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Monthly Magazine

October 2010

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16 The Nature of Fashion by John Patrick 20 Christine Solomon

Making a success from faking it!

24 The Life & Times of Betool Zeraie




CITYPAGES SPECIAL 42 City Guide 73 Question of the Month


34 Breakfast - The Most Important Meal of the Day 36 Down in the Mouth about Dentists! 37 Safe and Healthy Life 38 Breast Cancer Awareness 39 ‫اجعل من مطبخك صيدليتك اخلاصة‬ 44 ‫سالمة قلبك‬

BEAUTYPAGES 46 ‫ جتــربة البد منها‬..‫املنتجعات الصحيـة‬



48 Platinum Health Club

12 High School Science Fair Ideas 13 Insure Vs Ensure Vs Assure



55 ‫ "بوش‬،"‫ طرح العالمات التجارية الرائدة "رنفر‬ ‫فاشونيشن" و"مونو" حصريا ً في صفاة هوم‬


50 Harrys of London

14 Angel Investor 15 Globalization - The new fact of life

FASHIONPAGES 26 Hot or Not? Jeggings 27 Autumn Winter Collection 2010 28 Organic Collection by: John Patrick 29 The 10 Best Dressed At The Video Music Awards

ENTERTAINMENTPAGES 60 USA Singles Top 40 61 October Hollywood Movie Releases 62 October Bollywood Releases 63 October Book Releases 56 2010 MTV Video Music Awards 58 Celebrity News

INSIGHTPAGES 08 Put the Glass Down 09 Women Empowerment

66 Fun Activities for Kids

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IN EVERY ISSUE 11 Homework for Grown Ups 31 Hind Al-Nahedh's Blog 33 A World of Nebula in 4 Colours 52 Cooking Pages 64 Tech Pages 70 Auto Pages 76 Press Pages 80 Horoscopes & Famous Birthdays



. . . s r e d a e R r Dea

Dhari Al-Muhareb General Manager & Editor

Jameel Arif Executive Editor

Paul Tunbridge

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Put the Glass Down Muhammed Altaf


professor began his class by holding up a glass with some water in it.

He held it up for all to see; asked the students,’ How much do you think this glass weighs?’

Think of them for a long time and they begin to ache. Hold them even longer and they begin to paralyze you. You will not be able to do anything.

’50gms!’ …. ’100gms!’ ……’125gms’ ……the students answered.

It’s important to think of the challenges (problems) in your life, but EVEN MORE IMPORTANT to ‘put them down’ at the end of every day before you go to sleep.

‘I really don’t know unless I weigh it,’ said the professor,’but, my question is: What would happen if I held it up like this for a few minutes?’

That way, you are not stressed, you wake up every day fresh and strong and can handle any issue, any challenge that comes your way!’

‘Nothing’ the students said.


‘Ok what would happen if I held it up like this for an hour?’ the professor asked. ‘Your arm would begin to ache’ said one of the students. ‘You’re right, now what would happen if I held it for a day?’ ‘Your arm could go numb, you might have severe muscle stress; paralysis; Have to go to hospital for sure!’ ventured another student; all the students laughed. ‘Very good. But during all this, did the weight of the glass change?’ asked the professor. ‘No’ the students said. Then what caused the arm ache and the muscle stress?’ The students were puzzled. ‘Put the glass down!’ said one of the students. ‘Exactly!’ said the professor.’ Life’s problems are something like this. Hold them for a few minutes in your head; they seem OK. 8


Women Empowerment Shorouq Al-Din Al Nafoury


hile doing some research on various atrocities against women for this writing, I came across a gruesome video posting of the killing of an Iraqi girl called Dua Khalil Aswad in public. Dua fell in love with a boy outside her community and for that she was beaten to death by men including her dad, brothers, relatives etc. Since, daddies little girl went against him, she was beaten to death cheerfully by her next of kin. The video turned my innards and I just could not fathom the thinking of these people; killing one’s own daughter or sister in the most horrific way, because she was in love!

front. Some female relatives of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) were very important in the early Muslim communities. Few of the Muslim women leaders, since the advent of Islam includes,

In this part of the world, society is very partial and men dictate as to how it should be run. For women to thrive and build a sense of self, they must overcome obstacles that have been implemented by the current system. Positive reinforcement is given to obedience and submissiveness and women who do not conform to these traits, but rebel against them, threaten the system, hence receive a tough and negative response. In most of the instances, these oppressive practices are coupled with religion and traditions. On the contrary, Islam gives women a number of rights, some of which were not enjoyed even by Western women until the 19th century. For example, until 1882, the property of women in England was given to their husbands when they married, but Muslim women always retained their own assets. Muslim women could specify conditions in their marriage contracts, such as the right to divorce or their husband take another wife. Also, Muslim women in many countries keep their own last name after marriage.

• Shajarat Al-Durr was briefly Sultan in Mamluk Egypt, but was the power behind the throne for even longer.

Individual/authorities who try to restrict women in terms of traditions should realize that women in Muslim societies have always been empowered and prominent in the political

• Aisha, the favored wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), had great political clout and even participated in the “Battle of Camel”. • Razia was a Muslim woman ruler of 13th century India. • Amina was a 16th century queen of Zaria in present day Nigeria.

• The so-called "Sultanate of Women" in the Ottoman Empire during the 17th century was a period when several strong women had enormous power in affairs of state. • Huda Shaarawi, who became famous for discarding her face veil, also established a women's political party and worked for Egyptian independence from Britain in the first half of the 20th century.

The key to prevent inhuman practices against women is to educate people; so that they do not act like animals. Daddies/brothers should be taught to see their wives/sisters/daughters as strong, smart and beautiful, not just objects to be used; that men and women are equal but different; different physically, different in their emotional and personality composition. Those differences make it such a joy to be in a healthy relationship with a woman, be it your mother, sister or partner. Infact, lack of education and lack of social empowerment in this part of the world is leading to a host of other social issues like homosexuality, terrorism, unemployment etc. In families, women are the anchor and hence the importance of empowering them to build healthier, peaceful and prosperous societies. So here is a reflection to all daddies having daughters; she is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of future.

• The contemporary singer Umm Kulthum, who came from a modest village background in Egypt, whose memory and music still holds great appeal throughout the Arab world. • Contemporary Muslim women heads of state have included Megawati Sukarnoputri of Indonesia, Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan, Tansu Ciller of Turkey, and Khaleda Zia and Sheikh Hasina Wajed of Bangladesh. • Contemporary Muslim women religious leaders like Zaynab Al-Ghazali of Muslim brotherhood in Egypt, Zahra Rahnavard the religious scholar from Iran and Riffat Hassan the well known American Muslim scholar. October 2010



October 2010


Rabbits are timid animals with many enemies and rely on their large ears to warm them of the sound of approaching danger. Their ears act like old-fashioned ear-trumpets. The large area catches a great many sound waves and channels them into the rabbit's inner ear. Wild rabbits spend most of the day underground, usually coming out to feed between dusk and dawn. They are continually on the alert, their long ears twitching and moving round to pick up the faintest sound from an enemy. They also have a keen sense of smell.

When will sharks attack a human being?

What country has the most species of venomous snakes?

Where would you find a Red Giant?

Australia is the only continent where venomous snake species outnumber non-venomous ones. Australia is also home to the deadly box jelly and blue-ringed octopus.

You would find a Red Giant on the Sierra Nevada mountains of California in North America. It is a huge redwood tree, called a giant sequoia. These trees, members of the conifer family, are the largest in the world and grow to a height of 300 feet. They have a very hard, reddish brown wood and a thick, very rough bark. The giant sequoias were believed to be the oldest living things in the world. The ring marks on the stumps of the oldest trunks have been carefully counted and it is now known that some of the biggest are about 4,000 years old.

Some sharks may attack human beings if attracted by under water noises, erratic swimming, the presence of a large number of bathers, or the glint of jewellery or some other article. But probably the greatest provocation to a shark is the presence of blood, for instance from a speared fish or live bait. Sharks are most likely to attack during the daytime, the areas of greatest danger being those where the sea temperature is between 16º and 21º Centigrade (60º and 70º Fahrenheit). Most attacks seem to occur about 200 to 300 feet from the shore where the water is shallow - or no more than two or three feet in depth.








ANSWER : 1. KOALA, 2. HORSE, 3. SRI LANKA, 4. TWELVE, 5. RED, 6. Pepperoni


C E E H Each number in the pyramid is the sum of the two numbers immediately below it. Fill in the pyramid with the missing numbers.

Last Month's Solution

56 19


7 7 Answer:




16 28 28

19 47



3 12

7 4 1 6 2 3 9 5 8 5 9 3 7 8 1 6 4 2 2 6 8 4 9 5 3 1 7 4 1 7 2 3 8 5 6 9 3 5 9 1 7 6 2 8 4 8 2 6 5 4 9 1 7 3 1 7 4 9 5 2 8 3 6 6 8 2 3 1 4 7 9 5 9 3 5 8 6 7 4 2 1


9 1 6 6 3 2 7 1 2 4 5 7 5 9 2 6 8 4 8 1 3 4 1 5 7 8



1. The name of which animal is an Aboriginal term meaning ‘no water’? 2. Which animal has the biggest eyes of any living creature? 3. In which country is the port of Jaffna? 4. How many dozens are there in a gross? 5. Carmine is a vivid shade of which colour? 6. What is the name of the very spicy Italian sausage eaten hot or cold?



Among the kinds of sharks known to attack human beings are the tiger and the blue and grey nurse sharks. The most feared and the largest of all the shark family is the great white shark, a powerful and aggressive creature.

October 2010



High School Science Fair Ideas Ningthoujam Sandhyarani

High school science fair ideas are numerous and available in all subjects that you study in theory. But, selecting a meaningful project suited for your educational grade is not very easy. To find interesting science fair ideas for high school, read on...


cience fair ideas for high school need not be very tough or expensive, just to draw attention of others. The logic is to choose a relevant topic and select groundbreaking ideas, which sound something new and knowledgeable to the onlookers. While deciding your project topic, make a point to research on high school science fair projects and experiments. And I am sure you will get a hint about high school science fair ideas and how to go about your project. High School Science Fair Project Ideas For high schoolers, it is always fun to attend science fair projects. Applying scientific knowledge to some coolest ideas and preparing models sound very interesting. Or else, you can come up with an assumption or hypothesis and prove it with scientific applications. Another type of project is to repeat existing hypothesis and demonstrate the results. In any of the cases, think different and select innovative topic ideas for high school science projects. Here is a list of high school science fair ideas for your reference: 1. How can you neutralize oils in a saltwater sample? Is there any solution for neutralizing oil spills in oceans? 2. Is the pH of a solution affects the corrosion rate of metals? Perform this chemistry project and find solutions to reduce corrosion. 3. Study the ways to recycle non-biodegradable goods? Which processing or recycling method works the best? 4. Is there any difference in the nutrition facts of genetically modified foods with regular foods of the same type? You can take tomatoes as samples. 5. What is so special about the drosophila fly that it is frequently used in biology experiments? 6. What are the effective methods for water purification? Does boiling water change its chemical properties? 7. How does a television works? How can you see

pictures in a TV? 8. Study the differences between normal lights and LED (light-emitting diode) lights? How does LED lights work in saving energy? 9. Is there any connection between the blade size of a wind turbine and the amount of power generated? Study the same for number of blades. 10. Do different diaper brands absorb the same amount of moisture? Which brand is the best in absorbing moisture? 11. Why do agriculturists say that monoculture reduces crops yield? What are natural tips to increase crop productivity? 12. What factors affect the ripening of fruits? Does artificial ripening reduce the nutritional value of fruits? 13. In what alum concentration and in which temperature range do largest crystals are formed? Is the rate of cooling down affects crystal growth? 14. How can you treat water by phytoremediation? Mention some phytoremediation plants and their potential in treating polluted water? 15. Explain the process of bioaccumulation? You can consider citing the example of mercury poisoning in a water ecosystem. 16. What is the phenomenon behind plant autotoxicity? Take alfalfa plant as an example for the topic. 17. What is allelopathy? How do some plants manage to inhibit the growth of neighboring plants? 18. Is there any difference in the olfactory responses with respect to age? See the response in different age groups. 19. Does the vitamin C content of lemon differs by variety? Which cultivar contains the highest vitamin C? 20. Do natural mosquito repellents (e.g. plants) really help in driving away mosquitoes?

21. Do all fertilizer brands work in the same manner to promote plant growth and development? Take plants of same species as sample and monitor growth with varied fertilizers? 22. Find out the long-term effects of pesticides and insecticides in the environment? 23. What are the factors that play a major role in seed germination? Explain the steps to do to quicken germination of seeds? 24. Why does a pole half immersed in water looks like it is bent at the insertion point? 25. Do you know current can be started in a metal conductor just by focusing light on it? Test your physics by taking up this photoelectric project. 26. What does a night insect gets attracted to? Is it the light or the heat? 27. What are the effects of air pollutants in the roadside plants? Consider measuring the leaf size and examining the number of stomata? 28. Can chemicals alter the plant growth rate, leaf development, flowering and food production? Examine the individual factors to demonstrate the results? 29. How do natural food preservatives help in preventing food deterioration? Name the safe and effective natural preservatives. 30. What is the phenomenon behind canning? Is the nutritional value of food reduce after being canned? These were some of the high school science fair ideas that you can consider for your upcoming project. Remember to research about the selected science fair ideas for high school thoroughly and be prepared with the prospective results. That will help you boost your confidence for the big day. After all, you want the judges to notice your science venture and get good grades, isn't it?



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Course Starts: 17th October



Insure Vs Ensure Vs Assure Gray Pilgrim

In this article, I present an insure vs ensure vs assure comparison that will clear out confusion regarding meaning and usage of these words. Keep reading to clarify your understanding of these three words.


earning a language is not just learning grammar but also learning the correct usage of words. The right word used in the right context, conveys what you want to say quite precisely. On the other hand, wrong usage can be confusing. English language has experienced an explosive proliferation of words over the last century. As it attained the status of an international language, many words from regional languages got assimilated and there was an added influx of slang from different regions, as well as jargon from various evolving fields. Here, my aim is to present an insure vs ensure vs assure comparison, that clearly identifies the difference in usage of these words. The purpose of language is to exactly convey ideas, thoughts and emotions. An ideal language would have economy of words and a compact grammar with ideally a word for everything. However, there is a lot of redundancy or superfluousness when it comes to words as there is more than one word to describe one idea. The words may be exactly alike in meaning but each one of them may have become reserved for a specific context due to convention. The case of ensure vs insure vs assure is somewhat of that kind. They are not entirely dissimilar in meaning but they are used in different contexts. In the text that follows, I present a definition of all three words and then point out the usage differences. Insure Vs Ensure Vs Assure: What's the Difference? The fact that you can say one thing in more than one ways, choosing more than one word, is testimony to the richness of a language, but it can be confusing for the beginner who is picking up the language. Let me define insure

vs ensure vs assure first. The definitions of all three words are excerpts from the Oxford English Dictionary, which is considered to be the acclaimed authority on the language. Here is a clear distinction between insure, ensure and assure with respect to grammar and composition. Insure Vs Ensure Vs Assure: Definition The nature of all three words is that of verbs or in other words they describe some form of action. Here is insure vs ensure vs assure definition according to the Oxford dictionary. Word


Meaning •arrange for compensation in the event of damage to or loss of (property), or injury to or the death of (someone), in exchange for regular payments to a company or to the state •secure or protect someone against (a possible contingency) •another term for ensure •make certain that (something) will occur or be the case •make certain of obtaining or providing

Ensure (something)

•make sure that (a problem) does not occur •tell someone something positively to dispel any doubts

reduce risk.' Ensure 'To ensure safety, modern houses are built to withstand earthquakes.' Assure 'Harry assured Becky that no other person would ever come between them.' Hope these examples have clarified use of insure vs ensure vs assure. You will find numerous more examples of all three words in literature and newspapers. When you come across a new word, take the pain to lookup that word in a dictionary where they discuss usage and also try to remember the context in which it was used.

