Festival Internacional de Arte Marbella 2013 - Media Clippings

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Museo Picasso Málaga

Artistic insight into celebrated painter’s family life Málaga’s Picasso Museum continues its 10th anniversary celebrations with a new exhibition that pays tribute to heirs and friends of the artist who have supported the museum over the years. Announcing the launch of the exhibition, “Picasso: Family Album”, the museum noted that, from his childhood in Málaga to his final years in the south of France, kinship was a constant source of inspiration for Picasso, and his own family circle was thus portrayed in his work. “From the academic portraits of his parents and his sister Lola, to the rather more expressive ones of his partners and children, the artist produced pictures in which he projected his talent and his ability to go beyond the boundaries of classic expression.

“Picasso: Family Album brings together a significant gallery of family figures, revealing how important a creative asset the notion of family was for Picasso. It also enables visitors to observe the influence of photography on his work, admire his capacity for synthesis in order to achieve great expressivity with a minimum of lines, and consider how, with Cubism, multiple viewpoints were incorporated into a single face.” The exhibition is on show until 6 October. During July and August, the museum, which is also currently showing Dennis Hopper: On the Road (until 29 September), is open every day from 10am to 8pm – extended to 9pm on Fridays and Saturdays. (The rest of the year, the museum is closed on Mondays.) www.mpicassom.org

Arte Marbella

Bringing art and music to the people

Marbella took the cultural centre-stage in June with the fifth edition of the Internacional Festival de Arte, a three-day outdoor art event combining art with a programme of live jazz and classical music. Speaking at the official launch of the event, also attended by Marbella councillor for tourism José Luis Hernández, the festival’s president, Caroline Bowley, stressed the importance of these types of cultural events for Marbella’s continued prosperity. “Arte Marbella is the only event of its type in Spain and brings visitors from all around the world to Marbella, promoting the town as a cultural destination and broadening its appeal. It allows people of all ages, nationalities and interests to experience art outside the gallery and makes it affordable for people to buy. We believe that bringing art to the people is a really important responsibility and so many people get to experience these works who would not visit a gallery.” She added that, in order to secure the festival’s financial security, “we need businesses to pledge their support for coming years, or the festival will die”. To become a Friend of the Festival, email caroline@artemarbella.com or visit www.artemarbella.com for more information. Photos: blueberry-marbella.es

AIA Group

Nature… and Joycean interpretations Original oil and watercolour paintings by Roger Cummiskey and oil paintings by Enrique Linaza will be on show at Fuengirola’s Lucia restaurant gallery until 29 July. Both Andalucian International Artist (AIA) members, the artists are from Ireland and Spain, respectively. Enrique´s paintings in the show, titled “Ulysses”, are representations from nature and abstract, while Roger is exhibiting work with themes and titles taken from the writings and wanderings of James Joyce. www.aia-artgroup.com / www.rogercummiskey.com HOMEANDLIFESTYLE.ES

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62 ● 13/19 de JUNIO de 2013



La ciudad acoge nuevamente el Festival Internacional de Arte de Marbella Es su quinta edición y tendrá lugar del 20 al 23 de junio en el parque de La Alameda y avenida del Mar T.E. El arte se escapa de las galerías a las calles

Arte Marbella estará presente otra vez en el parque de La Alameda y nuevamente con la zona gastronómica, el escenario para el programa de música y actuaciones, una exposición de graffitis y un Jardín de Esculturas. Mientras que las carpas de los artistas se situarán en la avenida del Mar que se extiende hacia el Paseo Marítimo. Contará con una fuerte influencia de tierras Georgianas gracias a la colaboración con el Festival de Arte de Batumi, quien traerá creadores procedentes de países del Mar Negro así como ejemplos de la cocina y vinos de Georgia. Los visitantes podrán ver cientos de obras reunidas en único lugar, creadas por artistas internacionales de más de 20 países.

Los organizadores del mayor festival de arte al aire libre del sur de España, Arte Marbella, están preparando su quinta edición. Estará ubicado en el parque de La Alameda y la avenida del Mar entre los días 20 y 23 de junio prometiendo ser más extenso y mejor que nunca. TRES INTENSAS JORNADAS Este evento de tres días y entrada libre ofrece una increíble oportunidad para contemplar las obras de más de 60 artistas de gran talento, así como de disfrutar de un programa de ocio y entretenimiento acompañado de comida gourmet. Todo ello en un marco incomparable. Ha sido ampliamente reconocido como el evento cultural más importante de la Costa del Sol con más de 20.000 visitantes en 2012 siendo un número que los organizadores esperan sea superado durante esta nueva cita. Las carpas estarán expuestas en la avenida del Mar desde el 20 de junio a las 19:00 horas, cuando tendrá lugar la

inauguración oficial del festival. Posteriormente, desde el 21 hasta el 23 el horario será de 16:30 a 23:30 horas con la muestra de obras de todo tipo y estilos, fotografía, escultura y mucho más, para el deleite de los amantes del arte. ACTIVIDADES COMPLEMENTARIAS Para complementar la muestra hay todo un programa de entretenimiento que incluye ambiente de jazz y música clásica desde las 18:00 a las 22:00 horas cada día en el parque de La Alameda. Más de 30 artistas, entre ellos Stephen Lloyd-Morgan y Encore, Helena Paul y su jazz trío, un coro de gospel, un cuarteto de cuerda y músicos de guitarra clásica y piano, estarán entreteniendo a los presentes. Además, cada día un artista de graffiti asistirá para demostrar sus increíbles habilidades creando obras de arte únicas. Finalmente, se acondicionará una zona gourmet en donde chefs internacionales estarán cocinando deliciosos platos para que los asistentes degusten una bebida y unos bocados mientras disfrutan de las actuaciones y de las visitas a la exposición de arte.


artnews FIAM 2013

Crossing, 2012 – Jim Rattenbury

Queen Anne’s Lace – Lesley Riddihough

La 5ème édition de la Foire Internationale d’Art de Marbella aura lieu comme chaque année. Tous types d’Art y sont présents, avec des artistes qui viennent du monde entier. Si vous en êtes un, vous pouvez vous inscrire pour participer. Date : du 20 au 23 juin Lieu : Parque Alameda y Avda del Mar, Marbella Entrée gratuite www.artemarbella.com festivalartemarbella@gmail.com

Musée Picasso de Malaga A ne pas manquer: des œuvres de Picasso, comme : El viejo pescador, ou retrato de la tía Pepa, ou encore Bailarina. Jusqu’au 9 juin. Cette expo est organisée avec la collaboration du musée Picasso de Barcelone, 55 travaux de Pablo Picasso, 65 œuvres signées d’autres artistes avec en prime 95 documents. Autre exposition au musée Picasso, celle de l’artiste Dennis Hopper intitulée “on the road”, et composée de 150 photographies et diverses esquisses. A voir du 29 avril au 29 septembre 2013. Glass pictures – Constanza Seijo

