What's On in SPH Pluit Village | Vol. #8 Nov 2022

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Message from the Head of School

Dear parents,

At the time of writing, we are experiencing American Thanksgiving. Taking time to stop and be thankful is a very worthwhile exercise and we as staff and teachers at SPH Pluit Village do this every year. Apart from having so much for which to be thankful as a school community, research also shows those with an “attitude of gratitude” live a more joyful and longer life. God obviously knows that and encourages us in to “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another… with thankfulness in your hearts to God ” Colossians 3:16

With the renewed COVID surge in Jakarta, we continue to maintain our health and safety protocols for the well being of our school community. I realise this means that participation in your child’s education during the school day remains limited and I do hope we can rectify that sometime soon. We miss parents being part of our learning community.

We are currently in the process of replacing our classroom projectors, once their globes burn out, with 75 inch television screens.

These top line tv’s provide a much higher resolution and allow students to see far more clearly with much greater detail provided than projectors. This should also help with any potential eye strain.

It is wonderful to appreciate again public PBL presentations included as part of our learning process. Public presentations allow students to share their learning with others Often the best way to learn something is to have to teach it to others. Of course, the communication skills and confidence building learned throughout these times are also valuable experiences

Please be in prayer for our Grade 9 & 10 IGCSE students and teachers as they prepare for practice exams. This is important preparation for the real thing at the end of Grade 10 while also being an incredibly helpful preparation for the higher academic rigor of Grades 11 and 12.

Thank you! for the blessing you all are to our school community.

Respectfully, TimHeading


Book Week 2022 THE LOVE

Oaround SPH Pluit Village when book week finally arrives. Teachers, students, and parents all come together to celebrate books and develop a lifelong love of reading and deepen our understanding of reading.

Book week is a special celebration that allows students to see the positive impact that reading has and have fun with different activities in class.

see reading in a new and interesting way and it all culminates in our end of book week assembly and dress-up day.

Each activity is planned in order for students to get a different experience of reading and see the different ways that reading can be appreciated and see that reading does not have to be an event that is done alone but is even better when experienced with others.

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This year’s theme, find your treasure, was kept in mind during the entire week This theme changes the way teachers encourage students and shows students that there is more to books and reading and that we need to be searching for what isn’t apparent right away

Books are full of hidden meaning and full of more knowledge that needs to be found. This is a skill that allows students to find the hidden meaning in any story and ultimately allows students to find a deeper hidden meaning in God’s word.

The ultimate goal is for students to be able to use these skills throughout our book week in their times while reading God’s word and see that there is a much deeper meaning that God intended for us to have, and we can delight in this fact and constantly be seeking what we have not yet found.

Happy Reading! Blessings, JoshGagnon Book Week Committee



As the newest campus built in 2014, SPH Pluit Village has been cultivating students from early childhood to senior level through its excellent faith based approach to the Cambridge program

On October 21, 2022, We officially opened our new Kindergarten to the community with the YPPH Boards, Heads of Schools, teachers, and parents; this facility expansion allows the school to serve more young pupils and raise a generation of confident learners.

This expansion of the kindergarten learning space allows the school to serve more young pupils and raise a generation of confident learners.

We are grateful for this new center, as it allows our community to grow, as well as provides more children with a diverse and hands-on learning experience

The new Kindergarten center provides a purpose built facility allowing children to explore and learn through the avenue of play

As the student learns a new concept, the subjects are integrated through hands-on activities to involve all senses, allowing them to learn at their own pace with structured free thinking and exploratory activities.


Through all these efforts, the school’s desire is for students to learn more about who they are as purposefully created beings, while also preparing them for the rigors of academic study to come through supportive and caring teachers

In addition to providing more children with a diverse and hands on learning experience, we look forward to having our community grow through the opening of the new Kindergarten center.

Best regards, SPHPluitVillage

sph.edu EVENT HIGHLIGHT 5 What'sNewIndonesia Kompas TheJakartaPost BeritaSatu LittleStepsAsia What'sNewIndonesiaArticle Read more press releases about our new kindergarten center opening at these links: 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6


Bukanlah sebuah adagium yang asing ataupun baru, semua orang pasti pernah mendengar dan memahami bahwa buku adalah jendela dunia.

Buku dipandang sebagai sebagai sarana penambah wawasan bagi para pembacanya. Namun, seiring dengan perkembangan zaman yang semakin sarat akan perkembangan teknologi dan informasi, membaca bukan lagi menjadi satu satunya sarana untuk mendapatkan informasi.

