Sherborne Old Girls

Fiona James
Welcome to the 2024 edition of the Sherborne Old Girls Journal. As ever, it has been a privilege to hear from so many of you and catch up on your news.
Our strong bonds of friendship are enduring and often lifelong among our community.
Those bonds were on display throughout 2024 at events and reunions across the country, and beyond. And, of course, we thoroughly enjoyed the chance to gather in celebration of the School’s 125th Anniversary for our Old Girls Concert in June. It was a fabulous occasion, with our rich and varied musical tradition very much in evidence.
In this issue, we’ve chosen to celebrate the careers of some of our alumnae who have gone on to become professional musicians – including many who performed in the concert. I hope you enjoy finding out about their achievements as much as I have.
For me, the concert was a highlight of the year. It was a treat to listen in on the rehearsal, see the performance, and catch up with many old friends. The School’s catering team did us proud –looking after our performers and guests with characteristic aplomb. The weather was so kind to us, and the drinks and canapés on the Avalon Terrace were a wonderful way to round off the day.
My thanks to everyone who came to the event and made it so special, and to our soloists and performers for giving us such a musical delight. A particular note of thanks goes to Gussie Miller, John Jenkins and Mark Cracknell for all their hard work.
On the subject of the School’s 125th Anniversary, I’d like to alert you to the special service and celebration that will be held in Sherborne Abbey on 27 April 2025. Full details are on page 68.
Our next careers events will focus on the Law, and the City and Finance. They will be evening events, held in early September. If you think you may be able to help us with a Londonbased venue, please contact me: f.james@sherborne.com
Before I sign off, I’d like to thank our committee members and volunteers for all they do to make our community so vibrant. And thanks to all of you for your continued support. I send you my very best wishes for 2025 and look forward to seeing you soon.
Danielle Grant-Braham E’99
As we continue to celebrate the 125th Anniversary of Sherborne Girls, it has been wonderful to meet with so many Old Girls over the past year to mark this special time in the School’s history. Our community has never been more vibrant and we are fortunate to belong to such a brilliantly supportive network of women.
I was reminded of such strength in spirit whilst reading Sherborne Girls: A Portrait through 125 years, kindly created by Dorothy Goldsack, which showcases the values and principles upon which the School was founded and are still very much evident today, both within the School’s ethos and also as we thrive together as Old Girls amid the challenges of the modern world.
We have seen increasing numbers at our Old Girls events and reunions over the past year. It was fantastic to see so many Old Girls at the 125 Anniversary Concert in June, a stunning evening of music which brought us all together with so much warmth and joy. On Sunday, 27 April, we will continue to mark the 125th Anniversary celebrations with an Old Girls
Day. The day will begin with a service in Sherborne Abbey at 11.30am, followed by drinks and lunch in The Merritt Centre. After lunch, there will be an opportunity to play tennis and rounders, as well as take a tour around the School if you wish to do so. We are delighted to welcome you all to this celebration.
I hope you enjoy reading this year’s Journal, which focuses on our strong musical heritage and art. As ever, I would like to thank Fiona James, Anna Anthony and Tim Gibson for their hard work and support in putting together this publication with such ease. I wish all the Old Girls community well and we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible over the course of the coming year.
Ruth Sullivan AW’91 President of Sherborne Old Girls
Borrowing themes from her 2024 Commemoration speech, Dr Ruth Sullivan shares her message for this year’s Journal.
In September 2024, Sherborne Girls celebrated its 125th birthday; well over a century of educating young women! Everyone connected with the School during this time has helped to make this incredible milestone possible.
The story of Sherborne Girls is one of vision, courage, determination and perseverance.
The vision of our founders; the courage of those who undertook to make that vision a reality; and the determination and perseverance of successive generations of pupils and teachers who have built and nurtured our wonderful community. The qualities and values which helped shape the School in its early years have continued to guide the lives and work of those associated with us to this day.
Lessons began at Sherborne Girls on 27 September 1899 with 14 pupils. Intended as a secondary school for girls, it was not lost on anybody that seven of the 14 pupils were in the kindergarten and six were boys! Just a few years later the pupil roll had risen to over 60, and today it stands at 480.
It was the vision and commitment of our founders, Charlotte Wingfield Digby and her husband Kenelm, along with the founding Headmistress, Beatrice Mulliner, that we have to thank for being so progressive in their view of women’s education. They suggested three
areas which were to be central to a Sherborne Girls education:
• firstly, the awakening of the mind with culture, art and science
• secondly, loyalty and public service
• and thirdly, trust and honour
All were to be underpinned by a Christian ethos, with the aim of educating girls to be thoughtful and kind, confident and resourceful – producing rounded human beings who could thrive in a world that was opening up to women in so many respects.
Fast forward to today and I hope those values and aspirations resonate with all our students, past and present. One hundred and twenty-five years ago, the Wingfield Digbys wanted to provide a place for young women to be educated and equipped with the knowledge, skills, resilience and compassion to enable them to thrive in life: an aim which remains central to who we are as a school.
The story of Sherborne Girls is hugely empowering, and we can all draw strength
from it. It has enabled thousands of women to create exquisite tapestries out of their lives, planned and shaped by their experiences and relationships in this community.
Now, our story has a new chapter. In July 2024, we – along with Hanford – merged with Sherborne School and Sherborne Prep to form the Sherborne Schools Group. This was a significant moment in the history of all our schools, giving us a new identity at governance level, while enabling us to retain our distinctive character on a day-to-day basis.
For Sherborne Girls, as for all the schools in the Group, the merger offers the best of both worlds. It means we can go on living up to our founders’ vision to deliver a first-rate all-girls’ education, while benefitting from the richness of a coeducational setting for social and co-curricular provision. Being a part of the Sherborne Schools Group also enables us to share facilities, optimise use of resources, and benefit from economies of scale. It means we can deliver even better value for money, while maintaining the educational ethos that has always been our heart and soul.
” “ Now, our story has a new chapter. In July 2024, we –along with Hanford – merged with Sherborne School and Sherborne Prep to form the Sherborne Schools Group.
As this development shows, although wider social, political and economic trends in our country and around the world have changed since the School was founded in 1899, the threads and themes of our story remain remarkably consistent: intellectual and cultural curiosity; engagement with the broader community and with nature; respect and empathy for others; aspiration and ambition; philanthropy and service.
One of our Old Girls, Amrit Kaur Ald 1905, attended Sherborne Girls from 1902 to 1905. Her story encapsulates much of what I have been saying. As a member of a Christian Indian family, Amrit’s ambition was to help improve the lives of Indian women. She said, “If we believe, as we must, that humanity is one and indivisible,
then it becomes the duty of all of us to share our gifts with those who are in need.” She worked closely with Gandhi, and when India gained independence in 1947, she became the new government’s Health Minister and the first woman to hold Cabinet rank in India.
Amrit’s story is an inspiration to us all. There are many equivalents from our pupils throughout the ages. Now we have a new chapter to live, as a school and as a part of the wider collaboration of the Sherborne Schools Group. It is a new era but has continuity with all that goes before us. I can’t wait to embark on it together.
Welcome to the following ‘new’ Old Girls who left School in summer 2024
Erykah Aguele
Rania Ali
Florence Althaus
Valentina Anang
Isabella Anderson
Florence Arbuthnott
Cora Barclay
Jess Barnes
Freya Beeny
Olivia Bell
Louisa Biggart
Martha Bingley
Isobel Blair
Sophia Brunwin
Georgia Burton
Jan Butcher
Laria Campbell
Willa Carter
Nelle Chandler
Aimme Chen
Ali Clements
Phoebe Coote
Romy Coulton
Amber Crosthwaite
Tacita Dare Bryan
Lucy Davies
Mia Diment
Olivia Dowling
Jemima Drummond
Darcy Dryden
Daisy Du
Lily Duffy
Tilly Elgood
Polly Ewart Smith
Annabelle Fairley
Emilia Finney
Beatrice Gantlett
Flori Gardner
Alice Gower
Ella Hague
Eliza Hanlon
Célestine Harvey
Francesca Hawkes
Coco Healy
Emma Heath
Nicole Hung
Lucy Jodrell
Poppy Jonas
Evie Jones
Olivia Kirkup
Bernice Lau
Maddy Le Cornu
Charlotte Li
Christy Li
Sinali Liyanaarachchi
Lucy Lu
Olivia Marriage
Nancy Murphy
Jenny Ng
Bumble Pardoe
Birdie Payne
Florence Perkins
Victoria Phillips
Emma Phillipson
Flora Pilkington
Pandora Price
Emmie Raper
Eleanor Renville
Bryony Robinson
Emily Sandars
Hatty Sedwill
Bella Simpson Gee
Beatrice Southcombe
Charlotte Sowerbutts
Anna Sterck
Fenella Strong
Eleanor Thomas
Poppy Treacher
Angela Tse
Charlotte Usher
Niamh Vase
Tabitha Venning
Tatiana Welchman
Tess Williamson Jones
Milly Wills
Tamara Windham
Ashley Wong
Sunnie Wong
Polly Wooddisse
Georgia Woodger
Zoe Yu
It’s too easy to talk about bursaries in the abstract. But each bursary we provide is real help for a real girl who will go on to fulfil her potential. Our Candlelight Bursary scheme is made possible by generous Old Girls and parents who give because they believe in the value of sharing the life-changing opportunity of a Sherborne Girls education.
Amara Agwo AE’21, writes below how Sherborne Girls changed her life when she came on our Candlelight Bursary scheme. Candlelight provides full-fee support for girls who we believe will flourish and inspire those around them. Our huge thanks to all those who’ve given.
“Attending Sherborne Girls had an immensely positive impact on my life trajectory and this could not have happened without the Candlelight Bursary. The bursary made it possible for me to try so many new things and interact with people I would never have otherwise come across. It opened my mind to new possibilities of what my life could look like.
My time at Sherborne Girls gave me a robust academic foundation. I developed key qualities – like independence, resilience, patience – that helped get me where I am today.
I am currently in my final year at UCL, studying European Social and Political Studies. As part of my course, I spent the last year at a university in France. I gratefully remembered the language education I received at SG, which helped me make the most of my time in France.
I also joined the university’s football team, which came third in a national tournament. Without the experience of joining the Sherborne Girls football team, I’d never have had the confidence to do this.
I’m so grateful to those who generously donate to make an education at Sherborne Girls possible for students like me. The Candlelight Bursary shapes the futures of young people for the better.”
Amelia Monaghan DH’18, a talented musician and soloist at our 125 Old Girls Concert, was also one of the recipients of our transformational bursary scheme. Amelia writes about how Sherborne Girls helped nurture her love of music.
The first time Amelia remembers feeling moved by music was at the Royal Albert Hall. She was 14 years old and had queued all day with her dad to watch the National Youth Orchestra perform Mahler’s Symphony No. 9
“We stood so close to the stage, and the final movement
of the symphony moved me to tears,” she says. “I was so struck by seeing the players in the orchestra, many of whom were not much older than me, crying as they performed. I felt like I couldn’t speak for a good while afterwards.”
Music was already well and truly in Amelia’s veins. Her
mother is a singer, and her father has a great appreciation of music – hence that trip to the proms when she was a teenager.
“I started singing when I was about eight or nine and joined Sherborne Young Singers,” Amelia reports. “This was set up for girls, who at that time weren’t able to sing in the
Abbey choir. This was when I first learned to read a vocal score, hold a harmony line, and listen carefully to others.”
Such are the disciplines of a committed musician. They were further instilled by Amelia’s decision to learn the cello. “This taught me loads about intonation, musicality, and the importance of practice,” she reports – all crucial for her subsequent career.
While Amelia doesn’t remember her first performance specifically, she does recall taking every concert very seriously and being upset if she didn’t feel she’d performed perfectly. “I’m getting a bit better at rationalising that feeling now,” she laughs, though it’s clear she is still driven to give her very best when in front of an audience.
Some of this was engendered during her time at Sherborne Girls, which she describes as the “most musically formative time of my life. For the first time, I had the opportunity to sing in choirs of a high standard. I also played in a piano trio, got to sing arias accompanied by an orchestra, and toured Europe with the Madrigal Society. I drank all of it in and said ‘yes’ to every opportunity.”
Amelia says two teachers in particular had an immeasurable impact on her development as both a musician and a person.
“The first was Ana Manero, who was resident tutor in Dun Holme and who accompanied me for countless exams and concerts,” she says. “Ana’s musicianship, and her unflinching commitment to the highest standards of music-making, have shaped the way I approach my practice and my performance.”
The second person who left an ‘indelible impression’ on Amelia is John Jenkins. “I could not imagine a kinder or more generous director of music,” she reflects. “He gave me opportunities to sing and to lead that have made me the singer I am today. He spent hours helping me with my application for a choral scholarship at Cambridge and patiently coached me in my sight-singing ahead of my audition.
“John has such an evident love of music and endlessly gave of himself in pursuit of the highest standards. Everything he did was for the girls, and
he was totally committed to instilling a love of music in everyone who passed through the Music Department. John is still a wonderful presence in my life, and it was a joy to see him again and to sing for him in June for the SOG Anniversary Concert.”
A developing career Amelia returned to Sherborne as an accomplished performer who is making her way in the world of professional musicians. Since leaving Sherborne, she has sung as a soloist with several choirs around the UK, combining performances with her job in arts administration for the Centre for Music Performance in Cambridge while she pursues her dream of being a full-time singer.
She’s just been awarded a Vocal Development Grant by Trinity College, Cambridge, which means she will sing with the College Choir for a year. Meanwhile, she says: “I’m taking all the professional singing opportunities that come my way and loving all of it!”
The thing Amelia says she most values about singing is the sense of revealing something of herself to audiences: “Your voice is intrinsic to who you are, which makes for incredibly meaningful moments of musical connection. Of course, you can also feel so vulnerable if things go wrong.”
So far, Amelia’s career highlights have been singing Mozart’s Exsultate, Jubilate with the London Mozart Players and, more recently, performing as the soprano soloist with Sherborne Festival Chorus at the 2024 Sherborne Abbey Festival.
Now she’s excited about building her profile and further establishing her reputation. And the advice she’d give to others who are thinking of following suit:
“Don’t be afraid to pursue what you want, and to believe you are worthy of the opportunities you are offered. People wouldn’t have asked you to perform if you weren’t good enough. Mind you, I’m still working on taking this advice myself!”
If you would like to support our Candlelight Bursary scheme or find out more, please contact development@sherborne.com
Anne’s daughter Jenny Fryett (Hyde) T’65 writes:
Anne was born in 1923 and started life at Lambrook School, Berkshire, where her grandfather and father were headmasters. She and her sister Jean were taught by a governess along with other masters’ daughters.
Anne attended Elmhurst ballet school prior to Sherborne School for Girls (1935 – 1939). When WWII broke out, she left early to help at Lambrook, prior to going to secretarial college in Bath. However, one morning she arrived at the college to find it had been bombed the night before.
Anne joined the WRNS (Wrens) at 19 and was sent to Rosyth to learn teleprinting. She drove officers at Greenock on the Clyde and Liverpool, during which time there were no signposts and night driving was hazardous.
After the war, Anne and her husband went to Malaya, where my sister Jane Fryett (Loudon) K’68 and I were born, followed by Thailand and Ghana.
Returning to England, she lived in East Sussex and enjoyed golf and surfing in Cornwall.
