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May, 2012

from Kuwaitis to the world!

Monthly Key to Your City !

Entertainment / Hollywood Movies

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Entertainment / Hollywood Movies

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May 2012


Basma Sultan

PR & Marketing Manager

Khaled Al-Qahtani Chief Editor

Lana Al-Reshed Managing Director

John Daniel

Operations Head

Photography Ghadeer Al-Qattan Salem Al-Obaidi Catherine May Creative Director

Abeer Safi Sales Manager Sales Team Rima Nahhas Bassam Zaqout Joseph Alexander

Yousef Al-Manai Senior Designer

Rani Haddad Production Manager Distribution Jamal Izz Al-din Younis Khan

Hussain Kuwalawala Designer

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Statement of Copyright: theCITY™ is owned and published by GREAT MEDIA. Copyright 2010-2012. All rights reserved. ® «the CITY logo is owned by GREAT MEDIA. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any format without the written consent of the publisher.

DISCLAIMER Reasonable care is taken to ensure that theCITY Magazine articles and other information in the magazine are up-to-date and accurate as possible, as of the time of publication, but no responsibility can be taken by theCITY Magazine for any errors or omissions contained herein. Furthermore, responsibility for any losses, damages or distress resulting from adherence to any information made available through this magazine is not the responsibility of theCITY Magazine. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theCITY Magazine.

Dear Readers... It’s here, it’s here, and it’s finally here!!! The first ever issue of magazine is now available!!! The transition from the old to a brand new magazine is complete. We are proud to present you the first issue of our new magazine and it is dedicated to our beloved country Kuwait. A while back we put our heads together and set out to create the first ever publication that would be from Kuwait to the World and I am pleased today that we have made it. This issue in your hands is the result of months of hard work and sleepless nights of myself and my entire team. We are the first and only magazine that has a dedicated team of 17 prominent regular Kuwaiti writers, each an expert in their own field. Not to forget the team of equally talented foreign writers who bring you the best of their international experiences in different fields. I am sure has something for everyone. Sounds too good to be true but we are serious. We expect a readership of at least 30,000 per month. This means unprecedented niche market penetration. You are now part of a community of at least 30,000 other readers with similar interests. We have carefully selected our free distribution points throughout Kuwait to make it convenient for you to pick your monthly free copy. This is a call to all businesses (start-ups welcome) who wish to be represented in the fastest growing magazine available across the globe. The magazine will be in traditional print version and also have a digital edition for android/iPhone/ web very soon. So, we have made sure that no one gets left out and everyone can now enjoy reading their favorite magazine. I hope you enjoy reading the magazine as much as we enjoyed making it! It won’t be long now and you will see why we are so excited! is a community magazine and we would really love your involvement. Why not follow us on Facebook and Twitter? The best has still to come.

Khaled Al-Qahtani


Entertainment / Hollywood Movies

Where to find Here We Go ,

HOTEL • Crowne Plaza • Costa Del Sol • Le Royal Tower • Movenpick Bidaa

• Safir International • Al Manshar Rotana • Le Royal Arabia • Movenpick FTZ

• Safir Fintas • Kuwait Hayatt • Hilton • Convention Center & RS

• Noodle House • The Early Bird • Let’s Burger •Fries Up

• Cinnamonster • Johnny Rocket • Carinos

RESTAURANTS • Chilis (6 Branches) • Reouk • Ah Meri Penoz •Pizza Inn

CAFES • Caribou Coffee • Columbus Cafe • Delizia Cafe • Java U

• Gloria Jeans • Second Cup • Dunkin Donuts • Sketch Cafe Lounge • Red Berry • NJA Cafe • The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf

UNIVERSITIES & COLLEGES • Australian College of Kuwait • Kuwait University

• Box Hill College Kuwait • American University of Middle-East

AIRPORT • NAS Pearl Lounge

SCHOOLS • British School of Kuwait

• Gulf English School


• River

• Moonlight Studio

• Al Fanar Mall

• Bairaq Mall

MALLS • Marina Mall • Souk Sharq

GYMs & HEALTH CLUBS • Al Corniche • Sahara Kuwait Resort • Platinum Men’s Health Club

• Pilates & More

AUTOMOTIVES • Commercial Facilities Company

SALOONS & SPAs • Capello • The Day Spa for Men

• Romanians & More

• Glamour Saloon


Who says you have to be hotel management graduate to be a hotelier? And who said you have to study art to be a painter? Dealing with clients or having passion for art is a gift, so are many more other things, one of them is being having the talent to band a talented group of professionals in one magazine called - the magazine you are holding now. This magazine is the culmination 15 years of media experience gathered with 10 years of business development experience of my amazing partners and finally myself - a 10 year veteran of Marketing, Public Relations, Mass Telecom & Hospitality. Together, we decided to come up with a professional magazine, rich with information, entertaining & up to date in all fields . This magazine brings you articles from brilliant, smart & consciences editors & we lovingly call them family. You will get to know them closely by following precious pages that we have worked really hard to compile for you. We are glad to have created the one and only magazine in Kuwait and the middle east that brings together more than seventeen Kuwaiti professional’s, talented, gifted, really beautiful inside out writers; each one giving us a monthly article about their profession. This allows each and every one of one of our valuable readers the chance to read about his/her interests covering most fields. We bring you the latest in everything, and we love showing you, how beautiful Kuwait is by showing you great places every month ....we promise you that we will use our creativity to spread positive vibes in each page of - we pledge to take this magazine from only pages, and transform it into a community - one of our main reasons to publish this magazine. At the end I would like to thank every single person who has supported us in making this dream come true, and I would like to thank you for allowing me some of your time to read my first forward in this one of a kind magazine

• Scoop A Cone

Regards ,

ASSOCIATIONS & UNIONS • American Business Council

Lana Al-Resheed

HOSPITALS & CLINICS • Royal Hayat • Al Seif Hospital • Boost My Smile • Maidan Clinic • Dental Lounge • International Clinic • Diet Care • Skin Clinic • Al-Zuhair Holistic Medical Center May 2012

• Al Rashid Hospital • Bayan Dental • Al Salam Hospital • InstaSculpt

Quote of the month : be the change you want to see in the world “Mahatama Ghandi”


‫‪Entertainment / Hollywood Movies‬‬

‫ها حنن ‪ ,,,‬‬ ‫من قال أنه عليك أن تكون من خرجيي ختصص السياحة والفنادق‬ ‫يك تعمل يف املجال الفنديق؟ ومن قال أنه عليك أن تكون من‬ ‫خرجيي الفنون امجليلة يك تكون فنان وتتعامل مع متذويق الفن‪،‬‬ ‫وهناك الكثري من التخصصات األخرى ينطبق علهيا نفس الهنج‬ ‫مهنا التفاف مجموعة من الشباب احملرتف المطوح املوهوب حول‬ ‫ويه املجلة اليت تقرأون‪ ‬صفحة‬ ‫اصدار جملة واحدة إمسها‬ ‫من صفحاهتتا اآلن‪ . ‬هذه املجلة نتاج معل شاق بني خربة إعالمية‬ ‫ممتزية تفوق‪ ‬امخلسة عرش عام‪ ،‬وخربة عرش سنوات لكوييت ممتزي‬ ‫مطور‪ ‬األمعال‪ ‬يف‪ ‬جمال التجارة و األقتصاد‪ ‬و مسامهيت املتواضعة‬ ‫النابعة من عرش سنوات من العمل يف جماالت التسويق والعالقات‬ ‫العامة والتواصل اإلنساين‪ ‬و إدارة املرافق الفندقية‪ ،‬لك مسامهاتنا‬ ‫تلك أدت اىل نرش هذه املجلة الغنية باحملتوى الشيق واملسيل‬ ‫واحلديث‪ ‬املعين مبختلف املجاالت‪ ،‬وقد مسينا هذه املطبوعة‬ ‫نسبة إىل األفراد املمتزييني الذين‪ ‬يسامهون يف إعداد حمتواها‪ ،‬ويه‬ ‫عائلة مرتابطة‪ ‬سوف تلتقون هبا يف لك عدد من أعداد املجلة واليت‬ ‫معلنا جاهدين يك تظهر لمك بشلكها‪ ‬احلايل‪.‬‬ ‫‪ ‬‬ ‫ولقد سعدنا بتحقيقنا هلذا احلمل جاعلينا هذه املطبوعة الوحيدة بني‬ ‫مثيالهتا اليت تتغىن مبسامهات ‪ 17‬اكتبه و اكتب‪ ‬كويتني‪ ‬ميألمه‬ ‫المطوح يشاركونا مقاالت دورية عن‪ ‬أمعاهلم سواء اكن من بني زمالء‬ ‫العمل أو من خارج املجلة‪ ،‬عارضني عىل قرائنا‪ ‬الكرام نظرة اىل أي‬ ‫من املواضيع اليت هتمهم‪ ،‬مع أعطاء القراء نظرة شاملة عىل كويتنا‬ ‫احلبيبة وما حتتويه من مجال وتطور وحداثة‪ ،‬نعدمك أن نستخدم لك ما‬ ‫يك نصل‬ ‫أوتينا من أبداع لنرش طروحات اجيابية للك قراء‬ ‫هبا من جمرد صفحات يف جملة اىل جممتع‪ ‬متفاعل‪ ‬دامئًا ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ ‬‬ ‫ويف هناية هذه اإلفتتاحية أود أن أشكر لك من سامه معنا ليك يصبح‬ ‫هذا احلمل حقيقة‪ ،‬مكا‪ ‬أشكرمك قراءنا الكرام‪ ‬وأمتىن أن تنال جملة‬ ‫عىل‪ ‬أجعابمك ‪ ‬‬

‫‪ ‬‬ ‫متنيايت لمك‪ ‬بيوم رائع ‪ ‬‬

‫لنا الرشيد‬

‫‪ ‬‬

‫اقتباس الشهر‪:‬كن التغيير الذي تود أن تراه ‪ -‬غاندي‬

‫‪May 2012‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

Drs. Mike & Bonnie Green Ayeshah Al-Humaidhi

Amar Behbehani

Belief in humanity and the power of the soul encouraged him to choose art to interact meaningfully with people. Loves his job as a teacher of Design and Art Therapy though plans to return to be a professor in Kuwait University. Desire to help made him enter clinical art therapy and become a healer. Food is another interest; cooking and relishing healthy gourmet dinners. Excited by travel, new cultures, theatre, dance and music. The adrenaline-rushing world of the NBA is a guilty pleasure.

Shares a kinship with animals of all sizes and species. Life mission is to care for Kuwait’s forgotten animals, spread awareness and empathy. Views herself as a risk taker with a coffee addiction.

Dalal Al-Janaie

Success Coach for Mars Venus Coaching, she motivates and encourages life changes. Often the source of inspiration for her clients and colleagues, who regard her as a determined woman with an amazing work ethic.

Dana F. Madouh

Active in the PR scene, 8 years experience in marketing, business development and PR strategic planning and known for her role in introducing the Al Hamra Project. Dedicated to self-improvement; keenly searches media for distinct words to help write her articles. Founding member of the national youth project and involved member in the Kuwait University Media Club. Spends time as a lecturer and a guest writer on The Media Boss. Named the April issue “fashionista” by Marie Claire Magazine.

Attacking unhealthy living with a comprehensive plan. The wife and husband have a fixed set of goals towards eliminating obesity and other health related problems. Good food choices are only possible with information, and they are the source.

Nora Al Ajmi

Zealous about photography and writing, her online album features snippets from her travels around the world, complemented by commentaries on the people and culture. Hops between three major residents: Kuwait, New York and Mexico . Brandishes a unique philosophy.

Meet our regular Prof. Peter Corridon

Khaled Al-Qahtani

John Peaveler

John Peaveler, Managing Director and Lead Capture Specialist for the Kuwait Society for the Protection of Animals and Their Habitat (K’S PATH). Adopts a hands on approach for dealing with animal control and dog rescue. Usually his experiences are shared on the organization’s official sites; in this issue readers are privy to his thoughts on the street dog overpopulation in Kuwait.

Jumana Al-Awadhi

A concerned mother who introduced nutritional food with a Kuwaiti essence; illustrated the first book series for children and owns a specialized bookshop with a health theme. Published articles on health and science of nutrition. Likes using her skills to feed loved ones.

It was a persevering climb to the top. Gained valuable insight and a strong business sense as the Regional Manager of Kuwait and Middle East Investment and Athman Investment Company. Attained the prestigious title of Partner in the First Abu-Dhabi Real Estate Development through backbreaking hard work.

Hailing from the tropical Trinidad & Tobago and pursed zealously numerous degrees from US Universities. Proudly graduated in Applied Mathematics, Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Medical Biophysics Research and Engineering. Used his practical knowledge to conduct research programs in several institutions across Europe and the United States.

Farah Al-Humaidhi

A self-made entrepreneur who strived to channel her creativity into a successful business that celebrates art and design. Her new Furniture Line Pieces by Farah’ was a raving hit and a realization of her dream.

Dr. Nazia Nausheen

Specialized in Obs. and Gynae with an MBBS Degree in Medical, also earned an MBA in Marketing and Sales. Disseminates valuable information in her extensive medical seminars and workshops. Relaxes by travelling and swimming in her free time. Readers should look forward to her regular articles on women health-related issues in theCITY magazine.

Falah Z. Al-Falah

Has gained 21 years of experience in information technology and telecom with specialization in networking, security, WAN,LAN and Wireless networking. Held management and senior positions for more than 14 years. Drawn to the latest technology and gadgets; also enjoys swimming, camping and flying kites. Savors barbeque steak, especially on weekends.

Haifa Al-Kuhedaan

Senior Editor of Kuwait News Agency (KUNA), responsible for delivering quality news to Kuwait. Deeply entrenched in the journalism and media environment, media savvy and updated on global news. Takes pleasure in globe trotting, interior design, fashion and beauty trends.

Hind Al-Nahedh

Enthusiasm and passion has driven her to accomplish many feats in her professional life. Launched the Commercial logo of VIVA and was responsible for its highlyregarded brand development. Mastered strong communication skills; active in business development organizations similar to KFS – Kuwait Friendship Society and experienced in many fields from graphic designing to media planning. Noteworthy is her role in organizing the 1st Public Relations Conference at Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and the Festival Dubai.

family of writers Sultan J. Alsaud

Started working in his birthplace of Saudi Arabia towards a lawyer career. Currently, an LLM student at The City Law School in London. This lawyer student, who enjoys travelling and his gym membership, plans to return to his country. Favorites all shades of blue.

Sadeq Qassim

Heads the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science. An inspiring, genius inventor recognized in the community with many gold, silver and bronze medals to his name in international invention exhibitions. Received the Genius award from the Hungarian Inventors Association 2007, a Grand prize in the INPEX, USA, 2011 exhibition and a Grand Prize in the Eastern Europe, Croatia, 2011 Exhibition. An Associate member of the conference of nuclear power and renewable energies for the Middle East is another honor to his name.

Sager Albenali

A soul searcher whose passion for writing has always given him purpose. Started in a variety of jobs including an office boy and a translator /reporter for news networks during the U.S. led-war on Iraq in 2003. Freelanced as a reporter before receiving his degree in Journalism and Creative Writing. Currently, working as a Public Affairs Manager in Kuwait. Loves to read and exercise.

Samah Mattar

Worked in different fields to gain familiarity with professionals and their personalities, expanding her social outlook. Majored in Business Informatics, but turned to luxury fashion retail for four great years. Presently, enjoys a position in the Ministry of Culture in Bahrain.


Partner & Marketing Director of Kanzen Consulting, offers readers marketing tips in a monthly column for theCity. Simplified marketing concepts, advice and successful business ideas will introduce readers to exciting prospects. Topics cover understanding of customers’ needs and expectations, charming customers, and ways small business owners should handle service failure.

16 18

How charities can use social media for digital campaigning Hind Al-Nahedh

IPhone VS Android Falah Z. Al-Falah


Erascan Can Scan! Sadeq Qassim


‫ثورة الكويت الغذائية‬ Jumana Al-Awadhi


Cover Photo: Kuwait City By : Abdulaziz Al Shamali

Read our exclusive interview on page 36

‫كويتية بني ثقافات خمتلفة‬ Nora A. Al-Ajmi


‫أعد الصياغه من فضلك‬ Dana F. Madouh


22 An Outsiderʼs Look on a Growing Problem in Kuwai

24 Too much to do, too little time

28 do we actually have a problem ?

38 More dog owners

The Visit By LANA 12 Q.Cafe. Restaurant

doesn’t necessarily mean happier dogs.



Introduction to Commercial Law by: Sultan J. AlSaud


42 Spring of Personal Transformation

46 Through the Storeroom 56 See the light!

ONTENTS Automobiles

Fun Reading

76 Koenigsegg 2013 Agera R 30

‫يسعديل صباحمك او مسامك‬

41 ‫جزيرة اكبري األسطـورية‬


Interior Design

62 Book Releases

50 What goes well with blue?

64 Hollywood Movies


Travel & Tourism

Health & Medicine

65 Music Fashion

68 Música by Carrera y Carrera

32 Lighten Up Kuwait 45 Mad Woman in a Beauty Salon

34 Baby Blues or Post Partum


69 Royal Oak 40 Years


70 hot! hot! hot!

58 Gadgets

72 Collette Dinnigan



the VISIT / Q.Cafe Restaurant

The Great Q.Cafe Restaurant in the City comes from a Great Family Bonding Family that gave great support to one of the most interesting persons I have ever met in my life: Arwa Behbahani.


n my monthly page “theVisit” that I will be sharing with magazine I will be visiting great you every month in places chit chatting with who has been behind the creation of the place and how the beginning was with all the details and secret stories. I will explore if it was hard or smooth beginning, the good times and the bad moments during the project. “theVisit” is an entertaining page with benefits that created to give a closer look to projects in all fields and to know more about them and learn from those who have done it, and succeeded and it will make us all know some GREAT people closer. This month, I had my weekend coffee with the extraordinary Arwa Behbahani the heart of Q.Café Restaurant and directly after settling and ordering my coffee the first question that came to my mind was that “Arwa, how does it feel having Q.Cafe Restaurant NOW? Her answer with a big smile and shinning eyes was PROUD.

Photographs by: Ahmed Al-Houti

Yes Arwa, not only are you proud, I am proud too for all what I knew about this amazing KUWAITI lady had started from scratch. Yes, she got the support from; as she calls them the two great cousins but she promised them success. Today Arwa has achieved an amazing ambiance with great food in one of the most sensitive businesses in the world, F&B. Back to the beginning, she says the secret was quality “product is the real evaluation”. She and her team had worked extremely hard to come up with the best of all, pushing hard to reach perfection yet she says nothing is perfect but we keep on trying. May 2012

the VISIT / Q.Cafe Restaurant

dishes ! I said well done! This passionately fast lady says the stages where she had mistakes in the start were that “I am so fast and passionate that I needed perfect consultation and someone to tweak my passion”. But now after four years of studding the private business and by practicing it she says today, I think I have the experience. Specially that I have participated in finalizing most of the government work herself and did everything in detailed which was not easy at all. But yet she says if you are willing to do it you will do it but you need to move on. Ideas in brains don’t come to reality while you’re just thinking about them !

magazine family wished that may Arwa`s dream come true. We were so proud to know and meet Q.Cafe. Restaurant’s heart and soul - Arwa Behbahani, wishing her more success. Its loving to see all Kuwaitis having great professional careers wherever they are. I love unique and passionate Kuwaiti small projects wishing them success in all the way and I will support them in all I can forever. magazine family wished that may Arwa`s dream come true. We were so proud to know and meet Q.Cafe. Restaurant’s heart and soul - Arwa Behbahani, wishing her more success. Its loving to see all Kuwaitis having great professional careers wherever they are.

