Special Week 2: Advise group 26

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1. INTRODUCTION For this second Special Week, we are working with real companies and cases. Together we created the communication agency ‘Three is a Charm’ to work in our case for this week, given by Sense. 1.1 ABOUT THE CASE Sense has given us the assignment to create a way that men start looking up information about testicular cancer. Research shows that testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer for men (Kanker.nl, 2015). Even though this particular form of cancer is very common and dangerous, men do not look up information about this disease as women do for breast cancer. This leads to the average of breast cancer victims having a higher change of survival because it is noticed sooner (Sense, 2016). Not only do women look up information about breast cancer more often, it also is a more talked about topic. For example, take the breast cancer month and all the Pink Ribbon campaigns and collaborations (Pink Ribbon, 2016). 1.2 GOAL For us, the goal is to make men aware of the dangers of testicular cancer. Because men are not aware about testicular cancer and its effects, our aim is to raise awareness about testicular cancer among the target group.


2. MANAGEMENT SUMMARY Sense has given us the assignment to create a way that men start looking up information about testicular cancer. To understand the current attitude of men towards testicular cancer we have conducted extensive research. Our most important findings are: - 68% of the men between the ages of 18 and 43 have self-examined themselves but only 27% of the respondents indicated that they would self-examine on a regular base. - 32% of men know how to perform a proper testicular self-exam. - School-based education programs, working on improving doctor-patient relationships, providing female partners with information, and conducting clinics in the workplace and at sporting clubs are suggested channels to heightening testicular cancer awareness by health professionals and policy makers. Our goal is to increase the amount of testicular self-exams performed by men aged 20-34 by 3% within 1 year. To accomplish this, we have created a concept, including several different concept carriers, that increase knowledge and awareness within our target group (males between age 20-34). The concept, dubbed “Do you have the balls?” will be spread on different levels: publicly, schools, doctors, (female) partners and communities. By increasing the presence of the subject on all these different platforms we aim to convince our target group to change their behaviour towards testicular self-exams. The campaign is spread out over one year, with different costs and time schedules for each concept carrier: The entire campaign, including every concept carrier will cost £6.594.226. In chapter 5.the entire costs can be founded, divided per concept carrier. Planning for the whole year that the campaign is running looks like this.



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3. ANALYSIS 3.1 ABOUT SENSE Sense is a London based communication agency that specialises in creating innovative and exciting communication / marketing moments in real life, to help brands in need. The vision of Sense is ‘The rise of real world ideas’ and their mission is ‘where brands communicate by creating or doing something in the real world’. Their real life creations are always authentic and are being managed from the strategy to the evaluation. Sense has worked with brands such as Canon, Timberland, Coca Cola, Weight Watchers and John Frieda (Sense, 2015). Besides creating these unique and authentic marketing campaigns for brands, Sense also gives a workshop about experiences in the marketing and communication business. Sense itself calls it the Get Real Workshop; “Training in the most influential and most misunderstood advertising discipline of today – experiential” (Sense, 2015). The workshop features a holistic definition of the experience, how to build an experiential strategy and how to measure and evaluate this kind of advertising (Sense, 2015). 3.2 TARGET AUDIENCE To determine the best target group for this case, testicular cancer statistics have been retrieved. From these statistics the following statements have helped us determine the right target group: - Incidence rates for testicular cancer in the UK are highest in males aged 30-34 (UK Cancer Research, 2016) - Testicular cancer can be treated and usually cured, especially when it’s found early – when it’s small and hasn’t spread. (American Cancer Society, 2016) Combining both statements, it is safe to say that, in order to have the biggest effect, it is smart to target the male demographic between the ages of 20-34 in order for most incidences to be found early, leading to the highest chance of discovery of testicular cancer and therefore survival. This means our target group is the demographic male between the ages 20-34. This target group (in the UK) has the following characteristics: • Age: 20-34 • Gender: Male • Income average of 25.341 Pounds per year • In 2015, the average number of people per household was 2.4, the same as the European average. The target group (male 20-34) is in a transitional phase where this demographic moves from living at home with their parents to buying a house of their own. Also, their marital status shifts from mostly single (at age 20) to in a relationship/married (Office for National Statistics, 2016).


The majority of men (68%) aged between 18-43 reported that they had performed self-examination at least once in the past, and 65% indicated that they self-examined occasionally but not on a regular basis. When asked about their intention to selfexamine at the recommended frequency (i.e. at least once a month) only 27% indicated that they would do so in the future (Brewer & Dewhurst, 2013). Considering the difference between the knowledge and behaviour regarding TSE between two studies (Lechner, Oenema, & de Nooijer, 2002) and (Brewer & Dewhurst, 2013), more young men are now aware of testicular cancer and TSE than they were before (4% in 2002 versus 68% in 2013). The determinants for the intention to check themselves are expected self-efficacy, expected positive outcomes of performing TSE, the social norm and the estimated risk of getting testicular cancer. However, not every man in the target group is willing to perform TSE, even after gaining knowledge of TSE. A large portion of subjects (60%) show fear of detecting cancer. The differences in determinants found, have practical consequences for designing effective health education interventions for stimulating regular TSE performance. The results indicate that a different approach is needed for young men who experience few negative emotions concerning TSE and those experiencing major negative emotions. Providing straightforward cognitive health education techniques might prove to be very effective among those young men with limited negative emotional feelings about testicular cancer or TSE. This group of men will probably respond best to objective information that emphasizes the pros of TSE, to education that gives useful tips that help them to keep up regular TSE and to education providing objective information on the risk of getting testicular cancer. Young men who are fearful of finding testicular cancer by performing TSE probably need a different health education approach. They will probably respond better to health education focusing on their personal responsibility to perform TSE regularly and on the importance of behaving in accordance with their own personal standards or norms with respect to health behaviour (Lechner, Oenema, & de Nooijer, 2002). 3.3 TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENTS When looking at the activities our target group participates in during their spare time, two notable conclusions (Kopf, 2016) were found: 3.3.1 The Decline of TV Watching Although socializing, relaxing and leisure is increasing as a category, the specific activity of watching television and movies is on an impressive decline -- even as TV and movie watching is increasing for the rest of the population. The chart below shows that from 2004 to 2014, the amount of daily TV and movie watching for those in their twenties went down from 144.9 minutes to 137. Over the same period, the 30 and above crowd increased their TV watching from 141.6 to 150.5 minutes. This includes TV and movie watching on any device.


3.3.2 Activities on the Rise With the time saved from less travelling, shopping, eating, watching TV and caring for others, those in their twenties had more time for activities (besides just sleeping more). The activities they chose to engage in are not a huge surprise. People in their twenties in 2014 were more likely spend time playing games (including on mobile), using their computer for leisure (like looking at Facebook), and reading for pleasure.