Hope this insure vs ensure vs assure comparison has definitively cleared the discombobulation regarding these three words. To sum up the Assure •make (something) certain to happen differences in a nutshell, insure is used when •chiefly British English: cover (a life) by asarranging for financial security of an asset or a surance person, ensure is used when something needs Insure Vs Ensure Vs Assure: Usage to be guaranteed and assure is used in personal When do you use insure or ensure or assure? conversation when dispelling doubts or promising Here are some examples that will make it clear. something. Insure and ensure can otherwise Word Usage Example be interchangeably used, while assure is a bit Insure 'When you insure your assets, you different and used in largely different context. CAREER-ORIENTED I.T. COURSES FOR A SUCCESSFUL FUTURE !

24766516 / 24766517


Cisco Certified Network Professional

Course Starts: October 2010 27th October

13 KD


Angel Investors Jameel Arif In 1880, Thomas Edison introduced his light bulb as a way to light office buildings. One hundred years later, in 1980, Ted Turner launched CNN. Both entrepreneurs launched to the same sound, specifically critics saying "it's never going to work." Critics told Edison that offices didn't need light bulbs and switches, and that they were fine with lamps and candles. And to Turner critics said "who would possibly watch or need news 24 hours a day?" Yet, both entrepreneurs achieved extreme levels of success. So, how can you overcome all the naysayers? All the folks who are telling you that your idea or company is never going to work? Angel investors are individuals who invest in businesses looking for a higher return than they would see from more traditional investments. Many are successful entrepreneurs who want to help other entrepreneurs get their business off the ground. Usually they are the bridge from the self-funded stage of the business to the point that the business needs the level of funding that a venture capitalist would offer. The term "angel" comes from the practice in the early 1900's of wealthy businessmen investing in Broadway productions. Today "angels" typically offer expertise, experience and contacts in addition to money. Less is known about angel investing than venture capital because of the individuality and privacy of the investments.

Here are some useful ways: 1) Show how you fit in. Show how your solution "fits" into the days and lives of the customers you are serving. YouTube, for example, could have said that its customers are already spending a lot of time online, making video consumption online more accessible/ convenient for them. 2) Leverage the success of other companies. By saying "we are like [insert well-known company] but we're different because [insert why you are different]," you leverage already established credibility. This makes it hard for naysayers to deny your potential. 3) Simply cite other success stories like Edison and Turner and how their naysayers were proved wrong. Explain how it's easy to see how naysayers were critical at the time, but looking back, those innovations clearly made a lot of sense. Ask the naysayer to pretend they are in the future looking back, and to view your company from that perspective. 4) Plan out your venture. Your ability to complete your business plan and show others


a clear, comprehensive growth roadmap will squash many of their doubts. It's much easier to poke holes in a concept. But when that concept has been converted into a plan, it gains massive credibility. 5) Gain social proof. Once you have a lot of people who believe in your vision, it's easier to get more people to believe. By getting advisors, beta customers, contingent employees, etc., or even just fans on your Facebook page, you create social proof. You can show that others already believe in your vision. Few people want to be the first to like or support something since they risk failure and looking foolish. It's always much easier for naysayers to support a cause that they see lots of others supporting. Everyone loves to look back and say that they supported and/or knew about a now-successful company in its infancy. But the reality is that during the early days, there are much fewer supporters. So use the five techniques above to turn naysayers into supporters, and grow a successful business. I hope you will find the above tools useful and implement them in your next search for an Angel Investor.


Globalization- The new fact of life George Thomas


standards, strengthens the society, and stabilizes the existing order or helps replace it with an order its citizens deem to be better, people will prefer to accept more globalization which is a challenge to the authorities in terms of democracy, free enterprise, civil and human rights. However, Kuwait is an example of a democratic country in Middle East which has whole heartedly accepted the concept of globalization because of which the country has developed immensely in terms of education, politics, women empowerment etc and at the same time maintained traditional and national authenticity.

he other day I was strolling around in one of the shopping malls in Kuwait, and I found a group of Indian laborers (no offense meant) from one of the local companies trying to purchase branded shoes like Nike, Addidas etc. from a sports retailer within the building. From the sizes they were trying to pick up, I could fathom that those footwear were meant for their kids back home. Rewind twenty years, I still remember my dad who used to work as the chief accountant of Kuwait airways, whenever he comes home for vacation, used to bring me the same brands. In spite of his well paid job, he always used to remind me that those sneakers were expensive, and hence I had to be careful about them. My mother, the traditional Indian housewife used to rebuke my dad, saying that she prefers him to spend money on gold rather than exotic sneakers (it was definitely exotic and expensive at that time). The point I am trying to make here is, in twenty years how much has the world changed? And the answer to the changes can be squarely put on globalization. Globalization at present has put the entire planet within anyone’s reach. I prefer to call globalization an all pervading and infinitely elastic medium.

As a corollary, it should be noted that even the most extreme and explicit rejection of globalization does not mean that globalization fails to infiltrate into the society. In Iran, where the Islamic republic has attempted to block many foreign cultural and intellectual influences, it has often not succeeded and websites like Face book, Twitter etc. has ruled roost in generating anti government fever. Indeed, these concepts have been taken up by an opposition enjoying support from a majority of the population.

Without doubt, globalization is forcing us as a society to do things in new ways and could be the answer to many of the world’s intractable problems. As everything in nature has dual sides, so too is globalization, which has its pros and cons. For some time, I have noticed that Middle East is so fervently opposed to globalization, and why is it? Here the general view is that, the entire list of globalization products and ideas are dangerous. It is true that much of globalization is related to what is historically called modernization, a set of behaviors and beliefs that challenge traditional society and their traditions. What really puts globalization in the negative in this part of the world is more or less created by the authorities, because the factors that supposedly make globalization attractive are those of benefits and cultural synthesis. If globalization makes life better, raises living

Moreover, with the recent global financial downturn, there is so much propaganda working against the concept of globalization and I often hear amplified words like “exploitation” to describe it. One of the biggest complaints that I hear about capitalism is the fact that big evil monopolies emerge. I have never seen any big evil monopolies that have occurred in a true free market economy, nor if there was one, why is it a bad thing? Can organizations like Google, Face book etc be deemed evil? Think about the benefits it brings to

us every day. I reckon everyone appreciates increased competition because it means more innovation and cheaper prices in the market place. With a nice open world market, which you get with globalization, there is no way that you can run into monopolies and things of similar nature. With an open world market and free trade everyone gets richer, so the excuse of rich countries using poor countries is lame. Yes, in equalities do exist; child labor, sweatshops, unsafe working conditions etc, but I would rather see a child work than die of starvation. In a globally interconnected world where people are being more aware of ethics, these negative aspects are being slowly wiped out. Talking about the cons of globalization, what bothers me most is the variety of environmental problems that affect our entire world. As globalization continues and the earth's natural processes transform local problems into international issues, few societies are being left untouched by major environmental problems. Ozone depletion, acid rains, deforestation, over population, pollution etc are real and are creating havoc in our daily lives. But as the most intelligent species on planet earth, we humans should realize that every environmental problem has causes, effects, and most importantly, a solution.

October 2010


John Patrick




The Nature of Fashion Jameel Arif

John Patrick is a leading light amongst a growing band of fashion designers who have a penchant for working with natural materials. His “Organic” brand name says it all, perhaps, but CityPages set out to see what else we could learn about this designer, whose recent collections have caused a storm in the world of couture… What is the main idea behind your brand?

years old. I have always been studying, and obsessed with, fashion and textiles.

of original ideas and content is my greatest achievement.

It’s a big idea that grows each day as the world switches on to the concept of permanent sustainability. We are what we wear. I want to take Organic all over the world and create a world class brand like Chanel.

What raw materials do you use? And from what sources?

What formal training did you undertake?

I use many materials. Some of them come from South America; some from Japan; some from Italy. Some are even sourced from within the USA. I would love to get some Middle-Eastern textiles developed.

I have no formal training. I have learnt, and developed my knowledge, through working as a designer since 1982, when I made my first collection of hats which was purchased by Barneys in New York. I taught myself by experimenting with each type of fashion product. Shoes and bags will be next!

Where is your design studio? My permanent studio is in upstate New York in an old warehouse building. But if I have a project that I am working on, my studio can be moved to any site and I work there. When was the concept launched? What was the inspiration behind its creation? The launch was in 2004. My inspiration was a list I had compiled about what I wanted from my life, and what I wanted to give back to society. On the list were words that were powerful and had meaning to me. Sun; star; flowers; moon; earth; and so on. I just took inspiration from what I had written. I actually wrote that list in 2002 and it took a while to get super-focused and create the right products, and design things that spoke to me. What memories do you have of your childhood? My memories are fantastic. Skiing at Gore Mountain, in the Adirondacks, is always with me; Swimming in Lake George while visiting my grandparents in the summer time; Gardening with my mother. I enjoyed a very free and open existence throughout my childhood. It was a very happy time of my life! When did you start designing? I created my first pieces when I was about 8

My reputation as an innovator of original ideas and content is my greatest achievement.

Can you tell us about some of your exploration related to organic fibres? I travel all over the world in search of materials. Last year I worked with some weavers in Maheshwar, India, successfully creating an organic sari. I have also been planning to undertake a small project in Pakistan with a group of hand weavers in Multan, but unfortunately the floods there have delayed a much anticipated visit.

Can you tell us about some of the awards you have received?

What can you tell us about your various collections?

I have been awarded a lifetime membership to the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) which is a great honour. I also won a prize from the Ecco Domani Foundation, which was the first ever to be awarded in their new “sustainable” category.

Each collection starts with an idea. My American Gothic Collection (Spring 2009) which previewed in September 2008 was all about Americana and organic, and farming, and the beauty of the "natural man and woman", and the strong roots of the pioneer heritage. I created organic pioneers in those visuals.

What do you consider to be you other major achievements? Maintaining my integrity and vision is a major achievement in the commercial world, and I believe that my reputation as an innovator

The February 2009 preview of my Winter 2009 collection was about how to succeed in difficult times. Farmers were brought in from all over the eastern seaboard to display food, and we October 2010


Photo Credits: Emma Andrea

I would like to open small stores all over the world, and work with communities who produce things and incorporate their work into an evolving retail concept. I would be delighted to speak to anyone in Kuwait who would be interested in opening a shop there! (So please have them contact me). From where can items from your collections be purchased? From Isetan shop in Tokyo, and Barneys in New York, but also from La Garçonne online (at ... and hopefully from my own eshop by the end of this year! What are your favourite colours? My favourite colours are without boundary; they are all of the colours in the universe and beyond, although I especially love blues and pinks, and yellows, and all shades of whites, and beiges. also featured seed-saving people who showed what "heritage" seeds" look like. My September 2009 exhibition for Spring 2010 was about bohemians, and beauty, and Teddy Roosevelt, and the mixture of it all. Teddy Roosevelt was a great American environmentalist, passionate about preserving open space. My Winter 2010 Collection, shown in February 2010, was about the craft of Harris Tweed and the 8000 clothes’ hangers that we collected from behind big-brand stores to build the set. Resort 2010 used a great supermodel from the past to show that age is not an issue; that beauty is eternal. And most recently, in September this year I launched my Collection for Spring 2011 which has been inspired by, and is all about, water. We even had the city of New York site a drinking fountain in front of the location where we staged our show! In each case I keep consistent with the themes, even though they have a wide range. What are your future plans? By the end of this year I am planning to launch my own e-commerce site. Organically!! I would like to be able to teach in a school, to inspire young designers and builders about ethics and design. I am an artist first and foremost who needs to explore. I keep the doors open so I can be flexible. 18

Do you have a motto in life? I have two to share with you - "play to win" and

"don’t worry, be happy". I especially believe in being nice to all people, no matter who they are. What makes you happy? I am happy when people are nice; good food that is prepared with love makes me very happy; I love to be at the beach and have my feet in the sand; and it also makes me happy when people all over the world start to think about ecology and recycling and sustainability, and help each other. It made me happy when you wrote and asked me to send pictures of my new collection, and answer your questions. This means that my efforts have not gone unnoticed in this fastpaced world in which we live. For a moment we all go a little slower and talk to each other and help each other... and can spread the happiness. See Latest Collection on Page



October 2010



Making a success from Claudia Farias

“Fakers” is an original made-for-TV movie, released early 2010 in Canada, which tells the shocking story of three ordinary teenagers from one of Canada’s most elite schools, who were the masterminds behind a major counterfeiting operation staged under the noses of their teachers and parents, and shows how it all came crashing down. This month, CityPages grasped the opportunity to interview Christine Solomon, who stars as an exotic dancer that plays a pivotal role in the operation’s takedown. An established, trained actor, Christine is of Egyptian, Syrian and Lebanese descent; born in Egypt but raised in Montreal from age seven. She is a fluently trilingual actor / model / dancer, and a member of The Egyptian Actor’s Union. She has performed in a wide range of productions across Canada, United States and Egypt, and notably won the Best Actress of Empowerment Award (2009) at the Madbakh Women’s Initiative Awards in Toronto for her unique character portrayal in the film “Heliopolis”. Where are you from? I am of mixed nationalities, but I must say that I am most familiar with the Egyptian culture. Frankly, it is quite disappointing to know that I am not as acquainted with Syria and Lebanon as I am with Egypt but, rest assured, I have great plans for visiting these beautiful countries that are a part of me. Can you tell us about any of your childhood memories? I have many memories, but those most vivid in my mind are of when my family and I used to watch Bollywood movies together. Those moments were very special for me! What, and where, did you study? I studied theatre at Dawson College in Montreal, Canada, where I experienced a deep level of self growth. Do you think it is necessary to be educated in Arts to become a legendary actor? 20

In order to become a successful actor, one should know that it takes more than just great looks and charm. It takes a mix of ingredients, necessary not only for basic survival but also, and more importantly, for the success of an actor. Education is definitely an important aspect, along with luck, determination, perseverance ... and some good connections will always help! I should add that I feel very strongly about promoting oneself as an actor. Promotion is crucial in this career we call “Show Business”. Did your family support you in your pursuance of an acting career? I am truly blessed for having such wonderful parents. They have provided me with the love and support that has helped build my confidence to pursue such a fascinating but challenging profession. My family is my best critic so, when they give me feedback, I take it

very seriously. Are there any other actors in your family? No, I am the only actor in my family, but I am related to Egyptian director Sandra Nashaat. She has a particular way of directing the actors in her films which makes her work immediately recognizable. You are clearly an achiever, but what is your biggest drive? My greatest motivation is seeing others fulfilling their dreams, and realizing that we can all achieve our biggest goals. I should also stress that negative criticism only gives me an added strength to pursue my overall objectives. So to all those who think that negative criticism only makes them weaker, I say you have the power to turn it around and make it the most positive experience of your life.




