Welcome to Wingfield Digby (2023)

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Welcome to Wingf ield Digby

Your Boarding House is the centre of your life here at Sherborne Girls. I hope you will feel at home in Wingfield Digby. This handbook includes lots of useful information for you about how things work in the House, and about the School in general. It is also designed to help your parents with some of their questions, so it is very much addressed to you all.

You are lucky to be living in a great House and I hope you will come to love it! W ingfield Digby was originally two Boarding Houses: W ingfield and Alymar. It is symmetrical and one of the larger Houses. Now home to more than 75 girls, its winding corridors offer some character and the House provides good facilities and great communal living spaces for girls to get to know each other in an informal, homely atmosphere

When you first arrive you may have questions and worries but there are lots of people to talk to and we are all here to help Any issue, no matter how small, is worth sorting out from the beginning As with any community, there are various systems and regulations in place that will be new to you: you will soon get used to the way we do things and it will all become second nature in no time!

I urge you to make the most of your time at Sherborne Girls and in W ingfield Digby. There are many opportunities to represent us in House teams and competitions in a huge variety of sports, performances and events

Above all, I want you to be happy here. I will be here to encourage you, share in your triumphs and help you through any difficulties. I want you to achieve your potential and look back on your time in W ingfield, and at Sherborne Girls, with fond memories and lots to be proud of Let the adventure begin!

Important contact details 1 House ethos 2 The House staff 6 Support in House and in the School 8 The Health Centre and medicine 10 Who can I talk to? 12 Meals 14 House routines 16 Going out and welcoming visitors to the House 22 Keeping personal items safe 25 Day girls 28 House and School facilities 28 School Shop 32 Hygiene 32 Uniform expectations/dress 33 Use of mobiles and other personal electronic devices 35 Sherborne Girls terminology 37 Campus map 38 Packing list 40 FAQ 41 Fire safety 42 Contents

Impor t ant cont act det ails


Mrs Scott (Housemistress) k scott@sherborne com

House email: wingfield@sherborne.com

House landline: 01935 818242

House mobile: 07808 775589


Mrs Briggs (Deputy Head, Pastoral & Designated Safeguarding Lead) 01935 818338

General SG Emergency Number 01935 818333

Please add these details to your phone. It is important that you can get in touch with the House at all times. The House phone is answered by the Matron during the day, and the Tutor on duty in the evening


House ethos

• W ingfield is your second home, and your housemates and staff your WD family. That is why every WD girl has the right to feel relaxed, safe and valued for who they are here

• We must feel proud of every girl – encouraging and supporting every individual in all walks of their school life as being an equally valued part of our family

• It is important that we respect each other’s privacy, space, belongings and time

• As at home, we need to treat the House and its surroundings with respect, and work together to make it the place we love

• We must behave with courtesy towards everyone in every year group in the House: smile, say hello, look after each other and share our home graciously

• It is important that we respect each other’s views and feelings, and have ample opportunities to share and air these

• We have a responsibility as a House to try to do good. We are part of a wider community both in and out of School We should use our strengths as a family to consider, and do good for, others


The House st af f

There is a large team of staff in Wingfield to help support you:

Mrs Scott - Housemistress

Mrs Scott lives in a house attached to W ingfield with her husband Tom - a teacher of Modern Languages at Sherborne School, her daughters Alma (12) and Edith (7), and her dog Pickle (4). Mrs Scott teaches Drama, has been living in girls’ Boarding Houses for more than 18 years and was a Housemistress for five years at a different school before arriving in Sherborne in 2019.

The HM is supported by a residential Assistant who runs the boarding house during the HM’s time off in the week. The wider house pastoral team includes day matrons who are in the house from 8am-6pm and a team of residential staff who perform evening and weekend duties. All the pastoral staff work tirelessly to support the girls in making the

house feel like a home from home and they are all looking forward to meeting you in September.


The matrons manage the dayto-day running of the House For example, they will help you if you are unwell and make you appointments at the Health Centre if necessary They organise train tickets and taxis when you need them, and will liaise with your parents about your travel arrangements for exeats and the end of term.

Matron also checks that your rooms are tidy every day and will help you with laundry if you need it.


