality Pots Wood Items The Market, A265, Heathfield, East Sussex, TN21 8RA Open Thursday to Saturday 10:30am - 4pm End of Summer ESale nd of Summer Sale starts son tarts on 1 1September September

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 35 KEVIN P OUT &SON ESTAB LISHED1 979 L AWNS Mowing, Tur fing, Treating, Seeding, Scarifying HEDGES, TREES, SHRUBS Pruned, Trimmed, Planted DEC KIN G Constructed, Repaired WALLS Constructed, Repointed DRIVEWAYS, PATIOS, PATHS Laid, Repaired, Sealed, Cleaned GARDENS Cleared, Renovated, Planted, Maintained T : 01323 896788 SHEDS Supplied, Erected, Re-roofed, Concrete bases PONDS Constructed, Cleaned, Repaired FENCES, GATES Erected, Repaired, F itted, Treated FULLY INSURED – FOR A FREE ESTIMATE: L ANDSC APES KP landscapes A5 ad.qxp 31/01/2019 4:37 pm Page 1

Our meeting this month on 15th September will take the form of a workshop. Members will be creating a pavé design. Pavé is the French word for a paved surface – originally referring to a cobblestone street. The original definition was a style where the plants are massed to form a purely horizontal pattern, creating a cobblestone effect. We are sure that this will provide a very entertaining and interesting afternoon for all of us. Our competition is entitled Autumn Harvest, which will give our members the opportunity to indulge some of the lovely colours of the season in their designs. At our meeting in July we were entertained by Tracey from Ambers Florist. Tracey created some interesting designs using carrots, peppers and broccoli. We will all see vegetables in a different light now! Our competition was entitled Fun with Flowers, and our members certainly did have fun with their creations, as you can see from the photographs.
36 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers Specialist in * Professional Lawn Mowing * Lawn Edging * Lawn Repair * Lawn Scarification * Lawn Dethatching * Lawn Weed Control * Lawn Feeding * Lawn Moss Control * Lawn Re-seeding or Turfing 30 Years Professional Domestic Lawn Care Experience Horticultural Level 3 Qualified & Lawn Care Expert Certified We Are Fully Insured Weekly or Fortnightly Services of Your Lawns Available Free estimates available call Stuart on 07999 935927 or email: For a free quote Call Tim on 07731548067 . . . . . . . . Lawn MaintenanceBarkPowerTreeGreenWeedHedgemowingCuttingKillingWasteremovalsurgerywashinglaying
Looking ahead, at our meeting on 20th October Gill Homer will be demonstrating Clever Containers and our competition is entitled Fireworks. We meet at the Baptist Church Hall in Belgrave Road, Seaford, BN25 2EE on the third Thursday of each month (except January) at 1.30pm. Our fees for this year are £45 and visitors are always very welcome at £7.50 on the door, which includes refreshments. Contact Mary Morris on 01323 893899 or Sue Ward on 01323 894848 for further details.

We offer a range of lawn care treatments and packages to suit all needs and budgets. If you would like advice on any aspect of lawn care, call us on 01273 020720 or email us at: for a free, no obligation Lawn Analysis.
To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 37
Seed bare patches where the lawn has not recovered (or has given up!). Apart from looking unsightly, thin and bare areas invite moss, undesirable grasses and weeds.
If your lawn has suffered from the dry weather this summer, feels spongey underfoot or has excess moss, it may need scarifying. Scarifying removes excess thatch enabling the better flow of air, nutrients, and moisture to the roots, resulting in a healthier lawn, and creating space for new fresh grass to grow through.
Scarify to allow fresh growth
There are times, even with best endeavours, that your lawn does not meet your expectations. We offer a range of seeding options, all at a fraction of the cost of returfing.
You may be familiar with these unwelcome visitors to your garden and the damage they can do to your lawn. In cold winters, they tend to sit lower in the soil so you may not notice damage until spring. In mild winters, the larvae feed through the winter and can be large enough to cause significant lawn problems by late winter. They are best treated when they are small, early autumn, so if you have had problems with them before or have relatively new turf, take preventive action early on…or it could be too late.
Attend to bare areas
Late Summer Feed
Apply a fertiliser to help prepare the lawn for Autumn and Winter. Our nutrient-rich fertiliser slow releases for 4 – 5 months and our selective herbicides will take care of any weeds which have popped up towards the end of the summer.
Advertising Feature
As the days and evenings cool and we see wetter weather, start bringing the height of the cut down to 1inch/2.5cm. Collect the clippings to prevent possible disease problems in damp weather and avoid mowing in wet or frosty conditions, as this can damage the grass.
It’s been a tough summer for lawns. With the summer months drawing to a close, now is a great time to give your lawn some extra TLC. Follow these simple tips to get your lawn into good shape before winter sets in and ready for spring next year.
Aerate for better root development
All soil types can become compacted, especially in periods of dry weather. Compaction prevents free drainage of water, hinders microbial activity, and affects root development, all of which means a thinner, weaker lawn and more than likely, more moss. Hollow tine aeration removes small cores of soil, thereby reducing compaction and improving the overall health of your lawn.
Need some help?
Need a New Lawn?
Give Wonderful Lawns and Exceptional Customer Service”

38 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers Uni Wynnes & Seaford Fencing IncorporatingQualityGatesEastbourne Established 1985 Fencing Yard & Garden Store Unit 9 Cradle Hill Ind Estate, Seaford Seaford 01323 894392 All types of fencing, sheds, summerhouses, trellis & decking Gates made to order Domestic & Commercial Fencing Contractors All types of fencing, gates, trellis Erected and repaired - ring - 01323 891292 Your garden requirements Plants, shrubs, fertilizers, weed killers, pots, Compost, sand, shingle, cement, pet food, seeds, bulbs Household goods, cooking utensils, mats Coal, logs, firewood, charcoal Monday – Friday 8.30 – 4.30pm Saturday 8.30 - 4.00pm Delivery Service available Quality Gates – Eastbourne 01323 644677 Unit 1 Britland Estate, North bourne Road, Eastbourne Monday to Friday 7.30am – 4.30pm All types of fencing, sheds, summerhouses, trellis & decking supplied Gates made to order Uni Wynnes & Seaford Fencing Established 1985 IncorporatingQualityGates Fencing Yard & Garden Store Unit 9 Cradle Hill Ind Estate, Seaford Seaford 01323 894392 All types of fencing, shed s, summerhouses, trellis & decking Gates made to order Domestic & Commercial Fencing Contractors All types of fencing, gates, trellis Erected and repaired - ring - 01323 891292 Your garden requirements Plants, shrubs, fertilizers, w eed killers, pots, Compost, sand, shingle, cement, pet food, seeds, bulbs Coal, logs, firewood, charcoal Monday – Saturday 8.00 – 5.00pm Sunday 10.00 4.00pm Delivery Service available Quality Gates - Eastbourne Unit 1 Britland Estate, Northbourne Road, Eastbourne 01323 644677 All types of fencing, sheds, summerhouses, trellis & decking supplied Gates made to order Wynne’s Your local independent hardware store D.I.Y. Tools, Cookware, Household items , pet food, fuel Key cutting, pet tag engraving Place Lane - Seaford - 01323 892913 Established 1930 Delivery Service

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 39 TREE SURGERY & HEDGE CUTTING SPECIALIST CALL 01323 872209 TREE WIZ RD ALL FORMS OF TREE WORK UNDERTAKEN H FORMATIVE PRUNING H FELLING H TREE PROTECTION ORDERS H STUMP REMOVAL H HEDGE MAINTENANCE H WOODCHIP 100% GREEN WASTE RECYCLED CALL ALEX LUCAS FOR A WRITTEN QUOTE 01323 872209 / 07708 149274 Tree Wizard is a fully qualified and insured local company based in Seaford. We have been trading since 2004 and pride ourselves on providing a professional and quality service to all our clients.

40 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers R W Green Limited Tree Surgeons & Landscapers Since 1982 R W Green Limited has consistently delivered a high quality, affordable and professional services to a wide range of clients. Our range of services includes: Tree Pruning Tree Removal Landscaping Tree Supply Tree Planting Fencing Contact us for a free quotation 01323

PRUNINGSHAPINGFELLING CROWN REDUCTION AND LIFTING STUMP REMOVAL PUBLIC LIABILITY COVER N.P.T.C. Qualified for all private and commercial tree work Tel: 01323 831777 07730 013683 TREE SURGERY A professional, fully insured, local company Complete Tree Works Hedge ContractualTrimmingMaintenanceFullyQualifiedFriendlyReliableServicePleasegetincontacttoarrangeaquote Tel: 01323 891415 Mob: 07843 095545 Email: sussextreefella

42 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers Full range of services: Waste Disposal and Recycling Van Clearances Grab Lorry/Muckaway Skip Hire, all sizes Road Permits arranged Commercial & Domestic. Same day Service Greenacre Recycling Centre, New Road, Newhaven, BN9 0HE Call 01273 600909 Or Visit

43 THE
l Practical and easy with weekly collections.
l Registered Environment Agency waste carrier. Call Jason CALL NOW 01323 899500 07816
Regular readers will know that I have organised the Macmillan Garden Trail between Brighton and Seaford since 2012, raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support and the Macmillan Horizon Centre in the city. This year’s recent event raised an incredible £7,114.61 across the weekend. The 17 garden owners taking part, seven of whom were in Seaford, were very pleased to see two days of brilliant sunshine, instead of the usual weekend of mixed rain and sun. There were nearly 1,400 individual garden visits made throughout the weekend, almost £1,500 worth of tea and cake sold as well as £1,300 received in generous donations from visitors both in person and online. I was extremely pleased to be able to welcome The One Show’s gardening expert and Gardeners’ Question Time panellist, Christine Walkden, to my garden, to help us mark the fact we had raised over £100,000 for the charity over the years. We were fortunate that many people came to chat to her and seek gardening advice for their own plots. Christine spoke of how impressed she was that the trail had sustained over the 12 years, thanks to my ongoing commitment and the willingness of others to open their plots.
In addition to Christine, the Eastbourne-based, holocaust survivor, Dorit Oliver Wolff, was on hand to sell copies of her book, From Yellow Star to Pop Star. An author, public speaker and artist, Dorit recounts her remarkable journey from Nazi persecution to pop stardom in spectacular detail. More importantly, 50% of her book sales over the weekend went to the charity too. Thanks to all those who participated in the event.
l When you have filled it with your garden green waste, phone us and we will collect and recycle it for just £17.50.
l We supply a large bulk bag to your door for a one-off payment of £4.99.
Megan Watson, Macmillan’s Fundraising Manager in the South East said: ‘I attended Geoff’s garden and spoke to visitors. It was lovely to hear, first-hand, their previous years’ experiences. The feedback was brilliant, and made me truly proud to be involved in the event and have the pleasure of meeting you all. Thanks so much to Geoff for the commitment and passion he has for his event and it’s been truly lovely to see him in action this year. £100,000 is a staggering amount of money and truly is something to be celebrated. I personally and on behalf of Macmillan Cancer Support cannot thank you all enough!’
Geoff Stonebanks
To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email
l No more struggling to take your green waste to the tip and then cleaning your car afterwards. l Let us do the hard work.

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‘We aim to make from wood something as marvelous as the tree it came from!’
We are a diverse group of men and women who love creating and making things from wood. Our members are making items from the wide variety of wood available to us using a variety of techniques. These include relief carving, sculpture, lathe turning, scroll sawing and pyrography – just to name a few. We also have been known to make furniture, boxes and other household items, as well as fixing chairs, stools and other broken and damaged furniture – we have been ‘The Repair Shop’for decades. We are always open to new ideas and techniques that broaden the scope for working with the wide variety of timbers available and to include the many craft skills involved in working creatively with wood.
Wood Creatives are based in Newhaven and were formerly known as The Hillcrest Woodcarving Club. We are steadily gathering in numbers from Seaford, Newhaven and the whole East Sussex area. We continue to improve our equipment and facilities at the workshop within The Hillcrest Centre, Bay Vue Road, We hope to develop more woodturning and general woodworking skills, and it is our intention to have tuition for these activities and dedicate one day a week or evening to these specialist classes –watch this space for future developments. Recently, we have been talking to a number of new initiatives including Seaford Environmental Alliance, The Skate Society, Wilder Gardens Project and Save Seaford Swifts to name a few as we are in a position to engage with community groups and help future projects with our skills and workshop facilities. We hope to forge wider links to community activities, making lasting relationships and welcome new ideas to our Wood Creatives facilities. Currently we open on Mondays and Thursdays from 9.30am to 3.30pm. As our numbers have increased, we have the option to open on other weekdays and as autumn approaches we are considering the possibilities of opening in the evenings and even weekends if demand is high enough. The current fees are £25 per month, with half price for the unwaged (tea and biscuits are free). For beginners the club provides a good selection of carving chisels, as well as hand and electric tools, for use in the club. We also provide a friendly and helpful environment with advice and support from experienced members. The current management team (Ted Gordon –treasurer, Jeremy Adams – secretary, Joe Boylan –publicity) has built up the membership to pre-lockdown levels. We are, however, very keen to welcome new members to our club If interested. Please pop by on a Monday or a Thursday to look us over and have a guided tour. Wood Creatives are at The Hillcrest Centre, Bay Vue Road, Newhaven, BN9 9LH. For information contact Joe 07768 331 038. See also our website at and our Facebook page at ‘Wood Creatives Newhaven’.

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 45 Mobile Bodywork Repairs WE COME TO YOU ! .We repair & paint cars, motorhomes & vans .Over 30 yrs Bodywork Vandal & key scratches Free estimates VAT FREE REPAIRS! . . . . Bumper scuffs & scrapes Family run business experience Freephone : 0800 848 8617 Mobile : 07584 598617

46 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers PIGEONS UNDER YOUR SOLAR PANELS? WE CAN MESH ALL SIDES TO STOP PIGEONS SEAGULL SPIKES & NETTING ALSO FITTED Call RS AERIALS now for a free quote 07803 087175 01323 891642

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 47 T CarpetEXCELCare 07849 679050 T Carpets T Upholstery T Hard floors T Tiles & grout T Mattresses T Domestic & commercial TTT T ALFRISTON & CUCKMERE VALLEY ASSOCIATIONTWINNING
ACVTA members are looking forward to the visit of our French friends on 16th – 18th September, and planning activities for the weekend. Our group’s visit to France in July coincided with the Linen Festival, and the visit had a flax and linen theme. A guided walk to view the flax harvest (photo above), a visit to a little factory processing the flax into linen, and a fashion show of clothing made from (you’ve guessed!) linen, gave a good insight into the local, specialised industry. We learned that France is a leading world manufacturer of flax fibre, and that at harvest, the whole plant is pulled up and left to rest in the field. Having been welcomed on the Friday with drinks and dinner, there were several other sociable group meals as well as quieter moments in the homes of our generous hosts. Membership is free this year – yes, fees have been waived for everyone in 2022! Events and visits are planned so everyone can take part if they wish, whether or not they speak French. Our membership secretary is Robert at

48 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers Riser ReclinersWheeled Walkers from £69.99* from £499* Wheelchairs from £189* Making Life Easier SS 3 Old Tree Parade BN25Seaford1LTMon-Sat 9 -5 01323 49 16 16 pm (Corner of Broad Street & High Street) am Seaford *Prices quoted exclude VAT & are available to customers with a long term medical condition.

49To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email We Care Like Family Angel Approved Care at Home provides high quality domiciliary care (also known as care at home) and support to keep you safe, comfortable and living independently in your own home. Home care packages built around you and support you to maintain your chosen lifestyle, from a visit a day to 24 hour or live-in care. We believe that each customer is unique, with their own individual preferences and needs. So, we keep you in control and provide you with the domiciliary care and support you want, where and when you want it. It’s your life and your home care, so it must be your way. We are based in Seaford and currently provide domiciliary care to Seaford and Bishopstone Pop in or give us a call to discuss yours or your loved one’s care needs! 9 Sutton Road, Seaford, BN25 1RU W: www.angel-approved.comT:01323301338 E:

50 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers Abbeyfield House North Road, Alfriston BN26 5XB ● your own private ensuite room ● daily contact with dedicated staff ● two nutritious home-cooked meals daily ● spacious communal lounge/dining room and gardens ● downland village living ● all-inclusive rates Providing safe and homely supported housing for older people in Alfriston Please do get in touch for more information or to arrange a visit T: 01323 871767 E: Making time for older people

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email SIGNS THAT MAY SIGNAL DEMENTIA
Advertising Feature
There is no one cause for all types of dementia and scientific understanding is incomplete, but there are things we can all do to reduce our risk. The best way to prevent dementia, according to Race Against Dementia, is learning. Higher and longer lasting education is proven to improve cognitive Inperformance.midlife,symptoms including hearing loss, high blood pressure, obesity and a high alcohol intake are risks that can be tackled early. Limiting your alcohol intake to no more than 21 units a week; reducing smoking and physical inactivity, and taking steps to avoid social isolation can all act to reduce the risks. Despite these risk factors, the positive message to get across is that these are all factors that, for the most part, can be controlled to an extent and, even if you’re in midlife, you still have time to change and Exercise.adapt.Eat a balanced diet. Keep a healthy weight. Control your blood sugar levels. Lower your alcohol intake. Reduce cholesterol. Stop smoking… All of these things will work together to reduce your blood pressure to a healthy and sustainable level, and act against the risk factors that could lead to dementia.
Are you at risk?
Dementia can take various forms, of which Alzheimer’s is only one. Different forms of dementia have distinct symptoms, which can help to identify them. For example, where there are mood changes but no memory loss it can be a sign of someone developing Lewy body dementia.
Clifden House Dementia Care Centre has been delivering exceptional residential and respite care for 50 years. It aims to maximise everyone’s potential through choice, reducing the use of unnecessary medication and alleviating the symptoms of dementia in a caring and supportive environment. Follow us and our community on
Retirement can be a blissful release from the stresses and strains of work and responsibility, whether to your work colleagues, your family or yourself. It is also a time of great change and readjustment to a new and potentially very exciting time of fresh challenges and pursuits, as well as long-put-off dreams finally realised. Research by Dementia UK has concluded that whilst we are also at an advancing age, personality changes after people retire could signal the early presence of dementia. Spotting the symptoms early on can be key to getting the best treatment for the condition, which is affecting more and more people as the country’s population lives longer. Different forms of dementia have distinct symptoms. One recognised sign is when retired people get up in the middle of the night thinking they must go to work. Difficulty understanding time and place is a tell-tale sign that the person may be developing dementia. Another sign is an unexplained loss of interest in things the person used to enjoy. Becoming forgetful, getting lost in places that should be familiar, and having trouble holding onto fresh information are also signs the brain is beginning to fade. Mood swings, anxiety and depression are also among the things to look out for.