¿QUÉPASA? Vuelta i august Sykkelrittet Vuelta a España starter 24. august, og man behøver ikke å nøye seg med å se rittet på fjernsynet. Arrangørene har gitt ”wild cards” til spanske Caja Rural, franske Cofidis og tyske Team NetApp-Endura. Dessuten deltar naturligvis de 19 kvalifiserte lagene. Det er 68. gang rittet arrangeres. Det hele starter 24. august i Villanova de Arousa i Galicia. I fjor år kom ikke vueltaen til Sør-Spania ettersom ingen sponset besøket, men i år sykles tre etapper i Andalucía. Etappe nummer åtte går fra Jerez de la Frontera, etappe ni fra Antequera til Valdepeña de Jaén, og endelig går den tiende etappen fra Torredelcampo til Gûejar Sierra i Granada. Målpasseringen skjer etter 21 etapper og sammenlagt 3.319,1 km 21. september i Madrid.

På disse sidene kan du se hva som skjer på Solkysten denne måneden. Vi mottar gjerne opplysninger til ¿Qué pasa? om arrangementer på Costa del Sol slik at listen blir så fullstendig som mulig.

Stjerneskudd i Marbella Starlite Festival er tittelen på en fantastisk musikkfestival som etter siste års store suksess, igjen denne sommeren bringer en lang rekke av stjernenavn til byen. 27. juli: Jamie Cullum. 28. juli: Noa. 2. august: Una Noche Movida. 3. august: Julio Iglesias. 5. august: Buenavista Social Club med Omara Portuondp og Elíades Ochoa. 9. august: Sara Baras. 11. august: Alejandro Sanz. 14. august: Malú. 15. august: Paco de Lucía. 16. august: Forever Michael & Whitney. 17. august: Enrique Iglesias. 23. august: Grease en Concierto.24. august: David Bisbal. Konsertene starter kl. 22.00 i Cantera de Marbella. Billettene koster mellom 23 og 450 euro. Man kan lese mer på www.starlitefestival.com der man også kan bestille billettene, men kan også kan skje på tlf.: 902 750 787.

Terral 2013 – sommerkonserter i Málaga 28. juni: 29. juni: 30 juni: 1. juli: 2. juli: 3. juli:

The Starts from The Commitments. El Cigala. Luar Na Lubre. Málgas Filharmoniske Orkester. Andalusian Contemporary Ensemble. Rango med Pasión Vega og José Manuel Zapata. 4. juli: Janiva Magness. 5. juli: Ara Malikian i From the Beach to Radiohead. 1. - 2. juli: Workshop, Jugando con Música. 6. juli: Malia 7. juli: Chuco Valdés & The Afro-Cuban Messengers. Les mer på Teatro Cervantes hjemmeside: www.teatrocervantes.com. 56 -

- JUNI 2013

San Fermín med okseløpene Spanias mest kontroversielle festuke er San Fermín som avholdes 7. - 14. juli. Det skjer naturligvis i Pamplona der oksene, skremt fra sans og samling av bysbarna og rundt 1,5 millioner besøkende, hver morgen slippes løs i gatene. De løper til tyrefekterarenaen der et enda større menneskehav møter dem. Her skal oksene senere på dagen være med på tyrefektingen. Okseløpene vises hver morgen kl. 08.00 på spansk tv, der det også blir direktesendinger fra Pamplonas sykehus hvor leger intervjues om de skaddes tilstand.

Festival de Arte Internacional de Marbella For femte år på rad gjentas kunstfestivalen i Marbella der flere enn 100 kunstnere fra nær og fjern stiller ut sin kunstverk. Festivalen går fra torsdag 20. juni kl. 19.00 til søndag 23. kl. 22.00 og finner sted i Parque La Alameda og Avd. del Mar, Marbella.www.artemarbella.com. Her stiller blant andre den unge cubanske kunstneren Richell Castellón Ferreira ut sine stemningsfulle malerier fra det cubanske gatelivet. Seks skandinaviske kunstnere er denne gang å finne i samme telt. Her kan man bl.a. se skulpturer av Agneta Larsen og Anna Maija Rees, malerier av Mona Hoel og Genevieve Wendelin, fotografier av Nina Reistad og grafisk kunst av Mariann Johansen-Ellis.

Solo Arte I juni og juli stiller selektive kunstnere ut i lystbåthavnen Puerto Deportive Sotogrande på torsdager fra kl. 18-23. Det skjer i et samarbeid med Asociacion Mosayko og Asociación Cultural Sotogrande. Blant de mange utstillerne er avantgardekunstneren Osvaldo Gonsález Herrera: www.osvaldo.somee.com/

Velsignelse av sjøfarere 16. juli feires Virgen del Carmen. Etter å ha oppholdt seg i kirken i 364 dager, blir statuen av Virgen del Carmen (en av Jomfru Marias mange titler) transportert fra kirken og ut på havet for å velsigne sjøfarere. Det er som en påskeprosesjon på havet og en tradisjon som har eksistert siden det 16. århundret. Festlighetene avholdes om ettermiddagen eller kvelden i flere byer, bl.a. Málaga, Rincón de la Victoria, Vélez-Málaga, Torremolinos, Benalmádena, Los Boliches og Estepona.

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EL CALENDARIO JUNI 2013 24/6 - 6/10

PICASSOS FAMILIEALBUM Forårets udstilling om ”Picasso fra Málaga” synger på sidste vers, og Museo Picasso Málaga følger beretningen om vidunderbarnets første år i Málaga op med den nye udstilling kaldet ”Álbum de familia”. Gennem hele livet malede kunstneren portrætter af sine familiemedlemmer - både den familie, han var født ind i, og den som han selv skaffede sig gennem ægteskaberne. Udstillingen omfatter 40 af disse portrætter, som for manges vedkommende stadig er i privateje. De vidner om familiens betydning for Picasso, og de viser hans kunstneriske udvikling fra ungdommens akademiske portrætkunst til eksperimenterne med nye udtryksformer som kubismen, der viste ansigterne fra flere forskellige vinkler på samme tid.

