Sherman Cymru Brochure

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— y r a u r b e F y l u J


029 2064 6900

What's inside Y Tu Mewn 01 open house / Drws agored 02 Shows / sioeau

02 Sgint 04 Lovesong 06 Cerys matthews 07 Elektro Kif 08 For Once 10 A Provincial Life 12 Scriptslam 13 Muscle 14 Barflies 15 The forest 16 Wasted 17 A Doll's House 18 SalomÉ 19 Ruby Red tells tales 20 White 21 The Harri-Parris: The leaving do 22 Clytemnestra 24 Elwyn 25 The Birds 26 Hofesh shechter Political Mother 28 who's afraid of Rachel Roberts? 29 The Girl with The Iron Claws 30 The Get Together 31 Minsk 2011: a reply to kathy acker 32 Matthew Bourne's early adventures 34 Petit Mal 35 After the end 36 'Sneb yn Becso dam 37 peter pan

38 Creative Learning / Dysgu creadigol 42 Playwriting / sgriptio 43 cafĂŠ bar / caffi bar 44 Calon 45 Redevelopment supporters / Cefnogwyr yr ail-ddatblygiad 46 Visitor Information / Gwybodaeth i ymwelwyr 48 Diary / Dyddiadur

Cover Photo / Llun y Clawr: Phil Boorman Participants / Cyfranogwyr: Claire Batten Leon Bogacz Bill & Doreen Mapleson Sule Rimi


Since February 2010 Sherman Cymru’s theatre in Cardiff has been closed for a major redevelopment. To celebrate the reopening of our two theatres, our new, welcoming foyer and café bar, and all the improvements we’ve made backstage, we’re having a bit of a do. Join us from 10am on Saturday 4 February at our Open House. There’ll be tours of the theatre, family activities ranging from workshops to storytelling, and a chance to see the revamped backstage and workshop areas. The café bar will be open for drinks and light meals and in the evening, from 7pm, you can enjoy free live music. Please do come along and help us settle in. And make sure you introduce us to your family and friends – especially anyone who’s never been before. We’ve put together a reopening season of the very best theatre, dance, family shows and music from Wales and the rest of the world. We hope you’ll agree that it’s a great welcome home.

You can find more information about exactly what will be happening on the day at:

Mae theatr Sherman Cymru yng Nghaerdydd wedi bod ar gau ers mis Chwefror 2010 er mwyn cwblhau gwaith adnewyddu sylweddol. Felly, er mwyn dathlu ail-agor y ddwy theatr, y cyntedd a’r caffi bar newydd, croesawgar, a’r holl welliannau ‘rydym wedi eu gwneud cefn llwyfan, ‘rydym am gynnal achlysur go arbennig. Ymunwch â ni o 10yb, ddydd Sadwrn 4 Chwefror ar gyfer Drws Agored. Cewch eich tywys o amgylch y theatr, cynhelir gweithgareddau arbennig i'r teulu fydd yn amrywio o weithdai i sesiynau adrodd stori, a chewch gyfle i fynd i’r ardaloedd cefn llwyfan ac i’r gweithdy i weld y gwaith ailwampio fu yno. Bydd y caffi bar ar agor ac yn gweini diodydd a phrydau ysgafn, ac o 7yh cewch fwynhau cerddoriaeth fyw am ddim. Dewch draw i’n helpu i ymgartrefu go iawn. A chofiwch ein cyflwyno i’ch teulu a’ch ffrindiau – yn enwedig rhywun sydd erioed wedi bod yma o’r blaen. ‘Rydym wedi trefnu tymor agoriadol sy’n cynnwys y theatr, dawns, sioeau teuluol a cherddoriaeth orau o Gymru ac o bedwar ban byd. Gobeithio eich bod yn cytuno fod hwn yn groeso adref cynnes dros ben.

Gallwch ddarganfod mwy am yr hyn fydd yn digwydd ar y diwrnod ar: Places on some of the activities may need to be booked in advance so do look before you come, or ring the Ticket Office for information on: 029 2064 6900

Efallai bydd angen i chi archebu lle o flaen llaw ar gyfer ambell i weithgaredd, felly cofiwch gael golwg ar y wefan cyn dod, neu ffoniwch y Swyddfa Docynnau am wybodaeth ar: 029 2064 6900

029 2064 6900

GAIR ODDI WRTH / A WORD FROM Bethan Marlow Awdur / Writer “ Rwyf mor falch mai Sgint fydd y cynhyrchiad cyntaf i’w lwyfannu yn yr adeilad newydd. Mae Sherman Cymru yn darparu llwyfan hollbwysig i awduron yng Nghymru, ac ‘rwy’n wirioneddol ddiolchgar am y gefnogaeth a’r cyfleoedd mae eu mentrau ysgrifennu wedi eu rhoi i mi ac i ysgrifenwyr eraill.” “ I’m so proud that Sgint will be the first production in the new building. Sherman Cymru provides such a crucial platform for writers in Wales and I’m really thankful for the support and opportunities that their writing initiatives have given me and other writers.” Llun / Photo: Kirsten McTernan


7—11 Chwefror / February

Sgint Sherman Cymru / Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru Mewn cydweithrediad â / In association with: Galeri, Caernarfon Gan / By: Bethan Marlow

7.30pm Theatr / Theatre 1 £15—£25 Rhagddangosiadau / Previews: £12—£20 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 i ffwrdd / off Dan 25 / Under 25s: Hanner Pris / Half Price Uwchdeitlau Saesneg / English Language Surtitles: 10 Chwefror / February Trafodaeth Wedi-Sioe / Post-Show Talk: 9 Chwefror / February Gweithdai i ysgolion a cholegau ar gael / School & college workshops available: Fflur Thomas 01267 233882 Oedrannau / Ages: 14+ Iaith Grêf / Strong Language

Llun / Photo: Chiara Tocci

“ O’dd o’n hawdd, ’de. O’dd pawb yn prynu tŷ. O’dd bancia’n taflu pres.”

“ It was easy, yeah? Everybody was buying a house. The banks were throwing money around.”

Ond daeth tro ar fyd. Then it all changed. Pan fo’r esgid yn gwasgu, pwy sy’n dioddef fwyaf? A phwy sydd ar fai? Pwy all newid petha? Yr athro, yr Aelod Seneddol, yr entrepreneur, y fam sengl?

When money’s tight, who are the winners and who are the losers? Who is to blame? Whose voice counts the most? Who can turn things around? The teacher, the Member of Parliament, the entrepreneur, the single mum?

Daw’r ddrama air am air hon o enau pobl go iawn, sy’n dioddef cynni go iawn, ac eraill sy’n ei osgoi. Mae’n taflu golwg onest, di-flewyn-ar-dafod This Welsh language play shares ar y wasgfa economaidd ddiweddar, the voices of real people facing ac ar y freuddwyd am fywyd gwell. real hardship. It takes an honest, Ond oes gwell i ddod? gritty look at the current economic squeeze and the dream of a better “ Gyno fi goblyn o sense of humour, life. But is there better to come? na, ma’ Cofis Dre hefo sense of humour.” “ You know, it’s all gone tits up, just about, hasn’t it?” Ac mae ei angen y dyddiau yma… fwy nag erioed!

Cyfarwyddwr / Director: Arwel Gruffydd Cynllunydd / Designer: Cai Dyfan Cynllunydd Goleuo / Lighting Designer: Elanor Higgins Cynllunydd Sain / Sound Designer: Osian Gwynedd Cyfarwyddwr Corfforol / Movement Director: Cai Tomos Coreograffydd / Choreographer: Suzie Firth

Cast / Cast: Sara Harris-Davies Dafydd Emyr Robin Griffith Morfudd Hughes Nerys Lewis Christine Pritchard Rhys Richards Emyr Roberts Manon Wilkinson

029 2064 6900

A WORD FROM / GAIR ODDI WRTH Kate Perridge Artistic Coordinator / Cyd-lynydd Artistig Sherman Cymru “ I’m so pleased that we’ve been able to programme Frantic Assembly – they’re such an energetic and quirky company and this show has had such a great response from audiences. I can’t wait to see it!” “ ’Rwyf mor falch ein bod wedi llwyddo i gynnwys Frantic Assembly yn y rhaglen – mae’r cwmni mor egnïol, mor fywiog ac mor hynod, ac mae’r sioe yma wedi ennyn ymateb gwych gan gynulleidfaoedd. ‘Rwy’n ysu i’w gweld!”


15–18 February / Chwefror

Lovesong Frantic Assembly / Drum Theatre Plymouth In association with / Mewn cydweithrediad â: Chichester Festival Theatre By / Gan: Abi Morgan

7.30pm Theatre / Theatr 1 £15 – £25 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris Post-Show Talk / Trafodaeth Wedi-Sioe: 16 February / Chwefror Direction & choreography / Cyfarwyddo a choreograffi: Scott Graham & Steven Hoggett Designer / Cynllunydd: Merle Hensel Sound Designer / Cynllunydd Sain: Carolyn Downing Lighting Designer / Cynllunydd Goleuo: Andy Purves Video Design / Cynllun Fideo: Ian William Galloway & Adam Young Cast / Cast: Edward Bennett Sam Cox Siân Phillips Leanne Rowe Supported by the National Lottery through Arts Council England / Cefnogwyd gan y Loteri Cenedlaethol drwy Arts Council England

…I've never seen such an instantaneous standing ovation The Telegraph Photo / Llun: Perou

“That is the story of our beginning. And this is the story of… the end.” All relationships have their ups and downs; the optimism of youth becomes the wisdom of experience. Lovesong intertwines a couple in their twenties with the same man and woman a lifetime later. Their past and present selves collide in this haunting and beautiful tale of togetherness. Acclaimed writer Abi Morgan, whose television credits include The Hour and Sex Traffic, joins forces with the highly adventurous and dynamic Frantic Assembly. Starring Sherman Cymru Patron, Siân Phillips.

Nid yw llwybr perthynas yn hawdd o hyd, ac mae gobeithion ieuenctid yn troi’n ddoethineb profiad. Mae Lovesong yn cyfuno cwpwl yn eu hugeiniau â’r un cwpwl oes yn ddiweddarach, gyda’r gorffennol a’r presennol yn gwrthdaro yn y stori hiraethus, hyfryd yma. Mae’r awdur adnabyddus Abi Morgan – mae ei gwaith teledu’n cynnwys The Hour a Sex Traffic – yn ymuno â’r cwmni hynod anturus a deinamig hwn, Frantic Assembly. Siân Phillips, Noddwr Sherman Cymru, yw seren y sioe hon.

029 2064 6900

22 February / Chwefror

Cerys Matthews 8.00pm Theatre / Theatr 1 £25

Cerys Matthews is firing on all cylinders with three critically acclaimed albums in two years; her first published book Tales From The Deep nominated for the 'People's Choice Award'; plus numerous radio shows and documentaries, including a recent TV documentary on Cuba and her regular Sunday morning BBC 6Music show. This is a one-off live performance, combining folk, blues and pop in a beautifully unique voice, from a true creative tour de force.

Photo / Llun: Rhys Frampton

Mae Cerys Matthews ar dân! Mae wedi cynhyrchu tri albwm llwyddiannus mewn dwy flynedd; wedi cyhoeddi ei llyfr cyntaf, Tales From The Deep, a enwebwyd ar gyfer ‘Gwobr Dewis y Bobl'; wedi cyfrannu at nifer o raglenni radio a dogfen, gan gynnwys rhaglen deledu am Cuba yn ddiweddar yn ogystal â chyflwyno sioe bob bore Sul ar BBC 6Music. Dyma gyfle arbennig i chi glywed y llais unigryw hwn mewn perfformiad byw sy’n cyfuno canu gwerin, y blues, a pop – tour de force creadigol.


24–25 February / Chwefror

Elektro Kif

Scan for e-trailer / Sganiwch i weld e-hysbyslun

Dance Touring Partnership presents / yn cyflwyno: Blanca Li Dance Company

7.45pm Theatre / Theatr 1 £15 – £22 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris Post-Show Talk / Trafodaeth Wedi-Sioe: 24 February / Chwefror

Photo / Llun: Laurent Paillier

Dancer, film director and choreographer Blanca Li takes the urban street-dance style electro, a dazzling mix of breaking, disco, vogue, popping and locking straight off the streets of Paris and mixes it up with some theatre and an amazing soundtrack to give you Elektro Kif.

Yn Elektro Kif mae Blanca Li, dawnsiwr, cyfarwyddwr ffilm a choreograffydd, wedi dod ag electro – cymysgedd syfrdanol o ddawnsio brêc, disgo, vogue, 'popping and locking' – yn syth o strydoedd Paris, ac wedi cyfuno ychydig o theatr a thrac sain syfrdanol.

