3 minute read
Uncle Joe, after your passing, I went back, way back in my memory of you and could only smile to myself. I remembered how you took my first born, Addis, into your arms and held him, like he was your first grand son. You held him so gentle and cared for him, like no other. I am forever grateful. You were my Mighty Oak, standing tall and strong, supporting me.
You were very stern and the love you displayed for God, Aunt Stella, your children and family, were next to none.

You did it your way and it was always outstanding. I will always remember your encouraging words to seek and serve the Lord and there’s no other way but with Jesus.
You showed your love by displaying it in your actions and with that I know I can’t go wrong. Respecting you as our Godly Uncle, was so easy, because of how you lived. You were genuine, an original, God-fearing, honest and most of all loving to all you came in contact with. I say thank you Uncle Joe, I will truly miss you but your purpose on earth has been fulfilled. I know weeping may endure for a night, but joy will come in the morning.
Until then, the love will remain in my heart....
Your niece,Vernice
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbes, 22-6
This proverb came to mind Uncle Joe as I sat down to write this tribute. You touched so many lives by your selfless and countless acts of care and kindness, always giving and never expecting any favors in return. Your dedication to the work of God, your family and any one you met, always encouraging persons to make sure get to know Jesus as your Lord and Savior and live only for him, is what set you apart. You were a Giant in the Kingdom of God, you worked and labored, setting the path for many other to live a life pleasing to God.
The way you lived your Life is a living testimony for so many young men and women you took under your wings.
Uncle Joe you were and will always be an inspiration me, You have left a void in the family that will never be filled.
While we mourn today, we also take comfort in the fact that your mission on earth have been fulfilled. We thank the Lord for your life and bid you farewell until we meet again.

Love, Your Niece
Montrea (Ginger)
It is finished, The battle is over
It is finished, There’ll be no more war
It is finished, the end of the conflict, It is finished, and Jesus is Lord!
We, The Carey Family, thank God for the life of Our Uncle, Bishop Joseph A. Zonicle.
To us you were an uncle, ONE IN A MILLION! You were humble, kind, loving and caring.
For as long as we can remember, you preached the word of God in its fullness. Now you have gone to reap your Crown of righteousness, which the Lord Himself will give to you. You touched so many lives by your selfless and countless acts of kindness. Uncle Joe, you have left a void in our family that will never be filled
While or family mourns today, we take comfort in the knowledge that your mission on this earth has been fulfilled.
I can remember as a child, coming to Nassau from Eleuthera with my mom, Hazel to visit you and my Auntie. We were always met with a big hug and a warm smile. You were kind, hospitable and loving to us. Those days I will never forget.
God decided to take you to heaven to join our dad and mom, our grandparents, Edward and Faydora Belle, our sister Estella, and our little brother Hartman. Oh yes, and our dear Auntie Eugie. Please give them a big hug for us. Tell them we miss them so much!
To our Aunt Stella and the children, we say please be assured that we know that grief is a great burden. We pray that God will comfort and be with you and even through the darkest valley, you will have no fear, for God promised to be with you even to the ends of the earth.
It is finished, the battle is over, It is finished, there’ll be no more war. It is finished, the end of the conflict, It is finished, and Jesus is Lord.
May his Soul Rest in Peace and Rise In Glory
The Descendants of The Late Reverend Leroy and Hazel Belle-Carey