Sherman Cymru

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Welcome/Croeso Hello and welcome. It’s now over four months since the Sherman building closed its doors for us to begin work on the £5.4 million redevelopment and we’ve been just as busy as ever. We hope that you were able to catch up with us during our critically-acclaimed tour of Llwyth [Tribe] by Dafydd James which created a great buzz throughout Wales and indeed London, or managed to get a ticket for Cityscape, the four new plays that were performed at various Cardiff locations. You may also have spotted our pink Sherman Cymru campervan as it makes its way around the city? And so on to the next few very exciting months... In addition to our regular creative learning, new writing and new artist development activity at Chapter, we will also be making appearances at a number of venues in South Wales including the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Wales Millennium Centre and the Ebbw Vale Institute. We’ll be celebrating Refugee Week 2010 with some international storytelling, donning our wellies (or, weather permitting, our sunhats) for the Blaenau Gwent and the Heads of the Valleys National Eisteddfod and heading as far afield as Scotland for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Along the way we’ll be making some new friends and meeting up with some old ones as we collaborate creatively with Paines Plough, Shared Experience, Dan y Gwely, National Theatre Wales and Theatr Iolo. Please take a moment to read about the ways in which you can support our redevelopment on pages 24/25 to ensure Sherman Cymru can continue to produce and present the very best work long into the future.

Helo a chroeso. Mae pedwar mis ers i ddrysau adeilad y Sherman gau er mwyn ein galluogi i ddechrau ar y gwaith ailddatblygu gwerth £5.4 miliwn, ac ‘rydym wedi bod mor brysur ag erioed. Gobeithio i chi weld Llwyth gan Dafydd James, cyflwyniad a dderbyniodd ganmoliaeth fawr ac a greodd argraff drwy Gymru gyfan, a hyd yn oed yn Llundain! Neu efallai i chi lwyddo i gael tocyn ar gyfer Cityscape, pedair drama newydd a berfformiwyd mewn gwahanol leoliadau yng Nghaerdydd. Neu efallai i chi hefyd weld campyrfan binc Sherman Cymru wrth iddi deithio o amgylch y ddinas? Felly ymlaen â ni at y misoedd cyffrous nesaf... Yn ogystal â'n gweithgaredd dysgu creadigol a’n gweithgaredd sy’n datblygu ysgrifennu ac artistiaid newydd a gynhelir yn rheolaidd yn Chapter, byddwn hefyd yn ymddangos mewn nifer o leoliadau yn Ne Cymru gan gynnwys Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru, Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru ac Institiwt Glyn Ebwy. Byddwn yn dathlu Wythnos Ffoaduriaid 2010 drwy gynnal sesiynau ar gyfer adrodd storïau rhyngwladol; byddwn yn gwisgo’n welingtons (neu, os deil y tywydd, ein hetiau haul) ar gyfer Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Blaenau Gwent a Blaenau’r Cymoedd; a hefyd yn teithio cyn belled â’r Alban ar gyfer Gŵyl Ymylol Caeredin. Ar hyd y ffordd byddwn yn gwneud ffrindiau newydd yn ogystal â chyfarfod hen rai wrth i ni gydweithredu’n greadigol â Paines Plough, Shared Experience, Dan y Gwely, National Theatre Wales a Theatr Iolo. Byddwch mor garedig â tharo golwg ar dudalennau 24/25, a chymryd eiliad i ddarllen am y gwahanol ffyrdd y gallwch chi gefnogi’r gwaith ailddatblygu er mwyn sicrhau bod Sherman Cymru yn parhau i gynhyrchu a chyflwyno’r gwaith gorau posib ymhell i’r dyfodol. 029 2030 4400


The Big Story Project 14 — 15 June/Mehefin Sherman Cymru: Creative Learning Dysgu Creadigol 14 June/Mehefin – Albany Primary School Acting Out Cardiff Company 5 15 June/Mehefin – Severn Primary School Acting Out Cardiff Company 5

Once Upon A Time...

Un Tro Amser Maith Yn Ôl…

There were two schools, one in the East and one in the West of the city. The pupils at these schools were great explorers and over the course of 3 months they went on a magical adventure into the world of fairy tales, fables and folk stories. They were joined along the way by some grown up travellers from Sherman Cymru’s Creative Learning groups, Acting Out Cardiff and Company 5 as their imaginations were whisked all over the world to places such as China, Africa, India, Korea, Ireland, Norway, Russia, Germany and the Ukraine. On the way they came across a collection of interesting characters – competitive elephants, wise rabbits, sly wolves, kings and queens, talking trees and many more…

‘Roedd dwy ysgol yn y ddinas, un yn y Dwyrain a’r llall yn y Gorllewin. ‘Roedd disgyblion yr ysgolion hyn yn chwilotwyr gwych, a dros gyfnod o 3 mis aethant ar antur hud i fyd storïau tylwyth teg, chwedlau a hanesion gwerin. Yn ystod y daith ymunodd sawl teithiwr hyˆn o grwpiau Dysgu Creadigol Sherman Cymru gyda nhw, teithwyr o Acting Out Caerdydd a Company 5, wrth i’w dychymyg fynd â nhw ar draws y byd i wledydd fel Tsieina, Affrica, India, Korea, Iwerddon, Norwy, Rwsia a’r Wcrain. Wrth deithio daethant wyneb yn wyneb â chasgliad hynod o gymeriadau – eliffantod cystadleuol, cwningod doeth, bleiddiaid slei, brenhinoedd a breninesau, coed yn siarad, a llawer mwy…

As part of Refugee Week 2010 our explorers would like to share with you some of the gems they have discovered on their journey.