3.3.3 Cancer treatment developments Just as in all cancer cases, there are several stages of how far grown and developed the cancer is. In the case of testicular cancer stage two, a development is that doctors are recommending a certain type of treatment. When the tumour that has spread to the lymph nodes is smaller than five centimetres, the patient will get to choose between chemotherapy or a radiation treatment for the (lower) stomach after the testicle has been removed. However, doctors are now recommending chemotherapy, since there is a higher chance on negative long-term effects from radiation treatments. Also, when the spreading is larger than five centimetres, doctors are recommending chemotherapy as well (Kanker.nl, 2016). Besides these well-known treatments against cancer, there are also new treatments that need to be tested. For research, you are able to work in one of those trials and undergo a new treatment. These trials exist so doctors can do research about new treatments and if they are better than the treatments we use nowadays (Kanker.nl, 2016). At the moment, there are no open trials for testicular cancer in the Netherlands. However, there are close to twenty trials for prostate cancer (Kanker.nl, 2016). In 2015 there only has been one trial on male genitalia cancer. The trial was closed at the 10th of February this year. For prostate cancer, there where 30 trials in 2015. 19 Of them where still open at the 10th of February, while 11 of them where closed (Kolman, 2016). Even though there are no trials for testicular cancer specifically, there is one trial for tumours in general: CLXH254X2101-study. This trial is open at the moment, and can be used for patients of testicular cancer. The trial is for patients who have an advanced for of cancer with changes in the MAPK system. During this trial, doctors will do research what the best dose of this new medicine is, by itself or in combination with another new medicine (Kanker.nl, 2016). 8

3.4 MODELS In preparation of this advice report individual analysis were made, these analysis are based on models. The DESTEP Method, Values Proposition, Business Model Canvas and Empathy Map were used, the last two seemed the most valuable for this report. These two models and its results are explained in this chapter, also the connection between the case and the models and why the combination of these two models was used to come up with a solution. The whole analysis of these models is included in the appendix. This report contains a solution for the problem, we see this as a challenge, that men between the age of 25 and 35 have a higher chance on testicular cancer but are not aware of this. Sense gave us the task to come up with a solution to create awareness among the target group and start a conversation. First step is to make an analysis, which we did based on the models that were most valuable in this case. 3.4.1 Empathy Map What is the Empathy Map? The model used to analyse the business and environment is the empathy map. The model below is a tool to get insights on the customers and build a better customer relationship (Empathy map handleiding, n.d.). This model will be helpful to get insights on the customers, this does mean that this analysis is focussed on the target group and not on Sense London itself.


The Empathy Map and our case It is important to understand the target group, not just the numbers and facts but also what they feel and think. Once it is clear what influences the target group and what is important to them, the concept should be a better fit for the target group and the client. Which means that the target group will get the message and does something with that message The Empathy Map applied to the target group Think & Feel For the target group it is important to be socially active, have a career and an income. Get or have a relationship or family that supports you and supportive friends. Another factor that is important to a lot of men is to look good and to maintain your body and appearance. Not only the masculine body and image is important, but also to be approach as a masculine man (Singleton, 2008). Hear Nowadays almost everybody has social media accounts and reads online articles or posts. These posts and articles influence the target group. Seeing advertisements onand offline that influence the target group. But also their social environment, such as friends, family and colleagues. A report of Singleton (2008) showed results of recent studies that the best ways to raise testicular cancer awareness is by providing female partners with information, improving doctor-patient relationship, dedicated websites, college-based education programs and conducting clinics in workplaces and sport clubs. See The environment is different for everyone, so there is not really a general environment except places like home, workplace and the city. Many other places could be added like the gym, the city, the neighbourhood and public places. The social environment of the target group is their family, friends and colleagues is an important factor and is also a measurement. How happy are they? How successful are they? Say & Do Most men will have a full time job or are studying for their degree. This means that they will have a regular schedule during the week. Weekends are for spare time activities, which can be all sort of things. Weekends are the perfect time to relax or spend time with friends, family or teammates when the target group plays a team sport. Pain Frustrations of the target group could be related to work, for example problems with colleagues or their superior. Not feeling like anybody listens to their idea or appreciates you. Personal frustrations could be a goal they set for their selves was not reached. There could be some problems with family members or friends that has an effect on the target group. Having financial or health problems are also pain points.


Gain The ultimate life goal of the majority of the target group is to be happy with their self, their life, their job and just in general. Being healthy, having friends and family that support you and vice versa. 3.4.2 Business Model Canvas What is the Business Model Canvas? With the Business Model Canvas you map out your business issues in a clear and visual way. On the basis of 9 blocks you describe the organization, earnings, customers, business partners and suppliers. So you get a clear view of the business units is essential and that any adjustments are needed.

The 9 steps that you have to make are: 1. Customer Segments 2. Value Proposition 3. Customer Relationships 4. Channels 5. Revenue streams 6. Key resources 7. Key activities 8. Partners 9. Cost structure (Strategyzer, n.d.)


The Business model Canvas and our case We will start at step 1 and 2. Because to get your message across to the customer and to ensure that the audience is going to do something with this message. It is important that you have clear what your message for your target group is and what for target group you will achieve. Also you have to make clear to your target group why they have to choose for you and not for another company. The Business Model Canvas applied to the problem 1. Customer Segments What specific customers (groups) you want to serve? What are the needs of these customers (groups)? → The target group that we will achieve is man between the ages of 20- 34 years the needs are, that they get awareness of testicular cancer. 2. Value Proposition What differentiating value you offer? What problems do you solve it help? This can be both current and future need. Why these customers would have to do business with you (and not someone else?) → You make clear to your target group what your mission, vision and value fits are. So they can see why they have to choose for you. If you have done those two steps you will follow the canvas model further. Step 3 and 4 are important for the preservation of the customer focus. You have to figure out what the best way of sending your message is for your target group. Because when the way of communicating is not clear and good for your customers, they will give you up and they will join another company. → The best way of sending you will see it in our concept. 3. Customer Relationships How do you maintain contacts with various customer segments? How would any non-specific customer segment that you maintain contact with them. Which way is for each segment the appropriate and most cost-effective? 4. Channels How are customers (groups) kept informed of our offer? How they experience our value proposition is best? How they can buy our offer and obtain? → The explanation of it you can see it in our concept. After that step, step 7 is really important. Now you have reach your target group and keep the contact with them by step 1 till 4 you have to maintain your customer relationships. Because if you do not maintain the contact with the customers they will leave you and they will choose for another company. 3.4.3 The link between the models The Empathy Map is focussed on the needs of the target group, it is a tool to get insights from the target group. The Business Model Canvas is a tool to get internal insights from the client. By using both models insights from the client and the target group are retrieved, this means that the advice will be a better fit for the client and the target group.


