March 2010 Volume 3

Page 1

Monthly Magazine

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Exclusive interview for CityPages Vo l u m e 3

March 2010

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20 Colette Malouf

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16 Pascale Machaalani 20 Ahmed Ahmed 22 Colette Malouf 24 Cricket 26 Fatima H.Alwan

44 Exclusively for men! 45 ‫وجه شاب وبشرة مشرقة على الدوام‬ 46 Are you sick of morning sickness?

Psychology 55



6 Mother, I Can Hardly Express 8 The Forgotten Generation 9 “The love we crave for” (Mother’s Love) 10 Love Has No Requirements 11 Everybody has one 13 ‫دليلك لشراء هدية عيد األم‬ 14 the Magic World

36 10 Rules of Sushi Etiquette

PEOPLE 28 Kinda Al Faris 30 Thariq Rajab Musium

SPORTS 38 Winter Olympic Games Travel


34 Red Sea Secrets

60 U.S. Top 40 60 New CD Releases 61 Top Ten Mother's Day Movies 62 Hollywood 63 Bollywood 66 Book Releases

‫حملات و تواريخ‬


Drew B

Born: Fe Drew is br uary 22, 19 an 75

The New Super Heroine in Town

ar r ymo re

7 ‫حملة تاريخية عن عيد االم‬


Kinda Al Faris

CITYPAGES SPECIAL 15 Question of the Month 58 Say It Your Way 51 City Guide

‫سؤال وجواب‬

19 ‫اهداءات وتهنئة خاصة مبناسبة عيد األم‬ ‫ وأجمل الهدايا في عيدها‬

FASHION & TRENDS 40 Colette Malouf Spring 2010 42 Spring Summer 2010

IN EVERY ISSUE 47 City Kids 56 Automotive 64 Gadgets 68 Press Releases 71 Homework for grown ups 72 Horoscopes 73 Celebrity Birthdays

34 13

Editor's Letter Editor-in-Chief

Dhari Al-Muhareb General Manager & Editor

Jameel Arif Executive Editor's

Claudia Farias Mais Ghandoor Graphic Design

Habeeb Rahman Sales & Marketing

Muhammed Altaf Photography

Natalia Citcai Abdus Samad Contributors

Amani Saqr Divya Menon Dr. Bibi Sabahat Shah Dr. Nazia Nausheen Fatima Qader Intesar Al-Saif John MacArthur Joseph L. Padullon Mariam Sami Al-Murjan Rupali Behl Bhagat William Schuilenberg Zeeba Rafiq

This is the third issue of CityPages. A third issue means that something is happening. It means we have progressed past the initial excitement and optimism to something more structured. There are struggles, but it is a fantastic struggle, every step of the way. We here at CityPages in letters are glad to be a part of it. This month we celebrate MOTHER’s Day. Children and their families across the country will express in their own unique ways the importance of mothers in their lives. Some will shower their mothers with flowers and gifts; others will lavish them with hugs as a token of affection. While I frenzied over how to make it special for my mother, an interesting story caught my attention which I would like to share with you all. A man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers to be wired to his mother who lived two hundred miles away.

As he got out of his car he noticed a young girl sitting on the curb sobbing.

He asked her what was wrong and she replied, "I wanted to buy a red rose for my mother. But I only have seventy-five cents, and a rose costs two dollars."

The man smiled and said, "Come on in with me. I'll buy you a rose."

He bought the little girl her rose and ordered his own mother's flowers. As they were leaving he offered the girl a ride home.

She said, "Yes, please! You can take me to my mother."

She directed him to a cemetery, where she placed the rose on a freshly dug grave. The man returned to the flower shop, canceled the wire order, picked up a bouquet and drove the two hundred miles to his mother's house.

For all the moms out there, may you have a great Mother’s Day. And for all of you reading this, spend some time with your mom, tell her how much you love her and how much they mean to you. In the end, that’s the best Mother’s Day gift. Happy Mother’s Day. Now I have to go spend some quality time with my mom! Don’t forget to pick up your free magazine at a ton of locations in town or read it online.

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March 2010


Mother, I Can Hardly Express Joseph L. Padullon But what your son couldn’t forget was when he was busted by the police and taken to custody, for a minor felony. You visited him, alright, but you kept your distance. Was it really him that you visited? Because, instead of helping and consoling him for his predicament, as a normal mother would do, you were talking with other people and just gave him a look; an angry stare! His heart was filled with hatred, while incarcerated. He didn’t even want to talk with anyone, anymore. Until his detention helped him decide that he couldn’t shape his future inside the prison.

Woman, who will not be amazed and admire your style of caring? Why, you never miss getting your kid to bed on time and peek to your angel before doing something else in the morning. You’ll only relieve yourself, do some quick washing and fix breakfast, after you saw that your cherub is still comfortably asleep – which is always the case. And, is it by instinct or just plain love that you’ll have to carry your tot to the bathroom to wash up, then into the dining area for a hot meal? Aren’t you adorable, despite your being a single parent? You know, we value your conviction to focus more on picking up the pieces on what’s left in your failed relationships, than wasting time complaining about it. The fact is, we naturally think of a single mom, when we’re talking about single parenthood. That’s because of the common perception that it’s always the women who are always left behind to manage the fragments caused by a bungled romantic partnership. Not that the males are less capable of patching up the wreckage of such affair, but that females are not only sentimental and fragile when it comes to children’s custody, but also comfortable raising them too. 6

But woman, don’t think that being a single mom is a virtue that makes the lady of the house - with her spouse around, any less for a mother. And you, lady, being a mother doesn’t always make you superior to us, either; because to some, you’re just an icon created to adorn and complete a family in a portrait. Yes, you change your babies’ diapers, breast feed them, sing a lullaby and put them to sleep. And yes, you clothe your kids too, and come along to see that they’re safe on reaching school. So what? It’s your obligation to do just that, and neglecting those tasks is a great inconvenience for them and a total irresponsibility on your part. Ah, do you remember when they’re still studying? You gave them their allowance that’s barely enough to survive the day at school. Thanks, God, Dad was always around sneaking them a couple of bucks. Mother, what’s a small party every now and then? And why do you need to tell on their faces that the money they spent came from their father? But you’d said it right; the money was the fruit of their dad’s work! Okay, they understand that you’re upset when your boy went home reeked with liquor and a little disoriented because of the drugs he used. By the way, how did you know that he was doped?

You knew when he was released, and never came back to your house. You just learned that he had gone far and continued his studies while working. Much as you’d want to offer him again your motherly care, you let him lead the life the way he wanted to, because you’re sure, he had learned his lessons. Mother, your prodigal child has matured and became a restless parent himself. This is because the gap he feels in his being remains anonymous. But don’t worry; it will not take long before he realizes that what is missing in the equation is his desire to feel the warmth of your love. He knows that you will still be there at home; older, but still ever anxious to see him in flesh. He will regret the pain he has inflicted on you for his absence; will realize that whenever he gets hurt and struggling to get out of the mess, you’re always there in the frontline and fearlessly fought off the odds that were in the way. And he will know too, that you just silently cry whenever your kid was in peril and that you could not do a thing to relieve his pain. But he is sure, that his insensitivity to your pure heart shall be forgiven and forgotten. He will understand now, that the icon in the portrait is not just a decor that completes the family, but an essential symbol, created to complete a real family. And you will be proud of him, Mother, because he can write; like this article that’s made only for you. Did he ever say, “I love you, Mom?” Now, he does.

‫‪March 2010‬‬

‫حملات و تواريخ‬

‫حملة تاريخية عن عيد االم‬ ‫اماني صقر‬

‫تعود فكرة عيد األم للسيدة حنة جارويس من مدينة‬ ‫فيالدلفيا في والية بنسلفانيا في الواليات املتحدة‬ ‫األمريكية حيث دعت عام ‪ 1905‬أصدقاءها وأقاربها‬ ‫لالحتفال في ذكرى وفاة والدتها وفي االحتفال‬ ‫تبلورت فكرة تخصيص يوم لألم وذلك لتعبير عن‬ ‫اهمية االم ودورها في بناء االسرة واجملتمع وهكذا‬ ‫بدأت السيدة حنة جارويس الكفاح في سبيل‬ ‫حتقيق فكرتها ‪.‬‬ ‫وفي العاشر من شهر أيار لعام ‪ 1913‬اقر الكونغرس‬ ‫األمريكي تخصيص يوم لألم ؛وفي التاسع من أيار‬ ‫‪ 1914‬أصدر الرئيس األمريكي ويدرو ويلسون مرسوما‬ ‫يعلن فيه عن تخصيص يوم ليكون عيدا رسميا لألم‬ ‫‪ ،‬ومت حتديده في األول من شهر مايو من كل عام ‪.‬‬ ‫ومن هنا انتقلت فكرة عيد االم من الواليات املتحدة‬ ‫االمريكية الى باقي دول العالم واروبا‪،‬وأما بالنسبة‬ ‫لعيد األم في العالم العربي فقد كانت جمهورية‬ ‫مصر العربية هي الرائدة ففي ‪ 1955\12\6‬كتب‬ ‫الصحفي املصري علي أمني في زاويته الصحفية‬ ‫اليومية فكرة دعا فيها إلى تخصيص يوم‬ ‫لالحتفال باألم وفي ‪ 1955\12\9‬اقترح موعده وعلل‬ ‫اقتراحه؛وفكرة علي أمني هذه جاءته إثر تلقيه رسالة‬ ‫من أم تشكو من ابنها الذي أعطته ريعان شبابها‬ ‫فقد توفى زوجها وهي في العشرين من عمرها‬ ‫ورفضت الزواج وباعت مصاغها وحلل املطبخ وأثاث‬ ‫بيتها ثم مالبسها واشتغلت خياطة للفساتني‬ ‫وخادمة في بيوت األغنياء لتعلمه وتعده للحياة‬ ‫وتع ّلم ابنها وحصل على الشهادة اجلامعية وعلى‬ ‫الوظيفة أيضا وزَوَّ َجته وتلبيه لرغبة زوجته التي‬ ‫فضلت أن تعيش بعيدة عن حماتها قرر ترك البيت‬ ‫ووافقت األم وخرج االبن من البيت يحمل احلقائب‬ ‫التي رتبتها أمه دون كلمة شكر أو وداع وعاش بعيدا‬ ‫عن أمه وبعد أن أورد الصحفي علي أمني مضمون‬ ‫هذه الرسالة والتي أثرت فيه كثيرا فلماذا ال نتفق‬ ‫على يوم من أيام السنة نطلق عليه يوم األم وجنعله‬ ‫‪7‬‬

‫عيدا قوميا في بالدنا وبالد الشرق وفي هذا اليوم‬ ‫يقدم األبناء ألمهاتهم الهدايا الصغيرة ويرسلون‬ ‫لألمهات خطابات صغيرة ملاذا ال نشجع األطفال في‬ ‫هذا اليوم على أن يعامل كل منهم أمه كملكة‪،‬‬ ‫مينعونها من العمل‪ ،‬ويتولون هم في هذا اليوم كل‬ ‫أعمالها املنزلية بدال منها ولكن أي يوم من السنة‬ ‫جنعله عيد األم حيث اختلفت اجلمعيات النسائية‬ ‫على اختيار اليوم‪ ،‬واتفقن بسبب اخلالف على دفن‬ ‫الفكرة فاضطر علي أمني أن يحسم األمر فكتب ما‬ ‫رأيكم في احلادي والعشرين من شهر مارس (آذار) إنه‬ ‫اليوم الذي يبدأ به الربيع وتتفتح فيه الزهور والقلوب‬ ‫ما رأيكم في أن جنعل عيد األم هو بداية الربيع في‬ ‫بالدنا وبالد الشرق األوسط ونساهم كلنا في جعل‬ ‫األم في هذا اليوم ملكة بيتها فال تغسل وال تطبخ‪،‬‬ ‫وال متسح‪ ،‬وإمنا تصبح ضيفة الشرف ويتولى أوالدها‬ ‫عنها كل أعمالها املنزلية ويقدمون لها الهدايا‬ ‫وباقات الزهور‪ ،‬ويضعون حتت عقب الباب في حجرة‬

‫نومها خطابات رقيقة يسجلون فيها نبضات القلب‬ ‫التي تاهت بني شفاه طول العالم ‪.‬‬ ‫وفي أول عيد لألم من عام ‪ 1956‬زار علي أمني وشقيقه‬ ‫مصطفى أمني قبر أمه ووضع عليه باقة من الزهور‬ ‫وكلف أحد الباعة إرسال باقة زهور إلى األم التي‬ ‫نسي ابنها بعد ‪ 25‬عاما أن يشكرها ويودعها وكتب‬ ‫عليها اسم ابنها وفي اليوم التالي حضرت تلك األم‬ ‫إلى مكتبه لتشكره وتخبره بأن ابنها أرسل لها‬ ‫باقة زهر أخرى وأنها خلعت السواد ألن هذا اليوم هو‬ ‫أول أعيادها وتقدمت منه وق ّبلته ويكتب علي أمني‬ ‫وما زلت أحس بقبالت هذه السيدة على وجهي فإن‬ ‫قبالتها كانت أرفع وسام حصلت عليه في حياتي‬ ‫الصحفية‪.‬‬ ‫وكان العيد تتويجا واعترافا رمزيا الحترام األم الذي نادت‬ ‫به جميع الديانات اإلنسانية منذ فجر التاريخ ومن مصر‬ ‫انتقلت الفكرة إلى جميع الدول العربية‪.‬‬

March 2010


The Forgotten Generation Divya Menon From birth until death, man encounters tribulations of varying nature and stature. Every stage of life has its own characteristics and resultant problems. During old age what one looks forward to most is perhaps the love, support and company of young ones. Unfortunately with all its overwhelming issues, life proves to be a greater ordeal for many people particularly during the evening of their life. Advancing age, growing physical degeneration and social changes, all have a role to play in the alienation of elders. Encashing on the helplessness of senility, numerous old age homes or retirement homes have sprung up all over the world making it a lucrative business these days. Many of these centers equipped with state-of-theart facilities and dedicated attendants, attempt to make up for the absence of relatives but the distant look in the eyes of the inmates signifying perhaps an unending wait for a familiar smile defeat all purpose and effort. The elderly face a myriad of problems that range from physical to emotional. For people above a certain age, performing even the simplest of activities like walking can prove to be a Herculean task. Crossing roads without the support of another person may pose to be such a risk and literally impossible for so many that they may prefer to remain indoors than venture out.

search of brighter career prospects. Additionally, many societies are increasingly exhibiting a trend to reconstruct themselves on western terms and as a result the joint family model has begun to shrink and lose sparkle globally. These have to a very large extent jeopardized the position of the world's senior citizens who thrive mostly on the attention lavished by their younger generation.

Some of the illnesses that affect senior citizens are Alzheimer's, Arthritis and Osteoporosis, Stroke, Sleep disorders, Parkinsons Disease, Presbycusis, Cataract, mental disorders etc. Studies state that millions of our senior citizens are not receiving the health care they deserve sadly because it is not one of the priorities of today's modern society that is clearly built for the younger generation. Living with dying abilities, interpersonal and social skills in times where success and acceptance are all directly linked to speed and performance, old age makes a lot of people victims of neglect at the hands of their very own offspring.

If these are situational reasons, a cardinal factor responsible for the isolation of the elderly is the extinction of values amongst our younger generations. Man raises concerns about the annihilation of endangered species around him. It has become almost stylish to be associated with one or more bodies that safeguard the interest of exotic animals. Ironically, the same man most conveniently forgets that there is extermination of a different type taking place within him every moment. One that is perhaps deadlier than most other types of annihilative deeds and that is the extinction of our moral and social responsibilities towards our parents and other elders.

Factors that have contributed to making old age homes an instant necessity in our world today are many such as turbulent economic conditions and increasing cost of living. During the last few decades, these factors have resulted in the migration of earning and younger populations to other lands in

It is quite a paradox of nature that the very hands that nurtured and moulded us to become the successful individuals that we are today are treated with complete indifference once they cross the threshold of old age. No reason legitimizes the negligence that is being meted out in most


cultures to these individuals who at one time invested their energy and affection on us to shape our future and were also productive members of the society. Man claims to be the most civilized of creations, but, one can only wonder what sort of civility can we be proud of when in many affluent homes today older members of the family are locked away and considered burdens, the prospect of engaging even in a casual conversation with whom appears disinteresting and unimportant to the younger generation. "Who will talk to them?" is the mindboggling, million dollar question asked by many of our young and healthy society ladies. One has heard many a painful tale of elders seeking the confines of old age homes to escape the traumatic experiences at home at the hands of their very own. Our shrinking values and diminishing consideration for elders have themselves resulted in the culture of old age homes that attempt to offer solace to the affected. But, are our grand parents or parents truly happy there? Is there something that we are missing to read in the wrinkled contours of their face? One must remember that as time moves forth at supersonic speed, our elders must vanish from the scene and their place we must take as nature comes to a full circle.

March 2010


“The love we crave for” (Mother’s Love) Fatima Qader The sweetest love and care in the world is of the mother. She is the most compassionate and special person in our life. It is the most sublime truth in the world. It was always taught by the teachers in our school that ‘the best friend’ in our life is our mother. Now, as a grown up and responsible person (a mother) I remembered those days and become nostalgic too. I feel how true they were. Now, the time has changed for me and years passed, got married and came to Kuwait with memories of my life (time spent with my mom). I have everything in my life to do and have my family to take care of but, I always miss my most adorable and best friend in life ‘My Mom’. The best console and the best advice “U” ever get from anybody. She has always supported me in ups and downs of my life. Guess what? She always wanted me to write and discover my creative side!! In Kuwait and around the world, I am sure there are many emigrants and expatriates, who left their countries for the sake of their work and careers. But what they have left back is there sweet memories with their mothers. I truly know their feelings and inner trauma. How nostalgic they become sometimes; the love, care and mom’s made food- the best food for your ‘body and soul’. Nowhere else you can get such fantastic food by the way. Islam teaches us what level of respect and importance a mother has got. Many of our brave Muslim warriors couldn’t go to the battlefield because they had to attend to their ailing and ill mothers. They were commanded and explained by our Holy Prophet (Peace Be upon Him). A son’s duty is towards their mother first and other deeds like important wars also came secondary. Such were the commands of Holy Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) and four caliphs of Islam.

A mother from all aspects of life and religion should be given her due. A women (Mom) gives up all her desires and comfort in upbringing her child. Takes up all pains and pressure to deliver her child. As she feels her prime duty and love to do so. ‘Beneath the feet of mother Heaven lies’, yes, there is paradise below mother’s feet. It always proved to humanity. Islam always taught universal brotherhood, equality and very special treatment for women (especially for mothers, sisters and wives the soul partners). Today in modern context of life, it is very unfortunate that people are forgetting their values and traditions of their family. Like, giving

respect to their mothers, taking care of them especially in their old age and in all facets of life. Holy Quran and Hadith guides, enlightens and commands us to listen to our mothers and give their due respect, fulfill their needs, wishes and necessities. In recent time we have seen Indian films like ‘Tare Zameen Per’ and ‘My name is Khan’. They have shown the sensitivities of a mother. The messages of these films are that mothers are our guardians and teachers to show us the difference between ‘good and bad’. People are never bad, only their deeds and miss guidance lead them to wrong. 9

March 2010


Love Has No Requirements Mariam Sami Al-Murjan

"It's not always so easy!" she told me. I was talking with her about random stuff. I mentioned Mother's day and she suddenly seemed to be annoyed by that. I didn't rush to ask her the reason why because I knew that with her, patience is more rewarding. She's the kind of person who's shy to open up and speak her mind specially when she's backing a controversial point of view. However, I loved to listen to her points of view, I loved those moments of truth that we have together. "At first, I didn't think I'll ever be able to celebrate this thing you call Mother's day or Family's day. I have always wondered what's Mother and what's Family. I knew that there must be a vicious conspiracy behind those ideas that we hold on to while they didn't really work. I have always considered myself the victim of a dysfunctional family." I knew all about her story with her dysfunctional family. I have always listened to her because that was the thing that friends do. I knew however, that I hardly knew a friend who didn't think at a certain point in their family lives that they were living with a dysfunctional family, or having great difficulty communicating with their parents. I sensed a change in her tone though. I thought that maybe there was something new happening with her. I listened even more carefully. "Since I became a teen I forgot about happiness. Happiness, joy, and play were things of the past. I have become a young woman now 10

with new responsibilities. All I knew however was that I was scared. Things were changing quickly and I needed them to slowdown. Even my moods changed, and I became sad as if I'm trying to endure a huge loss in my life. At the same time, war erupted in our house, and suddenly it became an unsafe place. I felt more helpless, and lonely. You know the rest of the story by heart, Don't you?"

their sincere help I've been forging my way back o life. Here I am, I have succeeded, and even though they've helped me a lot, they give me all the credit. This year, I have decided to give a gift, it's not the gift of this month or this year, but the gift of a lifetime. Do you know what is it?"

We smiled, as I nodded in agreement. I knew that my reward was drawing near.

"Forgiveness. Every morning, I'd look at my family's photo. I look at their faces, and with all the love I can muster, I tell my self the most precious lesson that my family taught me. Love Has No Requirements."

"Even though I felt angry at them, they managed to interfere in the right time to save me and give me another chance in life. With

"Oh, that's terrific, what is it?" I anxiously asked.

March 2010


Everybody has one John MacArthur Everybody has a mother. Even me, crusty, cynical old me, which might come as surprise to some. And, yes, she still loves me. After all, she’s known me longer than anyone else and the first two syllables I ever uttered were ‘mama’. Whether you live in Southampton, Samarkand or Salmiya, the deepest and most mortal insult someone can hurl at another is to disparage their mother. Nine-year-olds will do battle in playgrounds – were they armed , there’d be bloodshed –if one insults the other’s mother, because in the hearts of every man and woman, all over the world, is a special, untouchable corner, a shrine of affection reserved for the woman who gave us life. Only recently, however, has there been a day set aside called “Mother's Day”. The highly traditional practice of the honouring of motherhood is rooted in antiquity, and past rites typically had strong symbolic and spiritual overtones; societies tended to celebrate Goddesses and symbols rather than actual Mothers. The maternal objects of adoration ranged from mythological female deities to the Christian Church. Only in the past few centuries did celebrations of Motherhood develop a particularly human, personal focus. The ancient Egyptians were one of the earliest societies on record whose annual festival to Isis might be considered the precursor of our present celebrations. Isis was regarded as the Mother of the Pharaohs since her son Horus grew to be the ruler of a united Egypt and her stern, patrician beauty was often depicted seated, wearing a crown of bull horns enclosed by the sun. The Romans borrowed the idea, as did the Greeks, with their celebration of the Phrygian goddess, Cybele or Great Mother, who in turn stemmed from Rhea ‘from whom all life sprang’.The Roman celebration of Magna Mater – or Great Mother fell between March 15 and March 22, just around the same time as the Greek festival in honour of Rhea. The festive season was referred to as Hilaria - from which the English word ‘hilarity’ is derived. Games were held in honour of the mother of the gods. Also customary was a procession through the streets with a statue of the goddess carried at the head, followed by a display of elaborate arts and crafts. A later incarnation of a holiday to honour motherhood came from Europe. It fell on the fourth Sunday in Lent (the forty days of fasting and self-denial preceding

Easter Sunday). People used the day to honour the church in which they were baptised, which they knew as their “Mother Church” which was usually decorated with flowers. A clerical decree from the Church in England in the early 1600’s broadened the celebration to include real mothers, earning the name Mothering Sunday, which indeed I remember it being called in my childhood. At that time, it became an especially compassionate holiday toward the poor and working classes of England, when, on this Lenten Sunday, servants and trade workers were allowed to travel back to their towns of origin to visit their families. Mothering Sunday also provided a one-day reprieve from the fasting, penitence and selfdenial of Lent so that families across England could enjoy a sumptuous family feast - Mother was the guest of honour. Mothers were presented with cakes and flowers, as well as a visit from their beloved and distant children. The Japanese call Mother's Day haha no hi. Every four years, the Japanese hold an art competition for children. The children would enter by submitting drawings of their mothers, and the winning drawings would tour Japan in an exhibition celebrating motherhood and peace. On haha no hi, the family prepare traditional dishes that their mothers taught them to cook and give red carnations, scarves and handkerchiefs. It’s ironic that one of the greatest humanitarians who walked the earth was herself never a mother. Born in Albania in 1910, Mother Theresa of Calcutta – some called her a living saint – spent her entire adult life taking care of the poor, the destitute, the homeless and the dying. She has become a metaphor for nurturing, the one attribute that mothers all over the world have.

