January 2010 Volume 1

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Monthly Magazine

Y FReeour Copy

Pe o p l e  L i f e s t y l e  E v e n t s

ecret S t p e K Best s ’ t i a w u K Page

10 Pakistan's on Hottest Pop Ic





Miss Arab Sport

Exclusive interview for CityPages

e A Recip Child our You & Y Together Page e Can Mak 68

Wishing you an enchanting New Year Vo l u m e 1

January 2010

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19 INTERVIEWS 42 Faakhir Pakistan's Hottest Pop Icon 47 ‫زيبا رفيق خبيرة التجميل والعناية بالبشرة‬ 48 Presenting Miss Arab Sport! 54 Tech Talk with Rajesh Wadhwa FCCG

REVIEWS 10 The Day Spa for Men 12 The Early Bird

INSIGHTS 15 Christmas Passions 16 How Emotions Colour Our Decisions 19 Study Abroad: Have a Plan! 21 Time for a Permanent Spring Clean! 24 Dressed to Impress

ENTERTAINMENT 58 TOP 20 of 2009 59 Hollywood 61 Bollywood 63 Books


HEALTH & BEAUTY 37 ‫هل أنت مدمن طعام؟‬ 38 Homemade Soaps 41 ‫ مشاكل رئيسية للشعر وحلولها‬3

EVENTS 14 “I Love Business” Expo 2009


FASHION & TRENDS 26 Shoe Trends This Winter 29 Cassette Tapes Neckties

‫سؤال وجواب‬

23 ‫الزواج سنة احلياة واستقرار للطرفني‬

32 Brownies Delight

Travel 25 The Rivers of Kenya


The Lowry Gallery ‫مختارات من الشعر املعاصر في منطقة اخلليج العربي‬

CITYPAGES SPECIAL 18 Hello 30 Say It Your Way 33 City Guide

56 Gadgets 64 Food 65 City Kids 70 Press Releases 73 Horoscopes

Editor's Letter Editor-in-Chief

Dhari Al-Muhareb

There’s a new magazine in town.

General Manager & Editor

Jameel Arif Executive Editor

Zehra Habib

However new it is, CityPages has been in the works for three years, the product of careful market research in Kuwait, other Gulf countries, and Europe. CityPages is born of our desire to introduce a long-running, high quality, freely distributed, monthly ArabicEnglish magazine in Kuwait that, I hope, is met with enthusiasm by you, the reader.

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CityPages is your magazine with articles on life, events, and people in Kuwait. We hope that the articles in this issue are informative and interesting. As the magazine becomes more established, we hope to extend our scope, so if you’re an artist or budding critic, get in touch with us and we can publish your work in the next issue. CityPages is not just the work of a team of writers. It belongs to everyone in Kuwait. All of us at CityPages would especially like to thank the community, sponsors, advertisers, and our writers for their help in creating our new magazine. It is the beginning of a new year and a new beginning for us as well, and we’re excited to share that with you. This issue has been a step into the unknown, a statement of intent, and an invitation to others to contribute to the second issue, which will be published next month. Our magazine, stuffed with reviews and articles summing up Kuwait’s events scene as well as lifestyle: we hope you enjoy it and we value your feedback about our first issue. We want to hear your voice. It’s your city. It’s your magazine. CityPages. Look for CityPages each month in several venues in Kuwait, a list that grows longer by the day. See you in February!

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January 2010


The Lowry Gallery Artists Bev Ross and Chris Lee Zehra Habib Brushes in tin cans and plastic tubs smeared with paint occupy the corner of the room. We sit on stools at flat white tables, fluorescent lights preventing shadows from being cast on paper, which always made it difficult, I recall from my school days, to draw realistic still lifes. I am in art class at the British School of Kuwait. Outside the door is the Lowry Gallery. Opened by Member of Parliament Baroness Morris in April 2009, The Lowry Gallery operates within the British School of Kuwait in Salwa. The Lowry Gallery was founded by Graham Hawkins, the first Principal of The British School of Kuwait (1993-2008). In 1996 he founded the British Studio Arts to promote British painting, glass, and ceramics in Kuwait and has wide experience in gallery ownership and knowledge of the art world. Currently he is chief Executive of British International WLL, the trading, contracting, and educational services company. This month, work by artists Bev Ross and Chris Lee is on exhibit. Bev Ross, an accomplished artist whose work has been sold across the US, Europe, and the Middle East, has been exhibiting art in museums and galleries in England since she was 16. With an MA in Art Fashion and Textiles and an MA in Management and Leadership in Education, Bev is the Head of Faculty of Art at the British School and the Lowry Gallery Director for galleries and workshops open to the public.


January 2010

Bev’s goal is to raise awareness of art in Kuwait through the exhibition of work by student artists and artists in the community. “Often, children in Kuwait think of art as a hobby. Their parents tell them that, but everything that happens in this world has to be designed, down to the shoes you wear. So art can’t be just a hobby--it opens the door to many careers and it pays well.” The gallery has been generating interest from artists in Kuwait, and has been quite successful. “Having a gallery in the middle of the school is good for students, some of whom have never been taken to an art gallery. They come in, sit down, and draw.” Bev’s textile background influences her artistic style. The use of mixed media--printed inks, acrylics, fabric dyes, oils, painting on silk--gives her art a sense of depth that changes with the viewer’s distance from the piece. The printing on my scarf (made in Pakistan, a country famous for its textile industry) reminds her of her own fabric print design work, which has been used on sofas, wallpapers, and settees. Location continues to inspire her art, with many of her pieces incorporating traditional Middle Eastern subjects. Chris Lee, the second artist featured in the Lowry Gallery in December, has exhibited his work in Yorkshire, England. He earned his BA from Leeds University and teaches fine art, graphics, and photography at the British School of Kuwait. His art fuses architecture with vibrant colors, forging a distinct relationship between shape, line, and color. Some of his paintings are quite abstract. “Travel helps inspire me to paint certain things,” Chris says. He includes Lebanon, Dubai, Kuwait, and Jordan among his inspirations, and has a painting of the Sydney Opera House on display. Chris’s pieces, done in acrylic on canvas, feature landmark buildings not as backgrounds, but as focal points. The paintings are characterized by bold, fantastic color schemes, which create a stark color contrast that

heightens angular shapes and slight bows and makes the subject stand in relief against the background. “I have an appreciation for architectural detail, especially art deco-style architecture,” he explains. “The shapes of the building, the curving lines, and the way the building stands out against the horizon influence my work.” Chris has always enjoyed exhibiting his work, and finds that it “helps inspire students when they understand what their teachers are capable of.” Painting improves his teaching. His finely detailed black ink-on-paper drawings are also exhibited, in which Chris’s characteristic boldness is achieved by the classic contrast of black and white, the variation of relative sizes of images, and the use of geometric patterns, such as checkerboards, in the drawing. In the light from the high windowed ceiling and from the rows of lamps strung above the artwork, I search for hidden symbols in Chris’s ink drawings, small whimsical masterpieces. Bev shows me the layering used to achieve texture in her pieces: paper monoprint, oils, wax, bleached paper, crumpled paper, paint, and printing. I find myself drawn to a piece that I can’t quite figure out. “Those are what we call fairy cakes, crumple cakes,” Bev explains. I understand now. Lines of students in uniforms from the British School form in front of the artwork, with eyes clearer than mine are, to perceive the meanings hidden in layers of paint and paper. Visit the Lowry Gallery, located in the British School of Kuwait in Salwa, for a chance to view work by Bev Ross and Chris Lee or other artists in Kuwait. Look for the Lowry Gallery’s grand school exhibition in March.

The Lowry Gallery The White House, Salwa1, Street 1 965 66716079 thelowrygallery.com 7

‫‪January 2010‬‬

‫ثقافة و أدب‬ ‫تستحق اجلوائز مثل هذه اخملتارات الشعرية”‪ .‬ويشعر الكتاب‬ ‫واحملررون بالعرفان واالمتنان للصندوق القطري والوطني‬ ‫للبحوث ‪ QNRF‬ومؤسسة قطر في جعل هذا ممكنا مبنحهم‬ ‫الفرصة للطالب الكتساب خبرة قيمة في مجال الترجمة‬ ‫والنشر‪.‬‬ ‫ولقد قامت كل من فاطمة مصطفوي و وهند مبارك العيدان‬ ‫وسارة مروان القطامي وعائشة خالد النعمة بتقدمي مساهمات‬ ‫ال تقدر بثمن إلنشاء هذه اخملتارات‪ .‬كما يتقدم الكتاب واحملررون‬ ‫بالشكر والتقدير لعميدة جامعة فرجينيا كومنولث في‬ ‫قطر أليسون فانستون لهذا الدعم السخي‪ .‬وعلقت السيدة‬ ‫فانستون بقولها “ أنني أعجب وباستمرار مببادرات أعضاء هيئة‬ ‫التدريس والطالب‪ .‬هذه اخملتارات تعد من األمثلة البارزة الكبيرة‬ ‫واإلبداعية و التي تعبر عن البحث واالستكشاف للوصول إلى‬ ‫جمهور هو أبعد من حدود اجلامعة”‪.‬‬

‫أساتذة جامعة فرجينيا كومنولث يقومون‬ ‫بنشر مختارات من الشعر املعاصر في‬ ‫منطقة اخلليج العربي‬ ‫الدوحة – قطر ‪ :‬يقوم مجموعة من أساتذة جامعة فرجينيا كومنولث في قطر بتقدمي‬ ‫مختارات من الشعر املعاصر في منطقة اخلليج العربي حتت عنوان “ املد واجلزر”‪ .‬وهم كل‬ ‫من األستاذ املساعد باتي بني و األستاذ املساعد سامية ديتز وجف لودج األستاذ املساعد‬ ‫السابق في جامعة فرجينيا كومنولث في قطر واملوجود حاليا في جامعة فرجينيا كومنولث‬ ‫في ريتشموند ‪.‬‬ ‫وهذه هي املرة األولى التي يقوم بها مجموعة من الشعراء بتقدمي مجموعة شعرية باللغة اإلجنليزية في اخلليج العربي ‪ ،‬وتأتي‬ ‫هذه اخملتارات لتمثل منطقة الشرق األوسط بصفة عامة وبلدان منطقة الشرق األوسط بصورة فردية‪ .‬وهذه اخملتارات متثل دعوة‬ ‫جلميع القراء للتعرف على مجتمع اخلليج العربي الغني واحليوي في نفس الوقت الذي تظهر به العمل األدبي املهم الذي يضطلع‬ ‫به الشعراء في هذه املنطقة ‪ .‬وسوف تقوم مؤسسة “ غارنيت إيثاكا للصحافة والنشر” ‪ -‬وهي أحد دور النشر الرائدة والتي‬ ‫تقوم بنشر الكتب املتخصصة في منطقة الشرق األوسط واإلسالم ‪ -‬بتقدمي هذه املنشورات في عام ‪ .2011‬ولقد صرح دان نان‬ ‫– مدير حترير دار النشر بقوله “ يحظى الشعر في اخلليج العربي بشعبية كبيرة‪ ،‬أكثر بكثير مما هو عليه في بريطانيا أو أمريكا‬ ‫الشمالية” وأضاف قائال ‪ “ :‬أنه فخور جدا بأن يكون ناشر هذه اخملتارات الرائعة ‪ ،‬والتي سوف تقدم جتربة أدبية فريدة من نوعها‬ ‫إلى جمهور جديد من القراء”‪.‬‬ ‫وهذه اخملتارات ستقدم مجموعة رائعة ومثيرة من القصائد لشعراء من كل من قطر والكويت واململكة العربية السعودية وعمان‬ ‫والبحرين ودولة اإلمارات العربية املتحدة‪ .‬وستضم هذه اخملتارات مقدمة من الشاعر الكبير واملترجم واحملرر والكاتب خالد املطوع‪.‬‬ ‫كما ستضم هذه اخملتارات مجموعة واسعة من الشعر للشاعرة ليلى كاشف الغاتا ‪ ،‬من البحرين والتي تبلغ من العمر ‪ 19‬عاما‪.‬‬ ‫كما ستضم اخملتارات بعض أشعار سمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم أمير دبي‪ .‬ولقد علق البروفيسور بني ‪ ،‬مؤلف اجملموعة‬ ‫الشعرية “أوراكل بونز أند إليجي أند كوالبس” والتي تعني بالعربية وحي العظام والرثاة واالنهيار ‪ -‬ومؤسس ورئيس حترير اجمللة‬ ‫الشعرية ‪،‬الصمام الثنائي‪ ،‬قائال “ لقد وجدت حقا أروع الشعراء في املنطقة وإنني أمتنى لو أستطيع أن أذكرهم جميعا “‪.‬‬ ‫لقد قام طالب جامعة فرجينيا كومنولث في قطر والدارسون ملقرر األدب بتحديد احلاجة إلى مجموعة شعرية شاملة ملنطقة‬ ‫اخلليج العربي‪ .‬ومت ابتكار واختيار هذه اخملتارات واعتماد جزء منها من قبل مؤسسة قطر ‪ -‬البرنامج اجلامعي لتحديد ودعم أفضل‬ ‫االبحاث للطالب اجلامعيني (‪ )UREP‬ويسعى هذا البرنامج إلى تعزيز التعليم باملمارسة وتقدمي التدريب العملي على أنشطة‬ ‫اإلرشاد وتقدمي أساليب فعالة للتعليم اجلامعي‪.‬‬ ‫ولقد صرح الدكتور عماد قدوري – مدير هذا البرنامج بقوله ‪”:‬هذا البرنامج هو أحد برامج التي ميولها الصندوق القطري الوطني‬ ‫للبحوث ‪ . QNRF‬حيث يفخر هذا الصندوق بتمويل مشاريع أكادميية متنوعة ومتويل واألبحاث العلمية في املرحلة اجلامعية التي‬

‫ولقد عبر كل من البروفيسور لودج والبروفيسور بني ‪ ،‬وهما‬ ‫أصال من الواليات املتحدة األمريكية ‪ ،‬عن قلقهما في البداية‬ ‫من أن الشعراء قد يشككون في ما يبذالنه من جهود خللق‬ ‫مختارات شعرية مترجمة وعلى الرغم من كرم الشعراء‬ ‫اخلليجني معهما الالمتناهي‪ .‬ولقد قال البروفيسور لودج‬ ‫‪ ،‬كاتب رواية “أين هذه البحيرة”‪ ،‬مؤسس وكاتب مساهم‬ ‫في حترير اجمللة اإللكترونية في األدب والفنون “بالك بيرد” ‪:‬‬ ‫“ ال ينبغي لنا ان نندهش بتاتا‪ ،‬فاستقبال الشعراء والطالب‬ ‫وعائالتهم لهذه الفكرة يعكس الكرم واحلفاوة التي استقبلنا‬ ‫بها اجملتمع القطري عند وصولنا إلى الدوحة قبل عدة سنوات”‪.‬‬ ‫ويؤمن احملررون والكتاب بأهمية خلق وابتكار مجموعة شعرية‬ ‫يتمكن الناس من قراءتها في كل من منطقة الشرق األوسط‬ ‫والغرب على حد سواء‪ .‬ولقد الحظ البروفيسور بيني بأن تقدمي‬ ‫الشعر املترجم هو عمل ثقافي وإبداعي في نفس الوقت‪ ،‬وفن‬ ‫الترجمة هو أحد طرق إيصال القصيدة إلى القاريء والقاريء‬ ‫إلى القصيدة‪.‬‬

‫لقد كان من املهم للمحررين تكرمي الشعراء واعمالهم‪.‬‬ ‫ولتحقيق وإجناز هذه الغاية مت تكوين فريق من املترجمني يتكون‬ ‫من ‪ :‬خالد املطوع ويوسف زيدان وعيسى بالطة وناي حناوي‬ ‫وسعيد شياب من قسم دراسات الترجمة في جامعة اإلمارات‬ ‫العربية املتحدة وغيرهم كثيرون‪ .‬أما البروفيسور سامية‬ ‫ديتز – ومؤلفة كتاب “األدب والوصول إلى املعلومات والتنمية‬ ‫في العقد األخير من القرن العشرين للجمعية املغربية”‬ ‫فلقد عملت جنبا إلى جنب مع الشعراء خللق وابتكار ترجمة‬ ‫تظهر حقيقة عملهم وتكرمه‪ .‬ولقد الحظت بأن “العمل‬ ‫عن كثب مع الشعراء قد ال يقدر بثمن من أجل فك املعانى‬ ‫املبهمة أحيانا من القصيدة ولفهم املعنى احلرفي والرمزي‬ ‫الذي يقصده الشاعر”‬ ‫سيصاحب نشر هذه اخملتارات من الشعر املعاصر ملنطقة‬ ‫اخلليج العربي ‪“ :‬املد واجلزر”‪ ،‬فعاليات أقليمية ودولية مبا في‬ ‫ذلك قراءات حية أمام اجلمهور بكلتا اللغتني العربية واإلجنليزية‪،‬‬ ‫حفل استقبال للشعراء وحلقات عمل ألفراد اجملتمع‪.‬‬ ‫‪8‬‬

January 2010


January 2010

The Day Spa for Men Kuwait’s Best Kept Secret Zehra Habib

If David hadn’t poked his head out of the door expectantly, I would never have known that the dusty burgundy-colored villa with five potted trees in front, a building with no outer marker, is The Day Spa. “You’ve left Kuwait somewhere else,” he says, with a gliding South African accent. Behind the Catholic Church in Kuwait City, past the Starbucks, now to the Behbehani Villas, I am transported “to another world,” where David is no longer head therapist, but rather, a spiritual guide. This world was born from Humoud Al Sabah’s desire to bring an up-class spa to Kuwait, where a client can feel that he is the center of attention and can dictate the therapy. The Day Spa has been a “best-kept secret” among Kuwaiti men for over three years. Located in an older area of Kuwait, the spa has been marketed through word of mouth until this year. As such, the clientele is mostly from Kuwait or other Gulf countries. I feel privileged to get a tour. As a woman, I will never be allowed to get this close. Even though no clients occupy any of the rooms just yet, I am invisible for a day, an objective observer emboldened by my position as outsider. Goody. How does a woman enter the impenetrable, darkly sensual world of men? On a causeway of blocks submerged in a pool, the delicate sound of falling water and the aroma of spices drawing her further.


January 2009 2010 December


The décor, all authentic pieces from India, Bangladesh, Thailand, and Burma, creates a temple-like atmosphere, giving the client a sense of tranquility. “Ayurveda has been around for centuries,” Humoud explains about the privileging of Southeast Asia, which is not known for its spas. “India, for example, is associated with therapeutic massage and the treatment of diseases and aches in the advanced stages. Everything in the spa attaches itself to Asia,” which gives the client the feeling of wellness associated with Indian medicine.

are three of the most popular treatments, all about 20 KD for a one-hour session. Other massages, including stone and aromatherapy, fall in the 12 to 30 KD range, and a menu of facials, manicures and pedicures, scrubs, and wraps are also available. The “journey” packages, which are a combination of scrubs and massages, are also a special feature of the spa, awakening the senses and transporting the client to another plane of reality. All treatments last from 30 minutes to three hours, and the usual time is between one hour to 90 minutes.

Even the rooms, warm and with dimly lit interiors, have Indian and Thai names like Mudra and Devaraja, decorated with stone masks and reliefs. All rooms are kept separate to increase the privacy of a client, and are equipped with personal showers, as some clients prefer to shower before and after a procedure. However, the Tandem Room is popular: a doubleoccupancy spa room that can service clients that must discuss business while getting a massage.

Spa oils come from France, and most other oils and facial creams are imported. Ayurvedic oils and treatments are shipped directly from India for the Ellakkizhi and Dhara oil treatments. An invigorating Indian massage available at The Day Spa consists of oil poured directly onto the head and drizzling down onto the body--no doubt a treatment worth requesting.

Services are designed with specific goals in mind: “some to rejuvenate, some to uplift, some to relax,” says the head therapist. “The treatments aid in wellbeing, and help a person relax and help with his health.” Japanese Shiatsu massage, European destress relaxing massage, and deep tissue massage

The services notwithstanding, most customers come exclusively for the therapist. “They’ll only see that therapist, or they won’t come.” Despite the name, The Day Spa is busiest at night, when the interior is lit up with candles. Friday and Saturday nights are the busiest, but the spa can be full on a Thursday night, or on odd nights, unexpectedly.

“Sometimes it doesn’t rain--it pours,” the supervisor explains, “and the spa inundates with people. If you walk in there’s a good chance you’ll walk out ‘cause you won’t get a booking.” At the end of my visit, the head therapist directs my attention to the spa walls. “The plastering is popular,” he explains. “It reminds people of traditional Arab plastering,” which is a soothing nostalgia-piece, homage to Humoud’s powerful attention to detail. All aspects of the spa blend harmoniously to create a peaceful, enlightened mood, beyond deconstruction and analysis. I can’t break down and pinpoint how each detail causes such effects: I only feel the whole. Although I don’t experience the spa through massage, I leave feeling relaxed, awakened. I leave reluctantly; it is a place you’ll want to stay, an escape from city life onto a different spiritual plane. I had entered the spa with my head careening with questions in search of answers, and mysteries in need of solution. Who is Humoud? Why all the Asian influence? What are the private desires of men? It almost doesn’t matter. All yearning, all inquisitiveness has abated. The answers cannot be found by asking direct questions. The answer is the spa itself, and needs to be experienced, no longer written about.

The Day Spa is located in the Behbehani Villas of Kuwait City, House No. 12, and is open from 10 AM to 10 PM. For reservations, contact 22496699 11 or 66329772 (66-DAYSPA), and visit www.thedayspa-kw.com for details on gift vouchers and services.

January 2010

REVIEW / RESTAURANT Bianca Simonian,Restaurateur with a Conscience Zehra Habib

In a country where expatriates from other nations comprise roughly two-thirds of the total population, nearly everybody is looking for reminders of home. Although corporate American restaurants are trendy in Kuwait (for many Americans, part of the monotonous landscape lining every major US interstate), standard service and flavors can’t beat the experience of dining in a small local dive where the dishes are handmade from scratch and the owner knows her customers by name. The Early Bird, located in Fahaheel, offers this experience for Americans missing a breakfast diner, or for other Kuwaiti residents hoping to share a piece of Americana. Bianca Simonian, a petite, blond-haired culinary chef from Los Angeles, opened The Early Bird in March 2008 to serve US expatriates in Kuwait. The area lacked a breakfast joint and the nearby apartments, located near the oil refineries, are “full of Americans.” The restaurant is American even in the details: a large, locally purchased American flag pinned on the wall above the cash register; a pumpkin commemorating the Thanksgiving season; the lilting guitar sounds of Coldplay’s “Yellow” and Led 12

Zeppelin’s “Going to California,” barely audible in the background. The restaurant, typical of small indie restaurants in the US, doubles as an art gallery, with featured pieces changing monthly. “We just wanted to support local artists,” Bianca stated matter-of-factly. Deep brown and yellow walls and a high ceiling make The Early Bird a cozy, yet not claustrophobic, space. This is no greasy diner either: it is spotless and clean. The Early Bird features newspaper and magazine racks, and a shelf in the corner of the room with books on the Arabic language and a book on Buddhist teachings. Scrabble and checkers were on the bottom shelf. “The board games are really popular,” Bianca explained. “We used to have a porch with a lattice, but it got torn down,” which is still no deterrent to those customers who want to play games and read along with having breakfast. The restaurant also functions as a community meeting place, despite its size. Bianca encourages the formation of book clubs, language groups, and expat gatherings.