3.4.4 Conclusion The pains and gains are important to know to find out why the target group is or is not aware of testicular cancer. The ultimate life goal of the majority of the target group is to be happy with their life, be healthy, have friends and family that support you and vice versa. Problems and struggles are pains, points, but having financial or health problems are also pains. An interesting insight is that men want to look good and want to maintain their appearance and their body, but lacks when it comes to examine for testicular cancer. This gap needs to be closed. Another important insight is that family and friends have a big influence on the target group. There are a few ways to best approach men, but also to be informative and masculine across different channels. By ‘masculinizing’ might be useful on which young men might learn to care more about their health and bodies. The Business Model Canvas is a simple and powerful tool to see which parts of your business model play a role and how they relate to each other. By bringing elements of the company card visually shows you need quickly where possible adjustments, you need to leave and what to do. So in the case of Sense, it is important that they know what kind of message they want to carry out, and what the target group will be. Sense must ensure that they come into the hearts of the audience so that this group takes the message. So that the can create awareness and alertness. They can do that by making use of the Business Model Canvas. The conclusion of the business model canvas is that you know well internally is where you need to change things as a company. For in the case of Sense and the problem case. It is important that Sense makes his audience exactly clear what the message is and what the purpose of this message is. Sense must ensure that they are known as a company by the target if they are not, the audience will expect nothing from them.


3.5 IMPORTANT FINDINGS The target group are men between the ages 20 to 34, this target group was chosen because research results shows of the UK Cancer Research (2016) that in the UK most men with testicular cancer are between the ages of 30-34 and the American Cancer Research (2016) research results show that when testicular cancer is found earlier the higher the chances of survival. That is why the target group is aimed at men of the ages 20 to 34. Brewer & Dewhurst (2013) research results show that 68% of the men between the ages of 18 and 43 have self-examined themselves but only 27% of the respondents indicated that they would self-examine on a regular base. This study and the study of Lechner, Oenema & de Nooijer (2013) shows that men became more aware of testicular cancer from 4% in 2002 versus 68% in 2013. An important finding is that 60% of the respondents show fear of detecting cancer, they do not want to self examine for this reason. The other group that does self examine expect a positive outcome and that it is the social norm. These two different groups need to be approached in a different way. The group that is positive will probably best respond to objective information that educates them with helpful tips. The other group that has a negative association needs a health education approach aimed at personal responsibility. The office for National Statistics (2016) has results that show most men of the ages 20 to 34 make two important transitions between those two ages. The first transition is from single to getting in a relationship or getting married. The other transition is from living at home or a student flat to living on their own or with a partner. Developments of the target group its spare time is that they spend less time watching television and movies. Socializing, relaxing and leisure is a category that is increasing. People in their twenties were also spending more time playing games, using their computer for leisure (like social media) and reading for pleasure the past few years (Kopf, 2016). The most important findings of the models can be read in chapter 2.4.4 Conclusion on page 13.



Do you have the balls? The name of this concept is a play on words with a provoking question. It challenges the courage of men, not to be strong or brave, but to self-check their balls. 4.2 ABOUT THE CONCEPT 4.2.1 Mission Increase the amount of Testicular Self-exams performed by men aged 20-34 by 3% within 1 year. Knowledge of testicular cancer have improved over the years, but the amount of TSE performed by men is still relatively low (27%). We believe that this number can be improved by making the subject more visible to the male target group via different channels. 4.2.2 Vision Public Health should be available and provided to everyone. With this vision in mind, it is interesting to find partners in the domain of public health, like government, health insurance companies, healthcare institutions, etc. Currently, a lot of young men are not aware of the steps to perform a proper TSE. To improve this we will communicate through various channels to improve knowledge and behaviour towards TSE. 4.2.3 Strategy When choosing a communication strategy, we asked ourselves several questions: Are there any taboos about cancer? Do men feel comfortable talking about it? Married men go more often to the doctor to check for early signs of cancer. Why does this happen? Because their partner encourages them to do so? Through which channels should we reach our target group? Our concept responds to the previously selected analyses and models. The target group has been extensively studied by the empathy map and the company knows how to reach the target audience best and fastest through the Business Model Canvas. Research has provided us with several answers to these questions, Singleton (2008) describes a few of these questions in his article: Recent suggestions put forward by health professionals and policy makers for heightening TC awareness and encouraging men to practice TSE include school-based education programs, the production of dedicated websites, working on improving doctor-patient relationships, providing female partners with information, and conducting clinics in the workplace and at sporting clubs. Obviously, young men’s adherence to dominant cultural codes of masculinity has the capacity to undermine any attempts to improve young men’s information-seeking behaviour and TSE practice. One strategy that might


overcome this barrier is for “masculine” imagery to be included as part of any education campaign. The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia recently embarked on an education and awareness program with the slogan, “Be a man: talk to your doctor”. Given that the focus participants in this study were aware of the masculine conditioning to which men are subjected, “masculinizing” TSE and TC education programs might have considerable resonance with the target audience and be a useful way in which young men might learn to care more about their bodies and health. (pp. 40-58) In other words: our communication should be informative AND masculine and should be spread across different channels. 4.3 CONCEPT CARRIERS 4.3.1 Concept carrier 1 (will be the main campaign) Description: Interactive Advertising Screens. The audience is presented with questions to which they can answer through twitter. Their responses are shown on the screen. Every now and then, the subject changes too. Why? To get publicity and a lot of media attention the places where the questions are presented on are landmarks or busy places in that city. To start the conversation Target audience: Young men and young couples Goal: Initiate thinking (men) and conversation (couples) about TSE Means: - Advertising screens in large cities, like Piccadilly Circus (London), New Street Station (Birmingham) - Twitter account including staff member to moderate Possible partners: - National government - Health insurance companies - Health care institutions Timing: This concept carrier is outside so it will start in the summer of 2017 to create a buzz and reach as many people when the campaign first launches. The campaign will take place on whole year. Costs: Piccadilly Circus: roughly £4 million a year (Chibber, 2014). Notes: high reach, high costs





4.3.2 Concept carrier 2 Description: Making (female) partners aware of testicular cancer by collaborating with the government to provide nationwide TV commercials and posters in public places. Why? Females, like mothers and girl friends and partners of the men. Those are the group that can influence their son or partner. Research has shown that men among each other, doesn’t talk with each other of those kind of subjects. There must be a group “outsiders” who makes them attentive to this. Target Audience: Females; girlfriends and mothers Goal: They must create awareness by their sons and by their partners Means: - Girlfriends and moms need to create awareness and make their sons and partners aware of the consequences of testicular cancer - They see some commercials and messages on the news, on train stations and on big public spots. They tell it at home to their sons of partners and make them aware and alert of testicular cancer. Possible partners: - The government who makes mothers and partners alert. So that they can tell the message to their own partners and sons. Timing: Because concept carrier 1 starts in July that is when the shots will be filmed for the TV commercial. The commercials and the advertisements will run during the months of August and September on the UK television. The advertisements boards like abri’s can also be seen in the months August and September. After those months there will be a period of rest. In the months January and February the (updated) TV commercial and the advertisements on stations can be seen again. Cost: Purchasing advertising time for the TV costs £ 500.000 and advertisement space at major attractions costs £50.000 Example: Commercials on the UK TV; filming people their first reactions during the .first few days that concept carrier 1 is enrolled. The reactions from those people are useful to create awareness and make them alert of the consequences of testicular cancer. The posters will include our message; to be alert and aware of the symptoms and consequences of testicular cancer. We will advertise on the big train stations, shopping areas and other public places. 19

