SEAS Issue 4

Page 1




#4 sports




page 4 page 6-7


This weeks stories.... #Sports

page 10-15

Feature Story: Football

page 16-25

IE University TEAMS

page 28-33

Feature Story: Sport

page 36-39

Green Sports Africa

page 40-41

Get the Look!

page 42-44

Music- In conversation...


This weeks stories... Barbara Iturralde Age 19 Psychology Student 2nd year IE University Football



Sai Agni Age 21 Dual LLB and BBA Student 2nd year IE University


Sport YOUR IE UNIVERSITY SPORTS TEAMS Football Basketball Volleyball Rugby



Age 19 Dual LLB and BBA Student 1st year IE University Green Sports Africa

Jacob Lunden-Welden

Age 20 Business Student 1st year IE University Music 4

If you want to find out about the other side of students at IE University,and are interested in fashion, food and lifestyle then you are at the right place. SEAS Magazine allows you to look through the eyes of other students at their experiences, passions and studies. Giving you a broader image of the personalities wondering around campus. We are a team of second year communication students creating a magazine about IE University students for IE University students.


At first glance, you might think that IE is a relatively static university. I mean, unless you know the right people or you’re a dedicated member of the Student Office on Facebook, it’s hard to find any activities worth doing or that gather more than a handful of people willing to participate. So what do IE students do exactly to kill their time? As we explored the endless groups and clubs in our university, we discovered that surprisingly, IE is bustling with life; sports especially is a section that we found to be particularly dynamic. From volleyball to football, from body combat to Zumba, sports is 6


something that students here enjoy very much. As a matter of fact, if on a warm evening you look past the timeless architectural beauties in Segovia, you will occasionally see a breathless, sweaty IE student running, or better yet, staggering on the sidewalk (after going out 4 nights in a row and having one too many drinks). Here at SEAS we decided to make an issue entirely about sports to quench the thirst of all you sports geeks out there, ready to discover what new activities IE has to offer. Let’s keep our university active and healthy rather than lazy and stagnant. 7







Age: 20 Quito-Ecuador 11

PHOTOGRAPHY: ALESSANDRO FABBRINI Tell us about you passions? My passion is football. I have been practicing this sport since I was 8 years old. For me, football is not just a hobby, it is part of my life. I learned most of my core values through football such as: Perseverance, solidarity, team work, and leadership. This sport has shaped my life and helped me grow into the person I am today. You are in the IE girls soccer team, what is you current position? Which one is your favorite one? The first thing I did, once I started studying at IE University, was join the girl’s football team. Last year we participated in a two-day tournament called “Torneo Rector” in the city of Leon. We played against universities from Castilla y Leon. This year, in two weeks, we are going to the city of Valladolid to participate in the same tournament. We play indoor football; therefore, we are 11 players in my team and we play 5 against 5. My current and favorite position as a player is right forward.

In my opinion, neither race, age or gender should matter in any sport. - Barbara Iturralde 12

PHOTOGRAPHY: ANGEL METODIEV When and how did you start playing football? As I mentioned before, I started playing football when I was 8 years old and I’m still playing this sport. As far as I can remember I have played football ever since my first school day back in first grade. I think what make football so special for me is that i have had the opportunity to play in so many different teams with many different people, which has allowed me the meet some of my closest friends. When did you score your first goal? How would you describe the feeling of scoring a goal? I don’t remember my first goal; however, I do remember some goals that I will never forget. One of the most important goals I scored was in a final three years ago. This tournament was one of the most important one of the year and we won the tournament, because I scored that goal.


Have you ever considered becoming a professional player? As a soccer player, my dream was always to become a professional player. However, throughout my life I realized that I had other responsibilities. I had to go to college and leave my country. It was a hard decision to take, but I was lucky to keep training and playing the sport that I love.

him play I am moreimpressed about his skills. Football was traditionally considered a men’s sport. How do you think is this changing nowadays? How do you feel about it? Sadly, the stereotype that football is a male sport is still evident. In my opinion, neither race, age or gender should matter in any sport. Today this idea is changing. The support for women’s football is increasing, which is fair. For example, the team of my country is within the 32-teams that are going to compete in this Junes Women’s World Cup.