January 2010

As I mulled over the menu, a lone American male seated himself near the door and ordered a Spanish omelet (Bianca knew him by name), and two groups of Kuwaiti women enjoyed standard American fare-pancakes, cheese omelets, and “sausage.” Even on Tuesday at ten in the morning, the restaurant, which seats a maximum of 16, was nearly full. Friday mornings are busiest. Diners usually have to book reservations on the weekend. “There are long lines on weekends,” Bianca said, “with usually a one to two hour wait, and sometimes the customers get angry with me when they have to wait so long.” No wonder they get angry, for food like this. For less than 2 KD, a three-egg turkey “ham” and cheddar omelet with hash browns, three strips of beef “bacon,” and toast may be ordered, which is more than enough for one person. “Everything is made from scratch,” Bianca assured. The orange juice is freshly squeezed, and the flour for the pancakes, waffles, and biscuits and gravy (the Early Bird is famous for being the only restaurant serving them in all of Kuwait) is milled locally. For the health-conscious, the menu offers nutritious and tasty breakfast items, including fresh fruit and an egg white

omelet. The Early Bird serves lattes and hot chocolate, perfect for warming up on a winter morning. A special kids’ menu rounds out the bill of fare, providing plenty of choices for anyone in your group. I couldn’t decide what to order (I wanted to try everything), so Bianca told me not to worry and promised me a sampling of her menu. She headed to the kitchen to cook breakfast, serving her other customers herself as much as possible, despite the rush. After a while in the kitchen, Bianca brought me breakfast: hot Lipton tea, pancakes with butter melting on top, soft biscuits, a stack of waffles dusted with powdered sugar, perfectly browned hash browns, a turkey “ham” and cheddar cheese omelet, and beef “bacon,” all served with a big jug of maple syrup and Tapatío, a tangy tex-mex hot sauce I didn’t think I would find in Kuwait. The pancakes, hash browns, and waffles had a phenomenal melt-in-your-mouth quality that left me regretting that I hadn’t ordered more. The biscuits were

actually much better than the kind I remembered eating back home (which were either baked from frozen dough, or were overly doughy like the kind available in fried chicken joints), a tribute to the high quality of Bianca’s cooking. The turkey “ham” in the omelet was just as good as the real thing, I’d been told, and the beef “bacon” was crispy, as it should have been, unlike the softer turkey “bacon” used in other restaurants. All the food was filling and left me feeling energized. The food was definitely authentic, highly delicious, and worth coming back for.

hours to make a tote, and about 80 to 90 plastic bags.” Chic touches of color in the primarily white purses are achieved using colored plastic bags, some bright pink, others aqua and teal. Bianca’s purses, waterproof and highly durable, will be featured in the Reuse Exhibit at Avenues Mall this year. The Early Bird and Chevron are drop-off centers for plastic bags. Kuwaiti residents who want to reduce environmental waste and aid a humanitarian project may contact Bianca for details about sponsoring a drop-off center.

Bianca was business-like throughout the morning but became enthusiastic when introducing her side-project. “We’re taking plastic bags to the Ethiopian shelter, where women who don’t have residency or whose sponsors have cancelled their visas stay temporarily. They crochet the bags into purses.” Bianca sported a stylish tote made entirely from plastic bags. “They’re just trying to get home,” she stated, using money generated through purse sales. A small purse may be purchased for 1 KD, and a beach tote may cost between 15-20 KD. “It takes five to eight The Early Bird, a clean, cozy, family-friendly nook, is open from 5 am to 3 pm in Fahaheel. The Early Bird will open in Jabriya starting in December. Look for Bianca in Jabriya for the first three months after the launch of the new restaurant, which will serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The Early Bird in Fahaheel is located at Balatt al Shuhadaa and Street 43, off Exit 212. Catering is available. Contact 23925814 or bianca.earlybird@ gmail.com, and check out earlybirdkw.com for weekend specials. 13

January 2010

EVENTS “It’s My Own Invention”:

The “I Love Business” Expo 2009

CityPages visited the second annual “I Love Business” Expo, held December 3-5 from 5-11 PM at the Convention Center Royal Suites in Mövenpick in Kuwait’s Free Trade Zone. The Arabic name of the exhibition, Ebda3ati, translates to “my invention” in English. Indeed, the expo hoped to feature new names in Kuwaiti entrepreneurship. Over a hundred new businesses, many of which were home businesses, had stalls in both left and right wings of the convention center. The center was packed with people eager to learn about new business in Kuwait. Young Kuwaiti entrepreneurs managed their booths expertly. Business owners offered demonstrations and explanations about their products and services. Branding and marketing for the businesses was well done--business cards, brochures, and leaflets were expertly designed. The concepts behind the new businesses were ideas that have not yet been tried in the Kuwait market. Types of businesses included shops selling different beverages (fresh juices, shakes), confectionaries (cookies and brownies), gift boxes, and exotic pets, to name a few. Fashion design and events management businesses were also represented. Sponsors American Mattress and BKME had booths as well. The exposition served as an incubator for small business--a way for a fresh business to test its success and experiment with different ideas before introducing itself to the Kuwaiti buying public.


January 2010


Joseph L. Padullon

home so you could prioritize and secure your future first. That would be fun, all right: the usual parlor games and So just face the music and brace the consequences. After eating all the food you like. It’s not a bad idea, right? Only I’ve actually seen people in a seemingly suicidal mode all, it’s the price you were prepared to pay, isn’t it? the trouble with that scenario is that some of the guests whenever this thing called Christmas is just around the would bring their kids along, with fancy new clothes and corner. And people’s sentiments are heightened as the Next, you’re doing your best by providing your loved toys tacked on them. There would also be games and ones a decent living. And you chose to be away as main holiday comes closer. prizes for the kids. necessitated by the plan to fulfill that aspiration. So stop Fellow expats, you can’t alienate yourselves from indulging your feelings of displacement, like you always And this is where your dilemma comes in. You’ll Christmas just because you’re thousands of miles from do when Christmas comes. remember having fun somewhere with your family on home. There’s a lot to be done and hoped for during Christmas: sharing gifts to relatives, exchanging laughter, this season. Stop pondering about yuletides past during All right, let me help you with what not to consider doing or watching carolers do their stints in front of your lawn. which you and your family spent quality time together; during the holidays: that’s water under the bridge. Move on! Then you’ll realize the moment of truth: that you’re Don’t chat online with your sweetheart. Yes, it’s great: nowhere near the people that you’d like to be with this Look at it this way: how did you spend your last you could spend hours chatting, cooing, and time. This will make you desperate to be with them. And Christmas? I bet you were lonely and miserable, and had reminiscing days that had gone by too fast then you’ll leave the party, partly fulfilled but mostly wasted enough time doing senseless things. But when before you both actually knew it. But after depressed. you contacted your family back home, did you show any that, you’ll be left alone recalling those indication that you were desolate? No, because you didn’t sweet memories. Then, you’ll get There’s one good thing for you to want your kids and loved ones to feel lonelier because sad because you’re living on the consider, though, in biding your you were away. You even kidded with them, told them other part of the globe. time and forgetting your nostalgia. fun stories, and discussed with them about what gift they Go to the mall and shop. Busy Getting connected with your could expect from you, right? yourself by hunting for a bargain until family via the internet could also you’re so exhausted that you have only I know you were contented and comfortable. You made be a complicated affair, because you’ll be enough strength left in you to lie in your bed, them happy during that short moment just by talking feeling bluer later on. Chances are you’re going close your eyes, and sleep. You’ll discover that and viewing each other through the internet, despite to feel the same way for the rest of the holiday and be your fatigued muscles and tired brain can no longer your location. You were satisfied and understandably a loser. You will have a hard time finding a way to unload accommodate your grouching. cheerless again after that. your burden. What is my preference? My suggestions are wor th So, how’s that different from this Christmas? Nothing, Visiting a friend who is as lonely as you are is the trying--or avoiding, for that matter. I always want to help except that you could change how you celebrate it, which other option I suggest for you not to do. There’s always people get rid of that plague called homesickness. the risk that your gloominess may double because in all might improve your situation. probability, you’ll talk about past Christmases. What a But help me, God, I’m only human. And I want to do all For one, you could have scheduled your vacation during surefire way for you to be left devastated. those things because I’m missing my family so much this this time of year, but (again) you did not. Work-related Christmas. constraint? Obviously, you’ve left the comfort of your Avoid visiting a friend who loves hosting a party, too. It’s not just a rumor.


January 2010


How Emotions Colour Our Decisions Roli Arora Some things in life cause people to feel… and some things in life cause people to think… these are known as emotional and intellectual reactions. Therefore life can be divided between the things that make you feel and the things that make you think. Now the question is, if someone feels something, does that mean that they think less? It probably does. If a part of our brain is being occupied by feeling, obviously it makes sense that we have less capacity for thought. Let us look at the emotional extreme, such as crying, where people can barely think at all. It does not mean that people who are emotional are not intelligent; it just means that they might be a little dumb during the times in which they are emotional. Emotions move like a swing on and off for everyone, sometimes people cry, and sometimes they are absolutely serious. 16

A colour can cause more emotions than black and white. So anything with more colours in it is going to be more emotional to look at. Similarly things that are personal are emotional, personal things that people like and that they feel are close or can associate to them. Things like a house, car or anything someone likes actually. Thus emotion causes feeling. And if you adore it, it is likely going to cause more feeling. Therefore, the more you like something or hate something, the more emotional it is, but that does not mean that it might not also cause you to think about it. One cannot label everything in life as either emotion or thought however. Life is not a scale with emotions and thoughts on the opposite ends. There are other factors involved, such as adrenaline and physical action, which

may cause increased attention that is neither emotional nor thoughtful. For instance when you are driving a car, you have a lot of attention on the fact that you are driving, and you’re not thinking about it or being emotional about it. Therefore liking something doesn’t mean that it is emotional. You might like driving a car, but it doesn’t cause emotions in you. So what does emotion mean then? Emotions are the thoughts that we cannot identify, when we feel something, we are thinking about something unconsciously. And usually, we just have no idea what it is. These thoughts related to Emotions and feelings can be broken down into parts and figured out what those parts are. Whereas thoughts are just really parts that we can identify. Therefore the difference between emotions, feelings and

January 2010

immediate, subconscious and inescapable. Our skill of language resides in the rational brain, which may not get evoked as reactions are primarily emotional in nature. That is the reason why our reactions are often hard to verbalize.

thoughts is that we know what thoughts are about, but we don’t have an idea about what emotions and feelings are, as they are more obscure to identify. In the past, emotions have been concealed behind closed doors and ignored in favour of rationality. However, in this age of commoditization, emotions are in front and centre.

We tend to store and recall more readily those experiences that fit most comfortably into our existing mental frameworks. Therefore, memory is driven by preferences, rooted in being at ease with our choices. For instance when a consumer defends his choice based on details he previously deemed rationally irrelevant. But why? The simple reason is that emotions are selfjustifying and hence emotional reactions can become totally separated from the content. Therefore what we have already seen will predispose us to what we can see the very next time around due to our emotional investment in what’s familiar to us. Giant MNCs may believe that they have the best functional superior offer, but the consumer evaluations are in

essence emotionally based. Hence objectivity fails to exit as everything gets filtered and coloured by emotional responses. The bottom line is there’s almost always more commercial gains to be made by going with, rather than against, what people have already emotionally accepted. Such MNCs may find emotionally driven decision making process confusing, frustrating and even objectionable. But to protest against the hardwired nature of human nature is not a productive business strategy. Therefore it is better to acknowledge human nature and work in accordance to it. Today emotions occupy prime focus in the new emerging practice of behavioural science... The influence of emotions can be seen in areas that range from big issues like offer differentiation and value in the competitive global economy to everyday practices like the way people react to price changes. Therefore the best way to predict outcomes is to fully account for the vagaries of human nature… hence emotions matter!

Breakthroughs in science reveal that humans are primarily emotional decision makers. We perceive matters in ways that emotionally protect and enhance our self image. The processing of facts is, in essence, as much about the processing of one’s emotions as it is the processing of whatever external dynamics a person happens to be experiencing. In reality all the reactions and decisions which flow from the perceptual process are encoded emotionally and feelings enhance and influences in processing information. For instance, how do we choose which “brands” to notice? Well the first step is screening out the unfamiliar brands which happen subconsciously in the perceptual process. We tend to focus on what we know already and can relate to easily. Looking through an advertisement, we classify and interpret brand choices based on perceptual reaction or biases that are again rooted in emotion. I don’t say that people will not analyze the facts vigorously, but emotions are more basic and dominant. As we feel before we think and those reactions are


January 2010


o l l e H As Damien Hirst himself puts it:-

Damien Hirst was born in Bristol, England in 1965. While still a student at Goldsmith's College in 1988, he curated the now renowned student exhibition, Freeze, held in east London. In this exhibition, Hirst brought together a group of young artists who would come to define cuttingedge contemporary art in the 1990s. In 1991, he had his first solo exhibition at the Woodstock Street Gallery, entitled In and Out of Love, in which he filled the gallery with hundreds of live tropical butterflies, some of which were hatched from the monochrome canvases that hung the walls. In 1992, he was part of the ground breaking Young British Artists exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery. In this show, he exhibited his now famous Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, a tiger shark in a glass tank of formaldehyde. That same year he was nominated for the prestigious Tate Gallery Turner Prize, and later won that coveted award in 1995. Hirst's best known works are his paintings, medicine cabinet sculptures, and glass tank installations. For the most part, his paintings have taken on two styles. One is an arrangement of color spots with titles that refer to pharmaceutical chemicals, known as Spot paintings. The second, his Spin paintings, are created by centrifugal force, when Hirst places his canvases on a spinner, and pours the paint as they spin. In the medicine cabinet pieces Hirst redefines sculpture with his arrangements of various drugs, surgical tools, and medical supplies. His tank pieces, which contain dead animals, that are preserved in formaldehyde, are another kind of sculpture and directly address the inevitable mortality of all living beings. All of Hirst's works contain his ironic wit, and question art's role in contemporary culture. Hirst's first exhibition with Gagosian Gallery, entitled No Sense of Absolute Corruption, was in 1996 at the now-closed SoHo location in New York. Superstition was Damien Hirst's first show at the Beverly Hills space.

“If my grandfather gave my father an axe, and my father replaced the handle and gave it to me, and I replaced the head, is it still my grandfather’s axe?” Let us know what you think! Email us at hello@citypageskuwait.com. Your answer could be published in our next issue. 18

January 2010


STUDY ABROAD: HAVE A PLAN! Aniqa Yaqub As a high school graduate in Kuwait, you may have faced the frustrating application process and the nail-biting suspense of whether a foreign university will accept you. Finally, an acceptance letter arrives! After the initial euphoria and excitement wears off, the Herculean task of preparing for the study abroad experience presents itself. Don’t let this bog you down but also do not leave things for the last minute. A planned move, or lack thereof, can make or break your freshman year at college. Your plan should include the following: 1. Thorough research regarding your adjustment to the huge change in environment, the host country’s culture and climate, and your accommodation, travel, medical, financial, and other requirements during your stay. 2. Organized, informed, and systematic packing of documents, clothing, and necessary items. 3. An investigation and mastering of a few basic skills regarding cooking, laundry, opening a bank account, getting up and ready without mom, etc. Let’s examine each part of your plan separately in detail.

Research Well: Knowledge is Key Visiting a country is different from actually living there for an extended period as a student. This means that if, for example, you are headed to the United States, and have visited fifty times already, you can’t skip this part of your preparation plan. The more you know about the environment you’ll be in, how it may affect you, and how to adapt yourself to it, the more easily you will adjust. Being aware of the accepted form of behavior, dress, language, and manners will help you win friends and avoid embarrassment. Universities are generally multicultural and open to opinions and beliefs. However, negative remarks about someone’s religion, country, or race can quickly ostracize you. Self-awareness regarding your own reaction to the massive change in your environment is extremely important. Studies in intercultural education have shown that there are five phases of adjustment that almost everyone who lives abroad experiences. These stages are as follows: 19

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1. Initial Euphoria: This stage begins with your arrival in the country and ends when the initial excitement wears off. 2. Irritability: This phase kicks in when a person starts participating more actively in the new environment. He experiences frustration and anxiety due to the difficulties he has in dealing with the most basic aspects of everyday life. The difference between the host culture and home culture becomes all too apparent. Sometimes these insignificant problems can get blown out of proportion. This stage is also referred to as “culture shock.” 3. Gradual Adjustment: When the “culture shock” phase is over, the culture and surroundings slowly become familiar. You gradually begin to orient yourself and interpret subtle cultural clues. 4. Adaptation: The ability to function confidently in two cultures is the fourth stage. You no longer feel “extraterrestrial.” You are not only comfortable in your host culture but may feel like a part of it. 5. Re-Entry Phase: When you return home from college, you will enter this last phase of cultural adjustment. In addition to becoming self-aware and culture-savvy, you may also need to deal with being stereotyped yourself. It is no secret that the Muslim and Arab image in the West these days is hardly positive. When others comment and ask questions about your background, country, or religion, be prepared with answers. Instead of feeling intimidated or angry, see it as an opportunity to educate. Remember, any negative outbursts on your part will only strengthen false stereotypes. After research on emotional well-being, the next step is to investigate the practical aspects of your stay. You need to explore these areas in detail: 1. There are various options available for accommodation, such as within a dorm inside the university campus, or individually renting or sharing an apartment. Decide early, since usually apartments within the university are occupied quickly. If you plan on sharing your living space, you need to be careful when selecting roommates. The people you live with make up a huge part of your study abroad experience. 2. Explore the means of transport in and around the university. Often, convenient bus systems are available which offer cheap weekly, monthly, and seasonal student bus passes. University buses may take you shopping on weekends. Owning a cycle is also a good idea as it offers built-in exercise. If you need a car, be sure to study the related rules and regulations, which are university- and country-specific. 3. Give serious thought to the financial aspects of your stay. Work out your monthly routine expenditure and make some funds available for unforeseen expenses and emergencies. Planning and sticking to a monthly budget will help you manage finances more effectively at college. 20

4. Explore the medical services available through your university and within the city. Many universities offer medical insurance to students. It is important to look into the cost, convenience, and quality of available medical help, so that you know exactly where to turn to in case of illness. 5. Knowledge about your host country’s climate and its effects will help you pack wisely and plan better, allowing you to take measures against “seasonal affective disorders (SAD),” “black ice,” sunburns, and other climate-related afflictions. Facing six months of harsh Canadian winter or the gloom of eternal British rain can be difficult. The more prepared you are, the better you will be able to cope.

Packing Wisely: Better Safe than Sorry Efficient packing can save you from being placed in a desperate, miserable, or even dangerous situation as soon as you leave home. The following steps will help you be well prepared.

1. Make two sets of photocopies of all essential documents, including your passport, admission letter, and fronts and backs of credit cards. Take one set of copies with you and leave the other one at home. 2. Mark all luggage, inside and out, with your name and address. Mark all checked bags in a distinctive way so that they may be found easily. 3. Basic medicines and any you may need must be taken from home. Visit your doctor and have him write you a prescription of common drugs that are not available over-the-counter. Beware: Medical systems abroad can be slow and difficult to access. In Canada, for example, students have been known to wait 6 to 12 hours in the emergency department! By the way, there are no private hospitals there so you cannot pay your way out. 4. Pack essential clothing only. You will not need ten formal dresses! It is recommended that you buy specialized clothing, such as winter jackets and snow boots, once you are in the host country. Do not pack tons of sweaters and scarves from home, as the winter clothing required in -30°C climates is very different from the comparatively mild Kuwaiti winters. Due to global warming, western summers can get hot, so pack accordingly.

Basic Skills: They Do Count As a student abroad, it is likely that you will have to set up a foreign bank account, arrange for cell phone service, find an apartment, do your own laundry, and maybe even cook and clean for yourself. Who knew life could be this cruel? Don’t lose heart; it is not rocket science! Put in a little effort to ensure that you can handle these basic tasks independently. Learning to manage on your own is the first step to personal independence. Welcome this opportunity with open arms and you are sure to have the time of your life at college.

January 2010


Time for a Permanent Spring Clean! Reem Ayoub

Without a doubt, a garbage problem exists in Kuwait. The problem lies not only in the careless dumping of trash on the streets, but also in the type of trash being dumped. Drive around the streets of Salmiya or Hawally any time of day. Not only will you see garbage bins overflowing with garbage (and stray cats), but you will also see pieces of furniture, microwaves, fridges, and other unwanted household around these bins. Aside from looking ugly, the bins pose a health problem, promoting rodent infestation. These bins make it difficult for people (like me) to walk from place to place, since they have to step onto the road to avoid the bins and have to endure the disastrous stench. The second problem is the unrecyclable material being dumped, including furniture and appliances. These pose a health hazard, because children play around the area, but the real problem lies in that people have no idea where else to throw their junk, other than on the streets. Aside from unbiodegradable household items, I have noticed in the short time I have been in Kuwait how people have no notion of picking up after themselves. I stared in shock last weekend as I watched a family pack up after their picnic on a patch of grass near the Marina. They stood up, tipped all their tissues, plastic cups, and drumstick bones on the grass, made sure there was nothing left on their picnic mat, and walked away, leaving the place looking like a dump. Another incident that had me staring yet again was on the road, waiting at the traffic light. The person in the car in front of us threw a tissue out of the window. As I turned to my husband to comment on how a person could do such a thing, the person proceeded to throw two more handfuls of garbage out of their window. That person was clearing out his car, I presume, right there on the road. The behavior of children almost always mirrors that of their parents and the adults around them. This is why, unsurprisingly, kids here have no concept of cleaning up after

themselves. As an educator, I see this in my students. They scatter their pencil shavings onto the floor after sharpening their pencils; they throw paper and chocolate wrappers. I find tissues lying on the floor, not to mention wet wipes, the new fad after the swine flu epidemic. When I ask my students why they don’t throw their rubbish in the bin, I get the same reply time and time again: “It’s the maid's job.” These children cannot be blamed, because conditioning starts in the home before a child starts school. For this conditioning to happen, parents, educators, and the whole community need to change their attitude about the rubbish issue in Kuwait. For change to begin, I believe a few simple things need to be done. First, more rubbish bins need to be placed throughout the state. Kuwait certainly can afford it. Second, there needs to be a site for people to dump inorganic waste, or a number they can dial and have someone pick it up from their homes, instead of decorating the sidewalks with it. Similarly, awareness needs to be raised through national television, whether through an educational advertisement for kids or an official warning to people that dumping their rubbish is an offense to society. We can start with our households and ourselves by throwing our garbage only in designated areas. Furthermore, we can encourage the people around us to change their littering habit. For example, I drill my students and remind them to pick up their rubbish, and reward those who pick up trash around the classroom or school. The key to eliminating this problem, I believe, is to make the act of littering frowned upon, just as it is in many other countries around the world. By doing this, anyone who litters would be stigmatized and would refrain from littering in the future. Humans are creatures of habit. Just as some of us learned to litter, we can easily learn to throw our garbage in the bins. It will not happen overnight, but each one of us has a role to play, and with continued effort, it is possible to see a cleaner, greener Kuwait. 21

‫‪January 2010‬‬

‫ومن جانب أبدت شهد اجلار اهلل لفكرة الزواج خالل فتره الدراسة‪،‬مبينة إن‬ ‫الزواج استقرار وتصفية للذهن ويكون مساعدا إذا أحسن اختيار الزوج الذي‬ ‫يراعي ويقدر ظروف الزوجة وان الدين اإلسالمي حث على الزواج‪.‬‬ ‫وذكرت سارة الرشيدي إن الزواج رفقة العمر التي جتمع بني اثنني جتمعهم‬ ‫احملبة واإلخالص لتوفير االستقرار و الراحة النفسية والذهنية وان األسرة هي‬ ‫اللبنة األولى في اجملتمع وتؤيد الزواج في أي مرحلة دراسية‪.‬‬

‫الزواج رفقة عمر جتمع‬ ‫بني اثنني جتمعهم احملبة‬ ‫واإلخالص‬

‫وقالت نادية البطي إن الزواج أساسة اإلخالص والتفاهم وإذا توفر االثنني يعتبر‬ ‫الزواج ناجح ولكن تعارض الزواج خالل فترة الدراسة ألنه من الصعوبة التي‬ ‫تواجه الزوجة في التوفيق بني املنزل والزوج‪.‬‬