Our Non-resident Tutors do not live in W ingfield but help run prep and put you to bed one night each week. You will get to know them well


Everyone is allocated a Tutor Your Tutor will see you once a week and can come into the Boarding House and have lunch with you They also will help you organise your school work and will answer any academic queries. They meet regularly with Mrs Scott to discuss your progress.


Suppor t in House and in the School

There are lots of people to talk to. All the House staff are here for you, and we are all good at giving hugs!

New girls to the House are allocated a buddy. Please use your buddy as a useful source of information. They will be in touch with you in advance of you starting at Sherborne Girls

In addition, the L6 girls are here to help. The Head and Vice Head of House have both been appointed to these important roles as they really do care about the House and the girls who live here They will listen to you and help you.

We also have a team of L6 Supporters and Listeners These girls have been trained, and will offer a listening ear if you are worried about anything and you would prefer to speak to someone nearer your own age. Look on the noticeboards for information about our Supporters and Listeners They all have a sign on their bedroom door which says ‘Supporter and

Listener’. Just knock on their bedroom door if you want to talk.

We have three School Counsellors (Heddy, Lauenna and Veronica) who come into School to talk to girls. You can also speak to the Chaplain if you want a chat. The Chaplain can be found in the Ark in Main School.

If you would like to speak to someone independent to School, do look at the noticeboards, where there are lots of helpful telephone numbers

Dealing with homesickness

For some of you, this may be your first time away from home and you may not find the first few days easy That’s okay! It doesn’t matter how old you are when you first move away from home, it is always tricky getting used to different routines and getting to know new people. The important thing to remember is that, if you are feeling homesick, this will pass


However, you can make things a little easier for yourself if you follow the tips below:

• Make sure you are not on your own. If you are feeling sad, then you are just going to feel worse if you isolate yourself

• You will not be the only person struggling – lots of other girls will be, too Look at the other girls around you and think: ‘If they can do it, then so can I’

• Remember: you will get over your homesickness, and in no time at all, W ingfield Digby will feel like a second home

• Try not to make contact with home unless you feel strong enough to handle it Hearing Mum or Dad’s voice may set you off, so don’t phone unless you feel up to it

• Don’t phone home just before bedtime if you can avoid it. It’s the worst time of day to speak to parents, as you are likely to be feeling most wobbly at bedtime

• When you do speak to parents at home, talk about everything you have been doing Avoid talking about how you are feeling, as this is likely to make you feel more emotional

• Don’t encourage your parents to ‘ pop in’ to see you. It just makes it harder to settle

• Don’t encourage your parents to keep texting you to ask how you are. Again, it just reminds you that you aren’t at home, and this may upset you

• Come and get a hug from one of the members of staff on duty We are here to support you

• Keep yourself busy – don’t give yourself time to think about missing home


The Health Centre and medicine

Dr Middle and Dr Thomas are our School Doctors. All boarders are registered with them. One of the School Doctors comes to the Health Centre daily, from Monday to Friday at 8am, and you can easily get an appointment to see them if you need to. You can either make an appointment yourself by going to the Health Centre, or ask Matron and she will organise it for you.

If you feel unwell, the House staff might suggest that you go to the Health Centre to see a nurse for advice (or we will phone from W ingfield Digby to get advice). There is always a nurse on duty in the Health Centre.

If you want to see someone in the Health Centre but do not want to let anyone know that you are going, either Teams message ‘Health Care Reception’ or email health@sherborne com to arrange an appointment.

You cannot keep any medicine or tablets in your room in W ingfield Digby All medicines are kept in the medicine cabinet in Matron’s office. If you need to take medicine regularly, this is usually done at breakfast time The member of staff on duty will dispense medicines and you will sign for them.


Who can I t alk to?

Everybody has worries or problems at some time in their lives. Although there may be times when you do not want to talk about worries, it is usually sensible and helpful to talk to someone else about them and to try to help sort them out. You could talk to one of the other girls in your year group or the older girls in House – your Head of House or a Prefect. However, there are occasions when an adult may be a more appropriate person to talk to and there are a very large number to choose from at school, as well as your parents and relations.

