Commemoration 2019

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Prizegiving 2019 Order of Proceedings The audience is asked to stand for the Official Party

Introduction and Welcome

Address Dr Ruth Sullivan Headmistress

Guest Speaker Mr Ian Davenport CEO of Royal National Children’s SpringBoard Foundation

Presentation of Prizes Dr Ruth Sullivan Headmistress

Vote of Thanks Ella Milne and Alexia Spicer Head Girls 2018 – 2019

Closing Remarks Mr Richard Strang Chairman of Governors

Presentation of Prizes The Perry Award for Modern Languages

Portia Manson

The Economics Prize

Portia Manson

The Business Prize

Ella Pertwee

The Wingfield Digby Award for Geography

Matilda Fender

The Whittingdale Award for Classics

Serena Mundy

The Janet Finch Award for History

Hannah Shirley

The Westcott Award for English

Willamina Wordie

The Gower Award for Theology

Willamina Wordie

The Hewitt Award for the Most Promising Candidate for Medicine

Evangeline Hartley

The Biology Prize

Jemima Arnold, Chloe Haynes

The Nelson Prize for Chemistry

Janice Sui

The Mrs Hamilton Prize for Physics

Ashley Lai

The Mathematics Prize

Gabrielle Fang

The Award for Independent Learning in the U6

Julia Aggett

The Prize for Embracing the Philosophy of the Diploma

Charlotte Holford

The Physical Education Prize

Theodora Berry

The Photography Prize

Katharina Rigby

The Crean Award for History of Art

Poppy Smith

The Art Prize

Verity Robinson

The Art Progress Prize

Emily Goldsbrough

Award for All-round Excellence in Drama

Ella Milne

The Award for outstanding Contribution to Senior Sport

Ella Milne

The Harris Drama Trophy

Maia Gardner

The Prize for Outstanding Examination Performance in L6: A Levels

Natasha Simpson

The Prize for Outstanding Examination Performance in L6: International Baccalaureate

ChloĂŤ Stevens

The Award for Independent Learning in the L6

Kelly Kwong

The Creative Writing Prize

Eleanor Miller

The Prize for Progress in L6

Isabel Wooddisse

The Philippa Lawrence Poetry Prize

Eve Messervy

The Public Speaking Prize in U5

Matilda Staples

The Boxwell Award for the Most Promising Pupil in Mathematics in U5

Amy Ye


The Prize for Progress in U5

Jessica Cotton

The Prize for the Most Outstanding Mock Examination in U5

Daisy Kwong

The Riddell Cup for Outstanding Examination Performance in M5

Lauren Carty

The M5 Shakespeare Prize

Cayla Downer

The Prize for Progress in M5

Imogen Knight

The Jessica Brooker Award for Outstanding Contribution to Junior School Sport

Marianna Sawyer

The Montefiore Trophy for Creative Writing

Cerys Heard

The Prize for Outstanding Examination Performance in L5

Cecily Snow

The Prize for Progress in L5

Athena Burrowes

The Prize for Outstanding Examination Performance in U4

Kitty Wright

The Prize for Progress in U4

Harriet Sedwill

The Prize for Outstanding Examination Performance in L4

Kate Crawford

The Prize for Progress in L4

Amadea Butler

The Margaret Greenlaw Rosebowl for Chamber Music

Isobel Gordon, Daisy Kwong, Kelly Kwong

The Keir Memorial Music Prize

Mrinalini Somani

The Gennifer Turnbull Prize for the Highest Mark on an Orchestral Instrument in a Music Examination

Chloë Allday, Isobel Gordon

The Augusta Miller Solo Singing Cup

Evangeline Hartley

The Prize for Orchestral Playing

Nicole Tam, Willamina Wordie

The Hanvey Choral Cup

Willamina Wordie

The Nightingale Improvement Cup

Molly Mauleverer

The Crichton Award for Perseverance, Integrity and Commitment

Rosie Hudson

The Amanda McWilliam Prize

Chesney Taylor-Smith

Service to the School

Lucy Holcroft, Mrinalini Somani

Service to the Wider Community

Natasha Linhart, Annabel Mortimer, Hannah Shirley, Emilie Tubbs, Mary Yuen

The Headmistress’s Award

To be announced on the day

τῃ ἀριστῃ “for the best”

