Original Memory Book for Iris Allen

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From Whence She Came – In The Beginning


The Makings of a Lady – The Years of Maturing


And Then Life Changed – Sought and Rescued


The World an Arena – Traveling There and Beyond


The Duty of Character – The Wise Woman


Field Work – The Years of Ministry


A Glorious Finish – The Handiwork of The Creator


Program of Internment

· Gallery


PROLOGUE “Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them.” Ps 139:16 (NKJ)

IRIS VELMA ALLEN 21st July, 1924 – 11th November, 2020


CHAPTER 1 From Whence She Came In The Beginning

Velma’s father sailed the islands transporting sponge. The sponge industry failed and he then carried goods and produce. Albert was described as a jovial and gracious man, qualities that were later to be found in Velma. Gradually the children left Abaco to make new lives on the other islands. Velma had an older sister named Alvord who had moved to Eleuthera to marry Herman Bethel. She was lonely and asked if her sister Velma could come to visit. The trip was arranged. Velma was five years old. She went to visit Alvord in Palmetto Point Eleuthera. She never returned to Abaco. .


ris Velma was born in 1924 to Caroline and Albert Archer. She was the last of eight children. Life must have been very simple then for this couple living in the Abaco’s of the 1920’s. Albert was a boat captain and Caroline stayed home in Marsh Harbour with their large family. From all accounts surviving life depended on the sea or the farm. Caroline came from Cherokee Sound, where fishing and farming were the main source of work and the people were known for hard work and honesty. Caroline was tough and taught her children the importance of hard work, cleanliness and honesty. 4

CHAPTER 2 The Makings of a Young Lady The Years of Maturing


High School in Nassau. Velma was off to New Providence and would soon be reunited with her parents Caroline and Albert who now lived on Anderson Street off East Street in Nassau.

elma grew up in Alvord’s home in Palmetto Point Eleuthera. Her big sister’s home was one of abundance. Alvord’s husband Herman owned a packinghouse that exported pineapples and tomatoes to Nassau and beyond.

The home in Anderson Street became a hub of family activity. Velma’s older sister Annette lived across the street and Velma’s nephew Baltron (the son of Alvord) would later join her at the Anderson Street home. He too was awarded a place at the Government High School.

In Herman and Alvord’s home, two forces operated to influence Velma. They were religion and academics. As regards to spiritual matters, the Archer clan was traditionally Methodists. Herman Bethel was however Plymouth Brethren. In that home, Velma would make an initial commitment of her life to Jesus Christ and it was there in the formative years that her Brethren roots took hold.

During her high school years, Velma was committed to academic excellence and would often be busy conjugating Latin verbs. This was a marked difference from the engagement with sewing and baking which preoccupied other young ladies of the time. Her natural tendencies suggested that she would indeed be a young lady of strong moral character and well developed intellect. It was all being forged amidst a rich family and spiritual culture.

Velma showed herself to be academically bright. Fortunately, for her, there were excellent headmasters at the government school in Palmetto Point. It was there that she was awarded a much coveted place at the prestigious Government 5


Then death came and the tides of life turned. Albert, her father died and so did hopes for the future. She desired university but without financial support, it was not to be. Her brother Durward, slightly older, was studying engineering and sparse family resources went in his direction. Of a stoic and pragmatic nature, Velma did what was next at hand after High school. She went to work.

And Then Life Changed Sought and Rescued

As providence would have it, Velma, not able to pursue her university education was herself being pursued by the Lord of life. Her high school years were barren of spiritual pursuits but her early spiritual experiences seemed to pull her back towards spiritual things. In a condition of spiritual emptiness, she was drawn to a gospel crusade at Central Gospel Hall (now Chapel) on Dowdeswell Street Nassau. Under the compelling preaching of Evangelist Bill Paterson of Scotland, she was sought out by God and rescued from meaninglessness. She rededicated her life to the Lord and became associated with the Central Gospel Hall. After the recommitment of her life, she plunged herself into spiritual activity. She became a Sunday school teacher and was active in children’s ministry and engaged with the Young Women’s Christian Association,


he High School years in Nassau were exciting to young Velma. She loved school. She was highly competitive. She was strong in all subjects but Latin was a favorite. She graduated from The Government High School in 1941 with the coveted proficiency prize, awarded to the top academic student. Spiritually however she wilted.