Every Muslim will know this story. Once, Hakim bin

Hizam came to the Prophet of Islam and asked: "To whom should I be kind?" The Prophet replied, "Your mother." Hakim asked, "Then to whom?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." Hakim asked, "Then to whom?" The Prophet replied, "Your mother." Only when Hakim asked the fourth time that, "Then to whom?" The Prophet replied, "Your father." The moral is obvious. If you live close by, go visit on Mother’s Day. Not a phone call – it doesn’t cut it, unless you’re a long way away and please, not an email. Just for the guys – it doesn’t matter whether you’re skinny and fifteen or fifty and bearded – don’t forget the Card. Don’t choose the first one you see in the shop, trust me, she’ll know. You will have been expected to have given time to this, selecting and rejecting, to find exactly the right one. Write something affectionate in it. Serious points are available for this, gentlemen, and you mess up or forget at your peril. If you’re man enough, make one, decorate it yourself, and deliver it personally. Take flowers, and that means a visit to a florist, not the ones from the supermarket, and do something to make her feel special. If she reads a lot, buy her a new book, if she likes chocolate, take some. If you can cook, give her a break and cook something for her. Hold her face in your hands and kiss her. It’s you she gave birth to. It’s you she wants to see. 11

‫‪March 2010‬‬

‫أفكار لهدية عيد األم‬

‫هل فكرت في نوع الهدية التي سوف تختارها ؟؟هل وضعت ميزانية لهذة الهدية ؟؟كثيرة هي أنواع الهدايا املتوفرة في األسواق وقد يقف البعض منا حائرا ويتساءل‬ ‫ماذا سأختار من بني هذا الكم ‪ ،‬فليس املهم أن تكون الهدية غالية الثمن ولكنها يحب أن تبدي مدى تقديرنا ألمنا‪.‬‬ ‫وجتد هنا بعض األفكار الرائعة التي ميكن أن تساعدك في اختيار هدية عيد األم‪:‬‬


‫ألبوم صور‬

‫فاذا كانت ميزانيتك تسمح فيمكنك تقدمي خامت أو‬ ‫أسورة أو طقم ومن املمكن أن تشترك مع أفراد أسرتك‬ ‫في شرائها‪.‬ولقد رأيت قطع مجوهرات رائعة لدى‬ ‫الفارس مختلفة األثمان في متناول العديد فليس‬ ‫بالضرورة أن تكون القطعة باهظة الثمن‪.‬‬

‫يحتوي على صور لها وجلميع أفراد‬ ‫العائلة أخذت في مناسبات مختلفة‬ ‫مع كتابة تعليق طريف أمام كل‬ ‫صورة منها ومن املؤكد أن هذه‬ ‫الفكرة ستعجب األم كثيرا ً بل أنها‬ ‫ستعجب جميع أفراد األسرة عندما‬ ‫يستعيدون ذكرياتهم اجلميلة ‪.‬‬

‫عنوان مجوهرات الفارس ‪ :‬مركز عبد العزيز العصيمي‪،‬‬ ‫شارع رقم ‪ ،6‬الشويخ‪ ،‬خلف بيت التمويل الكويتي‬ ‫هاتف‪48265722 :‬‬

‫مجموعة كتب‬ ‫فيمكنك اختيار الكتاب الذي يتالئم مع ميول والدتك‬ ‫سواء كان اهتمامها بالصحة والرشاقة أو الطبخ أو‬ ‫األدب‪.‬وحتتوي مكتبات الكويت على عدد كبير من الكتب‬ ‫الرائعة كشركة املكتبات الكويتية و مكتبة جرير ‪.‬‬ ‫عنوان شركة املكتبات الكويتيه‪ ،‬مجمع املثنى‪،‬‬ ‫شارع فهد السالم هاتف‪24242892 :‬‬

‫كوبون لقضاء يوم في سبا أو‬ ‫اشتراك نادي صحي‬

‫عنوان مكتبة جرير‪ :‬حولي بارك‪ ،‬شارع تونس‪-‬حولي‬ ‫هاتف‪2 2610111 :‬‬

‫كوبون لزيارة سبا يقدم خدمات التجميل وتنظيف‬ ‫البشرة والعناية بالشعر والقدمني هدية رائعة لتدليل‬ ‫األم‪.‬أما إذا كانت حتب الرياضة فيمكنك اهدائها هدية‬ ‫اشتراك في نادي صحي مثل نادي شامبيونز أو فليكس‬ ‫أو ‪ Pilates and more‬أو غيرها‪.‬‬

‫شوكوالتة و زهور‬ ‫الشوكوالتة هدية رائعة ألي مناسبة وخاصة اذا كان معها باقة زهور وهناك الكثير‬ ‫من احملالت التي تبيع الشوكالتة الفاخرة في الكويت كمحل باتشي وجوديفا‬ ‫ورووتشي وغيرها ‪ ،‬كما أن أجمل شيء في الطبيعة هي الزهورفهي من اجمل‬ ‫الهدايا وأقربها الى القلوب وتعبيرا لذلك اجلمال أصبحت رمزا للحب والصفاء‪.‬‬

‫مستحضرات العناية بالبشرة و العطور‬ ‫مجموعة مستحضرات العناية بالبشرة كالبودي لوشن‪،‬‬ ‫والشور جل و الشامبوهات والكرميات املعطرة مع املناشف‬ ‫‪،‬هدية جميلة تقدم في سلة وترتب بشكل جذاب ‪.‬أوميكنك‬ ‫شراء مجموعة من العطور والتي تأتي في علب جميلة‬ ‫وحتتوي على أشياء اخري كالصابون وكرميات اجلسم املعطرة‬ ‫فهناك باألسواق عطور رائعة مثل عطر شانيل ‪Cristalle‬‬ ‫‪ Eau Verte‬والذي اليزيد ثمنه عن ‪ 32.500‬دينار كويتي‬ ‫لزجاجة ‪ 100‬مل أو إستي لودر جاسمني وايت موس ‪Moss‬‬ ‫‪ Estee Lauder Private Collection Jasmine White‬والذي‬ ‫اليزيد ثمنه عن ‪ 32.500‬دينار كويتي لزجاجة ‪ 30‬مل‪ .‬أو‬ ‫ميكنك اهدائها مجموعة عطور عربية وبخور تقدم في‬ ‫صناديق خاصة تباع لهذا الغرض يتوفر معها املبخر‪.‬‬

‫حقيبة يد‬ ‫سواء كانت احلقيبة فاخرة أو عادية فمن املؤكد أنها سوف تدخل البهجة على قلب‬ ‫والدتك ولكن ابتعد عن حقائب التقليد والتي بعد مدة بسيطة ميكن أن تتلف واذا‬ ‫كانت ميزانيتك التسمح بشراء حقيبة غالية فحقيبة عادية تؤدي الغرض كافية‪.‬‬ ‫وفي النهاية أرجو أن تتمكن من اختيار الهدية املناسبة لوالدتك وأبدا لن تكون الهديه‬ ‫مهما كانت قيمتها املاديه موفيه جلزء بسيط من حقها علينا ‪ ..‬فكل ما منلكه ال‬ ‫يعادل ما فعلته وسوف تفعله ألجلنا‪.‬‬

‫ساعة يد‬ ‫الشك أن هذه الهدية ميكنها أن تستخدمها يوميا َ‬ ‫وتتذكرك بها وميكنك أختيار ساعات متعددة‬ ‫بأسعار مختلفة من محالت الكويت اخملتلفة وذلك‬ ‫حسب ميزانيتك‪.‬‬ ‫‪12‬‬

‫‪March 2010‬‬


‫دليلك لشراء هدية عيد األم‬ ‫انتصار السيف‬

‫األم وما أدراك ما األم‪ ،‬حقيقة ال يستطيع اللسان وال القلم‬ ‫اعطائها حقها ‪ ،‬فبعد عدة أيام سـنحتفل مبناسبة عزيزة و غاليـة‬ ‫على قلوبنا جميعاً وهي عيد األم أو يوم األم التي هي من ضمن‬ ‫االحتفاالت التي يوجه إليها العالم اهتماما بالغاَ ‪،‬فعلى الرغم‬ ‫من اختالف هذا اليوم في تاريخه وعاداته من بلد ألخر على مستوى‬ ‫العالم إال أن هناك اتفاقا عامليا على االحتفال به‪.‬فاالحتفال بعيد‬ ‫األم وسيلة للتقارب بني األمهات واألبناء فنحن نحتفل بصانعة‬ ‫الرجال التي لها فضل عظيم علينا بصفة خاصة ‪ ،‬فهي التي‬ ‫فعلت الكثير والكثير والزالت تفعل من اجلنا الكثير و الكثير‪.‬‬ ‫ولألحتفال بهذه املناسبة العزيزة على قلوبنا يجب أن يتم االعداد‬ ‫لها بشك الئق يليق مبكانة األم‪.‬‬

‫ديكور حفلة عيد األم‬ ‫ديكور حفلة عيد األم يعتمد على املكان الذي‬ ‫سوف تقام فيه ‪ ،‬فاذا كان مكان اقامتها املنزل‬ ‫فيجب التأكد من نظافة وترتيب املنزل قبل البدأ‬ ‫بأي شيئ‪،‬وميكن اضفاء بعض اجلمال على املنزل‬ ‫بتزيينه بطريقة جذابة بالشموع والبالونات والزهور‬ ‫‪ ،‬كما ميكن تعليق الفتة كبيرة تقول "عيد ام سعيد‬ ‫ألفضل أم في العالم"‪.‬‬

‫لون معني أو تزيني غرفة احللوس بطريقة معينة‪.‬أما‬ ‫اذا لم يتسع لديك الوقت لذلك فيمكنك طلب‬ ‫الطعام من أحد املطاعم وال تنسى كيكة عيد‬ ‫األم فمعظم احملالت في الكويت تتفنن في اعداد‬ ‫كعكعات عيد األم الرائعة وميكنك تقدمي كيكة‬ ‫عليها صور جميع أفراد األسرة تتوسطها صورة األم‪.‬‬ ‫أما اذا رغبت أنت و أفراد أسرتك في الذهاب إلى أحد‬ ‫املطاعم لألحتفال بهذه املناسبة فيمكن أن يقوم‬ ‫كل شخص منكم بتقدمي هديته في املطعم‪.‬‬

‫جتهيز الطعام حلفلة عيد األم‬

‫قواعد لهدية عيد األم‬

‫الطعام يشكل جزءا ال يتجزأ من أي حفلة تقيمها‬ ‫‪ ،‬وألن هذا اليوم مكرس لألم فيمكنك اعداد‬ ‫الطعام بنفسك حيث تكون فكرة رائعة اذا قمت‬ ‫أنت و مبساعدة أخوتك باعداد الطعام ‪ .‬فيمكنكم‬ ‫اختيار الئحة بالوجبات التي تفضلها والدتك ومن‬ ‫ثم مفاجأتها في يوم عيدها بوليمة مخصصة لها‪.‬‬ ‫وكذلك تأكد من ترتيب طاولة الطعام وكراسي‬ ‫اجللوس كما ميكنك اعداد منط( ثيم) للحفلة كاختيار‬

‫هناك الكثير من الهدايا ميكنك تقدميها فلقد اعتدنا‬ ‫في عيد األم اختيار الهدايا التقليدية والرائجة‬ ‫ألمهاتنا في عيدهن‪ .‬قلة منا فكر يوما ً في إنتقاء‬ ‫هدية غير تقليدية ‪،‬وهناك من يجيد اختيار الهدية‬ ‫ويجهد نفسه بالبحث عنها قبل شرائها ليقدم في‬ ‫النهاية هدية تعبر عنه بدقة وتناسب من يقدمها‬ ‫له‪ ،‬وهناك من يشتري الهدية من وجهة نظره هو‬ ‫ومبا يحب أن يهدى له‪ .‬فهل تفضل الهدية شي‬


‫يهمك بقدر أن‬ ‫تستفيد منه والدتك أو أن ذلك ال ّ‬ ‫تكون رمز لذكرى عيد األم؟‬ ‫وألختيار هدية لعيد األم هنالك عدة قواعد أهمها‪:‬‬ ‫ تختلف كل أم بذوقها العام عن األم األخرى وذلك‬‫حسب سنها وميولها ‪،‬فال تختر الهدية حسب ذوقك‬ ‫الشخصي ولكن اهتم مبيول والدتك وهواياتها‬ ‫‪،‬اختار شيئا هي حتبه ال شيئا أنت حتبه فلال تهدها‬ ‫عطرا َ ما لم تتأكد من العطر الذي حتبه والدتك أل َّن‬ ‫العطور اختيار شخصي ‪.‬‬ ‫ التغليف اجليد بأشكال مبتكرة للهدايا باستخدام‬‫األشرطة امللونة والعلب اجلميلة يضيف قدرا من‬ ‫املتعة والتشويق عند تلقيها وفتحها‪.‬‬ ‫ ال تنس محو ثمن الهدية ‪ ،‬وال تتحدث عن ثمنها‬‫أو جمالها أمام والدتك واترك احلكم لها واحتفظ‬ ‫بفاتورة الشراء وذلك في حالة احلاجة للتبديل أو‬ ‫اإلرجاع‪.‬‬

March 2010


THE MAGIC WORLD Rupali Behl Bhagat

We are currently living in the modern age where we are dependent on machines for our day to day work. We start and continue our daily activities with the help of different types of machines. Let’s talk about our mobile; it’s an integral part of our living now. It is impossible to get rid of this gadget from our lifestyle even for a short while. What an irony, these machines were invented to comfort our living but now we have become slaves to these things. For instance, last weekend I was sitting over a cup of coffee with one of my friend from school days and discussing the use of machines in our life, I asked her to switch off her mobile phones for a day and stay peacefully. I thought my idea would impress her, however she could not believe what I said and categorized my idea as weird. She said this is a crazy thought and this will disconnect her with her loved ones. This made me rethink over my conclusions that how inseparable these gadgets have become for us. We Homo sapiens are moving towards the invention of new technology and even improving 14

what we have. The reason is to make life more comfortable or rather I would say to help us become lazier. Gone are the days when my mom used to wake me up for college, now my mobile performs this duty. The alarm starts ringing at 6.00 in the morning and even if I don’t wake up it snoozes for next 30 minutes. After I get up my first action is preparing my coffee, just by pressing one button of my coffee machine my coffee is ready. These types of procedures goes on for the whole day, and thanks for all the remote control technology wherein I don’t even have to get up and just use my thumb and place my commands . What a life we all have, if my grand parents were alive I am sure they would have believed that I am a super magician who does everything sitting in one corner of the house. Life for sure is becoming comfortable but, is this the way we should live? This question has been within my little brain for quite some time, now as even I am becoming more and more techno savvy, though I am proud of it but

deep down inside me there is little insecurity. Sometimes sitting all alone with my gadgets all around I wonder is this the right way to live. I wish that I would have been less automated and doing more physical tasks which would have supported me to stay healthy. The question is not that these things are not good, we all are glad that these things exists to support us but we are inviting more diseases and an unhealthy atmosphere. Today’s generation is born with these gadgets, they don’t know that there is an alternative which exist and that’s where I sense trouble. I have a group of friends who are not aware about something called morning walk, as they have never left there cozy bed before 9 or even 11 in the morning. Please don’t take me wrong I am not saying that they are not health conscious, they are but they have always jogged on the treadmill. It’s equally good but isn’t walking along a river, or on a sea track or in a park more refreshing. I believe all my friends who have actually done this kind of practices actually understand what I mean here. There are two kinds of living. First is where we ‘survive’ and the second is where we ‘live’. In the former category, we just survive. This means what ever means we have we are making use of it and surviving. What we have doesn’t make contended any more, we are running in a race of getting more loofah (money), looking for more lucrative careers, to sum up we follow what our head says. The later category is where we live. We commence our day with routine activities like exercising, or other physical activities etc. We on regular basis plan for vacations with friends and families. We understand the most important thing we can give to all our loved once is our time. We try to indulge in more quality based activities. We are in a profession where the goal is not money or cash but we do what we have always wanted to. To sum up, we follow our hearts. This will

We should never forget that these machines are invented to support us in our daily courses. We should be able to maintain a balance in our lives, between things to be done manually and activities to be perform through these machines. A major percentage of our health problem will also vanish then. The more physical activities we do more fit and fine we will be. We humans should be proud of ourselves that at regular intervals we are inventing something which can be used for our betterment. The cause and effect of these gadgets should always be balanced. Let me explain this, the cause of a particular machine is associated with its need. For instance, If I have to write for one of the magazines column in France and I have only one single day left, I can’t write my article on a piece of paper and then post it to France from Kuwait, neither can I dictate it over the phone. The shortest, easiest and cheapest is emailing it. Using internet is my need here. The effect is I am using it in synchronization with my need. Now let us reverse the situation, if I am holidaying in Singapore, my system goes corrupt and installing it will take lots of money and time in a new land. Avoiding any kind of risk I have fifteen days to send my article in France and I have a brilliant idea today. I will rather write it on a piece of paper and mail it manually rather than waiting for my system to fall in place. Here, I am behaving in accordance to my need. Do not forget that these machines which occupy half the area in our homes should be used in accordance. My advice for everyone out there reading this article that we should be thankful that these gadgets exist for us. All these things have some magic in them; there functions are just a click away. Unlike old days where phone was connected with wire, now our mobile phone is not only a call making and receiving device but can work as a camera, an I-Pod, and check mails for us and so on. So let’s use these devices in limit so that there magic always remains in our lives.

CityPages Q


definitely attract more happiness.

You got stopped by a cop who tells you were speeding. Do you explain some made up story as to why you were speeding or deny it and try to get out of it?


Let us know what you think! Email us at Your answer could be published in our next issue.

March 2010

INTERVIEW / SINGER One of the most successful female artists of Lebanon, with an impressive number of worldwide performances under her belt, pop singer Pascale Machaalani has an unprecedented chart record. Each of her 13 studio albums has reached number one in every pop chart in the Middle East. Pascale skyrocketed to stardom with her 2000 album, Nour el Shams, which made her one of the first Arab singers to hit Double Platinum. In this exclusive interview with CityPages, Pascale sheds some light on her career as an international pop superstar. Have you ever performed in Kuwait? I did a lot of gigs in Kuwait. Kuwait is a wonderful country and I love the people. I did many programs there. When did you first discover your love for music? I discovered it when I was seven or eight. Define music in your way. Music is my life, it’s my passion, and I loved it all my life. Who writes the lyrics to your songs? More than one person, usually Egyptian and Lebanese writers. You've performed all over the world. What location has been your favorite? Every country has its own flavor, so I can’t name just one. What was your worst performance experience? I haven’t had a bad performance experience yet. All that I have done so far have been blessed. 16

March 2010

Pa s c a l e Machaalani

Music is my life, it’s my passion, and I loved it all my life. 17

March 2010

What was it like working in the drama series Maktoob? Maktoob was a great experience, the chance of a lifetime. The program was famous and I loved it. You have won many awards in your career. Which one are you most proud of? I’m proud of all of them. The Lebanese Army gave me awards, which is good for my career. In Malaysia, I received an award from Warner International. Most of the people there don’t speak Arabic, but they still loved me and wanted me to perform in concert. Which other singers inspire you? Every singer with a good song, voice, or lyrics inspires me. Would you collaborate with other singers? Why not? I have no one in mind, though. What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given? Someone told me to stay down-to-earth and to be sure to get the opinion of the fans. What message would you like to give to aspiring singers? You should love and believe in what you’re doing. When is your birthday? What's your sign? I was born on March 27, which makes me an Aries. What would you look for in an ideal husband? I don’t have a specific man in mind, but I’d love my husband to be a real man: generous, serious, gentlemanly, and cute. Finally, can you tell us one unusual thing about yourself? I eat a lot of chocolate! 18

‫‪March 2010‬‬

‫سؤال و جواب‬

‫اهداءات وتهنئة خاصة مبناسبة عيد األم‬ ‫وأجمل الهدايا في عيدها‬ ‫كل عام حتتفل األسرة بعيد إالم وعندما يأتي احلديث عن األم فنحن نستحضر احلنان والتضحية واحلب الذي ليس له مصلحه‬ ‫سوى احلب نحن هنا نفتح لكم مساحة واسعة بسعة حبك وتقديرك ألمك فكل منا إبداع بالكلمات والتهنئة اخلاصة‬ ‫المه املليئة باملشاعر ولتعبيرهم عن أهمية وفضل األم عليهم‪،‬حيث تقدم أجمل الهدايا واالهداءات والشكر والعرفان لكل‬ ‫أم ومن هنا تأتي مقابلتي مع األشخاص الذي يهنئون كل أم في العالم ويقدمون أروع األفكار والهدايا املناسبة لعيد األم‬ ‫وكل عام وكل األمهات بألف خير إن شاء اهلل‪.‬‬ ‫اماني صقر‬

‫تشكر فاطمة العنزي كل أم على سهرها وتعبها على أبنائها لترهم أفضل الناس‬ ‫وأحب أن أهدى هذه الكلمات البسيطة المي واشكرها من كل قلبي‬ ‫أمــي‬ ‫من لي بهالدنيا غيرك‬ ‫أشكي له وأبث له همومي‬ ‫كثر اهلل خيرك‬ ‫مالية أفراحي بيومي‬ ‫كل عام و انتى بألف خير يا أمي‬ ‫أكد طالل مرزوق الغامن على أهمية تقدمي الهدايا اجلميلة مبناسبة عيد األم وتكرمي‬ ‫كل أم في العالم على دورها في تنمية اجملتمع وان اإلنسان ال يستطيع إن يعيش‬ ‫دون أم وانه سوف يقدم لها ساعة وأواني منزلية‪.‬‬

‫أصر على الذهاب إلى‬ ‫السوق لشراء أفضل هدية‬ ‫المي‬ ‫أماني نواف‬

‫األم تسهر وتتعب لترى‬ ‫أبنائها في أفضل حال و لكى‬ ‫مني جزيل الشكر يا أروع‬ ‫إنسانه في العالم‬ ‫فاطمة العنزي‬

‫أبدت حال مناور املطيري عن فرحتها مبناسبة عيد األم وتهنئ كل أم في العالم‬ ‫وان األم لها دور كبير في بناء اآلسرة واألجيال القادمة ويجب على كل آسرة حتتفل‬ ‫وتخفف من معاناة األم وسوف تقدم الورود اجلميلة لتعبير عن مدى سعادتها‬ ‫المها‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف احمد حمد أن عيد األم من األهم األعياد التي حتتفل بها األسرة معنا في‬ ‫كل عام وهذا يدل على أهمية األم يشكر كل أم على تربيتها لألبناء وانه سوف‬ ‫يقدم خامت من الذهب مبناسبة عيد األم‪.‬‬ ‫وأما أماني نواف تصر على تقدمي أجمل الهدايا مبناسبة عيد األم وأنها في كل عام‬ ‫تذهب إلى السوق لتشتري أجمل الهدايا وبذلك تهنئ أماني والدتها وتشكرها‬ ‫وسوف تقدم لها عطر فرنسي‪.‬‬ ‫عبد العزيز اخلالد يشكر كل أم ويهنئ جميع األمهات في العالم ويتمني لهم‬ ‫الصحة والعافية وان األم هي عمود البيت التي تستند به األسرة وبدونها ال‬ ‫يستطع املرء أن يعيش وسوف أقدم لها الزهور البيضاء واحلمراء‪.‬‬

