K e n m o r e B o u l e v a r d D e s i g n S t r t e g i e s Aa Resource and Toolkit KENMORE BOULEVARD to Enhance the Buildings A Resource and Toolkit to Enhance and Businesses along DESIGN STRATEGIES the Buildings and Businesses along The Boulevard The Boulevard
Kenmore Boulevard Design Strategies is a resource for
The Kenmore Neighborhood Alliance would like to thank the following
the community to guide investment in Kenmore.
people for their contribution in the development of this document:
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
KNA Design Committee
reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or
Todd Ederer, Chair
by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other
Sean Blake
electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior
Michelle DiFiore
written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief
Gerald Eagan
quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
Arlie Holman
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Ben McKeeman
For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed
Ed Michalec
“Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below.
Jonathan Morschl Renee Whittenberger
Tina Boyes | Executive Director, Kenmore Neighborhood Alliance
Michael Antenucci | Zoning Manager, City of Akron Mark Greer | Coordinator, Great Streets Akron
Lauren Burge | Historic Design Consultant, City of Akron
K e n m o r e B o u l e v a r d D e s i g n S t r a t e g i e s KENMORE BOULEVARD A Resource and Toolkit to Enhance DESIGN STRATEGIES the Buildings and Businesses along The Boulevard A Resource and Toolkit to Enhance the Buildings and Businesses along The Boulevard
A Renewed Vision for the Kenmore Community................................................10 History & Historic Analysis..................................................................................... 14
Kenmore Neighborhood Alliance is Here to Assist............................................ 16 Guidelines for Preserving and Improving Kenmore Boulevard...................... 20 .
Historic Preservation.......................................................................................... 21
. Storefronts...........................................................................................................22 . Visibility...............................................................................................................24 . Signage.................................................................................................................26 . Awnings...............................................................................................................28 .
Entrance Doors....................................................................................................29
. Windows............................................................................................................. 30 .
Masonry Maintenance and Repair...................................................................... 31
New Construction—Buildings and Additions.....................................................33
Sidewalk Amenities.............................................................................................34
.Resources.................................................................................................................36 .
Sources for Historical References.......................................................................37
National Park Service Resources........................................................................37
Preservation Briefs........................................................................................37
Standards for Rehabilitation.........................................................................37
Opposite page: Photograph of the former Kenmore City Hall, which was located at 957 Kenmore Boulevard in Akron, Ohio
City of Akron Information...................................................................................39
Important Contact Information....................................................................39
City of Akron Form Based Code of Kenmore Boulevard..............................39
Permitting Requirements for the Kenmore Boulevard Overlay District.... 40
Sources for Incentive Programs.......................................................................... 41
City of Akron Incentive Programs................................................................. 41
State and Federal Incentive Programs for Historic Rehabilitation............. 41
Design and Permit Review Process.....................................................................42
HOW TO USE THE GUIDELINES Good design is essential for people-friendly
This document will help you:
cities and neighborhoods. Yet, the concept of good design means something different
Enhance the look of your individual
to everyone. The Kenmore Neighborhood
building or business and thereby the
Alliance Design Committee have created
look of the Boulevard as a whole.
these guidelines, with assistance from
Take your project from idea to
Thomas Starinsky Community Planning
design to implementation, including
Consultant and Seventh Hill with the
navigating city processes.
purpose to inspire business and property
Set a common language for
owners to preserve and improve the
collaborating with neighbors and other
Kenmore Boulevard Historic District and
community members in preserving
offer best practices and proper techniques
the authenticity and historic nature of
for maintaining and improving the
Kenmore Boulevard.
buildings, businesses, and streetscape along Kenmore Boulevard.
Identify potential financial incentives to assist in funding your project.
Opposite page: Aerial view of Kenmore Boulevard photo: Jesse Barton
There is a tremendous amount of pride in
showed the potential of what Kenmore
the people who live and work in Kenmore.
could become.
