28 minute read
from SiGMA Issue 13
by SiGMA Group
We’re celebrating some of the leading innovators and gamechangers in the emerging Gaming sectors across global markets. It’s a guide to who-to-know and how they’ve shaped the industry for the future, an invaluable source focused on the up-andcoming and established minds in the emerging iGaming space.
As the rate of innovation increases exponentially through technologies such as blockchain and cryptocurrencies, there’s a new line of mediums to successfully gamble on entering the space. Others have further solidified their place in the sector with years of experience informing their ideas. We put the brightest minds leading their sector under the spotlight.
我们选择了全球市场上新兴iGAMING领域的领 先创新者和改变游戏规则的人。这个专题中我 们可以认识他门,并了解他们如何重塑产业的未 来,跟我们一起着眼于iGAMING领域中的新锐 和成熟的宝贵思维。
随着区块链和加密货币等技术的创新速度呈指 数级增长,新的媒介可以成功地踏入这一领域。 已有先锋者凭借多年的经验和想法进一步巩固 了自身在该领域的地位。我们选取了业内十位备 受关注的顶尖领导者。
Jean-Luc Biamonti is the current Chairman and CEO of MonteCarlo Société des Bains de Mer, which operates Casino de MonteCarlo among others. Biamonti is also on the board of Columbia University, Covivio SA and Société Financière et d’Encaissement. He mentioned in a recent press conference that, in light of the pandemic, “We will do everything possible to ensure that people do come to Monaco and feel safe here. As far as is possible and in full respect of health guidelines, we will make sure that Monaco remains an exception amongst other countries”.
Jean-Luc Biamonti est l'actuel président et PDG de Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer, qui exploite notamment le Casino de Monte-Carlo. Biamonti est également membre du conseil d'administration de l'Université de Columbia, de Covivio SA et de la Société Financière et d'Encaissement. Lors d'une récente conférence de presse, il a déclaré que, compte tenu de la pandémie, "nous ferons tout notre possible pour que les gens viennent à Monaco et se sentent en sécurité ici. Dans la mesure du possible et dans le plein respect des directives sanitaires, nous veillerons à ce que Monaco reste une exception parmi les autres pays".
Directrice G N Rale Du Marketing
Elen Barber is currently serving as the Chief Marketing Officer at Kindred Group PLC. Elen Barber has worked in the online gambling industry for over 14 years, with a strong background in affiliates and marketing. She started her career at Kindred Group back in 2010 as the Global Affiliate Manger and climbed her way up to Chief Marketing Officer in 2019.
Elen Barber a travaillé dans le secteur des jeux d'argent en ligne pendant plus de 14 ans, avec une solide expérience dans le domaine des affiliés et du marketing. Elle a commencé sa carrière au sein du Kindred Group en 2010 en tant que responsable mondiale des affiliés et est devenue directrice du marketing en 2019.
Brown is the current CEO of GiG, where he joined as Managing Director for Media in 2017 and progressed to Chief Digital Officer two years later. Brown has vast industry experience and commercial background having previously adopted senior and directorial roles for companies such as Highlight Media Group, Web Guide Partner and THG Sports. When taking on the CEO role at GiG, he stated, “My focus will be on delivery, execution and optimisation, putting us on a path for great focus and renewed growth”.
M. Brown est l'actuel PDG de GiG, il a rejoint le groupe en tant que Directeur Général des Médias en 2017 et est passé au poste de Directeur Général du Numérique 2 ans plus tard. M. Brown possède une vaste expérience dans le secteur et une formation commerciale. Il a occupé des postes de direction et de cadre supérieur dans des entreprises telles que Highlight Media Group, Web Guide Partner et THG Sports. Lorsqu'il a pris ses fonctions de PDG chez GiG, il a déclaré : "Je me concentrerai sur la livraison, l'exécution et l'optimisation, ce qui nous mènera à une grande concentration et une croissance durable".
Carsten Koerl is the CEO and Founder of Sportradar AG. Over his 19 years of service, Koerl has led the company to become one of the worldwide leaders in sports data and audio-visual content across a wide range of platforms and media. Before founding Sportradar AG, he fulfilled a host of management positions within software development and the gaming industry. When referencing the impact of the pandemic on the gaming industry, he recently noted the importance of being moving away from conventional sports as “Without matches you’re going to need to be damn creative... We tripled the number of live matches within the crisis without normal content".
Au cours de ses 19 années de service, Koerl a conduit l'entreprise à devenir l'un des leaders mondiaux en matière de données sportives et de contenu audiovisuel sur un large éventail de plateformes et de médias. Avant de fonder Sportradar AG, il a occupé de nombreux postes de direction dans le développement de logiciels et dans l’industrie des jeux d’argent. Lorsqu'il a évoqué l'impact de la pandémie sur l'industrie des jeux d’argent, il a récemment souligné l'importance de s'éloigner des sports traditionnels : "Sans matchs, il va falloir être sacrément créatif... Nous avons triplé le nombre de matchs en direct dans le cadre de la crise sans contenu normal".