‫األم أج‬ ‫مل شي‬ ‫يستطيع اح بالدنيا وال‬ ‫د‬ ‫عنها حل أن يبتعد‬ ‫و‬ ‫ظة حدة‬ ‫ف‬

‫هد العنزي‬

‫هنادي تهنئ كل أم في العالم مبناسبة عيد األم وان األم مدرسة إذا أعددتها أعددت‬ ‫شعبا طيب األعراق وفي كل عام تتجمع األسرة وحتتفل باألم التي تضحي من اجل‬ ‫أبنائها‪.‬‬

‫عيد‬ ‫األم من أ‬ ‫ه‬ ‫م‬ ‫ا‬ ‫أل‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ياد التي‬ ‫حتتفل بها‬ ‫بد من األسرة ك‬ ‫ل‬ ‫عا‬ ‫م‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ت‬ ‫قدمي أجم‬ ‫في ع ل الهدايا‬ ‫يدها‬ ‫‪19‬‬

‫احمد حمد‬

‫إما أسراء عبد اهلل عيد األم من أفضل األعياد التي جتتمع األسرة مع بعضها‬ ‫البعض حيث أن األم هي شمعة املنزل وهي نور قلوبنا واهدي هذه الكلمات جلميع‬ ‫األمهات‬ ‫ماما احترت و اهلل إيش أهديك‬ ‫القلب الروح عمري ما يكفيك‬ ‫قلت ما في أحلى من ربي يخليك‬ ‫ويؤكد فهد العنزي أن األم هي أجمل شي بالدنيا وال يستطيع أن يستغنى عن آمه‬ ‫آو االبتعاد عنها حلظة وحدة وكل عام وانتى بخير يا أمي العزيزة وأنا احبك كثيرا‬ ‫وهديتي لها وردة حمراء لتعبر عن حبي لها‪.‬‬

‫األم مدرسة إذا أعددتها‬ ‫أعددت شعبا طيب األعراق‬ ‫هنادي‬

March 2010


Ahmed Ahmed

Ahmed Ahmed was born in Helwan, Egypt. His parents immigrated to the U.S. when he was one month old and he grew up in Riverside, CA. He moved to Hollywood when he was 19 years old to pursue a career as an actor and standup comedian. He attended the American Academy of Dramatic Arts and studied with acting coaches Cliff Osmond, Ivana Chubbuck and Sandy Marshall. Mr. Ahmed can be seen in such films and television shows as Iron Man, You Don't Mess With the Zohan, Swingers, Tracey Takes On, Roseanne, JAG, Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn on Comedy Central, MTV's PUNK'D, and on the Fahrenheit 9/11 DVD bonus features performing stand-up comedy. He has also appeared on CNN, The View, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and NPR, and was featured on the front page of the Wall Street Journal in December of 2001. Recently, he can be seen in the film City of Life, the first feature film to be shot entirely in Dubai, U.A.E., which was premiered at the Dubai International Film Festival last year. He was the recipient of the first annual Richard Pryor Award for Ethnic Comedy at the Edinburgh Comedy Festival in Scotland in the summer of 2004. In 2009 Ahmed completed his directorial debut Just Like Us, a feature length documentary focusing on Middle Eastern comedy. CityPages had the opportunity to meet Ahmed and here we share with you the exclusive interview he gave for CityPages: 20

March 2010

INTERVIEW / COMEDIAN Tell us about your childhood. Were you hilarious then?

What is your ultimate goal?

How did you move into movies? Is acting what you are looking for next?

I always felt funny as a child. I had a pretty good sense of humor. I played a lot of pranks and jokes on my family, friends and at school.

To achieve the impossible and spread global laughter and understanding. I'd like to continue seeing the world, have a family one day, seek a higher understanding of life.

Who inspired you to be a comedian? Anyone else in the family?

Being in US for a long time, how do you update about the middle-east?

My dad is terribly funny and growing up in an Egyptian family with 6 kids provides tons of material. Egyptians are funny and can be dramatic and emotional at times which provides a lot of comedy fodder.

I have Arab friends, watch satellite tv, go online, etc... I travel there a lot too and try to gather material while I'm there. Plus we are in the news everyday! lol!

How did you start your professional career as a comedian?

Tell us about your best performances?

I love both but comedy is a bit more freeing and has more risk. As an actor you have to be part of a team or committee. Comedians are like lonely cowboys.

That's hard to say because every performance is different. But the shows we've had in the Middle East in the past couple of years have been great.

I got to work with Adam Sandler, Robert Downy JR and Vince Vaughn.

Tell us about any bad experiences while performing?

Tell us about your achievements and awards that you have received?

One time an White-American guy told me to go back to my country and starting yelling racial slurs. I came off stage and confronted him. He was much bigger than me but we went outside anyway. Before anything happened a bunch of comedians broke it up and he left. I would never do that again. It was unprofessional.

I won the Richard Pryor Award for Ethnic Comedy and was the first Arab to appear on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

I started out as an actor then fell into standup comedy later in my career. I found the art of standup comedy while working as a food server in a restaurant. I had to keep my customers happy in order to make decent tips. Then later I started performing open mic nights and amateur nights. After seven years I finally became a paid regular at The World Famous Comedy Store then eventually started touring. Did your family support you or were they against this?

They support me now but they didn't in the beginning... Standup comedy is not a traditional career choice for the oldest son of an Egyptian/ Muslim household. Now my father tries to write jokes for me to use on stage... What goal you try to achieve through comedy?

My goal is to entertain people through laughter and earn a great living. I also believe that comedy can heal and break down stereotypes.

Do you see any differences in the audience in the Arab world and the west?

Yes and no... the difference is that contemporary stand up comedy is brand new to the region. But they understand everything and get most American references. Now, tell us about your latest movie "Just Like Us" what's it about?

Just Like Us documents our recent comedy tour through Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Beirut. It's a celebration of culture and comedy. www. How Arabic?




Not very good but I understand everything. I'm working on it. Did you ever get nervous performing?

Not anymore. What kind of jokes audience respond mostly to?

Anything about family, relationships, men vs women, current events, politics, awkward moments, etc...

I got an agent and started auditioning for roles in films. I've been an actor for 20 years and will continue to do it as long as I can find work in good films. What do you prefer more? Acting or Stand-up commedy?

Tell us some experiences while acting in hollywood?

What's the most funny thing about you?

Hmmm... I don't know. Maybe my laugh. People say it's contagious. How many times did you perform in Kuwait and how was your experience?

I've performed there six times. People in Kuwait are very nice. What is the funniest thing in Kuwait?

There's no speed limit on the highway. It's like a raceway! What did you study? and why did you not pursue a career in that?

I never went to college. I moved to Hollywood at the age of 19. I always knew I would be in the entertainment industry. What kind of food do you like?

Bbq, Italian, Arabic, Mexican, Thai and sushi. Is comedy good for health? How?

Comedy heals. Laughter is important because it release endorphins and stress. Are you always funny or do you ever get serious in daily life?

I'm actually a very serious person when I'm not on stage. Most people that don't know me would never guess I am a stand up comedian. I like to save the funny and my energy for the stage.


March 2010


Colette Malouf Born in Soho, based in Soho and creates in Soho

Colette Malouf is a true New Yorker that grew up amidst the emerging art and design scene of downtown Manhattan. An edgy influence perhaps, but Colette is a child of fashion that was raised on couture from her family’s glamorous lounge war business, “Perfect Negligee” where ostrich feathers and jewelled caftans ruled. From the street to high fashion, Colette melds the two influences bringing artistic elegance to everything she designs. Today, aside from being the number one brand of hair accessories worldwide, Colette also offers a line of costume jewellery that is artistic as the hair collection. She has fifteen stores in Asia and has expanded into the Middle East. “Being born to a Lebanese family, I am proud to share my vision with women in the Middle East” says Colette. There’s a good chance you’ve seen her work if you love fashion - perhaps on the memorable hit series “Sex and the City” or “Gossip Girl; in collaborations on the runway of fashion idol Michael Kors and Derek Lam; or in the pages of top fashion and beauty magazines and on the likes of Oprah, Hale Berry and Anne Hathaway. In an exclusive interview for CityPages Colette tells us more about herself. 22

March 2010

Where are you from? I was born and raised in Greenwich Village (NYC) but am first generation American. When did you first start designing and what did you start designing first? When I was in college I started designing costume jewelry which I sold to stores in Boston where I studied. I considered it a hobby but just after I graduated there was a trend in accessories for hair and I came up with the idea of the "Scrunchie" (also known as a "Chou Chou") but then saw it advertised in a magazines 8 months later which triggered me to begin my own collection. What inspires your designs? My Grandfather brought the caftan to the US in the 1920's and launched a luxury evening and lounge wear company called "Perfect Lingerie". And as a child I used to go to my Grandmother's enormous colonial house every Sunday where the family had accumulated an attic filled with couture clothing and accessories from the 20's to the 60's. I couldn't wait to go up to the attic to discover crystal encrusted shoes, white kidskin gloves and gowns by Norell, Schiaparelli and Dior. I was enthralled with all the beautiful things I found and today they fill my closets and drawers and continue to inspire my design perspective. I love glamour! What is the process of creating one of your pieces from design to production? I begin with a story I want to tell. Either it is from my travels or from objects I collect or impressions I have stored in my mind. Then I create a color palette that describes the mood of the story and then I begin sketching to create the looks that express the story. What materials do you use and what is your best choice? CM: I work with many materials and I like to combine contrasting textures and sculptural

shapes. I work with woven metal mesh, hand knit wire, hand blown glass, crystals and silks. The combination of hard and soft is more interesting to me than just one material. When did you launch your brand and under what name? I began in 1987 under Colette Malouf. When did you start offering costume jewelry? In 1998 I launched costume jewelry How many stores do you have and what are your future plans? I have 15 branded corners in Asia with free standing stores in Tokyo, Beijing and Shanghai. I would like to have a store in Beirut and later in other cities across the Middle East. When did you open in Kuwait and how is Kuwait market compared to others? The line first launched in Kuwait last year and has been very well received. (Please ask Hikmat for more details) What would be your best piece of advice to someone who wanted to follow in your footsteps and establish a design/accessories company?

What Fashion Shows have you participated in? I have worked with Michael Kors, Peter Som and Derek Lam. What is your ultimate goal? To enjoy life and help others enjoy life through my work. Your Best Memory? Being 19 and living in Rio de Janeiro. What is your favourite color? That's a tough question. It's between olive green and turquoise so I guess I could say I love teal!

Work for a few years before you start your own company and get some experience and contacts. What are your greatest achievements? I started this business just out of collage and now, 23 years later, I have a global luxury brand. What are your hobbies? I love to practice yoga, swim, dance and be active. Cultural travel is my favorite thing to do, especially if it combines fitness and adventure. I love food, Japanese culture and have a big interest in well being and healing. 23

March 2010




Cricket Azima is a dynamic young professional chef who specializes in cooking for and with children. Cricket is the Director of Kids’ Programs for Kidfresh™ an innovative company in New York City offering all natural, freshly prepared foods for kids. Since 1999, Cricket has been teaching cooking classes to over 1000 children of all ages at various locations in New York City, including schools, Whole Foods Market, Girl Scout groups, the Children’s Museum of Manhattan, and in her private classes. As an instructor, Cricket is one of a kind. She strives to teach more than a recipe or basic cooking technique, with a teaching philosophy that is based on “the educational benefits of cooking.” “We can learn about so much more than just food, while in the kitchen,” says Cricket. “In addition to cooking skills and techniques, children in my classes learn about history, geography, math, nutrition, science, foreign language, art, and much more.” In an exclusive interview for CityPages, we learnt more about Cricket.


March 2010

Where are you currently based?

New York City What motivated you to taking cooking as a profession?

I have always loved to cook and eat. I was at a crossroad in my career, trying to decide between becoming a chef or an elementary school teacher, when it hit me – I can do both! Now, I teach elementary aged children about food, my favorite topic – talk about having your cake and eating it, too! What formal education you have taken related to cooking?

I have my Professional Culinary degree from Peter Kump's (now known as The Institute of Culinary Education) and my Masters in Food Studies & Food Management from New York University Why do you get involved with children mostly?

love already, as well as ones I can teach them to like.

with kids and food (my latest is on - in the food section, under the Kids header).

I make sure children keep both their hands and minds busy the entire time they are in the kitchen with me. For example, even when I am completing a simple step on my own – adding a spice, for instance – I keep children involved, by asking them to smell the spice and spell its name. We might also talk about where the spice grows and how it is harvested.

What is the ultimate Achievement that you are looking forward to?

What is the best age to begin learning cooking?

I teach from 2 1/2 years old and up. The 2 1/2 year olds until about 4 years old need some assistance from a parent or care-giver. In their classes, we discuss colors, shapes, numbers, foods, etc. From 5 years old, the children are truly able to absorb more of the "educational" content that accompanies the lesson, for example how foods are grown, from

Here’s an example: Recently, a parent returned to pick up their child from class and was surprised to learn his child now likes eggplant. “You made something with eggplant?” he questioned, squishing his nose at mention of the vegetable. They went home with the recipe, and the next time I saw them, the father shared that, at age 40, he now likes eggplant!

In addition to learning how to make a delicious recipe, children learn educational material, such as math, science, geography, history, nutrition, social studies, art, language and reading skills. They are also exposed to and develop skills related to socialization, physical activity, and lifetime learning. Tell us about you Special way of teaching cooking to children?

When I develop recipes and curriculum for The Creative Kitchen classes, I work to incorporate as much educational content as possible – such as math, science, and nutrition – while still maintaining an entertaining and interesting environment. The lesson absolutely has to be of interest to kids. And, with that said, my primary goal is always to work with fun ingredients and foods – ones kids

Do you invent new recipes or cooking styles?

Yes - I develop and write recipes for my own classes and food companies that hire me to consult (for example Kellogg's, Fruit Simple, etc.) What motivates you or inspires you?

Food :) What middle-eastern foods you like most?

Since my father is from Iran, I have to say that Persian food is my favorite :) What are your other hobbies?

I love to spend time with my son, Kingston. Tell us a childhood memory?

My mother was not much of a cook, unless opening a can of tuna is considered cooking! I think her aversion to cooking directly affected my desire to be a good cook (plus, I was sick and tired of canned tuna).

I am overwhelmed with satisfaction when I see a child's eyes light up at the discovery of a new food or ingredient – one he or she thought they wouldn’t enjoy. I am also pleased to be able to share this news with parents, who I often find are a bit leery of that food or ingredient themselves!

What kind of activities you do with children?

This changes daily :)

where the foods originate, the science of how they cook, they can do math when doing measurements, etc. Which are the books published by you?

The books I've written include Everybody Eats Lunch, Handstand Kids Mexican Cookbook (I developed and wrote the recipes), and Culinary Improvisation (I contributed). I am in the process of another book - details to come soon. Tell us about the awards and achievements you have received?

Everybody Eats Lunch received a gold award from the National Parenting Publications Awards (NAPPA). What are your current goals?

To continue to teach children's classes, write children's cookbooks, and do more video content

My fondest childhood memories surround the kitchen. I remember taking cooking classes at age 5 at a small gourmet store in Kansas City. Believe it or not, I actually prepare some of those same recipes today – Stone Soup and Navajo Fried Bread are both regular menu items, in my home and my classroom. I also recall being in Montessori school and the excitement of simply cutting up bread and passing it to my peers. Without question – of all the classes and schools I have attended over the years – my food and cooking experiences are the most unforgettable. What is one unique thing about your cooking?

That I don't just cook a recipe - I look at the history of the ingredients, the culture of the people from the country where the recipe originated, the science behind why the recipe is cooked a particular way, etc. I also enjoy adapting traditional recipes to suit my taste or that of the children I teach. What are your future plans?

Time will tell :) What is your zodiac sign?

Scorpio How do you celebrate your birthday?

Typically over a big, fun meal with my friends and family....if not dozens of these meals, as I enjoy celebrating my birthday the entire month of November :) 25

March 2010


FATIMA H. ALWAN A Fervent Eastern Writer… with a zealous Western pen.

Fatima Hussein Alwan is an enthusiastic Kuwaiti writer and poet, holding a master's degree in Computer Engineering. She started her writing trek at the age of 12. Fatima's technical speciality didn't hinder her or thwart her from pursuing her true passion, which is English Literature; she's Literaturaholic and dreams of becoming a novelist one day, for she considers fiction her first literary love, notwithstanding her great fondness and devotion for poetry. CityPages selected Fatima as a representative for International Women’s Day and learnt about her recently launched book “Poesy Whisperer”. CityPages has the privilege to be the first to know about her new book and to be the first to interview her. 26

March 2010

Is there any particular style you use in your writing? In the first book I did not use any particular style, rather it was a sort of free- style writing. Most of the poems, not all of them, were in the form of simple couplets with one recurring rhyme. However, as now my English is maturing and poetry writing is developing, my second book is way more professional. I would say that I have adopted classical styles and more fixed forms of poetry. What is the title of your second book? The title of my second book is “Poesy Whisperer” where “poesy” is an olden and literary word for “poetry”, and the cover is designed by my husband. How did you feel when your first book was published? I was elated, enthusiastic and proud. Frankly, I was over the moon! My whole family was excited. My kids were bragging that their mother is a poet, and were showing my book all around the school, and telling their teachers and friends about it. Beside that, I had received wonderful, encouraging and so supportive feedbacks on my website. What is your goal? I'm doing my best to develop and enhance myself and make my writing more mature, for I'm so eager that my books reach as many hands and enter as many hearts as possible, inside and outside Kuwait. My main goal is gaining readers' trust, respect, admiration, appreciation and delight. What is the target age of your poetry? I believe that thirteen plus is the age that would be interested in my poetry. However, I have several younger readers also. What are the topics covered in your poems? Many! Love, friendship, nostalgia, virtues, advice and guidance, spirituality, vivid description, and even story-telling... diverse topics that satisfies most tastes. What is the best time for writing? I have two kids and I work in the morning, so usually I get the spirit of writing when they sleep at night. Because writing needs a free mind to get the inspiration and boost imagination and concentration. However, there is no fix time because the idea just pops up any time. Some of my best pieces I had written at work, when I was free of course! Even while driving, an idea might emerge, so I use the recorder on my mobile phone and later I pour it on paper and work on it. What is your profession? I am a computer engineer, while my heart and soul are clinging to writing and to literature. At the time

when I had to take the decision about the field of study, Computer Engineering was an appealing field. I can't say that I regret this decision, for I learnt time management, tasks organization and self-dedication from my field of speciality; yet sometimes I wish I had chosen English Literature. Where the poetry lovers can find your books? My books are sold through Virgin MegaStore and Jareer BookStore and they are available in Dubai and Abu Dhabi as well. In addition, the price is very nominal as my objective is to reach as many readers as possible. What is the best feedback you have ever received? All the feedbacks I received were positive, supportive and flattering; however, I was overwhelmed by the magnificent critique that I received from Dr. Bruce Merry, who is a professor at Kuwait University in the College of Arts. It put me at the verge of tears! Do you also give seminars and lectures? Well, I was invited once by a professor in Kuwait University to give a presentation about my first book, and the result was astonishing! And I don't mind to repeat this thrilling experience had I got the chance to. Who is your favorite poet? I love the work of William Blake, Edwin Arlington Robinson, Edgar Allan Poe and Robert Frost. But there isn't any particular poet who really inspires me, as I do not like to mimic or copy anyone’s style, and I don't want any poet to shed his persona on me, regardless how great he is. At the end I like to be me, just me, not anyone else's replica! What goals you have set for yourself? I have a dream to write novels and to publish them worldwide, and to achieve international recognition. I dreamt of becoming a novelist since I was a kid, yet the circumstances had rendered me a poet, which I do like actually. Still, I'm not giving up on my original dream, I'm just waiting for the most opportune moment. What makes you feel proud? I have achieved all this without owing any one, because I finished my schooling in regular government schools. In addition, I didn't major in English Language or Literature, I didn't take any specific writing training, I didn't live outside Kuwait nor have I got any foreign roots. In a nutshell, I developed my lingual and writing skills by myself, and did everything on my own. Don't you think I have the right to be proud of myself? Tell us about your childhood? I was a bookworm and was reluctant to rely only on teachers. I used to read anything reaches my

hands, watch English movies, talk shows, and try to adopt their accent in front of the mirror, holding a hair brush as a microphone. And I befriended the dictionaries and invented games out of them. Simply, I was in love with English language and I found it so friendly, fascinating and alluring. What qualities have helped you in your writing? I have a vast imagination that takes me wherever I want to go in order to get the sought inspiration for writing. I am also a very good listener and absorb information very quickly. My constant travelling has helped me a lot, as I was trying to shed my shyness and timidity away and mingle with people –Anglophones and communicate with them, in order to enhance my lingual abilities and learn more. What advice would you like to give the young writers? I would like to encourage young writers and youths in general to keep dreaming and strive to fulfill their dreams no matter how wild or difficult they were, because I believe that nothing is impossible. Keep pursuing your dreams and never ever give up! How could the readers reach you? They could reach me via my official website www.

Always By Your Side Do not despair, my beautiful one I'm always by your side Protecting you from all perils There isn't need to hide Mu heart and soul are just for you Ready to listen and guide Support, advise, with heaps of care And never blame or child Life is loaded with ups and downs A fact we have to abide It's like the state of dear Blue* Once high and once low tide Whenever you're sad or woebegone Just close your eyes and vide You'll see me right in front of you My arms are open wide


March 2010

PEOPLE Kinda Al Faris is CityPages Female Personality of the month as we celebrate the International Women’s Day this month. Kinda Al Faris with her intensive travelling and living in different countries and mingling with so many different cultures has made her truly an international person. She transfers her experience and knowledge in her position as an employee at the National Bank of Kuwait with the hope to bring tangible results and she is truly an inspiration for the people around her. CityPages was honored to meet her and interview her this month. Below is the CityPages exclusive interview with Kinda Al Faris:

What message would you like to give on mother’s day? My message to all the mothers is that they are the greatest human beings alive. That is why there are so many different mother’s days celebrated throughout the world. I don’t have enough words to express the strength that they have.

Tell us about your education?

with different cultures and getting acquainted to them.

What is your favorite holiday spot? I love the Greek Islands. They are beautiful. I enjoy beachside locations for relaxation.

What do you do on a day off? I usually walk on the beach when the weather is good or watch a movie. I also enjoy having coffee with friends.

Well I studied in the United Kingdom and United States and hold two degrees. My major is in Commercial Art and minor in Interior Design.

My Mother.

Tell us about your work experience?

What do you like most about your job?

I have worked at different sectors. My first job was at the Ministry of Information. I then worked for Kuwait Airways for almost 5 years. I am currently enjoying working at the National Bank of Kuwait for the last two years to date.

No two days are the same. Each day is a different story. New projects, new tasks. I enjoy it.

Tell us about your childhood memories? My childhood memories are of travelling. I travelled everywhere with my parents because of my father’s job. I have lived in Qatar, Baghdad, Germany, Pakistan, Egypt as well as the UK and US. I can remember seeing so many different countries and meeting people 28

Who is your best friend?