With six grandchildren and 16 greatgrandchildren, Anne had some adventures, including visiting one of her great-grandchildren in Singapore to celebrate her 95th birthday.
Anne died on 24 November 2023.
Heather’s daughter Caroline writes:
Many of us wonder what we will leave behind when we die. For my mother, Heather, the list is long and varied, including countless lives touched by her career as a teacher of the deaf, enduring friendships going back to her youth, and two much-loved children – my brother, Nick, and me.
Heather was born on 10 March 1940 and spent her early years in India, before moving to Bere Alston in Devon. She went to Sherborne School for Girls aged 11 and made many lifelong friends. She decided to train as a teacher and was thrown into teaching for a few weeks in a small school on Dartmoor before she’d even qualified!
After meeting my father, a naval officer, Heather studied in Manchester and embarked on her career as a teacher of the deaf. We lived in West Sussex for much of my father’s time in the navy and, on his retirement, they bought a sheep farm in Cornwall, where Heather continued teaching.
My parents eventually moved to Tavistock for her last few years. The town was always an anchor for her: Dartmoor was where she felt happiest, especially horse riding across the Tors.
Heather died on 5 October 2024. We miss her terribly, but give thanks for so many happy memories.
Annabel’s cousin Tatiana Harrison A’89 writes:
Susie’s husband James writes:
When Annabel Giles, the model, actor, TV presenter, comedian, novelist and latterly counsellor, died of a brain tumour in November 2023 aged 64, tributes came in from the wellknown names she had worked with during the past four decades.
Annabel attended Sherborne Girls until the age of 16, when she was expelled for sneaking out to a Steve Harley concert.
While working as a secretary, she was spotted by Models 1 and became the face of Boots No7, Max Factor and Revlon.
She went on to become a presenter and actor. Her appearances included Razzamatazz, Radio 4’s Loose Ends, I’m a Celebrity… and the first Riders. Her one-woman comedy shows were sell-outs at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
In 1985, she married Midge Ure of the band Ultravox, with whom she had a daughter.
When she struggled financially as a single mother of two children, she took on menial jobs, while writing a novel Birthday Girls which became a bestseller. Two more books followed.
In her later years, she practised as a counsellor and psychotherapist in Brighton.
Jenny Eclair called her “beautiful, funny and clever”, while a colleague at BBC Radio Wales said she was “warm, wise, wicked and witty”.
Susie was born on 5 October 1968 and died on 22 July 2024 at home in Cwmdu, South Wales. Although born in Derbyshire, Susie grew up at Gliffaes Hotel, which her parents owned, on the River Usk in the Brecon Beacons, Wales.
She loved her time at Sherborne, making many lifelong friends and being named head girl. Before going to University College London to study History of Art and History, she travelled through India, SE Asia, Australia and New Zealand. After graduation, Susie began work at Harrods on the graduate trainee scheme working in recruitment.
Susie met her husband, James, while working behind the bar at Gliffaes during a university holiday. They married in 1993 and have two children, Alexandra RH’13 and Olivia RH’15 both of whom went to Sherborne. Susie and James moved to Wales and took on the family hotel in 1997.
Their hard work was rewarded with several awards and much press coverage. She revelled in the beauty of the Usk Valley and spent a lot of time in the gardens and tending her chickens. They ran the hotel for nearly 25 years before Susie’s cancer made busy hotel life too difficult. Susie was diagnosed with Myeloma (a blood cancer) in 2013 and fought it defiantly, outliving the expectations of her doctors. Although her cancer made her tired, she went out walking in the hills almost every day. She was also keen on cycling and even rode from London to Paris to raise funds for Myeloma UK.
Susie was so bright, cheery and positive to the very end. She died with her family around her in July 2024.
Anneke’s husband Alex writes:
Anneke Katherine Volkers was born in 1982, to parents Ardi and Charles. Her loss from cancer is a tragedy for all who knew her.
Anneke packed a lot into her 40 years and made sure she had plenty of fun and adventures on the way. She was headstrong, fearless, an adventurer and a doer.
She lived until the age of seven in Wiltshire in Penleigh Mill, where she had dogs and ponies, guinea pigs and rabbits. She attended several schools, including Hanford Prep (where she loved the freedom), Sherborne Girls and Bryanston.
After her mother died, Anneke left education and pursued her dream of travelling the country in a horse-drawn caravan. She spent some time living in a commune and then trained as a garden designer. We married in 2011 and were thrilled to welcome Freddie in 2013 and Coco in 2018. Anneke felt the children were her biggest achievements.
After she died, I found a note from Anneke on her phone. It encouraged the children to have a ‘beautiful life’ and gave thanks that she had ‘loved and been loved’. ‘Life,’ she wrote, ‘is there to be lived.’
Tara’s father Rod Craig writes:
On leaving school, Tara studied Fine Art in Florence, an abiding interest of hers. Along with two Sherborne friends, she followed this with travels which took her right around the world, including turtle conservation work in Thailand. Though offered places at Edinburgh and Trinity (Dublin) Universities, Tara decided instead to follow her passion for interior design. She honed her skills as an interior designer and stylist in Los Angeles and Conde Nast before attending KLC Interior Design College in London. She graduated with distinction having won the top design prize and went on to obtain a postgraduate degree from Sotheby’s in History and Fine Art.
Tara then established her interior design company (t.craig interiors), gaining a number of national and international commissions. However, her real flair was in furniture design, and she founded her company, Ensemblier Ltd (ensemblierlondon.com) in 2014. Her headboards, sofas and chairs are acknowledged as some of the finest and most original designs, made to the highest standards of traditional craftsmanship.
Tara was recognised by her industry as a key leader in promoting sustainability. The Design Awards of 2022 named her Eco Champion of the Year.
Tara passed away in January 2024 after months fighting complications following a car accident. Ensemblier Ltd is continuing and is her legacy.
Head of History (1959 – 1971 and Deputy Housemistress of Dun Holme)
Paula’s sister Judith Harding writes:
Paula Farman was born on 11 November 1930 in Whittlesey – a small Fenland town between Cambridge and Peterborough. She was the eldest of three daughters.
After studying Modern History at St Hugh’s College, Oxford, Paula began her 44-year-long teaching career in 1952 at the City of Bath Girls School. In 1959, she accepted the post of Head of History at Sherborne School for Girls, where she spent 12 happy years, greatly appreciating the friendships and company of colleagues and pupils alike. Paula was also Deputy Housemistress of Dun Holme.
In 1971, Paula left Sherborne to marry Joe Farman, an atmospheric physicist with the British Antarctic Survey (BAS). After some time in Edinburgh, they relocated with the BAS to Cambridge, and Paula joined the staff of Hill’s Road Sixth Form College, Cambridge. She stayed for the next 16 years until her retirement in 1993.
Paula was highly intelligent, intellectually curious, self-effacing, kind, compassionate, funny, generous, and really enjoyed people. She had a particular bond with young people and was cherished by her nephews and nieces.
In mid-December 2023, Paula suffered a stroke and died very peacefully on New Year’s Day, 2024.
Paula is much missed by all her family and wide circle of friends.
Housemistress of Thurstan Music Teacher (1993 – 2002)
Tribute written by Emily Walker T’01
Althea was like a mother to me at school and I will never forget her kindness. We all adored her, and we were so lucky she was our Housemistress. I especially loved the Lower Sixth year when we would have coffee after lunch every day with her in the Thurstan drawing room. We had such a good time together, speaking about so many different topics and laughing so much.
Althea also played a big part in giving me the confidence to go for music as a career. I remember being in her sitting room and listening to her old records of Jaqueline du Pré and Daniel Barenboim performing Brahms and Elgar. She once made me mussels and gave me a glass of white wine one night when I’d missed supper! She was the absolute best!
She helped me so much as a teenager and so many others too: Chloe King (Duckworth) T’01, Sammy Jenkinson (Ross) T’01, Hannah West T’01 and ... well, everyone really. I will certainly think of her next time I play my cello.
German & Cultural Studies Teacher (1975 – 2007)
Wendy’s colleague Mark Felstead (Head of Modern Languages 1997 – 2018) writes:
Wendy Laid was among the longest-serving teachers of her generation at Sherborne Girls, a career that spanned several decades, and she will therefore be remembered by very many readers of the Journal. Wendy maintained an active connection with the School in retirement through the Old Girls’ association and through her lasting friendships with so many of us.
Generations of former pupils will remember Wendy’s legacy as Head of German, and recognise the debt they owed to Wendy’s inspirational and passionate teaching. Long into retirement Wendy continued to share her love of German with adult students.
A dedicated supporter of the musical and cultural traditions of the School, Wendy enriched its cultural life for many years, not least by curating the cultural studies programme, organising visits from an impressive range of distinguished speakers. Wendy also ran the Careers Department for many years and very much made it her own.
Wendy’s memory is cherished by all those of us who remember with deep gratitude her tremendous hospitality and care, and the infectious warmth, generosity and joy she shared with us as a teacher, colleague and friend.
Lily Ayres
Caroline Beeny
Emily Bell
James Bell
Marie-Do Bonelli Bean
David Bows
Eric Chan
Heather Clarence-Smith
Amanda Cochrane
Glen Collins
Sue Fisher
Judith Fox
Sophie Gould
Julia Horton
Sally Loven
Lukasz Lukasiewicz
Katie Masterson
Gemma Merriott
Coralie Monaghan
Amy Monks
Amanda Moores
Janet Morris
Nicole Neal
Lizzie Newsam
Louise Orton
Jemima Owen
Sarah Pattemore
Alex Pearson
Stacey Pearson
Rebecca Rafferty
Ruby Rowe
Sally Scott
Pam Searle
Marie Simpson
Charlotte Steele
Vicky Tapsell
Alana Thorburn
Louise Troup
Hermione WarburtonHobgen
Harriet Watts
Amy Whittlesea
Carolyn Yeung (Hall) AW’00 and Thomas had a son, Francis, on 18 February 2024
Jessica Wicker (Malliwal) T’02 and Rohit had a daughter, Lila, on 2 November 2023
Charlie Flint AW/AE‘05 and Chris had a son, Leo Flint Foley, on 12 June 2024
Lucy Cox K’07 and Ed Saddington had a daughter, Francesca Rosamund, on 24 July 2024
Susanna MacRae K’09 and her husband Haley had a daughter, Alyna, on 24 February 2024
Rebecca MacDonald AE’07 married Thomas Hannah on 20 September 2024
Eliza Kinahan DH’11 married Mike Kimberlin on 8 August 2024
Matilda Thompson RH’11 married Zar Wilson (Lyon House, 2011) on 22 June 2024
Natasha Collins RH’12 married Robert Knight Bruce on 1 June 2024
Alicia Polley WD’12 married Sam MacdonaldSmith on 6 July 2024
Anne Cameron (Venables) T’39 died on 24 November 2023
Peggy Spicer (Heap) AE’50 died on 21 July 2024
Jennifer (Jenna) Forward (Holmes) E’55 died on 22 July 2023
Diana Edmonds Kinloch AW’55 died on 4 November 2024
Heather Caverhill (White) E’57 died on 5 October 2024
Annabel Giles AW’77 died on 20 November 2023
Gabriella Costantini AE’11 and Ryan had a daughter, Siena Maria Rose Hogan, on 17 April 2024
Eliza Kinahan (Kimberlin) DH’11 and Mike had a son, Paddy, on 1 January 2024
Amelia Daniel (Cairns) WD’12 and Toby (School House 2013) had a son, Ludo Hugh Arthur, on 22 July 2024
Issy Hearn (Castelo David) AE’14 and Gerssis had a daughter, Cora, on 11 July 2024
Rosalie Palmer WD’12 married Will Broughton on 29 June 2024
Sophie Wimble WD’12 married Shamus Palmer on 17 August 2024
Issy Hearn AE’14 married Gerssis David on 27 April 2024
Emily Hall RH’15 married Harry Allhusen on 22 June 2024
Susie Brabner (Suter) E’87 died on 22 July 2024
Anneke Volkers (Lewis) E’01 died on 5 November 2023
Tara Craig A’03 died on 5 January 2024
Paula Bowyer (Farman) died on 1 January 2024 (Head of History 1959 – 1971)
Althea Collier died on 26 November 2024 (Housemistress of Thurstan 1993 – 2002, Music Teacher)
Wendy Laid died on 6 April 2024 (German & Cultural Studies Teacher 1975 – 2007)
Todd Ashworth
Sybella Wickham
Pix Bennett, Mother
Madeleine Townley, Mother
Theya Dare Bryan
Arabella Guy
Florence Hedderwick
Immy Sunderland
Veronica Goldsworthy, Grandmother
Diana Muriel, Mother
Patricia Donald, Grandmother
Lisa Thorne, Mother
Hope Dawson Hetty Bright, Mother
Ottilie Parr
Emilia Robinson
Isabelle Sowerbutts
Katy Donald, Mother
Kate Holme, Mother
Louise Brown, Mother
Poppy Warner Georgie Maw, Mother
Tamara Ashworth
Eli Benbow
Bobby Henderson
Lyla MacInnes
Sophie Welch
Hannah Wood
Amy Duignan
Lola Franklin-Adams
Jemima Hodgkinson
Tatty Hodgkinson
Lucy Le Maistre
Emily Perry
Cici Ashworth
Amelia Ballard
Lottie Ballard
Amelia Floyd
Lemoni Henderson
Florence Hollands
Pix Bennett, Mother
Amanda Claydon, Mother
Kate Gutteridge, Mother
Anna Spence, Mother
Jane Wilkinson, Mother
Fiona Stern, Grandmother
Catherine Owens, Mother
Hannah Malpas, Mother
Jessica Smith, Mother
Jessica Smith, Mother
Emma Campbell, Mother
Rebecca Knapman, Mother
Pix Bennett, Mother
Alexandra White, Mother
Alexandra White, Mother
Katherine Gaillard, Mother
Kate Gutteridge, Mother
Alison Boswell, Grandmother
If you know of other mothers and grandmothers with daughters currently at SG, please let us know by sending an email to: oldgirls@sherborne.com
Rose Ellison’s love of music was inspired at Sherborne, as both a local and a Sherborne Girls pupil. As Rose explains, it’s taken her all over the world.
“I was born in Sherborne during the Second World War and loved music from an early age, picking out tunes on the piano. When a London orchestra (I think it was the Boyd Neel) came to give a performance of Handel’s Messiah, I was taken aged five to the concert. The sound of the orchestra filling the Abbey, and the choir almost lifting the rafters in the ‘Hallelujah Chorus’ was thrilling and something I never forgot.
“Two years later, after a move to Edinburgh, I started violin lessons at a small music school where I had a lesson during the week and orchestra on Saturday mornings. I enjoyed the sense of community and social interaction this brought and at one of their annual concerts in the Assembly Rooms I played a solo for the first time. I remember being somewhat overwhelmed by the size of the hall, but I think I enjoyed playing to an audience.
“During my time at Sherborne Girls, the music staff were very supportive. In
particular, the Headmistress Diana Reader Harris took an interest in my progress and encouraged me to audition for the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain. I joined in 1955, and this became a very special experience during the holidays. By my last year at School, there were three of us in the NYO: Anne Forrest (Askew) K’58, Rosia Pasteur A’57 and myself. Quite an achievement for Sherborne Girls.