It’s a show about hopes and fears, friendships, fights and rivalries with an all-male cast of eight exceptional young electro dancers. Funny, fast, colourful and anarchic, it also features a specially composed soundtrack which mixes techno, electro house, afrobeat, sampling and classical music. Totally exhilarating.

Dyma sioe am obaith, am ofnau, am gyfeillgarwch, am ymladd ac am gystadlu, gyda chast o wyth o ddawnswyr arbennig iawn, oll yn ddynion. Mae’n ddarn doniol, cyflym, lliwgar ac anarchaidd, ac mae'n cynnwys sain a gyfansoddwyd yn arbennig sydd hefyd yn gymysgedd o 'techno', 'electro house', 'afrobeat', 'sampling' a cherddoriaeth glasurol. Cwbl wefreiddiol.

029 2064 6900

A WORD FROM / GAIR ODDI WRTH Siân Summers Literary Manager / Rheolwr Llenyddol Sherman Cymru " Tim has received some fantastic reviews for his plays in the past year, and it's great to be able to celebrate his work back home in Cardiff in the first season of the new Sherman Cymru." “ Mae Tim wedi derbyn adolygiadau llachar i'w ddramau yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, ac mae hi'n galondid gallu dathlu ei waith nôl adre yng Nghaerdydd yn nhymor cyntaf y Sherman Cymru newydd."


23 February / Chwefror – 3 March / Mawrth

For Once Pentabus Theatre In association with / Mewn cydweithrediad â: Sherman Cymru By / Gan: Tim Price

8.00pm Theatre / Theatr 2 £14 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris Post-Show Talk / Trafodaeth Wedi-Sioe: 28 February / Chwefror Ages / Oedrannau: 14+ Scenes of drug use / Golygfeydd yn dangos defnydd cyffuriau Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Orla O’Loughlin

Critics' Choice Time out Evening standard The Financial Times

From multi-award winning Welsh playwright Tim Price, this highly acclaimed drama was inspired by a week spent in a Welsh Borders market town and the young people he met there. Life, love and loss in a picture postcard town are laid bare in this heartbreaking but darkly comic new play. Through a series of intertwining accounts, For Once cuts to the heart of a family, and a community, turned upside down by tragedy.

Ysbrydolwyd Tim Price, awdur Cymreig sydd wedi ennill sawl gwobr am ei waith, i ysgrifennu’r ddrama lwyddiannus yma wedi iddo dreulio wythnos mewn tref farchnad ar y Gororau, a chwrdd â’r bobl ifanc sy’n byw yno. Mewn tref ymddangosiadol berffaith mae bywyd, cariad a cholled yn cael eu dinoethi yn y ddrama ddoniol, dywyll yma. Drwy gyfrwng cyfres o hanesion sy’n plethu â’u gilydd, mae For Once yn mynd yn syth at galon teulu a chymuned sydd, yn sgil trasiedi, wedi eu troi wyneb i waered.

029 2064 6900

A WORD FROM / GAIR ODDI WRTH Chris Ricketts Director / Cyfarwyddwr Sherman Cymru " Peter Gill is a master theatre maker. Combining his talents with Chekhov and National Theatre Wales's creative flair was irresistible, and I'm delighted that A Provincial Life is at the heart of our reopening season." " Mae Peter Gill yn feistr ar y grefft o greu theatr. ‘Roedd cyfuno ei dalentau ef gyda Chekhov a dawn greadigol National Theatre Wales yn amhosib ei wrthod, felly ‘rwyf wrth fy modd fod A Provincial Life yn ganolog i’n tymor agoriadol newydd."


1­–17 March / Mawrth

A Provincial Life National Theatre Wales By / Gan: Peter Gill From a story by / O stori gan: Anton Chekhov

7.30pm 8, 10, 15, 17 March / Mawrth: 2.30pm Matinee Theatre / Theatr 1 £15 – £25 Previews & Matinees / Rhagddangosiadau a Matinees: £12 – £20 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris Audio Described Performance & Touch Tour / Perfformiad Disgrifiad Clywedol & Taith Gyffwrdd: 15 March / Mawrth, 7.30pm Signed Performance / Perfformiad Iaith Arwyddion: 17 March / Mawrth 2.30pm Post-Show Talk / Trafodaeth Wedi-Sioe: 5 March / Mawrth

One of Wales's greatest writers and directors, Peter Gill, returns to his native city with a portrait of provincial life in 1890s Russia. Based on Chekhov's poignant short story, A Provincial Life follows one young man's struggle to exchange his privileged position for the life of a worker. This painful, lyrical play dramatises the search for equality in a way that resonates deeply today. Discover more about this production, and get behind the curtain at: You can also join the conversation on Twitter by using the hashtag: #ntw17

Dychwela un o ysgrifennwyr a chyfarwyddwyr gorau Cymru, Peter Gill, i'r ddinas lle'i ganwyd gyda phortread o fywyd taleithiol yn Rwsia yn y 1890au. Wedi'i selio ar stori fer, ingol Chekhov, mae A Provincial Life yn dilyn ymdrech un dyn ifanc i newid ei statws breintiedig am fywyd gweithiwr. Mae'r ddrama boenus, delynegol yma yn archwilio'r dyhead am gydraddoldeb mewn ffordd sydd yn canu cloch yn yr oes bresennol. Darganfyddwch mwy am y cynhyrchiad yma, a chymrwch gipolwg y tu ôl i'r llen yn: Gallwch hefyd ymuno â'r sgwrs ar Twitter trwy ddefnyddio'r hashtag: #ntw17

Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Peter Gill Designer / Cynllunydd: Alison Chitty Lighting Designer / Cynllunydd Goleuo: Paul Pyant Composer / Cyfansoddwr: Terry Davies

Cast includes / Cast yn cynnwys: Mike Hayward Helen Griffin Lee Haven Jones Sara Lloyd-Gregory John-Paul Macleoad Clive Merrison Nicholas Shaw William Thomas Menna Trussler

029 2064 6900

7 March / Mawrth & 31 May / Mai

SCRIPTSLAM Sherman Cymru

8.00pm Theatre / Theatr 2 £6 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris If you’re interested in submitting a script please contact / Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn cyflwyno sgript cysylltwch â: Sarah Bickerton sarah.bickerton@

Five new ten minute plays by writers showcased in script-in-hand performances.

Pum drama deg munud o hyd yn cael eu perfformio sgript-mewn-llaw.

After each play is performed a panel of industry experts – writers, actors and directors – will be on hand to offer their advice. You, the audience, will then get to vote for your favourite. The winning writer will then have the opportunity to work with Sherman Cymru’s Literary Team to develop their playwriting skills.

Wedi i bob drama gael ei pherfformio bydd panel o arbenigwyr o faes y theatr – awduron, actorion a chyfarwyddwyr – yn cynnig eu barn a’u sylwadau. Yna bydd y gynulleidfa yn pleidleisio dros eu hoff ddrama. Bydd yr enillydd wedyn yn cael cyfle i weithio gyda Thîm Llenyddol Sherman Cymru er mwyn datblygu ei sgiliau ysgrifennu.

7 March – Plays written by participants from Sherman Cymru’s Young Writers Group (aged between 15 and 23 and mentored by playwright Alan Harris) will be performed by members of Sherman Cymru Youth Theatre.

7 Mawrth – Dramâu gan aelodau’r Grŵp Awduron Ifanc (awduron rhwng 15 a 23 mlwydd oed sydd wedi eu mentora gan y dramodydd Alan Harris) yn cael ei gyflwyno gan berfformwyr o Theatr Ieuenctid Sherman Cymru.

31 May – A selection of plays from a variety of new writers will be performed by professional actors.

31 Mai – Dramâu gan amrywiaeth o awduron newydd yn cael eu perfformio gan griw o actorion proffesiynol.


14–17 March / Mawrth

Muscle Shock n Awe Performance Company A co-production with / Cyd-gynhyrchiad gyda: Taliesin Arts Centre / Canolfan y Celfyddydau Taliesin 8.00pm Theatre / Theatr 2 £12 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris Post-Show Talk / Trafodaeth Wedi-Sioe: 16 March / Mawrth Ages / Oedrannau: 14+ Iaith Grêf / Strong Language Written and Directed by / Ysgrifennwyd a Chyfarwyddwyd gan: Greg Cullen Choreography and Direction by / Coreograffi a Chyfarwyddo gan: Phil Williams Music by / Cerddoriaeth gan: Benjamin Talbott Design by / Cynllunio gan: Angharad Matthews Images / Delweddau: Kim Fielding

Love them or loathe them, men are everywhere.

Boed chi'n eu caru neu eu casáu, mae dynion ym mhobman.

Muscle is a richly textured, emotional rollercoaster of theatre, dance, music and film inspired by extraordinary interviews with men and performed by an eclectic all male cast who, as well as hailing from Mars, also play the characters from Venus.

Mae Muscle yn ddarn theatrig cyfoethog, emosiynol a hynod gyffrous sy’n cyfuno dawns, cerddoriaeth a ffilm, ac a ysbrydolwyd gan gyfres o gyfweliadau anhygoel â dynion. Dynion yn unig sydd yn y cast eclectig yma, ac er eu bod yn hanu o Mars, maent hefyd yn portreadu cymeriadau o Fenws.

Fresh from winning the Royal Bank of Scotland Herald Angel Award at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2011, Shock n Awe return to their home city of Cardiff with a revamped version of this groundbreaking production.

Dyma Shock n Awe yn dychwelyd adref i Gaerdydd i gyflwyno’r fersiwn newydd yma o’u cynhyrchiad arloesol. Yn gynharach eleni bu iddynt ennill Gwobr Herald Angel Royal Bank of Scotland yng Ngŵyl Ymylol Caeredin 2011.

029 2064 6900

20–24 March / Mawrth

Barflies Grid Iron Based on the short stories and poems of / Wedi’i selio ar straeon byr a cherddi: Charles Bukowski 20, 22 & 24 March / Mawrth: 8.00pm 21 & 23 March / Mawrth: 6.00pm The Vulcan Hotel, Adam St £15 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris 24 March / Mawrth 2–4pm, Sherman Cymru: Small-scale site-specific theatre symposium / Symposiwm theatr saflebenodol ar raddfa fechan Ages / Oedrannau: 18+ Adult Content / Cynnwys a all fod yn anaddas i blant Adapted and directed by / Addaswyd a chyfarwyddwyd gan: Ben Harrison Music by / Cerddoriaeth gan: David Paul Jones Designed by / Cynllunio gan: Becky Minto Photo / Llun: Douglas Jones

“ Some people never get crazy. What boring awful lives they must lead.” Charles Bukowski A huge sell-out success at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2009, Barflies takes a look at the pains and glories of drunkenness and all the humour, horror, hope and devastation it can bring. Drawn from the short stories and poems of cult American writer Charles Bukowski, Barflies is a rumbustious encounter with his alter-ego Henry Chinaski and a bevvy of the women who shaped his life and work.

‘Roedd Barflies yn llwyddiant ysgubol yng Ngŵyl Ymylol Caeredin 2009, ac ynddi ceir golwg ddwys ar ofidiau a gogoniannau meddwdod, a’r hiwmor, yr arswyd, y gobaith a’r dinistr all ddod yn ei sgil. Mae Barflies yn seiliedig ar straeon byrion a cherddi’r awdur cwlt Americanaidd, Charles Bukowski, ac yn y ddrama fe’i gwelir yn cwrdd â’i ‘hunan arall’, Henry Chinaski, yn ogystal â’r menywod sydd wedi dylanwadu ar ei waith.

Multi-award winning company Grid Iron are renowned for staging theatre in unexpected and unusual locations. Barflies is Grid Iron’s first visit to Wales and performances will take place at The Vulcan Hotel in the city centre.

Mae cwmni Grid Iron wedi ennill sawl gwobr, ac maent yn adnabyddus am lwyfannu eu cynyrchiadau mewn lleoliadau anghyffredin. Barflies yw ymweliad gyntaf Grid Iron â Chymru, ac fe’i perfformir yng Ngwesty'r Vulcan yng nghanol y ddinas.


oed Age / + 5

21–24 March / Mawrth

The forest Fevered Sleep / Fuel Created by / Crëwyd gan: Fevered Sleep

21 March / Mawrth: 4.00pm 22 & 23 March / Mawrth: 10.30am & 1.30pm 24 March / Mawrth: 11.00am & 2.00pm Theatre / Theatr 1 £7 Direction & Choreography by / Cyfarwyddo a Choreograffi gan: David Harradine & Sam Butler Design by / Cynllunio gan: David Harradine, Sam Butler & Ali Beale Lighting Design by / Cynllun Goeluo gan: Hansjörg Schmidt Composer / Cyfansoddwr: Jamie McCartney

A treat to excite your imagination and tickle your senses.