4.3.3 Concept carrier 3 Description: School-based education through digital content. In order to reach as many students as possible, visiting schools physically is not preferred. Instead, using a digital medium like video is more favoured. A celebrity influencer has more potential to influence young people (Amit, 2015). A video like this already exists, namely performed by Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool, discussing testicular self-examination (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZEP6glW4AQ). With the content already available, this strategy focuses on distributing the content. Why? Research shows only 32% of men know how to perform a TSE. To improve this number, and to help reach our goal, young men need to be instructed on how to perform a proper TSE. Currently, sex and relationship education (SRE) is a mandatory part of the curriculum in primary and secondary school as well as academies. Sexual health is a part of the mandatory subject material. Adding a video instruction to the SRE programme helps teachers to bring a touchy subject across. Target audience: Students age 15-25 Goal: Explain how to perform a proper TSE. Means: - Video (already available) - Digital distribution amongst schools Possible partners: - Department of Education - Testicular Cancer Awareness Foundation - Overarching school organisations Timing: Educational institutions should be offered the video material before the start of an academic year, allowing them to work in the video in their SRE programme. Costs: The video already exists and is sharable online (youtube link). The costs, therefore, are practically null. Most effort is put into reaching and activating the determined organisations. Example:


4.3.4 Concept carrier 4 Description: Doctors helping to improve awareness and men who actually start testing themselves on a regular base. Target audience: All men who visit a urologist, a doctors’ post or a government funded health institutions in the UK. It does not matter for what reason they are visiting, as long as they are a patient. Men who visit these places to, for example, deliver food or the post mail. Goal: Increase awareness and the amount of men who actually (regularly) test themselves on testicular cancer. Means: Real life conversations and leaflets. Possible partners: - All health care specialists. Possible sponsor: - The government and their health care subsidy. Timing: Due to the fact that the main concept, the interactive Twitter campaign, will start in July, the doctors need to be provided with the leaflets beforehand. A great period to start this campaign, is May. This way, the awareness around testicular cancer is already started when the big campaign launches. The health care specialists will be monitored during the first two months of the campaign (May and June). They will receive instructions and will be monitored if they are really giving advice and handing out the new leaflets. The doctors campaign will continue for (at least) one year. There will also be a few doctors that will be tested through a mystery patient. This will happen all year long. Costs: Costs for designing and printing the leaflets will be paid by the government. Printing 20.000 leaflets will cost €1.286,39 (Vistaprint, 2016). There are 2.205 hospitals in the UK (Boswarva, 2013) and an unknown amount of doctors posts. For this campaign, at least one million leaflets will be needed. Designing a leaflet costs around €325 (Inktvis, 2015). This is a one time only cost, the costs for the leaflets will keep returning when we run out of them.


Example: Besides the main campaign in the real world (the interactive Twitter campaign), it is also important for doctors to be actively involved in improving the awareness about testicular cancer among men, and the amount of men who are actually testing themselves for testicular cancer (on a regular base). The reason we chose health care specialists as the partner to get across the message we would like to send, is because the relationship between doctors and patients is very helpful. The trust and confidence that patients have in their doctors, is highly useful for enhancing getting across the message. A good relationship between doctor and patient leads to making good health decisions. Also, the information a doctor gives, is being seen as high quality information, this leads to the information being transferred better to the patients’ mind (Journal of General Internal Medicine, 1999). A great way to start this improvement, is for doctors to be provided with more pleasant and appealing information leaflets about the testicular cancer. This means that the informative texts need to be more easy and comfortable to read and the leaflet needs to look more appealing for men to grab and start reading. For example, use read-encouraging colours and fonts for headers and titles, use images and perhaps some graphics instead of informative texts only. For the leaflets it is important to create a mix between general information about testicular cancer, shocking facts and a guide on how to test yourself on testicular cancer. These new and improved leaflets will be placed in several locations in hospitals, doctor posts and government funded health institutions in the UK. Also, doctors need to start giving these leaflets away when male patients visit them, even when they just visit the doctor post for a cold or a flu. By handing out these leaflets in combination with the advice to check yourself on a regular base the awareness of testicular cancer will improve. The amount of males who actually test themselves, is likely to improve as well. Besides these adjustments in the hospitals, doctor posts and government funded health institutions, there also needs to be some changes on doctor websites. Information about testicular cancer needs to be easy to find on any doctors’ website that provides medical information. Notes: High reach, low costs.


4.3.5 Concept carrier 5 Description: Pop up clinics A lot of men play sports at a facility, like team sports, to target them there will be pop up clinics placed outside these facilities so that men can get knowledge on testicular cancer. These clinics have a few questions on the outside to trigger them and even encourage team members to go inside. In the clinics men get informed about testicular cancer and can examine themselves or a professional, if they do not feel like they have enough knowledge. Men are also approached in a personal way so that the important message of the self-check is made clear. Three mobile clinics will be driving around the UK to visit several sport clubs on Saturdays the whole year round. Why? Research (Brewer & Dewhurst, 2013) shows that 68% of men between the ages of 18 and 43 have self-examined, but not regularly. This research also showed that 60% of the respondents do not check because of the fear of finding something and that they will regret not examining in the past. This topic is not discussed between men, because not everyone is aware of testicular cancer and its effects. To raise awareness they clinics are set up at places where a lot of men will come, seeing other men go into the clinic will encourage them to go too or at least make them think about it, so that later on they will have a conversation with team mates. Target audience: Men that sport regularly at a facility. Sport England (2016) does research on sports in the UK, one of their research results shows that 8.72 million men over the age of 16 plays a sport at least once a week. Other research results show that over 2.5 million people in the UK swim once a week, making it the top sport in the UK, soccer is played by 1.9 million people once a week in the UK (Sport England, 2016). Goal: Start a conversation between men about TSE and inform them. Means: - Pop up clinics - Staff Possible partners: - National government - Health care institutions - Sport clubs Timing: Most soccer matches are played on Saturday, this is an excellent moment to get the attention of the target group. Because they are with their team it is aimed at personal responsibility of themselves and of their social environment. Each pop up clinic will be at a sports facility in the UK during the whole year the campaign is running, the pop up clinic will be going to every part of the UK.