Safeguarding Hotline

01935 818324

Safeguarding Leads

Lead: Mrs Briggs 01935 818342 07711 002937


Childline* 0800 1111



Children’s Commissioner for England 0800 528 0731


Deputies: Mrs Miller, Mr McClary Mrs Orton, Mrs Beard Chaplain


Mrs Heddy Smith 07970 843359 h.smith@sherborne.com

Ms Lauenna Luddington

Mrs Veronica Rosello


Revd Katie W indle

Senior Staff

House mistress/ master Friends

Aroundthe-clock suppor t



Miss Brown (r brown@sherborne com)

Mr Greed (g.greed@sherborne.com)

Mr McClary (i mcclary@sherborne com)

Learning Support

v collyer@sherborne com


Dr Charlie Middle

Dr Katie Thomas


116 123 jo@samaritans org

Independent Listener

Mrs Ann Simon 07890 549135

Mrs Isabel Burke 07989 527888

Nurses health@sherborne.com 07977 469663

All members of staff would be pleased to talk to you and try to help. This includes Dr Sullivan and Mrs Briggs. If you need to see the Head quickly, see her Personal Assistant, Mrs Horton They will listen to you in confidence, but there may be times when they have to ask your permission to tell someone what you have told them, if they think you or others are at serious risk of harm.



All meals in House are compulsory. We always take a register, and we use this as a roll call. Please be prompt to mealtimes. If you have specific dietary requirements, please let the House staff know as soon as possible, so that arrangements can be made with our Chef.

Mealtimes are as follows:


Monday – Friday 7.30am/7.45am

Saturday – 7 30am

Sunday – 9.30am (if there is a morning service) 11am brunch (if there is an evening service)



Friday 1pm

Saturday – A rolling lunch to make sure you can eat before or after your sport

Sunday 1pm (unless there has been brunch at 11am, in which case there is no lunch)


Monday – Friday 6.15pm

Saturday 6pm

Sunday 6pm (unless there is an evening Abbey Service, in which case it is at 5 30pm)

When arriving for meals, please queue up in the corridor until the member of staff on duty says you can come through You must wear something on your feet. At breakfast and supper, girls tend to sit with their year groups. Supper times (and all meals on Sundays) tend to be very relaxed – PJs are perfectly acceptable!

On Mondays you will sit in family groups across the year groups so you get to know the whole House really quickly.

Please remember table manners in the dining room For example, no elbows on tables, don’t talk with your mouth full, etc. If your Tutor is in for lunch,


remember to be a good host: please chat to them – they have made an effort to come and spend lunch with you.

The dining room is a mobile-free zone. Please do not take your phone out in the dining room –expect it to be confiscated if it is seen!


You may order takeaways on Saturday evenings. However, you need to get permission from the member of staff on duty beforehand. You must also wait downstairs so that you can watch for the delivery driver and your takeaway must arrive before 9pm.


House routines

Signing in and out

We ask all girls to sign out and back into House after 5pm during the week, or at any point if going off site (for which you need to seek permission). Day Girls and Day Boarders have a separate signing-out book, and must sign in when they arrive each morning by 8am and when they leave each evening At weekends, all girls need to sign out and back in again whenever they leave the House. We must be strict about signing out and in again, as Mrs Scott and the team need to know who is in the House at any one time for fire safety reasons. We will take you through the rules and it will become second nature

House meetings

Each morning at breakfast we have a House briefing, where the staff read notices and help you plan for the day and week ahead.

Everyone is to wait in the dining room for this briefing, including Day Girls and Day Boarders. These notices are summarised and written on the whiteboard near the main entrance

On Thursday mornings at 8.15am we have a full House meeting in the drawing room, where lengthier notices are given, and members of the House speak about a variety of activities and issues. Part of the W ingfield ethos is for everyone to feel valued and listened to: girls in all years will be encouraged to present to the House on occasions, perhaps contributing a prayer, reading or notice to these meetings.

We also have year group meetings (just your year group in WD), and these take place in the evenings with Mrs Scott, Assistant HM or the Prefectsusually in the drawing room or over a hot chocolate in the dining room.


Bedtime routine

Bedtimes are staggered, depending on your year group.

All girls must hand in mobile phones and any other electronic devices (e.g. tablets and laptops) before bedtime. You need to take these to the drawing room, where a member of staff or a Sixth Former will be on duty to receive them Each girl has a

labelled shelf where they put their devices, and this room is locked every evening If you are late by more than five minutes when handing in your phone and devices, they will be confiscated for 24 hours.