Gwledd i ddeffro’ch dychymyg ac i gyffroi eich synhwyrau.

There is a place at the very heart of the forest where things are not quite what they seem. People become animals, birds become music, day becomes night-time, leaves become light. It’s full of adventure and it’s always changing.

Yng nghanol y goedwig mae man lle nad yw pethau’n union fel maent yn ymddangos. Mae pobl yn troi’n anifeiliaid, adar yn troi’n gerddoriaeth, dydd yn troi’n nos, dail yn troi’n oleuni. Mae’n llawn antur ac yn newid drwy’r amser.

This thrilling, surprising and enchanting performance explores the landscape of the forest through music, dance, light, sound and a set full of real trees.

Mae’r perfformiad cyffrous, syfrdanol a hudolus yma’n archwilio tirwedd y goedwig drwy ddefnyddio cerddoriaeth, dawns, goleuadau, sain a set yn llawn coed go iawn.

029 2064 6900

24 March / Mawrth

Wasted Paines Plough / Birmingham Repertory Theatre / Roundhouse In association with / mewn cydweithrediad â: The National Student Drama Festival / Latitude Festival By / Gan: Kate Tempest 8.00pm Theatre / Theatr 2 £14 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris Direction / Cyfarwyddo: James Grieve Design / Cynllunio: Cai Dyfan Lighting Design / Cynllun Goleuo: Angela Anson Sound Design / Cynllun Sain: Tom Gibbons Composer / Cyfansoddwr: Kwake Film Design / Cynllun Ffilm: Mathy & Fran Associate Direction/ Cyfarwyddwr Cyswllt: Stef O’Driscoll

Photo / Llun: Richard Davenport

“ I’m making a decision. I’m changing things. This is it.” A play about love, life and losing your mind. Three old friends. One remarkable day. For Ted, Danny and Charlotte, life will never be the same.

Drama am gariad, bywyd a cholli pwyll. Tri hen ffrind. Un diwrnod rhyfeddol. Fydd bywyd byth yr un fath eto i Ted, Danny a Charlotte.

A day-glo trip through the parks, raves and cafes of South London, where life is what you make it, Wasted paints a picture of lives less ordinary in an unforgiving world.

Gwibdaith lachar drwy barciau, rêfs a chaffis De Llundain, ble mae pawb yn gyfrifol am ei ffawd ei hun. Mae Wasted yn cynnig darlun o dri bywyd llai cyffredin mewn byd didostur.

Kate Tempest is an exciting young writer, poet and performer, currently serving up a storm in the UK hiphop scene with her band Sound Of Rum. An exhilarating soundtrack accompanies this dynamic staging of her debut play.

Mae Kate Tempest yn awdur ifanc cyffrous, yn fardd ac yn berfformiwr, ac ar hyn o bryd yn cynhyrfu’r sîn hip-hop Brydeinig gyda’i band Sound Of Rum. Mae trac sain bywiog yn ychwanegu at y llwyfaniad dramatig yma o’i drama gyntaf.


3–6 April / Ebrill

A Doll's House Clwyd Theatr Cymru By / Gan: Henrik Ibsen A new version by / Fersiwn newydd gan: Frank McGuinness 7.30pm 4 April/ Ebrill: 1.30pm Matinee Theatre / Theatr 2 £15 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Emma Lucia Designer / Cynllunydd: Max Jones

" I must stand on my own if I'm to make sense of myself and everything around me." Nora is blissfully in love with her lawyer husband, Torvald. Charming, unworldly and cosseted, she is his plaything. On the surface their marriage is idyllic... Written in the 1870s, A Doll's House is a landmark drama which shocked audiences with its radical portrayal of a modern woman's journey towards self-awareness and independence.

Mae Nora mewn cariad dros ei phen a’i chlustau gyda’i gŵr, Torvald, sy’n gyfreithiwr. Yn ddymunol, diniwed ac anwesog, hi yw ei degan. Ar yr wyneb, mae eu priodas yn un delfrydol... Ysgrifennwyd A Doll's House yn y 1870au ac mae’n garreg filltir ym myd y ddrama. Syfrdanwyd y gynulleidfa gan ei phortread radical o siwrnai un wraig fodern tuag at hunanymwybyddiaeth ac annibyniaeth.

029 2064 6900

3 April / ebrill

salomÉ Sound Affairs Music by / Cerddoriaeth gan: Charlie Barber

8.00pm Theatre / Theatr 1 £12 – £20 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris Pre-Show Talk / Trafodaeth Cyn-Sioe: 7.15pm

Barber uses a vast range of instruments… to create an evocative soundscape that mirrors the exotic costumes and Salomé's erotic allure. The Guardian Photo / Llun: Farrows Creative

Opulent, extravagant and decadent – an all too rare screening of the 1923 silent film Salomé, complete with live music by Cardiff-based composer Charlie Barber.

Ysblennydd ac eithafol – dangosiad prin o’r clasur o 1923, Salomé. Cyflwynir y film fud yma i gyfeiliant cerddoriaeth fyw gan y cyfansoddwr o Gaerdydd Charlie Barber.

This classic film is a visual feast furnished by lavish designs inspired by artist Aubrey Beardsley, and an unforgettable title role performance by the flamboyant Hollywood silent film star Alla Nazimova.

Mae’r clasur hon yn wledd i’r llygad, yn gyforiog o gynlluniau godidog a ysbrydolwyd gan yr artist Aubrey Beardsley, a pherfformiad bythgofiadwy gan un o sêr disgleiriaf ffilmiau mud Hollywood, Alla Nazimova.

Inspired by traditional Arabic ensembles, Charlie Barber’s new score is equally dramatic. Performed by musicians playing from two towers flanking each side of the giant silver screen, this is a riveting blend of music and spectacle unlike anything else.

Mae sgôr newydd Charlie Barber, a ysbrydolwyd gan ensembles Arabaidd traddodiadol, yr un mor ddramatig. Perfformir y gwaith gan gerddorion fydd yn chwarae o ben dau dŵr a osodir bob ochr i’r sgrin anferth. Bydd y cyfuniad hwn o ffilm a cherddoriaeth yn wledd, ac yn sicr o hoelio’ch sylw.


oed Age / 3—5

7 April / Ebrill

RUBY RED TELLS TALES Theatr Iolo By / Gan: Sarah Argent

11.00am & 2.00pm Theatre / Theatr 2 £7 Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Sarah Argent Designer / Cynllunydd: Charlotte Neville Composer / Cyfansoddwr: Dan Lawrence Performers / Perfformwyr: Shekira Johnson & Hannah McPake

Once upon a time Ruby and her friend Ella were waiting – waiting impatiently for something to happen. They squabble, they sing, they playfully tell tales.

Un tro, amser maith yn ôl, ‘roedd Ruby a’i ffrind Ella yn aros... ac yn aros... ac yn ysu i rywbeth ddigwydd. Maent yn cweryla, yn canu, yn adrodd straeon.

“Fee fi fo fum”. “ What big teeth you have”. “All the better to eat you with”. “ Who's the fairest of them all?” “You are”. “The glass slipper. It fits!”

“Ffî ffei ffo ffym”. “ Dyna ddannedd mawr erchyll sydd gennych chi”. “Gorau yn y byd i dy larpio di”. “Pwy yw’r harddaf yn y byd?” “Y chi”. “Yr esgid risial. Mae’n ffitio!”

Join Ruby and Ella in their magical fairytale world where they meet a timid tiger, a (slightly) scary spider and a gingerbread man who meets a rather sticky end. An enchanting musical play from director Sarah Argent and Theatr Iolo, whose productions combine humour and imagination to create delightful theatre for small children. Photo / Llun: Kirsten McTernan

Ymunwch â Ruby ac Ella yn eu byd hudolus, ble maent yn cwrdd â theigr swil, pry copyn sydd (ychydig) yn arswydus, a dyn bach sinsir sy’n ei chael hi yn y diwedd! Drama gerddorol hudolus gan y cyfarwyddwr Sarah Argent a Theatr Iolo. Mae eu cynyrchiadau’n cyfuno hiwmor a dychymyg er mwyn creu theatr hyfryd i blant bach.

029 2064 6900

oed Age / 2—4

17–21 april / Ebrill


Scan for e-trailer / Sganiwch i weld e-hysbyslun

Catherine Wheels Theatre Company In association with / Mewn cydweithrediad â: Brunton Theatre, Musselburgh By / Gan: Andy Manley 11.00am & 2.00pm Theatre / Theatr 2 £7 Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Gill Robertson Designer / Cynllunydd: Shona Reppe Composer / Cyfansoddwr: Danny Krass

Welcome to the beautifully strange world of White. Full of birdsong and birdhouses, it gleams and dazzles and shines in the night. Two friends look after the birdhouses and make sure the eggs stay safe. We watch, we help. The world is bright, ordered and white. But high up in the trees, all is not white. Colour appears. First red... then yellow... then blue… White is a playful and highly visual new show for very young children and is a perfect first time theatre experience. Catherine Wheels is an internationally acclaimed children’s theatre company. To date, White has won seven major awards, including the Theatre Awards UK Best Show for Children and Young People.

Photo / Llun: Paul Watt

Croeso i fyd prydferth a rhyfeddol White. Edrychwch sut mae’r byd yn disgleirio yn y nos, a chlywch yr adar yn trydar. Mae dau gyfaill yn gofalu am yr adar gan wneud yn siŵr fod yr wyau’n ddiogel. ‘Rydym yn gwylio, ‘rydym yn helpu. Mae’r byd yn llachar, yn drefnus ac yn wyn. Ond yn y coed fry uwchben, nid yw popeth yn wyn. Mae lliw’n ymddangos. Coch yn gyntaf... wedyn melyn... wedyn glas… Mae White yn sioe newydd chwareus a hynod weledol i blant ifanc iawn – sioe berffaith ar gyfer profi theatr am y tro cyntaf. Mae Catherine Wheels yn gwmni theatr i blant sydd wedi gwneud enw iddo’i hun yn rhyngwladol. Hyd heddiw, mae White wedi ennill saith gwobr mawr, gan gynnwys gwobr Theatre Awards UK Best Show for Children and Young People.


3–5 May / Mai

THE HARRI-PARRIS: THE LEAVING DO Mai oh Mai Productions By / Gan: Llinos Mai

8.00pm Theatre / Theatr 2 £12 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris Supported by Arts Council of Wales / Cefnogwyd gan Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru

The Harri-Parris are a West Walian farming family. They love having visitors. Any visitors. Those who brave the farm's long, long lane are very, very welcome. Provided they don't mind the odd song. Or a bit of village gossip. And agricultural show rosettes. They must be interested in agricultural show rosettes. The family's only daughter, Anni Harri-Parri, is off to the bright lights of London and you are invited to help send her off in style. The Harri-Parris: The Leaving Do is a thoroughly entertaining evening of comedy, drama and song that takes a warm and witty look at the ups and downs of living in rural West Wales.

Photo / Llun: Kirsten McTernan

Mae’r Harri-Parris yn byw ar fferm yng Ngorllewin Cymru. Maent wrth eu bodd yn croesawu ymwelwyr. Unrhyw ymwelwyr. Mae’r sawl sy’n llwyddo i gerdded y llwybr hir i’r ffermdy’n cael croeso cynnes iawn. Os nad oes ots ganddynt gân neu ddwy. Neu glywed clecs am y pentref. A rhaid bod ganddynt ddiddordeb mewn rhubanau sioeau amaethyddol. Mae unig ferch y teulu, Anni HarriParri, ar fin mynd i Lundain, ac fe’ch gwahoddir i roi ffarwel iawn iddi. Mae The Harri-Parris: The Leaving Do yn noson ddifyr o gomedi, drama a chân sy’n taflu golwg ffraeth ac annwyl ar yr hyn sy’n dda ac yn ddrwg am fywyd cefn gwlad Gorllewin Cymru.

