AC Concepting+ Individual part

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by Shari de Cortie

Oppurtunities The following concept focusses on two of the oppurtinities that were discovered after the research that was done for in this report. Consumers don’t associate themselves with the brand Hunkemöller. The brand awareness of Hunkemöller in the Netherlands is 95% and in Belgium 86% (Hunkemöller, 2016), but this doesn’t mean that consumers associate themselves with Hunkemöller. The vision of Hunkemöller is about being there for everyone, just like the slogan, but a lot of people do not associate themselves with the models they see in the advertisements. The slogan ‘So me’ is not prominent in any of the concept carriers of Hunkemöller. This is a oppurtunity because the slogan ‘So me’ is in line with the vision. Coming up with a concept to enhance the slogan is in correlation with the brand association and core values. The core values are from the dormant concept and the slogan is from the awakening concept according to Crucq - Toffolo & Knitel (2016), authors of Concept Code. Right now the slogan is not convining enough because it is not prominent in any of the concept carriers of Hunkemöller.

I am a Shero So Me

Every woman is a Shero, which is the words she and hero combined. Hunkemöller already uses this term for internal use, like their persona. This concept focusses on the fact that every woman is a Shero. Even though every woman is different, they are unique in their own way, just like the products of Hunkemöller. A big part of the concept is about being unique, inspiring and being yourself. ‘So me’ will also be the slogan of this concept, just to give the slogan also some attention.

Implementations - High Wine for Sheroes in several stores - Communication/marketing campaign - Shero of the day/week/month on Social Media - Shero Evening, an evening in the store to inspire - Encouragements/inspirational quotes in balloons in the stores



In touch

Core values



Shero evening

The core values of Hunkemöller are also the core values of this concept, which are stated above. ‘I am a Shero’ is a concept to inspire women, to be theirselves with a sexy touch. Hunkemöller is a passionate brand that wants to be there for everyone, with this concept Hunkemöller puts everyday-women that are inspiring in the spotlight. With a touch fun and sexiness this concept achieves this. This experience will enhace the brand association among the target group.

The Shero evening will be announced on social media, in the store and the newsletter. During the evening women will be welcomed into the store or a beautiful party location with a drink and a balloon. After the welcoming speech it becomes clear that there is something inside of the balloon, this could be a compliment, inspirational quote or question and a golden ticket for a free set of lingerie. During this evening there will be different presentations on how to get the most potential out of yourself. The presentations/workshops will have subjects like how to dress best to your body, to be confident at all times, how to inspire yourself and others by being ‘So me’.

The point of this evening is to inspire women.


Newsletter Shero of the week posts

Announcement in store ‘Shero evening’


Announcement Social Media ‘Shero evening’

Social Media posts

I am a S

Wearing Hunkemöller’s products Golden ticket winner story

xp t-e

s Po

Video of the night

e ur


Shero of the week Thank you e-mail to attendees

‘I am a Shero’ advertisments (on- and offline)

Announcement in store ‘High Wine’ ‘I am a Shero’ advertisments (on- and offline)


Announcement Social Media ‘High Wine’

Fun activities

a Shero

‘Shero evening’

Themed fingerfood & drinks Presented inspirational stories Store



Golden ticket

Ex po

Balloons Gift bag

‘High wine’

Shero stories Products Shero of the week information

Concept touchpoint wheel (Conceptcode, 2016)

Shero Evening Eindhoven 11-2016

Shero of the week is @taraverbon. She is a Dutch blogger and is passionate about inspiring others with her blog. Follow her to read her stories about fashion for curvy women and how to be confident about it. Are you a Shero or do you know one that deserves the spotlight of next week? Tag her!

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