Tua, muda dan bahkan anak anak lebih tertarik untuk menggali informasi melalui internet yang dipaparkan baik melalui artikel artikel pendek maupun dalam bentuk video-video singkat yang sangat menarik.

Terlepas dari banyak hal positif yang diperoleh dari kepraktisan yang didapat, hal ini berdampak pada menurunnya minat baca terutama pada generasi muda.

Padahal membaca memiliki peran yang cukup penting bagi para siswa dalam menguasai suatu bahasa (language acquisition).

Membaca tidak hanya berfungsi untuk mendapatkan informasi saja. Ketika seorang siswa memiliki kebiasaan untuk membaca maka terjadilah proses pembelajaran alam bawah sadar (subconscious learning).

Banyak penelitian membuktikan bahwa melalui membaca, siswa dapat menyerap banyak kosa kata baru, berpikir lebih kritis, mengalami perkembangan kognitis, serta mengenal beragam struktur tata Bahasa dan berbagai macam gaya bahasa tanpa mereka sendiri sadari.

Proses inilah yang berperan penting dalam penguasaan suatu bahasa. Tentu saja hal ini dapat terjadi ketika siswa memiliki minat dan konsistensi dalam membaca.

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Oleh karena itu, dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di MSS SPH Pluit Village, kami menggalakkan program membaca novel.

Beberapa judul novel yang dibaca oleh para siswa adalah Totto chan, Gadis Penenun Mimpi dan Pria yang Melipat Kertas Terbang, Ayah, Sengsara Membawa Nikmat dll.

Dengan membaca novel novel tersebut siswa diharapkan siswa dapat lebih terekspos oleh bacaan berbahasa Indonesia sehingga kemampuan berbahasa mereka semakin meningkat.

Untuk mendukung keberhasilan program ini, tentu saja kami membutuhkan dukungan dari bapak dan ibu sebagai mitra mengajar di rumah

untuk membantu menanamkan minat membaca kepada putra/putrinya dengan mengingatkan mereka untuk tak lupa untuk membaca novel yang diberikan atau bahkan menyediakan buku buku bacaan pendamping lain yang dapat menunjang perkembangan penguasaan Bahasa Indonesia mereka

Semoga seiring dengan meningkatnya minat baca dan konsistensi mereka dalam membaca, penguasaan Bahasa Indonesia mereka semakin terasah dan menjadi semakin lebih baik.

Salam hangat, AdiHartanto Guru Bahasa Indonesia

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Teks prosedur merupakan topik pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia yang sudah dipelajari siswa siswi SPH sejak mereka ada di kelas 4.

Maka dari itu, dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di kelas 7 yang kembali berfokus pada penulisan teks prosedur, siswa siswi SPH ditantang untuk mengolah secara kreatif barang daur ulang yang dapat mereka temukan di sekitarnya Mereka memulai dengan penelitian produk kreatif apa yang mampu mereka buat dengan pengeluaran di bawah Rp 20.000,00.

Berikut merupakan contoh teks prosedur yang mereka buat:

Setelah itu , mereka mulai membuat produk daur ulang kreatif yang nantinya akan diberikan pada tukang kebe rsihan sekolah , satpam , dan juga guru. Produk bervariasi dari bahan dasar botol minum bekas hingga ban bekas Mereka mengambil foto foto langkah pembuatan dan membuat video tutorial yang diunggah di akun Youtube mereka .

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hanya berlatih menulis teks prosedur namun juga mengomunikasikan prosedur mereka secara jelas dan menarik. Mereka juga berlatih untuk mengapresiasi dan memberi saran pada video teman mereka melalui umpan balik yang mereka buat.

Terlebih dari pada itu, mereka berlatih untuk mengasihi orang di sekitar mereka melalui produk yang dibuat dengan hasil tangan mereka sendiri.

Tidak hanya produk kreatif, siswa-siswi juga menulis kartu ucapan terimakasih kepada pihak yang menerima produk mereka. Semoga dari apa yang mereka pelajari, mereka juga dapat memberkati orang lain.

Tuhan memberkati! Salam, MafianiKusumaDewi Guru Bahasa Indonesia

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The Month of

On the fourth Thursday of November, American families gather together to celebrate the many blessings they have received.

James 1:17 reminds us that every good and perfect gift is from above. As Christians, we know that our ultimate thanksgiving shouldn’t be directed towards other people or coincidence but towards our Father above.

I haven’t been in the US for Thanksgiving in around ten years. Moreover, my immediate family has been scattered across the world and cannot join together for the big dinner But we are intentional about embracing the spirit of Thanksgiving during the month of November.