Photo Credits: Jeremy Bobrow

faking it!

For what reasons do you list AAMIR KHAN as one of your influences? I admire the man! He chooses his projects carefully and always surprises us (the audience) with new dimensions to his films. Aamir Khan is well known for his diverse acting ability; he has played almost every role under the sun, and I am constantly amazed by his character choices. I hope, one day, to get the opportunity to work with Mr. Khan. In the meantime I have to be content with watching his movies, and am currently looking forward to watching his latest film “Dhobi Ghat” at the 2010 Toronto International Film Festival. Do you have a favourite designer? I admire many, but to name a few…. Karl Lagerfeld, Hermes, Roberto Cavalli, Moschino, Mui Mui and Michael Kors. Perhaps one day I will obtain my own clothing line, as fashion has always been a great passion of mine. 22

Do you dance? Music is my escape, and dancing helps me to deal with life in a different way. I have been practicing modern jazz for many years already. What is your favourite food? My favourite dish is Koshari, which is a typical Egyptian dish comprising lentils, rice and pasta, cooked and served in a spicy tomato sauce. How good is your Arabic? When I first travelled to Egypt, in 2006, my Arabic was not up to professional standards. I hired a language coach and worked hard to improve my accent. Did your family support you in your pursuance of an acting career? I am truly blessed for having such wonderful parents. They have provided me with the love and support that has helped build my confidence to pursue

such a fascinating but challenging profession. My family is my best critic so, when they give me feedback, I take it very seriously. Have you ever been to Kuwait? No. Actually I would love to visit Kuwait, but I haven’t been invited yet! Do you have any new projects in the pipeline? It has been a good year so far, and there are several projects on which I am currently working. I have ventured into a new business this year, which is an acting career consultancy boutique called Muze Consultancy. I have created Muze to help actors avoid fraudulent activities, to guide them in the right direction and to enable them to meet industry professionals with whom they might not otherwise have been able to network. Writing has always been a passion of mine, and I am currently writing my

third book. This latest book talks about how to develop an acting career in Montreal, and looks at ways for actors and actresses to promote themselves within the entertainment business. I’m expecting it to be completed and released within the next 12 months. I also enjoy working out, and during this past year I have been really focusing on my health and fitness. This summer I was selected to be the new face of XE Xoçai Energy™ drink, in part due to my dedication to a healthy lifestyle, and I'm really excited to be representing their health-based natural products. Not only does the company transform and improve lives worldwide through unique and healthy dark chocolate products, but they also have a strong commitment to certify their antioxidant ingredients such as cold-pressed cacao, acai berries and blueberries. Dark chocolates have been proven to stimulate the brain and help prevent cancer, so I feel confident recommending XE Xoçai Energy™ drinks to people of all ages because they can drink them for the great flavour as well as for the health benefits. My other exciting news is that I am in the process of finalizing a new contract to work on an Egyptian film. I’m unable to reveal too much at the moment, but fans can learn about this film (as well as other news on my various projects)

by regularly visiting my website and my blog, as well as by joining me on my Twitter and facebook pages. What is your ultimate goal? I have many goals in life, and it’s difficult to narrow them down to just one. Right now I’m hoping that I can continue to perform and grow as an actor, and to keep meeting people who make a difference to the film industry as well as in other fields such as global poverty and health research. Do you have a message for your fans in Kuwait? It’s wonderful that I have fans in Kuwait. I am grateful to my fans there, and throughout the wider Arab world, for their love and support. I thank them for regularly following my blog and tweets, and for giving me the drive to perform my best as an actor. And finally, do you have a message for us at CityPages? CityPages, you are awesome! I admire your dedication to providing quality news on modern lifestyles and entertainment, and it was a pleasure being interviewed by your magazine.

October 2010


INTERVIEWPAGES Just twenty-four years old, Kuwaiti-born Betool Zeraie works as Marketing Coordinator for Alyasra Fashion, which is a family owned business and the umbrella under which many highend brands operate, including Max Mara, Kenzo, Donna Karan, DKNY, Jimmy Choo, and so much more. Their head office is located in Subhan, but the stores are spread throughout Kuwait’s finest malls. Interested to find out what “makes her tick”, CityPages snatched a quick-fire interview with Betool…

The Life & Times of

Betool Zeraie What did you study and where? I graduated recently from Kuwait University, with Marketing Specialisation. Why did you choose to specialise in Marketing? I have loved marketing since childhood; I love talking to people, and selling in general. Who has been the biggest influence in your life? Without question, it’s been my dad. He has been my greatest influence on me, and he always pushed me to follow my dreams. Are you satisfied with your current role? Absolutely! I believe it’s providing me with a great experience. Every day is different, and I am learning a tremendous amount as I keep myself involved in all aspects of marketing new products. I am also involved in developing an overall market strategy for the company. What hobbies do you enjoy? I love cooking, and I believe I make the best pastas and cupcakes! Are you a sportsperson? I would say I am, yes, as I go to my gym every day. What are your career goals? I would like to help grow the company to a regional level, and to develop region-based marketing strategies and plans. One day I would love to have my own boutique, and a restaurant. 24

Can you tell us about any personal achievements to date? In the year in which The Kuwait University introduced an award for Best Speaker, I was delighted and honoured to have received this. Do you think studying in the American Schools helped to shape your career? Not especially, as I believe that at each stage I learnt something entirely different. So every stage was important and beneficial in their own way. Are you a night owl or an early riser? Both! Are you gadget savvy? No, but I love my Blackberry. Is there anything you cannot miss before going to bed? I absolutely must brush my teeth! ... And anything you cannot leave your house without? Chewing gum. What is your favourite food? Chocolate. Do you prefer to spend your weekend with family or with friends? I like to make a perfect balance between time spent with family and friends; I spend the daytime at home with family, and in the evenings I enjoy the company of my friends. Have you a favourite destination abroad? London, as I am quite used to the place. What message would you relate to current students of Marketing? Put your personality into whatever you do, and follow your dreams. Which famous personality would you like to become, if given such an opportunity for just one day? Ariel, from The Little Mermaid. I loved her when I was a kid, and I would like to try living in two different worlds! Who is the person you admire the most in the world? My dad. What was your favourite subject in school? Science. ... and the subject at school that you most disliked? Maths. Finally, do you have a message for CityPages? I think it is a wonderful magazine, and very interesting for everyone. I would like to say thanks for this great opportunity to chat to so many people at once, and I wish the magazine a very bright future. October 2010



Hot or Not? Jeggings Fashion Addict


or the past several seasons everyone from teenagers to celebrities has purchased or been spotted in a pair of jeggings. If you do not personally own a pair or two of them, know that they are a cross between jeans and leggings. More specifically they are leggings designed and built like jeans. So for fall the question is, are jeggings hot or not?

Jeggings = Jeans + Leggings What’s Hot…

What’s Not…

Jeggings are some of the most versatile pair of pants you will ever wear! They can come in shades of faux denim or shades of corduroy. When it comes to footwear you can easily wear heels, flats, boots or sandals and still pull off a very chic look. Different tops ranging from cashmere cardigans to satin bustiers can effortlessly be paired with jeggings and make any women go from boardroom to dance floor in no time. Finally, jeggings are the epitome of season less clothing; just add or subtract layers of to be fabulously dressed for any time of year!

Just as versatile as jeggings are, they are equally as unforgiving. To be blunt, you have to be in average to excellent physical condition to really look good in them. If you are a woman with full hips, thighs, or rear, you may want to choose very wisely when considering purchasing a pair. Another point is maintenance, jeggings tend to last only 3 to 5 machine washes (I’m talking cold wash in fabric softener only here!) before they start to show wear and fade. So if you are ok with purchasing a few pairs of these pants every month or will only wear them sparingly, jeggings may not be the best choice for you. Now that I have weighed the options on both sides, my final decision is that jeggings are most definitely hot! Even though they may not have the longest “shelf life” and will show if I eat that Big Mac meal, the versatility and comfort of these pants can’t be beat. As long as I stay on my diet and restock on a regular basis I will be great. Good luck and Happy Shopping!.



Autumn Winter 2010


he Paul Smith footwear collection is a comprehensive range of strong, versatile styles crafted in soft, durable leathers. Quality construction and finish is key; flats, heels, boots and sneakers are offered in an assortment of delicious colours and dyes.

Autumn winter brings together an exciting variety of traditional shapes along with a choice of more fashion-forward styles all present with Paul Smith’s distinctive design philosophy. An autumnal palette of warm deep colours of tan, aubergine, burgundy, smoke and chocolate highlighted by bright block colours include red, purple and fuchsia.

October 2010



Photo Credits: ADRIAN NINA

ORGANIC by: John Patrick



1. Lady Gaga In Alexander McQueen

9. Florence Welch

10. Ciara in Givenchy

2. Lady Gaga In Giorgio Armani

The 10 Best Dressed At The Video Music Awards

8. Coco Rocha In Zac Posen

The 2010 MTV Video Music Awards brought stars together from all corners of the music and fashion industries. The red carpet walk was a visual feast, with some stars wearing designer gowns (Ciara in Givenchy!), while others went for a more low-key look, such as Jared Leto, who rocked a leather jacket and combat boots! Herewith, our top ten favorite looks from the evening.

3. Jared Leto In Leather And Combat Boots

4. Hayley Williams In Miu Miu

7. Selena Gomez In Reem Acra

5. Justin Bieber In Sparkles

October 2010

6. Taylor Swift's Strapless Gown


FASHIONPAGES Alma by Louis Vuitton The gorgeous Alma of Louis Vuitton is so on today. Inspired by the shape invented in the 30s by Gaston Vuitton, the Alma MM is a classic of the House. Hand held, this bag is covered with Monogram Vernis leather or the new chic city style Classic Monogram canvas leather. It measures (LxHxD): 15.1" x 11.2" x 7.3".

Alma is a more compact version of the iconic design Alma MM. It is effortlessly stylish, looking marvellously elegant in shiny Monogram Vernis leather, the Damier canvas leather, the Epi leather or the true Louis Vuitton icon Classic Monogram canvas leather. it’s still an ideal size for everyday use (LxHxD): 12.8" x 9.4" x 6" .

The Alma BB is a charming smaller version of Alma. Delightfully compact, with enough room for a phone, wallet and keys, it looks simply splendid in shiny Monogram Vernis leather. Size (LxHxD): 9.8" x 7.6" x 4.7"

HIND AL-NAHEDH'S BLOG Contact Hind for any qustions: e-mail : twitter : Hindrelations

HIND AL-NAHEDH Integrated Marketing & Social Media Manager VIVA Telecom Kuwait

So … You want a Digital Media Career? It’s easy to slap the “Digital” prefix on to any job title and assume the roles and responsibilities are more or less the same as the original (pre-prefix) job, but Digital Public Relations (PR) means living online and, basically, trying to stay ahead of the internet. There are a lot of tasks to juggle which require a special type of person. For example, Digital PR requires not only social grace and an ability to think and react instantly, but also an ability to develop and promote messages across dozens of channels, thereby reaching out to hundreds of reporters and bloggers. For those who may be considering a career in Digital PR, this month I'll pass on a few tips on how to land a job and break into the biz. A Learning Experience PR may be viewed as a glamorous career option but a lot of education, strategy and hard work strategy is needed to progress towards becoming a top player in the PR world. It’s commonly understood that today’s PR programs essentially include digital and social media components, but what is taught in the classroom today could be out-of-date by graduation day! Those who are still in school and considering a career in Digital PR should think about diversifying their classes. One recommended route is to enrol in on a Communications Degree course and to take any and all classes related to new media. Another suggestion is for PR hopefuls to take writing classes, and to study anything that focuses on digital. After all, the business world changes constantly, so understanding technology shifts can provide some insight into how things may change. It’s about forward thinking, but understanding the history of how something happened can be a big help. Whatever the course of study, it’s also important to try and grab as many relevant intern opportunities as possible and create a professional portfolio which documents each experience. There are many students who have the skill set to jump into a job immediately on graduation but who aren’t ready for the pacing or the work environment, and who know too little about the industry. To jump right into a job could mean making mistakes, and it’s better to make those mistakes during an internship that’s more of an educational experience.

try to read everything of relevance. Being well-read will provide a competitive advantage. Interviewers can learn a lot by simply asking what a candidate reads. If someone reads constantly, can discover one new blog a day and be able to talk about why it’s interesting, then that’s great. It means that there’ll be something to share, and will demonstrate a desire to be involved. A constant willingness to embrace innovation will also reap dividends. It is important not to get too comfortable with things as they currently exist because change happens and, when it does, it’s key to be able to adapt and embrace the latest methodologies. A genuine curiosity about all things “New Media” is a bonus, as a recruiter may choose to hire candidates who have a passion for the job but not necessarily all the technical skills. Creativity With a huge number of hopefuls chasing after every job opportunity, candidates will need to stand out from the crowd. That is easier said than done, but a talented PR person should know how to attract attention. Using an online tool (like a blog or website) to share insight or offer commentary on Digital PR, or creating a permanent ‘workshop’ blog dedicated to ideas generation for specific brands and companies as if part of their Digital PR team, will generate some interesting and specific material to contribute during an interview. In the PR world, creativity definitely plays a part in landing a job; in fact, it’s a requirement! Expertise coupled with creativity goes a long way. As an example, one aspiring candidate developed a brilliant plan in which he set up an ad so that, when top advertising executives Googled themselves, the first result which appeared was a message from him asking

for a job and providing a link to his resumé. Not only was the idea itself creative, but it showed off skills that the candidate would be using on the job. Equally important is that applicants shouldn’t overprepare for an interview. The person conducting an interview will know the Google results better than any interviewee, so it would be pointless just listing off Google factoids. And let’s be honest, no candidate will find the answer that is going to secure the job a half hour before the interview. Instead, the key is to demonstrate knowledge of how to apply what has been learned. Knowing Where to Draw the Line While there are countless ways to reach out and selfpromote to potential employers, prospective employees need to understand that there are boundaries of approach - even on the internet - and that there is an etiquette which should be followed. If it is not good practice to cold-call an executive and enquire if they have any job openings, then the same logic applies online. Reaching out to recruiters, who actively want to hear from job seekers, will always be acceptable. Simply identifying who are the recruiters demonstrates an awareness of how to research and identify targets, which is what might be expected from interns and entryto-mid-level staff. We’re moving past the days when people in Human Resources departments were the gatekeepers of an organization’s hiring process. When recruiters, employees and other professionals engage in social media on behalf of their organizations, it becomes an open invitation for anyone to find them and to let them know you just what creativity and potential is out there and available on the market! Until the next time ... Happy Networking!