029 2064 6900

A WORD FROM / GAIR ODDI WRTH Gwyneth Lewis Writer / Awdur " Clytemnestra's about the fundamentals: food, sex, power and death. What more could a writer want? It's been wonderful to inhabit the stark mythic world of the Greek plays. I thought that working on Greek mythology would be depressing, but it's the opposite: they make the mind fly with terror and exhilaration." " Mae Clytemnestra'n mynd i’r afael â holl hanfodion bywyd: bwyd, rhyw, pŵer a marwolaeth. Beth well i awdur? Mae wedi bod yn brofiad gwych cael ymgolli am gyfnod ym myd mytholegol y dramâu Groegaidd. ‘Ro’n i’n ofni byddai gweithio ar chwedloniaeth Groeg yn brofiad digalon, ond i’r gwrthwyneb: mae’n peri i’r meddwl hedfan mewn arswyd a gorfoledd."


18 April / Ebrill – 5 May / Mai

CLYTEMNESTRA Sherman Cymru By / Gan: Gwyneth Lewis

7.30pm Theatre / Theatr 1 £15 – £25 Previews/ Rhagddangosiadau: £12 – £20 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris Audio Described Performance / Perfformiad Disgrifiad Clywedol: 4 May / Mai Captioned Performance / Perfformiad â Chapsiynau: 5 May / Mai Post-Show Talks / Trafodaethau Wedi-Sioe: 26 April / Ebrill 3 May / Mai School & college workshops available / Gweithdai i ysgolion a cholegau ar gael

" When we've killed all the animals Men will be next." Oil has run out and the world fights for food. To save his people, Agamemnon sacrifices his daughter to his barbaric new allies. With the fury of a mother betrayed, Clytemnestra waits for his return. What will she do for justice? Adultery, power and revenge drive this new telling of an epic Greek legend. A major new production from Sherman Cymru, Clytemnestra combines the dramatic story-telling of the former National Poet of Wales, Gwyneth Lewis, with the bold direction of Amy Hodge (Measure for Measure).

Mae’r olew wedi darfod, ac mae’r byd yn ymladd am fwyd. I achub ei bobl, mae Agamemnon yn aberthu ei ferch i’w gynghreiriaid barbaraidd. Mae Clytemnestra, y fam a gafodd ei bradychu, yn llawn cynddaredd ac yn aros iddo ddychwelyd. Sut mae cael cyfiawnder? Godineb, pŵer a dialedd sy’n gyrru’r addasiad newydd hwn o’r chwedl epig Roegaidd. Mae Clytemnestra yn gynhyrchiad newydd o bwys gan Sherman Cymru, ac yn cyfuno dawn storïo dramatig cyn Fardd Cenedlaethol Cymru, Gwyneth Lewis, gyda chyfarwyddo celfydd Amy Hodge (Measure for Measure).

Alice Nicholas alice.nicholas@ 029 2064 6900 Ages / Oedrannau: 14+ Adult Content / Cynnwys a all fod yn anaddas i blant

Photo / Llun: Grace Vane Percy

Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Amy Hodge Designer / Cynllunydd: takis Lighting Designer / Cynllunydd Goleuo: Lee Curran

Composer & Sound Designer / Cyfansoddwr a Chynllunydd Sain: Simon Thorne Choreographer / Coreograffydd: Johan Stjernholm

029 2064 6900

10–12 May / Mai

ELWYN Wales Theatre Company / Aberystwyth Arts Centre

7.45pm Theatre / Theatr 1 £15 – £22 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Michael Bogdanov Cast / Cast: Russell Gomer & Ieuan Rhys Supported by Arts Council of Wales / Cefnogwyd gan Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru

A comedy about the nature of happiness. 40-something Mummy's boy, Elwyn, and his room-mate, Kelly, are the Odd Couple of the Valleys: a pair of confused souls taking their first steps in the outside world after years of isolated life in a mental health institution. Both humorously touching and heart-warmingly funny, this modern parable (directed by the acclaimed Michael Bogdanov), invites you to join Elwyn and Kelly as they build new friendships and start to experience the pleasure of the everyday.

Comedi am hanfod hapusrwydd. Elwyn – babi mam sydd dros ei ddeugain – a Kelly, sy’n cyd-fyw ag ef, yw ‘Odd Couple’ y Cymoedd: dau enaid ffwndrus sy’n wynebu bywyd y tu allan i ffiniau ynysig yr ysbyty meddwl am y tro cyntaf ers blynyddoedd. Dameg gyfoes ddoniol a theimladwy (wedi ei chyfarwyddo gan yr enwog Michael Bogdanov), sy’n eich gwahodd i ymuno ag Elwyn a Kelly wrth iddynt gwrdd â ffrindiau newydd, a chychwyn profi pleserau bywyd bob dydd.


11–12 May / Mai

The Birds Disability Arts Cymru’s Unusual Stage School / Ysgol Lwyfan Anarferol Celfyddydau Anabledd Cymru

8.00pm Theatre / Theatr 2 £10 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / i ffwrdd Under 25s & Registered Disabled / Dan 25 a rheiny sydd wedi cofrestru'n anabl: Half Price / Hanner Pris Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Cheryl Martin

Photo / Llun: Michael Lennard

Expect the unexpected as Disability Arts Cymru's Unusual Stage School present their unique version of Aristophanes’s Greek comedy The Birds, directed by Cheryl Martin. The Unusual Stage School started out in 2006 as a two-week training residency to develop the skills of disabled performers. Since then it has blossomed into a company of talented professional and amateur disabled actors who have performed at a wide range of festivals and events across the UK.

Disgwyliwch yr annisgwyl wrth i Ysgol Lwyfan Anarferol Celfyddydau Anabledd Cymru gyflwyno’i fersiwn arbennig o gomedi Roegaidd Aristophanes, The Birds, a gyfarwyddwyd gan Cheryl Martin. Cychwynnodd yr Ysgol Lwyfan Anarferol yn 2006 fel cwrs preswyl pythefnos i ddatblygu sgiliau perfformwyr anabl. Ers hynny mae wedi datblygu’n gwmni o actorion talentog proffesiynol ac amatur sydd wedi perfformio mewn nifer o wyliau a digwyddiadau ledled y DU.

This production is part of Disability Arts Cymru’s wide-ranging creative project Whose Flame Is It Anyway?, which is in turn part of the Power of the Flame funded by Legacy Trust UK, celebrating the Cultural Olympiad in Wales and creating a lasting legacy from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games.

Mae’r cynhyrchiad hwn yn rhan o brosiect creadigol Celfyddydau Anabledd Cymru, ‘Fflam Pwy?’, sydd yn ei dro’n rhan o ‘Grym y Fflam’ a ariennir gan y Legacy Trust UK, sy’n dathlu’r Olympiad Diwylliannol yng Nghymru er mwyn gadael gwaddol barhaus yn dilyn gemau Olympaidd a Pharalympaidd Llundain yn 2012.

029 2064 6900

A WORD FROM / GAIR ODDI WRTH Phil Mackenzie Head of Creative Learning / Pennaeth Dysgu Creadigol Sherman Cymru “ I’ve seen all of Hofesh Shechter’s work over the past 3 years and it’s always full of adventure, chaos and excitement. Political Mother is a stand out performance event at Sherman Cymru this spring – incredibly vibrant and alive.” “ ’Rwyf wedi gweld holl waith Hofesh Shechter yn ystod y 3 blynedd ddiwethaf, ac mae llawn antur, anhrefn a chyffro. Bydd y perfformiad o Political Mother yn ddigwyddiad arbennig iawn yn Sherman Cymru'r gwanwyn hwn – yn llawn egni a chynnwrf.”


15–16 May / Mai


Scan for e-trailer / Sganiwch i weld e-hysbyslun

Hofesh Shechter Company

8.00pm Theatre / Theatr 1 £15 – £22 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris Hofesh Shechter Company Spring Tour 2012 is supported by National Lottery through the Arts Council of Wales / Cefnogwyd Taith Gwanwyn 2012 Hofesh Shechter Company gan Y Loteri Cenedlaethol drwy Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru

as hairprickingly exhilarating as modern dance gets

Ten talented dancers, a band of live drummers and electric guitarists and the atmosphere of a rock gig – an electrifying piece from a choreographer who has taken the UK dance scene by storm.

Deg o ddawnswyr talentog, band byw gyda drymiau a gitârs trydan, ac awyrgylch cyngerdd roc – darn o waith trydanol gan goreograffydd sydd wedi cynhyrfu’r byd dawns ym Mhrydain.

Political Mother will draw audiences into Shechter’s world where his raw and honest physicality have marked him as one of the most exciting artists to emerge in recent years.

Bydd Political Mother yn denu cynulleidfaoedd i fyd Shechter ble mae ei waith corfforol amrwd a diffuant wedi sicrhau mai ef yw un o’r artistiaid mwyaf cyffrous i ddod i’r amlwg yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf.

A former drummer in a rock band, Shechter creates the music for each of his dance creations and this exhilarating soundtrack, alongside his company’s unique movement style, has earned his work acclaim around the world.

The Telegraph

Photo / Llun: Gabriele Zucca

Political Mother is commissioned by /Comisiynwyd Political Mother gan: Brighton Dome/Festival, Sadler’s Wells, Movimentos – Festwochen der Autostadt, Wolfsburg The work is co-commissioned by / Cyd-gomisiynwyd y gwaith gan: Biennale de la Danse de Lyon, Théâtre de la Ville, Romaeuropa, Mercat de les Flors Produced in collaboration with / Cynhyrchwyd mewn cydweithrediad â: Theatre Royal, Plymouth; and with support from / a gyda chefnogaeth: DanceXchange, Birmingham

Ag yntau'n gyn-ddrymiwr mewn band roc, Shechter sydd wedi cyfansoddi’r gerddoriaeth ar gyfer pob un o’r dawnsfeydd yma. Mae’r trac sain gwefreiddiol hwn, yn ogystal â dull corfforol unigryw’r cwmni o weithio, wedi ennill clod iddo ym mhedwar ban byd.

The score was created in collaboration with / Crëwyd y sgôr mewn cydweithrediad â: Guildhall School of Music & Drama & barbicanbite09; with research supported by /cefnogwyd yr ymchwil gan: Jerwood Studio at Sadler’s Wells Hofesh Shechter Company is supported by / cefnogwyd Hofesh Shechter Company gan Arts Council England & Esmée Fairbairn Foundation; and is Company in Residence at / ac yn Gwmni Preswyl Brighton Dome & Festival

029 2064 6900

17-18 May / Mai

WHO’S AFRAID OF RACHEL ROBERTS? Torch Theatre Company By / Gan: Helen Griffin & Dave Ainsworth

8.00pm Theatre / Theatr 2 £12 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris Ages / Oedrannau: 16+ Adult Content / Cynnwys a all fod yn anaddas i blant Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Peter Doran Designer / Cynllunydd: Sean Crowley

From shy Welsh minister’s daughter to Oscar-nominated, booze-soaked, foul-mouthed, fading Hollywood star. What happened to make it all go so wrong?

Merch swil gweinidog o Gymru’n tyfu i fod yn un o sêr Hollywood, wedi ei henwebu am Oscar, wedi'i socian mewn diod, ac yn rhegi fel trwper. Beth aeth o’i le?

With a chapel upbringing, RADA training and award-winning roles in the original 'kitchen-sink' dramas, Saturday Night and Sunday Morning and This Sporting Life, Rachel Roberts was known for her fervour and passion. Then marriage to superstar Rex Harrison allowed her to live the Hollywood dream.

Wedi magwraeth capel, hyfforddiant yn RADA a pherfformiadau gwych yn y ‘dramâu cegin’ gwreiddiol, Saturday Night and Sunday Morning a This Sporting Life, ‘roedd Rachel Roberts yn adnabyddus am ei brwdfrydedd a’i angerdd. Yna wedi priodi’r archseren Rex Harrison, gwireddwyd ei breuddwyd a chafodd fynd i fyw i Hollywood.

A unique and intriguing story of an outrageous life and an extraordinary talent, this play was especially commissioned by the Torch to two very talented writers: playwright, screenwriter, distinguished actress and Welsh BAFTA Award winner Helen Griffin and stand up comedian, Dave Ainsworth.

Stori ddiddorol ac unigryw am fywyd ysgeler a thalent ryfeddol. Comisiynwyd dau awdur hynod dalentog gan y Torch i ysgrifennu’r darn arbennig yma: Helen Griffin, dramodydd, awdur, actores ac enillydd gwobr BAFTA Cymru, a'r comedïwr, Dave Ainsworth.


oed Age / 8+

19 May / Mai

the Girl with the iron claws The Wrong Crowd

2.00pm & 6.30pm Theatre / Theatr 2 £7

Theatrical magic… the puppetry is terrific The Guardian

A fantastical world that has all the fresh, unusual and sinister appeal of wandering into a fairytale for the first time The Scotsman

Photo / Llun: Steve Ullathorne

Growing up isn’t easy, especially when you’re in love with a bear.

