TheCityofSanJosé,DepartmentofParks,Recreationand NeighborhoodServices(PRNS)encouragesandsupportsthe participationofindividualswithallabilitylevelsinprograms andservices.Tofacilitateopportunitiesforpeoplewithand withoutdisabilitiesandtoengageinleisurepursuitstogether, PRNSprovidesinclusionsupportservices Theseservices include,butarenotlimitedtointerpretersforthedeafor hearingimpaired,improvedsignage,activitymodification, additionalstafftraining,accessibleequipmentandfacility featuresandsupportstaff Toensuretheconsiderationofthe requestedaccommodation,pleasenotifythespecificfacility wheretheprogramisprovidedatleasttwoweeksin advance.
Formoreinformationoninclusionopportunities,specialized recreationservicesandaccommodations,pleasecontact TherapeuticServicesat4083696438
Scholarships are awarded to qualifying families only as funding is available. Completion of the scholarship application does not guarantee approval of a scholarship.
136 W. ALMA AVE. 95110
BUS LINE: 66, 68, 568 / DISTRICT 7
3050 BERRYESSA RD. 95132
647 S KING D 95122
2039 KAMMERER AVE 95116
BUS LINE: 22 & 23 / DISTRICT 5
3590 CAS DR 95111
BUS LINE: 66, 72, 73 / DISTRICT 7
6445 CAMDEN AVE. 95120
3369 UNION AVE. 95124
4860 SAN FELIPE RD 95135
BUS LINE: 31 & 42 / DISTRICT 8
488 N 6TH ST 95112
BUS LINE: 64A, 64B, 66 / DISTRICT 3
5585 COTTLE RD 95123
1000 S. BASCOM AVE. 95128
403 CYPRESS AVE 95117
BUS LINE: 23, 523 / DISTRICT 1
520 W. VIRGINIA ST. 95125 408-279-1498
BUS LINE: 22, 23, 72 / DISTRICT 3
2175 LINCOLN AVE. 95125
BUS LINE: 26 & 64 / DISTRICT 6
Bascom Community Center
1000 S. Bascom Ave.
San José, CA 95128
Camden Community Center
3369 Union Ave.
San José, CA 95124 408-369-6438
Seven Trees Community Center
3590 Cas Dr. San José, CA 95111 408-794-1690
Mayfair Community Center
2039 Kammerer Ave. San José, CA 95116 408-764-1060
Jeremy Shoffner - Superintendent Jeremy.Shoffner@sanjoseca.gov
Pricilla Martinez - Therapeutic Specialist Bascom Community Center
Nessa Diamante -Therapeutic Specialist
Camden Community Center Nessanoelle.Diamante@sanjoseca.gov
Nika Noorishad - Therapeutic Specialist
Seven Trees Community Center Nika.Noorishad@sanjoseca.gov
Alexis Miranda - Therapeutic Specialist Mayfair Community Center Alexis.Miranda@sanjoseca.gov
Sign up for our email newsletter: bit.ly/aasr-newsletter bit.ly/prns-all-access
Ready to hit the golf range? H I R L N (Head Injury and Recreation Leisure Network) group is heading over to Rancho del Pubelo Golf Course to have a night of relaxing while taking some swings at the driving range All different skill levels are welcomed This program is designed for persons with disabilities but, anyone may join
Participants must be able to participate in a 1:8 staff to participant ratio and be able to attend to their own personal care needs or have an attendant present. Highly recommended to register in advance, last day to register Sept. 13.
Location: Rancho del Pueblo Golf Course, 1649 Hermocilla Way, San Jose, CA 95116
210.2.4015 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. 9/17
Pumpkin season has arrived and we're in the mood to decorate. Come join H.I.R.L.N. (Head Injury Recreation and Leisure Network) group as we meet at Fowler Creek Park to decorate and paint some pumpkins. We can also take a stroll around the park and enjoy the great sunset view. We will be meeting at the Cry Creek Pavilion picnic area near the parking lot.
Please register in advance in person or online.Participants must be able to participate in a 1:8 staff to participant ratio and be able to attend to their own personal care needs or have an attendant present. This program is designed for persons with disabilities but, anyone may join.