The bedtime routine is as follows:

Year Prep Phone and Main lights off All lights out group devices /sidelights on Teeth/showered and ready for bed L5 7-8pm Prep 8 45pm 9 15pm 9 30pm 9.15-9.30pm Reading T ime M5 7-8.30pm 9pm 9.30pm 9.45pm U5 7-8.30pm 9.15pm 9.45pm 10pm L6 7-8 45pm 9 30pm 10 15pm

The routine is different on a Saturday evening. Supper is at 6pm, and then you will have a social This could be a disco, a social with one of Sherborne School’s Houses, a movie night in House or a supper evening.

Bedtimes on Saturdays are later, to accommodate the fun However, all girls need to be in their ‘cubies’ or rooms by 10.30pm, and the House needs to be dark and quiet by 11pm at the very latest.

On Sunday nights we try to go to bed earlier after a busy weekend, and to get ready for the week ahead. Device hand in times and bedtimes are brought forward by 15 minutes on a Sunday

House duties

All girls in the House are expected, just as they would at home, to contribute to helping keep the House tidy and a pleasant place to be We believe in everyone 'doing their bit', from cleaning tables after supper to bringing mugs down from upstairs.

Different year groups will have different levels of responsibility

The L6, as leaders of the house, take responsibility for supporting the younger pupils during supervised prep, collecting devices at bedtime and wishing the girls goodnight. In addition to this our house prefects are responsible for a number of different areas, including House Spirit, Wellbeing , Sport, Music and Food (to name but a few!) and lead important initiatives in these areas.


Going out and welcoming visitors to the House

Going out

After lessons you are allowed to go to Budgens As it is off site, you must ask permission, sign in and out, and be back in House by 6pm, ready for supper and roll call. You must either be in full uniform, or in smart casual clothes (check the dress code for more details on this) You should never be ‘partly’ in uniform, by mixing it with your casual clothes.

L5 and M5 are allowed into town on Saturday afternoons after either match commitments or Saturday Sport, and then on Sundays when other commitments allow.

U5 and L6 can go into town after lessons Again, you must be back in House by 6pm.

Going outside Sherborne M5 upwards may go to Yeovil at the weekend, but permission must be sought from the Housemistress or the member of staff on duty, who will order a taxi. You must be in a group of at least three (L6 can go in pairs).

L6 can go to Bath, Salisbury or Bristol, but this must be organised in advance with the Housemistress.

If it is your birthday or a special occasion, your parents may take you out for supper However, unless this is a weekend, you may not invite friends. This is because going out midweek is disruptive to prep routines This is a School rule (not just a House rule) If you would like to celebrate your birthday with friends, it is best to wait until Saturday evening or Sunday lunch


L6 can go out to a restaurant for supper on Saturday or lunch on Sunday with friends in groups of no more than six This needs to be arranged in advance with Mrs Scott.

Please be aware that, even if you do not have a match on a Saturday and you are in L5 or M5, you still have a commitment to Saturday Sport, and so are not available to meet with parents until after this time

Your behaviour and dress when out and about must be exemplary, as you are representing the School. Please create a good impression The School boundaries are published on the House noticeboards – you must be aware of where you are and are not allowed to go.

Exeats/weekends out

There are usually two exeats every term These usually start at 1pm on a Friday You may not leave School before this time.

The School train to Waterloo normally leaves at 1.35pm, and gets to Waterloo at 3 47pm It usually leaves Waterloo at 5 15pm on a Sunday afternoon to come back. It is escorted and you will be given the phone number and name of the member of staff on the train before you leave All girls need to leave promptly for exeat, after which time WD will be locked up. It will reopen on the Sunday afternoon for any pupils from across the School who need to return before their own Houses open at 6pm All girls must return by 9pm after an Exeat weekend.


Queenie’s Café and The Coffee Pod

The Coffee Pod is a café in the reception area of the Oxley Sports Centre, which you may also use after school and at weekends

There is a café in the Upper Foyer of The Merritt Centre, called Queenie’s Café, which is open after lunch and after school. This is a popular destination for those wanting a smoothie, hot drink or one of the delicious cakes on offer These are good places to meet up with your friends.