Starting from reading recipe books ending up with having one of the most beautiful cozy places in Kuwait where you can have a good dining experience or maybe enjoy coffee and great dessert with your friends. Located in The Village Kuwait “Abu Alhasani”.

I love unique and passionate Kuwaiti small projects wishing them success in all the way and I will support them in all I can forever.

And while we were having a very interesting conversation, Chef Elie from Lebanon, the Q.Cafe Restaurant’s chef joined us and mentioned me that the guests of a Kuwaiti restaurant are way harder to satisfy because most of them have visited the worlds and the high competition in Kuwait itself. Chef Elie expressed that he was really happy to be a part of this great place. Arwa loves Chef Elie’s food, specially his great executer homemade “Gnochi”. Chef Elie is a very calm and quite chef. I believe he expresses himself with great

Café Q. Restaurant

Sharq Jaber Al Mubarak Street Alshurooq Tower A Opposite Dasman Complex To Order: 22495067

About Arwa

Arwa is a Leo. Back at school her friends always told her that she would never have a job but instead be having your private business and her answer was of course but two things I will never go for restaurants and ladies beauty center. Today Arwa has both, a restaurants and a beauty saloon. She says you never know how good you can be in something you never know you could be good at. Mr. Ahmed Alsadah her boss back then when she was in KPC told her you are a great employee but I think you were born to have your own business. She had to resign when he was on a leave. Her hardest moment in her private business is SOLID TRUTH. When she invited people for food testing they don’t know the procedures the whole team was through to bring them those varieties of food on the table at the end QUALITY is the most important and she’s never happy unless someone shows her a reaction about how delicious and well presented the food is. Her best moment was when one day she passed by the place and found it extremely crowded and people were waiting in a queue to be seated and she had to help the staff serving food and mopping tables. She said, tha day I was the happiest. Strong woman, Arwa says we always need a manly opinion a manly protection and a man’s support. Arwa’s Advices: “Communicate your expectations” Arwa’s favorite food: Sushi , Chili Chocolate . Arwa’s dream is to be a partner in the biggest and most successful F&B groups with 7 extremely outstanding amazingly professional 7 chefs.

The Village complex, Funaitees Shareet alSahel Block 9, Plot 241, To Order: 99696718 May 2012



Photo by: Ghadeer Al Qattan


May 2012

the JAY’S Page

in Westfield’s food court...Yup we definitely know that the only thing we talked about was food, sorry for party rocking your cravings... Anyhow this is it for our first issue, catch us up on the next one with more of our interesting stories and issues to share! Byeee! xoxo -The Jays

Hello to everyone reading the JAY’s Page. We are totally flattered being a part of “theCity” magazine and it is a great opportunity for us to share the teen’s subjects with everyone. This is one of a kind and we love it .... Let’s start this by introducing ourselves the way we like: -Twins and yup identical incase you are wondering. -Owners of “The Jeem” clothing line. -In-love with fashion! -Obsessed with music, it runs through our system. -Ice-cream, cupcakes, red velvet and cheese burgers with extra cheese are worth the weight exception. -We cherish art in all its forms. -Triangle and eyes are our favorite symbols. -Caffeine everything makes us happy. -All hale to Kanye west and Queen B (Beyonce) -We dream big, we aim straight. -We are physically in Kuwait but mentally in the city of angels (L.A) This is our first time to write

in a magazine and basically we are going to share with you some moments from our daily life. Hope you will enjoy the ride! So recently we came back from London, it was so amazing! Not to mention the food over there… ahh!! Both of us are cupcakes-aholic so being in a place filled with sweet shops made us go crazy, “Sugar, spice and everything nice.” Yup, that’s the motto... Stuffing ourselves with all the sweets around us, our favorite shop was Humming bird bakery it was definitely the best! They have the best chocolate and red velvet cupcakes. On to the next, our friend told us about this waffle place on Oxford street and we had to go and check it out! It was amazing indeed!! We are Nutella lovers so anything with Nutella is heavenly to us. It was served with vanilla ice-cream, even better! Lazim itjarbona isma “Pure waffle” it is so good! Last but not the least we tried this burger place called Byron. Shengool, It was really good wayeed latheeth! The image of the burger in our minds right now while typing this is mouth watering. It is located May 2012



Feature / Social Media

Hind Al-Nahedh @Hindrelations

How charities can use social media for digital campaigning Now a days Charities need to think about their digital offering in a different way to help engagement with campaigns effectively, My favorite online charity websites are www.

Here are four ways to think about your digital offering in a different way:

1. Present the campaign message from an outsider’s perspective

We only need to hold a mirror up to our own digital identities to realise that people don’t exist online in the same way as they do in the physical world. We are comfortable with interactions in the physical world, but there aren’t any established norms for behaviour on social media. We tend to furnish our digital identities with a string of personal and professional interests that also define the scope of our conversations online. Consider a typical Twitter profile that features an abstract list of interests: works for a charity, passionate about the environment, enjoys rollerblading, footie fan and keen baker of exotic breads. For a campaign message to be effective and become part May 2012 & When campaigning charities need to think carefully about how they engage with supporters digitally. Social media thrives on conversations. It isn’t meant for broadcast but for engagement, and that should play to the strengths of voluntary sector campaigns. However, digital campaigning is still regarded as replicating campaign messages and relationships from the

physical world in the digital landscape. Basically, trying to reach out to the same people, saying the same things online. And that is where many organisations should tread carefully. of the mainstream, it needs to be adapted around such expressions of interests. That way campaigns become catalysts for conversations in the digital space that produce meaningful outcomes in the physical world. That might mean using more accessible, inclusive vocabulary to engage new audiences and create new stakeholders. For example, the Kony 2012 campaign tried to achieve an outsider’s perspective by playing on the obsession with celebrity. However, the campaign lacked context and the values associated with the message weren’t highlighted clearly enough. 2. A thought experiment – war is bad, jam is aspirational Consider the example of a charity that wants to run a campaign to generate income to support war veterans in a region by selling locally produced jam. The message can be defined by two very different sets of contexts and

Feature / Social Media

values – to evoke empathy by highlighting the plight of veterans and the nature of war, or to promote localism through the consumption of regional produce. The latter relates to additional areas of interest, such as sustainability and the environment, which can be tied together with an open-ended message – jam makes good things happen. By making jam aspirational, you have access to a new demographic on social networking sites with very particular interests. It is possible that this audience might be disengaged or not interested in war veterans. However, you can create chance encounters with the campaign through keyword searches by using the distinct vocabulary used by this community.

to approach this. The first is to run a campaign on different websites, such as a blog, a video channel on YouTube and a Facebook page etc. Creating multiple points of contact creates more opportunities for people to encounter the message. The second is to create a single textured voice on one website, such as a Twitter feed. This could help a resource-stretched organisation use the medium effectively. Authenticity is key in both instances and can be achieved when social networking is decentralised. Do not let a single department within a large organisation or one person run the campaign. Do not worry that conversations shaped by interaction with different points of views will come across as contrived.


4. Effective blueprints for sustainable operation In this period of intense funding cuts, the voluntary sector is increasingly exploring the potential of social media to contribute to its sustainable operation through digital campaigns. It is a shift in the right direction; it is also largely being driven by anxieties and the need for quick fixes. Create a blueprint for digital engagement, focus on developing an intuitive and organic relationship with social media. It is only when organisations plan effectively, filling the gaps in knowledge that we can avoid the barriers to using digital tools construc3. Expose the fabric of your tively. campaign, decentralise soI hope you found my topic this cial networking Expressing the message in dif- month helpful , I believe now ferent ways to create conver- a days your voice can be heard sation is the first step in digi- by others who believe the tal campaigning and should same & growing , stay tuned sustain long-term interest. for more interesting social There are a couple of ways media articles. You don’t have to sacrifice or ignore different demographics by refining campaign messages in this way. Social media has the capacity to allow multiple, discrete narratives to run at the same time across different networks or within the same website. It is also possible simply to define the context and let the audience create the message. The 2010 Greenpeace campaign to highlight the dangers of offshore drilling – which encouraged people to remix and share their version of the BP logo – is a good example of this approach.

May 2012



Feature / Gadgets & Gizmoz

Falah Z. Al-Falah


VS Android

Android mobiles Today android market share in the US is about 50% having the lead over the rest of the smart mobiles. And this is due to the fact that there are many brand names using android such as Samsung, HTC, Motorola and others. Also you have a vast choice of sizes, functions, colors, styles…etc. Two of the major advantages of android based mobiles are mobile customization to your needs, hence themes, wedges, notification center customization…etc. and the second advantage is the large numbers of free applications available in the market. Google integration with android is a plus, since Google have many web application that are used by everyone such as Google maps, docs, Gmail, translate and many more. Also android mobiles use flash technology, which enable users to access all of the web sites that are using flash player. While this function is becoming less important now due to the sites moving to HTML5 based technology and more and more sites are having a mobile friendly version.

May 2012

Apple IPhone On the application side android is not as successful as iPhone and this is mainly due to the same success factor and that is the diversity and so called open source. To explain it more, because android is deployed on different devices with different sizes and specs developers are having a tough time making an application that work on all devices and this is called fragmentation, hence different versions, screen size, brands…etc. Last but not least one of the major challenges for android market is the security aspect, as the market is not well governed as it is with other markets such as apple app store. Almost all smart phones have a common major application’s support, such as twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. And this is an advantage for all consumers as they can make their choice based on the mobile and brands they feel most comfortable with, hence Nokia, BlackBerry, android, IPhone.

IPhone was introduced in 2007 and since then it has changed the mobile world to a different level and as per my opinion is the main reason behind the smart phones evolution. It is the second mostly used mobile lagging behind android with a market share of around 30% in the United States alone. The main advantages for the iPhone are the number of available applications which are estimated around 800 thousands and counting. Also due to the fact that all iPhones have the same screen size and consistent IOS version, applications are compatible with most of them as it is a lot easier for a developer to develop for a single device, which is not the case for the android. Another advantage is the ease of use and simplicity where a child can find his way around an iPhone without a sweat. The main disadvantage of the iPhone is the inflexibility as customizations are limited. Also limited hardware choice and that’s not the case with android. And last but not least a lengthy process for apps approval to be introduced in the apple app market.

Entertainment / Hollywood Movies

May 2012



Feature / New Inventions

Sadeq Qassim

Erascan Can Scan! Erascan ‫تستطيع القيام‬ ‫باملسح الضوئى‬ ‫للمعلومات و‬ ‫النصوص‬

Also, don’t worry even if your lecturer erases the white when you still have stuff to be noted. Here comes the new technology Eraser called Erascan.

The use of dry erase markers on a whiteboard is a popular means of conveying information in a classroom or meeting. Many types of markers are used for writing on a whiteboard. Dry erase marker ink dries on the surface of a whiteboard leaving a thin film. The erasers used for removing the dried ink have been similar in size and shape to conventional chalkboard erasers with a variety of materials such as felt or cloth-like material. One of the main problems with known erasers is the dry erase marker residue collects on the surface of the eraser and degrades the cleaning ability thus making the erase process quite messy.

Erascan is a whiteboard eraser that scans the written matter on the board while erasing and saves it onto an inbuilt memory chip. The idea is to keep a digital copy of the drawings or notes handy for future reference. The device is programmed to automatically recognize handwriting, identify emails and web URLs. What’s more, it can share the saved data via email wirelessly!

‫ تستطيع القيام باملسح‬Erascan ‫الضوىئ لملعلومات و النصوص‬ ‫استخدام األقالم اجلافة عىل ألواح‬ ‫الكتابة (السبورة) يه وسيلة‬ ‫شعبية لنقل املعلومات يف الفصول‬ ‫وهناك‬.‫الدراسية أو االجمتاعات‬ ‫أنواع كثرية من األقالم للكتابة عىل‬ ‫ جيف احلرب عىل سطح‬.‫السبورة‬ ‫لوحة الكتابة البيضاء تاراك طبقة‬ ‫ اكنت احملايا تتستخدم إلزالة‬.‫رقيقة‬ ‫احلرب املجفف مماثلة يف احلجم‬ ‫والشلك إىل حمايات السبورة‬ ‫التقليدية مع مجموعة متنوعة من‬ ‫املواد مثل القطن أو قطعة مقاش‬ ‫ واحدة من املشالك‬.‫من مواد شبهية‬ ‫الرئيسية مع احملايات املعروفة يه‬ ‫وجود بقايا مجتعها عىل سطح‬ ‫املمحاة مما يقلل من قدرة التنظيف‬ .‫وجيعل معلية احملو صعبة للغاية‬ ‫و أيضا حىت إذا قام احملارض‬ ‫مبحو الكتابة عىل اللوحة ولديك‬ .‫أشياء ال تزال تريد أن تجسلها‬ ‫فهنا تأيت تكنولوجيا ممحاة جديدة‬ .Erascan‫تمسى‬

The designers explain, “The design consists of an LCD screen to show the scanned information during the erasing process. It also displays a simple menu allowing the user to select other functions. Navigation control buttons are located below the LCD screen.

‫اإللكرتوين وعناوين املواقع عىل شبكة‬ ‫ فإنه‬،‫ ما هو أكرث من ذلك‬.‫اإلنرتنت‬ ‫ميكن تبادل البيانات احملفوظة عرب‬ .‫الربيد اإللكرتوين السلكيا‬ ‫إن تصممي اجلهاز يتكون من شاشة‬ ‫ لعرض املعلومات املمسوحة‬LCD ‫ وإنه يعرض‬.‫ضوئيا أثناء معلية احملو‬ ‫أيضا قامئة بسيطة لتتيح لملستخدم‬ ‫ وتقع أزرار‬.‫اختيار و ظائف أخرى‬ ‫التحمك يف احملاية حتت الشاشة‬ .‫مبارشة مكا هو مبني يف الصور‬ May 2012

‫ يه ممحاة السبورة اليت‬Erascan ‫تقوم بعملية مسح ضوىئ لملعلومات‬ ‫املكتوبة عىل لوحة الكتابة عالوة عىل‬ ‫معلية حمو النص املكتوب ىف نفس‬ ‫الوقت وتقوم حبفض النص عىل‬ .‫رشحية ذاكرة داخلية باجلهاز‬ ‫والفكرة يه للحفاظ عىل نخسة‬ ‫رمقية من الرسومات أو املالحظات‬ ‫ ومتت برجمة‬.‫مكرجع يف املستقبل‬ ‫اجلهاز عىل التعرف تلقائيا عىل خط‬ ‫ والتعرف عىل رسائل الربيد‬،‫اليد‬

Entertainment / Hollywood Movies

May 2012



Feature / Society

Prof. Peter Corridon

An Outsiderʼs Look on a Growing Problem in Kuwait Look around for a minute. Do you see the growing number of hospitals in Kuwait and the Gulf at large? Do you know anyone thatʼs obese? Does work or driving stress you out? These questions seem unrelated, but letʼs consider the following situations in Kuwait: a KD 900 million new hospital initiative, a world leader in obesity (about 1 in 4 people), and high levels of stress...a link seems to be more clearer - TYPE 2 DIABETES. There are two types of diabetes: one you are born with (Type 1), and the other you develop (Type 2). The one you develop comes from your choice of lifestyle. Type 2 Diabetes is a major problem in our world and is expected to increase to epidemic proportions.


tress and obesity can wreak havoc on your body. Stress, emotional or physical, arises when your body thinks that it is under attack. This can cause your blood sugar levels to rise. The rise in sugar is used to increase your energy reserve, so you can react to the perceived attack. This mechanism is known as “fight or flight”, and in normal cases, the sugar levels decrease after the attack/ stressful situation ends. With diabetes, this sugar regulation process is lost and there is a build up of sugar in the body. Unfortunately, this can in turn lead to nerve damage (not good), kidney disease (even worse), and even blindness (just awful). Worse yet, obesity increases your chances of getting diabetes, and thus your odds of acquiring any of the above problems. But, just like we can change our lifestyle...we may be able to fight the effects of fight or flight and Type 2 diabetes using things we know and love!!! Think about the following: chalet, spa, laughter, good times with friends, elevate your legs in the afternoon, and smoking shisha instead of cigarettes. These elements have one thing in common – they help us relax. As you know, relaxation can help reduce stress levels, and assist us in taking control of aspects of our health. I am also going to use the “E” word...yes, exercise. May 2012

Take it easy. I’m not asking you to run a marathon, or get buffed like THE ROCK. But, you can opt to take the stairs once a day, increase your heart rate by periods of intense breathing, and drinking on average three iced drinks a day to force your body to burn calories as it tries to regulate your body temperature. Also, drinking a glass of water before a meal can reduce your appetite. Laughter and good times with friends can be a worthy medicine as use it. Simply elevating your legs in the afternoon or evening can help reduce blood pressure... so try it! Finally, we come to shisha. Smoking shisha is a popular past time in the Gulf, and is becoming more popular worldwide. Overall, there are many drawbacks to smoking, but shisha doesn’t contain the added carcinogens that come with cigarettes. So this is in some aspects a better option. However, please note that smoking tobacco can still lead to cell and tissue damage, which can also be harmful to health. In sum, this was just a brief outline of simple things we can do to enjoy our time and enhance the health of this historic region. So in this present time, let’s all look forward to enhanced lifestyles!!!

Entertainment / Hollywood Movies

May 2012



Feature / Business

Khaled Al-Qahtani

Too much to do, How to manage your time effectively?

For small business owners it can seem like there’s never enough time in the day. Countless little tasks and interruptions eat away at the day and stop the business owner spending time trying to grow their business or spending time with their families. “How much of that time was spent achieving the strategic goals of the business and how much was spent doing things that probably could have been put off or not at all?” “Business owners often don’t realise how much time they’re spending on things that are unnecessary.”


too little time

Business owner might have a dozen things they need to read and seeing them all laid out in a list would allow them to decide which is the most important and has to be read immediately.


One of the key reasons people procrastinate is that they have a large or complex project to undertake and don’t know how to begin. Breaking the task into small chunks that can be more easily undertaken.