Each day we share a “new mercy” (Lamentations 3:22-23), something that God did that day to remind us of His steadfast love and abundant blessings.

One of the biggest takeaways from the month of giving thanks for new mercies was seeing how God knows exactly what I need and provides it every day. I’m not talking about food or wifi or a good night’s sleep.


I’m talking about encouragement from a friend the day before it seems like everything else goes wrong. I’m talking about the energy and patience to thrive throughout the craziest of days even when short on sleep. I’m talking about seeing God work in the lives of the students I have the blessing to work with.

Noticing new mercies every day helps me set my mind on things above (Colossians 3:2).

There is so much that goes wrong and that I could complain about. But I want to remember the joy that comes from noticing daily mercies, so that I may continue the habit of thanksgiving, even after the holiday season is over I encourage you to do the same and help your children do so as well.

Here are some photos of my family at our respective Thanksgiving celebrations around the world. We have so much to be thankful for!


HOW TO IMPROVE IT? Physical Activity

Being physically active is one of the key ingredients to a person's overall health. Family, peers, school, community, and the government has a huge role in leading a nation to lifelong physical activity.

The Active Health Kids Global Alliance is a not for profit organization of researchers, health professionals and stakeholders who are working together to advance physical activity in children and youth from around the world

The dominant effort of the AHKGA to date has been its Global Matrix initiative. Each participating country’s research process to determine grades was based on a harmonized framework and standardized rubric. Ten common indicators were compared: Overall Physical Activity, Organized Sport and Physical Activity, Active Play, Active Transportation, Sedentary Behaviour, Physical Fitness, Family and Peers, School, Community and Environment andGovernment.

The purpose of Global Matrix 4.0 is to learn more about the state of physical activity of children around the world and how to improve it.

For each participating country, a team of experts prepared a Report Card on physical activity for children and adolescents following a standardized development process to compile the best available evidence and grade (from A+ to F) 10 common physical activity indicators This initiative allowed researchers to perform global comparisons.


Complete details of the 2022 Indonesia’s Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents can be found here:

1 https://www.activehealthykids.org/indonesia/

2. https://activehealthykidsindonesia.org/en/

3. GlobalMatrix4.0

Hopefully, this is helpful to you and your family!

Regards, OliverCaja Physical Education Coordinator

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This November the Student Activities Council (SAC) committee planned a Harvest Festival on the 18th of November.

We prepared lots of fun games and activities such as Pie Eating Contest, Makan Donut, Dunk Tank, and many more. This was our first event and it instead of feeling like a STUCO and student event, it felt more like a party with the whole school.

On behalf of the STUCO, I can say that everyone enjoyed seeing the students have fun Though progress can be made to improve, we look forward to doing this again next year. Thank you to the PAG and of course the students as well for making this Harvest Party a memorable one!

The MiSO committee, on the other hand, is holding a 30 hour famine next month.

30 Hour Famine is a worldwide known event where youth gather for a day of fasting, Bible studies, learning about fighting hunger around the world, and fun activities such as fort building, karaoke, and hide and seek to raise awareness and funds for those who are less fortunate.

We hope the students will enjoy this fun, challenging experience as well!

Warm regards, TatyaraFaithGomargana President of Student Council


Photo Gallery

Oct - Nov 2022

sph.edu PHOTO GALLERY 15
New Kindergarten Center Opening | October 2022
sph.edu PHOTO GALLERY 16 Book Week | November 2022
sph.edu 17 PHOTO GALLERY
Soapbox Race Car Derby by G8 | November 2022 Greek Day by G6 | November 2022
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Suzuki String Performance @Kiddo Fest | November 2022 Wax Museum by G6 | November 2022
12 13 14 15 16 1 Upcoming Events Get connected: Don't miss any updates Instagram : @sphpluitvillage Youtube : Sekolahpelitaharapan Website : sph.edu 19 SPH PV CALENDAR Kindy Concert @9 AM G8 Fieldtrip: Magic 3D Museum Ancol All School Christmas Assembly 22 23 21 20 19 12 14 15 16 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 11 10 17 18 24 25 Fri Thu Wed Tue Mon Sat Sun 26 December2022 13 18 27 29 30 31 1 2 Christmas Concert @GKY Pluit End of Term 2 (Dismissal 11 AM) StuCo: Scouting Trip to Lampung 19 Dec - 6 Jan Christmas Holiday 8 Jan 2023 First Day in Term 3

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