What advice would you like to give to students who are pursuing a career in media field? I would like to say that there is lots of room for talented people in Kuwait. However, competition is tough. Kuwait is not an easy place to work, so roll-up your sleeves and get serious about your career. Don’t expect to start from a senior position as you will not learn enough for the long run. Rather start from ground up and you will learn much.

What is something you never forget to do before going to bed? Set my alarm. I am an early starter.

We have learnt that you are a great fashion lover. Is that true? Absolutely true.

What is your favorite brand for shoes? Jimmy Choo, although I don’t tend to splurge on them often.

And for hand bag? I love Bottega Veneta because the brands leather is buttery soft.

What is your ultimate goal? To have a quiet and peaceful home on the Oceanside somewhere.

What would you like to achieve professionally? To be the General Manager of marketing of a company.

What message would you like to give to CityPages? I wish City Pages luck. I think it’s doing a good job and I hope to see the 6th edition.

Kinda Al Faris


Photographer: Natalia Citcai

March 2010

March 2010


Tareq Rajab Museum of Islamic Calligraphy 30

March 2010

On 14th March 2007, The Tareq Rajab Museum of Islamic Calligraphy opened its doors to the general public. Its aim is to trace the development of the Arabic script. The earliest script in the museum dates back to the 7th century up to the present day. Named after Tareq Sayed Rajab, the first Kuwaiti to be sent abroad to study art and archaeology, this museum houses a collection of more than 30,000 items collected over the last fifty years, a third of which are on permanent display. The items were collected by Mr Rajab and his English wife, Jehan Wellborne, who he married in 1955. They then travelled extensively and began collecting items from all over the Islamic world and the Far East. These are now housed in the two parts of the museum. 31

March 2010

It was a long desire to visit the Tareq Rajab Museum as I had heard so much about it from people who had visited there. Since CityPages started a tradition of rediscovering hidden pearls of Kuwait and introducing them, I thought of visiting there as our next destination. I realized that there were two separate museums, one displaying and extensive collection of calligraphy, manuscripts, miniatures, ceramics, metalwork, glass, jade, wood and stone carvings and the other one specialized for I decided I will cover only one museum this time and selected to visit the Tareq Rajab Museum for Islamic Arts. More than the museum, I wished to meet the person who had given this gift to Kuwait. So, I requested the museum if I could get an appointment with Dr. Tareq and I was very lucky that my request was fulfilled. I reached the museum on the given date and time and was surprised upon my arrival at the gate that the staff was already informed of my appointment and welcomed me very warmly. I was then given the opportunity to visit the museum as I was ahead of my scheduled time. I considered it an opportunity and began to look around. With the look at each artwork, I was traveling towards a new world. This was the world of peace and tranquility. Soon I was informed that Dr. Rajab has arrived. Next moment I was about to witness the person who had been collecting Islamic Art for years and preserving them in his museum. The person, who was ready to go to any extent for his passion and love for Islam and Islamic Art. Soon I saw a man entering the museum. This man had serenity, dignitary, and calmness on his face just like his collection. He was Dr. Tareq Rajab. I cannot express what my feelings were at that moment. After greeting, Dr. Rajab asked me if I wished to continue looking around or to sit for the meeting. I definitely could not wait anymore to listen from him and decided to look around later. I was honored to share a cup of tea with him and deeply was confused as I did not understand how I should start. After taking a deep breath, the only thing that came


in my mind was the story that I had read about the demolishing of the museum and I anxiously asked Dr. Rajab whether the news was correct. Dr. Rajab in a polite and affectionate way told me that those were all rumors and. Believe me this was a sigh of relief for me as well, like other people because the moment I saw the museum I become the member of the fan club of this museum. I was here to have a formal interview but now I thought it would be better to be a listener and get as much information from this “Sea of knowledge� as I could in my granted time. Dr. Rajab told me about his interest of Islamic Calligraphy in a way that it comes from all around the world from China to Spain and it brings with it the Islamic culture, faith, and love, which coexisted with other religions. Through the museum, I try to portray the true essence of Islam, not the one, which has been portrayed by the Western media. Islam is the religion of peace and it was spread with love and not with sword. He said that why people do not take the example of Indonesia where Islam spread without any bloodshed. The second bright example could be Spain where Islam was a dominating force for nearly Eight hundred years and if the method of preaching could have been fight or barbarism, every person living there would have been a Muslim. After expressing his love for Islam Dr. Rajab told me the motive behind opening of his museum. He told that from his childhood he was fond of collecting things. In fact in my school days by the influence of my teacher, I use to travel to Baghdad to collect the manuscripts for the sake of reading he said. But the real eye opening incident took place during my studies in United Kingdom when my professor at Bristol College asked me that why I was here to study arts. He said if you want to learn arts go the museums in your country and you will learn about arts. I just realized and was surprised to that there were no museums in Kuwait at that time. At that moment, I promised with myself that I would start collecting and build a museum for Kuwait. Dr. Rajab told me that his wife has been a great support for him as she shares similar interests. Although her interest is more specific to

March 2010

jewellery and costumes. We have over 5000 items from all around the world and this number is still increasing but unfortunately we do not have any place to display these items. Besides this we have a huge collection of silver jewellery of more than 13000 pieces.

towards any piece of art and he is ready to give you full information and background about it. I was amazed at his memory but believe me it was more than a memory work. I will call it an unlimited passion and love for his Islamic Art.

I do believe that all this collection has no meanings if it is kept only in stores rather it is only worthy when it is displayed and shared for the learning by others. For the accomplishment of this purpose, we have converted our home and our son’s home into museum so that people can take maximum benefit from it.

Dr. Rajab has the passion to collect Islamic valuables and bring them to Kuwait. For example, he has pieces of the Curtains of Kaaba, which were gathered from Ottoman Caliphates till now. He himself walked with me and showed me The Curtain of the Tomb of Holy Prophet (PBUH). He told me that wherever he went either it was any auction or exhibition and he brought something for the museum.

Dr. Rajab calls his museum “Mini United Nations” When I asked about this he told me smilingly that I started this museum in 1980’s and it has the collection from 1st Hijra to 20th Century. The major collection is of manuscripts, ceramics. metal works, costumes jewellery and glassware from all parts of world, like China, Spain, India, Pakistan, Persia… So he said because this collection has arrived from all parts of the world that is why I use to call this place “Mini United Nations”. About Tariq Rajab Museum of Islamic Calligraphy, he told that it was started three years ago. A new house was purchased for this purpose. One portion of house is specific for museum and the other has been rented to meet the expenses of museum as there is not support from anyone for these museums. The art work from all over the world has been collected and displayed here. Here I would like to mention and thank H. H. Sheikh Naser Al-Sabah & Sheikha Hassa Sabah Al-Salem who really have supported me. Shaikh Naser Al Sabah has his own collection and he has already converted his school in Shaab into a museum. He is also planning to open Shaikh Jabir Al Ahmed Cultural Center where his Pre-Islamic collection will be displayed and he has also agreed to give me space in the museum. I felt Dr. Rajab looked grieved on the question about visitors. He said that not enough people visit the museum although it is free of cost. On other hand, you will find long rush of visitors outside the museums in European countries. He requested the ministry of education that they should arrange trips of students on regular basis so that they should also be familiar with their cultural heritage and learn. Although Dr. Rajab has great and immense collection but surprisingly, he has knowledge about every “Pearls “in his mine. You just point

As recognition to his services, Dr. Rajab received many awards. The Government of Hungry awarded him the medal in the recognition of his efforts in supporting cultural relations between Kuwait and Hungry. The Singapore government also acknowledged his services. The Gulf Co-operation Council also awarded him certificate of appreciation and of course, how the State of Kuwait could ignore his services and was bestowed with the Kuwait’s highest award for his services to the state. Time passed just as it was riding on a flying horse and I did not notice it was the time of departure but believe me I was having no intention to move from there. At the time of departing Dr. Rajab presented me with books about his two exhibitions abroad, one held in Singapore for twelve years and the second one that is currently in progress in Hungry. I thanked Dr. Rajab for the precious gift and left the place with the promise that next time I will meet him in his other museum. I personally believe that anyone living in Kuwait should visit the museum even if your Non-Muslims, Non-Arabs, children, everyone will find the ultimate peace and will discover themselves in a different world. The Museum is open to the public from: 09:00 am - 12:00 pm 04:00 pm - 07:00 pm On Fridays opens only in the morning from: 09:00 am - 12:00 pm You can contact the museum on: 25355019/25317369 or visit the website at:


March 2010


Red Sea Secrets William Schuilenberg

This year, Sharm El Sheikh won the holiday travel lotto by virtue of being the cheapest flights available, and we landed in Egypt two days before Christmas with a feeling of festive anticipation. We had booked online into an 'all inclusive' hotel on the Red Sea. Our previous forays into the world of self-booked travel have proven to be both economical and adventurous and this time was no different. The hotel’s architecture gave it a Mediterranean feel with stucco cottages and numerous gardens of fragrant flowers surrounding the swimming pools and restaurants. The only downside was the food. We are dedicated Foodies and we soon got 34

tired of the unchanging menu at the hotel buffet and snuck away to the old market to find authentic cuisine and snorkeling gear. On the way to the Old Souq our taxi driver cheerfully informed us that Sharm has only three seasons; ‘Russian, Italian, and Everybody Else.’ We had apparently arrived during Russian Season and our ‘Canadian-ness’ always produced an exclamation. “Canada?! Welcome! Welcome!” Apparently, many of the Egyptians we met had never encountered a live Canadian. I appreciated the cunning savvy of the Egyptian businessman. They all network with each

other to kindly provide services for tourists by connecting you with their friends. The hotel receptionist connected us with a taxi driver who brought us to his friend’s store who showed us all of his seven other stores and then directed us to his friend’s restaurant. (Thanks, but we prefer to find our own way around.) We negotiated the food and tacky tourist funkiness of the Old Souq with enjoyment, stopping for a coffee break at one of the little shops offering heavenly smelling (but evil tasting) coffee. For the first time in our life we enjoyed a Christmas breakfast outside in the warm sunshine with sparrows looking for snacks. Since

March 2010

we could not go tobogganing or play ice hockey (this is what Canadians do on Christmas day) we headed for the beach and staked out our spot among the sunbathers. Santa arrived on a camel to greet the children but he seemed very out of place amongst the throngs of skimpily clad people eagerly jostling to get close to him. We were too busy discovering the secret life of fishes to pay attention to Santa. Snorkeling among the reefs was the highlight of our trip. The fish are breathtakingly gorgeous. Other than snorting a whole lot of seawater while trying to figure out my mask, the experience was incredible. The Red Sea is a beautiful place to be in December. The warm sunny days and

starlit nights make it easy to relax and lose track of the things that stress. We read in an ad on the wall at the hotel that we could climb Mt Sinai and see the sunrise. Since this is where Moses allegedly met with God, we figured it was worth the effort. We asked, and the tour guide (a friend of

a wheel chair and seven years ago I needed a cane to walk. the receptionist) informed us we could go but the tour would be all in Russian. We would understand nothing. "Perfect!" we said. "Are you sure?" “Yep.” (We hate guided tours and just wanted a cheap ride to and fro, planning to ditch the group at the earliest possible moment.) So, like a pair of teenagers headed for a late night party we eagerly (and naively) departed for the mountains at 9 pm. The group and guide turned out to be very accommodating of our language deficit and we laughingly negotiated the language barriers to learn something about our companions. After a four hour bus ride through winding mountain roads we arrived at St. Catherine’s Monastery except we were not quite ready to hike. We were not dressed appropriately for the cold. Fortunately, the network functioned efficiently, and the guide referred us to his friend’s store which was ready and willing to supply us with mitts, scarves, long johns and toques. (That’s Canadian for “winter wool hat”). We started walking up the mountain. It didn’t take long for the young energetic Russians to ditch us. We were much too slow for them. After four agonizing hours of plodding uphill we finally made it to the freezing cold summit just in time to see a glorious sunrise. We felt rather proud of ourselves; ten years ago my wife was in

The journey back down brought on a delayed fear on seeing how high and how dangerous the climb actually was. If we had seen it in the daylight we

would have quit. Our descent was just as slow as the ascent so we were pretty much the last ones off the hill. Our worried Bedouin guide came hiking back up from the monastery to make sure we were actually going to make it. I loved the mountains with various colors and strange formations. Some of the mountains looked like they were made of sand rather than rock; indeed there were ancient sculptures in the shapes of ancient Pharaohs and sphinxes. For us, Sharm El Sheikh was the discovery of undersea wonders and the huge personal victory of climbing a mountain. As we flew away and looked below to the reefs surrounding the islands we talked about how they had taken on a whole new significance. We now knew what was happening down there and in the future our travel plans will include snorkeling. Photos by Susannah-Joy Schuilenberg


March 2010

10 Rules of Sushi Etiquette


Whether or not you’ve ever been to Japan, there’s no doubt that you’re aware that they do things quite differently over there. Why do they bow so often? Why are they so great with technology? This article will not answer those questions. What it will do is arm you with 10 etiquette tips that will allow you to integrate seamlessly into any authentic sushi-eating situation. Master these and everything else will fall into place.


Kneeling while eating

Never pour your own drink

Remember Kerri Strug? She was the American gymnast who took gold on a broken ankle at the 1996 Olympics. Ever want to be more like her? Then try sitting “seiza”-style without dropping a single piece of sushi.

One of the best things about going for sushi is the gigantic bottles of Kirin, Asahi or Sapporo beer that accompany your meal. And since the Japanese invented the dry brewing process, they are all delicious and refreshing. Keep in mind, however, that these are not meant to be consumed quickly in a brown paper bag like an Old English, but are meant to be consumed quickly while sharing with others. Pour everybody else’s drinks first, then coyly place the bottle on the table. Another attentive person at the table should jump at the opportunity to pour for you. Not only is this a much more social way of drinking, but it also promotes heavier alcohol consumption. Win-win.

Seiza is when you sit in a semi-kneeling position with your butt cheeks rested on your Achilles tendons. It originated in the era of samurais in order to honor the others sitting with you, but because it can numb your legs pretty quickly, many Japanese people today have chosen to ignore this piece of etiquette. If you break out the seiza at a table full of Japanese people, however, they will be extremely impressed. Note: This only works at restaurants that offer traditional Japanese seating.


Say "Itadaki masu!"

There is no English equivalent to saying “itadaki masu,” as it is a combination of “looks great!” and “OK, I am now commencing my meal.” Say it before your first bite to express your gratitude for the food you are about to consume. 36


Order omakase-style

No matter how much you know about sushi, the chef knows better. He (women’s hands are believed to be too warm to prepare sushi) knows what’s fresh, and what’s in season. Omakase is when you leave it up to the chef what you are served. Not only does this ensure the freshest fish possible, but sushi chefs take great pride in their omakase selections, so you know that you are getting the best that the house has to offer. In addition, a huge pet peeve among sushi chefs is the fact that Westerners often order exclusively tuna and salmon. Get the omakase to show that you know what’s up, but be warned that this knowledge will set you back more than the tuna and salmon would.

March 2010


Waribashi (disposible chopstick) snapping 101 A high-end sushi restaurant would never be caught with disposable chopsticks, but if you find yourself in a place that does use them, this does not mean that civility should break down. Snap your chopsticks while holding them horizontally for maximum gentleman points. This tradition originated for practical reasons, because the type of establishment that serves “waribashi” in Japan would often be very crowded, and snapping horizontally cuts down on your chances of elbowing someone in the face. Although this tradition is not that practical in a North American setting, the sushi etiquette lives on.


Don't pour soy sauce on your rice Don’t do it! You may be tempted, but don’t pour soy sauce on your rice. Japanese people take a ridiculous amount of pride in their rice. Just try serving them Chinese rice with their sushi and see how happy they look. It’s all about the texture and the subtle flavors of the grains, so if you add soy sauce to the mix, you will appear to be destroying something beautiful. We have a lot of friends who can’t seem to eat white rice without their precious soy sauce, so we can understand the urge, but consider this: Do you want to be seen as a destroyer of beauty?


Don't plant your chopsticks in your rice

Ever see the movie Mr. Baseball, starring Tom Selleck? Great flick. Remember the scene where our mustache-sporting hero plants his chopsticks in his rice? Remember how the entire table practically jumped across the table and tackled him? Ever wonder why? In Japan, visiting the graves of ancestors is an important part of life. People sweep up around their family graves, leave flowers and also leave bowls of rice with -- you guessed it -- chopsticks sticking out of them. Unless you are a ghost or a zombie, doing so in a restaurant is a bad omen. But then again, Tom Selleck can do no wrong in our book.


Don't pass food from chopstick to chopstick Similar to Tom Selleck’s blunder, passing food from chopstick to chopstick is another cardinal no-no in sushi etiquette. Partly due to Buddhist influence and partly due to space constrictions, the standard way of laying the dead to rest in Japan is by cremation. Contrary to popular belief, however, cremation is not exactly a neat and tidy process. After the burning, it is traditionally up to the core family members of the deceased to sift through the ashes and separate what remains of the charred bones from the rest of the matter by passing them from one pair of chopsticks to another. Therefore, if somebody tries to pass you a piece of sushi with their chopsticks, hold out your plate in order to avoid the bringing up of painful memories and awkwardness.


Finish your meal with, "Gochi-so-sama-deshi-ta." Saying “gochi so sama deshita” is the equivalent of saying “Wow, what a feast that was!” Although we wouldn’t deliver such a compliment unless truly deserved, it is standard protocol to say so after every meal in Japan. Say it to your sushi chef and he will likely bow to you. However, if you visit a Korean-run Japanese restaurant, the chef might just squirm awkwardly. But if the chef is hardcore, he will respond by saying “osamatsu deshita,” which basically means “I’m sorry I couldn’t have provided a superior meal” -- even if, in his mind, he knows that he may have served you the best sushi you’ve have ever had.

2 Don't leave bits of rice in your bowl It’s easy to forget that 65 years ago Japan was a war-torn nation. Food was so scarce that many people had to resort to eating grasshoppers -- or whatever else they could find. Since people would have killed for a bowl of rice, to have left even a single grain in a bowl would have seemed extremely bourgeois. Although today’s Japan would be almost unrecognizable to someone from that time and place, the aversion to wastefulness lives on. In addition, finishing the last grain of rice is also a way of paying homage to a worthy chef. 37

March 2010

Winter Olympic Games The Winter Olympic Games are a winter multisport event held every four years. They feature winter sports held on snow or ice, such as Alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, figure skating, bobsledding and ice hockey. Crosscountry skiing, figure skating, ice hockey, Nordic combined, ski jumping, and speed skating have been competed at every Winter Olympics since 1924. Other athletic events have been added as the Games have progressed. Some of these events, such as luge, short track speed skating, and freestyle skiing have earned a permanent spot on the Olympic programme. Others, like




speed skiing, bandy, and skijรถring have been demonstration sports but never incorporated officially as an Olympic sport. Fewer countries participate in the Winter Olympics than the Summer Olympics. The first Winter Olympics were held in Chamonix, France in 1924. Prior to this, figure skating and ice hockey had been events at the Summer Olympics. The Games were held every four years from 1924 until 1940 when they were interrupted by World War II. The Winter and Summer Games resumed in 1948 and were celebrated on the same year until 1992. At that



March 2010

SPORTS time the Winter Games split from the Summer Games, and were begun to be celebrated on alternating even years. The first Winter Olympic Games to be held on this new schedule was in 1994 in Lillehammer, Norway. The Winter Games have undergone significant changes since their inception. The rise of television as a global medium for communication has greatly enhanced the profile of the Games. It has also created an income stream in the Games I II III IV



form of the sale of broadcast rights and advertising, which has become very lucrative. This has allowed outside interests, such as television companies and corporate sponsors, to influence various aspects of the Games. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has had to address several internal scandals, and the use of performance enhancing drugs by Winter Olympic athletes. The Winter Games have also been used by countries to demonstrate the


Dates Nations

1924 1928 1932 1936 1940

Chamonix, France 25 January – 5 February 16 St. Moritz, Switzerland 11–19 February 25 Lake Placid, United States 4–15 February 17 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany 6–16 February 28 Originally awarded to Sapporo, Japan, cancelled because of World War II.


Originally awarded to Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, cancelled because of World War II.

1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2014

St. Moritz, Switzerland Oslo, Norway Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy Squaw Valley, United States Innsbruck, Austria Grenoble, France Sapporo, Japan Innsbruck, Austria Lake Placid, United States Sarajevo, Yugoslavia Calgary, Canada Albertville, France Lillehammer, Norway Nagano, Japan Salt Lake City, United States Turin, Italy Vancouver, Canada, ongoing event Sochi, Russia

30 January – 8 February 14–25 February 26 January – 5 February 18–28 February 29 January – 9 February 6–18 February 3–13 February 4–15 February 13–24 February 8–19 February 13–28 February 8–23 February 12–27 February 7–22 February 8–24 February 10–26 February 12–28 February 7–23 February

28 30 32 30 36 37 35 37 37 49 57 64 67 72 77 80 83

claimed superiority of their political systems. Many countries have hosted the Winter Olympics multiple times. The United States has hosted the Games four times, more than any other country. France has been host three times. Austria, Canada, Italy, Japan, Norway, and Switzerland have hosted the Games twice. The next Games will be hosted by Sochi, Russia in 2014. This will be the first time that Russia hosts the Winter Olympic Games.

Total 258 464 252 646

Competitors Men Women 247 11 438 26 231 21 566 80

669 694 821 665 1091 1158 1006 1123 1072 1272 1423 1801 1737 2176 2399 2508 2629

592 585 687 521 892 947 801 892 840 998 1122 1313 1215 1389 1513 1548 --

77 109 134 144 199 211 205 231 232 274 301 488 522 787 886 960 --

Sports Events 6 4 4 4

16 14 14 17

4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 7 7 7 7

22 22 24 27 34 35 35 37 38 39 46 57 61 68 78 84 86












March 2010









WdMtlChnNckl_Wood 40



March 2010


March 2010

FASHION & TRENDS Menswear Spring Summer 2010 Collection



March 2010

Womenswear Spring Summer 2010 Collection


March 2010


Exclusively for men! How should you shave?!

Applying shaving cream/gel/shave soap

When you first wake up in the morning, your skin tends to be puffy and swollen. If you shave in the mornings, wait until at least 20 minutes after you have woken up before you begin your shave to let the puffiness go down. When your skin has gone back to its normal feel, the hairs will be closer to the surface and easier to shave. Wash your face with a facial cleanser before shaving to help remove dead cells, excess dirt, and oils this will free up any ingrown hairs and prevent your razor from clogging. If you choose not to wash before you shave, be sure to use warm water to thoroughly wet your face before applying your shaving cream or gel. Massaging your face with warm water makes the skin more pliable and opens up pores; also it helps soften your hairs. The softer and wetter the hairs the easier it is to shave. The best suggestion however, is to shave at the end of your morning shower, which will make the task a lot easier. Applying a warm, wet towel or washcloth to your face for a few minutes can also help soften your hair and open your pores. For men with very coarse facial hair, you may want to apply the hot towel a few times to really loosen things up.

Use a cream, shave soap, or gel that is specifically designed for shaving. Don't use ordinary soap to lather your face, as it will dry out your skin. Avoid low-quality foams, as they tend to be less effective than creams or gels and may also dry your skin. Apply your cream or gel by massaging it in a thin, even layer. If you are using glycerine-based shave soap, apply a layer using a badger bristle shave brush , the idea is to use enough cream or gel to lubricate your skin and soften your beard while helping the razor glide smoothly with minimal irritation; too much cream or gel will cause your razor to skip and clog. When wet shaving, it is best to shave in the direction of your hair growth. Which way is it? Rub your hand on your stubbly face. In one direction it will feel rougher than in the other and will resist the force from your hand, that rough direction is against the grain, while the other, smoother-feeling direction is "with the grain" (direction of grown.) On your cheeks and chin, this will tend to be downward. On your neck, this will tend to be upward, though everyone's hair growth is different. Some men's facial hair spirals in certain patches.