Andrew Clucas is the Chief Operating Officer at Microgaming, and has been with the online gaming supplier since 2009 where he was appointed as Senior Manager of Corporate Affairs. Before pursuing a career in gaming at Microgaming, Clucas served in the Royal Air Force for 18 years where he was awarded an MBE and was promotion to wing commander in 2005.
Andrew Clucas est le Directeur de l’Exploitation de Microgaming, et travaille pour ce fournisseur de jeux d’argent en ligne depuis 2009, où il a été nommé cadre supérieur des affaires générales. Avant de poursuivre une carrière dans les jeux d’argent chez Microgaming, Andrew Clucas a servi pendant 18 ans dans la Royal Air Force où il a obtenu un MBE et a été promu commandant d'escadre en 2005.
Simon Hammon is the Chief Product Officer at Relax Gaming and has been serving since 2018. Prior to assuming his role at Relax Gaming Ltd, Hammon was at Netent as a Product Manager and Chief Product Officer in 2011 where he was responsible for the company's product portfolio and future strategic growth and development. In reference to how online casinos predict the success of a game, Hammon has noted that “Ultimately, the players are the real critics and naturally, through your successes and failures, you get a good feel for what will and won’t work. But there is no golden formula for a hit game”.
Simon Hammon est le CPO de Relax Gaming et est en service depuis 2018. Avant de prendre ses fonctions chez Relax Gaming Ltd, M. Hammon travaillait chez Netent (2011) en tant que chef de produit et CPO, où il était responsable du portefeuille de produits de la société, de la croissance et du développement stratégiques futurs. En ce qui concerne la façon dont les casinos en ligne prédisent le succès d'un jeu, Hammon a noté que "Finalement, les joueurs sont les véritables critiques et naturellement, à travers vos succès et vos échecs, vous avez une bonne idée de ce qui va et ne va pas fonctionner. Mais il n'y a pas de formule magique pour un jeu à succès".
Conseill Re Principale
Trude Høgseth Felde is the Senior Advisor at The Norwegian Gaming Authority, where she has been working since 2001. Alongside her role at The Norwegian Gaming Authority, Felde is also serving as President of the International Assocation of gaming Regulators (IAGR). Her areas of expertise include regulation of the Norwegian market, European regulation, online gaming and social gaming.
Parallèlement à son rôle au sein de l'Autorité norvégienne des jeux d’argent où elle travaille depuis 2001, Mme Felde est également présidente de l'Association internationale des régulateurs de jeux d’argent (IAGR). Ses domaines d'expertise comprennent la réglementation du marché norvégien, la réglementation européenne, les jeux d’argent en ligne et les jeux sociaux.
Boris Chainkin is the CEO at online gaming company Soft2bet. Chainkin is a pioneer in the igaming industry with more than 19 years of experience in areas such as marketing, customer support, CRM and general operations. He has served in roles for Offsidegaming, B2B sportsbook and Gamebookers prior to assuming his role as CEO at Soft2Bet. Chainkin has commented on the importance of gamification tools in the future for operators specifically stating: “Gamification tools are only going to gain momentum as their popularity and application grows. It will become increasingly difficult as an operator to stay competitive if you are not looking at new ways to engage customers”.
M. Chainkin est un pionnier du secteur des jeux d’argent en ligne, avec plus de 19 ans d'expérience dans des domaines tels que le marketing, l'assistance à la clientèle, le CRM et les opérations générales. Il a occupé des postes chez Offsidegaming, B2B sportsbook et Gamebookers avant de devenir PDG de Soft2Bet. M. Chainkin a commenté l'importance des outils de gamification pour l'avenir pour les opérateurs en précisant "Les outils de gamification ne feront que gagner en importance à mesure que leur popularité et leur application augmenteront. Il sera de plus en plus difficile pour un opérateur de rester compétitif si vous ne cherchez pas de nouvelles façons de retenir vos clients".
Directeur Juridique Du Groupe
Michael Leadbeater is the Group Legal Director at leading sports betting and gaming group, GVC Group. He has extensive knowledge of the legal and regulatory world, starting his career in 1999 as a Trainee Solicitor for Eversheds. Leadbeater made the leap into the gaming sphere as a Legal Consuel for renowned online betting and gaming provider, William Hill, where he stayed until 2018.
Michael Leadbeater est le Directeur Juridique du Groupe de paris sportifs et de jeux d‘argent GVC Group. Il a une connaissance approfondie du monde juridique et réglementaire, ayant commencé sa carrière en 1999 en tant que stagiaire en droit pour Eversheds. Leadbeater a franchi le pas dans la sphère des jeux d’argent en tant que conseiller juridique pour le célèbre fournisseur de paris et de jeux d’argent en ligne, William Hill, où il est resté jusqu'en 2018.
Michael Dugher is serving as the first Chief Executive of the Betting and Gaming Council, and is responsible for improving the gambling environment by tackling problem gambling in the UK. Dugher brings his wealth of experience in politics as the Former Labour MP and Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport to his current position. When discussing 'unfair’ casino lockdowns throughout the UK in light of COVID-19, he had previously urged the UK government to keep casinos open noting, “It will have a hugely negative impact on our businesses and staff, despite their efforts to ensure a very safe environment for customers”.
