Delavan Christian School Welcome Packet

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Providing quality education firmly rooted in God’s Word

WELCOME to our school family

FROM OUR ADMINISTRATOR... At the end of a quiet, tree lined street, sits a nondenominational private school where students have been receiving a Christ-centered education since 1951. LOCATION Conveniently located in Delavan, Wisconsin, we are just twenty minutes outside the cities of Lake Geneva, Janesville, and Whitewater. Because of our central location, we have students from various communities, and we also have representation from numerous local churches in our area. Although we come from different cities, churches, and backgrounds, we come together with a common goal of providing our students with an education firmly rooted in God’s word. ACCREDITATION Delavan Christian School is accredited by the Wisconsin Religious and Independent Schools Accreditation (WRISA) and is a member of Christian


Schools International (CSI), which has a membership of over 450 Christian schools in North America. An important purpose of CSI is to promote the establishment of Christian schools and to provide an avenue for a united witness regarding the role of Christian schools in contemporary society. ACADEMIC OVERVIEW Woven through our academic foundation is a framework of Christian principles, morals, and ideals. In addition to math, science, and reading, we teach how to be stewards for Christ. As an added bonus to our standard curriculum, we also provide the following services to any students who qualify: Title One reading, Speech and Language, and Special Education.

“All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.� - Isaiah 54:13 Delavan Christian School offers a variety of learning environments to help students grow and develop. Students enjoy weekly chapel, drama programs, physical education and athletics, music programs, and learning in our technology lab. STAFF From kindergarten prep beginning at age 3 (3K and 4K programs) all the way through 8th grade, your child will be taught by teachers knowledgeable in subject matter and committed to modeling lives of Christian discipleship. Our students not only receive an outstanding academic education, but they will

also grow physically, socially, and spiritually. Our teachers strive to instill a biblical world view that each student will take into his or her future. OUR FAMILY For more than sixty years, numerous parents, grandparents, staff and volunteers have been committed to providing a quality Christian education to the children at DCS. A family atmosphere has been the result and it is one of our greatest strengths. We would love to have you join our family and have the opportunity to partner with you in the education of your children!

“Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.� - Colossians 2:7 (NLT)


STUDENT ENVIRONMENT Upon entering DCS, the school has an absolute positive vibe. There is a sense of family and belonging, and it is a community that seeks to pray, learn, and grow together. Students of all ages interact in the classroom, at lunch, and at recess, and the result is a supportive and encouraging atmosphere. School climate is not something that is easy to put into words, but it can be felt at DCS among visitors, parents, students, and staff through a variety of opportunities for learning, enjoyment, and enrichment. FAMILY EVENTS •B ack to School Night—the first “day” of school is spent as a DCS family sharing a meal, praying over the year, introducing staff, and gathering important information from teachers. • Family Fall Night—an evening of fall activities and treats for the entire family.


•S ummer Community Social—a community event hosted by DCS to give an opportunity for socializing, sweet treats, and outdoor fun.

From the time students enter DCS as three-yearolds, they are paired with older students to be their reading buddies. Not only do they read together, but the older students also assist with class projects, attend class parties, and even participate in the younger students’ graduation events.



GIFT groups are composed of students of all ages to foster a sense of community through various activities including weekly lunches, sitting together at chapel, packing boxes for Operation Christmas Child and more. The bonds that have formed among these groups are evident as the kids support and encourage one another and the older students lead the younger students through each activity.

Middle school students have an opportunity to take on leadership rolls by organizing and participating in various events throughout the year, including See You at the Pole, Operation Christmas Child, Family Night activities such as bowling and skating, a Pep Rally, volunteering in the school library, and hosting a Formal Chapel.

•M ovie Nights—a fun way to watch movies on the big screen, with friends, family, and popcorn.

MENTOR FAMILY An experienced family is paired with each new family and serves as a guide and resource to assist in answering questions and aiding in the transition to Delavan Christian School.




Children in grades 1 through 4 participate in the Forensics program in April. Students, with the help of their teacher and parents, choose a piece to perform. Categories include storytelling, demonstration speech, informative speech, poetry, and more. Students practice in school as well as at home and then perform their piece at a Family Night. Students also perform their piece for a few selected teachers to judge at school. Children have the opportunity to participate in a community forensics meet at a local school.

Every other year, our science teacher coordinates students in grades 5 through 8 to produce science projects. Each student researches a topic, conducts an experiment, and presents results. Guest judges come in to evaluate each project. Lower grades also present class projects at the science fair.

