COVID Numbers Continue at High Levels COVID-19 numbers continue to spike and vaccines for Head Start aged children are still in development.
X Explain but keep it simple. “We have to wear a mask to keep our coughs and sneezes in while we are at school.”
LCCAA continues to take every precaution to protect both students and staff. Throughout the pandemic, guidance, protocols and requirements have changed along with conditions and the development of new tools. LCCAA’s Head Start program remains responsive to these changes.
X Introduce masking through play. “Let’s play grocery store. We have to get our mask and bag.”
X Frame the mask as a big kid thing. There’s nothing little kids but not required. Parents may send like better than being treated their children to school with masks like big kids. if they wish. If you need masks for X Offer choices where possible. yourself or your children, contact Just as you would allow them Masking is still being advised. Staff your family service worker. to choose between two shirts, members will continue to wear If you want or need your child to allow them to choose between masks in the classroom. wear a mask, here are some helpful two masks. tips: For children, masking is encouraged
Central Kitchen Moving Help for Water Bills
Available This Month
LCCAA Head Start’s central kitchen provides 78,000 meals annually to families throughout the program. The Health LIH-WAP, the Low-Income and Nutrition staff will relocate the kitchen this spring. Household Water Assistance After 12 years of a warm relationship with the Lorain Program will provide help to Metropolitan Housing Authority community at Kennedy income eligible Lorain County Plaza, the kitchen will move to 203 W. 8th St. also in residents. downtown Lorain. Households must be living at The new facility will be in a former Campana’s Pizza and or below 175% of the Federal will meet the program’s needs for at least the next ten years. Poverty Level. The building also includes dedicated parking, office space Administered by the Ohio for staff and plenty of room to expand Head Start’s Nutrition Department of Development, LIHWAP requires a Service. separate application with payments directly to the water
“I am excited about the potential for this space and our provider. team,” said Melinda Gray, Food Service Manager for the Appointments will be required for this emergency LCCAA Head Start program. assistance and will be conducted over the phone. Appointments will be opened on our website later this month. Clients will need to provide copies of the following documents to receive benefits, which will be paid directly to their water and/or wastewater company: X Copies of their most recent water/wastewater bills; X A list of all household members and proof of income for the last 30 days or 12 months for each member; X Proof of U.S. citizenship or legal residency for all household members; X Proof of disability (if applicable).