To be announced on the day

Headmistress Dr Ruth Sullivan The Year in Review My first year as Headmistress has exceeded all expectations and this is in no small part down to the incredibly welcoming and supportive community I have joined. The atmosphere around school is truly lovely and visitors to the school consistently echo my own experience of how friendly and happy the girls are and how supportive the school feels, which is testament to the fantastic pupils and staff at Sherborne Girls. My aim is to build on the school’s reputation for academic success and excellent pastoral care, as well as focus on health and wellbeing, which has been my theme for the year. I am a real champion of empowering the girls and encouraging pupil-led initiatives to build selfconfidence, and to ensure they take full advantage of the variety of opportunities available. As a Senior Leadership Team, we have been working on the school’s strategic plan for the next 5-10 years to support our vision to be the leading full-boarding girls’ school for all-round personal development and academic fulfilment, and to create a community of empowered learners who will be an influence for good in a challenging world. This plan demonstrates our commitment to, and dovetails with, our five-pillar framework of: full boarding; 21st century women; culture of ambition; community and leadership and I look forward to sharing more with you as this takes further shape. At the heart of a Sherborne Girls education is our shared intellectual life, and academic excellence remains at the core of what we do as a school. We celebrate hightlights of this at

today’s prizegiving. However, the desire to learn new things, to try different experiences while being aware of making a positive contribution to the wider communities is also key to gaining the most from school life. Looking back over the year, it is impossible to mention everyone’s successes and achievements but here is a selection of highlights from my first year as Headmistress: Debating Matters – We hosted this national debating competition, run by the Academy of Ideas, and were joined by seven other schools from the South West, along with a panel of high-profile judges. The pupils battled it out over contentious issues from ‘social egg freezing empowers women’ to ‘monuments to controversial historical figures should remain’. After an exciting final against Gillingham School debating ‘humanity should fear advances in Artificial Intelligence’, we were delighted to be crowned winners! We were incredibly proud to receive the following praise from one of the senior judges who wrote to me after the event: “Sherborne Girls are exceptional – utterly gracious, humane, kind and ferociously intelligent. They undoubtedly have good parents – but they have outstanding teachers. Congratulations to all involved in this truly remarkable, unforgettable day of debating at a superlative school” TEDxSherborne – Following on this theme of encouraging a student voice and community outreach, we were delighted to hold the inaugural TEDxSherborne event in May at The Merritt Centre. ‘TED Talks’ is a global initiative


that aims to spread ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful presentations, which are shared online. The theme for TEDxSherborne was ‘Fit for the Future’ and 13 speakers (adults and students from the local community) delivered engaging and thought-provoking talks, including an impassioned presentation on the topic of conservation by one of our own sixth formers. Several more of our girls performed poetry and drama during the speaker interludes and all of them were wonderful ambassadors for the school. The event also allowed us to showcase our newest venue with the local community. Operation Future Hope – We are excited and proud to be the first school in the country to sign up to the Schools Conservation Award set up by the environmental charity, Operation Future Hope. This involves the rewilding of the school grounds in order to support the restoration and rejuvenation of biodiversity on site. We want to develop a sustainable and regenerative culture within the school combined with a conservation management plan for the reintroduction, and protection of flora and fauna. As part of this vision and to facilitate further enterprising opportunities for the girls, it is planned that Operation Future Hope will also support us to launch ‘Sherborne Girls Botanicals’. Music continues to play a key part in school life and memorable events this year have included the Sherborne Schools’ Choral Society’s performance of Verdi’s Requiem at Wells Cathedral; a wealth of lunchtime and evening concerts showcasing our talented musicians, and Evita, a truly impressive joint musical with Sherborne School. At the end of April, we