‫سارة الرشيدي‬

‫عذارى السليم الزواج نعمة من اهلل يجب الشكر عليها واحلمد‬ ‫ألنها تبعد اإلنسان عن فعل املعاصي واحملرمات التي حرمها اهلل‬ ‫ومن هنا جاءت حكمة الزواج وذلك إلجناب األبناء وأكمل نصف‬ ‫الدين‪.‬‬ ‫وأكدت جلني بو عباس إن الزواج مسؤولية واهتمامات كبيرة وهي‬ ‫تفضل إن الفتاة تتزوج بالسنة األخيرة لها بالدارسة ‪.‬‬

‫الزواج إخالص ومحبة‬ ‫بني الطرفني ولكن ال أؤيد‬ ‫الزواج خالل فتره الدراسة‬ ‫نادية البطي‬

‫إما محمد جواد أوضح إن الزواج متعة احلياة واستقرار جلميع‬ ‫اإلطراف وال ميانع من الزواج إثناء فترة الدراسة ألنة يعتمد على‬ ‫الشخص نفسه ومدى قدرته على املوازنة بحياته ودراسته‪.‬‬

‫الزواج نعمة من اهلل ألنه‬ ‫مينع من االنحراف واالبتعاد‬ ‫عن املعاصي‬ ‫عذارى السليم‬

‫وفي اخلامتة ذكرت زينب يوسف عن سر الزواج ونعمته الكبيرة‬ ‫التي أنعمها اهلل على اجلميع منها االبتعاد عن الزنا وهي تؤيد‬ ‫الزواج في أي مرحله عمريه ولكن األهم حتمل املسؤولية‬ ‫وتوفير الراحة النفسية لطرفني‪.‬‬ ‫‪22‬‬

‫‪January 2010‬‬

‫سؤال و جواب‬

‫الزواج سنة احلياة واستقرار للطرفني‬ ‫يعد الزواج سبب رئيسي للراحة النفسية التي يلجأ إليها اجلميع‪ ،‬فهناك من‬

‫يلجأ إلى الزواج في مرحله مبكرة من العمر واآلخرون في مرحله متأخرة والسبب‬ ‫الرئيسي هو النضج واملسؤولية التي تلعب دور أساسي في تكوين احلياة الزوجية‬ ‫و ملعرفة بعض أراء الناس أجريت هذا التحقيق على مجموعة من الطلبة ملعرفة‬ ‫منهم ما هو الزواج وهل الزواج يشكل عائقا في فتره الدراسة‪:‬‬ ‫اماني صقر‬

‫أبدى يوسف الياقوت فكرته عن الزواج هي اخلطوة الصحيحة التي يلجأ‬ ‫إليها اجلميع لتكوين األسرة ويشجع على الزواج في مرحله عمرية مبكرة‬ ‫ويؤيد الزواج خالل فتره الدراسة‪.‬‬ ‫وترى أنوار صالح إن الزواج سنة احلياة خصوصا للمرأة ألنها تبحث عن‬ ‫االستقرار واحلب وهي ال تؤيد الزواج خالل فتره الدراسة وذلك البد إن يكون‬ ‫الرجل الراغب بالزواج مقتدر ماديا مستقر وظيفيا وتشجع على اإلطالة في‬ ‫فتره اخلطوبة ملعرفة الطرفني كل منهما األخر‪.‬‬ ‫ورفضت نور الهاجري الزواج املبكر وذلك بسبب انعدام املسؤولية وعدم‬ ‫االستقرار وهي تشجع على الزواج في مرحلة النضج والكبر‪.‬‬ ‫أما نعيمة الصالح‪ :‬إن الزواج ال يعرف شخصا كبيرا وال صغيرا وإمنا املسؤولية‬ ‫هي التي تلعب الدور األساسي في احلياة الزوجية وتؤيد الزواج في مرحلة‬ ‫الدراسة وهي من املتشددين في أهمية فترة اخلطبة ألنها أساس اختيار‬ ‫الشخص املناسب‪.‬‬ ‫بينما أيد حمد املطيري فكرة الزواج ألنه يردع عن ارتكاب احملرم وبيت الزوجية‬ ‫جو مالئم ومناسب للدراسة إذا التوافق موجودا بني الزوجني واحملبة واإلخالص‬ ‫جتمعهما‪.‬‬ ‫‪23‬‬

‫الزواج استقرار وتصفية‬ ‫للذهن وراحة تامة للجميع‬ ‫شهد اجلار اهلل‬

January 2010


DRESSED TO IMPRESS John MacArthur My mother, bless her dear old heart, is a bulky, sentimental old lady who was born not so many years after the end of the First World War. The world danced to different rhythms in those days and I remember her once remarking, without a trace of embarrassment, that she had difficulty telling Chinese people apart. I digested this remark with eleven-year-old stoicism, idly wondering whether she had been invited to pick out a villain from an identity parade, or some such event, and, I have to confess, have not given it much thought since. Until now. Arriving in the Middle East some few years ago, it became quite noticeable to my naïve European eyes that people, on the whole, looked a bit different to me. Without going into the turgid genetics of Anglo-Saxon ethnicity, most people peg me for an Englishman, which of course I have to put down to good tailoring and that insufferable air of superiority that people who attended good schools in England invariably seem to carry with them. On the other hand, perhaps I just look a bit agricultural and smell funny. My new neighbours were tall, black-haired and, by and large, dazzlingly handsome, with high cheekbones, good skin and--the men at least-impressively hairy. When I was fourteen, a boy at school turned up after the summer holidays with a full beard and was the envy of all his friends, in particular myself who was incapable of sprouting anything remotely facially impressive until my midtwenties, and during the intervening teenage years had to endure hair growing in random tufts like tussocks of grass on a peat bog. Shaving was like mowing a lawn filled with molehills and acne: a constant, agonising barrier both physically and emotionally to my meeting any girls. The young men I was surrounded by had jungles above the upper lip, advertisement-quality teeth, smooth, olive-coloured skin with the consistency of unblemished parchment--in fact, acres of well-groomed epidermis, upon whose surface the presence of a zit would be as rare as an alien landing. It became immediately apparent that trousers here didn’t seem very popular. In addition, there was a knack to balancing a white or chequered headdress on the cranium, which I realised, having tried it a couple of times, was going to take a bit of practice; in particular, getting the elegant swirl right, without it slipping down to the bridge of one’s nose and making one look like a myopic monk. Clearly, some of us have heads that are just a different shape than the majority of the population. My only excuse is that I was dropped on mine, allegedly more than once--let Social Services be aware--and the consequent damage was similar to that done to an 24

expensive microphone if dropped from a height: namely, a permanent distortion of the outer casing. Doubtless, this accounts for all manner of adult peculiarities which my friends never tire of teasing me about. The bottom line is, however, that even with assiduous practice, a stiff neck and looking down my nose as if about to tread in something unpleasant, I still feel in danger of toppling over. Eventually, I got sick of borrowing from others and decided to be a man and find a tailor who was capable of making a dishdasha of sufficient quality to endow me with the hubris and elegance so effortlessly achieved by the indigenous population. After several recommendations, I sallied forth into The Souk of the Dishdasha Cloth Merchants which is somewhere north of the First Ring and I’m not sure I could find again on the best day I ever had.


I was met by gentlemen with measuring sticks and tapes who made me nervous. After spread-eagling my arms, legs, neck and apparently earlobes, an interminable time later after much crossing out and scribbling, they pronounced themselves satisfied and gave me a small square of cardboard with my newly acquired number on it, which I promptly lost. In due time, however, I collected my new dishdasha, took it home and tried it on. Immediately, I felt different. Instead of a lowly Joe Average, I felt as if I had acquired status and authority; it transformed me into un homme d’affaires. I found myself thinking that I ought to be perusing the financial pages, carefully weighing my next investment, secure in the knowledge that my undisputable--and newly acquired-financial and business acumen would unfailingly reap an appropriate dividend. I took to going out in it. I tipped more generously in restaurants, hailed cabs with an impressively upraised finger and haggled more aggressively in the souks (“Who exactly do you think you’re dealing with here!”) and generally held my head a little higher, although in part this could be explained by a degree of nervousness that the headgear wasn’t as securely fastened as I might have hoped for. I gave thought to the remainder of my attire. Shoes were the easy part. In spite of the fact that I have feet like a house-elf, a well-cut pair of sandals seemed to be preferable to white Nikes, but the rest was problematic. In much the same way as the Scots, for whom the wearing of nether garments under their kilts is considered nambypamby and girlie, I was aware of a frisson of doubt as to exactly what, if anything, I was supposed to put on underneath. Being caught inspecting the undergarments of unsuspecting shoppers in the mall doesn’t look good on one’s psychological case-sheet. A pair of Union Jack boxers did momentarily spring to mind, but the material of my new dishdasha was eyewateringly expensive and thus had a diaphanous sheen to it. I therefore reasoned that undergarments with a patterned or amusing motif might perhaps draw curious stares, especially if one happened to have one’s back to the light. Having made a few discreet inquiries, I was able to get hold of modestly appropriate attire which bore a startling resemblance to the garments my dear old mother wore in her youth. I think she’d be proud.

January 2010

Travel The Rivers of

William Schuilenberg I fly into Kenya from the north over Somalia, which is dry, red, and mountainous. Nairobi is also enduring a drought. From the sky, I see several farms without crops or grass--just the bare red earth crying out for water. The west of Kenya is just the opposite. Lush greenery overgrows the roads and ripe maize fills the fields. Fruit and vegetables are for sale everywhere, delicious and cheap. Visiting only one country in the northeast of Africa gives me but a taste of the entire continent. I keep reminding myself that my impressions of Kenya are not universal to Africa. The word that comes to mind about Kenya is “saturation.” Every aspect of Kenya is saturated: the land with growth, sunshine, and rain; the city with people, products, and produce. Corruption drowns the government, which causes poverty in the slums and in the country. Even religions and superstitions drench the region. Vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians crowd the roads. Most of the vehicles can not be described as “green,” with black smoke trailing behind them. Every man seems to have an idea of how to make big money. Economic optimism is as infectious as malaria, except that malaria has an antidote readily available. This entrepreneurial spirit seems to ignore market conditions and gaps in the infrastructure required for sustainable growth. Business in the region only thrives if kept at the grassroots level.

Birds fill the morning air with delightful melodies, which I prefer to the constant noise of traffic. It rains often and without warning. The locals seem to know when the rain will come, but they do not allow it to hinder their schedules. Probably because they have no schedule. I arrive at a barbecue at three in the afternoon, only to find men lounging in the grass, chatting. Apparently, they are all waiting for someone to arrive with the coals for the barbecue. After some time, someone is sent for the matches. Clearly, food will not be served or a few more hours at least. No one is bothered but me.

People are friendly and the Kenyans that I meet are concerned about the difficult conditions and are doing something about it. Churches and NGOs are maintaining a presence and trying to give a helping hand to those in need. Christianity has a strong influence, which is evidenced by the many religious banners on billboards and plastered on the sides of buses and bicycles. Technology has invaded the land. The mind awkwardly absorbs the sight of a woman carrying water on her head while texting on her mobile. The ridiculously low cost of mobile services in Kenya causes me to wonder why we pay so much in parts of the world where mobile charges are higher. Clean water is a luxury, or only obtainable through a labor-intensive process. Some people walk a mile or two and carry water home in buckets on their head. Firewood is the most common fuel for cooking. I often see women and children carrying either water or wood home to prepare daily meals.

The beauty of Kenya is found in the children. I visit a few children’s homes where people care for displaced youngsters. Children in the villages and on the back roads all have the same cheerfulness. The government is having trouble caring for the social needs of Kenyans. People talk heavily about corruption and extortion at all levels of government. Fortunately, China is investing in Kenya by building roads and bringing business to the region in exchange for natural resources. Perhaps an improved infrastructure will help Kenya for years to come. Traveling to Kenya is a milestone in my life, a refreshing time to find myself soaked, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The friendly people, the natural beauty, the invigorating music, and the delicious foods saturate a traveller with the feeling that he is not too far from the place he is looking for. Kenya requires more exploration. It is a country that will not dry you out. 25

January 2010



Shoe Trends This Winter Shoes are a girl's most important accessory. We have tried to compile a guide about the different kinds of current trends for shoes. Square toes, crocodile skin, triple-buckles, and bohemian fringing are just some of the things you might not have been expecting to come back into fashion so soon, and yet here they are. Read on to find out about all the shoe and boot trends. 26

January 2010

Heel Shapes and Styles Stilettos Stilettos are back. Well, it's not that they ever went anywhere - but they're once again dominating the runways, and that is to say that the chunky-heeled revolution is (for the most part) over. One thing we are seeing though is a hybrid of platform and stiletto: a hidden platform in the front part of the shoe, with a super-tall stiletto heel at the back (as per DSquared2, pictured right). Seen on: the runways of Balenciaga, Chado Ralph Rucci, Yves Saint Laurent, and DSquared2 to name a few. Stilettos are streamlined and elegant. The higher they are, the hotter they look, but of course they don't offer much support for one's feet. Not that ergonomics is really on anyone's mind when they're looking at designer shoes.

Thick, Chunky Heels Platforms and thick heels have dominated the past few seasons; and a number of the major design houses have seen fit to carry them on this year. Seen on: the runways of Christian Dior, Dolce & Gabbana, Marni, Chanel. All those sturdy heels we've just invested in shouldn't go to waste too soon - despite the return of the more graceful stiletto. The definite advantage of shoes with a thick heel is that they're better to walk in; so make the most while you can.

Tapered Heels Tapered heels are Heels that start thick at the top and taper down, often with a curve, into a stiletto-esque point at the bottom. Seen on: the likes of Burberry Prorsum, 3.1 Phillip Lim, and Zac Posen. Tapered Heels are interesting and modern style which can really spice up an outfit. Not as much a classic shape, so buy them if you intend to get a lot of wear out of them over the next few seasons.

Toe shapes Squared-off Toes It's been a while since square toed shoes have been popular... and it's now their time to return. Before we all start having nightmares of those awful clunky dramaticallysquare shoes that were cool way back when, take note on the new squared-off shape. It's a tapered in toe with a short blunt nose - rather than a fully squared toe. Seen on: the runways of Calvin Klein, Marni, Christian Dior, Prada. A nice, modern alternative to the lady-like round-toe; edgy, but not as harsh as a sharp point. A subtle squared-off toe is a great option to buy.

Pointed Toe It was only in recent memory that razor-sharp pointy toes were in. And yet, here they are again. Seen on: Balenciaga leading the way with their super-sharp points; Chado Ralph Rucci, Roberto Cavalli and Alessandro Dell'Aqua as other notables. It feels a bit soon, but with stilettos back in the pointed toe was never going to be far away. For those not game, round-toes are still an option, as is the squared-off toe.


January 2010

Styles, Materials, and Details It's all in the detail this winter. From buckles to straps to laces to studs, it's all there - as long as it's interesting and unique. Suede makes a strong comeback, as does reptile skin, while mixed materials (combinations of leather, suede, metalics, all on the one piece) are prominent. Boots are anything from ankle to knee to over-the-knee.

Above-the-Knee Boots Every socialite and off-duty model was photographed in her over-the-knee quilted Chanel boots last year. This year, above the knee boots are most popular in heeled versions (rather than small or flat heels) with suede the material of choice. Seen on: Badgley Mischka, Akris, Fendi. Looks Hot. Perfect over tights, long socks, jeans or pants.

Lace-up Shoes and Boots Laces and tie-up details are another continuing trend. Seen on: The runways of Alexander McQueen, Bottega Venetta, Derek Lam, Dolce and Gabanna, Donna Karan, Galliano, Karl Lagerfeld, Prada.

Fringing and Folk-Inspired It's the new. folk-inspired with an ethnic twist. Fringed boots are the defining feature of the trend, with other details like studs and tooled leather adding to the crafty, bohemian feel. Seen on: Gucci, Balmain, Anna Sui. Short fringed ankle-boots in leather or suede can look amazing with bare legs or tights. They can add a ruffian charm to a sophisticated outfit, or be thrown together with an everyday outfit for casual chic.

Open-Toe Shoes with Tights It used to be a massive faux-pas, but these days it's not just OK - it's fashionable. Open-toes or peep-toes with stockings, socks or tights underneath. Seen on: The runways of Calvin Klein, Burberry Prorsum, Donna Karan, Valentino. Works wonderfully with like colours, especially black on black - but daring contrasts can also look great. It also means your Spring / Summer shoe collection can be worn in the colder months.

Colours Two-Tone and Multi-Colour What: There's no excuse to be boring with your shoes when it comes to colour. At least, not anymore. Different elements of a shoe can be different colours, for example contrasting straps or heels. Seen on: 3.1 Phillip Lim, Balenciaga, Alessandro Dell'Aqua, Chanel, Christian Dior, Dries Van Noten, Marni, Prada, Valentino. Don't think that a multi-coloured shoe can only be worn with a plain coloured outfit; use them to add colour and style to pretty much anything. For the colours themselves, they can be anything from bold bright colours through to classic shades of grey and black.


January 2010

FASHION & TRENDS Cassette Tapes + Thread = Tape Neckties A man can show off his persona with a flattering necktie made from recycled audio cassette tape.

Now, looking fashionable and trendy is not just for women. Men can emphasize their best qualities with the right accessories. Manufacturers adopt novel ideas to keep up with trends. Recycling old, worn out objects to create something new and fresh is an attractive, environmentally friendly way to reuse old items. A debut in the ecological market is musical neckties made from recycled audio cassette tapes. A little incredible, isnt it? An output of creativity by New York designer Julio Cesar, old and unused audio cassette tapes are recycled, and beautiful neckties are made from them. Half of the material of these ties is from old and recorded audio cassette tape, and the remaining 50% is blended colored thread. Recycled cassette tape neckties look decent enough to be worn on a daily basis. Made from beautiful, durable, and audible textile, they can be worn formally. The wearer becomes a beacon of eco-friendly style in a traditional environment. With the increasing threat of global warming and a concern

for a greener lifestyle, recycled ties will give satisfaction to the owner about conservation of the environment. Recycled tape neckties have a threefold application: they enhance the wearer's personality in the workplace, they save the environment, and they give the owner a soundtrack as well. These ties are available in three bold and stylish colors: brown (woven with brown tape and black thread), black (made from black thread and black tape), and gray (an output of gray thread and black tape). These ties are as costly as they are eco-friendly: they have debuted in the market at USD 90. Now, all those old cassette tapes that are usually dumped in the trash are being used constructively. An artist's likeness and the inside tapes of an audio cassette create a fantastic bonus: one can actually listen to music by rubbing an old Walkman head on the tie. If the owner is lucky, he can even listen to his favorite music from his own tie! (Ref: limitedhype.com) 29

January 2010


Mabuhay Kayon g lahat sa Kuwait. Sa m ga naging tany ag at tagumpay sa m ga pasubok at ad hikain na matupad ang inyong mga pangarap. Frederick Bianzon

) rala-India yyal (Ke a h T il n Su



‫س‬ ‫جلت في‬ ‫م‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ه‬ ‫د‬ ‫ت‬ ‫قنيه امل‬ ‫هذا املع‬ ‫الدرا هد أن أتعلم درا علومات و‬ ‫ك‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ه‬ ‫د‬ ‫في‬ ‫سة‬ ‫سة‬ ‫وأمتنى أ في هذا املعهد مم هندسة الشبكا من دخول‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ن أت‬ ‫ز‬ ‫ة واملدرسني أك ووجدت‬ ‫أر خرج من‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ذا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫مل‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ع‬ ‫أ‬ ‫غ‬ ‫ب ومتنياتي جلمي هد واحصل على ا األساتذة‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ش‬ ‫لط‬ ‫لبة بالتوفيق وال هادة التي‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ح‬ ‫أخوك‬ ‫ ضاري‬-:‫م‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ا‬ ‫د‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ضليعي‬

g, bug so precious to hu a as te cu as re You' ial becoming more spec o's wh ild ch ng rli A da each & everyday, ) you're the one, But today (Hamad ndle one by one So blow out your ca have fun Enjoy you B'day & a From, Mama & Bab



January 2010

ra a sorte pa o b e d s o t Sao os vo e de um feliz ano es a CityPag s os Portugueses o novo a tod no Kuwait.” residentes (Por tugal) a de Moura





Happy Birthday REEM from baba & mama and your brother Meshal

Want to post your message here? E-mail sayityourway@citypageskuwait.com 31

January 2010

MADE IN KUWAIT Brownies Delight: Sweet Business “I can’t resist.” A coworker enters my office in the morning with a latch-clasp glass jar, half-empty, offering me a brownie while he pops another one into his mouth. The brownie jar, a sweetly packaged gift, is my office companion for the day. I twirl it in my hands and judge (county-fair style) that the jar must have held 20 brownies before my coworker got a hold of it, then passed it along to me. I get a chance to visit the kitchen where the concept was first baked.

successful product lines: twelve varieties of brownie, lollipops in chocolate and sweet cream flavors, and a gift line suitable for events and holidays. The brownies are still baked from home, and now attract business from customers in Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and the Maldives, as well as local coffee shops. Brownies Delight hopes to open a formal outlet, and, of course, to perfect more product lines.

Brownies Delight started in June 2009 when a young Kuwaiti woman decided to turn her secret brownie recipe into a commercial success. Support from family and friends and positive feedback from online contacts encouraged her to create the only homebased business in Kuwait specializing in multi-flavored brownies.

Sugar, walnut, marshmallow (the three original flavors), Nutella, and peanut butter brownies are bestsellers. The owner’s passion for invention leads to unexpected concoctions. Vermicelli was once a flavor that didn’t quite make it, but a crispy brownie has established itself in the lineup. Low-fat, sugarfree brownies are requested, and a recipe seems to be in the works.

These brownies, which have been approved by famous Kuwaitis, were first marketed in three flavors. Initially, the owner baked them herself and sold them to friends and online customers. Now, only six months later, Brownies Delight has expanded into three

Brownies are baked fresh every morning. “Cleanliness, quality, and customer service,” is the brownie maker’s motto. Orders are delivered to homes in Kuwait. The brownies make festive gifts during holidays, and are a treat to share with friends during the weekend.


To try Brownies Delight, call 97443133 or visit www.browniesdelight.com.

January 2010

January 2010 Emergency


Fire Brigade

100, 105

Traffic Violation Inquiry


Consumer Protection Hotline 24820281 / 25720252 Labour Complaints Hotline

24344954 Fax: 24347562

The Scientific Center



Designed by Swedes and built by Yugoslavians in 1975, the three iconic Kuwait Towers, symbols of Kuwaiti pride, architectural ingenuity, and perseverance, are a unique part of the Kuwait City skyline. The reinforced concrete towers outlasted the Iraq Invasion of 1990.

Awaqaf & Islamic Affairs.........22480000 Commerce & Industry............22480000 Communications.....................24819033 Defence.................................. 24848300 Education............................... 24817702 Health.................................... 24877422 Higher Education...................22401300 Electricity & Water..................25371000 Finance.................................. 22480000 Foreign Affairs.......................22425141 Housing.................................. 25301000 Information............................22415301 Justice, Legal & Administrative Affairs.............22480000 Energy................................... 22415201 Planning................................. 22425200 Social Affairs & Labour..........22480000 Public Works.................................25385


The double-globed tower stands 187m tall (above sea level) and houses restaurants, gift shops, training rooms, and a water tower. The second tower, with one sphere, is 147m tall and holds a water tank. The sphereless third tower powers the structure’s lighting. The towers hold 4500 cubic meters of water that serves Kuwait City. Fifty-five thousand Chinese steel plates, painted in eight different colors, cover the three spheres.

