Sistah's Place Magazine June/July issue

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SISTAH'S PLACE Inspiration & Entertainment Magazine







The Engage Summit 2018 and Beyond is a unique gathering for entrepreneurial business women that will come together to collaborate in opposite industries to build a network as part of the Engage Group created by Janice L. Parks the summit host. The strategic roadmap is to grow business enterprises economically in this ever-changing environment within all global markets. You will get valuable, life-changing, instructional information on key strategies for implementation and follow through with follow-up through collaboration! You will be engaged by 5 dynamic speakers that will add value to your attendance with their gifts, skills, knowledge, and time proven experience in their perspective fields. The Engage Summit is an interactive platform that helps you to realize that "We are Better Together." Throughout the summit learn and be trained how to go from subject matter expert to CEO, discover the CEO factors, and understand how to engage in wealth strategies. In addition, for the author in you, we have a book coach and consultant to help you make it happen!

Janice L. Parks Summit Host/CEO/President J Parks Consultant, Business Solutions, Empowerment Speaker

Dr. Jonica Rowland

Angela Anderson

Dr. Gail Hayes

Jill Capri-Simms

MBA Author/Speaker

Angela Anderson Presents

Founder and CEO Conduct of Queens

Founder and CEO

Financial Representative

Founder and CEO

International Communicator

Plumb Line Consulting

Executive Leadership Coach

Registration is Open

The Engage Summit 2018 and Beyond August 16 – 19, 2018 Hotel Valencia Riverwalk 150 East Houston Street-San Antonio, TX 78205

table of contents 04


Message from Letrise Carter 07


Bullying & Middle School Blues by Jeanee Patton. 11


Baby Cakes by Tiffany 15


Mother & Daughter Letrise Carter & Simone inspire greatness by Terri Shayne 23




The Importance of Childish Gambino’s ‘This Is America’ By Niara Savage AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT FEATURES

Meet the authors in our spotlight

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FROM THE EDITOR Thank you for making our debut May issue a success. We are deeply touch and excited for all of you downloading, purchasing, and sharing our first issue across social media. I am happy to bring you more writers, editors, and most important stories that will not just entertain you, but inspire, inform, educate, empower, and have an affect on your life. We look forward to partnering our brand with others that will allow exposure, growth, commitment, and Black Excellence across the country. Many have asked about the subscribing to our magazine, we are diligently working with Issuu Publication to get that feature up and running in the next week. Copies of the magazine can be purchase by emailing our customer service email at or message us on any one of our platforms for details.


Sistah’s Place Magazine

Meet our Editors

June/July 2018

Meet our Editor at Sistah’s Place Magazine –Angela Anderson Angela Anderson is an expressively prolific Literary and Editorial Services professional who still gets excited when visiting a library, bookstore, literary event, or even when she purchases a new book. Angela has been an avid learner and reader since elementary school. She has a deep passion for all things literary, art, marketing and event planning. She enjoys speaking and teaching others about the power of words, positive affirmation and believing in themselves. Angela founded the “Literary Café” as a place where authors and readers can connect and grow their reader-author bond through their love for the written word. She experiences an indescribable joy when she’s able to witness the two-worlds come together. Due to her love for the art and craft of writing and people, she coined the saying “Where excellence and relationships are at the forefront.” It’s her motto that sets the tone and standard of Angela Anderson Presents. As the marketing and promoting of authors continue to be at the core of her organization, she finds great happiness in interacting and hearing the stories of authors and other literary professionals. Being an editor is a bonus. It brings her immense joy to be a part of the book birthing process. Angela has a genuine desire to add value to others and enjoys seeing them develop and grow into their desired success. This is how her weekly “Thought for Tuesday” was birthed. When she is not reading, hosting an event, mentoring or editing she enjoys spending time with her family. She is the proud wife of the love of her life. She enjoys her children and is very proud of their accomplishments. Angela Anderson Presents can be found on both Facebook and Instagram. • • • • •

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Sistah’s Place Magazine

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Beta Reader Book Reviewer Literary Event Planning Event Speaker Facebook-Angela Anderson Presents Instagram-@angelaandersonpresents

Meet our Editors

June/July 2018

Sistah’s Place Magazine


June/July 2018

Bullies and Middle School Blues By Jeanee R. Patton

Middle school is tough enough with puberty emerging and raging new hormones bouncing off the walls all while trying to find your rightful place amongst your peers. And let’s not leave out the art of trying to stay true to yourself. It’s a time of discovery and a time of learning just who you are as a young adult. Add on dealing with individuals trying to damage your self-esteem, and you have a case of true middle school blues. Recently my daughter shared that she was being bullied by a group of girls at her middle school. It was only after the school year was nearing the end she finally shared this information. After numerous times of asking, begging and pleading for her to talk about what was going on, she finally confided in my sister.

Photo Credits: Courtesy of Jeanee Patton

Prior to being bullied, my daughter was known for her smile and ability to connect with other kids. She was that popular girl that everyone wanted to be around; then middle school happened. My daughter’s bubbly personality changed drastically. Her brightness and happiness were Jeanee Patton

Sistah’s Place Magazine


June/July 2018

sucked out of her, taking her to a low place, so much so, she started wearing dark colors. The vibrant colors faded away and were replaced with black, grey and white. The days of seeing her in bright, expressive colors became a thing of the past. This was different and opposite of the child I knew; she had always worn bright, vibrant colors that matched her personality. Not only was it different but it was a red flag, there was something going on and changing the person that she once was. The middle school blues was in full bloom. Her spirit was broken when she was referred to as a “pig,” because of the shape of her nose. To add insult to injury, she was teased about her weight. She was body-shamed and told that she looked horrible in blue jeans. Eventually, she stopped wearing jeans altogether. Her self-esteem plummeted with every negative word spoken to her. It was as if the negative words were sticking to her skin like glue. She walked with her head hung low and started wearing clothes that were too big for her body. As a parent, naturally, you want to shelter and protect your child from harm’s way. The harsh reality is we can’t be with them every minute of the day. I was very upset to find out my baby girl was being bullied at school and I was not there to protect her. It hurt to know that middle school girls, her peers, could have that much power over her personality to change her into someone I no longer knew. I was livid that she had to endure the heartache and pain of bullying all while trying to focus on school. During this tough time, I constantly communicated with my child. I encouraged her and did my best to uplift her spirits, all while not knowing the root of the problem. I often read poetry to her and showed her inspirational videos. As a mother, I did all I knew humanly possible to keep her lifted. Ultimately, I knew I had to depend on the power of prayer. It allowed me to intercede on her behalf and speak life over her and the situation of her being in such a gloomy state. I learned the importance of parents listening to their child(ren) without judgment when they confide in you. Make sure to listen carefully to their fears and how things affect them. Take a deep breath and know how you handle the current situation can determine if your child feels comfortable sharing information with you in the future. You want your child to feel comfortable sharing with you and see you as a safe place. The goal is for your child to confide in you or someone they trust, to reach out for help during this time of middle school blues and bullying. It’s important to report known incidents of bullying with your child’s teacher and/or principal. They are trained professionals who have policies put in place to intervene. There are also numerous organizations and websites available to assist in recognizing bullying and educating prevention resources to include,, Gab Squad Bullying Programs, STOMP Out Bullying, and NAPAB: National Association of People Against Bullying. I am grateful we found out about my daughter’s middle school bullying which led to her middle school blues and the fact we were able to turn things around with the proper assistance. My daughter is now a rising 9th grader that will have new challenges to face, but she is better equipped in knowing how to handle difficult situations. She has already said she wants to wear colors again. This is a huge accomplishment. She is making great strides in her journey of Jeanee Patton