Pablo Picasso: ”Kvindehoved (Olga)”. Paris 1917. I privateje.

vist og spredt over hele verden, hvor de trofast holdt sproget og traditionerne ved lige indtil i dag. For tolvte gang arrangerer Córdoba en stor festival med den gamle sefardiske musik. Der er også kurser i dans, mad og vin. Real Jardín Botánica de Córdoba www.turismodecordoba.org 19/6 - 29/6 Rigoletto Teatro de la Maestranza i Sevil-

la slutter sæsonen med otte opførsler af Verdis opera Rigoletto. www.teatrodelamaestranza.es 20/6 - 23/6 Kunstfestival i Marbella Kl. 16.30-23.30. Festival de Arte Marbella er vokset til et stort arrangement siden starten for fem år siden. I Parque de La Alameda finder man den musikalske scene, en grafitti-udstilling samt en skulpturhave. I år kommer

der også en gastronomisk zone. Kunstnernes værker findes i boderne langs med Avenida del Mar. Her er der blandt andet en stand med ”The Scandinavian Group” (Agneta Larsen, Anna-Maija Rees, Genevieve Wendelin, Mariann Johansen-Ellis, Mona Hoel, Nina Reistad). Den har fernisering på sin udstilling torsdag den 20. kl. 20. www.artemarbella.com

21/6 - 22/6 Verdis fødselsdag Málagas filharmoniske orkester fejrer den store italienske komponists 200 års dag med et udvalg af hans mest kendte værker. Teatro Cervantes, Málaga www.teatrocervantes.com 21/6 - 12/7 Bournonville i Alhambra Se omtalen andetsteds på disse sider. 22/6 Alejandro Sanz Kl. 22.30. Den internationale stjerner giver de mest berømte numre på sit repertoire, inklusive de nye sange på det nye album. Palacio Deportes Martín Carpena c/ Miguel Mérida Nicolich, Málaga www.malagadeporteyeventos.com 22/6 Natteflamenco i Córdoba Córdoba fejrer en ny udgave af ”Noche Blanca del Flamenco”. Underholdningen starter på scenerne i byens gader, når natten falder på, og varmen ikke længere trykker. Med en kvart million deltagere og landets bedste kunstnere er det måske verdens mest spektakulære flamencofest. www.turismodecordoba.org 24/6 - 6/10 Picassos familiealbum Se omtalen andetsteds på disse sider.

Frem til 8. september: Den mørke kvindes maler.

Biografen Følgende biografer viser bl.a film på engelsk. Ring i forvejen og førhør dig hvilken film vises: Coin: La Trocha, 951 315 039 Fuengirola: Cinesur Miramar, 902 221 622 Marbella: Cinesur Plaza del Mar 952 766 941 La Cañada, 902 333 231 Puerto Banús: Gran Marbella, 952 810 077 Málaga: Yelmo Cineplex, Plaza Mayor 902 22 09 22


Myth and Tradition

Book Now!

Now on at the Carmen Thyssen museum in central Malaga is a temporary exhibition of works by celebrated fin-de-siecle Cordoba artist Julio Romero de Torres.

Tickets are selling fast for the fifth birthday party of La Risa at Lauro Golf. Always a sought-after event, booking is essential if you want to sample the delicous buffet not to mention the famous cup cakes!


Museo Carmen Thyssen open Tues-Sun. 10am to 8pm www.carmenthyssenmalaga.org


As I said last week, I have been in the UK for a little holiday and it was lovely. We went on Thursday 6th, my birthday, so it was like a present all in itself. We spent the first week in Bournemouth with my friend Janine and her husband Martin. It had been his 60th birthday some weeks before so we were to have a double celebration. We did all manner of things, most of which incurred little or no cost except petrol for getting to places and then parking fees. One of the places I wanted to go to was the Bridport Saturday market in Dorset. I used to visit the area frequently and it has changed very little in decades which was a refreshing change. The market has some new stuff but it’s mostly antique stalls (junk to some!) and they have a lovely farmers’ bit in the town hall that sells speciality cheeses, meats, breads, jams and chutneys etc. which is always interesting. My husband tried the “best pork pie” he’d ever eaten but after he’d said that we were rather surprised by the young lady selling them that

Saturday July 27th, only 17.50 euros per person. See advert on page 19.


it was actually rabbit, cranberries and gin in there – no wonder he enjoyed it! Of course, with Jan being an excellent cook, and all of us having scoffed three full cream teas while we were there, any thoughts of dieting went straight out of the window and I felt like I must have put on at least a stone but, standing on the scales on Monday morning, I found I’d actually lost a couple of pounds. There’s no rhyme or reason to it is there? I also visited the Kew Records Office so I’ll tell you about that next week. Oh, yes, and we’ve had our first swim of the year in our pool.

Arte Marbella For the fith year Marbella is hosting an international arts festival, with over 100 exhibitors in a variety of media. Held in a tented village in Parque La Alameda and Avenida de Mar. Opening Thursday 20th June until Sunday 23rd June. See website www.artemarbella.com

Angry reactions to spying revelations

"In an environment where mutual trust, respect and transparency should be essential for international co-operation, such an act by an allied country would clearly be deemed unacceptable, should the news report turn out to be true ... The British authorities are expected to present an official and satisfactory explanation on this issue."

The South African government said it had noted reports of alleged attempts to access its computers "with concern". "We do not yet have the full benefit of details reported on but in principle we would condemn the abuse of privacy and basic human rights particularly if it


emanates from those who claim to be democrats," it said. "We have solid, strong and cordial relations with the United Kingdom and would call on their government to investigate this matter fully."

The Guardian also claimed that GCHQ received reports from a US attempt to listen in to a call being made via satellite to Moscow by the then Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev. The allegation prompted Alexei Pushkov, the chief of the foreign affairs committee in the lower house of the Russian parliament, to write on Twitter: "It's a scandal ... The US denies it, but we can't trust them". Asked whether he

could guarantee no similar operation was taking place at the G8 summit, Mr



Cameron said he never commented on security and intelligence issues. The Coin News Group S.L. Post: Spanbox B300, La Trocha CC, 29100 Coin (Malaga)


Tel: (0034) 952 45 44 91 - Fax: (0034) 952 45 44 41 info@thenewsonline.es - editorial@thenewsonline.es class@thenewsonline.es - www.thenewsonline.es

Executive Editor: Kym Wickham Advertising manager: Geoff Heading Advertising sales: Susan Kerrigan Accounts: COHESA

Contributors / Colaboradores: Martin Delfín - Cathy Stronach Pete Woodall - Andrea Maclean Mike Kerrigan - Muriel Pilkington Ken Campbell - Anne Tyler - Valerie Mitchell - Abigail Tyler - Jean Joss Scott Forbes - VIc Gardner

The News is a free and independent newspaper distributed weekly and edited by The Coin News Group S.L.