Nid yw tyfu i fyny’n hawdd, yn enwedig pan ‘rydych mewn cariad ag arth.

Fresh from a critically-acclaimed, sell-out success at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2011, The Wrong Crowd bring you The Girl with the Iron Claws, a captivating dark fairy-tale, which shares its roots with Beauty and the Beast, about a girl who dares to follow her longing. Stunning puppetry, enchanting music and deft humour combine to dazzling effect in a coming-of-age tale to enthral audiences young and old.

Yn dilyn llwyddiant ysgubol yng Ngŵyl Ymylol Caeredin 2011, dyma The Wrong Crowd yn cyflwyno The Girl with the Iron Claws, stori dylwyth teg dywyll sy’n rhannu’r un gwraidd â Beauty and the Beast – merch sy’n meiddio dilyn yr hyn mae’n hiraethu amdano. Mae’r stori dyfod-i-oed yma yn cyfuno gwaith pypedau rhagorol, cerddoriaeth hudolus a hiwmor celfydd fydd yn syfrdanu ac yn swyno cynulleidfaoedd o bob oed.

Fall in with The Wrong Crowd for their inventive, playful, unique brand of storytelling theatre in their debut show. They’re a company to watch!

Ymunwch â The Wrong Crowd i brofi eu theatr arbennig, arloesol, chwareus yn eu sioe gyntaf un. Cwmni i’w wylio!

029 2064 6900

22–26 May / Mai

The get together Sherman Cymru By / Gan: Simon Crowther

8.00pm Theatre / Theatr 2 £10 Preview / Rhagddangosiad: £7 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: £5

Photo / Llun: ~aki Anton ~ana Plaza In

As part of an ongoing commitment to new writing for the stage and the development of new writers, Sherman Cymru is delighted to present a new ‘more thrills than frills’ RAW production, The Get Together. Four friends get together in a fading Cardiff pub. Bull and Anna are in love. Marie and Clarkey aren’t. It’s cold outside. Jaws is on the telly. Carol, the landlady, keeps them coming. Phil, the local celebrity, once got into trouble with a monkey. A couple of drinks, a few regrets. Laughter, betrayal, and blood.

Fel rhan o ymrwymiad parhaol i ysgrifennu newydd ar gyfer y llwyfan, ac at ddatblygu awduron newydd, mae Sherman Cymru yn falch iawn i gyflwyno, The Get Together, cynhyrchiad AMRWD ‘mwy o dân na ffwdan’ newydd. Mae pedwar ffrind yn ymgynnull mewn hen dafarn yng Nghaerdydd. Mae Bull ac Anna mewn cariad. Ond nid felly Marie a Clarkey. Mae wedi oeri. Mae Jaws ar y teledu. Mae Carol, y landledi’n gweini’r naill ddiod ar ôl y llall. Bu i Phil, y ‘seleb’ lleol, gael trafferth â mwnci unwaith. Diod neu ddau, a chyfle i ddifaru. Chwerthin, brad, a gwaed.


29–30 May / Mai

MINSK 2011: A REPLY TO KATHY ACKER Fuel / Belarus Free Theatre Devised by / Dyfeisiwyd gan: Belarus Free Theatre Adapted & Directed by / Addaswyd a Chyfarwyddwyd gan: Vladimir Shcherban 8.00pm Theatre / Theatr 1 £12 – £20 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris Performed in Russian with English surtitles / Yn Rwsieg gyda uwchdeitlau Saesneg Ages / Oedrannau: 16+ Adult Content / Cynnwys a all fod yn anaddas i blant Originally presented at / Cyflwynwyd yn wreiddiol gan: The Pleasance Developed in residence at the / Datblygwyd tra’n beswyl yn y Dartington Space with the support of / gyda chefnogaeth the Dartington Hall Trust Funded by Arts Council England / Ariannwyd gan Arts Council England Photo / Llun: Nikolai Khalezin

Welcome to Minsk – the sexiest city in the world!

Croeso i Minsk – dinas fwyaf rhywiol y byd!

In Belarus people bear the scars of repression all over their body. Gay Pride marches are brutally suppressed. Underground nightclubs are routinely raided by special forces. If scars are sexy then Minsk must be the sexiest city in the world.

Mae creithiau gormes wedi gadael eu hôl ar gyrff pobl Belarus. Mae’r gorymdeithiau ‘Gay Pride’ yn cael eu rhwystro yn y modd mwyaf creulon. Mae’r lluoedd arbennig yn dinistrio’r clybiau nos tanddaearol yn rheolaidd. Os yw creithiau’n rhywiol, yna mae’n rhaid mai Minsk yw dinas fwyaf rhywiol y byd.

A lament for a city that has lost its way, for a beloved home that has turned ugly, for a people who cannot express themselves. Belarus Free Theatre was founded in 2005 in Europe’s last surviving dictatorship. Under impossible conditions the company continue to produce great theatre that is recognised internationally.

Galarnad am ddinas sydd ar goll, am gartref sydd erbyn hyn yn wrthun, am bobl sy’n ei chael yn amhosib mynegi eu hunain. Sefydlwyd Theatr Rydd Belarus yn 2005, yn unbenniaeth olaf Ewrop. Dan amgylchiadau amhosib mae’r cwmni’n parhau i gynhyrchu theatr sy’n derbyn cydnabyddiaeth ryngwladol.

029 2064 6900

A WORD FROM / GAIR ODDI WRTH Margaret Jones General Manager / Rheolwr Cyffredinol Sherman Cymru “ I can't wait to see Matthew Bourne's 25th anniversary celebrations. Three pieces for the price of one! I saw Town and Country years ago – it was the first dance show that I’d been to where I realised dance could be incredibly funny so I’m really looking forward to seeing it again.” “ ’Rwy’n ysu i weld dathliadau 25ain Matthew Bourne. Tri am bris un! Fe welais i Town and Country flynyddoedd yn ôl – y sioe ddawns gyntaf i mi ei gweld ble sylweddolais y gall dawns fod yn anhygoel o ddoniol, felly ‘rydw i WIRIONEDDOL edrych ymlaen at ei weld eto.”


5-6 June / Mehefin


5 June / Mehefin: 7.30pm 6 June / Mehefin: 2.30pm & 7.30pm Theatre / Theatr 1 £15 – £25 Matinee: £12 – £20 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

the uk's cleverest, most entertaining dance company... seriously beautiful choreography Time out (Town and Country)

brilliant and hilarious The guardian (spitfire)

As part of the company's 25th anniversary celebrations, Matthew Bourne (Swan Lake, Nutcracker!, Cinderella, Edward Scissorhands, The Car Man) returns to his roots in a programme of early pieces that launched the career of Britain's favourite choreographer. Spitfire – ‘An advertisement divertissement’ – was Matthew Bourne’s first hit in 1988. It hilariously places the most famous 19th Century ballet showstopper in the world of men’s underwear advertising. Town and Country from 1991 gave Bourne and his company their first Olivier nomination. Remembered as the piece that crystallized the Bourne style; gloriously witty and ironic, but also strangely moving and heartfelt. The Infernal Galop was inspired by icons of France in the thirties and forties. This is France as seen by the uptight English imagination, with all the traditional clichés joyously paraded for our entertainment and climaxing in Offenbach's inevitable Can-Can.

Fel rhan o ddathliadau 25 mlwydd y cwmni, dyma Matthew Bourne (Swan Lake, Nutcracker!, Cinderella, Edward Scissorhands, The Car Man) yn dychwelyd i'w wreiddiau gyda rhaglen o waith fu’n gyfrifol am lansio gyrfa hoff goreograffydd Prydain. Spitfire – ‘An advertisement divertissement’ – oedd llwyddiant cyntaf Matthew Bourne yn 1988. Mae’n gosod un o ddarnau bale enwocaf y 19eg Ganrif yng nghanol byd hysbysebu dillad isaf dynion, mewn modd doniol tu hwnt. Yn sgil Town and Country enwebwyd Bourne a’i gwmni am y tro cyntaf yn 1991 am wobr Olivier. Mae’r darn hwn yn adnabyddus am grisialu dull neilltuol Bourne o weithio – ffraeth, eironig, diffuant, gwefreiddiol. Ysbrydolwyd The Infernal Galop gan eiconau Ffrengig y tridegau a’r pedwardegau. Portreadir Ffrainc drwy ddychymyg sidêt y Sais, ac mae’n cynnwys yr holl ystrydebau traddodiadol, gan orffen, wrth gwrs, gyda Can-Can Offenbach.

029 2064 6900

oed Age / 7+

16–17 June / Mehefin

Petit Mal

Scan for e-trailer / Sganiwch i weld e-hysbyslun

Racehorse Company In collaboration with / Mewn cydweithrediad â: Circo Aereo Presented by / Cyflwynwyd gan: Crying Out Loud 16 June / Mehefin: 7.30pm 17 June / Mehefin: 3.00pm Theatre / Theatr 1 £15 – £22 Matinee: £12 – £18 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

Break-dancing and hip-hop fuse with a Chinese pole, trampolines and impressive aerial feats as Finnish trio Petri, Rauli and Kalle bring their wild physicality to this daring performance. Petri is a martial arts enthusiast, Rauli specialises in trampoline acrobatics and Kalle is a champion break-dancer. Together, on a stage littered with garage debris, they will create a theatrical riot.

Dawnsio-brêc a hip-hop yn cyfuno â pholyn Tsieineaidd, gwaith trampolîn a champau acrobatig wrth i’r triawd o’r Ffindir, Petri, Rauli a Kalle, ddangos eu gwaith corfforol eofn yn y perfformiad beiddgar hwn. Mae Petri yn arbenigwr ar y grefft o ymladd, Rauli’n arbenigo ar y trampolîn, a Kalle yn ddawnsiwr-brêc tan gamp. Gyda’i gilydd, ar lwyfan llawn sbwriel o’r garej, byddant yn creu cyffro theatrig.

Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Maksim Komaro Music & Sound Design / Cerddoriaeth a Chynllunio Sain: Tuomas Norvio Lighting Design / Cynllun Goleuo: Juho Rahijärvi

This is Circus completely outside the box The Times Photo / Llun: Heli Sorjonen

Produced in co-operation with / Cynhyrchwyd mewn cyd-weithrediad â: Cirko – Center for New Circus, Scènes de Cirque, Les Migrateurs, Festival Les Boréales, Comédie de Caen. Supported by / Cefnogwyd gan: Arts Council of Finland, Arts Council England, Finnish Cultural Foundation, Alfred Kordelin Foundation, Juggling the Arts, Finnish Circus Information Centre, Embassy of Finland.


11–14 July/Gorffennaf

AFTER THE END Dirty Protest By / Gan: Dennis Kelly

8.00pm Theatre / Theatr 2 £8 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris Post-Show Talk / Trafodaeth Wedi-Sioe: 12 July / Gorffennaf Ages / Oedrannau: 16+ Some Violence & Adult Content / Trais a Chynnwys a all fod yn anaddas i blant Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Mared Swain

A nuclear attack on London leaves Mark and Louise fighting for survival in a fall-out bunker. In this masterful two-hander, award-winning playwright Dennis Kelly (Matilda, Orphans, D.N.A, Taking Care of Baby, Osama the Hero, Debris) explores terrorism in its many brutal forms. This is the Welsh premiere of After The End, and the first full production from new writing company Dirty Protest.

Yn sgil ymosodiad niwclear ar Lundain mae Mark a Louise yn ymladd am eu heinioes mewn byncer. Yn y ddrama grefftus hon i ddau actor, mae’r dramodydd Dennis Kelly (Matilda, Orphans, D.N.A, Taking Care of Baby, Osama the Hero, Debris) sydd wedi ennill gwobrau am ei waith, yn archwilio amryfal ffurfiau creulon terfysgaeth. Dyma premiere Cymru o After The End, a chynhyrchiad llawn cyntaf y cwmni ysgrifennu newydd, Dirty Protest.

029 2064 6900

13 gorffennaf / july

'sneb yn becso dam Cwmni Theatr Ieuenctid yr Urdd / The Urdd Youth Theatre Company Drama gerdd yn seiliedig ar albwm Edward H Dafis / A musical play based on the Edward H Dafis album Cyfarwyddwr / Director: Jeremy Turner 2.00pm & 7.30pm Theatr / Theatre 1 £13.50

Gostyngiadau / Concessions: £2 off / i ffwrdd Ysgolion / Schools: £6

Llun / Photo: Keith Morris

Drama gerdd newydd wedi ei seilio ar record hir Edward H Dafis o’r un enw fydd yn cael ei berfformio gan bobl ifanc rhwng 14 a 21 mlwydd oed. Mae’r caneuon yn son am y tyndra sydd yn wynebu pobl ifanc wrth ddewis rhwng gwarchod etifeddiaeth a llunio Cymru gyfoes yr unfed ganrif ar hugain.