For when you just need a bit of help
Just for the record; I’ve never trusted them. Unlike all the other familiar, friendly faces on my back garden bird table there’s just something about the Great Tit that’s always made me suspicious. Perhaps it’s my mistrust of uniforms. The Great Tit’s smart plumage with a collar, black tie and a glossy black cap makes them look too official, too authoritative. And that bright yellow chest?
Quietly situated in prime residential area near seafront. Delightful gardens & courtyards. Long/short term stays, incl. respite and convalescence Please contact David Briant, Manager Tel: 01323 892335 email: 18 Corsica Road, Seaford, BN25 1BD
Andrew White Personal Assistant
Domestic Administration, Household Management Transport, Travel Escort, Medical Appointments Shopping, Cooking & More Just
Personalised care and support in a homely environment
Michael Blencowe of the Sussex Wildlife Trust
Domestic Administration, Household Management Transport, Travel Escort, Medical Appointments Shopping, Cooking & More Just
Sussex Wildlife Trust GREAT TIT
For when you just need a bit of help
Registered Nursing Home for 30 older people. Professionally, trained & experienced staff. Dignity & choice respected at all times. Warm & friendly atmosphere, dedicated social activity team. Visitors welcome any time.
Domestic Administration, Household Management Transport, Travel Escort, Medical Appointments Shopping, Cooking & More – Just
Photos: Flight by Nigel Symington©; Great Tit by Roger Wilmshurst©
Support to maintain an independent life
Far too garish for the garden. Their behaviour isn’t exactly endearing either. Great Tits are the bullies on the bird table. They’ll aggressively assert their authority and violently peck at other birds as they plunder the peanuts. When a house-hunting Great Tit can’t find a suitable hole to nest in, it’ll simply evict a Blue Tit and move in. Their dominance is also heard in spring when their two-note song, ‘Tea-cher! Tea-cher! Tea-cher!’ rings out through our woodlands. It was this ‘Tea-cher!’ that taught me my first lesson in bird song identification; an easily recognisable two-note war cry used to proclaim the tit’s territory. But I was soon to learn that not everything was how it seemed. Each male actually has an average of four different songs, which can be sung at three different tempos. This varied repertoire is a sly Beau Geste trick employed to trick other Great Tits into thinking that a woodland is more crowded than it really is. The birds who know the most tunes secure larger territories and breed more successfully. And it’s a trick that fools me each year too; if I don’t recognise a bird call in the woods it’s always a Great Tit. Through aggression and deceit, these birds have successfully established an empire that spreads from England to China. And it’s from the far-flung corners of this empire that we’ve recently received reports of some rather worrying behaviour. From Finland came news of a group of Great Tits changing their vegan diet of seeds and nuts to something much more meaty: other birds. In Hungary, scientists made the chilling discovery of a population of Great Tits which have developed a taste for the brains of hibernating bats. Sure, these are isolated incidents at the moment but with human society plunging rapidly towards the abyss and an army of Great Tits acquiring a taste for blood and brains, is it unreasonable to hypothesise a post-apocalyptic future where humans are at the mercy of plagues of zombie Great Tits? Close your windows people, they’re coming for us!
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Andrew White Personal Assistant
Andrew White Personal Assistant

We are a small team of UKs leading inCall 07962 423 567
“I cannot Express just how much our dog meant, he was my shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love them xx”. JOANNA 5I
Quality of life consultations dignified two step pet euthanasia at in-home vetImagesserviceabove a e actual Vets2Home much ou dog meant he was my best friend. You gave us the chan with him in his own comfortable sur oundings. His b other was there to snif goodbye too He had been l long and Dr Jo came out o see him. A l this was at the beginning o the pandemic so it was f y times. But we couldn t have as for a bet er service Peace compassion, espect and time Ble you a l fo you compassion to animals and the people who them xx o pandemic for compassion Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes a home in Sussex since 2005 Call 07962 423 567 Quality of life consultations and gentle dignified two step pet euthanasia at home in-home veImagesserviceabove r actual ets2Home ets. eviews om V thelpdi ec om I canno Exp ess just how much ou dog mean he was my shadow my companion, my bes friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own com or able sur oundings. His b othe was there o snif goodbye too He had been o so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. A this was a the beginning of the pandemic so it was f y times. But we couldn t have asked fo a be ter service Peace compassion, respect and time Bless you a o your compassion to animals and the people who ove them xx OANNA 5I long and Dr the beginning better t and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005 423 567 tions and gentle t euthanasia at home in-home vetImagesserviceabove are actual Vets2Home vets. Reviews from
Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert .
uality of life consultations and gentle dignified two-step pet euthanasia at home in-home vetImagesserviceabove are actual Vets2Home vets. Reviews from
“I cannot Express just how much our dog meant, he was my shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love them xx”. JOANNA 5I
As the founder of Vets2Home – Peaceful Pet Goodbyes, Dr Suzen and her small family-run Vets2Home Team are very happy to be announcing, as of summer of 2022, we are now permanent, local seaside residents in beautiful Peacehaven Dr Suzen (MRCVS, CHPV) is one of only very few end-of-life specialist vets in the UK, trained in the US, in Palliative Medicine & Animal Hospice Care.
Call 07962 423 567
Call 07962 423 567
As a big animal lover herself, she has personally, since 2005, assisted thousands of beloved furry family members – and their families – have more quality time together without stressful travel to the vet. Our calling is to give the most loving and peaceful goodbye in the comfort of a favourite spot, at home, using our gentle two-step, non-clinical method, with a sedation first, tailored to your pet’s unique personality and special ailments, ensuring a calm and gentle transition for your pet. home pet end-of-life specialists in Sussex. arms at home with our gentle two-step euthanasia - safe & loving for everyone.
Quality of life consultations and gentle dignified two-step pet euthanasia at home
JOANNA 5I eading in s in Sussex pet in your two step everyone them xx ” Molly’s end could not have been more perfect. She was always nervous of seeing a vet. But when Dr Suzen came in, Molly was relaxed. My niece and nephew were with me and we were all so grateful for how the whole experience was handled. For me one of the most important thing was that I was reassured that I was making the right decision. I miss Molly terribly but I have no regrets. I cannot speak too highly of Vets2home. Thank you.
“I cannot Express just how much ou shadow, my companion, my best friend. to spend time with him in his own His brother was there to sniff good long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love them xx ” JOANNA 5✩ have service
Call 07962 423 567
I cannot Express just how much our dog meant, he was my shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service Peace compassion, respect and time. Bless you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love them xx” JOANNA 5✩ my to spend time with him in his surroundings. Jo to pandemic for service Bless love Dr Suzen, CEO & Cer t .
Quality of life consultations and gentle dignified two step pet euthanasia at home in-home vetImagesserviceabove are actual Vets2Home vets. Reviews from Vethelpdirect com
I cannot Express just h shadow my companion, o spend time with him in his His brother was there f goo long and Dr Jo came out to see him. A l this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn t have asked for a better service Peace compassion, respect and time Bless you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love them xx JOANNA 5I Call 07962 423 Quality of life consultations dignified two step pet euthanasia in-home vetImagesserviceab tual much our dog mea bes friend. You with him in his own comfortable His b other was there o sni f goodbye too. He long and D Jo came out to see him. A l this w o the pandemic so it was i fy times. But we for a be te service Peace compassion, espe you a l for your compassion o animals and the them xx You Dr fy Dr Suzen CEO & Cert Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005
7962 423 567 onsultations and gentle ep pet euthanasia at home
Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005
Images above are actual Vets2Home vets. Reviews from Vethelpdirect com
Ca 0796 23 56 t home cannot Express just how much our dog meant he was my shadow my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance o spend time with him in his f able surroundings. so t the beginninged o spend time with him in his able surroundings.
“I cannot Express just how much ou shadow, my companion, my best friend. to spend time with him in his own His brother was there to sniff good long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn t have asked for a better service Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love him. your the much our dog meant, he was my best friend. You gave us the chance with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ll for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service Peace compassion, respect and time Bless you all for your compassion to animals and the people who ove Peace people I cannot Express just how much our dog meant he was my shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. You Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert .
tualo.ukVets2Home vets. Reviews from Vethelpdirect .com
Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005
onsultteuthanasiaromVethelpdirect com JOANNA 5I 07962 423 567ge tle step pet euthanasia at home them xx” Molly’s end could not have been more perfect. She was always nervous of seeing a vet. But when Dr Suzen came in, Molly was relaxed. My niece and nephew were with me and we were all so grateful for how the whole experience was handled. For me one of the most important thing was that I was reassured that I was making the right decision. I miss Molly terribly but I have no regrets. I cannot speak too highly of Vets2home. Thank you.
Dr Suzen, CEO & Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005. 423 567 onsultations and gentle ep pet euthanasia at home e actual Vets2Home vets. Reviews from Vethelpdirect com
Call 07962 423 567
Palliative Care Vet and Dr Molly’s end could not have been more perfect. She was always nervous of seeing a vet. But when Dr Suzen came in, Molly was relaxed. My niece and nephew were with me and we were all so grateful for how the whole experience was handled. For me one of the most important thing was that I was reassured that I was making the right decision. I miss Molly terribly but I have no regrets. I cannot speak too highly of Vets2home. Thank you. Ann Images above are actual Vets2Home vets. Reviews from
To advertise in please call 01273 710793 or email 53
onsultations and gentle ep pet euthanasia at home .uk Images above are actual Vets2Home vets. Reviews from Vethelpdirect com Sayarms at home with our gentle two step euthanasia safe & loving for everyone f the pandemic so it was i y times. But we couldn t have asked or a better service Peace compassion, espec and time Bless fy espect
Call 079 Quality of life consul dignified two step peacefulpetgoodbyes. in-home vetImagesserviceabove are a with him in His brother was there to sni long and Dr Jo came out to of the pandemic so it was for a better service Peace, you all for your compassion them xx” His brother was there and Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005
“I cannot Express just how much our dog meant, he was my shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love them xx”. JOANNA 5I long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning Ca 67 dignified t soe t the beginningedeso beginninged Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert . Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005 all 07962 423 567 of life consultations and gentle dignified two step pet euthanasia at home in-home vet service
uality of life consultations and gentle dignified two step pet euthanasia at home them xx” was always nervous of seeing a vet. But when Dr Suzen came in, Molly was relaxed. My niece and nephew were with me and we were all so grateful for how the whole experience was handled. For me one of the most important thing was that I was reassured that I was making the right decision. I miss Molly terribly but I have no regrets. I cannot speak too highly of Vets2home. Thank you. Ann Dr Suzen, Founder & Cert. Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005. , CEO & Cert. , Senior Vet 07962 423 567gentledignified two-step pet euthanasia at home in-home vetImagesserviceabove are actual Vets2Home vets. Reviews from
Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005.
Call 07962 423 567 uality of life consultations and gentle dignified two step pet euthanasia at home them xx ” Molly’s end could not have been more perfect. She was always nervous of seeing a vet. But when Dr Suzen came in, Molly was relaxed. My niece and nephew were with me and we were all so grateful for how the whole experience was handled. For me one of the most important thing was that I was reassured that I was making the right decision. I miss Molly terribly but I have no regrets. I cannot speak too highly of Vets2home. Thank you. Ann Dr Suzen, Founder & Cert. Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005. beloved pet in your arms at home with our gentle two-step euthanasia – safe & loving for everyone. Say goodbye to your beloved pet in your arms at home with our gentle two-step euthanasia - safe & loving for everyone.
Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005 all 07962 423 567
Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex
nt, he was my ou gave us the chance able surroundings. . He had been casouldtand tim o animals and the people ctual Vets2Home vets. Reviews f J of UKs leading in specialists in Sus beloved pet in y r gentle two s ving for everyo Call 0 dignified two s Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert. Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005. Call 07962 423 567
dignified two-step pet euthanasia at home in-home vetImagesserviceabove are actual Vets2Home vets. Reviews from our dog meant, he was friend. You gave us the chan wn comfortable in-home vet service
Quality of life consultations and gentle dignified two step pet euthanasia at home them xx” Molly’s end could not have been more perfect. She was always nervous of seeing a vet. But when Dr Suzen came in, Molly was relaxed. My niece and nephew were with me and we were all so grateful for how the whole experience was handled. For me one of the most important thing was that I was reassured that I was making the right decision. I miss Molly terribly but I have no regrets. I cannot speak too highly of Vets2home. Thank you. Ann Dr Suzen, Founder & Cert. Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005.
“I cannot Express just how much our dog meant, he was my shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless I cannot Express just how much ou shadow, my companion, my best friend. to spend time with him in his own His brother was there to sniff good long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginningthis much our dog meant, he was my best friend. You gave us the chance with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so Dr Suzen, CE Palliative Ca and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Starnussexyourstep
Quality of life consultations and gentle dignified two step pet euthanasia at home in-home vetImagesserviceabove are actual Vets2Home vets. Reviews from Vethelpdirect com
my best friend. with him in his own as there to sniff good Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service Peace compassion, respect and time. Bless you a l for your compassion to animals and the people who love them xx” OANNA 5I ompanion, couldn t them Call 07962 423 567
“I cannot Express just how much our dog meant, he was my shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love them xx”. JOANNA 5I 62 423 567 .uk I cannot Express just how much ou shadow my companion, my best friend. o spend time with him in his own His brother was there to sniff good long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning f the pandemic so it was ffy times. But we couldn t have asked a better service Peace compassion, respect and time. Bless ou all for your compassion to animals and the people who love them x Peace, al 7962 423 567 e consultations tep pet euthanasia at home Images above a e actual Vets2Home much our dog meant, he was my best friend. You gave us the chance with him in his own comfortable sur oundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too He had been i l for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. A l this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was ffy times. But we couldn t have asked fo a bet er service Peace compassion, respect and time Bless l f sion o animals and the people who ove too. been see A was we be ter tle t home in-home vetImagesserviceab tual V ts2Home ts. R vi ws V thelpdi cannot Exp ess just how much our meant, he was my shadow my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own com ortable surroundings. so t the beginningede I beginningede Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert . Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex
Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert. Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005.
Call 07962 423 567
Call 07962 423 567
Ann , Founder & Cert.Dr Jo, 5 Star at home Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert. Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005. Call 07962 423 567 uality of life consultations and gentle dignified two-step pet euthanasia at home
Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005.
JOANN We are a small team of UKs leading in home pet end of life specialists in Sussex. Say goodbye to your beloved pet in your y ompanion, to spend time with him in his His brother was the r so long and Dr Jo came out t the beginning of the pandemic so it ked for a better service Peace, compassion, respect and time. BlessPeace
We are a small team of UKs leading in home pet end of-life specialists in Sussex Sa pet in your a le two step eu everyone.
Molly’s end could not have been more perfect. She was always nervous of seeing a vet. But when Dr Suzen came in, Molly was relaxed. My niece and nephew were with me and we were all so grateful for how the whole experience was handled. For me one of the most important thing was that I was reassured that I was making the right decision. I miss Molly terribly
Call 07962 423 567 Quality of life consultations and gentle dignified two step pet euthanasia at home in-home vetImagesserviceab tual V ts2Home ts. vi ws f V thelpdi cannot Express jus how much our dog mean , he was my shadow my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance o spend time with him in his own comfor able surroundings. His b othe was there o snif goodbye too He had been o so long and D Jo came out to see him. A l this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was f y times. But we couldn have asked o a better service Peace compassion, espec and time Bless you a o you compassion o animals and the people who ove them xx JOANNA 5I comfor other Peace y y ompa sion who Pallia and D giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005 62 423 567
Quality of life consultations dignified two step pet euthanasia in-home vetImagesserviceabove are actual Vets2Home much our dog meant, best friend. You gave with him in his own comfortable sur His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we could for a better service Peace compassion, respect and you all for your compassion to animals and the people them xx” and it for xx” Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005
Quality of life consultations and gentle dignified two step pet euthanasia at home in-home vet service
“I cannot Express just how much our dog meant, he was my shadow my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love them xx” JOANNA 5I service compassion, animals
Dr Suzen
JOANNA 5✩ Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005. Call 07962 423 567 Quality of life consultations and gentle dignified two step pet euthanasia at home them xx ” Dr Suzen
Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet to spend time with him in his His brother was there to sni long and Dr Jo came out of the pandemic so it was i for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love them xx ”. JOANNA 5✩ respect you your compassion to animals and the people tle t homesot the beginninged ✩ so
I cannot Express just how much our dog meant, he was my shadow my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. so t the beginning
Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert . Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005.
“I cannot Express just how much ou shadow, my companion, my best friend. to spend time with him in his own His brother was there to sniff good long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love them xx” JOANNA 5I long and Dr at the beginning xx” Call 07962 423
“I cannot Express just how much our dog meant, he was my shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love them shadow,xx”.my xx”. ant, he was my gave us the chance able surroundings.
ty of life consultations and gentle dignified two step pet euthanasia at home in-home vet
We are a sma home pet end o Say goodbye to arms at home euthanasia safe & loving for everyone f the pandemic so it was i fy times. But we couldn t have asked e Peace compassion, respect and time Bless Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert. Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005 Call 07962 423 567
Quality of life consultations and gentle dignified two step pet euthanasia at home in-home vet service

• provision of after-school club one day a week for the mums and children to meet up, have fun and support each other.
54 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers
In just a few short months Seaford has once again outdone itself in welcoming a number of displaced Ukrainians to Seaford and helping them start their lives in our lovely town and the surrounding area. Many of you have put on and attended events to raise funds to enable all this to happen and we want to thank you on everyone’s behalf. These funds have, amongst other things, enabled the following things to be done:
• support for hosts to equip their home for additional people staying with them
• essential books and equipment for English language classes provided by volunteer teachers
• reimburs volunteers for petrol costs for providing transport to Seaford from the airport or to the Visa Application Centre (Croydon!)
• financial support for essentials such as food until they have jobs or are in receipt of pension or other benefits • grants for essential clothing for Ukrainian guests including school uniforms
• occasional outings to give guests an opportunity to practise their English and have some relaxing time away from the everyday worries of the situation in their homeland.
• helping everyone to celebrate Ukrainian National Day on 24th August.
Some people have now moved on to jobs and friends elsewhere, but we continue to support those who remain in the areas.
• provision of a community space for guests and hosts to meet each other
On behalf of the Seaford for Ukraine Steering group, please accept my heartfelt thanks.
Christine Brett l Going on holiday? l Work commitments? l You or a family member become ill? l Builders arrive and you need help with pets? Benwick Kennels & 01273Cattery587809 We love wet noses & little dribblers Benwick can help! We look after your little ones as if they were our own. Licenced by Lewes Council as 5* rating, fully insured and all staff trained in various animal care qualifications. Pop in anytime to see our facilities & have a chat……we can’t wait to meet you. Find & follow us on Facebook,Peacehaven,EastSussex,BN108UT B

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 55 Lewes, Seaford and District Branch Please contact: Jean 01323 892930 DO YOU HAVE ROOM FOR A FURRY FRIEND? PHONE FOR UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION IF YOU CAN HELP Neutering We can also help towards the cost of neutering your cats and kittens. Please phone 01273 813111 (option 3) and leave a message including your phone number so that we may contact you. ALL KINDS OF HOMES NEEDED FOR ALL KIND OF CATS! We need volunteers to maintain rescue shelter pens in their gardens. The pens would be provided by the Cats Protection Charity, which also covers the running costs. Please register your interest on 01273 813111 (option1) leaving your name and phone number so that we may contact you. Lewes, Seaford & District Branch HELP NEEDED

56 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers
Terms and conditions apply. Fully bonded & protected. All prices quoted are per person, based on 2 adults sharing standard occupancy of the cabin stated. Prices/offers are subject to availability and change. Offers may be withdrawn or amended at any time without prior notice, cannot be combined and cannot be applied retrospectively. *On board spend applicable to new bookings, made from 13/06/22 onwards, on sailings of 5-78 nights in duration, departing from the UK, in 2022; exclusions apply. Free On Board Spend amount is the max. amount per person up to two guests per cabin, amount varies per cruise and cabin type. On Board Spend is non-transferable, no refunds will be given for the credit amount shown, and no cash alternative will be given for unused money. E&OE. YOUR SAILING TODAY with your GoCruise & Travel Specialist Neil Burtenshaw 01323 332 787 . 01273 979 559 . 07808 951 599 Neil Burtenshaw 094 for your peace of mind ABTA No. J5035 18 November 2022 • 14 Nights Sailing from Southampton Inside from £1,299PP RIVERS BORDEAUX 25 October 2022 10 Nights Sailing from Dover Inside from £799PP Station
Friends of Bishopstone Station in conjunction with GTR, Network Rail, the Railway Heritage trust, and in partnership with South East Communities Rail Partnership, are now in the exciting final stages of finishing Phase 1 of this unique Grade II listed Art Deco building. Five years ago we adopted the station, always with restoration being the main aim and bringing it back to its Art Deco glory. We then found ourselves in a position where the Old Parcel room became vacant, and now we are going to lease this space creating a muchneeded community hub for the local residents and wider community. A great deal of work has gone in to this in order for it to be fully functional. Fundraising began, and with the Community fully supporting us, we plan to open late September 2022. The Community Hub can be used for many purposes such as a drop-in centre, a place for Care for Carers, art and exercise classes, education, history events, simple IT training, coffee mornings, knit and stitch, a meeting room – the list goes on and all ideas are welcome. In September we are kicking off with the Artwave project followed by a formal launch. Interested parties wishing to donate, or book the Old Parcel room should contact us on: Facebook: Friends of Bishopstone Station Email: Tel: 07501 672424.
Friends of Bishopstone