“After studying at the Royal Academy of Music and in Rome, I returned to London. Finding work was sometimes a challenge and I was delighted when I was invited to join the Menuhin Orchestra and also work with the Academy of St Martin in the Fields and be part of the many recordings made over the years.
“This was an exciting time for the music profession.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, long-haul flights were opening up, and with Yehudi Menuhin and Neville Marriner in great demand, I found myself travelling the world with both
orchestras. There were many memorable concerts in great concert halls, and usually time to visit some of the fascinating places in a period when there were few or no tourists.
“Some years later I returned to Edinburgh to join the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, whose interesting and varied schedule ranged from concerts and recordings to playing in smaller groups in the Highlands and Islands to communities which rarely had a live concert.
“Life as a musician is hard but also very rewarding, and to any young person wanting to take it up as a profession I would say, if you have the ability, the determination and don’t mind the unsocial hours, go for it, but try to have a backup in case it doesn’t work out.
“My only regret is that I didn’t keep a diary to remember all the concerts, the great musicians, the countries we visited and all the people I met along the way.”
Violinist Ruth Rogers has toured the world and played alongside household names. Her greatest love is the sheer craft of practising and performing.
Picture the scene. A four-year-old girl returns from school, merrily singing as she walks through the door. Her mother is in the midst of a piano lesson and her instructor remarks on her daughter’s musicality, suggesting she takes up an instrument. The mother wonders if her child is a little young, so the piano teacher replies: “Well, wait until she is five, then!”
Fast forward several decades and that four-yearold has grown into a highly successful violinist, who has played in some of the world’s most prestigious venues alongside some of its best-known musicians.
A varied career
“I played as a soloist with Andrea Bocelli and got to perform at huge arenas all over the world including the Acropolis in Athens, the Royal Albert Hall and the Pyramids in Cairo,” she says.
In 2008, Ruth helped found an orchestral training
Passing the baton
One of the things Ruth most enjoys is teaching and mentoring fledgling professionals. She encourages her charges to put in the hard yards when it comes to practice.
“Work hard but be as down to earth and normal as you can,” is her advice. “Remember, it’s always about the music, not the ego.”
Remember, it’s always about the music, not the ego.
Ruth’s musical ability was deepened during her time at Sherborne Girls, with Gussie Miller and John Jenkins both developing her skill – especially by encouraging her love of the choral tradition.
Upon leaving School, Ruth joined the Royal College of Music, from where she graduated in 2001. She then studied privately in Holland, before establishing herself as a first-rate performer.
programme at the Chipping Camden Festival and was CoLeader of the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra from 2008 to 2012. She founded the Aquinas Piano Trio in 2009 and has been Leader of the London Mozart Players since 2015. She’s also been Leader of Brighton Philharmonic since 2022 and Artistic Adviser to the Sherborne Abbey Festival for several years.
Such an approach has taken Ruth to some wonderful places, giving her memories that will last a lifetime. “Playing to orphans and landmine victims in refugee camps on the Thailand-Burma border was a definite career highlight,” she reflects. “So was playing at Carnegie Hall, New York, and I’ve loved performing at the BBC Proms every summer in the Royal Albert Hall.
“Surviving an earthquake in Indonesia which left 6,000 people dead is a strong memory,” she concludes, “as is playing at the Philharmonie in Berlin and the Musikverein, Vienna. And playing at Sherborne Girls… obviously!”
World-renowned soprano Dame Emma Kirkby has fond memories of Sherborne Girls – not least as the place that nurtured her love of music.
Ask Emma when her love of baroque and renaissance music was engendered and she doesn’t hesitate to answer.
“It was formed during my time at Sherborne Girls, thanks in no small part to the enthusiasm of Gussie Miller,” Emma says. “I was one of the first members of her Madrigal Group, and that shaped my whole musical career.”
Emma and some of her contemporaries also attended weekly singing sessions with boys from Sherborne School. They gathered in the Headmaster’s study to sing in beautiful polyphony – each voice line carrying its own melody and contributing to the whole.
“There is an innate beauty to this style of singing, where your voices blend, complement each other, and reach stunning resolutions,” Emma reflects. “It blew my mind, and I found I just wanted to do more and more of it.”
As well as music, Sherborne offered plenty of opportunities for Emma to develop her talents more broadly. She adored the School plays and remembers being stunned at the power of
Richard of Bordeaux, superbly acted by a cast including Maria Aitken and Mary Jane Mowat. She missed playing in HMS Pinafore because of exams, but thoroughly enjoyed the show, and she did get to be a ‘twittery aunt’ in I Remember Mama
Academically, Emma says she was kept busy and engaged, treasuring History lessons with Pamela Bowyer and Bice Crichton-Miller, English with Joy Congdon, and above all the full range of Classics with the inimitable and completely inspiring Gwen Beese.
She adds: “We were offered wonderful concerts from people like Stephen Bishop, the Allegri Quartet, Rohan de Saram, and Anthony Hopkins. I remember we heard in the interval of one of these concerts that John F Kennedy had been assassinated.”
After School, Emma secured a place to read Classics at Somerville College, Oxford. Here, she sang with the Schola Cantorum – the university’s leading chamber choir – and gained experience singing
with historical instruments from the renaissance and baroque periods, such as lutes and harpsichords. This left an indelible mark on her musical tastes.
“There was something about these authentic instruments – the ones for which the music we performed had actually been written – that really resonated with me.
“I would encourage any young musician to find accompanists who can play these period instruments. It completely changes the experience for performer and audience alike: there is a space between the voice and the accompaniment, with each expressing itself in its own language.”
Such was Emma’s enthusiasm for this style of performance that, after Oxford, she soon left her career as a Classics teacher in a comprehensive school to work full-time as a professional singer.
“I was very lucky to meet some pioneering singing groups at a time when interest in polyphony was just taking off,” she says. “I sang in Andrew
Parrott’s Taverner Choir and had the chance to perform as a soloist on several recordings that were part of the early music revival of the 1970s. It was a very exciting time – all the more so because I had not planned to be a professional musician and was quite content as a schoolteacher!”
Strong foundations
With hundreds of recordings to her name and worldwide recognition, Emma’s career has certainly been fruitful. “I’ve been lucky to work in some wonderful venues,” she says. “Early music was written for performance in quite intimate spaces, often in front of a modest audience. The acoustics in such settings play an important part in the experience, so some of my most memorable concerts have been in small venues, where the music shows really at its best.”
For all that, Emma is grateful for the recognition she has received from music lovers more widely. For example, she was named Classic FM’s ‘Artist of the Year’ in 1999, received a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Gramophone Classical Music Awards in 2019, was made a Dame in 2007, and awarded the Queen’s Medal for Music in 2011.
“It’s lovely when people acknowledge your work and contribution,” she observes. “But, in terms of career highlights, the main joy has been forming connections with so many inspiring people. I started at a time when interest in early music was surging, and record companies were prepared to take risks in what they commissioned. That created all sorts of opportunities for us all – and we grabbed them enthusiastically!”
A new generation
Now Emma’s performance schedule is light, but she’s still busy, spending her time supporting grassroots initiatives to encourage the next generation, and mentoring young singers as they perfect their craft.
“I wouldn’t describe myself as a teacher,” she says. “I depend on others to do the technical teaching and then go in to offer tips from my own experience. It’s lovely to see young singers develop.”
Emma believes the industry is entering an exciting period, with artists once again having freedom to take risks and bring a wider repertoire to audiences. “My advice for someone who wants to sing is to look for a partner or two – other singers, melody instruments such as violin, oboe or flute – or accompanists on lute, guitar or early keyboard, and now play together, first for yourselves.
“See what grows from there; perhaps you can find a small local venue where you can start to share your programmes,” she continues. “The connection between audience and performer is crucial. There is nothing to rival singing this stuff live.”
All of which takes Emma back to her early days in the Sherborne School Headmaster’s study or singing with the Madrigals. She still looks back on them with great fondness, saying they were profoundly formative.
“We were singing the most beautiful music as amateurs in the way it was meant to be sung,” she concludes. “That’s what I’ve tried to do throughout my career.”
As a player of two instruments – the recorder and oboe – and with a successful teaching career, Charlotte Ewins says she feels very happy with where her love of music has taken her.
Charlotte says she can’t remember a time when she didn’t love music. “I feel as if it has always been a part of my life,” she explains, “though I do remember my first attempt at playing an instrument.”
The instrument in question was a recorder, which Charlotte’s primary school music teacher gave her to play: “I was instantly hooked and have been playing it ever since – adding the oboe as I got older.”
“One of my most memorable solo performances as a child was Gabriel’s Oboe [composed by Enio Morricone for The Mission],” Charlotte says. “I loved performing with an orchestra behind me: it was just the best feeling in the world. I have performed it many times since, including for John Jenkins’s retirement concert a few years ago.”
This speaks of the contribution Charlotte’s time
at Sherborne Girls made to her career. “I would not be where I am today without Sherborne Girls,” she asserts. “I don’t think there are enough words to describe my gratitude to John and Sherborne Girls for the massive influence they had on my musical journey.”
Such influence isn’t only seen in Charlotte’s profile as a performer. It also shapes her career as a music teacher in a secondary school in Cambridgeshire.
Like her mentor, Charlotte’s enthusiasm for music is contagious, and certainly captures the imagination of her students. She says it derives from the fact she plays two instruments she utterly adores.
“I love the recorder because it is so versatile. I love to be able to challenge people’s perspective of the recorder and introduce them to this amazing soundscape that exists.
“The oboe is also such a joy to play,” she adds. “I enjoy orchestral playing, and the oboe means I can get involved in this too.”
With that in mind, it is no surprise Charlotte feels content with where her career has taken her so far. “I am really happy with where I am,” she says, “but I am always on the lookout for interesting performance opportunities.”
This openness shapes the advice Charlotte gives to aspiring musicians. “The term ‘professional musician’ encompasses such a wide range of career paths, from a classical solo performer, to music production and teaching,” she reflects. “My advice is always to use your time at school or university to get stuck into all aspects of music and find your individual passion. Then, anything is possible.”
With perfect pitch, Olivia Moore seemed destined to be a professional musician. She’s enjoying a varied career, with lots of opportunity to try new things.
When Olivia was a young girl, her mother would listen to Mozart’s Symphony No. 40 in G Minor while doing the ironing. Olivia remembers being very moved and relaxed by the music, and her mother’s active encouragement was a key support in her being able to pursue a career as a professional musician.
By the time she arrived at Sherborne Girls, Olivia was already well-accustomed to performing in public.
Indeed, Olivia says it felt “very natural” to perform at Sherborne, not least because she joined as a Music Scholar. A highlight was singing with the Madrigals under the direction of Gussie Miller. “She used to call me her ‘tuning fork’,” explains Olivia, “because I would sing the note needed at the beginning of each performance.”
Despite her skill as a singer and all-round musician, the violin remains Olivia’s first love. “I love its versatility,” she reflects. “It is found in so many different cultures and genres, such as Cuban, Arabic, Indian, Jazz, Folk. “I have enjoyed performances mainly in the UK but some abroad, such as with Indian tabla player Mukesh Jhadav in France and Elaha Soroor from Afghanistan in Sweden,” she continues. “I have also collaborated with musicians in India. But teaching is now my bread and butter, especially in these harder times when people don’t have as much money to go to concerts.”
When it comes to performances, Olivia says leading the Tomorrow’s Warriors Youth Jazz Orchestra at the Queen Elizabeth Hall and co-leading it more recently at the Royal
Festival Hall proved a buzz. She also looks back fondly on the time she played her violin in a cherry picker while following a 50-foot-tall mechanical spider around the streets of Liverpool as part of its European City of Culture celebrations.
More recently, Olivia enjoyed duetting with a plant – ‘Bush Lilly’ – at Kew Gardens. This performance was curated by Jason Singh, who took live electronic signals from the plant and turned them into sounds.
Olivia’s latest project is a tour with her Indian jazz band, Unfurl. After that, she plans to release and tour the debut album of her accordion duo, Moore and Fairhall, which is entitled Triangles
She’s certainly set for a busy time, therefore. But, as she concludes, when you have music in your blood, it doesn’t really feel like work at all.
From a Christmas solo at the age of three to performing under the direction of legendary composer Sir John Rutter, Lucy Cox’s musical journey has had plenty of highlights.
While most professional musicians would say their love of performing started at a young age, few can lay claim to singing their first solo as a preschooler at the age of just three.
That’s exactly how it was for Lucy Cox, who vividly remembers her first public performance. “It was a firstverse solo of Away in a Manger and I remember the unfamiliar feeling of self-consciousness that came from singing in front of an audience.”
Lucy’s preschool teachers weren’t the only ones to spot her talent. Fast forward to senior school and she spent a happy period at Sherborne Girls as a Music Scholar.
“My time in Sherborne was enormously important to me,” Lucy says. “I was able to take part in large-scale performances of symphonic and choral works, perform in small ensembles such as the Madrigal Society and even a wind quintet (I was a French horn player), as well as performing as a soloist in regular School concerts.
“All of this is testament to the incredible energy and dedication of John Jenkins, the director of music at the time. Since much of this was unrelated to academic grades and exams, it taught me to value music as an end in itself. The Stuart Centre was a safe space where we could escape from outside pressures. Issy Morley-Smith, the music administrator at the time,
was always there to provide encouragement and a listening ear.”
From Sherborne, Lucy studied Music at Oxford with a Choral Scholarship. She then read for a Master’s in Ensemble Singing at the Schola Cantorum in Basel, Switzerland.
“After this, I started auditioning and working in professional choirs,” she explains. “It’s a very competitive industry, I’ve always appreciated the opportunities that have come my way.”
For Lucy, the main joy of singing is in the craft itself. “I love the immediacy of expression that comes with singing,” she says. “The connection to the breath and the body, and the lack of any barrier between performer and listener.”
From that love has grown a fun and varied career. Notable achievements include touring the USA, Europe and the Far East with The Tallis Scholars – a vocal ensemble specialising in early music. Lucy has also been performing as a soloist under the baton of composer Sir John Rutter, including in a performance of his Requiem with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra at St Paul’s Cathedral. She has also appeared as a soloist in some wonderful venues. These have included the Wigmore Hall and the Vienna Konzerthaus.
With a new baby on the scene, Lucy is now concentrating on her UK-
based work. Over Christmas, she toured with the Gabrieli Consort as part of its outreach programme, ROAR. In 2025, she will be singing the roles of Belinda and First Witch with the Gabrieli Consort and Players in Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas and recording a CD with the Villiers Quartet, doing some short tours to Europe, and performing as a soloist in venues such as Exeter Cathedral and Oxford’s Sheldonian Theatre.
Sage advice
Few can doubt that Lucy has come a long way since that first public performance as a threeyear-old. She has relished every opportunity and is keen to help others who want to pursue a career as a professional musician.
When asked what advice she might give to aspiring musicians, Lucy is happy to pass on some of the things she has learned. She says, “Don’t talk yourself down. If you aren’t getting the work you want, it doesn’t necessarily mean you aren’t good enough or that you didn’t do an excellent audition. The best way to avoid nerves is to be well-prepared.
“Maintain other interests so your career doesn’t take over your whole identity. And, if you really want to develop, consider moving to somewhere like Germany, where classical music is much more mainstream than in the UK, and better funded.”
As well as co-founding an opera company, Susanna MacRae is much in demand as a soloist – giving her the perfect opportunity to perform music from across the ages.