Shaving Method Be methodical when you shave-- don't just shave here and there, as you will miss spots or go over the same spot too many times. A good method is to begin with your side burns, cheeks, and neck. Finish with the upper lip and chin, where the whiskers tend to be heavier. Saving them until last will allow the cream or gel to soften them more. While you are shaving, use your free hand to gently pull the skin taut to avoid nicks. If you pull your skin to be very taut, you will get a closer shave; however, if you suffer from razor bumps/ingrown hairs you might want to avoid pulling the skin too tightly, as you'll risk cutting the hairs slightly below skin level. Try not to repeat strokes, as this can irritate your skin. Make sure you lift the blade after each stroke; this reduces the chance of cuts and nicks. Don't press too hard-- your razor should softly glide over your face. If you have to press too hard, then it’s time for a change of blades. 44

Zeeba Rafiq is a skin specialist, beauty consultant, and beauty trainer and will be a regular columnist for CityPages.

Rinse your razor during and at the end of your shave Regularly rinse your razor in hot water. If necessary, tap it on the sink to let loose clogged hair and cream or gel (but don’t tap the blade directly, as this will dull it). A clogged blade will not perform well and neither will a dull one. At the end of any shave, rinse out your razor carefully with hot water. Allow the razor to air dry naturally; drying it on a towel can dull the blade. Blades should be changed every 4-6 shaves or more frequently if you have a very coarse beard. A dull blade will cause you to push down harder in order to be effective, pulling at your hairs and skin and causing irritation and possibly ingrown hairs.

Rinse Your Face with Cool Water when you are done shaving rinse off excess cream with cool water. Gently pat your face dry. Do not rub.

Apply Toner or Aftershave Balm Avoid using alcohol-based aftershave, as it will dry out your skin. Instead, apply a balm or toner with ingredients that will moisturize and nourish your skin. After-shave toners help remove any residue left over from shaving, close the pores, and refresh the skin. If you have problems with acne, find an aftershave product that will not clog your pores. If you have problems with ingrown hairs/razor bumps, you may want to use a product designed specifically to combat that problem.

If you’ve cut yourself Shaving Use a styptic pencil (those medicated sticks which stop bleeding) or an alum block to dab on the affected area to stop the blood flow. Alum has astringent properties (it closes pores), and has been used by men for years to help heal shaving nicks. There are a couple of other products on the market to heal shaving cuts, including roll-on products that contain natural ingredients such as aloe. These can be a more soothing alternative to the styptic pencil. For more skin care and beauty tips, visit or email Zeeba at

‫‪March 2010‬‬

‫الصحة و اجلمال‬

‫وجه شاب وبشرة مشرقة على الدوام‬ ‫انتصار السيف‬ ‫هل سألت نفسك عن السبب في ظهور التجاعيد حول‬ ‫عينيك ووجهك ‪ ،‬بالرغم من أنك لست كبيرا َ في السن؟‬ ‫فنجد الكثير منا قد يعاني من ظهور بعض التجاعيد‬ ‫مما يؤدي الى فقد نسبة كبيرة من اجلمال‪...‬وهذه املشكلة‬ ‫لها حل لكن قبل ان نعرض احلل تعالوا لنتعرف على‬ ‫اساس املشكلة لنتجنبها ثم نعرض احلل وطرق التغلب‬ ‫عليها‪.‬‬

‫ماهي التجاعيد؟‬

‫وميكن تعريف التجاعيد بأنها التغيرات امليكانيكية‬ ‫والفسيولوجية التي تطرأ على أجزاء البشرة اخملتلفة‬ ‫بحيث تفقد البشرة نضارتها و حيويتها وتبدأ اخلطوط‬ ‫والثنايا بالظهور‪ .‬حيث تنقسم التجاعيد الى قسمني‬ ‫ف ُيمكن أن تكون خطوط رفيعة أو خطوط عميقة ‪ ،‬و‬ ‫أولى عالماتها عادة ما تظهر في نسيج اجللد الضعيف‬ ‫حول العينني‪ ،‬وخطوط االبتسام وبالتالي متتد الى اخلدود‬ ‫والشفاه‪.‬‬

‫أهم أسباب ظهور التجاعيد‬

‫الوراثة من أسباب ظهور التجاعيد ‪ ،‬فبعض العائالت‬ ‫تتجعد بُشرتهم أكثر من غيرهم ‪ ،‬فالوراثة أحد أسباب‬ ‫ظهور التجاعيد وتشكل نسبة ‪ ،% 10‬لكن البيئة‬ ‫وأسلوب حياة كل فرد تقف وراء ‪ % 90‬من أسباب ظهور‬ ‫التجاعيد‪ .‬فإن كانت الوراثة تشكل ‪ 10%‬من أسباب‬ ‫ظهور التجاعيد‪ ،‬فال زلنا منتلك معظم األسباب الباقية‬ ‫للتحكم بالتجاعيد والتي تعادل‪.90%‬‬ ‫أشعة الشمس هي العدو األول للبشرة فيشكل‬ ‫التعرض ألشعة الشمس فوق البنفسجية ما نسبته‬ ‫‪ 90%‬من أعراض الهرم املبكر للجلد‪ ،‬والتي تظهر غالبا‬ ‫في العشرينات من العمر‪.،‬وتؤثر اشعة الشمس في‬ ‫اجللد عبر ترقيق البشرة‪ ،‬كما أن العالمات والتغيرات‬ ‫في اجللد تظهر مع تقدم الزمن مع التعرض املتكرر‬ ‫ألشعة الشمس‪ ،‬حيث يفقد اجللد مقدرته على إصالح‬ ‫ذاته تلقائيا ً وحتدث األضرار في اجللد‪ .‬فتفيد الدراسات‬ ‫العلمية بأن األشعة فوق البنفسجية تؤثر بشكل كبير‬

‫على مادة الكوالجني في اجللد وحتد من تكون هذه املادة‬ ‫من جديد‪ .‬فالتعرض ألشعة الشمس لعدة دقائق كل‬ ‫يوم وعلى مرور الزمن تتشكل تغيرات ملحوظة في اجللد‬ ‫مثل النمش والتصبغات والتجاعيد البسيطة كما أن‬ ‫التعرض املفرط للشمس يؤدي أيضا إلى إطالق الشقوق‬ ‫احلرة‪ Free radicals‬التي ميكن أن تتلف خاليا اجللد‪ .‬كما‬ ‫أن نوع الوظيفة و النشاطات الترفيهية التي ميارسها‬ ‫الشخص والتي تزيد من مدة تعرضه للشمس ميكن أن‬ ‫يسبب في ظهور التجاعيد ‪.‬‬

‫التدخني‪ .‬فاملرأة املدخنة أكثر تأثرا ً بتجاعيد الوجه‬ ‫من الرجل‪ .‬فيتسبب التدخني في آثار ضارة على اجللد‬ ‫لعدة أسباب‪.‬أولها يؤدي النيكوتني إلى انقباض األوعية‬ ‫الدموية‪ ،‬مبا فيها الشعيرات الدقيقة املغذية للجلد‪،‬‬ ‫مما يحرمه من األكسجني واملواد املغذية التي يحتاجها‬ ‫للبقاء في حالة سليمة‪.‬و ثانياً‪ ،‬يتضمن التدخني تكرارا ً‬ ‫ألوضاع معينة للوجه ينتهي احلال إلى ثباتها في شكل‬ ‫جتاعيد‪،‬كما أن تأثيرات األكسدة املرتبطة بالتدخني قد‬ ‫تؤدى إلى ظهور هذه التجاعيد املبكرة‪.‬‬ ‫احلمية الغذائية والرجيم الغير متوازن والقاسي‬ ‫تلعب دورا أيضا في ظهور التجاعيد‪ ، .‬خاصة مع االقبال‬ ‫الشديد على الرجيم هذه األيام واالنسياق وراء أي وصفة‬ ‫تخفف الوزن دون الرجوع إلى األطباء واخملتصني والتي‬ ‫ميكن أن تأتي بنتائج سلبية ليست على الشكل اخلارجي‬ ‫فقط بل تتعداه لتنال من صحة اإلنسان ‪.‬‬

‫من األسباب األخرى لظهور التجاعيد البشرة اجلافة‬ ‫و االستعمال السيء للمكياج باألضافة الى السهر ‪،‬‬ ‫فيساهم اإلجهاد أيضا ً في ظهور التجاعيد‪ ،‬باألضافة‬ ‫الى إستخدام أجهزة تسمير اجللد في الصالونات تزيد‬ ‫من حدوث التجاعيد أيضاَ‪.‬‬

‫طرق الوقاية‬

‫‪ .1‬ال تدخن وجتنب استنشاق دخان اآلخرين‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .2‬بالنسبة للنساء ‪ ،‬جتنبي اإلفراط فى استعمال‬ ‫املساحيق وأدوات التجميل وال تشاركي أحدا في مواد‬ ‫التجميل‪ ،‬واستبدليها كل ‪ 3‬أشهر‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .3‬اإلكثار من تناول اخلضروات والفواكه الطازجة ملا‬ ‫حتتويه من فيتامينات وأمالح تعتبر مضادات طبيعية‬ ‫لألكسدة تقاوم تأثير الشقوق احلرة ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .4‬أكثرمن شرب املياه وذلك حلفظ البشرة من اجلفاف‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .5‬جتنب االنفعاالت العاطفية واالضطرابات النفسية‬ ‫الشديدة واحملافظة على السالم الداخلى واخلارجى‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .6‬جتنب األجهزة التي تستعمل في الصالونات لتسمير‬ ‫اجللد ‪Tanning Beds‬‬ ‫‪ .7‬تناول األطعمة الغنية بالكبريت والتي تساعد على‬ ‫إبقاء اجللد ناعما ً وشاباً‪ .‬وأهم هذه األطعمة الثوم‬ ‫والبصل والبيض والهليون‪.‬‬


‫‪ .8‬جتنب التعرض الغير ضروري ألشعة الشمس‪ ،‬فضع‬ ‫مادة واقية من أشعة الشمس ال يقل معاملها‬ ‫عن ‪ 15SPF‬على كل املناطق املعرضة للشمس من‬ ‫جسمك خاصة الوجه وبصرف النظر عن موسم‬ ‫السنة أو حالة اجلو باإلضافة إلى تغطية األماكن‬ ‫املعرضة للشمس‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .9‬اذا كنت ال تستعمل نظارات شمسية‪ ،‬تذكر بأن ارتداء‬ ‫نظارة شمسية في األيام املشمسة يعني تعرضا أقل‬ ‫لعوامل الطقس والشمس‪.‬‬

‫عالج التجاعيد الالجراحي‬

‫الكرميات املوضعية هي اخلطوة األولى الستعادة نضارة‬ ‫اجللد قبل اللجوء إلى العمليات اجلراحية لبلوغ التحسن‬ ‫املطلوب‪ ،‬فقد دلت معظم األبحاث على فاعلية كرمي‬ ‫تريتينوين (‪ )Tretinoin‬في مكافحة جتاعيد الوجه بعد‬ ‫استخدامه بانتظام ويجب التذكير أن لكرمي (‪)Tretinoin‬‬ ‫بعض اآلثار اجلانبية مثل احمرار اجللد والتقشير اخلفيف‬ ‫واإلحساس باحلرقان‪ ،‬وميكن التغلب عليها بالكرميات‬ ‫املرطبة على أن توضع نهارا ً حتى نتجنب عدم التوافق‬ ‫بني املستحضرين‪.‬‬

‫كما أنه كم أنه من املفيد استخدام الكرميات التي‬ ‫حتتوي على الفيتامينات ومضادات األكسدة والتي قد‬ ‫تفيد التجاعيد الرفيعة مثل الكرميات التي حتتوي على‬ ‫فيتامني ‪ A‬وفيتامني ‪ C‬و فيتامني ‪ E‬و البيتا كاروتني‪.‬‬ ‫كما أن أحماض ألفا هايدروكسي ‪Alpha-Hydroxyl‬‬ ‫‪ Acids‬و املعروفة بأحماض الفاكهة لها تأثيرا قليل على‬ ‫التجاعيد‪ ،.‬و تشمل هذه األحماض حمض اجلاليكوليك‬ ‫‪ Glycolic Acid‬و الالكتات ‪ Lactic Acid‬و هذه‬ ‫املُستحضرات آمنة وقد تُسبب تهيج جلدي خفيف ‪.‬‬ ‫كما من املفيد أيضا َ استخدام الكرميات املُرطبة العادية‬ ‫و التي ال حتتوي على أي مادة من املواد السابقة والتي متنع‬ ‫جفاف البشرة‪.‬‬

March 2010

HEALTH / women

Are you sick of morning sickness? Dr. Nazia Nausheen Being pregnant feels great. It brings a world of joy, happiness and….. MORNING SICKNESS!!! But the good news is that you are not alone. Studies show that 50-90% of women feel discomfort from nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy.

Smells: • Open windows or turn on exhaust fans when cooking and after meals. • Smelling of freshly cut lemons help


What is morning sickness? It is also called nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. It is a condition that affects more than half of the pregnant women during the first three months of pregnancy. Usually it is present in the morning and decreases as the day progresses but it can occur any time of the day.

What causes morning sickness? Several causes have been documented but still needed to be confirmed: • High levels of estrogen • High levels of progesterone that relaxes the uterus to prevent early childbirth and also relaxes the stomach so increase in stomach acids. • Low blood sugar as child is using mom's energies. • Increase sensitivity to smells.

Is morning sickness a defense mechanism for the unborn child? It has now been said that morning sickness is actually a defense mechanism to protect the unborn child from harmful toxins that are present in some plants. There is considerable evidence in support of this theory, including: • Morning sickness is very common among pregnant women. • Fetal vulnerability to toxins is high at around 3 months, which is also the time of highest susceptibility to morning sickness. • There is a good correlation between the foods, tastes and the odours that cause morning sickness have high concentration of toxins. • Women who have no morning sickness are more likely to miscarry or to bear children with birth defects. 46

Is morning sickness a defense mechanism for the pregnant women? In addition to protecting the fetus, morning sickness may also protect the mother. Pregnant women's immune systems are suppressed during pregnancy may be to reduce chances of rejecting tissues of their own offspring. Animal products containing parasites and harmful bacteria can be especially dangerous to pregnant women. There is evidence that morning sickness is often triggered by animal products including meat and fish.

Is it right to use anti-nausea medications? If morning sickness is a defense mechanism to protect the mother and fetus then it might not be a good idea to use medications. Instead try some other alternatives.

Treatment: Treatment for morning sickness should be aimed to lessen the symptoms of nausea rather than attacking the root causes of nausea.

General Remedies: • Avoid warm places as heat can increase the nausea feelings. • Take naps during the day (but not right after eating). Tiredness plays a big part in morning sickness. • Get enough sleep at night. • Get out of bed slowly in the morning. • Try eating plain crackers or dry cereal before you get out of bed in the morning.

• Try the BRAT DIET: Banana, rice, applesauce, toast and tea. • Eat dry crackers in the morning. • Avoid eating spicy or greasy food as it causes heartburn and nausea. • Drink liquids 30 to 45 minutes after eating solid food. • Non-caffeinated teas like peppermint and ginger can help calm nausea. • Try taking four or five small frequent meals instead of one or two large meals.

Supplements: • Vitamin B6 has been shown to help with pregnancy induced nausea.

What is a severe or persistent morning sickness? When the vomiting is persistent and disturbs mother’s health it is termed as severe or persistent morning sickness. In such cases a doctor should be consulted. Treatment usually aims at treating dehydration and sometimes prescribing anti nausea medications. This is a public education column and is not intended to be diagnostic or therapeutic. If you have questions regarding health, email them to dr.nazia@ Responses will be published in subsequent issues.

ay Mother's D ch Words Sear

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My love for you. just to say, And not be happy on Mother's Day. " r, e th o M , u yo ve "I lo


on Mother's Day • When is Mother's day celebrated? • What is your mother's favorite dish? • What color dresses does your mother prefer? • Who is your mother's favorite movie star? • What kind of books does your mother like to read mostly? • What does your mother like to do best in her leisure time? • How old was your mother when she got married? • Which is your mother's most favorite dish? • Who has been the greatest influence in your mother's life? • What angers your mother most? • Which is your mother's dream destination? • What is your mother most afraid of? • What is your mother's star sign? • What is the official flower for Mother's Day?




































































































































Find the Differences

Eight things in the picture on the bottom are different from the picture on the top. Can you find them all?



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Help the girl reach her mother

March 2010

Mother's Day Recipes

Here are some simple recipes that Mom would love! Some require a little help from an adult!


Kids can do most of the work here, with help from parents! This recipe does make you think of spring days playing in the mud puddles! CRUST:  1 1/2 cups crumbs from plain chocolate cookies (use a food processor or rolling pin)  2 tablespoons confectioners' sugar  6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted

FILLING:  6 cups or 3 pints chocolate ice cream, softened  1 cup ready-made fudge topping  4 cups whipped cream  3/4 cup crushed chocolate cookies or chocolate graham crackers

Mix the cookie crums, sugar, and butter in a bowl until thoroughly combined. Distribute the mixture evenly around a pie pan, pressing it first against the bottom and then the sides. Bake at 350o for 10 minutes and let cool. Next, spoon half of the chocolate ice cream into the shell and freeze for 30 minutes. Spread the fudge over the ice cream and freeze for another 15 minutes. Top with the remaining ice cream, the whipped cream, and crushed cookies, then freeze for at least 3 hours. Serves 8 to 10. 50

March 2010

March 2010 Emergency


Fire Brigade

100, 105

Traffic Violation Inquiry


Consumer Protection Hotline 24820281 / 25720252 Labour Complaints Hotline

24344954 Fax: 24347562

The Scientific Center



Green Island The Green island is one of the top destinations for Kuwaiti's who want to relax. The Green Island is located off the waterfront. The Island has an area of 785 thousand square meters; its diameter is 3140 meters and it is linked to land by a passageway 134 meters long. It was inaugurated on 22 February 1988. This artificial island was formed by extending the main land and surrounding it with natural rocks imported from AlFujairah Emirate; its sides were fortified with concrete cubes. Sand for its beaches was brought from afar. The island receives thousands of visitors especially on weekends, religious and national holidays and during the summer. At its eastern side, there is a swimming pool with inconstant waters according to tide and its depth varies between 2.5 and 3 meters. There is a restaurant on either side of the island, as well as a well-equipped service centre. Key features of the Green Island are: its amphitheater, which accommodates 700 persons, is used for conducting concerts and theatrical celebrations. Its touristic tower is 35 meters high and is provided with a water tank at its top. Its Kid's Castle includes many rooms, corridors and channels and small waterfalls for children's fun. There is an ascending spiral stairway for walking enthusiasts. 50,000 coloured shrubs and seedlings which are adaptable to Kuwait's environment were planted on the Island. Green island is open from 8am to 11pm. For more information call Green Island at: 22573542

Awaqaf & Islamic Affairs.........22480000 Commerce & Industry............22480000 Communications.....................24819033 Defence.................................. 24848300 Education............................... 24817702 Health.................................... 24877422 Higher Education...................22401300 Electricity & Water..................25371000 Finance.................................. 22480000 Foreign Affairs.......................22425141 Housing.................................. 25301000 Information............................22415301 Justice, Legal & Administrative Affairs.............22480000 Energy................................... 22415201 Planning................................. 22425200 Social Affairs & Labour..........22480000 Public Works.................................25385

IMMIGRATION OFFICE Farwaniya.......................... 24341770 Shuwaikh........24839380, 24839607 Hawally...........25712537, 25712635 Jahra................................. 24555600 Ahmadi.............................. 23986761 Mubarak Al-Kabeer........... 25415071

MEDICAL SERVICES Central………….4722000 Ambulance Central Ambulance . ..................... 23940600/23941455 Amiri Hospital.................... 22422366 Da'iya................................ 22510854 Fahaheel........................... 23919098 Farwaniya.......................... 24883000 Farwaniya.......................... 24725149

Jahra................................. 24570583 Mubarak Al-Kabir.............. 25311437 Sabah................................ 24815000 Salmiya.............................. 25739011 Shuaiba............................. 23261927

Public Hospital Adan.................................. 23940600 Allergy............................... 24849252 Amiri.................................. 22450005 Amiri Casulty..................... 22450005 Blood Bank....................... 25336538 Burns Centre..................... 24840300 Cancer Control Centre....... 24849100 Chest Diseases...24838990/24849400 Drug Control..................... 24837245 Farwaniya....... 24883000/24888000 Ibn Sina............................. 24840300 Infectious Dieseases......... 24870351 Islamic Medical Centre...... 24849000 Jahra................................. 24575300 Kidney Centre.................... 24840027 Maternity........................... 24848067 Military............................ 247299911 Mubarak Al-Kabir...........25312700/9 Opthalmology.................... 24840300 Psychiatric Centre............. 24843900 Quarantine........................ 24873272 Razi................................... 24846000 Sabah...................... 24812000/5000 Sulabikhat Orthopedic...... 24874240 Transplant Centre............. 24840300

Private Hospital Ahmadi.............................. 23985174 Dar Al-Shifa....................... 22423151 Hadi................................... 25312555 Mowasat............................ 25711533 Rashed.............................. 25624000 Salam...................... 25333177/3254 51

March 2010

MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE TEST & COMPLAINTS Jabriya (Surra).................. 25310000 Jleeb Al Shuyoukh............. 24310000 Old Jahra........................... 24770000 New Jahra & Abdaly.......... 24570000 Hawally.............................. 22610000 Ras Al-Salmiya.................. 25710000 Al-Riqa............................... 23940000 Salmiya.............................. 25610000 Shuwaikh........................... 24810000 Sabah Al-Salem (Messila).25510000 Sulaibiya............................ 24670000 Sulibikhat.......................... 24870000 South Sabahiya................. 23610000 Fintas................................ 23900000 Zoor.................................. 23950000 Ahmadi.............................. 23980000 Ardiya................................ 24880000 Fahaheel........................... 23910000 Farwaniya.......................... 24710000 Kuwait City......................... 22400000 Mishref.............................. 25380000 Mangaf.............................. 23710000 Nuzha................................ 22510000 Umm Al-Haiman & Wafra... 23280000 Shuaiba............................. 23260000

POLICE STATIONS Abu Halifa.......................... 23717656 Ahmadi.............................. 23980304 Ardiya................................ 24881273 Bayan................................ 25387762 Dahar................................ 23830500 Dahiya............................... 22560855 Dasma............................... 22531917 Fahaheel........................... 23912959 Faiha................................. 22552693 Farwaniya.......................... 24711977 Fersous............................. 24890583 Fintas................................ 23904388 Hawally.............................. 22641116 Jabriya............................... 25315855 Jahra Ind. Area.24575565/24587392 Jahra North....................... 24552295


Capital : Emir : Crowned Prince : Independence : National Day : Area : Populations : Governorates :

Jleeb Al-Shouyoukh........... 24311234 Keifan................................ 24832839 Mina Abdullah................... 24722590 Nugra................................ 23261144 Omariya............................. 24742160 Qadsiya............................. 22574386 Qurain............................... 25423772 Rabiah............................... 24742160 Rawda............................... 22560058 Riqqa................................. 23941958 Rumaithiya........................ 25624123 Sabah Al-Salem................. 25517229 Sabahiya (Kuwait City)...... 22427157 Salmi................................. 24576576 Salmiya.............................. 25726950 Salwa................................. 25626950 Shamiya............................ 24845953 Sharq................................ 22442566 Sulaibia Ind. Area.............. 23261789 Shuwaikh........ 24813726/24844842 Sulaibekhat....................... 24876555 Sulaibiya............................ 24670672 Sulabia Ind. Area............... 24672728 Surra................................. 25312220 Tayma'a............................. 24571700 Wafra................................. 23810421 Waha................................. 24557902 Zour.................................. 23950160

