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Why do I need to know my status I am a virgin? I want to get tested but what if I am positive?
My dad would kill me if he knew I had been tested for HIV!
I want to get tested for HIV…but where can I go?
This publication has been made possible with the generous support of the American people through USAID/Kenya, under the APHIA II Operations Research Project, a cooperative agreement (No. 623-A-00-09-00001-00) between the Kenya Mission and the Population Council.
DEBATE! a debate is a discussion that happens between people with different view points. it is not a fight! have fun debating topics...
RULES Split into 2 teams. Each team should have 3 people. Person 1 introduces their argument. Person 2 gives the speech. Person 3 thanks the speaker and summarises their argument. Pick one of the ‘debate topics’ below. One team argues YES. One team argues NO. Take it in turns to present your argument to the audience. The audience will vote at the end which argument they are most convinced by. The team with the most votes is the WINNER!
Onl act y sexu nee ive stu ally den d to ts b for e teste d H IV. Yes
d oul s sh ial l o c o Sch er spe rt to off suppo V. & h HI e car ents wit o? stud or N
IT’S A FACT... d houl nts s e o t d u d St orce be f their HIV l l. a e v hoo re in sc s u t sta No?
r Yes o
The r adv e are ant no a bei ng ges to t e ste fo Yes r HIV. d o
r N o?
Getting tested for the first time is a BIG step but there are many benefits to it. Be a shujaa and know your status.
Getting tested is much easier if you have friends who you trust and who will support you no matter what the result is.
‘TRUST ME!’ To help build up trust in your class here’s a fun activity for you to try:
IT’S A FACT! There is no cure for HIV/AIDS. Don’t let people fool you into believing that there is.
You can’t get HIV from kissing if you have no open wounds in your mouth.
If you have any questions about HIV and sex, visit your local VCT and talk to a counselor. They won’t tell anyone what you have asked them!
1.Get into pairs. 2.Using a jumper or tie gently blindfold your partner so that they can’t see. 3.Tell your partner that they have nothing to fear – you will keep them safe. 4.Walk your partner around the school explaining all the time where they are and what obstacles are ahead of them. 5.When you’ve finished let your partner blindfold you and do the same.
if you find out you are HIV-positive, be sure to tell some people you trust. Don’t keep it a secret. There is no reason to be ashamed.
Remember to get your teacher’s permission to do this activity.
TRUST SOMEONE?’ How did it feel to put your trust in someone else? Did you respect the person you were leading or did you abuse their trust? Who do you trust at school? What makes someone trustworthy? What makes someone untrustworthy? Who would you tell if you wanted to get tested for HIV? Who would you tell if you found out you were HIV positive?
The more people talk about HIV the more it will be accepted.
People with HIV can live normal lives.
How can we pass these messages around school and make people believe them? Come up with a campaign to change people’s attitudes to HIV in your school and community.
Jipendo, you will never know if you have HIV unless you get tested.
No…I can’t!
My mum has told me to stay away from Jipendo. she doesn’t want the whole village thinking I’m infected too! Malkia must have it too if she’s not scared to hang with Jipendo!
Those two are doomed!
If you get tested you will have peace of mind. It’s better to know the truth than to live in fear.
My life is over. Everyone is calling us the HIV twins!
They are all idiots!
No, they are right.
You don’t have to tell anyone your results. If you are positive, there are so many ways you can get help… Sawa…but only if you come with me.
I’m going to DIE!
Yeah, I have been trying to convince my friend, malkia, to come here and get tested...but she was a bit scared!
I wish more students were like you. It’s important to know your status.
People at school think that if they get tested then others will judge them.
But if they knew someone famous like you got tested then maybe they would know it was cool...
I think I’ve changed my mind, I’m scared… GOSH, look! It’s WYRE the Love Child…Wah!
Hey, why don’t I come to your school and encourage everyone to get tested? I’ll go talk to your Headmaster about it… Students and staff. After much discussion with your parents and the board, we have decided that it will be beneficial to us all to invite a mobile VCT to our school…
Hi Wyre…I love you… you are so cool. Wait? What are you doing In a vct centre?
I am here to find out my status. I like to get tested every few months. I am glad to see you young ladies taking control…
I would encourage you all to take the brave and important step of getting tested.
Will my students respect me if they find out that i don’t know my status?
People might think I am dying if I get tested!
What will people think if they see me getting tested?
Here to encourage you to use the mobile VCT services is the celebrity WYRE!
I want to ask my friends, Malkia and Jipendo to join me. These girls inspired me when I met them in the VCT. Knowing your status is one of those things that everyone should do like brushing your teeth and doing your homework!
at malkia’s place...