Using what would otherwise be wasted time The first thing to do is to draw up a to-do list – such as in a doctor’s waiting room or on an with a list of tasks, ranked according to their airplane – to catch up on tasks like business importance and when they need to be done reading. by. This will ensure tasks get done by deadline and none get forgotten. Check the list as you MAKE APPOINTMENTS WITH YOUSELF Business owners should make appointments go through the day. with themselves to concentrate on important BE CLEAR ABOUT YOUR OUTCOMES tasks that need to be done without (Business Plan) interruption. That way the time is blocked out Business owners should keep a list of the and won’t be subject to other demands. projects they have underway to allow them to “You’ve got to say to yourself, what are the reach their goals rather than just undertaking sort of things that are A-level tasks that I really tasks on an ad hoc basis.“If you don’t have a need a bit of time on my own to do.” business plan you’re bumbling along dealing Key wasters of time are the telephone, visitors with whatever shows up on that day or week and paperwork. Setting aside specific times or month” for telephone calls and trying to limit them. Shut your office door to send a message to the BUNCH SIMILAR TASKS TOGETHER For instance, if you have a list of all the phone visitors that you are not available and set aside calls you need to make, you could use a spare specific times to take visitors. Another tip is 10 minutes between appointments to get a not to invite visitors to sit down – they’ll leave more quickly if they’re standing. couple out of the way. May 2012

Professional Experience:




Education: Master of Business Administration, Finance , MAASTRICHT UNIVERSITY KUWAIT

Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration,Management & Labor Relations , CLEVELAND STATE UNIVERSITY – OHIO - USA

Entertainment / Hollywood Movies

May 2012


‫‪Jumana Al-Awadhi‬‬

‫‪Feature / Healthy Eating‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪@welovekuwait‬‬

‫ثورة الكويت الغذائية‬ ‫‪Food Revolution Kuwait‬‬ ‫اتذكر منذ سنوات طويله تسبق معر ولدي االكرب‬ ‫ضاري و بعد عوديت من لندن حيث درست علوم‬ ‫التغذيه الطبيعيه ‪ ،‬و عند حماوليت نرش ثقافه‬ ‫الغذاء الطبييع اكن هناك اهمتام و اقبال اهبرين‬ ‫عىل الدورات و الورش العمل اليت نمظهتا‪ ،‬و لكن‬ ‫غالبيه املهمتني اكنوا يشعرون باهنم وحيدين يف‬ ‫هذا العامل و ال يوجد تجشيع ممن حوهلم بالغالب‪.‬‬ ‫مرت سنوات كرثت سفرايت هبا و لكن لك مره‬ ‫ارجع الكويت ارى ازدياد عدد املهمتني بالغذاء‬ ‫االورجانك‪ .‬مما يسعدين طبعا‪ ،‬و لكن ما اكن‬ ‫يزجعين هو قله السلع و املنتجات االورجانيك‪،‬‬ ‫هشدت خشصيا حماوالت عديده من اخشاص‬ ‫وعوا حلاجه السوق ملثل هذه االغذيه‪ ،‬هشدت‬ ‫افتتاح …‪..‬و اغالق العديد من احملالت اليت‬ ‫اكن ميكن ان تحجن جناحا اكحسا‪ .‬و لكهنا مل‬ ‫تمتكن للوصول هلذه الرشحيه‪ .‬رمبا لتشتت افراد‬ ‫هذا املجمتع العضوي و عدم وجود دليل يهسل‬ ‫هلم التواصل و الوصول لبعضهم البعض و‬ ‫هلذه احملالت املتفرقه‪ .‬سبب آخر لتأخر الكويت‬ ‫باللحاق بركب الدول املتقدمه بثقافه الغذاء الطبييع‬ ‫هو عدم معرفه الناس بطريقه الطبخ اليحص او‬ ‫تنظمي وجباهتم اليوميه عىل اساس حصي‪ .‬فكثريا‬ ‫ما يسألوين كيف اطبخ هذا و مك آلك من ذاك‪.‬‬ ‫و احلل هلذه املشلكه البسيطه اكنت دورات الطبخ‬ ‫تدع‬ ‫اليحص املسمتره باالضافه اىل ورش معل مّ‬ ‫الخشص باملعلومات اليت تزيد من محاسه للغذاء‬ ‫اليحص و االسمترار يف طريقه‪ .‬عدم وجود‬ ‫ويع او قوانني تنظم الزراعه العضويه جتعل‬ ‫الثقه معدومه بني املسهتلك و اي خشص يديع‬ ‫ان بضاعته اورجانيك‪ .‬و قد هشدت عىل مثل هذا‬ ‫النوع من الغش التجاري الذي يستغل االندفاع‬ ‫لدي الخشص الوايع بالفرق اليحص بني منتجات‬ ‫االورجانيك و غريها و عدم استخساره زياده‬ ‫السعر يف سبيل احلصول عىل منتج «يسوى »‬ ‫يشيك العديد ان الورجانيك يفسد مزيانيته ‪ ،‬و قد‬ ‫قدمت العديد من احملارضات عن هذا املوضوع‬ ‫بالذات‪ ،‬باختصار لكمه اورجانيك ليست لكمه‬ ‫حسريه‪ ،‬تراها عىل املنتج فيتخيل لك انه حصي‬

‫و مفيد فقط لوجود هذه اللكمه هيلع‪ ،‬فالعديد من‬ ‫املنتجات املصنفه اورجانيك و اليت يغايل التجار‬ ‫باسعارها معرفتا مهنم ان هناك من جيد ضالته‬ ‫هبا و طال حبثه عن بديل مثل بدائل احلليب ‪،‬‬ ‫مع اهنا مصنفه اورجانيك لكن يعترب من االغذيه‬ ‫املصنعه الضاره‪ .‬فاالورجانيك تدل فقط عىل طريقه‬ ‫الزراعه‪ ،‬و ليس ما حيدث بعد ذلك اثناء التصنيع‬ ‫و التغليف و االضافات و طرق التعبئه و التخزين‪.‬‬ ‫اؤمن اميانا اكمال ان الكويت جاهزه اآلن اكرث من‬ ‫اي وقت مىض لرحله الغذاء اليحص احلقييق‪.‬‬ ‫الن املهمتني مل يعودوا فقط طالبني الرشاقه و‬ ‫فقدان الوزن الزائد و من شعر بقميه حصته عندما‬ ‫فقدها‪ .‬بل املهمتني مه شباب يف اوج حصهتم‪،‬‬ ‫اهمتوا بالتغذيه الصحيه النه جزء من اسلوب حياه‬ ‫حصي ينعهشم و حيافظ عىل شباب اجسادمه و‬ ‫عقوهلم و يشعرمه بلذه احلياه‪ ،‬مثلهم مكثل شباب‬ ‫كثريين يف الدول املتقده مفوجه التغذيه السلميه‬ ‫عاليه وآتيه و صاعده ايضا‪ .‬و هلذا‪ ،‬و للك هذه‬ ‫االسباب‪ ،‬انا اكرث من سعيده ببدايه ثوره الكويت‬ ‫الغذائيه و اليت بدأت من موقع عىل االنرتت لتجمع‬ ‫خنبة املجمتع اليحص يف الكويت و ذواقة الطعام‬ ‫الرايق و خرباء التغذية الطبيعية و لك من هيمه‬ ‫تغيري منط حياته إىل أكرث حصية ‪ .‬هبدف تكوين‬ ‫ملتىق للك هؤالء ليجدوه دليلهم للنشاطات املقامة‬ ‫بالكويت و لك ما حيتاجون إليه من معلومات ورش‬ ‫معل و دروس الطبخ اليحص أو املنتجات اليت‬ ‫هتمهم و اليت ترتيق ملعايري امه مدارس التغذيه‬ ‫الطبيعيه بالعامل و اليت انيمت الهيا و أثق هبا‪.‬‬ ‫باالضافة إىل نرش ثقافة احلياة الصحية و اعالن‬ ‫بدء احلراك اليحص املنظم يف الكويت‪.‬‬

‫بتارخي ‪ ١٩‬مايو ‪ ٢٠١٢‬ستحتفل أكرث من ‪ ٤٥‬دولة‬ ‫يف العامل ألول مرة بيوم الثورة الغذائية العاملي‪ .‬و‬ ‫هو إحتفالية تدمع الثقافة الغذائية و تنرش الويع‬ ‫اليحص‪ .‬يعمل فريق بلك بلد عىل تجشيع و‬ ‫حتفزي املجمتع للهنوض و الدفاع عن ما يمسيه‬ ‫قائد املرشوع بالطعام احلقييق‪ .‬فهو ال يمسى‬ ‫الطعام اليحص أو الطبييع بل احلقييق ألن مكية‬ ‫معليات التصنيع اليت مير هبا الطعام جترده من‬

‫حقيقته و من أي من عنارصه أو خواصه الغذائية‪.‬‬ ‫خشصيا امتىن ان ميتد هذا احلراك ليطول و يفيد‬ ‫ابناءنا يف املدارس الن ان اكن هناك درس واحد‬ ‫تعملته عىل مدى سنوات معيل يف هذا املجال‬ ‫سواءا يف الكويت او لندن او امرياك هو ان التعلمي‬ ‫بالصغر اكلنقش باحلجر و اننا مجيعا نكرب و‬ ‫تكرب معنا عاداتنا الغذائيه فيصعب عىل الكبري‬ ‫تغيريها حىت لو عىل حساب حصته‪ ،‬و قالئل مه‬ ‫احملظوظني بام و اب واعني مدركني خلطوه التعود‬ ‫عىل منط غذايئ واحد و غري حصي‪.‬‬ ‫‪May 2012‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


Entertainment / Hollywood Movies

May 2012



Feature / Society

John Peaveler

“I’m sorry, but do we actually have a problem?” When street dogs come up in conversation in Kuwait, most people seem perplexed having never seen a free-roaming dog here in their entire lives. If you live in the city and ply mostly between Al Rai, down town and Salmiya, you may well never have spotted a free roaming dog and might question if we have a roaming dog problem to begin with. Well, we do. It’s a man-made problem. And not a new development at that. Contrary to prevalent notions, dogs are not indigenous to the Kuwaiti deserts but were introduced by humans sometime in the recent past.

There are three kinds of dogs roaming Kuwait. Their origins, abilities and disposition vary greatly from dog to dog. This Kuwait. is because feral dogs are the result of secFirstly, we spot pet dogs on the loose, ond or greater generations of abandoned commonly referred to as strays though pets that end up breeding among other they originate from human owners who feral and wild dogs. Consequently they have either abandoned them or acci- can be social, anti-social or even aggresdentally let them loose. They lack basic sive depending upon their genetic mix survival skills like finding water, food and and experience with humans. If people extend kindness and compassion to them crossing the roads. as puppies, there’s a greater probability Secondly, there are wild dogs which con- they will grow up to be friendly. stitute by far the smallest population of dogs in Kuwait. These dogs travel long However, the idea of a battle of nature vs. distances; are highly adept at hunting, nurture is valid in these cases. And it’s imforaging and finding water; are excep- portant to elucidate this with an analogy tionally savvy and strictly avoid humans. since many people tend to anthropomorphize their expectations of an animal’s Lastly, there are feral dogs, the most ability to well integrate within human numerous type of free-roaming dogs in society. May 2012

Let’s hypothesize a human child is raised in the jungle with little or no human interaction. When placed in a city at 18 years of age that child will be entirely lacking in all social skills - he may be able to adapt to his new circumstances and thrive, may only be able to cope, or he may in fact entirely fail to adjust. Such is the case with feral dogs except that dogs are obviously much less evolved than humans. Dogs also tend to revert to their instinctive untamed predisposition more swiftly than humans with each new generation. This means that the offspring of our hypothetical human child raised in the jungle can be placed in a family and put in school likely with no observable difference from other children, whereas the chance of a second generation feral dog being a pet is

Feature / Society

much diminished regardless of care and ing dumped in the desert by city resi- population of dogs should slowly die handling. dents are not the primary source of off. It does not die off because of the There are close to a staggering 5000 freeroaming dogs in Kuwait, the vast majority of these are feral. Why then is the majority of human population in Kuwait unaware of issues faced by these dogs?

free-roaming dogs. In fact, the single greatest contributing factor to the freeroaming dog population in Kuwait is abandonment by winter campers, and you’re about to find out why.

Dog issues seem to come in threes, and again there are three reasons dogs are found mostly in industrial, farm, and residential areas well outside of the city.

Before we explore at how winter camps both perpetuate and expand this problem, let’s look at the fate of most homeless dogs in Kuwait.

1. Downtown is much cleaner than rural Kuwait. Dogs need access to regular food source, mostly from garbage. 2. The Public Authority for Agriculture and Fish Resources (PAAFR) regularly poisons dogs in the city but does very little in rural areas 3. Hundreds of dogs are abandoned every year when owners tire of caring for

The average lifespan of a free-roaming dog here is 1.5 years - shockingly low considering a well cared for pet dog can live 15 or more years. Among puppies we see mortality of 80-90% on average where most have died of exposure, dehydration, starvation, or disease before six months of age. At six months,

them and they invariably leave them in the desert in the very mistaken belief that pet dogs can survive on their own - a wrong assumption made by pet owners all over the world and not just unique to Kuwait.

the puppies are mobile and self-reliant enough that they additionally begin to face problems that prevent adults from living long and healthy lives. Now they must also evade government poisoning, traffic, rampant intentional cruelty, and hunting conducted either for fun or as a form of inhumane population control where there is none. This means that if a dog can find cool, shaded ground to sleep on during summer days, a warm place in winter, and plentiful food in an area where people don’t ever pose any risk to them, then they can live well.

If you aren’t spotting the thousands of free-roaming dogs in Kuwait, it’s because you don’t venture where they live.

“Where do all of these dogs come from?”

As an animal welfare group, K’S PATH has found pet dogs, pet cats, baboons, pet rabbits, pet tortoises, and pet birds in the desert and none of them can Unfortunately for them, that set of survive for long. Even so, pets be- circumstances rarely exists and so the

vast number of dogs introduced into rural areas during the winter camping months. Many people purchase dogs either as temporary pets or as guard animals for their camps, do not spay or neuter them, and release them at the end of the season. When you combine this with the vast quantities of garbage and water made available by these camps, the result is a breeding ground for dogs. As summer arrives, the population begins to die off from scarcity of resources and the rest of that long list of pitiable fates faced by dogs here. All these factors paint an accurate but very unfortunate and grim picture for the future and wellbeing of dogs in Kuwait. At K’S PATH though, we

don’t just identify problems, we work tirelessly to devise solutions and have been working extensively on the issue of street dog overpopulation for a while. Stay tuned next month as we begin to break down some of these problems in the City magazine, share what we’ve accomplished, talk about practical solutions and explore ways in which you can help. In the mean time, visit our website at and for latest information, like us on Facebook (K’S PATH) or follow us on Twitter @ kspath. May 2012


‫‪Feature / Entertainment‬‬

‫طبعا هاي اكنت فرصيت الكبريه رشكة كبريه و ‪ 500‬خشص حسيت عيوين صاروا اد التفاحة من السعاده " تــن تــان" واسرتسلت معامه باملاكملة‬ ‫وطبعا انتوا بتعرفوا اين شاطره كتري ومتفوقه باالقناع "نعــم نعــم"‬ ‫وبعد ‪ 5‬ايام من املجادله واملاكملات واالمييالت مت تاكيد احلجز وارسال الدفعه األوىل من امجايل املبلغ للتاكيد "يــــــــــــس يـــــــــــس"‬ ‫ومن هنا نبدأ القصه‪ ،‬اىت اليوم املوعود وبدأت التجهزيات من الصباح للكرايس والطاوالت واملفارش االنيقه وشيل وحط وحط وشيل‪ ،‬وهدا شلكوا‬ ‫حلو وهدا الزم يتغري النوا مو البق عالستب املوجود بالقاعه‪ ،‬حىت يايت موعد حضور املكرمني واملعازمي ال ‪ ،500‬وبعد االنهتاء القيت نظره عىل‬ ‫القاعه الرى مجاهلا وتناسق الواهنا واالضاءات الرائعه وقاعة البوفيه امجليله املرتبه والخسانات الملاعة وطاوالت البوفيه املكوية والنظيفه انهبرت‬ ‫االنهبار العجيب وحسيت بالسعاده لالجناز العظمي ايل اجنزتوا‪.‬‬ ‫وصارت الساعه ‪ 8:00‬مساءا وبلشوا احلضور يفوتوا واحد واحد ومجموعه مجموعه وطبعا مبا اين انا املسؤوله عن احلفل اكن الزم اوقف عند‬ ‫الباب استقبل احلضور بابتسامه كبري "شاقة احللج يعين"‬ ‫ابتدا احلفل والتكرمي والوضع اكن رائع وابتدوا املنمظني بالقاء لكمة احلفل والتعريف عن الرشكة وتكرمي املعزومني يعين اكن خيال‪ ،‬بس الحظت‬ ‫مالحظه غريبة‪ ،‬احلضور اكنوا من جنسية واحدة يعين ما اكن يف تنوع جبنسيات احلضور "عدهيا يا ماما"‬ ‫"دا دا دا دااااااااا" واالن حان موعد افتتاح البوفيه‪ ،‬نعم البوفيه‪ ،‬وياريهتم ما فتحوا البوفيه "اشدعوة"‪ ،‬النوا املنظر ايل قلتلمك هيلع ببداية القصه‬ ‫انقلب اىل منظر اخر "اشلون يعين منظر اخر" يعين االناقه واللباقه حتولت اىل سوق الميعه "نعم سوق الميعه" وبلشوا الناس ينترشوا متل المنل ملا‬ ‫باليق قطعه خزبه‪ ،‬اكنوا الناس بقاعة البوفيه مع ياخدوا االلك ويطلعوا يالكوا بلويب الفندق "ياوييل وياله" وعىل صوفات ايل باللويب وانا اركد‬ ‫ورامه وادهلم عىل قاعة البوفيه امجليله الرائعه ليالكوا فهيا بس مايف فايدة اكن اللويب هو املاكن املختار لاللك‪ ،‬من الصدمة اكن رح يىمغ عيل‬ ‫ال ‪ 500‬خشص مع يالكوا بلويب الفندق شو مع بيصري "هــوا يف ايـــه"‬ ‫فركدت لغسل ويج واستوعب الوضع جان ركزوا عىل جان الىق اىل لقيته وياريت ما لقيته ‪,‬لقيت الناس يالكون باسرتاحة التواليت‪.‬‬ ‫"ليش يا ريب ليش انا شو ساويت لشوف هالشوفه" وبوقهتا مجعت قواي وقررت اين الكم الناس‬ ‫واقوهلمم ‪Excuse me this not allowed you have to go to the buffet area , this is not the right place to eat :‬‬ ‫جان اطلعهم واودهيم قاعة البوفيه‪ ،‬واروح للناس ايل باللويب‪ ،‬وال االخ اهو وزوجته واقف عىل الريسبشن حاط حصنه عىل طاولة الرسبشن يالك‬ ‫ويضحك "حضكت من رسك بال" جان اقولة ‪Excuse me ser you can’t eat here please come with me to the buffet area and I will :‬‬ ‫‪arrange for you a table to eat‬‬ ‫وال االخ جان يقويل ‪No !!! I will eat here who are you to tell me to go from her :‬‬ ‫"‪ who are u‬يا شقول انا تقويل ‪"who are you‬‬ ‫جان ارد اقولة ‪Ser I AM the SALES MANAGER and this is the reception area not the buffet area :‬‬ ‫جان يرد عيل ‪sorry I will not move from here and I know your manager I will talk to him :‬‬ ‫انا‪" :‬اي مدير اي بطيخ اخ بس لو ميسكوين رقبتك كنت خنقتك" ‪Ya my dear my manager in the buffet area please come with me to‬‬ ‫‪talk to him there‬‬ ‫"ال تسالوين اشلون يت الفكرة ببايل" وخذيته ووديتة البوفيه بس هذا واحد من مية غريوا‪ ،‬اكن منظرنا املضحك املبيك متخييلني معاي املعاناة‬ ‫واملاسات واملنظر اشلون "اكيد متخيلني"‬ ‫بعد الركض ميني يسار وفوق وحتت خلصت احلفله عالساعه ‪ 10‬مساءا والناس اكنوا مبسوطني كتري طبعا واكرت يش اكن باسطهم اللويب امجليل‬ ‫العريق ايل صار لكه مرق وعيش ودياي قصدي عظم دياي ورحيته ايل صارت لكها الك وال التواليت يا سالم عالصحون املرمية عاملغاسل والكرايس‬ ‫‪ ،‬وقاعة البوفيه النظيفه ايل ما حترك فهيا كريس ههههههههههههه واهلل اجتين الضحكة وانا مع اكتب‬ ‫طامق معل التنظيف شدوا شعرمه بيومها وصار عنا ‪ 3‬صلعان و ‪ 5‬بنص شعر من التنظيف ايل نظفوه «ربنا عاملفرتي»‬ ‫ومن هون اكن اول درس اتعملتوا من شغيل بالفنادق ‪ :‬دامئا اسال عن نوعية الناس ايل رح حترض باي حفل سيقام مستقبال حىت تعرف الطلبات‬ ‫واملتطلبات واالمور ايل الزم تتخذها ومن هون بنعرف مكان انوا للك جممتع عادات وتقاليد وطرق ختتلف عن بعضها البعض ومن هون خبمت قصيت‬ ‫هلل الهشر وبمتين اهنا تكون جعبتمك ورمست عيل وجمك االبتسامه وهال عن اذنمك اجاين تلفون‬ ‫وااااااااااي نسيت اقولمك اكن يف وحده قاعدة تالك ويا ابهنا عىل االرض باللويب‪.‬‬

