SEG LA RAC Newsletter Vol. 2, N°. 3

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News Special Thanks to Gustavo Carstens Along his career, Gustavo was and is deeply committed with young professionals, local societies, and cultural, ethnical, and gender minorities. The contact with diversity led Gustavo to have a global vision and an understanding of both the industry and academia necessities.

He was and is successful in

finding talented and proactive people and he is successful in engaging them with the SEG. His advisory was, is and will be very important for the Latin American Committee. The Latin American Regional Advisory Committee wants to thank Mr. Gustavo Carstens, who served in

Thank you Gustavo!

several SEG key roles since 1981, in particular as a Member of the Board and Chair of the SEG Council. Gustavo has an excellent understanding of the SEG

LARAC Committee

history, mission, vision, and structure, and is very engaged and proactive with the Society of Exploration Geophysicists.

Welcome to new SEG LARAC members August to December 2021






Mrs. Fabiola Williams (Guyana, lives in

Committee is very pleasure to inform about 4 new

Houston) Digital and Integration division in

members, period August – December 2021:

Schlumberger and supporting Houston and






Stavanger with seismic processing.

committee Chair (Colombia) 

Marco Ceio, D6 Representative elected (Brazil)

Luis Donoso. D6 Representative elected (Chile)


We hope the best in this new experience and we hope to work very hard together to Connect the world of Applied Geophysics!!

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