The News is independent of political parties, private interests and/or government. Our policy is to provide readers with a news and information service that is fair, accurate and balanced. The Coin News Group S.L. accepts no responsibility for the claims or content of any letter, editorial, article, advertorial or advertisement. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced in part or whole without written permission from the publishers. The News Media Group Deposito Legal: GR 2794-2008




Continued from FRONT PAGE


By Kym Wickham




Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in



02 N General News

WEDNESDAY, June 19th 2013









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27 18

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27 19



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the olive press - June 12 - June 26, 2013



la cultura

High Five ART buffs will be able to enjoy the sights, sounds and even smells of an annual festival on the Costa del Sol. Now in its fifth year, Arte Marbella, the Festival Internacional de Arte Marbella (FIAM) will parade the talents of 60 artists from June 21 to 23. As well as paintings, sculptures and photography, this year 30 performers will take part each evening in Alameda park.

Graffiti wall and live performances are the latest edition to Arte Marbella as it reaches its fifth birthday Jazz, classical and gospel concerts are all planned and the park will also have a graffiti wall for artists to display their skills. This year FIAM will also feature a series of painting from Marbella’s twin city,

Batumi in Georgia. If all the culture has worked up your appetite, the gourmet area has a selection of international tempting dishes. Attracting over 20,000 visitors in 2012, this year FIAM

ARTY PARTY: FIAM features all styles aims to underline its status as one of the most important cultural event on the coast.



Monica Graciela Di Carlo Marbella Art Fair www.artemarbella.com


n artista textil italiana, especializada en pintura sobre seda, diseñado bufanda de, foulards, abanicos, mantones de Manila, vestidos y túnicas. En 2008 comenzó a diseñar tapices de seda, que se enmarca Todo el trabajo de Mónica son su propia creación son diseños originales dibujados y pintados a mano. Monica estará presente en Arte Marbella 20-23 de junio.



n Italian textile artist, specializing in silk painting, designed scarves, foulards, fans, “manila shawls”, dresses and tunics. In 2008 started to design silk tapestries which she framed. All Monica’s works are her own creation, original designs drawn and hand painted. Monica will be exhibiting at Arte Marbella 20-23 June.

¿QUÉ PASA? 2 Noticias - News and stories INSPIRACIÓN 8 Pasando las páginas de la mente - Turning the pages of the mind VIDA SANA 10 Calidad de vida, Kombucha Quality of Life, Kombucha 14 Málaga mapa

Las jirafas saben bailar Giraffes can dance

Whole earth 20 El agua es vida, Plastico! Water is life, Plastic!


open mind 24 Osteopatía para bebes Osteopathy for babies


RESOURCE DIRECTORY DIRECTORIO 26 A - Z: Terapeutas, clases y cursos - Therapists, classes and courses THE GUIDE / LA AGENDA 30 Eventos - What’s on everywhere! HeadSpace 32 La ultima palabra - The last word

LA CHISPA Publisher / Director: Phil Speirs: 952 112 713 & 659 537 525 phil@lachispa.net Publishing Assistant / Asistente: Kate Vaughan Assistant Editor / Editor adjunto: Sara Shaikh 600 416 020

Publicidad Advertising enquiries:

Phil Speirs - 659 537 525 En español - Sara Shaikh 600 416 020

www.lachispa.net La Chispa, Apartado de correos 281, 29100 Coín, Málaga, España.

Socio de: A member of:

DEPOSITO LEGAL: MA-411-02 This magazine is printed on Elemental Chlorine Free paper from sustainable forests. Please recycle when you have finished with it. Thank you. Esta revista se imprime en papel libre de cloro. Por favor recíclalo cuando hayas termiado con él. Gracias. The editorial in the magazine is the opinion of the author of the article and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the magazine. We cannot accept responsibility for any inaccurate information although we try to be as thorough as possible in checking articles, news and listings. We cannot accept responsibility for the content or claims of our advertisers. All material is copyright of La Chispa and may not be republished without authorisation.


ienvenidos al número 67 de La Chispa, y la última edición de la revista en su formato actual. Durante más de diez años La Chispa ha sido una pieza clave de todo lo alternativo en el sur de España, y ahora invitamos a los lectores a unirse a nosotros en línea donde continuaremos trayéndote noticias, reseñas y eventos en el sitio web y en el boletín quincenal. La versión impresa quizá reaparezca de algún modo en el futuro pero por ahora esperamos veros en la web. No olvidéis que el 27 y 28 de julio seremos los anfitriones del festival anual Arte Sano en San Pedro, un enorme encuentro eco holístico que celebra la vida natural en Andalucía con un programa repleto de actividades, talleres, tambores y conciertos. Les daremos la bienvenida a algunos viejos amigos así como a muchas cosas nuevas por todo lo cual, ven y haz que brille el fin de semana. Entretanto en este número inspírate con el masaje de yoga tai, descubre el chocolate crudo, aprende más sobre permacultura y lee sobre el nuevo centro de sanación en Coín. El artículo con la Dra. Pernille Knudtzon, 'Detective de la Salud', continuará en línea, y no te pierdas sus charlas en Biocasa de Fuengirola. "Hasta luego, y gracias por el pescado" (como dicen en la Guía del Autoestopista Galáctico).


elcome to issue 67 of La Chispa, and the last edition of the magazine in its current format. For over ten years La Chispa has been shining a light on all things alternative in southern Spain, and now we invite all our readers to join us online where we will continue to bring you news and reviews and events through our web site and fortnightly newsletter. Our print version may reappear in some format in the future but for now we look forward to seeing you on the web. Don’t forget that July 27 and 28 we will be hosting our annual Arte Sano festival in San Pedro – a massive eco-holistic gathering celebrating natural living in Andalucía with a packed programme of activities, workshops, drumming and concerts. We’ll be welcoming back some old friends as well as plenty of new stuff so come and make the weekend sparkle. Meanwhile in this issue’s pages be inspired by thai yoga massage, discover raw chocolate, find out about permaculture and read about the new healing centre in Coín. Our regular feature with ‘Health Detective’ Dr. Pernille Knudtzon will continue online, and don’t miss her talks at Biocasa in Fuengriola. “So long and thanks for all the fish!” (as they say in the Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Universe)

La Chispa 1

personas. 2 horas al mes. Móvil 678 955 678.