Costs: - ÂŁ 14.650 on average per mobile clinic (Odulair, n.d.). - The clinic will be working with professionals that volunteer, they will provide the information and will do the examination for the men that want them to. Example:

Notes: low(er) reach, high costs, can use it a long time



Explanation (Main) Carrier 1: With concept carrier 1 being the biggest expense and giving the highest reach, we want to start our campaign in summer 2017, because this concept takes place outside. While this carrier is active throughout the year, we want to reach as many people as possible when first launching the campaign, to create a buzz. Carrier 2: After filming people their reactions at the start of concept carrier 1, the commercials will be edited. The TV commercial will be aired in the months August and September, along with the banners in public places. This will be repeated in the months January and February with the possibility to have updated banners and a commercial. Carrier 3: This concept carrier is about contacting schools and institutions, providing them with curriculum material. Therefore, this needs to be provided before the summer break, allowing educators to work in the materials in next years programme. Carrier 4: In anticipation of an increased amount of questions and consults, caused by concept carrier 1, we want to provide doctors with communication tools before concept carrier 1 is launched. During this year the leaflets are provided and there will be random mysterypatients that will check if the information will be provided by the doctors. Carrier 5: From the start of the sporting season until the summer break, concept carrier 5 will "travel through the country", visiting different sporting clubs.


5. COSTS Costs per concept carrier: Main conceot carrier Advertising at Piccadilly Circus for one year Advertising at other cities (estimated)

£ 4.000.000 £ 2.000.000

Concept carrier 2: Advertising on TV Advertising at major attractions

£ 500.000 £ 50.000

Concept carrier 3: No costs


Concept carrier 4: Design the leaflet Printing leaflets

£ 276 £ 1.100

Concept carrier 5: Mobile clinic (3x)

£ 43.950

Total costs:



6.CONCLUSION The goal of this advice report is to raise awareness about testicular cancer among the target group. To understand the current attitude of men towards testicular cancer we have conducted extensive research. Our most important findings are: - 68% of the men between the ages of 18 and 43 have self-examined themselves but only 27% of the respondents indicated that they would self-examine on a regular base. - 32% of men know how to perform a proper testicular self-exam. - School-based education programs, working on improving doctor-patient relationships, providing female partners with information, and conducting clinics in the workplace and at sporting clubs are suggested channels to heightening testicular cancer awareness by health professionals and policy makers. The concept ‘Do you got the balls?’ is a concept that focuses on raising awareness on testicular cancer and self examination. The goal of this concept is to increase the amount of testicular self-exams performed by men aged 20-34 by 3% within 1 year. To accomplish this, the concept includes several different concept carriers that increase knowledge and awareness within our target group (males between age 2034). The concept will be spread on different levels: publicly, schools, doctors, (female) partners and communities. By increasing the presence of the subject on all these different platforms we aim to convince our target group to change their behaviour towards testicular self-exams. The campaign is spread out over one year, with different costs and time schedules for each concept carrier: The entire campaign, including every concept carrier will cost £6.594.226. In chapter 5.the entire costs can be founded, divided per concept carrier. Planning for the whole year that the campaign is running looks like this.


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8. APPENDICES 8.1 APPENDIX 1 Individual Paper Puck Bastiaansen Sense the client Sense is a marketing agency which is located in England at London. It is a marketing agency that can include the following customers; Sanex, Coca Cola, Mars, vitamin water, Chapu Chups and many more. The modern social landscape has trained people to respond to fact, not fiction. Sense is an agency that specialises in helping brands do exciting things in the real world, to create authentic communications across the marketing spectrum. We manage campaigns from strategy to evaluation. (senselondon,2016) Sense wants us to get men to look up for information about testicular cancer. Such as what the symptoms are or maybe even how it can be treated. However, our idea for this goal needs to fulfil some criteria. It must happen in ‘the real world’ it cannot be some campaign that only airs online. Besides that, it has to be/feel authentic, genuine and different. Also, the idea must be big but meaningful, it has to make sure that it creates a true change in men’s life and that it would be talked about. Introduction about the case As an example for this campaign, Sense tells about one or their creative ways to get more men to look up information about testicular cancer. They take a well known format and change it up a bit to really send the message. Sense approaches mothers, partners, daughters and friends of men to look through the search history of their phone or laptop. Obviously this creates awkward and funny moments. At the end the partner or other person will tell about how they feel about what they just saw. But then, the real shocker comes: Why it there no search result for testicular cancer? This would be a huge eye opener for both the men as the person he is with (Sense). The briefing for this project was on the 14th of November, 2016. The next deadline, for the debriefing, is for the 21st of November, 2016. The project needs to be handed in on Thursday the 8th of December, 2016. During the Special Week itself there will probably be a few minor deadlines, that aren't set yet to our knowledge. To come up with a solution for the given challenge there has to be a theoretical frame before the group can brainstorm about solutions. In the theoretical frame all desk research results are discussed. Depending on the results and guidelines of Fontys ACI, the group will do field research. After all the research there will be a brainstorm session to come up with a solution that fits the target group, (future) trends, the client and it's corporate identity. Sense has given us the assignment to create a way that men start looking up information about testicular cancer. Research shows that testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer for men Even though this particular form of cancer is very common and dangerous, men do not look up information about this disease as women do for breast cancer. This leads to the average of breast cancer victims having a higher change of survival because it is noticed sooner (Sense). Not only do women look up information about breast cancer more often, it also is a more talked about 30

topic. For example, take the breast cancer month and all the Pink Ribbon campaigns and collaborations (Pink Ribbon, 2016). For this particular idea and campaign, there is no budget. However, we have to keep the expense realistic. A three-million-euro campaign will nog be something Sense would really be able to put together. What is the Business Model Canvas? The business model canvas is a powerful tool to map your business model in a transparent and clear manner, to examine and to communicate. This tool was developed by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur. With the Business Model Canvas you map out your business issues in a clear and visual way. On the basis of 9 blocks to describe the organization, earnings, customers, business partners and suppliers. So you get a clear view of the business units is essential and that any adjustments are needed. Why I would choose for this Famous Business Model Canvas is a good tool when writing your business plan. Also it helps by the following points - More focus on issues that are crucial to be successful. - The value proposition that you have been successful in the past, is no longer distinctive. - The market demands innovation and change, and you do not know where to begin or what the consequences of your interventions. - You want to entrepreneurship within the company a major boost. - To innovation as tapping new sales channels or distribution channels, explore partnerships, take a walk down the business. (essential, 2016) How distinctive is the Business Model Canvas? Instead of a thick tome of your business, not always, everyone is understandable in the organization, bring your essential BRU visually map out which parts of your business to (still) be more successful. If you together, as management of the company, like sparring with internal or external key persons from various disciplines (finance, HR, etc.), you do not have a MBA to work effectively together. You can identify quickly and visually which parts of the business are essential to be successful, which parts need improving and what innovations or innovations are needed. You can be creative while looking for other additional sources of income. By maintaining a transparent calculation behind the canvas, you can actually relatively quickly calculate what each option and free of investment and yielding investment. So combine the creative aspect with financial support in order to make an informed choice. By jointly taking the business and revenue model of your business under the microscope, Channel your creativity in the business and you create support to effectively change and innovate. It combines a thorough, in-depth approach, without getting lost in the details. You continue to have a view of the interdependence of the essential elements of the business. How the business model canvas look like?