When Susanna was a child, she’d fall asleep with the sound of her mother’s pianoplaying drifting through the floorboards of her bedroom. It instilled a love of music that has shaped her whole life.
Her first experience of public performance was singing Little Donkey in church at Christmas.
“I remember carefully memorising the words and feeling a bit nervous,” she recalls. “But I loved every minute of it!”
Words and actions
Susanna’s path to becoming a professional singer received a welcome boost during her time at Sherborne Girls, with Director of Music John Jenkins helping shape her enthusiasm and develop her talent.
“John had an immense impact on my career and love of music,” she says. “His unwavering support, enthusiasm and wisdom pushed me to excel and ultimately led me to music college and a life in music.”
Because Susanna specialises in Baroque Gesture, her singing is about more than musical performance. “I’m not only a musician but also an actress,” she explains. “I get to inhabit characters who may be wildly different from me: emotional, intense, even unhinged! Or I may play a role that enables me to draw on my own life experiences.”
Such is Susanna’s love of Baroque Gesture that she teamed up with fellow musician Olivia Doutney to form their own opera company, Liberata Collective, that specialises in this medium. The company performed its first show at the Buxton International Festival, and Susanna says it is a moment she’ll always cherish.
A range of roles
Susanna has built a formidable reputation as a solo performer of music from across the generations. She’s committed to premiering new roles, seeing it as important to support
the next generation of composers and bring new music to life.
“I always tell young musicians to get involved in as much as they can,” she says. “The best advice is to find the repertoire and stories that genuinely inspire you and bring them to your audiences. Not everyone will love you, so go where you’re valued. And don’t listen to anyone who says you can’t make it as a professional musician. With hard work and dedication, you can!”
Susanna’s career is proof of that particular dictum. In 2025, she’ll be touring Liberata Collective’s next opera around the UK. She’s also set to perform a series of Purcell recitals accompanied theorbo and using Baroque Gesture, as well as taking on some contemporary roles.
“It all makes for a wonderfully diverse mix,” she concludes. “I’m greatly looking forward to bringing these projects to audiences.”
Joanna Cock (Carson) W’64 was the first female full member of the Madrigal Society and later became its president. Now, she’s keen to share her passion with other SOGs.
“The Madrigal Society was founded in 1741 by a London lawyer and keen amateur musician called John Immyns. The sole purpose of the society was to meet, dine and then sing madrigals for pleasure. Apart from a break between 1940 and 1945, members have met in London for more than 280 years – making it the oldest-known society of its kind in the country.
My love of madrigal singing began when I was at Sherborne, thanks to Augusta Miller. Singing with the Madrigal Society six times a year – we meet once a month from November to April – was ideal. We never give concerts and never rehearse although during a meeting may repeat a madrigal if we have enjoyed it or conversely have sung something very badly!
after some deliberation
the society accepted me as its first lady member
“The members were all male and soprano and alto parts were originally sung by choristers from St Paul’s Cathedral, the Chapel Royal, and Westminster Abbey. Since 1945, the upper parts of the madrigals have been sung by ladies, who are not members of the society, but arrive after dinner.
“I began as a ‘singing lady’ in November 1964, when I became a student at the Royal College of Music and have continued ever since.
“Having sung with the society for nearly 50 years I asked Peregrine Bryant, husband of Kitty Chesshyre (Bryant) T’64 if he would propose me for membership. He did and after some deliberation the society accepted me as its first lady member. A few more have since joined, but we are still very few in number. Then, this November I was elected as the president of the society, thus managing to break through another glass ceiling! My father, husband and two brothers have all been president before me.
“Members meet in the Tallow Chandler’s Hall which is close to Cannon Street Station, have dinner and then sing for about one and a half hours. The singing ladies come after dinner and enjoy very nice sandwiches before the singing begins. Gill Buzzard (Blenkinsop) DH’62 and Ghislaine Fluck (Lloyd) W’83 currently sing with the society and Emma Kirkby E’65 has come as a guest.
“If any SOG who loves singing and sight reads well would be interested in joining us, please write to Fiona in the Old Girls Office putting The Madrigal Society as your email subject and she will forward it to me.
“I look forward to hearing from you.”
Katie Scorgie reflects back on 25 years as a professional artist.
Survey the paintings and prints on Katie’s Scorgie’s website and you’ll immediately see how her earliest influence continues to exercise a pull over her work.
This comes in the form of two paintings by Raoul Dufy of Ascot racecourse, which her parents had prints of in her childhood home. Katie distinctly remembers looking at the paintings and wondering what gave Dufy the conviction to paint a cloud in the sky with a blue outline. “I think that was the start of a realisation that there are no rules to art,” she says.
Firm foundations
With this experience behind her, it felt natural that Katie should feel at ease in her emerging identity as an artist during her time at Sherborne Girls. “I enjoyed spending time in the Art Room,” she says. “It was where I felt most comfortable, and I was quite good at it.”
One teacher in particular sticks in Katie’s mind. “Mrs
[Jean] Burton was an important figure during my schooldays,” she remembers. “She was kind, encouraging and passionate about art.”
After completing a Foundation Art course in Bournemouth, Katie took some time away from education and worked as a secretary in London. But she returned to study in the late 1990s, graduating from Plymouth University in 2000 with a degree in Fine Art. “From this, I took the plunge and started working full-time as a professional artist,” she says.
Artist in residence
Katie works from a studio in North Dorset and sells prints as well as taking commissions. Her specialisms are equestrian, canine and landscape paintings.
In 2011, Katie was asked to be Artist in Residence for the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment. “I was given behindthe-scenes access to the regiment and attended some
big ceremonial events,” she says. “The culmination was a week-long exhibition at Hyde Park Barracks with five private views and a near sell-out. Definitely a career highlight!”
Katie is quick to admit that the life of a professional artist can sometimes be challenging. “The financial pressure is always there, but it is a driving force to work hard and be successful,” she remarks. “Being an artist can be a roller coaster of emotions. One day you think you are quite a good artist, the next day you think you can’t paint. This is normal.”
To deal with the challenges, Katie has one golden rule: “Paint for yourself and not the audience. It’s more authentically you and probably ultimately more relatable for the audience.”
Despite her high profile as a portrait painter, Jemma Phipps believes she is still growing as an artist.
“Life is teaching you all the time. There is always room to grow, to become deeper and more connected.”
These are the words of Jemma Phipps, one of the country’s most highly regarded portrait artists. She painted both Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip – the former while in her late 20s, making her the youngest person ever to paint the monarch.
Always growing
Even with her early success, Jemma has remained committed to developing her talent. As well as painting and practising in her Wiltshire studio, Jemma spends a lot of her spare time looking at work by other artists – either in galleries in books and on social media.
“For example, I went to a recent Van Gogh exhibition in London and was reminded of how much I still have to learn,” she reflects. “You take it all on board, then go back to the
studio and try even harder.”
This habit was instilled in Jemma during her time at Sherborne, which she looks back on with great fondness. “As the daughter of a well-established artist [Jemma’s mother is the renowned equestrian painter Susan Crawford], it was inevitable that I would have an interest in the discipline,” she says. “Sherborne really helped me find my own identity as an artist.”
After leaving School, Jemma spent three years studying at the Charles H. Cecil Studios in Florence. She has had a constant stream of commissions ever since.
As well as portraiture, Jemma derives great pleasure from painting animals and landscapes. “I hope to spend some more time working on landscapes in the coming years,” she says. “That said, all the time I am lucky enough to keep receiving
portrait commissions, I’ll make time to paint them.”
Whatever happens next, Jemma can’t quite believe so much time has passed since her Sherborne days. “In many ways, I still feel like that schoolgirl, dreaming of my future,” she chuckles. “There’s a lot of life still to live. I’m excited by the thought of moving in new directions and developing my practice in fresh ways.”
In the meantime, she can rest assured that her work endures in both private households and public galleries, capturing the essence of her subjects and preserving their identity for posterity.
“I was once asked if I flatter my subjects with my finished paintings,” she says. “I replied that I paint people ‘warts and all, minus a few warts’. That pretty much expresses the blend of reality and artistic licence that goes into my work.”
Joanna Cock (Carson) W’64 has become the first lady president of the Madrigal Society
Jane Paterson (Clifford) A’64 was appointed High Sheriff of Bedfordshire (2022 – 2023)
Kate Rock A’86 became a Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Dorset in November
Irene Yap DH’90 was awarded The Most Blessed Order of Setia Negara Brunei (4th Class)
Dini Glaister (McGrath) AE’10 was awarded an Innovate UK Women in Innovation award for services to entrepreneurship
Lottie Wiltshire RH’16 passed out of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in December 2023
Alicia Lee AE’18 was accepted for the very competitive MA Contemporary European Studies: Politics, Policy and Society (Euromasters) course, operated by the European American University Consortium
Amelia Monaghan DH’18 has been awarded a Vocal Development Grant by Trinity College, Cambridge
Julia Aggett DH’19 graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a First Class Honours degree in History in July 2023
Emilia Luders WD’20 graduated from Oxford Brookes University with a First Class degree in History of Art with the Honor Uloth Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence
Kate Talbot Rice RH’23 was awarded a Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Cora Barclay RH’24 was awarded a Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Louisa Biggart RH’24 was awarded a Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Martha Bingley RH’24 was awarded a Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Eliza Hanlon WD’24 was awarded a Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Emma Heath DH/WD’24 was awarded a Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Sinali Liyanaarachchi DH’24 was awarded a Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Charlotte Sowerbutts K’24 was awarded a Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Tamara Windham K’24 was awarded a Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Sarah McWatters T’80 reflects on a special day celebrating Sherborne Girls’ 125th Anniversary in high summer.
“Saturday, 22 June 2024 was a warm and beautiful mid-summer day, ideal weather for the 125th Anniversary celebration of Sherborne Girls.
“The main event was a splendid evening concert, with the SOG orchestra and choir joining to produce some choruses and arias from Handel’s Messiah. As one would expect, it was uplifting, moving and absolutely first class. A particular highlight was to see Gussie (Augusta Miller) conduct the ‘Hallelujah Chorus’ with the same vitality and enthusiasm as ever.
“In 1979, the Sherborne
School for Girls Madrigal Society won the ITV Choir of the Year competition, under Gussie’s direction, and was invited by Melvyn Bragg to sing on The South Bank Show. These high standards set by previous generations of girls have clearly been maintained. It is a huge testament to the three directors of music – Augusta Miller, John Jenkins and Mark Cracknell –that several girls have gone on to have careers as professional musicians.
“During the concert we were treated to some superb solo performances from Ruth Rogers and Olivia Moore (violins), Lucy Cox, Susanna MacRae and Amelia Monaghan (sopranos), Ellie George (cello) and Charlotte Ewins (recorder).
“I had travelled for the day especially to see my sister Diana McWatters (Darwall) W’81 play the cello, and my good friend Jessica Davies AE’80 sing in the choir. You never know who you are going to meet at such an occasion; those I bumped into from my time included Kathy Bracken (Gibson) T’79, Victoria TalbotRice K’80, Camilla Gordon K’80, Johanna Wood (Hall) AW’78
...celebrating the School’s 125 years of continued friendship across the generations.
and Joanna Udal K’82, also all in the choir. We were treated to a delicious salad lunch, followed by the magnificent concert and then Prosecco and canapés outside the marquee. It was good to talk to people about their families and working lives, with many Sherborne Girls going on to have remarkable careers and finding top roles in their sectors.
“Former and current staff, Old Girls and guests mingled long into the evening, reminiscing no doubt about mutual friends and good memories from their days at Sherborne. I had the chance to do the same, acknowledging how much the School gave me at the time. I am sure many other SOGs feel the same way and join in celebrating the School’s 125 years of continued friendship across the generations.”
The SOG 125th Anniversary Concert was notable for many reasons – not least that three directors of music were involved in the performances. Here are their reflections on the occasion.
1973 – 1996
“It was a real privilege to conduct the ‘Hallelujah Chorus’ with so many distinguished SOGs, SATB singers, orchestra and soloists.
Ruth Rogers was an inspiring leader and the superb choir kept me on my toes!
All eyes were alive with excitement. I loved the special occasion.
John Jenkins, who organised the concert, was a real star. Fiona and her team worked really hard in the background and
1996 – 2022
deserve lots of praise.
Mark Cracknell, Director of Music, was a fine pianist and harpsichordist.
Headmistress Dr Ruth Sullivan spoke brilliantly introducing the concert.
The whole day was inspiring. Thank you all.
Do please keep in touch. I am still alive and kicking, and enjoy racing around Sherborne in my buggy. Believe it or not I am 90 in 2026!”
“The assembled choir and orchestra of Sherborne Old Girls for the 125 Celebration Concert on 22 June 2024 were an outstanding testament to the School’s rich musical tradition.
Having conducted numerous singing days and choral workshops over the years, it was a rare delight to be faced with an ad hoc chorus of SOGs – ably enhanced by several past and present colleagues and ever-supportive SG parents – who made such a glorious sound and sang all the right notes in tune as we tackled nine sublime Handel choruses in something of a whirlwind rehearsal. As the choir combined with the orchestra for a final runthrough, it seemed as though we were in for a very special performance.
We were not disappointed, with the singers giving it their all and the instrumentalists, expertly led by Ruth Rogers, playing with great style and sensitivity in a miniMessiah which included five soprano arias beautifully sung by Lucy Cox, Susanna MacRae and Amelia Monaghan. And what a joy it was to be treated to an ideally contrasted first half of the programme, with superb solo performances by Ellie George, Charlotte Ewins, Olivia Moore, Ruth, Lucy and Susanna.
It was a memorable and hugely enjoyable day, and I felt so proud to have been a part of SG’s unique musical heritage, alongside my illustrious predecessor, Augusta Miller, and Mark Cracknell, our talented successor.”
2022 – present
“I was delighted to take part in this wonderful concert alongside my two predecessors. What a fantastic way of celebrating the School’s 125th Anniversary and marking our long musical tradition.
Playing under the baton of Gussie and John was a huge honour. They created such a strong legacy at Sherborne Girls – one that I am proud to be continuing during my tenure as Director of Music.
As we saw during the concert, The Merritt Centre really is a jewel in our crown. I’m keen that we continue to make the most of it, giving everyone at School the opportunity to discover their passion for music.
Whatever their gift or enthusiasm, we offer our pupils every chance to shine and to achieve their full potential. I feel honoured to lead in this area, in a wonderfully vibrant community that feels very much like home.”
This year we held two careers and networking events. We are as always very grateful to our alumni for hosting us and enabling us to hold these events.
Our Property and Allied sectors event was held on Tuesday, 3 September at Savills, 33 Margaret Street, London.
The following week we held our Tech Careers Networking event at Colt Technology Services, Colt House, London. From the feedback we have received both events were valuable.
In September 2025, our careers events will focus on the City and Finance and the Law. As with all our events, details are included on our website.
Peer Group Co-ordinator
Daphne MaGuire (Thomson) T’59
I rented a cottage in Charlton Horethorne last summer and went to the OG concert which was fantastic and saw numerous OGs. It was marvellous catching up with so many friends, including Liz Honnywill (Lindsay-Rea) A’59
I have seen Monty (Elizabeth) MontagueJones (Moon) T’59 several times when in Cambridge, and bought a beautiful painting from her which has been greatly admired. What amazing things are happening at the School. Well done, everyone, it has been a major undertaking.
