GROUP 26 Susan Wijdeman 2390809 (CO)
Shari de Cortie 2363860 (CO)
Puck Bastiaansen Ruud Gelissen 2191577 (CO)
2210840 (CE)
Dionne de Vos 2220970 (CO)
Defining the problem
Violence against social workers In the Netherlands In Tilburg
8 8 10
Source of the aggression
Innovative idea
Previous campaigns
The idea
Interviews in the field
Target group
Virtual Reality
Introduction scenarios Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scneario 3
21 21 22 22
Strategic advice
Financial overview
INTRODUCTION ELEVATION ELEVATION is a consultancy that seeks to propel society through ideas to enlighten the Human Rights in Tilburg, which is the mission. The values that ELEVATION strives for are empowerment, compassion and novelty. These values are the foundation of consultancy ELEVATION. ‘Let go of the essence to empower novelty’ is the vision of ELEVATION, because society cherish and hold on to the past instead of moving forward. This consultancy wants to empower to move forward, just like an elevator ELEVATION wants to uplift their passengers to the next level with empowering solutions that connect social issues with novel opportunities on a tight budget. The members of the team:
CEO – The gear wheel to prevent the process to be blocked by a certain connection.
VP – The cable that supports the roles within the team.
Budget manager – The right amount of tools which need to be used.
Network manager – The opening doors between the different levels.
Creative engineer – The look and feel of the whole.
Colour scheme ELEVATION’s colour scheme is turquoise-blue with black, white and grey. Black, white and grey create a neutral and professional look. Turquoise-blue in business creates trusts towards the organization. Fonts The fonts which are used for the visual identity are Basic Title Font (ELEVATOR) and Zona Pro (Step in the consultation). Basic Title will also be used as page titles. Arial Narrow is the font ELEVATOR writes on papers, etc. Logo The logo symbolizes the highest level ELEVATION will empower her clients, ten out of ten. Ten is also written in braille which shows the compassion ELEVATION has for every single client with who she’ll operate.
ZONA PRO zona pro
ARIAL narrow ARIAL narrow bold
DEFINING THE PROBLEM For the Special Program Week of period one 2016-2017 the assignment is set to find a social issue in Tilburg and solve it with an innovative solution. The process started with a brainstorm. The conclusion which came out of the brainstorm was that acts of violence against social workers is a problem within society. It’s not only a big issue in Tilburg, but in the rest of the Netherlands as well. Almost every week you’re able to find an article in the newspaper about this problem. Social workers still get involved in mental and physical violence. There are no more recent numbers to be found, but there were 3773 reports of acts of violence and a total of 5125 articles appeared in the media of social workers being aggressively approach which could lead to consequences in 2011. In 2012 it was 4628 reports and 6033 incidents. In 2013 it was a total of 4332 reports at the police and 5520 incidents. These are just the numbers of the police getting involved in acts of violence towards them specifically (Persbericht, 2014). There’s no stable case of increasing or decreasing of the problem in the past years. As long as it continues to happen, we’re open to find a solution. It’s very clear that the inhabitants of the Netherlands are completely done with the acts of violence against social workers, like fire fighters, police and ambulance. At least 40 percent of the Netherlands even sees this as ‘one of the biggest problems in the Netherlands.’ This resulted from the research document of Trendbox commissioned by Stichting Hulp voor Hulpverleners (Examenblad, 2014). Through this report you might notice that the train conductors and education staff are left out. The focus of this document is creating awareness of the violence against social workers like police, fire fighters and paramedics, because there will not only be consequences for the social workers self, but for the victims, who these social workers weren’t able to help, as well. This research document and the concept are based on articles 3 and 5 of the Universal Human Rights Declaration (Nations, 2015): Article 3 ‘Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.’ Article 5 ‘No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.’
