Philanthropy Report 2019-2020

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SHAWNIGAN LAKE SCHOOL July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020

Philanthropy Report

Philanthropy 2019 Report 2020 2. Headmaster's Message 3. Governors & Directors 4. Chair's Message 5. Current Student Perspective 6. Recent Graduate Perspective 7. Parent Perspective 8. Philanthropy Statistics I 9. The Long View 10. Philanthropy Statistics II 11. Scholarships at Shawnigan 12. Diversity at Shawnigan 13. Alumna Perspective 14. Philanthropy Statistics III 15. Legacy Giving 16. Lifetime Cumulative Giving & Named Funds 17. Our Donors 21. Community Partnerships 22. Executive Director's Message



We are committed to using the opportunity that this crisis has presented us to accelerate growth and development.


he Shawnigan Lake School community has distinguished itself dramatically in the face of extraordinary world events that have deeply impacted all of our lives and the manner in which education is delivered. The generosity of spirit and support flowing from our donors, as well as our staff and student families, in this historic time have been inspiring and have set the stage for Shawnigan to emerge from the pandemic stronger than ever. From a 40% increase in the Annual Fund to the quick and generous response to our appeal for COVID emergency funding, all the way through to the innovative minds and hard work that allowed our successful pivot to Shawnigan Online Unique Learning (SOUL) in the final term of 2019-2020, mountains have been moved to ensure that all that we hold dear at Shawnigan is preserved. Now, as we reopen campus and embark on the challenging journey ahead, we are buoyed by unprecedented demand for admission to our School and longer than ever waiting lists. This, no doubt, is fueled by the successes we have achieved together in recent months, and the enviable position of strength that we hold in the face of adversity. One example is our ground-breaking new timetable, which leaps us forward in our approach to education, health and wellness of students and staff and the development of the next generation of global leaders. We are deeply grateful to all who have stepped forward in so many ways, and we count on your continuing support to see us through the next stages. ‘Project Future’ is upon us, and we are committed to using the opportunity that this crisis has presented us to accelerate growth and development. Our three strategic pillars—Academic Excellence, Co-curricular Distinction, and Student Life Unparalleled—will be our rallying call, and our ambitions will be realized through a foundation of financial resilience that our community can help us achieve. Stay tuned. We thank you for your support through to our launching point for an exciting future. We look forward to sharing our continuing journey with you, and I eagerly await a time when we will again share our progress in person. Until then, I send my deepest appreciation and best wishes,

Richard "Larry" Lamont Headmaster


Shawnigan Lake School Board of Governors As of June 30, 2020 Fiona Macfarlane, Chair

Janet Griesdale

Curt Sigfstead '85 (Ripley's)

Past Parent

Past Parent

Jacqueline Flett '97 (Groves'), Vice Chair

Lisa Grover '90 (Kaye's)

Ed Steidl '91 (Copeman's)

Rick Bourne '69 (Copeman's)

Olli Laurén

Current Parent

Past Parent

Suzanne Boyd '96 (School House)

Jennifer Mitchell '97 (Groves')

Carl Bradley '78 (Groves')

Andrew Purdey

Past Parent

Matthew Brister, Past Chair Past Parent

Mark Brown Past Parent

Jack Colbourne '83 (Lonsdale's) Kelly Gave Current Parent

Mike Waites Past Parent, Former Chair

Emily Wignes '96 (Groves')

Past Parent

David Schieldrop '82 (Groves') Former Chair

Sandra Scott Zev Shafran '74 (Groves') Kathryn Shaw Past Parent

Shawnigan Lake School is registered as a not-for-profit charitable organization and its principal activity is the operation of an independent co-educational boarding school.

Shawnigan Lake School Foundation Board of Directors

As of the September 16, 2020 AGM

Mike Waites, Chair

Hamish Angus '72 (Ripley's)

Past Parent

Jacqueline Flett '97 (Groves')

Brian Mitchell '59 (Groves'), Vice Chair Past Parent

Robert Murdoch '60 (Lake's), President

Darrell Oswald '78 (Lonsdale's) Past Parent

Past Parent

Ian Reid '60 (Lake's), Secretary / Treasurer Past Parent

Shawnigan Lake School Foundation is registered as a public foundation with the purposes of promoting, fostering and maintaining a high quality of education at private schools in Canada which are charitable organizations.

Shawnigan USA Fund Directors & Officers As of the September 16, 2020 AGM Francois Elmaleh '53 (Ripley's), Chairman

Carl Bradley '78 (Groves')

Greg Stevenson, President

Past Parent

Stuart Milbrad '48 (Lake's), Treasurer Eduard Steidl '91 (Copeman's), Secretary Tom Andrews '65 (Ripley's)

J. Tate Mason '65 (Lake's) Craig Stewart Frank Young '59 (Lake's)

The mission of Shawnigan USA Fund (“SUSA”) is to promote education through grants to educational organizations that have been recognized as tax exempt in the United States. The organization receives contributions primarily to further the purposes of the Shawnigan Lake School Foundation. 3


The challenge now is to seize the opportunities on offer. I could not be more excited.


have now completed almost a year as Chair of Shawnigan Lake School’s Board of Governors. Ironically, this exciting opportunity has coincided with an annus horribilis for many in our local community and around the world. 2020 is a year that has wrought ravages of health, the loneliness of isolation, disruption of education, loss of income and the pain of racism upon many individuals and communities across the globe. However, it has also been a year where I have seen, experienced, and been inspired by Shawnigan magic in action. The first aspect of this unique magic was the herculean efforts of our staff to create normalcy in learning under very challenging circumstances. The SOUL (Shawnigan Online Unique Learning) platform helped our educators to reach out to their students around the world, transcending time zones, and send the Shawnigan experience out to student homes across Canada, the U.S., China, Germany, Mexico, and many other countries. Secondly, the response to the Founder’s Fund appeal was incredible. Many parents, alumni and staff stepped up to the plate, giving with a level of generosity which, when combined with the matching program from the Board, raised a total of $441,657 to bring students in need home to Shawnigan this fall. The promise given was that no student would be unable to return for financial reasons stemming from the pandemic, and this promise has been kept. Thirdly, the tireless efforts of the Project Restart team cannot go unmentioned. Sacrificing their summers and time with their own families, the team worked every day to carefully plan for a new academic year, balancing the need for safety and new operating protocols with the need for Shawnigan students and staff to come together once again on campus, and, in doing so, successfully retaining as much normality and Shawnigan spirit as is possible. There is no doubt that this annus horribilis has also been an accelerant for our Project Future strategic planning ambitions. It has challenged us to double down on our values, to push boundaries in pedagogy, and to dream big while holding on to Shawnigan’s guiding principles of Conversation, Compassion, Community and Courage. The challenge now is to seize the opportunities on offer. I could not be more excited.