‫‪May 2012‬‬ ‫‪‬‬



‫‪Feature / Entertainment‬‬


‫يسعدلي صباحكم او مساكم‬ ‫حبب عرفمك بالبداية عىل حايل‪ ,‬انا دادو فتاة يف مقتبل العمر "ركزوا عىل مقتبل العمر" امكلت معر الثالثني‬ ‫بدراما رائعه من البىك والدموع ولكن باالخر اكتشفت ان خشصييت السعيده تطغوا عىل اي دموع ‪,‬يصفين‬ ‫العديد من اصدقايئ باين ايكون سعاده ‪ ،happy icon‬جاده بعميل وامعل دامئا عىل حتويل لك ما هو حزين‬ ‫وغري ملون اىل سعاده ومملوء باالولوان‪ ,‬امعل يف جمال الفنادق ومن هنا تايت حاكيايت الىت اكتهبا من واقع‬ ‫معيل اليويم‪.‬‬ ‫اكنت البدايه شاقة وغريبة ان تبدا العمل مبجال لك ما كنت تعرفه‬ ‫عنه املنظر اخلاريج‪ :‬اليوم بالك مبطعم ‪ ....‬بفندق‪ .....‬واو الكهم‬ ‫كتري حلو ولزيز‪ ،‬غرفهم رائعة‪ ،‬قاعاهتم كبريه ومخفة‪ ،‬خدمة املوظفني‬ ‫بتجنن‪.‬‬ ‫بس العيون داميا مسكره عن كتري اشياء مثل طريقة جتهزي البوفيه‪،‬‬ ‫طريقة وضع املعالق والشوك والساككني ونضافهتم‪ ،‬طريقة الضيافه‬ ‫من العامل باملطعم‪ ،‬الوقت االزم لتحضري القاعات‪ ،‬طرق جحز‬ ‫القاعات‪ ،‬واملشالك ايل ممكن متر عليك هبل املجال‬ ‫مشالك!!!!! اي مشالك ؟؟؟؟‬ ‫ايه مشالك بس مشالك حلوة ولزيزه بتتعمل مهنا كتري‪،‬كنا نضحك‬ ‫ونبيك بنفس الوقت ملا كنا منر فهيا بس انا قررت اليوم اين حضمك‬ ‫ميع وبكيمك من الضحك مو من الزعل‪.‬‬ ‫والبداية رح تكون من هالقصه‬ ‫بيبتدي دوايم الساعه ‪ 9:00‬الصبح بس انا مستحيل فوت قبل‬ ‫ال ‪ ,10:00‬ومتل عوايدي الزم امر عىل اكفيرتيا املوظفني من شان‬ ‫صبح علهيم وقول ‪good morning All‬‬ ‫والرد يكون باعىل صوت ‪ ،GOOD Morning Ms. Dadooooo‬طبعا لو دخل مدير الفندق ومسعهم مع‬ ‫برصخوا بصوت واحد و باعىل صوت ويقولوها هبل الطريقة اكيد اكن رح يكون اخر يوم ايل بالفندق بس‬ ‫اللله داميا بيحميين‪.‬‬ ‫اعدت عاملكتب وبلشت اشيك عىل اميياليت ورايس داميا جواة المكبيوتر "شاشة مكبيوتر وطلعلها شعر"‪،‬‬ ‫وجفأة اجتين ماكمله من خارج الكويت لرشكة كبريه بدمه يكرموا مجيع املشاركني عن طريق حفل عشاء لعدد‬ ‫‪ 500‬خشص "‪ 500‬خشص وااااااااااو ياهلول"‬ ‫‪May 2012‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


Feature / Healthy Living

Drs. Mike & Bonnie Green 65044125

Lighten Up Kuwait© - 2012

With the New Science of Weight Control©

How Do I Know If I Am Over-Weight or Obese?

What Makes a Good Weight Consultant?

Dr. Mike, Dr. Bonnie and Dr. Jasem of the Wellness, Fitness and Obesity Consultants Hawally, 6504-4125 A science-based monthly column based upon the U. S. National Institute of Health ‘Clinical Guidelines on the Treatment of Overweight and Obesity’ Science Based Fact Weight Consultants are either part of the solution, or they are part of the problem. If you find yours is part of the problem, change consultants. If yours are part of the solution, cherish them. Science Based Fact People do not fail weight control diets ... weight control diets fail people! Science-Based Evidence tells us that hormones in the gut, hormones in fat cells and hormones in the brain govern every aspect of hunger, weight gain, weight loss, and eating behavior! That means that hunger is not something you imagine, or something that is in your mind. Hunger is not psychological. Hunger is real. Hunger is physical. This is true because only hormonescan cause hunger! Science Based Fact Heredity brain, gut and fat cell hormones determine if we can gain weight, but personalchoices determine if we will! What science is saying is that it is unquestionably true that hunger is physical. Hormones cause hunger. If you bring these hormones under control, you May 2012

be able to make better food choices, choices that will allow you to manage your weight. Science Based Fact The sooner you understand that you own your weight management problem the sooner you will be on the road toward control over your weight problem.

Science-Based Evidence correlates Body Mass Index (BMI) with disease risk and indicates that a person is: Underweight if Body Mass Index is <18.5 Normal

18.5 – 24.9


25.0 – 29.9

Ownership of your problem is the first step in resolving your problem. That you have the problem is obvious. If you did not have a weight problemyou would not likely be reading this article.

Obese Class I 30.0 – 34.9

That being the case, then no one can manage your weight but you. In other words, if you do not do it, no one else will.

Your BMI = Weight in kg divided by height in meters squared, or your weight in pounds (multiplied by) 703, (divided by) your height in inches squared.

Figures Do Not lie! How do I know if I am overweight or obese? The Science-Based definition of obesity and over- weight centers on assessment of health risk; the higher the BMI or Waist Circumference, the higher the health risks. Note that beauty, culture and personal preference play no role in our definition! Science Based Fact

Obese Class II 35.0 – 39.9 Obese Class III (Morbid) 40.0 & over

Example: If you weigh 77kg and are 165 cm tall, calculate your BMI as follows: 77kg divided by 1.652or 72/ 1.65 x 1.65 or 77/2.72 = 28.3 = BMI 170 pounds and are 65 inches tall, calculate 170 pounds (multiplied by) 703 = 119,510, divided by 65 inches squared (65 times 65) = 4225. Then 119,510/4225 = BMI of 28.28. This would put you in the overweight category, but not

quite into obesity Class I. As BMI goes up, risk goes up. As BMI increases, we always see an increased risk of: • Diabetes • Stroke • High blood pressure • LDL Cholesterol (bad kind) • Heart disease • Early death Science Based Fact Waist circumference also correlates to disease risk and is an alternative method of determining obesity. Over 88 cm or 35 inches waist circumference for women, and over 102 cm or 40 inches waist circumference for men indicate obesity. Thus, increased waist circumference indicates increase risk of the disease of • Diabetes • Stroke • High blood pressure • LDL Cholesterol (bad kind) • Heart disease • Early death Again, as the waist circumference goes up, the risk of disease goes up. Science Based Fact Inter-abdominal fat deposition correlates with increased risk of

Feature / Healthy Living disease and premature death. Increased waist circumference indicates that abdominal fat has increased. Science has proven that excess fat storage inside the abdomen is the cause of 950,000 American deaths annually. Fat in the upper body and the thighs may be unsightly, but it is the fat within your abdominal cavity that is deadly! Putting Your New Knowledge to Use With Action Tools You Can Trust Science-Based Evidence Dieting and Weight Control


Action Idea #1 Science confirms that being overweight is a complex problem with no single cause. Therefore, it is not your fault: • Believe it! • Refuse to feel guilty. • Take responsibility. • Resolve to use science to control your weight. • Let science lead you to vibrant health. • Choose to move out and take action. Action Idea #2 • Science confirms that being obese or overweight is a serious health problem. • Problems are merely opportunities for success. • This is true since the definition of success is the overcoming the problems! Choose success by: • First, understanding the science of your problem. • Second, by formulating a science-based strategy for overcoming your problem. •Third, by choosing to put your science-based plan into effect, one day at a time, for the rest of your life. Action Idea # 3

Healthy weight is not a matter of ideal weight or someone’s idea of normal weight. Healthy weight is determined by calculating health risk. Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference both relate to health risk. BMIs over 25 indicate increased risk.Likewise, waist circumference in women over 35” and in men over 40. Resolve to keep a record of your waist circumference and your BMI. Action Idea #4 Intra-abdominal fat correlates to an increase risk of developing the metabolic syndrome; insulin resistance, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, and premature death! Resolve to keep an eye on your waist size. When your waist size increases definitely go back on your plan. Never buy larger sizes! Action Idea # 5 Permanent weight control is a matter of understanding the problem and pushing the right hormone buttons. Resolve to learn and use the right buttons. Resolve to turn your back on fad diets and rely solely on science-based evidence for the development of tools with which to manage your weight problem, one day at a time for the rest of your life. Slimming your body is merely a matter of better diet, more movement and pushing the Right Hormone Buttons, do it! People do not fail weight control diets. Weight control diets fail people! Come with us as we enter the realm of Science-Based Truth, the birthing place of the scientific principles underlying The New Science of Weight Control. A place where there are as far as humanly possible:

• No suppositions • No opinions • Only facts taken from ScienceBased evidence. Choose to take the first step toward lasting weight control and energetic health! Deborah, a 34-year-old mother of three, told me, “Doctor Green, my primary care doctor told me I need to lose weight. When I said that I had been trying, he told me to try closing my mouth and pushing myself away from the table. I went home in tears” For the better part of the twentieth century, doctors have uniformly considered obesity as a psychological or behavioral problem. However, in the last few years researchers have extended their understanding into the brain chemistry of obesity. What they found has shed considerable light on the root causes of this devastating problem. Science-based evidence is now clear. Excessive weight is a health problem caused by many factors, not the least of which is out of control hereditary brain, gut and fat cell neurochemistry. This neurochemistry controls every aspect of food consumption, including: • Food preferences (fat, sugar, protein) • Metabolic rate (how much energy the body uses) • Fat storage • Even the areas where the fat is stored (abdomen, upper body or hips and thighs). Obesity is, according to reliable science-based evidence, an understandable problem for which there is now excellent scientific treatment. Yet sadly, old ideas die extremely hard and a significant number

of weight consultantsare not trained in The New Science of Weight Control. They do not understand that if the overweight and obese are taught to understand the problem, design a plan for dealing with the problem and then to implement their plan, then the outcome is always excellent. Barbara presented to my office in tears. “Doctor Green, I feel like a failure. I have gained and lost the same 25 pounds at least two dozen times. However, despite all my efforts I am heavier now than ever. I have been on one weight control diet or another since I was a teenager and my weight keeps creeping up. I have tried grapefruit diets, total fasts, low fat diets, high fat diets, all carbohydrate diets – I failed them all, why?” Science Based Fact People do not fail weight control programs. Weight control programs fail people! Successful dieting for weight loss is possible if, and only If, the weight management program is basedupon scientific principles. Most often, though, popular weight loss diets are rooted in outdated myths, old wives tales, rumor and salesmanship. Shake off your old beliefs and tune into science. Understand that scientific problem solving has rules that when followed will lead to success. Next month we see exactly how to begin your New Science of Weight Controlprogram for better health and life long weight control! May 2012



Feature / Healthy & Medicine

Dr. Nazia Nausheen



omen commonly have mood changes during pregnancy. They are caused by changes in hormone levels. These mood swings continue in many women even after the delivery, one minute they feel happy, the next minute they start to cry. They may feel a little depressed, have a hard time concentrating, lose their appetite or find that they can›t sleep well even when the baby is asleep. These symptoms usually start about three to four days after delivery and may last several days.If you›re a new mother and have any of these symptoms, you have what is called the “baby blues.” “The blues” are considered a normal part of early motherhood and usually go away within 10 days after delivery. However, some women have worse symptoms or symptoms last longer. This is called “postpartum depression.” Postpartum depression is however a more serious condition and it is necessary to seek medical attention to treat postpartum depression. Although many women get May 2012

depressed right after childbirth, some women don›t feel “down” until several weeks or months later. Depression that occurs within six months of childbirth may be postpartum depression.

Symptoms :

Here are some symptoms of postpartum depression: • Loss of interest or pleasure in life • Loss of appetite • Less energy and motivation to do things • A hard time falling asleep or staying asleep • Sleeping more than usual • Increased crying or tearfulness • Feeling worthless, hopeless or overly guilty • Feeling restless, irritable or anxious • Unexplained weight loss or gain • Feeling like life isn›t worth living • Having thoughts about hurting yourself • Worrying about hurting your baby


The treatment for depression after birth often includes medication, therapy, or a combination of both. There are several types of antidepressant medications that may be given to breastfeeding mothers. If you are thinking of harming yourself or your infant, seek immediate medical help. If depression is diagnosed, you may need to be followed closely for at least 6 months.

Alternative Therapies:

Participating in support groups may be valuable, but should be combined with medication and formal psy-



If left untreated, postpartum depression can last for months or years, and you may be at risk of harming yourself or your baby.


Having good social support from family, friends, and coworkers may help to reduce the seriousness of postpartum depression, but may not prevent it.Screening questionnaires may help with early detection of depression or risks for depression.

Entertainment / Hollywood Movies

May 2012




May 2012


‫‪Entertainment / Hollywood‬‬ ‫‪Interview‬‬ ‫‪Movies‬‬

‫‪Abdulaziz Al Shamali‬‬

‫ما يه أسباب دخولك هواية أو جمال التصوير؟‬

‫أنا من حميب هذا النوع من الفن و جتسد لدي إحساس قوي بأنين إذا‬ ‫مارسة هذه اهلواية سوف أبدع وأحرتف هذا الفن‪ ‬‬

‫‫مىت بدأت ممارسة هذا الفن كهواية ؟‬‬

‫بديايت اكنت قبل مثان سنوات وبالتحديد يف سنة ‪٢٠٠٤‬‬

‫مايه أنواع الاكمريات املستخدمة يف ذلك الوقت ؟‪ ‬‬

‫اكنت اكمريات تصوير الدجييتال املستخدمة أو باألحص السائدة يف تلك‬ ‫الفرتة‬

‫‪ ‬وما يه أنواع الاكمريات اآلن ؟ وأي مهنم تستخدم حاليا؟‬

‫توجد الكثري من األنواع وحسب رغبة اهلاوي أو احملرتف ولكنين منذ سنة‬ ‫‪ ٢٠٠٩‬توجهت باستخدام اكمره احرتافيه ‪7D Canon‬‬

‫‫ما يه اخلطوات الىت اتبعهتا لتتعمل التصوير ‬؟‬ ‫‫انضميت اىل العديد من الدورات باإلضافة اىل تصفح بعض مواقع‬ ‫اإلنرتنت اليت هتمت بالتصوير ومن خالل مشاركيت فرق التصوير والتوثيق‬ ‫التابع ملركز العمل التطويع الذي سامه يف صقل موهبة التصوير من خالل‬ ‫الورش اليت يقميها واحملارضات اليت هتمت بالتصوير ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ ‬‬ ‫هل تكنلوجيا اإلنرتنت أضافة يشء الحرتافك ؟‬

‫بالتأكيد عرب املواقع االلكرتونيه واملنتديات اليت هتمت بالتصوير‪ ‬من خالل‬ ‫عرض الصور وانتقادها وبعض الدروس عن تكنيك التصوير أضاف يل‬ ‫العديد خالل مرحلة اإلنتقال من اهلوايه ايل اإلحرتاف ‪‬ ‬‬

‫ما يه ممزيات املصور الناحج من وجهة نظرك ؟‬

‫هناك ممزيات كثرية وقد تكون يف لك إنسان ولكن األمه هو املوهبه‬ ‫واإلحساس باللقطة ومعرفة الزاوية والتوقيت املناسب الذي يلتقط فهيا‬ ‫املصور الصوره مع األخذ يف اإلعتبار جودة املعدات والاكمرات اليت‬ ‫يستخدمها‪.‬‬ ‫‪May 2012‬‬


‫هل توجد أفاكر معده مسبقا يف أخذ اللقطة ؟‬

‫يف بعض اللقطات نعم أختيل اللقطه مث أقوم برتمجهتا كصوره وهناك‬ ‫لقطات عفويه تشدك يف حيهنا وجيب أن تكون يف هذه اللحظه اكلقناص‬ ‫جاهز بلك معداتك إللتقاطها وتعترب هذه اللقطه من اللقطات النادره‬ ‫ويصعب تكرارها‪.‬‬

‫‫ما يه اجيابيات وسلبيات الفوتوشوب ؟‬‬

‫يساعد يف تعديل اإلضاءه وامليالن واأللوان ويضيف الكثري من الملسات‬ ‫الفنيه الخشصيه للك مصور‪ ‬‬ ‫وسلبياته هو تطور الربناجم بشلك مسمتر مما يؤدي اىل صعوبه فهم هذه‬ ‫املمزيات اجلديده‪ ‬‬

‫‫اهيام تفضل الصور امللونة او االبيض واالسود؟‬‬ ‫‫بالطبع الصور امللونه ألن مجال الطبيعه يف تنوع األلوان‪‬ ‬‬

‫ما يه أفضل أماكن التصوير لديك داخل وخارج الكويت ؟‬

‫هناك العديد من األماكن مهنا حديقه الفراش والطيور مبالزييا ويف الكويت‬ ‫مهنا احلدائق العامة و حبر الدوحة وبعض اجلزر مهنا كرب وأم املرادم‬ ‫باإلضافه اىل مزارع الوفره والعبديل‪.‬‬

‫إىل أين تود أن تصل بأمعالك ؟‬

‫امطح للوصول بأمعايل ايل العاملية‪ ‬‬

‫رسالتك ل‬‪ ‪theCity Magazine‬؟‬

‫اوال اشكر اهلل مث اشكرمك عىل هذا اللقاء الذي اعتربه اضافه يل يف‬ ‫مسرييت يف جمال التصوير الفوتوغرايف ومتنيايت لمك بالتوفيق دامئا‪.‬‬


Feature / Society

Ayeshah Al-Humaidhi

More dog owners doesn’t necessarily mean happier dogs. More dog owners doesn’t necessarily mean happier dogs. The state of dog ownership in Kuwait is constantly in a state of flux. Over the last five years I have seen many things change. While some of these have been for the better, some are definitely for the worse. People often assume it makes me happy to see more and more dogs kept as pets in Kuwait, when in reality, it is far more complicated than that. As a dog lover and animal welfare advocate, I have very ambivalent feelings toward dog ownership in Kuwait. Although it is heartwarming to see an increasing number of people adding a dog to their family, the number of dogs that are suffering in homes from irresponsible pet ownership is equally on the rise.

May 2012

Like most things in Kuwait these days, dog ownership too has become fashionable. Like most fleeting trends and fads, dog ownership has a limited lifespan and is then forgotten. On one side of the coin we see more and more households welcoming dogs into their lives and families. People that once would never have considered sharing their homes and living space with a dog are now sharing the couch with a pooch. It is reassuring to see a whole lot of people make the responsible choice of adopting one of the many homeless dogs from a shelter than purchasing one from the pet store. They also consider spaying and neutering their dog, which not only greatly reduces a dog’s susceptibility to several forms of cancer but also

is the only effective measure to stop the overpopulation of dogs in Kuwait – at present there are more than 5000 stray dogs in Kuwait. Such dog owners truly love their dogs and put time and energy into ensuring their dogs are always happy and healthy. They care for them extremely well leaving their dogs needing and wanting for nothing.

it also results in acute behavioral problems such as dog aggression and extreme mouthiness with people.