Elizabeth Lloyd (Barnicoat) K’46
We have been living in Australia for 18 years in a retirement village with a lot going on: the best move we ever made. My husband was in excellent care with dementia for over two years, I visited him every day until he sadly died on 12 December, peace at last.
Our daughter Katherine Barnicoat (Fletcher) K’83 left Sydney for the Hunter Valley, where she is working in a vineyard with much less tension than her former senior post in a bank. She has just moved into a house that has been built for her. It has lovely views over fields with kangaroos and cows.
Elizabeth Tidbury-Beer (Copeman) E’48
I feel as if I’m too old to send news now, but I was given a lift by a lady, Lucy Ferguson (Costa Duarte) E’89, last week, who was in Ealhstan just like I was. Now 93, after four adopted children and fostering two grandsons, I am now a great-great-granny! Not many of those around!
Jean Lynden-Bell (Grieve) DH’49
I am now 92 years old and still in touch by email with Philippa Gerry DH’50 and Sylvia Pyne (Greer) AE’49 across the Atlantic. I still teach music (violin and cello) and enjoy rehearsing with the Oakville Symphony. I have an interesting lodger from India who is studying Game Theory at a local college.
Alison Watney (Parkinson) E’49
I’ve been enjoying remembering some moments from my time at Sherborne. One was the Celebration with the Massed Gym, on the lawn which used to be the special tennis courts. At the end of an intricate demonstration in front of all the families there for the day, the teams sat down and each team member was given an ice cream in their house colours. Most of us were glad we were not in Kenelm House, whose colour was blue!
As the day went on, our parents played sport against the girls. My father played in a cricket match, and my mother and sister played tennis. My cousin Jen Bishop and I spent the time running between both matches to cheer on our parents.
I had a huge job digging my whole garden over
in the autumn, which needed to be done. I had a bad fall at the end of the summer, breaking a rib and my right thumb, so couldn’t do much in the garden at that point. Now it all looks much better, settling down for winter.
This next week I will be going to my last Scouting evening. I became a Cub Scout leader in 1969, and ‘retired’ in 1997, when I was the District Cub Scout Leader for Headington Oxford, which consisted of 10 groups. I was soon asked to return to the Scout Movement and have enjoyed helping out with local groups over recent years.
Jane Hayes (Howells) (Graham) W’49
A few years ago after my husband’s death, it seemed wise to move nearer to one of my children. The first day in my new house in Great Missenden in Buckinghamshire a kind neighbour, Ann Rylands (Biscoe-Taylor) T’48, invited me to tea. We soon discovered we had both been to Sherborne Girls and partly at the same time. Ann is a remarkably active person, always on the go, supporting and attending musical events, cooking scones and cakes for cream teas at the church and ready to help where needed.
We have great fun reminiscing about our School experiences and a lot of giggles about the fun we had. Now in our nineties, we look back with gratitude to the friendships we made and the many opportunities Sherborne gave us.
Daphne Nott-Bower (Kilner) AW’50
No very exciting news, but I did hit 90 last year. I’m still fit, as the photo shows. I now have four grandchildren, aged between 14 and 24.
Jenifer Weston (Wates) K’50
In April 2024, I held an exhibition of my paintings in our local museum, entitled ‘The Fire and the Rose’, exploring the desperate need for a transformation of our Western way of life and mindset. This is part of an ongoing commitment to make a contribution towards that transformation in whatever way I can.
Our environmental education trust, Commonwork, at Bore Place www.boreplace.com, is thriving, and as a member of Extinction Rebellion I take part in actions as a Red Rebel.
Rosemary Longsdon (Snoad) AE’51
When I was at School I was in the choir, which I loved. We were so delighted that Kathleen Ferrier, a contralto singer who achieved an international reputation as a stage, concert and recording artist, came and sang Blow the Wind Southerly in the School Hall in 1948.
Sadly, my friend Peggy Spicer (Heap) AE’50 passed away in the summer. As requested by Peggy, Blow the Wind Southerly was sung beautifully by her niece at her funeral.
We were a large group in Aldhelmsted East when I was in the sixth form and I am in touch with Una Harris (Rankin) AE’51, Sylvia Pyne (Greer) AE’49 and Pauline Carter (Hartman) AE’50
Jenny Warrington (Bell) AW’52
My husband and I visited Sherborne Girls during a recent journey to Devon and it was a wonderful trip down memory lane!
Much was the same as we went up to the hall, except there were several more portraits of Headmistresses on the walls! Then over to Aldhelmsted West, which is now called Kenelm and was much as I remembered it. We then made our way in front of the main School building with the wonderful views over the playing fields, and where we used to do Massed Gym, to the new Merritt Centre and The Gransden Hall, which must be a wonderful addition for the School with all its facilities. I was pleased to gift a picture to the School. It was one I had made many years ago of Sherborne and Branksome Hall in Canada, where I spent a happy year as an exchange student in 1952-3. I was the third exchange student from Sherborne, and I’m delighted to know the scheme remains in place.
Here in Sussex are two old girls Fiona Lynch (Hughes) DH’76 and Frances Podmore (Berrill) A’48 whom I see quite often, and in Devon I keep in touch regularly with Jacqueline Kerr (Little) A’53.
Brenda Plaistowe (Weir) W’53
When I left Sherborne, I never expected still to be alive in 2024, still living in the same Dower House outside Dublin, Ireland, able to sit under beautiful trees I planted 65 years ago!
For the past 47 years I have produced a (then) Direct Mail newsletter aimed at the Irish diaspora overseas, mainly USA. I have now decided to stop this so I can concentrate on my trees and scattered family
(four children, nine grandchildren and two (so far) great-grandchildren), and property matters. This place has remained a focal point through the years. My husband, Prof. Emeritus of Medicine at TCD, is still here.
My only remaining Sherborne connection is Juliet Schubart (Camp) W’54. We were Wingfield girls under Bice Crichton-Miller.
Lisa Cookson (Young) AW’54
On my way to Devon, I arranged to have a look around the School and my old House. The fire escape was still there! One summer’s evening, along with friends, we went down the fire escape for a midnight swim and returned to the House undetected! It was very exciting at the time!
After leaving Sherborne, I went up to Oxford where I read French and German, which I enjoyed enormously. While there I captained the squash team. Squash was not played at many girls’ schools, and I was so grateful that I went to Sherborne Girls which gave me this opportunity as I love the sport.
Jane Pople (Adley) A’54
In the Spring, I enjoyed a five-day visit to the Loire Valley with the Historic Rose Group. I returned to France to watch our UK equestrian team win Gold at the Paris Olympics at Versailles – an unforgettable experience. I walked part of the Rob Roy Way in Perthshire too.
Corbridge Music Festival, Blair Castle and Burghley Horse Trials, plus another Highland visit, completed my travels in 2024. I travelled on Eurostar for the first time since the late Queen opened it.
Ash Puckle (Coke) A’64
My sister, Andrea Puckle (Page) E’56, now Lady Page, lives in Sussex close to both her daughters Toppy Wharton A’87 and Rosy Wharton E’90. She keeps busy with Art and Italian courses, walking her lab and visiting the Isle of Wight where she has a little cottage close to the sea.
As for me, I’ve lived on the Isle of Wight for almost 40 years. My sister and I visited Sherborne not so long ago on a short break staying at The Grange Hotel, Oborne (highly recommend!). We visited my old friend Penny Ohlson (Murly-Gotto) K’64, who lives in Sherborne, and had a brief look at the School for old time’s sake.
I also met up with Elizabeth Woods A’64 during a visit to London. She is very busy keeping up her late parents’ house in Hampshire while doing a lot of Scottish dancing! I now have five grandchildren (aged between six and 10) from two sons.
Muirne Mathieson (van Wyk) E’55
As were many of us thriving Old Girls, I was at School during the 50th anniversary celebrations, when the Queen Mother visited the town. I remember it well: all of us out on the playing fields practising our curtseys! Quite a special day. I am also in touch with Mary Hocken E’55 Jenna Forward (Holmes) E’55 sadly died last year, but I was with her a couple of days before and am often in touch with her children, particularly Helen and Trevor, who now live in the UK. I remain in South Africa.
Chris Bennett (Bladon) A’55
I am a member of, and have been a volunteer for, the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust for many years. The Wildlife Trusts across the country are a lovely way of introducing young people to nature conservation. If current pupils are interested in volunteering, I believe it can be part of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme.
Jane Arnott (Stephenson) T’56
After 69 years, I finally returned to Sherborne to participate in the Anniversary concert in June. I was the exchange student from Branksome Hall in Toronto in the year 1955–56. It was lovely to meet some familiar faces, and to see how the School has evolved.
Alison Barlow (Mudford) AW’58
There was a large group of us in Aldhelmsted West in the 1950s, and many of us remained friends for life. I would never have thought that after qualifying as a nurse and midwife in London and Edinburgh, I would spend some years working in India and Nepal. In addition, I was brave enough to travel all round India by third-class train, and from India to London by bus! Afterwards, I returned to study and gained an MA in English Literature at the University of London.
Marian Birch (Griggs) K’58
My husband, Patrick, and I celebrated our Diamond Wedding anniversary in April this year. We had a lunch for old friends in the garden, which was attended by one School friend, Anne Forrest (Askew) K’58
We received a lovely card from King Charles and Queen Camilla with a really nice photo of them.
Brenda Scheja (Rossini) W’58
Last August, my book, Oscar Slater: A Killer Exposed, was published. It is a true crime account of a gruesome murder in Glasgow during the Christmas season 1908. A wealthy, elderly spinster was beaten to death. Oscar Slater was caught and convicted in 1909.
For years, a breathless campaign urged his release as a man wrongfully convicted. Books were written over the course of many years. Glasgow even hosted a theatre performance to honour the (guilty) man.
I was a criminal defence lawyer for many years. I reviewed the publications – 100% of which supported Oscar Slater. I reviewed every bit of evidence and errata and challenged the misbegotten premise which let Slater rest in peace and the victim, Marion Gilchrist, lie unremembered.
Elizabeth Montague-Jones (Moon, M.A., S.W.A.) T’59
At Sherborne, painting was my private space. In Extra Art with Miss Mason I painted bombed-out cities as seen in the war, and railway crashes. Later, I painted a nativity that Dame Reader Harris had in her office for several years. Since then, having also
visited Vietnam during its war, I have wanted to paint the fun side of life.
I want to capture people and movement as seen around me. I sometimes put figures in unexpected places, such as Morris Men in Trafalgar Square waving their hankies at one with the pigeons.
I use the draughting methods taught to me at Oxford as an engineer, to plan the different stages of a painting.
In my 40s, having given up engineering and teaching to paint full-time, I have now painted more than 300 paintings. People seem to like them, and selling them has given me enough to live on.
I have exhibited in London at the Barbican, and the Royal Opera House after a ‘residency’. This also goes for St Hugh’s College, Oxford, Downing College, Cambridge, and John Innes Centre, Norwich.
If you are interested, my website is: www.lizmoon.co.uk
Joanna Cock (Carson) W’64
I have been elected as the President of the Madrigal Society, thus managing to break another glass ceiling! My father, husband and two brothers have all been president before me. Please see full article on page 32.
I much enjoyed coming back to School in June to sing in Handel’s Messiah. There was such a great atmosphere and a wonderfully high standard of music.
Vivien Laughton-Smith (Thomas) AE’64
This year is our 60th anniversary of leaving School so I attempted to mark the occasion with a reunion of those who could make it from our year in Aldhelmsted East. Six brave souls were up for it but on the day only three actually made it: Caroline Goodden (Vidican) AE’64, Judith Middleton (Berger) AE’64 and me. It was such fun to meet up and laugh together over shared memories, good and bad.
We had a lovely lunch at The Green in Sherborne and then a tour of East. East looked
remarkably as it had done when we left. The dormitories were virtually unchanged, and had kept all the old names such as the Horsebox, the Acting Cupboard, the Playroom and so on. It was a poignant experience to visit.
After our tour we went back to Caroline’s home in Over Compton for tea which ran into Champagne and a lovely supper. We also met Alistair, whom Caroline has since married! Congratulations to them both!
It was a wonderful day and we were all so pleased to have made it and caught up some of those years. We raised a glass to departed and absent friends, and hoped we might be together again before too long.
Dione Wright (Johnson) A’65
I regularly see Harriet Morgan (Tupper) A’66 and Anne Longfield (Young) A’65 and am in touch with Jane Reekie (Nicholson) E’59
My term-time weeks have fixed points: my youngest granddaughters (aged eight and four) spend two after-school afternoons with me. I go to a Ballet Fit class, have an Arabic lesson and labour over my homework, and attend a three-hour art class. I drive people in the village to medical
appointments and help some anxious readers in the infant school.
I drive to see old friends in Marlborough and London. Sadly, I’ve attended several funerals of older relations this year, all over the UK. Sometimes I go further afield: for example, in 2024 I visited Morocco, Venice and Sweden.
Peer Group Co-ordinator
Anne Whately-Smith (Agnew) K’70
I very much enjoyed the 125th Anniversary Concert held at The Merritt Centre in June. My cousin Sally Whately-Smith (Pilkington) AE‘65 stayed with me enabling her to join the choir and rekindle old friendships.
I am very happy to report that my daughter Joanna Agnew (Leeman) K‘99 and family are returning, after 16 years in the UAE, to the UK to live in Wiltshire so we will be able to spend more time with our one grandchild.
Vicky Vaughan-Lee (Scarborough) K’68
I met up with Lucy Bateman (Oliff) AE’87 in February. Lucy is the owner of the amazing Kivukoni School in Kenya which she started in 2011 (www. kivukoni.co.ke). This school has been the SOG chosen charity in the past and is a truly remarkable achievement for both education and employment in the area. It is nearing 300 pupils from a start of 36, ranging from nursery to year 10.
My nursery (www.acornnurseryschool.com) in Jersey fundraises for Kivukoni and keeps in close contact with Lucy, who is my niece.
Ursula Housman (Simpson) AE’69
Three years into official retirement, life has not exactly settled into a pattern, but it has developed a shape. Each year we try to do a long locum (up to three months) in a church – so far fascinating times in Cairo Cathedral and in Grenoble, serving as chaplains on a Saga cruise ship (this winter to the Caribbean over Christmas), as well as visiting our
daughter and family in Cape Town and supporting our five families with their 19 children, four of whom lead churches.
We have settled into our own home after decades in vicarages, delighting in our small part of a converted stable block just outside Chipping Norton.
Sarah Woods (Felix) A’69
It was a treat to sing in the choir for the SOG Anniversary Concert in June. I loved listening to the fabulous soloists and chamber orchestra.
I enjoyed a brief chat with Gussie Miller about my sister Elizabeth being one of her first pupils at Sherborne Girls. She replied that my sister is such a good person – which I gladly relayed to her!
I managed to talk to quite a few Old Girls including Anne Walsh (Colquhoun) E’69 and Sophie Le Hardy (Smart) AE’95 as we were sitting nearby in the choir.
Bar Dalrymple (Savill) W’70
I was pleased to win the Devon Vets over 70s’ Golf Championship (The Venerable Vets!) in 2024.
We spent three weeks in the USA mostly sightseeing on the East Coast as my husband had never been to the US. We travelled around by train and were there for Halloween and the Election which was quite lively. We then flew to Ohio to visit my sister who I hadn’t seen since 2008.