Fiona Macfarlane Board of Governors, Chair


CURRENT STUDENT PERSPECTIVE My school in Nepal is called Shree Mangal Dvip and it has a connection with Shawnigan because the School Director is from Canada. I am now the third student from my school who has received a scholarship to attend Shawnigan. My mom passed away when I was 5, my uncle is a Buddhist monk, and my father cannot afford to support me. Because of Shree Mangal Dvip and our sponsors, I had a free education, a place to live, and food to eat. I was very fortunate to study there. I started at the school at the age of 5 and studied there until grade 10. After I finished that part of my schooling, I couldn’t go home. People in my village work on their farms where they just manage to have enough food to feed themselves. My School Director nominated me as a candidate to go to Shawnigan. I was so excited; I never thought I would get a scholarship. Here at Shawnigan, the teachers are so good. I also feel empowered as a girl here—in Nepal, we have a lack of access to proper education as girls and no opportunity for proper jobs.

Tenzin L. '21 (Strathcona) Shawnigan Scholar 2020-2021 Prefect

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I am very grateful for everything that I am learning to bring back to my community.

Strathcona is my home away from home. When I first got here, everyone was so kind and welcoming. Mrs. Connolly and the girls support me all the time, through everything and anything. I am very grateful for everything that I am learning to bring back to my community in Nepal. I always remind people that the harder you work, the better chance you have to make a better life for yourself. I have had so many obstacles and hardships in my life, but I am not scared of them because they have taught me so much, have made me a better and stronger person, and have given me the tools to have a better future and to be able to help others.







Graduating class


Countries represented 5


RECENT GRADUATE PERSPECTIVE Growing up on Vancouver Island, Shawnigan was my dream school, but I never thought of it as an option. When I was accepted and offered a scholarship, I couldn't believe it. After my Grade 10 year, a Shawnigan family chose me as the first recipient of their new scholarship. I feel like there isn't a big enough word to describe how grateful I am to this family for their financial and emotional support. When you are in a position like me, if somebody offers you something like this, it's like they are handing you a future. Obviously, you need to put in the work to be eligible to receive it, and make sure you continue to put in the work, but without this family, I wouldn't be who I am today. It has totally changed my life, and it has inspired me to want to do that for somebody else one day. It gives me a new perspective on what giving truly means and the impact it can have on someone's life.

Milena J. '20 (Kaye's) Shawnigan Scholar 2019-2020 Prefect & Stag Award recipient

It's like they are handing you a future. Without this family, I wouldn't be who I am today.

Going to Shawnigan gave me the tools and confidence to apply for university scholarships—to trust in myself and to know that I can achieve whatever I want if I put in the work. With the support of the Guidance Office, I started applying to universities and seeking scholarship opportunities. They encouraged me to apply for the Morehead-Cain Scholarship, a four-year, fullyfunded educational experience at my dream school, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. When I found out that I got it, I collapsed; I couldn't believe what was happening. I was so incredibly happy. I hope to take with me everything that I learned from Shawnigan as I move forward. The goal is to live my life how I want it to be and not be scared about yesterday or tomorrow, but just put everything I can into whatever I am doing and continue to learn.


PARENT PERSPECTIVE I have always been passionate about education. This passion has informed much of my own journey over the past decade. Living in Hong Kong, I became involved in a volunteer capacity with a fantastic organization called Room to Read, a leading non-profit focused on girls' education and children's literacy in Asia and Africa. I learned a lot while fundraising to build schools in rural communities in countries like Nepal, Cambodia and Laos and working to establish scholarships for girls in India. I saw firsthand the benefit of educational scholarships—how completely life-changing they can be for young people. This cemented my ambition to provide access to education for as many young people as possible.

Kelly Gave Board of Governors Advancement Committee - Chair Current Parent

Your generosity and support of the endowment are key.

This journey continued when we relocated to Canada and my eldest son started at Shawnigan. I was approached to become involved, first with scholarships and then on the Board of Governors. This involvement has been incredibly fulfilling. For me, one of the initial selling points about Shawnigan was the level of financial assistance and scholarships offered to students. That commitment to accessibility brings crucial socio-economic diversity, which, along with cultural diversity, is a key aspect that leads to the development of well-rounded, socially aware, empathetic young people. I have enjoyed having a closer connection to students here on scholarship, and having the opportunity to see firsthand how access to a Shawnigan education impacts the direction of young lives. From the knowledge gained through my financial and fundraising background and from my own perspective as a donor, I know that the best way for a school like Shawnigan to consistently provide financial support and scholarships to students is by building a healthy endowment.

By supporting the endowment here at Shawnigan, we can help the School to consistently reach its annual scholarship goals, without dependence on annual fundraising targets or operating budget. Your generosity and support of the endowment are key, both for the School’s sustainability as an institution and for deserving young people from across the globe, whose lives will have been indelibly and positively shaped by their formative experiences as Shawnigan students.


Total Endowed & Board Designated Funds $20,000,000




0 2011










Annual Fund Donations $1,500,822

$1,500,000 $1,400,000 $1,300,000 $1,200,000 $1,100,000






$900,000 $800,000 2016





Overall Giving 2019-2020 Financial Aid & Endowment


Capital Projects & Facilities

$1,008,588 $271,259

Headmaster’s Fund


Athletics & Tours



EDGE, Food Service & Other C.A.S.E.*









*(Communications, Arts, Sciences, Entrepreneurship)


THE LONG VIEW Robert Murdoch '60 (Lake's) has been a lifelong advocate for Shawnigan Lake School. With 27 years of consecutive giving, Bob is one of the top donors in the School's history and has served in numerous volunteer leadership roles. He currently sits on the Shawnigan Lake School Foundation Board of Directors, and previously served as Chairman of both the Board of Governors and the Centennial Campaign, which led to the redevelopment of the School's worldclass campus.