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 57 01323 818400 10 Clinton Place Seaford BN25 1NL 01273 525777 134 South Coast Road BN10 8RD 01323 818900 Unit 19 Langney Shopping Centre, BN23 7RT /Per Person Magic Robin Hood, Benidorm All Inclusive, 7 Nights 26th April 2023 flying from LGW /Per Person/Per Person Stella Island, Luxury Resort & Spa Half Board Board, 7 Nights 12th April 2023 flying from LGW Santana Hotel, Qawra, Malta All Inclusive, 7 Nights 7th August 2023 flying from LGW From £795 From £415 From £699

58 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers Sell your home for 0.75% including VAT Plus a £250 voucher for the Grumpy Chef or Grumpy Fish restaurant in Seaford for every instruction upon completion. Follow us @eightfoldproperty | 35 Providence Place, Brighton, BN1 4GE Visit our website to explore our full range of services • Residential Lettings • Commercial Agency • Commercial Management and • Block AlwaysManagementsupporting local business Call us on 01273 672 999 or email for details Seaford Scene May 2022 - Sales Focussed.indd 1 16/05/2022 14:07

Second-hand kitchens: Purchasing a used or ex-display kitchen reduces waste and potentially saves you thousands of pounds.
At Newberry Tully, we’ve always been in the business of helping people in Seaford move for the long haul... ...Since 1987 to be exact. This approach helps us see the big picture, not just of the local property market, but the urgent need for us all to live more sustainably. We understand some people won’t be thinking of moving but will be considering improving their home. So, we’ve researched these six ideas to help you make home improvements with the planet’s health in mind.
To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 59 How to Make Your Home’s Improvements More Sustainable
Bigger spending, bigger savings: Some of the more costly ways to improve your home’s
Stephen Newberry Andrew Tully sustainability can be the ones that save you the most money in the long run. Think new windows, solar power and updating your home’s insulation. We installed solar panels to our office back in 2014 along with several other environmentally friendly changes to the way we run our business.
Think before you buy: Do you really need to purchase new items and materials? What can you reuse? Can something be upcycled before you head out to the shops? You’d be amazed what happens when you shift your mindset from replacing to reusing.
Keep it local: When buying materials and items to improve your home, aim to buy locally. This reduces emissions and often supports the town’s economy. Do your best: Even by doing just one of the above, you’ll be doing something positive for Seaford, the planet, and our future generations. So don’t beat yourself up for not being a green god or goddess. Just do what you can, when you can, with what you have. Thanks for reading, Stephen and Andrew Estate Agents
Use low VOC paints: Paints that use low volatile organic compounds (VOC) are better for you and the environment, because they often contain far fewer chemicals. The range of these paints is growing all the time.
Advertising Feature
Newberry Tully Estate Agents 53 Church Street, Seaford (opposite Seaford Health Store) Tel: 01323 490001

Give Street Project is hosting a collection day drop-off to support people and pets experiencing homelessness and food insecurity on 24th September at Denton Island Community Centre, Denton Island, Newhaven BN9 9BA. We are asking for donations of food, hygiene products and certain items of new/very good condition clothing. Please bring your items to the centre from 10 am to 2pm, where you will be met with one of our friendly volunteer team who will guide you further.
60 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers Removals & Storage Tel: 01323 490289 Mob: 07834 417275 H Local - Long distance H Full - Part loads H Full packing service available H Packing materials supplied H Piano removals H Fully insured H Free quotations l Purpose Built Storage Facility l Alarmed & Fully Insured l Packing Service Available l Smart & Friendly Staff l Insurance Cover for goods in transit and storage l Over 25 Years’ Experience l Personally Supervised l Free Estimates S. J HAMPTON Removals, Deliveries & Storage - Fully Insured For a personal and friendly service tel: 01323 899327 or 07850 383904 2 Hindover Crescent, Seaford BN25 3NP Give Street Project HELP IS URGENTLY NEEDED
Our ‘Give List’ is a full checklist of the items we are in desperate need of and can be found by visiting the Give Street Project website. All your donations from the day will go immediately to those most in need in our community. We are holding the event in cooperation with the Seahaven Community Food team at the SCDA. If you would like to learn more or get involved with helping further, please contact us via the details below, our social media or come over on the day for a chat. In such tough times, we all need to help each other –thank you for your amazing kindness and support. Contact: or call Darren on 07538009224. Website: Please recycle this magazine when you have finished with it.

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 61 Sanders is a family run company with over 15 years’ experience and specialises in providing the highest standard of residential property management for landlords, residents associations and property developers. We currently work with a number of residential blocks and estates throughout Eastbourne and surrounding areas and understand the needs and requirements of the local residents. Should you wish to discuss our service in more detail please contact the Sanders Team. Local managingindependentagents Please call 01323 736442 Or visit

Contact Tasker Osman & Co. on 01273 512749 to arrange a FREE no obligation meeting with one of our team to see how we can help. Tasker Osman & Co.
Financial Accountants
The cost of living is so high now. What can I do?
Phone: 01273 512749 Email: Address: 10 South Way, Newhaven East Sussex BN9 9LL
Prepayment meter customers can request temporary credit from their energy suppliers – they might add this to your meter automatically, but if they don’t, you can ask them to do this. If you run out of temporary credit, speak to your supplier to explain your situation. They may give you extra temporary credit. There may be extra support available if you’re disabled, have a long-term health condition, or have children under the age of 5. You’ll have to pay back anything extra you get, but you can agree an affordable plan with your supplier. There’s more government support coming from October, including a £400 payment to help you with your energy bills. If you have a prepayment meter, you’ll
be given vouchers in the first week of each month from October, via SMS text, email or post. Make sure your energy company has your up-to-date details. Check you’re getting all the benefits you’re entitled toyou can use online benefits calculators. On the Citizens Advice website, there’s advice on how to reduce living costs and other ways to increase your income. If you can’t afford to buy food, Citizens Advice can help you get a referral for a food bank. We know this is an extremely worrying time and everyone’s situation is different. Don’t struggle alone. If you need further support, contact Lewes District Citizens Advice on 01273 007557 or email or call the national advice line: 0808 2787892
Anyone requiring support or assistance should contact us on: l Universal Credit Help to Claim line 0800 1448444 l Adviceline 0808 278 7892 Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm. l Email advice l Chat online to an advisor contact-us.
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To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 63 For Andbusiness...foryou Call us on 0800 84 94 101 Offices across Sussex

64 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers Barwells Est. 1896, a QualitySolicitors Firm Changing the way you see lawyers. 01323 899 331 10 Sutton Park Road, Seaford, East Sussex, BN25 1RB Speak to our dedicated team of CONCERNEDexperts.ABOUTFUTURECAREFEES? Are you worried about moving to a care home? Are you caring for someone who has complex health needs? We have a dedicated team who are committed to meeting the needs of elderly and vulnerable clients. Talk to our specialist advisors for planning long term care, protecting the family home and managing finances under power of attorney. We can help you with: • Wills • Protecting the family home • Court of Protection Applications • Lasting Powers of Attorney • Wills, Probate and Inheritance Tax Planning lawyers. BN25 1RB
To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 65 Shoreline Accountants Limited 25 Clinton Place, Seaford East Sussex, BN25 1NP SUPPORT YOU CAN DEPEND ON Shoreline Accountants Limited is run by a local accountant who has more than 30 years’ experience dealing with businesses and “Fixedself-employed.PriceAccountancy Fees” - Preparation of accounts - Self assessment tax returns - Management accounts

SUPPORTING AND SERVICING ALL YOUR PC NEEDS SBG Computers of East SussexSBG Computers of East Sussex A FAMILY BUSINESS EST. 1999 SUPPORTING AND SERVICING ALL YOUR PC NEEDS l Repairs l Servicing l Upgrades l Custom-built PC’s and laptops l Mac repair l Broadband set-up l Wi-Fi l Networking l iPad/iPod/iPhone repair l Virus removal/protection l Data recovery/back-up l Personal Tuition l No call-out fee l Free telephone Seaford/Eastbourne 01323 887997 Call any time for a prompt friendly service MAD ABOUT TAX Accountancy Services Seaford Railway Station, Seaford, BN25 2AR • Company Accounts • Tax Advice • Payroll & Vat • Management Accounts • Pensioner Self-Assessment Return starting from £108 • Sole Trader Accounts & Self-Assessment Return £220 • Couples with Rental Income £180 • Partnership Accounts £390 • Limited Company Accounts £500 We offer a full range of accounting services at very competitive prices. Telephone 01323 893638 email: Call now for a free consultation and quotation. OCTOBER DEADLINE: TUESDAY 6th SEPTEMBER
66 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers THE ANDBETWEENDIFFERENCESUCCESSFAILURE
In the UK there are nearly six million independent, private sector businesses. Of those, almost two thirds are sole traders, working on their own, and almost double the pre-pandemic level of one-person, selfemployed businesses. In East Sussex over 87% of businesses are microcompanies, so these independent small businesses are the life blood of our economy and vital to our Tocommunity.protectall those businesses, Edeal Enterprise Agency runs various training and mentoring programmes to help business people make good business decisions. They provide independent, specialist advisers and mentors to work alongside these business people, all funded by Lewes District Council, who understand the importance of business support for TheSMEs.Edeal Leadership and Management Programme is ideal for sole traders as well as those managing staff. When you are on your own you need a sounding board to work with and you have to manage your team of suppliers, including your bank, accountant, solicitor and even your family! The programme will help you make the best decisions for your business without having to pay your accountant or worry your bank. Their advisers have all been there and done it, so it could make the difference between success or failure. Don’t delay, contact Edeal Enterprise Agency to choose the right support for your business situation.

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 67 As leaders and managers, it’s not what we do, it’s the way that we do it that matters. How are you seen, heard and valued as a business owner, manager or team leader? For your business to be a success, connection and communication between all members of staff and management is the biggest factor in productivity, staff retention and brand building awareness. There has been a lot of change recently, so this training is critical for the future success of your business. DURING THE WORKSHOP WE WILL COVER: • How you feel about yourself as a leader/manager? • How you interact with your team, suppliers, and customers? • Dealing with challenges, focussing on your goals, and most importantly being your genuine self By finding your USP and effectively managing change in a productive way, the doors to your individual success will open. Success takes many forms which we will explore in the Ongoingtraining.1-2-1 support is available following attendance at this workshop. This workshop is available to business leaders based in the Lewes District. It is fully funded by Lewes District Council and will be delivered by Janette Calverley of Calverley Communications. To register for this FREE workshop, please visit the events page on the Edeal website Alternatively, you can call 01323 641144 or email for Business Leaders in the Lewes District Leadership & TuesdayWORKSHOPManagement11thOctober2022 from 9am to 5pm Chamber House, 49 Gildredge Road, Eastbourne

68 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers ASK US INSTORE FOR DETAILS

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Special Edition Number 3: How Safe is Seaford Really? All The Statistics for
Our police resources are allocated based on need and so if no crime is reported, no resource is allocated. Any crime in progress, anything that looks decidedly off, anything where you can see or think someone is in danger, is always a 999 call. Report all other incidents by calling 101 (and expect a long wait) or report online at categoriesViolencetowarddominatedMuch,SeafordNorthisbycrimeswherepeoplebehavebadlyoneanother–ASB,CriminalDamage,andtoppingthelist.Thiswarrantslookingatthesealittlemoreclosely,becausethereisampleevidencethatfollowingthegeneraltrendforSeaford,crimeratesarefalling significantly. We can’t stress enough the critically important role we have as Seaford Great Neighbours because nobody knows the neighbourhood better than we who live here. Keeping an eye out for things that look iffy, reporting crime, caring about our neighbours who are more vulnerable or need a little help, all adds up to safe and happy neighbourhoods.
Seaford North
We are now wallowing in statistics, lovely Neighbours, and the good news is that crime in Seaford is definitely on a downward trend. There is tangible evidence that the named PCSOs actively involved in our community are having a real impact on ASB and petty crimes, and as a result, Seaford becomes less attractive by the day to would-be miscreants. Following on from last month’s statistics, this month we have a close look at what’s what in Seaford North. If you missed the data for Seaford Central and East, you can see it here https://
Much the same as Seaford East, crime in Seaford North is generally low and in homage to Chris Whitty, et al, this time we include the crime R2 number and a trend line which is super encouraging – firstly because we all know what an R2 number is (sort of), and that anything under 1 is a good thing. Seaford North scores 0.4773, which indicates that crime is dropping and is less than half of what it used to be two years ago. Of course, the caveat is that these statistics reflect reported crimes and once again this exercise underlines the importance of reporting every crime.
A town where our children can play free-range, where
You can also get a more indepth view (street to street) directly from the Sussex Police website. Sussex Police has divided Seaford & Bishopstone into 5 areas, so to have a thorough look at what’s what in yours, head on over to https:// and enter your Topostcode.saveyou a whole lot of time to get the overall picture, here’s our summary of all the data for Seaford North over the last 36 months.
70 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers

for managing membership, correspondence, dues and donations.
To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 71 our elders are respected and valued, where our youth are encouraged and praised. It sounds utopian but it is honestly so simple, even if all we give is a friendly smile. A visible and relevant Neighbourhood Watch also helps to keep crime at bay and we need do no more than display a roundel on our front doors to achieve this. While every resident of Seaford and Bishopstone is automatically under the umbrella of what we do, our Association relies on membership to keep doing what we do. It costs £3 per household per year to be Association members, and £2 per household per year for retirees. Joining is so simple too – just head over to, choose the subscription that suits you and then follow the onscreen prompts. New members will get a member pack in the post, and if you need fresh roundels, you can order these online in our little shop where everything is free except the postage. That’s it from us for this September edition. Remember your SMARTS as the days start drawing in to keep us a savvy Seaford filled with Great Neighbours. Be generous with your smiles and your kindness. Warmest regards from all of us, Mark, Graham, Nicky & Philippa To Join or Renew, please complete this form and return to The Treasurer, S&BNHW, 37 Church Street, Seaford, BN25 1HG. Or drop it into the NHW Mailbox in the Police Station lobby. We cannot accept cash or cheques Sort Code: 40 40 25 #: 41440152 Reference: 22 Surname We do not Data is held on a secure and server and is used solely Our data policy can be viewed on our website Tick here to to our mailing and to with National Neighbourhood Watch
register your membership
Banking Details:
share any of your details with third party organisations nor do we distribute unsolicited email.
or SubID NEW Membership RENEWAL for YEAR 2022 SUBID (if known) Subscription £3.00 Senior Subscripion £2.00 Donation Amount £ Title Forename Surname Address: Post Code Mobile Email Address

72 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers MARKS Seaford Gold Buying Centre £ £ NEED EXTRA CASH? £ £ Sell your broken and unwanted jewellery Gold, Silver, Old Watches, Amber, Jade and Oriental items wanted. Gold up to £1,430 per troy oz. Silver up to £14 per troy oz. Call in to 16 High Street, Seaford, East Sussex BN25 1PG Tel: 01323 873090 Mobile 07818 035675 Open 9am - 5pm Monday to Saturday. Closed Wednesday afternoon.

For further details of our club please contact our Secretary Gavin on (01323) 893760
Cody had the idea of a float plane: one which could operate on both land and water. It was whilst testing such a plane that Cody crashed, and was killed. His funeral was at the Military Cemetery in Aldershot (the only civilian ever to be buried there) and the funeral cortege was watched by a huge crowd, such was his fame and respect for him.
Please recycle this magazine when you have finished with it.
The speaker at our most recent meeting was one of our own members, Bill McNaught, who gave us the biography of Samuel Franklin Cody, best known as one of the pioneer aviators in the country. Samuel Cody was born in Texas in 1867, and often capitalised on what was assumed to be a family relationship with Buffalo ‘Wild’ Bill Cody. In fact, there was no relationship: Samuel Franklin’s surname at birth was ‘Cowdery’, and he only later changed it to Cody. He was a skilled horse rider, an accurate marksman, and had even spent time prospecting for gold. He performed in Wild West shows, and later had a show and circus of his own. In 1890 he set sail for Liverpool with his wife, and they set up Wild West shows at Olympia (sometimes on roller skates!). His wife suffered a long period of illness, and returned to America. Samuel continued his show business activities, including writing five plays: not bad for a boy who had never been to school. Around the beginning of the Twentieth Century, Samuel developed an interest in kites, and evolved the concept of a string of kites whose combined ‘lift’ could raise a man off the ground. This, he felt, had military possibilities in terms of forward observation on the battlefield. He put his ideas to the Government but they showed no interest. However, his persistence eventually paid off: he was offered a job as an instructor at the Balloon Factory in Farnborough. Cody experimented by putting an engine into a kite, and then, following the success of the German Zeppelin airships, the Balloon Factory built a dirigible airship, utilising large teams of women to sew the fabric panels together. Cody flew the airship to London, and tried to land at Buckingham Palace, but settled for Crystal Palace instead! Cody was given £50 to build an aeroplane, which he did, and managed to fly it 70 yards on Laffan’s Plain at Farnborough. Several of his subsequent flights ended up in crashes, until Cody realised that if you want to turn an aircraft you also have to bank it, otherwise it stalls. Shortly after these early flights, the Government decided there was no future in powered flight, so Cody was sacked and the project was closed! Nevertheless, Cody continued his activities privately. Also, around this time Cody became a British Citizen. Amongst other activities, he won the Michelin Trophy for the longest flight: 190 miles, at the end of which he was frozen! Despite the Government’s earlier dismissal of powered flight, they formed the Royal Flying Corps in 1911.
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74 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers Seaford Second Hand Furnishings Modern and Old Furniture 8-10 High Street, Seaford, East Sussex BN25 1PG Tel: 01323 896400 or 07796 seafordsecondhandfurniture@outlook.com593381 House clearance and single items purchased SEAFORD STAMP & POSTCARD CLUB
Well, as Rabbie Burns once said: ‘The best-laid plans of mice and men...’ Shortly after composing the August report last month, I caught COVID and was not able to attend the July meeting; however I gather it was well Inattended.September we are scheduled to hold another Members’ meeting on subjects S, T and U, so that should be entertaining. Hopefully someone (David, our Secretary?) will display stamps of the Ukraine. This is a topical area, unfortunately, and the stamps issued, and produced but never issued, mirror the complex history of the country. Many old collections have stamps printed by an embryonic Ukrainian state around 1919/20, after World War 1 was over, and the Bolsheviks attempted to unify Russia into the Soviet Union. Ukrainians based mainly in Paris however attempted to create a Free Ukraine and ordered postage stamps in large quantities. These often incorporated the Ukrainian symbol of the trident, still to be seen on flags and in other places in Ukraine today. These stamps however never reached the country, but some others were subsequently issued by a Communist regional government in the early 1920s before USSR issues became available. In 1941, Nazi Germany largely occupied the whole of Ukraine and created a puppet state. Stamps displaying the head of Hitler were overprinted for use in Ukraine until it was liberated by Soviet forces in 1944/45. Subsequently Soviet issues were used until the collapse of the USSR in 1991, when for the first time issues were commonly available by the Ukraine postal authorities for sale locally. Visitors are welcome to the September meeting at Seaford Constitutional Club on Wednesday the 14th, 7.15pm for 7.30pm. The club has a bar with light refreshments.
Bob ChairmanBrownSeaford and Stamp and Postcard Club

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 75 createrecords@btinternet.comCASSETTESWANTED!YOURUNWANTEDVINYLRECORDS&MUSICMEMORABILIAGoodpricespaidMusicfromRock’N’RolltothepresentdayContactSteveon07712628496oremaildetailstoWeareSeafordBased To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 7107932 UNPRE-LOVEDBUT-USEDHI-FI? Taking up space, collecting dust or lurking in the loft? CASH BUYER Anything considered. Amplifiers, Turntables, Receivers, Cassette Decks, CD Players, Loudspeakers, Tuners, Reel to Reel, Pre-Amps, Equalizers, Mini Disc Players and accessories. FREE LOCAL QualityTakingUN-USEDMobileHomeTelephone:COLLECTIONChris:0132349191807830329083PRE-LOVEDBUTHI-FI?upspace,collectingdustorlurkingintheloft?CASHBUYERAnythingconsideredseparatesalwayssought.Telephone:ChrisHome:01323491918Mobile:07830329083 Newhaven & District Model Railway Club WHAT WE DO ! ‘Model Railways?! ‘ I hear you say, ‘Surely that’s only for old folks in anoraks?!’ Not so! The local branch, to readers of this magazine, is the ‘Newhaven & District Model Railway Club’, and the range of activities and interests we offer, is more interesting than you may think. Yes, most of us can legally have a pint, but Model Railway Clubs across the country for all ages and diversities, offer opportunities to improve or learn from scratch many great skill-sets. These include, but are not limited to, running locos and rolling stock, creating and enhancing scenery, buildings etc, team work on project expandingthetolegislationcurrentcompliantaenvironment.friendly,Allmore.layingpainting/airbrushing,electricunderstandingconstruction,andinstallingpowerforlayouts,trackandmuch,muchthisisinagenuinelyhelpful,safeWeareregisteredCharity,withallthenecessaryandarelookingenhanceourroleinlocalcommunitybyournumbers. Be part of something special, ‘Give it a Go!’ We can be contacted by Attn:Clubnewhavendmrc@gmail.comemail:Secretarymobile:07715993675PaulStrickland.