VIOLENcE AGAINST SOCIAL WORKERS In the Netherlands Acts of violence against social workers is researched within the different provinces in the Netherlands. A few articles are filtered over all the articles of the past year that noted acts of violence against social workers:
More attention for violence against social workers in court in Breda In April this year, the law court in Breda organised a week to create attention for the acts of violence against social workers, such as policemen, first aid workers, conductors and bus drivers (Struijs, 2016). There were a total of twelve cases that appeared for the judge that week. One of the twelve cases was about a drunk man who verbally abused a security worker of NS Roosendaal. A couple of years ago it was decided that the consequences or punishments should be doubled in these kind of cases. The Criminal Law lawyer, who’s defending the drunk man, is not fully agreeing with this statement. He agrees with the fact that social workers need to be protected, but on the other hand, they signed up for this job and should have a thicker skin and not interpret every insult as a personal attack. His client got four weeks in prison.
Eye-witnesses of acts of violence against two maintainers of city supervision wanted In August of this year two maintainers were violently approached by a male and female who disagreeing with their parking ticket which they received at the Woenselse Market in Eindhoven (, Eindhoven getuigen van geweld tegen twee handhavers van stadstoezicht gezocht, 2016). After the two maintainers handed out the parking ticket for unpaid parking at the vehicle, they were approached by a man and a woman who disagreed with their parking ticket. The maintainers were cursed at and chased by the concerned vehicle, with the intention to run over the two maintainers. The maintainers luckily managed to avoid the car. The police is still searching for eye-witnesses.
Aid workers attacked by aggressive father and son An ambulance in Eindhoven was called because the father was not feeling well, when it arrived the father became aggressive and attacked the aid workers. When police arrived the man became aggressive again that’s when the aid workers left the house but the man then attacked a police officer. The man was arrested with the help of pepper spray. While being arrested the son came outside and became aggressive. The son was also taken down by pepper spray and was arrested (van Gessel, 2014).
Man hits aid workers and threatens them with knife L1, news website of Limburg (2016) reported that a man himself called an ambulance but when aid workers arrived he attacked them. The man hit the aid workers and threatened them with a knife. Those aid workers overpowered the man and alarmed the police, who came to the house and arrested the man.
Violence against social workers The police (2016) reported three separate accidents that involved violence against police officers. The first accident happened when a woman called the police because she couldn’t enter her house. Other people barricaded the door from inside, when the officer arrived and announced himself, he got attacked. The man inside threw a steel pipe through the door, the police officer avoided the pipe but still got injured by glass shards. The second accident an officer got hit by a young man that was resisting his arrest. He got arrested because he was drinking in public and could not identify himself. When the police tried to confiscate two scooters the owner attacked the police officers and scolded at them. When the man threatened the police again, the officers used pepper spray. After the man got arrested and tried to get the man in the police car, they noticed that the car had two flat tires. Someone slashed the tires.
Driver hits aid workers after car accident The driver lost control over his vehicle which caused the car to roll-over. During this roll-over another car was hit but nobody got hurt, when the ambulance arrived the driver was already out of the car. The aid workers wanted to examine the driver, that’s when the driver got aggressive and kicked and punched them. Police later arrested him, according to Tubantia (2015).
Fast check violence against social workers Since 2007 the Dutch government researches violence against socialworkers in the Netherlands. All kinds of aggression and intimidation are consider violence during this study. In the figure below the percentages of the aid workers and fire fighters are shown (de Weerd, 2015). The highest percentages of assaults against these people are aggression and intimidation.
VIOLENcE AGAINST SOCIAL WORKERS In Tilburg Because of the fact that the assignment was to focus the concept on specifically Tilburg, articles are filtered from within Tilburg:
Two arrests after acts of violence In August of this year, a man and a woman got arrested for an act of violence of which the woman acted towards a police officer in Tilburg (, Tilburg twee arrestaties na geweldplegingen, 2016). Two men invaded the residence of a 43 year-old inhabitant. The two men destroyed windows and furniture of the residence and molested the inhabitant. A police officer on his motorcycle noticed a man and woman on the street who were highly suspected to be involved in the incident. The moment the police officer stopped the two, the woman became physically aggressive towards the policeman, kicked him on the legs and later also against the head. The man wasn’t agreeing with the policemen arresting him as well and resisted the arrest. Both the man and the woman are both sentenced for their actions.