Robert Murdoch '60 (Lake's) Past Chairman, Board of Governors Past Chairman, Centennial Campaign Currect Director, Shawnigan Foundation

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There are many ways to contribute to the mission of the School.

"I believe that Shawnigan changed my life—it formed me. I was lucky enough to meet at the School four or five people who significantly influenced my life. Whatever success I’ve had, my experience at Shawnigan was a big contributing factor. If you’ve got a skill set, Shawnigan finds it; that gives you confidence. Playing on an undefeated first fifteen rugby team and winning the Calder Cleland rowing trophy are significant events in my life and some of those teammates are still my best friends today. Later, I worked for the Prime Minister of Canada for five years. I’ve been CEO of an NYSE company with 10,000 people in it, but, aside from my family, I would say that my business career came third to working for Pierre Trudeau and rowing and playing rugby at Shawnigan. This is the most beautiful place in the world. Whenever I come to Shawnigan, I always feel happier. Years after graduation, I wanted to show my children B.C. and where I went to school. When we returned to Washington, my older son said that he wanted to come to Shawnigan. That reconnected me to the School, and later I was asked to join the Board of Governors. I have loved serving as a Governor, and now as a Foundation Director. These roles connect you to the staff and the students—our younger people and the issues going on in their lives."

Bob is quick to emphasize the contributions of time, talent, and treasure by his fellow volunteer leaders over the years. Pointing to the campus planning and project management expertise of past parent and former Governor Chris Le Fevre, and the historic generosity and financial leadership of alumnus, past parent, former Governor, and fellow Foundation Director Brian Mitchell, Bob articulates an astute point that philanthropy appears in many forms and there are many ways to contribute to the mission of the School. "We have done a wonderful job in recent years redeveloping our campus. Now, we must work to develop diversity in the School and build the endowment in support of the School's programs, scholarships, and financial aid. Shawnigan has one of the best educational experiences in the world. We want to make it affordable to more young people so they can enjoy the life-changing experience that we have been privy to. This is the factor that will determine our future success."

The Boys' Eight crew in 1959 (back row, 1-r): Bob Murdoch, Roy McIntosh, Malcolm McAvity, David Ross, Don Mowat, John Larsen, Peter Pratt and Michael Whittaker; (front): coach Laurie West, cox John Gibson and Rev. R.F. Stephenson, manager.


Impact of Philanthropy 2019-2020 Total Proceeds

$2,961,719 Proceeds to capital projects $1,317,723 Proceeds to endowment $623,801 Proceeds to operations $1,020,195

40% of students receiving bursaries & scholarships

10 facilities upgraded

32 programs supported

12 tours sponsored

Capital Projects

Centennial Campaign - Main Building Renovation $375,000

Centennial Campaign Library (Phase I & II) $235,995 Hockey Arena Building Fund $5,900 Crewhouse Renovation $18,000 Greenhouse Project $213,900 Field Hockey Pitch $75,000

Duxbury Pavilion and Sport Court $90,760


SCHOLARSHIPS AT SHAWNIGAN “Exceptional students are deserving of a Shawnigan education regardless of financial means.” Founder C.W. Lonsdale


t Shawnigan, bringing the most promising, well-rounded students to campus for a co-educational experience that forges them intellectually, socially and personally—no matter their background—is the core of our mission. Our need-based financial aid program ensures that Shawnigan remains within reach for every extraordinary student and, as such, is an expression of our community’s most enduring values. Our founder, C.W. Lonsdale, believed that exceptional students are deserving of a Shawnigan education regardless of financial means. To honour this vision, our general financial assistance is referred to as Founder’s Bursaries. In addition, we have major scholarships that are awarded to top students based on both need and merit. These important sources of support have been funded by generations of Shawnigan supporters who have established endowed or Board-designated funds within the Shawnigan Lake School Foundation to provide support in perpetuity to outstanding students. We are focused on aggressively growing our endowment to help us meet our diversity goals and provide more support for students in need. If you would like information on establishing scholarship funds, please contact a member of our Advancement & Community Engagement team. Today, 40% of Shawnigan families receive some form of financial aid. Upon receiving bursaries or scholarships, students and their families commit to share in the financial responsibility for their education by pledging to ‘pay it forward’ for another Shawnigan student in the future. This year, we are also pleased to announce the launch of Shawnigan’s Entrance Awards, a select number of merit-based awards, including the Indigenous People of Canada Leadership Award, the Pacific West Coast Leadership Award, the Residents of Alberta Leadership Award, the Himalayan Leadership Award, the Co-Educational Global Leadership Award, and the All-Round Merit Award. These are a tangible reflection of the diversity, inclusion, access, and global awareness we wish to foster and develop at Shawnigan. We are so grateful to all donors who have contributed to this important part of our community. Scholarships and financial aid are part of the essence of Shawnigan, and we thank all that have contributed—and will contribute—to make it so.

Special Acknowledgement & Thank You

In Spring 2020, when the COVID pandemic forced Shawnigan's campus to close, our community pulled together to see the School through a crisis. To help reduce financial burdens and support others in need, 68 Shawnigan staff members volunteered for reductions in pay to raise a collective $154,845. Furthermore, 100% of our Governors and Foundations Directors pledged their support for a Founder's Fund that has ensured all students could 'return home' to Shawnigan in fall 2020. The matching program established through this Board support has helped us raise $441,657 so far from generous parents, alumni, and staff, and we have already distributed over $100,000 to families that have been heavily impacted by the pandemic. We will continue to ensure that students receive the support that they need in the years ahead. Thank you to all Board members, staff, parents, and alumni who volunteered their generous support at this critical time for our School. As a community, we are pulling through this historic time stronger than ever. 11