Following on her renewed commitment to the person of Jesus Christ, Velma found herself drawn to a commitment of another kind. In this case, it was a commitment to the young North American trained Bahamian evangelist, Frederick Edward Allen. Velma agreed to be his wife. 6

CHAPTER 4 The World an Arena

Traveling There and Beyond “Wedding Date – Wednesday March 26th 1952 at 4:30PM From the Local Daily of the Time


very pretty afternoon wedding was solemnized at the Central Gospel Hall at 4:30 pm yesterday by evangelist W. H. Farrington when Miss Iris Velma Archer fifth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Archer and Mr. Frederick Edward Allen Jr. the eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. Frederick E. Allen was united in Holy Matrimony The Hall was very tastefully decorated for the occasion with white gladioli, Queen Anne’s lace and fern by Mrs. W. H. Farrington. The bride who was given away by her brother Mr. Walter Archer was radiant in a gown of white embossed mussolini and net over slipper satin with a tight fitting bodice and full skirt with train. She carried an arm bouquet of white gladioli and candytuft with white ribbon streamers over her Bible. Her veil, which covered her face, was on embossed flowered tulle, studded with rhinestones and was held by a tiara of seed pearls. Mrs. Dorothea Thompson was maid of honour. She was very attractively dressed in a gown of pink and white embossed Mussolini over rose tulle with matching mitts. She carried a spray of pink and radiant roses and wore a wreath of roses in her hair.


The bridesmaids Miss Doreen Allen sister of the groom and Miss Joyce Bethel niece of the Bride, were attractively attired in aqua and yellow organza respectively with matching mitts and each carried a Victorian bouquet of mixed roses.

Mr. Clement Pinder acted as best man and Messrs Roosevelt Allen and Baltron Bethel were groomsmen. The couple left at 7:15 PM by PAA for the United States where they will spend their honeymoon.�

The Little Flower Girls preceded the bride. They were little Valerie Archer a niece of the bride and Gaylene Christie a cousin of the Groom. They wore frilled dresses of aqua and yellow organdy respectively with matching accessories and each carried a basket of pink and white flowers.

And with that Velma was launched into a world of travel and experiences as she toured the United States with her husband Ed, met new friends and shared in his ministry which through radio would reach into far flung regions of the world. In time, she would have a variety of enjoyable and meaningful excursions with newfound friends who shared a common faith.

The bride’s mother wore a blue embossed flowered dress and grooms mother a dress of aqua crepe.


CHAPTER 5 The Duty of Character The Wise Woman Velma and Ed would eventually have two children, a daughter Ferne and a son Michael. Velma’s goals and aspirations seem now to be completely subjugated to the prospect of being the wife of an evangelist and a mother to her children. Velma was eminently qualified to be both the spouse of a traveling evangelist and a mother raising her own children. At times, her husband’s ministry would take her to hardship places or require that she be alone for months as Ed engaged in evangelistic crusades, sometimes outside The Bahamas. In a supporting role to her husband, Velma managed finances and sought alternative sources of income to help support the family. She budgeted and ensured that her family was well taken care of. The spiritual condition and wellbeing of her children were however always a priority. When employment with an airline allowed for reduced travel costs, she would routinely travel at least once a year to Miami for shopping, in order to save money on purchases. She would give to those less fortunate and for a season of time, she would give out Sunday meals from her kitchen door.


