4 minute read
from SimmedUp Magazine -Issue 5
by SUPinmedia
NILXIS VACATION Island Nilxis Vacation Island Pack (Sinangein). Creator info: Nilxis Written By Simmer ZOZO
Nilxis made the Vacation Island Pack on December 26, 2014. There were three custom vacation worlds made. This article will cover Sinangein: Based on Phi Phi, Thailand. It includes a Base Camp, a Port, a Bistro, and a Diving Lot. All these islands are built on a tiny map size (256x256). Each island includes custom INI files and recolors, and they include no CC or Store content.
Nrass Traveler is needed to go to this vacation world. This world comes with a base camp (From World Adventure pack), your Sims will visit there just like the other EA vacation worlds like Al Simhara, Champ Les Sims, and Shang Simla. The concept of nrass traveler mod is allowing your Sims to travel to any world, similar to The Sims 4. Your Sims will visit the vacation world for a certain number of days, depending on the visa points. Requirements packs (as stated by Nilxis): Island Paradise, Late Night, WA, Showtime, Pets, Supernatural, Ambitions, University Life, Outdoor Living Stuff.
How to download this world?
Tumblr link for download: https:// n i l x i s . t u m b l r . c o m / p o s t / 1 0 6 2 5 9 3 1 8 2 6 6 / a s some-of-you-requested-i-have-uploaded-are-the Firstly, go to the Tumblr link provided. You will see the 3 different vacation worlds. To download Sinangein, scroll down to the download section, and click the ‘dropbox link’ under ⇩ Sinangein (sims3pack): Dropbox. A new tab will open up, click the download tab, and then click ‘direct download’. The custom world file should be called ‘Sinangein3’ (The Sims 3 Custom Content). This file must be under your ‘downloads folder’ in your Sims 3 folder. This is usually where your other custom content goes to. Just copy and paste ‘Singangein3’ to your Sims 3 download folder. The download folder varies depending on if the Sims 3 is downloaded on Origin or steam, or in another location. It is best to google or use the search tool to find where exactly the download folder is if this is your first-time downloading cc.

Pictures Above and Below: Base Camp

Picture Above: Bistro Area

Picture Above and Below: Base Camp

Picture Below: Beach Front After that, open up your Sims 3 launcher. You will see the different options available: Welcome, Download, Uploads, Installed Content. You will need to click the ‘Download’ tab. You will see the list of custom contents in your download folder. Find Sinangein3 and tick the box on the left side. At the bottom there are 3 options: Install, Delete, Show Files. You need to click ‘install’ to get this world into your game. A separate loading screen will appear showing the progress of the loading. Once it is done, click ok. Lastly, you should be able to click play and see this world in your game (new save). However, as stated before, you will need the NRASS traveler mod as this world does not come with housing. Hence, you cannot technically create a new save and live there. You must use an existing sim and click the travel option (just like WA) and select Sinangein. You will see all of the other worlds that exist in your game as well! How to download the NRASS traveler mod?

Nrass Traveler mod: https://www.nraas.net/ community/Traveler Firstly, click the link provided. You MUST have the latest patch installed for this mod to work (1.67/1.69). Click the green tab that says “download for patch 1.67/1.69.” Mods and cc are different so you will need to unzip the file first! You should see ‘Nrass_Traveler.package’ and the file type must be PACKAGE file. Copy and paste this into your MODS folder (google for precise instruction on how to download the MODS folder if this is your first time). Do NOT put this into your download folder as it will not work.
Known issues (by Simmer Zozo) After playtesting for a while, the only uncommon issue was Sims interacting with the water at the front. If they get stuck trying to get into the water, you can reset your Sims using cheats. Tips (By Simmer Zozo) When I was playtesting, I notice the usual spawn of tourists and pets. You can disable them using the NRASS mod. Especially the horses, even Unicorns will spawn because of the fishing spot in this world! They will get stuck on the Island. Or you can type in ‘testingcheatsenabled true’ and click on the wild horse to ‘delete object’. Ending statement Thank you so much for reading my article, you can follow me on Twitter and see other custom worlds I showcase. Or just join in for a chat!
Picture Above: Beach Front View (Infront of Basecamp)

Picture Above, and Below: Behind Base Camp (Port Side)

Picture Above: Diving Spot Find @SimmerZozo On Twitter