Student country of residence during the 2019-20 school year



hawnigan continues to make great strides with respect to our diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice initiatives. In response to events this past summer, we engaged in discussions with members of our community and reflected on the ways that we can achieve progress in this important area. While we feel that diversity and inclusion have been a priority at Shawnigan in recent years, we are conscious that more can and should be done. In the face of intolerance across the world, our community at Shawnigan will continue to strive at all times to represent openness to all with respectful engagement across our differences. Our comprehensive profile of diversity initiatives over the past few years at Shawnigan has included many learning opportunities for students and staff, such as multi-faith Chapel services and special awareness Chapel presentations, Black History Month programming, Orange Shirt Day programming, and awareness-raising around United Nations days such as World AIDS Day, International Women's Day and Human Rights Day. We have also benefited from campus visits and presentations from Holocaust survivors, refugees, international politicians, and local Indigenous groups. We continue to support the development of our students' voices and involvement through surveys, the creation of the Co-Heads of School model, integrating students at Board meetings and in strategic planning, and consulting with them on initiatives ranging from the implementation of a new timetable to the creation of grade round table leadership groups. Our diversity focus has also embraced a critical analysis of and action plan regarding co-education at Shawnigan, and propelled the launch of the SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identification) student and staff group, as well as an Indigenous Committee and a Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Steering Group. A number of scholarships and increased financial aid aimed at increased diversity at Shawnigan have also been launched, including the Nepal-Himalayan scholarship, the Diamond First Nations Scholarship, and a number of full financial scholarships that will expand socio-economic diversity across our student body. We must all continue to bring forward new approaches to diversity, inclusion, equity and social justice at Shawnigan. As always, we value the expertise and contributions of our greater community. If you have recommendations that you would like to share in order to forge an even better and stronger future for our School, please connect with the Head’s Office at


ALUMNA PERSPECTIVE A unique aspect of Shawnigan that has always stood out to me is the allencompassing sense of community. I was taught the importance of community at a young age—it means everything to me—and Shawnigan does it so well. I started at Shawnigan in 1988 as one of the first 36 female students admitted for the inaugural year of co-education. My brother had gone to Shawnigan, so it was a known entity; however, when I reflect on my own transition to Shawnigan, I realize that it was an opportunity that changed the course of my life. Being a minority female in a school that had to make the shift to incorporating female students after being all-male for the previous 72 years was not without its challenges, but it was also incredibly gratifying to be part of this significant change. As an adult, I am passionate about equality, education and supporting youth, which may have had its roots in that experience. Additionally, I was fortunate enough to enjoy some valuable mentorship from several key Shawnigan staff members who contributed to that successful pivot, who guided me and who inspired me to find my voice and my place in life.

Lisa Grover '90 (Kaye's) Board of Governors Alumni Engagement Committee - Chair

We all have something to gain from being involved and something to offer.

Being a student at Shawnigan instilled within me a desire to seek community upon graduation and to give back. Keeping connected to my Shawnigan friends and teachers has always felt really important to me, and those informal connections naturally evolved into a more formal involvement with the Board of Governors and alumni engagement.

Helping alumni feel engaged and connected is my passion. For me, it is both vital for the success of the School that I love so dearly and for my own happiness. But it is important to note that engagement comes in many forms: giving back is about so much more than giving financially. We all have something to gain from being involved and something to offer, from contributing our talent and time to the School for its betterment, to being a host family to an international student, mentoring students and young alumni, running local alumni chapters and organizing reunions. Every person who has gone to Shawnigan has been instrumental in shaping the School. As alumni, we continue to have the power to shape and support its future trajectory. We are all part of this magical community—it is hard to imagine a time that more clearly magnifies the value and importance of our Shawnigan connections.


Donors by Geographic Location

Canada $2,493,433

$2,961,719 USA $303,897 Asia $131,600 Other $32,789

Constituent Participation in Annual Giving By percentage of constituency group





100% 78%



60% 40%




20% 0%



Board of Governors




Current Parents

By numbers of individuals





140 120





80 60 40 20 0


2019 Alumni

2020 Past Parents




e are extremely grateful to the following individuals and families for including Shawnigan Lake School in their estate giving plans. Such a choice demonstrates a commitment to a lasting legacy for future generations of students and assists the School in delivering its mission, both today and tomorrow. The Legacy Society is Shawnigan’s donor appreciation program for planned giving. It was established to recognize the generous philanthropy of alumni, faculty, staff, parents and friends, who support the School through their contribution of a deferred gift. I encourage you to leave your own Legacy Gift, and create a philanthropic gesture with meaningful, long-term impact. A Living Legacy represents a gift made while the donor-family is still alive. A compelling reason for a donor to create a Living Legacy is the joy and satisfaction one receives learning how their gift helps current students attend Shawnigan Lake School. I encourage you to have a discussion with your loved ones to see if a Legacy Gift is something you and your family might consider. If it is, let’s chat and learn how you can help students from diverse backgrounds enjoy the opportunity of a Shawnigan experience.

Hilary Abbott (250) 715-8565

Hilary Abbott & Patricia Abbott Doug Anderson '72 Ian Back '65 & Gloria Back The Estate of Patrick B. Ballentine '43 † Andrew Bay '88 Dennis & Patricia Beselt Roland Borsato '72 The Estate of Dorothy-Jane Boyce '33 † Carl Bradley '78 Kaldean D. Brown '89 John Burr '49 † & Katharine Burr The Estate of the Honourable Mr. Justice Gerald R.B. Coultas '48 † Jim & Sandy Dal Pozzo John Ll. Davies Thomas Davis '66 The Estate of Murray Dawson '69 † Howard Dietrich & Nancy Dietrich Rita M. Dodge John & Elaine Donaldson John Gibson '62 Tom Goodenough '52 & Sue Goodenough The Estate of Jens B. Gotthardt † The Estate of Lee W. Hanson † Bruce Housser '60 15

“ ”

Hilary Abbott Advancement Associate—Legacy Giving

Steve Housser '67 & Anne Housser Norman C. Howrigan Don Ingledew '65 Phil Jarvis Peter Johnson & Honey Johnson Michael Keller The Estate of A. Douglas Kingsford † Derek Lester Tom Lui '88 The Estate of Derek Lukin Johnston '28 † Paul Manning '72 † & Jane Manning The Estate of Allan D. Manson '73 † The Estate of James M. Marlow '73 † The Estate of Patsy McAvity † Ian McBean '68 Ian Mellor '67 & Leslie MacKenzie Stuart Milbrad '48 Wendy Milne The Estate of James Motherwell '30 † The Estate of Wilbert Murdoch † Robert Murdoch '60 The Estate of Jason Park '05 † Derek Paulson '68 The Estate of W. Thomas Pearce '40 The Estate of Richard Pearson '76 †

A commitment to a lasting legacy for future generations of students.