A brand new musical based on the album of the same name by Edward H Dafis and performed by young people aged 14 to 21. The songs talk about the tensions facing young people as they choose between protecting their heritage and creating a vibrant Wales in the 21st century.

Mae Theatr Ieuenctid yr Urdd yn rhan o ‘Grym y Fflam’ a ariennir gan y Legacy Trust UK, sy’n dathlu’r Olympiad Diwylliannol yng Nghymru er mwyn gadael gwaddol barhaus yn dilyn gemau Olympaidd a Pharalympaidd Llundain yn 2012.

The Urdd Youth Theatre Company is part of the Power of the Flame funded by Legacy Trust UK, celebrating the Cultural Olympiad in Wales and creating a lasting legacy from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games.


30 November / Tachwedd 2012 – 5 January / Ionawr 2013

Peter pan Sherman Cymru A new version by / Fersiwn newydd gan: Rob Evans

For performance details and ticket prices please visit / I weld y manylion am y perfformiadau a phris y tocynnau ewch i:

We are very pleased to announce that our Christmas 2012 production, Peter Pan, is now on sale. This magical reimagining of J.M. Barrie’s classic story will feature favourite characters Peter, Wendy, the Lost Boys and, of course, the baddie we all love to hate, Captain Hook. Book now to help us celebrate the end of our first year back in the Sherman Cymru building in style.

‘Rydym yn falch iawn i gyhoeddi fod y tocynnau ar gyfer Peter Pan, sioe Nadolig 2012, ‘nawr ar werth. Bydd ein hoff gymeriadau, Peter, Wendy, y Bechgyn Coll, a Capten Hook – y dihiryn ‘rydym yn caru ei gasáu – oll yn ymddangos yn yr addasiad hudolus newydd hwn o stori glasurol J.M. Barrie. Archebwch ‘nawr er mwyn ein helpu i ddathlu diwedd ein blwyddyn gyntaf nôl gartref yn adeilad Sherman Cymru mewn steil.

029 2064 6900

For more information please contact / Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â: Phil Mackenzie Head of Creative Learning / Pennaeth Dysgu Creadigol phil.mackenzie@ 029 2064 6982 Creative Learning projects are supported by / Cefnogir Prosiectau Dysgu Creadigol gan: Simon Gibson Charitable Trust

Our Creative Learning team runs a range of projects for people of all ages and levels of experience. Whether you’re looking for a performance or training opportunity, get in touch and get involved! In addition to our regular groups and workshops we also have some special events taking place this season. Turn to page 41 to get a flavour of what’s coming up and keep an eye on our website for details of how to book: Mae ein tîm Dysgu Creadigol yn cynnal amrywiaeth o brosiectau i bobl o bob oed, beth bynnag eu profiad. Os ydych chi’n chwilio am gyfle i berfformio neu hyfforddi, cysylltwch â ni er mwyn cael cymryd rhan! Yn ogystal â’n grwpiau a’n gweithdai arferol ‘rydym hefyd yn cyflwyno rhai digwyddiadau arbennig y tymor hwn. Trowch i dudalen 41 i gael blas o’r hyn sydd ar ddod a chadwch olwg ar ein gwefan i gael y manylion ar sut i archebu:


Sherman Cymru 4 February / Chwefror – 31 March / Mawrth 10.00 – 11.30am Ages / Oedrannau 7-9 £50 11.30am – 12.30pm Ages / Oedrannau 4-6 £40 Chapter 14 January / Ionawr – 24 March / Mawrth 9.30 – 10.30am Ages / Oedrannau 4-6 £50

Saturday drama workshops for children aged 4-9 at Sherman Cymru and Chapter. The sessions involve playing drama games, singing songs and sharing stories and are excellent for building confidence. Gweithdai drama ddydd Sadwrn i blant rhwng 4-9 mlwydd oed yn Sherman Cymru a Chapter. Mae’r sesiynau yn cynnwys chwarae gemau drama, canu caneuon a rhannu straeon a maent yn ffordd wych o feithrin hyder.

Leon Bogacz Aged 8 / 8 Mlwydd Oed “ Sherbets is fun! We play lots of games like ones where you have to make frozen shapes or shout out silly words and we make up stories.” " Mae Sherbets yn hwyl! ‘Ry’n ni’n chwarae lot o gemau, fel pan mae’n rhaid i ni greu siapiau wedi rhewi neu weiddi geiriau gwirion a ‘ry’n ni’n creu straeon.”

10.30 – 12.00am Ages / Oedrannau 7-9 £60

For more information please contact / Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â: Phil Mackenzie Head of Creative Learning / Pennaeth Dysgu Creadigol phil.mackenzie@ 029 2064 6982

Passionate about performing? If you’re aged between 10 and 25 and you live or go to school within the City & County of Cardiff then we’d love you to be part of our thriving youth theatre. Through weekly workshops run by industry professionals, regular performance opportunities and theatre visits you’ll develop a whole range of different stage skills and have a fantastic creative experience. Wrth eich bodd yn perfformio? Os ydych rhwng 10 a 25 mlwydd oed ac yn byw neu’n mynd i’r ysgol yn Ninas & Sir Caerdydd, mae croeso mawr i chi ymuno â’n theatr ieuenctid llwyddiannus. Gyda gweithdai wythnosol dan arweiniad gweithwyr proffesiynol, cyfleoedd rheolaidd i berfformio, ac ymweliadau â’r theatr, byddwch yn datblygu amrywiaeth eang o sgiliau llwyfan ac yn cael profiad creadigol gwych.

NELL & MEG LEWIS AGED 18 & 16 / 18 A 16 MLWYDD OED " I've met some of my closest friends, travelled abroad and had so many different experiences through the Youth Theatre. It's such a relaxed environment where everyone shares the same passion." " ’Rwyf wedi cyfarfod rhai o’m ffrindiau gorau, wedi teithio dramor ac wedi cael cymaint o brofiadau amrywiol diolch i’r Theatr Ieuenctid. Mae’n awyrgylch mor braf â phawb yn rhannu’r un angerdd." Nell Lewis " I started going to Youth Theatre when I was 10 and there's no other place like it. We help to research and devise work so it means that everyone gets to have a say and you feel really connected to the shows." " Dechreuais fynd i’r Theatr Ieuenctid pan o’n i’n 10 oed, a ‘does unman yn debyg i’r cwmni. ‘Rydym yn helpu i ymchwilio ac i ddyfeisio gwaith felly mae pawb yn cael cyfle i ddweud ei ddweud, ac o’r herwydd mae gan bawb gysylltiad clos iawn â’r sioeau." Meg Lewis

029 2064 6900

Tuesday / Dydd Mawrth 5.00 – 6.30pm Plasnewydd Community Centre, Shakespeare St

For more information please contact / Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â: Phil Mackenzie Head of Creative Learning / Pennaeth Dysgu Creadigol phil.mackenzie@ 029 2064 6982

For more information please contact / Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â: Phil Mackenzie Head of Creative Learning / Pennaeth Dysgu Creadigol phil.mackenzie@ 029 2064 6982

A free community drama group where anyone aged 20+ can learn skills in acting, voice and movement and take part in smallscale performances around the city. No previous acting experience is required and it’s a great way to meet people from your local area. Grŵp drama cymunedol sy’n rhad ac am ddim lle gall unrhyw berson sy’n 20+ ddysgu sgiliau actio, llais a symud a chymryd rhan mewn perfformiadau ar raddfa fechan o amgylch y ddinas. Nid oes angen unrhyw brofiad actio blaenorol arnoch, ac mae’n ffordd ragorol o gwrdd â phobl o’ch ardal leol.

Would access to resources, rehearsal spaces and advice from our team of skilled professionals move your artistic practice into a new realm? This initiative has helped a great number of arts practitioners to develop their craft in new and exciting ways and we’re currently seeking applications for development projects from artists involved in all areas of performance. Get in touch to see how we might be able to help you. Fyddai cael mynediad at adnoddau, at ystafelloedd ymarfer, ac at gyngor gan ein tîm o weithwyr proffesiynol yn mynd â’ch arfer artistig i fyd newydd? Mae’r fenter hon wedi helpu nifer fawr o ymarferwyr y celfyddydau i ddatblygu eu crefft mewn ffyrdd newydd a chyffrous. Ar hyn o bryd ‘rydym yn chwilio am geisiadau ar gyfer prosiectau datblygu gan artistiaid sy’n ymwneud â phob agwedd o berfformio. Cysylltwch â ni i weld sut allwn ni eich helpu.

Awaiting image

RACHEL-Helena WALSH Theatre-Maker / Gwneuthurwr Theatr " I got involved with Company 5 after seeing the group advertised at my local library and I've found it to be a really safe creative space. It's like coming back to a family every week." " Ymunais â Company 5 wedi gweld hysbyseb am y grw ˆ p yn y llyfrgell leol, ac i mi mae’n fan gwbl ddiogel a chreadigol. Mae fel dychwelyd at deulu bob wythnos."

Awaiting image

ANDY HAMER Scenographer / Senograffydd " As part of the Artists' Development initiative I spent a week experimenting with projected light to create architectural forms. Access to facilities and space really helped me to progress ideas and cultivate new ways of working. It's a fantastic opportunity to be able to get this kind of support and feedback from an arts venue in a totally pressurefree way." " Fel rhan o’r fenter Datblygu Artistiaid treuliais wythnos yn arbrofi gyda ffurfiau pensaernïol mewn golau. ‘Roedd cael mynediad at adnoddau a gofod wedi fy helpu’n fawr i ddatblygu syniadau ac i ddarganfod ffyrdd newydd o weithio. Mae’n wych medru cael y math yma o gefnogaeth ac adborth gan leoliad celfyddydol heb deimlo unrhyw bwysau o gwbl."


W/C 26 March / Mawrth

Our World The Schools Dance Association

An inspiring week of dance performed by young people aged 4 to 19 from schools across Cardiff and the Vale. To celebrate the London 2012 Olympic Games the participants will be creating dance pieces on an international theme.

Wythnos ysbrydoledig o ddawns wedi’i berfformio gan bobl ifanc 4 i 19 mlwydd oed o ysgolion Caerdydd a’r Fro. I ddathlu Gemau Olympaidd Llundain 2012, bydd y cyfranogion yn creu dawnsfeydd ar thema ryngwladol.

The twenties. The fifties. The eighties. Today. Young people from South Wales explore the ever changing lives of teenagers across the generations. This insightful and imaginative bilingual show will take place in St Fagans: National History Museum.

Yr ugeiniau. Y pumdegau. Yr wythdegau. Heddiw. Ieuenctid De Cymru’n archwilio sut mae bywyd pobl ifanc yn eu harddegau wedi newid ar hyd y cenedlaethau. Cynhelir y sioe ddwyieithog dreiddgar a llawn dychymyg yma yn Sain Ffagan: Amgueddfa Werin Cymru.

Four nights of informal show-backs of new performance pieces created by members of Sherman Cymru Youth Theatre and their tutors.

Pedair noson o berfformiadau anffurfiol o’r gwaith a grëwyd gan aelodau Theatr Ieuenctid Sherman Cymru a’u tiwtoriaid.

10–11 April / Ebrill

Mi Generation / Fy Nghenhedlaeth Sherman Cymru Youth Theatre / Theatr Ieuenctid Sherman Cymru & Grassroots In collaboration with / Mewn cydweithrediad â: St Fagans: National History Museum / Sain Ffagan: Amgueddfa Werin Cymru

13–16 June / Mehefin

The Raw and the Cooked Sherman Cymru Youth Theatre / Theatr Ieuenctid Sherman Cymru

029 2064 6900

For information about how you can get involved with any of these projects please visit: playwriting Gellir cael gwybodaeth am yr holl brosiectau yma ar: sgriptio

We are also happy to provide feedback on all plays or excerpts of work sent to us / Rydym hefyd yn hapus i roi adborth ar bob drama neu ddarnau o waith sy’n cael eu gyrru atom. Please contact / Cysylltwch â: Siân Summers Literary Manager / Rheolwr Llenyddol sian.summers@

Behind the scenes at Sherman Cymru there's a team of people helping writers to develop their work and produce the very best new plays from Wales. Projects like ScriptSlam (see page 12) and our Young Writers' Course give people an opportunity to write for the stage for the first time, whilst more experienced writers can join our Advanced Writers’ Programme. Throughout the year, our Literary Team is focused on discovering and nurturing new voices with a variety of writers’ courses, masterclasses and talks. Following the success of these in Cardiff, the programme has been extended across Wales as part of the exciting Spread the Word initiative. Y tu ôl i’r llenni yn Sherman Cymru mae tîm o bobl yn helpu awduron i ddatblygu eu gwaith ac i gynhyrchu’r dramâu gorau posib o Gymru. Mae prosiectau fel SgriptSlam (gwelwch dudalen 12), a’n Cwrs Awduron Ifanc yn rhoi cyfle i bobl ysgrifennu ar gyfer y llwyfan am y tro cyntaf, tra bod cyfle gan awduron mwy profiadol i ymuno yn ein Rhaglen Awduron Uwch. Drwy gydol y flwyddyn mae ein Tîm Llenyddol yn canolbwyntio ar ddarganfod a meithrin lleisiau newydd drwy gyfrwng amrywiaeth o gyrsiau i awduron, dosbarthiadau meistr a sgyrsiau. Yn dilyn llwyddiant y rhain yng Nghaerdydd, mae’r rhaglen wedi ymestyn ledled Cymru fel rhan o fenter gyffrous Gair ar Led.