Sistah’s Place Magazine


June/July 2018

reclaiming her self-esteem. She already has a positive outlook on high school. She is facing her fears and truly moving forward on her journey to the next phase of her life. I’m personally thankful that she made it through her journey of being bullied and the middle school blues. I am also thankful that she was able to overcome. There are so many children who commit suicide due to bullying thinking it’s their only option. According to the CDC, Bullying Statistics ( reports the third leading cause of death for youth is suicide. There are 4,400 deaths per year due to suicide in children. I pray not another child feels this hopeless and decides to make a permanent decision based on temporary circumstances. It truly takes a village to raise children, and my village is deep. I realize it's okay for my daughter to confide in other trustworthy family members. The key is for her to know she is surrounded by people who love her and share in her best interest. Together she is stronger, because of the bonds that bind her to her support team. If you or someone you know is being bullied and/or contemplating suicide, there is help available. Please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline online or call 1-800-273-8255. Please talk to someone immediately for assistance. Anti-bullying Resources and Websites - Gab Squad Bullying Programs – STOMP Out Bullying – NAPAB: National Association of People Against Bullying –

Jeanee Patton


When you experience traumatic experiences that alter your emotional and psychological foundation, you begin to experience a very personal and fragile meltdown. You survived the initial shock, now the aftermath. What now? “PTSD to Freedom - No More War Within”, will tell you to pick up your bed and walk because you are the captain of your ship. Authors Linda Diane Wattley and William Sumner are veterans of the United States Army. They teamed up together to write this extraordinary and unique book because they have a heart for people suffering from PTSD. What they share brings to power that the “Truth Will Set You Free”.

Available today in Kindle and paperback Visit Amazon:

Sistah’s Place

Small Business Spotlight

June/July 2018

Small Business Feature with BabyCakes by Tiffany By Terri Shayne

Photo Credits: Marc Anthony

Our Small business feature for our issue is highlighting small business owner Tiffany Lewis Beasley. What is her business? BabyCakes by Tiffany was launched in 2014 as a web-based business specializing in cakes and pastries that are small enough to be savored without regret. Everything from cheesecake bites to red velvet, pound cake, apple pie tartlets, chocolate mousse cups and more. BabyCakes covers the Naperville and most of the Chicagoland area. Whether it's a birthday party, anniversary, bridal/baby shower, wedding, girl’s party or any special event, BabyCakes by Tiffany can customize the themed event with a fabulous dessert table.

Terri Shayne

Sistah’s Place

Small Business Spotlight

June/July 2018

We sat down with a Q&A to learn more about BabyCakes by Tiffany with owner Tiffany LewisBeasley. She shares her nuggets of wisdom and a few favorite treats for our readers. Being a business owner comes with ups and downs that will either make you or break you as a business owner. Many women are stepping out on faith to launch their own small business whether it’s online or a home-based business. When you are passionate about your gifts and determined to make your dreams real, you will push forward through all barriers. Sistah’s Place: What are some of your favorite items on BabyCakes menu? BabyCakes by Tiffany: Some popular menu items for BabyCakes are the cheesecake bites, red velvet babycakes, and the French macarons. Sistah’s Place: Do you have some favorite desserts that you love preparing? BabyCakes by Tiffany: I enjoy and love preparing my favorite cheesecake bites. This is a recipe that I have tweaked and perfected. It is my specialty and I enjoy making this dessert because the look on my client's face is priceless on how delicious they say the dessert is. Sistah’s Place: What makes your business unique from another bakery to in Chicago Region? BabyCakes by Tiffany: What makes my business different is that because I am a chef, I pride myself on fresh and authentic ingredients and use old fashion techniques to ensure the highest quality. I specialized in themed dessert tables. So if you want a small dessert treat for four or a larger event for 300 or more, I will accommodate the event to be spectacular beyond the imagination.

Terri Shayne

Sistah’s Place

Small Business Spotlight

June/July 2018

Sistah’s Place: Being a businesswoman, what obstacles have you faced?

BabyCakes by Tiffany: Growth would probably be my biggest obstacles. I want to grow my business overnight but I know that it takes time and connecting with the right network means patience and timing for that to all happen. In due time, I know growth will come. Sistah’s Place: What are some business tips or advice you can give other women in business or those thinking of pursuing entrepreneurship? BabyCakes by Tiffany: I would advise other women to share the hurdles and struggles that you have experienced with others just starting out. So many women have paved the way for the next women to achieve more. Share the secrets, share the stories, share the obstacles, so the next women behind you can be okay. We all have to work together and work as a team. Teamwork, makes the dream work! Sistah’s Place: How can folks in Chicago area & suburbs place an order with Baby Cakes by Tiffany? BabyCakes by Tiffany: Folks can place an order by visiting me on my website at, via phone, 630-473-5180, or by social media Facebook, IG.

BabyCakes by Tiffany has some delicious treats that will have your mouth watering. Check her out here in the Chicagoland and surrounding suburbs of Naperville. You will not regret the savory tastes of BabyCakes by Tiffany. We thank you, Tiffany, for sharing your nuggets of wisdom for the next generation of women with a business mindset and your delicious treats. Terri Shayne

Sistah’s Place

Small Business Spotlight

All photo’s courtesy of BabyCakes By Tiffany

Terri Shayne

June/July 2018

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Cover Story: Unbreakable Bond

June/July 2018

Unbreakable Bond by Terri Shayne What is an unbreakable bond between a mother and daughter? I will tell you what that unbreakable bond looks like between Simone Carter and Letrise Carter. These two lovely ladies have a very special and unique bond and relationship that is a true testimony of breaking generational curses. Simone Carter has a very special relationship with her mother Letrise. Many of her friends envy the relationship that she has with her mom. They admire and respect the open lines of communication that Simone and Letrise have between one another. The love and adore the friendship, quality time, and laughter between the two of them. If you meet them on the street, you would not think they were mother and daughter but more like sisters. However, at the end of the day, Simone will tell you no, “that’s my mom and I have a great deal of respect for her”. Letrise has installed in Simone what she didn’t get growing up with her mom. She was insistent that she will break the relationship woes she had with her mother to be a better mother and build a better relationship with her daughter. Letrise vowed to do all the things her mom didn’t and sometimes financially could not do for her that she is able to do for Simone. Like every woman, Letrise made a promise to herself and God that when she became a mother, her relationship would be different, her interactions, and activities will be different. Most important, she would teach Simone about what morals mean values, self-love, beauty, and the importance of education, being independent, money management, legacy, and a voice. Letrise re-defined what being a mother in her generation would mean to her so that her relationship can be passed down to future generations to come. Simone had an amazing childhood that she just simple smile about right to this day. Her mom made sure to nurture, cultivate, reward, and show her how to hone in on her gifts and many talents. At an early age of 4, Simone was exposed to professional dance, theater, and sports activities. She even did the “brownies” and “girl scouts” clubs. Being an active child through adolescent taught Simone discipline, structure, and showed her that whatever she set her mind so she can do it and become it. Terri Shayne

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Cover Story: Unbreakable Bond