Chapter, Cardiff/Caerdydd 6.00pm & 7.30pm Tickets/Tocynnau: £2

Fel rhan o Wythnos Ffoaduriaid 2010 mae ein chwilotwyr am rannu rhai o’r perlau y daethant ar eu traws gyda chi.

029 2030 4400



23 July/Gorffennaf — 2 October/Hydref Shared Experience/ Sherman Cymru By/Gan Polly Teale & Linda Brogan Based on The Silent Twins by/Yn seiliedig ar The Silent Twins gan Marjorie Wallace Director/Cyfarwyddwr Polly Teale Designer/Cynllunydd Naomi Dawson Music/Cerddoriaeth Peter Salem Lighting Designer/ Cynllunydd Goleuo Chris Davey Movement/Symud Liz Ranken

Shared Experience and Sherman Cymru join forces to portray the extraordinary story of identical twins June and Jennifer Gibbons. Refusing to speak to adults, the twins communicate in their own private language, their only relationship being their intense and turbulent bond with each other. Polly Teale and Linda Brogan’s powerful new play is an astonishing and moving portrayal of the twins’ secret world and their struggle to find a voice against all odds. Speechless is directed and cowritten by Shared Experience’s joint Artistic Director, Polly Teale. Celebrated for her potent visual and imaginative style, Polly won the Evening Standard Award for Best Director for her own play After Mrs Rochester, which also won the Time Out Award for Best West End Production.

Mae Shared Experience a Sherman Cymru yn ymuno â’i gilydd i bortreadu stori ryfeddol yr efeilliaid unwy June a Jennifer Gibbons. Gan wrthod siarad ag oedolion mae’r efeilliaid yn cyfathrebu yn eu hiaith breifat eu hunain, a’u hunig berthynas yw’r cyswllt dwys a chythryblus â’i gilydd. Mae drama newydd bwerus Polly Teale a Linda Brogan yn bortread rhyfeddol a gwefreiddiol o fyd cyfrinachol yr efeilliaid, a’u brwydr i ddarganfod eu llais, er gwaethaf popeth. Polly Teale, Cyfarwyddwr Artistig Shared Experience sy’n cyfarwyddo ac sydd wedi cydysgrifennu Speechless. Mae Polly’n adnabyddus am ei harddull gweledol grymus a chreadigol, ac ennillodd Wobr yr Evening Standard am y Cyfarwyddwr Gorau am ei drama After Mrs Rochester, a Gwobr Time Out am y Cynhyrchiad Gorau yn y West End.

The Tour/Y Daith Previews/Rhagddangosiadau: 23 — 24 July/Gorffennaf Chapter, Cardiff/Caerdydd 8.00pm Tickets/Tocynnau: £12/£10 Under 19/Dan 19: £8 029 2030 4400 5 — 29 August/Awst Traverse 2 Edinburgh Festival Fringe/ Gŵyl Ymylol Caeredin Times vary/Amseroedd yn amrywio Tickets/Tocynnau: £6 – £17 0131 228 1404

15 September/Medi — 2 October/Hydref Bute Theatre, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cardiff/Caerdydd 8.00pm Tickets/Tocynnau: £14/£12 Under 25/Dan 25: £8 029 2039 1391 See the diary on pages 26/27 Gweler y dyddiadur ar dudalennau 26/27 Ages/Oedrannau: 14+ (Contains scenes of a sexual nature/ Yn cynnwys golygfeydd o natur rywiol)

Original Design/Cynllunio Gwreiddiol:

08/09 029 2064 6900

2 — 4 Awst/August

"Fy enw i ydi Gareth David Potter, dwi’n bedwar deg pum mlwydd oed a wi’n obsessed gyda cherddoriaeth bop. Ti’n gwybod, y stwff tchêp, grymus ’na sy’n neud i dy galon gyflymu a dy ben ffrwydro. Sy’n neud i ti godi ar dy draed a sgrechian, chwerthin a hyd yn oed crïo. Sy’n gwylltio ac yn adfywio. Y stwff ’na na ddylet ti, o dan unrhyw amgylchiadau, gael unrhyw beth i wneud ag e os wyt ti dros dy chwarter canrif…"

Sherman Cymru/ Dan y Gwely Ysgrifennwyd a Pherfformiwyd gan/ Written & Performed by Gareth Potter Cyfarwyddwr/Director Phillip Mackenzie

Mae Gadael yr Ugeinfed Ganrif yn hanes hunangofiannol anturiaethau un dyn yn y byd pop Cymraeg. Hanes sy’n pontio dwy ddegawd. Mae yma nyddu delweddau, cerddoriaeth a stori wir. Cronicl teimladwy o gyfnod a lle yn y diwylliant Cymraeg, sy’n cael ei adrodd yn wylaidd ac yn ddidwyll gan rywun oedd yno go iawn.

