What's On in SPH Pluit Village | Vol. #5 March 2022

Page 10


Welcoming Easter

Rejoicing in the Good News

(Cr. Ms. Rachel Feather & her sister, 2000)


has been my favorite holiday for many years. Growing up, my family had many Easter traditions. One of them involved my parents waking me up with a video camcorder (remember those!?) focused on me and my sister. “He is risen!” they’d exclaim. And we’d reply with, “He is risen indeed!”

Following these words of greeting, my sister and I would search all over our house for our hidden Easter baskets, filled with caramel-filled chocolate eggs, Peeps, and jelly beans. We got to eat just one or two pieces before heading off to church in our new Easter dresses.

As teenagers, we did not appreciate being woken up with a camera in our faces and expected to speak coherent words, so our enthusiasm for this tradition faded.

These traditions aren’t why I love Easter. But they remind me of a couple important truths that ARE the reason. 10 sph.edu

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