Susie Ingram (Penrose) DH’70
I have travelled a lot over the last 11 or so years, as both my sons live abroad. The youngest has taken me to New Hampshire, Lot et Garonne, where we bought a house in the most beautiful countryside and where we managed to escape when we could throughout Covid, and now to Neuvecelle above Lake Geneva on the French side and where I have been needed roughly once a month to look after my grandsons while their mother is away on business.
My other son has been in China or Hong Kong for the past 22 years building up a restaurant business in both places. At last, post-Covid in June/
July, I went for a three-week trip and more grandson sitting.
Then there was a wonderful trip to Menorca, also in June, to relax with Vicky Vaughan-Lee (Scarborough) K’68 and Anne Whately-Smith (Agnew) K’70
In September, I went to South Africa to celebrate my sister’s (Carolyn Ingram (Forsyth) DH’62) 80th birthday. A wonderful trip and celebration. Her best present? South Africa triumphing over the All Blacks on her actual birthday.
Peer Group Co-ordinator
Jocelyn Passey (Humfrey) K’73
I so enjoyed performing in the 125 Old Girls Concert
back in June. It was all so good and very much enjoyed by everyone. What a day. The choir was fun to sing with but the soloists in particular were terrific to listen to. A clever programme and so interesting… well done. Each one gave so much more than just their musical input.
I continue with my interior design work which I really enjoy. I moved from Gloucestershire to Norfolk and would be glad to host a lunch for an area gettogether. Please let Fiona in the office know if you would like to meet up.
Annette Joyce (Jones) K’71
Some photos from a recent SOG get-together.
It was great to catch up and see each other again. Sadly Sheila Spencer (Siguier) K’71 and Jean Ritchie (Crabtree) K’71 were unable to join us. We all live far apart in Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Oxford, North Wales, France and Germany, but over the years have endeavoured to keep in touch and even meet up occasionally. Hopefully, now we are older and supposedly have more time, we might see each other more frequently!
Peer Group Co-ordinator
Jane Digby (Auer) AW’80
Our eldest, Charlie, got married in Dorset in June at the same church where we were married; godmother Jill Passey (Eyre) K’80 was there and so was Anna Green (Anthony) T’77. We have visited the US twice this year: Lafayette, California for a friend’s wedding, and then Savannah, Georgia for Charlie and Lindsay’s US wedding reception. Delighted to be in remission still, and my retired husband, the garden and dogs
keep me entertained. I’m in touch with Jill, Angelica von Hase (Laird-Clowes) AW’80, Leonie Fox-Pitt (Gibbs) AW’80, Victoria Holland (Elvidge) A’80 and Vicky Talbot Rice K’80. Hoping to see some of you in Sherborne on 27 April for the 125th Anniversary.
Sally Hammond (Ellyatt) T‘77
As a citizen and permanent resident of the small Caribbean island of Carriacou, I have stepped out of retirement this year. On 1 July 2024, 98% of the houses and businesses here were destroyed or badly damaged by Hurricane Beryl. This included our own two houses, the island’s only hospital and several of the smaller outlying clinics.
The initial need was huge and many charities, including Samaritans’ Purse and the UN, rushed to the island’s aid. Food, water and tarpaulins, as well as emergency medical supplies, were donated and as part of that relief effort, we formed a small group, Carriacou Medical Relief, to help with fundraising, purchasing and distribution of medical equipment and supplies.
Now the larger charitable organisations have left, local people are slowly rebuilding but are exhausted and traumatised. Moreover, much of our medical equipment, such as the island’s one X-ray machine, has been damaged or destroyed by the hurricane. As you can imagine, putting roofs back on with limited safety resources means that accidents are common.
So I have stepped back into my NGO fundraising role as we work together with local doctors and nurses to help people rebuild their lives. Carriacou is not in the official Caribbean hurricane belt and so Beryl will take years to recover from. But we want to bring hope and health back to local people here. If you would like more info, please email me: sallyellyatt@rocketmail.com
Donations can be made via https://gofund. me/ef101b4d Every penny goes to local medical supplies, equipment and shipping!
Rosemary Turner (Marley) T’80
My role at West Dean College, Chichester, programming the short courses in the arts and crafts, continues to keep me very busy – especially with the opening of West Dean’s London campus in Bloomsbury last summer. This, alongside raising our three wonderful children, has meant the past 30 years have certainly flown by.
Peer Group Co-ordinator
Emma Burrows AE’83
I’ve had a very settled and happy time since leaving Sherborne in 1983. I married Olivier in 2004 and we have two lovely children who are now young adults, Elisabeth and Nicolas. Olivier is French so that’s opened up a French life with our family and friends in France and London, especially as our children went to school in London at French schools.
I read law at Bristol University and became a solicitor in 1990. I’ve been at the same firm, Trowers & Hamlins LLP, now for nearly 33 years and have really enjoyed my career. I specialise in employment law, which is a dynamic and fast-changing area of the law, and I’m lucky to have written a few legal books and had a few reported cases. Of course, as I’ve become more senior (aka older!) I’ve also taken up management roles in the firm and I really enjoy that. Sherborne has had a very positive impact on my life. I still have lots of fun with friends from School; Louise Bishop AE’83, Jane Welch (Waller) AW’83, Camilla á Court (Dobell) T’83, Juliet Dibben (Russell) AW’83, Margi Welch (Jervoise) AW’83 and Clare MacMichael (Martin) AW’83
I was very struck when we had our 40th anniversary in 2024 how many of our contemporaries were in professions helping society, such as teaching
and charity work. I think that we were probably all inspired by this spirit in the early 1980s at Sherborne, and I’ve always held board appointments to charities outside work and learnt so much from those. At the moment I’m on the board of two charities and really enjoy my work doing that.
And I still sing in a choir and play the piano! That’s Sherborne’s influence…
If anyone remembers me and wants to get in touch, please do – either through the Old Girls Office or LinkedIn.
Ali Preston (Aldred) A’81
I continue to be based in Woking but now that my husband, Duncan, has retired and the kids have flown the nest, we spend a lot of time either travelling overseas or visiting our holiday home in Cornwall. Our two boys (aged 28 and 26) both moved to Australia earlier this year. So far they are loving the lifestyle there! Duncan and I have a six-week trip planned Down Under in January 2025. Thankfully our daughter (aged 24) is still in the UK and currently living and working in Oxford as a Child Mental Health Practitioner.
Charlotte Barraclough (Parry) AW’83
After a couple of years in East London following our return home from California, we have moved to Cornwall. We’ve bought a youth hostel which we are running in partnership with the YHA. We welcome school groups, family parties and individuals, many of whom are walking the South West Coast Path. We are loving the outdoors life and meeting so many people from different countries and areas of the UK.
Eliza Strachan (Harford) DH’83
In late September 2024, I much enjoyed seeing Mary Montagu (Montagu-Scott) E’82. We were at nursery school together, in an attic at her family home, Palace House, Beaulieu, Hants, as well as pre-prep and then prep school, Walhampton, on the edge of Lymington. I’ve also seen Jemma Jupp (Daffarn) AW’83, a London-based documentary maker and producer, and Leonie Fox-Pitt (Gibbs) AW’80, a
painter and sculptress. My sister Jessica Strachan (Deguara) DH’85 is well. She recently left a long career in NHS management and is now teaching dance.
I am still based in Grand Cayman, where I work with the National Trust for the Cayman Islands (similar to the National Trust in the UK) but dot back and forth between England, France and the Caribbean.
Peer Group Co-ordinator
Antonia Foster (Plant) AE’91
A real highlight of 2024 was taking my daughter to Washington to stay with NinaMaria Potts AE’91. We had a fabulous trip and Nina-Maria was the perfect host.
My day job as a media lawyer remains as busy as ever. Over the last couple of years, I’ve been doing a fair bit of press and TV commentary on high profile media cases. Scary (particularly live!) but definitely different!
Kate Rock A’86
I was appointed a Deputy Lieutenant to Dorset in November 2023. Deputy Lieutenants are appointed by the Lord-Lieutenant, who is His Majesty The King’s representative in the county. Deputy Lieutenants carry out public duties on behalf of the Lord-Lieutenant,
including promoting and encouraging voluntary and charitable organisations and interests in the rural and social life of the county.
Mané Shahbenderian (Zaffaroni) AW’86
I live on Lake Como in the small, picturesque town of Torno (7km from Como) with my husband and two teenage boys.
My career was in fashion and I designed and produced my own elegant day and eveningwear collection, which I sold in my own shop in Kensington (London) and in department stores such as Harrods, Bloomingdales, Rinascente, etc. I also designed and produced made-to-measure wedding dresses.
I am now involved in property development and interior design and am setting up a small business offering ‘property services’ here on Lake Como and Milan.
For the past four years, I have been modernising a very large villa with garden on Lake Como. I am also working on a landscape project at the back of the villa, overlooking the lake with a stable and old stone walls. It is a demanding project, but very enjoyable. We have recently moved in and hope to see all completed by the end of the year.
If any Sherborne Girls or Boys (Old or still at either school) are in this part of the world, they are very welcome to look us up – it would be lovely!
Irene Yap DH’90
I would love to share a proud moment I had on 26 July 2023, when His Majesty the Sultan of Brunei Darussalam conferred a state honorary medal on me at the Royal Palace (Istana Nurul Iman). The Medal is ‘The Most Blessed Order of Setia Negara Brunei (4th Class)’.
My photo made it to the front and second page of the local newspapers in all languages (Malay, English https://borneobulletin.com.bn/his-majestyconfers-110-state-honorary-medals-2/ and Chinese).
Peer Group Co-ordinator
Holly Joint (Bishop) AE’94
I live in Abu Dhabi with my husband Karl and children Jemima (11) and Caspar (9). I am Founder of Digital Fluency, a boutique professional services firm focused on helping businesses navigate growth, transformation, and the evolving role of technology.
Georgina Kraunsoe (Menko) K’92
After four years of training, I qualified as a counsellor in February 2024. I now work with adults and children in private practice, schools and colleges.
I turned 50 at the beginning of the year and at my birthday party were old girls Alex Dickson Leach K’92, Amanda Claydon (Benbow) T’92, Natasha Reypert (Yates) E’92, Annabel Meggeson K’92, Vicki Kraunsoe (Thomas) K’97 – all in the photograph. Sadly, Faye Sirman (Farrant) K’92 couldn’t be there.
Sarah Stewart (Wolf) W’93
I recently turned 50 and achieved one of my bucketlist goals: becoming a volunteer Special Constable for Devon and Cornwall Police. I’ve finished my 10 months of training and will now be out on the beat (just like any regular police officer) in my spare time.
My real career continues to go from strength to strength and I remain as head of communications within national policing. My brilliant daughter is studying advertising at university – that marketing gene must be strong!
Annarella Clay (Prime) W’94
I enjoyed catching up with lots of alumnae at the 20year reunion in 2024. I took along my photo albums from my time at Sherborne Girls, which included a few photos taken at ‘The Stick’ Sixth Form Centre, so both Old Girls and OS had a good laugh at those. Most of the women were instantly recognisable, while surprisingly most of the men looked quite different!
Last week, I happened to come across another SOG while I was attending a leaving gathering for Bear Grylls as Chief Scout. I am connected to Scouting through my family (Robert and Olave Baden-Powell were my great-grandparents) but also as a Volunteer and as a Gilwell Fellow. Coincidentally Jemma Phipps W’95 was there too, as she had painted a magnificent portrait of Bear Grylls that was being presented to him.
Annarella, pictured left and Jemma with her portrait
Juliette Brown (Ash) AE’94
Back recently from serving on a NATO stabilisation mission in Kosovo.
Noteworthy that we had no fewer than three Old Shirburnians on the same tour. The Brit task force was deployed as part of a wider effort to maintain peace and security in Europe. Age is just a number.
From left to right: Juliette, William Cookson (Lyon House, 2015) and Skye Meelboom W’06
Peer Group Co-ordinator
Alexa Ramsay (Laryea) E’00
Claire Allen T’96
In September, I won the 2024 JustGiving award for Endurance Fundraiser of the Year thanks to my year-long 4,000-mile walk around Great Britain. I raised nearly £25,000 for two homelessness charities: Shelter and Only A Pavement Away.
The photographs show me collecting the award from Paralympian swimmer Ellie Simmonds and 2023 winner Gary McKee.
Francesca von Etzdorf W’97
I am currently living in Hong Kong and am always happy to connect with other Old Girls also living here. Please contact Fiona in the Old Girls Office for my email address.
Auberta Lui AW’98
We have a few dinner gatherings in Hong Kong with Sherborne Girls and Sherborne School alumni. We would like to share two photos: one taken at a drinks reception hosted by both schools on their visit to Hong Kong, and the other taken during the 2024 summer holiday.
Carolyn Yeung (Hall) AW’00
I am currently working full-time as a funds/corporate lawyer in the City. I was made Partner in 2021 (at the same law firm at which I qualified). My husband Thomas and I have three sons, Laurence, Peter and Francis (aged 12, 9 and 1). In consequence, most of our free time is occupied facilitating the older boys’ activities (e.g. driving to rugby!) and looking after the baby.
Christina Chow (Leung) AW’01
I am currently working as a Registered Nurse and TV presenter at KTSF Channel 26 in San Francisco. I recently covered the story on the Korean Wave exhibition at the San Francisco Asian Art Museum and I am a producer for the upcoming Chinese New Year show.
I have been nominated as a board member of a Chinese historical organisation and received a silver medal in the dragon boat race. In my spare time, I am busy taking care of my kids and practising dragon boat racing.
Peer Group Co-ordinator
Tess Cavendish A’02
Clare O’Connor AW ‘01
I recently married Patricia, an Oxford professor of International Relations, in sunny Brighton and Hove where we live. (I’m on the left!)
Surina Wong W’01
It was wonderful to visit Sherborne in 2024. The School has changed and I’m very glad to see all the improvements! I was particularly touched to see the facilities installed for the pupil with mobility challenges: Sherborne is such a caring and responsible school.
Looking at all the facilities (oh, the new music building is terrific!) and the space the School
provides, I must say the girls are very lucky to be able to study at Sherborne. Not only because of the infrastructure, but the values the School upholds and how the girls are being taught. It makes for a very precious experience. I hope all of us involved in Sherborne Girls can pass on the torch to future generations.
Rose Kingscote (Hicks) K’02
I am working in the Human Spaceflight team at SpaceX. We are building orbital missions for private individuals to become astronauts by travelling to either earth’s orbit or the International Space Station, the new era of private space stations and soon to the Moon and Mars.
Keen to keep to my rural roots, I spend a lot of time commuting between Exmoor and Los Angeles.
Jessica Wicker (Malliwal) T’02
My husband Rohit and I welcomed our second daughter, Lila, in November 2023. Her big sister Zara is thrilled!
Charlie Flint AW/AE’05
My husband Chris and I welcomed our second child, Leo Flint Foley, on 12 June 2024. He joins our eldest Robin, who was born in November 2022.
In terms of other news, I work as a Business Analyst at the University of the Arts London. Our little family lives in East London where we used to enjoy the breweries in the area but now it’s more soft play and playgrounds!
We see Rosy Henderson K’05 quite often as we live nearby, and Harriet Curtis W’05 and I visit each other regularly. I also speak as often as I can to Stephanie Vicic AW’05 when baby nap times and her flying schedule allows!