Niaje! Mko poa?!
Wyre came to school today to promote the VCT clinic and So many people got tested! Even the teachers and the headmaster!
What? The headmaster got tested?
Hmmmm. If it’s so simple, maybe I should get tested as well?
Oh my God! They are friends with WYRE? I’m so jealous!
Don’t worry Mum… I will come with you.
celeb speak
Everyone will be queuing up to know their status thanks to you!
Well you have to prepare yourselves for some people discovering that they are HIV+. So maybe you could start a club to give support and encouragement to infected students?
TEXT: This is what Wyre had to say about the importance of knowing your HIV status… Do you know your status? Wyre: Yes I do. How important is it to know your status? Wyre: It is very important.
Haiya! I was just thinking the same thing Wyre!! We are so the same!
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What would you say to students who haven’t been tested for HIV? Wyre: I would encourage them to go and get tested. It gives you peace of mind. If you are positive, you can be supported. If you are negative, it helps you plan your future! What does it mean to be a hero? Wyre: A hero is someone who society looks up to for hope. A hero is a leader who has the power to influence people’s lives positively.
“Know your status, plan your future!”17
Q. What should you do when you are raped and you think the rapist could be HIV positive?
ULIZA DAKTARI Some of you have put private questions into the drop boxes in your school. I’ve done my best to answer some of them.
Q. I touched the genitals of someone who I think may be HIV positive. Could I have caught HIV from them? A. NO. You cannot get HIV from touching. HIV is passed from one person to another through sexual activities, during which the semen, vaginal fluid or blood of an infected person passes into the body of another person.
Q. My brother has HIV. Will he get better if he eats well? A. HIV and AIDS is incurable...that means that there is no cure for it. But your brother can live a long and healthy life if he continues to eat well and takes his medication. Q. I want to be tested for HIV but my mother says that people will gossip about me. Is this true? A. If people choose to gossip about you then that is their decision. They would be very foolish to make judgments about you for doing something so sensible. Don’t think about what some people may say – instead focus on all the positive aspects of knowing your status.
Q. Can anal sex transmit HIV? A. YES. It is possible for either sex partner to become infected with HIV during anal sex. Having unprotected anal sex is considered to be a very risky behavior.
a. You should go to the nearest clinic immediately. Do not take a shower or change your clothes. This will allow the clinic to take important evidence that may be required to arrest your abuser. If you are HIV negative the clinic can give you emergency treatment to prevent any infection of HIV. This needs to be taken within 72 hours of penetration. Q. Is it true that virgins don’t acquire / infect HIV/AIDS? A. NO! This is completely untrue. A virgin could have been infected with HIV at birth. It is also possible to be infected with HIV the first time you have sex. Q. Can HIV/AIDS decrease completely through taking ARV’s? A. No. ARV’s are not a cure for HIV/AIDS. Q. Can I get HIV or STI’s through oral sex? A. It is possible. Like any other sexual activity, oral sex carries a risk of transmitting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Q. Can I go for counselling by myself if I am under the age of 18 years? A. YES! You can talk to a counsellor free on 0800 720 121. OR you can visit the KNH youth centre which is at kenyatta national hospital. hospital road, nairobi Q. Does everyone with HIV get AIDS? A. No. Not all people with HIV get AIDS.
Q. When you deep kiss an infected person will you be infected? The risk of acquiring HIV during open-mouth kissing is believed to be very low. There is only one reported case of it in the world. However if both partners have blood or open sores in their mouths then there is an increased risk.
Q. How can I avoid HIV and still have sex? A. It is perfectly possible to have safe sex and minimise the risks of being infected with HIV.
Q. I have a lot of questions about sex. Where can I go for good answers? Visit this website: www.liverpoolvct.org or call the youth hotline FREE on 0800 720 121. or call the knh youth centre on 020 2726300
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•Check with the principal's office to make sure the club didn’t exist in the past. If it did exist you might be able to find out why it ended. •Find out your school's requirements for setting up a new club. •Ask a teacher or school official to support you and be responsible for extracurricular student activities. •Put up notices announcing your new club around your school. Include a contact person for interested students. •Schedule an opening meeting to discuss what activities your club will do. •Elect officers and decide who will be responsible for what. •GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT! Be sure to have a reliable source of information about HIV. Don’t make it up and don’t listen to rumours. Myths can destroy lives. If you were to set up a school club to help those infected and affected by HIV what would you call it? What would you do in the club?
GET CREATIVE! “It’s time to get creative! Design your own eye-catching poster that encourages people to get tested for HIV.”