Every Saturday: Raw food restaurant; Alozaina; Info: Mike 691

Agenda | The guide

980 952

JUNIO - JUNE 1: Taller de Constelaciones Familiares; Los Boliches, Fuengriola;

Info: 639 16 34 30 info@reiki-pnl.com www.pnl-reiki.com

1 - 2: Mind-Body communication and well being;

Hypnotherapeutique, Nerja; Info: 711 771 972 marion@hypno-therapeutiques. co.uk, www.Hypno-therapeutiques.co.uk

7: Yoga y meditación con Ignacio Peña Roig; Sanaconsciencia, Coín; Info:

Tel: 622 453 728, www.sanaconsciencia. es

8: Jornada practica de TNDR;

Sananda, Málaga; Info: 676 526 001 www.regalatesalud.es

8 & 9: Obtención de Semillas:

Variedades Tradicionales y otras de Polinizacion abierta; Info: 950 525 770, sunseed@sunseed.org.uk, www. sunseed.org.uk

7 – 9: Festival Naturalmentes; Tarifa; info: 652 945 665, festivalnaturalmentes@ gmail.com 14 – 16: II Encuentro Crudivegano;

La Semilla,Bolonia, Cadiz; Info: www. lasemillabolonia.com lasemillabolonia@ gmail.com

14: Presentación coloquio de ‘Las cartas de Cristo’; Sanaconsciencia, Coín; Info: Tel: 622 453 728, www.sanaconsciencia.es

Junio - julio: oferta Sultan Spa:

prepara tu piel para elverano con un peeling corporal con hidratacion + bañera de hidromasajes con sales. por solo 40€; Sultan Spa, Marbella; Info: 952 867 205 www.spasultan.com

1º & 3º sábado: Rastro en Alozaina;

El Sango bar; buy, sell, exchange, swap; 10.00 - 14.00; Info: 659 224 891


30 La Chispa



14: presentación del libro 'Amor y humor en la educación' de Alonso Pulido; Sultan Spa, Marbella; Info: 952

867 205, www.spasultan.com

15: Dia abierto en sunseed; los

Molinos del Río Aguas; Almeria; Info: 950 525 770, sunseed@sunseed.org.uk, www. sunseed.org.uk

21: Dudley Hambleton de Evolution Exeter; Sanaconsciencia,

Girafas saben bailar, Málaga; Info: 952 29 39 56, www.lasjirafassabenbailar.com

Coín; Info: Tel: 622 453 728, www.sanaconsciencia.es

Busco espacio en Málaga capital para regalar curso de crecimiento personal. Capacidad máximo 20

20 – 23: Festival Internacional de Arte 2013; Marbella; Info: www.artemarbella.com

MARBELLA Art Festival


ndalucia attracts artists from around the World because of the beautiful light, scenery and laid-back living, and for the last five years the team at Arte Marbella have been working hard to make it even more of an art hot spot in summer by putting on Southern Spain’s largest outdoor art festival in central Marbella. This free, three day event offers an amazing opportunity to view the works of more than 60 talented artists, as well as enjoy a packed entertainment program and gourmet food in a stunning location. It is widely recognised as the Costa del Sol’s most important cultural event, with over 20,000 visitors in 2012. Tents will line the Avenida del Mar on 20th June from 19.00 for the festival’s


official inauguration. Then from 21st to 23rd June it will be open to all from 16.30 to 23.30 displaying paintings of all styles, photography, sculpture and more to delight art lovers. Visitors will be able to see several hundred works in just one place, created by International artists from more than 20 countries. Offering a more relaxed way of viewing art is hoped to inspire experts and novices alike to get engaged with the arts and support their local artists.


Founder of the festival Caroline Bowley has chosen three artists who will be exhibiting at this year’s festival to particularly look out for.

Michèle Lehmann was born in Switzerland, but she has lived and worked

in Mijas for more than 30 years. She began with pencil drawings that evolved into great complexity, taking weeks to finish. She now produces oils carefully built in layers of glaze, which have won prizes over Spain and are shown in galleries in several countries.

Elena Ubeda is a Basque artist who currently divides her time between Granada and Marbella, maintaining a studio in Puerto Banús. Elena has a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of the Basque Country and a PhD in Painting from the University of Granada. Her fun designs incorporate photography, decoupage and painting and are beautifully constructed. Merab Gagiladze, was born in Tbilisi Georgia. His art reflects a neo-

Arte Marbella at a Glance Date: 20-23rd June medieval style, with the use of subtle colours. An excellent draftsman and colourist, he re-interprets the tales and legends of his country so richly imbued with European and Eastern cultures. His work takes the viewer on an imaginary journey populated with characters who bear a message at the crossroads between reality and dreams.


In addition to the exhibition there is a packed programme of entertainment with a Jazz and Classical theme from 18.00-22.00 every day in the Parque de la Alameda. Over 30 performers including Stephen Lloyd-Morgan and Encore, Helena Paul and her jazz trio, a gospel choir, string quartet, classical piano and guitar players will entertain the crowds. Every day a graffiti artist will also be demonstrating their amazing skill and creating unique works of art.

Time: 20th June inauguration from 19.00, 21st-23rd June 16.30-23.30 Place: Parque Alameda and Avenida del Mar, Marbella

and viewing inspirational works of art. There will also be a strong Georgian influence thanks to the collaboration with Batumi Art Festival bringing artists from the Black Sea countries, Georgian cuisine and wine.

Cost: Admission to the festival is free of charge Find out more: artemarbella.com

A gourmet area in the Alameda Park will feature International chefs cooking up tasty treats, allowing visitors to enjoy a drink and a bite to eat whilst enjoying these amazing performances


http://www.kostanieuws.com/images/magazine/juni2013/11.jpg[20/06/2013 13:01:40]

Festival de Arte Internacional de Marbella For femte år i træk gentages kunstfestivalen i Marbella, hvor flere end 100 kunstnere fra nær og fjern udstiller kunstværker. Festivalen løber fra torsdag den 20. juni kl. 19.00 til søndag den 23. kl. 22.00 og finder sted i Parque La Alameda og Avd. del Mar, Marbella www.artemarbella.com. Her udstiller blandt andre den unge cubanske kunstner Richell Castellón Ferreira med sine stemningsfulde malerier fra det cubanske gadeliv. Seks skandinaviske kunstnere er denne gang at finde i det samme telt. Her kan man bl.a. se skulpturer af Agneta Larsen og Anna Maija Rees, malerier af Mona Hoel og Genevieve Wendelin, fotografier af Nina Reistad og grafisk kunst af Mariann Johansen-Ellis.

Den Skandinaviske Turistkirke På Paseo Marítimo 77, Los Boliches, Fuengirola, har følgende ugeprogram: Søndag kl. 11.00: Gudstjeneste kl. 19.00: Sangaften ”Hele kirken synger”. Tirsdag kl. 11.00: Sang på markedspladsen kl. 19.00: Bibelsamtale Onsdag kl. 11.00: Dagtræf med kaffe og vafler. Torsdag kl. 19.00: Åbent hus. Sang og musik. Fredag kl.18.00: Bønnetime. Se mere om kirkens program på www.turistkyrkan.info. Kirkens tlf.: 952 465 860, mobil 693 783 854, e-mail: pastor@turistkyrkan.info. Præst: John Agersten.