June/July 2018

While taking an interest in theater, Letrise exposed Simone while in middle school to Alvin Alley Dance Company and live theater by traveling to various states to see Plays with African American actors/actress to show her daughter people that looked like her. It was a seed that Letrise was planting in Simone at a young age of twelve years old. The sky was the limit that was installed in her by Letrise. Most importantly, she got baptize and saved at the age of 7. Letrise is a strong believer in Christ and one of her favorite scriptures that she has instilled in Simone is about faith. Taken from the James 2:14 (NKJV) has significant meaning to her and Simone. It holds true to everything that Simone and Letrise’s heart's desire, dreams, and goals for their business. James 2:14 (NKJV) 14

What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

What a remarkable relationship between a mother and daughter who bond is thicker than blood, but bound by love, passion, commitment, God’s unconditional love, and respect for one another. A mother could not ask for a better role. Talking with Letrise, her daughter Simone is her heart because she taught her what the real meaning of unconditional love really means from the first day she held a baby girl in her arms. She knew then that she had to give her a better life and a have a better relationship. Each generation should get better than the one before them that is how generational curses are broken. Their bond is unbreakable in so many aspects such as being business partners for Sistah’s Creative Media. Working together on Sistah’s Place and being Letrise’s PR manager for her author, and both businesses. Letrise is teaching Simone about being an entrepreneur, creating multiple streams of income, tapping into her gifts and talents’, realizing what she is passionate about is not just a dream, and teaching her about being a woman that is powerful inside out. “I asked both ladies to share some fun facts about their relationship and dreams so that folks can get to know this dynamic duo that has a true unbreakable bond.” Simone Carter and Letrise answer a few of my questions about their relationship and this mindblowing, heartfelt, and yes envious mother-daughter bond they have. Plus as a bonus, the ladies share some of their goals and dreams with me. Nothing is impossible, you have to step out on faith and trust that God has gone ahead, “it’s already done”. Just put in the work and it will come to pass.

Terri Shayne

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Cover Story: Unbreakable Bond

June/July 2018

Terri: How would you describe your relationship?

Simone: My mother and I relationship can be summed up in two words best friends. She is more than just my mother, but she is my best friend. As I get older I realize I depend on her wisdom more than my girlfriends. Terri: What makes your relationship different from others? Simone: I’d have to say that we share everything with each other. There are no secrets in our relationship. My friends have always picked on me for the bond my mother and I have. Terri: What inspires you both about each other? Simone: What inspires me about my mother is that she is such a go-getter. She never lets anything stands in her way and I fear for whoever and whatever does try to stand in her way. Lol Terri: What makes the bond between the two of you unique and so strong? Simone: I’d have to say that my mother made sure the line of communication is always open. She never silences my thoughts or feelings. She welcomed my opinion because she believes it’s what makes the little person grow up knowing their input matters. Terri Shayne

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Cover Story: Unbreakable Bond

June/July 2018

Terri: What is it about corporate America that made you want to walk away from it? Simone: When I first went to school I never really saw myself working for someone until retirement. In the back of my mind, I always wondered and hoped that after the long journey with school I had the tools needed to launch my own company. Corporate was just never the end goal for me but offered great experiences for me to build on for my company. Terri: What drives you to pursue your Passion? Simone: The mere thought of looking back and think I never tried and knowing that I have a great support team behind me is what drives me. Terri: What’s next for you? Simone: I am currently working on launching Simone Alexandria while I partner with my mom’s media business Sistah’s Creative Media. Simone Alexandria will be a Social Media Management boutique targeting the entertainment, beauty, and lifestyle brand industry. I am doing research to launch my own online shoe boutique. I LOVE shoes, booties, boots, and sandals of all styles. I have a desire in my heart to design my own shoes someday. I am a millennium with BIG dreams and a mom who will continue to encourage me, push me, and dare me to go after what some may think is impossible. Simone Carter is truly a chip off the old block as they say of her mother. Many call them twins because of their beauty and unique abilities to want more. Well to want more, you got to do more and go after the impossible dreams. You will encounter hurdles but that is why God taught you how to jump. Now let’s learn some fun facts about Letrise Carter, a woman of many hats. What facts will Letrise reveal about her unbreakable bond with Simone Carter? She gives us a glimpse of what motherhood means, what her relationship means with her daughter, and she talks a little bit about her dreams and goals. Letrise Carter is a one of a kind with a big heart that goes well with her big dreams and big goals. See what she is talking about.

Terri Shayne

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Cover Story: Unbreakable Bond

June/July 2018

Photo credits: Good Life Media Production

Terri: How would you describe your relationship? Letrise: Our relationship is authentic and honest. We value one another’s opinion and hold respect for each other. We are best friends yet at the end of the day, I am still a mom. I love her no matter what decisions she makes. I don’t pass judgment on her, I make mistakes teachable moments. Terri: What makes your relationship different from others? Letrise: We talk about everything and laugh together, and cry together. We do lots of activities together, travel together, and we set aside mother-daughter time Terri: What inspires you both about each other? Letrise You cannot tell us NO and we don’t let others talk us out of our dreams or purpose. I use to laugh when Simone would cut people out of her circle when she was little. All throughout middle school thru present day she does what I do. She knows how to remove folks from her circle that does help her grow, inspire her, empower her, pray for her, and be authentic with her. It’s something she watched me do that she imitates that inspires me even more because I know she is watching me. Terri: What makes the bond between the two of you unique and so strong? Letrise: I have to say it’s the praying mother in me that makes our bond strong. Simone and I pray over each other but also together. I am her biggest and best supporter in this life to push her unconditionally and unapologetic. Simone and I inspire and motivate one another to make our bond strong and unique. She encourages me and I do the same for her. I love it. Terri Shayne

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Cover Story: Unbreakable Bond

June/July 2018

Terri: What is it about corporate America that made you want to walk away from it? Letrise: My role in Corporate America does not reflect my vision for my life’s desire nor does it represent something I can pass on to my children and grandchildren. The owner’s dream is not mine and I am at a place in life that I must step out in faith to do what is burning in my heart. I call it “my burning bush”. Many of us don’t listen to that voice speaking to us to discover who you are and what your purpose is in life. Terri: What drives you to pursue your Passion? Letrise: Getting up every day going into someone else's dream drives my passion to pursue my own goals and dreams. Sistah’s Creative Media and Sistah’s Place is my legacy not my current job in corporate America. I cannot leave that to anyone. Terri: What’s next for you? Letrise: Well, these last two months I have been focused on Sistah’s Place Magazine, and now with that launch behind me. I can re-focus on Sistah’s Place Blog Talk show that we will kick back off in July 2018. I am super excited about that along with the sequel to my debut novella Deceitful Secrets, I will start writing book two in the series toward the end of July targeting Thanksgiving or Christmas release. I am looking forward to finishing up the website series for Deceitful Secrets before book 2 in the series comes out. I am making some amazing changes to that. I am taking some screenwriting classes because I dream of writing for film and television and I have a few scripts in mind for both film and television. I am working on building business relationships for Sistah’s Creative Media so that I can hopefully by God’s grace run that business full-time in 2019. I do plan to create some workshops that will help small business and single moms. Look out for that in 2019. I have big goals and dreams so everyone will need to follow me on social media to keep up with all of my endeavors and projects. That sums up getting to know Letrise and Simone Carter. Did you learn something new about them? They are two black women that are beautiful and hold an unbreakable bond for life. I can honestly see Simone passing down the values, morals, and unconditional love that her mom Letrise shares with her to her own children someday. It’s important in the black community to make our bonds strong with our children so that many generational curses are broken with the next one. Follow these lovely ladies on social media as they are an Unbreakable duo of Black Excellence vibrating that Black Girl magic. Can’t you feel it?