Memories of growing up here, shopping on the Boulevard, walking to school,
In 2018, with the success of Kenmore
marching in parades and celebrating
Better Block, the City of Akron and KNA
together at summertime festivals only
saw an opportunity to take a fresh look
serve to reinforce this pride. In 2016,
at the neighborhood and talk with the
Kenmore Neighborhood Alliance (KNA)
community about ways to improve upon its
was founded to improve the quality of
great assets. This partnership built upon
life in the Kenmore community through
planning work underway at the city and
cultural, artistic, recreational and business
led to a comprehensive neighborhood plan.
revitalization. This coincided with Mayor
Goals for the plan included:
Dan Horrigan’s Great Streets Akron movement to renew neighborhoods and
within the neighborhood and within
their business districts. With this new
the City.
neighborhood energy, KNA presented Opposite page: Outdoor community engagement event along Kenmore Blvd
• Creating collaborative relationships
the Kenmore Better Block in 2017, which transformed the Boulevard for a weekend with activations and experiments that
• Initiating a shared vision to elevate Kenmore’s image; • Making a more walkable, bikeable, and livable neighborhood. A Renewed Vision for the Kenmore Community
• Providing opportunities to support
to parks and open space amenities; and
crosswalks, seating and lighting. These
existing and new neighborhood-
improvement to roadways to calm traffic
types of infrastructure improvements can
friendly businesses.
and improve bike and pedestrian access to
encourage investment by existing property
all community assets.
and business owners as well as new
• Creating a blueprint for immediate and
investments. Additionally, KNA continues
long-term improvements. The Kenmore Neighborhood Vision Plan
to activate the Boulevard through
Through a lot of hard work and hundreds
also lays out a strategy to reimagine
programming like First Fridays.
of comments from the community, the
Kenmore Boulevard. As the economic
Kenmore Neighborhood Vison Plan
heart of the community, the vision seeks
In, 2019 The Kenmore Boulevard Historic
creates a framework that focuses on areas
to create and improve connections
District was listed on the National
of need throughout the neighborhood.
through the neighborhood and to the
Register of Historic Places, further
The framework includes opportunities
Boulevard. Along the Boulevard, the
solidifying the Boulevard’s potential as
for redevelopment in the neighborhood
plan looks at calming traffic and creating
a unique destination for the community
and along the Boulevard; enhancements
a more walkable street with enhanced
with restored historic buildings, lively businesses, and dynamic public spaces.
To read the full plan go to:
These Kenmore Boulevard Design Guidelines will serve as a companion to the Kenmore Neighborhood Vision Plan and provide inspiration and resources to realize many aspects of the Plan.
Excerpt from MKSK plan for Kenmore Boulevard
A Renewed Vision for the Kenmore Community
Prepared by Chambers, Murphy &
Akron and Barberton with the Northern
Today, the Kenmore community is still
Burge Historical Architecture –
Ohio Traction Company streetcar line
distinct and identifiable by its vernacular
A Studio of Perspectus Architecture
connecting the two thriving communities.
housing types and the high architectural
This form of development, common to the
integrity found in the Kenmore Boulevard
The Akron Realty Co. developed the
early 20th century, is often referred to as a
Commercial District. The wide boulevard is
village of Kenmore by consolidating
“streetcar suburb”. The development was
lined with early 20th century commercial
several Coventry Township farms in
very successful with lots selling at a rapid
structures. Unique to the district is the
the early 1900s and subdividing the
pace due to the Akron Area Rubber Boom
angled facades along the zero set back lots
land into roughly 1,500 lots. Kenmore’s
of 1900-1928. In late 1907 and early 1908,
that line the curving boulevard. Although
chief backers were Noah R. Steiner,
the residents voted to become a village
the streetcar tracks have been removed
president of Akron Realty; William A.
and incorporated. The first elected officials
and the curbs have been changed, the
Johnston, manager of the Barberton
were in office by March of 1908. The village
commercial district retains the character,
Land and Improvement Co.; and Will
continued to grow, and by 1918 boasted
feeling and association of the original
Christy, president of the Northern Ohio
a population of over 18,000. However,
design. Although somewhat separated
Traction Co. The plan of the development
within a short period of time the residents
from the district, some of the more
included a business district along a tree-
of the village and the adjacent larger city
distinguished structures are the brick
lined boulevard, (Kenmore Boulevard)
of Akron, voted to annex Kenmore. In
masonry streetcar shed buildings at the
with a streetcar line running through
1928, just 20 years after its incorporation,
north east end of the boulevard.
the center. The developers envisioned
Kenmore became part of Akron.
a primarily residential area between History and Historic Analysis
The City of Akron Department of Planning
The Design Committee can help you:
and Urban Development reviews all exterior improvement projects including
• Assess the feasibility of your project.
signage, building renovation, new
• Develop good design plans.
construction, and streetscape enhancement.