Maryann Rankin '64 The Estate of John (Jack) Reynolds '32 † The Estate of John (Jack) Roaf '25 † David Robertson & Lynn Robertson The Estate of A. Thane Rogers '35 † Matthuw Ronald-Jones '93 & Nicole Ronald-Jones Charles Sauer '62 David Schieldrop '82 Robert Sharman '73 Don and Susie Smith John W.F. Tribe '50 Michael Waites Mark Wyatt Frank Young '59 Anonymous (6 donors) Anonymous † (2 donors) † Deceased

LIFETIME CUMULATIVE GIVING Please take a moment to honour these remarkable individuals and families for their continued support of and meaningful commitment to Shawnigan Lake School. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of our reporting. If you feel your name has been omitted in error, please contact our office at or 250-743-6235. Thank you! $1,000,000 & ABOVE

$500,000 & ABOVE

Carl Bradley '78 The Bradley Family Foundation The Honourable Mr. Justice Gerald R. B. Coultas '48 † Garth Friesen '87 & Jeannie Friesen Jemini Foundation Peter R. Johnson & Honey Johnson Lecky Foundation John M.S. Lecky '57 † Ruren Ma & Wenru Han Brian Mitchell '59 & Joan Mitchell & Jennifer Mitchell '97 Bob Murdoch '60 & Nadya Murdoch Andrew Purdey & Lynn Purdey Shaw Communications Inc. Jim Shaw '77 † & Kathryn Shaw Vancouver Foundation Anonymous (3 donors)

Matt Brister & Tara Brister Mark Brown & Ellen Brown Jack Colbourne '83 & Sarah Colbourne The Estate of Murray Dawson '69 † Janet M. Griesdale James M. Marlow '73 † Darrell Oswald '78 & Robin Oswald Rogers Family David Schieldrop '82 & Catherine Grant Zev Shafran '74 & Elaine Shafran Mike Waites & Gailann Squires Anonymous (1 donor) † Deceased

NAMED FUNDS The following named funds and scholarships, established by donors in the Shawnigan Lake School Foundation with pledges over $100,000, are leading contributors to financial assistance, bursaries, scholarships and programs. Graham L. Anderson Scholarship Fund John and Katharine Burr Legacy Fund C.W. Lonsdale Bursary Centennial Scholarship Fund The Honourable Mr. Justice Gerald R.B. Coultas '48 Fund Diamond First Nations Scholarship Fund Edward & Yolanda Wong Leadership Endowed Fund Gave Family Scholarship Fund Hyde-Lay Scholarship Fund Jemini Scholarship Fund J.M.S. Lecky Scholarship Fund Manning Family Fund Jim M. Marlow '73 Scholarship Fund Bruce Olsen Chaplaincy Chair Fund Est. of T. Rogers Bursary Robertson Family Scholarship Fund

SJ Shaw Scholarship Fund The Shawnigan Fund Strathcona Book Bursary Michael T. Waites Family Scholarship Fund Jason Yosung Park Scholarship


OUR DONORS Please take a moment to review the names of the donors who contributed to the many successes Shawnigan achieved for this fiscal year — July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of our reporting. If you feel your name has been omitted in error, please contact our office at or 250-743-6235. Thank you! * Denotes 10 years of giving

† Deceased




Carl Bradley '78 * The Bradley Family Foundation * The Brew Creek Centre Denny Chan '78 & Winnie Chan ** George Huaijun Chen Jemini Foundation * Scott McIntosh & Karla Swan Brian Mitchell '59 & Joan Mitchell ** Howard Robin & Ginger Robin Zev Shafran '74 & Elaine Shafran ** Shaw Communications Inc. * Kathryn Shaw * Vancouver Foundation Mike Waites & Gailann Squires *

Ron Anderson '70 & Diane Anderson *** Nick Banks '75 Nawaf Bitar & Susie Bitar Rick Bourne '69 & Dana Bourne ** Jack Colbourne '83 & Sarah Colbourne *** Kelly Gave & Louis Gave Janet Griesdale * John Heimbecker & Lisa Heimbecker Brenda Isherwood Sang Kim & Borah Kim Langara Fishing Lodge Ltd. ** Karen Laprade & Kyle Harrison Andrew Purdey & Lynn Purdey Jody Shields & Crystal Shields Carter Siebens & Ellie Siebens Ryan Willson & Cindy Willson Anonymous (1 donor)

Bradley Anstey & Suzette Relucio Suzanne Boyd '96 & Omar Ladak * Mark Brown & Ellen Brown * Chris Dutcyvich & Kim Dutcyvich John Farncomb & Erin Farncomb Andrew Hersant & Nicola Hersant Jules Foundation Larry Lamont & Kathini Cameron Fiona Macfarlane & Iain Morris * Jennifer Mitchell '97 & Alex Mung * Bob Murdoch '60 & Nadya Murdoch ** Vikram Nagaraj & Vandana Nandan Tim Regan & Stephanie Worts Kevin Schaefer & John Walton '88 Robert Sharman '73 ** Heather Shaw & Jim Carter Julie Shaw & Terry Berg Shawana Foundation Gren Thomas Yellowknife Sporting Club Anonymous (1 donor)

COMMEMORATIVE GIFTS Received July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020





Robert Clarke Robert A. Deane Jane Quinn Ivan Quinn Peter D. Yates John Burr '49

Katharine Burr

FOUNDER’S CIRCLE STAG $5,000 & ABOVE APEX Foundation * Bel Akinyosoye & Muyiwa Akinyosoye Hamish Angus '72 & Gonda Angus * Don Bendickson & Lynn Bendickson ** Don and Lynn Bendickson Foundation Susan Blakey Patrick Boot & Catherine Weenk Matt Brister & Tara Brister * Liam Brister '13 Shing Tai Chow & Danielle Wang Beth Clark Jacqueline Flett '97 & Christopher Flett * Blane Fowler '88 & Allison Fowler * John Goudy & Gabrielle Goudy Lisa Grover '90 & Rod Froese

Rob Halse & Louise Halse Patrick Healy '71 & Jana Healy ** John Hokanson & Susan Hokanson * Jon Hokanson '88 Jordan Hokanson '94 & Tracie Hokanson ** J. Hokanson Family Charitable Foundation George Hungerford '61 & Jane Hungerford * Sandy Jadresko & Danny Jadresko Andrew Ketch & Elise Ketch Olli Laurén & Marja Laurén Richard Lee '06 William Lee '08 Sonja Leverkus '97