SKIN absolute BEAUTY 14 Place Lane Seaford BN25 1LA 01323 899768 SKIN CLINIC facebook absolute beauty seaford AB Generic Advert 2017 Template v2.indd 1 27/02/2017 09:42 Seaford BN25 1LA 899768 SKIN CLINIC facebook absolute beauty seaford LASER TREATMENTS... Hair removal, Tattoo removal, Thread vein, Acne and Pigmentation treatments 14 Place Lane Seaford BN25 1LA 01323 899768 SKIN CLINIC facebook absolute beauty seaford Phone Absolute Beauty for more details E s t P E L H A M B A R B E R S 2 0 2 2 1 0 % O f f B l u e L i g h t H o l d e r s M a t t h a s m o v e d a n d w e l c o m e s y o u t o h i s n e w b a r b e r s h o p i n P e l h a m Y a r d , n e x t t o M a r k s A n t i q u e s o n H i g h S t r e e t . 8 : 3 0 a m 5 : 0 0 p m 8 : 3 0 a m 5 : 3 0 p m 8 : 3 0 a m 7 : 0 0 p m 8 : 3 0 a m 3 : 0 0 p m C l o s e d C l o s e d 8 : 3 0 a m 5 : 0 0 p m F r i d a y : S a t u r d a y : S u n d a y : M o n d a y : T u e s d a y : W e d n e s d a y : T h u r s d a y : 0 7 8 9 1 3 2 7 2 0 0 P e l h a m Y a r d , S e a f o r d , B N 2 5 1 P Q B o o k O n l i n e o r C a l l W a l k I n s W e l c o m e O P E N N O W

Answers on page
Preheat oven to 175°C. Prepare an 8 inch / 21cm springform pan by coating the sides with sunflower oil or butter and lining the base with greaseproof paper. Place the sugar and eggs in a large bowl and beat with a mixer until light and fluffy and increased in volume. Sift the baking powder and flour together then add to the mixture in the bowl a little at a time along with the softened butter. Continue to mix until completely blended, then stir in the yoghurt or sour cream. In a food processor or blender, process the whole orange until it is almost pureed. Add this blended orange to the cake mixture along with the vanilla extract and stir until evenly combined, then pour the batter into the prepared tin. Bake for 50-60 minutes, depending on your oven. The cake is ready when a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Allow to cool for about 15 minutes, then remove the side of the springform pan. Prepare the glaze by heating the sugar and the orange juice in a saucepan, and allow to simmer for a few minutes, until the liquid has a syrupy consistency. Skewer the top of the cake a few times, then spoon and brush glaze over the top of the cake and allow to cool completely before cutting. 105
3 eggs; 250g caster sugar; 275g plain flour; 2½ tsp baking powder; 100g butter, softened; 100g plain Greek yoghurt or sour cream; 1 large orange, washed and cut into pieces with the rind, but remove the seeds; 1 tsp vanilla extract
Preparation time: 30 mins
Serves: 8 Ingredients
Glaze: Juice of one large orange; 100g caster sugar
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Cooking time: 50-60 mins plus cooling time
IMPORTANT – food processor or blender required

I want to understand more about my relationship with others. I’m not sure how to cope with my grief and loss.
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I want to improve my level of confidence and self esteem. I want to personally gain a greater self awareness. I want to improve communication with my manager and my team. I want to move on to something else. Explore There’s something I want to explore and make sense of. I’m feeling really down, low and depressed and I feel stuck. To me the world just looks like a fog. I’d like to have some support and somebody to listen. I feel overwhelmed. Behaviour change I want to stop smoking I want to feel less anxious. I want to stop harming myself. I want to stop the phobia I have.
Julie Shepherd Trainee Counsellor, UKATA, NCS I am an advanced trainee practitioner, having completed four years of specialist counselling
Analysis.inpsychotherapyandtrainingTransactionalAssuch, I am able to offer a lower cost service whilst working towards my qualification. I have an empathic and non-judgemental approach and I work with adults face to face and online. 07743 505549 Email:
7D Chapel Street, Newhaven East Sussex BN9
I’m not sure how to relax. Growth and development
I feel anxious and scared and I’m not sure why.
Working independently from this practice room we now have: Audrey Hodgkins Dip. Counselling, UKATA, NCS I’m a fully
I am passionate about using these skills to develop relationships with my clients. It’s really important to me that as my client you feel listened to, safe and welcome. I aim to provide a therapeutic space where you will be accepted with whatever you bring. I have supported clients through wide ranging issues such as anxiety, depression, anger management, relationship problems, loss, dementia and autism. I have worked in a college giving counselling support to students and also with a charity who support unpaid carers. I work with adults, offering both short and long term counselling both face to face and online. 07879 417753 Email:

Deadline for the October issue is 6th September.
Our August meeting was an outing to Berwick Church to see and hear about the restoration of the paintings. We were met by members of the church, who had arranged a lovely tea in the vicarage gardens. After consuming lots of tea and coffee, scones and beautiful cakes, we went on a walk around the churchyard and took in the wonderful views of the South Downs.
For more information call Donna on 07579 821597
EVERY TUESDAY Chyngton Methodist Church Millberg Road, Seaford, BN25 3ST at 9.30am, 11am, 5.30pm or 7pm
Lynne Mendelsohn Counsellor MBACP (Senior
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TheBloomsbury(allherVanessaDuncanpaintingsthebyGrant,BellandsonQuentinoftheset).talkonthepaintings and how they came about was really interesting, especially the fact that local people were used for the faces of the people in the paintings. Especially thought provoking was the painting of the airman, soldier and sailor kneeling near the altar as these paintings were undertaken in the mid 1940’s and the war was a very recent event. I would advise anyone to visit Berwick Church it is in such a wonderful setting. Our next meeting is on Friday 2nd September at St James’ Trust Clubhouse, Blatchington Road, Seaford and our lip-reading Tutor, Gill Houghton, will be talking about her life and living with deafness. Gill will also be bringing her hearing dog, Harvey, along with her. The next lip-reading classes will start on Tuesday 6th September at 10am at Sutton Barn (formerly the 60+ club). The term lasts for six weeks.
Once inside the church we looked
Pauline White
Helping you to move forward after a loss or change
Advertise your business in SEAFORD SCENE magazine from just £29 per month! 8,000 FREE magazines are delivered and distributed across Seaford every month.
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2, Seaford, BN25
The meeting was also a chance for Southeast Communities Rail Partnership to thank the volunteers who have continued to connect communities with the railway since the start of the pandemic in 2020. Sussex Downs Line chair Norman Baker, who is the former MP for Lewes and ex-transport minister, said: ‘It was great to meet in person once again and to hear about all the progress being made by communities along the line. We were able to thank all the volunteers for their efforts throughout the last two years in keeping our railway stations looking attractive and Thepleasant.’group has been meeting online for the last two years, although work has continued at stations subject to Lockdown restrictions. The previous in-person gathering of the steering group was at Newhaven Town Council’s offices in March 2020. Community Rail steering groups comprise representatives of the train operator Southern, Network Rail, local authorities, businesses, community groups and volunteers. They work in partnership to connect communities to the railways.
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Sutton Parade, Alfriston Road,
Community rail representatives met in person for the first time in more than two years to discuss progress on bringing people together along the Sussex Downs Line. Members of the line’s steering group gathered at The Sidings bistro in Newhaven for debate and consultation on initiatives at and around the stations from Seaford to Brighton.

Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) combines ancient healing traditions and modern psychology. Based on acupuncture, it uses a system of tapping on meridian points, to release emotional and psychological blocks that are held in the body. It can help with: l Anxiety l Depression l Body issues l Relationship issues l Major life events
Seaford Tapping & Reiki
This youryouissuesreleasetechniquebody-psychologyisawaytopast/presentandemotionssocanmoveonwithlife.
Tapping is also a self help tool. Once learned with a practitioner, you can use it on yourself whenever you need.
It treats the whole person: Mind, Body and Spirit.
Let me start by saying that this is a long book, but in the deft hands of Boyne it is neither weighty nor stodgy. It’s a a book about the life of a fictional man, Cyril Avery, and it begins before he’s even born, with his pregnant mother cast out of her strict catholic family and fleeing from her hometown. Cyril is adopted but struggles to find his place in a loveless family. He is gay and illegitimate, born in Ireland at the wrong time. This story weaves his major life events with world events such as the AIDS crisis, 9/11, and the ongoing prejudice towards gay men. We follow Cyril from Dublin to Amsterdam to New York and back to Ireland. Throughout his journey the reader is privy to his inner and outer struggles, which serve to heighten the confusion, anger and shame that define his existence. But this is not some handwringing doom saga. Boyne brings a wicked playfulness to Cyril’s selfdeprecating wit, which commands both affection and Throughoutempathy.the book, various new characters appear at intervals, and their stories intersect and intertwine with Cyril’s via a series of coincidences, which on the surface might appear contrived, but when the reader reflects on the characters in their own life and the coincidences that brought them together, suddenly make sense.
Natasha Donovan
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When our life force energy is strong, we are more capable of feeling vibrant, happy and healthy.
The InvisibleHeart’sFuries by John Boyne
Reiki is: l Simple l Natural l Safe
Seaford Tapping & Reiki For more information contact Robin at: or ring me on 07956 555688
From the opening ‘hook’ to the closing paragraph you’ll be rooting for Cyril, and you’ll laugh and cry along the way. In the touching Afterword, Boyne admits that although Cyril and his life are fictional there are many of the author’s own lived experiences included in the plot. The book is all the richer for it.
Good Read
REIKI Reiki is a gentle, hands-on healing technique for stress reduction and relaxation. When our life force energy is low, we are more likely to get sick and feel stressed.

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 83 Sussex IndependentEyecareOpticians 9 BROAD STREET. SEAFORD. 01323 892211 Stylish ProfessionalEyewearEyecare Comprehensive eyecare using the very latest technology in a safe and secure Fullenvironment.PPEand infection control protocols in Qualifiedplace. experienced team offering tailormade solutions for all your eyewear requirements. MOBILE FOOT PRACTITIONER FOR THE PROFESSIONAL TREATMENT OF: CORNS, CALLUSES, INGROWING TOENAILS, FUNGAL INFECTIONS, VERRUCAS, ATHLETES FOOT AND DIABETIC CARE. All in the comfort of your own home 50% DISCOUNT TO SENIOR CITIZENS Tel: 07519 868305 Visiting: private homes, nursing establishments and hospitals

The day includes gentle, invigorating yoga, meditation and chanting with Rosie Waters and a relaxing Gong Bath with Michele Findley and Simone Riley of Sounds Mystical...and of course lunch! For bookings and payment, please contact Rosie Waters Tel: 07983 622840 Email: seahavenyoga@btinternet.comTohelpraisefundsforTheYouthCounsellingProject
The New York Times acclaims them as the best folk band to have come out of Scotland in the last 20 years. Living Tradition rates them ‘The best band of their generation’ and Fatea Magazine believes they have the potential to dominate the Scottish/Irish traditional scene for the next 20 Scotland’syears.
Seahaven Yoga invites you to A day of peace and relaxation through sound and yoga At Seaford Con Club, Crouch Lane, Seaford BN25 1PU Wednesday 14th September 10am to 4.30pm, £40
Alongside Cara Dillon, Tim O’Brien, Molly Tuttle and the multi-talented house band he performed a string of shows across the UK. Tickets are on sale now at the Tourist Information Centre in Church Street or online from seafordsessions. org – but be warned, as always they are selling fast.
Seaford Little Theatre will be alive to the sounds of the amazing The Paul McKenna Band on Saturday 17th September at 7.30pm.
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Paul McKenna enjoys a reputation as a singersongwriter with an emotive and powerful voice to express his passionate social conscience, a combination that’s brought frequent comparisons to the great Dick Gaughan. McKenna and his band – Robbie Greig (fiddle), Conal McDonagh (pipes, whistles), Conor Markey (banjo, bouzouki, guitars) and Ewan Baird (percussion), draw on Scottish and Irish roots in a dynamic variety of original and traditional material. Their album Breathe, produced by Mike Vass, showcases Paul’s development as a song writer, working both on his own and with others such as Canada’s Dave Gunning and Australia’s Liz Stringer. He was a featured artist at the world-renowned Transatlantic Sessions in 2019.
Seaford Constitutional Club, Crouch Lane BN25 1P Saturdays 10am CHARITY YOGA DAY 14th September, supporting our local charity, The Youth Counselling Project. Yoga, meditation, chanting, gong bath...includes lunch. Contact Rosie for more details
Yoga Alliance UK 500 hour Accredited Teacher. Fully Insured to teach. MEMBER Rosie Waters: Tel/Text: 07983 622840 E: Gentle traditional yoga suitable for all ages, all levels including beginners Vajrasati Yoga Rosie Waters, Senior Vajrasati Teacher The Chapel Rooms, St. Peter’s Church, Belgrave Road, Seaford BN25 2HE Tuesdays 10.30am & Thursdays 7pm

Mince Pie race director Nick Farley, said: ‘We’re looking forward to welcoming new and returning runners to the Mince Pie 10 this year. Voted one of the UK’s Top Ten races in Runners World this is not one to be missed. The festive atmosphere will be sure to get you in the Christmas spirit. With increased entries this year due to demand, we’re expecting the race to sell out in record time. The race is open to all abilities – from PB chasers to fancy dress teams!’
The race starts and finishes at the Peacehaven Leisure Centre at 11am. Runners can sign up online now mile., with plentiful support along the route. All finishers will receive a medal, goody bag and, of course, a mince pie (or cake). To find out more about Seaford Striders visit
To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 85 trainingPersonal 1 strong company 3 great trainers We get results! 01323 893676
The Mince Pie 10 is organised by the Seaford Striders to raise funds for local charities and the running club itself. Runners are encouraged to sign up early for the event, which sees many entrants returning year after year for a pre-Christmas race.
After a successful event in 2021 the Seaford Striders’ popular Mince Pie 10-mile race returns on Sunday 4th December at 11am.
The 2022 Mince Pie 10 is sponsored by David Jordan Estate Agents and will be run in support of local charities Waves – supporting local families from domestic abuse, and The Chaseley Trust – caring for local people with severe disabilities and offering residential, respite, day care and therapy. The undulating course is a mixture of four on-road and six off-road miles, taking in the beautiful countryside scenery around Telscombe and Saltdean. The race is open to runners of all abilities aged 17 plus, although the race is unsuitable for wheelchair users. The Mince Pie 10 has an entrants’ limit of just 650 runners, with previous events being sold out, so early registration is encouraged.

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To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 87 ✓ FreedeliveryOnordersover£20. ✓ Veganoptionsavailable. ✓ Glutenfreeoptionsavailable. ✓ Usecode‘10%’onourwebsite(ordersover£25). 01273513308 https:\\ 4BridgeStreet,Newhaven,BN99PJ

Party this December with your family, friends and colleagues at the View's shared party nights Every Friday & Saturday throughout December* The View, Southdown Road, SEAFORD, East Sussex, BN25 4JS | 01323 890139 | | theviewatseafordhead Christmas Party PNights arty Nights £37.50 per person Arrive From 7.00 Apm rrive pm Meal Served 7.30 pm Welcome Drink on Arrival Coffee and Mince Pies Crackers DJ Bar open until 11.30 pm Carriages at 12.00 am To Book call 01323 890135 or email: Full payments due two weeks prior to booking For Full Menu please visit *Excluding 24th December

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 89 JUST TRAVEL SUSSEX Taxi/Chauffeur Service Covering all Airports, Seaports and Long Distance Travel 07900 780340 MARTELLOAirportsTAXIS-Seaports Seaford 01323 492929/01323 899774 Quotes available on martellotaxis@googlemail.comrequestBishopstonetoEDGH £23 Seaford to EDGH £22 Seaford to RSCH £28 Courier Services CardAcceptedPaymentsLocal,friendly and reliable Accounts welcome Ollivers Restaurant CELEBRATE ANY OCCASION WITH US HOME MADE DELICIOUS FOOD. PRIVATE DINING AREA AVAILABLE. OPEN 7pm - LAST ORDERS 8.45pm Please visit Ollivers website for our monthly menu, vouchers and special offers and also for any upcoming news and 11 Clinton Place Seaford East Sussex BN25 1NL. Telephone: 01323 872111 £5OFF PER PERSON (3 COURSE OPTION ONLY). Valid for Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday nights until 30th September 2022. PLEASE BRING VOUCHER ALONG WITH YOU TO QUALIFY. NOT TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. ONE VOUCHER PER PERSON. SEPT2022 KINGFISHER CHAUFFEUR SERVICES Airport CourierLongHospitalShoppingFamilySightseeingTheatre/ConcertsSportingSpecialWeddings/FuneralsCorporateBusinessTransfersTravelEventsOccasionsEventsToursVisitsTripsTripsDistanceServices VISIT FAMILY & FRIENDS THIS SUMMER. Being chauffeur driven in the comfort & safety of our Mercedes Benz makes the journey relaxing & the occasion extra special. For full details of our comprehensive range of services please visit our Bespokewebsite.pricesfor any of your travel needs available on request. 07480