• Identify knowledgeable and Kenmore-
These are essential processes that will help
friendly consultants and contractors.
to maintain high quality investment along
• Navigate and identify beneficial City of
the Boulevard. However, City processes
Akron programs that may be beneficial
may seem foreign or even daunting as you
to you.
pursue your improvements. This is where KNA can assist. The Design Committee of the Kenmore Neighborhood Alliance was created to provide support and guidance to business and property owners throughout city processes. Opposite page: Group onstreet review of Kenmore Boulevard.
Kenmore Neighborhood Alliance is Here to Assist
Before you start any processes with the city, contact Kenmore Boulevard Design Committee early in your project’s development. Doing so can help you avoid common problems and better align with the community’s common vision for Kenmore Boulevard.
KNA Design Review Area shown on Form-Based Code Map
Kenmore Neighborhood Alliance is Here to Assist
Historic Preservation In 2019, Kenmore Boulevard was formally
The Kenmore Boulevard Design
listed on the National Register of Historic
Committee can also connect you with
Places. What does this mean? Besides
numerous resources that provide guidance
recognizing what people from Kenmore
for designing projects in the Kenmore
already know—this is a special place—this
Historic District. The National Park
formal designation also makes projects in
Service provides guidance through several
the specified district eligible for financial
publications including the Secretary of the
resources for rehabilitation from city,
Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of
state and federal entities. These programs
Historic Properties, Historic Rehabilitation
include Akron’s Great Streets Program,
and technical Preservation Briefs. These
Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax
standards provide general guidelines on
Credits and Ohio Historic Preservation
how to address alterations and will be
Tax Credits. See the Resources Section for
noted throughout these guidelines as well
more information about these programs
as in the Resources.
and speak with KNA staff to assist in determining if your project can benefit from these resources. Opposite page: Storefront renovation work
Guidelines for Preserving and Improving Kenmore Boulevard
Storefronts Composition A typical storefront in the Kenmore
it is recommended to rebuild the storefront
Boulevard Historic District consists of
to match the original design. This can be
three common parts that include the
done using historic photographs, drawings,
bulkhead at the base; a display window;
or other existing physical evidence. In
and a transom above. The entrances
absence of historic information, a design
were typically recessed to prevent doors
can be developed using typical storefront
from swinging over the right of way. If
designs and proportions seen throughout
your storefront cannot be repaired, it is
the Boulevard.
recommended to replace the storefront using the same materials using the same
See illustrations.
dimensions. If it has been severely altered,
Opposite page: Illustration of a typical business façade: bulkhead, display window, transom, signage frieze, upper story windows, cornice
Upper story windows
Signage frieze
Display window
Guidelines for Preserving and Improving Kenmore Boulevard
Opposite page and below: Example images of various storefronts, including historic renovations and new building construction
Visibility Transparency and lighting in storefronts
between two feet and 10 feet above the
are also important in the evening hours. It
sidewalk where a display area is visible
provides a sense of security on the street
into the building’s interior.
and inside the business. Additionally, having your window display visible
See Resources for information on Zoning
during the evening enhances the look
and Permitting. See also the Preservation
and feel of the Boulevard and presents
Brief on Storefront Renovation, then
an opportunity to promote your business
contact the KNA Design Committee for
to people outside of business hours. For
more information.
