3 minute read

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighted in his way” Psalms 37:23. Daddy often talked of how his mother defied his father and sent him away from the farm in Cat Island to Nassau on a boat to learn a trade, with his father galloping on his horse on the dock. I guess the horse could not swim. He came to Nassas, learnt a trade , married the beautiful dark Stella, and the rest is history!
“To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven” Ecclesiastes 3:1. Daddy knew his purpose, and that was to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to all who would listen, and that should accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. He admonished everyone he met, small and great, short or tall, young or old, rich or poor. He did not just talk, was not just a hearer of the word, he lived it. He encouraged his children and congregation to live Mathew 28:19-20 one of his favorite scriptures...to ”Go ye therefore, and teach ALL nations, baptizing them in the name of the father,and of the son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” He went from door to door, street to street, from island to island lifting up Jesus and teaching Vacation Bible School.
I believe that I have been blessed with the character traits of tenacity, determination and perseverance, despite the odds, from my Daddy, believing I can do all things through Christ, that nothing is impossible with God. I recall when he decided that his family of 13 had outgrown the two bedroom wooden home. He embarked on building a stone home that included store fronts. He always maintained a convenience store that many people in the neighborhood stole from, or credited without ever paying back. But he never ran them down or demanded payment when they came back to the store. This house was like no other, so passers by would taunt him for using his girls as helpers and jerred that it would never be finished. But he did with God’s help.
I believe I got my sense of duty and time management from my Daddy, he was a loving and faithful husband to his “ Darlin Stella” Everyone knew that she was not always easy to deal with. She is strong willed, creative speech, and an independent thinker. She never neglected to provide hot home cooked meals, even if it was just corned beef with cabbage and white rice, Daddy’s food came out first. I remember the Ford Escort Daddy drove, could spot it a mild away, because we had to jump the wall and be home when he arrived to have his lunch, and avoid a tamarind switch, from going to the neighbor yard which was forbidden. I learnt from my Daddy that the commitment made to your spouse in the presence of God was binding despite the ups and downs. He left father and mother and cleaved to his wife of 74 years.

I get my love for gardening and plants from my Daddy. Even Though he worked a full time job as a Labor Officer, pastored a church, and was raising 12 children, he still found time to plant a garden, raise chickens and keep the trees groomed. He was most at peace when he relaxed under the coconut or banana trees after working his garden on a hot evening.
My Father made me feel special and beautiful. I got my first piece of jewelry from my Daddy. He attended all the Parent Teacher Association meetings (PTA), and was even the Treasurer of the Donald W. Davis Junior High School while I attended.

“I said in mine heart, God will judge the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work” Ecclesiastes 3:17. Short in stature but a GIANT of a man. The best Father on earth the world has ever known. A man of God. A Pastor/ Preacher. A friend and confidant. A cheerful giver. A chauffeur to children, grandchildren. A loving and dedicated husband. A Labor activist. A man ahead of his time.

Daddy you are with your Lord Jesus now, your work and purpose here on earth is done. Take your rest, and here at that day...” ..Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee Joseph Alexander Zonicle), ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord”
One day I will greet you in heaven or meet you in the clouds.
Your daughter Doctor Sam!!