Building A Mental Library Nowadays, everyone considers themselves to be a digital expert, but someone who can truly “talk the talk”, and who knows what is happening daily on social media news sites, establishes credibility. Sure, many candidates will boast social accounts across the board, but the way in which these accounts are handled matters more than the number acquired. Quality wins out over quantity every time! Any serious job candidate needs to immerse him or herself in the industry they want to enter, so should



21 In memory of and dedication to “Denise”

-- O’ mother -O’ mother! Did you know that when departs from this life our loved ones, It is an ocean of memory that we are left to contemplate, So won’t you tell me ? And since there is no such thing as time nor are there any hours in that place within which you now dwell, In the next minute that shall now proceed, shall i be granted my request, should i beget to see the sight of you?

-- The call -Don’t wait for your time! Did the father say to his son For time itself had taken a toll For all answers will come to man on their own accord For what the man had failed to do for himself Only made him more determined to make a different tomorrow for his son..

ever admit to you That i like that which i have felt yesterday And those of the things which i see today And all of the rest which i empower for tomorrow Have I now began life, For I see the sky in your eyes And the flying of a condor no longer alone Should i throw my own eyes into the sea And leave all memories behind Only to live the next coming minutes of my life to the fullest When i see the wave break it all into particles of dusted stars of love…

-- The forgotten ones -Dartagnan was now lost in the Anima Numdi, And whilst playing jazz on his own, He kept on thinking how empty the journey was, But simply too tired was he to do otherwise…

-- Amor Vincit Omnia… love conquers all --

-- Dialogue of two lovers --

O lover of my nights and days Truly i admit to myself before i shall

Under the first light of a new day that had come, Juliette once said:

“O’ my Romeo You say love is everything, I say, ‘the great feeling’ needs the arms to hold it still! You say you are all power and powerful, I say, the climax of all power is when you learn to compile yours to another! You say all are equal, I say, the rebirth of equality can only happen if the man wholly accepts and proud himself when seeing the Joan of Arc within his beloved climb the way ! For isn’t our present world, the abode of men ? You say life’s best plan of two lovers bears no underlying plan, I say, the greatest plan of all always carry a preceding vision and far can the vision take them both indeed! You say freedom is at the heart of all conflicts of love, I say, poor in understanding is the one who hasn’t seen that freedom itself is ultimately brought by love!”

October 2010



Breakfast - The Most ‫ريوق شرقي‬

Paul Tunbridge

Oriental Breakfast Start the Day Right - Don't Skip Breakfast Many studies have been conducted which highlight that children who eat breakfast do better in school than those who don’t, so it doesn’t take much common sense to realise that adults will feel better and perform better at work as well. Whether you work at home, on a farm, in an office, at school, in a shop or warehouse, in a refinery or on the road, it is not a good idea to skip breakfast. Eating a good breakfast sets you up for the rest of the day.

‫ريوق أومليت‬

After a good night's rest your blood sugar (or glucose) levels are fairly low because you've been asleep without a meal for something between six and ten hours. Your body is basically running on empty. Eating a healthy meal at breakfast time will 'break the fast' and replenish those glucose levels. Glucose is your body's source of energy!

Ryoog Omelet

‫بان كيك‬ Pancake

If you skip breakfast, you are likely to become tired because your brain and body will be running low on fuel. By mid-morning, you might grab a cup of coffee or nibble on a sugary snack to wake up again. This might work for a few minutes, but by lunch time you are hungry, crabby, and perhaps your mood might make you lean towards making unhealthy choices at lunch. Skipping breakfast is a common strategy for losing weight, but not a smart one. Many people believe that they will lose weight if they skip meals, but that just isn't true; the body expects to be refuelled a few times each day ... starting with breakfast. In fact, eating breakfast is good for weight loss, with people who eat breakfast more likely to maintain a healthy weight than those who perpetually skip it. Eating a Healthy Breakfast A healthy breakfast should contain some protein and some fibre. Protein can come from low fat meats, eggs, beans or dairy products, whilst fibre can be introduced through wholegrains,

5 ‫ بناية‬- 80 ‫ شارع‬- 8 ‫ قطعة‬- ‫الشعب البحري‬

22639378 :‫تلفون‬

vegetables and fruit. One example of a healthy breakfast might be something simple like a hard-boiled egg, an orange, and a bowl of wholegrain cereal with low fat milk. You should aim to stay away from sugary cereals, syrups, pastries, and white breads, because they are digested quickly and will leave you hungry and tired within a short time, whilst protein and fibre will satisfy your hunger and keep you feeling full until lunch time. If you really don't like to eat breakfast, you can split it up into two smaller meals. Perhaps you could eat a hard-boiled egg at home and then, an hour or two later, take a break from work to snack on an apple and a handful of healthy nuts like pecans or walnuts. Remember that eating a healthy breakfast is the best way to start off your day, and notice how much better you feel through the morning, and the rest of the day, when you don't skip breakfast. With a good breakfast you will not be as hungry at lunch time, and you can taper down your meals throughout the day so that, when the evening comes around, you're barely eating anything ... and ready for bed.

Our top 10 healthy breakfast options It’s really not that difficult to get a good deal of nutrition from your morning meal, but we've compiled ten healthy breakfast options to inspire you to prepare a nutritional feast that will keep you going all day.

Porridge and Berries Using oats and skimmed milk to make some porridge, you can then add any of your favourite berries such as strawberries, raspberries or blueberries, and honey. This is

t Important Meal of the Day a great way to start the day as the oats have a low GI (Glycaemic Index) which is a way of saying that oats do not raise the blood glucose level very quickly which, in turn, is good as it can help stabilise the appetite. You’ll just need to remember to go easy on the honey!

Beans on Toast Beans (whether they are just ordinary baked beans or kidney, Borlotti or black-eyed beans) also have a low GI like oats. They are full of soluble fibre, which helps keep you full for longer and can therefore help you manage your weight. Serve the beans on unbuttered, toasted wholegrain bread for a great, low-fat breakfast.

Bagel with Smoked Salmon and reduced fat Cream Cheese Bagels are high in starchy carbohydrates, which will help to kick start the body into action for the day, and smoked salmon is rich in omega-3 fat which is essential for the body. Many of us eat far too much saturated fat (which is bad for us) and not enough of the omega-3 fat that is vital for our health.

Fruit and Yogurt Why not try adding your favourite fruit to a small pot of low-fat or diet yogurt? A small pot of yogurt counts as one of your three portions per day of dairy foods, which are essential for maintaining healthy teeth and bones.

Bacon, Tomatoes, Beans, Mushrooms and Toast

Pure Fruit Juice and iron-fortified Breakfast Cereal

Those of you who simply can’t resist a cooked breakfast at the weekends might like to try this. It really is a healthy twist on a traditional British fried breakfast; grill some Turkey bacon (which is much tastier and leaner than the salty beef bacon) along with tomatoes and large, flat field mushrooms; add to a small portion of baked beans and an unbuttered slice of toasted wholegrain bread for a healthy plateful.

Next time you are in the cereal aisle at the supermarket, spare a few minutes to check out the labelling on the packets. Not all cereals are equal when it comes to the vitamins and minerals that are added to them, but iron is a mineral that is added to many cereals. Try a bowl of sultana bran or bran flakes; drink a glass of pure fruit juice such as orange or grapefruit and the vitamin C that the juice contains will help your body to absorb the iron more easily.

Cinnamon Omelette with Hot Fruit

Fresh Fruit Smoothie

Make a light and fluffy omelette by using three or four eggs (but only one of the yokes, to avoid overdosing on calories) plus a pinch of salt, a sachet of sugarsubstitute like ‘Splenda’, and a generous sprinkling of ground cinnamon. When cooked, fold in half and put on a plate with some hot baked or poached fruit like stoned and slice plums or cored and sliced apples.

If you really can’t face a solid breakfast, why not try to have a smoothie instead? You can purchase these ready-made from the supermarket, but if you fancy trying to make one yourself (and they’re really easy if you have a hand blender) then fruit such as berries, apples and bananas are great with some milk. Not just a great taste, but all the antioxidant vitamins in the fruit help to give your immune system a little boost too.

Muesli and Soya Milk or low-fat milk

Scrambled or Poached Egg on Wholegrain Toast

Swiss-style muesli has milk powder added to it, which increases the calcium content of this breakfast cereal. By adding calciumenriched soya milk, skimmed or semiskimmed milk, you will have a bone-friendly breakfast!

Eggs are not bad for us! The important thing is how many you use, and how you cook them. Poaching or scrambling eggs with a little milk is a good way to incorporate them into your diet, and they provide valuable protein. And who can deny that a scrambled egg on unbuttered, toasted wholegrain bread is a much healthier choice than a fried egg sandwich?.

(such as semi-skimmed or skimmed milk)

October 2010




admit it … I’m a natural born coward when it comes to having work done on my teeth. The very thought of a trip to the dentist brings me out in a cold sweat. And if that wasn’t enough, you should see the poor dentist’s chair when I get up after my treatment – he has to towel it down to mop up the perspiration I’ve deposited, whilst I cool off and change into a dry shirt before my exit from the clinic. Mind you, I’ve not always been like that. I can recall, when I was just a little lad, that my mum would march me down to the dentist’s house twice a year with no encouragement needed (other than the promise of a new toy car if I behaved myself and managed not to bite the dentist)! And when each of my baby teeth came out, one-by-one (either of their own accord or with a little assistance from tiny fingers, tongue, or even a piece of cotton tied to the handle of an erstwhile open door) I would happily place the treasured tooth under my pillow before going to sleep, safe in the knowledge that the Tooth Fairy would visit overnight and exchange it for a silver coin. But, bribery aside, visits to my childhood dentist were never an issue; my dentist was really friendly, and I still remember how he would say the number of each tooth as he prodded it with his little pointy stick ... a habit which was weirdly comforting.

Of course I hadn’t suffered irreparable damage, but my new-found feelings of terror and lack of confidence would now cause a problem not just for me, but for every healthcare professional who is afforded the pleasure of playing with my teeth. Apart from the feelings of terror inside my head, my fear now manifests itself in physical

gaggers... some dentists prefer to use a topical anaesthetic spray to numb the mouth and throat, which acts to reduce the gag reflex; others opt for methods which include the use of superfast setting impression materials, rubber dams (a barrier that blocks fluids and other particles from entering the mouth) and even nitrous oxide (laughing gas) which they believe can significantly control gagging in most patients.

Down in the Mouth about Dentists!

In fact, it wasn’t until I left home that the problems started. Just one visit to a rogue dentist when I was in my early twenties, after which I suffered great and unnecessary pain, was enough to provide me with panic attacks at the merest thought of a filling or extraction. I know it’s irrational, and that it was just one bad experience out of many good and uneventful ones, but it was enough for me to convince myself that all dentists were demonic!


form on nearly every visit to the dental clinic; I have developed a problem of severe gagging. I get a sensation of choking that causes my throat to spasm and makes swallowing and breathing difficult, which happens whenever the dentist tries to take an impression of my teeth, tries to insert a plate for an x-ray, or is attempting to

Paul Tunbridge

give me an injection into my gum. Sometimes I find myself gagging simply because my mouth has been held open for a long time! I’m told that this is not an entirely uncommon problem; that most gagging problems are either mild or moderate and can be resolved if a few steps are taken. Of course, if you are a gagger, the first thing any dentist must do is to listen to you when you tell them about your problem. A caring and concerned attitude by the dentist can often go a long way to allaying your anxiety and can significantly reduce gagging. The dentist should then find out what procedures or situations have triggered gagging in the past and see if alternative ones can be used. I have been told about several techniques which are supposedly highly effective for helping

But I’m a difficult patient and, by now, I guess you’ll not be surprised if I tell you that none of the above options has worked for me! And I’m not alone... some gagging problems are severe and difficult to treat even by the most experienced dentists. In such situations, unconventional measures may be required. Some dentists encourage the gagging patient to lift his or her legs up off the dental chair in short increments during dental treatment, though that sounds super-weird to me. I even heard of one dentist who took an impression with his patient standing up, as a counter-active measure to help defeat the gag reflex. But not for me, these weird and wonderful techniques ... instead, I had a dentist back in England who found the only (if not equally weird) method that has been effective for me so far; a technique he learned in America that he called “Temporal Tapping” which involved a systematic tapping on each side of my forehead before he started work. Evidently there’s more to Temporal Tapping than offering a simple tap to the head, but I think I shall save this for another time. In closing, I offer a warning to my fellow-gaggers out there ... like me, other dental patients who are gaggers will often avoid dental care for long periods of time; becoming more susceptible to tooth decay, periodontal gum disease and other serious dental infections. Don’t let this be you!.


Safe and Healthy Life By taking these simple steps every day you can ensure to live healthy ! Dr. Nazia Nausheen Eat healthy

Protect yourself

 Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains every day.

 Wear helmets, seat belts, sunscreen, and insect repellent.

 Limit foods and drinks high in calories, sugar, salt, fat, and alcohol.

 Wash hands to stop the spread of germs.  Avoid smoking and breathing other people’s smoke.

 Eat a balanced diet to help keep a healthy weight.

 Build safe and healthy relationships with family and friends.

Get check-ups  Ask your doctor or nurse how you can lower your chances for health problems based on your lifestyle and personal and family health histories.  Find out what exams, tests, and shots you need and when to get them.  See your doctor or nurse as often as he or she says to do so. See him or her sooner if you feel sick, have pain, notice changes, or have problems with medicine.

 Be ready for emergencies. Make a supply kit. Make a plan. Be informed.

Be active  Be active for at least 2½ hours a week. Include activities that raise your breathing and heart rates and that strengthen your muscles.  Help kids and teens be active for at least 1 hour a day. Include activities that raise their breathing and heart rates and that strengthen their muscles and bones.

Manage stress  Balance work, home, and play.  Get support from family and friends.  Stay positive.  Take time to relax.  Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Make sure kids get more, based on their age.  Get help or counseling if needed.