Michael Dugher est chargé d'améliorer l'environnement des jeux d’argent en s'attaquant aux dépendances aux jeux d'argent au Royaume-Uni. M. Dugher apporte sa riche expérience en politique en tant qu'ancien député travailliste et secrétaire d'État à la culture, aux médias et aux sports. Lorsqu'il a discuté des fermetures "injustes" de casinos au Royaume-Uni dues à la COVID-19, il avait exhorté le gouvernement britannique à maintenir les casinos ouverts, affirmant que "cela aura un impact extrêmement négatif sur nos entreprises et notre personnel, malgré leurs efforts pour garantir un environnement très sûr aux clients".
Drew Svitko is the Executive Director of Pennsylvania Lottery where he has been serving since 2015. He joined the company in 2000 as Interim Director for Lottery Security. Aside from Pennsylvania Lottery, Svitko has served roles at Oberthur Gaming Technologies and Scientific Games SA. Svitko has stressed in the past the importance of responsible gambling and protecting older customers in particular stating, “We are already hard at work looking for new and innovative ways to continue responsibly growing our business to support our older residents”.
Drew Svitko es el director ejecutivo de la Lotería de Pensilvania, a la que ha servido desde 2015. Se unió a la empresa en el 2000 como director interino de seguridad. Aparte de la Lotería de Pennsylvania, Svitko ha trabajado en Oberthur Gaming Technologies y Scientific Games SA. Svitko ha destacado en el pasado la importancia del juego responsable y de la protección de los clientes mayores en particular, con declaraciones como: "Ya estamos trabajando duro en la búsqueda de formas nuevas e innovadoras para que nuestro negocio siga creciendo de forma responsable y apoyar a nuestros residentes mayores".
Ellen Whittemore is Wynn Resorts Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary. She graduated with a B.A. from the University of Nevada, and received her J.D. from the University of San Diego School of Law. Whittemore has over 30 years of experience in some of the world’s largest and most progressive gaming companies. She owns over 1,970 units of Wynn Resorts stock worth over $2,930,308. Whittemore oversees Wynn’s legal affairs and community relations and is also a member of the Board of Directors of Global Gaming Europe.
Ellen Whittemore es la vicepresidenta ejecutiva, asesora general y secretaria de Wynn Resorts. Se licenció en la Universidad de Nevada y realizó su doctorado en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de San Diego. Whittemore lleva más de 30 años trabajando para algunas de las empresas de juegos más grandes y progresistas del mundo. Es propietaria de más de 1.970 unidades de acciones de Wynn Resorts con un valor de más de 2.930.308 dólares (más de 2,4 millones de euros). Whittemore es la encargada de supervisor los asuntos legales y las relaciones con la comunidad de Wynn y, además, es miembro del Consejo de Administración de Global Gaming Europe.
Johnny Aitken is the CEO of Pointsbet USA, an American online operator specialising in sportsbooks for major U.S. sports markets such as the NFL, the NBA, the Olympic Games, and the NHL. A Harvard Business graduate, Aitken has since served in roles specialising in sportsbook, business relationship management. When commenting on what Pointsbet USA has in store in the future in terms of U.S. expansion, the CEO stated that “In terms of 2021 and beyond, it remains to be seen which states will legalise sports betting, pass regulation and get ready to accept their first bet”. Earlier on this year, the operator became the exclusive sports betting provider for NBC Sports, a milestone Aitken has commented on in the past.
Johnny Aitken es el director ejecutivo de Pointsbet USA, un operador estadounidense en línea especializado en apuestas deportivas para los principales mercados deportivos de EE. UU. como la NFL, la NBA, los Juegos Olímpicos y la NHL. Después de graduarse en negocios en Hardvard, Aitken se ha centrado en las apuestas deportivas y en la gestión de relaciones comerciales. Al comentar lo que Pointsbet USA tiene previsto en el futuro en términos de expansión en los EE. UU., el director ha declarado que "En cuanto al 2021 y más adelante, aún tenemos que ver qué estados legalizarán las apuestas deportivas, aprobarán la regulación y se prepararán para empezar a apostar". A principios de este año, el operador se convirtió en el proveedor exclusivo de apuestas deportivas de NBC Sports, toda una hazaña que Aitken ha comentado en el pasado.
Gerente Regional De Am Rica Latina De Zitro Games
Alejandra Burato is the Regional Manager for LatAm at Zitro Games, a Spanish-based provider of casino slots and interactive games. Under this role she is responsible for defining the company's sales and operations strategy, as well as leading the successful implementation of Zitro’s business plan for LatAm. When discussing the rapid expansion of Zitro across LatAm through partnerships with local operators and moving offices locally, she commented: “The vertiginous growth of Zitro throughout the region, and in particular in Colombia, has led us to the decision to strengthen our human, commercial and technical structure".
Alejandra Burato es la gerente regional para Latinoamérica de Zitro Games, un proveedor de slots y juegos interactivos con sede en España. Es la responsable de definir la estrategia de ventas y operaciones de la empresa, así como de dirigir que se implemente con éxito el plan de negocios de Zitro en América Latina. Sobre la rápida expansión de Zitro en toda América Latina a través de las con operadores locales y el traslado de oficinas a nivel local, ha comentado: "El crecimiento vertiginoso de Zitro en toda la región, y concretamente en Colombia, nos ha llevado a fortalecer la estructura humana, comercial y técnica de la empresa".