CAR RENTAL Europcar........................... 24842988 Al-Mulla............................. 22421660 Avis................................... 22465282 Budget.............................. 24810844 Al-Sayer............................. 22441425 Rent a Honda.................... 24838470 Hertz................................. 24319326 Sanbouk............................ 22446297 Autoleas............................ 24846999 United Hospitality for Limousine.................... 22407777 National............................. 24343139 International Car Rental Co. .22453827 Al-Zamel Auto Est. ........... 24832626

Kuwait City HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah HH Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahamad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah June 1961 25 & 26 February 17,818 sq km (6880 sq miles) 3,328.136 million (Al Ahmadi, Al Farwaniyah, Al Asimah, Al Jahra, Hawalli, Mubarak Al-Kabeer

PRIVATE CLINICS Andrology, Male Infertility and Impotence Specialist Abdullatif A. Al Salim......... 25334438 Dentists & Oral Surgeons Ahmed Al Balool................ 22622211 Badri K. Al Rayes.............. 25742557 Duha Al Shaqan................ 22644614 Ebraheem Behbehani....... 25730000 Farida Al Herz................... 22573883 Maria Blanaru................... 25730000 Najat Essa-Bahman.......... 22624595 Najeeb Kassim.................. 25739277 Salwa A. Abdulsalam......... 25730000 Kuwait Medical Center..25759044 / 5 Endrocrinologists Latifa Al Dowaisan............. 25728004 Kamal Abdulaziz Al Shome.25329924 Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeons Hossan Eldin Abdulfattah.. 25745056 Abdulmohsen Mousa Jafar.25655535 Dermatologists & Venereologists Fahad I. Al Othman........... 22665166 Taibah M. Almonayes........ 25737477 Dr. Mohamed Bo Hamra... 22665166 Gastroenterologists Mohamed A. Al Shimali.............25322030 / 22639955 Eurologists Fawzi Taher Abul............... 25650064 Ali Yousef Mehdi................ 25333501 General Practitioner Dina Al Rifai.. 25333501 / 25333502 Obstetricians & Gynecologists Samira Al Awadi................ 25738055 Ma'asouma Maksheed...... 25731275 Mohamed Gamal............... 25349077 Mai Al Snan....................... 25321171 Psychological and Sociological Services Fahad Mubarak & Nisirine Aboul-Hosn................. 25659800

Time : Electricity : Geographic coordinates : Kuwait Islands : Land boundaries : Natural resources :

Dr. Vincenza A. Tiberia, Ph.D.............. . ........................................ 99816522 Soor Center....................... 22901677 Dr. Kazen Abal................25711411 / . ........................................ 25737773

FOREIGN EMBASSIES IN KUWAIT AFGHANISTAN.............................. 25329461 ALGERIA....................................... 25323014 ARGENTINA...............................25323014/5 AUSTRIA....................................... 22552532 BAHRAIN...................................... 25318530 BANGLADESH...........................25316042/3 BELGIUM...................................... 25722014 BHUTAN....................................... 25331506 BOSNIA & HERCEG....................... 25392107 BRAZIL......................................... 25328610 BULGARIA.................................25314458/9 CANADA....................................... 22563025 CHINA........................................... 25333340 CYPRUS........................................ 22433075 CZECH REPUBLIC......................... 22529018 DENMARK.................................... 25341005 EGYPT.......................................22519955/6 ERITREA....................................... 55317426 ETHIOPIA..................................... 25330128 FINLAND...................................25312890/1 FRANCE.....................................22571061/2 GERMANY..................................... 22520832 GREECE........................................ 24817102 HUNGARY..................................25323901/2 INDIA............................................ 22530600 INDONESIA................................... 24839953 IRAN............................................. 22560694 ITALY............................................ 24817400 JAPAN........................................... 25312870 JORDAN........................................ 25312293 KOREA (SOUTH).......................... 25339601 LEBANON..................................22562103/4 LIBYA........................................... 22575183 MALAYSIA..................................... 25342091 MAURITANIA................................. 25312943 MOROCCO.................................... 25312980 NETHERLANDS.........................25312650/2

GMT +3 240 Volts at 50 Hertz; single phase 29o22' 11"North, 47o58'42" East Failaka, Bobyan, Meskan, Garoh, Om Almaradem, Om Alnamel, Kubar, Warba Iraq 240 km, Saudia Arabia 222 km, Coastline: 499 km Petroleum, fish and natural gas

March 2010

March 2010 NIGERIA....................................... 25320794 NIGER........................................... 25652943 OMAN........................................22561956/7 PAKISTAN................................25327649/51 PHILIPPINES................................ 25325167 POLAND.........................................25311571/2/8 QATAR.......................................... 22523107 ROMANIA..................................... 24845079 RUSSIA......................................... 22560427 SAUDI ARABIA.............................. 22550021 SENEGAL...................................... 22573477 SOMALIA...................................... 25394795 SOUTH AFRICA............................. 25617988 SPAIN........................................... 22550021 SRI LANKA................................... 25339140 SWEDEN....................................... 25321485 SWITZERLAND............................25340172/4/5 SYRIA.......................................... 25396560/59 THAILAND.................................... 25317530 TUNISIA........................................ 22542144 TURKEY........................................ 22531785 UAE.............................................. 22528544 UK.............................................22403335/6 USA...........................................25395307/8 VENEZUELA..............................25324367/9 YUGOSLAVIA................................. 25327548 ZIMBABWE................................... 25621517

LIBRARIES Kuwait National Public Library.22415181 Kuwait University Library......... 24816497 Document Center..................... 25320900 British Council.......................... 22515512 Library Gulf University............. 22645806 Al-Ahmadi Public...................... 23987086 Al Dae'ah Public....................... 22515686 Dahiyat Abdulla Al-Salem Public ................................................ 22548878 Al-Dasma Public (Woman)....... 22530842 Al-Faiha'a Public...................... 22540898 Al-Farwaniya Public.................. 24720570 Fahaheel Public....................... 23913810 Al-Khaldia Public...................... 24813331 Al-Qadseia Public..................... 22515298 Rumaitheia Public.................... 25610399

Al-Shameia Public.................... 24818343 Al-Sabaheia Public................... 23619658 Hawally Public.......................... 22644738 Kaifan Public............................ 24815724 Kheitan Public.......................... 24712691 Al-Babtain Central Library....... 22474010

MUSEUMS Bait Al-Bader Est..................... 22429158 Kuwait House Museum............ 24846336 Kuwait National Museum......... 22451195 Mohd Al-Shaybani Museum..... 25320901 Tareq Rajab Museum............... 25339063 Educational Science Museum .22421268 Dar Al Athar Al Islamiyah......... 22400992 KOC Display Centre.................. 23982393 Popular Traditional Museum.... 22429158 Bayt Al-Qurain......................... 25430343

THEATERS Abdulaziz Hussein Cultural Center...................... 1804500 Al Dasma Theater.................... 22521059 Al-Shameia Theater................. 24845737 Al-Tahreer Theater.................. 24813376 Kuwait Public Theater.............. 24816222 Kuwait Elizabethans................. 25631725 Kuwait Players......................... 25625316 The Little Theater.................... 32952680 Sha'ab Theater........................ 25613777 Sha'ab Leisure Park..................... Ext.228 Kuwait Theater........................ 25720983


Hashi.....................................22996414/5 Sakura..................................... 25744447

Spago........................................ 1808060 Tosca......................................... 1824060


Sea Food

Blue Elephant Royal Thai Cuisine.............. 23716113 Thai Chi................................. 22253120.1

Danah...................................... 25756284 Al-Marsa.................................. 22510999 Totally Fish............................... 22244960 Al Boom................................... 25673000

Pizza Sbarro's................................... 25743180 Prego....................................... 25737500 Pizza Express.......................... 23719866 Villa Pizza................................ 25715452 Peppe's Pizza.......................... 25744442 The Pizza Company................... 1800400 Pizza Inn.................................. 24924400

Greek Zorba's Greek Taverna............ 25715124

Mexican Chi-Chi's................................... 25625811 Castello...................................... 1806666 Burrito..................................... 22552233

Spanish Viva Espanole.......................... 25755668

Indian Caesar's................................... 22411711 Mughal Mahal.......................22425131/2 Dawat....................................... 22411685 Asha's.....................................2244502/3 Rangoli..................................... 25673000 Winner's................................... 25739954 Taal.......................................22253142/3



Bonsai Japanese Restaurant.225109999 Kei J.W. Marriott..................... 22422650 Kei Marina Cresent................. 22244630 Edo.......................................... 22659590 Kamikaze................................... 1824060 Maki......................................... 25733561 Sushi Club................................ 25712144 Wasabi..................................... 22494000

Johnny Carino's........................ 22663050 Nino......................................... 22541900 Pizza Express.......................... 22560273 Piano Piano............................. 22533993 Loranzo................................... 22400747 Ciro's Pomodoro...................... 22424004 La Pizza................................... 22426639 Biella........................................ 22244662

International Ola's Restaurant........................ 1830083 The Jungle................................ 25750647 Fresh....................................... 25625838 Lamarine.................................. 22426672 Beit 7....................................... 22450724 Jeans Grill................................. 22409846 Bredz....................................... 22407707 Square..................................... 22437680 Ritz........................................... 25755668 Teatro..................... 23725500 Ext. 7309 Jamaica Blue............................ 25747686 Richoux.................................... 22244815 Bays......................................... 24610033 Lebresserie.............................. 22455550 Avenue Restaurant.................... 1844444 Sea Shell.................................... 1844444 Astra Lounge........................... 22629779 La Marina................................. 22426672 Al Bustan................................. 25673000

American Hard Rock Cafe.....................25710004/5 Chili's....................................... 22452200 Johnny Rockets........................ 25754040 Fuddruckers............................ 22407103 TGI Friday's.............................. 22544300 Applebee's............................... 22407536 Buffalo's Cafe.......................... 25728989 Ruby Tuesday........................... 24444454 Subway.................................... 25748974 Burger Boutique...................... 22997775 The Burger Hub....................... 22464818

Steak House The Gaucho Grill...................... 25667370 Terrace Grill............................. 22455550

midnight pm






New York


Kuwait City




March 2010

March 2010 Le Entrecote............................ 25729600 Ponderosa............................... 23983113 Cascade..................................... 1831831

Arabian Berdawni Palace...................... 25661117 Al-Saraya Palace...................... 25711101 Masi Al Ghanim........................ 22460456 Villa Fayrouz............................ 22652030 Al-Bustan................................. 25652589 Classical Cafe & Restaurant..... 25740077 Yaldez Palace........................... 22455212 Palm Palace............................. 25715283 Veranda Cafe & Restaurant..... 25727120 Burj Al-Hamam........................ 22550965 Kababji.................................... 22550964 Zaatar W Zeit........................... 22244944 Sarai.....................................22253180/1 Awtar........................................ 22244815 Al-Safadi.................................. 25753555 Fircej Suweileh......................... 25755991 Ruby Tuesday........................... 23734440

French Le Notre..................................... 1805050 Paul.......................................... 22244588 Dalloyau Paris.......................... 25712541 PQ (Le Pain Quotidien)............... 25633684

Cafés Starbucks Coffee...................... 22409755 Costa Coffee............................. 25728199 Song Bird Cafe......... 23725500 Ext.7314 Casper & Gambini's...............22430054/6 Diva's Restaurant & Cafe......25723083/4 Cafe Rio................................... 25732226 Numi Rea House...................... 25725870 Lazord..................................... 22420837 Jamaica Blue.........25747656, 22412114 Milano Plazz............................ 25727172 Chateau Cafe............................ 22426802 Zahra Cafe............................... 25717064 Chocolate Bar.......................... 22244880 Lina's Cafe............................... 22244966 Cafe Blance.............................. 22244644 Shay W Nanaa.......................... 22452055 Columbus Cafe......................... 25720186 Danish Cafe................................ 1805544 54

Tea Lounge.............................. 24610033 The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf.... 25714174 Astra Lounge........................... 22629779 Hangout Lounge...................... 25755588 Cafe Supreme.......................... 25758858

Arabic Cafés Latino Cafe............................... 25652770 Puerto Banus.......................... 22456650 Port Cafe.................................. 22456651 Classical Cafe & Restaurant..... 25740055 Balbak Cafe & Restaurant........ 25750588 Veranda Cafe & Restaurant..... 25727120

Lodging Hilton Kuwait Resort................ 22256222 Kempinski Julai's Hotel & Resort.1844444 Sheraton Hotel.......................... 1835555 Radisson Blu Hotel.................. 25673000 J.W. Marriott Hotel Kuwait City.. 22455550 Costa Del Sol Hotel.................... 1830083 Crowne Plaza........................... 24742000 The Palms Hotel & Spa.............. 1824060 Kuwait Palace Hotel................. 22571030 Swiss Inn Plaza Hotel Kuwait... 22436686 Four Points Sheraton Kuwait... 22242205 Courtyard by Marriott Hotel.... 22997000 Safir Heritage Village................. 1881118 Safir International Hotel Kuwait.22530000 Movenpick Hotel Kuwait........... 24610033

Tel: 22253100

Ramada Kuwait Hotel................ 1821111 Holiday Inn Down Town.............. 1841000 Holiday Inn Salmiya.................... 1847777 Le Meridien Tower Kuwait.......... 1831831 Oassis Hotel............................. 22465489 Imperial Hotel.......................... 22528766 New Park Hotel........................ 25634760 Safir Airport Hotel................... 24722670 Le Meridian Kuwait Hotel......... 22510999 Safir Al Bastaki Suites Hotel.... 22555081 Ritz Sharq Boutique................. 22499911

Suites Refad Palace Suite Hotel......... 23908630 Ritz Salmiya Boutique.............. 25711001

Kuwait Continental................... 22527300 Carlton Tower........................... 22452740 Second Home.......................... 22532100

Hotel Apartments Mirage Hotel Apartment.......... 25750001 Royal Residence....................... 25710057 Sadari House........................... 22443136 Farah Motel............................. 22442104 Hala Motel................................ 22560927 Motel Maha House................... 22523211

International Dialing Codes AFGHANISTAN ................................... +93 ALGERIA.......................................... +213 ARGENTINA . ..................................... +54 AUSTRIA . .......................................... +43 BAHRAIN . .......................................+973 BANGLADESH ................................. +880 BELGIUM . ......................................... +32 BHUTAN ..........................................+975 BOSNIA & HERCEG .........................+387 BRAZIL.............................................. +55 BULGARIA .......................................+359 CANADA .............................................. +1 CHINA ............................................... +93 CYPRUS . .........................................+357 CZECH REPUBLIC............................ +420 DENMARK ......................................... +45 EGYPT . ............................................. +20 ERITREA . .......................................... +29 ETHIOPIA ........................................+251 FINLAND .........................................+358 FRANCE............................................. +33 GERMANY........................................... +49 GREECE.............................................. +30 HUNGARY . ........................................ +36 INDIA................................................. +91 INDONESIA ....................................... +62 IRAN ................................................. +98 ITALY ................................................. +39 JAPAN . .............................................. +81 JORDAN........................................... +962 KOREA (SOUTH)................................ +82 LEBANON........................................ +961 LIBYA ..............................................+210 MALAYSIA . ........................................ +60 MAURITANIA . ..................................+222

MOROCCO....................................... +212 NETHERLANDS ................................. +31 NIGERIA........................................... +234 NIGER .............................................+227 OMAN.............................................. +968 PAKISTAN.......................................... +92 PHILIPPINES . ................................... +63 POLAND . .......................................... +48 QATAR . ...........................................+974 ROMANIA.......................................... +40 RUSSIA . .............................................. +7 SAUDI ARABIA................................. +966 SENEGAL ........................................+221 SOMALIA......................................... +252 SOUTH AFRICA . ................................ +27 SPAIN . .............................................. +34 SRI LANKA ........................................ +94 SWEDEN . .......................................... +46 SWITZERLAND . ................................. +41 SYRIA ..............................................+963 THAILAND ......................................... +66 TUNISIA........................................... +216 TURKEY............................................. +90 UAE . ...............................................+971 UK . ................................................... +44 USA ..................................................... +1 VENEZUELA ...................................... +58 YUGOSLAVIA.................................... +381 ZIMBABWE...................................... +263



Domino's Pizza








Little Caesar's Pizza 1888855 Pizza Hut




Chicken Tikka


Turkish Grill


Zaatar W Zeit


March 2010

Psychology Clinic Bibi Sabahat Shah is a psychologist practicing in Kuwait. Her area of speciality is child and adolescent psychology. She earned her Masters in Counseling Psychology and then her Ph.D in Child/Adolescent Psychology from the City University of New York.

The New Super Heroine in Town Dr. Bibi Sabahat Shah first will help you become a better mom, wife and co-worker.

There’s a new species of superhero unlike anything you’ve seen before. She is part mom, part career woman and part perfect homemaker- but does all of these things full time! Introducing Supermom! She gets it all done and manages to effortlessly keep it all together. How does she do it all and stay sane? While the number of women in the work force has steadily increased in the last half century, the last 30 years have shown an unprecedented growth in women becoming equal partners in the work force alongside men. This has also become true for women in the east- and for Arab women here in Kuwait. With the women’s movement growing out of the West in the 60’s and 70’s came emancipation for women in all arenas- including work. This meant equal status with men, most notably in the form of the 9-5 job. What women have come to realize is that it also comes with a fine print. Yes, you can work 9-5 but your still a wife, mother and a homemaker and when you get home from work you then have what social scientists have termed “ The Second Shift”. The second shift for women is their second shift of work for the day- things that are traditionally thought of as part of the female roleand what women still consider their responsibility. Not so for men who finish their day of work- come home to play with the kids, do a few things around the house and relax. So why do women, despite working as many hours as men- still consider the second shift roles (cooking, cleaning, child-care) mostly their responsibility? It all goes back to the gender roles we learn and acquire when we are very young. We learned our roles as women by watching other women- most of all our moms. Girls also play games such as house, cooking/baking and play with dolls. These games and toys are in sharp contrast to what boys play with and learn. As we grow up, our gender roles become a part of how we see the world- and are very hard to un-learn. And therein lies the problem. Because our gender roles have been set since we were

2. Remember the most important things in lifeare not things! They are your family. Take time to cherish and enjoy the moments that make life worthwhile. 3. Ask for help. This means asking everyone in your family to chip in with household tasks. Give everyone something to do. young- its difficult for women not to feel guilty or responsible for traditionally female roles. But at the same time, women are encouraged, more and more, to take on a career, have their own business, write a book etc. In other words- women are taking on more and more- but not neglecting their female roles as well, while men have taken on very little of the female role. In sum, It’s a difficult balancing act for a woman. So what is this super mom syndrome doing to women? It is taking a toll on their physical and mental well-being. As if being a mom isn’t already the hardest job in the world- these women are also focused on careers and the home. Even with husbands helping out its getting harder to balance career and family.

4. Prioritize your tasks instead of trying to get it all done. Realize that if something’s don’t get donethen that’s ok too! 5. Do keep in mind that there is no such thing as the perfect mom and you cannot do it all- trying to do so will only cause stress related issues such as anxiety, depression and fatigue. I hope all the supermoms out there are able to find some of these tips useful. On this mother’s day, make your mom your number one heroine. She deserves it. Send your questions to

This is due to higher expectations for mothers to be the best at raising children as well as managing the household. A supermom may then feel guilty or inadequate if something goes wrong at home. She is always multi-tasking and thinking one step ahead while trying to stay afloat of deadlines, paperwork, appointments and feeding the children and husband. This cycle can lead to more and more frustration and eventually feelings of anger, guilt and resentment. So what can a supermom do before things get out of hand? 1. Have a “me” plan. This means “me” timedevoted just to yourself. As a supermom, you wear many hats during the day- and during me-time, you should take all of them off. Taking care of yourself 55

March 2010

Chr ysler

AUTOMOTIVE 2010 Concept Cars

XTS Platinum



GMC Granite


_c zda



March 2010

Hyundai Blue-Will

Toyota FT-CH

XTS Platinum

Volkswagen Compact Coupe

Chevrolet Aveo


March 2010



Moscow -


Happy Bir thday

Dear Abdullah May this year bring all the joys of life for you. (From your Parents & Family)

Dearest Shoaib, e of May every minut . warm and bright y, pp ha be y da your b' turn out ms and wishes ea dr ur yo ll a y Ma exactly right.

‫إلى أ‬ ‫اهلل مي احلبيبة‬ ‫يخلج‬ ‫لي انشاهلل‬ ‫ش‬

‫هد الشمري‬

Dea r Moth Mama, H hope er's Day appy and to b son e a bet I ter for y Moh ou. amm e d Sa id Z Leba iad Al N ouei non ry



A Mother’s Day Poem written by

For all the diapers that you changed. For all the play dates you arranged. For all the trips back and forth to school for cleaning all the spit up and the drool. Why is there only one Mother's Day. You could have at least gotten the ENTIRE month of March. Happy Mother's Day Mom! Sulaiman Alhasawi



Msc Accounting and Finance University of Wales Bangor Business School

Khuram & Sidra

March 2010


Dear Jassim

Well Done in School & Wish you success all the way! Baba, Mama & the entire family

, Poland War saw

Want to post your message here? Email 59

March 2010

ENTERTAINMENT / MUSIC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

U S TOP 40

Need You Know (2010 Mix) Bad Romance Telephone (feat. Beyonce) Hey, Soul Sister Today Was a Fairytale TiK ToK Sexy Chick Haven't Met You Yet Follow Me Down Do You Remember (Feat. Sean Paul & Lil Jon) Cowboy Casanova Two Is Better Than One Nothin' on You (Feat. Bruno Mars) Naturally In My Head Imma Be Breakeven Baby (Feat. Ludacris) All the Right Moves Rude Boy

Lady Antebellum Lady GaGa Lady GaGa Train Taylor Swift Kesha David Guetta Michael Buble 3OH!3 Jay Sean Carrie Underwood Boys Like Girls B.o.B Selena Gomez Jason Derulo Black Eyed Peas The Script Justin Bieber OneRepublic Rihanna

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Live Like We're Dying Life After You Impossible Halfway Gone Break Your Heart (Feat. Ludacris) Blah Blah Blah (Feat. 3OH!3) Bedrock (Feat. Loyd) According to You Young Forever Whataya Want From Me Vanilla Twilight Tie Me Down Smile Say Aah I Made It (Feat. Birdman, Jay Sean & Lil Wayne) Heartbreak Warfare Carry Out (Feat. Justin Timberlake) If We Ever Meet Again (Feat. Katy Perry) Solo How Low

New CD Releases for March 2010 Benjy Davis Project

Lost Souls Like Us

Peter Gabriel

Scratch My Back

Jamie Foxx


Natalie Merchant

Leave Your Sleep

Josh Wolf ( of WHY?)

Jet Lag

Peter Wolf

Midnight Souvenirs

The Scorpions

Sting In the Tail

Angus & Julia Stone

Down The Way

Love Is All

Two Thousand And Ten Injuries


Still Standing

Little Boots


Nas And Damien Marley

Distant Relatives



Alan Jackson

Freight Train

Erykah Badu New Amerykah, Part II:

Return Of The Ankh


Kris Allen Daughtry Shontelle Lifehouse Taio Cruz Kesha Young Money Orianthi Jay-Z Adam Lambert Owl City New Boyz Uncle Kracker Trey Songz Kevin Rudolf John Mayer Timbaland Timbaland Iyaz Ludacris

March 2010

Top Ten Mother's Day Movies Erin Brockovich

The Incredibles

Mrs. Miniver


Baby Boom

An unemployed single mom (Julia Roberts) becomes a legal assistant and almost single-handedly brings down a California power company accused of polluting a city’s water supply.