this reason, security bars and shutters are discouraged. If such measures are unavoidable, solutions can be designed to be behind the window and discrete while providing the desired security. Because transparent storefronts are important to the character and walkability of the street, the City of Akron’s Form Based Code for Kenmore Boulevard sets a standard that primary facades be at least 60 percent transparent (non-tinted)
Guidelines for Preserving and Improving Kenmore Boulevard
Signage A sign is your first chance to speak to your customer and entice them to come into your business. Your sign can show passersby the style and personality of product you have for sale or the dining experience one will have. Signage can be simple or exuberant; small or large. In combination with dynamic window display, a well-designed sign will make a statement about your business at the street level and will have a significant impact on your sales. Further, in conjunction with other dynamic signage and storefronts, the Boulevard will feel more inviting as whole and attract more people to Kenmore. Location Business signage can be placed in a variety of locations on your building. One typical
the sign frieze. Signs can also project from the building, perpendicular to the sidewalk. These signs can be located in different locations including above the storefront, on the pier next to the storefront, or at the corner. It is recommended that signage be located and scaled in a way that is in keeping with the architecture and proportions of the building. Additionally, it is recommended to consider visibility and sightlines when determining the location. Because the buildings along Kenmore Boulevard are primarily masonry structures, it is strongly recommended that great care be taken to locate signage in a way that does not damage historic details. Further, sign bracket fasteners must only penetrate mortar joints and never bricks.
Design Signs can come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and illumination. The illustrations here show examples of potential designs. The City of Akron Planning Department prefers projecting signage for Kenmore Boulevard, as does the KNA Design Committee. Contact the Committee for assistance in developing your sign concept and identifying a qualified sign contractor. The City of Akron’s Form Based Code for Kenmore Boulevard provides standards for size, scale and location for your signage on your building. You are highly encouraged to be creative within these parameters. See Resources for information on Zoning and Permitting, then contact the KNA Design Committee.
location is the area above the storefront or Opposite page: Examples of storefront signage
Guidelines for Preserving and Improving Kenmore Boulevard
Awnings Another typical feature on historic
ends or so that the sides are not covered.
See also the Preservation Brief on The Use
buildings on Kenmore Boulevard is
Other awning styles are discouraged unless
of Awnings on Historic Buildings, Repair,
awnings. In addition to providing shelter
documented with historical evidence.
Replacement and New Design.
from sun and rain on the sidewalk,
Additionally, the awning design must be
awnings can add interest to the façade of
in line with the standards set by the City
buildings with color, secondary signage,
of Akron’s Form Based Code for Kenmore
and/or graphics. Awnings should be scaled
and located on your building so that it complements the storefront. It is preferred that awnings are shed style with open-
Above: Various awning examples
Entrance Doors The importance of entrance doors is often overlooked. Elements such as material, color, door handle and overall design reflect the history of the building and quality of the business one is about to enter. Doors that are original to a historic building should be retained and repaired. Where it is necessary to be replaced, it is recommended that the materials and design of new entrance doors is based on historic evidence. In absence of historic information, the design of a new entrance door can be based on typical historic doors found on Kenmore Boulevard. These styles can include a wide style wood or painted metal door or a stile and rail type doors. The door should have a tall bottom rail.
Above: Examples of wood and metal entry doors
A single panel, solid or glass is acceptable for most historic time periods. Multi-panel doors, especially highly decorative ones are discouraged unless historic evidence shows that they were part of the original design.
Guidelines for Preserving and Improving Kenmore Boulevard
no historic information is available, it is
In addition to the storefronts, windows
recommended that new windows be one-
located at the upper stories and sides of
over-one double hung sash. It is preferred
buildings are essential elements to the
that new windows use wood, wood with
architecture of buildings along Kenmore
aluminum cladding or aluminum material
Boulevard. The style, proportion, color,
and custom sized to fit the existing
and design are important to the overall
openings. Vinyl windows are discouraged.
look of your building. Storm windows may be used. In this case, Original windows can be repaired rather
it is recommended storm windows be
than replaced. While it is perceived that
custom sized to match the window with a
only new windows can be energy efficient,
narrow profile and frames that align with
studies have shown that a historic wood
the pattern of the windows. Both windows
window with good maintenance and
and storms should have a painted finish.