enjoyed the first public concert in The Merritt Centre performed by Old Girl and eminent violinist, Ruth Rogers. It was a stunning event, supported by many Old Girls and parents, past and present. The junior drama production of The Wizard of Oz delighted families and friends and our senior girls out-did themselves in their performance of the National Theatre Connections production of ‘Stuff’ by Tom Wells both at school and at the Theatre Royal in Bath. Only last week our West girls took to the stage to perform ‘James and the Giant Peach’ for family and friends. Our sports programme has seen considerable development this year and I’m delighted to see such a wide variety of activities on offer including climbing, cycling and kayaking sessions on Saturday afternoons alongside our traditional sports. It has been exciting to see the introduction of a performance hockey squad which facilitates year-round training and included a fantastic coaching session delivered by Former GB and England Women’s Hockey Captain, Kate Richardson-Walsh OBE. Our lacrosse players had an equally inspiring opportunity to take part in a USA tour where they were coached by and played against some highly-ranked club sides. On the sporting field, we have celebrated some significant achievements this year including qualification for finals in two major national team events: the Investec England Hockey School Girls Plate at the Olympic Park, and the English Schools Athletics Association Cross Country Cup in Suffolk. Success has also

been achieved on an individual basis: we have a rider competing on the international pony show jumping circuit representing Great Britain (GB); an athlete who represented GB at an International Open Target Sprint event in Ora, Italy and our skiers performed exceptionally well in the British Schoolgirls’ Races in Flaine winning nine medals and a trophy. With the school’s focus on health and wellbeing we have seen more girls than ever before engaging with all types of physical activity from zumba classes to elite performance, demonstrating that the provision of sport for all girls, of all abilities, is having a really positive impact at Sherborne Girls. We try to ensure that our pupils are not too sheltered and have as broad a perspective as possible so that they understand their place in the world and develop a sense of responsibility towards their communities both at home and further afield. The guest speakers we invite to ‘The Friday Series’ lectures have been inspiring and thought-provoking and the numerous charity fundraising events organised by house or year group, continue to support a range of good causes, such as the Alabare Charity where a number of sixth formers slept out over night at Salisbury Cathedral to raise money for the homeless. Our volunteering network is proving very popular with pupils stewarding at charitable events such as the Glitter Run for St Margaret’s Hospice and the Bath Half Marathon. Other student-led initiatives are flourishing too, including EdClub, which now has a total of 11 Sherborne girls acting as mentors supporting students in the slums of Hurumba, Kenya. Our

established exchange programme means we continue to host students from South Africa, Tasmania and Australia and five of our L5 students travelled to Branksome Hall, Toronto on the school’s annual four-week exchange. Our collaboration with Sherborne School has gone from strength to strength and I am working closely with Dr Dominic Luckett to see how we can develop this further to maximise the benefits of our close proximity and relationship to enhance the girls’ co-curricular activities. Last but by no means least, more than a decade of planning for the new Arts Centre has finally come to fruition. To mark the culmination of our most ambitious development project to date, our Commemoration celebrations have been expanded to include a full week of musical, artistic and dramatic performances. On Wednesday, ‘The Merritt Centre’ was officially opened by world-renowned soprano and Old Girl, Dame Emma Kirkby. I hope you will agree that it really is the most amazing facility – one that Sherborne Girls and the Sherborne community will enjoy for generations to come. Thank you again to everyone who has supported this inspirational project. The Arts Centre Appeal has been led by the Sherborne Girls Foundation and administered by our inhouse Development Department whose challenging task was to raise £2.5 million. With The Merritt Centre now up and running, the role of the Foundation will be to focus on our social responsibility priorities and a key priority moving forward from September will be our transformational Candlelight Bursaries.