Julio Iglesias giver sommerkoncerter i Spanien Julio Iglesias kan stadigvæk efter 44 års karriere som fremmeste spanske smørtenor. Der er foreløbig planlagt fire koncerter med ham den kommende sommer i hans hjemland. Udover her nævnte koncert i Marbella, kan han opleves på følgende tider og steder: 29. juni i Santander, Cantabrien. 4. juli i Logroño, La Rioja. 13. juli i Roquetas del Mar, Almeria. Entré fra 50,45 euro kan bookes på www.elcorteingles.es.

Helligdage 11. juni: Lokal helligdag i Marbella. 13. juni: Lokal helligdag i Frigiliana. 18. juni: Lokal helligdag i Málaga. 24. juni: Lokal helligdag i Benalmádena. 16. juli: Lokal helligdag i Estepona, Fuengirola og Rincón de la Victoria. 22. juli: Lokal helligdag i Cómpeta. 25. juli: Lokal helligdag i Mijas.

BENALMÁDENA Indtil 16. juni Se grafisk kunst og malerier af Eugenio Chicano i Centro de Exposiciones på Benalmádena Costa. FRIGILIANA Indtil 7. september Se Arne Haugen Sørensens separatudstilling, Englens Kamp med Duenden, i Galería Krabbe. Læs mere på www.galeriakrabbe.com. 13. juni Der er festuge, dog byens skytshelgen, San Antonio de Padua, fejres denne dag med et Romería, en pilgrimsfærd. FUENGIROLA


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Velassorteret butik med svenskdesignet Dametøj, Smykker m.m. ______________

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Plaza Baltasar Gracián 1 Nueva Andalucía Tel.: 952 81 65 12

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LA DANESA  - 67

¿qué pasa?

Stjärnregn över Marbella

Gitarrfestival i Córdoba

Starlite Festival är namnen på en fantastisk musikfestival som efter förra årets stora succé återigen denna sommar bjuder på en lång rad stjärnnamn som kommer till staden.

Den årliga gitarrfestivalen i Córdoba, Festival de la Guitarra de Córdoba, bjuder i år på en lång rad spännande konserter och workshops. Årets program har just offentliggjorts och man kommer i år att kunna uppleva jazz och rock, flamenco och klassisk spansk gitarr. Bland artisterna finns Paco Peña, Alejandro Sanz, Manuel Barrueco, Tomatito Sexteto, Pavel Steidl och David Rusell. Den är den 33 gången som festivalen äger rum. Tid: 1 – 13 juli. Plats: tre olika; Teatro de la Axerquía, Teatro Góngora och Gran Teatro de Córdoba. Mer information finns på: www.guitarracordoba.org.

Julio Iglesias ger sommarkonserter i Spanien 27 juli: 28 juli: 2 augusti: 3 augusti: 5 augusti: 9 augusti: 11 augusti: 14 augusti: 15 augusti: 16 augusti: 17 augusti: 23 augusti: 24 augusti:

Jamie Cullum. Noa. Una Noche Movida. Julio Iglesias. Buenavista Social Club med Omara Portuondp och Elíades Ochoa. Sara Baras. Alejandro Sanz. Malú. Paco de Lucía. Forever Michael & Whitney. Enrique Iglesias. Grease en Concierto. David Bisbal.

Konserterna börjar kl. 22.00 i Cantera de Marbella. Inträde kostar mellan 23 euro till 450 euro. Man kan läsa mer på: www.starlitefestival.com, där man även kan boka biljetter, vilket även kan göras på: 902 750 787.

San JuanJuan och Santoch Joan Sant San


San Juan, spanjorernas midsommar, firas den 23 juni. Det firas speciellt på kusterna med eldar och fester på stränderna. På en del platser eldar man även figurer. Detta görs speciellt i Alicante där festligheterna sammanfaller med alicanternas Sant Joan som äger rum mellan 20-24 juni.

Calahonda fyller 50 år Sitio de Calahonda firar 50- års jubileum mellan den 28 - 30 juni. Calahonda tillhör Mijas kommun och har ca 15 000 invånare, fler än de flesta traditionella områden i Mijas. Firandet börjar med öppning av en konstutställning som går under temat: ”The essence of Calahonda”. Det är konstnärer som bor i Mijas som har bjudits in för att visa deras konst, som även går att köpa. Utställningen går att se i den äldsta byggnaden i Sitio de Calahonda, El Campanario, där den norska sjömanskyrkan huserar. Adress: Avda. del Cortijo 3 (bakom aparthotel El Campanario). Vernissage: fredagen den 28 juni, kl. 15.00. Utställningen kommer sedan att vara öppen fredag - söndag kl.11.00–16.00. Information om utställningen finns på: www.my-rasgos.com, och för hela programmet se: www.calahondaeuc.com.


EN SUECO - juni 2013

Julio Iglesias kan fortfarande efter 44 års karriär som Spaniens främsta smörtenor. I sommar är det planerat att han ska ge fyra konserter i sitt hemland. Utöver här nämnda konsert i Marbella kan han även ses på följande platser: 29 juni i Santander, Cantabrien. 4 juli i Logroño, La Rioja. 13 juli i Roquetas del Mar, Almeria. Biljetter från 50,45 euro kan bokas på: www.elcorteingles.es.

Gaga i Barcelona

Solo Arte

I juni och juli ställer selektiva konstnärer ut i lustbåtshamnen Puerto Deportive Sotogrande på torsdagar mellan kl. 18-23. Detta är ett samarbete med Asociacion Mosayko och Asociación Cultural Sotogrande. Bland de många utställarna finns avantgardkonstnären Osvaldo Gonsález Herrera: www.osvaldo.somee.com/

Gaga i Barcelona

Välsignelse av sjöfarare

Den 16 juli firas Virgen del Carmen. Efter att ha varit instängd i kyrkan i 364 dagar transporteras statyn av Virgen del Carmen (en av Jungfru Marias många namn) från kyrkan och ut på havet för att där välsigna sjöfarare. Det är som en påskprocession på havet och en tradition som började på 1500-talet. Festligheten äger rum på eftermiddagen/kvällen i flera städer, bl.a. i Málaga, Rincón de la Victoria, Vélez-Málaga, Torremolinos, Benalmádena, Los Boliches och Estepona.