Spanning two decades, Gadael yr Ugeinfed Ganrif is an autobiographical account of one man’s adventures in Welsh pop. Weaving imagery, music and a true life story, this is a heartfelt chronicle of a time and place in Welsh language culture, told with humility and the truly authentic voice of someone who was really there.

Institiwt Glyn Ebwy/Ebbw Vale Institute Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Blaenau Gwent a Blaenau’r Cymoedd 2010/ Blaenau Gwent and the Heads of the Valleys National Eisteddfod 2010

8.00pm Tocynnau/Tickets: £10/£8 Dan 19/Under 19: £5 Tocynnau ar werth/Booking opens: 5 Gorffennaf/July 029 2064 6900

Phil Boorman 029 2064 6900


7 — 17 October/Hydref

Love Steals Us From Loneliness "I don't think you can shirk from taking on the big topics and what's important is that this work will happen in Bridgend with and for the people of Bridgend. It's for all teenagers who might feel they have no way out, a sort of plea to hold on, you don't know where life could take you." Gary Owen National Theatre Wales/ Sherman Cymru By/Gan Gary Owen Director/Cyfarwyddwr John E McGrath

Gary Owen, one of Wales’s foremost playwrights, has returned to his hometown of Bridgend to research and write a new piece of theatre. The media have told us their Bridgend story, but what will a writer who spent his own teenage years there have to say? This is production 07 of National Theatre Wales's launch year programme – 12 shows over 12 months, one a month, plus a spectacular finale – in amazing places and unique spaces across Wales.

Bridgend/Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr Tickets/Tocynnau: £14/£12 Under 19/Dan 19: £8

Mae Gary Owen, un o ddramodwyr mwyaf blaenllaw Cymru, wedi dychwelyd i fro ei febyd, Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr er mwyn ymchwilio ac ysgrifennu darn o theatr newydd. Mae’r cyfryngau wedi adrodd eu fersiwn hwy o stori Pen-y-bont, ond beth fydd gan awdur a dreuliodd ei arddegau yn y dref i’w ddweud? Dyma gynhyrchiad 07 o flwyddyn agoriadol National Theatre Wales – 12 sioe dros 12 mis, un bob mis, yn cynnwys sioe ychwanegol arbennig i gloi – a'i gwreiddiau yng Nghymru, wedi’i gwneud i bawb.

Venue to be announced – booking opens 5 July/Lleoliad i’w gadarnhau – tocynnau ar werth 5 Gorffennaf 029 2064 6900 See the diary on pages 26/27 Gweler y dyddiadur ar dudalennau 26/27

A table. A single light bulb. Two chairs. A secret. A confession. An interrogation. An invitation. Bwrdd. Un bylb ‘letrig. Dwy gadair. Cyfrinach. Cyfaddefiad. Cwestiynu. Gwahoddiad. 029 2064 6900


28 October/Hydref – 6 November/Tachwedd

Developed & Directed by/Datblygwyd a Chyfarwyddwyd gan Phillip Mackenzie

The groundbreaking Youth Theatre project which explores how we communicate and learn from one another continues to go from strength to strength in 2010. The format has been adopted by the Birmingham Rep Youth Theatre and the Arcola Youth Theatre in London, and a recent collaboration includes Kontakt @ The Pierhead with 15 politicians from the National Assembly for Wales.

Mae prosiect arloesol y Theatr Ieuenctid sy’n archwilio sut mae cyfathrebu a dysgu oddi wrth ein gilydd, yn parhau i fynd o nerth i nerth yn 2010. Erbyn hyn mae’r patrwm wedi ei fabwysiadu gan Theatr Ieuenctid Birmingham Rep a Theatr Ieuenctid yr Arcola yn Llundain. Digwyddiad a gynhaliwyd yn ddiweddar oedd Kontakt @ The Pierhead gyda 15 gwleidydd o Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru.

For this performance Sherman Cymru Youth Theatre will be joining forces with the awardwinning young people’s company Acting Out Cardiff and with the recently established diverse community theatre group Company 5.

Ar gyfer y perfformiad hwn bydd Theatr Ieuenctid Sherman Cymru yn ymuno ag Acting Out Caerdydd, y cwmni ieuenctid gwobrwyol, a gyda Company 5, cwmni theatr cymunedol sydd newydd ei sefydlu’n ddiweddar.

This is your opportunity to be part of a unique interactive performance experience – do you dare to make Kontakt?