repair can perform remarkably close to high-performance new windows at
See also the Preservation Brief on The
a fraction of the cost. See one of many
Repair of Historic Wooden Windows, then
articles on the subject here. If the original
contact the KNA Design Committee for
windows are missing, new replacements
more information.
can be installed. New window styles should match the historic windows, based on photos or other evidence. If
Above: Examples of upper storey windows
Masonry Maintenance and Repair When you take a close look at the brick work and decorative elements on the buildings along Kenmore Boulevard, these seemingly simple structures reveal some exquisite details. In order to preserve these historic structures, the maintenance of masonry walls is critical. This is also essential to the overall health of the building. Even the slightest crack can let water penetrate the wall and cause major damage. Further, inappropriate repairs using the wrong material can, in fact, damage to your building. Consultation with a masonry contactor and/or an architect with proven experience in historic masonry structures is very important. Below is a list of important considerations when dealing with masonry issues. • Hire masonry contractors with proven experience with historic
Above: The skilled process of masonry repair
masonry construction including brick, limestone, and sandstone. A quality Guidelines for Preserving and Improving Kenmore Boulevard
contractor will understand how to
history. Instead, these new elements
address specific issues including proper
can be designed as a simple and
cutting techniques, finding appropriate
contemporary element that does not
matching brick or stone units for
detract from the original architectural
replacement, formulating a correct
mortar mix, and tooling of mortar correctly. • When repair is required, all measures should be taken to preserve existing
• Clean brick and stone using only nonabrasive methods as prescribed by best practices. • Do not paint masonry buildings. Paint
materials. Where significant repair or
can actually trap moisture in the wall
replacement is necessary, use historic
and create an on-going maintenance
photographs to guide the restoration
issue, which if not managed, could
of piers, facades, parapets, cornices
cause damage that is expensive to
and decorative details. For significant
repair. In an instance where painting
projects, it is strongly recommended
is unavoidable, use a breathable paint
to consult an architect with proven
product designed for masonry.
experience in historic architecture.
Above: Brick storefront repair examples
When repair or replacement is not
See also the Preservation Brief on
supported by documentation, there
Repointing Mortar Joints in Historic
should be no attempt to create
Masonry Buildings, Dangers of Abrasive
architectural elements that are not
Cleaning to Historic Buildings, then
true to your building—or create a false
contact the KNA Design Committee for more information.
New construction—
the purpose and goals of a new building
buildings and additions
or addition with the community in order
New buildings on vacant land and
to best align with the goals for Kenmore
additions to existing structures are exciting
opportunities that can add to the legacy of the Boulevard. It is recommended
See Resources for information on Zoning
the new buildings and additions use the
and Permitting, then contact the KNA
scale, architectural style and context of
Design Committee for more information.
nearby buildings as visual cues for new design. The design of new structures can use similar elements – brick, stone, simple accents – but be clearly of their own time. Additions to existing historic buildings can use the same materials but be used in a way that is clearly distinguishable from the original building. The City of Akron’s Form Based Code for Kenmore Boulevard provides standards for new construction including scale, setback, entrances, and building use. Further, it would be prudent to coordinate
Guidelines for Preserving and Improving Kenmore Boulevard
Sidewalk Amenities In addition to maintaining and animating
The City offers a streamlined café seating
the buildings along Kenmore Boulevard,
it is important to make sidewalks safe, comfortable and functional for pedestrians.
See Resources for information on Zoning
Amenities such as outdoor cafes, lighting,
and Permitting, then contact the KNA
planters, bike racks, and seating are
Design Committee for more information.
appropriate ways to create a vibrant environment on the Boulevard. Consider working with an artist to design any one of these elements or a mural on an unadorned wall. These elements can enhance the image of your building and reinforce your business brand or your pride in Kenmore. The City of Akron’s Form Based Code for Kenmore Boulevard provides standards for siting sidewalk amenities. Opposite: plan view of typical sidewalk with amenities and images of a variety of sidewalk amenity examples appropriate to Kenmore Boulevard
Bike Racks
Outdoor Café
Guidelines for Preserving and Improving Kenmore Boulevard
Sources for Historical References Kenmore Historical Society:
Standards for Rehabilitation
3. Each property will be recognized as
For further information visit: https://www.
a physical record of its time, place, and
use. Changes that create a false sense of historical development, such as adding
https://www.kenmorehistorical.org/ 1. A property will be used as it was
conjectural features or elements from
Summit County Historical Society:
historically or be given a new use that
other historic properties, will not be
requires minimal change to its distinctive
materials, features, spaces, and spatial relationships.