October 2010



Breast Cancer Awareness Early Detection can Save Lives


t seems strange, alien and almost foreign territory for a man to try to write about breast cancer. What does he know? Before you hurl the magazine away in disgust, ladies, we have issues too which gnaw away at our sense of self-worth and there might be one or two parallels that are worth exploring. The only way I can describe it is to try to imagine a woman – not a doctor, obviously – but a friend, trying to understand how a man might feel if something goes wrong with his masculine plumbing. We men feel this sort of thing keenly, and often wait for too long before seeking help and diagnosis, and I’m inclined to think that it’s probable that women do the same when they have a mammary problem. The appearance of a lump. Small, perhaps at first, and deniable. “It’s not really a lump, it’s just a fatty deposit and I’m sure it’ll go away. Sure it will. I’m young. I’m well-read. Educated. I know that statistically the chance of it being benign - if I’m ready to really, really admit to myself that it’s there at all – is pretty small.” So might go the thinking of a woman in the prime of health who ‘discovers’ a hard, perhaps nodular, alien species which has taken up residence in her chest and the cold hand of fear – the iron crab, seeps into her subconscious. If she’s wise, she’ll talk to a girlfriend, who might offer to go with her to the clinic. For gentlemen readers, a mammogram might not sound like much of a deal. In reality it’s not the most comfortable procedure in the world – rather like having your squashy bits flattened with a large and uncomfortable vice. Let there be no mistake. It’s not painful, just a little bit uncomfortable, so anybody reading this with dark fears in the back of their minds mustn’t under any circumstances be put off from going for help. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. For the moment, perhaps we might lay aside the notion that there could be a conflict of interest between corporations sponsoring breast cancer awareness while profiting from diagnosis and treatment; instead be positive and upbeat, in other words, raising the profile of this disease this month is by no means supposed to engender alarm, fear, trepidation or panic, instead flag up the mantra “Education is Empowerment”. Colleges, celebrities and sports personalities are joining the annual awareness raising programs worldwide. Think pink, people. 38

John MacArthur

all play significant and unique roles in your healing process. Your family and friends are a crucial part of your health care team. Understand the roles played by each member of your health care team.

A diagnosis of breast cancer brings with it a lot of questions, and sometimes requires fairly rapid decision making about surgery and treatment. With this comes the need to take on board an enormous amount of new information at high speed, and to get familiar with new concepts and strange medical jargon. This, of course, without all the clinging desperations and anxieties…What will chemotherapy do to me? Is it really, really bad? Will my husband still love me? How will I look after surgery and can I get good prostheses? What if it comes back? Or spreads? Have I caught it in time? The emotional weight can be an awful lot to carry. To the newly diagnosed. Try not to panic. Almost certainly, you may currently be experiencing strong emotions such as anxiety, fear, sorrow or anger. Anxiety is a fear of the unknown and our ability to cope with it. It can be difficult to think clearly while experiencing such powerful emotions, but dealing with a breast cancer diagnosis requires that a woman be at her most focused. The men in the family get a chance to get involved, support and empower their newly diagnosed relative. Guys, we need to realise how much a woman might depend on us at a time like this. She’s being asked to fight something she can’t see, blindsides her a lot, needs pretty heavyweight interaction to conquer and even when it’s dead it sometimes simply won’t lie down. Without wanting to sound like a textbook, here’s a snippet from CancerCare’s information sheet. Think of it like a battle plan. Form a good health care team. The doctor who diagnosed your cancer will be one of many professionals who will become part of your team. Medical oncologists, nurses, social workers, and psychologists, as well as nurses’ aides, home care professionals, nutritionists and the clergy, can

Your oncologist is the member of your team that organizes your treatment plan. He or she may work with an oncology nurse who helps you manage treatment side effects, gives more information about the treatment you will be receiving, and schedules your next diagnostic procedure. Understand what your insurance will and will not cover. Only when faced with a medical crisis do many people learn how their HMO, other health coverage or entitlements work, what services are covered, and what reimbursement procedures to follow. To anticipate any problems, find out from your health insurance carrier. Find out whom you should call in your doctor’s office or hospital when your insurance company has a question about a procedure or specific charge for medications or tests. Be an advocate. You must remember that as a cancer patient, you are a consumer, and are entitled to the best care possible. Ask questions about the care you’re getting and who is providing it. Make lists of questions before speaking with your medical team. Write down their answers and read back what you wrote to check for accuracy. You might even go as far as tape record the sessions so you won’t forget any of the information. Finally and most importantly, although you may have others around you who are supportive, you must make sure that you take the best possible care of yourself. The better you care for yourself, the better able you will be to cope with your diagnosis. Consider joining a support group for people with cancer or a program near to your home or treating hospital. Keeping a journal, expressing feelings and thoughts artistically, getting appropriate exercise, and joining a yoga or tai-Chi class are examples of activities other people diagnosed with cancer have found helpful. Above all, it’s about empowerment. Help and information is out there. Take a look. Think pink.


‫اجعل من مطبخك صيدليتك اخلاصة‬ ‫انتصار السيف‬

‫في بعض األحيان يفضل الكثيرون استخدام العالجات املنزلية التى متكنكهم من التغلب على‬ ‫بعض املشاكل الصحية البسيطة التى تواجهم والتي التستدعي الذهاب الى الطبيب فورا َ‬ ‫‪،‬ومن هذه العالجات املفيدة والتي ميكنك أن جتدها بسهولة في مطبخك‪:‬‬ ‫الليمون ‪Lemon‬‬

‫بخار املاء مع اخلل ‪Water & Vinegar‬‬

‫يتم طحن حبوب الترمس طحنا َ ناعما َ ثم يتم مزجها‬ ‫بالفازلني ثم يتم وضع هذا ا املزيج على األماكن املصابة‬ ‫باألكزميا على ان يتم حتضير هذا املزيج طازجا َ‪.‬‬

‫الكركم ‪Turmeric‬‬

‫األستخدام ‪ :‬ازالة بقع الوجه السوداء‬ ‫ميكن ان يساعد عصير الليمون في التخفيف من البقع‬ ‫السوداء التي تظهر في الوجه ‪،‬كما يساعد الليمون‬ ‫على تخفيف النمش وحتسني لون البشرة فتصبح أكثر‬ ‫إشراقا ً وملعانا ً ‪،‬ويستخدم عصير الليمون إلصالح العيوب‬ ‫عن طريق وضعه على الوجه لفترة مابني ‪ 10‬الى ‪15‬‬ ‫دقيقة يوميا ‪ ،‬فاحلمض املوجود في عصير الليمون الطازج‬ ‫قد يساعد في تخفيف البقع السوداء ولكن ذلك لن‬ ‫يحدث بني عشية وضحاها ولكنك ميكن أن تالحظ الفرق‬ ‫في مدة زمنية مابني ‪ 6‬الى ‪ 12‬أسابيع ولكن انتبه من‬ ‫عدم املبالغة في استخدامه حتى التتسبب في تقشير‬ ‫الطبقة العلوية من البشرة او اصابتها باأللتهابات ‪،‬كما‬ ‫يجب األخذ باألعتبار عدم وضعه على البشرة امللتهبة أو‬ ‫املصابة باألكزميا‪.‬‬

‫صودا اخلبز ‪Baking Soda‬‬

‫األستخدام‪ :‬معاجلة الشقيقة‬ ‫لعالج الشقيقة يتم غلي كميتان متساويتان من اخلل‬ ‫واملاء ثم يتم استشاق البخار ملدة دقيقة حتى تزول‬ ‫اآلالم متاما ً عند االنتهاء من االستنشاق‪ ،‬وإذا عادت نوبة‬ ‫الشقيقة مرة أخرى فإن النوبة تكون أقل بكثير من املرة‬ ‫األولى وميكن تكرار العملية حتى تختفي الشقيقة ‪.‬‬

‫الزجنبيل ‪Ginger‬‬

‫األستخدام‪ :‬عالج الغثيان‬ ‫يستخدم الزجنبيل لتهدئة اضطرابات املعدة حيث‬ ‫يقى الزجنبيل من قابلية الشخص للغثيان كما يوقف‬ ‫اإلسهال‪ .‬كما هو مفيد للمرأة احلامل التى تعانى من‬ ‫الغثيان ‪،‬كما يُستخدم الزجنبيل على نطاق واسع لعالج‬ ‫تقلصات الرحم وتخفيف آالم الصداع وأعراض نزالت‬ ‫البرد و ملنع الصداع‪.‬‬

‫األستخدام ‪:‬فوائد صحية متعددة‬ ‫مضاد لاللتهابات ومضاد لالكسدة ومضاد للبكتيريا‬ ‫يقاوم اخلاليا السرطانية ويستخدم لعالج انتفاخات‬ ‫البطن وآالم املعدة وعسر الهضم واملغص واألمساك‬ ‫وبساعد اجلسم فى عملية الهضم‪ ،‬كما يحارب‬ ‫الطفيليات التى توجد فى األمعاء وينبه افراز املرارة‬ ‫واملعدة و قد يساعد فى تقليل معدالت الكوليسترول‬ ‫ويحارب تصلب الشرايني‪.‬‬

‫القرنفل ‪Clove‬‬

‫الترمس ‪Lupines‬‬ ‫األستخدام‪ :‬عالج عدوى املسالك البولية‬ ‫محلول صودا اخلبز يجعل بيئة املثانة أكثر قلوية والذي‬ ‫من شأنه أن مينع البكتيريا من التكاثر ‪ ،‬ففي أول بادرة من‬ ‫أعراض املرض ميكنك اذابة ربع ملعقة صغيرة من صودا‬ ‫اخلبز في في ‪ 8‬أونصات من املاء و مواصلة شرب هذا‬ ‫احمللول مرة واحدة يوميا حتى تسنح لك الفرصة ملقابلة‬ ‫طبيبك واحلصول على مزرعة البول والبدء في تناول‬ ‫املضادات احليوية‪.‬‬ ‫‪39‬‬

‫‪October 2010‬‬

‫األستخدام ‪ :‬مسكن لأللم‬

‫األستخدام ‪:‬عالج لألكزميا‬

‫يحتوي القرنفل على زيت مخدر وهو زيت اليوجينول‬ ‫الذي يزيل األلم ‪،‬حيث تستخدم مسامير القرنفل في‬ ‫تسكني آالم األسنان و اللثة بوضعها عليها مباشرة ‪.‬‬

SLEEP APNEA - what you need to know: What is obstructive sleep apnea? Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) consists of periodic stoppage of breathing (apnea) during sleep. This disrupts sleep quality, and can result in daytime sleepiness and fatigue. In severe cases, obstructive sleep apnea can result in an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

24% of middle-aged men and 9% of middle-aged women have obstructive sleep apnea. However, just like snoring, not everyone with OSA requires treatment. Symptomatic OSA occurs in about 4% of men and 2% of women, and is usually characterized by sleep disruption and/or daytime sleepiness.

Briefly, sleep induces muscle relaxation, which in turn allows pharyngeal (throat) structures to vibrate (snoring). If taken to an extreme, the airway gets sucked shut, similar to what occurs when sucking hard on a paper straw. Breathing stops (apnea), however, the brain detects a problem, and triggers an arousal from sleep. These arousals disrupt sleep quality, but restores normal muscle tone, thus opening the airway, and breathing resumes. Although a person may be unaware that they are experiencing frequent apneas, they may wake up feeling unrefreshed.

Do you need to be treated for sleep apnea?

How common is obstructive sleep apnea?

Many medical and psychiatric conditions, and other sleep disorders can result in daytime fatigue, so it is important to make sure these have been

Obstructive sleep apnea is extremely common. It has been estimated that

As mentioned previously, sleep apnea is extremely common. Treatment is considered if there is: (a) impaired quality of life or (b) health risk. In general, health risk from sleep apnea is only present in patients with severe sleep apnea. Most people seeking treatment for OSA do so for quality of life reasons. Impaired quality of life usually consists of poor sleep quality, daytime fatigue or sleepiness. Another concern for those people with OSA and excessive daytime sleepiness is the risk of falling asleep while driving.

ruled out. Also, an insufficient sleep time or insomnia (an inability to fall asleep or stay asleep) can cause daytime sleepiness as well.

How do you know if you have sleep apnea? The most common symptoms are snoring, witnessed apneas (people observing you stopping breathing during sleep), choking/gasping episodes during sleep, and daytime sleepiness (despite a seemingly adequate sleep time). Obesity and high blood pressure are frequently seen in patients with sleep apnea, but not necessarily all the time. If you have symptoms suggestive of sleep apnea, then it is worthwhile having a sleep study. These tests measure your breathing and oxygen level in the blood. The Polysomnogram is a more sophisticated test which monitors brain wave (EEG) activity, eye movements (EOG), muscle activity (EMG), and breathing effort. Patients suspected of having severe sleep apnea, or an underlying heart or lung condition, are best evaluated with a PSG in a sleep centre setting.

>> the most common symptoms of sleep apnea are: snoring, witnessed apneas, choking/gasping episodes during sleep and daytime sleepiness

Don’t let poor sleep lower your quality of life

How is sleep apnea treated? Sleep apnea can be treated in a number of different ways. The type of treatment is usually decided upon based on balancing the severity of symptoms against desirability of therapy. Clearly, a less symptomatic person will wish a less aggressive form of therapy. (1) Behaviour and lifestyle modification: Weight loss is the most important factor, and patients have been cured of sleep apnea after losing weight. Other considerations are: regular exercise, smoking cessation, avoidance of alcohol or sedatives before sleeping, and training one-self to sleep more on the side. (2) Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP): CPAP consists of a portable machine that blows pressurized air through a mask that is worn over the nose. The pressurized air holds the airway open, and thus prevents apneas. CPAP is extremely effective, but since it can be a bit cumbersome, a decision to use CPAP is dependent on balancing the severity of symptoms against the hassles of therapy. However, because of its effectiveness, CPAP is the most common type of treatment for symptomatic sleep apnea. (3) Oral appliance: This is an appliance which brings the lower jaw forward, thus opening up the space at the back of the throat. It is worn while sleeping, and removed after wakening. The oral appliance is as effective as CPAP and some patients find it easier to tolerate than CPAP therapy. There are different kinds of oral appliances. A choice is made by the dentist according to your existing condition. (4) Surgery: This ‘opens’ up the back of the throat. The success rate for treating symptomatic sleep apnea is low. As such, surgery is not considered a first line treatment for sleep apnea. There are two types of procedures: uvulapalatopharyngealplasty (UP3) or laser-assisted uvulapalatopharyngealplasty (LAUP).

Rediscover a good night’s sleep Are you snoring during your sleep? Are you dozy off while watching TV? Are you suffering frequent headaches and migraine? Are you tired in the mornings and not alert at work?

Then you must be suffering from OSA,untreated OSA can be fatal! Visit us to prolong your life.

MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATION TELEPHONE TEST & COMPLAINTS Jabriya (Surra).................. 25310000 Jleeb Al Shuyoukh............. 24310000 Old Jahra........................... 24770000 New Jahra & Abdaly.......... 24570000 Hawally.............................. 22610000 Ras Al-Salmiya.................. 25710000 Al-Riqa............................... 23940000 Salmiya.............................. 25610000 Shuwaikh........................... 24810000 Sabah Al-Salem (Messila).25510000 Sulaibiya............................ 24670000 Sulibikhat.......................... 24870000 South Sabahiya................. 23610000 Fintas................................ 23900000 Zoor.................................. 23950000 Ahmadi.............................. 23980000 Ardiya................................ 24880000 Fahaheel........................... 23910000 Farwaniya.......................... 24710000 Kuwait City......................... 22400000 Mishref.............................. 25380000 Mangaf.............................. 23710000 Nuzha................................ 22510000 Umm Al-Haiman & Wafra... 23280000 Shuaiba............................. 23260000

CAR RENTAL Europcar........................... 24842988 Al-Mulla............................. 22421660 Avis................................... 22465282 Budget.............................. 24810844 Al-Sayer............................. 22441425 Rent a Honda.................... 24838470 Hertz................................. 24319326 Sanbouk............................ 22446297 Autoleas............................ 24846999 United Hospitality for Limousine.................... 22407777 National............................. 24343139 International Car Rental Co. .22453827 Al-Zamel Auto Est. ........... 24832626

PRIVATE CLINICS Andrology, Male Infertility and Impotence Specialist Abdullatif A. Al Salim......... 25334438

Badri K. Al Rayes.............. 25742557 Duha Al Shaqan................ 22644614 Ebraheem Behbehani....... 25730000 Farida Al Herz................... 22573883 Maria Blanaru................... 25730000 Najat Essa-Bahman.......... 22624595 Najeeb Kassim.................. 25739277 Salwa A. Abdulsalam......... 25730000 Kuwait Medical Center..25759044 / 5 Endrocrinologists Latifa Al Dowaisan............. 25728004 Kamal Abdulaziz Al Shome.25329924 Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeons Hossan Eldin Abdulfattah.. 25745056 Abdulmohsen Mousa Jafar.25655535 Dermatologists & Venereologists Fahad I. Al Othman........... 22665166 Taibah M. Almonayes........ 25737477 Dr. Mohamed Bo Hamra... 22665166 Gastroenterologists Mohamed A. Al Shimali.............25322030 / 22639955 Eurologists Fawzi Taher Abul............... 25650064 Ali Yousef Mehdi................ 25333501 General Practitioner Dina Al Rifai.. 25333501 / 25333502 Obstetricians & Gynecologists Samira Al Awadi................ 25738055 Ma'asouma Maksheed...... 25731275 Mohamed Gamal............... 25349077 Mai Al Snan....................... 25321171 Psychological and Sociological Services Fahad Mubarak & Nisirine Aboul-Hosn................. 25659800 Dr. Vincenza A. Tiberia, Ph.D.............. .......................................... 99816522 Soor Center....................... 22901677 Dr. Kazen Abal................25711411 / . .......................................... 25737773


BAHRAIN...................................... 25318530 BANGLADESH...........................25316042/3 BELGIUM...................................... 25722014 BHUTAN....................................... 25331506 BOSNIA & HERCEG....................... 25392107 BRAZIL......................................... 25328610 BULGARIA.................................25314458/9 CANADA....................................... 22563025 CHINA........................................... 25333340 CYPRUS........................................ 22433075 CZECH REPUBLIC......................... 22529018 DENMARK.................................... 25341005 EGYPT.......................................22519955/6 ERITREA....................................... 55317426 ETHIOPIA..................................... 25330128 FINLAND...................................25312890/1 FRANCE.....................................22571061/2 GERMANY..................................... 22520832 GREECE........................................ 24817102 HUNGARY..................................25323901/2 INDIA............................................ 22530600 INDONESIA................................... 24839953 IRAN............................................. 22560694 ITALY............................................ 24817400 JAPAN........................................... 25312870 JORDAN........................................ 25312293 KOREA (SOUTH).......................... 25339601 LEBANON..................................22562103/4 LIBYA........................................... 22575183 MALAYSIA..................................... 25342091 MAURITANIA................................. 25312943 MOROCCO.................................... 25312980 NETHERLANDS.........................25312650/2 NIGERIA....................................... 25320794 NIGER........................................... 25652943 OMAN........................................22561956/7 PAKISTAN................................25327649/51 PHILIPPINES................................ 25325167 POLAND.........................................25311571/2/8 QATAR.......................................... 22523107 ROMANIA..................................... 24845079 RUSSIA......................................... 22560427 SAUDI ARABIA.............................. 22550021 SENEGAL...................................... 22573477 SOMALIA...................................... 25394795 SOUTH AFRICA............................. 25617988 SPAIN........................................... 22550021 SRI LANKA................................... 25339140 SWEDEN....................................... 25321485

SWITZERLAND............................25340172/4/5 SYRIA.......................................... 25396560/59 THAILAND.................................... 25317530 TUNISIA........................................ 22542144 TURKEY........................................ 22531785 UAE.............................................. 22528544 UK.............................................22403335/6 USA...........................................25395307/8 VENEZUELA..............................25324367/9 YUGOSLAVIA................................. 25327548 ZIMBABWE................................... 25621517

MUSEUMS Bait Al-Bader Est..................... 22429158 Kuwait House Museum............ 24846336 Kuwait National Museum......... 22451195 Mohd Al-Shaybani Museum..... 25320901 Tareq Rajab Museum............... 25339063 Educational Science Museum .22421268 Dar Al Athar Al Islamiyah......... 22400992 KOC Display Centre.................. 23982393 Popular Traditional Museum.... 22429158 Bayt Al-Qurain......................... 25430343

DINING Japanese Bonsai Japanese Restaurant.225109999 Edo.......................................... 22659590 Kamikaze................................... 1824060 Kei J.W. Marriott..................... 22422650 Kei Marina Cresent................. 22244630 Maki......................................... 25733561 Sakura..................................... 25744447 Sushi Club................................ 25712144 Wasabi..................................... 22494000

Thai Thai Chi................................. 22253120.1

Pizza Peppe's Pizza.......................... 25744442 Pizza Express.......................... 23719866 Pizza Inn.................................. 24924400 Prego....................................... 25737500 Sbarro's................................... 25743180

Dentists & Oral Surgeons Ahmed Al Balool................ 22622211

AFGHANISTAN.............................. 25329461 ALGERIA....................................... 25323014 ARGENTINA...............................25323014/5 AUSTRIA....................................... 22552532



Consumer Protection Hotline 24820281 / 25720252 42 Brigade Fire

100, 105

Labour Complaints Hotline

24344954 Fax: 24347562

Traffic Violation Inquiry


The Scientific Center


Greek Zorba's Greek Taverna............ 25715124

October 2010 Mexican Burrito..................................... 22552233 Castello...................................... 1806666 Chi-Chi's................................... 25625811

Spanish Viva Espanole.......................... 25755668

Richoux.................................... 22244815

Villa Fayrouz............................ 22652030

Ritz........................................... 25755668

Yaldez Palace........................... 22455212

Sea Shell.................................... 1844444 Square..................................... 22437680 Teatro..................... 23725500 Ext. 7309 The Jungle................................ 25750647

Zaatar W Zeit........................... 22244944


Paul.......................................... 22244588

360O Mall Level 3 Tel: 25309903

Caesar's................................... 22411711 Dawat....................................... 22411685

Dalloyau Paris.......................... 25712541 Le Notre..................................... 1805050




PQ (Le Pain Quotidien)........... 25633684

Crowne Plaza........................... 24742000 Four Points Sheraton Kuwait... 22242205 Hilton Kuwait Resort................ 22256222 Holiday Inn Down Town.............. 1841000 Holiday Inn Salmiya.................... 1847777 Imperial Hotel.......................... 22528766 J.W. Marriott Hotel Kuwait City.. 22455550 Kempinski Julai's Hotel & Resort.1844444

Rangoli..................................... 25673000

Cafe Blance.............................. 22244644

Buffalo's Cafe.......................... 25728989


Cafe Rio................................... 25732226

Burger Boutique...................... 22997775

Winner's................................... 25739954

Cafe Supreme.......................... 25758858

Chili's....................................... 22452200

Casper & Gambini's...............22430054/6


Hard Rock Cafe.....................25710004/5

Chateau Cafe............................ 22426802

Biella........................................ 22244662

Johnny Rockets........................ 25754040

Chocolate Bar.......................... 22244880

Ciro's Pomodoro...................... 22424004

Ruby Tuesday........................... 24444454

Columbus Cafe......................... 25720186

Johnny Carino's........................ 22663050

Subway.................................... 25748974

Costa Coffee............................. 25728199

La Pizza................................... 22426639

TGI Friday's.............................. 22544300

Danish Cafe................................ 1805544

Loranzo................................... 22400747

The Burger Hub....................... 22464818

Diva's Restaurant & Cafe......25723083/4

Nino......................................... 22541900

Steak House

Gloria Jean's..........22457099, 23930533

Cascade..................................... 1831831 Le Entrecote............................ 25729600 Ponderosa............................... 23983113 Terrace Grill............................. 22455550 The Gaucho Grill...................... 25667370

Hangout Lounge...................... 25755588

Spago........................................ 1808060

Courtyard by Marriott Hotel.... 22997000

Astra Lounge........................... 22629779 Applebee's............................... 22407536

Pizza Express.......................... 22560273

Costa Del Sol Hotel.................... 1830083


Mughal Mahal.......................22425131/2

Piano Piano............................. 22533993


Jamaica Blue.........25747656, 22412114

Kuwait Palace Hotel................. 22571030 Le Meridian Kuwait Hotel......... 22510999 Le Meridien Tower Kuwait.......... 1831831 Movenpick Hotel Kuwait........... 24610033 Movenpick Al-Bida'a................ 22253100 Kuwait Hayatt Hotel................. 25634200 Oassis Hotel............................. 22465489 Radisson Blu Hotel.................. 25673000 Ramada Kuwait Hotel................ 1821111 Ritz Sharq Boutique................. 22499911 Safir Airport Hotel................... 24722670 Safir Al Bastaki Suites Hotel.... 22555081

Lazord..................................... 22420837

Safir Heritage Village................. 1881118

Lina's Cafe............................... 22244966

Safir International Hotel Kuwait.22530000

Milano Plazz............................ 25727172

Sheraton Hotel.......................... 1835555


Numi Tea House....................... 25725870

Swiss Inn Plaza Hotel Kuwait... 22436686

Al-Marsa.................................. 22510999

Al-Bustan................................. 25652589

Shay W Nanaa.......................... 22452055

The Palms Hotel & Spa.............. 1824060

Danah...................................... 25756284

Al-Safadi.................................. 25753555

Sketch...................................... 99842878

Totally Fish............................... 22244960

Al-Saraya Palace...................... 25711101

Song Bird Cafe......... 23725500 Ext.7314


Awtar........................................ 22244815

Starbucks Coffee...................... 22409755

Al Bustan................................. 25673000

Berdawni Palace...................... 25661117

Tea Lounge.............................. 24610033

Refad Palace Suite Hotel......... 23908630

Astra Lounge........................... 22629779

Burj Al-Hamam........................ 22550965

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf.... 25714174

Ritz Salmiya Boutique.............. 25711001

Avenue Restaurant.................... 1844444

Classical Cafe & Restaurant..... 25740077

Zahra Cafe............................... 25717064

Second Home.......................... 22532100

Bays......................................... 24610033

Firej Suweileh........................... 25755991

Beit 7....................................... 22450724

Arabic Cafés

Kababji.................................... 22550964

Hotel Apartments

Fresh....................................... 25625838

Balbak Cafe & Restaurant........ 25750588

Farah Motel............................. 22442104

Masi Al Ghanim........................ 22460456

Jeans Grill................................. 22409846

Classical Cafe & Restaurant..... 25740055

Hala Motel................................ 22560927

Palm Palace............................. 25715283

La Marina................................. 22426672

Latino Cafe............................... 25652770

Mirage Hotel Apartment.......... 25750001

Ruby Tuesday........................... 23734440

Lamarine.................................. 22426672

Port Cafe.................................. 22456651

Motel Maha House................... 22523211


Puerto Banus.......................... 22456650

Royal Residence....................... 25710057

Veranda Cafe & Restaurant..... 25727120

Veranda Cafe & Restaurant..... 25727120

Sadari House........................... 22443136

Tosca......................................... 1824060

Sea Food Al Boom................................... 25673000

Lebresserie.............................. 22455550 Ola's Restaurant........................ 1830083


Suites Carlton Tower........................... 22452740 Kuwait Continental................... 22527300



Little Caesar's Pizza 1888855

Chicken Tikka

Burger King




Pizza Hut


Burger King

Domino's Pizza






Zaatar W Zeit

1822833 181111143

October 2010



‫سالمة قلبك‬ ‫انتصار السيف‬

‫‪.1‬تناول األغذية الصحية‬ ‫أ‪.‬األسماك‬ ‫أظهرت الدراسات أن األشخاص الذين يتناولون األسماك مرتني‬ ‫في األسبوع أقل عرضة للألصابة بأمراض القلب من غيرهم‬ ‫‪،‬حيث إن األسماك حتتوى على حمض دهني أساسي مفيدة‬ ‫هو ‪ Omega-3‬والذي يساهم فى احلد من ارتفاع الكولسترول‬ ‫والدهون‪ .‬فتناول األسماك الزيتية كالسلمون والتونة‬ ‫والسردين واملاكريل الغنية بهذا احلمض مرتني في األسبوع‬ ‫بإنتظام قد مينع اإلصابة باألزمات القلبية‪.‬‬

‫ب‪ .‬اللوز واجلوز‬

‫تعتبر أمراض القلب هي القاتل األول في‬ ‫العالم وهي من أكثر األمراض انتشارا َ في‬ ‫الكويت و الشك فيه ان نسبة االصابة‬ ‫بأمراض القلب في الكويت في تزايد‬ ‫مستمر عاما بعد عام بسبب منط احلياة ‪،‬‬ ‫وميكن الوقاية منها عن طريق زيادة الوعي‬ ‫والتركيز على القواعد البسيطة للوقاية‬ ‫من أمراض القلب والتي منها ‪:‬‬

‫أظهرت الدراسات أن اللوز واجلوز يخفضان مستويات‬ ‫الكولسترول الضار ويساعدان في تقليل مخاطر اإلصابة‬ ‫بأمراض القلب وحماية اخلاليا ‪،‬فهما غنيان باأللياف والدهون‬ ‫األحادية غير املشبعة ‪،‬كم أنهما يخفضان مستويات‬ ‫الكولسيترول الضار‪.‬‬

‫ج‪ .‬الشوكوالتة‬ ‫توصلت أحد الدراسات الى أن أن ثمة مكونات في الشوكوالتة‬ ‫السوداء تدعى فالفونويدز ‪ Flavonoids‬ميكنها أن تساعد على‬ ‫حتسني أداء الوردة الدموية وتقليل ضغط الدم مما يخفض من‬ ‫مخاطر أمراض القلب‪.‬‬

‫د‪.‬زيت الزيتون‬ ‫الدهون االحادية غير املشبعة ‪ monounsaturated‬املوجودة‬ ‫في زيت الزيتون قد تقلل من احتمال االصابة بامراض الشرايني‬ ‫وتخفض نسبة الكوليسترول الضار ‪ ،‬فاألشخاص الذين‬