Terri Shayne

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Cover Story: Unbreakable Bond

June/July 2018

Bio: Terri Shayne is a freelance journalist and writer currently working on a few televisions scripts. She enjoys working with indie film directors and producers. She has written for several online magazines and articles throughout her career as a freelance journalist and Ghostwriter. Author Advertisement

Terri Shayne

Gigi Wilkin’s is an Independent Consultant, Freelance Entertainer, Writer, and Advocate. Seeking to work with organizations dedicated to community development, Youth/Adult Mentoring, Producers, Actors, Writers, Music Artists, and Photographers. Interested in modeling for mainstream and Independent Designer

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Artist Feature

June/July 2018

Get to Know Artist Frank Kelley Jr. By Letrise Carter

Get to know artist Frank Kelley Jr, a seasoned full-time artist of twenty years. He considers himself the messenger who creates images that reflect passion, stories, and spiritual journeys. Who is Frank Kelly Jr.? He is a graduate of Grambling State University with a degree in Fine Arts and Business Management. Frank’s work has been recognized by General Motors, Art & Antique Magazine, Alvin Ailey Award, Charles Wright Museum, and Detroit Spirit Award. He has many proclamations from the city of Monroe, Louisiana, Color Purple Exhibition, and Xavier University. Frank has done what many artists dream of doing. We sat down to talk with Frank about his art and his journey as a veteran artist. Learn what makes him unique and stand out among his peers. Sistah’s Place: How did you begin with art? Frank: I realized I had the gift at an early age. I was a walk-on at Grambling State University in the 1980s Art Department and things took off from there. Letrise Carter

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Artist Feature

June/July 2018

Sistah’s’ Place: Who are some of your influences? Frank: I would say my parents and Dr. James Shane who is the Director of Grambling State University Art Department. He gave me an opportunity to use my gift. I have a few artists that have influenced me over the years such as Richard Dempsey, Robert S. Duncanson, and Henry Ossawa Tanner. Richard Dempsey is an abstract artist whose painting was highly influenced by colors in his Caribbean environment. Robert S. Duncanson landscapes used nature to convey ideas about America and its ideals. Meanwhile, Henry Ossawa Tanner is best known for the painting “Nicodemus Visiting Jesus”, “The Banjo Lesson”, and The Thankful Poor. Sistah’s Place: What makes you stand out from other artists? Frank: The relationship with the understanding of what and why the gift is to be preserved. I don't feel that I stand out in and of myself; it is the resonation of the work to the viewer of the work. The work has so much soul, depth, compassion and life throughout each composition. I believe every artist stands out to those that the work speaks to. Sistah’s Place: What inspires your creativity that ignites your passion? Frank: Everyday life situations provide inspiration. My environment and children in their element are my love for humanity and God. Abstracts with its non-objective nature have been near and dear to me for the last 3 years. Abstracts give way to the emotions of the moment - whether the feeling of the moment is mild or bold, the feeling inspires the creation of a piece that hits the sharp notes of intensity or the languid tenderness of peace. Living in Louisiana and my travels throughout the South have inspired my creativity for Landscapes. Growing up in the South brings a unique perspective. As with all my art, the objective is to amplify the emotions in such a way that the viewers can apply their own memories and feel a connection to a special time and place of their own. Sistah’s Place: Tell us about your latest projects? Frank: Most recently, I have aligned myself and my work with an amazing non-profit in Atlanta African's Children's Fund. This organization provides assistance and services to children and families in need in the United States of America. I am a Silver sponsor at their upcoming 3-day fundraiser in Atlanta, November 9 - 11th. This event is a luxury event with an artistic showcase of entertainment and music. Monte Carlo Casino, live auction, International Chef Delights, Bahmardi Luxury Interactive Fashion Show, Frank Kelley Jr. Art Exhibit and a Bentley Automotive Showcase. This is an opportunity for art enthusiasts and collectors in the South East to attend and support this non-profit, meet me in person, and enjoy one of my collections that will be featured for the event. We will also be donating one of my abstract pieces for the live auction. The event is taking place at the Hilton in Marietta, as well as the Luxury Bentley Dealership in Alpharetta. Details can be found at Sistah’s Place: Where can readers find your art? Frank: FKJ Art Gallery is located in West Monroe, LA. My work is also featured in other galleries Thelma Harris Art Gallery, Oakland CA, Denison Art Gallery, Pennsylvania, PA, Carol Robinson Art Gallery, and New Orleans. My art is displayed throughout my social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and on our website We thank you, Frank, for taking time to allow us to escape into your world of artistry. Sistah’s Place wishes you continued success with the work that allows you to capture your vision through art. Letrise Carter

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Sistah’s Place Magazine


June/July 2018

The Importance of Childish Gambino’s ‘This Is America’ By Niara Savage

Photo Credits

When Childish Gambino, aka Donald Glover, released his new hit single, ‘This Is America,’ the satirical video sparked a social media firestorm. The video, which features a shirtless Gambino making odd but expressive facial expressions and disjointed movements reminiscent of the civil rights era Jim Crow caricature of Black men, reached epic internet proportions. Garnering more than 100 million views in nine days, it caused a wildflower of opinions and immediate decoding and vast interpretations of the video’s true meaning. While the video highlights some of the major controversial and risqué issues the country faces today, such as social injustice and gun violence, it also points out the blindness of society due to the ability to overlook modern-day human rights issues to instead favor keeping up with recent social media trends and the latest dance moves. At first glance, the video seems inconspicuous. Childish Gambino instantly catches the viewer’s attention with his vibrant dance moves. On the surface, these dance moves appear to be the focal point of the video, causing an unawareness to the chaos happening all around. The eyes are often drawn to Gambino, who is always front and center, as he moves throughout the garage-like structure in which the video was shot. It is easy to perceive and view ‘This Is America’ as simply another music video that will induce new dance fads and social trends.

Niara Savage

Sistah’s Place Magazine


June/July 2018

Upon taking a closer look, and perhaps after viewing the video several times, it becomes clear that much more sinister activities with heavy subliminal messages are taking place behind the dancing Gambino. For example, the execution-style killing of a seated musician at the start of the video, as well as the massacre of a church choir, eerily reminiscent of the Charleston church shooting. What’s interesting is that the weapons are routinely handled with care following the shooting incidents, while the bodies are haphazardly dragged away. Perhaps this represents America’s tendency to protect gun rights, even at the risk of losing human lives. Another notable pattern in the video is that Childish Gambino is never arrested or in any way punished for his crimes. As the video nears an end, he paused for a few seconds, as if for a moment in silence and then begins to smoke a joint. Although not proven, some may argue that this may be a nod to the justice system’s tendency to punish drug offenders with somewhat harsh sentences. The video ends with Gambino running in haste, appearing to be running for his life, as a mob of men chases after him. Several decoding and subliminal messages can be interpreted depending on each individual’s point of view, belief system and take on America and society today. Although ‘This Is America’ may be interpreted differently depending on its viewers and commentators, the video has surely captured the attention of internet users across the world. It has challenged the community to talk, have intellectual conversations and address the taboo controversial topics witnessed throughout the video. Hopefully, these intellectual conversations that have been brought to the forefront will continue to spark conversations and actions that will lead to meaningful change. Bio Niara Savage is an author, freelance journalist, and Fisk University political science major. Her debut novel about a young boy whose brother is killed by a night watchman, The Killing of Gregory Noble, will be released in June 2018. In her free time, Niara enjoys writing, and inline skating. She is also passionate about working with youth and is specifically interested in reducing the literacy gap among Black students.