Mike Little '90 * Rachael McEachern '93 Roy McIntosh '59 & Maureen McIntosh ** John McIntyre '60 & Susan McIntyre ** Arthur Monahan '64 & Angela Monahan * James Moore '98 Laurence Pelosi & Alexis Pelosi Helen Purves & Richard Ralf Dana Rakhra & Harp Rakhra Robert Schumacher & Chris Schumacher Craig Storfie TOFRA Holdings Ltd. ** Dr. Amrik Tung Mei Wang & Duansheng You Anonymous ***

Ian Hyde-Lay '75 & Lisa Hyde-Lay ** Don Ingledew '65 & Joanne Ingledew ** Mark James & Alana James * Danielle Jobb & Brendan Roddy Nick Kaiser '63 & Deborah Russell Kerry Park Minor Hockey Association Ryan Landvoy & Shannon Landvoy Scott Larsen '76 & Maria Larsen ** Jae Joon Lee '13 Mr. James Lee & Mrs. Christina Lee Jason Lee '04 & Regina Lee John Lemkuil & Satomi Lemkuil John Lewis-Schneider & Teresa Lewis-Schneider Bill Liaskas '53 & Carol Liaskas * Weihong Liu Tom Lupton & Kirsi Lupton Robert Lyons & Dana Lyons Alastair Macdonald '61 Heatherann Macintosh & Rod Macintosh * Ian Manly '06 * Rudy Massimo & Patty Forward Karl Mayer & Anke Mayer Nigel Mayes '89 & Gillian Berry * Eric McAvity '64 & Judith Maxwell * Ian McBean '68 ** Brian McGavin '56 *** Todd McMullen & Devonna McMullen Wendy Milne & Jeff Milne ** Paul Morris & Alison Dewis * Scott Noble '75 & Sally Noble ** Anthony Ostler '87 and Victoria Ostler Darrell Oswald '78 & Robin Oswald * Wes Plater '97 & Marlese Plater * Russ Quinn '64 & Barb Quinn ** Jim Quinn & Jennifer Maw Anil Ram & Margaret Ram * Jaggi Rao & Namita Rao Chris Redcliffe Corrie Redl

Sean Regan & Julie Regan Ian Reid '60 & Viviane Reid ** Jonathan Robins & Val Robins Rhod Samuel & Gaynor Samuel ** Howard Saunders & Karmen Saunders Mark Sawers and Diana Sawers David Schieldrop '82 & Catherine Grant ** Gibson Scott '98 & Nicole Scott * Jonathan Scott '00 Curt Sigfstead '85 & Lara Witter ** Greg Smith & Jewel Swanson * Ed Steidl '91 & Jen Curry-Steidl * David Stephen '92 * Greg Stevenson & Corinna Stevenson Craig Stewart & Valerie Stewart Kent Stobart & Christine Andrews Stobart Youngji Sung & Kyunghwa Oh Scott Van Vliet & Buffy Ottacher Kris Webster & Rachel Webster Wells Fargo Advisors Emily Wignes '96 & Chad Wignes Mike Wilding '06 * Justin Wilke '98 & Heather Wilke '98 * Stuart Winchester & Kung Winchester Ron Woodard & Carolyn Woodard Chas Woodyer '96 Mark Wyatt & Claire Wyatt ** Natasha Xie & Fred Luo Chunhong Xu & Wendy Yan Peggy Yelland Frank Young '59 & Susan Young * Anonymous * (2 donors) Anonymous (6 donors)

CHAIRMAN’S COUNCIL $1,000 & ABOVE Hilary Abbott & Patty Abbott Tadashi Akimoto Barry Allard & Jo-Ann Allard ** Alan Au & Kris Li Darrin Austin & Wendy Austin ** Ian Back '65 & Gloria Back Fund through the Victoria Foundation ** Sara Blair Bow Mel Chrysler Ltd. William Brown '68 and Wendy Brown * Steve Bryan '76 * Debbie Bulla & Spud Matthews Shane Carew Eliane Castagnoli & Galileo Castagnoli Joe Cheung John Coffeng & Jeannette Wong-Coffeng Rick Coleman & Shelley Coleman Maureen Connolly & Jay Connolly '80 ** Ann Dillon & Ted Cape * Paul Doig & Jessica Doig Gary Dukelow & Kathy Dukelow * Carmen Dyer & Jack Dyer Kim Edgson & Russell Edgson Simon Fish & Isabelle Fish * Fisher Farms Freeman Ford '57 Gerry Fuller '52 * Chris Goodall '89 & Janet Goodall ** Eveline Goodall & Bruce Goodall *** Tom Goodenough '52 & Sue Goodenough *** Lynne Grass & Rolf Grass *** Steve Grover '87 Nick Gudewill '66 ** Myung-Un Han & Tae Suk Kim Andrew Handley '97 & Kelly Handley * Norm Howrigan ** Jen Hutchins & Andrew Shepherd * David Hyde-Lay '81 & Rayna Hyde-Lay '91 **


HEADMASTER’S CLUB $500 & ABOVE Ben Allard '99 & Liz Bullen * Remi Anctil Alex Aspinall & Barb Aspinall Associated Fire Safety Group Inc. Shannon Atkins & John Atkins Andrew Bay '88 & Kim Bay * Michael Bird '63 & Carolyn Bird * John Booth & Elizabeth Booth Karrie Brennan Charles Bristoll '83 & Lynn Bristoll Doug Campbell & Susan Campbell * Jordan Campbell & Suzanne Campbell * Peter Cooke '66 and Karen Cooke * Heather Craib & Ian Craib * Per Dahlstrom Roy Davies & Lisa Davies Andrew Deane '85 & Yukiko Tokano * Bernie Dinter '69 & Cyndy Dinter **

John Emery '61 & Heather Emery ** Catherine Facer '11 Ian Forbes & Anna Forbes Arden Gill '10 * Goldline Exteriors Limited Mike Goodall '92 ** Chad Gurski & Tammy Gurski Mark Hall '69 & Beth Hall ** Jon Harris & Kristen Harris Hans Herchen Noni Herchen Jett House '08 Phil Jarvis & Jean Cardino ** Neil Johnson & Jill Johnson Paul Klassen & Andrea Carballo * Zhimin Li & Shelly Shang Kyle McMullin Ian Mellor '67 & Leslie MacKenzie **

