1 minute read
from SimmedUp Magazine -Issue 5
by SUPinmedia
I n t r o d u c i n g JEZ
I'm Jez, and I'm a 16-year-old from the United Kingdom. I play the Sims 2, experimenting with lighting and storytelling/filmmaking within the game using ReShade and other kinds of special effects. However, before ReShade worked I manually edited my photos which expanded my knowledge of image manipulators and the way artificial lighting works. I convert meshes from TS4 using a thirdparty program called Milkshape, including hair and clothing. I also write stories of the game that are yet to be published. Here are some of the things I do:

ABOVE: this is a shot of one of my stories set in 1982 BELOW: (mostly a lot of photoshop editing here)

ABOVE: recreation of the wrapped around your finger video by the police Follow Jez on Tumblr https://vidcunds.tumblr.com/