Location: Fowler Creek Park, Altia Ave. & Cortona Dr. San Jose, CA 95135
HIRLN Thanksgiving Dinner
Time to give thanks at Mayfair Community Center's Annual HIRLN Thanksgiving Dinner! We will have all the classic holiday dishes such as turkey, mash potatoes, stuffing, and sweet pies. There will also be crafts and raffle prizes. Please note that all participants should be able to tend to their own personal care needs and all attendants accompanying participants must register for event. This program is designed for persons with disabilities but, anyone may join.
Highly recommended to register in advance, there will be no day of registration.
Location: Mayfair Community Center, 2039 Kammerer Ave. San Jose, CA 95116
Join us for our annual H.I.R.L.N. and Monthly Social Holiday Party! There will be hot chocolate and snacks as participants will partake in a winter craft.Participants must be able to participate in a 1:8 staff to participant ratio and be able to attend to their own personal care needs or have an attendant present. This program is designed for persons with disabilities but, anyone may join.
Location: Mayfair Community Center, 2039 Kammerer Ave. San Jose, CA 95116
Joins us for a night of relaxation with making face mask cream and calming sugar scrub. After we will use the face masks and mediate under the stars while enjoying a nice banana smoothie. Participants must be able to participate in a 1:8 staff to participant ratio and be able to attend to their own personal care needs or have an attendant present This program is designed for persons with disabilities but, anyone may join.
Location: Mayfair Community Center 2039 Kammerer Ave, San José, CA 95116
Join us for making a ghostly candle centerpieces to decorate for this spooky season. There will be various creepy and crawling items to use while we play some halloween ambience music to set the mood. Participants must be able to participate in a 1:8 staff to participant ratio and be able to attend to their own personal care needs or have an attendant present. This program is designed for persons with disabilities but, anyone may join
Location: Mayfair Community Center, 2039 Kammerer Ave. San Jose, CA 95116
Monthly Social (Nov.): Pizza Pizza!
Who's ready to make pizza?! Join us for tonight's activity as we make personal pizzas with many options for toppings like pepperoni, bell pepper, olives, etc. After, participants will have the option to watch a film or play a group game. Participants must be able to participate in a 1:8 staff to participant ratio and be able to attend to their own personal care needs or have an attendant present. This program is designed for persons with disabilities but, anyone may join.
Location: Mayfair Community Center, 2039 Kammerer Ave. San Jose, CA 95116
Camden’s Fun Club
This is a fun comprehensive activity covering multiple activities such as: board games, karaoke, dancing, arts and crafts, and sensory science fun! Participants must be 16 or older and be accompanied by a caregiver or be able to function independently.
Time: 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Room: Classroom 6
Meetings: 8
We're back! It's time for us to go back in the community. Join us for a night on the town! This social club utilizes community activities which are selected by the group to improve socialization, leisure awareness and independent living skills. Try new things and explore your community with the support and encouragement of friendly, knowledgeable staff.
Members must be able to participate within a 1:6 staff to participant ratio and be independent with their personal care needs. Please note registration fee covers staffing costs only. Additional fees may be required based on chosen activities.
The first night of program will be held at the Camden Community Center. Location thereafter varies based on participants chosen activities.
Meeting days are Thursday and there are 8 total meetings
Come and play some social games such as bingo, Loteria, Connect Four, Jenga, and more! We will get to play many games to stimulate our brains and to socialize with our friends! Participants must be able to participate in a 1:6 staff to participant ratio and independent with personal care needs or provide an attendant.
Location: Seven Trees Community Center 3590 Cas Dr, San José, CA 95111
The City of San Jose offers activity scholarships for children, seniors, and adults with disabilities who qualify Scholarships will cover 50-70% of the class cost. Fill out the scholarship form and bring the necessary documents to any City of San Jose community center.
Contact any community center for information.
This program focuses on fun with music, games, arts and crafts, movement activities, and a field trip. This play program is designed for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Children should bring a sack lunch to class each week. Participants must be able to function in a 1 to 3 staff to participant ratio and independent with personal care needs or provide an attendant for personal care. Attendants will be required to pass a City of San Jose background check in programs that serve youth under 18 years of age.
Location: Seven Trees Community Center 3590 Cas Dr, San José, CA 95111
231.2.9000 9:30 - 12:30 p.m 9/14 - 11/2
Come join us for some fun group dancing! Enjoy a new theme every week, with an open dance studio to dance your heart out! There is no right way to dance, so put on your dancing shoes and let's get up and dance together! Participants must be able to participate in a 1:6 staff to participant ratio and independent with personal care needs or provide an attendant.