St John’s Church, Cardiff/Caerdydd 7.00pm & 8.30pm Tickets/Tocynnau: £7/£5

Dyma’ch cyfle chi i fod yn rhan o brofiad perfformio rhyngweithio unigryw – ydych chi’n meiddio dod i Kontakt?

Booking opens/Tocynnau ar werth: 5 July/Gorffennaf 029 2064 6900 See the diary on pages 26/27 Gweler y dyddiadur ar dudalennau 26/27

Kirsten McTernan

Sherman Cymru: Creative Learning/ Dysgu Creadigol


5 November/Tachwedd – 1 January/Ionawr Sherman Cymru/ Theatr Iolo Created by/ Dyfeisiwyd gan Sarah Argent Dafydd James Kevin Lewis Designer/Cynllunydd Charlotte Neville Lighting Designer/ Cynllunydd Goleuo Katy Stephenson Ages/Oedrannau 3-6

As far as the eye can see, the world is winter white. Listen carefully, and you’ll hear the sound of snow falling and ice crackling.

Hyd y gwêl y llygaid, mae’r byd yn aeafol wyn. Gwrandewch yn astud… gallwch glywed yr eira’n disgyn a’r rhew yn clecian.

Look closer again, the snow is stirring, and by the magic of moonlight the Snow Child comes to life.

Edrychwch eto, mae’r eira’n symud, ac yng ngoleuni hudol y lleuad mae Plentyn yr Eira’n dod yn fyw.

What will happen when the other children find her in the morning?

Beth fydd yn digwydd pan fydd y plant eraill yn ei darganfod yn y bore?

With puppetry and live music, this mischievous snow child and enchanting play will warm all hearts this Christmas.

Gyda phypedau a cherddoriaeth fyw, bydd plentyn direidus yr eira a’r ddrama hudolus hon yn cynhesu pob calon y Nadolig hwn.

The Tour/Y Daith 5-6 November/Tachwedd Blackwood Miners’ Institute/Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon 01495 227206

15 November/Tachwedd The Grand Pavilion, Porthcawl/Pafiliwn y Grand, Porthcawl 01656 815995

29 November/Tachwedd Pontardawe Arts Centre/ Canolfan Celfyddydau Pontardawe 01792 863722

11 November/Tachwedd Lyric Theatre, Carmarthen/ Theatr y Lyric, Caerfyrddin 0845 226 3510

16 November/Tachwedd Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon/Aberhonddu 01874 611622

12 November/Tachwedd Ammanford Miners’ Theatre/Theatr y Glowyr Rhydaman 0845 226 3510

18 November/Tachwedd The Welfare, Ystradgynlais/ Y Neuadd Lês, Ystradgynlais 01639 843163

3 December/Rhagfyr St. Donats Arts Centre, Vale of Glamorgan/ Canolfan Celfyddydau St. Donats, Bro Morgannwg 01446 799100

25 November/Tachwedd Beaufort Theatre, Ebbw Vale/Theatr Beaufort, Glyn Ebwy 01495 355800

14 December/Rhagfyr – 1 January/Ionawr Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff/Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru, Caerdydd 029 2063 6464

Performances are available in both English and Welsh. For the full tour schedule (including additional community venues) please visit/Ceir perfformiadau Saesneg a Chymraeg. Am fanylion lawn y daith (gan gynnwys lleoliadau cymunedol ychwanegol) ewch i:

Kirsten McTernan 029 2064 6900


18 November/Tachwedd – 5 December/Rhagfyr

Measure for Measure “Tis one thing to be tempted, another thing to fall…” Sherman Cymru By/Gan William Shakespeare Director/Cyfarwyddwr Amy Hodge Dramaturg/Dramatwrg D.J. Britton

Sexual Power Corrupts. Political Power Corrupts Completely.

Mae Grym Rhywiol yn Llygru. Mae Grym Gwleidyddol yn Llygru’n Llwyr.

With society in turmoil, a political leader appoints his hard-line deputy to purge the city of sexual corruption. But is an iron hand the best answer? What happens when personal passion confronts political policy? And who owns sex anyway?

Mae’r gymdeithas ar chwâl ac mae arweinydd gwleidyddol yn penodi ei ddirprwy i gael gwared â llygredigaeth rywiol o’r ddinas. Ond mae’r dirprwy hwn yn gwbl ddigyfaddawd, ac ai rheolaeth haearnaidd yw'r ateb gorau? Beth sy’n digwydd pan mae angerdd personol yn herio polisi gwleidyddol? A phwy sydd biau rhyw beth bynnag?

Justice, morality and gender equality are thrown into the spotlight in this electric take on Shakespeare’s powerful social satire.