Business Model Canvas All nine parts of the business that are essential to be successful, be mapped in a clear and visually appealing way. The nine components of the Business Model Canvas 1. Customer Segments What specific customers (groups) you want to serve? What are the needs of these customers (groups)? 2. Value Proposition What differentiating value you offer? What problems do you solve it help? This can be both current and future needs. Why these customers would have to do business with you (and not someone else?) 3. Customer Relationships How do you maintain contacts with various customer segments? How would any non-specific customer segment that you maintain contact with them. Which way is for each segment the appropriate and most cost-effective? 4. Channels How are customers (groups) kept informed of our offer? How they experience our value proposition is best? How they can buy our offer and obtain? 5. Revenue Streams Where are we now earn our money? And in the future? How can we develop additional sources of income? 6. Key Resources What resources do you need to create your value proposition? For distribution? To maintain customer relationships? To get new customers? 7. Key Activities What key actions are essential to create or enhance your value proposition? To maintain customer relationships? To get new customers? 8. Partners Which partnerships are essential to our offer or co-create? Which partners are crucial in order to be more successful? 9. Cost Structure What costs are essential to the functioning of your business model? What resources and core activities are the most expensive? What costs are fixed, which are variable? Finally The model offers the possibility of result-oriented, with management and key personnel of the company, from different disciplines to innovate your business model. The business model canvas combines uniquely visionary 'Away day' brainstorming from various disciplines and an action-oriented "hands-on" approach. A unique combination of innovation through a combination of creativity, inventiveness and financial support of this renewal ( business model canvas, 2016) Show the model on the case Our case: Men allow themselves not / too less examines testicle cancer studies. We as a company have to create awareness by them.


The problem is that sense to ensure that this message is presented in the men's attention and thus comes. Well to start with there must sense, as a business first will create awareness in general. Sense as a company should be so familiar to the target group. If the target company Sense learns a positive way one knows where they stand, they are more likely to take this message from them. To thus ultimately to ensure that the target audience to take the message to be examined on testicle cancer series and assume we start at the beginning of the canvas model We will start at step 1 and 2 because to get your message across to the customer and to ensure that the audience is going to do something with this message, it is important that you have clear, which target group je will achieve. Also you have to make clear to your target group why they have to choose for you and not for an other company. First you have to tell them why they are your target group and what the message for them is. (men allow themselves not / too less examine testicle cancer studies. We as a company have to create some awareness by them. The Business model Canvas and our case We will start at step 1 and 2. Because to get your message across to the customer and to ensure that the audience is going to do something with this message. It is important that you have clear what your message for your target group is and what for target group you will achieve. Also you have to make clear to your target group why they have to choose for you and not for another company. The Business Model Canvas applied to the problem 1. Customer Segments What specific customers (groups) you want to serve? What are the needs of these customers (groups)? → The target group that we will achieve is man between the ages of 20- 34 years the needs are, that they get awareness of testicular cancer. 2. Value Proposition What differentiating value you offer? What problems do you solve it help? This can be both current and future need. Why these customers would have to do business with you (and not someone else?) → You make clear to your target group what your mission, vision and value fits are. So they can see why they have to choose for you. If you have done those two steps you will follow the canvas model further. Step 3 and 4 are important for the preservation of the customer focus. You have to figure out what the best way of sending your message is for your target group. Because when the way of communicating is not clear and good for your customers, they will give you up and they will join another company. → The best way of sending you will see it in our concept. 3. Customer Relationships How do you maintain contacts with various customer segments? How would any non-specific customer segment that you maintain contact with them. Which way is for each segment the appropriate and most cost-effective?


4. Channels How are customers (groups) kept informed of our offer? How they experience our value proposition is best? How they can buy our offer and obtain? → The explanation of it you can see it in our concept. After that step, step 7 is really important. Now you have reach your target group and keep the contact with them by step 1 till 4 you have to maintain your customer relationships. Because if you do not maintain the contact with the customers they will leave you and they will choose for another company. The link between the models The Empathy Map is focussed on the needs of the target group, it is a tool to get insights from the target group. The Business Model Canvas is a tool to get internal insights from the client. By using both models insights from the client and the target group are retrieved, this means that the advice will be a better fit for the client and the target group. Conclusions and recommendations The Business Model Canvas is a simple and powerful tool to see which parts of your business model play a role and how they relate to each other. By bringing elements of the company card visually shows you need quickly where possible adjustments, you need to leave and what to do. So in the case of Sense, it is important that they know what kind of message they want to carry out, and what the target group will be. Sense must ensure that they come into the hearts of the audience so that this group takes the message. So that the can create awareness and alertness. They can do that by making use of the Business Model Canvas. The conclusion of the business model canvas is that you know well internally is where you need to change things as a company. For in the case of Sense and the problem case. It is important that Sense makes his audience exactly clear what the message is and what the purpose of this message is. Sense must ensure that they are known as a company by the target if they are not, the audience will except nothing from them. Appendix Business model canvas .( 2016, November). Retrieved from http://essentialbi.nl/businessmodel-canvas/ De 9 bouwstenen van het business model canvas. (2016, November). Retrieved from https://www.ikgastarten.nl/ondernemingsplan/ondernemingsplan-voorbeelden/de-9bouwstenen-van-het-business-model-canvas Business model canvas. ( 2016, November). Retrieved from https://strategyzer.com/canvas/business-model-canvas Pink Ribbon. ( 2016, November). Retrieved from http://www.pinkribbon.nl Sense London. (2016, November). Retrieved from http://www.senselondon.com


8.2 APPENDIX 2 Individual paper Els van Rossum

Marketing model: Value disciplines Treacy & Wiersema

Treacy & Wiersema have developed a model explaining three different value disciplines. A company usually focuses on one of these strategies to gain an edge over their competitors. The model itself:

The Three value positions by Treacy & Wiersema are: 1. Operational excellence 2. Product leadership 3. Customer intimacy According to Treacy & Wiersema, operational excellence means working more efficient than your competitors, allowing you to offer your product at a lower cost. Efficiency can be achieved by optimising your processes, making less mistakes, limiting your services or by upscaling (allowing you to buy or produce at a cheaper price). Product leadership can be achieved by innovation. Treacy & Wiersema suggest that focusing on research and development allows for better, prettier or more intuitive products, therefor distinguishing your product from those of your competitors. Customer intimacy is based on companies that are more heavily focused on service. The customer is king in this case. By providing excellent service or custom made solutions, you can differentiate from competitors. Note: This model has many resemblances with the core business model by Hagel and Singer. It also describes the same 3 core strategies.


