11+ AND 13+

11+ AND 13+

Sherborne Girls is a school where each pupil is celebrated for their unique merits, strengths and talents. Our dedicated, professional staff ensure that every pupil under our care flourishes in all areas of school.
With exceptional academic, pastoral and co-curricular provision, from the moment a pupil joins us, they are encouraged to explore new subjects, think freely, broaden their horizons, step outside of their comfort zone and immerse themselves in clubs, societies and activities, music and sports to foster proactive global citizenship.
We welcome Scholarship applications from any pupil who possesses a passion for learning, a desire to challenge and be challenged, a keenness to share knowledge as well as develop their own, and who are unafraid of expressing their individuality, standing for their beliefs, while appreciating the importance of humility, listening and reflection.

“I am very proud of being a Scholar and I aim to fulfil everything it encompasses - to excel and progress in my academics, to gain skills for my future career, to broaden my perspective on life and the world around me, to gain an interest in different topics and to practise the SG values of curiosity, adaptability, compassion, courage and spirituality.”
Every pupil at Sherborne Girls is provided with an engaging, enriching and academically rigorous programme that stretches and challenges views and perceptions. Our Academic Scholars are those within each year group who show exceptional academic ability, strength and talent in a particular discipline; who have a natural love of learning, an inquisitive mind and a genuine desire to develop their intellectual breadth and a commitment to the pursuit of this.
As academic leaders within the School, our Academic Scholars are expected to read widely, cerebrate and show intellectual curiosity. As Scholars they share their passions and interests with the wider community, inspiring others to develop their own aspiration. They lead in creating academic opportunities for others as well as themselves and spend time reflecting upon what they have learnt, where they want their learning to take them and what they need to do to achieve this.


As an Academic Scholar, we will provide you with a range of exciting, challenging and thought-provoking opportunities that will require you to question your views and opinions whilst deepening your knowledge base and understanding of various topics, including some you might not be naturally drawn to. Metacognition will drive many of the experiences you have as an Academic Scholar, where complex analytical and presentation skills will be explored, and confidence-building sessions embedded.

“Being an Academic Scholar has enabled me to explore interesting topics through lectures and debates. I have enjoyed the Scholars’ Sessions and the opportunity to work with new people and challenge myself, knowing that I am supported academically.”

• Be overseen by the Assistant Head Academic Enrichment and Aspiration.
• Have weekly Scholars’ Sessions with the Assistant Head, Academic Enrichment and Aspiration during the fifth form (L5/Year 9-U5/Year 11).
• Have at least thrice termly lunchtime or evening enrichment sessions which might be discussions, debates or presentations, which will stimulate and encourage academic enquiry, thinking, collaboration, questioning skills and provide the opportunity to be inspired. Sessions are led by visiting speakers, staff and pupils.
• Work with younger Scholars in Aldhelmsted West, providing academic mentoring
• Receive training in public speaking, building resilience and adaptability, interview and presentation skills so that you can talk with confidence and authenticity about your love of learning and intellectual enquiry.
• Be expected to enter internal and external academic competitions, debates and Olympiads for which you will receive individual support and advice.
• Be required to present on a piece of independent-led research (supervised by a member of SLT or an Assistant Head) to a group of pupils and staff. The piece of research will usually be undertaken during the summer holiday of the M5 (Year 10) and presented early in the Michaelmas term of the U5.
• Join other Academic Scholars on an ‘away day’ each academic year where you will be exposed to a range of stimulus materials to undertake a specific piece of scholarly research.

“ To me, being an Academic Scholar has allowed me to not only dream about my goals but also to achieve them.”
We would be delighted to hear from you if you feel you demonstrate the qualities that we are looking for: excellent academic standards, a love of learning, an inquisitive mind, a willingness to listen as well as speak, and resilience.
When applying for our Academic Scholarship at 11+ or 13+, you will initially be assessed using an appropriate system (currently Quest) which all 11+ and 13+ applicants are required to sit. Quest testing will provide the basis of the academic aspect of the Scholarship assessment.
Following Quest testing, as a Scholarship Applicant you will be invited to Sherborne Girls on a separate day which will be exciting, rewarding, challenging and purposeful as well as fun. During the Scholarship Day you will be engaged with several tasks that will explore your mental dexterity, ability to communicate and work both individually and as part of a team, tasks might include:
You will not be required or expected to do any additional preparation for the Scholarship Day as all materials needed will be provided to you on the day. For example, you might be given a couple of topics and asked to prepare a brief presentation on your preferred one. Any tasks requiring preparation will have sufficient time built into them.
In line with our commitment to celebrating all areas of academic scholarship, topics will be sufficiently broad to provide opportunity for all.
All Awards are subject to review by the School and whilst the expectation is that the recipient retains this throughout her time at Sherborne Girls, her performance and conduct will be reassessed at key points. If this should fall below the necessary standard and commitment required of Scholars, the School reserves the right to withdraw the pupil’s Scholarship status and associated benefits.

Sherborne Girls provides a full and varied co-curricular programme beyond the classroom, where curiosity thrives, critical thinking blossoms and intellectual boundaries are stretched. Alongside our dedicated Academic Scholars Groups, you will be encouraged to take advantage of opportunities to explore and dive deeper into the subjects you love including:

ASTRONOMY learning about space and the universe; using our own observatory to study the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn.
GEOGRAPHY engaging in competitions, discussions on topical issues, decision-making tasks, and presenting on topics of interest.
HISTORY OF ART preparing for public competitions including speaking, writing and filmmaking.
JAPANESE learning about culture and language through speaking, listening, reading and writing.
SCIENCE developing curiosity, enquiry and practical skills.
LANGUAGES developing linguistic puzzlesolving skills and exploring several languages through an exciting range of activities.
MATHEMATICS solving mathematical puzzles and taking part in Team Maths Challenges in preparation for inter-school competitions.
POLITICS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS exploring and discussing books chosen to enhance knowledge and awareness of politics and international relations.
In line with our commitment to broadening access to a Sherborne Girls education for all, our Academic Scholarships and Awards carry kudos and prestige but no financial value. Should financial support be necessary, Academic Scholarship applicants are encouraged to apply for a means-tested bursary which currently supports 71 pupils, 7 of whom are on 110% transformational bursaries.

Sherborne Girls sends pupils to some of the world’s most prestigious universities in the UK including Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London, Edinburgh, Newcastle and Durham. They go on to study a wide range of challenging and inspiring degrees ranging from Architecture, Classics and Linguistics to Mathematics, Medicine and Psychology. There is also increasing interest from pupils for overseas destinations, including in Europe and the United States, and competitive Degree Apprenticeships.
What we are looking for in a Scholar is independence of thought, a willingness to take risks in their learning, a creative approach to problem-solving and an aspiration for excellence in their chosen discipline.”
For general admissions enquiries, further details about scholarships, or to discuss your application, please contact the Admissions Team:
Sherborne Girls Bradford Road, Sherborne Dorset DT9 3QN, United Kingdom
+44 (0)1935 818224 admissions@sherborne.com sherborne.com