Sampedro Presidente Y Director Ejecutivo De Codere General De Neopollard Interactive
Jose Antonio Martínez Sampedro is the President and CEO of leading Spanish multinational company for land-based and online gaming, Codere. Sampedro has been with the company since its conception in 1980. Recently, Codere have been focussing on their growth into the Latin American market by partnering with the likes of Pariplay, and also a proposal to achieve their online Buenos Aires licence.
José Antonio Martínez Sampedro es el presidente y director ejecutivo de Codere, la empresa multinacional española más importante de juegos terrestres y en línea. Sampedro ha formado parte de la empresa desde su creación en 1980. Últimamente, Codere se ha centrado crecer en el mercado latinoamericano, a través de la asociación con empresas como Pariplay, y en conseguir la licencia en línea de Buenos Aires.
Liz Siver is the General Manager for North America at Michigan based lottery supplier NeoPollard Interactive. Before embarking on her role at NeoPollard Interactive in 2017, Siver spent most of her career at Microsoft, where she started as a Marketing Manager in 1999 and climbed up to Director of Public Sector Sales in 2013. Recently, NeoPollard Interactive was named lottery supplier of the year for the second year in a row at the EGR North America Awards; Siver affirming the company will continue striving to be the industry's leading partner of choice.
Liz Siver es la directora general de NeoPollard Interactive, un proveedor de lotería de Michigan. Antes de empezar a trabajar en NeoPollard Interactive en 2017, Siver se había pasado la mayor parte de su carrera en Microsoft, donde comenzó como Gerente de Marketing en 1999 y ascendió a Directora de Ventas del Sector Público en 2013. Hace poco, NeoPollard Interactive ha sido nombrado como proveedor de lotería por Segundo año consecutivo en los premios EGR de América del Norte. Siver afirma que la empresa continuará esforzándose convertirse en el líder de la industria.
Christian Genetski is the CLO of New York based innovative sportstech entertainment company FanDuel, primarily focussing on the U.S. markets. Alongside his role as CLO for FanDuel, he was appointed Chief Commerical Officer in 2017. Genetski has extensive experience in the legal field having launched his professional career as a Trial Attorney for computer crime and intellectual property for the U.S. Department of Justice. Under his leadership, FanDuel grew from being a daily fantasy sports operator to a DFS market leader and sports betting operator.
Christian Genetski es el director de aprendizaje de FanDuel, una empresa innovadora de entretenimiento de tecnología deportiva con sede en Nueva York, que se centra principalmente en los mercados de los Estados Unidos. Además de su papel como director de aprendizaje, fue nombrado Director Comercial en 2017. Genetski cuenta con una amplia experiencia en el campo legal, tras haber iniciado su carrera profesional como Abogado Litigante en delitos informáticos y propiedad intelectual para el Departamento de Justicia de los Estados Unidos. Bajo su liderazgo, FanDuel ha pasado de ser un operador de deportes de fantasía diarios a ser un líder del mercado de DFS y operador de apuestas deportivas.
Sebastian Perrier is the Founding Partner of Neko Games, the Argentinian design studio that is part of the Microgaming global network of creative studios. Perrier is an expert within the Latin American gaming industry, having over 10 years of experience, serving as the General Manger for LatAm at Jackpotjoy Group in 2015, and the iGaming Director for LatAm at Scientific Games. Alongside his role at Neko Games, he is also the Managing Partner at iGamingLatam.com.
Sebastian Perrier es el socio fundador de Neko Games, un estudio de diseño argentino que forma parte de la red global de estudios creativos Microgaming. Perrier es un experto dentro de la industria de los juegos de América Latina, con más de 10 años de experiencia. Desde 2015, trabaja como director general de América Latina en el Grupo Jackpotjoy y como el director de iGaming para América Latina en Scientific Games. Además de su papel en Neko Games, también es el Socio Gerente de iGamingLatam.com.
Lorrie Bamford is tasked with managing the 'legal minutae' of many businesses that have various plans of action that are made up of several elements, ensuring that all are compliant with regulations in 26 uniquely different jurisdictions. Ms. Bamford acts as a legal advisor who is able to develop policies, oversees education and training, manages any prize claims and constantly keeps up to date with new and amended compliance reports. While balancing all of this, Lorrie Bamford is able to perform at a very high level, keeping up to date with any important legal or contractual matter for the firm and its clients.
Lorrie Bamford se encarga de gestionar el "minutaje jurídico" de muchas empresas que tienen múltiples planes de acción compuestos por varios elementos y su deber es asegurarse de que todos ellos cumplan con la normativa en 26 jurisdicciones excepcionalmente diferentes. La Sra. Bamford actúa como asesora jurídica capaz de elaborar políticas, supervisar la educación y la capacitación, gestionar las reclamaciones de precios y estar al día con los informes de cumplimiento nuevos y modificados. Además de encargarse de todo esto, Lorrie cada día se esfuerza al máximo para mantenerse al día de cualquier asunto legal o contractual importante para el bufete y sus clientes.