Our client, Sense, a marketing and communication agency from London, focuses heavily on customer intimacy. By providing custom made solutions, Sense creates innovative and authentic communication strategies. By coming up with new, clever ideas that take place in the real world (not online) Sense also leans towards product leadership. By using this information, Sense can be placed in Treacy & Wiersema’s model as follows: Product Leadership

Operational Excellence

Customer Intimacy

As you can see in the image, Sense operates mostly on customer intimacy, but not exclusively. According to Treacy and Wiersema (1993), focusing on one discipline but also giving attention to a second discipline has its benefits: While market leaders typically excel at one value discipline, a few maverick companies have gone further by mastering two. In doing so, they have resolved the inherent tensions between the operating model that each value discipline demands.

Considering the position of Sense in the model, it is safe to conclude that they are in the right spot. Since providing custom made solutions is usually not cooperative with operational excellence (since you want to put great thought and attention towards the customer), leaning towards product leadership has been the right decision.

My personal thought on this analysis is that Sense can perhaps focus slightly more on the position of product leadership without losing their strongest advantage they currently have: customer intimacy. They are already trying to differentiate by not using online campaigns but creating communication solutions in real life (these solutions can be recorded and shared online still, but the initial message takes place offline). Their next step would be to find innovation within this form of communication. Sources: Treacy, M & Wiersema, F (1993) Customer Intimacy and Other Value Disciplines, Harvard Business Review, Reprint 93107, pp. 84-93 36

8.3 APPENDIX 3 Individual paper Shari de Cortie Introduction For the Special Week 2 from December 5th until December 9th Fontys ACI set up a couple of assignments to complete. An advisory report is one of the final products, a briefing, a debriefing, project plan and the individual papers are the other assignments. The advisory report is written for a client, which in this case is Sense London. The client The client for this project is Sense London, which is a marketing agency. Sense has developed over 500 campaigns and was marketing Agency of the year 2015 (Sense London, n.d.). On the website of Sense London (http://www.senselondon.com/) it is explained that the agency manages campaigns from beginning to end, this means that they develop the campaigns but also evaluate them. These campaigns are made for brands to enlarge their reputation, image or brand awareness. Sense is focussed on the real world when they develop exciting campaigns for brands (Sense London, n.d.). The model The model used to analyse the business and environment is the empathy map. The model below is a tool to get insights on the customers and build a better customer relationship (Empathy map handleiding, n.d.).


The model is divided into segments; each segment needs to be filled in. It is written in the empathy map what should be filled in in every segment. For example the top segment should be filled with what the customer thinks and feels and so on. De Innovator (n.d.) made some example questions for each segment. The example questions for the think&feel segment are: -What is important for the customer? -What are their dreams? -What is their ambition? -What makes them emotional? For the hear segment an example question is ‘what and who influences the customer?’ or ‘Which media is a big influencer?’. Questions for the see segment are: -How does their environment look like? -Who surrounds them? -Which kind of media do they use? The say&do segment also has some example questions which are: -What is their tone of voice? -What will they tell their friends? -How does their day look like? -What do they do in their spare time? -What kind of work do they do? For the pain segment it is important to get an idea of the frustrations of the customers, so that they can be fixed or avoided. The last segment is the gain segment, it is important to get to know what the customer wants to gain so that the campaign or product will have some of those qualities that the customer is looking for. The reason this model was chosen The reason I picked this model is that it will be helpfull to get insights on the customers, this does mean that this analysis is focussed on the target group and not on Sense London itself. With the other members of the consultancy we divided models and this way we are convinced that we have a broad base for our research. The other models that are used are the DESTEP method, Business Model Canvas and the Values Proposition Model of Treacy and Wiersema. The case For this project Sense London gave us the opportunity to write an advice report for one of their campaigns. The campaign that consultancy group “Three is a charm” got, is to make men aware of testicular cancer. Right now men do not look up any information about testicular cancer, its effects, prevention and how to self examine. During the briefing by Francesca Zedde (2016) the assignment was explained: Women look more for information on breast cancer than men do on testicular cancer. As a result, on average breast cancer has better survival rate than testicular cancer, because it is caught on time. Prove to men that what they google could save their life. 38

The advice needs to be aimed at the real world, needs to be authentic, try to make it big, and transformative. People and especially the target group needs to remember it, talk about it and start a conversation. Connection model and case The connection between the empathy map and this case it that it is important to understand the target group, not just the numbers and facts but also what they feel and think. Once it is clear what and who influences the target group and what is important to them, the concept should be a better fit for the target group and the client. Which means that the target group will get the message and does something with that message. The target group The target group for this campaign is men between the age of 20 and 40, even though men of all ages have a change of getting testicular cancer. Between the ages of 20 and 40 men have the most change of getting a tumor also young boys and older men have a change of getting a testicular tumor (Tartuffel, 2009). The empathy map will based on the men of the ages 20 to 40. Think & Feel For the target group it is important to be socially active, have a career and an income. Get or have a relationship or family that supports you and supportive friends. Another factor that is important to a lot of men is to look good and to maintain your body and appearance. Hear Nowadays almost everybody has social media accounts and reads online articles or posts. These posts and articles influence the target group. But also their social environment, such as friends, family and colleagues. Especially partners and close friends have a big influence on the target group. Seeing advertisements on- and offline that influence the target group. See The environment is different for everyone, so there is not really a general environment except places like home, workplace and the city. Many other places could be added like the gym, the city, the neighbourhood and public places. The social environment of the target group is their family, friends and colleagues is an important factor and is also a measurement. How happy are they? How successful are they? Say & Do Most men will have a full time job or are studying for their degree. This means that they will have a regular schedule during the week. Weekends are for spare time activities, which can be all sort of things. Weekends are the perfect time to relax or spend time with friends, family or teammates when the target group plays a team sport.


Pain Frustrations of the target group could be related to work, for example problems with colleagues or their superior. Not feeling like anybody listens to their idea or appreciates you. Personal frustrations could be a goal they set for their selves was not reached. There could be some problems with family members or friends that has an effect on the target group. Having financial or health problems are also pain points. Gain The ultimate life goal of the majority of the target group is to be happy with their self, their life, their job and just in general. Being healthy, having friends and family that support you and vice versa. Conclusion After more research and a more specific target group this model needs to be filled in again to make it more specific to the target group and their needs. The pains and gains are important to know to find out why the target group is or is not aware of testicular cancer. The social environment of the target group has a big influence on the target group, this is an insight that is important to know for the advice report. Another interesting insight is that men want to look good and want to maintain their appearance and their body, but lacks when it comes to examine for testicular cancer. This gap needs to be closed and the advice report will be a way to come up with a solution to close that gap.

