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Day 1 of my birth, you were the first male exposure outside the womb that I had, and I know now, that it would be the avalanche of moments that forever shaped my perception of the world and how I chose to interact with it. My first unconscious exposure to a love that transcended the issues that were being faced, at the time. No one, family or stranger was exempt from your respectful correction. I’ve never seen you yell or react in a way that would create a sense of fear. Whenever I or any cousins were asked to pick a switch or sit down in a chair and be still, we Always knew it was warranted. For me, at least, any expression of frustration, I could see the process in your face of being mindful of how it was outwardly expressed.
There were times when I questioned why you never intervened in domestic disputes, but now that I’m older and more exposed to the world, I understand. I’m sure life tested you in it’s own way, but the way you chose to rise above will forever be a pillar for my own decision making skills. You always seemed to listen and observe first, but when you spoke, lol, it was always sure to be a sermon. No matter the place.
I’m blessed to be one of the few grandchildren with not just one, but two nicknames. It’s interesting to think back now, I’ve never heard you say my actual name. The story of my nickname’s origin began on a Sunday day, arriving at what we all call “grammies house” and you were sitting in your rocking chair on the second floor balcony. There’s a lot about my childhood that I don’t remember, but I never forgot this day. Immediately when I saw you, and I must have only been 7 or 8, I proceeded to tell you of my adventures at Disney World. Excited and ecstatic, I said, “Granddaddy, I saw Mickey mouse!” and continued with a story of watching a parade and enjoying the adventures of Disney world. I’m guessing he chuckled and responded, “Oh really, is that so?” and my response was, “I serious, ya know!” and there you have it, an entire life being called serious, but only by my granddad.
For the second name, the story goes. I came home from college, I don’t remember the exact year, and I was greeted by my grandfather in the kitchen and he said, “I’m going to start calling you Celestia”. From what I understand, he changed the name because he felt I was becoming too serious. Celestia reflected the new person I had become, being off in another country by myself; I was expanding and the sky was the first stop before the cosmos. Why exactly he chose Celestia, I never remembered to ask.
I had hoped I would have gotten the honor of having you walk me down the aisle or holding and blessing my offspring with your love. From your sticky beard, to your light finger bites. I’m humbled by being able to experience affection and love from a pillar of your calibre. For you my love, just as your daughters looked out for you, I will do the same for men of your lineage; and by extension all the men you’ve inspired. If only to just passively cover them with thankful prayers.
You set such a high bar and I accept the challenge You lead with such immense examples both personally and professionally and I am honored to continue and create my own legacy.
I love you Granddaddy
Signed Serious and now your Celestia

The Lord, my Savior, my Jesus, my King, bless these hands and cause them to be a tremendous blessing for others in lifting him up so that He would see of their commitment to Him as their Savior and Lord and so that the family will not be disjointed but we shall all; mom and dad, children and grandchildren, spend eternity in heaven someday praising him forever.

Bishop Joseph A. Zonicle, J.P.