The International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Engineering
Influence of the Neutron Flux Characteristic Parameters in the Irradiation Channels of Reactor on NAA Results Using k0 -Standardization Method Tran Van Hung* Research and Development Center for Radiation Technology 202A, 11 Str., Linh Xuan, Thu Duc, HoChiMinh City, Vietnam
S = 1-exp(-λt irr ); t irr – irradiation time; λ - decay constant;
Abstract-An approximation method using to estimate the influence of the uncertainties of the neutron flux characteristic parameters in the irradiation positions on the NAA results using k 0 -standardization technique was presented. These parameters are the epithermal reactor neutron spectrum shape-factor α, the
D = exp(-λt d ); t d – decay time; C = [1-exp(-λt m )]/λt m ; t m – measuring time;
effective resonace energy E r for a given nuclide and the thermal to epithermal neutron flux ratio f. The method is applied to estimate the effect of the uncertainties in the determination of α,
f – thermal to epithermal neutron flux ratio; Q 0 (α) = I0 (α)/σ 0 ; I0 (α) – resonance integral corrected for a non-ideal epithermal neutron flux distribution ( assumed 1/E1+α);
Er and f on final NAA results for some irradiation channels of the Dalat reactor. The obtained results shows that presented method is suitable in practical use for the estimation of the errors due to the uncertainty of the neutron flux characteristic parameters at the irradiation position in reactor.
ε p - detector’s efficiency; When the epithermal neutron flux distribution deviates from ideality, i.e. it does not follow the 1/E-law, Q 0 (α) of nuclide i can be writen by:
Keyword-k 0 -standardization Technique, Error Propagation Function, Neutron flux Characteristics, Dalat reactor
Q 0i (α)=(Q 0i – I. INTRODUCTION Since the k 0 -standardization method was introduced in NAA [1], it has been broadly applied in the reactor in the world. The fundamental concept of k 0 -method was being elaborated previously in great detail [1-3]. The concentration of a element in the k 0 -method is calculated by: Np tm
1 f + Q 0 (α ) ε p SDCW * k N t p m 0 f + Q 0 (α ) ε p SDCw *
ρ(ppm) =
M *θσ 0 γ Mθ * σ 0 γ * *
E ri )α+0.429/[(2α+1)(0.55)α] (3)
with α - neutron spectrum shape factor deviating from the 1/E-law, independent of neutron energy and
E ri - effective resonace energy of nuclide i;
with k 0 in Eq.(1) defined as:
k0 =
In Eqs.(1) and (2): M - atomic mass; θ - isotopic abundance;
The asterisks in Eqs.(1) and (2) refers to the comparator, which is suitable for coirradiation with the sample; in most case, Au is used as a comparator. The k 0 -factors to Au for interested isotopes in NAA were experimentally determined and tabulated in [4] with an accuracy better than 2% (average ~ 1%). The relevant nuclear data as Q 0i and E ri can be found in a tabulated form or in a computer library. α, f and ε p must be determined by experiment and they depend on specific irradiation channel and detector, which are used in practice. The detector’s efficiency (ε p ) can be determined with anuncertainty about 2%; but the uncertainty of α can be more than 10%, even bigger, depend on the irradiation channels in reactor. Since the term [f + Q 0 *(α)]/[f + Q 0 (α)] in Eq. (1), it is clear that an additional parameter, E ri , should be
σ 0 - 2200 m.s-1 (n,γ) cross-section;
considered, because the uncetainties of E ri of some nuclides are about 20% [4,5].
γ - absolute gamma-intensity; W - sample weight in gram;
The accuracy and the applicability of the k 0 standardization method were detailly presented in [5] by F. De CORTE et. al.. In [6], J.OP De BEEK evaluated the effect of
w* - comparator weight in microgram;
errors of α and E ri on the results in terms of concentration,
N p - peak area corrected for pulse losses;
C World Academic Publishing IJNESE Vol.1 No. 1 2011 PP.22-27 ○
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