11+ AND 13+

11+ AND 13+

Sherborne Girls is a school where each pupil is celebrated for their unique merits, strengths and talents. Our dedicated, professional staff ensure that every pupil under our care flourishes in all areas of school.
With exceptional academic, pastoral and co-curricular provision, from the moment a pupil joins us, they are encouraged to explore new subjects, think freely, broaden their horizons, step outside of their comfort zone and immerse themselves in clubs, societies and activities, music and sports to foster proactive global citizenship.
We welcome Scholarship applications from any pupil who possesses a passion for learning, a desire to challenge and be challenged, a keenness to share knowledge as well as develop their own, and who are unafraid of expressing their individuality, standing for their beliefs, while appreciating the importance of humility, listening and reflection.

“As a Music Scholar, I set an example to younger Scholars and perform in concerts to showcase music at Sherborne Girls. I am also lucky to receive free music lessons and be included in masterclasses and a chamber music group.”
We want to foster in our aspiring young musicians a love of music and a sense of humility and ambition. Music Scholars are at the heart of our Music Department, performing as soloists and in chamber ensembles, taking leading roles in large groups and choirs. They play and sing with enthusiasm, showing musical leadership to others in the School.
Every pupil at Sherborne Girls is provided with an engaging and enriching programme with opportunities for musical expression as part of the core curriculum, co-curricular ensembles, musical theatre productions and individual instrumental lessons. Our Music Scholars are those within each year group who show exceptional musical ability, strength and talent in a particular discipline, who have a natural love of performing, a genuine desire to develop their musical abilities and a commitment to the pursuit of this.

As leaders within the School, our Music Scholars are expected to be ambassadors for music in and out of school. As musicians they share their passions and interests with the wider community, inspiring others to develop their own aspiration. They are academically interested, taking music GCSE and leading our academic enrichment as well as being positive leaders in our musical ensembles and choirs. We are also a broad music department and welcome popular musicians and those with skill and interest in music technology.

As a Music Scholar, we will provide you with a breadth of exciting and challenging musical opportunities that will enhance your experience and knowledge of music as a whole, whilst focussing on your core skills as an instrumentalist or singer.
Music Scholars at Sherborne Girls will benefit from:
• Up to 2 instrumental lessons per week free of charge.
• Music Scholar Mentoring Programme: each Music Scholar has a mentor from the Music Department full time staff who meets with the Scholar on a regular basis. Together they develop a personal set of targets and a plan that embraces the musical aspirations of the pupil. The sessions will also support the pupil with logistical and practical help in their daily lives, enabling them to fit practice time in alongside their other commitments.
• Music Scholar Enrichment Programme: group sessions (fortnightly) exploring a range of musical academic and practical music related topics.
• Regular sessions to work with an accompanist and performance coach, in preparation for concerts, masterclasses and competitions.
• Academic Enrichment: Music Scholars will be expected to play a leading role in our programme of academic enrichment, whether in presenting a lecture recital, contributing to our academic journal or other opportunities to broaden their musical horizons.
• Music Scholar’s artistic portfolio: at the end of each year the Music Scholar will have a portfolio of achievements, concert performances and wider enrichment undertaken alongside targets for the following year.
• Alexander Technique: each Music Scholar can request lessons in Alexander Technique during their time in school to assist with good posture when performing.
As a Music Scholarship Applicant you will be invited to Sherborne Girls for a Music Scholarship Day which will be exciting, rewarding, challenging and purposeful as well as fun. During the Music Scholarship Day you have the opportunity to perform two contrasting pieces on your first instrument. Those who study a second instrument will be invited to perform one piece on this as well. A member of the Music Department will act as an accompanist and sufficient time will be given for rehearsal before the audition. You will be assessed on your sight reading and aural skills and have an interview with the Director of Music.
We would be delighted to hear from you if you feel you demonstrate the qualities that we are looking for: excellent performance standards, a love of music, an inquisitive mind, a willingness to learn and experiment, and resilience.

All Awards are subject to review by the School and whilst the expectation is that the recipient retains this throughout her time at Sherborne Girls, her performance and conduct will be reassessed at key points. If this should fall below the necessary standard and commitment required of Scholars, the School reserves the right to withdraw the pupil’s Scholarship status and associated benefits.
“It is a great privilege to be a Music Scholar and be able to dedicate a proportion of my time to an aspect of school life that I am passionate about.”

a Scholar is recognition from the School, as well as great encouragement in terms of my music and academic journey. It reminds me to live up to the expectation of being a Scholar.”
Sherborne Girls provides a full and varied co-curricular programme beyond the classroom, where creative expression extends the imagination, feeds the soul and frees the spirit. Alongside our dedicated Music Scholars Groups, you will be encouraged to take advantage of opportunities to explore and dive deeper into the areas you love including:
BRASS playing with the ensemble in a range of genres.
CHAMBER MUSIC collaborating through music in smaller groups.
ORCHESTRAL MUSIC joining with talented instrumentalists from local schools to play a diverse collection of pieces in our Sinfonia or Symphony Orchestra.
playing Jazz and Cuban music with other singers and instrumentalists.
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SINGING joining formal auditioned choirs to prepare for performances and competitions, or informal choirs exploring a range of genres.
SONGWRITING PRODUCTION producing songs professionally in the School’s studio facilities.

MUSICAL THEATRE exploring modern music and singing musical theatre numbers through our dedicated choir or involvement with our school productions.
STRINGS playing a wide variety of music in one of our ensembles or the dedicated String Orchestra.
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In line with our commitment to broadening access to a Sherborne Girls education for all, our Music Scholarships and Awards carry kudos and prestige but no financial value. Should financial support be necessary, Music Scholarship applicants are encouraged to apply for a means-tested bursary which currently supports 71 pupils, 7 of whom are on 110% transformational bursaries.
Recent Music Scholars have been prize winners in National and regional competitions, including The Two Moors Festival Young Musician Competition, Taunton Young Musician Competitions, Bath Festival and many others. We regularly have Scholars going on to further musical study at top Conservatoires and universities, including Composition studies at the Royal College of Music (2024 leaver) and many others studying music performance and academic music.

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“Music Scholars are important ambassadors for music in the SG community. We look for potential as a well-rounded musician, not simply technical ability or grades passed, but a deep and obvious love of music. Scholars should display a strong ambition to develop their instrumental and/or vocal skills in tandem with an inquisitive enthusiasm for a deeper understanding of music in all its forms.”
For general admissions enquiries, further details about scholarships, or to discuss your application, please contact the Admissions Team:
Sherborne Girls Bradford Road, Sherborne Dorset DT9 3QN, United Kingdom
+44 (0)1935 818224
admissions@sherborne.com sherborne.com