Director De Operaciones De Tecnails
Alejandro Serrano Zaera is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Tecnails, a Europe and Latin America focussed technology company specialising on providing software platform solutions to gaming operators with over 15 years of experience. Zaera was the Project Manager at Tecnails before taking on his role as COO in 2019. Regarding Tecnail’s latest partnership with B2B supplier GoldenRace this year in bid to push forward their virtual sports offerings, he commented that “Offering virtual sports is something we consider vital for the future and this integration allows our clients to enjoy the best supplier of virtual sports in the industry”.
Alejandro Serrano Zaera es el director de pperaciones de Tecnails, una empresa de tecnología centrada en Europa y América Latina, especializada en proporcionar soluciones sobre las plataformas de software a operadores de juegos con más de 15 años de experiencia. Zaera fue el director de proyectos de Tecnails antes de asumir el cargo de director de operaciones en 2019. En cuanto a la última asociación de este año de Tecnail con el proveedor de B2B GoldenRace para impulsar sus ofertas de deportes virtuales, Serrano ha comentado que "Ofrecer deportes virtuales es algo que consideramos vital para el futuro y esta integración les permite a nuestros clientes disfrutar del mejor proveedor de deportes virtuales de la industria".
Angela Leong is the Co-Chairwoman and Executive Director of SJM Holdings, with offerings in both Hotel and Gaming Operations in Macau. Angela, in addition, serves as the Managing Director and Chief Administrative Officer for SJM Holdings Limited holding company of casino operator Sociedade de Jogos de Macau. She is known in the industry as the face of the Macau Legislative Assembly, and owner of one of the largest individual stake holders in SJM Holdings Ltd. Since 2005, Leong has been the elected legislator and is very influential in the regions political sphere.
梁安琪是澳博控股的联席主席及执行董事,负责澳门的酒店及博彩 业务。此外,她还担任澳博控股有限公司的董事总经理和行政总裁, 该公司是澳门赌场运营商SOCIEDADE DE JOGOS DE MACAU的控 股公司。她是澳门立法会的代言人,也是澳门博彩控股有限公司最 大的个人股东之一。自2005年起,梁安琪一直是民选议员,在澳门地 区的政治领域具有很大的影响力。
Fredrik Elmqvist is the CEO, Founder and Director of Yggdrasil Gaming, leading the company to become one of the fastest iGaming companies in the world. Before his role at Yggdrasil, he served as CEO at Net Entertainment Malta. In bid to build momentum in order to thrust the company into the thriving Asian market, Yggdrasil has recently boosted thier presence in Asia following recent partnerships with the likes of QTech Games, Flow Gaming, and Azure Tech.
人和董事,带领公司成为世界上速度最快的IGAMING公司之一。在 加入YGGDRASIL之前,他曾在NET ENTERTAINMENT MALTA担任 首席执行官。为了将公司推向蓬勃发展的亚洲市场,YGGDRASIL最 近与QTECH GAMES、FLOW GAMING和AZURE TECH等公司建立
Calvin Cheng is the Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board at Retech Group since 2016. Retech is one of China’s biggest builders of online corporate training platforms, providing their services to large companies, government, training providers and social organisations. Cheng had led Retech to IPO in 2017, proving to be one of the most impressive tech floats on the ASX that year. He was awarded as a Young Global Leader by the World's Economic Forum at Davos.
郑恩里自2016年起担任睿泰集团的联合创始人和董事长。睿泰是 中国最大的在线企业培训平台建设者之一,为大型企业、政府、培训 机构和社会组织提供服务。郑恩里曾带领睿泰在2017年上市,成为 当年澳交所最令人印象深刻的科技股之一。他曾被达沃斯世界经济 论坛评为全球青年领袖。
Wilfred Wong is the President and Executive Director of Sands China, operator and Integrated Resorts developer in Macau. He is credited for generating 56% of group EBITDA as well as 63% of net revenue in 2019 under his leadership. Before assuming his position as President and Executive Director at the company in 2015, Wong served as the Chief Operating Officer. Wong has also dabbled in politics, having been an elected member of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China from 1997 to 2012.
王英偉是金沙中国的总裁兼执行董事,金沙中国为澳门的运营商和综 合度假村开发商。在他的领导下,2019年创造了56%的集团EBITDA以 及63%的净收入,他功不可没。在2015年担任公司总裁及执行董事之 前,王英偉曾担任首席运营官。王英偉还涉足政治,曾于1997年至2012 年当选为中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会委员。
Tan Tee How is the Deputy Chairman of the Casino Authority (CRA), which oversees Singapore’s casinos. The CRA is responsible for ensuring that casinos are run without criminal influence, and are conducted honestly, without causing harm to vulnerable persons and minors. He has also served as CEO of the National Healthcare Group and as the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of National Development. Since his appointment as Chairman of the CRA, Tan Tee How has highlighted the importance for the CRA to keep up with the new emerging technologies, and responsible gambling.