SPEECH & SPELLING This November event, which rotates among various CSI schools, is for the 5th through 8th grade students. Students choose a speech or a reading to perform as a group or individually. Pieces are then presented in front of judges and they may also participate in a spelling bee. DCS also holds a special night where students can perform their selections for their families. STRUCTURE FAIR Students in grades 5 through 8 build bridges with popsicles sticks. These bridges are presented on an evening where parents are invited to come see them get tested for strength. Other grades participate as individual classes and make their own “structures� which are presented on the same evening. FEUDAL FAIR Students in 5th and 6th grade study Medieval Times in history class. An afternoon is set aside for the students to dress in medieval apparel and have a feast to celebrate and educate the rest of the school with what they have learned.


CULTURAL CELEBRATION For this bi-annual event, the staff chooses a continent for the school to explore. Each grade learns about a country on that continent. Students create posters, reports, as well as other projects to showcase their discoveries of their country. On an evening in January, parents and friends are invited to observe what the students have learned and see their displays. MATH TRIATHLON This one day event is held in April at Trinity Christian College in Chicago. A selected team from the middle school attends and competes in a math competition. MUSIC FESTIVAL Students in grades 5 through 8 travel to the Brookfield area to participate in an annual music festival where they perform vocal, instrumental, and/or piano pieces as solos or ensembles and are judged on their performance. In the afternoon, choirs and bands from all schools gather together to practice a masterpiece to be sung at the evening performance.

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.� - Proverbs 22:6

DRAMA AND SPECIALS THEATER ARTS Developing public speaking skills through theater and other means is very important at Delavan Christian School. We feel that drama is another area where students can use talents to glorify God, and we want to develop those talents to the best of our abilities. 1st & 2nd grades: Students practice memorizing parts for their spring play. The performance, complete with costumes, is enjoyed by families. 3rd & 4th grades: Multiple in-class presentations throughout the school year focus on developing public speaking skills.


Middle school grades: A dramatic performance is produced each year, alternating between plays, skits, talent shows or musicals, such as Music Man, Annie, Beauty and the Beast, and Fiddler on the Roof.

Spanish: Competency in a second language is an important life skill. Spanish language courses begin in Grade 5 and continue throughout the middle school grades.


Art: Art is offered to students through different opportunities. First, students in grades 3K through 2nd integrate art as part of their curriculum, providing them an opportunity to express their creativity. Students in 3rd through 8th grade attend regular art classes to showcase their artistic talents through the various projects done throughout the school year. The halls of Delavan Christian School regularly showcase artwork.

Chapel: Each week during chapel students gather together for a morning of lively worship and praise to our God. During chapel, students are often up on their feet singing and moving to joyful songs of praise. Choir: Elementary level students learn songs in their choral classes and perform at various events throughout the school year such as Grandparent’s Day, Veteran’s Day, and community outreach programs (i.e., nursing homes). The Middle School choir performs and competes at the CSI Music Festival in the spring, showcasing their voices and musical instruments. An all-school Christmas program and Graduation event include choral performances by students of all ages. Instrumental music: Students may choose to invest in weekly private lessons scheduled throughout the structured class day. 5th through 8th grade students have the opportunity to play one of the basic instruments of the woodwind, brass or percussion family. Weekly piano lessons may be taken beginning in Grade 2. No prior knowledge of music is required.


Technology lab: Students in 4K through 8th grade have technology class in the computer lab. Basic computer use and keyboarding begin in early grades. Students learn Microsoft Office Suite to create Word documents, Excel spreadsheets and Powerpoint presentations. Students also learn to use Google programs. Age-appropriate instruction is given on social media etiquette, safety on the internet and cyberbullying. Skills learned in technology class are integrated with work in the general classroom.

ATHLETICS Middle school students may participate in several sporting teams throughout the year. Team athletics are offered to students in grades 5 through 8. Teams are made up of 5th and 6th graders on the “B” teams and 7th and 8th graders on the “A” teams. Athletes must have a physical on file and pay a small fee. VOLLEYBALL Throughout the fall season, girls A and B volleyball teams play area schools. The A team participates in a tournament at the end of their season. A friendly game against their parents culminates the season for both teams.