Location: Seven Trees Community Center 3590 Cas Dr, San José, CA 95111
231.2.9004 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. 9/10 - 10/29
Come join us for some fun group dancing! Enjoy a new theme every week, with an open dance studio to dance your heart out! There is no right way to dance, so put on your dancing shoes and let's get up and dance together! Participants must be able to participate in a 1:6 staff to participant ratio and independent with personal care needs or provide an attendant.
Location: Seven Trees Community Cente 3590 Cas Dr, San José, CA 95111
231 2 9010 11 a m - 12 p m 9/12 - 10/31 Thurs 16+ CSJ Staff 8
Come join us at Mayfair Community Center for some arts and crafts fun! Throughout the program participants will improve fine motor skills, increase social skills, and learn to expand their creativity. Each class will be guided by a City Staff. This program is geared towards groups of people with disabilities.
Organization's Staff must accompany clients 1:4 staff to participant ratio. This class is not designed for individuals without staff/attendant.
Location: Mayfair Community Center 2039 Kammerer Ave, San José, CA 95116
This program is geared towards groups of people with disabilities. Come check out the Bascom Community Center and relax with some arts and crafts. This program is designed to improve fine motor skills, creativity and social skills. You will be guided through art projects and specialty crafts.
Organization's staff must accompany clients in a 4 to 1 ratio. This class is not designed for individuals without staff/attendant.
Location: Bascom Community Center, 1000 S Bascom Ave, San José, CA 95128
Come and enjoy different art forms such as coloring, drawing, painting and more! This art class is directed towards teen and young adults with disabilities. Each week we will try different art forms. We'll get to socialize with others by showing our art with each other once completed. Participants must be able to participate in a 1:6 staff to participant ratio and independent with personal care needs or provide an attendant.
Location: Seven Trees Community Center 3590 Cas Dr, San José, CA 95111
This course is specifically designed to empower individuals with disabilities to engage in hands-on sensory-based projects. This unique class combines the excitement of scientific inquiry and fun art projects into one! Participants must be able to function in a 1:10 staff ratio, or have a guardian or caregiver present.
Location: Seven Trees Community Center 3590 Cas Dr, San José, CA 95111
Got the notion to get yourself into motion? Join us on Zoom to partake in an online exercise class with each class time being different. We will work on upper and lower body, balance, flexibility, and more all while encouraging participants. Participants may be asked to gather household items to be used as "equipment" depending on workout. It's recommended that participants wear comfortable workout attire and have water nearby.This program is designed for persons with disabilities but, anyone may join.
Zoom link will be sent prior to start of program.
Love to listen to music? Join us on Zoom where each night will feature a different music genre or theme. We can listen, sing, dance, and chat all about music or more. Participants will be able to requests songs via email or chat. This program is designed for persons with disabilities but, anyone may join.
Zoom link will be sent prior to start of program.
Internship opportunities are available for students in the field of Recreation Therapy. For more information please contact:
Josue Covarrubias CTRS, RTC
408-794-7590 | Josue.covarrubias@sanjoseca.gov
Nessa Diamante, CTRS 408-369-6439 | Nessanoelle.diamante@sanjoseca.gov
For Marriage and Family Therapy and Art Therapy internships, please contact:
Jo Eclevia, MA, LMFT
408-293-0422 | jo.eclevia@sanjoseca.gov
This introductory course for individuals with disabilities (ages 16+) and it covers basic kitchen safety, basic menu planning, and preparing simple dishes. Menus will include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and desserts. Class includes lecture, observation, and hands on preparation. Participants will receive instructional materials to take home. Class is conducted in a teaching kitchen which utilizes gas burners.
Participants must be able to function in a 1:4 staff to participant ratio, independent with personal care needs or provide an attendant for personal care.
Location: Almaden Community Center - Teaching Kitchen (Upstairs) 6445 Camden Ave, San José, CA 95120
296.2.4003 6 - 7:30 p.m. 4/3 - 5/22 Wed. 16+
Socialize with other parents while providing the little ones the opportunity to: Develop fine and gross motor skills, increase socialization, inspiring creativity and imagination. This class is geared towards kids with intellectual disabilities.
Classes include: Music & Movement, Art & Sensory, Create & Cook
Location: Bascom Teen Center
This engaging class is designed to foster the growth and development of toddlers aged 1.5 to 2.5 years old, while strengthening the bond between the caregiver and child. Led by experienced early childhood educators, this class offers a variety of stimulating activities that encourage exploration, creativity, and social interaction in a supportive and nurturing environment. Give your child the opportunity to socialize with other children their age while participating in age-appropriate activities including arts & crafts, music and movement, and tactile exploration. *Children don't need to be potty trained; however, please remember to bring extra clothing and diapers to class.