Cardiff/Caerdydd Tickets/Tocynnau: £14/£12 Previews/Rhagddangosiadau: £12/£10 Under 19/Dan 19: £8

Mae cyfiawnder, moesoldeb a chydraddoldeb rhywiol yn cael eu hamlygu yn y fersiwn drydanol hon o ddychan gymdeithasol Shakespeare. Venue to be announced – booking opens 5 July/Lleoliad i’w gadarnhau – tocynnau ar werth 5 Gorffennaf 029 2064 6900 See the diary on pages 26/27 Gweler y dyddiadur ar dudalennau 26/27

Sherman Cymru is committed to producing and developing new work for the stage by Welsh and Wales-based writers, and to discovering and nurturing as yet unheard voices. Mae Sherman Cymru wedi ymrwymo i ddatblygu a chynhyrchu gwaith newydd ar gyfer y llwyfan gan awduron Cymraeg a Chymreig, ac i ddarganfod a meithrin lleisiau nad ydynt wedi’u clywed hyd yma.

Resident Writer Gary Owen has invited writers from diverse backgrounds all over Wales to share a short, brand new script. Listen to the results by downloading the latest podcast at: Mae ein awdur preswyl Gary Owen wedi gwahodd awduron o amrywiol gefndiroedd dros Gymru gyfan i rannu sgript fer aniwygiedig newydd sbon. Gwrandewch ar y canlyniadau drwy lawr lwytho’r podlediadau diweddaraf yma:

Advanced Writers’ Programme

Rhaglen Awduron Uwch

We would like to welcome our Advanced Writers onboard. Joining Sherman Cymru for a six month attachment are: Brad Birch, Matthew Bulgo, Sam Burns, Foster Marks, Lisa Parry, Marged Parry, Aled Roberts and Alex Vlahos. Having impressed us with their writing on our 2009 Writers’ Courses we are helping to develop the work of these selected writers a step further. By providing intensive workshops as well as individual mentoring sessions, our aim is to provide the writers with the essential tools to succeed as playwrights.

‘Rydym am groesawu ein Hawduron Uwch atom. Yn ymuno â Sherman Cymru am ymlyniad o chwech mis mae: Brad Birch, Matthew Bulgo, Sam Burns, Foster Marks, Lisa Parry, Marged Parry, Aled Roberts ac Alex Vlahos. Wedi iddynt wneud argraff arnom yng Nghyrsiau Ysgrifennu 2009, ‘rydym yn ceisio datblygu gwaith yr awduron hyn gam ymhellach. Drwy ddarparu gweithdai dwys yn ogystal â sesiynau mentora unigol, ein nod yw rhoi’r arfau hanfodol i'r awduron hyn lwyddo fel dramodwyr.

Young Writers

Awduron Ifanc

Eight new writers aged between 15 and 23 have joined us for our first ever Young Writers Group. Working closely with playwright Alan Harris the writers will be nurtured, encouraged and mentored to enable them to turn their exciting ideas into engaging scripts to be performed by Sherman Cymru Youth Theatre.

Mae wyth awdur newydd rhwng 15 a 23 mlwydd oed wedi ymuno â ni ar gyfer ein grŵp cyntaf erioed i Awduron Ifanc. Gan weithio’n glos â’r dramodydd Alan Harris bydd yr awduron ifanc yn cael eu meithrin, eu hannog a’u mentora i’w galluogi i droi eu syniadau cyffrous yn sgriptiau rhagorol i’w perfformio gan Theatr Ieuenctid Sherman Cymru. 029 2030 4400


1 July/Gorffennaf Paines Plough & Sherman Cymru Writers/Awduron Matthew Bulgo Sam Burns Alan Harris Bethan Marlow Tim Price

The leading new writing company Paines Plough is asking playwrights from across the UK to write plays about the places where they grew up. In this special oneoff event at Chapter, playwrights from across Wales tell their tales of home. Come To Where I'm From will result in a theatrical tapestry of the UK, woven by writers asking if home really is where the heart is.

Mae un o brif gwmnïau ysgrifennu newydd Prydain, Paines Plough, yn gofyn i ddramodwyr o ledled y DU ysgrifennu dramâu am y llefydd ble cawsant eu magu. Yn y perfformiad unigol ac unigryw hwn yn Chapter, mae dramodwyr o bob cwr o Gymru’n adrodd eu storiau. Canlyniad Come To Where I'm From fydd tapestri theatrig o’r DU, wedi ei wehyddu gan ysgrifenwyr sy’n gofyn ‘oes unman yn debyg i gartref?’

Chapter, Cardiff/Caerdydd 7.00pm & 9.00pm Tickets/Tocynnau: £3

029 2030 4400

6 July/Gorffennaf & 27 October/Hydref

2–4 Awst/August

Sherman Cymru

Sherman Cymru

Five new ten minute plays by five new writers are performed script-in-hand by professional actors. After each play is performed a panel of industry experts, including writers, actors and directors, will be on hand to offer their feedback. You, the audience, will then get to vote for your favourite.

‘Rydym yn cynnal SgriptSlam Cymraeg fel rhan o Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Blaenau Gwent a Blaenau’r Cymoedd 2010. Mae’r cyflwyniadau yn Theatr y Maes yn rhad ac am ddim. Dewch draw i bleidleisio dros y sgript sydd orau gennych chi. Tair drama bob dydd. Panel o arbenigwyr. Un enillydd. Cyfle i glywed lleisiau newydd y theatr Gymraeg.