The event was well attended by regional and local dignitaries, including: the Vice Lord Lieutenant, Mrs Sarah Stonor DL; Freemen of the Town, Mr Laurie Holland, Mr Keith Blackburn and his wife; The Serjeant at Mace, Mr Peter White; the Chairman of East Sussex County Council, Cllr Pragnell; and Vice Chair of East Sussex County Council, Cllr Galley, the Mayor of Brighton, Cllr Lizzy Deane; the Mayor of Eastbourne, Cllr Pat Rodohan; the Mayor of Peacehaven, Cllr Lucy-Jo Symonds; the Deputy Mayor of Newhaven, Cllr Pinky McLean-Knight; the Mayor of Crowborough, and Cllr David Neeve. Other guests included representatives of the emergency services, local service organisations and local charity representatives from the Mayor’s chosen Charities, Members of Seaford Quakers, and the public.
Parts of the service were live streamed onto the Seaford Town Council Facebook Page, with the full service recorded from the Baptist Church, available on Seaford Town Council’s YouTube channels.
With thanks to the generosity of the congregation, a retiring collection of £239.80 was collected and shared equally between the three Mayor’s charities; Seahaven Storehouse, Waves of Seaford and Refuge.
‘Many thanks to all of those who helped with the refreshments in the hall afterwards, it was wonderful to meet new people, and introducing them to each other. Thanks to Morrisons for their donation of some of the food and drinks. A lot of hard work and planning went into a successful civic service, thanks to everyone involved in making the service a success.’
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I also talked about the lovely countryside and the Seafront that we are surrounded by, the various community groups, the places of interest, the importance of supporting local businesses. I spoke about the charities that I had chosen and why, along with my chosen theme Healthy Living.
Mayor of Seaford, Cllr Olivia Honeyman, officially celebrated her induction as the 2022 – 2023 Mayor at a Civic Service, hosted by Seaford Baptist Church on 31st July. The Service was opened by Seaford Town Crier, Peter White, who acted as Mace Bearer and bore Seaford Town Mace before the Mayor of Seaford and VIP guests. The Service was conducted by Members of Seaford Quakers, led by Ali Campbell, an elder at Seaford Quakers. Many local dignitaries, representatives from charities and members of the public attended and supported the Mayor’s first official event. The service included: five brief readings on the theme of Service and Civic Responsibility; three readings came from the Quaker faith and practise book: Faith and Practice; two readings from the Bible (each reading was followed by a brief period of silent reflection in the Quaker manner); two short conversations between our new Mayor with representatives from Seahaven Storehouse and Waves Seaford, on how their work exemplifies today’s themes; a Mayor’s Address; refreshments served afterwards in the Church Hall.
Town Crier Peter White congratulated Cllr Olivia Honeyman on a successful and unique service. The Mayor said: ‘We chose the theme of Service and Civic responsibility, as this was appropriate for the role of being a Cllr and Mayor. The service was very well supported. I interviewed members from Seaford Storehouse and Waves Seaford, to enable the congregations to learn about the charities’ work and spoke about Refuge in my Mayor’s address.
Figure 2 Seaford Mayor Cllr Olivia Honeyman with Local Dignitaries L -R; Mayor of Crowborough, Cllr David Neeve; Deputy Mayor of Newhaven, Cllr Pinky McLean-Knight; Vice Lord Lieutenant, Mrs Sarah Stonor DL; Mayor of Seaford, Cllr Olivia Honeyman; Freeman Keith Blackburn; Mayor of Eastbourne, Cllr Pat Rodohan, Mayor of Brighton, Cllr Lizzie Deane; Mayor of Peacehaven, Cllr Lucy-Jo Symonds, and Freeman Laurie Holland.

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92 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers Our Design: Bianca will create the ideal layout with you, the customer. Our Work and Creations: Kieran and Kiefer will manufacture a high-quality, tailor made kitchen or bedroom and oversee the installation. Our Finish and Pride: Your perfect dream kitchen or bedroom! *Corian Worktops – approved fabricators and installers in Sussex* With over 500 different designs and an all in-house team, what are you waiting for? Call us on 01323 890079 or visit www. Newhaven BN9 0FB TEL: 01323 890079 Unit E5 Eastside Business Park, Beach Road, Newhaven BN9 0FB CLAREMONT INTERIORS C LAREM O NT DE S I G N S LIMITED 15 Claremont Road, Seaford BN25 2PF Tel: 01323 890079 Open 10 am - 5 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday or by appointment on Saturdays Kitchens - Bedrooms - Home Studies DESIGNED SUPPLIED FITTED AND MANUFACTURED Bespoke storage options CLAREMONT INTERIORS LAREM O NT DE S I G N S LIMITED Seaford BN25 2PF Tel: 01323 890079 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday appointment on Saturdays Bedrooms - Home Studies SUPPLIED FITTED AND MANUFACTURED storage options We are moving to our showroom in Newhaven from mid Sept 22 All BN25 residents will be offered a 10% discount. Credit terms available with Kandoo Claremont Interiors, a family run business, will give you an unique experience – with your expectations and our family of professionals, we can create the perfect blend.

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A little praise now and then makes us feel appreciated, boosts our feel-good hormones, and increases our motivation. Praising children can inspire them to be more persistent and co-operative.
Social-comparison praise sets up competition and inevitably sometimes another child will be better, which can be demoralising if a child’s self-worth is derived from always being the best. It can also lead to a child becoming a poor loser.
No one is suggesting a spur of the moment ‘Good job!’ and a high five now and then are bad, but it’s worth considering that by being more intentional about praise we can influence the way our kids feel about themselves for the better.
l Kids need support and encouragement all the time – not just when they’ve won the race or scored an A+. They need to know they have your support – especially when they lost or failed. It is the overall warmth and supportiveness of their family relationships which counts.
‘Spare the rod and spoil the child’ is a phrase I heard often growing up. My father’s concern that if he praised me too much I would become full of myself, or overconfident meant that praise was in short supply in our house. It led to feelings of inadequacy and a tendency to seek approval and people-please.
Jamie Maxfield
Recent studies on the brain indicate that we respond to social approval positively and that praise is important for a child’s development. But not all praise is created equal. Some types of praise are helpful, while others have a negative effect. So how do we know what sort of praise to use?
l Praise things the child can control, rather than ability.
If your child is naturally gifted at the piano for example, instead of saying, ‘Oh wow, you’re so talented,’ when he/she plays, say something like, ‘Wow, that piece is sounding good now, I can hear the difference from when you first started to learn it. Your hard work is paying off.’ The child can control how hard he/she works at her practice; not how naturally able he/she is at playing the piano. This approach stops them getting the message that talent is something people either have or don’t have, which might leave them feeling helpless when they slip up. Mistakes must mean you aren’t talented right?
l Don’t praise achievements that come too easily. Either the child assumes you are clueless about how easy the task is, or they assume you have low expectations of their abilities.
l Don’t use insincere praise. By the time a child is old enough to analyse belief or motive (generally around five years of age) they know when praise is deserved. If they feel it’s being given falsely they might think you feel sorry for them. They might also think, ‘I can’t trust you.’
l Avoid extreme praise! ‘Oh, my goodness you are the best at this. You are amazing. You’re super clever and talented.’ Even if we’re sincere in our effusiveness at that moment and our child believes us, who on earth could live up to this impossible standard every single day. It sets the child up to worry about future performance…’Oh heck, now I need to get 100% in every single exam forever…If I don’t, they’ll be disappointed.’ These kids might back off from new challenges because they aren’t certain they’ll be the best. They don’t want to risk failure and loss of approval.
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l Avoid praise that compares a child to others.

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96 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers PF T Tiling Contractors Wall and Floor Tiling Specialist offering a friendly, reliable and high quality service at a competitive price. Covering Seaford, Newhaven Eastbourne and surrounding Contactareas. Paul Franklin on 07831 564509 or 01323 pftilingcontractors@gmail.com894521
On the Verge
If you would like to meet up to find out more about how you can help, please do get in touch with us, or other local groups. You can now share your photos and stories on the Renaturing Seaford Facebook page, and a website will follow shortly.
Email renaturingseafordFacebookWebsiteontheverge@seafuture.org
Seaford is renaturing, thanks in part to the new mowing regime introduced by Seaford Town Council, supported by On The Verge and other local environmental groups. Parts of the Sea Meadows and the Salts have been given back to nature and left unmown throughout the spring and summer. The change is stunning!
Photos by Judy Pepper, from top: Spear Thistle on Martello Field; Common Blue Butterfly on Martello Field.
Just look at Pump Field (the one nearest to Seaford Head). Last year over 40 different types of flowering plant were found by botanical surveyors, and this year they expect to find more – quite a challenge for local sixth formers following in their footsteps! More plant variety means more insect variety. An On the Verge member recently saw over 20 butterflies of five different species in just 15 minutes, all feeding on the ample nectar supplies now available to them, thanks to reduced Meanwhilemowing. at Martello Field, common coastal plants such as Thrift and Strawberry Clover are back where they belong – in fields by the coast! And just six weeks after the new mowing regime began, a single Pyramidal Orchid bloomed in the Covers, the fields straddling College ThroughoutRoad. the town, residents have allowed their verges to run riot, whilst gardeners hand over sections of their lawns and vegetable patches to nature, increasing biodiversity by providing homes and food for our beleaguered wildlife. But those renatured areas need care. They must be mown in Autumn and cuttings removed if they are to flourish next Spring. Removing the cuttings mimics the work of grazers, such as rabbits, who would naturally remove grass over the summer. If residents and the Town Council continue to work together, that single orchid on College Road will herald the future and Seaford will become part of the natural community that is the South Downs.

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per month!
There is a touching reminder of the devastating loss of life in the 1914 – 18 war: ‘We are holding a Memorial Service this afternoon in Honour of the 34 laddies from this school who have given their lives for us.’ (November 1918)
A Sad Memorial Service
Advertise SEAFORD SCENE £29 8,000 Seaford
Debilitating illnesses often caused the school to close and is a serious theme in Miss Chambers’ notes. Her comments provide a much wider and colourful picture of the school life during those first four decades. ‘December 20 1911 The children are to break up tomorrow afternoon, but first they are to secure a beautiful toy and sweetmeat from a magnificent Xmas Tree. The teachers have dressed 40 dolls at no small amount of time and trouble, but I feel they will be repaid when they see the happy recipients tomorrow.’
Miss Amy Chambers was for 39 years the first headmistress of Seaford’s first state school in Church Street. During all that time she kept a School Log – a daily diary – that provides us today with an exceptional example of living history from 1890 to 1928. These school logs record Miss Chambers’ work, representing some of the highlights of the school years – some of them joyous, some of them sad., but all expressing the care, the warmth, and the love that Miss Chambers had for ‘our little ones’. Kevin Gordon has collected and edited the most poignant of the entries in the logs and with a foreword by Ron Vince, and these have now been published by Seaford Museum in a booklet on sale in the Martello Tower. Miss Chambers, at the age of 21, was appointed to run the newly built Church Street Infants’ School from January 1890. Within only two weeks of the school’s opening, the headmistress wrote: ‘The school closed today for two weeks on account of the prevailing illnesses among the children.’ From the height of Victorian England, to the Boer War, the passing of Queen Victoria and the awfulness of the Great War itself, Miss Chambers kept a meticulous and detailed record of events in her school and Seaford at large.
FREE magazines are delivered and distributed across
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Deadline is 6th September.
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magazine from just
The original manuscripts of Miss Chambers’ school logs are now conserved in The Keep, and Seaford Museum have permission to reprint extracts from these valuable social documents. The booklet is a charming and poignant view the world of a schoolteacher from 100 years ago, and well worth reading. Is there anyone with experience of being a Treasurer, and who would be interested in a role at Seaford Museum? Please contact Chairman Jane Keel via
your business in
In September 1923 Miss Chambers wryly reported: ‘A circus has visited the town today and, as usual, it has made havoc with the attendance.’ There is joy, sadness and humanity in Miss Chambers logs, right up to her last entry in 1928: ‘October 31st 1928 I sincerely regret to state that I am relinquishing the post of Head Teacher in this School today after 39 years of very happy work.’ Amy Chambers retired from teaching, and went on to be elected to the on Seaford Urban District Council, serving for nine years before passing away in 1939 at the age of 71.
for the October issue

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email SOUTH EAST GARAGEDOORS 01323 287990 Innovative garage door solutionsfrom a local family firm you can trust RollerDoorsWoodEffectDoors SectionalDoorsElectricDoorsFull installation service • Garage door repairs • Electric conversions• Senior citizen discounts Call us for a free quote CraftstoneofSussex Shop 3-4 l 31 High Street l Seaford Telephone: 01323 Gas, Electric & Solid Fuel Fireplaces & Stoves

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The latest in vehicle technology
Busier roads mean we need to use more of our concentration to monitor the traffic around us. Tightly enforced speed regulations mean we also need to watch our dashboard dials to keep on the right side of the law. Unfortunately, this means we have to take our eyes off the road frequently to read the gauges. Add in a Sat Nav, and a lot of our mental bandwidth could be diverted at any one time. Enter the Heads-Up display. These have been around for while and are fitted as standard on some premium cars. But third-party units are widely available and easy to install. A Heads-Up display is a small, transparent unit which is mounted on top of the dashboard, in front of the driver. It displays information exactly where you need it – directly in the line of sight. Drivers get all the important information such as speed, warning signals and indicator arrows for navigation without having to look down to the instrument cluster or the secondary display, hence the name.
There are a few types of Heads-Up display. Some project on to your windscreen, and these can be harder to see in some lighting conditions. Some have a semi-reflective sheet of glass that’s designed to reflect the display, whilst allowing you to see through it, very much like in fighter aircraft. Most Heads-Up units plug in to the OBD (On Board Diagnostics) port in your car to get their information, and some models can connect to your phone and Sat Nav which allows them to provide even more features in your line of vision. Prices start at under £100 so you can boost your driving safety while channelling your inner Tom Cruise in Top Gun. Tom Hancock
100 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers WOOD & LAMINATE FLOORING

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 101 We bring Sussex's best prices & skilled workers to your door 12 Albert Parade, Green Street, Eastbourne, BN21 1SD 01323 726940 CARPETsVINYLsLVTsWOODs The Flooring experts you need

102 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers Sunrise Blinds & Awnings Welcome to Sunrise Blinds & Awnings With over 35 years experience in the industry we supply and fit all types of blinds including vertical, roller, venetian, woodslat, perfect fit. Patio awnings including electric operation Measured, Supplied and Fitted Call for free no obligation quotation TEL SEAFORD 01323 382056 VAST RANGES OF FABRICS AVAILABLE IN ALL COLOURS Seahaven Blinds is a family run business, located in Seaford. We sell all types blinds at competitive prices. Free home visit. Personal service. Made to measure. Price includes measure, supply and fitting. NO VAT to pay. Ring for a quote on 01323 899011 SEAHAVEN BLINDS Tel 01323 899011 HomeFreeorOfficeVisit Tel 01323 899011

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 103 1-3 South Court Cottages, Morris Road, Lewes BN7 2AT 01273 476194 G. F. Sinclair Ltd Interior Furnishers Curtain UpholsteryMaking l Blinds Track & Pole l Supply & Fitting SALE SEPTEMBER Remnants and household linen stock clearance Full instalation of poles and tracks Large selection of fabrics and wallpaper Gifts, cushions, silk flowers, decorations Lovely showroom ROOM ROOM, 33 High Street, Seaford 07785 533678 01323 573570 MAKERS OF HANDMADE TO MEASURE CURTAINS AND BLINDS . LOOSE COVERS l Misted Sealed Units l Handles for Windows & Doors l Replacement Wheels l All Window and Door Adjustments l Window Hinges & Stays l Renew Gaskets l Replacement Locks l All Types of Conservatory Repairs 01323 844414 or 07912 290235 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK l NO CALL OUT CHARGE l FREE ESTIMATES ALL INSURANCE WORK UNDERTAKEN - GUARENTEED SUPPORTING SEAFORD LIFEGUARDS JUST LIKE NEW!JUST LIKE NEW! DOUBLE GLAZING REPAIRSDOUBLE GLAZING REPAIRS FENSA

104 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers KITCHEN and BATHROOM installation All types of DECORATING Laminate and wood FLOORING Wall and floor TILING and much more. I am a female qualified plumber and property maintainer. Trustworthy, tidy and reliable I take immense pride in every job I do. The majority of my work comes from repeat customers and referrals. Please get in touch for your free estimate. Full Public Liability Insurance Mobile: 07930 408557 Home: 01323 318165 Kerrie Sturgeon Email: CARPENTRY Laminate AssembleFittingHangingFlooringDoorsOfLoftLaddersPuttingUpShelvesFlatPackFurnitureBoxInPipes,BoilersetcTongue&GroovePanelling DECORATING PaintingInternal & External Coving & Tiling OTHER JOBS Gutter Cleaning Replace Guttering Hanging Pictures, Mirrors Roller Blinds & Curtain Poles StudPlasteringWallErection Plus Much Much More –All You Have To Do Is Ask So For A Local and Personal Service Please Call Jonathan on 07877 156338/01323 899943 JDC’S HANDYMAN & DECORATING SERVICES Big Or Small, I Do It All. I Do The Jobs You Don’t Have Time To Do (Or Don’t Want To Do) l Fully Insured l All Work Is Carried Out To A Very High Standard l No VAT PETER SpecialisesHANDYVULOVICMANin: l Painting l Decorating l Tiling l Gutter & Fascia Cleaning Professional, Efficient, Extremely Clean. Precise Painter and Decorator who also takes care of all your DIY needs. Fully Insured and free quotation References on request 104 Hythe Crescent, Seaford BN25 3UG 07871 506814/ 01323 898445

Vivaldi Concerto for Four Violins in D Pachelbel Canon Telemann Viola Concerto in G Bach Air Bach Violin Concerto in E Gala Concert Sunday 30th April at 4pm Raphael Wallfisch, Cello Handel Concerto Grosso Op 6 no.12 Martin Neill Painted Pebbles (premier) Sibelius Andante Festivo Boccherini Cello Concerto in D Elgar Chanson de Matin
Maeve Jenkinson, Violin Robert Duncan, Viola
To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 105
English music in an unusual venue. This concert, part of Celebrate Cuckmere Haven, will be the first classical concert to take place inside the iconic South Hill Barn, and will support the local charity – Seaford for Ukraine.
The programmeastartingofexcitingyouwelcomesEnsembleCorellitoanseriesconcerts,withbeautifulof
The following concerts are all at Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road, BN25 2EE: Serenade Sunday 23rd October at 4pm Owen Dennis, Oboe Bach Sinfonia from Cantata no. 156 Paul Lewis Oboe Concerto (premier)
Other concerts will be at Seaford Baptist Church, a comfortable venue with plenty of space and ventilation.
Dvorak Serenade for Strings Christmas Concert Sunday 11th December at 4pm Alex Rider, Harp Corelli Christmas Concerto Paul Lewis Seaford Sketches (premier) Vaughan Williams Dives and Lazarus Martin Neill Christmas Suite Operatic Gems Sunday 29th January at 4pm Paul Austin Kelly, Tenor Music by Mozart, Rossini, Mascagni, Verdi and Puccini. Glorious Baroque Sunday 5th March at 4pm
Come along and enjoy the beauty of live Classical music with the Corelli Ensemble.
An English Idyll Saturday 17th September at 6.30pm South Hill Barn, Seaford BN25 4JQ Maeve Jenkinson, Violin Warlock Capriol Suite Vaughan Williams Lark Ascending Rutter Suite for Strings Jenkins Benedictus Holst St Paul’s Suite Tickets available from
Programmes include gorgeous music for oboe and strings with our much loved oboist, Owen Dennis, an uplifting Christmas concert with harpist Alex Rider, a fabulous afternoon of Operatic Gems with tenor, Paul Austin Kelly, a celebration of Glorious Baroque, with violinist Maeve Jenkinson, and the world-renowned cellist, Raphael Wallfisch will be star soloist for the Corelli Ensemble’s final Gala Concert.
All concerts last around an hour, perfect for young and old, and when possible, the audience is invited to join the musicians for a cup of tea after the concert. Tickets cost £15 adults, £5 children, and are available from and also Seaford Tourist Information. South Hill Barn concert tickets are available from