Website: Instagram: @niaratheauthor Email:

Niara Savage

Looking for some good books to read? Check out Author Aja’s collection available now on Amazon.

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Summer Time

Bring the Beach Everywhere You Go this Summer

June/July 2018

By Natonya Medford

I don’t know about you, but whenever I think about summer, my mind travels to coconuts, warm breezes and endless views of the ocean. If you don’t live along the coastline or have vacation plans to tropical islands or resorts, you might have to settle with those beautiful nostalgic memories or scroll through Instagram for beach feeds. “Fun in the Sun” doesn’t mean you can only feel those summery vibes at the beach. YES! We can finally bring the beach everywhere we go with sweet smelling body sprays. Body sprays are especially sweet for those hot and humid days. The light-weight mist leaves you feeling airy and fresh, with a lingering scent that lasts all day. You don’t have to head to the beach for ocean waves and tropical breezes, just pick up a beachy body mist. Some mists are dual-packed, allowing you to nourish your hair and add an attractive scent to your body. Start the day off like you escaped to an island by wearing a beachy fragrance mist this summer. Below is a list of 5 different body mist you should pick up before the summer begins. HERBIVORE BOTANICALS Sea Mist | $12-20 Filled with coconut and sea salt, this natural solution is perfect for keeping your body and tresses hydrated. Spray on your hair for the natural saltwater beachy curls you get after swimming in the ocean or spray on your body at any time for a light, clean, refreshing filling. The Sea Mist contains aloe water, lime essential oil, and vanilla planifolia extract. JENNIFER ANISTON Beachscape | $12 Beachscape is a sophisticated vibe to the perfect getaway feeling. Picture yourself walking along the boardwalk viewing the ocean. This fragrance includes passion fruit, cedar wood, skin musk and living ginger lily. Natonya Medford

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Summer Time

June/July 2018

BATH & BODY WORKS At The Beach | $14.50 At the Beach is just that, spray this mist all over your body, and your coworkers will think you just left the beach before coming to work. This fragrance is made up of toasted coconut, white frangipani and bergamot waters for a refreshing cool saltwater breeze feeling. PACIFICA Hawaiian Ruby Guava| $12 The tropical blend is reminiscent of Hawaii with citrus fruits to include pomelo, juicy guava and a subtle base of coconut; this mist free of parabens and sulfates is also decent as a body and hairspray. VICTORIA’S SECRET Electric Beach| $18 Electric beach is a nod to ocean breezes and exotic fruits. Vision yourself at a nighttime beach party smelling super girly and a little flirty.

Writer’s Bio: Ever since Natonya Medford held her first Barbie, she always promoted change. By cutting her own clothes and designing fabrics to fit her dolls, she adapted the innovative, strategic and resourceful mentality. With her degree in Public Relations, Natonya combines the two worlds of fashion and communication. After contributing to magazines and collaborating with companies in affiliate marketing, Natonya is ready to plant her stilettos into fashion writing. She redefines style by focusing on inner beauty and body positivity for ALL women. Natonya plans to strut down the catwalk of writing with faith, confidence and a desire to launch her own magazine and clothing line. Ultimately, she hopes to inspire others to become their best through motivational and inspirational pieces. Social Media: Twitter: Instagram: Pinterest: Lookbook: Blog: Natonya Medford

Sistah’s Place Magazine


June/July 2018

The Art from Moving On By Aja Graves

Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

A message to a friend. I’ve had my share of disappointments, I’m sure we all have. In my opinion, the hardest part of disappointment comes from interpersonal relationships going sour and then adds in our intense emotions, friendships, romances, etc., and the disappointment quickly turns into pain. The people we are the closest to are the ones we are likely to experience the most hurt from when things turn sour. I have a Facebook group where the members and I talk about all subjects; the majority of it is public so everyone can weigh in, but oftentimes, I’m messaged privately to discuss issues more deeply. The theme I’m often assisting with is how to move on with life when a relationship ends. I am often asked what to do when it’s not clear what went wrong? Many advice experts advise the key to move on is letting go of the pain. I’m an advocate of doing that in most cases, but there are instances where the depth of emotions one feels for another is too intense for me to advise, just let go. I liken it to experiencing the death of a loved one and the stages of grief that follow. We tell those who’ve experienced loss ‘to take your time’ and ‘time heals all wounds.’ Aja Graves

Sistah’s Place Magazine


June/July 2018

When we are dealing with heartbreak or heartache, people want to tell you to ‘get over it.’ This is not always sound advice. My advice is to experience the full emotions of where you are, allow all of it to fill you up and then push it out. Express yourself, reflect, cry, and/or talk to a close and trusted friend. Ask questions, but don’t be discouraged if they don’t have the answer you need at that time. Be ANGRY if you must. I mean, sometimes that’s just it, you are raging mad about the person and the situation. Go ahead and feel that emotion. When you fully understand the lesson needed from this experience, move on. I recently was asked by a friend, why do I give that type of advice? I explained that when we don’t allow ourselves to feel the range of emotions that come after a loss, usually we fear the unhappiness or loneliness that follows a breakup. We try to fill the void with other people and/or situations. Oftentimes, those people and/or situations aren’t always good for us because we made the decision in a weakened state. Sometimes we are so ashamed to be without that friend, lover, or spouse we hurry to find another, so we don’t have to feel alone or appear lonely. Sometimes those people that we happen to attach ourselves to are just as vulnerable, broken, or predatory and waiting to take advantage of us at our lowest point. That’s not always the circumstance, but it happens. My advice is for individuals to not be ashamed of being alone, feeling hurt, crying, or for feeling vulnerable, no matter how long it may take. Those feelings are normal and part of the process of healing. In reflection and in feeling, you find out who you are, what you are made of; allowing you to be able to reflect on the mistakes you may have had in the disintegration of the previous relationship. You learn your lesson as you move forward, and you learn who the people are that you’d want to truly be in your life. Growth comes from that place. Change can come from that place, and when you get there, then it’s time to move on and let go. Moving on takes courage. It’s not something that comes easy with every disappointment. It requires more from us than just letting go in theory. We need to get creative. We must express ourselves and learn more about ourselves but, imagine the beauty and the power we possess and can show for it when the grieving process is complete. Now that I think of it, we become a thing of beauty. We become a work of art.