On the other hand, and with a heavy heart, I also have to accept the negative side of pet ownership in Kuwait. Since dog ownership has become fashionable in Kuwait, we see many people importing ‘designer’ dog breeds from puppy mills where dogs are bred horribly in deplorable conditions for profit. In such mills, female dogs are bred constantly with little regard for their health and wellbeing. They are mostly emaciated and malnourished. The puppies when born, are separated from their mothers far too early – not only does this deprive them of essential nutrients in their mother’s milk,

They hold little concern for who the end buyer is or where the dog will end up and as a result, many people are purchasing dogs without taking into consideration the realities of pet ownership. There is a growing trend where people are choosing breeds merely based on how they look or their ‘coolness’ quotient, treating dogs as status symbols rather than considering what breed is really best suited for their lifestyle and living situation.

It is also unfortunate that an increasing number of irresponsible dog breeders in Kuwait compromise the wellbeing of dogs just to make a quick buck.

A strong example of such irresponsible dog ownership that we repeatedly come across in Kuwait is people buying Huskies, a dog typically suited for cold climates and bred to pull a sled in the snow. Many Huskies are kept outdoors in Kuwait even in the peak of summer and are afforded limited exercise. It is nothing but cruel and inhumane to subject such a dog to these conditions, and amounts to animal abuse. When asked why they choose this breed to begin with, the reply is almost always connected with the aesthetic qualities or looks of the breed, or as frivolous as having seen them

Feature / Society in a movie like Snow Dogs. The objective clearly, in such cases of irresponsible dog ownership, has been to meet one’s selfish desire to ‘own’ a dog at any cost, disregarding breed-specific living requirements and needs and neglecting the dog’s health and wellbeing. People seem to forget that dogs are living, breathing, sentient beings with a soul. Instead, people tend to treat them as inanimate objects such as a car or a designer bag. Here today while new, easily forgotten tomorrow. More often than not, once the initial novelty of having a dog or being a dog-owner wears off, the dog is often given up. Whether dropped off at one of the local shelters, given away or just dumped on the street where dogs are left to their own device to fend for themselves, a large number are without homes in Kuwait and their numbers increase every single day. Shelters are struggling with a rising intake of dogs looking for homes. Most pet dogs abandoned on the roads are unsterilized, which means the number of puppy litters on the roads in on the rise too. Stray dog overpopulation is a very serious issue for several reasons. Firstly, dogs which were once companion pets have lost touch with their survival instincts like finding food and water or generally being safe in their surroundings. Many puppies and smaller dogs on the roads are subjected to extremely cruel acts by people like injuring them, cropping their ears or docking their tails. Other unsuspecting dogs on the roads are taken captive by people with ulterior motives, pushed into dogfighting where they live with acute injuries and die a very painful death. This is the reality of irresponsible dog ownership in Kuwait. However, there are certain measures that you can consider if you are considering adding a dog to your family:

First, where will the dog live? Dogs should not be expected to live outdoors with no access to an air conditioned space. Dogs are social creatures just like we are and isolating them for hours will result in a dog that is stressed. A stressed dog exhibits many behavior problems such as excessive barking, chewing, destroying furniture, digging, and separation anxiety. Second, can your lifestyle accommodate a dog? Is it conducive to having a dog? Do you have several free hours per day to exercise and train your dog? Dogs do not arrive housetrained, you need to teach them where to relieve themselves and all training takes time and commitment. Dogs are creatures of habit and like timely meals, playtime, walks and the like. Does your schedule accommodate all their requirements and are you willing to be flexible and incorporate their needs into your daily life? Third, are you committed? On average, a dog’s life span is 12-15 years. Are you prepared to take on this decade-and-a-half-long commitment? If you have decided you are truly ready to add a dog to your family - fourthly - you need to consider what type of dog and where you will get it from. The best option is to go a shelter such as K’S PATH where they will counsel you and help you choose the most appropriate dog. They also provide support afterwards helping you work through any potential challenges. If you decide you want a specific breed that is appropriate for your household that is not available at a local shelter, do your homework about where you are purchasing from. Make sure that puppies remain with their mothers a minimum of 8 weeks preferable 10 to 12 weeks. Litters enable critical social development with the mother and early nutrition. Fourth, should you spay/neuter?

The ASPCA’s Top Ten Reasons to Spay and Neuter Your Pet

1. Your female pet will live a longer, healthier life. Spaying helps prevent uterine infections and breast cancer, which is fatal in about 50 percent of dogs and 90 percent of cats. Spaying your pet before her first heat offers the best protection from these diseases.

2. Neutering provides major health benefits for your male. Besides preventing unwanted litters, neutering your male companion prevents testicular cancer, if done before six months of age. 3. Your spayed female won’t go

into heat. While cycles can vary, female felines usually go into heat four to five days every three weeks during breeding season. In an effort to advertise for mates, they’ll yowl and urinate more frequently— sometimes all over the house!

4. Your male dog won’t want to

roam away from home. An intact male will do just about anything to find a mate! That includes digging his way under the fence and making like Houdini to escape from the house. And once he’s free to roam, he risks injury in traffic and fights with other males.

5. Your neutered male will be much

better behaved. Neutered cats and dogs focus their attention on their human families. On the other hand, unneutered dogs and cats may mark their territory by spraying strongsmelling urine all over the house. Many aggression problems can be avoided by early neutering.

6. Spaying or neutering will NOT

make your pet fat. Don’t use that old excuse! Lack of exercise and overfeeding will cause your pet to pack on the extra pounds—not neutering. Your pet will remain fit and trim as long as you continue to provide exercise and monitor food intake.

also beats the cost of treatment when your unneutered tom escapes and gets into fights with the neighborhood stray!

8. Spaying and neutering your pet

is good for the community. Stray animals pose a real problem in many parts of the country. They can prey on wildlife, cause car accidents, damage the local fauna and frighten children. Spaying and neutering packs a powerful punch in reducing the number of animals on the streets.

9. Your pet doesn’t need to have a litter for your children to learn about the miracle of birth. Letting your pet produce offspring you have no intention of keeping is not a good lesson for your children—especially when so many unwanted animals end up in shelters. There are tons of books and videos available to teach your children about birth in a more responsible way.

10.Spaying and neutering helps fight pet overpopulation. Every year, millions of cats and dogs of all ages and breeds are euthanized or suffer as strays. These high numbers are the result of unplanned litters that could have been prevented by spaying or neutering. Finally, can you ensure your dog has all it needs to be happy and healthy? Routine vet check-ups and vaccinations. Plenty of toys, walk or playtime to keep it active, exercised and mentally stimulated. A balanced diet and regular grooming. With steps as fundamental as these, you can contribute in improving the life of dogs in Kuwait.

7. It is highly cost-effective.

The cost of your pet’s spay/neuter surgery is a lot less than the cost of having and caring for a litter. It May 2012


‫‪Haifa Al-Kuhedaan‬‬

‫‪Feature / Travel & Tourism‬‬


‫وميكن الوصول إىل اكبري بواسطة الع ّبارات‬ ‫املائية الرسيعه من ميناء نابويل أوسورينتو‬ ‫وتستغرق الرحلة ‪ 80‬دقيقة من نابويل و‪20‬‬ ‫دقيقه من سورينتو ‪.‬‬

‫* فندق «اكزا اكبريال» و يتوسط مقة جزيرة أنا‬ ‫اكبري الصغرية والرائعة‬ ‫واليت حتيط هبا احلدائق من لك جانب‪ .‬ويف‬ ‫هذه احلدائق أو احملميات‬ ‫الطبيعية أنواع نادرة من الزهور والنباتات‪.‬‬ ‫* فندق «اكبري» من الفنادق املعروفة يف‬ ‫اجلزيرة مببناه الزهري امجليل‬ ‫وهو من الفنادق الفاخرة نسبيا واليت تمتتع‬ ‫بأجواء لكاسيكية‬ ‫ويالحظ زوار اكبري انتشار املطامع االيطالية‬ ‫يف مركز اجلزيره ‪ The Piazzetta‬وعىل‬ ‫سواحلها وال جمال للطعام الرسيع واملطامع‬ ‫االمريكية بتاتا‪...‬‬

‫ومن أهشر فنادق اكبري‬ ‫* فندق «ال باملا» ويعد من أمجل وأقدم فنادق‬ ‫جزيرة اكبري وأكرثها‬ ‫استقطابا للسياح األجانب من مجيع أحناء‬ ‫العامل ‪.‬‬ ‫* فندق «ريالس ماريساك» و يمتتع هذا الفندق‬ ‫بأحد أمجل املواقع يف‬ ‫اجلزيرة املطلة رأسا عىل امليناء أو املرفأ‬ ‫الرئييس‬

‫ومن أبرز املعامل السياحيه يف اجلزيره‬ ‫(الكهف االزرق ) والذي يعترب إحدى العجائب‬ ‫الطبيعية اليت تشهتر بتدرج اللون األزرق‬ ‫الطبييع الرائع يف اجلدران واملياه بداخله‪.‬‬ ‫ويصل طول الكهف إىل ‪ 50‬م ً‬ ‫رتا تقري ًبا‬ ‫وعرضه ‪ 30‬م ً‬ ‫رتا‪ ،‬أما مدخل الكهف فيتكون‬ ‫من فتحة مربعة الشلك تبلغ مرتين يف اجلدار‬ ‫الصخري‪ .‬أما اجلزء الداخيل من الكهف‪،‬‬ ‫واملعروف بامس الدومو (الاكتدرائية)‪ ،‬فيبلغ‬ ‫ارتفاعه حوايل ‪ 14‬م ً‬ ‫رتا؛ ويصل معق املياه‬ ‫حتته إىل ‪ 13‬م ً‬ ‫رتا‪ .‬أما اللون األزرق الذي‬ ‫ميزي الكهف فيحدث نتيجة الضوء الطبييع‬ ‫الذي خيرتق املياه حيث تنكرس أشعة الضوء‬ ‫عىل جدران الكهف ‪.‬‬ ‫‪May 2012‬‬ ‫‪‬‬



‫‪Feature / Travel & Tourism‬‬

‫‪ CAPRI‬جــزيــرة كـــابــري األســطـــوريــة‬ ‫جزيرة اكبري االيطالية‪ ...‬الرائعة! واألسطورية‪...‬اطلق علهيا ما تشاء‬ ‫من االوصاف‪ ..‬الهنا مصيف‪ ..‬ولكهنا مصيف من نوع آخر‪ ...‬منذ‬ ‫ايام االمرباطورية الرومانية اكنت مصيف وال زالت‪ ...‬مساحهتا ال‬ ‫تتجاوز عرشة كيلو مرت!! ولكن مجاهلا يضايه آالف الكيلو مرتات‪....‬‬ ‫يه اكبري امجليلة و اليت تقع يف خليج نابويل يف البحر املتوسط‪..‬‬ ‫اقلمييا تابعة ملقاطعة اكمبانيا ويبلغ عدد ساكهنا ‪ 12‬الف نمسة‬ ‫تقريبا‪....‬‬

‫تشهتر اجلزيره بروعة جباهلا الشاهقة ومياهها البحرية النقية و قد‬ ‫جذب مجال اجلزيره األباطرة الرومان منذ القدم وال تزال هناك الكثري‬ ‫من الشواهد الطبيعية والعمرانية عىل هذا الوجود الروماين الذي‬ ‫أضاف إىل اجلزيرة الكثري‪.‬‬

‫‪May 2012‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


Feature / Personal Development

Dalal Al-Janaie Mars Venue Coaching Kwt @MarsVenueCoaching Kwt

The Spring of Personal Transformation The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. ---William James

Dear readers, I am so pleased to connect with you once again. With the month of April comes spring and the season of renewal. Many people use this season for a wardrobe change, a change in the design of their homes or offices, and the like. These changes, although positive, only affect the outer shells of our beings and rarely scratch the inner surface of transformation. The true change to our lives is change that comes from within. The journey of transformation starts with the first step of acknowledging that you want change. No change can really occur without your want to become a better person. So, ask yourself, “What aspect of my life do I want to perfect this season to become a more successful and happier person?” Take a moment to think and assess all aspects of your life: your relationships, your work, your business, etc… Although you may be content with the current situation, there is always room to grow. So, what direction would you like to start with? When dealing with change and life, there are two types of people: the victims and the victors. Victims blame everyone and everything under the sun for the results of their current status. Victors, take responsibility for their current status, good and bad. They are people who have embraced personal accountability and no longer blame traffic, their parents, their husbands/wives, in-laws, partners, friends, the dog, etc… for how great or not so great their life is. They are the people who reach out for May 2012

better and more successful lives, one little step at a time. The “victor” ideology may seem a bit extreme for some of you who prefer to stay in the gray area of “victim” which is comfortable and has been for many years. It’s nice to say, I would have been a millionaire or happily married had it not been for this person or that incident, etc… Sadly, victims are those who have chosen, consciously or subconsciously, to remain in their current situation and have grown accustomed and comfortable to the way things are, bad and good. So, if you are looking for change, ask yourself, “Am I acting like a victim or will I be accountable to myself and change my life to the better?” So, do you want a better life? If the answer is YES! You have come to the right place. This moment marks the beginning of self accountability and change in your lives. The next step to change is acknowledging that you are personally accountable for your life. Personal accountability is the belief that you are responsible for the results of your life and

you take responsibility for the current situation. This means that you can no longer blame others or circumstances for your current state. Personal accountability allows you to take the driver’s seat in your life. Your life is the way it is because YOU created it. The actions you took and continue to take have caused the results you see today. If you want the results to change, the causes must change. The good news is, because you are responsible for your life, YOU can change it. If you were to play the victim in life, then other people would be responsible for your success and happiness and there really isn’t any point in trying to change anything because, in the end, nothing is in your hands, right? Thankfully, this is not your reality and you are convinced that you hold the steering wheel of life in your hands, so change can begin. Change and reinvention is magical. It allows hope to pump into our spirits by just thinking about it. Let’s go back to the question we asked in the beginning… “What do I want in life?” If that is too broad, ask yourself, “What do I want to

accomplish in the next 90 days in my personal/professional/ business life?” This requires a little self reflection and thought especially if you have never asked this question. So, if you could accomplish anything, what would you like? Dream! Wish! Be brave enough to want! Do you want to double your income? Do you want to repair your marital relationship? Do you want to find your passion? Do you want to become successful at work? The list goes on and on, but the choice is yours and not mine or up to anyone else. Don’t worry about what people will think, don’t worry about your current life, don’t worry about the “How”, just answer a simple question, “What do I want? What do I want to change?” Once you have focused on the aspect of change in your life and embraced self accountability, the toughest part is over. The next steps include: a plan of action, following the plan, and holding yourself accountable. Change does not need to be severe, a little change may go a long way. Make sure to continue to remain focused. Find a


‫‪Feature / Personal Development‬‬

‫موسم الربيع النفسي‬ ‫ان أعظم اكتشاف لحياتي هو أن االنسان يمكن أن يغير حياته اذا ما استطاع أن يغير اتجاهاته العقلية‪.‬‬

‫‪---‬وليام جيمس‬

‫‪ .‬لقد صادف أن يتشابه موضوع مقالتي اليوم مع فصل الربيع الذي‬ ‫أعزائي ألقراء يسعدني أن التقي بكم مرة أخرى في هذا العدد المميز لمجلة‬ ‫يتميز بتحسن الطقس وجمال الطبيعة‪ .‬فالغالبية من الناس يتكيفون مع هذا الوقت من السنة بتغيير مالبسهم و بألوان متجددة‪ .‬كما أن هناك فئة‬ ‫كبيرة منهم تقوم بتجديد أثاثها و ديكورات منازلها و غيره من األمور‪ .‬هذه التغييرات جيدة لحياتنا و تحي األمل في نفوسنا‪ ،‬إال أنها أمور سطحيه خارجية و‬ ‫ال تضيف أي تغيير أو تجديد ألوضاعنا الحالية ومشاكلنا القائمة‪ .‬و لكن ما األمر الذي يجب علينا أن نعمل على تغييره أو تجديده في حياتنا لنصبح سعداء؟‬

‫ان محاسبة النفس له دور كبير في‬ ‫حياتنا‪ .‬فهناك أشخاص يشعرون دائما‬ ‫بأنهم ضحايا للظروف و ألمجتمع و‬ ‫هم يتميزون باالتكالية و يلقون باللوم‬ ‫على اآلخرين حول أوضاعهم الحالية‪.‬‬ ‫و هناك أشخاص يمكننا أن نسميهم‬ ‫بالعصاميين أو بالحازمين في جميع‬ ‫أمور حباتهم فهم دائما يأخذون زمام‬ ‫األمور بأيديهم و يتحملون مسئولية‬ ‫نتائج أفعالهم سواء كانت جيدة أو سيئة‬ ‫بغض النظر عن الظروف المحيطة‬ ‫بهم‪.‬‬ ‫ان الخطوة األولى للتجديد و التغيير في‬ ‫حياتنا تنبثق من الوعي الكامل بأن كل‬ ‫شخص مسئول عن جميع أمور حياته‬ ‫و ال يترك نفسه تذهب حيثما يوجهها‬ ‫اآلخرون أو حيثما يجرفها التيار‪.‬‬ ‫فمن األخطاء الشائعة في المجتمع هو‬ ‫تعليق مشاكلنا و القاء اللوم و التهم‬ ‫على اآلخرين أو على أمور أخرى‪ .‬فال‬ ‫يمكننا مثال تبرير تأخرنا في الوصول‬ ‫بالموعد المحدد بسبب ازدحام ألشوارع‬ ‫وال يمكننا تبرير مشاكلنا االجتماعية مع‬ ‫األهل أو األزواج أو األصدقاء بسببهم‬ ‫أو بسبب أطراف أخرى‪ .‬قد يبدو هذا‬ ‫الرأي مبالغ فيه للذين استحبوا العيش‬ ‫في ظل دور ألضحايا حيث أن هذا‬ ‫الوضع أمر مريح و سهل بالنسبة لهم‪،‬‬ ‫و ال يأخذ منهم أي جهد أو تفكير فهم‬ ‫بحكم االدمان على عادة سيئة‪ .‬ان‬ ‫اتهام اآلخرين بما حدث أو يحدث لهم‬ ‫من مشاكل في عيشتهم يعتبر وسيلة‬ ‫إلراحة ضمائرهم و يمدهم بالشعور‬ ‫بعدم التقصير بحق أنفسهم ‪ .‬فنجد هؤالء‬ ‫الذين يأخذون دورا لضحايا يتباكون و‬ ‫يتقولون عن أسباب فشلهم في الدنيا بأنه‬ ‫كان من الممكن أن نصبح من أصحاب‬ ‫ألماليين أو أن نكون سعداء في زواجنا‬ ‫و في عالقاتنا مع أآلخرين أو أن‪....‬‬ ‫لوال وجود ذلك الشخص أو لوال وجود‬ ‫تلك الظروف‪.‬‬ ‫المطلوب هنا هو وقفة صادقة مع‬ ‫‪May 2012‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫أنفسنا لتنمية مفهوم محاسبة النفس‬ ‫و فائدته على حياتنا‪ .‬فيجب االيمان‬ ‫الكامل بأننا مسئولون عن مصائرنا و‬ ‫قراراتنا و تصرفاتنا و ردود أفعالنا و‬ ‫جميع أمورنا و أوضاعنا الحالية‪ .‬ان‬ ‫االعتراف بأخطائنا الماضية يساعدنا‬ ‫على فهم أوضاعنا ألحاضرة و يعيننا‬ ‫في عدم تكرار نمط معين في أفكارنا‬ ‫و تصرفاننا مما يجنبنا الوقوع في نفس‬ ‫األخطاء بحباتنا‪.‬‬ ‫الخطوة األولى لتبني مفهوم محاسبة‬ ‫النفس يحتاج الى الرغبة بالتغيير أو‬ ‫التجديد في احتياجاتنا الشخصية‪ .‬و هذا‬ ‫يستوجب منا أخذ دفة القيادة لشق طريق‬ ‫حياتنا بأنفسنا‪ ،‬والتحكم باختياراتنا‪.‬‬ ‫فتصرفاتنا السلبية الماضية‪ ،‬و المبنية‬ ‫على التفكير باتجاه واحد و التي مازلنا‬ ‫نقوم بها‪ ،‬هي التي أوصلتنا للوضع‬ ‫الحالي الذي نحن فيه اآلن‪ .‬و لتغيير‬ ‫أوضاعنا يجب أن نغير من أنفسنا في‬ ‫ادخال مفهوم محاسبة النفس في فكرنا و‬ ‫في نظرتنا لتحليل األمور المحيطة بنا‪.‬‬ ‫فكل انسان بإرادته أن يغير من حياته‪،‬‬ ‫و يستطيع أن يكون حازما في أموره و‬ ‫مسؤال عن قراراته وقتما يشاء و أينما‬ ‫يكون‪.‬‬ ‫أما اذا فضلنا االستمرار في أخذ دور‬ ‫الضحايا في حياتنا فسيكون مصير‬ ‫نجاحنا و سعادتنا دائما بيد اآلخرين ولن‬ ‫يكون لدينا أي دافع للتغيير أو للتجديد‬ ‫من قبلنا‪ ،‬حيث أن أمورنا ال نملكها و ال‬ ‫نسيطر عليها فبالتالي ستستمر مشاكلنا‬ ‫التي تحد من سعادتنا الى أجل غير‬ ‫مسمى‪.‬‬ ‫يجب العلم بأن التجديد أو التغيير في‬ ‫الحياة له أثر قوي شبيه بالبلسم على‬ ‫فالتفكير المطلق‬ ‫النفس البشرية‪.‬‬ ‫بالحاجة الى التغيير يبعث األمل و‬ ‫السعادة في الروح‪ .‬لذلك يجب معرفة‬ ‫ماذا نريد من هذه الحياة لتستقيم أمورنا‬ ‫و تستقر حياتنا؟ و بالتالي يجب أن نحدد‬