Which football team would you like to play for? My favorite football team is Barcelona de Espana and in Ecuador it is Liga de Quito. If I can imagine myself being a professional football player, I would absolutley love Can you tell us a funny anecdote playing footto play for Barcelona. ball? Something special I can tell about my experience as a football player is that since Who is your favorite football player? Why? my very first match I have always played with I have two favorite football players, Ronald- a headband. It’s my lucky charm. I have the hino and Messi. Both of them played in Bar- feeling that if I don’t play with that I will not celona de Espana. Ronaldhino was my idol have a good game. With the football team when I was little, I loved watching his videos of my school I played with a red headband and the tricks he did. On the other hand, I and for IE University I play with a white headlove the way Messi plays and each time I see band.




IE University #football


Clint Goodrich, Valenting Schรถttle, Javi Gonzalez Egana, Antonio Balseiro Viela, Justas Pangonis, Andrejs Kilsans, Carlos Alapont, Jaime Pignatelli, Mike Kerfeld, Andy Kuhl, Luka Gjordjevic


Marlon Kerim, Eirik dez, Max Pfaffinger,

Frisvold, Paul-Hugo Thiboult, Diogo Anliker, Santiago Chris Pfaffinger, Julius Mテシller-Spreer, Teiko Wilenius, Karan





Corine Ackermann, Barabara Iturralde, Martina Cubric, Chiara, Maria Natta, Irene Lozoya, Moreen Iminza Mbwaya, Andrea Roman Gaztanaga, Adriana Kuzmanic, Nadira Abreu, Carmen Pecharroman

Mathieu Bertoncini, Murat Onhon, Adolfo Rueda, Fabian Cabeza, Rafael Bissot, Ricardo Ramirez, Nischal Shrestha, Sam de Jonge, Oscar Albert, Pablo Otero, Michael Kwan-Tat, Allexandre Rodrigues, Carlos Gonzalez Pablo Lepe, Roberto Villalobos, Youssef Feniche, Valera Bukatin, Georg Vaitl, Stefan Staertzel, Pablo Perez, Mauri Lahti, Marko Kostic, Ignacio Gamoneda, Borja Tobar, Luc Delobel, Tomas Arteaga, David Rey, Daniel Benavente



IE University #basketball


Clint Goodrich, Valentin Schテカttle, Javi Gonzalez Egana, Antonio Balseiro Vilela, Justas Pangonis, Andrejs Klisans, Carlos Alapont, Jaime Pignatelli, Mike Kerfeld, Andy Kuhl, Luka Djordjevic

Tamilla Andrea

Dowse, Roman

Aida Mekouar, Tsering Kenji, Gaztanaga, Sara Jokinen


Sharai Grace Gracia

Mpofu, Pujadas



IE University #volleyball


Lara sus,

Schober, Claudia Sarah Jokinen, Emilija

Ochoa, Berzankaite,

Clara Natalia

Bテシtow, Flipi,

Adriana Meghan


Santiago Fernandez, Markus Pinnau, ta, Ben Raft, Carl Setterdahl,

Juan Heinz

Sebastian Rengifo, Takeshi KuboHartweger, Mattia Castiello


IE University #rugby


Guillaume Teze, Edgardo Schiena, Calum Hedigan, Sai Agni, Heinz Hartweger, Antoine Jaubert, Antosh Benavides, Luis Pereira Coutinho, Juan Pablo Silvestre, Bastien Tirel


Mateo Miguel Arino, Paul Chedaille, Ignacio Garicano, Ignacio Maria Fermin Garcia, Rafa Sainz, Rodrigo Ponce de Leon, Luis Magna, Jorge Eduardo Marchan, Augustin Agote, Rui Pacheco, Jaime Larrucea, Tudor Etchels




Sai Agni

Age: 21 Moscow, Russia 28


‘I became a candidate master of sports after I had become the strongest junior who competed in the senior division in the 105-110 kg weight bracket.’



What is sport for you? A lot of things; primarily a lifestyle. I’m saying this not because I have some sort of favoritism to questionable cliches that most people use to justify why they want to get yolked or in other cases use kale and Jack3D as a staple in their diets. I am saying this for the reason that if you take sport seriously enough it becomes an integral part of your life (at least in the case of most obsessive compulsive human beings turned on doing well at things they like) . In my case it so happened to be that powerlifting become quite an important part of my life. To be honest I came to do powerlifting pretty much at random. I used to be relatively overweight when I was younger. So one day I came to the gym being quite agitated about something as most 15 year olds are. The olympic bar was in the way of one of a yoga mats, so I pretty much came up to it picked it up and chucked it about 3 meters away in the direction of the wall. It so happened to be that it was loaded with around 120 kg’s. Turns out some man was watching me. He came up - as I thought to ridicule me - only to say that I should come next morning to train with him, because almost no 15 year old can do what I just did and I was crazy for not recognising that. That is how I met Alexei, who was then the WPC champion of Russia, Europe and Asia - my coach.