Aggressive man captured, with pepper spray Half September this year a man was arrested, because he hindered and cursed at a police officer even though the police officer tried to help the man’s injured wife (, Agressieve man met pepperspray aangehouden, 2016). After an alert of a massive fight in the centre of Tilburg, several police agents hastened to the address. Bats would have been used during the fight. The police came across a lot of injured people on the street of whom a wounded woman. While the police tried to help the lady, a male walked out of his house and made aggressive and threatening movements with a stick towards the police. After a while he became verbally and physically aggressive and he was most certainly under influence of alcohol. The man disappeared back in the house. When the ambulance arrived, the woman got treated by the paramedics. One of the police men went into the house to talk to the aggressive man, who didn’t calm down yet. It got out of control, so the police had no other option than to use pepper spray to calm the man down. The man got arrested.
‘I almost passed out’, Tilburg inhabitant punched a female police officer In September 2015 a female police officer got injured during her shift on a Saturday night around 4 o’clock in Tilburg (Nijs, 2015). She ended up with a bleeding nose and almost passed out while stilling a massive scuffle between two groups of party people. Two police officers tried to get a hold on the situation. The female police officer got punched in the face. She had to visit the first AID. Because of his actions, the 25 year-old from Tilburg spent an evening in prison. The police mentioned that the offender will be both penally and financially punished.
Violence against fire fighters Not only police officers and ambulance staff have to deal with aggression and violence, firefighters are also suffering from violent people against social workers. For example, an incident in Tilburg on the 31st of December last year. The firefighters got a call about a fire in a garden shed in Rossininstraat. The fire in the shed grew bigger and blasted through the roof. When the firefighters got to the shed and started to extinguish the fire, they became victims of violence towards social workers. Several civilians started to throw fireworks to the firemen. Policemen were sent to the scene to keep the aggressive civilians away from the firefighters. Because of this horrible incident, it took them twenty minutes to extinguish the shed fire (Brabants Dagblad, 2015). The following example has occurred on an unknown date and place in the Netherlands. On a Saturday night, around 21:00 o’ clock, firefighters got a call about a house fire. When arriving at the scene, a man was kindly giving the firefighters information and guided them to the fire. The ‘kind’ man turned out to be renting a garage box close to the fire. He became really scared his box was about to go up in flames. He started to give the firefighters orders about where they needed to extinguish the fire and what to do. The firefighter kindly thanked the man for instructions, but asked him to leave. He refused. It turned into a huge fight on a garage roof and colleagues from the social worker overpowered the man. When he left, he started to make threats about getting a gun and ‘killing them all’. After this aggressive threat, the police had been put on the case. They eventually found out that the man indeed had a gun licence (Oberije, 2012).
Rapper Boef One of the trending topics in this case, is the rapper Boef case. Rapper Boef is a rapper and vlogger on Youtube, and is currently living in Tilburg. In his vlogs he is taunting the police and he is encouraging his followers (mostly younger viewers) to do the same. His followers will take over his behaviour towards the police or other social workers. This can create future problems against social workers. The younger viewers will see this behaviour as normal and will copy it when they see the police or other social workers (nieuws, 2016). Vlogs In his vlogs rapper Boef is not only taunting the police he shows also his reckless behaviour like racing on the highway. But he says he is doing more than only bad things, he is also vlogging about social things he does. But these vlogs don’t make it right to do the criminal stuff in the other vlogs (Boef, 2016). Actions Rapper Boef got arrested for his actions in his vlogs but this will only raise his “street credit” in the eyes of his followers. Arresting him and putting him in jail for only one night doesn’t do a lot. He actually likes it to get this attention and publicity, with every extra viewer he makes more money. The major Noordanus asked the prosecution to be on top on it. He wants to cancel the advertisements before the vlogs of rapper Boef so he won’t make money with his vlogs. This is not really possible and has to come from Youtube (Dagblad, Burgemeester Noordanus van Tilburg wil landelijk verbod op advertenties bij opruiende filmpjes, 2016) (nieuws, 2016) (Dagblad, Aanpak van treitervloggers is niet effectief, 2016).