Gaga i Barcelona

Festival de Arte Internacional de Marbella

För femte året i rad hålls återigen konstfestivalen i Marbella, där fler än 100 konstnärere från när och fjärran ställer ut sina konstverk. Festivalen börjar torsdagen den 20 juni kl. 19.00 och slutar söndagen den 23 juni kl. 22.00. Platsen är Parque La Alameda och Avd. del Mar i Marbella, www.artemarbella.com. Här går det bl.a. att se den unga kubanska konstnären Richell Castellón Ferreira med sina stämningsfulla målningar från det kubanska gatulivet. Sex skandinaviska konstnärer är i år på plats i samma tält. Här kan man bl.a. se skulpturer av Agneta Larsen och Anna Maija Rees, målningar av Mona Hoel och Genevieve Wendelin, fotografier av Nina Reistad och grafisk Fram till av Mariann Johansen-Ellis.






Soak up the culture at art show in Marbella

THE WHARF MAY 16 2013 wharf.co.uk

Don’t let hotel pleasures from exploring Marrakec Morocco

You might never leave the hotel but you’d be missing out on a fantastic land, writes Rob Virtue

T A wide range of artworks will be on show at Marbella’s festival

Rob.Virtue @wharf.co.uk


ancy absorbing a cultural feast while enjoying a tropical break? Then take a look at southern Spain’s largest outdoor art festival, which will be held next month in Marbella. Last year more than 20,000 people visited the cultural event on the Costa del Sol, which is free to enter and features hundreds of works from more than 60 top artists. Tents line the Avenida del Mar from 7pm on June 20 when the event launches and will continue until June 23 with stalls containing paintings, photography and sculptures open to all from 4.30pm to 11.30pm each day. Entertainment with a jazz and classical theme, as well as gourmet food from a host of international chefs will also be on offer at the festival, now in its fifth year. Go to artemarbella.com for more details on the Festival Internacional de Arte Marbella. Fly to Malaga from London City Airport with British Airways’ subsidiary CityFlyer – from £75 per person, each way. Go to ba.com.

he promise of searing sunshine is enough to lure us Brits on a trip to the exotic climes of Morocco. Sitting round the pool at Marrakech’s sublime Les Cinq Djellabas, a pair of young ladies admit they have travelled just for that. After a week reclining in the heat, spoilt at the boutique hotel, they say leaving has never crossed their minds. As they take the odd dip in the almost needless extravagance of a heated pool, while being waited on by attentive and amiable staff, it’s easy to appreciate their lack of drive. The hotel’s 10 detached eco-lodges, featuring four-poster beds and freestanding baths, are charming and elegant, set in beautiful green gardens. But the pool-worshipping women are missing out. Outside the walls, the real North Africa awaits. It’s the hustle of the markets with scooters shooting past, mules dotted between cars in the busy streets and the worldly, traditional feel of the old town. There’s so much to absorb. Juxtapose this hectic cityscape with a trip out of town to the foot of the Atlas Mountains and a rich and diverse location awaits. Our taxi drops us off at the village of Imlil, where a short and picturesque walk to the Kasbah Du Toubkal reveals a world of unspoiled and undisturbed bliss. The Kasbah, owned and restored by British former backpackers, offers either the prospect of a day trip or an overnight stay. However, any longer than a couple of days and city slickers might start missing the bright lights, not to mention the odd drop of alcohol, which is not served – a decision made by the owners out of respect for the surrounding Muslim villages. The venue is all fantastic views of the hills and valleys surrounding it, perfectly captured from atop the retreat. Staff serve us delicious and filling meals, including tasty lamb tagines. Back in the city of Marrakech and there are a number of activities and places to visit that are a must for

Below left, lamb tagine at Kasbah du Toubkal. Above and right, the facilities at Les Cinq Djellabas in Marrakech

FACTFILE ■ EasyJet flies to Marrakech from London Stansted and Gatwick. Flights start at £45.49 per person, each way. Go to easyJet.com to book. ■ For Les Cinq Djellabas: Rates start at 230 euros per suite, per night including breakfast, VAT and touristic tax. Go to hotel-les5djellabas.com. ■ Kasbah du Toubkal: A day-trip including transport from hotel, walk and lunch is 110 euros per person based on a minimum of two people. Rooms start at 160 euros on a bed and breakfast basis and includes free hot and cold drinks, use of the hamam and complimentary short walks for residents. Longer walks are a paid for extra. Go to kasbahdutoubkal.com.

keen travellers. Firstly, cleanse at the highly rated, luxury Heritage Spa (heritagespamarrakech.com). After a gentle massage, head upstairs for a hamam where mud is applied with vigour before being washed off in the

steaming wet room by overzealous matron-types. The relaxing effect is spectacular and should be followed with a trip to the elegant Le Foundouk overseen by executive ched Mohamed Amine

Lamrani (foundouk.com). A doorman, complete with fez, picks us up from our taxi and guides us to the door – stopping for the obligatory and irresistible photo session – before leading us upstairs, past beautifully




Festival Internacional de Arte Marbella Festival Internacional de Arte Marbella Celebra su 5ª Edición 20 - 23 Junio 2013 Sigue Abierto el Plazo de Inscripción para Artistas

Se inaugura una exhibición de John Lennon en Gibraltar Una colección única de memorabilia de John Lennon y los Beatles puede ser visitado en la plaza Casemates de Gibraltar. La colección, que ha sido reunido durante los últimos años por el hijo de John Lennon, Julian, está ilustrado con fotos de la familia, postales personales y la colección de Lennon de recuerdos incluyendo letras escritas a mano de la canción Hey Jude de Paul McCartney, compuesta especialmente para Julian Lennon, la Honda de John Lennon o ‘moto mono’ que montaba con Julian, la primera

guitarra eléctrica de Julian con una placa inscrita que dice "Para Julian de papá, Navidad 1973", y el clásico abrigo afgano de John Lennon en exhibición por primera vez fuera de Liverpool. La exposición en las Galerías de Gustavo Bacarisas está abierto de lunes a sábado de 10:00 h a 19:00 h; y los domingos desde las 10:00 h y se espera que dure hasta el final del año. La entrada es de £8 para adultos y £4 para niños. También puedes comprar una entrada familiar para 2 adultos + 2 niños por £20.

John Lennon Exhibition opens in Gibraltar A unique collection of John Lennon and Beatles memorabilia can be visited in Gibraltar's Casemates Square. The collection, which has been put together over the years by John Lennon's son Julian is illustrated with family photos, personal postcards and the Lennon's collection of memorabilia including priceless handwritten lyrics of Paul McCartney's Hey Jude, composed especially for Julian Lennon, John Lennon's Honda 'monkey bike' motorbike which he rode with Julian, Julian's first electric guitar

with inscribed plaque which reads 'To Julian from Daddy, Christmas 1973', and John Lennon's classic afghan coat on display for the first time outside Liverpool. The exhibition at the Gustavo Bacarisas Galleries is open Monday to Saturday 10 am to 7 pm; and Sunday from 10 am and is expected to run to the end of the year. Entry is £8 for adults and £4 for children. You can also purchase a family ticket for 2 adults + 2 children for £20.