Peer Group Co-ordinator
Alex Pentolfe DH’06
My business working with the elderly, supporting their health and wellbeing with care, continues to grow in Sherborne. I find it very rewarding and love what I do. One of my clients is an Old Girl and a couple of my clients’ daughters are Old Girls.
Lucy Cox K’07
I live in Oxford with my husband Edmund, who is also a professional singer alongside working part-time as a fine art and studio pottery specialist at an auction house. We moved to a new house two weeks before our baby was born, and hope to finish unpacking by the time she turns 18!
Vicky Simon A/RH’07
My focus on becoming a vet began, so my parents tell me, when I was four years old. I took every opportunity to spend time with animals and birds, some owned by my family, others owned by friends, neighbours or acquaintances. I did my first work experience at a vet practice aged 14. After leaving Sherborne I headed to the Royal Veterinary College to read Veterinary Medicine.
I had always had an interest in natural and complementary medicine, and while at vet school I started to question some of the ethics and practices of traditional medicine. As soon as I graduated I started a veterinary herbal medicine course as I looked for my first job. I was lucky enough to then work in two different first-opinion integrated veterinary clinics – offering conventional medicine alongside complementary medicine as the standard. These were in Yorkshire and West Sussex. I also supported an animal charity one day a week when in Sussex – the only place where you get a whole row of cat testicles lined up in front of you for removal!
While working in these roles, I finished my veterinary herbal medicine course, trained in acupuncture for small animals, and completed a veterinary homeopathy qualification.
As I was starting to think of setting up my own business, one of my aspirational veterinary homeopathy lecturers and tutors wanted to retire and he offered me the chance to take over his practice in Wiveliscombe, Somerset. Mid Covid, I started practising under the name of Holistic Vet Vicky, but I had to start off at a desk on my parents’ landing working remotely as I couldn’t travel to my new clinic in person and we’d been travelling when Covid hit so had nowhere to live – quite a challenge!
I have now been running the business for almost four years and offer both face-to-face and online consultations to owners of dogs, cats, horses and occasionally other creatures (e.g. rats, parrots, rabbits, an occasional pet sheep… you name it!). I offer a referral service in complementary medicine for animals, offering homeopathy, herbal medicine, acupuncture and natural dietary advice, but work closely with owners’ conventional vets to ensure the
best care is given all round – this is what true holistic medicine is!
I look back fondly on my time at Sherborne (especially sweet treats and toast at tea every day!). I developed confidence and faith in myself, as well as being encouraged to succeed in such a competitive field. I remain very close to some of my Sherborne friends, with Clementine Budge A’07 being my daughter’s ‘oddmother’. We had a mini reunion recently at the wedding of Bex MacDonald (Hannah), AE/E’07 which was great fun and involved much reminiscing!
the photo, from left to right: Izzy Lockhart AE/E’07, Vicky, Bex, Clemmie and Emily
Dini Glaister (McGrath)
I’m incredibly proud to have been named one of Innovate UK’s 50 Inspiring Women Innovators to Watch in 2025. This recognition isn’t just a personal milestone, it’s a testament to the rise of female entrepreneurship and the women driving change across industries. It also reflects the momentum behind a mission I care deeply about: eradicating food waste in the supply chain.
As co-founder of The Wonki Collective, I’m working to tackle one of the food industry’s biggest challenges: waste. We’re developing AI-powered systems to empower manufacturers to identify and intelligently redistribute surplus food, thereby cutting
costs and reducing waste. Our goal? To halve supply chain food waste by 2030.
I’ve also been awarded the Innovate UK Women in Innovation Award, which comes with a purple plaque. I would love to see it displayed at Sherborne Girls, a place that shaped my journey.
To current pupils: if you have a passion, go for it. Innovation starts with an idea, and the world needs yours.
Peer Group Co-ordinator Louise Moseley K’11
Lily Colfox WD’11
I’m always taking on new clients for photography and film. If you want an event filmed, a brand campaign created or a painting - let me know: www. instagram.com/lilycolfox/ and www.instagram.com/ lilycolfoxwatercolours/?hl=en
Gabriella Costantini AE’11
My husband Ryan and I had a daughter, Siena Maria Rose Hogan, on 17 April 2024. Although now living in Malawi, I keep up with fellow 2011 leavers: Ellie Edkins K’11, Sophie White AE’11 and Hannah Mary Harrington WD’11, as well as Clemmie Hadden-Paton DH’11, who is a nearby neighbour in Zimbabwe!
Eliza Kinahan DH’11
After leaving School, I went to Newcastle University and following graduation worked at a private bank, C. Hoare and Co. for 10 years. We (Mike, Paddy and I) live in London, nice and close to several Sherborne Girls!
Mike and I were married in August, and we were thrilled that Georgina Clarke WD’11 sang at our wedding.
Matilda Thompson RH’11
In 2018, Théo and I founded Duna Films (https:// www.dunafilms.co.uk/) with the purpose of creating films that shed light on meaningful causes. Drawing from my experience working on environmental and wildlife documentaries for channels like the BBC, National Geographic, and CuriosityStream, and Théo’s background in sustainable development, we envisioned a combination of filmmaking and onground projects. Our goal is to support NGOs and charities, placing an emphasis on sustainability and social impact.
Over the last five years, we have worked with purpose-driven, change-making organisations, brands with strong sustainability and social impact credentials, businesses innovating to reach net-zero, charities and the public sector.
We supported The Wave Project (https://www. waveproject.co.uk/). This was an award-winning and evidence-based charity that harnessed the power of surfing as an effective form of alternative therapy. In four years, the Bristol branch trained 113 volunteers and supported 131 local children who were struggling with their mental health.
Natasha Collins (Knight Bruce) RH’12
I married Robert Knight Bruce on 1 June 2024 and lots of my friends both from Sherborne Girls and beyond joined us. I am currently working in sales for an engineering company in London.
Top row left to right: Charlotte, Susannah, Olivia Merry RH’12, Poppy Maltby RH’12, Marina Dorrien-Smith DH’12, Natasha, Emily Patrick DH’12, Tilly Catarinella RH’12, Zoe, Sofia Oxenham RH’12, Emma Lang DH’12 and Hattie Tennant WD’12. Bottom row: Millie, Harriet, Georgia Carrick RH’12, Annabel, Lara and Suki Stanley (St Clare) RH’12
Poppy Jackson WD’12
I’ve spent the last seven years working for magazines in different parts of the world, but in January 2024 I decided to pursue a full-time living as an artist. I love how freeing, challenging and rewarding running my own business is.
I’m based in Bristol and specialise in building illustration. I’m inspired by architecture and passionate about supporting independent businesses.
My current series, Miniature Bristol, is a collection of tiny original watercolour paintings capturing the city’s most iconic buildings. I recently held my first solo exhibition, and I’m trading at markets, festivals and other local events.
I love collaborating with clients to bring their vision to life, whether it’s unique branding artwork for a local business, a house portrait for a moving-in present, or a wedding venue illustration.
I’m open to commissions and would love to hear from you! Please get in touch on Instagram (@poppyvictoriamayart) or via email (poppyvictoriamay@gmail.com).
Rosalie Palmer (Broughton) WD’12
I am now back designing pubs in the Cotswolds for Brakspears. I used to work for the company, and they approached me to work for them again.
Annie White WD’12 and Deborah Williams (Booker) K’12 were maids of honour at my wedding.
Alicia Polley WD’12
I married Sam Macdonald-Smith on 6 July 2024. There were 10 Sherborne Old Girls in attendance, including a strong WD contingent and Rosanna Younger WD’12 was a bridesmaid.
Lara Cooper RH’13
I have just got engaged to Oliver Sale (who was at Sherborne Boys in Digby House) after being together for 12 years since meeting at school!
Eloise Carrow (Singer) AE’13
I am a multi-award-winning, Emmy-nominated producer, writer and director. I am Founder and CEO of Singer Studios, a critically acclaimed creative studio dedicated to empowering a new generation of creatives to tell the boldest untold stories across film, podcast, documentary, and XR.
I previously worked at Pinewood Studios on film and television productions for BBC, Channel 4, Netflix, Disney, and Paramount Pictures, including The Crown, Murder on the Orient Express, and Ready Player One
I was Executive Producer for Billie Piper’s directorial debut, Rare Beasts. I produced, directed, and co-wrote Mrs Benz, which premiered at Venice Film Festival, SXSW, and was nominated for The Three Lions Award. I also produced and directed
The Pirate Queen with Lucy Liu, which won The Discovery Award for Best Debut at Raindance Film Festival and the Storyscapes Award at Tribeca. This led to the film being nominated for an Emmy Award in the Outstanding Emerging Media Category in 2024.
I am proud to have hosted Women Behind the Scenes, a podcast championing the stories of awardwinning filmmakers which became the highestcharting new podcast in its release week and was hailed by BBC Film and TV Critic Rhianna Dhillon as a “must-listen”.
I married Gerssis David on Saturday, 27 April 2024 and we had a wonderful day celebrating with close family. We will be celebrating with extended family and friends out in Portugal this August.
Holly Hudson RH’14
This year I ran the London Marathon for Hospice UK. Despite the initial dread of the training ahead when I was first accepted onto the race, it was an experience I will never forget. To say I wasn’t sporty at School is a bit of an understatement, but it was amazing to take the plunge and discover a sport that I now love and enjoy.
I chose to support Hospice UK because of the incredible work they do providing care and comfort to people at the hardest moments of their lives, both the individuals (including both my grandfathers) and their families.
The day itself was tough, but seeing so much support from others running and those supporting (including a few familiar Sherborne faces!) was amazing.
Aside from the running, my time is spent working with tech companies, helping them to raise venture capital funding and scale with VC-backing.
Helena Barham RH’15
Having completed my studies with Middlesex University, I work as a Nutritional Therapist and Functional Medicine Practitioner for my own business, Nourish&Be. The business now has its office on Harley Street (life goals!). I specialise in functional blood testing and offer mindfulness as an approach to optimising health among my clients. On top of this, I am getting married in summer 2025!
Emily Hall RH’15
We had an absolutely fantastic wedding day in Dorset at our family home. The weather held out and was beautiful, everyone we loved was there and we danced the night away!
There were many, many SOGs and OSs in attendance, spanning generations! Peter Ellam (Harper, 1985), my uncle, and Catherine Owens (Duignan) E’84, my godmother, attended the schools in the 1980s – the same time as my mother, Louise Ellam (Hall) E’84
Our bridal party from the class of 2015 included Claudia Ngapo WD’15, Ellie Schute WD’15, Eliza Sale RH’15, Stephanie Hutchings DH’15, Hari Nadiotis (Harper, 2015) and Fred Lillingston-Price (The Green, 2015). My sister Sophie Hall RH’18 and brother Harry Hall (Harper, 2019), both read beautifully during the church ceremony.
I am currently working as an Associate Partner at a financial PR agency in the City, specialising in mining and energy. My husband and I live in South West London, close to several Sherborne friends!
Peer Group Co-ordinator
Imogen Andrews WD’16
Lottie Wiltshire RH’16
I passed out of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in December 2023. I commissioned into the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards and have just been promoted to lieutenant.
The army offers a fantastic opportunity to do a job that can’t be done in any other field. It’s entirely unique. A chance to do something different every day, challenge yourself continuously and develop some truly incredible people. The soldiers I get the pleasure of working with daily make this job the most rewarding I think I will ever do, and probably the most entertaining as well.
The following photo shows me with friends from Sherborne who came to my commissioning ball:
Lara Chance RH’16, Sienna Newton DH’16, Katharine Evelegh RH’16, Hannah Lee K’16, Lottie, Sam Bedford (Harper, 2016), Arabella Burles RH’16 and Ben Poe, (Harper, 2016).
Meredith Bashaarat WD’17
I read Arabic studies and French at university, and moved to Cairo upon graduation. After teaching English in an Egyptian school and completing an internship with an intercultural dialogue NGO, I undertook a CASA fellowship with the American University in Cairo for advanced Arabic studies. Currently I’m completing a training program with Enterprise News, a MENA-based media outlet covering economic and business news in the region.
Beatrice Marchegiani M’17
I got engaged to Dr GD O’Brien last summer and started a Master’s in Practical Ethics at the University of Oxford in September. One of my essays received an honourable mention for the National Oxford Uehiro Prize in Practical Ethics. I am attending this Master’s part-time while working as a software engineer at Google.
Robyn Carty WD’17
Together, with my mother and sister, we walked across India. It was an incredible experience and my sister, Lauren Carty DH’22 has written about the trip. Please see her entry in the next Peer Group.
Mary Butler K’17
I’m about to start my third year of training as a Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist in London. For this I need to observe a newborn baby, in order to learn about the mother-infant relationship. I was hoping the Old Girls network could spread the word and help me find an expecting mum! Please email butler.maryf@gmail.com if you know someone who might be interested.
The course I’m studying covers several areas and involves placements. I’m currently in a primary school and spent last year observing a toddler in their nursery setting. To be able to observe a toddler
and just think about their emotional experiences –without any demand on me to provide childcare or entertainment – was a true privilege. My training is in the evening, so I’m also working as a Deputy Safeguarding Lead in a school. To stay sane, I do a lot of trail running (thanks to Mrs Dart’s cross-country team for getting me hooked!) and I even find time to visit the occasional Sherborne Old Girl. Recently I escaped London to visit Saskia Tennant AE’17, who is also working at a school. If any Old Girls are interested in hearing about psychotherapy training routes, I’d be very happy to share my knowledge.
Alicia Lee AE’18
I graduated from the University of Bristol in August 2023 with a 2:1 in French and Politics, and was successful in gaining a place at the University of Bath
for the very competitive MA Contemporary European Studies: Politics, Policy and Society (Euromasters) course, operated by the European American University Consortium. The course is split across two years, in which you can elect to visit numerous different universities across Europe and North America, specialising in different subjects at each place. My specialist areas are European Politics, Governance and Diplomacy. I began my studies in autumn 2023 at Bath focusing on the politics of the EU and gender studies.
In January 2024, I moved to Grenoble to study European Governance at Sciences Po Grenoble for two months. It was an academically intense period of study – the highlight of which was organising and hosting a public webinar: ‘Navigating the Migration Maze: The EU’s response to migration and its impact on the Rule of Law’.
During the second part of my semester with Sciences Po, I was lucky enough to be accepted as an intern at HM Government of Gibraltar –Representation to the European Union in Brussels, working on the ongoing negotiations of a UKEU treaty in respect of Gibraltar, as well as local diplomatic relations and promoting Gibraltarian interests in its new status outside of the EU. This position was an incredible experience, both professionally and personally. Having grown up in Gibraltar and lived there during most of my studies at Sherborne Girls, I was hugely proud to be working in one of its government’s most vital departments as well as being right in the centre of the EU institution.
Matilda Fender K’19
I have a First-Class Honours degree in Italian and History of Art from Edinburgh University and am looking for translation work in Italian, French, Spanish, and English. If you have any suggestions or opportunities, please contact me at matildafender1@ gmail.com or reach out to Fiona in the Old Girls Office at: oldgirls@sherborne.com to connect with me.
Felicity Prater RH’19
I have recently been accepted on the Aon insurance graduate broking scheme.
Julia Aggett DH’19
I graduated from the University of Edinburgh in July 2023 with a First Class Honours degree in History. I then worked on a wildlife conservancy in Kenya for a year and am now studying for a Master’s in International Security at Sciences Po Paris.