-Aja © Aja Graves 2018 Aja is the writer of sensually erotic and passionate women’s fiction. Her stories allow readers to experience realistic, inspiring, and soulful interactions and intense passion while overcoming life’s challenges. She is inspired by soulful music and sensual art to craft her stories. Her published works include the Love & Passion series featuring her new release Good Old Soul. Aja is working on her next love story, Love’s Required. Author Links: Aja Graves

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Aja Graves

June/July 2018

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Summer Time

June/July 2018

Are you getting away for the summer? By Mia Thomas

Are you getting away for the summer? Each year for some, getting away to a hot beach to catch some fun in the sun is mandatory. Every year, your favorite bloggers and magazines list out the top beaches to escape to that is perfect for a girl’s trip, family trip, or a romantic getaway. A getaway trip to a beach is fun, exciting, and a great way to spend quality time with family, friends, or that special someone. It can even be a trip that one takes for themselves to relax and get away from all the noise of everyday life. I highly recommend taking a trip to one of the beaches on my list to experience the beauty, culture, people, and scenery. Well, I have compiled my list of favorites that is a must visit for the summer of 2018. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Tampa Bay, Florida Fort Lauderdale, Florida Treasure Island, Florida Traverse City, Michigan Laguna Beach, California Coronado Beach, California Cozumel, Mexico Outer Banks, North Carolina Honolulu, Hawaii Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Traveling to some of the beaches on my list can be expensive as others can be less expensive. But the visit will be worth the costs because it will be an experience that you and your family will never forget. If you are looking to travel alone try visiting Fort Lauderdale, Cozumel, and Honolulu for relaxing, rejuvenating, and freedom from the busy world of work and family.

Sistah’s Place

Author’s Corner Spotlight

June/July 2018

Available on Amazon at

Letrise Carter

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Author Spotlight

June/July 2018

Meet seasoned author Angela Vernon Menchan By Mia Thomas

Our author spotlight features seasoned writer Angela Vernon Menchan, author of Fifteen Years Delayed. The novel portrays a story about a man returning to his hometown after fifteen years to find the woman he has loved for so many years. It’s a love story that Angela sits down to give us insight into the story and her journey as a writer. Sistah’s Place: How did you start writing? Angela: I started writing stories in elementary school. It was a way to be other people and in other places. My imagination was boundless and it still is. Everything is book food. Sistah’s Place: What inspires you to write? Angela: My thought life is an inspiration but more than anything that I’ve seen, heard and experienced. I am quiet, travel a lot, and pay close attention to things I use as inspiration. Songs also inspire me. Once I was on a bus in St. Maarten that broke down, I wrote a three book series, entitled Lost In St. Maarten based on that twenty-minute adventure. I recall my husband nudging me and saying, "You are mentally writing, aren't you?" Sistah’s Place: Tell us about your latest novel Mia Thomas

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Author Spotlight

June/July 2018

Angela: Fifteen Years Delayed is a love story. James Broadnax is sentenced to twenty-five years at age twenty-two, leaving behind his first love, Crea Flournoy. For fifteen years there are no visits or communication, twelve years of James being incarcerated and three years living in another city... Synopsis and excerpt:

If you need lots of drama and angst, this isn’t for you. Fifteen Years Delayed is about adults who have been through... and are ready to love and be loved... no gaming. James returns to the scene of the crime, so to speak and Crea is still there... Damn... there she is after fifteen years, still, even button-upped, a living breathing wet dream in the flesh. Feeling breath on her neck, Crea Flournoy turned to find James inching behind her. It had been years since she saw him but it was definitely James Broadnax, her first lover, and love. Backing up, she nearly stumbled but he caught her, pulling her up the step. Lightheaded, she balanced herself, snatching away. “You’re on steps, and that concrete has no give.” He said in that lazy voice she once lived to hear. Sistah’s Place: Is there a message in the story that you like readers to walk away with? Angela: Yes, that love can and does last through all kinds of situations. It’s based on the strength of family and knowing oneself. Sistah’s Place: Is there someone who influenced you as a writer? Mia Thomas

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Author Spotlight

June/July 2018

Angela: J. California Cooper influenced me because short stories are my first love. No one could write so much in so few words with as much meaning. A few years ago, when a few readers started referring to me as the Short Story Queen, I felt ah... perhaps I am figuring this thing out. Sistah’s Place: As a seasoned writer, what is your favorite story? Angela: It’s always my current novel. I love my characters and their travels and travails. There are characters; however, I am more partial to, Cinnamon Black and Malcolm Black from My Black Series and Zen Cooper Jones from Zen Cooper stories. Sistah’s Place: If you could collaborate on a story with another author, who would it be & why? Angela: I’ve collaborated with several authors over the years. I’ve never collaborated with a male author. Writing with Colin Channer would be the ultimate. I love how Mr. Channer fully fleshes out his women characters. It is clear he took the time to know women Sistah’s Place: How can readers learn more about you and get to know you as an author? Angela: I’m active on Facebook daily. I also am on Instagram as Angelia Menchan and Twitter as @angelmenchan Readers can look up my Facebook Page: and visit my website to learn more about me Website:

It was a pleasure talking with you Angela and we wish you nothing but success with your latest novel Fifteen Years Delayed. Be sure to support our authors and follow Angela on her social media platform.

Mia Thomas

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Author Spotlight

June/July 2018

Meet young author SeQuince Aiken in our Author Spotlight By Alexandria James

Meet SeQuince Aiken a young author who started writing when she was in middle school in 2012. SeQuince self-published her first novel in 2014 titled My Life Journey with the help of her mom Rashonda Jones Aiken. Her mother inspires her to write what she feels and what comes to mind. SeQuince says, she has to get the stories out of her head. Sit back and take a journey into SeQuince Aikens as she discusses with us her writing journey and latest novel The Florharah Sisters a Fantasy/Murder mystery novel. Sistah’s Place: Tell us about your newest release. SeQuince: My newest novel is my first Fantasy/Murder mystery titled The Florharah Sisters. I wanted to think outside the box when writing about a King and Queen who was murdered in their kingdom. How and why would someone want to do that?

Alexandria James

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Author Spotlight

June/July 2018

Synopsis King Sparrow and Queen Constantine were mysteriously assassinated. Whose behind it all? The truth is uncovered. The one person who you think it wouldn’t be, you will be shocked. That one person will do anything at any cost to get what she wants. She will even go as far as trying to kill her loved ones. Though she was born into a wealthy royal family as the eldest daughter, Aryssa has been feeling neglected because of her three sisters. They all have brains and beauty but Aryssa being the oldest feels she is the precious daughter of the King and Queen. She has been spoiled since birth. She has been shielded at her feet, but the feeling is crumbling down slowly due to her sisters. Sistah’s Place: How did you choose your title? SeQuince: I chose this title The Florharah Sisters because it fits the characters in the book of four sisters growing up royal in the kingdom that has powerful gifts. Sistah’s Place: What do you want readers to get from the story? SeQuince: I would want readers to read the story and see why the hatred came about of killing the king and queen. Why the greed for such to try to destroy the kingdom, the royal family. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to write it. My mom encouraged me to do so. She always tells me to try something to see if I can do it or not. I sometimes allow my disability get in the way of not trying to do with things before I know for sure If can or not. Sistah’s Place: Who are some of your favorite writers that influence your writing? Alexandria James

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Author Spotlight

June/July 2018

SeQuince:. I was always a romance reader. I like Nicholas Parks because of his movies and Stephanie Myers because of the Twilight Saga series. I won a contest from a Romance writer that I never heard of before, Joy Avery. I read one of her books and liked very much. I am a sucker for romance. I like happy endings. I like to see the good in people. The Florharah Sisters was my way of writing a fantasy of murder, but to see a good ending of bringing happiness back to the kingdom. Sistah’s Place: What advice would you give a new or aspiring writer? SeQuince: My advice is to be your best and try your best. Don't let anyone tell you that you cannot do something without trying it first. If you fail, try again. Don't stop until you think you gave your all to finish. I go by that all the time because that is what my mom tells all the time no what the situation is. I give up before trying. Sistah’s Place: How can our readers connect with you on social media? SeQuince: I am on all social media outlets: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. My books are available on Amazon, Barnes, and Noble. The best way to contact me is through Rashonda Jones Aiken. It was a pleasure getting to know you SeQuince Aiken. We wish you nothing but success with your future novels. Keep writing and continue to strive for Black Excellence. We love hearing about young people doing great things.