106 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers l Interior Exterior&work l Free Quotes l Fully Insured l Reliable & Tidy Email: Adam Burgess Painter & Decorator 07743Tel:603291 Ltd INTERIOR & EXTERIOR DECORATINGFULLY INSURED. VAT FREE.Registered Company - No.0132307327680 318063 07866 Affordable and reliable, I work with pride, efficiency, expertise and attention to detail, leaving you with a beautifully decorated, clean and invigorated space. 01323 654356 S. R. DAVIS & SONS ESTABLISHED 1978 BUILDERS & DECORATORS UPVC FACIAS & GUTTERS FOR ALL MAINTENANCE REPAIRS & EXTENSIONSEXTERIORINTERIORALTERATIONSANDDECORATING&CONVERSIONSFREEESTIMATES RELIABLE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Tel: 01323 893240 Dan: 07758 www.srdavisandsons.comsrdavis.sons@gmail.com221754

The Inner Wheel Club of Seaford’s year commences in July each year
It seems no time since we were starting the new 2021/22 year with joint Presidents Eileen Lynch and Patricia Haswell and that already we were thanking them for all their hard work and support with an English Afternoon tea at the Hydro Hotel in were‘doggyoccasions,likebeforehand,toadvisedMembersEastbourne.werenothavelunchbutonpreviousbags’stillrequested by some at the end of the celebration! The tea was excellent, and those attending had a very enjoyable time. Their laughter could be heard throughout the hotel! The July Inner Wheel meeting was held at Diella’s Restaurant in Seaford. Immediate past Presidents Eileen and Patricia thanked members for their support during the year and especially their help for raising an impressive amount of money for St Wilfrid’s Hospice –the President’s charity. Dr Mary Morris was presented with the President’s Collar and President’s Bars, and wished well for her new year of Presidency. This will be her second time as President, as she also presided in 2014/15. Mary then thanked Eileen and Patricia for their year in Office and presented them with gifts from club Seafordmembers.InnerWheel looks forward to another year of social activities within the club, as well as those in the surrounding District associations and helping to raise money for various charities.
Photos: Dr Mary Morris being presented with the President’s Collar and President’s Bars by Past President Eileen Lynch; Members enjoy afternoon tea at the Hydro Hotel.
To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email PAINTLADYPERFECT PAINTER & DECORATOR 01323 490516 07873 wellss51@talktalk.net307689 Painting & Wallpapering Kitchen cabinet renovation Furniture painting & Affordable.Designupcycling&colourschemeadviceProfessional.Reliable. Contact Sara for a free quote or consultation A DECORATINGWKSERVICES Quality andy.keith@sky.comRealisticWorkmanshipPricesAndyKeith0132350221107801860789 INNER WHEEL CLUB OF SEAFORD

108 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers MB Services 07896 187443 Handyman service. All tasks considered

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 109 Amethyst Plumbing & Heating Services A Quality Job - On Time Every Time 24 Hour Emergency (no call out charge) Approved plumber, work guaranteed & fully insured Fixed agreed price to your budget Bathrooms, Kitchens, basins, sinks, & radiators Leaks, blockages & overflows. All those jobs you mean to get done Wall and floor tiling carried out Part P electrical work carried out & certified Approved Sure Stop water switch installer. For prompt reliable service please call: 08000 842781 or 07789583782 Keep me safe, you never know… For more information call Greg at Andy Anderson & Son Locksmiths 01323 899999/07973 129550 ARE YOU STRUGGLING TO LOCK YOUR UPVC DOOR? Try this simple 3 point test to see if your door needs adjusting before it breaks... With one hand... 1. Push the door closed 2. Lift the handle and let go 3. Turn the key If you can’t do the above easily and have to hold the handle or force the handle to turn the key, then you need to get your door adjusted before it breaks. The weight of the door on a badly adjusted locking mechanism will eventually break, usually in the locked position! Double Glazing Door & Lock Specialist UPVC Door Adjustment & Lock upgrades asBusinessusual,butfromasafedistance

when contacting advertisers Perameter Plumbing Gas and Plumbing Specialist Central Heating Installations Boiler Tel:FreeNoNoandNewLandlordBreakdowns/ServicingCertificatesBathroomsDesignedInstalledCallOutChargeJobtooBigorSmallEstimates 01323 872455 Mobile: 07809 427717 505301 General Plumbing Boiler Replacements Boiler Repairs / Servicing Gas Safety Certificates Gas Cooker / Hob Install Gas BathroomsPowerRadiatorUnderfloorEmergenciesHeatingReplacementsFlushing PAUL WILLIS P: 07789405885 | E: SEAFORDBASEDINNOCHARGEOUTCALL

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 111 219586 DEganGas Ser vices BOILER REPAIRS SERVICING & INSTALLATION GAS SAFETY CERTIFICATES HOME BUYERS REPORTS HEATING CONTROLS POWER FLUSHING GENERAL PLUMBING David Egan 01323 890327 • 07740 798662 CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED Chris PlumbingBeeney&Heating l Boiler Installations l Bathrooms l Maintenance l Power Flushing l Boiler Servicing l Gas Safety Certificates l Emergency Call Outs 01323 506567 07885 572015

112 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers l Approved Electrician l 20 years experience l Seaford based l Full or partial rewires l Consumer units l Test and Inspection l Fault finding l Installations l Indoor/outdoor lighting l No job too small l Free quotations

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At the end of July Seaford u3a membership forms were sent out to new members and those planning to renew their membership. The membership year started on 1st August and u3a events start in September with some of the old favourites and some new ideas. Membership is only £10 per year and represents excellent value. This month, the ever popular coffee morning will be on Wednesday 21st September from 10am until noon at the Con Club, Crouch Lane, Seaford. This is free to members and those intending to join – limited to two visits to the monthly coffee morning for non-members. Many who are becoming members for the first time experienced the coffee morning as their introduction to Seaford u3a and received a friendly welcome. There is no need to book – just come along. Between September 2022 and May 2023 there are 30 groups being run by Seaford u3a in members’ homes or in hired halls. Those in members’ homes quickly become full as they are small, usually only about 6 people, but those in halls can take more members. Subject groups range through art, music, history and languages to table games such as Scrabble and Bridge, and yet more. It is likely that more groups will be added as the membership year progresses, so those members who are unable to join a group of their choice now might well have a chance to do so later on. The ‘hall’ groups pay a small charge towards hire of the venue. These groups are not ‘taught’ in the conventional sense. They are led by a member as group leader who has an interest in the subject, sometimes because of a previous involvement in a professional capacity, but sometimes simply because of an interest in a subject. There is a strong focus on member-involvement with discussion and shared enjoyment, all part of the ‘learning together’ ethos of u3a. In addition members can attend talks on a wide variety of subjects by other members keen to share their hobbies, interests or know-how. These are held at the Downs Leisure Centre and run weekly from 1st September until March 2023. There is a small charge. Any member can attend without prior notice. Also at the Downs there are seasonal talks when an outside speaker will entertain members. The last one
Seaford u3a News in the previous series was given by Harry Venning, the cartoonist formerly from The Guardian newspaper, who with a few deft strokes on the drawing board made members laugh and admire his talent. For foodies the pub lunches will continue monthly at the White Lion, and the World Cuisine informal group will continue to explore the more exotic food offerings in the locality. There is a possibility of a meet-up for members interested in Cinema Outings, and there are also the very popular outings for members to places of interest. In September members will be taking a coach trip to Buckingham Palace. The AGM will take place on Thursday 13th October at the Downs for members only, followed by refreshments and a talk by an invited speaker. For more information about Seaford u3a see the website To find out about membership email, sending your postal address for a welcome pack.
Dave Geering 07971 geeringelectrical@gmail.com072115 Fuse Boards l Inspection Testing & Certification Full or Partial Rewire l Extra Sockets & Lights Telephone & Data l General Repairs l No job too small Certified Domestic Electrician ElectricalGeering OCTOBERTUESDAYDEADLINE:6thSEPT
Photo: Seaford u3a AGM.

114 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers Domestic, Commercial & Industrial Installations Tel: 01323 898373 Mob: 07788 983065 Mob: 07788 983065 EST. 1983 ALLCOTT-WELLS ELECTRICAL LTD E L E C T R I C A L E N G I N E E R S & C O N T R A C TO R S Website: Email: • New Installation & Rewires • Installation of Additional Lighting & Power Points • Installation of Additional Telephone & TV Points • Security Lighting & Intruder Alarm Installations • Home Buyer Reports • Inspection & Testing of Electrical Installations FREE ESTIMATES & ADVICE ALLCOTT-WELLS ADVERT:ALLCOTT-WELLS ADVERT 07/02/2013 09:58 Page 1

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 115 &contractorapprovedNICEICdomesticinstaller LOCALFullyELECTRICIANinsured Free quotation on all work All work undertaken no matter how small Reliable and fair pricing CRB checked 10% OAP Discount • Consumer unit upgrades • Heating controls specialist • Led lighting • Replacing lights • Full electrical tests • Fault finding • Rewires • Switches and sockets Call Justin 01273 028751 or 07793 westview.electrics@gmail.com185601 01323 398669 07846 772 FULL AND PARTIAL REWIRES INSTALLATION OF SOCKET S, SWITCHES, SMOKE DETECTORS CONSUMER UNITS/FUSEBOARDS INTERIOR, EXTERIOR & SECURITY LIGHTING INSPECTION AND TESTING OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS FREE ESTIMATES M HUGHES ELECTRICAL LTD TEL: 01323 895685 MOBILE: 07855 127805 Website: Email: VERY COMPETITIVE PRICES

116 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers Freephone: 0800 032 3255 Tel: 01323 402219 Mob: 07920 526703 OPEN SUNDAYS & BANK HOLIDAYS l OAP DISCOUNT l SAME DAY SERVICE 20% Discount with this advert l FREE ESTIMATE l LOCAL TO YOU l OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE WE WALL MOUNT SKY GLASS! We specialise in TV wall mounting We can beat anyone else’s price on a like for like basis WE FIT BIRD DETERANTS l WE FIT CCTV 1st rate aerials & satellites l Digital TV aerial upgrades and service l TV, DAB and FM aerials l Extra points l Communal systems l Aerial repairs l Satellite TV installs and service l SKY installs l Discreet fittings e.g. listed buildings, thatch roofs, flats l Gutters cleared also Handyman Services TELEVIEW Specialists in TV, Hi-Fi, Video, Satellite Repairs, Aerial Installations & Maintenance Contracts REPAIRS TO: FLAT SCREEN TV - LCD - PLASMA VIDEOS - SKY & FREESAT RECEIVERS. FREEVIEW AND FREESAT RECORDERS. FREE ESTIMATES. NEW TV etc SET UP: AERIAL & DISH REPAIRS AND AERIAL DISH INSTALLS. FREE ESTIMATES. EXTENSION POINTS TO ALL ROOMS FOR AERIAL - SATELLITE. We are a local, family-run business, established for 30 years, who really care about you the customer. Call TELEVIEW today on: 01273 514421 or 07500 061592 Email:

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 117 T V N OT W O R K I N G ? VIDEO, DVD, FREEVIEW, FREESAT, SKY, DIGITAL RECORDERS, VACUUM CLEANERS, MICROWAVES & MORE . . . 01323 899548 01323 890328 07969 509253 S E A F O R D TELEVISION Call7Out aDays week We ca n help! H ave yo u b e e n t o a b i g n a m e s t o re a n d b o u g h t s o m e t h i n g yo u c a n ’t u s e o r n e e d i n s t a l l e d ? J U S T C A L L U S : Ex Clear Vie w Ser vice & Installation Engineers Same guys, same friendly ser vice , over 46 years experience . SEAFORD TV advert:Layout 1 9/11/12 11:41 Page 101323 891642 07803 087175 RS Aerials are a Seaford company, and have been serving the people of Seaford and the surrounding areas for 20 years. With 30 years experience in the trade, we have good local knowledge of all the good and bad reception areas and can provide you with a solution for all your needs. We operate normal working hours but will fit around your needs, early, late or at weekends. l Free Advice /Free Estimates l 2 Year Guarantees l O A P Discounts l Same Day Service (when available) l Price Match Service l Only use quality parts l 10% Off with this advert We Take Pride In Our Work RS AERIALS OF SEAFORD l Digital upgrade/ installation l Dish replacements /installation l FREESAT + /FREEVIEW l non-standard installations l European /Arabic satellite systems l TV wall mounting l Tuning +installation of new equipment l Ethernet cat5e /cat 6 networking l Telephone points/ main point moving extra points l communal systems for flats l CCTV l Bird spikes AND OUR NEW SERVICE... l Gutter Clearance /repair/replacement

118 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers 07772 641 854 Call us today: 07772 641 854 We have been trading in Seaford and surrounding areas for over 15 years. With this experience, Technique Roofing can provide a solution to a number of different problems that you’re facing. Danny and the guys were great on site and very accommodating to the various needs of the job, no questions were ever left unanswered and never too much trouble. Would highly recommend them and use them on future projects. Roofing & Repairs GRP Fibre Glass Roofing Lead Work Fascias & Gutters FlatChimneysRoofing “ ”

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 119 07907 575119 • 01323 491309 UPVCFELT WORK ON A FLAT ROOF Roofing Repairs Fascia & Soffits Flat Roofs • Leadworks Dormer & Roof Windows We pride ourselves in offering a prompt, efficient service and are always conscious of our customers needs. We are also pleased to offer free estimates, offer a no call out fee policy & fully guarantee all of our work. We are a family run business of 38 Pleaseyears.feel free to contact us to discuss your individual needs and requirements, we are always happy to help. E: TILING SLATE TILES EVENDEN ROOFING Roofing Contractor Over 25 Years Experience Fully Insured, Free No obligation estimates, All types of roofing work undertaken including: Chimney Restoration * Emergency Call Outs * Flat Roofs Guttering * GRP Flat Roofing * Lead Work * Repairs Re Roofs * Shingles * Slating * Soffits & Facias * Tiling ** Conservatory Roof transformation also available ** Tel: 01323 871945 Mobile: 07843569812 Email:

Category 1 is a light tint, usually yellow, which allows 4380% of visible light through and is best for overcast days.
Sunglasses have two main purposes, to dim visible light, and to protect us from UV. In the UK, all sunglasses have to block at least 99% of UV. Counterintuitively the darkness of the tint does NOT relate to how much UV is blocked. Tints fall into five categories: Category 0 means no tint or a light tint, which allows 80-100% of visible light through.
120 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers
Email: Tel: 01273 710793 Deadline for the October issue is 6th September.
Category 3 is the most common for sunglasses. These tints are nearly all grey or brown and allow 8-18% of visible light through.
Louise Addison
Category 4 is a very dark tint, which allows just 3-8% of visible light through. These are ideal in mountains or desert conditions where the sun’s glare is intense.
If you have a category 3 lens at the darker end and a tinted windscreen be aware that this can tip you into category 4. At the time of writing the fine for driving in category 4 sunglasses at any time, or any sunglasses at night, is Polarised£2,500.sunglasses block the glare from water or wet roads. They are comfortable lenses to wear, and many people love the colour clarity associated with them. However, it is useful to note that they might impact how well you can see your Sat Nav or heads-up display (a transparent display in some new cars which presents data at windscreen level).
Advertise your business in SEAFORD SCENE magazine from just £29 per month! 8,000 FREE magazines are delivered and distributed across Seaford every month.
Did you know that autumn and spring are potentially as dangerous as summer for our sight? The sun is lower in the sky in the northern hemisphere so more likely to shine directly into our eyes. Good sun specs are essential, but which ones should you choose? And are more expensive ones better than cheap ones?
Because of the regulations surrounding sunglasses, price has little bearing on UV protection as long as you buy from a reputable outlet. More expensive might buy you designer style, better glare performance due to better quality lenses, and a better fit and finish, but not extra UV protection. The best way to make sure that your sunglasses comply with all regulations is to look for the CE mark, or the UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) mark, which replaces it from next year. So, indulge your inner rock star this autumn and sport a pair of fabulous sun specs. Your eyes will thank you.
Light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The visible part of the spectrum is small, but it’s the part that our eyes can detect. UV on the other hand is invisible to human eyes. It has a shorter wavelength and is higher energy, and this is why it causes damage. It can cause cataracts, macular degeneration and skin cancers which affect the eyelids and surrounding tissues.
Everything you need to know
Category 2 is a medium tint, which can be any colour and provides good glare protection. It allows 18-43% of visible light through.
The depth of a tint is personal preference but if sold as sunglasses they must still block 99% of UV. In the UK it is illegal to drive at night or twilight in all tints apart from a category 0 lens. In addition, it is illegal to drive in a category 4 tint, even during the day. Category 4 tints should be labelled clearly, with an appropriate warning.