‫ماذا نريد أن ننجزه كأولويات نحو تحقيق‬ ‫سعادتنا في فترة ‪ 90‬يوم؟ فعلينا وضع‬ ‫خطة للسير بموجبها نحو تحقيق التغيير‪.‬‬ ‫وفي هذه المرحلة نحتاج الى االستعانة‬ ‫بشخص مناسب من األهل أو األصدقاء‬ ‫ليشرف على جديتنا في االلتزام بالسير‬ ‫على هذه الخطة‪ .‬و في حالة عدم وجود‬ ‫ذلك الشخص استعينوا بمدربين للحياة‬ ‫متخصصين في هذا المجال‪.‬‬ ‫لقد حان الوقت ألن نحلم في أمور نحبها‬ ‫و تشعرنا بالسعادة‪ ،‬فلنتشجع في تصور‬ ‫هذه األحالم و تحقيقها‪ .‬و لنسأل أنفسنا‬ ‫مثال‪ ،‬هل نريد مضاعفة مدخولنا؟ هل‬ ‫نريد اصالح عالقاتنا االجتماعية؟ هل‬ ‫نرغب بالنجاح في عملنا؟ و هل نريد‬ ‫غيرها من أآلمال فرغبتنا بالتغيير‬ ‫ألوضاعنا الحاليه مرتبط بقدرتنا على‬ ‫محاسبة أنفسنا‪ ،‬و أيضا في جديتنا لقيادة‬ ‫امور حياتنا‪ .‬فال داعي للقلق أو الخوف‬ ‫من مشاكلنا الحالية وأمورنا المستقبلية‬ ‫انما المهم حاليا هو فقط معرفة ماذا نريد‬ ‫أن نغيره أو أن نجدده بحياتنا لنشعر بأننا‬ ‫سعداء؟‬ ‫أرجو التواصل معي بالمشاركة بآرائكم‬ ‫و مقترحاتكم و آمالكم و تساؤالتكم حول‬ ‫هذا الموضوع‪.‬‬ ‫أتمنى لكم النجاح!‬

‫‪friend or family member to‬‬ ‫‪keep you on course and ensure‬‬ ‫‪your success. If you don’t have‬‬ ‫‪anyone suitable to help you‬‬ ‫‪on your path, seek assistance‬‬ ‫‪from a coach, planning change‬‬ ‫‪and ensuring change occurs‬‬ ‫‪to create happier, more‬‬ ‫‪successful people is what we‬‬ ‫!‪are great at‬‬ ‫‪Well dear readers, change‬‬ ‫‪is a wonderful aspect of life‬‬ ‫‪which keeps us young and‬‬ ‫‪vibrant. I urge you to embrace‬‬ ‫‪change and be brave enough‬‬ ‫‪to dream. Some changes are‬‬ ‫‪harder to achieve than others‬‬ ‫‪and these may be the ones‬‬ ‫‪that you truly need to embark‬‬ ‫‪upon.‬‬ ‫‪If you have any questions,‬‬ ‫‪comments, or would just like‬‬ ‫‪to share your experiences, I‬‬ ‫‪would love to hear from you‬‬ ‫‪and invite you to connect with‬‬ ‫‪me.‬‬ ‫‪I wish you the best of luck on‬‬ ‫!‪your journey‬‬


‫‪Feature / Public Relations‬‬

‫‪Dana F. Madouh‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫أعد الصياغه من فضلك‬ ‫التخاطب فن برشي مجيل ‪،‬‬

‫من البرش ينتشون خلطاب‬

‫‪ .‬و غالبًا ما نستنكر ردائة‬

‫و يف املقابل رأينا املاليني‬

‫هبه يتفنن بعضنا يف صقلها‬ ‫اآلخرين يف إستخدامها‪.‬‬





‫اإلماكنات خلقنا ألجله الشعر‬ ‫و سطرنا القصص و حبثنا يف‬

‫اللغه عن اللكامت و معانهيا‬ ‫العديده‬



‫حسب أفاكرنا و مشاعرنا و‬

‫حسب من خناطب‪.‬‬


‫متأثرين بأغنية مطرب‪.‬‬

‫و رمبا مه أكرث من حفظوا‬

‫قصائد شاعر‪.‬‬ ‫اذًا‬




‫الخشص بقدر ما يه سطوة‬ ‫اللكمه‪.‬‬

‫اللكمة اليت بات يفقد جممتعنا‬ ‫أمهية احلفاظ علهيا و راحوا‬


‫يكررون أرذل ما قيل حتت‬

‫نقول يه اكريزما القائد ‪ ،‬مك‬




‫بالعدوى نتأثر خبطاب ما و‬ ‫رأينا عرب التارخي أالف مؤلفه‬

‫القبب و يلوثون مسامعنا‪.‬‬ ‫إن‬



‫لكامتنا و إن مل نيع أمهية‬

‫لكامتنا سنتلف جممتعنا ‪.‬‬

‫اخلطاب الكوييت حباجه ألحد‬ ‫أمه راكئز العالقات العامه‪..‬‬ ‫إعادة الصياغه‪.‬‬

‫‪May 2012‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

Feature / Entertainment

Mad Woman in a Beauty Salon I love being a woman, I truly do. And it is for that reason I decided one day that I should pamper myself the way ladies pamper themselves in Kuwait – with a self indulgent day in a ladies salon. Not in some small corner salon in an apartment house in the middle of busy Salmiya where you will be stuck in a traffic for hours before and after your precious “give my mind, body and soul a treatday” and from where you will attempt safely to maneuver your way back to a highway, feeling already tired and irritated among hundred other tired and irritated women who try to look beautiful and calm under their hijabs, with one hand elegantly on the steering wheel and with the other one skillfully typing a text message in the iphone while working themselves through the endless maze of cars, beeping horns and exhaust fumes. No, this time I will go into a special beauty salon, you know, the very expensive one, and treat myself like a queen. As I saunter into the salon and I am guided to the ladies section where I am struck with a tsunami of saccharin sweet chit chat of women from different backgrounds and cultures mixed with a buzz of noisy hair dryers. As I am seated I notice a lady to my right, who’s head is covered with pieces of foil – she must have been planted there by some space ship. As I gaze to my left I discover a body sitting in a chair and a silver device behind her that looks like a huge floor lamp only instead of a bulb the woman’s head is stuck in it. I suspect that I am going to go through the same phases of

woman is to wash the dye out of my hair – I am almost done!! Not really, as it comes out. I need a full make-up for the night my stylist says, she volunteers – even if hesitantly – to handle that difficult task herself. This time she actually doesn’t ask about my opinion and I am relieved that I don’t have to say anything smart about make-up which starts and already ends for me by using a lip stick and dried out mascara.

the beautification process very soon: my stylist, a strong woman with generous make-up and a firm look, asks me some questions about my wishes while critically checking my hair, pulling chunks of it now and then as if to make sure that they are really connected to my head, shakes her head after the examination as if saying that I am an hopeless case and starts with her work. Half an hour later I am the third in the row having perfectly stuffed silver foil like a silver crown on my head. I feel good. Another sweet lady from the salon wants to manicure my nails while I am waiting to get over with coloring process, isn’t that great? I feel even better. The next step on my way to a perfectly groomed

After spreading colors from different small and smaller boxes and tubes on my face my hair has to get dried. This is a process that demands a lot of strength and physical engagement from the side of my stylist and I painfully experience that instantly – my hair is brushed, pulled, and separated in smaller chunks, brushed and pulled again, in different and then opposite directions, while hot air from a hair dryer burns various parts of my skull depending on where it is pointed. I sit patiently and pray to have some hair left before the end of the day. Finally, the hair dryer shuts down and I am told that I am done. The mirror to my front reflects a head double the size it used to be with an unknown face covered in a heavy make-up – I look like a wolf. And I love it. I leave the salon with bigger head and lighter purse – I had a perfect day in Kuwait. May 2012



Feature / Literature

Sager Albenali


on’t worry his mother said as the floor beneath them trembled. “Just stay in your room and don’t come out until I tell you to.” The boy was twelve years old. Twelve but not too young to know that something was very wrong. He was sure it wasn’t an earthquake because the shaking would stop for a while and then return with a loud BANG. The boy wondered if they were remodeling the building they were living in. But then why would his mother be so nervous and have such a worried look on her face? His mother anxiously picked up the phone and quickly dialed a number and began to speak. The boy edged closer to hear what his mother was saying. “Yes mom it happened, we all knew it would happen sooner or later. Just stay inside and don’t go out until we know what’s going on.” The boy lost balance and fell to his knees as a strong blast shook the living-room floor once again. Being the eldest child of his sisters, the boy felt like he deserved to know what was going on. After his mother hung up, he went next to her noticing that she was in tears. The boy offered a hug which the mother accepted briefly. The father was silently sitting on the couch opposite to them. “What’s wrong dad?” the boy asked afraid of the response he would get. “Is this some kind of earthquake?” Slowly his father raised his face from between his palms and drew his son closer. May 2012

Through the Storeroom “Son… the military is just…the country is just testing weapons and we are afraid that someone might get hurt. That›s all.” the father answered. He was never very good at lying and this was, by far, his worst performance. “Want some breakfast?” asked his mother interrupting nervously. He nodded. Not really in the mood for breakfast but knew that saying yes would send away to the kitchen and give him more time with his father. Within moments, his mother returns with a plate of his favorite breakfast. French toast, eggs and turkey bacon.

He marched to his room and left the parents in privacy. Although more attention was given to the meal, the boy was used to watching T.V. while he ate. But right now he seemed to pay more attention to the television. If anything was to give any indication of what was going on it would be the television Something strange was displayed. Nothing. He kept on switching channels but all he got was a blank screen or static. The local channel was always the last choice but today it was displaying something that the others channels were not. Writing. Arabic writing.

The boy was about to read the “Here you go, now go have words that would affect him for the rest of his life. The writing on breakfast in your room.” the screen read “this country has The boy was shocked. On a difbeen invaded and is now under ferent day that statement foreign control.” would have been nothing short of exciting. Eating in bedrooms The boy’s jaw dropped as his was something that was practi- heart starting thumping, he had cally forbidden in the household. never felt this much fear before If he had any doubt that some- in his life. thing was not right this just con- “War” He said to himself, he firmed it. kept repeating the word over “But mom you said that we and over again. Louder as if he aren’t allowed to eat in our needed to hear it “war….war… war…….war………..war.” He rooms.”. cleared his tears as he kept re“It’s okay for today,” she replied, peating that word. But no mat“don’t worry about that now.” ter how loud he said it or how No chance to argue. He knew his many times he repeated it he mother’s look meant business. knew nothing about it.

The only thing he knew about war was what he saw on television or learned at school. One thing that he did know for sure though was that, in war, people die. Many people die. He knew now. Everything added up and made sense. The loud noise, the shaking, his mother’s actions, everything came together in violent harmony. After sitting motionless for over an hour, the boy walked out of his room with his uneaten breakfast. He walked up to his mother who was now nervously looking through her phone book. He gently set the plate on the table to his side and looked his mother in the eye. “I know mom, I know that our country has been attacked.” His mother embraced him and wept, “Don’t worry,” she assured her son, “you will be safe. We will be safe. I will make sure of it.” She made him promise that he wouldn’t let his sisters know about the situation. He had three younger sisters. * Three days passed and nothing changed. The same haunting and taunting words were displayed on every television that dared to be switched on. Those three days were spent at home preparing a shelter in the basement in case the family needed some place to hide. The three girls hadn’t realized anything different especially since the loud blasts had stopped after the first day.

... To be continued next month


CAFÉ BAZZA – Kuwait Contact Cafe Bazza at: 1860 860 or visit one of their branches at: • Bneid AlGar, Opposite FRIDAYS • Salmiya in Ritz hotel.


he atmosphere was mixed between the beautiful old Kuwaiti decoration and the stylish lines of modern art-deco. Salmyia branch of Café Bazza is my favorite (obviously, because it’s close to my home, the time now is 8 O’clock and I haven’t eaten since early morning. Keeping a space for Bazza`s food. I was confused… what should I eat??? Variation of dishes in the menu with all photos made me feel the real hunger. Now join me in my taste journey in Café Bazza: Well, I couldn’t go in with the usual order, instead I ordered everything that I could eat and asked the waiter to get me whatever was ready. I started with a “Vimto” smoothie, my favorite drink of all time. I loved it since I was kid. For Starters: I had a Mushroom Roca salad with a green dressing of a pesto, the hot appetizer (which I really adore) were a selection of fried potato Sambusa, a crunchy Bakoora (mixed veggies dumplings covered with flour and deeply fried), and “Kubbat Burgul” all were served with a tangling mustered and black pepper dip. Rgag cheese: a golden layers of thin pastry stuffed with mint marinated cheese melting on the plate. I had to lift it high to cut the cheese. Yummy!! And here comes the hot Iranian crispy bread topped with stowed eggplant, potato and tomato sauce garnished with roasted pine nuts on the top. The mixture of the aromas made me wonder: shall I go for more??? Tanour burger: and this dish was May 2012

exactly what comes from “a fusion cuisine”. When they mixed “tanour bread“ and mini burger and grilled paprika on a side, what makes a burger irresistibly special is the unique orange sauce dripping from the top (loaf) covering the Roca leaves and the burger down to the bottom piece!! Furthermore is having Iranian bread with spinach covered with a snow like threads of feta cheese. l Can’t say more.. The main course was the master of all dishes o the Kuwaiti dining (Rice). I had a chicken “Beryani”, with the crispy golden onion wings, raisins and cashew nuts. Served in a traditional aluminum tray, with all the side dishes that “must have”, the cucumber and yogurt Salad, and mixed pickles. Ok though I was full …but NO. Dessert should be at last not the least. Again Iranian bread covered with cream and honey. A hot cheese Kunafa, crowned with crushed pistachio and sugar saffron syrup. The famous traditional Kuwaiti cake “Girs Oqaily” was there of course, but guess what? They made a Sundae out of it. This unique and delightful cardamom and saffron flavored cake with vanilla ice cream and sprinkled with almonds and sesames. Tea with mint was a moment to share. A perfect guilt free feast to me was my dine at Café Bazza. Ooh, I have to mention the friendly waiter “Mahaburbur” the star of the night, with the hardest and longest name to call a waiter ever. See you next month at another interesting restaurant.