SOCCER Boys and girls in 5th through 8th grade can participate in soccer. In the fall, teams play area schools and participate in a tournament. BASKETBALL Girls and Boys basketball is offered in the winter. Both boys and girls B teams participate in a tournament at the end of their season. The A team participates in a CSI basketball tournament hosted off campus to finish up their season. The teams participate in a friendly game against their parents to conclude the basketball season. TRACK Track is offered in the spring. The team is made up of 5th through 8th graders. There are approximately 4 track meets that the team participates in each season, one of which is the CSI invitational that DCS hosts every two years.

“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 3:14

COMMUNITY SERVICE Delavan Christian School firmly believes in giving back to the community. All grades are actively involved in helping our greater community. The preschool classes collect items each Thanksgiving for a local charity. The kindergarten through second grade classes collect food for the local Food Pantry. DCS collects items every year for Operation Christmas Child (OCC) and the student body packs the OCC boxes with their GIFT groups. Our school is a drop-off location for others in the community also participating in OCC. Each spring, the junior high students spread wood chips along the trails at the Arboretum, grades K-4 clean up Congdon Park and the preschool classes clean up the school’s playground. The lower elementary students visit local nursing homes several times during the year. The GIFT groups send Valentines to veterans and those that are presently in the service.

PARENT VOLUNTEERING Each family is encouraged to be involved at Delavan Christian School. One of the ways is to be a volunteer. There are numerous opportunities to volunteer throughout the year. Each class has a room parent that helps the teacher by planning events, preparing items, and assisting in the classroom. Parents also volunteer during sporting events by selling concessions, running the clock and keeping the record books. Serving on various committees also provides an avenue to volunteer. All students have the opportunity to go on field trips incorporating their present unit of study throughout the year. Parents often help by driving and chaperoning.


“The greatest among you will be your servant.� - Matthew 23:11

FUNDRAISING We believe it is important to involve our students in fundraising efforts so they can see that they have the ability to bring about the process of change. FALL EVENTS


Each year in the fall, Delavan Christian School holds our biggest fundraiser of the year - an all-day school auction. This huge undertaking by our school would not, or could not, be successful without the help of each family. The auction is a fun event attended by members of the community and Delavan Christian School families. Organized activities for the younger children are provided while adults and older students attend the auction.

Our school would not be what it is without our School Board. Our Board is a hands-on Board even when it comes to fundraising. The School Board organizes two fundraisers for our school in the spring: the Pancake Breakfast and the Founders Dinner. For a free will donation, friends and family can enjoy our fresh hotcakes and sausage at this casual breakfast open to the public. The Founders Dinner is a formal, sit-down meal with all the fixings. It is at this event the school gymnasium is transformed into a beautiful dining hall. Delavan Christian families are encouraged to invite others to this event.

Our second biggest fundraiser is our popular Apple Pies. This fall fundraiser is a well-oiled machine. DCS families come together to have a fun day making homemade apple pies and, of course, to fellowship together. Our Apple Pies sell quickly to family, friends, co-workers and the community at large.


“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.� - 2 Corinthians 9:7

TESTIMONIALS “We are very thankful that DCS is here for our three children. The options we have to be involved with our kids’ educations are varied. From working with the school’s website to coaching basketball, it’s a blessing to be able to help.”

“Today we stand in awe of God’s faithfulness to DCS to all generations. For we as grandparents, having both graduated from DCS, along with our four children, are now blessed to see our grandchildren attend DCS.

- Lisa Oren

This Christ-centered education has been passed down through the generations. The love of Jesus is shown in our committed staff to each student. Whether we are a student, parent, grandparent, staff, board member, volunteer or friend of DCS, we are FAMILY! There is a “Tie that binds us together.” As you walk through the school halls or classrooms, you can see and feel that God is being honored through every subject taught at DCS. You observe older students helping and caring for their younger peers. Our lives have been so enriched by what DCS has meant to us through the years.”

“There are many things we like about DCS, but the thing we most love is that God is at the center of everything that takes place at this school. Everything from seeking His guidance in our meetings, to praising Him at our children’s concerts. It’s comforting to know that our children’s teachers, staff, and families love the Lord and that they desire our children to grow up to be strong sons and daughters in Christ, just as we do. The family atmosphere is another thing we enjoy about DCS. It’s great to see our kindergartner look up to his eighth grade reading buddy; likewise, to see the upper classmen enjoy mentoring their younger peers.” - Lynelle Soellner

For the Lord is good and His love endures forever, His faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:5 - Theresa Hiemstra

DELAVAN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 848 Oak Street | Delavan, WI 53115 14 Phone: 262.728.5667 | Fax: 262.728.0092

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