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 121 Isyour conservatory unusable?? Then upgrade today!! High-tech•Precision-engineered•Insulatedsolid conservatoryroofpanels InsulatedSolidConservatory RoofPanels Completedinaround2to3days•40-yearrooftile guarantee•Highlyenergyefficient TiledReplacement ConservatoryRoofs Cheaper&fasterthanreplacing•Directlyoverglass andpolycarbonateroofs•25YearProductWarranty CorkSealSpraycork ConservatoryRoofCoatings New! CorkSolisoneof Plans in Seaford Domestic Drawing Services Plans prepared for extensions, loft conversions, garage conversions and structural alterations Survey and Advice Outline Plans Planning Applications Public Sewer Build Over Notices Building Notice Applications Party Wall Agreements Structural Calculations Detailing and Fabrication Drawings Prompt ,reliable service and quick turnaround, very reasonable fixed prices, free quotes given. We can also estimate the cost of your works and give a breakdown of labour/ materials. For your free initial consultation Contact Robert 07341060867 Email: PLANS DRAWN Prepared for all types of extensions, loft conversions, new build, residential and commercial. All necessary approvals obtained for you. Free Initial Consultation. Prompt reliable service. Contact Lee Watson 01323 Challinor411933HallLimited architectural design consultants ExtensionsArchitectandAlterations New Build Houses and Developments Listed Buildings and Conservation work Planning Applications Building Regulations Contract Management For free advice and initial site visit please contact: David Fry 07860-191198

122 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers • Block Paving • Tarmac • Tar Chip • Pea Beach • Slabs • Ground Work • Footings • Vehicle Crossovers BUY W ITHTRADING S TANDARDS APP R O VEDCONF I D ENCE Digger & Vehicle Hire incl. Transits, 7.5T / 18T Tippers • Rollers • Welfare Mobile Units - HSE-approved • JCB Beaver Guns • Bobcat Loading Shovel/ Planer/ Road Sweeper07855 274739 NeilCallFurminger Richley Contractors Builders and Carpentry Contractors Over 25 years’ experience • All work fully insured & guaranteed Free no obligation quotations 01273 682650 • • Extensions • Property refurbishments • Carpentry • Partial and full loft conversions • Aluminium and wooden loft ladders • Loft flooring and insulation • Roof windows Social distancing rules will apply and full PPE will be used on request and where possible

Fri 2nd – Sat 10th
To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 123 New ChimneyGardenExtensionsBuildsWallsFlintWallsPatiosBlockPavingRe-pointingArchwaysRestorationre-buildsSTEWART BRICKWORK CONSTRUCTION Mr. S. Rychlinski Bricklayer 07737 997384 Free Estimates 20 Years Experience STEWART BRICKWORK CONSTRUCTION Mr. S. Rychlinski Bricklayer 07737 997384 Free Estimates 20 Years Experience
Friday 2nd September Seahaven Hard of Hearing StClubJames’ Trust, 11 Blatchington Road 2pm Monthly social meeting. Visitors welcome. Transport available if required. Tel: 01323 895216. Email:
Fri 27th May – Mon 3rd October The Beacon Show Seaford Coastline Sussex www.wearescip.comonlineonincludingnightscoastline.runningpresentsIllustratorsContemporary&PrintmakersapublicartstrailalongSeaford’sGuidedtours,lectureandfreeworkshopsdrawingonthebeachSaturday30thJuly.Seefordetails.
Seaford Community BarnCinemaTheatre, Saxon Lane 7.30pm The Duke (12). Tickets online or from Seaford Tourist Information wwwseafordcinema.orgCentre.
Sat 3rd - Sun 18th Artwave Festival Various Open Houses Artwave is the annual festival of artists and makers from Lewes, Seaford, Newhaven and the surrounding villages. Follow the trails and enjoy the diverse range of work including jewellery, painting, sculpture, printmaking, textiles, ceramics, metalwork and www.artwavefestival.orgphotography. continued...
The SteyneSeafordNightingalesLittleTheatre,Road 7.45pm (Fri 2nd, Mon 5th-Sat 10th), 2.30pm (Sat 3rd only) Tickets £9 tiered, £8 level. Available from Seaford Tourist Information Centre, 37 Church St, or
What’s On in September?
SeafordHeartseaseBaptist Church Church, Belgrave Road 2.30pm A group for bereaved people, and anyone who’s alone and would enjoy some social interaction. Includes speakers, entertainment etc and refreshments. For further information contact John and Jill Hughes, tel: 01323 898678.
Sat 27th Aug – Mon 26th September Uno22: Nine Gallery Uno, 14 High Street 10am - 4pm (Mon - Sat), 12 noon - 3pm (Sun & Bank holiday Mon), closed Weds 31st Aug & Weds 21st Sept An extra-special kaleidoscopic selection of art and craft for Artwave 22. Email:

