Activity Pack Pecyn Gweithgareddau
Dear Parent/Teacher: The Elves and the Shoemakers written by Mike Kenny (Welsh translation by Siân Summers) is an adaptation of a classic fairytale and is suitable for children aged 3-6 (Early Years Foundation Stage & Key Stage One). This activity pack includes some fun and creative ideas for ways for children to engage with the story, both before and after they see the show. The activities can be adapted for group work within the classroom or can be done at home. We do hope you enjoy the show.
Annwyl Riant/Athro: Ysgrifennwyd The Elves and the Shoemakers gan Mike Kenny (cyfieithiad Cymraeg - Y Coblynnod a’r Cryddion - gan Siân Summers), ac mae’n addasiad o stori dylwyth teg draddodiadol. Mae’n addas ar gyfer plant 3-6 mlwydd oed (Cyfnod Sylfaen y Blynyddoedd Cynnar & Cyfnod Allweddol Un). Mae’r pecyn gweithgareddau yma’n cynnwys syniadau difyr a chreadigol i alluogi plant i ymgysylltu â’r stori, cyn ac ar ôl iddynt weld y sioe. Gellir addasu’r gweithgareddau ar gyfer gwaith grŵp yn yr ystafell ddosbarth, neu gellir eu gwneud adref. Gobeithio gwnewch chi fwynhau’r sioe.
PRE-SHOW ACTIVITIES Gweithgareddau Cyn Y Sioe Musical Activities:
Gweithgareddau Cerddorol:
During the show, the cast will be using a variety of objects to make different sounds and to create music. Pick up some objects around you and listen to the sounds that they make. What do they sound like? Can you play them softly/loudly? Which one is your favourite?
Yn ystod y sioe bydd y cast yn defnyddio nifer o wrthrychau i wneud synau gwahanol ac i greu cerddoriaeth. Codwch rai o’r gwrthrychau sydd o’ch cwmpas a gwrandewch ar y synau maent yn eu gwneud. Sut sŵn sydd ganddynt? Allwch chi eu chwarae’n ddistaw/uchel? Pa un ‘rydych chi’n ei hoffi orau?
At the end of the pack there is a song sheet for a Christmas carol from the show. It might be a carol that you already know or perhaps you’d like to learn the music or words before your visit so that you can sing along during the performance?
Ar ddiwedd y pecyn ceir garol Nadolig o’r sioe. Efallai ei bod hi’n garol sydd eisoes yn gyfarwydd i chi, neu efallai yr hoffech ddysgu’r gerddoriaeth neu’r geiriau cyn i chi ddod fel y gallwch ganu gyda ni yn ystod y perfformiad?
Art Activity:
Gweithgaredd Celf:
Design your own Christmas decoration and bring it along to the performance so that we can display it for everyone to see. You could do your very own drawing or you could decorate one of the 3D templates at the end of the pack.
Cynlluniwch addurn Nadolig a dewch â’r cynllun i’r perfformiad er mwyn i ni ei arddangos ac i bawb arall ei weld. Gallwch greu eich llun eich hun neu gallwch addurno’r templed 3D ar ddiwedd y pecyn.
Use pencils, crayons or paints to colour it in or you could glue different materials on to it like a collage – let your imagination run wild! You may want to stick it on some cardboard so it doesn’t bend.
Defnyddiwch bensiliau, creonau neu baent i’w liwio, neu gallwch ludo gwahanol ddefnyddiau arno i greu collage – defnyddiwch eich dychymyg! Efallai yr hoffech ei osod ar ddarn o gardfwrdd i’w gryfhau.
Storytelling Activities:
Gweithgareddau Adrodd Stori:
Recall the characters in the story. What do you know about these characters? Can you remember what they looked or sounded like?
Meddyliwch am y cymeriadau yn y stori. Beth ydych chi’n gwybod am y cymeriadau yma? Allwch chi gofio sut oedden nhw’n edrych neu’n swnio?
Create a frozen image from the show by making a shape with just your own body or by using objects at home or in the classroom. Then ask people to guess the part of the story that you’re showing.
Crëwch ddelwedd o’r sioe drwy wneud siâp gyda’ch corff, neu drwy ddefnyddio gwrthrychau adref neu yn y dosbarth. Yna gofynnwch i bobl ddyfalu pa ran o’r stori ‘rydych yn ei ddangos.
One of the themes of the show is giving and receiving presents. Why is it nice to give a present? How does it make us feel? How would you thank someone for doing something nice? Who could the Elves help next?
Un o themâu’r sioe yw rhoi a derbyn anrhegion. Pam bod rhoi anrheg yn beth neis i’w wneud? Sut mae’n gwneud i ni deimlo? Sut fyddech chi’n diolch i rywun am wneud rhywbeth caredig? Pwy all y Coblynnod eu helpu nesaf?
We’d love to hear about your visit to the show. You could draw us a picture or write us a letter to let us know about your favourite character or favourite part and post it to us at – Sherman Cymru, Senghennydd Rd, Cardiff CF24 4YE
Byddem wrth ein bodd yn clywed am eich ymweliad â’r sioe. Gallech dynnu llun i ni, neu ysgrifennu llythyr atom i roi gwybod i ni pwy oedd eich hoff gymeriad neu eich hoff ran o’r sioe, ac yna’i yrru atom i – Sherman Cymru, Ffordd Senghennydd, Caerdydd CF24 4YE
Further Reading/Resources Adnoddau/Darllen Pellach: First Favourite Tales: The Elves & the Shoemaker, Ladybird Tales Stori, Stori, Hen Blant Bach (gyda CD) gan Helen Craig, Gwasg Gomer (yn cynnwys y stori Y Coblynnod a’r Crydd)
4 A Registered Charity/Elusen Gofrestredig Design & image/Dylunio a delwedd:
SilentNight, Night Holy – Tawel Nos Silent Night
Sleep in hea - ven - ly
all is bright; 'Round yon vir gin mo - ther and child,
All is calm,
Ho - ly night,
ten -der and mild, Sleep in hea - ven - ly
Si - lent night,
in - fant so
Ho - ly
Tawel nos, dros y byd, Sanctaidd nos gylch y crud; Gwylio’n dirion yr oedd addfwyn ddau Faban Duw gyda’r llygaid bach cau Iesu, T’wysog ein hedd,
Tawel nos, dros y byd, Iesu, T’wysog ein hedd. Sanctaidd nos gylch y crud; Gwylio'n dirion yr oedd addfwyn ddau Faban Duw gyda'r llygaid bach cau Iesu, T'wysog ein hedd, Iesu, T'wysog ein hedd.