THE POWER OF A THANKFUL HEART Someofourformerandcurrentscholarsreflectonwhatthescholarshipmeansto them, what they have learned on their journey so far, and how they plan to give back to the world and their communities in the future.
Luisa Anggawan, ‘21 | Indonesian
Jansen Ongkowijoyo, ‘21 | Indonesian
“My experience in SJI International has truly redefined my standards of education. Through the opportunity the scholarship has given me, I am grateful to have been able to study in such an open minded environment to pursue the subjects that I enjoy the most. This experience has helped me broaden my view of the world, inspiring me to help others in need to the best of my capabilities. In the future, I will continue to hold and implement these values to strive for the betterment of our society.”
“Life is indeed like a tree. We all start from the roots, and we all want to grow as tall as we can be. This scholarship is like a fertilizer that is like no other. Thanks to this special fertilizer, the stem strengthens and becomes fortified with knowledge, the branches grow and surround themselves with others, and the flowers bloom with profound personality. The fruits that are formed from these flowers are my gifts to the world, from which I will share the values I learned from SJI International to people who truly appreciate education and community.”
Ian Tham, ‘21 | Singaporean “SJII’s IB scholarship is indicative of our school’s recognition and reward for academic excellence, desiring to support those who have succeeded under their nurture. It has enabled and motivated me to cultivate my love for learning across all subjects, spurring my academic pursuits beyond the classroom and instilled a sense of duty into me and other recipients alike to be embodiments of the merits of a Lasallian education. I have found resonance with like-minded peers and teachers, forming indelible relationships that I hope to carry into the next stages of my academic career.”
Karin Koesoemo, ‘21 | Indonesian “Being in a community where academic excellence is expected, the values of resilience and perseverance echo throughout my journey in SJII. This experience has taught me that being resilient and persevering is more than achieving. It is also about acceptance, compassion, and gratitude. In more ways than one, SJII has helped me to become not only a person of excellence but more importantly, a person for others. Moving forward, I will continue to seek opportunities in serving people with the values, skills, and knowledge I have learned; ‘enter to learn, leave to serve’.”