Guy Meredith '70 & Suzanne Pelland ** Meghan Montgomery John Oakley '72 & Carol Oakley * Feisal Panjwani '86 & Shelli Panjwani * Charles Pentland '60 & Julia Laidlaw Julie Platt & Mark Platt Briony Reid '66 & Dick Reid Alan Roaf '63 & Bonnie Roaf * Suzanne Rourke & Brad Rourke Phil Schieldrop '84 & Tamar Tsafnat * Brian Sirkia '08 Joseph Stewart '56 & Bonnie Stewart ** Taiji Communications Corp Dominic Tjia '11 Kelly Williams & Anne Marie Williams Georg Woernle Nancy Woollven Mary Xu & Zhibin Fu

Hugh Fraser '46 & Marguerite Fraser * Deji Gbobaniyi & Kirsty Gbobaniyi Ken Gillam & Kim Gillam * Barry Gilliland & Rosy Gilliland ** Peter Gordon '69 * Andrew Graham '83 & Melanie Graham Michael Greenwood '65 & Cherie Greenwood '67 Greg Guatto & Tracy Guatto Tori Hanson '95 & Mat Hanson Paul Hardy & Janet Hardy * Sterling Hein '01 Brenda Henderson *** Steve Housser '67 & Anne Housser ** Mike Johnson & Chris Johnson * Pauline Johnson & Mike La Roy Mr. Jieun Kim & Mrs. Joomi Choi Harriet Klumper '09 & Kyle Klumper Arthurson Leong '91 & Lina Chen Henri Letient & Trish Letient * Graham Linn & Sharlene Quinn ** Changzheng Liu & Doris Liu Galen Loiselle & Katrina Cholack * Alex Macintosh '09 * Tate Mason '65 & Jane Mason ** Fred McCaffrey & Patricia McCaffrey ** Tom McPherson '88 Ander Monro & Jemima Monro Michael Moore '95 Juan Morales & Margo Palau Bill Moulaison & Lori Moulaison Keiichi Nakagawa & Tamayo Nakagawa * June Noble * Kirk Nordstrom '64 & Karen Nordstrom *

Gang Pan & Fiona Zeng James Pollock & Julia Pollock Richard Rees & Elise Rees Colby Richardson '08 Peter Roaf '67 & Elise Roaf ** Gail Secord & Andrew Lamb Alice Sinclair ** Sylvia Siu '00 & Kevin Lai Lucy Southerland & Steve Southerland '81 Teri Springer Paul Stevenson '70 & Jackie Stevenson ** Telus Corporation Michael Trotter & Barbara Trotter Betty Vo '11 Patrick Whitley '63 & Sally Cochrane ** Jayson Williams David Wooldridge & Christine Wooldridge ** Anonymous (1 donor)

PATRON $250 & ABOVE Dana Acorn & Dana Duncan Patty Allard '02 & Tricia Allard '02 * Karl Anderson '60 † & Christine Anderson ****** James Baker '83 & Kristen Thomas Louie Balkovec & Angela Balkovec * Bryan Barr '90 & Tracey-Lee Barr Ian Beardmore '57 & Arliss Beardmore * Nate Belch '08 Richard Bird & Gloria Bird * Lisa Blumer & Dave Blumer * Chris Brown '97 & Veronica Brown * Gordon Brown & Morag Brown Kaldean Brown '89 & Hana Brown ** Lisa Cantonwine Dave Cape '03 & Katie Cape * Katherine Cape Henry '06 & Dave Henry * Steven Catte '03 Steve Cecchi & Joanne Cecchi Tony Champion & Carolyn Champion Kayla Charest '13 Chris Cherry & Claire Cherry Concrete Technology Corporation * Jack Connolly '02 Andi Conroy Tim Coy * Emily Davidson John Ll Davies & Cerris Davies *** William Dickson & Ewa Dickson Janet Donovan Robin Douglas '60 & Suzanne Douglas ** Angela Enright ** Rosalind Evertsz & Anthony Smitherman Matt Fawcett 19

FRIEND UP TO $250 Vikki Agate Margot Allen * Steele Althouse '99 & Tara Althouse Becky Anderson '93 & Eliot Anderson Tom Andrews '65 & Lauren Andrews Michael Atwood '67 & Vickie Jones Paul Baumann '65 & Elaine Baumann *** Nicole Belanger Cari Bell & Jim Bell * Jay Bertagnolli '89 John Billings '48 & Luanne Billings ** Biogen Carmen Boudreau & Nick Millar Heidi Brewer & Ken Brewer Jeannie Brown & Craig Brown Lupine Bulmer & Dale Bulmer Julian Butcher & Joelle Butcher C. Kenny Consulting Paulina Carrillo & Pablo Hooper Bill Cereske '72 ** David Chant & Christina Chant Chimney Lake Contracting Tammy Clark Cas Clarke Matt Clinton-Baker Ken Cohen & Cheryl Cohen Louisa Cooper Gill Coy Emma Croasdale & Mark Croasdale Erica Dalrymple & George Dalrymple ** Alison Davis & Nick Beatty Darryl de Leeuw Ed de Melo & Melanie Neal Kathryn Dergousoff '10 Howard Dietrich & Nancy Dietrich Rosemary Dolman ** Dave Donielson & Heather Henderson * Whitney Donielson '07 John Dryden & Elizabeth Abercrombie Simone Duffett '07 Henry Ellis '65 & Liz Ellis ** Franรงois Elmaleh '53 & Sharon Elmaleh Corey Erwin & Erin Erwin Jenny Ferris & Charles Davidson * Richard Fraser ** Michael Gill & Catherine Gill Don Groot & Patricia Johnston Erik Groot '00 Jon Hagedorn '10 George Halse '08 & Phoebe Tonks Erica Hamilton & Kyle Hamilton Dave Hansford '02 Daffydd Hermann & Triana Newton Robert Hick & Alexandra Hick Al Hocking '68 & Brenda Hocking