Farwaniya.......................... 24341770 Shuwaikh........24839380, 24839607 Hawally...........25712537, 25712635 Jahra................................. 24555600 Ahmadi.............................. 23986761 Mubarak Al-Kabeer........... 25415071

The Kuwait Towers offer a variety of restaurants with an unsurpassed view, including refreshment bars, cafeterias, buffets, Oriental and Kuwaiti cuisine, and the Royal Café for the reception of high-ranking officials. The luxurious Dasman room hosts private parties and business meetings. The Al Waha Club is ideal for watching the sunset over the city.


The Viewing Sphere in the tallest tower is open on weekends from 9 AM to 11 PM, and offers a telescope for close viewing of the coast and Kuwait City for 1 KD. Valet parking and outside catering are available. For more information, call 22444057 or 22444046, email info@kuwaittowers.com, or visit www.kuwaittowers.com.

Central………….4722000 Ambulance Central Ambulance ............................... 23940600/23941455 Amiri Hospital.................... 22422366 Da'iya................................ 22510854 Fahaheel........................... 23919098 Farwaniya.......................... 24883000 Farwaniya.......................... 24725149

Jahra................................. 24570583 Mubarak Al-Kabir.............. 25311437 Sabah................................ 24815000 Salmiya.............................. 25739011 Shuaiba............................. 23261927

Public Hospital Adan.................................. 23940600 Allergy............................... 24849252 Amiri.................................. 22450005 Amiri Casulty..................... 22450005 Blood Bank....................... 25336538 Burns Centre..................... 24840300 Cancer Control Centre....... 24849100 Chest Diseases...24838990/24849400 Drug Control..................... 24837245 Farwaniya....... 24883000/24888000 Ibn Sina............................. 24840300 Infectious Dieseases......... 24870351 Islamic Medical Centre...... 24849000 Jahra................................. 24575300 Kidney Centre.................... 24840027 Maternity........................... 24848067 Military............................ 247299911 Mubarak Al-Kabir...........25312700/9 Opthalmology.................... 24840300 Psychiatric Centre............. 24843900 Quarantine........................ 24873272 Razi................................... 24846000 Sabah...................... 24812000/5000 Sulabikhat Orthopedic...... 24874240 Transplant Centre............. 24840300

Private Hospital Ahmadi.............................. 23985174 Dar Al-Shifa....................... 22423151 Hadi................................... 25312555 Mowasat............................ 25711533 Rashed.............................. 25624000 Salam...................... 25333177/3254 33

January 2010

MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE TEST & COMPLAINTS Jabriya (Surra).................. 25310000 Jleeb Al Shuyoukh............. 24310000 Old Jahra........................... 24770000 New Jahra & Abdaly.......... 24570000 Hawally.............................. 22610000 Ras Al-Salmiya.................. 25710000 Al-Riqa............................... 23940000 Salmiya.............................. 25610000 Shuwaikh........................... 24810000 Sabah Al-Salem (Messila).25510000 Sulaibiya............................ 24670000 Sulibikhat.......................... 24870000 South Sabahiya................. 23610000 Fintas................................ 23900000 Zoor.................................. 23950000 Ahmadi.............................. 23980000 Ardiya................................ 24880000 Fahaheel........................... 23910000 Farwaniya.......................... 24710000 Kuwait City......................... 22400000 Mishref.............................. 25380000 Mangaf.............................. 23710000 Nuzha................................ 22510000 Umm Al-Haiman & Wafra... 23280000 Shuaiba............................. 23260000

POLICE STATIONS Abu Halifa.......................... 23717656 Ahmadi.............................. 23980304 Ardiya................................ 24881273 Bayan................................ 25387762 Dahar................................ 23830500 Dahiya............................... 22560855 Dasma............................... 22531917 Fahaheel........................... 23912959 Faiha................................. 22552693 Farwaniya.......................... 24711977 Fersous............................. 24890583 Fintas................................ 23904388 Hawally.............................. 22641116 Jabriya............................... 25315855 Jahra Ind. Area.24575565/24587392 Jahra North....................... 24552295

Jleeb Al-Shouyoukh........... 24311234 Keifan................................ 24832839 Mina Abdullah................... 24722590 Nugra................................ 23261144 Omariya............................. 24742160 Qadsiya............................. 22574386 Qurain............................... 25423772 Rabiah............................... 24742160 Rawda............................... 22560058 Riqqa................................. 23941958 Rumaithiya........................ 25624123 Sabah Al-Salem................. 25517229 Sabahiya (Kuwait City)...... 22427157 Salmi................................. 24576576 Salmiya.............................. 25726950 Salwa................................. 25626950 Shamiya............................ 24845953 Sharq................................ 22442566 Sulaibia Ind. Area.............. 23261789 Shuwaikh........ 24813726/24844842 Sulaibekhat....................... 24876555 Sulaibiya............................ 24670672 Sulabia Ind. Area............... 24672728 Surra................................. 25312220 Tayma'a............................. 24571700 Wafra................................. 23810421 Waha................................. 24557902 Zour.................................. 23950160

CAR RENTAL Europcar........................... 24842988 Al-Mulla............................. 22421660 Avis................................... 22465282 Budget.............................. 24810844 Al-Sayer............................. 22441425 Rent a Honda.................... 24838470 Hertz................................. 24319326 Sanbouk............................ 22446297 Autoleas............................ 24846999 United Hospitality for Limousine.................... 22407777 National............................. 24343139 International Car Rental Co. .22453827 Al-Zamel Auto Est. ........... 24832626

PRIVATE CLINICS Andrology, Male Infertility and Impotence Specialist Abdullatif A. Al Salim......... 25334438 Dentists & Oral Surgeons Ahmed Al Balool................ 22622211 Badri K. Al Rayes.............. 25742557 Duha Al Shaqan................ 22644614 Ebraheem Behbehani....... 25730000 Farida Al Herz................... 22573883 Maria Blanaru................... 25730000 Najat Essa-Bahman.......... 22624595 Najeeb Kassim.................. 25739277 Salwa A. Abdulsalam......... 25730000 Kuwait Medical Center..25759044 / 5 Endrocrinologists Latifa Al Dowaisan............. 25728004 Kamal Abdulaziz Al Shome.25329924 Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeons Hossan Eldin Abdulfattah.. 25745056 Abdulmohsen Mousa Jafar.25655535 Dermatologists & Venereologists Fahad I. Al Othman........... 22665166 Taibah M. Almonayes........ 25737477 Dr. Mohamed Bo Hamra... 22665166 Gastroenterologists Mohamed A. Al Shimali.............25322030 / 22639955 Eurologists Fawzi Taher Abul............... 25650064 Ali Yousef Mehdi................ 25333501 General Practitioner Dina Al Rifai.. 25333501 / 25333502 Obstetricians & Gynecologists Samira Al Awadi................ 25738055 Ma'asouma Maksheed...... 25731275 Mohamed Gamal............... 25349077 Mai Al Snan....................... 25321171 Psychological and Sociological Services Fahad Mubarak & Nisirine Aboul-Hosn................. 25659800

Dr. Vincenza A. Tiberia, Ph.D.............. . ........................................ 99816522 Soor Center....................... 22901677 Dr. Kazen Abal................25711411 / . ........................................ 25737773

FOREIGN EMBASSIES IN KUWAIT AFGHANISTAN.............................. 25329461 ALGERIA....................................... 25323014 ARGENTINA...............................25323014/5 AUSTRIA....................................... 22552532 BAHRAIN...................................... 25318530 BANGLADESH...........................25316042/3 BELGIUM...................................... 25722014 BHUTAN....................................... 25331506 BOSNIA & HERCEG....................... 25392107 BRAZIL......................................... 25328610 BULGARIA.................................25314458/9 CANADA....................................... 22563025 CHINA........................................... 25333340 CYPRUS........................................ 22433075 CZECH REPUBLIC......................... 22529018 DENMARK.................................... 25341005 EGYPT.......................................22519955/6 ERITREA....................................... 55317426 ETHIOPIA..................................... 25330128 FINLAND...................................25312890/1 FRANCE.....................................22571061/2 GERMANY..................................... 22520832 GREECE........................................ 24817102 HUNGARY..................................25323901/2 INDIA............................................ 22530600 INDONESIA................................... 24839953 IRAN............................................. 22560694 ITALY............................................ 24817400 JAPAN........................................... 25312870 JORDAN........................................ 25312293 KOREA (SOUTH).......................... 25339601 LEBANON..................................22562103/4 LIBYA........................................... 22575183 MALAYSIA..................................... 25342091 MAURITANIA................................. 25312943 MOROCCO.................................... 25312980 NETHERLANDS.........................25312650/2 midnight




New York


Kuwait City

January 2010

January 2010 NIGERIA....................................... 25320794 NIGER........................................... 25652943 OMAN........................................22561956/7 PAKISTAN................................25327649/51 PHILIPPINES................................ 25325167 POLAND.........................................25311571/2/8 QATAR.......................................... 22523107 ROMANIA..................................... 24845079 RUSSIA......................................... 22560427 SAUDI ARABIA.............................. 22550021 SENEGAL...................................... 22573477 SOMALIA...................................... 25394795 SOUTH AFRICA............................. 25617988 SPAIN........................................... 22550021 SRI LANKA................................... 25339140 SWEDEN....................................... 25321485 SWITZERLAND............................25340172/4/5 SYRIA.......................................... 25396560/59 THAILAND.................................... 25317530 TUNISIA........................................ 22542144 TURKEY........................................ 22531785 UAE.............................................. 22528544 UK.............................................22403335/6 USA...........................................25395307/8 VENEZUELA..............................25324367/9 YUGOSLAVIA................................. 25327548 ZIMBABWE................................... 25621517

LIBRARIES Kuwait National Public Library.22415181 Kuwait University Library......... 24816497 Document Center..................... 25320900 British Council.......................... 22515512 Library Gulf University............. 22645806 Al-Ahmadi Public...................... 23987086 Al Dae'ah Public....................... 22515686 Dahiyat Abdulla Al-Salem Public ................................................ 22548878 Al-Dasma Public (Woman)....... 22530842 Al-Faiha'a Public...................... 22540898 Al-Farwaniya Public.................. 24720570 Fahaheel Public....................... 23913810 Al-Khaldia Public...................... 24813331 Al-Qadseia Public..................... 22515298 Rumaitheia Public.................... 25610399

Al-Shameia Public.................... 24818343 Al-Sabaheia Public................... 23619658 Hawally Public.......................... 22644738 Kaifan Public............................ 24815724 Kheitan Public.......................... 24712691 Al-Babtain Central Library....... 22474010

MUSEUMS Bait Al-Bader Est..................... 22429158 Kuwait House Museum............ 24846336 Kuwait National Museum......... 22451195 Mohd Al-Shaybani Museum..... 25320901 Tareq Rajab Museum............... 25339063 Educational Science Museum .22421268 Dar Al Athar Al Islamiyah......... 22400992 KOC Display Centre.................. 23982393 Popular Traditional Museum.... 22429158 Bayt Al-Qurain......................... 25430343

Hashi.....................................22996414/5 Sakura..................................... 25744447

Spago........................................ 1808060 Tosca......................................... 1824060


Sea Food

Blue Elephant Royal Thai Cuisine.............. 23716113 Thai Chi................................. 22253120.1

Danah...................................... 25756284 Al-Marsa.................................. 22510999 Totally Fish............................... 22244960 Al Boom................................... 25673000

Pizza Sbarro's................................... 25743180 Prego....................................... 25737500 Pizza Express.......................... 23719866 Villa Pizza................................ 25715452 Peppe's Pizza.......................... 25744442 The Pizza Company................... 1800400 Pizza Inn.................................. 24924400

Greek Zorba's Greek Taverna............ 25715124


THEATERS Abdulaziz Hussein Cultural Center...................... 1804500 Al Dasma Theater.................... 22521059 Al-Shameia Theater................. 24845737 Al-Tahreer Theater.................. 24813376 Kuwait Public Theater.............. 24816222 Kuwait Elizabethans................. 25631725 Kuwait Players......................... 25625316 The Little Theater.................... 32952680 Sha'ab Theater........................ 25613777 Sha'ab Leisure Park..................... Ext.228 Kuwait Theater........................ 25720983


Chi-Chi's................................... 25625811 Castello...................................... 1806666 Burrio...................................... 22552233

Spanish Viva Espanole.......................... 25755668

Indian Caesar's................................... 22411711 Mughal Mahal.......................22425131/2 Dawat....................................... 22411685 Asha's.....................................2244502/3 Rangoli..................................... 25673000 Winner's................................... 25739954 Taal.......................................22253142/3



Bonsai Japanese Restaurant.225109999 Kei J.W. Marriott..................... 22422650 Kei Marina Cresent................. 22244630 Edo.......................................... 22659590 Kamikaze................................... 1824060 Maki......................................... 25733561 Sushi Club................................ 25712144 Wasabi..................................... 22494000

Johnny Carino's........................ 22663050 Nino......................................... 22541900 Pizza Express.......................... 22560273 Piano Piano............................. 22533993 Loranzo................................... 22400747 Ciro's Pomodoro...................... 22424004 La Pizza................................... 22426639 Biella........................................ 22244662


International Ola's Restaurant........................ 1830083 The Jungle................................ 25750647 Fresh....................................... 25625838 Lamarine.................................. 22426672 Beit 7....................................... 22450724 Jeans Grill................................. 22409846 Bredz....................................... 22407707 Square..................................... 22437680 Ritz........................................... 25755668 Teatro..................... 23725500 Ext. 7309 Jamaica Blue............................ 25747686 Richoux.................................... 22244815 Bays......................................... 24610033 Lebresserie.............................. 22455550 Avenue Restaurant.................... 1844444 Sea Shell.................................... 1844444 Astra Lounge........................... 22629779 La Marina................................. 22426672 Al Bustan................................. 25673000

American Hard Rock Cafe.....................25710004/5 Chili's....................................... 22452200 Johnny Rockets........................ 25754040 Fuddruckers............................ 22407103 TGI Friday's.............................. 22544300 Applebee's............................... 22407536 Buffalo's Cafe.......................... 25728989 Ruby Tuesday........................... 24444454 Subway.................................... 25748974 Burger Boutique...................... 22997775 The Burger Hub....................... 22464818

Steak House The Gaucho Grill...................... 25667370 Terrace Grill............................. 22455550







January 2010

January 2010 Le Entrecote............................ 25729600 Ponderosa............................... 23983113 Cascade..................................... 1831831

Arabian Berdawni Palace...................... 25661117 Al-Saraya Palace...................... 25711101 Masi Al Ghanim........................ 22460456 Villa Fayrouz............................ 22652030 Al-Bustan................................. 25652589 Classical Cafe & Restaurant..... 25740077 Yaldez Palace........................... 22455212 Palm Palace............................. 25715283 Veranda Cafe & Restaurant..... 25727120 Burj Al-Hamam........................ 22550965 Kababji.................................... 22550964 Zaatar W Zeit........................... 22244944 Sarai.....................................22253180/1 Awtar........................................ 22244815 Al-Safadi.................................. 25753555 Fircej Suweileh......................... 25755991 Ruby Tuesday........................... 23734440

French Le Notre..................................... 1805050 Paul.......................................... 22244588 Dalloyau Paris.......................... 25712541 PQ (Le Pain Quotidien).............. 25633684, 22244941/2

Cafés Starbucks Coffee...................... 22409755 Costa Coffee............................. 25728199 Song Bird Cafe......... 23725500 Ext.7314 Casper & Gambini's...............22430054/6 Diva's Restaurant & Cafe......25723083/4 Cafe Rio................................... 25732226 Numi Rea House...................... 25725870 Lazord..................................... 22420837 Jamaica Blue.........25747656, 22412114 Milano Plazz............................ 25727172 Chateau Cafe............................ 22426802 Zahra Cafe............................... 25717064 Chocolate Bar.......................... 22244880 Lina's Cafe............................... 22244966 Cafe Blance.............................. 22244644 Shay W Nanaa.......................... 22452055 Columbus Cafe......................... 25720186 Danish Cafe................................ 1805544 36

Tea Lounge.............................. 24610033 The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf.... 25714174 Astra Lounge........................... 22629779 Hangout Lounge...................... 25755588 Cafe Supreme.......................... 25758858

Arabic Cafés Latino Cafe............................... 25652770 Puerto Banus.......................... 22456650 Port Cafe.................................. 22456651 Classical Cafe & Restaurant..... 25740055 Balbak Cafe & Restaurant........ 25750588 Veranda Cafe & Restaurant..... 25727120

Lodging Hilton Kuwait Resort................ 22256222 Kempinski Julai's Hotel & Resort.1844444 Sheraton Hotel.......................... 1835555 Radisson Blu Hotel.................. 25673000 J.W. Marriott Hotel Kuwait City.. 22455550 Costa Del Sol Hotel.................... 1830083 Crowne Plaza........................... 24742000 Noukhaza................................. 23733377 The Palms Hotel & Spa.............. 1824060 Kuwait Palace Hotel................. 22571030 Swiss Inn Plaza Hotel Kuwait... 22436686 Four Points Sheraton Kuwait... 22242205 Courtyard by Marriott Hotel.... 22997000 Safir Heritage Village................. 1881118 Safir International Hotel Kuwait.22530000 Movenpick Hotel Kuwait........... 24610033 Ramada Kuwait Hotel................ 1821111 Holiday Inn Down Town.............. 1841000 Holiday Inn Salmiya.................... 1847777 Le Meridien Tower Kuwait.......... 1831831 Oassis Hotel............................. 22465489 Imperial Hotel.......................... 22528766 Spring Continental Hotel.......... 25742620 New Park Hotel........................ 25634760 Safir Airport Hotel................... 24722670 Le Meridian Kuwait Hotel......... 22510999 Safir Al Bastaki Suites Hotel.... 22555081 Royal Suite............................... 22530700 Ritz Sharq Boutique................. 22499911

Suites Refad Palace Suite Hotel......... 23908630 Ritz Salmiya Boutique.............. 25711001 Corniche Suites........................ 25740006

Kuwait Continental................... 22527300 Carlton Tower........................... 22452740 Second Home.......................... 22532100

Hotel Apartments Mirage Hotel Apartment.......... 25750001 Royal Residence....................... 25710057 Sadari House........................... 22443136 Farah Motel............................. 22442104 Hala Motel................................ 22560927 Motel Maha House................... 22523211

International Dialing Codes AFGHANISTAN ................................... +93 ALGERIA.......................................... +213 ARGENTINA . ..................................... +54 AUSTRIA . .......................................... +43 BAHRAIN . .......................................+973 BANGLADESH ................................. +880 BELGIUM . ......................................... +32 BHUTAN ..........................................+975 BOSNIA & HERCEG .........................+387 BRAZIL.............................................. +55 BULGARIA .......................................+359 CANADA .............................................. +1 CHINA ............................................... +93 CYPRUS . .........................................+357 CZECH REPUBLIC............................ +420 DENMARK ......................................... +45 EGYPT . ............................................. +20 ERITREA . .......................................... +29 ETHIOPIA ........................................+251 FINLAND .........................................+358 FRANCE............................................. +33 GERMANY........................................... +49 GREECE.............................................. +30 HUNGARY . ........................................ +36 INDIA................................................. +91 INDONESIA ....................................... +62 IRAN ................................................. +98 ITALY ................................................. +39 JAPAN . .............................................. +81 JORDAN........................................... +962 KOREA (SOUTH)................................ +82 LEBANON........................................ +961 LIBYA ..............................................+210 MALAYSIA . ........................................ +60 MAURITANIA . ..................................+222

MOROCCO....................................... +212 NETHERLANDS ................................. +31 NIGERIA........................................... +234 NIGER .............................................+227 OMAN.............................................. +968 PAKISTAN.......................................... +92 PHILIPPINES . ................................... +63 POLAND . .......................................... +48 QATAR . ...........................................+974 ROMANIA.......................................... +40 RUSSIA . .............................................. +7 SAUDI ARABIA................................. +966 SENEGAL ........................................+221 SOMALIA......................................... +252 SOUTH AFRICA . ................................ +27 SPAIN . .............................................. +34 SRI LANKA ........................................ +94 SWEDEN . .......................................... +46 SWITZERLAND . ................................. +41 SYRIA ..............................................+963 THAILAND ......................................... +66 TUNISIA........................................... +216 TURKEY............................................. +90 UAE . ...............................................+971 UK . ................................................... +44 USA ..................................................... +1 VENEZUELA ...................................... +58 YUGOSLAVIA.................................... +381 ZIMBABWE...................................... +263



Domino's Pizza








Little Caesar's Pizza 1888855 Pizza Hut




Chicken Tikka


Turkish Grill


Zaatar W Zeit


‫‪January 2010‬‬


‫هل أنت مدمن طعام؟‬ ‫انتصار السيف‬

‫تغلب عى ادمانك على الطعام مع بداية ‪2010‬‬ ‫حان الوقت لتترك طبقك من بني يديك لتتمكن من التفكير ‪،‬انظر نظرة صادقة وشجاعة الى حياتك‪ ،‬هل انت مستعد‬ ‫لتحب نفسك؟هل انت مستعد لترك العادات السيئة الضارة بك وبصحتك؟ هل انت مستعد لالنخراط في عام ‪2010‬‬ ‫بحيث تكون فيه أكثر صحة وسعادة؟؟‬ ‫فاذا كنت تشعر أن وزنك مينعك من التقدم في مجاالت احلياة وانك قد تكون مدمن على الطعام ‪،‬فخذ نظرة صادقة عى‬ ‫األسئلة اآلتية وأجب ب نعم أم ال ‪:‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫هل تعتقد أنه ال يوجد لديك آلية للتوقف عن تناول الطعام وحتى لو كنت‬ ‫تريد ذلك ولكنك في النهاية التستطيع ؟‬


‫هل تتناول الطعام عندما تصاب باحلزن ؟ هل تستخدم الطعام للهروب من‬ ‫مشاعرك؟‬


‫هل أنت شغوف بالطعام ؟ و تفكر في الطعام في كل وقت؟ وتفكر في وزنك‬ ‫طوال الوقت؟‬


‫هل تتناول الطعام حتى عندما ال تكون جائعاَ؟‬



‫هل حاولت القيام بحمية بعد أخرى وتنتهي كل مرة بعدم حتقيق أي جناح ؟‬

‫هل تتناول الطعام ثم تقوم مبمارسة التدريبات الرياضية بشكل مفرط‬ ‫حلرق ماأ كلته؟‬


‫هل تتناول الطعام بنهم ثم حتاول التخلص منه عن طريق أدوية الرجيم‬ ‫واملسهالت ؟‬


‫هل تتناول الطعام ‪ ،‬ومن ثم تشعر باخلجل أو الذنب وتلوم نفسك لقيامك‬ ‫بذلك؟‬


‫هل تأكل في السر؟‬


‫هل جعلت حياتك متوقفة و معلقة حتى تقوم بفقدان الوزن الزائد؟ كأن‬ ‫تقول سوف أفعل ذلك عندما أمتكن من خسارة وزني الزائد؟‬

‫ما رأيك اآلن ؟ هل أنت مدمن طعام؟ فاذا كان اجلواب نعم ‪ ،‬فهل‬ ‫أنت على استعداد لتفعل اآلن شيئا حيال ذلك ؟ و إن لم يكن‬ ‫اآلن ‪ ،‬فمتى؟‬ ‫فاذا رغبت أن تغير تفكيرك وحياتك فهنالك ‪ 6‬خطوات نحو‬ ‫التفكير الصحي السليم ولتكن بداية طيبة لعام ‪: 2010‬‬ ‫اخلطوة ‪ : 1‬الصدق ‪ .‬فعندما تكون صادقا َ مع نفسك فانك‬ ‫تطلق العنان لقوى التغيير االيجابي‪،‬فاإلنكار ‪ ،‬وخلق التبريرات‬ ‫قد تكون حلول قصيرة املدى ‪ ،‬ولكنها تأتي مع تكلفة كبيرة‬ ‫ألنها حتد من إمكانية التغيير‪.‬‬ ‫اخلطوة ‪ : 2‬كن مدركا ألفكارك‪ .‬قبل التحكم في أمناط عاداتك‬ ‫الغذائية ابدأ بالتحكم بأفكارك والسيطرة على عقلك‪ .‬فأنت‬ ‫الوحيد القادر على السيطرة على عقلك والأحد غيرك‪.‬‬ ‫‪37‬‬

‫اخلطوة ‪ . : 3‬معرفة الفرق بني اجلوع اجلسدي و اجلوع ألسباب‬ ‫نفسية ‪ ،‬ملعرفة ذلك اترك نفسك جائعا َ لبعض الوقت‬ ‫ستجد أن معدتك بدأت في ايالمك فهذا اذا َ اجلوع اجلسدي ‪،‬‬ ‫ولكن اجلوع األسباب نفسية كأن تشعر في منتصف الليل‬ ‫أو في الساعة الثالثة بعد ظهر اليوم ‪ ،‬أو خالل أي وقت انك‬ ‫جائع حتى لو كنت قد انتهيت منذ فترة قليلة من تناول‬ ‫الطعام فهذا عالمة من عالمات األدمان على الطعام‪،‬فأنت‬ ‫الوحيد القادر على معرفة الفرق وفهم احتياجات جسدك‪.‬‬

‫اخلطوة ‪ : 4‬ابحث عن العالقة بني أحداث حياتك اليومية‬ ‫ورغبتك الشديدة في تناول الطعام‪ .‬تعرف على الدوافع التي‬ ‫تدفعك أكثر لتناول الطعام ‪،‬فعلى سبيل املثال سوء تفاهم‬ ‫مع شريك حياتك أو مع رئيسك في العمل‪.‬‬ ‫اخلطوة ‪ : 5‬احصل على الدعم‪ ،‬ال تكن مبعزل عن االخرين‪،‬اطلب‬ ‫املساعدة من األصدقاء واألسرة ‪ ،‬أو مجموعات الدعم‪.‬‬ ‫اخلطوة ‪ : 6‬اتبع النظام الغذائي املناسب‪ .‬وذلك من خالل زيارة‬ ‫أخصائي التغذية واألستماع الى نصائحه وارشاداته وقم‬ ‫باأللتزام باخلطة بحذافيرها‪.‬‬ ‫اخلطوة ‪ : 7‬قف أمام املرآة كل يوم ‪ ،‬وذكر نفسك "أنني‬ ‫أستطيع ان أفعل ذلك"‬

January 2010


Homemade Soaps

Zeeba Rafiq is a skin specialist, beauty consultant, and beauty trainer and will be a regular columnist for CityPages.