NEIL BEBBER WRITER / AWDUR " Sherman Cymru gave me my first writing opportunity. I'd always had an urge to write but didn't know where to start. Being accepted for and then going on to win ScriptSlam in 2009 proved to be something of a catalyst. I've been writing non-stop ever since, making the most of the writers' training courses I've been invited to attend." " Gan Sherman Cymru gefais i’r cyfle cyntaf i ysgrifennu. ‘Roedd gen i ysfa i ysgrifennu erioed ond heb syniad ble i ddechrau. Mae’r ffaith i mi gael fy nerbyn ac yna ennill SgriptSlam yn 2009 wedi profi’n gatalydd o fath. ‘Rwyf wedi bod yn ysgrifennu’n ddi-baid ers hynny, gan wneud y gorau o’r cyrsiau hyfforddi awduron ‘rwyf wedi fy ngwahodd i’w mynychu."


Opening Times / Oriau Agor Open from 10.00am Monday – Saturday / Ar agor o 10.00yb Dydd Llun – Dydd Sadwrn See website for full details / Gellir cael gwybodaeth gyflawn ar ein gwefan:

We’ve been talking to lots of our customers to find out what you would like to eat and drink. The result is our new café bar: a sociable, welcoming space with a selection of hot and cold snacks and meals, perfect for sharing with family and friends.

‘Rydym wedi bod yn sgwrsio â nifer o’n cwsmeriaid i gael gwybod beth fyddech yn hoffi ei fwyta a’i yfed. A’r canlyniad? Ein caffi bar newydd: llecyn cymdeithasol, croesawgar gyda dewis o fyrbrydau a phrydau poeth ac oer, perffaith i’w rhannu â theulu a ffrindiau.

Whether you’re popping in for lunch, having a coffee with a meeting or rushing in to grab a bite before a performance, our new menu will offer something tasty, without costing a fortune. It will be simple, fresh and, wherever possible, locally sourced.

Os am ddod yma am ginio ganol dydd, am gael coffi mewn cyfarfod, neu am bicio i mewn am brydyn sydyn cyn perfformiad, bydd ein bwydlen newydd yn siŵr o gynnig rhywbeth blasus, â hynny heb fod yn rhy ddrud. Bydd y bwyd yn syml, yn ffres, a’r cynnyrch yn lleol – pan fo hynny’n bosib.

There’ll be sandwiches, salads, soup and a cake or two during the day, plenty to appeal to children and tasty tapas and light meals for the evening. Do come and sample the food at the Open House on Saturday 4 February and let us know what you think.

Yn ystod y dydd bydd yno frechdanau, saladau, cawl, a chacen neu ddwy, digon i apelio at blant, ac yna gyda’r nos byddwn yn gweini tapas blasus a byrbrydau ysgafn. Dewch i flasu’r bwyd yn ystod Drws Agored ar ddydd Sadwrn 4 Chwefror, a rhowch wybod i ni beth yw eich barn.

029 2064 6900

CAL N For further information, please contact / Am ragor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â: Emma Goad Head of Development / Pennaeth Datblygu emma.goad@ 029 2064 6975

Joining Calon will bring you into the heart of Sherman Cymru as you will be contributing to the vital lifeline that the company needs to continue creating great artistic work for all. Calon gives you the following benefits: – Advance notice of the season’s performances and activities – Priority booking for all productions, wherever possible – 10% discount on post-show drinks at the bar – Your name on the Sherman Cymru website For an annual donation of just £30 (£50 for a couple), you will be making a big difference to Sherman Cymru, both for today and tomorrow.

Bydd ymuno â Calon yn dod â chi at graidd Sherman Cymru ei hun, gan y byddwch yn cyfrannu at yr hyn sy’n gwbl hanfodol i alluogi’r cwmni i barhau i greu gwaith artistig rhagorol i bawb. Bydd Calon hefyd o fantais i chi gyda: – Gwybodaeth o flaen llaw am berfformiadau a gweithgareddau’r tymor – Blaenoriaeth wrth archebu tocynnau ar gyfer pob cynhyrchiad, pan fo hynny’n bosib – Gostyngiad o 10% ar ddiodydd yn y bar wedi’r sioe – Eich enw ar wefan Sherman Cymru Am gyfraniad blynyddol o £30 (£50 i gwpwl), byddwch yn gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr i Sherman Cymru, ar gyfer heddiw ac yfory.


For further information about how you can play your part within the redevelopment campaign, please contact / Am fwy o wybodaeth am sut y gallwch chi fod yn rhan o'r ymgyrch ailddatblygu, cysylltwch â: Emma Goad Head of Development / Pennaeth Datblygu emma.goad@ 029 2064 6975

Principal Funders / Prif Noddwyr

Corporate Giving / RHODDION corfforaethol

Arts Council of Wales / Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru The National Lottery / Y Loteri Genedlaethol Welsh Government / Llywodraeth Cymru The Monument Trust Foyle Foundation Biffaward Community Fund Garfield Weston Foundation Moondance Foundation Simon Gibson Charitable Trust Colwinston Charitable Trust

Dawnus Construction Pear Media Capital Law Legal and General Acuity Legal Cyril Sweett Glamorgan Telecom Broomfield Alexander Waitrose Otley Brewery Emptage Hallett GE Aviation

Major Gifts / prif roddion Diane and Henry Engelhardt David Seligman OBE & Philippa Seligman Keeping Cardiff Moving Karen & Nick Gibbs Sir Alan Cox Lady Thomas The Bruce Wake Charitable Trust Myra & Emyr Jenkins Betsan & Pennant Roberts Professor William & Mrs Doreen Mapleson Kenneth Griffin Mr Lambert

Thank you to all the Sit With Us and the Adopt a Diamond donors, and all members of the Corporate 100 Club – your contributions to the campaign have made an incredible difference. Diolch i'r holl bobl sydd wedi mabwysiadu ddiemwnt neu wedi mabwydiadu sedd fel rhan o'r apêl Eisteddwch Gyda Ni, ac hefyd i holl aelodau ein Clwb 100 Corfforaethol – mae eich cyfraniadau wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth anhygoel.

029 2064 6900

029 2064 6900 We don’t charge a booking fee for any of our performances / Nid ydym yn codi tâl am archebu tocynnau ar gyfer unrhyw rai o’n perfformiadau ni. Opening Hours / Oriau Agor: 10.00am – 8.00pm Monday – Saturday / Dydd Llun – Dydd Sadwrn (6.00pm if no performance / os nad oes perfformiad)

Reservations We can reserve your tickets for up to 3 days until we receive your payment. If you book less than 3 days before the event, we’ll need you to pay straight away. We are not able to offer reservations for all of our events.

Cadw Tocynnau Fe allwn ni gadw tocynnau i chi am hyd at 3 diwrnod hyd nes i ni dderbyn eich taliad. Os ydych yn archebu lai na 3 diwrnod cyn y digwyddiad, fe fydd angen i chi dalu ar unwaith. Nid ydym yn gallu cadw tocynnau ar gyfer pob un o’n digwyddiadau.

Concessions Students in full time education, seniors, registered disabled, Claimants and Equity members are all entitled to tickets at the discount rate. Young people under 25 are entitled to half price tickets for most, but not all, performances.

Gostyngiadau Myfyrwyr mewn addysg lawn amser, yr henoed, y rheiny sydd wedi eu cofrestru’n anabl, y rheiny sy’n hawlio budd-daliadau ac aelodau Equity yn gael gostyngiad ar bris tocynnau. Mae pobl ifanc dan 25 yn cael prynu tocynnau am hanner y pris ar gyfer mwyafrif perfformiadau Sherman Cymru, ond nid pob un.

Persons with a disability who require someone to accompany them are entitled to a free ticket for their companion. Group bookings 10% discount when booking 8 or more. School bookings Please contact the Ticket Office: 029 2064 6900 Sherman Cymru has a flexible approach to pricing so that we can always offer tickets at a wide range of prices. The exact price of each seat in the theatre will vary for each performance but there will always be at least 40 tickets available at the lowest price and we offer a wide range of discounts. Full terms and conditions of booking are available on our website:

Mae pobl anabl sydd angen rhywun i’w hebrwng yn gallu cael tocyn am ddim ar gyfer eu gofalwr. Archebu ar gyfer grwp Gostyngiad 10% pan fyddwch chi’n archebu 8 tocyn neu fwy. Archebu ar gyfer ysgol Cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Docynnau: 029 2064 6900 Mae gan Sherman Cymru ymagwedd hyblyg at brisiau, fel ein bod ni’n gallu cynnig tocynnau ar amrywiaeth eang o brisiau bob tro. Fe fydd union bris pob sedd yn y theatr yn amrywio ar gyfer pob perfformiad, ond fe fydd o leiaf 40 tocyn ar gael ar y pris isaf bob tro, ac rydyn ni’n cynnig amrywiaeth eang o ostyngiadau. Mae’r amodau a thelerau llawn ar gyfer archebu tocynnau ar gael ar ein gwefan:

46—47 Address / Cyfeiriad Sherman Cymru Senghennydd Rd / Ffordd Senghennydd Cardiff / Caerdydd CF24 4YE Full travel details are available on our website / Ceir manylion teithio llawn ar ein gwefan:

We like to encourage more people, wherever possible to walk, cycle and use public transport when visiting Sherman Cymru. We can help by providing you with as much travel information and support as possible. It’s our small contribution towards helping to improve our environment, public health and quality of life. By Foot, Bike & Public Transport Sherman Cymru is easily accessible on foot or bicycle – a 10 minute walk from the New Theatre, and 15 minutes from the Queen Street shopping area. There are a number of pink cycle-hoops along Senghennydd Road to securely park your bicycle. Cathays Train Station is only a 2 minute walk away and the No. 35 bus stops directly outside the building.

By Car From M4 East (Junction 29 A48) or M4 West (Junction 32) follow signs to the City Centre on the A470 (North Road). Pass Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama and turn left onto Boulevard de Nantes. Turn first left onto Park Place and the first right onto St Andrew’s Place. Senghennydd Road is the first sharp turning on the left immediately after going under the bridge on St. Andrew’s Place. Parking There are spaces available for blue badge holders located in front of the building. There is a drop-off point with a dropped kerb leading to the main entrance. On-street parking in this area is easy and parking is free after 6pm. Between 8am and 6pm Monday-Friday Pay and Display parking meters are in operation. Same charges apply 10am – 5pm on Sunday. Senghennydd Road has short and long stay parking. These are clearly signposted.

Rydyn ni’n hoffi annog mwy o bobl, ble’n bosib, i gerdded, beicio a defnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus wrth ymweld â Sherman Cymru. Fe allwn ni eich helpu trwy ddarparu cymaint o gymorth a gwybodaeth ar deithio â phosib, ar eich cyfer. Dyma’n cyfraniad bach ni tuag at helpu gwella ein hamgylchedd, iechyd y cyhoedd ac ansawdd bywyd. Ar Droed, Beic a Cludiant Cyhoeddus Mae Sherman Cymru yn hygyrch iawn ar droed neu ar feic – 10 munud y mae’n ei gymryd ar droed o’r New Theatre, a 15 munud o ardal siopa Heol y Frenhines. Mae yna nifer o gylchoedd beicio pinc ar hyd Ffordd Senghennydd er mwyn i chi barcio’ch beic yn ddiogel. Mae Gorsaf Drenau Cathays 2 munud i ffwrdd ar droed ac mae bws Rhif 35 yn stopio tu allan i’r adeilad.