Alexandria James

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Summer Time

June/July 2018

Are you getting away for the summer? If so, where to? Let us know if you will be venturing out to one of these beautiful beaches this summer. As always, be safe traveling during the summer and have fun in the sun. Author advertisement

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Sistah’s Place Magazine

Author Spotlight

June/July 2018

New author spotlight with Danielle Johnson By Terri Shayne Meet new author Danielle Johnson with her debut novel From a Sinner to a Saint. We sat down to talk with Danielle about her writing and her debut novel. Sit back and enjoy a conversation with a new writer’s journey. What it feels like to be published? What is feels like to share your story with the world? Authors are storytellers and her story is to be a testimony to others to help heal and grow.

Sistah’s Place: How did you start writing? Danielle: I started writing by keeping a journal when I was a young girl. I always liked to have a journal on hand to write out my thoughts. There were times I didn’t know how to express to God what was on my heart. I found that writing to Him helped me a lot. When I journal, it gives me an opportunity to just relax. I still carry a journal in my purse lol. Sistah’s Place: What inspires you to write?

Terri Shayne

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Author Spotlight

June/July 2018

Danielle: Life’s colorful experiences. My inspiration comes from my mood for that day. I write whether I’m happy or sad. When I get good news I write, when things get overwhelming I write. I am a single mom; employed & I attend college full time. And there may be times when I don’t want to tell everyone my issues. And let’s be honest, sometimes we don’t want people in our business. I believe writing can be a form of therapy or healing. It’s also a way of inspiring others. As I stated before, it’s another way to relax, I know it helps me a lot. Sistah’s Place: Tell us about your debut novel. Danielle: From a Sinner to a Saint is the name of my book. It’s an autobiography that was designed to give my testimony of how God brought me from the “Why me, Lord?” mindset, to the “Why not me?” praise.

Sistah’s Place: Why did you choose that title? Danielle: Well I didn’t choose the title; it was given to me by the Holy Spirit. I explain in detail how that came about in the book. Sistah’s Place: Is there a message in the story that you like readers to walk away with? Danielle: The message that I want readers to walk away with is that there is nothing you can do that will cause God to stop loving you. Sistah’s Place: Is there someone who influenced you as a writer? Terri Shayne

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Author Spotlight

June/July 2018

Danielle: I would like to say that my elementary teacher, Mrs. Campbell influenced me. We had something called the “reading circle” and she would read books to us in the most amazing voice. The way she read a book woke up the reading bug in me. From there I started reading a lot and eventually the desire to tell my story surfaced. I know some may ask, “What does reading have to do with writing?” Well, a lot because they both go hand and hand. To become a great writer, you must first become a great reader. And that’s a reader of ALL books, whether it’s a novel, a self-help book or one that is of an inspiration. Read it and learn from it. Sistah’s Place: How does it feel to have your story out for the world to see? Danielle: I have mixed emotions. I am excited because it is a dream come true to finally have my book completed and nervous because there were some things that I did not want to divulge. But, when God says tell your story, you tell your story. Sistah’s Place: If you could collaborate a story with another author, who would it be & why? Danielle: If I could collaborate with another author it will have to be Vanessa Miller-Pierce. I am a huge fan of hers. She is an amazing author. I love how she brings the characters in her book to life. The way she writes her stories will have the reader engaged until the very end. She will send you on an emotional roller coaster ride lol. I tell people all the time, if a book has you fussing, crying and laughing; then you know that you have something great in your hands. And that is what Mrs. Pierce work does. Sistah’s Place: What advice would you give a new writer or someone desiring to write? Danielle: My advice would be to connect with as many authors as you can especially those who are willing to help new authors. I would also tell them to never give up on the dream that God has given them. I know that may sound cliché but it’s true. I advise you to NEVER stop writing. It took me about ten years to complete this book. For many reasons, but I never gave up. There were times that I wanted to quit, but having people in my corner like Vanessa Miller-Pierce, Angela Anderson, and my family to push me made a difference. Sistah’s Place: How can readers learn more about you and get to know you as an author? Danielle: They can like my Facebook page A Beautiful Creation. I am also on Instagram @abeautifulcreation74, Twitter @abeautifulcreation7 and they can also visit my website and subscribe to my newsletter I am happy to answer questions from readers on how to get started by sending me a email me at We enjoyed our conversation with Danielle Johnson. Follow her on social media and pick up a copy of her debut novel From Saint to Sinner.

Terri Shayne

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Author Spotlight

June/July 2018

Author spotlight with Nicole Smith By: Alexandria James

Meet our feature author Nicole Smith. She stopped by to tell us about her third book titled “Passion Fruit”. Nicole shares her story with us during a Q&A so that we can learn more about her story and her journey as a writer. Sistah’s Place: How did you start writing? Nicole Smith: As a minister and minister of the Single’s Ministry, I was searching for books and resources for singles. I searched in Family bookstores, Christian bookstores, and other bookstores. I noticed they had a large area for Family, a large area for Women, for Men, for Marriage, and the children had its own “west wing.” But when I found the single’s section, it was about three rows of books that were under the Marriage section. It was then that I decided to write some resources just for singles.

Sistah’s Place: What inspires you to write? Nicole Smith: My personal life and the world around me. Being single, I understand what it means. Don’t get me wrong, I love you married folk and maybe one day, I will be there, but in meantime, married people cannot relate to single. They can share how it was being single, past tense, but they cannot relate at this very moment. The things that I experience and the things my single men and women experience inspires me to write. Sistah’s Place: Tell us about your latest or newest novel? Nicole Smith: My Book 3 is called “Passion Fruit, Our Passions, and Desires. It is a 28-Day Devotional for Singles. Sex, our passions, and desires are subjects that you don’t hear preached much from the pulpit. It is taught in our Marriage Ministries but has become almost taboo in our Single’s Ministries. This book helps us to know that God has created in us, passions and desires and He wants to teach us what to do with them. Through the eyes of the Bible, and the experiences of singles, it teaches us how to live the life God created us to live, as singles.

Alexandria James

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Author Spotlight

June/July 2018

Sistah’s Place: Why did you choose that title? Nicole Smith: I chose the title “Passion Fruit” because Fruit Passion Fruit is considered to be the most intensely and extremely enticing scent of all fruits. Sexual sin can be as enticing as the passion fruit’s scent. It is so alluring that its power binds you and holds you in bondage, making you a slave to that sexual sin, but God gives you the power to control those passions and desires, by not doing away with them but while keeping them.

