3 minute read
Ican truly say that I was blessed with one of the world’s greatest fathers. Daddy demonstrated in his everyday life devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ his Saviour and unwavering love to my mother. Daddy was a sacrificial provider, he made sure all our necessities were met even to the extent of self-denial. I knew I was special to him from my earliest memories. I could remember sleeping on his chest. I remember the thickly sliced homemade peanut butter sandwiches from Aunt Ester that he would bring for me when he worked with Uncle George. I remember the KFC doughnuts and vanilla milkshakes, Mortimer’s peanuts and Christmas red and white peppermint candies.
Each grandchild was precious to you, when they were little you would ask for a bite of the finger or 5 to10 kisses. But most of all daddy demonstrated service to Almighty God and practiced the Great Commission. When asked, ‘how are you doing’ your reply would always be ‘I am in the Lord’s hands’. Daddy, you need no longer long to see your mother and father, son Joseph Jr., your siblings, Aphia, Kevinique, Jodi, old pastor friends, sisters and brothers in law or all those loved ones who went to heaven before you. I am assured that you are now a part of the ‘great cloud of witnesses’ cheering us on to continue the fight of faith.
I love you but the Triune God loves you infinitely more. Your Baby, Wanza Capanza Sweet Child
A Tribute To The The Only Grandfather I Ever Knew

You may have left from this world, but you will never leave from my heart. With each new day that arises I miss you more & more. I’ll always remember your playful arm bites, your infectious smile and just your nod of approval with anything I did. What hurts me the most is that I wasn’t there to say goodbye. I love you but we know that Jesus loves you best, and he knew that it was time for you to take your well deserved rest. I’ll cherish the memories of us two forever, until the day we are all together.
I know that you are always here with me, but please give Kevinique a big hug for me!
Love you always, Mel

Joseph Alexander Zonicle Was No Ordinary Man. He was a Kingdom builder a loving husband, an excellent father not only to his children but to his nieces and nephews alike. Uncle Joe was an evangelist to the core I have never seen anyone witness about the Lord like him. He took the great command to go into all the world and preach The gospel very seriously, it did not matter who you were or where the occasion , he shared his faith.
I had the privilege of travelling with him on many mission trips he referred to us on the team as MIP Lydia or what- ever your name was and he used the abbreviation to lead the conversation and witness for The Lord. We experienced many miracles on those trips such as the bus turning over and us running out of gas and coasting into the gas station.
Whenever I visited him after he had retired he would remind me to lift- up the Saviour. He truly forth A good fight and finished his course.
Uncle Joe wanted no accolades, he simply wanted to glorify his Jesus. He was a rare gift to the Bahamas I could only imagine the reunion in heavens with his family and loved ones, may his soul rest in peace.

Lydia Wallace Niece
“Uncle Joe as I called him because of my friend and sister in Christ, his Neice Lydia, was a LEGEND in every sense of the word. Uncle Joe was “24/7” and “365 days” when it came to Evangelism. He ALWAYS wanted to be CERTAIN that everyone’s HEART was right with God.”
Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 vs 1 - 2 declares, “To every thing there is a season and a time and to every Purpose under the heavens”.
“A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted”.
My Dearest Uncle Joe. I would like to Thank you for your words of Wisdom, Insight and encouragement that you have always spoken over my life. I remember the last words of impartation that you had over me which was and I quote “Lord Make Her a Blessing”.

Uncle Joe you have fought the fight, you have finished your course, so now receive your reward from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So until we meet again in heaven, take your rest.
Evangelist/ Prophetess Deserene Zonicle. Niece