‫كــافــيـــه بــــزة‬ ‫مجيل امس هذا املطعم "بزة" من‬ ‫االمساء الكويتية القدميةاجلو العام‬ ‫اكن خليطًا بني البيت الكوييت القدمي‬ ‫و ملسات من فن الديكور احلديث ‪،‬‬ ‫عن نفيس افضل بزة اكفيه فرع‬ ‫الساملية هو (طبعًا ألنه األقرب إىل‬ ‫بييت) ‪،‬الساعة تشري اىل الثامنة و‬ ‫انا مل آلك منذ الصباح استعدادا‬ ‫للولمية ‪..‬‬ ‫إحرتت بني االصناف ‪..‬من اين‬ ‫أبدأ؟؟ صور و لكامت جعلتين‬ ‫اتضور جوعًا‬ ‫و اآلن تعالوا ميع يف رحلة اللذة‬ ‫يف اكفيه بزة‪......‬يال‬ ‫طبعًا مل استطع ان اطلب بالرتتيب‬ ‫‪،‬فطلبت من اجلرسون إحضار‬ ‫األرسع يف التحضري‪ ،‬فاكنت‬ ‫البداية مع رشاب "الفميتو"‬ ‫املثلج‪،‬رشاب تقليدي حيبه امجليع و‬ ‫انا من عشاقه منذ الصغر‪.‬‬ ‫املقبالت اكنت سلطة املرشوم مع‬ ‫اجلرجري و صلصة الرحيان (‬ ‫احلبق) اخلرضاء‪..‬املقبالت الساخنة‬ ‫عبارة عن طبق منوع من املقايل‬ ‫اللذيذة‪ :‬مسبوسة‪ ،‬قطع البطاطا‪،‬كبة‬ ‫برغل‪ ،‬والباكورة اهلندية املتبلة‬ ‫تتوسطهم صلصة خردل حار تدغدغ‬ ‫اللسان حبرارهتا " الناطعة"‪.‬‬ ‫"رقارق اجلنب" طبقات ذهبية رقيقة‬ ‫حمشية باجلبنة املتبلة بالنعناع طبقة‬ ‫تلو طبقة تالمس الطبق و تنساب‬ ‫هيلع بفن ‪..‬مييييي‬ ‫خزب التنور من األساسيات اليت‬ ‫جيب ان تكون حارضه‪ ،،‬مغىط‬ ‫بأوراق السباخن احلامضة و املتبلة‬ ‫و تعلوها خيوط بيضاء اكلثلج من‬ ‫جبنة الفتا املاحلة‪ ،‬خليط يف منهتى‬ ‫امجلال‪.‬‬ ‫خزبة اخرى مع الباذجنان و البطاطا‬ ‫و حبات الصنوبر احملمصة جعلين‬ ‫أتساءل‪ ...‬آلك بعد و ال أخيل ماكن‬ ‫حق البايج؟؟؟‬ ‫اغرب اخللطات املمتزية بفن‬ ‫القدمي و اجلديد هو "برغر التنور"‬ ‫امليين بريجر بالتتبيلة الكويتية مع‬ ‫قطعتىي اخلزب اإليراين‪ ،‬مع قطرات‬ ‫الصلصة الربتقالية تتساقط من‬ ‫اخلزبة العلوية مغطية يف طريقعا‬ ‫قطعة الربجر و أوراق اجلرجري‪.‬‬ ‫صار وقت الطبق الرئييس‪..‬ملك‬ ‫‪May 2012‬‬


‫املائدة الكويتية "العيش"‪ ،‬صينية‬ ‫معدن و "قنجة" برياين دجاج و‬ ‫راحئة الغار و املمسار " القرنفل" و‬ ‫رشاحئ البطل احملمرة مع الكمشش‬ ‫و الاكزو‪...‬و املمكالت املهمة هلذا‬ ‫الطبق اكنت الروب باخليار و‬ ‫االجار الكوييت االأذ عىل االطالق‪،‬‬ ‫"ثوم يبل و مطاط" ‪ ..‬صج ألك بيت‬ ‫بزة‬ ‫مجيل مقاومة شعور اإلمتالء‪..‬الن‬ ‫احللو قادم و بقوة‪..‬‬ ‫أيضا خزب تنور مع قمير و عسل‬ ‫‪..‬من أمجل األطباق الليت ال خنتلف‬ ‫حبهبا‪ ،‬و كنافة اجلنب الساخنة و‬ ‫علهيا محسوق الفستق و "الشرية"‬ ‫قطر احللو الكوييت ‪.‬‬ ‫قرص العقييل ‪"..‬رحية ريوق‬ ‫جداتنا"اكن الطبق األذىك‪ ،‬تركيبة‬ ‫املايض و احلارض‪ ...‬قرص عقييل‬ ‫حميش بأيسكرمي الفانيليا و مزين‬ ‫باللوز و العسل‪ ،‬و الشاي املنعنع من‬ ‫الغوري أهنى ولمية اليوم‪.‬‬ ‫مل اشعر بتأنيب الضمري مقابل لك‬ ‫هذا امجلال و اللذة‪ ،‬اعتذر للرجمي‬ ‫و النادي اليحص‪..‬لست من حمبيمك‬ ‫هذا اليوم‪.‬‬ ‫اوووه قبل ان اخمت‪،‬أفضل اخلدمات‬ ‫اكنت مقدمة من " ماهابربر"‬ ‫اجلرسون ال هاب رحي" صاحب‬ ‫أطول و اصعب امس ممكن تنادي‬ ‫فية خشص و انت تالك ‪..‬‬ ‫عوايف و اشوفمك ‪..‬‬


Feature / Interior Design

Farah Al-Humaidhi Interior Art @pa_ia

What goes well with blue? The frequently asked question, I get as an interior designer… “What are the colors that relate to one another?” People tend to make their life easier by using the same color hues throughout the room. Beige walls, brown sofa, dark beige pillows, dark wood… I think you get where I am leading to... as you begin planning your own space color scheme, take some time to answer these question. YELLOW YELLOW GREEN









What colors do you enjoy the most? What is the function of the room you are planning to decorate, a space for relaxation & recreation or to entertain and socially interact with. As some colors are more suited to particular usage than others. Secondly, you need to consider the amount of light in the space you are about to decorate along with the type of light to be employed. As colors take different dimension based on the light it reflects. Let us say, the sunlight coming into a room having a window facing south, the wall will have a warmer glow than a room with a window facing north which will cast a bluer effect on its walls. Now back to the colors, a very simple tool one can apply May 2012

if you don’t have an eye for putting colors together is the color wheel. You have to know that colors are divided into three groups, warm, cool and neutral. Warm colors are colors that symbolizes heat and are depicted by the sun and fire such as yellow, reds, oranges and any variations of these. Such colors jump out at you, they are active, vibrant and alive. They cheer up people and promote conviviality & best used in public spaces. Cool colors on the other hand are depicted from trees, oceans and sky.. so basicly they are greens, blues and purples. Such colors provide a sense of peace as they stay in the background. Cool colors are hence best suited for bed rooms and spaces where you want to arouse a sense of comfort and relaxation.

Finally, neutral colors are browns, beiges, grays, black and whites. Since these colors represent the color of the earth they are neutral and work well with all other colors and should always be used as background to give attention to other colors and provide a balance to the space. Along with warm, cool and neutral colors we also come across complementary, analogous and monochromatic colors. These terms will enable you to understand how to put the colors together without needing to be an expert… Analogous colors are those colors that are located side by side on the color wheel. These colors always work well together and will never clash because they have a common color. For example color red with purple. Complementary colors are those that are placed opposite to each other on the color wheel such as blue and orange. These colors will accent each other and I personally prefer to use one as a major color and the other as an accessory. Monochromatic Colors are those that belong to the same family but with different hues and varying tints. The problem with this scheme is that it’s hard to make a particular item, the focal point. There being no contrast, eventually the room

will appear unexciting and dull to some people. When I attempt to create this scheme in my design I always insert a pinch of color with the use of a complimentary color to the hues I’m using throughout my space, this can be done through accessorizing for example a hung art piece, some Chinese grass pots if I’m aiming to use green or huge pots with flowers. This usually does the trick without breaking the harmony of the monochromatic scheme. With the help of the color wheel you can also insert patterns in to your design, there is nothing more prettier than playing around with the use of plain colors vs. prints and patterns.. Just make sure that the color of the print or the major colors of the print complement the scheme you are trying to achieve… A tip… look around you, focus on the pictures of our beautiful earth and Mother Nature and you will find tons of inspirations for color combinations… use a natural scene you like as your conceptual color pallet and work your design from there! Designer lovers, if you have any topic you want know more about contact me on any of my social media accounts and I will make sure to cover it in my coming articles!









Entertainment / Hollywood Movies

May 2012



Feature / Culture

To those who said or even though that Mexico is always a sunny country as well as covered by desert and cactus, I post you some of my recent photography to show you the opposite. Since I have arrived Mexico until today- it has been a year- I have not seen even a single tree of cactus; and the weather is almost cloudy and rainy all the year, except for a few days. Below are some pictures of some states I visited in Mexico. Enjoy them !

Nora A. Al-Ajmi noralajmi @Noraalajmi ‫النور‬

May 2012


‫‪Feature / Culture‬‬

‫ترشح الصور يف هذه الصفحة‬ ‫بعض املعلومات املغلوطة عن‬ ‫املكسيك‪ ،‬و تنيف مقولة ان‬ ‫املكسيك الالتينية تعترب دولة‬

‫مقفرة و حصراويه‪ ،‬ميلؤ الصبار‬ ‫اراضهيا‬





‫مفنذ ان وصلت هنا و اىل االن‬ ‫و قد امكلت السنه فهيا‪ ،‬و مل أر‬ ‫جشرة صبار واحدة‪ ،‬و مل يتوقف‬

‫املطر عهنا اال اياما قليلة‪.‬‬

‫ارفق لمك صورًا لبعض الواليات‬

‫املكسيكية الىت مررت هبا‪.‬‬

‫‪May 2012‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


Feature / Commercial Law

Sultan J. AlSaud

May 2012

Feature / Commercial Law sjabdulaziz @sjabdulaziz

Introduction to Commercial Law


The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), which is a form of commercial law, defines bankruptcy provisions and real estate transactions . As such, the law specifies the relationship between brokers, agents and other dealers in the sale of property. The commercial law also governs security interests, collateral placement, loan, and credit terms. In the UK, the commercial law is applicable through a set of other laws that govern business activities in the country . For instance, the commercial The contemporary commercial law can be traced back to the law regulates tax protocols and trade through the Tax Law and law of merchant, which was commonly known as LexMercathe Trades Description Law. toria . As such, the earlier version of the commercial law was predominantly enforced in transactions involving merchants. The rules that were developed in the merchant courts later Moreover, commercial law is used to resolve cases involving became incorporated into the English Common Law during contracts through enforcement of the Contract Law .With the rapid growth in technological fields in the recent past, the the 17th and 18th centuries . commercial law has also found use in the protection of intelDecisions that were made in early merchant court cases grad- lectual property rights and copyrights. Commercial law exually developed into the case laws. To codify this broad set of tends to health and safety issues too. For instance, the UK’s case laws, various Acts were enacted in during the nineteenth health and safety laws are based on the principles of the comcentury. Some of the codified rules derived from the mer- mercial law . In the U.S, commercial law governs mortgages chant law include the Bills of Exchange Act 1882, the Sale of and negotiation policies as well. Bank deposits and collections Goods Act 1893 and Marine Insurance Act 1906 . After various are governed by Article 4 of the UCC, which is America’s form transformations of the LexMercatoria, this law was incorpo- of commercial law . rated into national law systems and eventually modified into The origin of the commercial law has a strong connection with the modern commercial law after World War II. the LexMercatoria of the sixteenth century that served as a merchant law. The merchant law was later integrated with the The commercial law can be understood as a business law English Common Law. Through a series of codifications, the that covers most transactional activities in the broader business spectrum . Some of the activities that can be addressed merchant law was incorporated into other national systems in through the commercial law include management, accoun- various countries. These codifications gave rise to the modern tancy, bookkeeping and contractual concessions . Moreover, commercial law, which was largely modified after World War the international commercial law is applicable in regulation of II. Currently, the commercial law is applicable in virtually all sales, marketing, commercial partnerships, retailing channels economic sectors, such as banking, contracts, trade, consumand labor policies. As a branch of civil law, the commercial law er protection, finance, business management and company is enforceable in both private and public legal provisions . structures. ommercial law is a body of rules that govern business transactions, commercial activities and consumer transactions, among other broad sectors of business. The history of the modern commercial law has become a subject of debate from both the business world and academia. This paper explores the origin of the commercial law and the various roles played by this law in the world today.

May 2012



Feature / Personal Development

Amar Behbehani /amar.behbehani @Amar144

Dear Readers,

See the light!

It is with the power of words great nations were built…and here we go again using it in “theCITY” to build our own little window to a world of intellect, culture, and most importantly a world that reflects you! This zone will be a creative outlook of the self, society, culture and wellbeing. Let me introduce myself to you my dear readers…I am Amar and I am human! I am here to help you a little bit more to explore the power of humanity and its role in shaping a better you, a better me, and a better us…Kuwait!

It is our right as humans to freely explore the gates of knowledge to shape a better self; thereafter, a better society. In this article I would like to remind people about the power of mind…the gift to humanity. Throughout my life experiences, I learned that life is actually a “state of mind”. Our feelings and perceptions of life and ourselves are shaped in our mind. Therefore, we can be more satisfied and happier people if we just allow our mind to release its greater power. Put yourself in a state of mind that can allow you to achieve more! I am not saying that we have to be positive all the time because that would be fake and annoying! I am saying that we should acknowledge the negative aspects of life but intenMay 2012

tionally prefer to see and follow the positive side when solving a problem or simply living. The “bad” in this world happen because we think of them as “bad” events; whereas, they are actually the learning pillars of our lives. If no problems existed, then the word “solution” wouldn’t have been carved in the dictionary. A problem is not a negative aspect of life… the perception of the problem itself forms its entity. The first time I learned about problem solving was in math and physics…two of the great sciences that form reality. So imagine the world without a “problem”! Think of it this way: no problem = no life. We either deny or resist our problems and enter a “pending” state of mind; or we can accept and identify our problems and start the “living” state of mind. So how can we start “living”?

Use your logic and live! Use your logic to overcome life problems and live: 1. When faced with a problem: identify, accept, and define it. Allow yourself to feel it. Be sad, be angry, act out, and then stop! Start thinking. 2. Generate goals and objectives: To have a focused solution, you need to have focused thoughts! Write a list of these objectives or say them out loud. It really helps! 3. Create ideas and take matters in your own hands. Only you know what you need! 4. Generate a solution. Only you understand what you are going through and only you can generate a suitable solution.

Seek help when needed!

External help does not solve your problem; it just assists

you to solve it. Be aware that not every person is right to give advice! It is amazing to find people who listen and family who cares; however, real help should come from people of wisdom who experienced similar issues or incidents. Therapists, life coaches, social workers, and healers are effective sources of help.

See the light!

To live is to overcome obstacles. Realistically speaking, we do not live a “back and white” life. If we assume that the color of light is white, then to enlighten our lives we need to see all the colors of the spectrum…the rainbow! In nature, we see the rainbow after rain. We should apply the rules of Mother Nature to us: the real light of life is only seen after a rainy day! And this light is your logic…your mind.

Entertainment / Hollywood Movies

Call or visit our Showroom for Special Orders, Balloon Printing & all Event Needs and Delivery Opens Sat – Friday 9.00 am – 9.30 pm Shuwaikh, beside Harley Davidson Follow us: @partylandkwt partyland/kuwait Tel : +965 24818766, +965 24814485

May 2012








1 Planetary Gears


The Planetary Gears corkscrew generates six times the torque of other manual openers. A hand crank turns one central gear, which spins three smaller ones attached to the screw. One crank rotation threads the screw into the cork six times.

May 2012

2 TaylorMade RocketBallz TaylorMade’s RocketBallz fairway woods add as much as 17 yards to shots. A 0.4-inchdeep slot on the bottom of the head allows the clubface to bow inward, helping the club to launch balls farther than previous models. It also has steel that’s thinner (0.4 millimeters) and lighter on top than on the bottom.

3 Innergie Magic Cable


The Magic Cable Duo can be used to charge multiple gadgets, be they an iPad, iPod or an Android phone. The USB charging cable ends in an iDevice plug, but it also has a flip-up microUSB plug at the nape of that connector.

4 Gillette Fusion ProGlide


Gillette’s Fusion ProGlide is both a trimmer and a razor. Vibrations from the handle keep the five blades on the razor head from rubbing and irritating cheeks, while a microcomb lifts and guides hairs to the cutting edges. The trimmer has three small combs for different lengths that hold hairs in place to ensure an even cut.


Entertainment / Hollywood Movies





5 Griffin GuitarConnect Pro 6 Sony Handycam HDR-


Griffin’s dongle connects any instrument with a quarter-inch plug—guitars, basses, keyboards—directly to an iPad or iPhone. Joined to the device’s 30-pin port, the GuitarConnect Pro allows users to relay tunes directly into GarageBand or any other music-editing software.

Sony’s new camcorder records video that’s 13 times as steady as that of its predecessor. As the shooter moves, the entire lens assembly—including the glass and image sensor—moves with him, canceling out any wobble in the footage.

7 BiKN for iPhone The BiKN tracker system helps iPhone users keep tabs on their dogs, backpacks and keys within a range that's 15 times that of similar devices. An iPhone case with a radio-frequency ID chip connects to up to eight tracker tags as far as 800 feet away outdoors (or 100 feet indoors). Users page tags with the BiKN phone app to locate their missing items.

8 Mr. Heater HERO Standard forced-air heaters make a ton of noise, but Mr. Heater’s battery-powered model cuts sound pollution by half. Its brushless DC fan eliminates the need for high fuel-nozzle pressure. Lower pressure allows combustion noise to disperse.

May 2012


Entertainment / Hollywood Movies

May 2012







9 Eastman Perennial Wood 10 Fiskars StaySharp Max

Deck Boards

These deck planks will go 25 years without rotting or decaying. In the manufacturing process, Eastman submerges the wood in the compound acetic anhydride and applies pressure and heat. The process permanently expands the wood cells so that they absorb less water.

Most push mowers pinch grass between two blades like scissors, which causes blade-dulling friction. The hard steel blades on the StaySharp Max are positioned so that they never touch each other, resulting in less friction and wear.

11 Toshiba Excite X10 A0.3 inches, Toshiba’s Excite X10 is the thinnest tablet available. Unlike in other LCD tablets, Toshiba bonded the Excite’s touch-sensitive film directly to its digitizer panel, which is responsible for translating touch into commands. Removing the two-millimeter gap between layers decreases thickness and may also speed response times.

12 Sennheiser RS 220 Sennheiser’s wireless headphones rival the audio quality of wired pairs. Unlike other cordless headphones, they don’t compress the audio signal; the transmitter modulates between several wireless frequencies and breaks the signal up among them. The headset recomposes the signal for playback.

May 2012


Entertainment / Book Releases

The Lost Years By Mary Higgin Clark Mary Higgins Clark is well known for her psychological suspense and murder mysteries. In The Lost Years, she follows a page from Dan Brown›s book and interweaves religious controversy with a murder mystery. When a biblical scholar discovers a parchment with a letter written by Jesus that was stolen from the Vatican years earlier, it is not clear who he can trust. When he ends up murdered, his daughter makes it her mission to find the parchment and the killer--risking her own life to do so.

The Beginner’s Goodbye By Anne Tyler The Beginner’s Goodbye by Anne Tyler tells the story of a man with a disability who is figuring out life after the unexpected death of his wife.

Calico Joe By John Grisham Calico Joe by John Grisham takes place in the summer of 1973. It is a baseball story, but also a story about fathers and sons and forgiveness. In the vein of Bleachers and Playing for Pizza, Grisham returns with another story of sports and hope.

May 2012

The Cove By Ron Rash The Cove by Ron Rash takes place in Appalachia during World War I and explores love, cruelty and superstition

The Wind Through the Keyhole By Stephen King The Wind Through the Keyhole is a stand alone novel in Stephen King›s Dark Tower series. The Dark Tower series began in 1974 and the conclusion was published in 2004. The series is a work of fantasy that takes place in Mid-World. Now King returns to Mid-World in a novel that can introduce new readers to the world within the Dark Tower series but will also please longtime fans.

Farther Away: Essays By Jonathan Franzen Freedom by Jonathan Franzen took 2010 by storm -- it was one of the most well reviewed books of the year and was chosen for Oprah›s Book Club, gaining it popularity beyond literary circles. Now Franzen returns in Farther Away with a series of essays and speeches from the past five years covering themes literary an social.

Entertainment / Hollywood Movies

Salmiya , Salaem Mubarak street- Tel: 2571 4174, Kaifan (Next to University) - Tel: 2482 1666 Salam International Hospital - Tel: 2254 1250 / 2254 1280, KOC Hospital - Ahmadi - Tel: 130 ext. 62305 Al Rashid hospital, Salmiya - Tel: 2561 1925, Sheikh Mishal complex, Abu Halifa - Tel: 2373 4005, Sief, opposite sief palace, Gulaf street - Tel: 2247 7257 American University of Middle-East - (AUM) - 2225 1400 ext.1067 Discovery centre, Child Care centre, Kuwait International Airport (Duty Free) Licensed Franchisee: Al-Ghunaim Trading Co. Ltd. P.O. Box: 809 Safat 13009 State of Kuwait Tel : 00965 1 840 840 Fax : 00965 2484 4300

May 2012



Entertainment / Hollywood Movies

The Avengers

Directed by: Joss Whedon

The Road

Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson , Samuel L. Jackson, Jeremy Renner, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth

Starring: Carmina Villaroel, Rhian Ramos TJ Trinidad Genres: Crime / Thriller / Horror

Genres: Action / Adventure / Superhero

Synopsis: When three teens go missing down an abandoned road, the gruesome details from decades of violent murders and abductions come to light. Tells the story of a twelveyear-old cold case that is reopened when three teenagers vanish while traversing an infamous and abandoned road.

Synopsis: The Avengers will bring together the super hero team of Marvel Comics characters for the first time ever, including Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, The Hulk and more, as they are forced to band together to battle the biggest foe they’ve ever faced.

The Dictator

Directed by: Larry Charles

The Samaritan

Starring: Sacha Baron Cohen, Jason Mantzoukas, Anna Faris, Ben Kingsley, Megan Fox, John C. Reilly

Synopsis: Samuel L. Jackson plays Foley, a grifter trying to escape from his past having spent 20 years in prison. But he gets ensnared in the plans of a young protege and it becomes all too clear to Foley that some wrongs can never be made right.