CHAPTER 6 Field Work The Years of Ministry


elma’s years of ministry alongside her husband, filled a substantial portion of her life. Her engagement in ministry was tireless. When Ed transitioned from a travelling evangelist to pastoring a local Brethren assembly, she seamlessly made the adjustment. During the years of frontline activity, Velma led a variety of women’s ministries. She assisted in weekly services in the female prison, at the Girls Industrial School as well as the Geriatrics facility. She also created girls clubs that bore much fruit in later years. She served as the church’s accountant and administrator, assisted in the allocation of resources, led home Bible studies, and served as a member of the committee responsible for a premier Christian Academy. Whilst engaged in the work of the Ministry, she also bore the burden of the tragic death of her daughter Ferne and her husband Bradley. Ferne and Bradley left behind Lisa, their 8th-month-old baby. Velma (and her husband Ed) responded by taking responsibility for their grandchild and by so doing Velma re-entered a world of parenting, post 60 years of age.



CHAPTER 7 A Glorious Finish The Handiwork of The Creator But He knows the way that I take; When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold. Job 23:10

The night was near spent but it was still night. Velma was in her 90’s with clear mind, yet aging frame. In the late hours of a particular night, in her 9th decade, she seemed especially preoccupied, even obsessed with finding papers and collecting things together and needing help with moving and organizing documents and envelops and papers and many such things of significant value to her. Her son was agitated and becoming impatient. She knew it to be so. In a moment of realization, she, in almost a plea, countered, “you have to work with me�. Then it became apparent. Something extraordinary was happening. Velma, driven by her internal spirit was preparing for a future when she would have to give over her affairs to her only child, her son. She knew she was tiring. It would not be long before severe arthritis would limit her to bed. And so it did. She, without complaint, almost dutifully transitioned to a season of confinement. It was to be the final season of her life. The one whose life 12

was a hallmark of service and care, especially for the elderly, now became the recipient of constant service and care. For those who lived with and cared for Velma it became eventually evident that an amazing thing was taking place. The self-sufficient, strong and often directing personality was noticeably being transformed into an often grateful, graciously dependent, and increasingly compliant pleasant personality. Days became weeks. Weeks became months and months became years. The second hand of the clock on the wall glided through the moments in time as Velma lay confined to her bed. Christmas celebrations, the death of her husband Ed, visits from grandchildren who lived abroad, nightly events of pills and liquids, all surrounded the refinery of the soul, which was purifying and transforming her inner person.

She was becoming a just spirit being made perfect by her creator and outfitted for eternity in the midst of her trial. In the evening of the 9th November, 2020, she dipped physically. Velma became especially cold to the touch. Her elderly care physician recommended she be taken to hospital. The night was spent in the Emergency Room. Later that morning whilst in a state of semi consciousness, after a dramatic slowing of heart beat and respiratory challenges her countenance brightened and her face was lit with a smile when she heard the words and music of “When I Survey The Wondrous Cross�, her very favourite song from among her special nighttime YouTube selections. Her son had held to her ear a mobile device playing a glorious rendition, whilst she lay in the ER. 13

It was the last memory her family had of her. She would spend the remainder of the day and then the night, under hospital protocol, confined to a room on the fourth floor of the hospital. Then the morning came, when the work of the Master Craftsman was complete. It was the 11th November, 2020. Velma on her extended journey through life had rounded the next bend in her journey and finally she was home.

EPILOGUE Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, Be glory and majesty, Dominion and power, Both now and forever. Amen. Jude 24-25 NKJV



The Obituary

Her Survivors include: Son: Michael Allen Daughter in law: Melanie Allen Granddaughters: Lisa Newman and Mikala Allen Grand son-in-law: Orrin Newman Great Granddaughter: Leah Nephews and Nieces: Mrs. Angela Archer, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Archer, Florinda Clarke, Mrs. Valarie Smith, Fr. Delano & Mrs. Agatha Archer; Mrs. Persephone McQuay; Mrs. Rosamond Stubbs; Mr. Lambert Archer; Ms. Angela MJ Archer; Mrs. Diane Dean; Drs. Godfrey and Gerry Pinder; Mrs. Melanie Farrington; Rev. Dr. Colin & Mrs. Marjorie Archer; Mr. Donald & Mrs. Deborah Archer; Mr. Albert & Mrs. Alexandria Archer; Mr. Robert & Mrs. Marjorie Archer; Sir Baltron & Lady Helen Bethel; Rev. Philip & Yvonne Bethel; Mr. Austin & Mrs. Iris Knowles; Dr. Ronald & Mrs. Gwendolyn Knowles; Joan & Fred Albury; Mrs. Sonia Forbes; Mrs. Yvette Knowles; Ms. Lynn Archer Spouses Family 15