Zeeba Rafiq One summer, while vacationing in Europe, I encountered something that pleased me as a beautician. The souvenir shops in the Czech Republic held a tradition passed down for generations that caught my eye: handmade soap. At first, I saw them as colorful and fragrant decoration pieces. However, when I asked the elderly woman selling them what they were made of, I was astonished to find ingredients that exist in modern day cleansers and soaps. I did not expect any medicinal value to be in the things she sold, but was impressed when she claimed that her mother taught her how to make different kinds of soaps and told her the importance of their ingredients. Afterwards, we discussed the benefits of the various oils and herbs. This experience was not only enjoyable; it was enlightening. Evidently, the secrets for health and beauty exist in our very own kitchens, and have existed for generations, passed down from mother to daughter. Modern dermatologists are unsure whether soap is completely harmful or beneficial for the skin. Soap is alkaline, while the skin is slightly acidic. Theoretically, the use of soap may cause a shift in the pH balance of the skin. The soap is seen as temporarily destroying the mantle (exterior) of the skin. However, the damage is not permanent, as the skin is able to repair itself in one to three hours. Some scientists believe that the effects of using soap accumulate after many years and cause permanent skin damage. Skin may become cracked or may age prematurely. However, the drying effect is easily remedied. When the skin feels dry or “squeaky-clean,” it has not been rinsed properly. For best results, it is my professional advice that the skin be washed well and then immediately moisturized. Another warning I would like to issue is that all ingredients used in the following recipes should be disposed of after two to five days. This is because the following recipes include no preservatives and are subject to early decomposition. Despite this, the creation of organic soaps and cleansers is one the most interesting topics that I have encountered. I have simplified all recipes so that the soaps may be made easily. 38

Basic Soap

Rose Soap

2 tbsp. lanolin

4 tbsp. rose petals (dried)

1 cup sesame oil

18 drops geranium essential oil

4 tbsp. chamomile tea 2 tsp. honey ¼ tsp. baking soda

4 tbsp. almonds (ground) 1 1/3 cup boiling water

6 tbsp. beeswax (grated is best)

1 cup rosewater

2 tbsp. sunflower oil

16 oz. pure soap flakes

Garnishing materials: cornmeal, oatmeal, almonds, ground pits from peaches, plums, or apricots

1. Crush the petals with a mortar and pestle. Mix the soap, petals, and water, and stir in a bowl until smooth. Don’t worry if the soap starts to solidify. Place the bowl over simmering water.

1. Combine all of the ingredients listed in a glass ovenproof container. 2. Heat all of the ingredients in the boiler over medium heat until they melt. Make sure to stir occasionally. Do not allow the mixture to boil. 3. Carefully pour the liquid mixture into a container shaped to your liking. To garnish, add any of the materials mentioned above or even chopped up loofa sponges to add texture to help exfoliate. Ground pits from various fruits are beneficial and fragrant.

2. Combine with rosewater and ground almonds. Allow to cool. 3. Add the essential oil. Shape the mixture into 12 balls and flatten them slightly. 4. After the soaps harden between sheets of wax paper, they are ready to use. Unused soap should be stored in a cool, dark place until needed.

For more skin care and beauty tips, visit www.zeeba-rafiq.com or email Zeeba at zr@zeeba-rafiq.com.

January 2010


1. Unlike most other fish, sharks have no a) Bones b) Teeth c) Gills d) Liver 2. The galaxy we live in is called the Milky Way. It is shaped approximately like a) A round ball b) A doughnut c) A pretzel d) A flat spiral 3. It is now believed that dinosaurs became extinct because of a) Viral diseases b) Hunting by early humans c) A worldwide period of climatic cooling d) A meteorite impact 4. What does exiguous mean? a) Burdensome, inconvenient b) Cruel, spiteful c) Small, scanty d) Unbelievable, absurd 5. Who made the shoes? a) The broderer b) The cordwainer c) The farrier d) The loriner 6. The Milky Way is the name we give our a) Universe b) Galaxy c) Stars d) Planet 7. Which is the world’s smallest ocean? a) Antarctic b) Arctic c) Atlantic d) Indian 8. What is the area of a triangle with a base of 6 cm and height of 3 cm? a) 36 cm2 b) 18 cm3 c) 9 cm2 d) 25 cm2 9. China shares a border with Russia that is 3,645 km (2265 mi) long, but that is just a small part of China’s 22,117 km (13,743 mi) land border. With how many countries does China share a border? a) 7 b) 12 c) 14 d) 17 10. What is the only country in the world that completely surrounds two other countries? a) India b) Italy c) Russia d) South Africa ANSWERS: 1. a), 2. d), 3. d), 4. c), 5. b), 6. b), 7. b), 8. c), 9. c), 10. b)


‫‪January 2010‬‬

‫ان استخدام الشامبو الطبي‪ ،‬ال العادي‪ ،‬يساعد على التخلص‬‫من املشكلة بصورة أسرع وأكثر فاعلية‪ ،‬حيث ان الشامبو‬ ‫العادي قد يخلص الشعر من املشكلة ليومني أو أربعة أيام‪،‬‬ ‫بينما يتخلص الشامبو الطبي من القشرة ملدة تتراوح بني‬ ‫خمسة إلى سبعة أسابيع‪ .‬ان معظم أنواع الشامبو الطبي‬ ‫يحتوي على مواد تعمل على تقليل تسارع منو وتكاثر خاليا‬ ‫فروة الرأس‪ ،‬مثل مادة السيلينوم وحمض السليسلك‪ ،‬أو مادة‬ ‫«الزنك بيريثون»‪ ،‬فمع املداومة على استخدامها يتم القضاء‬ ‫على القشرة‪.‬‬ ‫وان كان سبب القشرة وجود االلتهاب ‪ ،‬فينصح باستخدام‬‫شامبو يحتوي على مادة (‪ )Ketoconazole‬مثل شامبو نيزورال‪،‬‬ ‫الذي يعمل كمضاد موضعي للفطريات ميكن أن يساعد في‬ ‫القضاء على مشكلة القشرة‪.‬‬

‫العالج ________________________‬

‫خلطات لعالج الشعر المتقصف _________‬

‫يختلف عالج تساقط الشعر تبعا ً للعوامل املسببة‪ ،‬فإذا كان‬‫السبب هو سوء التغذية وفقر الدم فيمكن عالج التساقط‬ ‫بالتغذية السليمة وحبوب احلديد‪..‬‬ ‫إذا كان تساقط الشعر بسبب االلتهابات املوضعية ال بد من‬‫استعمال املضادات احليوية املناسبة ‪.‬‬ ‫ميكن استعمال بعض األدوية املوضعية التي تنشط بصيالت‬‫الشعر وتزيد من منوها مثل املينوكسيديل(‪.)menoxidil‬‬ ‫وفي حالة الصلع الدائم فال يوجد ادوية إلعادة احلياة للبصيلة‬‫املعطوبة ولكن ميكن حل املشكلة بتغيير شكل تسريحة‬ ‫الشعر ‪ ،‬وميكن في احلاالت الشديدة إجراء عملية زراعة الشعر ‪.‬‬

‫خلطات لعالج الشعر المتقصف _________‬

‫اخللطة األولى‪ :‬يسحق نبات الزعتر سحقا ً ناعما ً جدا ً ثم‬ ‫يؤخذ منه ملء ملعقة كبيرة ويوضع في ملء كوب ماء بارد‬ ‫عادي ويغطى ويترك لينقع مدة ‪24‬ساعة كاملة ثم بعد ذلك‬ ‫يصفى املاء من الثفل ويستخدم لتدليلك فروة الرأس بلطف‬ ‫وذلك عند النوم مباشرة وتكرر العملية كل ‪24‬ساعة عند‬ ‫النوم‪.‬‬



‫قشرة الرأس‬ ‫يقترح أخصائيو اجللد بأن السبب الرئيس لقشرة فروة الرأس‬ ‫هي اإلصابة بعدوى فطريات اخلميرة‪ ،‬ويعتقد أن هذه الفطريات‬ ‫تتكاثر وتتغذى على إفرازات الغدة الدهنية‪ ،‬وخاليا اجللد امليتة‪.‬‬ ‫كما تعد التغييرات الهرمونية‪ ،‬واملوسمية سببا إلثارة هذه‬ ‫املشكلة أيضا ً‪.‬‬

‫اخللطة الثانية‪ :‬خلط زيت اخلروع بزيت اللوز احللو وزيت‬ ‫الزيتون ويدهن به الشعر‪.‬‬

‫األسباب _______________________‬

‫اخللطة الثالثة‪:‬يخلط زيت الورد مع زيت اآلس مع زيت‬ ‫احلنظل مع حنا مع الكثيرا(موجودة لدى محالت العطارة)‬ ‫مع زيت اخلروع‪،‬تستخدم هذه الوصفة على أن تعمل طازجة‬ ‫باملنزل حيث تؤخذ كميات متساوية من املواد املذكورة أعاله‬ ‫حيث تسحق املواد الصلبة مثل احلناء والكثبراء ثم تخلط‬ ‫بالزيوت املرافقة وتستخدم كدهان مبعدل مرتني في األسبوع‪.‬‬

‫ ان سوء التغذية ونقص فيتامني ايه (‪ )A‬قد يؤديان إلى ظهور‬‫القشرة‪.‬‬

‫اخللطة الرابعة‪:‬يستخدم مخلوط متساوي النسب من كل‬ ‫من زيت اللوز احللو وزيت اخلروع وزيت الزيتون لتدليك فروة الرأس‬ ‫مع قطرات املاء عند التدليك وذلك مرة واحدة قبل النوم كل‬ ‫ليله‪.‬‬

‫يوصى باستعمال اللنب كملطف طبيعي للشعر‪ .‬قومي بغسل‬ ‫الشعر‪ ،‬ثم ضعي مقدار من اللنب إلى فروة الرأس‪ ،‬وبعد ‪15 10-‬‬ ‫دقائق‪ .‬اشطفي الشعر‪ ،‬ثم اغسليه مرة ثانية‪ ،‬مع استعمال‬ ‫القليل من الشامبو حسب الضرورة‪ .‬ميكنك استعمال محلول‬ ‫الزعتر أو نبات القراص أو امليرمية مع ملعقتي طعام من اخلل‬ ‫لشطف الشعر نهائيا‪( .‬لصنع محلول الشطف‪ ،‬ميكنك‬ ‫استعمال أعشاب طازجة أو مجففة على شكل أوراق أو على‬ ‫شكل أكياس شاي‪ .‬قومي بتدفئة املاء‪ ،‬وضعي ملعقة شاي‬ ‫من العشبة في كل كوب‪ .‬صبي املاء املغلي لكل كأس شاي؛‬ ‫واتركيه ينقع من ‪ 15 – 10‬دقيقة)‪.‬‬

‫يعد أصحاب البشرة الدهنية األكثر إصابة بقشرة الشعر‪،‬‬‫ويعود ذلك بسبب زيادة نشاط الغدد الدهنية‪ ،‬وبالتالي زيادة‬ ‫إفرازها للدهون التي تساعد على تكوين طبقة القشور في‬ ‫فروة الرأس‪.‬‬ ‫ ان أعلى معدالت نشاط الغدد الدهنية لدى الذين تتراوح‬‫أعمارهم بني سن العشرين واألربعني‪ ،‬لذا تكثر اإلصابة بها‬ ‫في هذه الفترة‪،‬‬ ‫إن إهمال نظافة الشعر وفروة الرأس يؤدي إلى ظهور القشرة‪،‬‬ ‫فتراكم األوساخ على فروة الرأس يثير إفراز الغدد الدهنية‬ ‫وبالتالي يقود إلى ظهور املشكلة‪ .‬كما أن املصابني باحلساسية‬ ‫ضد بعض أنواع الشامبو جتعلهم يحجمون عن تنظيف شعرهم‬ ‫بالشكل املطلوب مما يؤدي أيضا ً إلى نفس املشكلة‪.‬‬

‫العالج ________________________‬ ‫ يجب االهتمام بإزالة جميع آثار الشامبو من الشعر بالشطف‬‫اجليد‪ ،‬ألن بقاء الشامبو على فروة الرأس يزيد من املشكلة‪،‬‬ ‫حيث ان بقايا الشامبو بعد اجلفاف تظهر على شكل قشور‬ ‫رقيقة تثير احلكة وتسبب احلساسية لفروة الرأس‬ ‫‪40‬‬

‫‪January 2010‬‬

‫الصحة و اجلمال‬



‫تقصف الشعـر‬ ‫وهي شكوى شائعة جدا بني النساء أعراضها تقصف الشعر‬ ‫بسهولة عند نهايته حيث يصا ب الشعر عادة بهذا املرض‬ ‫نتيجة فقدان نسبة من األحماض والدهنيات التى يحتاجها‬ ‫الشعر لغذائه مما يؤدى الى تشق الغالف اخلارجى على شكل‬ ‫انقسامات ثنائية أو ثالثية بنهاية أطراف الشعر ويصبح‬ ‫الشعر هشا ومنفوشا ومقطع األطراف‪.‬‬

‫األسباب _______________________‬ ‫استعمال املواد الكيمائية الشديدة اخلطورة مثل الفرد‬‫الكيميائى‪.‬‬ ‫اإلفراط في استعمال الشامبو ‪.‬‬‫املبالغة في متشيط الشعر أو استعمال مجفف الشعر‬‫السشوار ‪.‬‬ ‫النقص الشديد في بعض أنواع املعادن أو الفيتامينات أو‬‫نقص نشاط الغدة الدرقية ‪.‬‬

‫العالج ________________________‬

‫قص اطراف الشعر لتوقيف عملية تشقق الشعرة‬‫أستخدام الكرميات املغذية لألطراف واملعاجلة والتى حتتوى‬‫‪41‬‬

‫ ‬

‫انتصار السيف‬ ‫المشكة‪:‬‬ ‫على مواد دهنية وحمضية‪.‬‬


‫تساقط الشعر‬

‫ تناول االغذية الغنية باملعادن و الفيتامينات‬‫ينصح بإستعمال املستحضرات احملتوية على الفيتامينات‬‫املتوافر على شكل سيروم لدى مختلف الشركات العاملية‬ ‫ويستخدم مرتني في األسبوع بوضعها على اطراف الشعر‬ ‫وتركه دون غسله‪.‬‬

‫خلطات لعالج الشعر المتقصف _________‬

‫إن أكثر ما تشتكي منه املرأة هذه األيام هو تساقط الشعر‪،‬‬ ‫وقد أثبتت األبحاث أن أكثر النساء يتعرضن حاليا لتلك‬ ‫املشكلة‪ ،‬ومن كل فئات األعمار على حد سواء‪ ،‬وتزداد احلالة‬ ‫مع مرور الوقت‪.‬‬

‫األسباب _______________________‬

‫اخللطة األولى‪ :‬اخلطي موزة مستوية مع زيت لوز للشعر‬ ‫مع ملعقتني عسل مع زيت زيتون مع زيت ذرة‪ ،‬تخلط املقادير‬ ‫السابقة باخلالط ويستخدم على الشعر‪.‬‬

‫سوء التغذية‪ ،‬ونقص عامل احلديد واحلامض األميني (البسني)‬‫الذي يكون في الدم ومن ثم يغذي بصيلة الشعر‪ ،‬إذ يؤدي‬ ‫نقصه إلى سقوطها وميكن إثبات ذلك عند فحص الدم‪.‬‬

‫اخللطة الثاتية ‪ :‬اخلطي صفار بيضتني مع قليل من زيت‬ ‫الزيتون وضعيهما على شكل ماسك للشعر ثم غطي الرأس‬ ‫بقبعة من النايلون وفوقها منشفة ساخنة واتركيه ملدة‬ ‫نصف ساعة إلى ساعة على شعرك‪ .‬بعدها اغسلي شعرك‬ ‫جيدا باملاء الفاتر ثم اغسليه بالشامبو اخلاص بنوعية شعرك‪.‬‬ ‫وكرري هذه الطريقة مرتني في األسبوع ملدة شهرين متواصلني‬ ‫على األقل‪.‬‬

‫العوامل الوراثية والعوامل األخرى املتسببة في تساقط‬‫الشعر‪ ،‬أما أن تكون عوامل وراثية وتلعب فيها اجلينات دورا‬ ‫رئيسيا أو التقدم في السن‪.‬‬

‫اخللطة الثالثة‪ :‬اخلطي كمية متساوية من زيت اخلروع وزيت‬ ‫اللوز وضعيه على شعرك ويلف بقبعة نايلون ويترك ملدة‬ ‫نصف ساعة إلى ساعة على الشعر ويغسل مباء فاتر جيدا‬ ‫ثم يغسل بالشامبو‬

‫ املواد الكيميائية ‪ ،‬غالبا ما حتتوي املواد املستخدمة في تلوين‬‫الشعر وتسريحه على مواد كيميائية ضارة على فروة الرأس‬ ‫واستخداماتها املتكررة واخلاطئة تؤثر تأثيرا مباشرا على‬ ‫بصيلة الشعر‪.‬‬ ‫ احلالة النفسية ‪ ،‬تؤدي بعض احلاالت النفسية إلى تساقط‬‫الشعر وفي بعض احلاالت يلجأ املريض إلى شد شعره‪ ،‬بطريقة‬ ‫غير مقصودة أو حك مكان معني من الرأس مما يسبب سقوط‬ ‫الشعر وتعرضه للصلع‪.‬‬

January 2010

n o c I p o P t s e t t o H s ' n a t Pakis


January 2010

Not understanding the language is no reason not to appreciate the soulful melodies of Faakhir, one of Pakistan’s hottest artists. The former lead singer of super group Awaz has a list of hit albums and singles, and a performance history in the US, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. He is a recipient of the highly honored Pakistani Presidential Award for “Pride of Performance,” serves as UN Goodwill Ambassador and spokesperson for Pakistan’s “War on Tobacco,” and uses his celebrity to help Internally Displaced Persons in the war-torn Northwest Frontier Province. Look for Faakhir’s new album online and in stores January 2010. Whether you’re a loyal fan, or have never heard of him, get in tune with Faakhir. You may find yourself rocking to a new beat, singing in a different language, or loyally following his cult of personality.


January 2010

t ate interes r e n e g u o How can y istanis ng non-Pak o m a ic s u in your m uwait? living in K ic, ecially mus p s e , rt a of Any form e world ndaries. Th u o b ll a s digital transcend village and l a b lo g a e many has becom access to s u s e iv g ten technology y music. I lis ll a ci e p s e , s g different thin which is er the world, v o ll a m o fr me an to music ages. It gives u g n la n ig re the often in fo at originated th re u lt cu e insight to th ting. I find fascina music, which ribe you desc ld u o w How ic? your mus t be Music canno or explained It defined. must be heard and felt.


Who are a few of y our favor artists? ite I am a hug e fan of th e Beatles, C Queen, the hicago, Bee Gees, C o ld p lay, Pink Flo R.D. Burman yd, , Pundit Ravi S hankar, and Fateh Ali Kh Nusrat an, to name a few. When did you realiz e you had musical ta lent?

When it was evident that you had musical talent, why did you study electrical engineering, only to eventually not follow that career?

I remember my family en couraging m in life. My m e early other spotte d th e talent in m and always w e anted me to p u rs ue it. Howev she always er, made sure that my inte music did no rest in t compromis e my studie s. I learned to blow the wh istle in tune which happ , I come from a traditional ened within a d a y or so (incidentall Pakistani family that does y, that was the first mu that came o sic not see music as a discipline, ut of me). T hen, I got h of a harmo old and in spite of talent in art nica. Within h o u rs , playing tune I was and music, still prefers their s from it. Ke y b o a rd s were my next sto kids to be formally educated. p, after wh ich there w a s no looking My father was an engineer back. I earn ed himself and my elder brother is a a degree in electrical doctor--how could I escape the engineering, but I never punishment of going to the pursued the engineering engineering university? (Laughs.) field. Beco ming a Despite serious opposition from musician d idn’t my family, I pursued the journey of happen music. Since “nothing succeeds like over night , success,� they came around in the though. It took a long apprentices hip of passion, it was a labor of lo ve. Althoug h I am self-tau ght, I learne da lot from whe rever or who mever I could.

January 2010

ally flew to London to end. My parents actu rmance in the UK at watch my fir st live perfo Wembley Arena. engineering How does your a role in your background play music? n teaches you the ar t I believe that educatio . It helped me lear n and method of lear ning technology that we the intricacies of the d produce our music. employ to program an s What inspire ic? compose mus



me inspire me, The people around ound me influences whatever happens ar s to me and what I go me, whatever happen thought process. My through trigger s my be a true reflection upcoming album will e. It will encompass of this phase of my lif lease of my previous the year s after the re ar y 2005. The music album, Mantra, in Janu um will strike a chord from the upcoming alb e relatable and are a with fans. The lyrics ar we go through in our true reflection of what lives. Ever yone will

find a song or two in this album talking about his or her life. Do you see an y conflict between follow ing a musical career and livin g a principled life? Although I am not qualified to talk about what is perm issible in Islam, my hear t says that putting a smile on people’s faces is a privilege and not a sin. I opine that making music and tr ying to live an honest life is better than following a traditional profession in which you appear noble but you are dr awn toward all sorts of corr uption. I don’t want to be judgmental thou gh.

with an awesome music video or concert that blends the two cultures together. Can you offer any advice to budding musicians? There is no shortcut for hard work and there is no such thing as being a star forever--you’re only as good as your last record! If you’re blessed with talent, then you should polish your art and skill through constant hard work.