4. Changes to a property that have acquired historic significance in their own
National Park Service Resources
2. The historic character of a property will
right will be retained and preserved.
be retained and preserved. The removal Preservation Briefs
of distinctive materials or alteration of
5. Distinctive materials, features, finishes,
features, spaces, and spatial relationships
and construction techniques or examples
that characterize a property will be
of craftsmanship that characterize a
property will be preserved.
6. Deteriorated historic features will be
9. New additions, exterior alterations,
repaired rather than replaced. Where
or related new construction will not
the severity of deterioration requires
destroy historic materials, features, and
replacement of a distinctive feature, the
spatial relationships that characterize
new feature will match the old in design,
the property. The new work will be
color, texture, and, where possible,
differentiated from the old and will be
materials. Replacement of missing features
compatible with the historic materials,
will be substantiated by documentary and
features, size, scale and proportion, and
physical evidence.
massing to protect the integrity of the property and its environment.
7. Chemical or physical treatments, if appropriate, will be undertaken using the
10. New additions and adjacent or related
gentlest means possible. Treatments that
new construction will be undertaken in
cause damage to historic materials will not
such a manner that, if removed in the
be used.
future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment
8. Archeological resources will be
would be unimpaired.
protected and preserved in place. If such resources must be disturbed, mitigation measures will be undertaken.
City of Akron Information
City of Akron Form Based Code of
Important Contact Information:
Kenmore Boulevard Include the revised code that incorporates
Kenmore Design Review Committee
the authorization of the Kenmore
Boulevard Design Review Committee and inclusion of relevant references such as
City of Akron Zoning
Article 8 – On Premise Exterior Signs,
(330) 375-2350
awnings, and new construction.
Zoning@AkronOhio.gov City of Akron Plans & Permits (330) 375-2010 Plans&Permits@AkronOhio.gov Summit County Division of Building Standards (330) 630-7280 Plans&Permits@AkronOhio.gov Great Streets Program (330) 375-2090 www.GreatStreetsAkron.com
Permitting Requirements for the Kenmore Boulevard Overlay District All exterior improvements in the Kenmore Boulevard Overlay District must be reviewed by the City of Akron Department of Planning and Urban Development and the Zoning Department for permit review. It is recommended that project applicants meet with the KNA Design Committee for guidance and technical assistance. Your project will move on to the City for final approval and permitting. Below is the City process per project type.
Building / Façade Improvements
Awning or Signage
• KNA Design Committee
• KNA Design Committee
• Historic Consultant Review
• Zoning approval from the City of Akron (signage compliance)
• Urban Design and Historic Preservation Committee approval
• (If over public right-of-way) License agreement from the City of
• Zoning approval from the City of Akron • Building Permit from Summit County Division of Building Standards Sidewalk Amenities – outdoor café, seating, bike rack, etc. • KNA Design Committee • Approval from the City of Akron Public Works
Akron Department of Public Service • Building Permit from Summit County Division of Building Standards
Sources for Incentive Programs City of Akron Incentive Programs City of Akron Great Streets Program https://www.greatstreetsakron.com/
State and Federal Incentive Programs for Historic Rehabilitation Please see the links below on each program, then contact the KNA Design Committee for more informati0n. Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit https://www.nps.gov/tps/tax-incentives.htm Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit https://development.ohio.gov/cs/cs_ohptc.htm
Design and Permit Review Process for the Kenmore Boulevard Overlay District
Initial Conversation with Kenmore Boulevard Deisng Committee (KBDC) to understand goals of the project and to determine how the Committee can best assist in areas including consulatant/contractor referral, project and design technical assistance, financial incentives, community, city, and county contacts
Formal review by Kenmore Boulevard Design Committee
Review by relevant city and county bodies
Final city and county design and permit approval
Project construction!