3 minute read
from SimmedUp Magazine -Issue 5
by SUPinmedia
Meet Grandma Ruth Pennington, SimmedUp Magazine’s very own Agony Grandma.
Grandma Ruth was born and grew up in Sunset Valley and lived in Bridgeport as a young adult working as a latenight DJ where she would take calls from all kinds of Sims to give them advice about life.
She managed to save enough money and move to Isla Paradiso to open a small beach bar where, again, she found herself listening to other Sims problems. Grandma Ruth then decided to travel the world for a few years visi�ng places like AlSimhara before se�ling down in Veronaville working as a therapist.
It is rumoured that Grandma Ruth had affairs with members from the Capp and Monty families but she has never confirmed (or denied) these allega�ons. Now an elder, Grandma Ruth decided it is �me for a change. She moved yet again to Brindleton Bay to share her vast knowledge of life with SimmedUp readers. She enjoys kni�ng while listening to heavy metal and sipping on a simoleons sunrise; she makes a living by selling her kni�ed goods on Plopsy.
Di d You K n o w ?RUTH
Simlish – the official language of The Sims –draws from fractured Ukrainian, French, Latin, Finnish, English, Fijian, Cebuano, and Tagalog I found this out on: TheGamer.com.
The mysterious virus
was one of the most interesting things to have ever been added to The Sims series. This mysterious virus saw Sims fall ill for no reason at all. Finally it was discovered to be Guinea Pigs!

Dear Granny R,
I love playing the Sims, but my Boyfriend keeps telling me that its a game for children. It makes me so mad and it’s causing arguments. What can I do? Sad Simmer. Dear Sad Simmer,
We run completely on the generosity of our readers. Thank you to everyone who continues to support us. Every donation big or small Is appreciated.

Chuck on a raincoat to splash in a spring shower whilst exploring the great outdoors or to earn badges as a scout. I love playing the Sims, but my Boyfriend keeps telling me that its a game for children. It makes me so mad and it’s causing arguments. What can I do? Have you thought maybe your partner is jealous of the time you spend playing Sims? Try making sure to allocate specific time for your relationship too. Balance is the key and leads to less ‘Anger’ Island Living introduced fish traps and the ability to fish from water canoes. Developers also overhauled the fishing skill to make its unlocks a bit more interesting. Sims can also mentor in

Dear Granny Ruth,
What do you think is next for the Sims franchise? Curious Me
Dear Curious Me,
What an interesting question! With all my years experience I can only say, whatever they do bring out, you will either love it or hate it, just like marmite!
Granny R x