What is your id ea of the ultimate m usical project? It would be fun to collaborate with an ar tist from a differe nt culture, fuse the two completely different genres of music, and then come up


‫‪January 2010‬‬

‫كيف ميكنك معرفة ما اذا كان خبيرات التجميل‬ ‫يأخذن املناخ بعني االعتبار أو ال ؟‬ ‫اسمحوا لي ان أضيف الى املوضوع نقطة عن املنتجات‬ ‫‪ .‬معظم شركات مستحضرات التجميل بدات في اجراء‬ ‫البحوث في مختلف اجملاالت ‪ .‬ففي عام ‪ 2007‬خبير التجميل‬ ‫الدولي والرئيس التنفيذي خملتبرات شركة زارتوك ملستحضرات‬ ‫التجميل السيدة كارياكى زارتا لودي قد جاءت الى الكويت‬ ‫خصيصا ملقابلتي و مناقشة احوال املناخ هنا وما هي‬ ‫التغييرات التي تلزم منتجاتها للعمل بها في الكويت ‪ .‬و‬ ‫قد توصلنا الى العديد من األفكار ‪ ،‬ومن اهم االفكار التي‬ ‫وضحتها للسيدة كارياكى والتي اخذتها بعني االعتبار الجراء‬ ‫تغيير هام وكبير في احد املنتجات هي كرمي‬ ‫حماية الشمس‪.‬‬

‫اربعة مرات في اليوم بحمض السالسليك ! لذا انتهي بها‬ ‫املطاف بتحول بشرتها من عادية الى جافة الى دهنية ألن‬ ‫الغدد الدهنية قامت بإفراز الدهون بشكل اكثر ‪ .‬تلك املراة‬ ‫أصبحت تشعر باحلرج من منظر بشرتها ‪ ،‬وقد قررت عدم‬ ‫الذهاب الى اجراء املقابلة مما ادى الى فقدانها لفرصة العمل‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫طلبت منها رؤية طبيب أمراض جلدية آخر ‪ ،‬فاخبرتني أن‬ ‫الشخص الذي قابلته كانت طبيبة امراض جلدية ولكن‬ ‫عندما اخبرتني عن اسمها فهي لم تكن طبيبة جلدية‬ ‫ولكنها خبيرة جتميل ‪ .‬انظر في الكويت ‪ ،‬الناس هنا لطفاء‬ ‫جدا فهم يسمون " املهنيني " باالطباء إحتراما لهم‬

‫انها مسالة صعبة ‪ ،‬وحتتاج بعض الوقت بالنسبة‬ ‫لي للتعمق بها ‪ .‬فهي ليست العناصر فقط‬ ‫ولكنها أيضا حول كيف ومتى ‪ .‬نفس العنصر‬ ‫رمبا يكون جيدا بالنسبة لك في وقت واحد من‬ ‫السنة وسيئ في وقت آخر ‪ .‬وبعبارة أخرى ‪ ،‬يجب‬ ‫عليك مراقبة ما تستخدميه و كذلك متى وأين‬ ‫تستخدميه‪.‬‬

‫أنا استخدمه شخصيا‪،‬على الرغم من انه مكلف ولكنه‬ ‫نقوم‬ ‫يستحق ذلك ‪.‬‬ ‫بفرك وجه الشخص بالذهب مما يسبب الكترونات في اخلاليا‬ ‫وتصبح أكثر نشاطا و تعيد بناء اخلاليا املنكسرة ‪ .‬في حالة‬ ‫الشخص العادي ‪ ،‬فإنه يؤدي الى جتديد البشرة عن طريق زيادة‬ ‫تدفق الدم الى املنطقة التي يجرى تدليكها ‪.‬‬ ‫مما يؤدي الى منع الشيخوخة املبكرة للبشرة ويشدها ويقلل‬ ‫من ظهور التجاعيد واخلطوط واحلد من التهاب‬ ‫البشرة وجعلها نضرة ومتألقة ‪.‬‬

‫ميكن استخدامه ‪ ،‬ما لم يتم مزجه مع عناصر‬ ‫أخرى ‪ ،‬فالذهب في حد ذاته ميكن ان يستخدم في‬ ‫أي وقت من السنة ‪ .‬ولكن بعض الشركات تقوم‬ ‫بإضافة املكونات عليه ‪ ،‬لذلك يجب عليك النظر‬ ‫في امللصقات‬ ‫اعلم ان لديك كتاب بعنوان"انا و امى‬ ‫واملطبخ للعناية بالبشرة" فى مكتبات‬ ‫الكويت الذى يتضمن خلطات خاصة بك حلل‬ ‫مشاكل البشرة و الشعر‪ ،‬هل تستخدمني هذه‬ ‫اخللطات في عيادتك ؟‬

‫سوف اعود الى سؤال سابق ‪ ،‬كيف ميكننا‬ ‫احلكم بان خبيرات التجميل ال ياخذن عامل‬ ‫الناخ بعني االعتبار ؟ قبل ان جنيب على ذلك ‪،‬‬ ‫ما هي عواقب عدم العمل مع املناخ ؟‬

‫املراة اتبعت التعليمات وانتهى بها املطاف بفقدان بشرتها‬ ‫اجلميله واحلصول على بشرة محمرة ومتهيجة ‪ .‬شرحت‬ ‫لها ان ذلك حصل بسبب أن الطبقة العليا للبشرة اصبحت‬ ‫جافة بسبب كثرة الغسل ‪ .‬فحمض السالسليك يعمل على‬ ‫جتفيف البشرة ‪ ،‬وفي ظل املناخ اجلاف كثرة غسل البشرة‬ ‫يجففها ‪ .‬فقد قامت باحلاق الضرر ببشرتها عن طريق غسلها‬

‫لقد سمعنا عن " قناع الذهب قيراط ‪ " 24‬هل ميكنك‬ ‫أن تخبرينا عن ذلك وكيف يعمل ؟‬

‫ماذا عن عامل املناخ مرة اخرى؟ هل ميكن‬ ‫استخدام هذا القناع في مناخنا هنا ؟ ام انه‬ ‫له وقت محدد من العام ؟‬

‫ماهي العناصر التي علينا البقاء بعيدا‬ ‫عنها ؟‬

‫السبيل الوحيد الذي ميكنني أن أصف لكم هذا‬ ‫هو من خالل جتربتي الشخصية مع احد العمالء‬ ‫في اآلونة االخيرة ‪ .‬فقد تاثرت كثيرا بهذه احلادثة‪.‬‬ ‫جاءتني إمرأة الى عيادتي في املنار كلينك ‪ ،‬وجهها‬ ‫تغطيه البثوراحلمراء الكبيرة و بشرتها متهيجة‬ ‫وحساسة للغاية ‪ ،‬فقد كان من الصعب جدا‬ ‫تخيل انها قبل ثالثة أسابيع ذهبت لرؤية طبيبة‬ ‫أمراض جلدية لتصبح متألقة ملقابلتها مع‬ ‫اخلطوط اجلوية الكويتية ‪ .‬فقد اخبرتني أنه كان لديها فقط‬ ‫بثرة واحدة في ذلك الوقت ‪ ،‬وقد وعدتها هذه الطبيبة مبنحها‬ ‫أفضل مظهر قبل اجراء املقابلة ‪ ،‬وأوصتها بغسل وجهها‬ ‫مبنظف بحمض السالسليك اربع مرات في اليوم ‪ ،‬ووصفت‬ ‫لها كرمي تقشير خفيف كانت تستخدمه كل ليلة من دون أن‬ ‫تصف لها مرطب لكي تستخدمه ‪.‬‬

‫يراقبوا انفسهم ‪ ،‬وأال يحصل معهم ما حصل لتلك املرأة ‪.‬‬

‫اخللطات التى ذكرتها فى كتابى اعتبرها هدية‬ ‫منى لكل امراة ممكن ان جتهزها بنفسها باملنزل‬ ‫و حتافظ على بشرتها النضرة‪.‬و لكن فى العيادة‬ ‫لدى جميع انواع االجهزة احلديثة والتقنيات و املواد‬ ‫من انحاء العالم و خصوصا من امريكا لعالج‬ ‫مشاكل البشرة كالكلف و املسامات املفتوحة و‬ ‫غيرها من الشوائب البشرة املزعجة‪.‬‬ ‫ومعظمهم ال يصححون هذه االخطاء ويعتقدون أنهم اطباء‬ ‫بالفعل ‪ ،‬فانا دائما اخبر عمالئي بانني لست طبيبة امراض‬ ‫جلدية إمنا خبيرة جتميل ‪ .‬وبحكم عملي أنا أعلم ما أقوم به‬ ‫جيدا وأعمل به مبسؤولية ‪ .‬ولإلجابة عن سؤالك باختصار ‪،‬‬ ‫عندما ال تدركني املناخ جيدا ستؤذين بشرتك وتنتهني بشعور‬ ‫سيء عن نفسك ‪.‬‬ ‫اذا أخيرا ‪ ،‬كيف ميكننا معرفة ما اذا كان خبيرات‬ ‫التجميل يعملن حسب الظروف املناخية ام ال ؟‬ ‫من احملزن االعتراف بذلك ‪ ،‬ولكن اذا توفرت لديك املعلومات‬ ‫الكافية‪،‬فانه ميكنك ان تتعرفي على مدى معرفة خبيرة‬ ‫التجميل بذلك‪ .‬لهذا السبب انا اكتب مقاالت في اجلرائد‬ ‫وكذلك أقوم بنشر الكتيبات التوعوية ‪ .‬فأنا اريد من الناس أن‬

‫ما مييزك عن باقى خبيرات التجميل ؟؟‬ ‫هذا سؤال محرج‪ ،‬انا ال اقول باننى افضلهم و لكننى احاول‬ ‫دائما ان احرص على عمالئى و اكون اول من يقدم لهم حلول‬ ‫جديدة و احدث التقنيات فى مجال عملى‪.‬ولكن اود ان اضيف‬ ‫هنا باننى اكون مطلعة اوال باول على كل ما هو جديد و ال‬ ‫استخدمه اال بعد دراسته جيدا و تعديله ليناسب مناخ‬ ‫الكويت و يفيد بشراتنا وال يسبب لنا الضرر‪.‬لهذا انا احيانا‬ ‫ابتكر بروتوكوالت مختلفة خاصة بي و حسب خبرتى‪.‬‬ ‫مالذي ميكنك قوله حول التكيف املنتجات مع‬ ‫مناخات معينة ؟‬ ‫كما أقول دائما ‪ ،‬مزيج دقيق من العلم والطبيعة هي كل ما‬ ‫نحتاج ‪.‬‬ ‫‪46‬‬

‫‪January 2010‬‬

‫ ‬

‫مقابلة ‪ /‬جتميل‬ ‫زيبا رفيق‪ :‬خبرية التجميل والعناية بالبشرة‬ ‫تخرجت من اململكة املتحدة كخبيرة التجميل و العناية بالبشرة‪ ،‬وحصلت من نفس اجلامعة‬ ‫على شهادة في التغذية والنصائح الغذائية ‪ ،‬نالت رصيدا من اجلوائز في اململكة املتحدة(‬ ‫جائزة ايست وجائزة ا نسي اف اي) لتميزها في عملها ‪ .‬لديها شهادة في التقشير األخضر من‬ ‫أملانيا ‪ .‬وفوق كل ذلك فهي تسعى للحصول على احدث املعلومات في ميدانها أثناء السفر‬ ‫في جميع انحاء العالم ‪ .‬وقد سنحت لي الفرصة مؤخرا الجراء مقابلة معها و مناقشة‬ ‫عملها في الكويت‬

‫في البداية ‪ ،‬أود أن أسألك مع كل اخلبرة التي متتلكينها‬ ‫‪ ،‬ملاذا اخترت البقاء في الكويت ؟‬ ‫لقد ولدت وترعرعت هنا ‪ .‬الكويت منزلي ‪ ،‬وال أستطيع‬ ‫التفكير في العيش بعيدا عن الكويت على الرغم من انني‬ ‫أحب السفر في جميع انحاء العالم ‪.‬‬ ‫ومع خبرتي العملية هنا ‪ ،‬فقد فهمت بان املناخ واملياه هنا لها‬ ‫تأثير على البشرة ‪ .‬طبعا ‪ ،‬العامل الرئيسي هو الوراثة ولكن ال‬ ‫ينبغي لنا ان نقلل من شان تأثير املناخ واملياه ‪ .‬وقد تاقلمت مع‬ ‫هذا املناخ وتعرفت على مبزاته وسلبياته اكثر من مناخ الدول‬ ‫االخرى ‪ ،‬فقد تعرضت لهذا املناخ لفترة طويلة مما ساعدني‬ ‫في عملي ‪.‬و للعمل في مكان آخر فانه يتوجب علي ان اتعايش‬ ‫مع مناخهم لفترة طويلة حتى اتعود عليه مما يستغرق وقتا‬ ‫طويال لتنفيذ عملي بشكل صحيح ‪.‬‬ ‫هل تودين القول بأن أطباء اجللدية و خبراء التجميل‬ ‫يأخذون امر املناخ باحلسبان عندما يتعاملون مع زبائنهم ؟‬ ‫آمل ان يكون لدى معظمهم هذا التفكير ‪ .‬لن احتدث عن‬ ‫أطباء االمراض اجللدية النهم يعرفون أكثر منا بكثير‪ .‬ولكن‬ ‫عندما يتعلق االمر بخبيرات التجميل ‪ ،‬فأنا آمل ان يأخذوا بعني‬ ‫االعتبار تأثير املناخ واملياه في الكويت ويتم عالج مرضاهم‬ ‫بصدق ومسؤولية ‪ .‬مع إحترامي لكل شركات مستحضرات‬ ‫التجميل ‪ ،‬لكن بعض املستحضرات التي تعمل في مناخ‬ ‫معني ليس بالضرورة أن تعمل في مناخ اخر‪ .‬لكن بعض‬ ‫خبيرات التجميل أصبحوا مثل الباعة أكثر من كونهم خبيرات‬ ‫جتميل فعليني‪ .‬فهم يعملون كدعامة لعالماتهم التجارية‬ ‫ويحاولون الترويج لها وتنفيذ ماميليه عليهم املوردين لهم ‪.‬‬ ‫فهم يتبعون املنتجات من دون استخدام خبراتهم اخلاصة ‪،‬‬ ‫املنطق السليم واملعرفة ‪.‬‬ ‫‪47‬‬

January 2010

Presenting Miss Arab Sport!


January 2010

Put aside the banner and relax that million-dinar smile. Miss Kuwait, Manayer Yousef Salmeen, is the 19-year-old daughter of Kuwaiti Yousef Hussein Salmeen and Erma Gaborno of the Philippines. A Petroleum Engineering student at the Australian College of Kuwait and a Kuwait Karate Champion, she added the title of Miss Arab Sport to her list of achievements on November 11, 2009 in Cairo, Egypt, after a 10-day competition against 16 other girls. We can’t wait to get to know the young woman behind all the pomp and pageantry. Candid, insightful, delightfully sunny--we’re simply in love with Manayer Yousef Salmeen, the new Miss Arab Sport!

Can you describe yourself in one word? Restless, I can say. I don’t like to be not involved in something. Did your family support your pageant participation? “Are you going to wear a bikini?” was the first thing my father asked me. I told him that three of the girls wore headscarves and it’s not really a beauty pageant. He didn’t want me to miss classes, but as long as it’s something I can benefit from I can do. He ended up keeping all the newspaper clippings and showing all his friends. My mother helped me keep my cool. She was with me the whole time in Egypt. Every time I’d freak out, she’d blow me kisses. How did the Miss Arab pageant differ from western beauty contests? Girls were not chosen based on beauty. The judges asked for CVs and looked at academic and athletic achievements. Our etiquette, behavior, interaction with people, and confidence in front of the camera were assessed. It was more of a personality beauty pageant, since outer beauty was only 20% of the final grade, and that was mainly based on our poise, because we had a modeling coach and a catwalk coach. There were more than 100 applicants from Kuwait and all the CVs were sent to Egypt, and then they sent the response about which applicant gets to come. Only after my CV was accepted did they ask me for my picture, for the newspapers. It wasn’t degrading and that’s what I like about it. How have you been adjusting to all the attention? When I first arrived at the pageant, I was nervous and grumpy. The people around me stressed me out by telling me my hair didn’t look right, grabbing my jacket and my bag and fixing them for me. I realized that those aren’t the bad guys; they’re just trying to help, and I became comfortable in front of the camera. The contestant’s confidence and her ability to speak publicly are the most important things. After ten days, it all became natural.


January 2010

How does winning feel? Each girl won a title. There was a Miss Arab World, then runners-up. I won Miss Arab Sport. My friends say they knew I’d get it, but that didn’t stop me from trying my best. Some girls were upset, and some cried, but we were all friends in the end and were happy for the winners. Why do you think you won the title of Miss Arab Sport? I live through sports. I have been ice-skating since I was two. I used to be on football, basketball, and swimming teams. I am currently on the college volleyball team. I play karate, floorball, and hockey, and enjoy rock climbing.

right. I got so used to walking in heels that at night when I took off my shoes I had to walk on my toes. I came back to Kuwait and, like magic, I could walk perfectly in all my heels. I was camera conscious but now it’s not a problem.

What was the worst part of the pageant? When changing backstage, I didn’t know which dress was mine and my sash got trampled--it was hectic. I could hear my heart in my ears. What was the best part of the pageant? Every night after training, the girls and I would sit by the pool in pajamas (I wore track pants), make each other coffee, and play music on our laptops until 4 AM. You can have a friend for a lifetime but you feel closer to the pageant girls because you’re all going through the same thing. What was the funniest thing that happened during the pageant? Before I went, I lost 3 kg, so they refitted my dress. I lost another 1 kg so my dress was loose. The pins they used to adjust my long, heavy dress stuck into my body. I was kicking the dress with my super-high heels as I walked, and still had a smile plastered on my face. I might have looked pretty on stage, but I knew that if I were to let my hand slip my dress would fall off. What did you learn during the pageant? I thought there were three pyramids in the entire world--we met an Egyptologist and I had no idea that there are 138. We were asked who the oldest Arab queen was and which Arabs won Nobel prizes. We met a plastic surgeon who was honest with us about plastic surgery. Our modeling coach kept us in heels all day. We had to walk with plates on our heads if we didn’t walk 5050

Did you learn about different Arab conceptions about Kuwait? The girls were surprised that I play sports and don’t drive a huge fancy car. I hope they looked at me and learned that being Kuwaiti has a different meaning. All Arab girls are the same, but each country has its own values. I went with a stereotypical idea of what an Arab girl is and realized something different. At the pageant, everyone had to wear the uniform of jeans, heels, and the Miss Arab World sweater, so everybody was treated equal and looked the same. Did you gain any perspective on what it means to be Kuwaiti? I am lucky to have been born and brought up in this country because Kuwait takes care of its citizens. We have awesome health care and our police force is strong. Education is also emphasized in this country.

January 2010

What do you hope to accomplish now that the pageant is over?

someone else would do in a situation, but rather, what I would do.

I’d like to encourage female athletes to join professional teams and get into the international field. Many Kuwaiti girls don’t play sports, but a Kuwaiti won the title of Miss Arab Sport, so I want them to know what women can achieve. I hope that management will start caring for female athletes the way they care for the males. I feel like it’s improving, but at a very slow pace. I want to open my own karate academy and win a gold medal in the World Karate Federation, WKF.

What do you do in your spare time?

My mom likes to encourage all of her daughters to be active in sports and music. Each of us has a musical bone in our bodies because my dad owns an instrument shop. I play piano. I love to sing but you don’t want to hear it. I used to play guitar and saxophone. I also like to read and get involved in events that go on in Kuwait. I could spend six hours with a Nintendo or playing World of Warcraft, no problem. I’m Is there something fun a bit of a neat freak, about you that nobody else so once a month I’ll knows? go on the rampage and clean I can’t lick my elbow or put my leg everything in behind my head, but when I’m studying my room. I and need to relax, I get up and do a did that handstand. Also, I take “midnight baking” to my very seriously--I actually wake my sisters car as up at midnight and pull them out of bed to well. bake something yummy. Who is your role model? I look up to my first karate coach. You could never tell from his face if he was upset or angry; he was calm and controlled. My sister, who has a Ph.D. in Psychology, always knows exactly what to say about anything. In life, though, I don’t think about what 51

January 2010

What are you reading right now?

Can you describe your fondest childhood memory?

I’m reading Silent Boy by Torey Hayden. Since almost every girl likes junk reading, P.S. I Love You is one of my favorites.

Once a week my dad would take the whole family to the Sultan Center. We would buy six trolleys’ worth of snacks and food that we wouldn’t finish. Every week we would park by the beach and our dad would play the oud for us.

What’s on your iPod? I download the top 100 iTunes songs every few months. I like everything from Hannah Montana to Muse. I’ve been listening to “I Got Feeling” by the Black Eyed Peas all day.

What’s the best part about living in Kuwait? The comfort of living in Kuwait, which has the highest standard of living in the world. You get things done for you and you know that you’re safe here. I would love to stay because my family and friends are here and I grew up here. I’m always going to want to be in Kuwait. Many things about Kuwait are amazing, so I can’t list just one. What are your favorite places in Kuwait?

Do you have any personal causes? The environment. I walk out of a room and turn out the light. If someone throws something on the ground, I pick it up. I am looking forward to the Avenues Reuse Exhibit this winter. I also went to do the beach cleanup. Most people see the environment as a future concern, but what we do now is going to affect our world. You don’t know how long this is going to last. Also, animal activism. The other day I rescued a dog and it took me four hours to take it to the Animal Friends League. Is there a need for positive role models in Kuwait? Yes. Girls in Kuwait must know that there are things equally important to getting married and having children. Although that’s one of my future goals, I believe in studying, playing sports, and chasing dreams. Many kids in Kuwait are misbehaved. If a child has nothing to do or nothing to look forward to, or no activity to distract him or her, being naughty is just another thing to do to waste time or get attention. 52

The Avenues never gets crowded no matter how many people are there. When I go, I wear flat shoes because of how big it is. My favorite shops are Forever 21, Bershka, Zara, and

New Look. Columbus Café in Al Fanar is where my sister and I go after a long day. We go to the Scientific Center to take a stroll, since it’s fun and the crowd is mostly families. Johnny Rockets is the King of All Food. I could eat there three times a day. How do you feel about the positive changes you see in your country? Kuwaiti kids are opening their own businesses and doing part-time jobs apart from their academics, so I’m happy. Each generation is opening their eyes more and more to real life.

January 2010

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January 2010


Tech Talk with Rajesh Future Communications Rajesh Wadhwa, Group Marketing Manager of Future Communications Company Global, gives CityPages an exclusive look at the evolution of telecommunications technology that has transformed how we communicate, share, and disseminate information.