SOURCE OF THE AGGRESSION Because violence against social workers happens on a regular basis, it is easy to sketch an offender profile. Not only does this profile show different character traits of the offender itself, but also reasons for using violence against social workers. Reasons for violence Violence against social workers can have several reasons. One of the most common reasons for offenders to use aggression, is being caught at an offense, being corrected or being (highly) frustrated. Other reasons are impotency, bad communication (the offender does not know what the social worker is up to) and being unsatisfied with the services the social worker is offering. A few of the least common reasons to violence are long waiting times, performing regular controls or bringing bad news. These feelings in combination with alcohol or drugs, make the offender want to use violence even more. In most of the cases, the offender is under the influence of alcohol or drugs (Nederlands Instituut Fysieke Veiligheid, 2015) (Binnenlands Bestuur, 2012) (Handhavingsacademi Nederland, 2015). Amount of offenders who are under influence of alcohol or drugs: o Men – 65% o Women – 4% o Couple – 13% o Group – 18% (Bergman, Valk, & Vries, 2013) This can be explained by the number of cases that have accord in the nightlife. From all 846 mentions on, almost 30 percent has accord in the nightlife. It can be assumed that most of the people who are out to party at night are under influence of alcohol or drugs (Bergman, Valk, & Vries, 2013). Offender profile Researchers Eliza Bergman, Henk Valk and Marco de Vries documented every mention of violence against social workers in the Dutch newspapers as well as mentions on the website for one year straight. This took from the first of October 2011 until the first of October 2012. In total, they found 114 mentions in national newspapers and 864 mentions of violence against social workers on (Bergman, Valk, & Vries, 2013). The numbers of their research offers a clearer profile of the offender and its reasons to use violence. Following the mentions of violence against social workers on and mentions in Dutch newspapers, the most cases feature a man as the offender. Offenders (846 mentions) o Men – 67% o Women – 4% o Couple – 14%
o Group – 13% o Unknown – 2% (Bergman, Valk, & Vries, 2013) Offenders Dutch newspapers (114 mentions) o Men – 40% o Women – 3% o Couple – 4% o Group – 18% o Unknown – 35% (Bergman, Valk, & Vries, 2013) Offenders against policemen are mostly men. They are aged between eighteen and thirty-four years old. Most of the offenders have some trouble noted in their criminal history (Nederlands Instituut Fysieke Veiligheid, 2015). Even though you can determine the sex or age of the offender, there are also different types of offenders. This makes it a lot harder to determine what kind of offender you have in front of you. The most common types of offenders are the ones who are under influence of alcohol or drugs, the ones who are impotent, frustrated or have a short temper. Also people who have a violent lifestyle or people who are confused are very common. A bit less common, but just as dangerous, are impressionable youth and people who get caught up in the situation by accident (Nederlands Instituut Fysieke Veiligheid, 2015).
