The Edwardian Gazette Weekly Online College Journal
Chief Editor Mr Chittenden - Headmaster hm@stedwards.edu.mt
Message from the HM Notice Board House Shield Points
Design, Production,
Photography & Advertising
Middle School
M Fenech - Marketing Executive marketing@stedwards.edu.mt
Weekly Calendar Celine Ellis - Secretary hmsec@stedwards.edu.mt
Sports Department Junior Sports Day HE D W Kmiec’s IB Visual Arts Weekly Calendar
Front Cover Junior School Sports Day Photographs courtesy of College archives.
THE EDWARDIAN GAZETTE Message from the Headmaster
Dear Parents and Community Members On Monday, the College was fortunate enough to host the Ambassador of USA, HE Douglas W Kmiec. The Ambassador was very keen to pay a visit to Kindergarten and chat to the youngest children in the College. He was also very keen to address our Year 12 IB students and, it is within this context, he surprised everyone. The interactive, cutting-edge dialogue led by the Ambassador was inspiring. The students were challenged to critically analyse the relationship of Church and State. The students were further challenged to express their views on the ‘crucifix’ legal debate. Our Year 12 students represented the College extremely well demonstrating that they are progressing on the ‘thinking’ IB Diploma curriculum. On behalf of the College, I wish to thank the Ambassador for his interest in our College and for the outstanding presentation. Michael Chittenden Headmaster
Functions at College I am very pleased to advise you that the Archbishop’s Curia has granted permission to St Edward’s to use the College Chapel for marriage ceremonies. We are, therefore, offering the following for weddings and other civil functions:
The Chapel Nominal fee of €250
The Chapel + Front Garden for reception for 100 people or less + Parking behind the Chapel €500 (plus VAT)
The Chapel + Front Garden for reception for over 100 people + Parking behind the Chapel €1500 (plus VAT) Customers are at liberty to engage the caterer of their choice.
House Points Updates CONGREVE
118 pts
135 pts
137 pts
THE EDWARDIAN GAZETTE Kindergarten Visit by 'FRAWLINA' This week the Kindergarten children were visited by a giant strawberry called 'Frawlina' as part of the School Fruit Scheme. Frawlina and her friend visited each class to raise awareness about fruit and vegetables and to encourage the children to try different ones. Each Wednesday the children are given a portion of either fruit or salad to try. Before Frawlina left, she gave each child a colouring book about fruit and vegetables to take home. The children enjoyed the visit very much and it is hoped they will be motivated to try unknown fruits and vegetables. Julie Mangion Head of Kindergarten
A 'Frott Artna' iniative; people to promote healthy eating. Photos show KG1 children of Ms Stephanie's class.
THE EDWARDIAN GAZETTE Middle School Francofête Malte 2011 This year the Centre Franco - Maltais de Documentation organised activities related to the Journée de la Francophonie. Andrew T and Eric E S (Yr 7) created an artefact linked to the region of Provence – Côte d’Azur. Edward A (Yr 8) created a poster promoting “Le Carnaval de Nice” with a slogan. On Tuesday 22 March all the participants met at San Gorg Preca Boys’ Junior Lyceum in Hamrun to be awarded prizes and certificates of participation by His Excellency the Ambassador of France. After the event, our boys were delighted to be personally introduced and to exchange a few words with His Excellency. It was a truly memorable event and hopefully we will have many more participants next year! Mrs Anna Busuttil Teacher of French
Sports Dep
Junior School
David De Maria Shield1st 2nd 3rd
Ducane Campbell Congreve
More pictures on n
l Sports Day
- for Aggregate Points 137 points 135 points 118 points
next week’s Gazette
Junior School
Junior School Sports Day was held at the Marsa Sports Ground on Tuesday 29 March, a lovely sunny
Boys in our Infant Section participated in a number of P.E. activities and games, some of which with also running. Many of the activities were geared towards improving balance and coordination in you
Parents were thrilled to see their children in action and eagerly took photos and films of the boys. A was presented with a participation medal by Mrs De Maria who is an ex Board Member and ex Infan
Meanwhile, the older children were participating in more competitive sports. These included 60, 80, All boys participated in at least two events. The parents also participated in a child and parent shuttle
At the end of a very successful morning, medals were presented to the winners by Mrs De Maria, Mr David de Maria Shield to this year’s Junior Sports’ Day, winning House; Ducane.