Sistah’s Place: Is there a message in the story that you like readers to walk away with? Nicole Smith: Yes, Holiness. It is not only attainable, but it is a mandate. The Word says “Be ye holy for I am holy.” He is holy. It is not up for debate. That is His character and thus our would need to be that as well. There is a passion, a desire that is inspired by faith, that longing for your Savior, your one and only, God Himself. Fall in love with Jesus. He loves you so much, that He demonstrated His love for you, while you were yet sinners, by dying on the cross. Romans 5:8

Alexandria James

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Author Spotlight

June/July 2018

Sistah’s Place: Is there someone who influenced you as a writer? Nicole Smith: I would have to say my younger brother. He would always tell me to “tell my story.” About 10 or 15 years ago, he started an online magazine called the Vision and he gave me the opportunity to write in his magazine. He is now a published author working on his next book project. Sistah’s Place: For Seasoned writers: What’s your favorite story? Nicole Smith: I would have to say this story in the latest book, Passion Fruit. If you could collaborate on a story with another author, who would it be & why? I would collaborate with Norma McLauchlin. She writes of worth. All of her books, devotionals, and journals cause you to look deeper and answer some thought-provoking questions. I would love to join forces with her combine the married and the single. Sistah’s Place: How can readers learn more about you and get to know you as an author? Nicole Smith: They can visit me on my Opened Palms Ministry Website: Email: Facebook: @openedpalms Instagram: openedpalms Twitter: nicolesmith@openedpalms Sistah’s Place: What advice would you give a new writer or someone desiring to write? Nicole Smith: WRITE-Get it on paper! Write it down. Don’t worry about the order, editing, or grammar. We enjoyed talking with Nicole about her latest book, Passion Fruit. Get your copy today and follow her on all social channels. We wish you nothing but success with your novels. Continue to strive high for the sky is the limit.

Alexandria James

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Author Spotlight

June/July 2018

Author Spotlight with W. Parks Brigham by Alexandria James

Meet seasoned writer W. Parks Brigham joins us to discuss her latest novel Two Precious Hearts in her Second Chance series. She is masterful at her style of writing. She gives us an inside look at what it means to be a writer and her inspirations along her journey. She even shares some nuggets of wisdom for those aspiring to become an author. Sistah’s Place: How did you start writing? W Parks Brigham: Being a seriously avid reader of AA romance, when I first started reading there were no stories featuring plussize women. In spite of my thirst for a good love story, I became tired of reading stories where the heroine was always a size eight or smaller. If I was tired surely there were others. Therefore, I decided to pen my first novel featuring a plus-size heroine and the rest is history.

Sistah’s Place: What inspires you to write? W Parks Brigham: Readers are my biggest inspiration besides having characters constantly popping up in my head to write their story. Sistah’s Place: Tell us about your latest novel? W Parks Brigham: My latest novel is part of a new series entitled A Second Chance. Two Precious Hearts is the first book and the elements of Deception Forgiveness Second Chances Love and Sweet Romance are issues the hero and heroine encounters.

Alexandria James

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Author Spotlight

June/July 2018

Synopsis: Tyrone Marshall had worked hard and made numerous sacrifices to reach his goal at a young age. He was on the rise of fulfilling his dream of being an entrepreneur. The blueprint had been designed and ready to be put into action when all hell breaks loose and turns his life upside down. Ex-Army Drill Sergeant, Eunice Joi James has put others before herself since she was ten years old, including serving her country. Finally, love walks into her lonely life. Yes, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. She throws her hands up and calls it quits. Now, with physical scars and a broken heart, she retires after twenty years of service. With the weight of life’s past misfortunes, can two precious hearts release old baggage and embrace the second chance God has provided for them? Sistah’s Place: Why did you choose that title? W Parks Brigham: First off, I thought the title was fitting for the series. Each story begins with the number two and ends with the word hearts, mainly because it takes two people to have a relationship. Two Precious Hearts, the hero and heroine emotions, and feelings had been tampered with in a devastating way which shattered their heart to pieces. Together they were able to provide healing through their support compassion and love for one another, regardless of their emotional drama in their past. Sistah’s Place: Is there a message in the story that you like readers to walk away with? W Parks Brigham: Besides enjoying a pleasant women fiction with a taste of sweetness, I try to project morals, positive characterization from characters that may have flaws, self-esteem, selflove, and understand that no one is perfect. Alexandria James

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Author Spotlight

June/July 2018

Sistah’s Place: Is there someone who influenced you as a writer? W Parks Brigham: I was first inspired by many seasoned writers whom I was blessed to meet, mainly Francis Ray. Now my readers who love my stories keep me pecking away, and I do mean peck. Sistah’s Place: For Seasoned writers: What’s your favorite story? W Parks Brigham: If you’re speaking of one of my stories, I would say Surviving the Storm and then You Were Meant For Me from my first series Allanville Matchmakers. Those two are dear to my heart and too close to pick one. Sistah’s Place: If you could collaborate on a story with another author, who would it be & why? W Parks Brigham: I would love to collaborate with any of my favorite authors, especially the ones whose writing styles are similar to mine. Sistah’s Place: What advice would you give a new writer or someone desiring to write? W Parks Brigham: Read the genre you are interested in writing and start writing! During the process interact with groups and authors to guide you in the right direction for promoting your work. By all means, don’t get overly anxious and make common mistakes that most of us have done that could have been avoided. I would also encourage a new writer to make sure they have a professional editor and proofreader before putting they publish, develop a thick skin, and take criticism as constructive and use it to their advantage. Sistah’s Place: How can readers learn more about you and get to know you as an author? W Parks: Brigham: Connect with W Parks Brigham : Website: Facebook: Author W. Parks Brigham Amazon Author Page: Wanda’s Sweet Room: Ms. Brigham, we enjoyed this Q&A with you to discussing your latest novel Two Precious Hearts in the Second Chance series. We wish you nothing but success and continue to shine as a storyteller. Black Excellence is all around you.

Alexandria James

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Contributing Writers

June/July 2018

Meet some of our Contributing writers for June/July issue Niara Savage is an author, freelance journalist, and Fisk University political science major. Her debut novel about a young boy whose brother is killed by a night watchman, The Killing of Gregory Noble, will be released in June 2018. In her free time, Niara enjoys writing, and inline skating. She is also passionate about working with youth and is specifically interested in reducing the literacy gap among Black students. Website: Instagram: @niaratheauthor Email:

Ever since Natonya Medford held her first Barbie, she always promoted change. By cutting her own clothes and designing the fabrics to fit her dolls, she adapted the innovative, strategic and resourceful mentality. With her degree in Public Relations, Natonya will combine the two worlds of fashion and communication. After contributing to magazines and collaborating with companies in affiliate marketing, Natonya is ready to plant her stilettos into fashion writing. She wants to redefine style by focusing on inner beauty and body positivity for ALL women. Natonya plans to strut down the catwalk of writing with faith, confidence and a desire to launch her own magazine and clothing line. Ultimately, she hopes to inspire others to become their best through motivational and inspirational pieces. Social Media: Twitter: Instagram: Pinterest: Lookbook: Blog:

Sistah’s Place Magazine

Contributing Writers

June/July 2018

Aja is the writer of passionate women’s fiction. Her stories allow readers to experience realistic, inspiring and soulful interactions between her characters and intense passion between couples overcoming life’s challenges. Her latest release Good Old Soul is book three of her Love & Passion series.

Amazon Page: Instagram: Twitter: FB Fan Page: Sign up for my mailing list here:

Meet our guest writer Jeanee Patton. She is the business owner of Kennedy’s Sweet Tooth. She is a wife and mother of two beautiful children residing in suburbs outside of Atlanta, GA. Jeanee is passionate about her gifts and talents. She will be writing in our inspiration & Motivation segment.

Learn more about her by following her on social Media in the links below. @kennedyssweettooth – facebook @kennedyssweettooth – instagram @brownsugarcaker – twitter jeaneepatton – pinterest website: under construction

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