Select Recruitment Gibraltar Press Clippings

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GibLive! june 2010 | THe monTHly neWSPAPeR enTeRTAInInG GIBRAlTAR


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Gib Tourist Office is targetted


SPECIAL Branch in the UK are investigating an incident in which a group of protestors burst into the London Gibraltar Tourist Office recently. Whilst no official confirmation has been received sources have informed GibLive! that a group of Islamic extremists burst into the building to post political propaganda on the walls. It seems that no-one was hurt in the incident.


APE ATTACk IN HOTEL ROOm A RESIDENT at the Caleta Hotel was attacked in her room by a Barbary Ape. The ape entered the room through a fourth floor window, possibly attracted by a bowl of fruit. The victim, a female America ship crew member, was taken to hospital by ambulance for treatment to a bite on her left arm.

DENIS NOT OUT Of THE wOODS DENIS MacSHANE MP, the former Europe Minister, went to extraordinary politically correct lengths to keep everyone happy when he recently described Kaiane Aldorino’s winning Miss World as “a victory for a Spanish-speaking European woman who lives on the Mediterranean under the British flag.” But then he went and spoiled it by adding: “I just hope she doesn’t meet Tiger Woods.” Oh dear Denis!



GIBRALTAR residents have reacted angrily to a plan to build a dolphin park at Rosia Bay. The company behind the project, Europa Point Marine Village, proposes the construction of a pen that would house bottle-nosed dolphins and sea lions plus an annexe that would include an aquarium and a museum. But there has been a bitter reaction. A Facebook campaign against attracted more than 3,000 contributors within four days of being set up and the Gibraltar Ornithological and


Natural History Society issued a strongly-worded statement attacking the plan. “Dolphinaria are a thing of the past,” GONHS said in a recent statement. “While some of the old dolphinaria, which were created when there was much less knowledge and awareness, do some good work, there is simply no justification for creating new ones and enslaving more wild dolphins.” But supporters insist the

park will not only provide entertainment – it will also have much-needed conservation benefits as well. Mark Simmons, of Floridabased zoological consultancy, Ocean Embassy, said: “Gibraltar and its unique geographical location and tourism base makes it a rightful place for this type of conservation format.” HAVE YOUR SAY: See Pages 4 and 5






GibLive! EmPLOymENT maTTErS

June 2010

A question of finding a job THERE are a lot of job seekers out there at the moment and competition is high. However, if you’re job hunting in Gibraltar, you’re searching in one of the few markets to be relatively unaffected by the global credit crunch, one where international employers are still actively recruiting for suitably qualified candidates. To help our readers searching for a job, we asked Oliver Medina, Select Recruitment Gibraltar’s (SRG) new Executive Recruitment Manager, to compile a list of frequently asked questions and their answers. Oliver is well-placed to lend a helping hand, with many years of experience in the Financial Service sector and as an executive manager for Reed UK. Here Oliver answers those pressing questions about finding a job and working in Gibraltar.

Q: are there are any jobs? A: This is one we’re asked a lot and the simple answer is yes. The opportunities are there for those candidates who are willing to put themselves forward and persevere. Gibraltar has been fortunate in not suffering as much from the recession, but the job market is by nature a competitive place and enthusiasm and determination will always make a candidate stand out from the other job seekers.

Q: Do i have to speak Spanish and English to get a job in Gibraltar?

Q: Why are there so many foreign language jobs compared to English speaking jobs?

A: English is the official language of Gibraltar, so this is a must. However some positions do require you to be bilingual, as A: As Gibraltar is a hub for the Online many employers will have Spanish clientele Gaming industry where companies opergiven the close proximity to Spain. A good ate Europe-wide, it is necessary for them example would be a receptionist position to 16:58:23 communicate their specific markets. It srg-giblive-182x123mmp-220210.FH11 Tue Feb 23 2010 to Page 1 where you are the first point of contact. may seem as though there are lots of lanC







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guage jobs, but these are quite often entry level positions. There is a variety of English speaking jobs in Gaming, IT, Accounting & Financial Sectors where fluency in English is essential and extra languages are not required.

Q: Should i send my cv direct to employers in Gibraltar en masse? A: If you have seen an advert for a specific job, you are qualified and have the right experience then they will actively review your application if you apply direct. However, if you are sending your CV out en masse, there is very little chance that the company will be looking for your skill-set at that time and will automatically reject your CV. It is advisable to wait for suitable positions which match your skill-set before just sending out your CV to those relevant companies. This way you can highlight your skills and experience in relation to the job specification and be seriously considered for the role. If you are registered with an agency, it is their job to actively seek suitable positions which match your skills with the employer’s needs and communicate with them at the right time.

Q: i live in Spain but work in Gibraltar, therefore i do not pay tax in Spain. am i covered by the Spanish health service if anything happens to me? A: If you are an EU Citizen then you have the right to formally register as a resident of Spain at your nearest “PolicĂ­a Nacionalâ€? station. This is a simple process that only takes an hour or so. When working in Gibraltar you pay Social Insurance of ÂŁ102.87 per month. Due to a local agreement between Gibraltar and the provinces of both Cadiz and Malaga this is passed across and classed as your contribution. Therefore you are entitled to Healthcare, Schooling and Unemployment benefits in the same way as any other Spanish resident.

Q: i hear there are two ways of paying Tax in Gibraltar. how do i decide which one of these suits me best? A: If you plan to be a permanent resident of Gibraltar and are looking to settle long term and want to buy property, or have your children schooled in Gibraltar, then the Allowance based scheme may suit you best. The reason for this is although you pay a higher percentage of tax, the government gives back numerous allowances; such as paying University fees and giving money to home buyers. However, most people prefer the Gross Based Income Scheme where they can pay less tax, without the allowances. There are more details on our website:

Q: is there an equivalent to the Jobcentre in Gibraltar? A: Yes and no. The ETB in Gibraltar is only available to Gibraltarians and Gibraltarian residents. If you live in Spain and work in Gibraltar and are then made redundant, you are not entitled to any Government assistance in seeking employment. But don’t despair! Gibraltar has some very good recruitment agencies that can help you find the right position. There are a few points to remember. Apply online first to the recruitment agency and upload your CV onto their system. Once you have registered, phone the agency to introduce yourself and ask for a face to face meeting. At the meeting dress smartly and be prepared to go over your CV, as you may have missed out an important bit of experience that may get you a job. But be realistic; determination and perseverance, along with the right experience and qualifications, are key to finding the job of your dreams. AuTHOR dETAILS Oliver Medina, Executive Recruitment Manager (financial Services and Banking), Select Recruitment Gibraltar

Select recruitment Gibraltar recruits exclusively in the Online Gaming, iT, accountancy and Financial Services sectors and has expert recruitment consultants available to help find the right position for you. To submit your cv, apply online at if you would like help or advice from Oliver, or any of the specialist consultants, please call us on (+350) 216 21111.

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