TAN TEE HOW是赌场管理局(CRA)主席,该局负责监督新加 坡的赌场。CRA负责确保赌场的经营不受犯罪影响,诚实经营, 不对弱势人群和未成年人造成伤害。他还曾担任国家医疗卫生 集团的首席执行官,以及国家发展部常务秘书。自从他被任命 为CRA主席以来,TAN TEE HOW强调了CRA跟上新兴技术和 责任博弈的重要性。
A veteran in the gaming industry for casino marketing, Steve Karoul is the President and CEO of Euro Asia Consulting LLC. Karoul has served in the industry for over 40 years, with experience working for the top casinos in the industry. Karoul has been part of a host of very interesting projects. He has worked for the Senior Management team that opened the US $ 5.5 billion project, Marina Bay Sands in Singapore. He is also an educator and author who has written for a host of casino publications including Global Gaming Business, Casino Life Magazine, Urbino, Indian Gaming, Casino World, Casino Enterprise Management.
STEVE KAROUL是博弈业赌场营销的资深人士,现为EURO ASIA CONSULTING LLC.总裁兼首席执行官。KAROUL在这个行业服务 了40多年,拥有在业内顶级赌场工作的经验。KAROUL曾参与过许 多有趣的项目,例如,他曾为新加坡滨海湾金沙项目的高级管理团 队工作,该项目耗资55亿美元。他也是一位教育家和作家,曾为许 多赌场出版物撰稿,包括GLOBAL GAMING BUSINESS、CASINO LIFE MAGAZINE、URBINO、INDIAN GAMING、CASINO WORLD、CASINO ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT以及INSIDE ASIAN GAMING。
Shaun McCamley is the Founding and Managing Partner at Euro Pacific Asia Consulting Ltd where he is responsible for consulting with the industries’ leading land-based and online gaming operators. With over 39 years' experience in land-based and online gaming industries, McCamley has been recognised by the Global Gaming Business Weekly as one of the top 25 industry people to watch. Prior to Euro Pacific Asia Consulting Ltd, he served as President, CEO and SVP of international casino resort destinations. For instance, McCamley drove the operational success of Ho Tram Resort Casino resulting in a $6M increase in company profits within the first 12 months.
SHAUN MCCAMLEY是EURO PACIFIC ASIA CONSULTING LTD的 创始和管理合伙人,负责为业内领先的实体和在线博彩运营商提 供咨询。MCCAMLEY在实体和在线博彩业拥有超过39年的经验,被 GLOBAL GAMING BUSINESS WEEKLY周刊评为25位最值得关注
的行业人士之一。在加入EURO PACIFIC ASIA CONSULTING LTD之 前,他曾担任国际赌场度假村目的地的总裁、首席执行官和高级副 总裁。此外,MCCAMLEY推动了濠庄酒店度假村的运营成功,使公司 利润在头12个月内增加了600万美元。
Matt Maddox has been the Director and CEO of Wynn Resorts since 2018, following Founder Steve Wynn’s departure. Maddox joined Wynn Resorts during its conception back in 2002 where he served as Vice President of Investor Relations and Treasurer. In 2003, he relocated to Macau to launch the company’s expansion into Asia and served as Chief Financial Officer. Maddox is noted for his involvement in leading the financing behind the $4.2 billion Wynn Palace in Cotai, Macau. When discussing the influence of the pandemic on the land-based industry, Maddox remains hopeful stating “We are confident that Macau will continue to benefit from the return of consumer demand as we head into 2021”.
的董事兼首席执行官。MADDOX在2002年WYNN RESORTS成立期间就加入了公司, 并担任投资者关系副总裁和财务主管。2003年,他迁往澳门,启动公司在亚洲的扩 张,并担任首席财务官。MADDOX因参与领导澳门路氹42亿美元永利皇宫背后的融 资而备受瞩目。当谈到疫情对实体产业的影响时,MADDOX仍然充满希望,他说:"我 们有信心在进入2021年后,澳门将继续受益于消费者需求的回升"。
Joe Pisano is the CEO at JADE Entertainment and Gaming, headquartered in the Philippines since 2010. The company distributes casino gaming machines to some of the major manufacturers such as IGT, Novomatic, FutureLogic and Crane. His role as a Business Developer for Asia at IGT back in 2002 was a catalyst for his role at JADE Entertainment and Gaming. While touching on the topic of COVID-19 recovery, Pisano believes that it would take around 3 years for the gaming market in Asia to reach 2019 levels given there’s a vaccine within the coming year.
首席执行官,设立于2010年,总部设在菲律宾。该公司向 IGT、NOVOMATIC、FUTURELOGIC和CRANE等一些主要制造商分 销赌场游戏机。早在2002年,他就在IGT担任亚洲区业务开发,这成 为他担任JADE ENTERTAINMENT AND GAMING要职的催化剂。在 谈论新冠肺炎的复苏时,PISANO认为,未来一年即将研发出疫苗, 而亚洲的博弈市场需要3年左右的时间才能达到2019年的水平。
Lim Kok Thay is the Chairman and CEO at Genting Berhad, a leading multinational across sectors in leisure and hospitality, plantations, property development, energy and life sciences. Lim has transformed the business through numerous global expansion projects, following the resignation of his late father Lim Goh Tong, namely Resorts World Genting in Malaysia, Genting UK Plc, and Resorts World Sentosa in Singapore and Resorts World in Manilla. Alongside his position at Genting Berhad, Lim serves as the Director for the Travellers International Hotel Group.