In Laws – Dr. David & Victoria Allen; Paul & Ellen Allen; Pastor Rex Major; Dawn Taylor; Giselle Allen; Dr. Christian Allen, Dr. Andreas & Graziella Schuab; John & Keri Taylor; David Allen Jr.; Don Jevon Taylor; Jewel Major; Gem Dickens; Jasmin & Byron Rogers; Jade & Dr. Don Bryan, Dr. Marie Carrol; Anya & Pascale Allen; Brazil, Beijing & Baja Rogers; Autumn & August Dickens; Isabella, Golda, Emmanuel & Maximus Taylor; Laura, Lance & Luke Carroll; William ‘Georgie’ Allen & Jennifer Allen; William & Isabel Allen. Extended family – Beverly & Dr.Leslie Culmer; Faith Roxbury, Dellareese Edgecombe & Travis & Ethan Edgecombe and Captain Charles Smith. And a host of other relatives and friends including Willamae Pratt and the congregation of Abundant Life Bible Church. Continuous Support and Provision During Years of Confinement Rose Richardson, Pauline King, Pauline Taylor, Ron Stubbs, Veronica Gaitor, Lizetta Newman, Voiolet Pintard-Johnson, Gwen Evans, Lillyanne Deveaux, Eugenie Taylor.



PROGRAM OF INTERNMENT Lakeview Memorial Gardens 20th November, 2020 Officiating: Pastor Gil Maycock Sr. Co-Pastor of Abundant Life Bible Church 1.

Welcome and Opening in Prayer: Pastor Gil Maycock


Scripture Reading: Mikala Allen- Revelation 21:1-7


Musical Selection: Mrs. Dellareese Edgecome- When I survey The Wondrous Cross


Reflections: Dr. Colin Archer


Hymn: Glory to Thee Thou Son of God Most High


Pastoral Meditation: Pastor Gil Maycock




Hymn: There is a Redeemer


AN INVITATION TO RESPOND It was the express wish of Iris Velma Allen that her funeral program include an invitation, to all who would come, to respond to the requirements of God’s good news to mankind. She was concerned to ensure that the most important issue of everyone’s life be confronted at her funeral, with the hopes that there would be those who would respond positively to the call of the Gospel. The good news of the Gospel comes against the backdrop of a very grim reality. The reality is that men are born in sin, imperfect, self-willed and bent towards controlling their own lives for their own purposes. Men are in rebellion against the God who made them, yet He demands their allegiance. The result of this condition is that all men are under a condition of condemnation. A Holy God will move to destroy an unholy rebellious creation who as sinners are fit only to be destroyed with eternal punishment. The Good news is that rather than move to destroy all men, God has established a way of escape from eternal destruction. He did this by providing his son Jesus Christ as a sacrifice, bearing the punishment of all who would come to Him. Jesus was the lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world. Jesus calls all persons to repent. Each must recognize that he is a sinner. Each must confess his sins to God and ask for forgiveness. Each must repent of his sins, turn away from them and follow the person and teachings of Jesus. Each must be dependent upon God and God alone (not his own efforts) to save him from eternal destruction. To do this is to be forgiven of sins and to have eternal life. Not to do this is to be condemned forever, eternally punished in a placed referred to in scripture as the lake of fire. Consider your condition. If you are aware of your sinful condition and have not repented and sought forgiveness from God; if you have not committed yourself to following Jesus Christ, Now Is The Time. Don’t hesitate. After death there is the Judgment. Then it will be too late. 19

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