Mewn Car O’r M4 o gyfeiriad y Dwyrain (Cyffordd 29 A48) neu o’r M4 o gyfeiriad y Gorllewin (Cyffordd 32) dilynwch yr arwyddion at Ganol y Ddinas ar yr A470 (Ffordd y Gogledd). Ewch heibio i Goleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru a throwch i’r chwith i Boulevard de Nantes. Trowch i’r chwith i Park Place a chymerwch y troad cyntaf ar y dde i St Andrew’s Place. Ffordd Senghennydd yw’r troad llym cyntaf ar y chwith yn union wedi i chi fynd o dan y bont yn St. Andrew’s Place. Parcio Mae yna barcio mynediad i ddeiliaid fathodynnau glas o flaen yr adeilad. Mae yna fan gollwng gyda phalmant isel sy’n arwain at y brif fynedfa. Mae’n hawdd parcio ar y stryd yn yr ardal hon ac mae’n rhad ac am ddim ar ôl 6yh. Rhwng 8yb a 6yh o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener, mae mesuryddion parcio Talu ac Arddangos ar waith. Mae’r un taliadau’n berthnasol o 10yb – 5yp ar ddydd Sul. Mae yna barcio cyfnod byr a chyfnod hir ar Ffordd Senghennydd. Mae yna arwyddion clir at y rhain.

029 2064 6900

Diary Dyddiadur

Date / Dyddiad

Time / Amser

Performance / Perfformiad

Theatre / Theatr

Page / Tudalen

February / Chwefror Sat / Sad 4 Tue / Maw 7 Wed / Mer 8 Thu / Iau 9 Fri / Gwe 10 Sat / Sad 11 Wed / Mer 15 Thu / Iau 16 Fri / Gwe 17 Sat / Sad 18 Wed / Mer 22 Thu / Iau 23 Fri / Gwe 24 Sat / Sad 25 Mon / Llu 27 Tue / Maw 28 Wed / Mer 29

– 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.00pm 7.45pm 8.00pm 7.45pm 8.00pm 8.00pm 8.00pm 8.00pm

Open House / Drws Agored ­– Sgint (Rhagddangosiad) 1 Sgint (Rhagddangosiad) 1 Sgint 1 Sgint (English Surtitles) 1 Sgint 1 Lovesong 1 Lovesong 1 Lovesong 1 Lovesong 1 Cerys Matthews 1 For Once 2 Elektro Kif 1 For Once 2 Elektro Kif 1 For Once 2 For Once 2 For Once 2 For Once 2

01 02 02 02 02 02 04 04 04 04 06 08 07 08 07 08 08 08 08

MARCH / MAWRTH Thu / Iau 1 7.30pm A Provincial Life (Preview) 8.00pm For Once Fri / Gwe 2 7.30pm A Provincial Life (Preview) 8.00pm For Once Sat / Sad 3 7.30pm A Provincial Life (Preview) 8.00pm For Once Mon / Llu 5 7.30pm A Provincial Life (Preview) Tue / Maw 6 7.30pm A Provincial Life Wed / Mer 7 7.30pm A Provincial Life 8.00pm ScriptSlam Thu / Iau 8 2.30pm A Provincial Life 7.30pm Fri / Gwe 9 7.30pm A Provincial Life Sat / Sad 10 2.30pm A Provincial Life 7.30pm Mon / Llu 12 7.30pm A Provincial Life Tue / Maw 13 7.30pm A Provincial Life Wed / Mer 14 7.30pm A Provincial Life 8.00pm Muscle Thu / Iau 15 2.30pm A Provincial Life 7.30pm 8.00pm Muscle

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1

10 08 10 08 10 08 10 10 10 12 10

1 1

10 10

1 1 1 2 1

10 10 10 13 10



Access Information Gwybodaeth am Fynediad

Facebook shermancymru Twitter @shermancymru Keep up to date by signing up to our emails / Cofrestrwch i dderbyn ein ebyst am y newyddion diweddaraf:

Sherman Cymru welcomes everyone and we have range of services to make your visit more enjoyable.

Mae Sherman Cymru yn croesawu pawb, ac mae gennym wasanaethau amrywiol i sicrhau y bydd eich ymweliad mor bleserus â phosib.

Please visit or talk to one of our Ticketing and Reception Assistants on 029 2064 6900 for more information.

Ewch i neu siaradwch gydag un o Gynorthwywyr y Dderbynfa a’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar 029 2064 6900, am fwy o wybodaeth.

This brochure is available in large print, Braille and audio formats. You can request your preferred format by contacting the Ticket Office on: 029 2064 6900

Mae’r llyfryn tymor hwn ar gael mewn print bras, Braille neu ar lafar. Gallwch ofyn am y fformat sydd orau gennych chi drwy gysylltu â’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar: 029 2064 6900

Sherman Cymru acknowledges the public investment of the Arts Council of Wales and Cardiff Council / Mae Sherman Cymru yn cydnabod buddsoddiad cyhoeddus gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru a Chyngor Caerdydd. A Registered Charity / Elusen Gofrestredig — Company Number / Rhif y Cwmni 06002090 Design / Dylunio:

029 2064 6900

Diary Dyddiadur

Date / Dyddiad

Time / Amser

Performance / Perfformiad

Theatre / Theatr

Page / Tudalen

February / Chwefror Sat / Sad 4 Tue / Maw 7 Wed / Mer 8 Thu / Iau 9 Fri / Gwe 10 Sat / Sad 11 Wed / Mer 15 Thu / Iau 16 Fri / Gwe 17 Sat / Sad 18 Wed / Mer 22 Thu / Iau 23 Fri / Gwe 24 Sat / Sad 25 Mon / Llu 27 Tue / Maw 28 Wed / Mer 29

– 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.00pm 7.45pm 8.00pm 7.45pm 8.00pm 8.00pm 8.00pm 8.00pm

Open House / Drws Agored ­– Sgint (Rhagddangosiad) 1 Sgint (Rhagddangosiad) 1 Sgint 1 Sgint (English Surtitles) 1 Sgint 1 Lovesong 1 Lovesong 1 Lovesong 1 Lovesong 1 Cerys Matthews 1 For Once 2 Elektro Kif 1 For Once 2 Elektro Kif 1 For Once 2 For Once 2 For Once 2 For Once 2

01 02 02 02 02 02 04 04 04 04 06 08 07 08 07 08 08 08 08

MARCH / MAWRTH Thu / Iau 1 7.30pm A Provincial Life (Preview) 8.00pm For Once Fri / Gwe 2 7.30pm A Provincial Life (Preview) 8.00pm For Once Sat / Sad 3 7.30pm A Provincial Life (Preview) 8.00pm For Once Mon / Llu 5 7.30pm A Provincial Life (Preview) Tue / Maw 6 7.30pm A Provincial Life Wed / Mer 7 7.30pm A Provincial Life 8.00pm ScriptSlam Thu / Iau 8 2.30pm A Provincial Life 7.30pm Fri / Gwe 9 7.30pm A Provincial Life Sat / Sad 10 2.30pm A Provincial Life 7.30pm Mon / Llu 12 7.30pm A Provincial Life Tue / Maw 13 7.30pm A Provincial Life Wed / Mer 14 7.30pm A Provincial Life 8.00pm Muscle Thu / Iau 15 2.30pm A Provincial Life 7.30pm 8.00pm Muscle

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13 Date / Dyddiad

Time / Amser

Performance / Perfformiad

Theatre / Theatr

Page / Tudalen

1 2 1

10 13 10

2 The Vulcan Hotel 1 The Vulcan Hotel 1

13 14 15 14 15

The Vulcan Hotel 1

14 15

The Vulcan Hotel 1

14 15

The Vulcan Hotel 2

14 16

March continued / mawrth parhad Fri / Gwe 16 7.30pm A Provincial Life 8.00pm Muscle Sat / Sad 17 2.30pm A Provincial Life 7.30pm 8.00pm Muscle Tue / Maw 20 8.00pm Barflies Wed / Mer 21 4.00pm The Forest 6.00pm Barflies Thu / Iau 22 10.30am The Forest 1.30pm 8.00pm Barflies Fri / Gwe 23 10.30am The Forest 1.30pm 6.00pm Barflies Sat / Sad 24 11.00am The Forest 2.00pm 8.00pm Barflies 8.00pm Wasted

APRIL / EBRILL Tue / Maw 3 7.30pm A Doll’s House 2 8.00pm Salomé 1 Wed / Mer 4 1.30pm A Doll’s House 2 7.30pm Thu / Iau 5 7.30pm A Doll’s House 2 Fri / Gwe 6 7.30pm A Doll’s House 2 Sat / Sad 7 11.00am Ruby Red Tells Tales 2 2.00pm Tue / Maw 10 – Mi Generation St Fagans: National History Museum Wed / Mer 11 – Mi Generation St Fagans: National History Museum Tue / Maw 17 11.00am White 2 2.00pm Wed / Mer 18 11.00am White 2 2.00pm 7.30pm Clytemnestra (Preview) 1 Thu / Iau 19 11.00am White 2 2.00pm 7.30pm Clytemnestra (Preview) 1 Fri / Gwe 20 11.00am White 2 2.00pm 7.30pm Clytemnestra 1 Sat / Sad 21 11.00am White 2 2.00pm 7.30pm Clytemnestra 1 Mon / Llu 23 7.30pm Clytemnestra 1 Tue / Maw 24 7.30pm Clytemnestra 1 Wed / Mer 25 7.30pm Clytemnestra 1 Thu / Iau 26 7.30pm Clytemnestra 1 Fri / Gwe 27 7.30pm Clytemnestra 1 Sat / Sad 28 7.30pm Clytemnestra 1 Mon / Llu 30 7.30pm Clytemnestra 1

17 18 17 17 17 19 41 41 20 20 22 20 22 20 22 20 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22

Date / Dyddiad

Time / Amser

Performance / Perfformiad

Theatre / Theatr

Page / Tudalen

Clytemnestra Clytemnestra Clytemnestra The Harri-Parris: The Leaving Do Clytemnestra The Harri-Parris: The Leaving Do Clytemnestra The Harri-Parris: The Leaving Do Elwyn Elwyn The Birds Elwyn The Birds Hofesh Shechter – Political Mother Hofesh Shechter – Political Mother Who’s Afraid of Rachel Roberts? Who’s Afraid of Rachel Roberts? The Girl with the Iron Claws

1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2

22 22 22 21 22 21 22 21 24 24 25 24 25 26 26 28 28 29

The Get Together (Preview) The Get Together The Get Together The Get Together The Get Together Minsk 2011: A Reply to Kathy Acker Minsk 2011: A Reply to Kathy Acker ScriptSlam

2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2

30 30 30 30 30 31 31 12

Matthew Bourne’s Early Adventures Matthew Bourne’s Early Adventures

1 1

32 32

The Raw and the Cooked The Raw and the Cooked The Raw and the Cooked Petit Mal The Raw and the Cooked Petit Mal

2 2 2 1 2 1

41 41 41 34 41 34

After The End After The End ‘Sneb yn Becso Dam

2 2 1

35 35 36

After The End After The End

2 2

35 35

MAY / MAI Tue / Maw 1 7.30pm Wed / Mer 2 7.30pm Thu / Iau 3 7.30pm 8.00pm Fri / Gwe 4 7.30pm 8.00pm Sat / Sad 5 7.30pm 8.00pm Thu / Iau 10 7.45pm Fri / Gwe 11 7.45pm 8.00pm Sat / Sad 12 7.45pm 8.00pm Tue / Maw 15 8.00pm Wed / Mer 16 8.00pm Thu / Iau 17 8.00pm Fri / Gwe 18 8.00pm Sat / Sad 19 2.00pm 6.30pm Tue / Maw 22 8.00pm Wed / Mer 23 8.00pm Thu / Iau 24 8.00pm Fri / Gwe 25 8.00pm Sat / Sad 26 8.00pm Tue / Maw 29 8.00pm Wed / Mer 30 8.00pm Thu / Iau 31 8.00pm

JUNE / MEHEFIN Tue / Maw 5 7.30pm Wed / Mer 6 2.30pm 7.30pm Wed / Mer 13 – Thu / Iau 14 – Fri / Gwe 15 – Sat / Sad 16 7.30pm – Sun / Sul 17 3.00pm

JUly / GORFFENNAF Wed / Mer 11 8.00pm Thu / Iau 12 8.00pm Fri / Gwe 13 2.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm Sat / Sad 14 8.00pm

029 2064 6900 Senghennydd Road / Ffordd Senghennydd Cardiff / Caerdydd CF24 4YE

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