‫‪ .5‬مارس الرياضة‬ ‫تلعب الرياضة دورا مهما فى احلد من أمراض القلب والشرايني‬ ‫فهي تساهم فى تنشيط الدورة الدموية وخفض الكولسترول‬ ‫الضار (‪ )LDL‬ورفع مستوى الكولسترول اجليد (‪ )HDL‬الذي‬ ‫يساهم فى حماية القلب ‪،‬فممارسة أي نوع من الرياضة‬ ‫مفيد لقلبك ‪،‬فعلى سبيل املثال تعمل مترينات األيروبكس‬ ‫على زيادة قدرة القلب على ضخ الدم‪ ،‬كما تساعد على خفض‬ ‫ضغط الدم وتقليل الكوليسترول‪ .‬فالرياضة عموما حتسن‬ ‫التحكم في السكر والدهون ونبض القلب ‪.‬‬

‫‪.6‬نظف اسنانك‬

‫ت‪ .‬الفواكه واخلضار‬ ‫تناول ما ال يقل عن ‪ 6 4-‬حبات من الفاكهة واخلضار يوميا‬ ‫مفيد للوقاية من أمراض القلب وتصلب الشرايني ومن املعروف‬ ‫بأن األلياف الغذائية املوجودة في الفواكه واخلضروات واحلبوب‬ ‫تخفف من ضغط الدم ومن مستوى الكولسترول مما يؤدي ال‬ ‫حماية األوعية الدموية والقلب ‪،‬كما أن اخلضار والفواكه‬ ‫غنية بعنصر البوتاسيوم املسئول عن نشاط العضالت‬ ‫وخاصة عضلة القلب حيث يساهم فى تنظيم دقات القلب‬ ‫والسيطرة على املعدل الطبيعي للضغط‪ ،‬كما ان الفاكهة‬ ‫واخلضار غنية مبضادات األكسدة ‪.‬‬

‫مرور عشر سنوات على إقالعك عن التدخني‪ .‬كما ال ننسى‬ ‫خطورة التدخني السلبي‪،‬فقد توصلت دراسة بريطانية إلى أن‬ ‫املدخنون السلبيون وهم األشخاص الذين يستنشقون كمية‬ ‫كبيرة من دخان السجائر الذي ينفثه اآلخرون من احملتمل أن‬ ‫تتضاعف لديهم احتماالت الوفاة بأمراض القلب مقارنة مع‬ ‫الذين يتعرضون ملعدالت أقل من دخان السجائر‪.‬‬

‫يستبدلون الدهون املشبعة في غذائهم بتلك املوجودة في‬ ‫زيت الزيتون قد يقل احتمال اصابتهم بامراض الشرايني‬ ‫وأمراض القلب‪.‬‬

‫‪ .2‬جتنب مشروبات الطاقة‬ ‫أفادت حصيلة دراسة طبية أميركية بوجود عالقة بني‬ ‫استهالك مشروبات الطاقة وارتفاع ضغط الدم أو مخاطر‬ ‫اإلصابة بأمراض القلب‪ ،‬بسبب أن مستويات الكافيني والتاورين‬ ‫املوجودين في هذا النوع من املشروبات‪ ،‬رمبا تكون مسؤولة عن‬ ‫ارتفاع ضغط الدم وتسارع نبضات القلب وحتتوي مشروبات‬ ‫الطاقة على كميات من الكافيني تعادل ما هو موجود منه في‬ ‫قدح او قدحني من القهوة‪.‬‬

‫‪.3‬احصل على قدر كافي من النوم‬ ‫يقول الباحثون إن النوم أكثر أو أقل من الالزم يضاعف من‬ ‫مخاطر اإلصابة بأمراض القلب واألوعية الدموية‪،‬فقد أكدت‬ ‫أحد الدراسات أن هناك عالقة وثيقة بني امراض القلب وقلة‬ ‫النوم مؤكدة ان احلرمان من النوم يؤثر على القلب واشارت‬ ‫الدراسة إلى ان االشخاص الذين ال ينامون الساعات املطلوبة‬ ‫معرضون لالصابة بارتفاع في ضغط الدم وتصلب الشرايني‬ ‫واالزمات القلبية واجللطة الدماغية‪..‬‬

‫تنظيف األسنان بشكل منتظم يزيل البكتيريا منها ومينع‬ ‫إصابتها بااللتهابات التى قد تؤثر على القلب‪.‬فقد افادت‬ ‫دراسة أجريت في اسكتالندا بأن األشخاص الذين ال يغسلون‬ ‫أسنانهم مرتني يوميا معرضون لإلصابة بأمراض القلب‪ .‬ومن‬ ‫املعروف أن وجود التهابات في جسم اإلنسان بشكل عام يؤدي‬ ‫الى ترسبات على جدران الشرايني مما يؤدي لإلصابة بأمراض‬ ‫القلب‪ ،‬وقد أكد فريق من العلماء اإليطاليني والبريطانيني‬ ‫أيضا َ أن هناك عالقة بني التهابات اللثة وأمراض القلب‪،‬‬ ‫وشددوا على أهمية توفير الرعاية الصحية املالئمة لألسنان‬ ‫ألن ذلك يخفض خطر اإلصابة بأمراض القلب‪.‬‬

‫‪.7‬اضحك‬ ‫من املعروف أن األشخاص الذين يعانون الوحدة واالكتئاب‬ ‫أكثر عرضة لإلصابة باألمراض من اآلخرين ‪،‬كمت يشير فريق‬ ‫من الباحثني من جامعة جونز هوبكنز إلى أن األخبار السيئة‬ ‫أيضا َ قد جتعل املرضى يتعرضون لعدة أيام الرتفاع في نسبة‬ ‫األدرينالني وغيره من الهرمونات التي تضر القلب ‪ ،‬وفي اجلانب‬ ‫اآلخر وجد باحثون في قسم الوقاية من أمراض القلب في‬ ‫جامعة ميريالند في والية بالتيمور األمريكية أن األشخاص‬ ‫الذين يضحكون كثيرا وينظرون دوما إلى اجلانب املضحك‬ ‫في املواقف احلياتية الصعبة هم اقل عرضة لالصابة بأمراض‬ ‫القلب من األشخاص الذين ال ميلكون روح الفكاهة ‪.‬‬

‫‪.4‬امتنع عن التدخني‬ ‫يجب جتنب دخان السجائر سواء كان التدخني ايجابي‬ ‫يستنشقه و ينفثه املدخن نفسه أو تدخني سلبي غير‬ ‫مباشرمن املدخنني امليحطني بغير املدخن ‪ .‬فإذا امتنعت‬ ‫عن التدخني اآلن فيمكن أن تقل نسبة احتمال إصابتك‬ ‫بأمراض القلب إلى النصف تقري ًبا خالل عام واحد‪،‬باإلضافة‬ ‫إلى ذلك فإن هذه النسبة قد تكاد تكون معدومة بعد‬ ‫‪‬‬


Cinnamon Rooibos

Caramel Earl Grey

October 2010


Traditional Chai

Black Thai

Pomegranate Vanilla Oolong

Tea redefined.


New Iced Tea Latte Fusions .


‫ـربة البد منها‬

‫خطوات اختيار املنتجع الصحي‬ ‫‪ .1‬اذا كان أحد أصدقائك أو أقاربك مشتركا َ بأحد املنتجعات الصحية فقم‬ ‫بسؤاله عن جتربته وعن اخلدمات التي يقدمها املنتجع ومدى استفادته من هذه‬ ‫اخلدمات واذا لم جتد أحدا َ من معارفك مشتركا َ فيمكنك البحث في األنترنت او‬ ‫األعالنات املوجودة في الصحف أو زيارة املنتجعات املنتشرة في فنادق الكويت‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .2‬اتصل واسأل عن قائمة اخلدمات التي يوفرها املنتجع وكلما زاد عدد‬ ‫اخلدمات كلما كان ذلك أفضل‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .3‬قبل احلجز عليك زيارة املنتجع الصحي للتأكد من نظافة املكان كما‬ ‫ميكنك االستفسارعن مدة العالج واخلدمات ووسائل الراحة األخرى التي‬ ‫يوفرها‪،‬باألضافة الى األستفسار عن أسعار هذه اخلدمات‪.‬‬

‫قبل الذهاب الى املنتجع الصحي‬ ‫‪ .1‬ارتداء مالبس قطنية فضفاضة و مريحة تناسب املكان فأنت ذاهب‬ ‫للراحة واألستجمام‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .2‬بالنسبة للسيدات اللواتي يرغنب في احلصول على عالجات للبشرة فيجب‬ ‫عليهن ازالة املاكياج قبل الذهاب إلى املنتجع وأال يلبسن األكسسوارات‬ ‫واحللي القيمة‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .3‬ال تصطحب األطفال معك ألن هذا اليوم مخصص لك ولراحتك‪.‬‬ ‫لذا ففي املرة القادمة التي تعتزم فيها زيارة املنتجع الصحي فكر في كل من‬ ‫الفوائد الرائعة التي سوف جتنيها‪.‬‬

‫املنتجعات الصحيـة‪ ..‬جتــ‬ ‫انتصار السيف‬ ‫أصبحت املنتجعات الصحية في السنوات‬ ‫األخيرة منتشرة في جميع أنحاء الكويت ‪،‬‬ ‫فلحسن احلظ ليس من الضروري أن تسافر‬ ‫الى أحد البلدان لألستجمام والتمتع‬ ‫بخدمات املنتجع الصحي لكونها منتشرة‬ ‫بالكويت والكثير منها يقدم خدمات مميزة‬ ‫ورائعة ‪ ،‬فسواء كنت تريد اتباع منط صحي أو‬ ‫األسترخاء بعيدا َ عن ضغوط احلياة اليومية‬ ‫والتتمع بأجواء من الرفاهية والهدوء‪،‬‬ ‫فاملنتجعات الصحية جتربة البد منها‪.‬‬

‫فوائد املنتجع الصحي‬ ‫‪.1‬األسترخاء والتخلص من األجهاد‬ ‫من خالل اخلدمات التي يوفرها املنتجع الصحي‬ ‫ميكنك أن تستمع باألسترخاء وذلك من خالل‬ ‫العالجات اخملتلفة التي تساعدك على االسترخاء‬ ‫وتخفيف ضغوطات احلياة والتخلص من القلق‬ ‫واألجهاد ‪ ،‬فمجرد األسترخاء في حوض اجلاكوزي‬ ‫وحولك الزهور املتناثرة يساعدك على احلصول على‬ ‫العافية واللياقة البدنية و تخفيف التوتر‪ .‬كما أن‬ ‫كثيرا من املنتجعات تستخدم الزيوت العطرية‬ ‫والتي ميكن استنشاقها أو التدليك أو األستحمام‬ ‫بها والتي من شأنها أن تساعد علي االسترخاء‬ ‫النفسي و تخلصك من التوتر أو مجرد االنتعاش‬ ‫عندما تشعر باالرهاق‪.‬‬

‫‪.2‬التخلص من السموم‬ ‫تقدم الكثير من املنتجعات خدمات وعالجات‬ ‫تساهم في إزالة السموم والسوائل الزائدة التي‬ ‫ميكن أن تسهم في فقدان الطاقة واإلمساك‬ ‫واحتفاظ اجلسم باملاء‪ ،‬فبعض العالجات كعالج‬ ‫لف اجلسم يسهل عملية التخلص من املياه الزائدة‬ ‫في اجلسم وازالة الترهالت الناجتة عن عمليات فقد‬ ‫الوزن وازالة السلويت والتشققات اجللدية‪.‬‬

‫‪.3‬زيادة احترام الذات والثقة بالنفس‬ ‫تخصيص وقتا َ لتدليل نفسك و رعاية جسمك‬ ‫‪47‬‬

‫‪October 2010‬‬

‫وعقلك ميكن أن يحسن إلى حد كبير الصورة التي‬ ‫تنظر اليها الى جسدك باألضافة الى حتسني احترام‬ ‫ذاتك وزيادة ثقتك بنفسك‪.‬‬

‫‪.4‬انقاص الوزن‬ ‫فبعض املنتجعات الصحية تساعدك على التخلص‬ ‫من الوزن الزائد من خالل أخصائي التغذية الذين‬ ‫يقدمون لك النصائح واألرشادات وفيها تتعلم كيف‬ ‫حتافظ على وزن مثالي وكمية السعرات احلرارية‬ ‫التي ميكن أن تتناولها و كيفية تناول الطعام‬ ‫بالطريقة املثلى باألضافة الى العالجات واألنشطة‬ ‫البدنية التي تساعدك في انقاص وزنك و األجهزة‬ ‫اخملتلفة التي تساعدك على التخلص من الدهون‬ ‫الزائدة والسليوليت‪.‬‬

‫‪ .5‬تنشيط الدورة الدموية‬ ‫فالعديد من اخلدمات مثل التدليك والعالج املائي‬ ‫واليوجا وتساعد على تنشيط الدورة الدموية‬ ‫وخفض ضغط الدم‪.‬‬

‫‪.7‬تخفيف اآلالم‬ ‫كما هو معروف ميكن ألنواع من اخلدمات كالتدليك‬ ‫والعالجات املائية وغيرها املساعدة في تخفيف‬ ‫األلم وخاصة آالم العضالت والتهاب املفاصل‬ ‫ومشاكل االعصاب‪.‬‬

‫‪.8‬تساعد على النوم‬ ‫فمن خالل عملية االسترخاء يجد الكثير من‬ ‫الناس الذين يقومون بزيارة املنتجعات أنهم قادرون‬ ‫على النوم بشكل أفضل ليال‪ ،‬و تقدم كذلك بعض‬ ‫املنتجعات برامج النوم لعالج أولئك الذين يعانون‬ ‫من اضطرابات النوم‪.‬‬

‫‪.9‬حتسني عملية التنفس‬ ‫فالساونا والعالجات األخرى ذات الصلة فضال عن‬ ‫التدليك ميكن أن يساعد في حتسني عملية التنفس‬ ‫لدى بعض األشخاص ‪،‬كما أن دروس اللياقة الصحية‬ ‫التي تقدمها املنتجعات كاليوغا أو البيالتيس‬ ‫تساعدك على تقوية اجلهاز التنفسي‪.‬‬

‫‪.6‬مكافحة الشيخوخة والعناية بصحة اجللد‬

‫‪.10‬زيادة مرونة اجلسم‬

‫عنايتك بعقلك وجلدك وجسمك يساعد على درء‬ ‫عملية الشيخوخة‪ .‬فالعناية بالبشرة و عالجات‬ ‫اجلسم اخملتلفة والتي تتوافر في املنتجعات‬ ‫الصحية جتعل بشرتك نضرة وأكثر شبابا َ‪.‬‬

‫فالتدليك والعالج احلراري و املعاجلة املائية تساعد‬ ‫في حتسني مرونة مفاصلك وزيادة نطاق حلركة‬ ‫وكذلك تساهم ممارسة اليوغا والبيالتس والتمارين‬ ‫األخرى على زيادة مرونة جسمك‪.‬‬