January 2010

Can you describe your experience in the telecommunications field? I focus on technical, business, scientific, and communications skills that are mandatory to stay in tune with the latest telecommunication technology as per business needs. In fact, these skills develop the ability to adjust and adapt to evolving industry. FCCG is a leading holding company in the region with

Kuwaiti residents have a high disposable income. People normally change their cell phones every three to six months. However, mobile margins are becoming very slim, making the market competitive. How has the global recession affected mobile phone sales in Kuwait? The recession created a widespread phobia of spending money. However, the telecom industry is least

Wadhwa, Company Global a robust presence in the telecommunications and communications industry. The company is listed on the Kuwait Stock Exchange and operates five pioneering subsidiaries: FCC, FCCI, FTI, MCC, and Future RFID, whose main business interests are Nokia Mobile Wholesale, Retail and Services Provider (developing and maintaining GSM networks, Radio Frequency Identification Technology, Information Technology, and Wireless Service Provider). We sell top brands along with the finest services to retain customer confidence for quality and reliability. My present position entails strategic and tactical contributions for key accounts Nokia and VIVA in addition to FCCG brand value proposition and 360-degree marketing initiatives. How is the Kuwait market different from other markets? Every market is different, with different rules of business. Telecommunications is one of the most rapidly growing, challenging, and changing industries in the economy. The challenge in Kuwait is to educate consumers about new technology. For instance, navigation tools are a big hit in Europe, but not yet in the GCC. Technology is often developed at an advanced level and it takes time for people to understand the features available for their use.

affected. New Nokia models have definitely weathered the recession. Cell phones have a small product life cycle--every two to three months a new mobile model debuts, causing people to spend money on the latest technology. How does Future Communications Company stay competitive? Future Communications Company offers the best and newest devices and accessories in the global market to customers in Kuwait and the MENA regions. FCC has the following advantages in Kuwait: over 35 retail outlets, 15 quick mobile service points, a replacement phone during repair, free data transfer from old to new mobile, 18 Months Warranty, one-stop destination for games, applications and software, VIVA products and services including bill collections, FCC Gift Vouchers, easy credit facilities, and free delivery. We had 27 outlets last year but today over 35 outlets are serving the needs of our valued customers. FCC takes pride in providing consumers a unique selection of quality brands and value prices along with the finest services, which gives an edge over the competition. The telecom industry is facing the challenges of maintaining market share and profits while attempting new concepts and store formats to differentiate themselves from other retailers. Demographic and consumer lifestyle

changes have affected not only how consumers shop, but also where they shop to satisfy their needs. There is variation in channels and formats in a physical sense and more distinct positioning in terms of the purchase and ownership experience leading to further shifting the basis of competition from product to services and brand attributes. FCC’s core objective is to create value for consumers to earn their lifetime loyalty. Which Nokia products are hottest in Kuwait? The mobile phone is a personalized fashion item that goes into the pocket as an integrated communication center complete with voice, video, and data. E72 is the biggest hit in Kuwait with 6760 slide and N900 the latest models. What is the future of mobile phone technology? People prefer technology that they can carry in their pocket, enabling them to watch streaming videos, get updated news and reports, and have internet access without using a computer. With mobile phones outnumbering PCs around the world by 4:1, mobile applications represent a bigger opportunity for the mobile industry. It is an ideal channel for businesses to reach consumers. The mobile industry has two sources of income: voice and messaging. However, with both services becoming commoditized, usage is increasing while revenues are falling. This scenario had been expected, and explains why the mobile industry has spent the last decade searching for what will become the next “Killer Application.� The future of mobile applications is very much assured. However, the role of application stores remains up in the air. It is important to maximize the number of distribution channels by selling the applications via mobile store but one also needs to invest in online and print and electronic media channels to maximize the response. What are some promotions your company offers in Kuwait? FCC offers unique year-round promotions. We offer customers the ultimate shopping experience. Our promotions include VIVA products and services with Nokia offerings, Navigation, Music Xpress and shared themes targeting different segments. We want our valued customers to explore and win by experiencing the latest in technology. 55

January 2010

GADGETS DC X725 by Benq Benq amazes us once again with the launch of the new compact classy digital camera. The DC X725 is 12.5 mm long with a steel body, so it is stainless and more resistant. It comes in four different colors: black, red, silver, or pearl. It has a 1/2.5 CCD and a 3x optical zoom. The maximum ISO sensitivity is 1600 on photos and 4000 on videos. You can also increase the memory, as it has an SD/SDHC memory card support. The range of megapixels is, for the time being, unreleased, but we can assume it has more then the previous release of Benq that had 7.2.

The New SwiMP3

Imagine listening to your favorite songs during your swimming lessons or while you are bathing in your pool. What can be more relaxing then that? Well, now you can swim and listen to your favorite tunes at a very high quality thanks to the new SwiMP3. Unlike other MP3 players, which transmit sound through air or water, this new device uses technology that sends sound-generating vibrations through your cheekbones, giving it perfect clarity. The SwiMP3 is compatible with Mac and PC and supports both MP3 and WMA. It is equipped with a rechargeable battery and has a 256 MB memory. Your swimming agility will not be harmed in any way, as the device weighs only 2 ounces. So put on your wetsuit and plug yourself in to the swimming experience of your life!

io-Jacket Although all modern gadgets strive to combine sleekness with multifunctionality, the io-Jacket is so much better then the others! Why? Because you can actually wear it! It has built-in Bluetooth, MP3 player, and touch -sensitive control pads. It is also compatible with GPSoverIP. It uses a hybrid GPS technology which enables you to look for the person wearing the jacket even inside a building. The person who wears the ioJacket can upload the information to a mobile phone or to the internet giving the watcher the opportunity to observe the wearer's every move. Londefrey, the company that produces the jacket, has sold one in an auction for the “Humans for Humans� foundation. It seems though that no other jackets have been made for commercial purposes, so we just have to sit and wait.


January 2010

Sonic Screwdriver This Sonic Screwdriver is a gadget for all those Doctor Who fans that weren’t satisfied with just the Tardis USB hub. Remember that saying, “if it’s made like a screwdriver and it looks like a screwdriver, it must be a screwdriver?” Oh, but you are so very wrong! It actually has a pen on one head and a beam of UV light at the other. Now you can write anything you want with UV ink and not worry about other people reading it. Imagine handing your boss an amazingly favorable report with your real thoughts written between the lines. What a subtle revenge. And the revenge costs only USD 12.99 and 3 AG 13 batteries. Small price to pay!

Pillete Pillete, the new Bluetooth headset, is so tiny, it’s almost invisible! Now you don’t have to worry about looking like Robocop when walking down the street, but you have to consider the possibility of people starting to think you’ve lost your marbles and you’re talking to yourself. The downside is the fact that people have different sized ears and the device might be too small and slip out or too big and not fit. People who often use earphones will tell you I’m right. But once they figure out a way to make the Pillete adjustable, this design will be the future of all headsets.

PhotoTracker Do you ever look at old travel pictures and not remember were they were taken? That will not happen anymore with Gisteo's all new PhotoTracker. This gadget is equipped with GPRS and has software that records data about your snapshots. After that, you can use the shutterbugs and geotags included to edit, add information, or print photos from your PC. The PhotoTracker is so small, it can fit into your handbag or pocket and does not get in the way when using your camera. Also, it has an option of mapping, meaning that you can set the photos you have taken on a map. Not to mention the satisfaction you will feel when bragging to your relatives and friends about all the places you have been and things you have learned. And besides, the gadget is not expensive at all, just USD 99.


January 2010


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 58

Jay Sean

Jay Z

Lady GaGa

Taio Cruz

Jason DeRulo


Owl City


Black Eyed Peas

David Guetta ft Akon

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

TOP 20 of 2009

Jay Z ft. Alicia Keys - Empire State Of Mind Lady GaGa - Bad Romance Jason DeRulo - Watcha Say Owl City - Fireflies Black Eyed Peas - I Got a Feeling Jay Z - Run This Town Taio Cruz - Break Your Heart Kesha - Tik Tok Lady GaGa - Paparazzi David Guetta ft Akon - Sexy Chick Black Eyed Peas - Meet Me Halfway Jay Sean ft Lil Wayne - Down Britney Spears - 3 Taylor Swift - Love Story Katy Perry - Waking Up In Vegas Pink - Sober Jordan Sparks - Battlefield Kings of Leon - Use Somebody Rihanna - Russian Roulette Black Eyed Peas - I Got a Feeling

TOP 20 of December 2009

Owl City............................ -.........Fireflies Jason DeRulo................. -..........Watcha Say Taio Cruz.......................... -..........Break Your Heart Jay Sean ft Lil Wayne.. -..........Down Black Eyed Peas............ -..........I Got a Feeling Jay Z.................................. -..........Run This Town Lady GaGa....................... -..........Paparazzi Miley Cyrus...................... -..........Party In The USA Black Eyed Peas............ -..........Meet Me Halfway David Guetta ft Akon..... -..........Sexy Chick Taylor Swift..................... -..........Love Story Black Eyed Peas............ -..........Boom Boom Pow Kings of Leon.................. -..........Use Somebody Sean Kingston................ -..........Fire Burning Katy Perry........................ -..........Waking Up In Vegas Pink.................................... -..........Sober Jordan Sparks................. -..........Battlefield Keri Hilson....................... -..........Knock You Down Pink.................................... -..........Please Don't Leave Me Pitbull................................. -..........Hotel Room Service

Britney Spears

Jordan Sparks

Taylor Swift

Kings of Leon

Katy Perry


January 2010

ENTERTAINMENT / HOLLYWOOD Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel


The Box

Pop sensations Alvin, Simon, and Theodore end up in the care of Dave Seville's twenty-something nephew Toby (Levi). The boys must put aside music superstardom to return to school, and are tasked with saving the school's music program by winning the $25,000 prize in a battle of the bands. But the Chipmunks unexpectedly meet their match in three singing chipmunks known as The Chipettes--Brittany, Eleanor, and Jeanette. Romantic and musical sparks are ignited when the Chipmunks and Chipettes square off.

After finally catching serial killer and occult "sorcerer" Lord Blackwood, legendary sleuth Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Dr. Watson can close yet another successful case. But when Blackwood mysteriously returns from the grave and resumes his killing spree, Holmes must take up the hunt once again. Contending with his partner's new fiancĂŠe and the dimwitted head of Scotland Yard, the dauntless detective must unravel the clues that will lead him into a twisted web of murder, deceit, and black magic--and the deadly embrace of temptress Irene Adler.

Norma and Arthur Lewis, a suburban couple with a young child, receive a simple wooden box as a gift, which bears fatal and irrevocable consequences. A mysterious stranger delivers the message that the box promises to bestow upon its owner $1 million with the press of a button. But, pressing this button will simultaneously cause the death of another human being somewhere in the world; someone they don't know. With just 24 hours to have the box in their possession, Norma and Arthur find themselves in the cross-hairs of a startling moral dilemma and must face the true nature of their humanity.

Director: Betty Thomas

Director: Guy Ritchie

Director : Richard Kelly

Cast: Jason Lee, Justin Long, Matthew Gray Gubler, Jesse McCartney, Anna Faris, Christina Applegate, Amy Poehler

Genre: Action | Adventure | Crime | Drama | Thriller

Genre: Drama | Horror | Mystery | Sci-Fi | Thriller

Cast : Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, Rachel McAdams, Mark Strong

Cast : Cameron Diaz, James Marsden, Frank Langella, James Rebhorn, Holmes Osborne

The Princess and the Frog


Walt Disney Animation Studios presents the musical The Princess and the Frog, an animated comedy set in the great city of New Orleans. From the creators of The Little Mermaid and Aladdin comes a modern twist on a classic tale, featuring a beautiful girl named Tiana (Anika Noni Rose), a frog prince who desperately wants to be human again, and a fateful kiss that leads them both on a hilarious adventure through the mystical bayous of Louisiana.

A nail-biting psychological thriller that never lets you go. Set in New York state, the story centers on 18-year-old murderer, Eric Poole, who is released from jail after serving his sentence for the murder of a young girl. Russell Crowe plays the hard-bitten detective who put him away and who is sure that Poole is a potential serial killer who will reoffend. He makes it his mission to keep Poole under surveillance as he sets off on a seemingly innocent road trip up-state. But all is not as it seems, as Poole soon finds himself on the run with a young girl who has become obsessed with him and may or may not have been witness to the first murder.

Genre: Animation | Comedy | Family | Romance


Amelia Earhart, a Kansas girl, discovers the thrill of aviation at age 23, and within 12 years has progressed to winning the Distinguished Flying Cross for being the first woman to pilot a plane solo across the Atlantic Ocean. At age 39, she sets out on an attempt to circumnavigate the globe, an adventure that catapults her into aviation myth. Director: Mira Nair Cast : Hilary Swank, Richard Gere, Ewan McGregor Genre: Biography | Drama

Directors: Ron Clements. John Musker Cast : Terrence Howard, Oprah Winfrey, John Goodman Genre: Animation | Family | Fantasy | Romance

Director: John Polson Cast: Russell Crowe, Jon Foster, Sophie Traub, Laura Dern. Genre: Crime | Drama | Thriller 59

January 2010

US Weekend Box Office Summary Week of 18 December 2009

A Perfect Getaway

For their honeymoon, newlyweds Cliff and Cydney head to the tropical islands of Hawaii. While journeying through the paradisaical countryside, the couple encounters Kale and Cleo, two disgruntled hitchhikers and Nick and Gina, two wild but well-meaning spirits who help guide them through the lush jungles. The picturesque waterfalls and scenic mountainsides quickly give way to terror when Cliff and Cydney learn of a grisly murder that occurred nearby and realize that they're being followed by chance acquaintances that suspiciously fit the description of the killers. Director: David Twohy



Weekend Gross






The Princess and the Frog




The Blind Side




Did You Hear About the Morgans?




Twilight Saga: New Moon








A Christmas Carol




Up in the Air








Old Dogs



Genre: Drama | Horror | Mystery | Thriller Cast : Timothy Olyphant, Mila Jovovich, Steve Zahn



James Cameron conceived the idea of Avatar back when he was working on Titanic, but the technology wasn't available then to bring his vision to life on the screen. Cameron wrote Avatar in 1995 but had no way to create the characters he envisioned and shelved the project until 2005 when Cameron, along with Vince Pace, invented new ways of capturing the performances of actors. Cameron and his team developed a brand new imagebased facial performance capture system which utilizes a head-rig camera and is able to record even the tiniest of facial movements. More importantly, it can capture a performer's eye movements, making the dead-eye look of performance capture films a thing of the past. 60

January 2010


3 Idiots is a lighthearted and entertaining journey of two friends (Madhavan and Sharman Joshi) as they embark on a quest for a long lost buddy. On this journey, they encounter a long forgotten bet, a wedding they must crash, and a funeral that gets impossibly out of control. As they make their way through the perilous landscape, another journey begins: their inner journey along memory lane and the story of their friend the irrepressible freethinker Rancho (Aamir Khan), who, in his unique way, touches and changes their lives. It's a story of their hostel days that swings between Rancho's romance with the spirited Pia (Kareena Kapoor), and his clash with an oppressive mentor, Viru Sahastrabudhhe (Boman Irani). And then one day, suddenly, Rancho vanishes. 3 Idiots is a fresh and unique comedy of ideas that is as provocative as it is funny, as wildly entertaining as it is insightful. A laugh-riot that talks about the most important of human pursuits: self-actualization. Director: Rajkumar Hirani

My Name is Khan


My Name Is Khan focuses on the relationship between the Western world and Islam and how that has changed over the past few years. It also describes the journey of one family and how it changes because of 9/11. Rizwan Khan, a Muslim from the Borivali section of Mumbai, suffers from Asperger syndrome (a form of high-functioning autism complicating socialization). The adult Rizwan marries a Hindu single mother, Mandira, in San Francisco. After 9/11, Rizwan is detained by authorities at LAX who mistake his disability for "suspicious" behavior. Following his arrest, he meets Radha, a therapist who helps him deal with his situation and his affliction. Rizwan then begins a journey to meet US President Obama to clear his name.

Starring: Aamir Khan, Kareena Kapoor, R Madhavan, Harman Joshi, Boman Irani, Mona Singh

Director: Karan Johar Banner: Dharma Productions. Writers: Shibani Bathija (story),Shibani Bathija Music: Shankar Mahadevan, Ehsaan Noorani, Loy Mendonca Starring: Shahrukh Khan, Kajol, Soniya Jehan, Jimmy Shergill., Zarina Wahab

First Color Film Made in India


Banner: Vidhu Vinod Chopra Productions Producer: Vidhu Vinod Chopra Writers: Vidhu Vinod Chopra, Rajkumar Hirani, Abhijit Joshi

The trend of color films began late in India. Kisan Kanya was a 1937 Hindi feature film which was directed by Moti B. Gidvani and produced by Ardeshir Irani of Imperial Pictures. It is largely remembered by the Indian public on account of it being India's first indigenously made color film. The storyline of the film featured an exploitative landlord and a good peasant Ramu who is accused of murdering the landlord. The film had ten songs, which were released by Gramophone Records.

Kites is a dance-based romantic thriller directed by Anurag Basu. With Kites, the father-son duo Rakesh and Hrithik Roshan are getting ready to rock Bollywood with promising entertainment. Hrithik plays a scamster who falls in love with a salsa teacher, Barbara. The movie is shot in Mexico, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas and features some sizzling dance sequences. Director: Anurag Basu. Banner: FilmKraft Productions (I) Pvt Ltd. Producers: Sunaina Roshan, Rakesh Roshan Music: Rajesh Roshan Starring: Hrithik Roshan, Barbara Mori, Kangana Ranaut, Kabir Bedi, Nick Brown.

First Indian 3D Movie

Chota Chetan was the first Indian 3D Movie. The film was made under the banner of Navodaya Films in 1984. Chota Chetan was a huge box office success and earned around Rs 60 crore during 1984-85. The film also won the President's Gold Medal. The movie was re-released with additional footage and digital sound upgrade during 1998 and amassed Rs 50 crore during that period. The film's starcast included Dalip Tahil, Suresh Mukesh, Sonia Sahni, and Arvind. Lyrics were written by Javed Akhtar, Anand Bakshi, and Sameer. Music was given by Anu Malik, and the director of the film was Jijo. The version that was released in 1998 also included Urmila Matondkar. 61

January 2010

Paa: Playful Affectionate Awesome!

Paa is a tale of human relationships, how easily they can be broken, mended, healed, renewed, refreshed, cherished, and adored. The movie shows the two faces of relationships: 1) how simple they are to form and break, and 2) how difficult it is to maintain them. We see the movie through the eyes of Auro (Amitabh Bachchan), a twelve-year- old, who suffers from a rare genetic disorder called Progeria. Auro has his share of tantrums but also has a striking streak of understanding in him. He is raised by his single mom Vidhya (Vidya Balan) who is a gynecologist, and his grandmother (Arundhati Nag) who he naughtily calls "Bum". Fate unpredictably reunites Auro and his father MP Amol Atre (Abhishek 62

Bachchan) through a school competition. The movie will surprise with one-liners like "Google se bachke kahan jaoge?" The characters approach problems that seem insurmountable: Bum handles the news of her daughter getting pregnant out of wedlock and Amol handles the media over news of his lovechild are examples. The songs add sense to the story. For example, "Ittefaq se" portrays the journey of Vidhya from being "so-in-love" with Amol to the twin pack pregnancy kit. Director: R. Balakrishnan Cast: Amitabh Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan, Vidya Balan, Paresh Rawal, Arundhati Nag Music: Ilaiyaraja

Rocket Singh A fresh brand in the market!

Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year is the story of Harpreet Singh Bedi (Ranbir Kapoor), who has failed college but is bindaas about it but bags a job in sales. He enters the corporate world with no idea of the grime under the white collar. After a visit with the client, he is shocked by the corruption among those who call the shots. He is determined to prove that, with the right set of values, business can still be done. Harpreet starts with one client, Sherena (played by Shahzahn Padamsee who later in the film becomes his love interest), and keeps going. Harpreet's colleagues get involved too. The first one is the computer engineer, who doesn't care if the world knows about his obsession with the opposite sex. The second one is the telephone operator (Gauhar Khan), whose simple gesture of kindness makes Harpreet realize that he can trust her and that she has resources. The third person to get involved is the peon, who knows more than what one expects of an office boy. Through his practical experience, he becomes qualified to help in assembling computer parts. The fourth is the office manager who no one trusts. However, this team of five make the business boom. Rocket Sales Corporation becomes a competitor

to their mother company. That's when all hell breaks loose and Harpreet's rocket comes crashing down. However, the story ends with a good message: "believe in yourself. Goodness pays." Harpreet's life is full of stereotypical characters and the movie reaches the interval with the proper pace. However, after the interval the movie drags a bit. The chemistry between Harpreet and his grandfather is adorable. But the one between Ranbir and Shazahn is not at all happening. The movie has a few witty one-liners like "Itna frustrate mat ho ki castrate ho jaye". But comedy and entertainment is not the focus of the film. The songs are average with only the hook "Pocket mein rocket hain" ringing in your ears. However, the negativity is quite toned down, more like on the lines of Luck By Chance where reality has been shown. We know it happens in the real world but we also don't like it. Director: Shimit Amin Cast: Ranbir Kapoor, Shazahn Padamsee, Gauhar Khan and Prem Chopra. Music: Salim-Sulaiman

January 2009 2010 December

BOOK RELEASES Here are a few noteworthy releases of December 2009.


Julie Powell Julie Powell's first book, Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously, recounted the year she decided to cook every recipe in Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. It was turned into a popular movie in 2009. On the heels of the movie and just in time for the holidays, Powell is releasing another memoir: Cleaving: A Story of Marriage, Meat and Obsession. After her marriage is shaken by a love affair, Powell decides to leave the city and work at a butcher, immersing herself in the hard physical labor of chopping meat in order to distract herself. Cleaving reveals details about butchery and the story of mending Powell's heart.

Stones into Schools

Greg Mortenson and Mike Bryan Stones into Schools is the follow-up to Mortenson's bestselling memoir, Three Cups of Tea. In Stones into Schools, Mortenson continues his story of building schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Upside Down Inside Out Monica McInerney

A delightful comedy of manners that turns romance on its head Eva Kennedy is in a rut. After seven years of working at her uncle’s Dublin delicatessen, her artistic aspirations have slipped by the wayside and her latest relationship has fizzled. Whatever happened to the Eva who was going to be someone? Hoping to shake things up and find inspiration, Eva takes a break and ventures to Melbourne, Australia, to visit an old friend who, for fun, gives Eva an exciting new identity. Eva is now exotic and adventurous and … not herself. Joseph Wheeler is a successful London designer. Unfortunately his firm is thriving at such a high level that he doesn’t have time to actually design anymore. And his love life is nonexistent. In Australia on business, Joseph meets Eva, and the sparks fly – even as Eva is stuck pretending to be someone she’s not. Little does she know that Joseph has some secrets of his own… When what starts as a holiday fling quickly blossoms into something more, Joseph and Eva discover that romance can turn life upside down and inside out at the bottom of the world.

The Snail and the Whale

Witch & Wizard James Patterson

Witch & Wizard by James Patterson is a young adult novel about a totalitarian society that is taking kids from their parents and locking them up. While in prison, Whit and Wisty discover they have magic powers. This new witch and wizard try to harness their power to save themselves, their family, and the world.

Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler The thrilling tale of a tiny snail and a great big grey-blue humpback whale--now in sturdy, board book format! One tiny snail longs to see the world and hitches a lift on the tail of a whale. Together they go on an amazing journey, past icebergs and volcanoes, sharks and penguins, and the little snail feels so small in the vastness of the world. But when disaster strikes and the whale is beached in a bay, it's the tiny snail who saves the day.