Extracto Contacta con nosotros sobre nuestras opciones y tarifas publicitarias La fecha límite para anuncios publicitarios en la edición de abril es el lunes 27 de mayo La fecha límite para contenido es el martes 28 de mayo Contact us about our advertising options and rates Advertising deadline for the next issue is Monday May 27 Content deadline is Tuesday May 28

www.theresident.eu | editor@theresident.eu

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Arte Marbella alcanza ya su 5ª edición en Junio de 2013. Se ha convertido en uno de los eventos culturales más populares y dinámicos de Marbella, una brillante muestra de la diversidad del talento artístico. Después de haber representado a más de 300 artistas desde su primera edición en 2009, el 5º Festival Internacional de Arte Marbella es una experiencia cultural completa, gratuita al público y el mayor festival de arte al aire libre del Sur de España. Tomarán parte artistas de todas las disciplinas, pintura, fotografía, escultura e incluso arte digital, todo

complementado por un amplio programa de entretenimiento. Algunas de las novedades de este año es la creación de un Jardín de Esculturas así como una demostración de Arte Grafiti. El Festival estará ubicado en la Alameda y la Avenida del Mar, y su horario de apertura será de las 16:30 a las 23:30, trayendo actividad y vida al centro de Marbella con sus carpas individuales y de grupo para deleite de los amantes del arte. El plazo de inscripción para los artistas que quiera exponer su arte en el Festival sigue abierto y lo estará hasta el 30 de

Abril. Este año se les anima a formar grupos y colectivos por disciplina o nacionalidad. Para más detalles puede visitar www. artemarbella.com . Se trata de una organización sin ánimo de lucro, por lo que Arte Marbella agradece la colaboración de patrocinadores y voluntarios. Si desean colaborar, por favor contacte con la Presidenta, la Sra. Caroline Bowley en: caroline@ artemarbella.com. Más información www.artemarbella.com, www.facebook.com/artemarbella

Marbella International Art Festival Festival Internacional de Arte Marbella Invites Artists to Participate in their 5th Edition 20 - 23 June 2013 Arte Marbella reaches its landmark 5th Edition in June 2013. One of the most popular and dynamic cultural events in Marbella, it is a brilliant display of diverse artistic talent. Having represented more than 300 artists since launching in 2009, the 5th Festival Internacional de Arte Marbella is a complete cultural experience, free to the public, and represents the largest outdoor art festival in Southern Spain. Artists of all disciplines, painting, photography, sculpture and digital art take part, along with a complete

programme of entertainment. New this year is the creation of a Sculpture Garden in the Alameda, along with a demonstration of Graffiti Art in the same area. The Festival is held in the Alameda and Avenida del Mar from 16.30 to 23.30 hours, bringing the centre of Marbella to life with individual and group tents to delight art lovers. Inscription is now open for artists who wish to display their art at the festival and artists have until 30 April to submit applications for the event. This year, artists are

being encouraged to form groups and collectives, by discipline or nationality. For details visit www. artemarbella.com. As a non-profit making organization, Arte Marbella welcomes contributions from sponsors and volunteers. To get involved, please contact the President, Caroline Bowley, caroline@artemarbella.com. More information: www.artemarbella.com, www.facebook.com/artemarbella

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Costa del Sol News

April 25-May 2, 2013 9 771137 042003

Artist call up Inscription is now open for artists who wish to display their art at the Festival Internacional de Arte Marbella - Artists have until April 30 to submit applications for the event which takes place from June 20 - 23 gramme of entertainment. New this year is the creation of a Sculpture Garden in the Alameda, along with a demonstration of Graffiti Art in the same area. The festival is held in the Alameda and Avenida del Mar from 16.30 to 23.30 hours, bringing the centre of Marbella to life with individual and group tents to delight art lovers. Inscription is now open for artists who wish to display their art at the festival and artists have until 30 April to submit applications for the event. This year, artists are being encouraged to form groups and collectives, by discipline or nationality. For details visit www.artemarbella.com. As a non-profit making organisation, Arte Marbella welcomes contributions from sponsors and volunteers. To get in-

Painting by Sue Seed Press release ARTE MARBELLA reaches its landmark fifth edition in June 2013. One of the most popular and dynamic cultural events in Marbella, it is a brilliant display of diverse artistic talent. Having represented more than 300 artists since launching in 2009, the 5th Festival Internacional de Arte Marbella is a complete cultural experience, free to the public, and represents the largest outdoor art festival in southern Spain. Artists of all disciplines, painting, photography, sculpture and digital art take part, along with a complete pro-

Michele Lehmen's work

Painting by Mike Bahbout volved, please contact the president, Caroline Bowley, caroline@artemarbella.com.

More information - www.artemarbella.com, www.facebook.com/artemarbella

25 April - 1 May 2013




Charity fashion

cultural events in Marbella, it is a display of diverse artistic talent. Having represented more than 300 artists since 2009, the Festival Internacional de Arte Marbella is a complete cultural experience, free to

the public, and represents the largest outdoor art festival in Southern Spain. New this year is the creation of a Sculpture Garden in the Alameda, along with a demonstration of Graffiti

A CHARITY fashion parade will be held at Hotel Los Monteros in Marbella tomorrow (Friday) at 7.30pm, to raise funds for the Cesare Scariolo Foundation. Tickets cost €10.

TREK: More than 100 horses expected on the route.

Work forum

See Sierra by horse

MARBELLA Business Development Support Centre is holding a forum on ‘How to Beat the Financial Crisis’ on May 16, from 9am to 9pm, at Marbella Congress Hall.


Costa del Sol

Join in Arte Marbella ARTE MARBELLA reaches its landmark 5th edition in June. One of the most popular


MORE than 100 riders can take part on Saturday in the 11th Sierra de Mijas Horse Riding Route. The event hopes to attract interest not only amongst local riders but also from other towns in the province. They will be able to enjoy the spectacular views of the coast from the mountain. It starts at 9am from the bus park at Mijas Pueblo town hall. Riders will set out at 10.30am. Participants must pay €15, which includes drink and snacks.

Art in the same area. The Festival is held in the Alameda and Avenida del Mar from June 20 to 23, from 4.30pm to 11.30pm Inscription is open until Tuesday for artists who wish to display their art at the festival. This year, artists are being encouraged to form groups and collectives, by discipline or nationality. For details visit www.artemarbella.com

British golfer drowns A BRITISH man, 70, died in Almonte, Huelva, after attempting to recover a lost golf ball. He fell into a lake at the Dunas de Doñana golf course in Matalascañas, and was unable to get out because he couldn’t swim, according to his companions. He was pulled from the lake alive but died minutes later.

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