Tuesday 6th Seaford Natural History SeafordSociety Head 7am & 10am Bird watching. Meet at South Hill Barn car park, TV 50450 98065. Nonmembers £3. Check online for changes before setting out. Membership enquiries, email:
Sunday 4th Boot, Craft & Produce Fair Martello Fields (West) 7.30am (stallholders), 9am - 1pm (public) Low pitch fee, free car parking, refreshments
Wednesday 10th Thurs 8th – Sat 17th Agatha Christie’s The Mirror DevonshireCrack’dPark Theatre, 8-10 Compton Street, Eastbourne 7.45pm (Tues-Sat), 2.30pm (Weds & Sat) Tel: 01323
Walk & Talk at the Downs The Downs Leisure Centre, Sutton Road 10am Drop in and find out about the Growing Project, a community garden and orchard being planned at the Downs. Seaford Head Probus Club Seaford Golf Club, Firle Road 12.30pm Lunch and guest speaker. For further information, please contact Mike by phone or email. Tel: 01323 894893 Email:
Seaford Sessions: The Paul McKenna Band Seaford Little Theatre, Steyne Road 7.30pm Dynamic variety of original and traditional material from the highly-rated Scottish folk band. Tickets £15, available from Seaford Tourist Information Centre, 37 Church St, or www.seafordsessions.orgonline.
Seaford Stamp & Postcard Club Seaford Constitutional Club, Crouch Lane 7.15pm for 7.30pm Members’ meeting on S, T & U. All stamp and postcard collectors welcome. Tel: 01323
sussex No real dogs please, we practise on dummy dogs.
Sunday 18th Seven Sisters Lace Society WI Hall, Claremont Road 10am - 4pm A small, friendly group who meet on the 3rd Sunday of alternate months, primarily making bobbin lace but other types catered for. Beginners welcome, tuition provided. Tel: Sue Brooks 07941 327409.
Friday 16th Hearing Maintenance,Aid Batteries and Hearing Loss Advice St James’ Trust, 11 Blatchington Road BN25 2AB 10am - 12 noon Come and meet your local friendly team from East Sussex Hearing. Bring your brown NHS record book. 01323 722505
Sat 3rd – Sun 25th Newhaven Festival Newhaven Diverse lineup of performances, walks and talks, throughout the town, its industrial edgelands and the landscape beyond. Full programme online or in tourist offices.
Friday 9th Seaford Community BarnCinemaTheatre, Saxon Lane 7.30pm Ali & Ava (15). Tickets online or from Seaford Tourist Information wwwseafordcinema.orgCentre.
Sat 10th - Sun 11th Open Day 2022 Robinson House Studio, Unit E1 & E2, Eastside Business Park, Beach Road, Newhaven 9.30am - 4.30pm Fine furniture and woodworking school open as part of Artwave Festival.
Tuesday 13th The Probus Club of SeafordSeafordGolf Club, Firle Road 12 noon for 12.45pm Members meet for a chat, a two-course meal and a speaker. For further details, please contact the Secretary, Gavin. Tel: 01323 893760.
Thursday 15th Seaford Afternoon Flower Club Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road 1.30 - 3.30pm Pavé workshop. Competition ‘Autumn Harvest’. Membership £45 per year, visitors £7.50 on the door. Tel: Mary 01323 893899 or Sue 01323 894848.
Saturday 17th Lunchtime Concert St Leonard’s Church, Church St 1pm Mehreen Shah, soprano. Free entry with a retiring collection. Corelli Ensemble South Hill Barn, Seaford 6.30pm Part of Celebrate Cuckmere Haven, in support of Seaford for Ukraine. ‘An English Idyll’, featuring works by Warlock, Vaughan Williams, Rutter, Jenkins and Holst, with violinist Maeve Jenkinson. Tickets £15 adult/£5 co.ukwww.celebratecuckmerehaven.child.
Celebrate Cuckmere SouthHavenHill Barn, Seaford 11am - 5pm (Weds-Sun) Exhibition showcasing works inspired by the Seven Sisters cliffs and the Cuckmere Valley. Over 70 artists and 90 works, as part of Artwave Festival. Daily demonstrations, and evening events including talks and music. Refreshments available. Free co.ukwww.celebratecuckmerehaven.entry. Sussex Designers and CryptMakersGallery, 23 Church St 9.30am - 5.30pm Showcase of work by graphic artists, designers and www.thecryptgallery.commakers.
124 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers
Michael & Pippa Logan’s Mini Garden Party 11 Links Road 11am - 4pm Back by popular demand! Cakes and drinks, ploughman’s lunches, Seaford Silver Band, tombola, raffle and lucky dip. All proceeds to charity. Dog First Aid Training St Peter’s Church Hall 1.30pm - 5.30pm Training covering first aid. CPD accredited. £55 per person, booking in advance to: kathy.
Wednesday 14th A Day of Peace and Relaxation through Yoga and SeafordSoundConstitutional Club, Crouch Lane 10am - 4.30pm Gentle, invigorating yoga, meditation and chanting with Rosie Waters of Seahaven Yoga. Raising funds for the Youth Counselling Project. £40 including lunch. To book, tel: 01323 892638 or 07983 622840 Email: btinternet.comseahavenyoga@ Splash Point Jazz The View, Seaford Head Golf Club, BN25 4JS 7pm The Neal Richardson Trio with Jane Tuff (tenor sax). Tickets £15, on the door or at
Denton Island Community Centre, Newhaven 3rd Saturday of the month 10am - 3.30pm A friendly group for lacemaking in all its forms. We welcome anyone with an interest in tatting, crochet, knitting or cross-stitch. Bring your own lunch and a mug for tea or coffee. Beginners welcome, first visit free. Tel: Gail Ball 01323 730552.
Give Street Project DropOff DdentonDay Island Community Centre, Newhaven BN9 9BA 10am - 2pm We are collecting food, hygiene products and certain items of new/very good condition clothing to help people and pets experiencing homelessness and food
To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 125
Seaford Evening Flower
Evenings and weekends from autumn Beginners and experienced carvers, turners and wood workers of every kind are welcome to our fully-equipped Tel:workshop.Joe07768 331038 Email:
Friday 23rd Back 2 the Beats Dance PartyDenton Island Bowls Club, Enterprise Centre, Denton Island, Newhaven 7.30pm - 12 midnight All your favourite floor-fillers from the 70s, 80s and 90s. Tickets£10.
The Downs Leisure Centre, Sutton Road Fridays 2pm - 4pm New members always welcome, although we currently have a waiting list. Please note, not suitable for beginners. Further details and a contact form are available on our website: seafordartclub.weebly.comwww.
Email: yahoo.comamandazoejewellery@ Knit and Craft Chyngton Methodist Church, Millberg Rd, Seaford Thursdays 2pm - 4pm For more details please phone Viola on 01323 890271.
Tuesday 27th Seaford Horticultural StSocietyLuke’s Church, Walmer Rd 7pm Members social evening. Mercy Morris on house plants.
Seaford Art Club
Mon, Tues & Weds 10.15am - 1.15pm £240 per term. Beginners, intermediate and advanced students welcome: Tel Amanda: 01323 873313.
What’s On Weekly?Saturday24th
Meridian Lacemakers
Repair Café Seaford Mercread Centre, Mercread Rd 12 noon Community lunch 1pm - 3.30pm Bring your broken items from home for repair with the help of specialist volunteers. Tea, coffee and cake while you wait for your item to be
Wednesday 21st Seaford U3A Coffee ConstitutionalMorning Club, Crouch Ln 10am - 12 noon Free entry. Open to members and non-members. No need to book.
SeafordScallywagsBaptist Church, Belgrave Road Fridays in term-time 9.30am-11am Established playgroup for whole pre-school age. Toys, games, songs, refreshments. £1 per parent/carer. Staffed by DBS volunteers. Just turn up! 2CommonStreetfunkRoom,OldTreeParade Wednesdays 4pm-5pm (Beginners, 6-8 5pmyrs),-6pm (Intermediate, 9-13 yrs) Streetdance and Hip Hop dance classes. Email: info@
Various dates from 26th July – 16th August There are lots of fun activities for children at Seaford Library this summer including animation workshops, crafts, games and more!
Tuesday 20th Seaford Natural History GaylesSocietyFarm 10am Meet at Crowlink car park, TV 54984 97881. Membership enquiries, email:
Pottery BrasspointWorkshopSchoolof Visual Arts, 84 Sutton Road Mon: 6pm - 8pm and Thurs: 10am - 12 noon Classes suitable for complete beginners, as well as those looking to develop their skills. 12-week www.brasspointsva.comcourse.
Open Church Café St Leonard’s Church, Church St 10am - 12.30pm Free refreshments, craft for kids. All
Seaford Afternoon Flower Club Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road 3rd Thursday of the month (except Jan) 1.30pm - 3.30pm Membership £45 per year, visitors £7.50. Tel: Mary 01323 893899 or Sue 01323 894848.
TheClubFlint Barn (Downs 60+ Club), Sutton Corner, Seaford First Thursday of the month (except August) 7pm New members very welcome. Tel: 01323 896567.
Drawing Workshops Paradise Park, Avis Rd, Newhaven BN9 0DH Last Monday of the month 10am - 12 noon £15 per session. Contact Lesley Harvey: 07722 236741. East Sussex Moviemakers St Luke’s Church, Rattle Road, Stone Cross 1st and 3rd Weds of the month, 7pm - 9pm A friendly club with members assisting those new to film making. Anyone with an interest in watching quality amateur films or helping with the tasks in film making is welcome to join.
Jewellery & Creative Metal SeafordClasses
Seaford Photographic SeafordSociety Constitutional Club, Crouch Lane, Seaford BN25 1PU Fridays 7pm for 7.45pm Friendly club for all age groups and abilities. Chat about photography, lectures, talks and competitions. www.seafordps.orgVisit and get in touch via the ‘contact’ button. Wood HillcrestCreativesCentre,Bay Vue Road, Newhaven Mon, Weds & Thurs 9.30am - 3.30pm
Linocut Printmaking Hillcrest Centre, Bay Vue Road, Newhaven Fridays 2pm - 4pm (from 8th October) All equipment provided. Beginners welcome. £10 per session. To book a place, tel: Sally Jennings 07876 666784. Email:
For details, tel Val MacManus: 07590 904778. eastsussexmoviemakers.orgwww.
Arts and Crafts
East Dean Village Market East Dean Village Hall, BN20 0DJ Wednesdays, 10am - 1pm Craft, artisan, food and more stalls, outside and inside. Free parking. For info,
Blue Van SeafordBreakfastVeterans’ClubTownFootball Club, The Crouch, Bramber Lane BN25 1TL Second Sunday of the month 9am - 11am Cooked breakfast, tea, coffee and soft drinks. £6 per head. WWII veterans free. Tel: 07754 147778 or 01323 890211. email:
National Trust Seaford Association (NTSA) Seaford Constitutional Club, Crouch Lane Third Wednesday of the month 2.30pm Talks from Oct to March (no meeting in December), outings from spring to autumn, plus other social and fundraising events. New members (including non-NT members) welcome. For further info tel: 07989 077079, Newhaven, Peacehaven & Seaford Lions Club For more information visit or
Assistance for those bereaved by suicide. Support is faceto-face, via the telephone or Zoom. Also support groups meeting others who have been through similar experiences. Contact 07542 305419 or email
For more information
Martello Rotary Seaford
First Wednesday of the month, 1.30 - 3.30pm Craft & Chat. Second Wednesday of the month, 2pm Main meeting. Third Wednesday of the month, 2pm Master Class. Fourth Wednesday of the month, 1 - 2pm Walking group. Email: gmail.comseafordwisecretary@
126 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers
Sutton Barn Community OldClubFlint Barn, Sutton Corner Daily, 9am - 4pm For ages 40+. 12-month membership includes free activities. (Formerly Downs 60+ Club.) Tel: 07813 071590 Email: jamsuttonbarn@gmail. com Trees for Seaford For more information visit: Waves Family Support 8 Church Street Tues - Thurs 9.30am - 12.30pm Weekly drop-in for parents and children 0-4 years. Tues: toys and craft activities; Weds: sensory play; Thurs: play. Tel: 01323
Reading Friends Seaford Library, 15-17 Sutton Park Road Thursday: 11.30am - 12.30pm Weekly drop-in for friendship, stories and activities around books and reading. Tel: 0345 6080 196.
Seaford Stroke & Caring StClubJames’ Trust, 11 Blatchington Road
Seaford u3a Coffee
Alternate Mondays A friendly club for those who have suffered a stroke or are otherwise physically impaired. Companions welcome. Light entertainment, talks, bingo and tea and cakes. Tel Jeff: 01323 jeffreyinnis@btinternet.com894060
Tel: 01323 Seaford Rotary New members welcome. For more information contact via:
Just Friends
Sutton Barn Club (previously 60+ Club), Old Flint Barn, Sutton Corner Tues: 10am (new term starts 6th Sept) Sign language is also included in the lessons. £5 per week. Phone Jayne on 01323 655957 or email: enya1.marsh@gmail. com
Seaford Museum and Heritage Society The Esplanade, Seaford Sat and Sun 11am - 4pm, Weds 2 - 4pm We welcome visitors to our Tardis-like Museum displaying history from the Stone Age to the present day.
Seaford Women’s Institute Claremont Hall, Brooklyn Rd
For more information Network.orcontact@greenhavens.networkemail:Facebook:Greenhavens
SeafordMorningConstitutional Club, Crouch Lane. BN25 1PU Third Wednesday of the month 10am - 12pm Open to members and non-members. Coffee and nibbles £2. Just come along. Email: For membership visit:
Greenhavens Network
The Newhaven Day Club, West Quay, Newhaven 1st & 3rd Monday of the month 10am - 12 noon, 2nd Mon walking group, 4th Mon lunch group Weekly and monthly social meetings including coffee mornings, walking groups, steam train excursions, heritage sites, tea parties, wine tasting and lunches. Tel: 01323 725882
Seahaven Afternoon Trefoil Guild St Thomas More Church Hall, Sutton Park Road First Tuesday of the month, 1.45-3.45pm Part of Girlguiding UK. New members welcome. Tel: 01323 894454.
BN25ClintonCrossCommunityWayChurchPlace,Seaford1NP Sundays, 10.30am Everyone welcome to join in worship on Sundays. Tel: 01323 894687 Email: www.crosswaychurchseaford.orgwaychurchseaford@gmail.comcross
Seaford u3a For more information about Seaford u3a visit:
Lip Reading Classes
Royal Antediluvian Order of RAFABuffaloesClub,Wish Road, Eastbourne Third Thursday of the month 8pm Pride of Eastbourne lodge monthly meeting. Tel: Lawrence Steer 07369 254437. lawrence1860@gmail.comEmail: Seaford Bridge Club St Thomas More Church Hall, 54 Sutton Road Mon: 1.30pm - 4.30pm Weds: 6.30pm - 9.30pm Online Fri: 7pm - 9.30pm For more details or to arrange a visit, contact John Gillespie, Club Secretary, tel: 01323 893626, email: gillespiejohn6@, or Pam Pelling, Chair, tel: 07834 833561, email:
Seahaven Hard of Hearing Club St James’ Trust, 11 Blatchington Road BN25 2AB First Friday of the month, 2 - 4pm Guest speakers and other activities, tea, biscuits, raffle. New members always welcome.Tel: 01323 895216 or email:
Various days/times Children’s music workshops, dance, drumming, art and song workshops for all ages. For more details visit: seaford-choral-society.comwww.
Seaford Silver Band Seaford Head School, Steyne Rd Wednesdays 8pm - 10pm New members welcome, all levels of music. Tel: 07909
Friends of Tide Mills
Tide Mills near Seaford and Bishopstone Third Sunday of the month 9am - 11am Meet at beach end of old village road. Help us care for this special place. brianjimskinner@gmail.comEmail: Indoor Craft & Gift Market
The Group Social Group John Harvey Tavern, Bear Yard, Cliff High Street, Lewes Fourth Thursday of the month, 7pm A social group for unattached men and women over 55 years old. www.thegroup. ConcentusMusic Choir Willingdon Community School, Broad Road, Eastbourne BN20 9QX Mondays 7.15pm No need to read music to join this friendly choir – regularly sings in Seaford. Tel: 07920 430162 or 07789 www.concentus-sings.com343514.
Seaford Handbell Ringers
Seaford Sings Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road Thurs 7.30pm - 9pm Come and sing a huge range of music, no audition necessary. Have fun and raise money for Cancer Research UK. For information, contact Martin: Tel: 07925 548217 Email:
Beautiful Yoga with Kelly ClintonBurnsCentre, Clinton Place Weds 6.30 - 9.30pm St James’ Trust Community Centre, 11 Blatchington Road Fridays 9.30 - 10.30am Full library of recorded classes available to do in your own home. A blend of flowing and still postures to build strength and flexibility. All abilities welcome. Tel: 07828 829965. Email: contactkellyburns@gmail. com continued...
St James’ Trust, 11 Blatchington Road
Sutton Barn Choir Old Flint Barn, Sutton Corner Wednesdays 10.30am - 11.30am Singers over 40 years age welcome. Pop music 1920s to present day. No need to read music. Membership included in annual Sutton Barn Community Club fee. Tel: 01323 899778 Facebook: Sutton Barn Choir
The waiting list for allotments is closed at present. Seaford Baptist Church Belgrave Rd BN25 2EE Sundays 10.30am Please join us for our service, also available on YouTube. Tel 01323 896009 for updates on children’s Sunday morning activities. Seaford Beach Clean Martello Tower and The Buckle end of beach First Sunday of the month Gloves, bags and litter pickers provided, BYO bucket. Accompanied children and dogs welcome. plasticfreeseaford@gmail.comEmail: Seaford Community CrouchGardenGardens
Seaford Musicians
Seaford NWR (National Women’s Register) Members’ homes and out and about Various days For women who are interested in everything and talk about anything. Details at or email us at: btinternet.comnwrmemberseaford@
Tuesdays 10am One-hour walk led by trained community volunteers. Free to join, no need to book.
To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 127
Seaford Allotments Sutton Drove, Seaford For more information, sec.seaford.allot@gmail.comcontact
Seaford Choral Society Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road Mondays 7.15pm For more details visit: seaford-choral-society.comwww.
Crossway Church (formerly the Clinton Centre) Thursdays 10am – 2pm Local crafts for sale plus café with affordable tea and cake. php?id=100057586182675
Lifesong Creative Arts SeafordClubLittle Theatre, Steyne Road
Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road Fridays 10am - 12 noon until 1st July, restarts 9th September Orchestra open to all instruments and all abilities, with enjoyment the keynote. £10 per term. For further details, email: pat@ or tel: 01323 897360.
Seaford Community Tea SeafordRoomOld Town Hall, Church Street Mon - Sat 10am - 1pm New customers welcome to enjoy tea, coffee and cake. We are now open until 1pm on Saturday.
next to the Peace Garden Weds 9.30am - 12.30pm Sat 10am - 12 noon (July to Sept only) Garden open, plants and produce for sale. All
Beachy Head Ramblers Local area Mostly Wednesdays or Sundays Make new friends and get plenty of exercise. We also have regular social events, walking holidays and weekends away. Email: www.beachyheadramblers.combeachyheadramblers.comadmin@
Singing for Fun Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road Weds 11am - 12 noon Thurs 7pm - 8pm For adults of all ages and abilities. No need to read music. £6 on the door. Tel: 01323 365495 or 07799 818590. Email:
Seaford Environmental ClimateAllianceHub, 4 Clinton Place Climate Hub: 9am - 12 noon (Thurs, Fri), 10am - 1pm (Sat) SEA is working to tackle the climate and ecological emergency. The SEA Community Fridge operates from the Hub to pass on surplus food and reduce food waste. Email: hello@seafuture. org
Wednesdays 10am - 12 noon For more details tel Margaret Hopkins: 01323 325305. New members very welcome. Wednesdays 1.30pm – 3.30pm For more details tel Jo Tigg 01323 893878. New members very welcome.
Seaford Town Market Church Street Second & fourth Saturday of the month 10am - 3pm Local foods, producers, makers, crafts, artisan and much more. Email: yahoo.commirandamarket73@ St Leonard’s & St Luke’s St Leonard’s, Church St; St Luke’s, Walmer Rd For details of all our services and events, please visit our
Seaford Tennis Club Belgrave Rd BN25 2HE Play from 8am - 10pm New member offer, 3 months for only £50! Get fit and play tennis at Seaford Tennis Club. We welcome players of any ability and age. Sign up www.seafordtennis.comat
By appointment
Seaford Traditional Folk Dance Group St Peter’s Church Hall, Belgrave Road Wednesdays 10.15am - 12.15pm Gentle exercise for body, mind and chuckle muscles. Visitors/ new members welcome. £4 per week. Contact Nid Barnes: 01323 897315.
128 Bishopstone Table Tennis ClubBishopstone Village Hall, behind St Andrew’s Church, Bishopstone Rd, Bishopstone Mon & Fri: 7.30pm A friendly group pleased to welcome new members. The emphasis is mainly social, although we do enter two teams in the Eastbourne League in winter. Tel: David 01323 891534. Crouch Bowling Club Crouch Gardens, East Street A friendly bowls club open to all age groups. Bowling outdoors April to September, free coaching available. Indoor short mat bowls and skittles between October and April. Social events throughout the year. Tel: 07736 750126 Email:
ClaremontFreeflowyogaHall, Brooklyn Rd Mon 6.30pm - 7.45pm Weds 10am - 11.30am, 7.30pm - 8.45pm Bishopstone Village Hall Thurs 7pm - 8pm Gentle hatha yoga. Suitable for all ages and abilities. Tel: 07515 961327 Theresesaunders7@aol.comEmail:
Exercise Classes
Sevalight Hatha Yoga & Relaxation Class St James’ Trust, Blatchington Rd Tuesdays 10am Bishopstone Village Tuesdays 6.30pm Small group yoga classes for all abilities. Deeply relaxing and healing. Tel: Susannah 07862 263869. Email: www.breathing-spaces.combreathing-spaces.comsusannah@
Southern Stomp Line Dance Club Church Hall, Bramber Avenue, Peacehaven Monday 10am - 12 noon Good Intermediate 12.15 - 1.30pm Good beginners Wednesday 10am - 12 noon Improver/Intermediate 12.15 - 1.30pm Absolute beginners Telscombe Hall, Tyedean Road, Telscombe Cliffs Tuesday 7.15 - 8.45pm Improver Plus Tel Joy: 01273 www.southernstomp.com587714. Tai Chi & Kung Fu Mercread Youth Centre Mercread Rd, Seaford Tues 5.50 - 7pm Family Kung Fu £6 adults, £4 Children Tues 7 - 8pm Tai Chi £7 per class or £10 both classes Thurs 12 - 1pm Tai Chi £8 drop in, £7 if paying monthly. Instructor Audra Marshall. Tel: 07971 296698 audramarshall@icloud.comEmail:
Rides for MTB and road riders of all levels of fitness and experience. For more information
Mercread Youth Centre, Mercread Rd, Seaford Tues & Thurs 10am High energy dance-style class with music from Bollywood to ballroom. Tel: 07786 johnlouisecave@gmail.com425758.
Seven Sisters Pool Seaford 61 Chyngton Road Mon mornings Water Babies. Sessions for babies/under school-age children with Michelle. Mon 6pm - 8pm & Thurs 1.30pm - 3.30pm SLK Aqua Yoga. Gentle water exercise in 40-minute
The Chapel Rooms, St Peter’s Church, Belgrave Rd BN25 2HE Tuesdays 10.30am, Thursdays 7pm Seaford Constitutional Club, Crouch Lane. BN25 1PU Saturdays 10am Tel/text: 07983 622840. seahavenyoga@btinternet.comEmail:
Facebook/Freeflowyoga Gold Exercise Classes
Seaford Striders Running Club Monday: 7.30pm - 8.30pm Lewes Track. Wednesday: 6.30pm onwards Main club night, start times/ locations vary for different ability groups. A friendly, supportive running club for all running abilities. Email: info@
Cycle VariousSeahavenlocations
Pilates & Yoga with Karen Hall Cross Way Church/Clinton Centre, Clinton Place Mon 6pm-7pm Restorative pilates for back care and managing pain conditions 7.15 - 8.30pm Yoga Inspired Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road Weds 9.30am - 10.30am Pilates for Every Body 11am - 12 noon Chairbased Pilates Dance Studio, Seaford Head School, Arundel Road Thursdays 6.30pm - 7.30pm Pilates for Every Body
Personal tuition and reformer. Tel: 07944 785520. Pumped Join our fun, affordable, sweaty classes today. Facebook: Pumped Bootcamps, Instagram: pumpedbootcamp Seaford Bowling Club Chichester Road BN25 2DT New members welcome to our friendly and inclusive club. Open all year with bowling from April to September and short mat and social activities in the winter. Tel 01323 899845 or 07710 546223. Email:
Seahaven Yoga
Yin Yoga with Jacqui St James’ Trust, Blatchington Rd, Seaford and online Thurs 9.30am - 10.45am In person and online. Small in person class, booking essential. Email: jacqui.johnston@hotmail. Tel: 07816 154644.
Tues - Sat mornings Baby Swimming Squidz. Baby/toddler swimming with Tara. Tel: 07941 651150
Mercread Youth Centre, Mercread Rd Tues & Thurs 2pm Church Hall, Bramber Ave, Peacehaven Weds 2.30pm Fun, friendly, less energetic dance-style class for all ages, music from ’60s and ’70s. Tel: 07786 johnlouisecave@gmail.com425758. Guided Meditations for SeafordWellbeing Mon 10.30am - 12 noon Tues 7pm - 8.30pm Relaxing and restoring your body and mind. Also available: 1 to 1 meditation, Reiki, Indian head massage. Tel Ann: 07989 294445. In Balance Online – Thurs 10am - 11.15am WI Claremont Hall, Brooklyn Road Fri 10am - 11.15am All abilities/ages welcome. Hatha yoga classes connecting the breath with movement for a mindful practice. Private 1 to 1 yoga and massage. Tel: 07444 549859. inbalancesussex@gmail.comEmail: Newhaven Gig Rowing Club Newhaven Marina, Yacht Harbour BN9 9BY NGRC is a charity rowing club inclusive to all from the ages of 11 to 75+. If you are interested in learning to row please visit https:// for more info. NGRC ask that a health questionnaire is completed in advance for safety reasons. Your maiden voyage session is approx. 90 mins. Only £5. Each row after is then £3. For more information
40 Seaford All Seasons
Paint Perfect 107 Peter Vulovic Handyman Services 104 S R Davis & Sons 106 Paving/Pointing/Stone Work Horizon Landscapes 31/43 N F Construction & Driveways 122 Seaford Driveways 29 Stewart Brickwork 123 To The Point 123 Pest Control R S Aerials of Seaford 46 Pets, Supplies & Services Benwick Kennels & Cattery 54 Cats Protection 55 Patter Paws 54 Vets2Home 53 Plastering Builders Club 130/131 Jai Scudder Ltd 111 JDC’s Handyman & Decorating 104 Plumbing Services see Gas Property Management Sanders
29 Gas/Heating/Plumbing Amethyst
Elite Anglo Chinese Services 27 Accountants & Bookkeeping Mad About Tax 66 Shoreline Accountants 65 Swindells Chartered Accountants 12 Tasker Osman & Co 62 Arborist/Tree Surgeon Greenhaven Gardens 30 Hollywood Tree Surgery Ltd 41 R W Green Ltd 40 Sussex Treefella Ltd 41 The Green Escape Gardening 36 Tree Wizard 39 Architects Challinor Hall Ltd 121 David Fry – Architect 121 Plans in Seaford 121 Arts/Crafts/Exhibitions
Artwave 17 Celebrate Cuckmere 19 Gallery Uno 21 Lesley Harvey 24 Robinson House Studio 18 The Seaford Art Trail 17 Supplies/FittingBathroom/Bedroom/
Chris Beeney Plumbing & Heating 111 Chris Dowling Heating & Plumbing 110 D Egan Gas Services 111 Jai Scudder Ltd 111 M B Services 108 N M Plumbing & Heating Ltd 108 Perameter Plumbing 110 Willis Heating Ltd 110 Gifts/Gift Shops Mays Emporium 34 Re-Inflatables 10 Room 103 Glazing/Windows Just Like New 103 SRC Double Glazing & Repairs 5 Sussex Trade Windows 13 Sussex Windows and Doors 2 Hairdressers/Barbers Pelham Barbers 76 Short Cuts 76 Handy Person Services 1st Rate Handyman Services 116 Handy Manda 104 JDC’s Handyman & Decorating 104 Maiden Maintenance 104 Peter Vulovic Handyman Services 104 Health & Wellbeing Acorn Chiropody & Podiatry 80 Chiropodist/Podiatrist - Rita 83 Helping You Find Your Way 78 Lynne Mendelsohn Counsellor 79 Mobile Foot Practitioner 83 Seaford Podiatry & Chiropody 80 Seaford Tapping & Reiki 82 Sussex Eyecare 83 Sussex Podiatrists 81 Home Help/Care Andrew White 52 Angel Approved 49 Chores & More 16 Ironing Service Chores & More 16 Jewellers Marks 72 Kitchen InstallationDesign/Supply/ A S Home Refurbishments 93 Builders Club 130/131 Claremont Interiors 92 Howdens 91 STC 97 Libraries East Sussex Libraries 26 Locksmiths & Supplies Andy Anderson & Son 45/109 Lee’s Locks 4 Markets/Events Newhaven Festival 21 Mobility Aids Clearwell Mobility 48 MP’s Surgery Maria Caulfield MP 26 Museums/Galleries Gallery Uno 21 Seaford Museum 27 Music Maeve Jenkinson – Violin Teacher 23 Neal Richardson’s Splash Point Jazz 14 Piano Lessons 2 Singing for Fun 25 Opticians Sussex Eyecare 83 Painters/Decorating Adam Burgess Painter/Decorator 106 AWK Decorating Services 107 Builders Club 130/131 Brush Strokes Ltd 106 JDC’s Handyman & Decorating 104 Maiden Maintenance 104 M B Services 108 Property Management 61 Recycling/Waste Removal Greenacre Recycling 42 Horizon Landscapes 43 Suttons Groundcare 34 Removals & Storage Britannia Beckwith 61/65 R Ranger Removals & Storage 60 S J Hampton 60 Houses/Take-Aways*/FoodRestaurants/Café/Public La Squadra della Pizza* 87 Ollivers Restaurant 89 The Viceroy* 87 The View 88 Roofing Services Evenden Roofing 119 More Space Solutions 121 Robert Martin Roofing Services 119 Technique Roofing 118 Security Systems SAS 44 Slimming/Weight Loss Slimming World 79 Solar Installation Newton Electrical 115 Solicitors Barwells 64 Mayo Wynne Baxter 63 Sport, Dance & Exercise Gingerfit 85 Seahaven Yoga 84 Stationery Kardelicious 19 Storage Britannia Beckwith Self Storage 65 Tattoo Removal Absolute Beauty 76 Taxis/Chauffeur Service Just Travel Sussex 89 Kingfisher Chauffeur Services 89 Martello Taxis 89 Tiles & Tiling Services Jai Scudder Ltd 111 Maiden Maintenance 104 Peter Vulovic Handyman Services 104 P F Tiling 96 Theatres Seaford Little Theatre 24 Travel Agents Experience it Now 57 Go Cruise & Travel 56 TV/Satellite Services 1st Rate Aerials & Satellites 116 R S Aerials of Seaford 117 Seaford Television 117 Teleview 116 Upholstery Room 103 Wanted Items Create Records 75 Pre-loved, Un-used Hi-fi 75 Will Writing Services Mayo Wynne Baxter 63 Penrose Wills 9 Window Cleaning 555 Window Cleaning 47
36 Suttons Groundcare 34 The Green
129To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email
A S Home Refurbishments 93 JDC’s Handyman & Decorating 104 Richley Contractors 122 Car Sales/Repairs/Services Solo ABC 45 Charities The Youth Counselling ProjectSeahaven Yoga 84 Cleaning Services 555 Window Cleaning 47 Chores & More 16 Excel Carpet Care 47 JDC’s Handyman & Decorating 104 M B Services 108 Oven Gleamers 47 Seaford Gutter & Roof Cleaning 46 Clock Restoration R Edwards Clock Restoration 73 Clubs & Organisations Beachy Head Ramblers 25 Neighbourhood Watch Assoc. 70/71 Seaford Rotary 23 Seaford Stroke & Caring Club 25 Computer Supplies/Services SBG Computers 66 Conservatories Sussex Trade Windows 13 Sussex Windows and Doors 2 More Space Solutions 121 Courses & Tuition Drawing Workshops 24 A Level Maths & Chemistry Tuition 23 Maeve Jenkinson – Violin Teacher 23 Piano Lessons – Coryn Roberts 23 Robinson House Studio 18 Joinery & Cabinet Making Classes 23 Curtains G F Sinclair Ltd 103 Room 103 Distilleries Harley House 86 Door Supplies G&N Garage Doors 99 South East Garage Doors 99 Sussex Windows and Doors 2 Electricians & Suppliers Allcott-Wells Electrical Ltd 114 Geering Electrical 113 Griffin Electrical 112 J Kirby Electrical Ltd 114 J K Pope & Sons Ltd 112 M B Services 108 M Hughes Electrical 115 Newton Electrical 115 PES Power Electric Services 5 R&R Domestic Appliances 116 Westview Electrical 115 Energy Advice Energy Cafe 25 Estate/Letting Agents Eightfold Property 58 Newberry Tully 59 Rowland Gorringe 132 Fabrics/Haberdashery G F Sinclair Ltd 103 Room 103 Fencing R W Green Ltd 40 Suttons Groundcare 34 Wynnes & Seaford Fencing 38 Fireplaces/Fires/Stoves Craftstone of Sussex 99 Flooring/Fitting A S Home Refurbishments 93 Ideal Flooring 101 James Lawrence Flooring 100 Richley Contractors 122 V R Flowers & Son 15 Furniture V R Flowers & Son 15 Seaford Second Hand Furnishings 74 Gardening/Landscaping Briar Rose 30 Greenhaven Gardens 30 Green Thumb 37 Hollywood Tree Surgery Ltd 41 Horizon Landscapes 31/43 K P Landscapes 35 Lime Landscapes Ltd 32 Mays Emporium 34 M B Services 108 N F Construction & Driveways W Green Ltd Lawn Care Escape Gardening 36 Shed Man 33 Treefella 30/41 Wizard Plumbing & Heating 109 Brewster & Sons 108
122 R
A S Home Refurbishments 93 Brewster & Sons 108 Builders Club 130/131 Claremont Interiors 92 HPS Newhaven 95 Jai Scudder Ltd 111 Maiden Maintenance 104 STC 97 Beauty & Massage Absolute Beauty 76 Blinds/Curtains Blind Design 7 Room 103 Seahaven Blinds 102 Sunrise Awnings & Blinds 102 Boat Trips Sussex Boat Trips 11 Building Services/Supplies A S Home Refurbishments 93 Builders Club 130/131 NF Construction & Driveways 122 Richley Contractors 122 Seaford Driveways 29 S R Davis & Sons 106 Stewart Brickwork 123 Technique Roofing 118 To The Point 123 Your Construction Shop 68/69 Business Support Edeal 67 Care Homes & Sheltered Housing Abbeyfield House 50 Clifden House 51 Nova House 50 Rivendale Lodge 50 Westerleigh Nursing Home 52 Carpentry/Joinery
130 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers As seen on TV 2010 Belle Tout Lighthouse ‘Build a New Life in the Country’ The Builders Clubltd for all your building requirements Renovations / Conversions Domestic and Commercial Our full range or services are available to see on our website Transformation refurbishments inc Plastering / Decoration. ALL Plumbing and Electrical works Call us for a chat on our full range of building services available As Seaford’s only official Cedral Cladding installer, we take great pride in our installations offering a full 10 years insurance backed guarantee on our installations Millboard Decking is a beautiful composite decking system that lasts for years without rotting, supplied and installed with a 25 years manufacturers guarantee, it’s a truly outstanding product Extensions and loft conversions Adds valuable living space Increases the property value and saleability Full architectural design service to complement our full range of services

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 131 The Builders Clubltd for all your building requirements Head office: 20, Sutton Park Road, Seaford. East Sussex. BN252DD 01323 490283 / 07951160465 …. Garden design and construction One of projects in East Dean ‘before and after’ old swimming pool transformed into a sunken garden Bathroom and kitchens Full design service available Visit our showroom and chat to one of our design team Windows and doors / Bifold doors UPVC and Aluminium, Bespoke, Timber. ‘Fensa’ registered and comes with a 10 years insurance backed guarantee. Architect and Engineers drawings Design to completion, planning permission Building regulation applications Structural works and calculations One of our projects in East Dean Head Office: 20 Sutton Park Road, Seaford, East Sussex BN25 1QU

Tudor Close Seaford £550,000 Detached House, Three Bedrooms, Welcoming Entrance, Impressive Galleried Landing, Three Reception Rooms, Garage Southerly Aspect Garden, East Blatchington Location, Attractive Garden, Well Presented Princess Drive Seaford £650,000 Extended Detached House, Six Bedrooms, Three Reception Rooms, Ensuite to Master, Well Presented, Spacious Living, South Facing Garden, Versatile Living, Close to Shop Sought after location Eleanor Close Seaford £475,000 Detached House, Three Bedrooms, SecludedRooms,Throughout,ImmaculateTwoReceptionModernKitchen,Garage,RearGarden,Ensuiteto Master, Refitted Bathroom, Sought After Location