Working alongside the Royal National Children’s SpringBoard Foundation, we can offer support via the Candlelight Bursary Scheme to girls whose challenging home-life circumstances mean that a boarding education at Sherborne Girls is nothing short of life changing. We currently have five ‘Candlelight’ girls in school and our hope is to increase this each year and to ensure this important initiative remains sustainable. At the same time, we are taking the opportunity to review our whole bursary strategy to widen access and attract the highest calibre of pupils to the school. I hope you will agree that a Sherborne Girls education is a unique and special gift and we want to ensure future generations of girls continue to benefit from all we offer. I wish to take this opportunity to say how much I have enjoyed my first year as Headmistress; it is an exciting, vibrant and incredibly stimulating place to work. I have been thoroughly impressed by the hard work and professionalism of colleagues who consistently go the extra mile to care for and support their pupils. In particular, I wish to mention this year’s Head Girls and Prefects who have been wonderful ambassadors; their support and guidance has been invaluable. They, alongside the rest of our kind, principled, intelligent and fun-loving girls, and the incredibly welcoming members of our extended Sherborne Girls family of Old Girls, colleagues in neighbouring schools and the wider Sherborne community, make working here so enjoyable. I am proud to be a Sherborne Old Girl and feel privileged to be Headmistress.


Achievements Music Congratulations to the following girls for achieving Grade 8: Mia George



Charlotte Ferguson

Treble Recorder


Evangeline Hartley



Verity Robinson



Willamina Wordie



Charlotte Ferguson



Nicole Tam



Isobel Gordon



ChloĂŤ Allday



Ella Pearce



Julia Aggett



Jemima Nettleton



Maia Gardner



Emma Kitson



Annabelle Martin



Trinity Guildhall Musical Theatre


Drama Congratulations to the following girls for achieving Grade 8:

Trinity Guildhall Harriet Bruges



Charlotte Browning



Lotte Micklethwaite



Eleanor Miller



Catherine Sawyer



ATCL Annabelle Martin


Performing Arts Dinner Awards Musical Leadership

Willamina Wordie

Musical Leadership

Evangeline Hartley

Music Department Management

Mrinalini Somani

Community Spirited Musician

Isobel Gordon

Community Spirited Musician

Daisy Kwong

Community Spirited Musician

Kelly Kwong

Drama and Music Ambassador

Charlotte Browning

Attitude and Ensemble Spirit

Lucy Blake

The Sherby Award

Georgina Andrews

The Sherby Award

Poppy d’Abo

Outstanding Contribution to Drama

Ella Milne

Exchanges Branksome Hall, Toronto

Matilda Baker, Anna Cleveland, Poppy Evans, Alexa Gray, Charlotte Welch

The Gryphon School

Lilly Duffy, Matilda Garton, Madeleine Orchard, Flora Youens

Launceston Church Grammar School

Nell Asquith, Charlotte Browning, Isabella Cripwell, Daisy Pentreath, Lara Tomlin

Parmiter’s School, Herts

Alice Foulger, Lucy Knott, Amelia Rouge

St Mary’s Waverley, Johannesburg

Amarachukwu Agwo, Amelia Holford, Matilda Staples

St Peter School, Adelaide

Eliza Murray

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Gold

Romilly Carrick, Emily Evans, Isabelle Keating, Rosie Kitson, Emma Kitson, Harriet Lees, Georgina Luders, Ella Milne, Annabel Mortimer, Serena Mundy, Sacha Nokes, Ella Pertwee,Charlotte Radford, Insha Raza, Blanca Rivero Anglada, Alice Rogers, Mimi Tosh, Emilie Tubbs,Ellen West, Chloe Wong, Kinna Yewdall, Honor Younger, Mary Yuen


Hannah Barber, Charlotte Browning, Verity Bruce, Romilly Carrick, Natasha Copinger-Symes, Jessica Cotton, Christa Cripwell, Tilly Cripwell, Eden Dennis, Chloe Dick, Flora Dunning, Isobel Ellis, Emily Evans, Daisy Foreman, Mia George, Fenella Guinness, Huda Javed, Ella-Rose Keith, Annabelle Kemp, Katy Lauchard, Amelia Livingston Booth, Lotte Micklethwaite, Grace Millbank, Lara Miller, Lucy Mowat, Jemima Nettleton, Ella Pertwee, Charlotte Radford, Olivia Redman, Lucy Renville, Hannah Shirley, Harriett Townhill, Polly Usher, Isla Watt, Phoebe Wells, Isabel Wooddisse, Lorna Younger, Dasha Zenzina


