4 minute read
I have always and will always love and honor you. I want to thank my heavenly Father for such a wonderful earthly father.
Jesus said in John 14:9 “...anyone who has seen me has seen the Father...” Paul said in 1 Corinthians 11:1 “...follow me as I follow Christ”
Have I seen the Father? Have I been discipled to be an imitator of Christ? I will look at the life you lead, then I will answer my question.
Daddy these are some of the traits, qualities, and attributes I have seen in you. I have seen unconditional love, commitment to the gospel and Jesus’ command to make disciples, what we often refer to as the “great commission”. I have seen your commitment to family. I have seen you lead a disciplined life in personal relationships, in finances, in prayer/devotion and personal health.
Daddy one of my first and fondest memories of you is one where you are holding my hand and taking me to preschool. I felt so proud, so happy and so complete as I walked. I still feel the love and admiration for you today as I felt over 50 years ago. I remember how you would always leave a morsel of food on your plate to share with us. Although the food came from the same pot, the portion you left always tasted better. Just as you shared your meal with me, I witness on many occasions you sharing your meal with the grandchildren too. I felt your love and appreciation. I witness how you would stop and share the gospel with any and everyone you meet, with love and humility. You loved everyone unconditionally, and it was felt. I knew you loved me. I knew I was “as good as they come”
Daddy, you introduced me to the gospel, the love of God. You showed and taught me that I was His most important creation. You lead me to Christ. You discipled me. Daddy, you taught me how to pray and read the scriptures. You taught me the love of singing and praising God. I remember as a child, waking up early every Sunday morning for devotion with the family. Even in the most recent years, you still had prayer and devotion with the family. When I chose to dedicate my children, every single one back to the Lord, you were the person who prayed for them and prayed with me. Daddy I don’t do it every Sunday as you did with me, but I have devotion with my children. I sing, pray and read God’s word with them. I make every effort to take them to church for Sunday school and worship. I expose them to vacation bible school. I too am trying to follow in your footsteps to rear and discipline them. As you did with me. You also taught me to be bold and fearless, and to share my faith with others.
Daddy, I remember our family time. I remember as a child going to the beaches. You held out your arms and taught me how to swim. I remember getting in your car visiting other family members; distant or immediate family members, everyone felt close. I remember going with you to visit close friends. Going with you to the barbershop was another delightful experience. You showed me that developing and nurturing relationships was/is important. Thank you for instilling in me the value of family unity, cooperation and support. I can clearly remember working with you and other siblings on the homestead; because of that I learnt the value of working together and embracing hard work.
Daddy you were a true giver all your life. You lead by example. As head of our household, mom and my siblings followed your giving spirit. Even to this day we continue to be a giving, supportive family. Because of your example I made the decision to be “ a giver, not a taker”. You showed me not only to give my possession but also my time. I saw how giving lead to blessings, over and over again. You showed me how to dedicate a portion of my resources back to the Lord. You showed me that if I put my trust in God all of my needs will always be met. I remember whenever you couldn’t remember where you put money, you didn’t get upset; you just knew God would provide. You taught me the value of saving, and preparing for the future. Some of your financial wisdom, I’m still working on, but you taught me and for that I am forever thankful.
Daddy you were one of the strongest healthiest men I ever knew. I can remember you working in the garden, pulling branches, tieing them up, retraining them to grow in the direction of your choosing. Whenever you harvested your produce, be it bananas, soursop, avocados and tamarind to name a few, you always shared with relatives and friends. I also remember going to the tamarind tree, breaking and plaiting thin flexible branches for other purposes. Daddy you enjoyed good, good tasting and appetizing food. It was my pleasure preparing various dishes and natural drinks for you and mom. It gave me much satisfaction when you
“cleaned the plate“ that was my litmus to determine the quality of the meal. You were always thankful, even for a glass of water. You never forget to thank you. Daddy I could go on and on about how you have impacted my life for the better. For that I will always be thankful. Like Paul, you lead by example. I am honored to follow you. Like Jesus said; if you see me, you have seen the Father. Daddy in you I have seen the Father. Thank you Heavenly Father for such a man.

“Mr. Zonicle was the spiritual foundation of the Zonicle family, he was a family man, a great father and a wonderful husband. He always proclaimed that Jesus Christ is Lord! Mr. Zonicle loved his back yard garden, he successfully grew just about everything out there including peaches at one point. My natural Mom would hand me across the wall as a baby, and leave me in the care of Mrs. Zonicle. I spent many days of my childhood in the Zonicle household, Mr. and Mrs. Zonicle took me in their home and treated me as if I were their own. Mr Zonicle always had spiritual guidance advice for you. When I’d run into him during my adult years at Mrs. Zonicle’s ‘Take-Away’, you were guaranteed a minimum of an hour’s sermon, or at least until Mrs. Zonicle said: “Now Joe, that’s enough!”. Mr. Zonicle was a God- fearing and family man. His life and devotion to God and family should serve as blueprint to all men. Mr. Zonicle lived a long, healthy and happy life, he had a bounce when he walked. And so today we celebrate his life and his contributions to his family and country. May he rest in eternal peace.”