Emilia Luders WD’20
I’m delighted to say that I graduated from Oxford Brookes with a First Class Honours degree in History of Art with the Honor Uloth Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence. I am now doing an MA in Fine and Decorative Art and Design at Sotheby’s Institute of Art.
Millie Potter DH’20
When I left Sherborne Girls in 2020, I couldn’t have predicted the path I’d take. Like many, the uncertainties of Covid turned my plans upside down. Instead of a gap year, I headed to Cardiff to study Business Marketing and Management. But deep down, I knew my true passion was elsewhere.
A quick call with Sherborne’s Head of Careers sparked a bold pivot: I reapplied to study History of Art. When The Courtauld Institute of Art accepted me, there was no looking back.
Those three years at The Courtauld were transformative. Immersed in a community of driven, creative minds, I thrived – working with galleries, attending inspiring exhibitions, and soaking up the best of London’s art scene. Graduating this summer, I dived headfirst into the whirlwind of job hunting. One highlight? Five weeks with Christie’s Old Masters Department, where I witnessed a long-lost Titian masterpiece sell for millions. It was surreal –17-year-old me wouldn’t have believed it!
Now, I balance a part-time job in Fine Art Insurance with personal projects. October whisked me to Florence, where I juggled remote work, Italian lessons at the British Institute, and dreamy strolls
through golden alleyways. I spent my mornings in a cosy café at the end of my street, tackling homework and chatting with locals sipping their nutty espressos at the bar. The afternoons were all about exploring and painting, and the evenings were happily filled with pasta, wine, and lively conversations. It was a month of growth and discovery I’ll always treasure.
Most recently, I’ve been organising a charity art show, with 40% of profits supporting Alzheimer’s Research UK. It’s been a steep learning curve –managing sponsors, designing materials, and pulling everything together solo – but it’s incredibly rewarding. Meeting new people and bringing this vision to life has filled me with optimism. Titled Fragments of Place, the exhibition will pull together concepts of location and memory. Using vibrant colours and bold brush strokes, each work will convey strong personal connections the artist has to that scene.
Peer Group Co-ordinator
Alice McCormick K’21
Bebe Fender AE’21
If any SOGs are able to assist, I am currently seeking internship, work experience or volunteering opportunities in the biotech industry, neuroscience field, pharmaceutical sector or health law from June 2025. I am particularly interested in pharmaceutical innovation, entrepreneurship, marketing and laboratory-based research. While I am open to remote work, I may also be available for on-site roles in Bristol, London, Edinburgh or Dorset. I will be returning to Bristol in September for my final year of Psychology and Neuroscience (MSci). For my final research project, I am hoping to explore topics related to female reproductive health, nutrition or sense of self.
Lucy Mowat DH’21
Since leaving Sherborne, I’ve had a fantastic few years filled with adventures and new experiences. Despite a tricky start to my gap year, getting stuck in Dubai with Fenella Guinness DH’21 due to Covid, we made it out to Central America together where we climbed volcanoes and snorkelled with sharks! I also took a Spanish language course in Madrid, worked as a gap student at Thomas’s prep Fulham, and squeezed in a short ski season in Klosters where I was joined by Lara Miller K’21! The whole year was brilliant fun and was the perfect refresh before starting my Economics degree at Durham.
Durham has been a whale of a time and I’ve loved being involved in many societies, including Caledonian and Ski with closest friends Sophie Holcroft WD’21 and Zoe Woolland K’21. Time has flown by and now, as I enter my final year, I’m excited to be seeking a job in London. Please do get in touch if you know of anyone hiring graduates – I’m always keen for new opportunities!
I recently caught up with Dun Holme friends: Izzy Gordon DH’21, Alice Pearman DH’21, Jemima Lawson Johnston DH’21, Meabh Macaskie DH’21 and Fenella in Bristol. I feel very lucky to still call them my closest friends and will be forever grateful for those friendships we made many years ago!
I so enjoyed returning to Sherborne last summer for a leavers’ reunion lunch and loved catching up with old friends at alumni networking drinks both in London and up north in Newcastle. Wishing everyone a fun and fabulous 2025!
Lucy, Fenella, Alice and Jemima
Lauren Carty DH’22
In April 2024, Robyn Carty WD’17 and I, along with 16 others, undertook a 124km trek through the Naga Hills of North East India to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Kohima. The walk followed the footsteps of the 1st Assam Regiment’s withdrawal from the village of Jessami in Manipur
and ended at Kohima War Cemetery – the site of the battle. In memory of the soldiers’ march, the challenge began at midnight on 1 April and lasted 39 hours, culminating in a remembrance service at Kohima War Cemetery.
The shawls in the photo (both those which are orange and black, and the red and white ones) are gifts from the Chakhesang tribe whose tribal lands we were walking through for the majority of the trip. They were given to the group at a formal lunch on Easter Sunday in the village of Phek as a sign of friendship and goodwill. The pattern is specific to the Chakhesang tribe, but the traditional artform of hand-weaving shawls and rugs is common across Nagaland and in Naga regions of Manipur and Assam.
Arabella Lambeth AE’22
I am in my second year studying Medicine at the University of Birmingham, having taken a gap year after leaving School. I was fortunate to return to Sherborne in January, to take part in the University Forum organised by the current prefects, and enjoyed catching up with friends from School.
Lily Cecil-Wright DH’23
I am in my first year at UCL studying Arts and Sciences, an interdisciplinary degree, similar to Liberal Arts at Durham. It is the perfect course for me
as someone who loves learning a broad spectrum of topics. I have been encouraged by the course leaders to make the most of an interdisciplinary degree as a holistic further education that develops many different skills.
During my time at Sherborne, I made plans to take a year off comprising working in my local pub followed by the usual South East Asia trip, before going to study Nutrition at UCL (as my place was confirmed).
By the time I left Sherborne Girls, a little over a year ago, my plans had changed quite significantly and I travelled to Antigua while working as a chef on a yacht, followed by doing a yoga teacher training course in Cape Town, South Africa. As for uni, I started looking at my options again. I called up UCL and they said I would only be able to change my course once I had enrolled in the following September. I had a rather unconventional Gap Year but found great fulfilment in working in different environments and thanks to Sherborne
Girls, I was familiar with finding my place within a community outside of home. I met some incredible people and learnt a lot about myself.
Carrying a big bag of nerves, but with a newfound confidence after my travels, I got to UCL hoping to change to Human Sciences Bsc. To my dismay, the course, and all those similar were full. I persisted to look for other options and one evening met a lovely girl who told me about what she was studying, Arts and Sciences. The next morning I went to the faculty head and pleaded to be given a place to major in Health and Environment. I got lucky (although helped by my A level results)!
Like most things in life, it didn’t turn out as I expected. Keeping my mind and heart open has helped me to find myself in a position that I feel is meant for me. I wish everyone the same freedom of choice and support from family and friends and hope that all Sherborne Girls preparing for life after school are aware of how fortunate they are. Keep your minds and heart open because you are lucky enough that you can!
Eliza Lewey K’23
I am in my second year at Cambridge and planning my year abroad, which is very exciting, It was lovely to come back to School last year to talk and catch up with some teachers. I am keeping up with my hobbies of knitting and crochet, and am so pleased that I am still in touch with many Sherborne friends. Although I have not been gone long, the nostalgia hit me during my visit!
Poppy Evans WD’23
I have recently completed a volunteering programme in Nepal. It has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life!
I started on 7 January 2024 and proceeded with an eight-week stationing at a Buddhist monastery in a jungle village called Daunne. The children were adorable and it was an honour to have the opportunity to teach them English and embrace their monastic way of life.
Sherborne really provided me with invaluable skills which allowed me to flourish during this time. I would be very happy to speak to any pupils who would be interested in doing something similar, or even the very same placement in Nepal! Please get in touch via Fiona in the Old Girls Office.
Cora Barclay RH’24
I am currently doing a ski instructor course in Switzerland and have just passed my Level 1 exam and am training for my Level 2 exam which will mean I will be able to teach in New Zealand and Japan and hopefully in Europe too! I am having a fantastic time and have met so many lovely people. Passing my Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s has encouraged me to do so many new things and has given me lots of opportunity to give everything a go and I really look forward to the ceremony when I’m able to go.
Eliza Hanlon WD’24
I am currently on my gap year living in Niseko, Japan, for five months working as a Level 1 NZSIA ski instructor. I came out here alone but have met so many amazing people from all over the world. It has honestly been such a great experience being able to have these opportunities to pursue my passion for this sport. When I get back from my travels my plan is to go to Oxford Brookes University, to study Digital Marketing.
Emma Heath DH/WD’24
I’m currently volunteering for a month at a camp on Kiwayu Island in northern Kenya near the Somali border: managing the bookings, helping with some of the cooking, and hosting guests. I’m looking forward to going travelling for three months starting in March with another Old Shirburnian. We are going to tour around South East Asia!
Sinali Liyanaarachchi DH’24
I am currently studying Law at the University of Plymouth and am actively involved in both academic and extracurricular pursuits. I have advanced to the quarter finals in mooting competitions and I participate in sports such as cricket (playing in the local and university leagues), netball and tennis, balancing my studies with my passion for sport.
Circle 13B
Secretary: Josephine Helpburn (Blake) A’69
We met at The Plough in Normanton-on-theWolds, near Nottingham, for our annual Circle lunch, which everybody much enjoyed. We regularly meet every year and enjoy catching up on the year’s news. We like to move our lunch to different areas in our very large Circle, and would welcome some new faces. If you have moved into our Circle do please get in touch via Fiona in the Old Girls Office.
On Wednesday, 21 February 2024, Sherborne Old Girls and the Old Shirburnian Society held a lunch at Rick Stein’s restaurant in Marlborough. It was a lovely relaxed occasion and greatly enjoyed.
Abbey Service, lunch and sports afternoon Sunday, 27 April 2025, 11.30am – 4.30pm
We would be delighted if you would like to join us in Sherborne Abbey for a service at 11.30am on Sunday, 27 April 2025. If you would like to sing in an Old Girls choir, please let us know when registering. Drinks and lunch will follow the service back at School. After lunch there will be an opportunity to play tennis, rounders or go on a tour. During the day we will be celebrating the 125th Anniversary of Sherborne Girls. The AGM is being held in the afternoon and a cup of tea and cake are being served to end the day.
Take time for a little indulgence with The Clockspire’s elegant Afternoon Tea, served on special weekends throughout the year - see our website or sign up to our mailing list for dates and full details.
Menus, mailing list signup, and more on our website
With 2 AA Rosettes, and a host of of foodie accolades, The Clockspire in Milborne Port is the perfect place to take time with friends, old and new. Catch up over cocktails in our stylish mezzanine bar, over a long and lazy Sunday Lunch, or simply for lunch or dinner.
21st - 29th June
We’ll be uncorking our plans for English Wine Week soon - why not join our mailing list and be the first to know!
Report from Ali Preston (Aldred) A’81
In 2024, I took over the captaincy of the Sherborne Old Girls Golf Society from Katharine Martin (Stringer) DH’78. At the moment, we only have three events each year, the first being an annual match against Old Girls from Cheltenham Ladies College. This year it was the turn of CLC to organise the match which was held at Sandford Springs Golf Club on Wednesday, 27 March. We had a team of six ladies (unfortunately I was unable to play at the last minute), but the heavens opened on the day and sadly
most players only managed six holes before being completely drenched and the match was abandoned! Unfortunately, I have no photos of a very wet day.
In June we put out two teams of four players to play in The Tassie which is a prestigious event held at The Berkshire Golf Club and is a competition for Old Girls from independent schools in the country. We did not win any prizes this year, but we had a lovely day of golf followed by a delicious lunch!
In September, 10 of us played in our Autumn Meeting at Donnington Valley Golf Course in Berkshire. The previous day had been very wet, and the course was closed so we were keeping our fingers crossed for dry weather on the day. Thankfully the sun came out and we all had a lovely time.
Left to right: Susie, Shonagh MacGregor (Brunnen) AE’68, Lucille Childs (Richards) DH’78, Ali, Sarah Kinnersley (Stonehouse) K’65, Tiggy, Jane Kinnersley (Ellen) K’69, Rachel, Hilary Peterkin (Younger) W’64, Katharine and Anne
Our next event in 2025 will be our match against Cheltenham Ladies College which is due to be held on Tuesday, 29 April.
We are always on the lookout for more active golfers to join our friendly Old Girls Society, so if you are a golfer and keen to meet up with other SOGs, please do get in touch!
Many thanks for the support from both the Old Girls Office and our members.
Head of English 2017 – 2024
Having stepped down as Head of English in August this year, I have started a new career as a writer.
This will be my third ‘wordsbased’ career. In the 1990s, I started out as a journalist, working as a broadcaster for BBC, ITN and Channel 4. After that came motherhood, and then 20 years in English teaching, the highlight of which was undoubtedly my seven years at Sherborne Girls.
Since I decided to take this rather monumental step in August, I have enjoyed some wonderful online and in-person writing courses in Dorset and Scotland. I am now part way through my first anthology of short stories. When the moment is right, poetry is also a form I enjoy.
Aside from writing fiction, I hugely enjoy my work as a Trustee of Sherborne Literary Society, organising festivals and one-off literary events in the town. Next September I’ll be starting a Master’s in Creative Writing and hopefully this will lead to a bestseller…
Ruth Sullivan
Presidents Emeritae
Mrs Geraldine Kerton-Johnson
Mrs Jenny Dwyer
Mrs Patricia Barker
Miss Augusta Miller
Mr John Jenkins
Executive Committee
Chairman Danielle Grant-Braham
Treasurer Lindsay Taylor
Alumnae Manager
Fiona James
Circle Secretaries’ Co-ordinator
Jane Nicholson oldgirls@sherborne.com
Old Girls Ambassador
Alice Richardson
Co-opted Member
Anna Lort-Phillips oldgirls@sherborne.com
Under 30 Representative Zainab Kyari
Sherborne Girls Head
Ruth Sullivan head@sherborne.com
Senior Management Team Representative
Katherine Massey K.massey@sherborne.com
Sherborne Girls Alumnae
Sherborne Girls
Peer Group Co-ordinators
1925 – 1965 Daphne MaGuire (Thomson)
1966 – 1970 Anne Whatley-Smith (Agnew)
1971 – 1975 Jocelyn Passey (Humfrey)
1976 – 1980 Jane Digby (Auer)
1981 – 1985
Emma Burrows
1986 – 1990 Antonia Foster (Plant)
1991 – 1995 Holly Joint (Bishop)
1996 – 2000 Alexa Ramsay (Laryea)
2001 – 2005 Tess Cavendish
2006 – 2010 Alex Pentolfe
2011 – 2015 Louise Moseley
2016 – 2020 Imogen Andrews
2021 – 2025 Alice McCormick
Trustees of Sherborne Old Girls Bursary Fund
Joanna Gornall (Mrs Wright), Helen McLuskie (Mrs Garton)
All correspondence should be addressed to:
Miss Ghislaine Fluck, 16 Conifer Drive Meopham, Gravesend, Kent DA13 0TL ghislaine.昀uck@btinternet.com
Development Of昀cer Laura Windsor development@sherborne.com
Sherborne Old Girls Of昀ce, Bradford Road, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 3QN Tel: 01935 818329
Main school tel: 01935 812245
Email: of昀ce@sherborne.com