Chloe Allday, Beatrice Baines, Annabel Biggart, Amelia Bond, Dominique Brunwin, Esme Bullough, Isabel Burnett, Minda Buxton, Lauren Carty, Katherine Catmur, Sin Yi Chan, Charlotte Dalley, Harriet Dart, Annabel Drummond, Flora Dunning, Beatrisse Fender, Anna Flatt, Josephine French, Clemmie German, Sophia Haithwaite, Elinor Hart, Alicia Holland, Sophia Hollingworth, Flora Jenkins, Matilda Johnson, Arabella Jones, Annabelle Kemp, Imogen Knight, Brenda Lam, Jasmine Lampert, Amelia Larkins, Finty Little, Amelia Longpre, Matilda Massey, Annabelle McGivern, Sophie Minchin, Ciara Moseley, Eliza Murray, Amber Nielsen, Daisy Pentreath, Lailie Platt-Ransom, Willow Pope, Marianna Sawyer, Matilda Scott, Charlotte Smith, Lila Stoddart, Poppy Thomson, Lara Tomlin, Grace Tucker, Millie Van Moppes, Emily Wood, Alice Wooddisse, Islay Woolgar Previous leavers denoted by italics


Leiths Introductory Certificate in Food & Wine Distinction

Jemima Arnold, Annabel Mortimer (top scorer and winner of Leiths book prize)


Ella Beaumont, Cecilia Burney, Verity Robinson, Amber Wakeley, Harriet Wright


Elena Casati, Matilda Fender, Isabelle Keating, Rosie Kitson, Lucinda Miller, Ella Pertwee, Katharina Rigby, Alice Stockton, Kiki Wiggin, Kinna Yewdall

Diplomas Congratulations to the following girls for achieving Highly Commended in the Sherborne Girls

Diploma: L4

Kythe Comstive, Kate Crawford


Isobel Blair, Emily Sandars


Scarlet Alers-Hankey, Lily Cecil-Wright, Daisy Dunning, Poppy Evans, Amelia Hope-Hawkins, Imogen Lewis, Emily Purser, Kitty Shropshire, Coco Skagerlind, Lydia Tricks


Pilkington Awards The following girls successfully applied to receive a grant to undertake imaginative

projects overseas: Alice Stockton

Kitty Palmer

A three-week volunteering placement in India

Three weeks volunteering with DBA Sport

with ‘TRUST‘, living with an Indian host family,

during their training camp with the Kenyan

teaching in the local primary school and

Lacrosse team. Kitty will also undertake seven

assisting in the Children’s home.

weeks in Australia volunteering with ‘The Leap’ on a wildlife conservation project in Cairns on

Matilda Fender

the Great Barrier Reef.

A ten-week placement, with the LEAP organisation in North-West Madagascar, taking

Elsa Williams

part in marine conservation and community

Two weeks volunteering in a local childcare


centre in Nepal with ‘Volunteering Solutions’.

Maia Gardner

Jemima Norton

A three-week volunteering placement in India

A three-week volunteering placement in India

with ‘TRUST‘, living with an Indian host family,

with ‘TRUST‘, living with an Indian host family,

teaching in the local primary school and

teaching in the local primary school and

assisting in the Children’s home.

assisting in the Children’s home.

Portia Manson Three months volunteering in a school in Gilgil, Kenya as a classroom assistant and supporting the development of sport for children up to the age of 13. Volunteering time will also be spent in the Gilgil orphanage.