Please click on this link
l Sports Day
y Spring Day. This year Years 1 and 2 also joined Years 3, 4 and 5.
h a mild competitive element. These included bouncing balls, pyjama races, hula hoop jumping and ung children.
After the sporting activities, Years 1 and 2 were entertained by Robert the Balloon Man. Each child nt School teacher.
, 100 and 300 metre track races, and also field events, such as long jump, sack races and relay races. e race as well as an old boys’ race.
r Chittenden (Headmaster), and Mr Paul Ferrante (Head of Sports). Mrs de Maria also presented the
for results and placings
HE Douglas W Kmiec, Amba
An American legal scholar and author, he has written widely on constitut ing to successful diplomacy. When nominated by President Obama in 20 University School of Law. Ambassador Kmiec received his undergraduat degree from the University of Southern California in 1976. He was a mem mencement Prize for Legal Writing.
Ambassador Kmiec served on the faculty at University of Notre Dame La of Legal Counsel (OLC). Having served as Deputy Assistant Attorney Ge Reagan and confirmed by the Senate in 1988 as head of OLC. He returne on Law & Government and founded the Notre Dame Journal of Law, Eth Thomas More Professor of the law school at the Catholic University of A
A White House Fellow and a Distinguished Fulbright Scholar on the Con Attorney General's Lawyer (1992), Can a Catholic Support Him? (2008), related books, and hundreds of published articles and essays. As head of torial sea from 3 to 12 miles and an opinion that brought AIDS victims w U.S. market integration was the subject of a recent seminar for members
HE Douglas W Kmiec visits Kindergarten HE Douglas
assador of USA visits College
tional law; jurisprudence; and the importance of inter-faith understand09, he held the Caruso Family Chair in Constitutional Law at Pepperdine te degree with honors from Northwestern University in 1973 and his law mber of the school's law review and was awarded the Legion Lex Com-
aw School from 1980 to 1999, with several leaves to serve in the Office eneral in OLC from 1985-88, he was nominated by President Ronald ed to Notre Dame in 1989, where he directed the Thomas White Center hics & Public Policy. Ambassador Kmiec then served as the Dean and St. America until he assumed the endowed chair at Pepperdine, 2003-2009.
nstitution in Asia, Ambassador Kmiec's published works include, The , three books on the American Constitution, a two-volume legal treatise, OLC, he authored the opinion underlying the extension of the U.S. terriwithin the protection of federal laws. His comparative analysis of EUof the ECJ and U.S. Supreme Court in Brussels.
HE Douglas W Kmiec speaks to IB 6th Formers W Kmiec,
IB Visua
The IB Visual Arts Vernissage showcases works by 2 Sixth Form students tions regarding life. The nature of the IB art work program is vast and con tive work using various media.
We proudly announce that the exhibition will be officially inaugurated by Friday 8 April 2011 at 7.30pm.This event is the College’s first IB Visual A Ms D Papagiorcopolo Head of Creative Arts
Jessica’s Poster
al Arts
who will be displaying art works dealing with personal issues, society, the environment and their emonsequently the students found inspiration in their ideas and imaginations and as a result produced effec-
the Minister for Resources and Rural Affairs - The Hon George Pullicino, in College Study Hall on Arts Exhibition and it will be hosted
Shaun’s Poster
THE EDWARDIAN GAZETTE This Week at St Edward’s College Monday 4 April
Lenten Talks for Years 7, 8 and 9 students in the chapel
Tuesday 5 April
Lenten Talks for Years 7, 8 and 9 students in the chapel
Wednesday 6 April
Lenten Talks for Years 7, 8 and 9 students in the chapel.
Thursday 7 April
14.00 – 15.15 Tommy Donbavand visit to SEC for Years 5, 6, 7 and 8 boys. Venue in the College Hall Middle, Senior & Sixth Form Sports Day. Full day for all students 14.00
Friday 8 April
Special Mass for Parents and students of Year 2, 4 and 5 students in the Chapel. U/13 & U/15 Table Tennis Tournament at Tarxien Gym Stars Science outing for Year 7 and 8 students.
Year 13 IB Art Exhibition
Saturday 9 April
Sunday 10 April
Calendar Information Please follow this link for the Advent, Lent & Trinity Calendar The latest version of the Calendar is on the website. Please do not refer to the College Student diary as it contains errors.