Synopsis: The heroic story of a dictator who risked his life to ensure that democracy would never come to the country he so lovingly oppressed

Directed by: Barry Sonnenfeld

A Bag of Hammers

Genres: Drama / Comedy

Genres: Action / Fantasy / Comedy / Sequel

Synopsis: Two slackers run a valet-parking scam to steal cars, but their operation is threatened when a stressed-out single mom and her street-smart young son move in next door.

Synopsis: The MIB duo of Agent Jay and Agent Kay are back in action. When the world is threatened by an evil alien, Agent Jay travels back in time to 1969, where he teams up with the younger Agent Kay to stop an evil villain named Boris from destroying the world in the future.

Directed by: Peter Berg Starring: Taylor Kitsch, Alexander Skarsgard Rihanna, Brooklyn Decker, Liam Neeson Genres: Adventure / Sci-Fi / Action Synopsis: Aliens, known as The Regents, arrive on Earth to build a power source in the ocean when they come in contact with a navy fleet.

May 2012

Directed by:Brian Crano Starring: Jason Ritter, Jake Sandvig Rebecca Hall

Starring: Will Smith , Tommy Lee Jones Josh Brolin , Jemaine Clement, Rip Torn, Emma Thompson


Directed by: Larry Charles Starring: David Weaver, Samuel L. Jackson Luke Kirby, Ruth Negga, Tom Wilkinson Genres: Drama / Thriller

Genres: Comedy

Men in Black III

Directed by: Yam Laranas

Death of a Superhero

Directed by: Ian Fitzgibbon Starring: Andy Serkis , Michael McElhatton Sharon Horgan , Thomas Sangster Genres: Teen / Drama / Fantasy Synopsis: A teenage comicbook artist suffering from leukemia finds escape from the harsh realities of life in his illustrated adventures, in which the indestructible Miracle Man fights a never-ending battle against his arch-nemesis, the mad scientist known as the Glove.

Entertainment / Music

Top Singles 1










Somebody That I Used To Know

Gotye & Kimbra

We Are Young Fun. & Janelle Monae

Payphone Maroon 5 & Wiz Khalifa

Boyfriend Justin Bieber

Glad You Came Wanted

Call Me Maybe Carly Rae Jepsen

Starships Nicki Minaj

Drive By Train

What Makes You Beautiful One Direction

Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)

Kelly Clarkson











Set Fire To The Rain Adele

Part Of Me Katy Perry

Live My Life Far East Movement & Justin Bieber

Mercy Kanye West

Wild Ones Flo Rida & Sia

Without You David Guetta & Usher

We Found Love Rihanna & Calvin Harris

Climax Usher









So Good B.o.B

Eyes Open Taylor Swift

Runaway Baby Bruno Mars

Burn It Down Linkin Park

Dance Again Jennifer Lopez & Pitbull

Turn Me On David Guetta & Nicki Minaj

Feel Like A Rock Star Kenny Chesney & Tim McGraw








The Motto Drake & Lil Wayne

Good Girl Carrie Underwood

Rack City Tyga

Drank In My Cup Kirko Bangz

Shadow Days John Mayer

Brokenhearted Karmin

I Won’t Give Up Jason Mraz

Birthday Cake Rihanna

Domino Jessie J

Turn Up The Music Chris Brown

May 2012



Entertainment / Hollywood Movies

May 2012

Entertainment / Hollywood Movies

May 2012




Música by Carrera y Carrera Melody, harmony, and rhythm are fused together in the new collection from Carrera y Carrera. Inspired by music, so inherent to Spanish culture, Música is a collection where emotions are expressed and reinterpreted in each of the exceptional pieces. An innovative collection designed to waken your senses, it is full of volume and reveals an outstanding combination of the company’s characteristic matteshine effect on gold.

May 2012


Royal Oak 40 Years: From Avant-Garde to Icon

May 2012




Samah Mattar SamahMattar @Samahmattar

hot! hot! hot!


ummer is here ladies, it›s crazy shopping time. SS12 trends vary this season. As we have a bit of everything going on. You got the black and white sharp edgy monochrome look.

Emporio Armani SS12/ Gucci 2012 Etro 2012 How can we not have floral and corals?! Well we sure do, Alexander McQueen, Chanel, Giorgio Armani, and Missoni amongst others have great coral gowns.

Gypsy is back!! Bohemian outfits tribal accessories. Wonderful colours orange, burnt orange, blue, crystals, and pearls. You might want to check out Etro, YSL, and Emilio Pucci. May 2012

Chanel 2012 Hello pastels, it’s been a while after all the flashy neon blinding our eyes.

Akris 2012


Alexander Wang Resort

You want to dress up for dinner, head to a party? Well, shimmery gold is so IN.

Alexander Wang Resort

Balmain 2012

Looking to be sporty, casual, and chic. Check out Alexander Wang, Akris, and Kenzo. SS12 and Resort Collection.

Ladies what are you waiting for, grab your car keys and go shopping

May 2012




Collette Dinnigan

May 2012


May 2012





Christina Hendricks

May Planet Overview: A May 5 Full Moon in your house of investments and other financial dealings urges you to put that invoice you›ve been holding in the mail. If you procrastinate, you might find it harder than you expect to collect (or pay) as Venus, the planet of money, turns retrograde on May 15. New financing could be at a premium. At the same time, the May 20 Solar Eclipse in your house of creativity finds you anxious to plunge into a new venture. Although funds may appear to be scarce, persevere and they could appear from out of nowhere.

BORN: MAY 3, 1975 KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE, USA Christina got her acting start at a young age in Junior Musical Playhouse productions, and then made the jump to TV guest starring in shows likeER and Tru Calling. With her Sun and Mercury both in strong, dependable Taurus, her perseverance paid off when she landed a starring role in the hit cable TV series Mad Men. A natural blonde, she›s dyed her hair red since she was a girl - maybe a result of her Moon in eccentric Aquarius?




)March 21 - April 19(

)May 21 - June 20(

)July 23 - August 22(

You will be quick to assess situations and

A New Moon on the cusp of your sign on May

There will be new opportunities regarding

draw conclusions this month. Uranus and

20 will help you feel as if you›ve been given a

career matters this month with the Sun and

fresh start. There will also be a Solar Eclipse

Jupiter in Taurus and your sector of profes-

whose effects may last for up to six months.

sion and reputation. You’ll have to put in a

Mercury are in your sign, ensuring that you›ll busy and there will be plenty of change. This would be a good time to plan and think ahead, but don›t make commitments just

Take time for reflection that day, and think

yet. A New Moon in the sign of Gemini will

about what you want to manifest in your

help you to connect with your extended

life. Venus will be in your sign all month. This

family and people in your community. The

transit will help you attract the people and

New Moon will inspire you to improve communication and share your knowledge. You

resources that you need. Venus turns retro-

lot of effort and be proactive if you want to make progress. You may be impatient, but it will be important to slow down and take care of details. A Full Moon in Scorpio on May 5 could create power struggles with a parent or in your home. The New Moon in Gemini on

grade on May 15. You may reevaluate your

May 20 will help you build new friendships

attending face-to-face meetings and gather-

relationships and your values through the

and associations and communicate better


end of the month.

with the people around you.

may spend more time using social media or




)April 20 - May 20(

)June 21 - July 22(

)August 23 - September 22(

This should be a positive time when you can

Career matters could be stressful this month due to Mercury and Uranus traveling in Aries. You might have to deal with someone who›s bossy and overbearing or a situation that›s constantly changing. Whatever occurs, you’ll feel uneasy and anxious, and you may feel pushed into taking actions that make you feel uncomfortable. Pluto is still a transforming influence in the way you deal with people and relationships. A Full Moon in Scorpio on May 5 could cause some trouble with a person you love, but only temporarily. Mars in Virgo will bring out the desire to be of service in your community.

Mars in your sign all month will give you the

confidently make your mark and be open to new opportunities. The only caution is that you might overindulge or spend beyond your means. Keep it real and don’t become greedy. A May 5 Full Moon in Scorpio could be problematic. You might feel unbalanced and experience problems relating to others, especially if you are in a committed relationship. There will most likely be power struggles for a few days. Mars in Virgo this month will bring out a desire for romance and passion. You›ll strive to achieve perfection May 2012

motivation and drive to get things done. You›ll be highly organized and have strong determination. This would be a great time to plan projects in detail and lay the groundwork. The Sun and Jupiter in Taurus will help you in this process and bring the ability to relax more and enjoy the finer things in life. You might want to plan a vacation to a place where you can really unwind and get away from stress. Mercury moves to Taurus on May 9, helping you firm up your plans.


m kha c e id B ay Dav 2nd M

wn Bro s i r Ch th May 5


Rob e

le Ade ay th M 5

rk Z u 14 th ckerb Ma erg y

rt 13 th Pattin Ma son y

Cat eB 14 th lanche Ma tt y

LIBRA )September 23 - October 22(

ney loo C rge ay Geo 6th M

sia Igle e u y iq a Enr 8th M

et 16 th Jackso Ma n y

Kyl ie M 28 th inog Ma ue y


Me g 16 th an Fox Ma y


ir Bla y n To th May 6


er ond W ay vie Ste 3th M 1

Clin t Ea 31 st stwo Ma od y


(November 22 - December 21)

(January 20 - February 18)

Saturn retrograde in Libra all month will

The most positive influence this month will

Venus in Gemini and your romance sector

bring the feeling that you›re in a rut and

be transiting Mercury and Uranus in Aries.

will guarantee that you feel loved and appre-

personally limited. However, you›ve been

These planets will bring out your playful,

ciated. You could be flirtatious, though, so

learning valuable lessons lately, so try to be

flirtatious side because they’ll be moving in

try not to play with the affections of others.

your sector of romance and creativity. There

You›ll give a lot of thought to your current

could be much change and inspiration in this

situation, whether or not you›re in a rela-

area of your life. Venus is in Gemini all month,

tionship. A New Moon in Gemini on May 20

helping you get along well with your partner

will be powerful and inspire you to improve

or the public. You might step back and re-

your love life. The Sun and Jupiter in Taurus

with most of the other people in your life.

evaluate some of your relationships, how-

could bring tension and power struggles at

There will be a strong need for rest and re-

ever. A New Moon in Gemini and your rela-

home or with a family member. A Full Moon

laxation and a desire to travel with friends

tionship sector on May 20 will help you gain

in Scorpio may bring a career crisis and the

or a loved one.

a new perspective over the coming months.

need to put in more effort.

patient if things don›t always go your way. Mercury and Uranus will be in Aries and opposite your sign, and it could cause stress with a partner, if you have one. Compromise will be necessary. Venus is in Gemini all month, contributing to smooth relations

SCORPIO )October 23 - November 21(



)December 22 - January 19(

)February 19 - March 20(

You›ll be active and engaged with your

You’ll make plans to travel or improve your

friends or a group, and work on projects

mind during this month. You could be drawn

with others. You will pitch in and take care of

to learning a new language, starting a blog,

planning, organization, and any details that

or going back to school. Whether you take a

Neptune near your Ascendant will bring out your best qualities this month. You’ll be intuitive and compassionate. You’ll have creative vision but find it hard to focus and be productive. Venus in Gemini will challenge you to communicate clearly with family members to avoid misunderstandings. You’ll need to be patient and kind to someone close. The New Moon in Gemini may herald a new start in this regard and a willingness to work on your differences. Mars in Virgo and your relationship sector could make you defensive and argumentative with your partner. Life will be easier if you don›t take everything personally.

need to be addressed. The Sun and Jupiter in Taurus bring a desire to slow down and enjoy beauty and nature. However, you›re so driven that you›ll have to make an effort to relax and appreciate your surroundings or spend

trip or pursue an interest, make sure there’s an educational component. The Sun and Jupiter in Taurus will help you enjoy romance and love and relax with someone who interests you. Mercury and Uranus in Aries could be a disruptive influence when at home or

time with someone you love. The Full Moon

dealing with family. Someone may act errati-

in your sign on May 5 will bring out negativity

cally or cause stress by rebelling. Constant

and a lack of confidence for about a month.

change will be difficult to handle.

May 2012




2013 AGERA R The 2013 Agera R is the result of Koenigseggs endless persuit for perfection. The 2013 model features new Aircore hollow carbon fiber wheels, uprated power and enhanced aerodynamics. The Agera R has an incredible top speed of approximately 440 km/h (273 mph). Recent Records for the Agera R: 0-300 km/h in 14.53 sec, 300-0 km/h in 6.66 sec, 0-200 mph in 17.68 sec, 200-0 mph in 7.28 sec. The Agera R is the only roadster Hypercar with a detachable and stowable hardtop, bringing the best of two worlds. This in combination with 120 litres of luggage space, truly combine extreme performance with everyday usability. The Agera is available in left or right hand drive.

May 2012


The 2013 Agera R has all the features and functionalities of previous year models, but also features new and unique solutions to enhance performance and visual appearance even further.

of torque on E85 and E100 biofuel. As there is less energy content per given volume in these biofuels compared to normal petrol, the fuel-system has to manage a flow that is similar to a 2000hp petrol engine, which means that the Agera R’s return-less fuel system has the highest capacity of any car presently in production. As the Agera R is a flexfuel car, it can also be run on normal petrol. As 95 octane fuel has less octane than E85, the power is reduced to 960hp with 1100Nm of torque due to the boost pressure and ignition timing being altered to match the fuel characteristics.

Example of these enhancements are; Visible carbon area on the front bonnet and bumper, new front side winglets, revolutionary Aircore carbon fiber wheels, the new Aero exhaust, the increased power and the raised rpm limit. Koenigsegg was the first Hypercar manufacturer to take steps toward green technology with the release of the biofuel CCXR in 2007. The Agera R, based on the highly competitive Agera, follows in the footsteps of the CCXR In order to give the Agera R maximum flexibility when it as it also runs on E85 biofuel. comes to power delivery, Koenigsegg has implement the Among many differences to the standard Agera, the Agera latest technology when it comes to turbo materials and R has an upgraded fuel and engine management system design. This reduces the inertia of the turbine wheel and with enough flow capacity to generate 1140 hp and 1200 nm axle and therefore gives improved response.

May 2012




Triplex rear suspension Christian von Koenigsegg has invented a new type of rear suspension system for a road car – Triplex rear suspension. The Agera R comes with the Triplex rear suspension system as standard and therefore has a shock absorber and spring connecting the right and left rear wheel. This system gives unique benefits as the two rear wheels can influence one another when desired. There are multiple benefits of this system. For example, the Triplex system works in series with the normal springs and dampers, allowing their spring and damping rates to be lowered. This results in increased comfort and better handling on rough and wet surfaces without compromising dry track handling. The Triplex system also has an anti-squat effect. Traditional anti-squat systems are designed into the geometry of the suspension. These systems do not add any components or weight. However they compromise the geometry of the suspension for other aspects of handling aside from anti-squat. By adding the Triplex system, Koenigsegg can maintain true suspension geometries for handling, but still have the anti-squat feature and harvest other new found benefits. As the Triplex system compliments the normal dampers and springs, these can be made lighter. Hence, the added benefit does not significantly affect the overall weight of the car’s suspension.

Dynamic rear wing Hypercars of today generate massive amounts of downforce at low to medium speed and less down force at very high speed. This is so as to avoid overloading the tires and creating too much drag. Most hypercars therefore have heavy, May 2012

hydraulically operated wings and flaps to cater for this need. Koenigsegg however, following the “less is more” philosophy, has designed a dynamic system to that take care of these needs.

The most visual and obvious part of this system is the new dynamic rear wing. The wing changes its angle of attack, not with the help of hydraulics, but with the pressure of the wind. It is therefore dynamically controlled by the vehicle speed, or wind resistance, at any given moment in time and thus actually compensates for headwind or tailwind at the same given speed. This is an intelligent way of deal-


ing with adaptive aerodynamics as the system becomes lighter, less complex and more intuitive compared to heavy and complex hydraulics systems. Koenigsegg had to work heavily with CFD in order to create the dynamically controlled adaptive aerodynamics of the Agera R. An interesting additional feature of the adaptive wing is that the pylons for the wing also act as air extrusion channels. The air channels go from the engine bay to the back of the pylons, thereby creating an air passage. This causes a venturi effect from the air rushing past the pylon, evacuating hot engine bay gases, reducing pressure in the engine bay and increasing the flow of cooling air through the side radiators. This also means that the pressure under the car is reduced, giving more low drag down force.

Aircore Carbon fiber wheels The 2013 Agera R features the world›s lighest and strongest Hypercar wheels, developed and produced by Koenigsegg. What makes this wheel truly unique is that the spokes and centre part of the wheel are completely hollow and made out of carbon, in one piece - together with the rest of the wheel. This design demanded that Koenigsegg come up with a novel way of producing a one-piece hollow carbon construction, something much more complex than what has been allowed previously. The only metal part in the Koenigsegg Aircore carbon fiber wheel is the checkvalve for filling up the tire. Apart from this tiny part, the whole wheel is only made

from carbon. Given its unique design, the wheel›s strength is much higher than any forged aluminium wheel, but at the same time it delivers a weight saving of around 40%. This drastic reduction in weight brings massive benefits when it comes to performance. Everyone understands that unsprung weight should be keept at a minimum in order to have maximum performance. What is not so well understood is that the rotational mass should be kept to a minimum. Every time the car accelerates or brakes this rotational mass works against the objective of quick acceleration or short braking distance. In addition, the steering feel and keenness is affected

by the rotational mass, as the rotational mass acts as a gyro, counteracting turning. Simply put, reducing the rotational mass not only gives less unsprung weight and a lighter car, but it also increases the dynamic power that goes into the ground while accelerating or braking. Reducing the rotational mass gives similar effect as equipping the car with larger brakes and more horsepower on top of saving weight and improving handling. The Koenigsegg Aircore Carbon Wheel is a fantastic solution for overall performance improvement. Koenigsegg truly reinvented the wheel. May 2012


A specialized page in “theCity” Magazine from your new friend Lana from Kuwait who will have a monthly visit to one of the interesting projects in Kuwait and the World meeting the cause of it, how it happened, the hard times, the good times, secret of their success and all details to highlight to those who are planning to have their private business. It will enlighten them with the main steps and show them successful examples.

‫صفحة مخصصة مع صديقتكم الجديده لنا‬ ‫ تتعرف على سبب‬, ‫سوف تقوم بزيارة للمشاريع المميزة إبتداءا من الكويت‬ ‫وجود هذه المشاريع ؟ كيف تحولت من فكرة الى حقيقه؟ أصعب األوقات و‬ ‫أحلى األوقات بكل ما تحملة هذه المشاريع من تفاصيل لتسلط الضوء على‬ ‫أهم النقاط لكل من يريد ان يبدأ بمشروعه الخاص‬ @dinewithbasma



A specialized page in “theCity” magazine from your new friend from Kuwait - Basma who is as passionate about food as you are. She will be visiting restaurants all around the world starting with Kuwait talking about their food, taste, service, ambiance, and much more. Basma will give you a special detailed review for choosing a place to dine.

‫صفحة مخصصة مع صديقتكم الجديده بسمه‬ ‫وهي من عشاق الطعام وسوف تقوم بزيارة مختلف المطاعم إبتداءا من‬ ‫الكويت وسوف تتحدث عن نوعية الطعام والخدمة واألجواء‬ ‫‫لتقدم لكم تقرير مفصل وتساعدكم في اختيار وجهتكم عندما ترغبون‬ ‫في تناول األطعمة المميزة في األجواء المناسبة‬


Entertainment / Hollywood Movies

May 2012

Entertainment / Hollywood Movies

May 2012


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