Sports Captains Hockey

Amber Wakeley


Harriet Watts


Emilie Tubbs


Matilda Murray


Isabelle Keating


Charlotte Holford

Cross County

Portia Manson


Kitty Palmer


Tilly Scull


Sacha Nokes


Ella Milne

Sports Honours Hockey England Hockey U17/16 Regional Performance programme Eden Dennis, Tilly Scull County Representation

U16/17: Annabel Alers-Hankey, Amelia Denness, Ciara Moseley

U15/16: Selene Corran, Lily Leaf, Finty Little, Tara McLaughlin, Amber Nielsen, Isabella Redman, Matilda Williams U14: Saffron Hockley, Sophie Matthews U16 National Plate Finalist Sophie Cook, Flora Dunning, Amelia Denness, Freya Evans, Anna Flatt, Matilda Johnson, Lily Leaf, Finty Little, Amelia Longpre, Tara McLaughlin, Tamsin Morgan, Ciara Moseley, Phoebe Nettleton, Amber Nielsen, Katie Soobiah, Flora Williams

Lacrosse Wales U19 World Cup Development Squad Matilda Spivey England Talent Pathway Academy for the West of England Esme Beckly, Isobel Gordon, Fenella Stanford, Daisy Stephens Super Counties Finalists

U19: Eliza Gilmour, Matilda Murray, Emilie Tubbs

U15: Lucy Maynard, Rosanna Read, Daisy Stephens

Netball U14 Satellite Academy 2018/2019 Matilda Spivey, Dulcie Thornham U14 Satellite Academy 2019/2020 Kythe Comstive, Kate Crawford, Anna Windle


Athletics Dorset Schools County Athletics Championships Junior Girls Gold Hebe Hunter (800m), Matilda Spivey (Javelin), Zara Vaughan (High Jump) Junior Girls Silver Anna Windle (Long Jump) Junior Girls Bronze Albertine Payne (1500m) Intermediate Girls Gold Marianna Sawyer (1500m Steeplechase) Dorset Championships Record Holder Intermediate Girls Silver Amelia Bond (300m Hurdles), Amelia Larkins (Triple Jump), Millie van Moppes (80m Hurdles), Verity Zisser (High Jump) Intermediate Girls Bronze Sophie Cook (3000m) English Schools Athletics Championships (ESAA) Intermediate Girls

Marianna Sawyer (1500m Steeplechase)

The Athletics Intermediate Girls Team is now ranked in the top ten schools in England for the ESAA Multi-event Cup. South West Finals Junior Girls

Zara Vaughan (Junior Girls High Jump)

Dorset County AAA Championships Gold

Hebe Hunter

U15 1500m


Albertine Payne

U15 3000m


Emily Wood

U17 1500m


Marianna Sawyer

U17 3000m


Millie van Moppes

U17 80m Hurdles


Arabella Jones

U17 3000m

Cross Country English Schools Cross County Relays, National Finals, Woodbridge School, Suffolk U16: Daisy Baker, Selene Corran, Hebe Hunter, Marianna Sawyer, Zara Vaughan, Charlotte Wordsworth, Emily Wood County Representation

U15: Selene Corran, Hebe Hunter, Albertine Payne, Marianna Sawyer, Charlotte Wordsworth, Emily Wood (South West)

U17: Christa Cripwell (South West) Virgin London Mini Marathon

U15: Hebe Hunter (Wandsworth and Herne Hill Harriers) Surrey AAA Inter Counties Championships Hebe Hunter English Schools Championships, Leeds Hebe Hunter, Albertine Payne, Marianna Sawyer, Emily Wood

Target Sprint National Finals Emily Treacher - Silver medal at the British Shooting Target Sprint National Finals in October 2018 and a Bronze medal at the International Target Sprint event in Italy in May 2019 Tennis U15 LTA Team Tennis South West Division 2 Finals – Runners-up Freya Evans, Beatrisse Fender, Alice Pope, Lucy Woodhams U15 North Dorset Champions Tara McLaughlin, Tamsin Morgan, Phoebe Nettleton, Florence Watt U12 North Dorset Champions Kythe Comstive, Mar Harding-Carvia, Madeleine Orchard, Anna Windle

Swimming English Schools Swimming Association, South West Schools Relay Finals, Millfield Penelope Aggett, Annabel Alers-Hankey, Angelina Bonelli-Bean, Erin Cassingham, Cerys Groves, Annabelle Martin, Amber Nielson, Lila Stoddart, Harriet Watts Independent Schools Bath Cup, London Aquatics Centre Penelope Aggett, Annabelle Martin, Lila Stoddart, Harriet Watts Somerset County Championships 2019 Penelope Aggett, Cerys Groves, Harriet Watts Dorset County Championships 2019 Angelina Bonelli-Bean, Erin Cassingham