I thought initially powerlifting was pretty much for the average brain dead homohabilis, who by virtue of jucing coupled with some inopportune head trauma in his childhood can’t do very much more than … well lift stuff. Turns out the difference is quite grandiose. It first came to me from small tidbits of things such as, “a lift is about 60% the ability of your body to exert force, the other 40% is attributable to your central nervous system”. You know stuff like that makes you question what else can I know/ do in my life to optimize the performance of lifting stuff. For me it varied from simply the understanding that smoking is probably bad for you, to things like you need 2g of protein for body weight for fast muscle growth, to having finally used meditation and neurolinguistic programing to tweak how your brain works.


It’s a bit complicated and it’s baffling how something as simple as lifting stuff has so much complexity behind it (or at least enough to take over one’s life). The reality about any sport is that it is something like a very complicated open ended question with multiple solutions. You just have to find ways to solve it best. So I guess for me sport really is some sort of sadistic love to the performance of a given action and this very love you express by the consistent desire to perfect the action and do it better than anyone else. The pain in the ass is always: how do you do it best? What are the basic rules that each sport should have? Im not sure what exactly this question should mean. Frankly in terms of an evaluation of athletic performance I like holistic excellence versus specificity. To this end crossfit is pretty cool inasmuch as it pretty much tests every aspect of an athlete’s performance. If only it was not so commercialized by reebok.


Did you manage to practice any sports in a professional way? I have been doing powerlifting for about 5 years now. I gradually gained the 3,2 and then the 1st young athletic distinctions (its a wierd scale in Russia). As I became older I started to compete professionally in WPC powerlifting, predominantly raw (meaning no supportive equipment). I won a few regionals and then the national competition. I was then sponsored to go to the cup of Eastern Europe and Asia. I did quite well for the most part and I became a candidate master of sports after I had become the strongest junior who competed in the senior division in the 105-110 kg weight bracket. for heavy athletics but I pretty much chose against it. I like lifting, but I don’t see myself doing this competitively for the rest of my life (mostly because I only have that much health). What does it mean to practice a sport in a professional way? Well it mostly takes a lot of: consistence and drive; a bit of creativity; and some luck. In my sport it took quite a bit a balls too.


‘The reality about any sport is that it is something like a very complicated open ended question with multiple solutions. You just have to find ways to solve it best.’




Moreen Iminza Mbwaya

Age 19 Nairobi, Kenya 36

What is it that you do? Green Sports Africa is a social enterprise that will change the fate of African sportsmen and women once and for all. Starting with football at grassroots level, we provide platforms that connect young talent with opportunities to pursue sports professionally. The company was founded in 2011, and although we currently focus on amateur/ semi professional football in Kenya, we intend to expand to other sports in future. I work in the PR Department of the company, which is quite exciting because it involves a lot of interaction with parties affiliated with the Green Sports Brand, from consumers to corporate partners.


How did you become a part of this/ what made you become interested in the project? Quick context: I´m rather whimsical in that, I´m driven by my passion. I am passionate about entrepreneurship, and in particular the creation of infrastructure and institutions that shape Africa´s future. So, whilst facilitating at a youth entrepreneurship camp in summer 2013, I met the founders of Green Sports Africa and chose to volunteer last summer in the organization of Gold Cup, which is a tournament that has an added emphasis on spectator experience to give it the feel of a social event. Right before I left for Spain, I received an offer to take on a position in the company, which I gladly took on. How do you think sports influences people, especially youth culture?Well, aside from the fact that sports creates role models whilst nurturing and rewarding the values of hard work and dedication, we at Green Sports believe that (especially within the African Context) sports represent unexplored opportunity. I think it is very easy to slip into mundanity because one ignores their passion for a more ‘socially acceptable’ profession. Providing infrastructures that support the development of talent allows for the validation of a professional opportunity that is considered a mere hobby. I guess what I am trying to say is, sports, especially within less liberal environments, represent unexplored opportunities particularly for those bent on turning their passion into their profession. 37