Pum drama deng munud o hyd yn cael eu perfformio sgript-mewn-llaw gan griw o actorion proffesiynol. Wedi i bob drama gael ei pherfformio bydd panel o arbenigwyr o faes y theatr – awduron, actorion a chyfarwyddwyr – yn cynnig eu barn a’u sylwadau. Yna bydd y gynulleidfa’n pleidleisio dros eu hoff ddrama. For more information or to submit a play in English or Welsh please contact/Am fwy o wybodaeth neu i gyflwyno sgript yn Saesneg neu Gymraeg cysylltwch â Siân Summers: 029 2064 6984 Chapter, Cardiff/Caerdydd 8.00pm Tickets/Tocynnau: £3 029 2030 4400

We are hosting a Welsh language SgriptSlam as part of the Blaenau Gwent and the Heads of the Valleys National Eisteddfod 2010. The showings at Theatr y Maes are free. Come and vote for your favourite script. Three plays a day. A panel of experts. One winner. A chance to hear new voices in Welsh language theatre. Er mwyn archebu tocynnau mynediad i’r Eisteddfod ewch i/To purchase Eisteddfod admission tickets visit –

Theatr y Maes, Glyn Ebwy/Ebbw Vale 1.30pm Tocynnau/Tickets: Am Ddim/Free


Sherman Cymru Youth Theatre/ Theatr Ieuenctid Sherman Cymru While the Sherman building is closed we are continuing to offer performance opportunities in English and Welsh for young people from Cardiff aged 10 to 25, with weekly academy workshops taking place at Chapter Arts Centre. The Youth Theatre provides a great opportunity to create theatre and develop performance and confidence skills.

Tra bod adeilad y Sherman ar gau ‘rydym yn parhau i gynnig cyfleoedd perfformio yn Saesneg a Chymraeg i bobl ifanc o Gaerdydd rhwng 10 a 25 mlwydd oed, gan gynnwys gweithdai academi wythnosol yng Nghanolfan Gelfyddydau Chapter. Mae’r Theatr Ieuenctid yn rhoi cyfle gwych i greu theatr, i ddatblygu sgiliau perfformio ac i fagu hyder.

Heather Jones | 029 2064 6911

Acting Out Cardiff/ Acting Out Caerdydd If you’re aged between 14 and 16 and are at school, or if you’re aged between 14 and 20 and are an asylum seeker, refugee or if you are not in education, employment or training (NEET) then you are eligible to take part in Acting Out Cardiff. Participants take part in weekly drama workshops for one or two years to gain a BTEC Level 1 Diploma qualification and create co-productions with a diverse range of groups.

Os ydych rhwng 14 a 16 mlwydd oed ac yn mynd i’r ysgol, neu os ydych rhwng 14 a 20 mlwydd oed ac yn ffoadur, yn geisydd lloches, neu os nad ydych yn derbyn addysg, ddim yn cael eich cyflogi, nag yn cael eich hyfforddi (NEET) yna ‘rydych yn gymwys i gymryd rhan yn Acting Out Caerdydd. Cewch gyfle i gymryd rhan mewn gweithdai drama wythnosol am un neu ddwy flynedd er mwyn ennill Tystysgrif BTEC Lefel 1 ac i greu cydgynyrchiadau gydag amrywiaeth mawr o grwpiau.

Jason Camilleri | 029 2064 6908

New Artists’ Development/ Datblygiad Artistiaid Newydd Over the past two years the New Artists’ Development initiative has facilitated the research and development of some 30 artists embracing many and varied artforms. Some of these projects have progressed from early exploration into full-scale productions including Gareth Potter’s one-man play Gadael yr Ugeinfed Ganrif (see pages 8/9). We are continually seeking applications from arts practitioners looking to develop their work within a professional theatre environment. Previous new artists have included Directors, Actors, Lighting Designers, Designers, Choreographers, Dancers and Composers.

Dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf mae ein menter Datblygu Artistiaid Newydd wedi hyrwyddo tua 30 o artistiaid, sy’n gweithio mewn ffurfiau celfyddydol amrywiol, i ymchwilio a datblygu eu gwaith. Mae rhai o’r prosiectau hynny wedi datblygu i fod yn gynyrchiadau cyflawn, gan gynnwys drama un dyn Gareth Potter, Gadael yr Ugeinfed Ganrif (trowch i dudalennau 8/9). ’Rydym yn edrych am geisiadau gan artistiaid sydd eisiau datblygu eu prosiectau theatr mewn amgylchedd proffesiynol. Mae cyn artistiaid newydd wedi cynnwys: Cyfarwyddwyr, Actorion, Cynllunwyr Goleuo, Cynllunwyr, Coreograffwyr, Dawnswyr a Chyfansoddwyr.

Phillip Mackenzie | 029 2064 6982

Summer Workshops/ Gweithdai Hâf An exciting opportunity for children aged 4-9 to enjoy a week of drama, movement and storytelling at Chapter during the summer holidays. At the end of the week family and friends will be able to join the group for a fun-packed showback session.