Girls from other Houses and boys from Sherborne School are very welcome to visit us here in the House There is a visitor signing-in book that everyone must sign Please let the member of staff on duty know that a visitor has arrived. It is very important that they are introduced to the member of staff on duty. Boys are not allowed upstairs

Family members are always welcome to WD, but nobody is allowed upstairs, including parents (unless it is the start or end of term) If you have friends from outside the School visiting, please let the member of staff on duty know when they arrive, and introduce them.


Keeping personal items safe

All rooms and ‘cubies’ are equipped with a lockable drawer or cupboard. You are advised to keep any precious items locked away. You will need to see Matron if you wish to have the key for your lockable drawer, and she will sign it out for you. Please be aware that you need to return the key at the end of term. If you lose it, you will be charged £15 for a replacement.

Money and passports

Passports must be handed in If you require a Visa to study in England, your passport is kept in the safe in the office in Main School. Anyone who has any cash is advised to hand this in to us for safekeeping You may use us as a House bank, and sign out money as you wish to use it.


Day Girls House and School facilities

Day girls – you are welcome to come into School for breakfast and to stay until after prep. You are expected to arrive in good time for prayers or assembly. It is also extremely important that you sign out at the end of the day when you leave so that we know you have gone home. If you plan on leaving straight from Main School at the end of the day, please call or email the House.

Day boarders – you have set nights that you stay. You need to let Mrs Scott or a Matron know which nights these are You need to give 48 hours’ notice if you would like to stay on any other nights (or go home when you would normally sleep over)

If you stay at school on a Saturday evening and there is an Abbey Service the next morning, you are expected to attend


We have a laundry room with three washing machines and three dryers. Everyone can use these machines, and must manage their own washing They are automated, and dispense detergent and fabric conditioner for you. Anyone who needs to use specific washing powder for allergy reasons can programme the machines accordingly

If you do not name your clothes, they are likely to get lost or mixed up with someone else’s laundry - and it can be difficult to identify whose washing is whose. If you buy new clothes during the term, borrow a Sharpie from Matron’s office and label them with it It will save Matron a lot of time trying to sort through unclaimed, unlabelled washing.


Bedding and towels can be laundered professionally each week if you wish. This washing is collected on a Thursday morning and is brought back a few days later

Everyone is asked to strip their beds on a Thursday morning. You can then collect clean bedding from the linen cupboard to put back on your bed once it is stripped. Each girl has a labelled shelf in ‘Thelma’s Cupboard’: your clean bedding and towels go on your shelf when they are returned

All bedding and towels brought into school must be clearly named with extra large (1 inch) name tapes along the outside, obvious edge please (on duvet covers this will be next to buttons or poppers, on pillow cases near the opening please).

Common Room and pantry

The Common Room is available for all girls to use at any time in House (apart from during prep) We have a smart TV in there Off the Common Room is a small pantry equipped with a kettle, microwave, toaster and fridge. We provide bread and butter, and girls bring in spreads and snacks to make in the pantry It is wise to label your food in the fridge, and we operate a system of trust whereby people do not use each other’s items. We also ask that you clear up after yourselves: if the pantry is left untidy, it is locked the next night.


L5 must always complete their prep in the prep room The L6 girls are on a rota to supervise prep, so there will always be at least one L6 girl studying in the prep room between 7pm and 8pm


Drawing room

Our Drawing Room is on the ground floor This also has a smart television in it, as well as a W ii and a table-football table. The Drawing Room is open to all girls to use whenever it is free We use it during the week for year group meetings, coffee, and whole House meetings. It is also where we regularly light the fire and girls go to practise the piano or play for friends We are also the only house to boast a giant bean bag which is now a firm favourite in House with all the girls!

Reporting faults

Like all buildings, the Boarding House will sometimes require repair and upkeep. Our Facilities Department comes to the House most days to carry out routine repairs such as replacing light bulbs or fixing dripping taps Please report any faults or repairs to Matron. If the repair is urgent, we will get someone over as soon as possible to fix it.


Oxley Sports Centre

All girls are automatically members of the Oxley Sports Centre. Many make use of its well-equipped gym. In order to use this, you need to go to the front desk and register.

The staff will organise an induction session with one of the Personal Trainers, following which you are free to use the

facilities. If you are under 16, you may sign up for the Junior Gym activity that happens several days each week from 5pm to 6pm. If you are 16 or over, you are able to use the gym whenever it is convenient, but you must check with Mrs Scott first.