林国泰是云顶集团的董事长兼首席执行官,云顶集团是一家领先的 跨国企业,业务范围涵盖休闲和酒店、种植园、房地产开发、能源和 生命科学等领域。林国泰在其已故父亲林梧桐辞职后,通过众多全 球扩张项目实现了业务转型,即马来西亚云顶名胜世界、英国云顶 集团、新加坡圣淘沙名胜世界和马尼拉名胜世界。除了在云顶集团 的职位外,林国栋还担任旅行者国际酒店集团的董事。
Yahaya Maikori is the Senior Partner at Law Allianz in Nigeria, a firm focusing on entertainment law spanning the Gaming, Media and Intellectual Property, and Technology industries. Maikori holds a degree from Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife. His professional career began as a legal advisor to various firms such as Aso Savings and Loans Plc., Company Secretary to First Alliance Pension and Benefits Limited (currently ARM Pensions).
Law Allianz est un cabinet situé au Nigéria spécialisé dans le droit du divertissement couvrant les secteurs des jeux, des médias et de la propriété intellectuelle, et de la technologie. Maikori est titulaire d'un diplôme de l'université Obafemi Awolowo d'Ile-Ife. Sa carrière professionnelle a débuté en tant que conseiller juridique auprès de diverses entreprises telles que Aso Savings and Loans Plc, secrétaire général de First Alliance Pension and Benefits Limited (actuellement ARM Pensions).
Steve Hall is the Lead Innovator for over 3 years at Jarive Worldwide Gaming, specialising in developing unique games for both offline and online operators across all gaming and betting segments. Hall’s career in the gaming sector is widespread. He began his career in the sector as a dealer at the Sportsman Casino with London Clubs. Hall has also served as the Director of Move Play Learn Foundation, the Managing Director for Afriticket Systems, and the Founder of Pixelock.com in 2014.
Steve Hall est le Chef d’Innovation depuis plus de 3 ans chez Jarvie Worldwide Gaming, spécialisé dans le développement de jeux uniques pour les opérateurs en ligne et hors ligne dans tous les segments des jeux d’argent et des paris. La carrière de M. Hall dans le secteur des jeux est très étendue. Il a commencé sa carrière dans le secteur en tant que croupier au Sportsman Casino avec les London Clubs. M. Hall a également été directeur de la Move Play Learn Foundation, directeur général d'Afriticket Systems et fondateur de Pixelock.com en 2014.
Xolile Ntuli is the Chief Financial Officer of the South African National Lottery Commission for over 5 years. Xolile was also the Senior Audit Manager at Auditor-General of South Africa from 2008 to 2014, prior to assuming a position as Senior Finance Manager for the South African National Lottery Commission.
Xolile Ntuli est la Directrice Financière de la Commission Nationale des Loteries d'Afrique du Sud depuis plus de 5 ans. Xolile a également été Directrice de l'Audit chez l'Auditeur Général d'Afrique du Sud de 2008 à 2014, avant d'occuper le poste de directrice financière principale de la Commission Nationale des Loteries d'Afrique du Sud.
Emeka Enyadike has been the Director of Digital Sports Africa, based in South Africa, for 2 years. Prior to taking on his position at Digital Sports Africa, he was the Africa Football Manager at SuperSport for just over 3 years where he led the expansion of the International Broadcaster’s digitalisation across Africa; launching platforms for SuperSport’s partners, and the Kenya Premier League. Enyadike has a distinguished career in the international sports market and is a global sports industry leader.
Emeka Enyadike est le directeur de Digital Sports Africa, basé en Afrique du Sud, depuis 2 ans. Avant cela, il a été pendant un peu plus de trois ans directeur du football africain à SuperSport, où il a dirigé l'expansion de la numérisation du radiodiffuseur international à travers l'Afrique, en lançant des plateformes pour les partenaires de SuperSport et la Premier League du Kenya. Enyadike a une carrière remarquable sur le marché international du sport et est un leader mondial de l'industrie du sport.
John Bamidele is the Founder and CEO of Africa Sovereign Media, the largest online news publication covering the gambling industry in Africa; with over 10,000 industry leaders tuning into the news site. In reference to COVID-19 acting as an accelerator for iGaming adoption, Bamidele has mentioned “Although virtual games are on the rise in Africa, eSport is not. However, with the pandemic putting a stop to physical sports all over the world, sport betting companies in Africa are beginning to be more innovative”.
John Bamidele est le fondateur et le PDG de Africa Sovereign Media, la plus grande revue d'information en ligne couvrant le secteur des jeux d’argent en Afrique ; avec plus de 10 000 leaders de l'industrie qui se connectent au site d'information. En ce qui cocerne la COVID-19, qui agit comme un accélérateur pour l'adoption des jeux d’argent en ligne, M. Bamidele a déclaré: "Bien que les jeux virtuels soient en hausse en Afrique, l'esport ne l'est pas. Cependant, avec la pandémie qui met un terme aux sports physiques dans le monde entier, les sociétés de paris sportifs en Afrique commencent à être plus innovantes".