While trying to live a quiet suburban life, a family of undercover superheroes is forced back into action to save the world.

Greer Garson is Mrs. Miniver, the matriarch of a middle-class English family experiencing life in the first months of World War II, dodging bombs and protecting their family the best they can.

Susan Sarandon is a terminallyill mom who decides to make the best of things and teach the new woman (Julia Roberts) in her exhusband’s life how to be a good stepmom to her kids.

Diane Keaton plays J.C. Wiatt, a successful New York businesswoman whose life is thrown into turmoil when she inherits a baby girl from a distant relative. Director: Charles Shyer

Cast: Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Samuel L. Jackson and Jason Lee.

Director: William Wyler

Director: Chris Columbus

Director: Steven Soderbergh

Cast: Julia Roberts, Susan Sarandon, and Ed Harris.

Cast: Diane Keaton, Shepard and Harold

Cast: Julia Roberts, Albert Finney, Conchata Ferrell, and Peter Coyote.

Director: Brad Bird,

Cast: Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon and Reginald Owen.


Why It’s a Mother's Day Film: Because Erin is a tough negotiator who has nothing to lose and everything to win for the future of her kids.

Why It’s a Mother's Day Film: Sassy Elastigirl/Helen gives as good as she gets, as evidenced by her opening monologue: “Retire? I’m at the top of my game! Come on, girls, leave saving the world to the men? I don’t think so!”

Why It’s a Mother's Day Film: Mrs. Miniver protects her kids like a momma lion, and she’s always calm, cool and collected, even when dealing with a wounded German soldier.

Why It’s a Mother's Day Film: Ok, so the mom is dying in this movie, but Susan Sarandon still manages to give her kids a good time, as she does in this clip, dancing with them to “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.”

Why It’s a Mother's Day Film: Oh, the power those little ones have in our lives! Even a Type-A workaholic with no parenting experience will melt like butter when faced with a cherubic baby.

The Sound of Music

My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Yours, Mine and Ours


Please Don’t Eat the Daisies

Gentle Maria (Julie Andrews) leaves – ok, gets kicked out of – her post at an Austrian convent to become the governess for seven mischievous kids of a strict Naval officer widower (Christopher Plummer).

A young Greek woman (Nia Vardalos) falls in love with a non-Greek guy (John Corbett), then struggles to accept a culture which says: “Nice Greek girls are supposed to do three things in life: marry Greek boys, make Greek babies, and feed everyone…until the day we die.” Director: Joel Zwick and Cast: Nia Vardalos, Michael Constantine, John Corbett, and Lainie Kazan. Why It’s a Mother's Day Film: Even if a mom feels her job is to cook “foods filled with warmth and wisdom, and never forgetting that side dish of steaming hot guilt,” you know she does it out of love. Here Toula’s mom helps her daughter achieve her dreams, by giving Dad a good talking to!

When a widower (Henry Fonda) with 10 children marries a widow (Lucille Ball) with eight, can the 20 of them ever come together as one big happy family? Yes on all accounts, with a few adjustments here and there.

A boy (Eric Stoltz) with a massive facial skull deformity struggles to live a normal life, and gets plenty of help from his biker gang mom (Cher).

Drama critic Larry McKay (David Niven) and his wife Kate (Doris Day) move from their cramped Manhattan apartment to an old house in the country with their four sons.

Director: Peter Bogdanovich

Director: Charles Walters

Director: Melville Shavelson

Cast: Cher, Eric Stoltz, Sam Elliott, Estelle Getty, and Laura Dern.

Cast: Doris Day, David Niven, Janis Paige and Spring Byington.

Why It’s a Mother's Day Film: Because Cher doesn’t see what’s on the outside of her precious boy, she sees the good and gentle spirit within.

Why It’s a Mother's Day Film: Because sunny Doris Day is a mom who just makes you feel good, especially when she’s singing the title song to a bunch of school kids.

Director: Robert Wise Cast: Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer, Peggy Wood, and Anna Lee. Why It’s a Mother's Day Film: A mom doesn’t have to be biologically connected to be a great mom, as shown in this touching scene where Julie Andrews comforts the kids with her “favorite things.” She’s not their mom yet, but she will be soon.

Cast: Lucille Ball, Henry Fonda, Van Johnson and Tom Bosley. Why It’s a Mother's Day Film: : Because anyone who agrees to take on the care and feeding of 18 children deserves a special place in Heaven.


March 2010


Brooklyn's Finest Alice in Wonderland I Love You Phillip Morris

Directed by: Paul Greengrass

Directed by: Antoine Fuqua

Directed by: Tim Burton

Starring: Matt Damon, Amy Ryan, Greg Kinnear, Antoni Corone, Brendan Gleeson

Starring:Richard Gere, Ethan Hawke, Don Cheadle, Wesley Snipes, Ellen Barkin

Starring:Johnny Depp, Mia Wasikowska, Crispin Glover, Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham Carter

Genres: Drama War

Genres: Drama Crime

Release Date: March 12, 2010

Remember Me

Directed by: John Requa, Glenn Ficarra Starring: Jim Carrey, Ewan McGregor, Leslie Mann, Rodrigo Santoro , David Jensen

Directed by: Allen Coulter

Genres: Adventure Fantasy Family

Genres: Comedy Crime

Genres: Drama Romance

Release Date: March 5, 2010

Release Date: March 5, 2010

Release Date: March 12, 2010

A film set in the chaotic early days of the Iraqi War when no one could be trusted and every decision could detonate unforeseen consequences.

Burned out veteran Eddie Dugan is just one week away from his pension. Narcotics officer Sal Procida has discovered there's no line he won't cross to provide a better life for his long-suffering wife and seven children.

When Alice tumbles down a rabbit-hole one hot summer's afternoon in pursuit of a White Rabbit she finds herself in Wonderland. And there begin the fantastical adventures that will see her experiencing extraordinary changes.

Release Date: March 26, 2010 When a local Texas policeman, Steve Russell (Jim Carrey), turns to cons and fraud to allow him to change his lifestyle, his subsequent stay in the state penitentiary results in his meeting the love of his life, a sensitive fellow inmate named Phillip Morris (Ewan McGregor).

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

How to Train Your Dragon

The Runaways

Directed by: Thor Freudenthal

Directed by: David Soren, Lorna Cook

Directed by: Floria Sigismondi

Directed by: Steve Pink

Directed by: Andy Tennant

Starring:Zachary Gordon, Chloe Moretz, Rachel Harris, Steve Zahn, Devon Bostwick

Starring:Jay Baruchel, Gerard Butler, America Ferrera , Jonah Hill, Christopher Mintz-Plasse

Starring:Kristen Stewart, Scout Taylor-Compton, Dakota Fanning, Stella Maeve , Alessandra Torresani

Starring:Rob Corddry, John Cusack, Craig Robinson, Clark Duke , Chevy Chase

Starring:Jennifer Aniston, Gerard Butler, Jason Sudeikis , Dorian Missick, Christine Baranski

Genres: Family Kids

Genres: Fantasy Family Kids Animation

Genres: Drama

Genres: Comedy

Genres: Action Comedy

Release Date: March 19, 2010

Release Date: March 26, 2010

Release Date: March 26, 2010

Release Date: March 19, 2010

Meet the kid who made “wimpy” cool, in a family comedy based on the best-selling illustrated novel "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" by Jeff Kinney, the first in a series that has thus far sold 24 million copies.

Set in the mythical world of burly Vikings and wild dragons, and based on the book by Cressida Cowell, the action comedy tells the story of Hiccup, a Viking teenager who doesn’t exactly fit in with his tribe’s long standing tradition of heroic dragon slayers.

Release Date: March 19, 2010 A rough and tumble comingof-age drama about the '70s teenage band the Runaways. Widely believed at the time to have been a novelty act formed by producer Kim Fowley, who thought the notion of five teenage girls dressed in leather and lingerie performing rock and roll music was highly marketable.

The movie follows a group of best friends who've become bored with their adult lives: Adam has been dumped by his girlfriend; Lou is a party guy who can't find the party; Nick's wife controls his every move; and video game-obsessed Jacob won't leave his basement.

Milo Boyd (Gerard Butler), a bounty hunter, gets his dream job when he is assigned to track down his bail-jumping ex-wife, reporter Nicole Hurly (Jennifer Aniston).


Starring:Robert Pattinson, Pierce Brosnan , Emilie de Ravin , Chris Cooper, Lena Olin

Infused with humor and romance, "Remember Me" tells the unforgettable love story of two young people who learn how important it is to love passionately and live loudly everyday of one's life.

Hot Tub Time Machine The Bounty Hunter

March 2010


Peter Gaya Kaam Se

Season’s Greetings

Paan Singh Tomar

Director: Ashwani Dheer

Director: John Owen

Director: Vicky Chopra

Director: Tigmanshu Dhulia

Cast : Ajay Devgn, Paresh Rawal, Konkona Sen Sharma, Satish Kaushik, Mac Mohan, Sanjay Mishra, Akhilendra Mishra

Cast: Rajeev Khandelwal, Lekha Washi ngton, Proshantt Narayanan, Vijay Maurya & Vijay Raaz

Cast : Tabu, Shreyas Talpade, Sohail Khan, Vatsal Seth and Javed Jaffery among

Cast : Irrfan Khan and Mahi Gill

Release Date: 5th March 2010

Release Date: 12th February, 2010

Release Date: 1st, January 2010

Release Date: February 26, 2010

‘Atithi Tum Kab Jaaoge?’ is based on noted satirist Sharad Joshi’s short story. The story is about an unwanted guest, Paresh Rawal, who enters the household of a married couple, played by Ajay and Konkona Sen Sharma, and lives for a long time by continuously extending his stay. So much so that the couple is exasperated and starts praying for his exit.

Peter Gaya Kaam Se is a fast paced action adventure with a romantic twist that tells the story of Peter, a football crazy motorcycle taxi rider who decides to turn his back on Goa and quit his job. That's until his sleazy loan shark boss Bosco persuades him to do one last job. It's the job that will change his life forever

Season's Greetings is the story of one day. The story begin on December 30th and end with sunrise on January 1st. The different stories culminate into one crazy New Year's party where everyone, having travelled differently so far, become one.

Paan Singh Tomar is the true epic journey of a talented runner who turned into rebel. Its a story about a guy from a small town of Madhya Pradesh who rose as an athlete and ruled the steeplechase event at the Indian National Games for 7 years in a round whose record stood unbeaten for 10 years.

Hide & Seek




Director: Sean Arranha

Director: Sanjay Puran Singh Chauhan

Director: Dibakar Banerjee

Director: Kookie V Gulati

Cast : Purab Kohli, Arjan Bajwa, Mrinalini Sharma, Sameer Kochhar, Ayaz Khan, Amruta Patki, Prasad Barve, Pavail Gulati, Shweta Varma, Nutan Shinde, Mohit Dutta, Alok Batra

Cast: Farooq Sheikh, Nafisa Ali,

Cast : Imran Khan, Abhay Deol

Cast : Vivek Oberoi,

Release Date: 12 March 2010

Release Date: 19th March 2010

Release Date: March 5, 2010

Release Date: March 26, 2010

On a chilly Christmas night, six best friends innocently indulged in a game to have some more fun! Little realising that this game and that night would change their lives forever.

Lahore, a film which revolves around Kick Boxing competition, shows how sports can play a crucial role in uniting arch rivals India and Pakistan.

Love Sex aur Dhokha takes us into the heart of three stories unfolding across and weaving through each other - contemporary, unusual, real tales of love.

One of the savviest thieves in the world commits the biggest heist of his life. He wakes up next the morning to realize he has a gunshot wound on his arm that he doesn't remember getting.

Sraddha Das, Ashish Vidhyarthi,

Aruna Sheilds, Nandana Sen,

Sushant Singh

Neeru Singh, Sanjay Kapoor


March 2010

GADGETS Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser When I cook, despite that I’m a pretty decent cook, it still looks like a bomb was dropped in the kitchen. That usually means I’m covered in half the items I’ve measured out for a recipe. When I go to clean off my hands, I’d rather not mess up four pieces of paper towel while I’m trying to grab for only one of those pieces. Thankfully someone has created a way to prevent getting gunk all over the entire roll when you just need one small piece. Just wave your hand in front of the infrared sensor and it will offer up one piece of your paper towels. It is smart enough to sense the perforations in the sheets of paper towel, so it knows exactly how much it’s spitting out. You can set it to dispense 1, 2 or just a half of a sheet. The Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser comes in red, silver and white. You can purchase it for $79.95 through Hammacher.

Inflatable Sleeping Coat is raincoat, sleeping bag, and mattress This Inflatable Sleeping Coat is more versatile than the jacket that Marty McFly wore in Back to the Future II. This super-jacket, for lack of a better word, is designed by designer Lin Tsui-Wei, and it is a raincoat, sleeping coat, sleeping bag, and even a mattress all in one. Normally, this coat ends at below the crotch and above the knees, but the Inflatable Sleeping Coat has a detachable skirt that goes all the way down to the feet for protection from the rain. Of course, what really makes this work is the inflate-ability. You will note how you can sleep with it on and inflated for cushioned softness during the wintertime, or lay it down like a mattress in the summertime.

Jolter Power Plunger Are you fed up of little kids not listening to your instructions on keeping the toilet bowl free of candy wrappers and other stuff other than toilet paper? Well, chances are you would then have had experience with using a plunger, sapping up much of your strength in the process. Why not give the Johnny Jolter Power Plunger a go instead to help you out in this unsavory job? The Johnny Jolter Power Plunger retails for $29.98, and since it is made out of plastic, we would recommend you go easy on the strength as it might break in a moment of enthusiasm. Guess this is something that won’t last more than a few years, since we know that plastic tends to become brittle after some time.

Tab The Power Strip There have been a few different ways to label cords to make it easier for you to unplug gadgets when they’re not in use. This gadget will make it easier for you to know which plug goes with which gadget. Plus it will make it a whole lot easier to unplug your different gadgets. Plus you can pick and choose just how many outlets you want on the power strip. If this weren’t a concept design, you would get to choose which stickers you want and how many of the cubes you’d like to buy. Then at a later time you could buy a couple more of the cubes to plug into the rest of the strip. Just place the stickers with each respective plug. Then when it’s time to unplug it, instead of tugging on the cord, you just push down on the back of the plug. Unfortunately this is still a concept, so you won’t be able to purchase these just yet.


Multi-Task Gloves with LED Lights There is no shortage of gadgets trying to offer mechanics hands-free lighting while they’re attempting to fix a car. Be it lights with magnets attached or lights that are capable of wrapping around and clinging to items underneath the hood. Now you can even own a pair of mechanics gloves that have LED lights built directly into the pointer finger. I haven’t decided if these lights would be helpful or make you crazy. By no means does it seem as if they’d be good to replace one of those magnetic lights. However, keeping them on might make it possible to get light into areas when your hands are in the way. The lights will either make you nauseous from them moving around every time you turn a wrench or make it easier to find that bolt that slipped through your fingers. You can purchase the gloves for $22.95 through Amazon.

March 2010

Nokia Nuron 5230

Nokia has announced the N97 mini, a compact version of the existing N97 flagship smartphone. It features a large touchscreen, a 5MP camera, 8GB of storage, and the company's new Lifecasting with Ovi social networking tool.

We have the first official pictures of the upcoming Nokia Nuron 5230 Xpress Music. This Symbianpowered touchscreen phone supports 3G (HSDPA) bands, aGPS (compatible with Ovi Maps 3.0), a 2MP camera, and more. Available in white, the Nokia Nuron 5230 Xpress Music will be released on March 17th, 2010. We will keep you posted

Samsung Wave S8500 Hands-on Video

Here is a hands-on video of the Samsung Wave S8500 Bada phone. In case you didn’t know, the phone boasts a 3.3-inch AMOLED touchscreen display, Bada OS with TouchWiz 3.0, HSDPA, Wi-Fi b/g/n, a 3.5mm headset jack, DivX player, a 5MP Auto Focus camera with flash and 720p video recording, a 2GB of internal memory, and a MicroSD card slot. The Samsung Wave S8500 also uses a 1GHz CPU, which is probably Snapdragon processor. Watch the video after the jump

First Android Projector Phone From Samsung

Samsung has finally confirmed the Samsung I8520, which is touted as the company’s first Android projector phone. The gadget comes jam packed with a 3.7-inch Super AMOLED screen, an 8-megapixel camera, and a “Specialized Projector UI”. Stay tuned for more updates

Motorola QUENCH (CLIQ XT) Introduced At MWC 2010 Motorola has introduced their latest touchscreen phone at this year’s Mobile World Congress called the Motorola QUENCH (aka CLIQ XT in the US). The handset sports a 3.1-inch 320 x 480 capacitive touchscreen display, a 5MP camera with autofocus and LED flash, a full virtual QWERTY keyboard, a microSD card slot (up to 32GB), an electronic compass, A-GPS, 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth, a 3.5mm headset jack and runs on Android 1.5 OS with supports for Google services and MOTOBLUR features. The Motorola QUENCH will be available in multiple regions around the globe beginning in Q1 2010, while in the US, it will be available starting next month exclusively through T-Mobile USA

Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro Announced At Mobile World Congress Sony Ericsson today announced their latest messaging phone ‘Vivaz Pro’ at Mobile World Congress (MWC 2010), which is basically an updated version of the original Vivaz. This high-end smartphone boasts a 3.2-inch 360 x 640 TFT touchscreen display, a 5.1MP autofocus camera, a new slide-out QWERTY keyboard, 3G, A-GPS, WiFi, 720p HD video recording and runs on Symbian S60 operating system. The Vivaz Pro will be available in selected markets from Q2, 2010 for unannounced price yet. Watch the video presentation after the break.

Microsoft Windows Phone 7 Series Released

Microsoft has finally and officially launched the Windows Phone 7 Series at the Mobile World Congress 2010. The new platform integrates Xbox LIVE games and Zune music and videos for the first time into a mobile platform. What makes this new version interesting is that all Windows Phone 7 Series handsets will feature a Bing dedicated hardware button for one-click access to Microsoft’s search engine. There will be six Windows Phone hubs: People, Pictures, Games, Music + Video, Office and Marketplace. The first Windows Phone 7 Series smartphones will be available in time for the 2010 holiday season. Watch the video after the jump to get more details.

Toshiba TG02 And K01 At Mobile World Congress 2010

Toshiba today unveiled two new Windows Mobile 6.5 smartphones at Mobile World Congress 2010, which are known as the Toshiba TG02 and K01. Both cell phones come jam packed with a 4.1-inch WVGA touchscreen, a 1GHz Snapdragon processor, and a microSD memory card slot that supports up to 32GB. The Toshiba TG02 is a successor to the previously released TG01. Measuring 9.9 mm thick, the new model features a capacitive screen and a new 3D user interface. Meanwhile, the K01 is a slider handset with a sliding keyboard. Measuring at 12.9 mm, it will also be Toshiba’s first smartphone with an AMOLED screen. Too bad, there is no info on pricing or availability at this time. We will keep you posted.

Garmin Asus A50 Smartphone

Garmin and Asus has joined together to release a new smartphone in the form of the Androidpowered A50. The handset boasts a 3.5-inch HVGA resolution capacitive touchscreen display with a 3-megapixel Auto Focus camera, and a 4GB of storage space that is upgradable via a microSD memory card slot. What makes the Garmin Asus A50 more special is that it supports a finger-friendly user interface and Garmin’s pre-loaded turn-by-turn navigation. The Garmin Asus A50 will be available in Europe very soon. No word on pricing so far.


February 2010

BOOK RELEASES 'House Rules' Jodi Picoult

Jodi Picoult is known for combining controversial issues, courtroom scenes and family drama. In House Rules, a boy with Asperger's syndrome is accused of murder. Picoult shifts viewpoints and examines the prejudices surrounding the boy's social disability. All the while, Picoult keeps readers in suspense about who actually committed the murder.

'Bite Me'

Christopher Moore Bite Me by Christopher Moore is the sequel to his 2007 vampire parody, You Suck. Moore is known for his comic novels that often spoof other works of literature. You Suck and Bite Me play off the vampire craze of the past decade.

The Vampire Diaries: The Return: Shadow Souls' L. J. Smith

The Vampire Diaries: The Return: Shadow Souls by L. J. Smith is the second book in the young adult Vampire Diaries Return series. The Return Trilogy focuses on Damon.

'Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang' Chelsea Handler

Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang by Chelsea Handler is a series of comic, nonfiction essays about Handler's life. Handler, as always, is candid about her childhood, sexuality, romance and life in general.

'Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter' Seth Grahame-Smith

From Seth Grahame-Smith, the author of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, comes Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. In this spoof, Grahame-Smith claims to uncover a lost Lincoln diary showing that his mother was actually killed by vampires when he was a boy and that his secret life mission was to eliminate all vampires.


Ian McEwan Literary master Ian McEwan returns with Solar, a novel about a Nobel prize–winning physicist who is past his peak and now coasts through his career on committees and collecting big speaking fees. His personal life is in shambles as his fifth marriage falls apart, but this time he actually loves his wife and wants to make things better. In Solar, his personal and professional lives converge, with the possibility of resurrecting both.

February 2010

'The Ask'

Sam Lipsyte Milo Burke, a jaded university development officer, finds himself on the brink of joblessness with the only thing between him and the unemployment line being the successful completion of a major "ask," in which the prospective donor is an old college classmate.

'Wisdom: From Philosophy to Neuroscience' Stephen Hall

What is wisdom? Award-winning science writer Stephen S. Hall traverses territory from philosophy to science in a thought-provoking investigation of this question

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'The Surrendered'

'The History of White People'

Chang-Rae Lee

Nell Irvin Painter

An 11-year-old refugee by the name of June Han, an American G.I. Hector Brennan meet at an orphanage during the Korean War, where they receive the attention of a lovely but damaged missionary wife. Thirty years later, they must come to terms with this past. Korean author Chang-Rae Lee's fourth novel may be his most ambitious to date.

'Known to Evil'

Award-winning author and historian, Nell Irvin Painter, plumbs ancient history that includes Caesar, Saint Patrick, and Emerson, “the philosopher king of American white race theory,” in discovering the history and definition of whiteness.

“Poesy Whisperer”

Walter Mosley

Fatima Alwan

The second book in Walter Mosley's new bestselling mystery series (after The Long Fall) features Leonid McGill, a New York private detective and badguy-turned-good once again called upon by the powers that be to chase down inscrutable matters of intrigue.

“Poesy Whisperer” is Fatima Alwan's second book of poetry, which has been released recently in Virgin Megastore and Jarir Bookstore. In her recent book, the poet follows a new route and plunges herself in the realm of classical poetry, where she indulges in the beauty and luxury of classical poetic forms like the ballade, sonnet, sestina, villanelle, virelai, rondeau, roundel and others; furthermore, she bravely introduces her own poetic form, which she calls “Sparrowet”. “Poesy Whisperer” consists of 29 poems that discuss diverse interesting topics, most of which are weaved in the form of poetic short stories.