School Shop Hygiene

The school shop is open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday during term time (closed at 12.30 – 1pm for lunch).

You will find school uniform in the shop, along with a range of stationery items, as well as toiletries and tuck. Your access card doubles as a shop card and is needed when you pop in to make purchases. Parents will have authorised a termly allowance for you which enables purchases to be made without using cash or debit cards. However, cash and debit cards are also accepted. You can also order items to be delivered to the House.

Uniform items to the value of £30 may be purchased when replacements are required. The shop staff will require parental permission for any item you wish to purchase above this amount. This can be shown as a text message, completion of a uniform chit signed by House Matron, or an email from parents to schoolshop@sherborne.com. Parents can also order uniform direct via phone, email or website.

This is really important, especially living as communally as we do. Please make time to shower every day. Get yourself into a good routine. Use shower gel and deodorant. It is equally important that you wash your clothes regularly, as it is pointless washing your body and then putting dirty clothes back on. The sports tops get smelly really quickly, so you need to make sure you wash them regularly.

It is a good idea to organise your clothes in your room or ‘cue/cubie’ A small ‘ pop-up ’ laundry basket is a really good idea If you put dirty laundry into one of these, it is less likely to get muddled up with clean clothes If you put your clothes away (instead of using your floor as a ‘floordrobe’), you will be able to separate clean from dirty clothes more easily.


Uniform expect ations/dress

All girls are required to uphold the uniform expectations as listed in the School Dress Code at all times during the school day, including time spent moving between lessons. When in academic lessons, Sixth Form pupils should wear their jackets at all times unless permission to remove them is requested and granted. Any pupils who have been given permission to visit Sherborne during lesson times should be in school uniform. School trips will require either full uniform (or suits for Sixth Form), or smart casual.

Appearance during lesson times (8.30am-5pm)

You must look clean, neat and tidy at all times. Hair should be neatly tied back if it is below the shoulders and jewellery should be limited to one pair of stud earrings Piercings halfway up the ears are not allowed, nor are nose piercings. Bracelets are not allowed and just one simple necklace is permitted.

L5 – U5 must wear their uniform (kilt/trousers, blouse, jumper, black tights, black shoes) for all lessons. If you have PE or games, for example, during Period 3, then you are allowed to wear sports kit during Periods 1 and 2 You must, however, get changed into uniform at break time. In the same way, if you have games after break, then you must wear uniform until break and then get changed into sports kit You only need to wear your blazer on formal occasions, such as Abbey Services or when showing visitors around School. You do not need to wear uniform for School Services on Sundays –jeans are fine for these

L6 wear a School suit. You can wear your own collared shirt and jumper but this must not have a logo on the front, nor can it be hooded You need to look smart and businesslike.


Appearance out of School hours

Outside of the school day (i.e. after timetabled lessons, or during evenings and weekends), pupils may wear casual clothes on the School site but they are still expected to look tidy and presentable. Casual clothes may be worn at the weekends from midday on Saturdays (if not involved in sport) and Sundays (except for official School activities such as Tour Mornings and Abbey Services). Casual clothes may sometimes be worn

on trips out of School (e.g. to the theatre). Pupils should dress appropriately for the destination of the trip and respect the instructions given by the supervising staff.


Everything brought to School must be clearly marked with name tapes, with at least the pupil’s surname in full followed by House initials.


Use of mobiles and other personal electronic devices

Mobile phones are extremely useful, but please use yours with care. There are two mobile free days in the week for L5-M5 and one mobile free day for U5 You are not allowed to take your phones over to Main School during the normal school day and they will be

confiscated if seen The House dining rooms are also mobile free zones. Please do not use anyone else’s mobile phone. You must also give the HM your number so that we can contact you if we need to


Sherborne Girls terminology


L4 – Year 7

U4 – Year 8

L5 – Year 9

M5 – Year 10

U5 – Year 11

L6 – Year 12

U6 – Year 13

The Houses and their colours

Aldhelmsted East – Purple

Aldhelmsted West – Pink

Dun Holme – Light Blue

Kenelm – Red

Mulliner – Black

Reader Harris – Green

W ingfield Digby – Yellow


Ark – the Ark is a quiet space where the Chaplain is based It is in the Main School building, and all pupils may use it as a space for quiet reflection