Cyfle cyffrous i blant rhwng 4-9 mlwydd oed i fwynhau wythnos o ddrama, gwaith symud a dweud stori yn Chapter yn ystod gwyliau’r haf. Ar ddiwedd yr wythnos bydd teuluoedd a chyfeillion yn cael cyfle i ymuno â’r grŵp am sesiwn hwyliog i gael profiad o’r hyn a gyflawnwyd.

9 – 13 August/Awst £80  Heather Jones | 029 2064 6911


Community Engagement/ Ymrwymiad â’r Gymuned: Company 5 Are you aged 18 + and interested in being part of a diverse new theatre group? Company 5 meet weekly to learn new skills in acting, voice and movement, whilst all the time developing confidence and communication skills. It is totally free to join and you don’t need any previous experience.

Wyt ti’n 18 mlwydd oed neu’n hŷn gyda diddordeb mewn ymuno â grŵp theatr amrywiol newydd? Mae Company 5 yn cyfarfod bob wythnos i ddysgu sgiliau newydd gan gynnwys gwaith symud, actio a llais gan ddatblygu hyder a sgiliau cyfathrebu. Cewch ymuno yn rhad ac am ddim ac nid oes raid i chi feddu ar unrhyw brofiad blaenorol.

Every Tuesday/Bob Dydd Mawrth: 5.00pm–6.30pm Plasnewydd Community Centre, Shakespeare Street, Cardiff/Caerdydd Jason Camilleri/Llinos Mai | 029 2064 6908

Sherman Sherbets/ Sierbets Sherman Saturday drama workshops for children aged 4-9 at Chapter. Sherman Sherbets gives your child the opportunity to explore their imagination and be creative. It’s a great way of making new friends whilst building confidence and learning acting, movement and vocal skills. Most important of all, Sherbets is about having fun!

Gweithdai drama Ddydd Sadwrn i blant rhwng 4-9 mlwydd oed yn Chapter. Mae’r Sierbets Sherman yn rhoi cyfle i’ch plant archwilio’u dychymyg a bod yn greadigol. Mae’n ffordd wych i wneud ffrindiau newydd tra’n meithrin hyder a dysgu sgiliau actio, lleisiol a symud. Yn bwysicaf oll, mae’r Sierbets yn sbort!

25 September/Medi – 4 December/Rhagfyr 9.30am — 10.30am (Ages/Oedrannau 4-6)* 12.00pm — 1.00pm (Ages/Oedrannau 4-6)* 10.30am — 12.00pm (Ages/Oedrannau 7-9)** 1.00pm — 2.30pm (Ages/Oedrannau 7-9)** *£50 **£60 (For 10 sessions/Am 10 sesiwn) Heather Jones | 029 2064 6911

Kirsten McTernan

Redevelopment Ail-ddatblygiad

Sherman Cymru Patrons/ Noddwyr Sherman Cymru: Siân Phillips & Matthew Rhys

With support from/ Gyda chefnogaeth

Garfield Weston Foundation

The campaign is gathering pace. We have secured support from the Welsh Assembly Government and additional support from two important trusts, Garfield Weston Foundation and Colwinston Charitable Trust. Individual donations are going exceptionally well too…

Mae’r ymgyrch yn mynd o nerth i nerth. ‘Rydym wedi sicrhau cyfraniad gan Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru, yn ogystal â chefnogaeth dwy ymddiriedolaeth bwysig, Sefydliad Garfield Weston a Sefydliad Elusennol Colwinston. Mae rhoddion unigol yn dod ymlaen yn dda iawn hefyd…

Sherman Cymru staff are about to put best foot forward with their fourth fundraising activity, a 26 mile sponsored walk from Merthyr Tydfil to Cardiff Bay, and the Sherman Sherbets (aged 4-9) have also been busy taking part in a sponsored storytelling tea party with Paddy the Clown. From individual donations alone we have raised £31,000. Thank you so much for your continued and loyal support so far but we still need your help – donate to the campaign and change the way you and thousands of people experience the Sherman in the future.

Mae staff Sherman Cymru ar fin mentro am y pedwerydd gwaith ar weithgaredd codi arian, sef taith gerdded noddedig o 26 milltir o Ferthyr Tydfil i Fae Caerdydd, ac mae’r Sierbets Sherman (4-9 mlwydd oed) hefyd wedi bod yn brysur yn cymryd rhan mewn te parti noddedig gyda Paddy'r Clown yn adrodd storïau. ’Rydym wedi codi £31,000 diolch i roddion unigol. Diolch o galon am eich cefnogaeth barhaol a ffyddlon hyd yma ond mae angen eich help arnom o hyd – drwy gyfrannu i’r ymgyrch gallwch newid y profiad y byddwch chi a miloedd o rai eraill yn ei gael wrth ymweld â Sherman Cymru yn y dyfodol.