Skiing British Schoolgirls’ Races In the British Schoolgirls’ Races competition in Flaine in which 31 schools and 150 girls took part, Sophie Minchin, Emily Nokes and Sacha Nokes achieved phenomenal success for Sherborne Girls against fierce competition. They brought home nine medals and a cup. Giant Slalom 1st unregistered team 1st unregistered individual in U21 section 2nd unregistered individual in U18 section

Sophie Minchin, Emily Nokes and Sacha Nokes Sacha Nokes Emily Nokes

Slalom registered results 3rd individual in U21 section

Sacha Nokes

Slalom unregistered results 2nd unregistered team 1st individual in U21 section

Sophie Minchin, Emily Nokes and Sacha Nokes Sacha Nokes

Combined results 2nd Overall unregistered team Sophie Minchin, Emily Nokes and Sacha Nokes 3rd unregistered individual in U21 section Sacha Nokes 1st unregistered individual in U21 section and winner of the GMA cup Sacha Nokes

Equestrian SEG (Schools in Equestrian Games) Eventers 100cm Championships in October 2019 at Broadway SEG Eventers 90cm Championships in October 2019 at Broadway

Eliza McCalmont Ella-Rose Keith

NSEA (National Schools Equestrian Association) Eventing Championships 90cm Finals in October 2018

Matilda Murray, Eliza McCalmont, Isla Read

NSEA Championships Plate 2018 for Arena Eventing in November 2018 at Keysoe

Molly Mauleverer, Kitty Palmer, Grace Tucker, Matilda Williams

NSEA Inter Schools KBIS Arena Eventing Championships in October 2018 at Keysoe

Sophie Minchin, Grace Tucker, Matilda Williams

NSEA Eventers Challenge Championships in May 2019 at Hickstead

Minerva Atherton, Ella-Rose Keith, Molly Mauleverer, Emily Sandars, Grace Tucker

NSEA One Day Event Championships in September 2019 at Stonar

Poppy Keith, Molly Mauleverer, Matilda Murray

Kitty Palmer has been selected to ride at the British Dressage Youth Inter Regionals on 29-30 June 2019 after successfully competing at the British Dressage Youth Inter County, finishing in 3rd place for Dorset.

Sports Dinner Awards Badminton Coach’s Award – Gabrielle Fang Players’ Player – Charlotte Holford Squash Bicknell Squash Cup – Tilly Scull Tennis Stringer Tennis Cup – Ella Milne Coach’s Award – Leila Tillard Athletics Coach’s Award – Emilia Luders Cross Country Coach’s Award – Emily Treacher

Swimming Coach’s Award – Annabelle Martin Netball Coach’s Award – Ella Milne Players’ Player – Tilly Scull Gould Netball Cup – Isabelle Keating Hockey Players’ Player – Camilla Ridgers Coach’s Award – Annabel Alers-Hankey Mann Hockey Cup – Amber Wakeley Lacrosse Players’ Player – Emilie Tubbs Most Valuable Player Award – Leila Tillard Slade Cup – Emilie Tubbs


School Officers Heads of School Ella Milne, Alexia Spicer Vice Heads of School Lucy Holcroft, Portia Manson School Prefects Julia Aggett, Theodora Berry, Lauren Clancy, Charlotte Holford, Rosie Hudson, Emma Kitson, Lucinda Miller, Annabel Mortimer, Serena Mundy, Mrinalini Somani, Emilie Tubbs, Chloe Wong, Willamina Wordie Choir Head of Choir

Willamina Wordie

Deputy Heads of Choir

Julia Aggett, Evangeline Hartley, Portia Manson

Heads of Houses Aldhelmsted West

Isla Read, Isobel Blair (Michaelmas) Emily Sandars, Beatrice Gantlett, Lily Duffy (Lent) Tamara Windham, Lucy Lu (Trinity)

