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I wish I could talk to my Mum about HIV but she’ll just get mad.
Enough with the HIV lessons! Zinabo!
Can I trust that what my friends tell me about HIV is the truth?
Where can I go to get information about HIV that isn’t boring?
Everything you need to know about HIV / AIDS but were too afraid to ask! Read on and...
The production of this document was funded by UNITED STATES AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (USAID), through a cooperative agreement (623-A-00-09-00001-00) with the Population Council.
’ ? O D U O Y D L U O W T A ‘WH Hey. What would you do if your friend had just told you they were HIV POSITIVE. How would it make you feel?
Here’s an idea for some FUN! Pair up with a friend and pretend to be the characters in the comic…one of you is Maria Kim and the other is Manywele. The person who is Maria Kim can tell Manywele that they WON’T support him e.g. “I don’t want to be your friend anymore because...” Then, switch things around and pretend you will support him e.g. “I’ve decided to stand by you because...”
think of all the questions you would like to ask someone about HIV/AIDS, but don’t know how to. write them below... ......................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................
Here are some useful places that you can go to find all the answers to your questions! Why don’t you try them out – you’ll be amazed at what you can learn and how many people want to help you!
http://www.avert.org/hiv-aids-kenya.htm http://www.health-kenya.afyakenya.com/kenya-diseases/kenya-hiv-aids/ http://www.thebody.com/ http://www.unicef.org/aids/index_armedconflict.html ion http://www.avert.org/aids-information.htm mat es! r o f v In es li http://www.one2onekenya.org/ http://www.datehookup.com/content-aids-and-hiv-information.htm sav
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TRUE OR FALSE Not knowing the truth about HIV can be really dangerous. Look at what happened to Imani. those guys thought they could cure HIV by having sex with a virgin! Have a look at the questions below...do you know which ones are TRUE and which are FALSE? Test yourself...
1. Can I get infected with HIV by sharing food, scissors, cups etc?
2. Can I get infected with HIV by holding hands?
4. Can I get HIV by kissing someone that is infected?
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5. Can I tell someone is HI V positive just by looking at them ?
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6. Will I be safe if I’m friends with someone who is HIV positive?
3. Can I get infected with HIV by having unprotected sex?
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7. Can I cure HIV by sleeping with a virgin?
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LSE A F OR TRUE See below to DISCOVER what is TRUE & what is FALSE... 1. Can I get infected with HIV by sharing food, scissors, cups etc?
true false
the truth revealed
NO! This is FALSE. There is a no chance that you can contract HIV through sharing stuff with an infected person. You can safely share utensils, food, pencils and clothes with someone who is HIV POSITIVE!
NO! This is FALSE! It is completely safe for you to hold hands and hug someone who is HIV positive.
3. Can I get infected with HIV by having unprotected sex?
4. Can I get HIV by kissing someone that is infected?
NO! This is ridiculous! The majority of people with HIV look perfectly healthy.
Yes! Of course you can! People infected with HIV are still people. They eat, sleep and like to have fun just like you. They are not going to try to infect you on purpose…so do not be afraid of being their friend!
7. Can I cure HIV by sleeping with a virgin?
2. Can I get infected with HIV by holding hands?
Yes! This is TRUE! Sexual intercourse is the most common way of being infected. HIV is spread through the exchange of bodily fluids when you have sexual intercourse.
This is FALSE! It would be very rare to get HIV from saliva. Although HIV can be transmitted when swallowing breast milk or semen from an infected person, this usually isn’t seen when swallowing saliva. In fact, most people with AIDS don’t have HIV in their saliva. It also seems that saliva may inhibit the virus. So just kissing is probably safe.
5. Can I tell someone is HIV positive just by looking at them?
6. Will I be safe if I’m friends with someone who is HIV positive?
NO! This is FALSE! HIV can NOT be cured by sleeping with a virgin. Infact, HIV cannot be cured in any way. BUT with the proper use of MEDICINE HIV can be managed so that people can live a healthy and full life.
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a e A ak JA “M U ”, ki SH u h z) A e “C h n W i : s u it U itc d , h o ma n K S. (D y a e ts l t lo g ID ! n h l o p t l u i in A ay o re o d s Ha ly h b a in / pa e al a Sc y h jo IV to c ci m ! h n w it a w g is H s pe d at o D s Hi n r e st ha an wh e i k e in c … ic” y, r tt yr in e t g ' u c e dd e n d r in si us W ga h t o Di tt h u o o M t g m P- ma d pr e er a a h t s he Da st e d yr n, o e Hi t W : ng h w e w g n n so …n : e : i si fig t t g m r a e o a ck ns bi e e ou o m m ti h r t t a Ja u f Gi a e ! “ Th th k a h c N l g a t g s c u c & i u ae y in he d in so . h m o ” be r E f ic o th al ns m ice C o A M t e a T ’m io in F ho t m ? k l: e o I a C o ic a a s !!! nic r st t o g e u s G eg h to u lo m R r a m u me ll t Co Te ea s yo ht I as is ug M o ta h W ho w
“There are too many false beliefs about HIV and many of us are acting on rumours and taboos!”
“Lack of information results in us hurting HIV positive people because we wrongly think we’ll catch HIV through a handshake or a shared utensil.”
e yr r w y e yr e w yr w yr w w e w y re y r y re w y r w y w y re w w “Misinformation can end in tragedy.”
“We have lost too many PEOPLE because of misinformation on how HIV is spread.”
“Information plays a major role in the fight against HIV.”
“It is important that we get the right information always…Get the right information before you make any conclusions.“
I don’t know about you but my head starts to spin when I hear all those words about HIV ...so here’s something to help you out a bit...
Wherever we look, it seems that there are adverts for HIV / AIDS! But some of them are so BORING! So here’s your chance to get creative and design your own advert!
Write down what you think is the most important fact about HIV / AIDS that people need to know about. .......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................
Now – turn this fact into a funky / eye-catching poster that will teach people something. When you’re finished you can cut it out and stick it on a book or file…make it funky…make it cool…make the message clear!
can i talk to you about my guy?
i’m scared of finding out my status can i talk to you about it?
i just tested HIV positive. where can i get help?
KNH Youth Centre
i’ve been raped. what should i do?