Introducing our new appeal/Yn cyflwyno ein hapêl newydd -

Currency Exchange Appeal/Apêl Cyfnewid Arian Get rid of your unwanted holiday coins and make a difference by donating your foreign currency to us. Sherman Cymru can exchange any amount and any currency and all proceeds will go directly to our Redevelopment Campaign. Large or small, Sherman Cymru accepts it all!

Trwy roi’r holl arian tramor mân sydd gennych ar ôl wedi’r gwyliau i ni, gallwch wneud gwahaniaeth. Gall Sherman Cymru gyfnewid unrhyw swm o unrhyw arian a bydd yr holl enillion yn mynd yn uniongyrchol i’n Apêl Ailddatblygu. Bach neu fawr, rhwoch yn awr!

If you would like more info about the campaign, to make a direct donation or adopt a seat please visit/Os hoffech chi wybod mwy am yr ymgyrch, gwneud cyfraniad uniongyrchol neu fabwysiadu sedd ewch i – or contact/neu cysylltwch â: Suzanne Carter Appeals Manager/Rheolwr Apeliadau 029 2064 6970


Individual Donations/Rhoddion Unigol Target/Targed

£62,000 We still need your help! Mae angen eich help arnom o hyd!

£31,000 Thank you for your donations so far. Diolch am eich rhoddion hyd yn hyn.

£0 Amounts correct at time of going to press/Manylion yn gywir wrth fynd i brint

Date/ Dyddiad

Event/ Digwyddiad

Location/ Lleoliad

Time/ Amser

Booking Info/ Manylion Archebu

The Big Story Project

Chapter, Cardiff

6.00pm 7.30pm

029 2030 4400

Thu 1

Come To Where I’m From

Chapter, Cardiff

7.00pm 9.00pm

029 2030 4400

Tue 6


Chapter, Cardiff


029 2030 4400

Fri 23 – Sat 24

Speechless Previews/Rhagddangosiadau

Chapter, Cardiff


029 2030 4400

LLU 2 – MER 4

SgriptSlam Steddfod

Theatr y Maes, Glyn Ebwy


Am Ddim

Llu 2 – Mer 4

Gadael yr Ugeinfed Ganrif

Institiwt Glyn Ebwy


029 2064 6900

Thu 5 – Sun 29


Traverse 2, Edinburgh

Detailed schedule –

0131 228 1404


Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cardiff


029 2039 1391

Fri 1 – Sat 2


Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cardiff


029 2039 1391

Thu 7 – Sun 17

Love Steals Us From Loneliness


Detailed schedule –

029 2064 6900

Wed 27


Chapter, Cardiff


029 2030 4400

Thu 28 – Sat 30

Kontakt 3

St John’s Church, Cardiff

7.00pm 8.30pm

029 2064 6900

June/Mehefin Mon 14 – Tue 15



September/Medi Wed 15 – Thu 30 (No perfs Sun/Mon)



Date/ Dyddiad

Event/ Digwyddiad

Location/ Lleoliad

Time/ Amser

Booking Info/ Manylion Archebu

7.00pm 8.30pm

029 2064 6900

November/Tachwedd Thu 4 – Sat 6

Kontakt 3

St John’s Church, Cardiff

Fri/Gwe 5 – Tue/Maw 30

Snow Child/Plentyn yr Eira

Various venues – for a detailed schedule visit/Lleoliadau amrywiol – am amserlen lawn ewch i:

Thu 18 – Sun 21

Measure for Measure Previews/Rhagddangosiadau


3.00pm (Sun) 7.30pm (Not Sun)

029 2064 6900

Wed 24 – SAT 27

Measure for Measure


2.00pm (Wed & Thu) 7.30pm

029 2064 6900

Wed 1 – Sun 5

Measure for Measure


2.00pm (Thu) 3.00pm (Sun) 7.30pm (Not Sun)

029 2064 6900

Wed/Mer 1 – FRI/GWE 31

Snow Child/Plentyn yr Eira

Various venues – for a detailed schedule visit/Lleoliadau amrywiol – am amserlen lawn ewch i:

Snow Child/Plentyn yr Eira

Various venues – for a detailed schedule visit/Lleoliadau amrywiol – am amserlen lawn ewch i:


January/Ionawr Sat/Sad 1

Brochures are available in Large Print and Audio Described formats on request. Please contact the Marketing Team on 029 2064 6900.

Mae rhaglenni ar gael ar ffurf Print Mawr a Disgrifiad Clywedol ar gais. Cysylltwch â’r Tîm Marchnata ar 029 2064 6900.

Sherman Cymru acknowledges the public investment of the Arts Council of Wales and Cardiff Council | Registered Charity Number 1118364 Company Number 06002090 Mae Sherman Cymru yn cydnabod buddsoddiad cyhoeddus gan Gyngor y Celfyddydau a Chyngor Caerdydd | Rhif Elusen Gofrestredig 1118364 | Rhif y Cwmni 06002090 Design/Dylunio – Photography/ffotograffiaeth phillip roberts

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