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‫‪March 2010‬‬

‫‪PRESS RELEASEs‬‬ ‫‪360 MALL Celebrates the Beauty of Arabian Horses‬‬ ‫‪‘The Arabian Horse- A Touch of an Artist’, exhibition was held from February 18th-20th at 360 MALL aimed‬‬ ‫‪to celebrate the beauty, history, and the relationship of Arabian horses to the region, and across the world.‬‬ ‫‪The art gallery coincided with Bait Al Arab’s ‘Arabian Horse Championship’ that was held under the patronage‬‬ ‫‪of His Highness the Amir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmed Al Jaber Al Sabah, and took place at the Hunting‬‬ ‫‪& Equestrian Club.‬‬ ‫‪For the first time in Kuwait, the unique opening of the art exhibition witnessed a live exhibit of the stunning‬‬ ‫‪Arabian horse at 360 MALL’s exhibition area. The renowned exhibition showcased over 50 unique paintings‬‬ ‫‪that have captured the essence of this rare and valued breed. The exhibition celebrated the beauty, nobility‬‬ ‫‪and grace of this breed, which has come to symbolise the special relationship between Arabs and Kuwaitis with‬‬ ‫‪horses. The exhibits that were on display were the private property of Kuwaiti breeders within the State of‬‬ ‫‪Kuwait, and had been generously contributed for this art exhibition. The exhibits were painted by internationally‬‬ ‫‪renowned artists from England, the United States, Germany and Iraq.‬‬ ‫‪Mohammed Al Marzouq, Chairman of the organizing committee commented: “This region is known for its love‬‬ ‫‪towards all things related to horses, along with a passionate feeling that is aimed towards Arabian horses.‬‬ ‫‪Horses from this part of the world are renowned and valued worldwide, and their bloodlines are to be found‬‬ ‫‪in almost every modern breed of riding horse. As a race we can be proud of the contribution we have made‬‬ ‫‪through our devotion to Arabian horses. This exhibition celebrates that unique connection between man and‬‬ ‫‪horse, something we feel is as much a part of our heritage as any architectural development or archaeological‬‬ ‫”‪artefact.‬‬

‫توجت مسيرتها إلى قمة كلمينجارو عشية االحتفال بالعيد‬ ‫الوطني وعيد التحرير‬ ‫برعاية شركة سفير الدولية إلدارة الفنادق‬ ‫بعثة التحرير رفعت علم الكويت على أعلى قمة بركانية في العالم‬ ‫بتوفيق من اهلل تعالى ونتيجة للهمة العالية والدعم والرعاية القيمة التي قدمتها شركة سفير‬ ‫الدولية للفنادق لبعثة التحرير والعزم على رفع اسم الوطن عاليا ‪ ،‬فقد وفقت البعثة ممثلة بفريق‬ ‫كويت اكسترمي في إجناز مهمتها بالتسلق واعتالء أعلى قمة بركانية بالعالم هي قمة جبل‬ ‫كاليمنجاور بتنزانيا في القارة األفريقية‪.‬‬ ‫وقام الفريق بقيادة املتسلق العاملي زيد الرفاعي‪ ،‬وعضوية كل من رياض مال اهلل وسليمان اخمليزمي‪ ،‬علي‬ ‫الرخيص وحمد احلمد بالوصول إلى أعلى القمة البركانية ببلوغه على ارتفاع ‪ 5895‬مترا ً من مستوى‬ ‫سطح البحر‪.‬‬ ‫وبهذه املناسبة أكد قائد البعثة وفريق كويت اكسرتيم لتسلق اجلبال زيد الرفاعي حيث قال ‪ :‬أن‬ ‫الفريق وصل بحمد اهلل ورفع على الكويت خفاقا عشية العيد الوطني وعيد التحرير إلى أعلى قمة‬ ‫في القارة األفريقية ‪ ،‬متحديا الصعاب التي واجهته ليحقق الهدف الذي سعى إليه وليشارك الوطن‬ ‫واملواطنني والقيادة السياسية في الكويت أفراحها واحتفاالتها بالذكر السنوية للعيد الوطني وعيد التحرير ‪ ،‬مشيرا إلى أن أعضاء البعثة واجهوا صعوبات كثيرة أثناء مسيرهم وتسلقهم‬ ‫للقمة ‪ ،‬ومنها العطش الشديد واحلاجة لشرب املاء ‪ ،‬في ظل ندرة املياه الصاحلة للشرب حيث قام الفريق بتعقيم املياه امللوثة ‪ ،‬هذا باإلضافة إلى قلة التنوع في األطعمة واملأكوالت ‪ ،‬في ظل‬ ‫احلاجة إلى الطاقة للسير املتواصل لنحو ‪ 12‬ساعة يوميا ً ‪ ،‬كما واجه أعضاء الفريق أجواء البرد الشديد و الصداع ومرض املرتفعات الذي يصاب به اإلنسان جراء قلة نسبة األوكسجني في‬ ‫اجلو ‪ ،‬وغيرها من األمور عند االرتفاع عن سطح األرض‪.‬‬ ‫ووصف قائد البعثة شعور أعضاء فريقه حلظة الوصول إلى القمة واعتالئها بالقول ‪ :‬إن الفرحة والغبطة والسرور كلمات قليلة ال ميكن من خاللها وصف مشاعرنا لتحقيق هذا اإلجناز للوطن‬ ‫واملشاركة في االحتفال بأعياد الوطن ‪ ،‬فنقل االحتفال مبناسبة وطنية هي األغلى على قلوبنا جميعا إلى أعلى قمة بركانية في العالم ميثل نقلة نوعية في التعبير عن فرحتنا وحبنا لهذا الوطن‬ ‫واعتزازنا باالنتماء له ‪ ،‬متوجها بالشكر والعرفان إلى شركة سفير الدولية إلدارة الفنادق على دعمها للشباب و الرياضة ‪ ،‬ولوالهم ملا حققت بعثة التحرير هذا اإلجناز واعتالء القمة األعلى في‬ ‫قارة أفريقيا وهو إجناز الذي يحسب لدولة الكويت ‪ ،‬ويدون في تاريخا وتاريخ حركتها الرياضية والشبابية بحروف من ذهب ‪.‬‬

‫)‪E-mail your company or local organization press releases to us at (please, 300 words or less‬‬ ‫‪68‬‬

March 2010

NAS Travel Agency aims to expand service portfolio in Kuwait!


Travel has become second nature to most of us nowadays. With budget airlines, budget hotels and simple yet complicated internet travel portals that offer you everything under the skies from hotels to airlines to rental cars to even adventure tours; it is becoming increasingly difficult choosing a good travel partner. National Aviation Services (NAS) is attempting to innovate in this area and offer retail and corporate consumers alike, a different travel experience. The NAS Travel Services Division is a part of the rapidly expanding NAS group, a ground handling services provider at Kuwait International Airport, also operating at airports in Jordan and 12 locations in India. In keeping with the philosophy of constantly evolving to suit the needs of its customers, NAS is in the process of adding new and innovative services into its Travel Services portfolio. With a recent tie-up with a leading international travel management consultancy providing multipart yet customized travel management solutions to corporates on a large scale, NAS Travel Agency is on its way to becoming a top player in Kuwait. “Through our relationship with this company, we will be able to leverage their ability to provide a customized service utilizing their network and global reach.” says Ashraf Sobhi, Senior Travel Services Manager at NAS. Sobhi who recently joined the NAS team is responsible for the strategic growth of the travel business in NAS overseeing the travel agency located at the airport as well focusing on developing corporate relationships by adding new products and services to the company’s travel portfolio. His 18 year stint in the travel industry includes assignments in different GCC countries with multi-national and regional companies. Realizing that there is a vast scope for both corporate and retail packages, NAS aims to concentrate on both the markets. On a corporate level, it will focus on delivering customizable travel management solutions. On the retail side, NAS aims to develop the market for products like luxury cruises, adventure holidays and spa vacations taking into consideration that a large part of the population in Kuwait travel outside the country and is looking for more than the usual sight-seeing trips to Europe and the Far East. “Despite the economic climate, there is a demand for such type of travel and we aim to tap into that market and offer these solutions to the young urban professional segment that are the target market.” says Sobhi adding “Apart from developing our travel products, we also need to develop our people skills as personalized service is one of the key elements in the middle east and companies that provide this are ensured of having a competitive edge.” With a new team that is highly trained and has extensive experience in corporate and retail travel, a new marketing approach and new technologies to add value to an already attractive value proposition, the NAS Travel Agency is all set to make a difference in the Kuwaiti travel market. The NAS Travel Agency is totally committed to providing all our customers with a memorable and seamless travel experience. For booking please call +965 1 842 842 Ext. 507/508/509 or email travel@ BylineBarry Rodrigues is the Corporate Marketing Manager - National Aviation Services.

Al Mansouriya Consumer Trading Company, a sister concern of Jassim Al Wazzan Group, Olayan Kimberly Clark and The Sultan Center, one of the largest retailers in Kuwait and Middle East, have come together to achieve an all new Guinness World Record for the world’s largest packaged product display ever at TSC Wholesale Center - Shuwaikh. The commemoration was attended by top management from the respective companies, suppliers, and customers to witness this accomplishment. Kleenex boxes were stacked accordingly to achieve the largest product package display at TSC Wholesale Center - Shuwaikh. It took over 40 personnel to set up this historic feat in a time span of 10 hours. The representative of Guinness World Record Mr. Jack Brockbank was present to adjudicate the entire effort and awarded Certificate of Guinness recognition to Al Mansouriya Consumer Trading Co, Kimberly Clark Team and The Sultan Center for achieving this World Record. Mr. Kapil Khosla, General Manager on behalf of the Al Mansouriya Management thanked the Al Wazzan Family for their support to make this a grand success and also the management of Business Partners Olayan Kimberly Clark and The Sultan Center for their support and co-operation to achieve this extraordinary world record. He also specially appreciated the Mansouriya and The Sutlan Center Teams who worked on executing this monumental display. “A challenging yet an extra-ordinary feat achieved here, placing Kuwait on the Guinness map and we are proud of it”, said Mr. Kapil. Mr. Firas Hamdan, TSC’s Chief Commercial Officer (Kuwait) expressed the pride in this achievement for both companies as well for the State of Kuwait. “We value our long lasting partnerships with our suppliers and this record breaking achievement is the result of the solid teamwork between the two companies,” said Mr. Hamdan. Mr. Ali Abdul Rehman Al Wazzan, Director also graced the occasion and declared the event a great success. He also thanked the Retail & Business Partners and the Al Mansouriya Management for bringing this recognition for the country. The attendees were excited to attend this event and see the historical Kleenex display to witness the all new Guinness World Record. 69

March 2010

Gulf Bank Sponsors Al Noor & Al Amal and Al-Raja’a Special Needs Schools The Bank strongly supports special needs students’ education and development

Kuwait – 8 March, 2010: Gulf Bank recently concluded its sponsorship for special needs’ students at Al Noor & Al Amal School for deaf and blind disabilities, as well as Al Raja’s School for physical disabilities. The events were aimed at celebrating the first day of returning to school. Over 500 special needs students, along with their teachers, enjoyed the fun filled activities and entertainment provided by representatives from Gulf Bank. Several prominent figures in the special needs education field were present on the first day of school including: Dakheel Al-Enizi, Director of Special Education Schools Management; Mohammad Al-Kanderi, Assistant Undersecretary for Specialized Education; Mansour Al-Mansour, Head of Activities Department and Nadia Al-Yaseen, Principle of Al Amal & Al Noor School, Laila Al-Khodhari, Principle of Al-Raja'a School and Nabeela Dashti, Assistant Director of Al-Raja'a, who thanked Gulf Bank for its continuous support towards education and youth. During the event, Gulf Bank’s famous Nassour character along with other cartoon characters shared the first day at school with the children, where they assisted school teachers and the specialized staff who were teaching the children methods of avoiding and protecting themselves from H1N1. In addition, Gulf Bank representatives helped distribute books and meals to the students. Al Raj'a School also held competitions and fun activities for the children which included face painting, hair braiding and henna designs. The Bank used the opportunity to wish all attending students the best of luck and a successful school year ahead. Gulf Bank also recently sponsored Gulf University of Science and Technology’s (GUST) “Alive 2010” Event, which was aimed at special needs, and included a range of entertaining activities. Gulf Bank’s commitment to corporate social responsibility starts with its belief in the core values of Kuwaiti society, and the Bank’s policies and vision are aligned to meet the needs of Kuwait. Gulf Bank continues to support special needs’ students education and development through the year reiterating the Bank’s commitment to the wider community.

Ashraf now has exclusive Showroom for Disney Line up at Discovery Mall, Kuwait City G-HANZS in association with Ashraf & Company Ltd. makes a Spectacular SHOWROOM for Disney Line up at Discovery Mall, Kuwait.

Ashraf & Company Ltd, the exclusive distributors for G-HANZS in Kuwait unveiled recently an exclusive showroom for Disney Line up, located at the Discovery Mall in Kuwait City. The store carries an unbeatable range of Disney Products such as Disney Consumer Electronics, Disney Outdoor & Sports, Disney Hand-held LCD Games, Prams & Buggies and Disney Doll & toys. This is an ultimate destination for all age categories from Infants to young adults, a one stop shop for all the family needs. "We offer a wide array of Disney character merchandise and a variety of products at the Discovery Mall, and we're very excited to bring the Disney line up to Kuwait in association with Disney Middle East. The Disney Line up is distributed in Kuwait by one of the most prestigious CE Business House, “ASHRAF & COMPANY LTD" said U.K.Ghosh, CEO and board member of G-HANZS. The highlight of the showrooms’ lineup includes: Disney consumer electronics range from: • LCD, TV/DVD combos, Portable DVD player, Audio Range. • Digital camera, • MP3, MP4 Players • Lights and lamps with exciting Disney characters • Digital frames Disney Land Line Telephone & Accessory Range: Disney Toys: • Hand-held LCD Games • Disney Dolls, Toys Strollers etc Baby Care products like: • Prams, Strollers, playpens to buggies. Outdoor & Sports: • Scooters and skate boards • Roller skates • Swimwear accessories • Outdoor games accessories like badminton rackets, Mini Soft Balls etc. Featuring the Disney World Super Stars.


March 2010

HOMEWORK FOR GROWN UPS EVERYTHING YOU LEARNED AT SCHOOL... BUT CAN YOU REMEMBER? 1. what is the capital of brazil? a. brussels b. brasalia c. berlin d. botswana 2. Dry ice is the second name of? a. Gold b. Silicon c. Solid Corbondioxide d. none of the above 3. which country has 13 months in a year a. America b. Albania c. Armenia d. Ethiopia 4. how many bones are there in human body? a. 206 b. 200 c. 216 d. 215 5. What is the capital of Haiti . a. Kingston b. Havana c. Port - au - prince d. None of these 6. Which instrument is used to measure the density of milk? a. Lactometer b. Thermometer c. Barometer d. Anemometer. 7. The city which is also know as the city of canals? a. Detroit b. Belgrade c. Venice d. Damascus 8. Which Country produces maximum banana? a. India b. Australia c. Brazil d. africa 9. who is the father of chemistry? a. william herschel b. louis blaise c. robert boyle d. galilleo 10. Which famous explorer first reached Africa in the 19th century? a. Vasco da Gama b. Christopher Columbus c. David Livingstone d. Ferdinand magellan

ANSWERS: 1. b, 2. c, 3. d, 4. a, 5. c, 6. a, 7. c, 8. a, 9. c, 10. c

How many words can you make from the word:

ANSWER Each word must be a minimum of 3 letters. Example: WAR, RAW, ‌..

Solution will be provided in next month's issue



= = = = = = = = = = = =


7 8 2 4 6 3 5 6 9 8 2 4 5 3 9 2 8 6 6 9 7 1 4 3 71

March 2010

Horoscopes & March Planet Overview: March comes in like the proverbial lamb, with five of the ten planets and a New Moon in the spiritual sign of Pisces shaping this month into a time of new vision and

inspiration. Almost all the signs may feel that they are at a crossroads, and there is heightened emphasis on making a personal dream a reality. This renewed vigor is the result of Mars, the sleeping lion, waking from a four-month slumber and moving us to action on March 10 and on through the month. March 20 is the Spring Equinox, and this is an excellent day to recommit to intentions made at the beginning of the year. The Full Moon this month causes many of you to take that extra step toward what was once thought an impractical or impossible goal. The month ends with the sound of the lion roaring once more.

A r i es

Closed-door meetings may seem intimidating, but remember they aren't always about you. The result of one such meeting midmonth could be a staggering new project or proposal that renews your confidence. You begin to feel renewed energy and self-assurance on March 10 (Mar 21 – Apr 19) when Mars, your ruler, turns direct in the house of creative ventures. Your dream suddenly appears within your grasp. Around the March 20 Spring Equinox, you see a New Year's intention begin to take form. The Full Moon on March 29 could bring a new partner, but it could be that a once trusted ally makes a regrettable exodus.


20th February

Tau r u s

This month the bright light of the Sun shines on your house of hopes and wishes. Although your wish may be realized, it could come in an unexpected form and develop into something far surpassing your expectations. Four heavy-duty planets accompany the Sun, including (Apr 20 – May 20) deal-breaker Uranus. As early as March 3, expect a breakthrough in a current holdup. With Mars turning direct on March 10, you might recall a childhood dream and actually see it begin to take form. The Full Moon in Libra on March 29 is in your house of employment. All the loose ends seem to tie together in that sector of your life.

Drew Barrymore

Born: February 22, 1975 - Culver City, California, USA Drew is an example of a child Hollywood star who actually made it! Growing up in an acting family and finding success at an early age for her roles in films like Altered States, E.T., and Irreconcilable Differences, Drew did two stints in rehab for a drug and alcohol problem, but weathered the storm and became a successful award-winning actress, writer, producer, and director. A triple peace-loving and creative Pisces with her Moon in emotional Cancer, Drew gives off an ethereal vibe, but when it comes to business, her head is definitely not in the clouds.


There's no Leo pouting this month. The energy you receive on March 10 from Mars turning direct in your sign is enough to move you to that higher plateau. Your creative juices flow, but you seem to have hit a wall. That wall suddenly crumbles and you see the new horizon. A joint venture or funds from a business associate (July 23 – Aug 22) could create this opportunity. With the New Moon and Uranus tied on March 15, you could move from a zone of boredom into refreshing new territory. The elation continues on March 16 as the Sun shines on the planet of electrical events. A Full Moon on March 29 gives you the eloquence to spread thanks.

L eo

C an c er

With five planets in your chart's schoolof-life sector, it seems you've learned a lesson or two about possessions since January. When Mars turns direct on March 10, what you've been yearning for could finally be within your grasp. Just when you think you know it all, the New Moon (June 21 – July 22) on March 15 adds a twist to what you claim as yours. Despite the twists and turns of early March, reinforce your intention to keep what is yours. Thank a kindly Universe for your good luck on the Spring Equinox. The Full Moon on March 29 shines on your sanctuary. There could be a private celebration with a special someone for all that has been bestowed upon you.

10th March

Elton John 25th March

Your partner has your full attention this month, but is it business, romance, or both? The transits aiding this relationship repeat several times during March. March 3 brings a clue to the action ahead. Mars turning direct causes restlessness within your soul. You feel an edge you haven't felt in some time. The time of action (Aug 23 – Sept 22) is March 15 and 16, when the New Moon, Uranus, and the Sun shine their light on this special bond that's about to be born. The Full Moon of March 29 implies financial bounty with this new venture. The month goes out like a lion as the Moon and Mars bring a challenge that you continue to handle like the professional you are.

Vi r go

G em in i

The Sun's radiance shines on your intention to improve your status. It's graduation day with Chiron and Neptune in the house of the school of life. You've learned your lessons well the past few years. Your expertise in expressing new ideas to higher-ups isn't lost on March (May 21 – June 20) 10, when those ideas reach the right ears. A new commitment to your advancement could start as early as the Spring Equinox on March 20. On March 29, the Full Moon lights up in your house of creative expertise and work as play and could bring that longed-for special assignment. March ends like a lion, and you can hear the roar throughout the workplace

Carrie Underwood

March 2010

Celebrity BirtHdays

With permission from

Rihanna is a talented, adaptable Pisces from Barbados who moved to the United States as age 16 to pursue a recording career under the guidance of well-known producer Evan Rogers. She signed a contract with Def Jam Recordings soon after auditioning, and her career has taken off to epic heights: she's sold over 12 million records and has received numerous awards in her short career. She also has three aspects in assertive, ambitious Aries, which makes her title of Honorary Cultural Ambassador to Barbados a great fit.


Friends wonder about your desire to escape the spotlight and spend time inside your home. You may simply desire downtime before emerging with a new plan. Mars turns direct on March 10 and lights up your house of long voyages of the mind and body. You could put into action a (Nov 22 – Dec 21) dream that is dear to your heart. With the New Moon, Sun, and Uranus in Pisces on March 15 and 16 in your area of the home front, smoldering tensions could develop. You address them and don't allow them to fester. The month ends with the Full Moon in your house of dreams, hopes, and wishes. You use your unique communicative ability to smooth any rough edges.

Capricor n

Friends wonder about your desire to escape the spotlight and spend time inside your home. You may simply desire downtime before emerging with a new plan. Mars turns direct on March 10 and lights up your house of long voyages of the mind and body. You could put into action a (Dec 22 – Jan 19) dream that is dear to your heart. With the New Moon, Sun, and Uranus in Pisces on March 15 and 16 in your area of the home front, smoldering tensions could develop. You address them and don't allow them to fester. The month ends with the Full Moon in your house of dreams, hopes, and wishes. You use your unique communicative ability to smooth any rough edges.

Lady Gaga 28 March

Celine Dion 30 March th

Norah Jones 30th March

Aquarius is usually in the driver's seat, but with Neptune and Chiron clouding your personal reality, you might feel at a spiritual crossroads. The Second House of your finances and possessions is packed with half the planets, calling your attention to that usually neglected area. You need (Jan 20 – Feb 18) resolution this month. Mars turning direct on March 10 energizes your house of partners. It could mean there's more than one person on your mind. With so many planets in your house of possessions, you may opt for the partner offering the most benefits, which goes against your grain. The choice will be difficult. You make the right decision when the March 29 Full Moon in Libra activates your hopes and dreams, making you a master of the spoken word.

Aq u ari u s


Sara Jessica Parker 25th March

Li b r a

With your polish and capacity for finding the right words, you shine in the workplace this month. The spotlight of sudden recognition could be on you as early as March 3. Mars, the sleeping lion, wakes on March 10, compelling you to make your presence known. Pluto pushes you to consider a possible real estate (Sept 23 – Oct 25) proposition. In some cases, this energy could end something that you've wanted to cut off for some time, such as a pesky habit. The Full Moon in your house of personal reality and personality brings a bright aura, drawing a new friend or relationship. Jupiter and Chiron in the Fifth House of winning make real what seemed only a long-held dream.

Bruce Willis 19th March

The Sun represents your personal style. In Pisces, it shines on romance and any creative brainchild you're nurturing. There's electricity in the air and your vibrations reach the ears of those in positions of power. There could be new action in your career as early as March 10, when Mars wakes from a four(Oct 23 – Dec 21) month slumber. Neptune and Chiron together could bring your home into the mix whether it involves working from home or someone moving into your domain. The Sun and Moon add their power to the magical Spring Equinox on March 20, and career prospects bubble with optimism. The March 29 Full Moon reminds you of a lost opportunity. You won't repeat that situation.

Your business acumen surprises your pals and employer this month, as your head usually appears to be in the clouds. In March, Neptune and Chiron in your house of karma could bring an unexpected brush with success. With Pluto in your house of hopes and dreams, that crazy idea you've played (Feb 19 – Mar 20) down to everyone really can catch on. Your work environment is energized on March 10 as Mars starts to roar. Accolades come from every corner of the room. The March 15 New Moon tangles with Uranus in your sign and you could shock an authority figure with your ideas and performance. The Sun joins Uranus on March 16 and you enjoy another day of admiration. The March 29 Full Moon in your house of funds from others could indicate much-needed money coming in.

P is c es

10th March

Sc o r pi o

Sharon Stone


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