January 2010


French Toast

Caribbean Shrimp SERVES 6

Ingredients _______________________________ • 1 tablespoon light brown sugar • 1 teaspoon ground allspice • 1 teaspoon black pepper • 1 teaspoon onion powder • 1 teaspoon garlic powder • 1 teaspoon dried thyme • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil • 1 tablespoon molasses • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice • 1 3/4 lbs (0.8 kg) shelled uncooked jumbo shrimp • 1 lime, cut into wedges, for garnish SERVES 6-8

Directions _______________________________

Ingredients ______________________________

1. Heat broiler.

• 4 eggs • 2/3 cup whole milk • 1/3 cup flour • 1/3 cup sugar • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla • 1/4 teaspoon salt • 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon • 6 slices Texas toast thick bread • 3 tablespoons butter • powdered sugar • butter • syrup

2. Coat large broiler pan rack with nonstick vegetable oil cooking spray.

Directions ______________________________

11. Serve shrimp immediately with white rice if desired.

1. Mix together the eggs, milk, flour, sugar, vanilla, salt, and cinnamon.

12. Garnish with lime wedges.

2. Heat a large skillet or griddle. 3. When the skillet is hot, add 1 tablespoon butter. 4. If the butter smokes, your pan is too hot; turn down the heat. 5. Dip each slice of bread into the batter for 30 seconds on each side. 6. Let some of the batter drip off, then put in skillet. 7. Cook each slice 1 1/2-2 minutes per side until each side is golden brown. 8. Add more butter, if necessary, to cook all of the slices. 9. To serve, put on plate, dust with powdered sugar. Serve with butter and hot syrup. 64

3. Mix brown sugar, allspice, black pepper, onion powder, thyme, salt, and cayenne in bowl. 4. Whisk in oil, molasses, and lime juice until smooth. 5. Add shrimp; toss to coat. 6. Cover and refrigerate for 10 minutes, stirring after 5 minutes. 7. Arrange shrimp in single layer on broiler pan rack. 8. Broil about 4 inches (10 cm) from heat for 2 minutes. 9. Turn shrimp over. 10. Broil 1-2 minutes or until shrimp are cooked through.

13. Pour drippings from broiler pan over shrimp, if desired.

January 2010

S E L D D I R & S E K JO 1.





Q: How do rabbits travel? A: By hareplane!


Q: What do whales like to chew? A: Blubber gum.


Q: What is the smartest kind of bee? A: A spelling bee.


s l a m i n A

Q: Why should you never tell a secret to a pig? A: Because he’ll squeal!

Q: What is the most valuable fish? A: Goldfish. Q: What do you call a crate full of ducks? A: A box of quackers.

Q: What kind of food does a racehorse eat? 9. Q: Why does a hummingbird hum? A: Fast food. A: It doesn’t know the words. Q: How do you fix a broken gorilla? A: With a monkey wrench.

10. Q: Why shouldn’t you play cards in the jungle?

A: Because of all the cheetahs.

Word Sleuth




























January 2010

Spot the Differences


Color the picture using any kind of colors and mail it to CityPages along with your photo. The three best entries will be published in our next issue.

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January 2010




Green Grid



Fill in the grid with the words below so that in each row, and column, each words is used only one. Good luck. To see how you did, check the answers next month in CityPages


re d



uc e

Help the rabbit get tHE carROt




e Re cy cle

c u d





k Wal



cle 67

s n t o C e i e e t lebra Sw

January 2010

Around the world, holidays are commemorated with indulgences and sweets. Carve out time with family this season to make a classic Brazilian holiday dessert. Geography: Look at a world map and locate South America. Notice the enormous size of Brazil, the continent’s largest country and the fifth largest country in the world. Brazil is home to the Amazon River, which contains more water than any other river on earth. Social Studies & History: Discuss the language of Brazil. The most popular language in South America is Spanish. However, Portugal colonized Brazil in the 1500s; therefore, Portuguese is the national language. Music & Art: Listen and dance to samba music, such as the classic album Getz/Gilberto. Create a mask like those worn during Carnival.

Also, Capoeira, a type of dance that combines martial arts, gymnastics, and game elements, is a popular and mesmerizing activity to watch or play. Grab a flexible partner and practice by doing cartwheels, turns and jumps, the basic moves of the dance. Math: Just like the U.S., Brazil is divided into states. Count how many it contains. Food: Explain that since Brazil is such a vast country, the cuisine is defined by each region and takes on many fashions and flavors. Constants throughout the country include rice and beans, tropical fruits (such as guava, papaya, pineapple, and passion fruit), beef, seafood, root vegetables (such as yam and yucca), corn, coffee, cacao, sugarcane, and nuts.

Rabanadas In Brazil this sweet dish is customarily prepared for dessert on Christmas Eve. Leftovers are served for breakfast the next morning. Since rabanadas are typically prepared as a means of using stale bread, there’s no need to relegate this dish to Christmas—it’s delicious all year round.

INGREDIENTS: 1 cup milk 1 tbsp. sugar 1/2 baguette of French bread, sliced into 2-inch thick pieces 3 eggs 1/2 cup vegetable oil 1/4 cup confectioners’ sugar (or to taste) 1 tsp. ground cinnamon (or to taste)

METHOD: CHILD: Measure the milk and sugar. Mix together in a medium bowl. Set aside. CHILD & PARENT: Beat the eggs in another medium bowl. Set aside. Wash hands every time you handle eggs. CHILD: Measure the confectioners’ sugar and cinnamon. Mix together in a third medium bowl. Set aside. CHILD: Dip each slice of bread into milk mixture, soaking each side completely. CHILD & PARENT: Use a spatula or tongs to dip both sides of the soaked bread into the eggs. Parent: In a large frying pan, heat oil on a medium-high setting. Fry the bread until browned on each side. CHILD & PARENT: Once bread is fried, use a fork or clean tongs to dip each piece in the bowl of confectioners’ sugar and cinnamon to coat. Serves four.

NUTRITION FACTS: Per serving: calories 384, fat 33g, protein 7g, carbohydrate 16g, trace dietary fiber 68

January 2010

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January 2010

PRESS RELEASEs KALA Kuwait “NIRAM 2009” Painting Competition NIRAM 2009, the popular painting competition, was held at Indian Community School, Khaitan, by KALA Kuwait on Friday, November 13. NIRAM 2009 was held as part of the Children’s Day celebrations, marking the 120th birthday of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister. More than 1500 children took part in the competitions. Parents actively participated in the Open Canvas Painting and Clay Sculpture Competition. Gift packets were distributed to all children immediately after the competition. Prominent Drama Art Director Artist Sujathan, from Kerala in southern India, inaugurated the program. Artist Sujathan opened the Open Canvas Painting. The result of the competition has been announced by the organizing committee as well as the judging committee on December 10, 2009 through leading Kuwaiti newspapers and websites (www.indiansinkuwait.com or www.kalakuwait.org). The Prize Distribution Ceremony took place on December 18, 2009. KALA Kuwait has once again proved that it upholds the interests of all art lovers in Kuwait and works for the promotion of Art (kala). This is the fifth consecutive year KALA Kuwait has been successfully holding the Painting Competition on Children’s Day. Prominent leaders of various Indian socio-cultural organizations, as well as media personages, acted as sponsors to witness the competition.

Triskelion International-State of Kuwait (ti-sok) History Founded November 19, 2004 When fourteen individuals from different chapters gathered, a new Triskelion chapter was born, formed to attain the true essence of brotherhood through Triskelion tenets and codes of conduct. The first gathering was held on September 21, 2004 in Fintas, Kuwait. At Inauguration Park, the Triskelion members solemnized November 19, 2004 as the Foundation Day of Triskelion International-State of Kuwait. TI-SoK in Kuwait serves the community, especially our less fortunate countrymen and women. TI-SoK has recently sponsored the hugely popular Dance for a Cause (A dance party fundraiser for Bantay Bata 163, to help the kids in the Philippines), and free computer literacy programs, training overseas Filipino workers in Photoshop, Microsoft Office, and AutoCAD. TI-SoK firmly believes in reason and not in the use of force as a reason. The Tau Gamma Phi, Triskelion Grand Fraternity and Tau Gamma Sigma, Triskelion Grand Sorority progressed tremendously. Presently, TI-SoK has chapters and councils all over the Philippines and in countries around the world, including the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Singapore, Hong Kong, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the Kingdom of Bahrain.

AISES: An Association With a Past and a Window to the Future To know about AISES, you need to know The Indian School, Kuwait (ISK). To know the ISK, you need to journey back in time, to an era when Kuwait was modern yet homely, the life style was laid-back yet envied, when your Plymouth or Chevy was king of the road and the Lexus was just science fiction. A Kuwait with its migrant population not yet bursting at the seams; when the neighbourhood rustic bakkala was akin to a mall experience; a small black-and-white, fuzzy-pictured television was your prized luxury; where children played marbles amidst honking water tankers that strolled lazily down the dusty roads plying their load for a price. Inaugurated by the Minister of Education on May 5, 1959, ISK was the first foreign institution established in Kuwait. It survived the Iraqi invasion, persevering under its new name, The Indian Community School, Kuwait (ICSK). The Association of Indian School Ex-Students (AISES) was formed in 1997. Members include former ISK and ICSK students. The AISES sports wing hosts an annual basketball tournament at the ICSK court (Senior Branch). Top teams from the Indian community vie for the AISES trophy. The home team, AISES A, won November’s 4th Basketball Championship against twelve teams. Sponsors were Gulf Bank and KMEFIC, Al Sayer Automotive Spare Parts Division, Agility Co., Sports Corner, International Sports Club, Vefpsa Water Purifiers, and Spinney's Confectionary, to name a few. AISES plans to expand into other avenues like soccer. The International Sports Club will begin a kids’ basketball camp for the Indian community. AISES donates part of its profits to deserving, underprivileged schoolchildren. Charity events have been a motive for the sports wing to keep going, in spite of naysayers. AISES members have no dearth of talent, channelling their energy to put into practise what others dream of. Despite the fact that they belong to a fledgling chapter of the ISK/ICSK Alumni, their flag soars high, setting benchmarks for others to follow. Almost as if they’re saying, "Do try and keep up!" -Jithu


January 2010

Seminar for Pakistani Students

Organized by Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology The local study center for Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology organized a seminar for Pakistani students in Kuwait. London-educated Dr. Waheed Ahmad, who holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration, Integrated Logistics/Supply, Operations/Transport Management and taught at top-ranking universities around the world, conducted the seminar. Pakistani parents and students, seeking opportunities for continuing education in business and finance, attended the lecture. Dr. Ahmad discussed the importance of getting a degree in Business and compared Business programs offered by universities in Kuwait and abroad. Dr. Ahmad advised students to focus on a particular area and to assess continuously their skill set, in order to prepare themselves for a highly competitive market. Dr. Ahmad replied insightfully to questions asked by attendees. Toward the end, Dr. Ahmad offered an explanation of the various programs offered at Sarhad University and clarified doubts about the university, such as its acceptance by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan and the acceptance of its credentials. Everyone present appreciated the efforts of SUIT in organizing the information seminar and requested that SUIT hold such seminars more frequently to help students plan their career goals.

BLOOMING BEAUTY AT 360 MALL Floral destination offering a unique bouquet of memorable flowers Kuwait – December 2nd, 2009: 360 MALL, Kuwait’s latest luxury shopping center, announced the opening of Flower Story today. Strategically located at the MALL’s Main Atrium, Flower Story is a new kind of florist and floral designer, offering a wide array of memorable and striking flower arrangements and bouquets using rare and beautiful blooms. Claudia Lopusinsika, 360 MALL’s Marketing Manager, said: “Flower Story is a successful concept that offers beautiful flower arrangements, one that will delight and inspire our guests. I defy anyone to walk past Flower Story and not want to go in and enjoy the truly beautiful colors. Anyone would be thrilled to receive one of these arrangements for their birthday, wedding, anniversary, or any other celebration.” 360 MALL has been created to give shoppers in Kuwait a unique mix of luxury brands, sumptuous dining, and world class entertainment facilities, all introduced to Kuwait for the first time. The mall has nearly 80 open stores, including several international luxury brands, with more stores opening every week.

360 MALL Brings New Flavors to Kuwait Introducing The Meat Company for the first time in Kuwait Kuwait – December 9th, 2009: 360 MALL, Kuwait’s latest luxury shopping center, announced its latest addition with renowned South African steakhouse, The Meat Companys opening its doors for the first time in Kuwait. Established in 2000, The Meat Company’s debut in Kuwait provides a unique and exceptionally enjoyable dining experience that caters to those with carnivorous tastes and an appreciation of the finest meat available. Famous for its prime cuts of superior beef, the Meat Company also offers a wide selection of chicken, seafood, and lamb dishes in a sophisticated yet relaxed environment. The restaurant is located within the mall’s Solar Garden, a concept zone exclusive for restaurants and cafés, and home to a numerous sidewalk cafes to patisseries and internationally known fine dining. 360 MALL’s Marketing Manager, Claudia Lopusinska, said: “There are over 35 concepts on different floor levels of the shopping centre, strategically placed to provide shoppers with a unique dining experience. During the concept selection process, we have paid special attention in offering the utmost quality of food and beverages along with providing a luxurious and family oriented ambience.” 360 MALL has been created to give shoppers in Kuwait a unique mix of luxury brands, sumptuous dining, and world-class entertainment facilities, all being introduced in Kuwait for the first time. The mall has nearly 80 open stores, including several international luxury brands, with more stores opening every week.


‫‪January 2010‬‬

‫مول ‪ 360‬يستضيف مطعم “ذا ميت كومباني”‬ ‫املطعم اجلنوب األفريقي الشهير يفتتح أول فروعه في الكويت‬

‫الكويت – ‪ 9‬ديسمبر‪ :2009‬أعلن مول ‪ ،360‬أحدث مراكز التس ّوق الفخمة في الكويت‪ ،‬عن استضافة مطعم ‪The Meat Company‬اجلنوب األفريقي الشهير والذي يفتتح أبوابه أل ّول مرة‬ ‫في دولة الكويت‪ .‬تأسس مطعم ‪ The Meat Company‬عام ‪ ،2000‬ويقدم في أ ّول إطاللة له جتربة فريدة وممتعة تراعي مختلف أذواق مح ّبي اللحوم في أجواء راقية ومتميزة‪.‬‬ ‫يقدم مطعم ‪ The Meat Company‬أطباقه الشهية إلى ذ ّواقي اللحوم املتنوعة باإلضافة إلى تشكيلة واسعة من أطباق الدجاج وثمار البحر‪ .‬ويقع املطعم في منطقة احلدائق باملول والتي‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫تستضيف بدورها مجموعة من املقاهي واملطاعم العاملية الراقية‪.‬‬ ‫وتعليقا على إفتتاح مطعم ‪ The Meat Company‬قالت مديرة التسويق في مول ‪ ،360‬كالوديا لوبوشينسكا‪“ :‬يستضيف املول أكثر من ‪ 35‬مطعما ً ومقهى متّ توزيعها على نحو‬ ‫استراتيجي في مختلف أرجاء املول ملنح املتسوقني حرية التسوق واختيار ما يفضلونه بني تشكيلة مطاعم ال مثيل لها‪ .‬فقد حرصنا أثناء عملية اختياراملطاعم على تقدمي أجود األطعمة‬ ‫واملشروبات وسط أجواء متتاز بالرفاهية‪“ .‬‬ ‫املصممة وفق أرقى املعايير العاملية واملتواجدة أل ّول م ّرة في‬ ‫لقد متّ تصميم مول ‪ 360‬ملنح املتس ّوقني مزيجا ً فريدا ً يجمع بني األسماء التجارية الفاخرة واملطاعم الراقية واملرافق الترفيهية‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫يتم فتحها ّ‬ ‫دولة الكويت‪.‬حيث افتتح حاليا ‪ 87‬متجرا ً‬ ‫كل أسبوع‪.‬‬ ‫التي‬ ‫املتاجر‬ ‫تتضمن العديد من األسماء التجارية املشهورة عامليا ً هذا إلى جانب العديد من‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬

‫‪E-mail your company or local organization press releases to us at‬‬ ‫)‪pr@citypageskuwait.com (please, 300 words or less‬‬ ‫‪72‬‬

January 2010


With permission from

January Planet Overview:

Can c er

(May 21 – June 20)

L eo

(June 21 – July 22)

Vi r go

(July 23 – Aug 22)

(Aug 23 – Sept 22)

The Seventh House of partners, business or personal, is crowded with a cluster of planets and it could be you are expecting more from someone than usual. The planet of communication, Mercury, is part of the crowd in the partnership house but it is retrograde. It could be as late as January 15, when this planet moves into direct motion, before your expectations are met. A Solar Eclipse (new beginning) takes place amongst the group of no-nonsense Capricorn planets and the ball may be in the court of the opposition until the end of this month. On January 17, Jupiter, the planet good fortune, moves into Pisces and big ideas and plans seem to come to you from out of the blue. The Full Moon on January 30 heats up your romantic life as well your business dealings, drawing attention to your creative implementation of transactions. While it is cumbersome to have the warrior planet Mars in your sign of Leo and retrograde, you are still raring to go! You may have to wait until January 15, when the planet of communication moves into direct motion, before you can really show a special person or an authority figure your jungle cat prowess. On that same day (January 15) a Solar Eclipse points to a new way of being in the day-to-day business of making a living. Being the romantic that you are, Leo, you could make some time for your significant other on January 17 when Jupiter moves into emotional and loving Pisces for a one-year stay. The Full Moon on January 30 shines its light on what have traditionally been closed-door activities, and a partnership (or love affair) is brought out in the open Mercury is your ruler and it can make you almost crazy when it retrogrades, as you Virgos like to have everything as close to perfection as it can get. While the retrograde is in the house of love given, your heart may be more involved than your head on January 3, so leave all big decisions until January 15. On this same day (January 15) a Solar Eclipse brings aid to a creative brain-child you have been waiting to bring out into the open or discuss with a person in authority. It's a difficult month for business as Jupiter, the planet of excess, moves into the house of your partner, and you have more on your mind this month than business. The Full Moon on January 30 is in the house behind closed doors activity and this is the day you may put your romantic interests aside and attempt to call attention to your new plans and/or ideas.

Libra Sc o r p i o Sagittarius

With your ruler Mercury in retrograde motion you may find yourself too distracted and disconnected from your usual high speed pace to efficiently begin the New Year, and add to this chaotic time the energetic Mars retrograde in the house of conversation. It may seem as if you are experiencing a tug-of-war between action and inaction. It won't be until January 15, when Mercury moves into direct motion and a powerful Solar Eclipse in Capricorn jolts the house of joint dealings or finances, that you make headway. On January 30, a Full Moon in one of the houses of assets brings to completion whatever endeavor had been hampered. January 31, you might find a romantic partner challenging the time that it took you to seal this deal.

(Oct 23 – Dec 21)

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Ca p ri c o r n

G emin i

(Apr 20 – May 20)

You may be trying to finalize a project and it's being held up by Mercury, the planet of communication, which is retrograde, and although half of the planets are in non-nonsense Capricorn you still try stoking fires with your impatience to no avail. Its best to play a waiting game January 15, when Mercury does move into direct motion, or you may have to revamp the original plan. A Solar Eclipse in Capricorn helps seal the deal whether it concerns travel, education, or marriage and you may find yourself moving in a different direction. On January 30, a Full Moon in Leo shines its light on the place of your four walls and there could be midnight talks about the future. The very next day there is a Saturn challenge to Pluto, and unless you are very careful with the words you use, this testy duo could cause a final change.

(Sept 23 – Oct 25)

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Aq u ari u s

Tau r u s

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

January 3 begins with a cluster of planets in the Tenth House of career and Mars retrograde in the house of play, and just that planet formation tells a narrative about what to expect (all work and no play, perhaps) the next 31 days. Business and even personal transactions may seem as though they are moving in slow motion. It won't pick up speed until January 15 when Mercury, the planet of communication, moves into direct motion, and on this same day a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn ignites the career house. Action begins and a cherished goal gets off the ground. Your personal life may not get the attention required until January 30 when a Full Moon in Leo shines on the Fifth House of romance and heats up the retrograde Mars that has been lying idle now for six weeks or so.

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

P i sc es

A r i es

The parties are over and January is a "get down to business month" with a cluster of no-nonsense planets in Capricorn hinting as to where you'll be wheeling and dealing, whether it's career or personal. January 1 still has the flavor of the Lunar Eclipse in Cancer just the night before. Cancer is the money and ambition sign - so expect finances to be on the minds of almost everyone you meet this month. On January 15 a cluster of planets get a jolt from a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn (new beginning), and the planet of communication, Mercury, moves into direct motion. Your business plans can be executed with more ease from this day forward. A New Moon in Leo on January 30 adds drama as this month of initiating new intentions closes.

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Home and work are your priorities on January 1, and with Mercury retrograde in the sector that governs your four walls, you may find yourself taking work home from the office, as it seems there are nothing but distractions and delays at the workplace. Mars, the planet of energy, seems to be asleep at the wheel this month and you may have to take a break from your clubs and pals to keep it all together. This whole scenario changes on January 15 when Mercury moves into direct motion and this is an important day as a brilliant Solar Eclipse shines its light your way and you bask in the attention of someone in authority. On January 17, the planet of good fortune takes up residence in your employment sector and no matter what has transpired in the past you are looked upon with favor by your superiors. On January 30, the always romantic Libra gets a surprise as a Full Moon in Leo brings a new opportunity in the area of your love affairs. Scorpio is not the risk-taker of the Zodiac, but on January 1, a cluster of planets in the house of smooth talk may put you in the limelight with your superiors. Although Mars is retrograde it makes a dramatic statement in the house of your career - something that you have done calls attention to you. On January 15, when Mercury moves into direct motion, your speech is as eloquent as an idea you have to present, and on that very same day the Solar Eclipse can make you the star of the show at your place of employment. On January 30, a Full Moon joins forces with Mars and it could be the culmination of many long hours of enterprise on your part. Scorpio is a tough adversary but with Pluto playing a prominent role on January 31, be careful that you don't overplay your hand.

The usually happy-go-lucky Sag is preoccupied this month with a cluster of planets in the house of finances. While financial affairs are almost always a low priority with you (there's always more where that came from), on January 1 you seem more focused on acquisition. Is it just because the planet of communication and the planet of energy are retrograde that you can't seem to get to where you want to be? January 15 is an important day with Mercury moving into direct motion, and a Solar Eclipse shining its bright rays on your finances. You have plenty of latitude to move during the two weeks before the January 30 Full Moon signals that your finances are finally where you want them to be. Don't take your usual risks this month as January 31 brings a clash between Saturn and Pluto and one false step could cost more than you want to pay. Is it possible for the South Node in your romantic life and Saturn in your career house to create havoc in a well-ordered life? No, it's more than that - it could be the cluster of planets in your own sign of Capricorn on January 1 that makes you a little more self-absorbed than usual. It could take until January 15 when the planet of communication moves into direct motion and the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn eases up on you that you can finally pay attention to your personal life. Jupiter, the planet of "give me more," is in the house of communication on January 17 and remains there for the upcoming year and you can smooth talk your employer or your significant other into any work you have in progress. On January 30, a Full Moon in the house of joint finances can signal the deal is done. Don't try to go for more than your share, Capricorn, as Saturn challenging Pluto can bring out the nastiness in any partner. Born with a social conscience, it's hard to keep you from promoting a cause, and the healing trio Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron - all in Aquarius - plead your case. With a cluster of planets in the Twelfth House of behind-the-scenes activity, you don't take credit for your actions. Mercury, the planet of communication, is retrograde in this cluster and may slow down an outcome, but January 15 is the day that you get the results you are looking for. A powerful Solar Eclipse may strike like a lightening bolt, and suddenly you'll know it was worthwhile. On January 30, the Full Moon in the house of other people's money could bring in an unexpected infusion of funds. Take the money and run on January 31, when a Saturn and Pluto square could rear its nasty head and rain on your parade before it gets started.

Pisces is the magic act of the Zodiac, usually on a different wavelength than the rest of the pack. This month it all comes together in a swirl of action on your part and you find yourself in step with a group of pals, a club, or an association you belong to. Mercury, the planet of communication, is among a cluster of planets calling attention to your need for more social activity, but it's retrograde. Promises could be made that will be revamped on January 15 when the messenger, as we call Mercury, moves into direct motion. On this very day, a Solar Eclipse (new beginning) ignites the camaraderie amongst the group and you could just stumble on a new project that would satisfy both your financial and artistic needs. On January 30, the Full Moon (and possibly a new romance) prompts you to begin keeping a promise to improve your daily lifestyle through exercise and diet


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