1 minute read
from SimmedUp Magazine -Issue 5
by SUPinmedia
How to Cheat Press Control + Shift + C on your keyboard in order to open up a console in the topleft corner of your screen. This is where you type cheats. Players on console can push all four shoulder buttons at once to bring this up
02 03
To Fill the Bladder need of a Sim, type this cheat into the cheat box: Completes current aspiration challenge and awards points Aspirations.complete_curr ent_milestone Get promoted in the Detective career (The Sims 4 Get to Work) careers.promote Detective
fillmotive motive_Bladder
Kill your Sim by poison. (Requires The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure) traits.equip_trait poison 05 Removes all traits from your Sim traits.clear_traits 08 Max out Motor skill for kids stats.set_skill_level
Skill_Child_Motor 10 Makes Acquaintances with all Sims (takes a few seconds) relationship.introduce_sim
Removes the glowing outline when hovering over a Sim or Object
hovereffects off
Max out Programming skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Programming 10