PREVIOUS CAMPAIGNs Before it’s clear what kind of solution ELEVATION should come up with, knowledge is needed, to know what solutions have already been proposed for the problem of acts of violence against social workers. SIRE The organisation SIRE (Stichting Ideële Reclame) came with a campaign in 2011 to create awareness of the problem of acts of violence towards social workers. SIRE is an independent foundation that highlights unexposed subjects of society. SIRE wants to wake people, make them think and make them aware that some subjects should not be lost out of sight. The campaign is called ‘Handen af van onze hulpverleners’. SIRE found out in 2011 that eight of ten Dutch people have had enough of the violence against social workers. The greater part of the Dutch (88%) opine that social workers need to be able to do their work in peace. Also 58% indicated that they would not intervene in a conflict between citizen and social worker (SIRE, 2007). The campaign was focussed on social workers like policemen, firefighters and paramedics. The campaign is aligned with the Convention of Genève, which says that social workers in war situations have a secure status. So social workers in war get respect, but in times of peace they do not? The campaign wanted to get signatures for the petition that the case would be spoken about in politics. The campaign was picked up massively by media, like television and radio (Communicatie online, 2012). They reach a total of 93.000 signatures and 8000 responses. SIRE based the campaign on videos (commercials) (Agency, 2011), billboards and radio announcements. SIRE is also operating on social media. Punishment and speedy trial Back in 2011, during the time that SIRE was operating with their highly successful campaign, the media and politics also got themselves involved. The government started thinking about heavier punishments for these acts of violence. In April this year, the law court in Breda organised a week to create attention for the acts of violence against social workers, such as policemen, first aid workers, conductors and bus drivers (Struijs, 2016). There were a total of twelve cases that appeared for the judge that week. One of the twelve cases was about a drunk man who verbally abused a security worker of NS Roosendaal. A couple of years ago it was decided that the consequences or punishments should be doubled in these kind of cases. The Criminal Law lawyer, who’s defending the drunk man, is not fully agreeing with this statement. He agrees
with the fact that social workers need to be protected, but on the other hand, they signed up for this job and should have a thicker skin and not interpret every insult as a personal attack. His client got four weeks in prison. Because of the growth of these kind of incidents, the Dutch government decided to launch the speedy trial. This mean that the suspect will appear in front of the judge and be condemned within 17 days. This way of trial is only possible if there’s clear evidence on the case, so a perfect trial for acts of violence against social workers (Rijksoverheid, 2016). Security week of social workers Every year there’s one week organised by the Dutch Prosecution (Openbaar Ministerie) to create awareness of the acts of violence and aggression against social workers, under which NS employees, health-, welfare- and education employees, police and local authority. This year it was (Openbaar Ministerie, 2016) the turn to the health institutions in the Netherlands to be highlighted in this problem. Another reason for the Dutch Prosecution to organize this is, because the employees in the health sector mostly don’t report the crime of violence or aggression, because they don’t believe that the Dutch Prosecution actually take them very serious. The security week of social workers was from the 11th until the 15th of October.
THE IDEA - HANDS OFF The purpose of the concept ‘Hands off’ is to make an impact on young adults regarding their views on respect towards social workers. An accident or incident will be staged in front of the school when the social workers are trying to help the victims, actors will start to verbally attack them, the students will see this right before they have to go class. In class the accident/incident will be discussed and social workers will come in to talk about their experiences. After this short informative presentation, the students will get to experience it through virtual reality glasses. The students will see the accident/incident from different point of views, for example from one of the offenders that is very aggressive towards the social workers. Or from the point of view of a social worker that is trying to work and help the victims but is being yelled at, threatened, attacked with objects or by the offenders. The VR videos will be realistic and violent because this really happens to social workers. A minimum age requirement to experience the virtual reality movies would be a good idea, because of the explicit violent images. A collaboration with the social workers like the police, ambulance and firefighters is necessary for the staged accident/incident and the informative presentation. Social workers can tell their own experiences with violence and intimidation on the job. An important point is to also show the students what the effects are on everyone that is involved in those situations. What happens to the victims of the accident, the social workers, the offenders and the witnesses. But also how it effects the society in general.
INTERVIEWS IN THE FIELD Besides desk research field research was done to come in contact with social workers. Input was needed of the experiences of the social workers and what they thought about a solution to this social issue and their opinion on our solution. The questions which were asked: 1) 2) 3) 4)
Have you ever experienced violence against you during your workhours? Would you like to tell us about one experience? Do you think there is a solution for violence against social workers? What is your opinion on our solution?
Paramedic #1 When asked the question if he had ever experienced violence against him during work hours, he had a short and simple answer. “I have experienced violence against me, but I guess everyone here has experienced it.” The anonymous paramedic has experienced several cases with aggression and violence. “The experience that had the most impact on me was when I worked at the hospital and this guy grabbed me by my shirt and threatened me, because he wanted me to get the doctor. While working as a paramedic the situations where a psychiatric patient is involved are the ones we need to be careful and cautious. Psychiatric patients can be in a psychosis and is unpredictable. They can get very aggressive towards us because they see us as a threat. We can’t solve this problem; all we can do is make arrangements with other social workers. The society needs to participate, but there will always be idiots. The police needs to keep those people in range.” After telling him our concept, he gave us his honest opinion. “It’s a great solution for this problem, but only a few school students will be influenced and not everyone. When people are harassing us they are mostly under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Most of the times their boundaries are stretched and their values vanish. You could also visit MBO schools and go to festivals.”