Directeur Ex Cutif
Foye Johnson Adewale is currently an Executive Director at Western Sportbet Nigeria Limited (Westernbet). Adewale has over 20 years of experience in a host of positions such as Marketing, Customer Service and Business Development from the educational sector to the gaming sector. Before assuming his role at Westernbet, Adewale served as one of the pioneers of the two big brands in the gaming industry in Nigeria: KC Gaming Network Limited popularly called Bet9ja and SV Gaming Limited also popularly called BetKing where he aided the revenue generation from zero to nine-digit figure monthly within the first year of operation of both brands.
Adewale a plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans une série de postes tels que le marketing, le service client et le développement commercial, du secteur éducatif au secteur des jeux d’argent. Avant d'assumer son rôle chez Westernbet, M. Adewale a été l'un des pionniers des deux grandes marques de l'industrie du jeu au Nigeria : KC Gaming Network Limited, communément appelé Bet9ja, et SV Gaming Limited, également appelé BetKing, où il a contribué à générer des revenus mensuels à neuf chiffres en partant de zéro au cours de la première année des deux marques.
Directeur National
Tayo Atoloye is the Country Manager at sports betting company Marathonbet otherwise known as Nigeria for Panserve. Atoloye has extensive experience in managerial roles spanning over 17 years in general management, sales, marketing and customer service functions in industries such as telecommunications, consulting and gaming. He previously served as the Regional Manager for Africa at Evolution Gaming from 2018 to 2019.
Tayo Atoloye est le Directeur National de la société de paris sportifs Marathonbet, également connue sous le nom de Nigeria for Panserve. Atoloye possède une vaste expérience dans des fonctions de direction, acquise pendant plus de 17 ans en tant que directeur général, de vente, de marketing et de service client dans des secteurs tels que les Télécommunications, le Conseil et les Jeux d’argent. Il a précédemment occupé le poste de directeur régional en Afrique chez Evolution Gaming de 2018 à 2019.
Fondatrice Et Pr Sidente
Janietzche Megun is the Founder and President of Legends Gaming Solutions which focuses on the hurdles gaming companies are experiencing when trying to administer compliance, licencing and transformation objectives in South Africa. She has over 27 years' experience in training, new business setup, development, HR, IT and M&A to name a few. Megun noted that while the gaming market in South Africa is continuously growing, there are constant struggles regarding licencing demands and challenges.
Legends Gaming Solutions se concentre sur les obstacles auxquels sont confrontées les sociétés de jeux d’argent lorsqu'elles tentent de gérer les objectifs de conformité, de licence et de transformation en Afrique du Sud. Elle a plus de 27 ans d'expérience dans la formation, la création de nouvelles entreprises, le développement, les ressources humaines, l'informatique et les fusions et acquisitions, pour n'en citer que quelques-unes. Megun a fait remarquer que si le marché des jeux d’argent en Afrique du Sud est en constante croissance, il y a des luttes constantes concernant les demandes de licences et les défis à relever.
Judy Kiragu is the Director of GoldenKey Casino, Tamarind. Having worked in the gaming industry for several years, she has rich industry knowledge. Kiragu has also branched into Project management where she is the director of Research and publications at KAPM. (Kenya Association of Project Managers). She was also appointed an ICE Africa Champion. When discussing the main hurdles facing the industry in East Africa, Kiragu noted that the misconception that increased taxes are a solution to problem gambling. She continues stating that there is a growing need to “reconcile public, government and the industry so that unregulated operators do not take advantage”.
Ayant travaillé dans le secteur des jeux d’argent pendant plusieurs années, elle possède de riches connaissances. Judy Kiragu s'est également spécialisée dans la gestion de projets, où elle est directrice de la recherche et des publications de KAPM. (Association kenyane des gestionnaires de projets). Elle a également été nommée championne d'Afrique de l'ICE. Kiragu a fait remarquer l'idée fausse selon laquelle l'augmentation des taxes est une solution aux dépendances de jeux d’argent. Elle poursuit en affirmant qu'il est de plus en plus nécessaire de "réconcilier le public, le gouvernement et l'industrie afin que les opérateurs non réglementés ne profitent pas de la situation".
Directrice Directeur G N Ral
Adeniji is the Managing Director of Nigerian online betting website betBonanza. He began his career in the gambling sector by selling lottery e-books and writing during his tertiary education. Adeniji is also the CEO/Founder of Lofit Gaming networks Ltd (9jawin), a new sports betting company in Nigeria. Prior to his role at betBonanza, he assumed positions at two gaming companies in Nigeria; namely Betking.com and bet9ja. Having been in the industry for a decade, Adeniji has extensive industry experience in the African market.
M. Adeniji a commencé sa carrière dans le secteur des jeux d’argent en vendant des ebooks de loterie et en écrivant pendant ses études supérieures. M. Adeniji est également le PDG/fondateur de Lofit Gaming networks Ltd (9jawin), une nouvelle société de paris sportifs au Nigeria. Avant d'occuper son poste chez betBonanza, il a occupé des postes dans deux sociétés de jeux d’argent au Nigeria, à savoir Betking.com et bet9ja. Présent dans l'industrie depuis une décennie, M. Adeniji a une grande expérience sur le marché africain.