In what ways do you think sports influence the development of sustainable, healthy communities? Needless to say, sports have an overwhelming power to unite people. I mean, looking to South Africa after apartheid and the role that an inter-racial rugby team (which also emerged world champions that year) had in uniting the country is just one of many powerful stories – Side note, Invictus: highly recommended movie. On a slightly different note, I think that the key to sustainable communities is versatility; the ability to adapt to different circumstances. From a more personal perspective, it is empowering people to realize that societal norms too, run their course. Providing people the opportunity to pursue a professional career in sports, creates the opportunity to challenge the status quo, especially in communities where sports are a valid hobby, but not considered a viable career option. In this sense, I´d say sports is one of many powerful tools that could keep the gears turning. What do you expect to happen in the future? I´m quite confident that the African sports scene will be elevated to a world-class level. Efforts put into creating infrastructures that allow for the development of young talent will definitely pay off. This is probably a vision that may come to pass in my older years, but it´s one that I find invigorating. As far as Green Sports is concerned, this year marks a lot of milestones for us. We are launching a football academy, which is quite exciting. Also, Gold Cup tournament is going to be bigger in size and quality than any professional football tournament in the country. If anyone is interested in putting together a team and potentially winning the cash prize whilst getting to explore a new culture and country this summer, I´d be happy to organize that with them. For more info about Green Sports, please feel free to speak to me or check out our website:


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Get the Look! 1.Stylemoi, Army Green Tab Sleeve Loose Jacket, ca.€31 2.TOPSHOP Ribbed Crop Top, ca.€13 3.Sheinside, Black High Waist Pleated Skirt, ca.€14 4.Prettylittlething, Tamar Black Suedette Clutch with Gold Trim, ca.€32 5.Kate Spade New York Dear Valentine Heart Studs Earrings, ca.€45 6.Stella Mccartney Oversized Cat Eye Sunglasses, ca.€285 7.Olivia Burton The Hackney Watch - Black & Gold, ca.€98 8.DAILYLOOK Harmony Stone Plated Necklace, ca.€24 9.Converse CONS CTAS Pro – black Sneakers, ca.€66 10.NARS Audicious Lipstick in Charlotte, ca.24€


Get the Look! 1.7 For All Mankind The Skinny Jean, ca.€95 2. Adidas New York City Superstar Tee, ca. €33 3. The North Face Men’s Copperwood Crew Shirt, ca.€57 4.Superdry Keep It Hoodie, ca.€95 5.Oakley Women’s OO4054 CAVEAT Sunglasses, ca.€150 6.Adidas by Raf Simons Stan Smith Leather Sneakers, ca.€75 7. Herschel Supply Co. Settlement Classic Backpack, ca.€73

Get the Look! 1.Chaqueta militar Vintage AEO ca.€71 2.Mens Dark Grey Long Sleeve Basketball T-Shirt ca.€14 3.Superdry Vintage Hawaii T-Shirtca.€47 4.River Island Black retro sunglasses ca.€14 5.Stone island Jeans ca.€265 6.YEA.NICE Legend Beanie ca.€19 7. VANS chukka boot ca.€115


Jacob Lunden-Welden Guitar Age 20 Sweden Where are you from? rocky blues and rocky jazz. But I know what I am from Stockholm, Sweden, but I have makes me feel good and that is the roar spent 6 years living in Seoul, South Korea of the amp with some heavy distortion. What instrument do you play? I play the guitar. I prefer the electric to acoustic guitar because it sounds better in my opinion. I can play other instruments, such as bass guitar and a little bit of drums, but nothing gets me going as a proper guitar riff What is your style/genre of music?Ever since I was little, I have been amazed by the metal genre. So anything from thrash metal to a bit more hard core death metal. Of course I enjoy the classics, New Wave of British Heavy Metal with Motorhead, and Led Zepplin and all of that is amazing. A couple of years ago I tried to experiment a little more and started playing some blues and jazz, but I turned it into


When did your passion for music start? I have always been interested in music. My family has many musicians and it was imposed on me as a kid. I chose to play the guitar because I thought it looked cool and my favorite musicians were mainly guitarists. Initially, however, I was not interested in instruments, but the boy band groups and my first concert was actually a backstreet boys and my first CD was USHER’s first album. My brother had bought an album from Metallica and when I heard it the first time‌ Well it felt like I had heard music for the first time and since then I have never changed track. Go hard or go home.




What was your most amazing experience in terms of performing in front of an audience? I have been in a few different bands through out my life. Obviously the first was not the best and it was more for practice purposes, playing the simple songs like smoke on the water. However, I must say the most amazing experience I have had was when I played “Hotel California” by the eagles as a duet, me on the guitar and my brother on the piano. The experience, and the quality we managed to produce, was great and the solo parts were hit perfectly. I am hoping to have my best experience in the upcoming months as my band “Diamond Wolfbrothers” will perform soon. We are getting together real good and I think one song especially can easily become my all-time favorite. I also think being able to play some of our own songs will be an amazing experience and I hope others enjoy those songs as much as we do. 44


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