Location: Seven Trees Community Center 3590 Cas Dr, San José, CA 95111
Dance is more than just moving to music. Each season, participants will learn two dances. As part of the learning process, we will teach about the history of the dance and its area of origin. Develop motor skills, rhythm and balance while having fun! This course is designed for individuals with disabilities and their siblings and friends.
Please note, participants must be able to function in a 1 to 4 staff to participant ratio and be independent with their personal care or provide an attendant.
Location: Mayfair Community Center 2039 Kammerer Ave, San José, CA 95116
Come out and shoot some hoops with your friends while you learn the exciting sport of wheelchair basketball. Learn new techniques, skills, and practice drills. All ability levels welcome. Don't miss out! Participants must be able to function in a 1:10 staff to participant ratio, and independent with personal care needs.
All ability levels welcome and we have extra chairs on a first come first serve basis. This class is designed for manual wheelchair users.
Location: Bascom Gym
296.2.4001 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 09/11 - 10/23 Wed 13+ 7 $80/84
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 10/30 - 12
Looking to take Wheelchair basketball to the next level? Join our competitive class, this is for individuals looking for more of a challenge and are looking to be apart of the competitive team. Tournament opportunities are available for big gamers. Don't miss out! Participants must be able to function in a 1:10 staff to participant ratio, and independent with personal care needs.
All ability levels welcome and we have extra chairs on a first come first serve basis. This class is designed for manual wheelchair users. This class is on Wednesdays for 5 weeks.
Do you use a power wheelchair? Join one of the three classes with the San Jose teams in the electrifying and growing sport of power soccer! Whether you just want to learn the sport or aspire to compete in future tournaments, this is the program for you. Participants will learn power soccer techniques, develop skills, practice drills, and prepare for competition. Participants must be able to function in a 1:8 staff to participant ratio, independent with personal care needs or provide an attendant for personal care. *This class is designed for power wheelchair users.*
No program on 10/5 for Indigenous People's Day
No program on 11/9 for Veteran's Day
No program on 11/23 for Thanksgiving break.
Location: Bascom Gym
Basketball, Soccer, Bocce ball, Softball, Field Events... Adapted Sports is an inclusive introductory wheelchair sports program designed for individuals with physical disabilities and non-physical disabilities to enjoy a variety of sports at any level. No wheelchair, we have extra chairs for use during program. This is a place where individuals can learn basic sport skills, team cooperation and rules of competitive play. Participants must be able to participate in a 1:5 staff to participant ratio and be independent with personal care needs or bring an attendant.
Pre-registration is encouraged, program may be cancelled due to low enrollment.
Location: Camden Community Center, Gymnasium 3369 Union Ave. San Jose, Ca 95124
Welcome back to the alley! It's a strike! Come join us for our immensely popular bowling program, located at Bowlero San Jose (5420 Thornwood Drive). Join us on the lanes on Tuesdays from 4:30 - 6 p.m. Ages 11 and up are welcome. Come polish your game with the support of our therapeutic staff. Learn technique and etiquette, make new friends, and most importantly have fun! Register today, the lanes are going fast Participants must be able to function in a 1:8 staff to participant ratio, independent with personal care needs or provide an attendant
Ages: 11+
Meetings: 8
Location: Bowlero San Jose 5420 Thornwood Dr. San José CA 95123
382 2 4108 4:30 - 6 P M 9/10 - 10/29
Let's play some table tennis, also known as ping pong! How about some basketball, or even some brisk walking as a group? This group is an inclusive group for those who want to come socialize and play table tennis, basketball, and stay active with friends! Participants must be able to participate in a 1:6 staff to participant ratio and independent with personal care needs or provide an attendant.
Location: Seven Trees Community Center 3590 Cas Dr, San José, CA 95111
Let's play some table tennis, also known as ping pong! How about some basketball, or even some brisk walking as a group? This group is an inclusive group for those who want to come socialize and play table tennis, basketball, and stay active with friends! Participants must be able to participate in a 1:6 staff to participant ratio and independent with personal care needs or provide an attendant.
NO CLASS 10/19/24 in observance of Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Location: Seven Trees Community Center 3590 Cas Dr, San José, CA 95111