Aldhelmsted East

Madeleine Gray, Matilda Jenkins

Dun Holme

Alice Richardson, Rosie Barnes, Emily Treacher


Phoebe Wells, Amelia Rouse, Charlotte Bailey


Jemima Arnold, Felicity Prater

Reader Harris

Natasha Copinger-Symes, Amelia Etherington, Catherine Sawyer

Wingfield Digby

Jemima Nettleton, Lucy Fortescue, Tilly Cripwell Isabella Orr

Service and Commitment to the Houses Daisy Bond, Lucy Fortescue, Victoria Phillips, Felicity Prater, Polly Usher, Harriet Watts, Isabel Wooddisse Housemistress/Housemaster Awards Jemima Arnold, Charlotte Bailey, Rosie Barnes, Isobel Blair, Natasha Copinger-Symes, Tilly Cripwell, Lily Duffy, Amelia Etherington, Lucy Fortescue, Beatrice Gantlett, Madeleine Gray, Matilda Jenkins, Lucy Lu, Jemima Nettleton, Isabella Orr, Felicity Prater, Isla Read, Alice Richardson, Amelia Rouse, Emily Sandars, Catherine Sawyer, Emily Treacher, Phoebe Wells, Tamara Windham

Vice Heads in italics

Leavers Our best wishes to the following members of the Sherborne Girls community: Julia Aggett, Jemima Arnold, Gabriella Auret, Charlotte Barker, Melissa Bartholomew, Ella Beaumont, Theodora Berry, Dominique-Lea Bonelli-Bean, Iona Brewster, Cecilia Burney, Nittaya Butcher, Emma Callaghan (The Gryphon School), Romilly Carrick, Elena Casati, Lauren Clancy, Natalia Clavero Perez, Terry Connolly, Constance Cottrell, Louisa de Montfort, Emily Evans, Gabrielle Fang, Matilda Fender, Maia Gardner, Emily Goldsbrough, Sophie Hardy, Evangeline Hartley, Chloe Haynes (The Gryphon School), Hermione Heath, Charlotte Helm, Lucy Holcroft, Charlotte Holford, Rosie Hudson, Eva Istsenko, Amelia Jepson, Bryony Jerome, Isabelle Keating, Emma Kidd (The Gryphon School), Emma Kitson, Rosie Kitson, Emma Kwok, Ashley Lai, Inaya Latif, Zara Lawrence, Natasha Linhart, Stephen Loxton, Aoife Lulu-Briggs, Mara Malos (The Gryphon School), Portia Manson, Biba Marsh Sadin, Jane McCloskey, Oliver McManus, Hermione Middle, Grace Milbank, Lucinda Miller, Ella Milne, Annabel Mortimer, Lucy Mowat, Serena Mundy, Sacha Nokes, Jemima Norton, Madeleine Orchard, Kitty Palmer, Ella Pertwee, Felicity Prater, Romilly Pratt, Charlotte Radford, Julian Reed, Alice Richards, Camilla Ridgers, Katharina Rigby, Verity Robinson, InĂŠs Sancho Moreno-Torres, Ishbel Scott, Rui Yi Yirah Shih, Hannah Shirley, Poppy Smith, Zara Smith, Mrinalini Somani, Alexia Spicer, Judith Stadman, Alice Stockton, Janice Sui, Nicole Tam, Malena Tannaz, Annie Taylor, Isabella Taylor, Chesney Taylor-Smith, Leila Tillard, Mimi Tosh, Wing Tsang, Emilie Tubbs, Bethan Tucker, Jessica Upton, Penelope Utting, Amber Wakeley, Emily Watson, Eleanor Wheatley, Matilda White, Kiki Wiggin, Elsa Williams, Alexandra Wiltshire, Martyna Wojutun, Chloe Wong, Willamina Wordie, Harriet Wright, Kinna Yewdall, Mary Yuen.

The information in this programme is accurate at the time of printing.

Staff denoted by italics

Bradford Road Sherborne Dorset DT9 3QN T. 01935 812245

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