The Booster | Dec. 2019 | Volume 93, Issue Three

Page 24


Bowling knocks down obstacles for season Jaiden Herald Co-Editor-in-Chief

Photo by Jaiden Herald

Senior Kristin Hosea bowls in the team’s prebowl for league. Hosea palced first in conference in individuals.

The SHS girls bowling team has entered the season strong with 12-4 record and a current standing of first in conference. “The team has done really well. We are bowling pretty consistent and seeing improvements across the board. We are looking forward to a competitive season,” girls coach David Hosea said. Senior and girls captain, Kristin Hosea, ranked number one in conference in individuals with the highest average scoring. Grace Cannon (12) placed second. “Ever since I started high school, it has been a goal of mine to be one of the top bowlers in our conference. Now that I’m a senior, it’s rewarding to finish my high school career on top,” Kristin Hosea said. According to Coach David Hosea the team is working on picking up its spares and preparing for sectional. “Our team goal is for everyone to get better and improve. We would also like to see the team win conference and qualify as a team for regionals,” Coach David Hosea said. The boys bowling team began its season under the guidance of a new head coach, Bobby Richie Jr.

“I think our new coach is very knowledgeable about bowling and has really helped all of us improve on all of our skills,” Jeffrey Drury (11) said. According to Richie, he is excited to begin his coaching career with the team. “We had to get used to the new coach, but I think that it has worked out very well and the team chemistry is up,” Cole Atha (11) said. In addition, for the first five matches of the season the team was bowling down one man. “Bowling with four people was pretty difficult, but we did still beat some teams that had a full team and that was a big boost. From now on, we should have a full team, and that will make it easier to compete,” Atha said. As of Dec. 9 the boys team is currently 3-3 in the season. “Right now we are just trying to take each match into perspective. We want all of the bowlers to have fun and improve. We are working hard to establish the boys team back as well,” Richie said. According to Richie, he expects the team to be competitive moving forward in the season with a full roster. “Even down a man we were not losing by a lot. These boys have a lot of potential,” he said. The team will begin competing in baker games on Dec. 7.


Team swims toward conference Donald Arbuckle Sports Editor

The SHS co-ed swim team has come into the season wanting to perform and swim their best. Some swimmers are excited, and ready to perform and push themselves. The coach even has high hopes for the girls part of the team. “The girls just placed second of 9 teams at the Charlestown invite,” Coach Brandon Jerrell said. “It is looking like they will have a phenomenal season. We might even have a shot at finishing 2nd in Mid-Southern Conference this year.”

The swimmers are also hopeful and prepared for the upcoming season. “I think as a team we will have a really strong season, one of our best for sure,” Megan Hardin (12) said. “For me personally I’m looking forward to conference. As a team, we are looking forward to seeing how much we will improve and get better with each meet.” The SHS swim team is ready to give the Mid-Southern Conference their all and are very hopeful in placing decently. “My season is going great so far,” Makayla Barger (11) said. “I think I will perform well this year. I have been pushing myself and my times are good. Our team should be on track to do great things and we are pushing ourselves to perform our best.”

Photo by Isabela Diaz

Braden Collins (11) goes up to the surface to get a quick breath. Collins was participating in the 200 IM breaststroke on Dec. 5.


December 2019


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Articles inside

Team swims toward conference

page 24

Bowling knocks down obstacles for season

page 24

Players focus on individual goals, team pushes for win

page 23

Team perfects aim for perfect season

page 23

What’s in your sports bag?

page 22

SHS senior athletes commit to college teams

page 20

Arbuckle’s Advice

page 19

Cheer will compete at Disney World

page 19

Coaches use ‘take care of today’ motto to practice

page 18

Team maintains successful MSC record

page 18

Sport Highlights

page 17

New streaming service provides more Disney content

page 15

Dear Author... } “Aurora Rising” by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman

pages 13, 15

Self-stereotyping changes perception of yourself

page 12

Dress up day stereotypes

page 12

Weather, social media affect holiday mental illness

page 11


page 10

Student leaves behind a legacy of love, laughter

page 9

EMPOWER creates Beacon App for teens

page 8

Food stamp cuts by Trump admin may affect students

page 8

SHS Alumni elected to local City Councils

page 7

Community says goodbye to Mayor Graham, welcomes Mayor-Elect Amick to office

page 6

Four Horseman business to set up on Square

page 5

Lack of auditorium creates problems

page 4

HOCO needs semi-formal dress code

page 4

Letter from the Editors

page 3

club spotlight | FFA

page 3
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