Jim Holland & Selinde Krayenhoff * Noralie Holness & Don Holness ** Ryo Inoue '80 & Yoshiko Inoue * Josh Jackson '98 & Adrienne Jackson Peter Janke '57 & Linda Janke * Margaret Jeffrey '50 ** Doug Jocelyn '93 & Leah Jocelyn * Mike Kent '73 & Rose Kent Vanessa Kiley '12 & Brendan Kiley Natalie King & Matthew King Robert Kors & Mary Beth Kors Hermann Krohn Ortega & Aliusha Acosta de Krohn Greg Lapsley Alice Lavigne '94 & Ken Lavigne Chloe Li & Bing Dou Tayanna Linden '15 Paul Longridge '63 & Darlene Longridge Eric MacDonald & Kristen Turner Lachlan Macintosh '09 Kelsey McDaniel '97 & Kelly Josling Pat McGehee '07 Tim McGovern '85 ** Scott McKay & Rebecca McKay Morgan McLeod & Kelli McLeod Molly Middleton '98 & Ed Middleton Stuart Milbrad '48 & Mary Milbrad * Sue Newns * Denise Orleans & Alex Orleans Anna Panton '67 & Bruce Panton ** Gerry Paprini Mandy Parker & Tim Parker * Dale Peniuk & Arlene Peniuk Jonas Persson & Jennifer Persson Chantal Picard & Stephane Brault Erica Plater '95 & Chad Plater '96 Christopher Pollitt & Jo Pollitt Ben Poulet Stacey Rea & Mike Rea Jean-Jacques Receveaux & Carola Receveaux * Phelan Regan '10 Judy Reimche & Bob Reimche * Darcy Repen '91 * Quinten Richardson '10 Guy Robertson '72 & Deborah Johnson ** Nicole Ronald-Jones & Matthuw Ronald-Jones '93 ** Mitch Savage & Melanie Johnson Savage Ron See '10 Ralph Shaw '69 & Marie Shaw * Wes Shoemaker & Lori Shoemaker Austin Smith & Verna Smith ** Gordon Smith & Leslie Smith ** Thomas Spillane & Karen Allen

Anonymous * PK Stremic '71 * Sandy Sun & David Dai * Gary Sutherland & Marilyn Sutherland * Scott Sutherland '05 * Mark Swannell Donnie Switzer Keiko Tanaka Nige Tezinde & Tito Tezinde Olivia Tran & Derek Alty Gareth Tudor-Jones Maite Urzua '07 Jim Vanstone & Joan Vanstone ** Eric Venables * Jarrett Wilke & Jen Wilke * Jeff Williams & Cheryl Williams * Jeff Winslow '73 ** Janis Wright & Shawn Wright '85 * Tangyang Xiang & Yinghua He Paul Yu '79 & Sidra Yu ** Anonymous * (2 donors) Anonymous (4 donors)



“ “

Philanthropy lies at the heart of strong communities.


hilanthropy lies at the heart of strong communities. It is about using our resources and applying them to improving the wellbeing of those living in our local community—by doing so, it is our goal to create a diverse, kind and nurturing place that we can all call home.

As part of our COVID-19-related Strategic Guiding Principles and our focus on building for the future, Shawnigan Lake School has committed to stepping forward to support the local and surrounding community with our resources wherever possible. We help make this vision a reality by leading the development of new community partnerships; by forming year-round relationships with local government and business leaders, local community-based organizations, advocacy groups, and individuals; and by facilitating Shawnigan’s student community outreach opportunities through Service Club initiatives. Most recently, our outreach has taken a number of different forms. We joined the THINKShawnigan Advisory Group to support the development of a new community design plan that offered our students an opportunity to work with MVH Urban Planning & Design and the Cowichan Valley Regional District. In partnership with the Shawnigan Residents’ Association and our Area Director, we also established the Shawnigan Hearts Campaign that supported Nourish Cowichan in their work to feed hundreds of local families living with food insecurity issues exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. We established partnerships with First Nations artist Arthur Vickers, and the Malahat Nation and Cowichan Tribes, which led to hosting our first ever Orange Shirt Day event where students and staff were able to meaningfully connect with our Indigenous neighbours. This connection then led to professional development opportunities for our staff and other teachers within ISABC schools, themed around Indigenous Ways of Knowing. Finally, we created a partnership with those independent and public schools connected by the Shawnigan Creek, where the Heads meet monthly to support one another and help guide our schools through these challenging times. We are proud to contribute to the health and development of our surrounding communities, and to share this important work with our students so that they, too, will act as community contributors and leaders in their future.

Sara Blair Director, Stewardship & Community Partnerships (250) 743-6206 21



As has been the case through previous defining times in our School’s history, our community of supporters will be the engine of our progress.


hope you have enjoyed the profiles contained in this year’s expanded Philanthropy Report. These are just some of the inspiring stories that make Shawnigan the dynamic school community that it is today. We are deeply grateful for everyone profiled and listed in this Report, and for the many others whose volunteer contributions are happening outside the spotlight.

Our philanthropic community of parents, alumni, staff, and friends has given us the confidence and strength to respond to the crises of 2020 with innovation, progress and growth. Now, as Headmaster Lamont points out, we find ourselves in an unprecedented position of strength. You, our supporters, have made all of this possible and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. The future is inevitably uncertain, though, and Shawnigan’s plans are at once ambitious and inspiring, just as they should be. Our recent Alumni Survey confirms the immense amount of pride that our community takes in its School, and we look forward to engaging with you to deliver Project Future. Once again, as has been the case through previous defining times in our School’s history, our community of supporters will be the engine of our progress. If you are interested in finding out more about Project Future, or would like to get more involved with Shawnigan, please do reach out to us. As Bob Murdoch points out in his Long View, there are countless ways to contribute philanthropically to Shawnigan’s mission, and we welcome your interest and engagement. With appreciation for the past and excitement for the future,

Greg Stevenson Executive Director, Advancement & Community Engagement (250) 743-6487


Thank you to all our sponsors:

Individual by: Individual sponsorship sponsorship by: Roy Roy McIntosh '59, John Wong-Coffeng McIntosh ‘59, JohnCoffeng Coffeng & & Jeannette Jeanette Wong-Coffeng

To our volunteers... The Shawnigan Lake School community thrives through the commitment and contributions of countless people who support our mission of leading young people in the pursuit of personal excellence through the challenges of a well-rounded education. Volunteers, from our Shawnigan Parents Association and our Governors, Directors and Officers, to those that help as fundraisers, mentors, Alumni Ambassadors, and supporters of our programs and events, are essential to the quality experience that Shawnigan provides to its students. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered their time and talent to our School community. We look forward to working with you again in 2020-2021!

Thank you

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