Paramedic #2 We also had the opportunity to interview another paramedic. Just like the first one, he would like to stay anonymous. When we asked him if he had ever experienced any violence against him, he answered quit the same: “Yes, I have. But I rather not talk about these experiences.” We started talking about our school project and that we are looking for a solution for the violence and if he had any idea of a possible solution himself. “In my opinion, campaigns invented to prevent violence against social workers are not doing what they are supposed to do. I can’t think of any solution on my own that would help. Taking firm steps against offenders is not the way to prevent this problem, because it hardens the society too much. Always having policemen around is also not an option. They have enough to do already. The best thing to prevent violence against social workers is to stop using alcohol or drugs.” Eventually, we told him our idea. Thankfully he was really enthusiastic. “Your solution is a great idea. It is nice to approach the target audience on their level. However, you do need to approach the right target audience. Most of the offenders are from a lower school-level, like VMBO and MBO. It can also be a great idea to take your concept to the centrum of Tilburg during the nightlife evenings.”
TARGET GROUP Let’s be real, a specific solution wasn’t found for the problem of acts of violence against social workers. The concept ‘Hand off’ would like to add something to the future solution. That’s why the target group needs to be framed at first. The society in total is too large to specify a concept on. The concept ‘Hands off’ needs to create awareness and provide valuable information to youth the age of 15 to 21 years-old. Research indicates that this target group is still very much influenceable and their opinions are not as specified as the ones of full grown adults (W., 2005), that’s why Rapper Boef is on dangerous ground with his vlogs (Dagblad, Aanpak van treitervloggers is niet effectief, 2016). Also it’s been proven that the violence levels are higher in high school than in primary or secondary school and violence is more common in lower education levels, such as MBO and VMBO (Vincent van Grinsven, 2015). You could say that there’s some sort of connection between education level and act of violence. ‘The concept we came up with and what we would like to create awareness with is focussed on changing the mindset and in further stage change the acts of the target group. Our concept travels in Tilburg to stop at MBO education programmes and lower education high schools in Tilburg.’
Virtual REality Virtual Reality is an upcoming technological trend. A 3D environment is generated that can be explored by the person wearing the VR (Virtual Reality) glasses (Virtual Reality Society, 2016). The person wearing the VR glasses is totally immersed in that virtual world and is experiencing its environment as if it’s reality. Erin Carson (2016), a blogger of TechRepublic, said that one of the biggest trends in 2016 will be the role of the media regarding VR. The media will hype VR more and there will be more buzz about it. This also means that 2016 has been a learning year for people that have not experience it yet or only briefly. Today Virtual Reality is used in a few industries according to Dr. Brain Jackson (2015). Virtual Reality is not only used for gaming but also for data visualization like weather models, architecture or molecular visualization. In medicine, the military and aviation Virtual Reality is used to virtually train instead of live training. This way pilots can train more, just like surgeons and due to Virtual Reality the military can train for special situations and how to respond. Virtual Reality is also used to treat mental illness or during therapy. University of Washington and Harborview Burn Center (2008) developed an immersive world in VR for severely burned patients, while these patients were playing the game they experienced less pain. Virtual Reality Society (2016) emphasizes the importance of Virtual Reality and its future. Even though producing Virtual Reality applications and movies it’s worthwhile. Virtual Reality does not only have an entertainment value, but it can lead to discoveries in all kinds of areas. Virtual Reality is the answer to experience situations that are impossible, too dangerous or too expensive in real life. Experiencing situations in Virtual Reality helps reducing risks in real life.
INTRODUCTION SCENARIOS After the short lesson about violence against social workers the students will be able to watch a video on a VR-device. This device will show different videos, but they all show some kind of violence that social workers have to deal with on a regular basis. The kids will see everything out of the perspective from the police officer, aid worker or firefighter.