List of resources

De Innovator. (n.d.). Empathy Map. Retrieved on 1 December, 2016, from De Innovator: http://www.de-innovator.nl/downloads/brainstorm-canvas/empathy-map/ Empathy map handleiding. (n.d.). Retrieved on 1 December, 2016, from Innovatiecentrum: file:///Users/macbook/Downloads/Empathy%20Map%20handleiding.pdf Sense London. (n.d.). Sense London. Retrieved on 1 December, 2016, from Sense London: http://www.senselondon.com/ Sense London. (n.d.). Sense London. Retrieved on 1 December, 2016, from LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sense_3 Tartuffel. (2009, 07 07). Teelbakkanker. Retrieved on 1 December, 2016, from InfoNu.nl: http://mens-en-gezondheid.infonu.nl/aandoeningen/38832-teelbalkankersymptomen-zaadbalkanker-tumoren-teelballen.html Zedde, F. (2016, 11 14). Students brief. Tilburg, Nederland. 40

8.4 APPENDIX 4 Individual paper Susan Wijdemans ABOUT SENSE Sense is an in London based communication agency that specialises in creating innovative and exciting communication / marketing moments in real life, to help brands in need. Their real life creations are always authentic and are being managed from the strategy to the evaluation. Sense has worked with brands such as Canon, Timberland, Coca Cola, Weight Watchers and John Frieda (Sense, 2015). Besides creating these unique and authentic marketing campaigns for brands, Sense also gives a workshop about experiences in the marketing and communication business. Sense itself calls it the Get Real Workshop; “Training in the most influential and most misunderstood advertising discipline of today – experiential” (Sense, 2015). The workshop features a holistic definition of the experience, how to build an experiential strategy and how to measure and evaluate this kind of advertising (Sense, 2015) THE CASE Sense has given us the assignment to create a way that men start looking up information about testicular cancer. Research shows that testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer for men (Kanker.nl, 2015). Even though this particular form of cancer is very common and dangerous, men do not look up information about this disease as women do for breast cancer. This leads to the average of breast cancer victims having a higher change of survival because it is noticed sooner (Sense, 2016). Not only do women look up information about breast cancer more often, it also is a more talked about topic. For example, take the breast cancer month and all the Pink Ribbon campaigns and collaborations (Pink Ribbon, 2016). THE MODEL For the individual assignment I have chosen the DESTEP marketing model. The reason I chose this model, I because I feel this is a very important model, that no communication agency can live without when looking up information about a company they would like to help. DESTEP Demographic features The testicular cancer case is focussing on men as a main target. Of course, women are a secondary target, since have an important role in a men’s live. However, the main target are men. Testicular cancer is a decease that is most likely to strike men aged between 15 and 40 years old. Also, there are some factors that give a higher chance of being a victim of the decease. For example, if their father or brother has been diagnosed with testicular cancer. Also, when they have been diagnosed with testicular cancer before, chances are that it might come back. Chances of testicular cancer are also higher when the testicles or a testicle is undescended at birth. Last but not least, It is thought that the down syndrome also gives men a higher chance of getting testicular cancer (Movember Foundation, 2016).


Economical features For the case of looking up information about testicular cancer, there are no economic features. The internet is accessible for everyone, so looking up information has never been so easy. Also, most libraries have books on different forms of cancer, including testicular cancer. As far as the campaign from Sense concerns, there is no clear budget for us to keep in mind. For checking yourself if you are a victim of testicular cancer, there is also no budget needed. You can always do self research on your testicals by feeling concentrated and looking for small bumps. Social and cultural features Testicular cancer is a decease that is most likely to strike men aged between 15 and 40 years old (Movember Foundation, 2016). Men is these different ages, have a totally different life and lifestyle. Where a 15-year-old guy is still living home with his parents, the over 23-year-old men are probably living in their own home (Gemiddeld Gezien, 2016). Younger men have more spare time in their life and tend to spend this time with their hobbies. Such as playing sports, social media or work at their part time job (InfoNu.nl, 2014). Since there were 50 workable weeks in 2016 (Gemiddelden.nl, 2016), and the average workweek contains of 38 hours (Minimumloon.nl, 2016) it is logical that adults have less free time to spend. Technological features The technology of nowadays makes it very easy to look up information about anything you would like to learn more about. However, the problem is that men do not look up the information about testicular cancer, even though it is so simple to search for (Sense, 2016). Just as in all cancer cases, there are several stages of how far grown and developed the cancer is. In the case of testicular cancer stage two, a development is that doctors are recommending a certain type of treatment. When the tumour that has spread to the lymph nodes is smaller than five centimetres, the patient will get to choose between a chemotherapy or a radiation treatment for the (lower) stomach after the testicle has been removed. However, doctors are now recommending chemotherapy, since there is a higher chance on negative long-term effects from radiation treatments. Also, when the spreading is larger than five centimetres, doctors are recommending chemotherapy as well (Kanker.nl, 2016). Besides these well known treatments against cancer, there are also new treatments that need to be tested. For research, you are able to work in one of those trials and undergo a new treatment. These trials exist so doctors can do research about new treatments and if they are better than the treatments we use nowadays (Kanker.nl, 2016). At the moment, there are no open trials for testicular cancer in the Netherlands. However, there are close to twenty trials for prostate cancer (Kanker.nl, 2016). In 2015 there only has been one trial on male genitalia cancer. The trial was closed at the 10th of February this year. For prostate cancer, there where 30 trials in 2015. 19 Of them where still open at the 10th of February, while 11 of them where closed (Kolman, 2016). Even though there are no trials for testicular cancer specifically, there is one trial for


tumours in general: CLXH254X2101-study. This trial is open at the moment, and can be used for patients of testicular cancer. The trial is for patients who have an advanced for of cancer with changes in the MAPK system. During this trial, doctors will do research what the best dose of this new medicine is. By itself or in combination with another new medicine (Kanker.nl, 2016). Ecological features Because information about testicular cancer can very easily be looked up online, there is no need to use any material that could damage the environment. However, for the campaign there might be some material or products involved. These will obviously be selected on an environmental-friendly based way. Political features Fighting for breast cancer awareness is a huge thing in the society. Think about Pink Ribbon and their campaigns and collaborations (Pink Ribbon, 2016). The only campaign for testicular cancer I could find, was the almost naked men posters for a VIVA (a Dutch magazine) issue that donated 50 cents per sold issue to help battle testicular cancer. This campaign was launched in 2013, which is already over three years ago (Os, 2013). CONCLUSION For this campaign Sense needs to focus mainly on men aged 15 and above. This could be difficult during their differences in interests. The campaign concept must fit to men in ‘all’ ages to succeed.


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