BLT – Beddington Lecture

Theatre, a room in the Beddington Building

Budgens – Budgens Store in the BP Garage

Cubie – Cubicle (bedroom)

Drawing Room – as well as the room itself, meetings that take place there are also called ‘Drawing Rooms’

Exeat – when School closes for the weekend (usually from Friday lunchtime to Sunday evening)

Family dining – when year groups are mixed up to sit together for lunch

Granny Patch – Richmond Green

Main School – the Main School building, containing the School Hall

Oxley – the Oxley Sports Centre

Prayers – services that take place in the School Hall or Gransden Hall before school on certain days

Prep – homework (also sometimes means private study period during the day)

Queenie’s – the café in The Merritt Centre

Socials – Saturday night social events

SS – Sherborne School /The Boys’ School

Campus Campus Library and Home Economics Main School, Reception and Admissions Development and Old Girls Office The Hive School Shop and Blair Performance Gym and Dance Studio
Kenelm (K) Wingfield Digby (WD) (M) RH Courts RH Courts Lower Playing Fields 38 The Hive School Shop and (M) Campus map 20 20
Aldhelmsted East (AE) Aldhelmsted West (AW) Dun Holme (DH)
Sherborne Girls Bradford Road Sherborne DT9 3QN 01935 812245 office@sherborne.com sherborne.com r House
Fronts/ Tennis Courts
Playing Fields 39 Blair House (RH) SHERBORNE GIRLS - WINGFIELD DIGBY

Packing list

Avoid bringing everything you own, as space is limited! Apart from uniform and PE kit (see the Dress Code on the School website: Sherborne.com/uniformshop), you only need a few casual clothes: jogging bottoms, jeans, t-shirts and hoodies for after school. You will need a smarter outfit for more formal occasions and something for end-ofterm parties. You may like to wear something a bit more ‘dressy’ for a weekend social event, but jeans and a nice top are usually fine. The School Dress Code lists the various occasions that require different types of outfits.

Don’t forget an alarm clock (as mobile phones are collected at bedtime) and you must bring your own bedding. You may like to bring posters, photos and small personal items to decorate your room, and your favourite teddy.

Coat hangers and a laundry bag are a must, as is a bank card or access to electronic funds. £10 cash is needed each term for use at charity events.



Is it useful to have a mobile phone?

Mobile phones are useful but not compulsory. Mobile phones are not permitted in the Main School during the school day

Remember, you can phone home at any time you are in House, even if you do not have your mobile with you. Just ask the member of staff on duty, and they will let you use the House phone in a private space. We also have phone free days which help us to have a digital detox and focus on time with our friends rather than time on a screen

Is there anywhere I can keep my things safe?

We recommend that you hand in anything of value, including money, to be safely locked away All rooms and ‘ cues ’ have a lockable drawer that you can also keep precious items in. Matron will give you a key, but please be aware that, if you lose it, you will be charged £15 for a replacement Passports and other legal documentation must be handed in and signed for in the School Office.

What do I do if I don’t feel well?

Firstly, tell the House staff. If you need to go to the Health Centre, they will call ahead. If you feel unwell in a lesson, your teacher will let the House or Health Centre know If you want to see a nurse but don’t want to tell anyone, then you can ‘drop in’ to the Health Centre any weekday after School


Fire safety

It is very important that you know where ALL the fire exits are in House. Please walk around and work out where your escape routes are, so you can get out in the event of a fire. If the alarm sounds, you must make your way as quickly and quietly as possible out of the House. We assemble on the concrete area in front of the science block. You must line up silently in year groups in alphabetical order. The girl at the front of each line must do a head count so that she can say how many girls from her year are present. This is the quickest way that we, as House staff, can work out if everyone is present. We will then do a full roll call to make sure that everyone is accounted for.

The optimum time for us to evacuate and account for everyone is two and a half minutes. This isn’t long, so everyone must be sensible and quiet to help it happen efficiently

It is possible that, once assembled, we will be notified that the School is having a full evacuation If this is the case, we will all have to make our way to the pitches where we will reassemble alongside the rest of the School in front of the Pavilion When we line up on the pitches, we stay in House groups


House contact details:

Mrs Scott: 01935 818241

Mrs Scott mobile: 07808 775582

House: 01935 818242

House mobile: 07808 775589

E: wingfield@sherborne.com

E: k scott@sherborne com


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