It all starts with two police officers in a police car racing towards an alert of people fighting on the street. When they arrive there are more people than they can handle but they have to take action. A lot of these people are filming everything closely and they are disturbing the police officers during their work. The crowd is getting bigger and more people get involved with the two officers who are trying to arrest two guys. A lot of younger people are shouting and cussing at the officers. At some point they even climb on the police car and kick off the mirrors. The cussing is changing from hurtful words to death threats. After a while, back up arrives and they arrest more young people for the death threats and destroying the car. One guy gets arrested by you by throwing him on the ground. The movie ends with a personal view from the guy who got arrested. His view is in a small prison where he thinks about his actions. In the end you see what conviction this guy got from misbehaving.
An accident happened where a boy/girl got hit by a car. A medical team is driving to get to the accident, when they arrive they see it is a serious accident. They are the first people who are at the accident, the police is still on its way. The driver is in total shock which leads to an aggressive stand. He is shouting at the medical team and is bothering them during their work. At some point one of the two medical workers has to pull the driver away. The boy/girl is getting worse; he/she needs a lot of medical attention to survive. But bystanders are interfering with the medic and the driver, they choose the side of the driver because they don’t know the story. The medic can’t do his work properly; the boy/girl dies in the hands of the medic. After this horrible experience the medic teams gets all the blame of all the people around them. The movie ends with a horrible shot of two medics bent over the victim with a lot of people shouting at them.
- fire fighter
It is a quiet Friday night before New Years Eve when a fire breaks out due to fireworks set off the wrong way. Fire fighters are rushing towards the fire, when they arrive a lot of young people are standing around and watching the fire. The first things the fire fighters must do is evaluate the fire and which strategy they are going to use to control the fire and extinguish the fire. The people that are standing there don’t want to move and are complaining about the fire fighters not doing their job, because they aren’t immediately extinguishing the fire. At first the people are only complaining, but a few are getting more aggressive towards the fire fighters. The atmosphere is getting more hostile and eventually a bystander starts throwing rocks towards the fire fighters. Luckily the police arrives and a lot of bystanders are getting arrested. The end shot is of a paramedic checking the injuries of the firefighter, while in the background the police is arresting people.
STRATEGIC ADVICE Previously, organizations tried different approaches to solve the problem. Think of the campaign from SIRE in 2011 or raising the punishment for these acts of violence. And we also have the security week of social workers where the goverment creates awareness for the violence against the social workers. But all these initiatives are at the end of the problem, it creates awareness but doesn’t solve it. We want to try to reach the problem at the beginning. We think this starts with young adults in high school and intermediate vocational education at an age of 15 to 21 years-old. Because like we said before it is a social problem and you can only change a social problem at the roots. Our advice is a concept which contains a school campaign with a virtual reality experience. This virtual experience shows the young adults a movie of the hard life of a police officer or a medical team in rough situation. This school campaign will be supported by an offline campaign through the city. This offline campaign will contain several billboards showing the violence with social workers. The main goal is solving the social problem by reaching and changing the way young adults think of the violence against social workers. But a the offline campaign will reach the secondary goal by creating awareness at the rest of the country.
FINANCIAL OVERVIEW In the total costs you witness the budget which is needed to make this campaign work. The VR-Experience are the costs of the VR Gear and film production to make all the three VR movies. For this movies actors are needed to make the experience believable and to create the awareness there is a post for offline communication. Apart from the cost for the production of the VR-Experience and making the movies support from police officers and medical teams would be appreciated. They have to be involved with creating the right scene and with the presentation at the school. To make it credible on the schools real police officers, firefighters and medics will be asked to visit the school. When it is credible the young adults will pick it up earlier. There was not enough time to ask for invoices, so this is a rough indication from our budget manager. The financial overview is as following:
Item VR-experience Film production Actores Offline communication
Cost 5.000 euros 15.000 euros 5.000 euros 5.000 euros
30.000 euros
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