Platinum Gym Kuwait Nils De Groef A few weeks ago, spurred on by my annual post-Ramadhan guilt trip, I decided to rejuvenate my otherwise healthy lifestyle by shopping around for a new gym membership. As I recently relocated to the Mahboula area, it only seemed logical that the first gym on my list would be the newly opened Platinum Health Club opposite Box Hill College. I remembered seeing Platinum elsewhere in Kuwait so I enquired further when I visited the new Mahboula branch. It turns out that it is the latest addition to three already highly successful branches in Salmiya (the first), Keifan (the biggest) and Kuwait City (VIP only) and that Platinum has existed in Kuwait for ten years since its warm reception at inception. Platinum Health Club has distanced itself from other gyms by expanding the services and facilities on offer to provide an all-encompassing


health and fitness experience. Besides the traditional gym area, members benefit from Martial Arts and Aerobics sessions, squash and tennis courts, luxury Aqua area with private beach (City only) and a wide array of health and entertainment services which are accessible 24 hours. Platinum Health Club offers 2-3-6 and 12-month memberships for men only, with some games accessible for the little ones. All fitness equipment has been imported from Finland, Germany and the USA and besides locally hired instructors, Platinum Health Club relies on 60% of instructors from abroad to guarantee its members the most professional services. Personal trainers are readily available to assist you upon your request. When joining Platinum Health Club, members are subjected to a quick check that includes measurement, weight and medical history so that a tailor-made fitness regime can be composed for your specific purpose. This includes expert nutrition advice and regular follow-ups so that you can easily monitor your own progress. Members further benefit from a freeof-charge towel and locker service. If you are interested, try and hop in on a weekend, as it tends to be less busy. For more info go to or call: +965 188 0008

October 2010



HARRYS OF LONDON Premier Showcase for Finely Crafted Shoes Paul Tunbridge vourite tanneries in Italy. Such a visionary retail space was conceived by the company’s Designing Director, Kevin Martel, who has contributed more than 15 years of knowledge and experience designing men’s accessories and footwear for iconic brands including Ralph Lauren and Giorgio Armani, and his unique design aesthetic and global sensibility is a result of a career formed in his native USA, followed by numerous years living and working in the design capitals of Europe.

I still remember clearly my first visit to (what quickly became) one of my all-time favourite restaurants. Its location in a delightfully quaint English village was delightful; its modern classic decor was simply stylish; its menu was original and inspiring; the quality of the food and drink was exceptionally good; the service was attentive yet restrained. Overall it provided a first class dining experience. And then there was the bathroom! Yes ... the bathroom was almost as memorable as the meal itself, but for one rather unusual feature: shoes! The restaurant had entered into an arrangement with a local retailer of exclusive gentlemen’s shoes wherein they had strategically placed a small number of glass display cases, each showcasing a pair of beautiful, hand-made shoes. All of which I was reminded this week when I visited the new “Harry’s of London” store on the first floor of the 360 Mall. Sited on a corner, the windows have been darkened to 50

reveal little, if anything, of the store’s interior and have just a few small showcases that each displays just one pair of the company’s exclusive footwear. The lighting in each showcase is bright and colourful, reflecting the “Club” concept of this retail store, but once tempted inside you are treated more to the concept of a traditional English Gentlemen’s Club – designed in the brand’s signature library motif, the shoes are arranged as ‘books’ on the four meter high ‘bookcases’ and the stock is accessible by sliding wooden library ladders in keeping with Harry’s iconic Mayfair store in London. The immaculate interior details include dove grey suede walls, traditional cornicing and a beautifully reclaimed 1930s herringbone oak floor that was shipped from London and reassembled in the store. Among the finishing touches, there are custom-made chesterfield sofas tailored in signature leathers and textiles that were specially made by the company’s fa-

Having looked at the range of shoes when I visited the store, I would suggest that the style and superior quality of the store design is totally reflective of the product on sale. According to Kevin Martel, “Harrys of London is known for innovative and beautifully crafted shoes. We have a loyal following of men who are drawn to our quality and timeless design”. He adds that “I am one of those men - and I enjoy working with, and responding to, the

industry leaders in rubber performance outsole design and manufacturing. This unique rubber unit is based on a design used for performance windsurfing shoes and was adapted for the wet streets of London. The seasonal contrasting colour ‘pop’ has become an iconic feature of the Harry’s brand. These soles offer excellent traction and high abrasion resistance in a multitude of environments.

needs of our customers.” So… what about the shoes? Harry’s of London is an exclusive, finely crafted shoe brand which was founded in 2001 with the radical vision to combine English style with American standards of comfort (thanks to their trainer-like rubber soles). The favoured footwear of a number of famous celebrities – John Travolta and Denzel Washington spring to mind – Harry’s shoes have even been profiled on the front page of the Wall Street Journal. With a flagship store in London’s Mayfair, and a New York showroom located on 5th Avenue which can be accessed only by prior appointment, the store in 360 Mall is their first venture into the Middle East. Harry’s of London claims that it takes time to be timeless! They believe in innovation and evolution in footwear, suggesting that true innovation requires a healthy respect for tradition, classic design and exceptional quality. The company was founded on the concept of combining traditional cobbling techniques with the latest footwear technology, with a vision to create stylish, modern men’s shoes defined by exceptional quality and timeless design. Hence, throughout the brand’s history, there has been an unwavering commitment to the founding principle that men’s shoes can be both timeless and innovative. This uncompromising vision has enabled the business to build an enviable reputation for excellent quality, creativity and integrity. The brand boasts a signature WINDSURF outsole which was designed exclusively for Harry’s in association with Vibram® of Italy, who are

In collaboration with Technogel®, Harry’s has also developed a full gel innersole that offers excellent cushioning and a new kind of comfort - soft, stable and functional with the innersole responding to the exact foot shape of the wearer. Technogel® comfort is determined by its extraordinary ability to absorb loading peaks and redistributing these forces over a larger foot area, thus protecting the muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments.

Aware that Harry’s was created as a brand for gentlemen, I was surprised to see a range of shoes for ladies on the display shelves. The sales advisor told me that this was a new collection for ladies that has been launched exclusively in Kuwait, so yet another first for this flagship brand. If you like shoes, and style, and comfort, I suggest you check out this store. Reminded once again of my favourite restaurant in England, it’s a shame that Harry’s aren’t planning to introduce a five course gourmet menu to feed prospective purchasers while they shop … but I guess you can’t have everything!

October 2010


COOKINGPAGES Oven-baked Red Pepper Risotto Serves: 4 Takes 10 minutes, plus 25 minutes in the oven.

 


 1 tbsp oil  1 Onion, chopped  300g Risotto rice  400g Can chopped Tomatoes  200g frozen roasted Peppers  500ml Vegetable Stock  Handful flat-leaf parsley, chopped

Veggie Bean Patties with Salsa  

Serves: 4 Takes 20 minutes, plus 15 minutes in the oven.

INGREDIENTS:  400g Potatoes cut into small cubes  Half a 400g can mixed Beans, ruised and drained  198g Can Sweet Corn, drained  1 bunch Spring Onions, shredded  100g Cheddar, grated  1 Egg, beaten  50g fresh Breadcrumbs

paramesan, to serve (Optional)


FINISH THE DISH Stir in the remaining stock and parsley, season and scatter with parmesan, if you like.

Kofta Burgers  

Makes: 8 Koftas Ready in 25 minutes

INGREDIENTS:  1kg Lamb mince  2 Onions, coarsely grated  1 Garlic bulb, broken into cloves and finely chopped or grated  6 tbps Garam Masala  Bunch Coriander, chopped (optional)  1tbps Chili sauce, plus extra to serve  8 Pitta breads  4 Tomatoes, halved and sliced  ½ Red Cabbage, shredded  1 Red Onion, sliced  Small pot plain Yogurt


MAKE THE PATTIES Tip the mince into a large bowl with the onions, garlic, garam masala, coriander (if using), chili sauce and a pinch of salt. Use 52


MAKE THE PATTY MIX Boil the potatoes for 10 minutes.Drain, then mash. Roughly mash the beans with a fork. Mix with the potato, sweetcorn, half the spring onions, the cheese and the half beaten egg. Season.


BAKE Turn the oven to fan 200C/ conventional 220C/gas 7.Toss the breadcrumbs with the oil and season, then mix with the flour and remaining egg and spread onto a plate. Take ¼ of the potato mixture, shape into a patty, then coat in the breadcrumb mixture. Place on a non-stick baking sheet. Repeat to make 4 patties. Bake for 15 minutes, and then grill for 2-3 minutes until golden.





MAKE THE SALSA To make the salsa, mix the remaining spring onions with the tomatoes and chili ketchup, then season. Serve the bean patties with the salsa on the side.

FRY THE RICE AND VEGETABLES Turn the oven fan to 180C/conventional 200C/gas .Heat the oil in an ovenproof pan, then fry the onion for few minutes until soft. Turn up the heat; tip in the rice, stir, and then fry for one minute more. Then add the tomatoes, peppers and 400ml of the stock. BAKE THE RISOTTO Cover and bake in the oven for 25 minutes, under the rice is tender and creamy.

 2 tsp Vegetable oil  1 tbsp plain Flour  4 ripe Tomatoes, chopped  2 tbsp Chili ketchup

Ve ge tar

your hands to squeeze every thing together until completely mixed. Pat the mix into 16 small burgers.


GRILL To cook, heat the grill to its highest setting and lay the burgers in a single layer on a baking tray (you may need to do this in batches, depending on how big your tray is).Grill on the highest shelf for 5-6 minutes on each side until browned and cooked through. Pile the burgers onto a plate and serve with pitta breads, tomatoes ,red cabbage, red onion and yogurt, so every one assemble their own. Cheaper, tastier and healthier than a takeaway and a great way to feed a crowd of friends.

Filipino Breakfast

American Breakfast

Chicken Biryani Serves: 4 Ready in 40 minutes

 


 300g Basmati Rice  25g Butter  1 large Onion, finely sliced  1 Bay leaf  3 Cardamom pods  Small Cinnamon stick  1 tsp Turmeric  4 skinless Chicken Breasts cut into large chunks  4 tbsp Curry  85g Raisins  850ml Chicken stock chopped Coriander and toasted

Filipino Lunch

American Lunch

flaked Almonds, to serve.

1 2

PREPARE THE RICE Soak the rice in warm water, then rinse well in cold water.

MAKE THE BIRYANI Heat the butter in a pan and cook the onions with the bay and whole spices for 10 minutes. Add the turmeric, chicken and curry paste and cook for 5 minutes.


ADD THE RICE Stir in the rice and raisins, and then pour over the stock. Cover, bring to a boil, then lower the heat and cook for 5 more minutes. Turn off the heat and leave for 10 minutes. Mix well and stir in half the coriander. To serve, scatter over the rest of the coriander and the almonds.

Now Oppen in Mahboula

Call. 60640726


‫ــوم‪" :‬زجلسترا"‪" ،‬نكستامي"‬ ‫ــايل هوم كولكشن"‬ ‫مجموعة واسعة من الساعات الفاخرة التي تضفي رونقا ً خاصا ً على‬ ‫املنازل في كل مكان‪ .‬وجتسد "نكستامي" أبهى معاني الروعة والفخامة‪،‬‬ ‫وهي تقدم روائعها للعمالء بالتعاون مع "هابيتات"‪" ،‬أوربن آوتفيترز"‪،‬‬ ‫"تو إكس إل"‪" ،‬أوسترمان"‪" ،‬لوتز"‪ ،‬و"نيكرمان"‪ .‬بتصاميمها األنيقة‬ ‫التي حت ّول الدقائق والثواني إلى مساحات بصرية فاتنة‪ ،‬تدخل ساعات‬ ‫"نكستامي" قلوب العمالء في صفاة هوم قبل أن تدخل منازلهم‪ ،‬لتضفي‬ ‫عليها ملسة متميزة‪.‬‬ ‫من أكسسوارات املنازل إلى قطع األثاث الصغيرة التي تضيء كل ركن‬ ‫من منزلك‪ ،‬تولي "اليف ستايل هوم كولكشن" عناية خاصة بتلبية‬ ‫كافة احتياجاتك من خالل مجموعتها الصيفية املتميزة بألوانها‬ ‫الزاهية وأناقتها الفريدة‪ .‬وتشتمل هذه اجملموعة الواسعة على مزهريات‬ ‫أنيقة‪ ،‬شموع مل ّونة مصنوعة يدويا ً في بلجيكا‪ ،‬إطارات فاخرة للصور‬ ‫وأكسسوارات للزينة‪ .‬تقدم لكم صفاة هوم هذه اجملموعة احلصرية‬ ‫كنموذج متألق لألكسسوارات الراقية التي حت ّول منزلكم إلى واحة‬ ‫للعيش الرغيد‪.‬‬ ‫ال تشكل مجموعة منتجات "زجلسترا"‪" ،‬نكستامي" و"اليفستايل هوم‬ ‫كولكشن" إال بداية مشرقة للمزيد من العالمات التجارية األوروبية‬ ‫الرائدة التي ستقدمها لكم صفاة هوم‪ .‬مبنتجاتها التي متلك القدرة‬ ‫على حتويل أي ركن كئيب إلى مساحة من الفرح‪ ،‬سوف تواصل صفاة‬ ‫هوم تقدمي آخر صيحات املوضة في عالم املفروشات واألكسسوارات‬ ‫املنزلية‪.‬‬

‫طرح العالمات التجارية الرائدة‬ ‫"رنفر"‪" ،‬بوش فاشونيشن"‬ ‫و"مونو" حصرياً في صفاة هوم‬ ‫بعد إعادة إطالقها مؤخرا ً بحلة جديدة رائعة‪،‬‬ ‫أعلنت صفاة هوم اليوم عن طرح املنتجات األوروبية‬ ‫العصرية "رنفر"‪" ،‬بوش فاشونيشن" و"مونو" التي‬ ‫سيتم عرضها حصريا ً في صفاة هوم‪ .‬وسوف تشكل‬ ‫هذه العالمات التجارية الفاخرة‪" ،‬رنفر" اإليطالية‪،‬‬ ‫و"مونو" و"بوش فاشونيشن" البلجيكيتان‪ ،‬عالمة‬ ‫فارقة من حيث اجلودة العالية واألفكار املبتكرة في‬ ‫تأثيث املنازل‪ ،‬مبا يضفي ملسة عصرية فريدة إلى‬ ‫منازل العمالء في الكويت‪.‬‬

‫وجودتها الفائقة‪ .‬وسوف تطرح سجادات ووسادات‬ ‫وأكسسوارات "بوش فاشونيشن" قريبا ً في الكويت‪،‬‬ ‫وحصريا ً في صفاة هوم‪ ،‬بالتزامن مع طرحها في‬ ‫محالت إي بي سي نيويورك‪ ،‬وإي بي سي هارودز‪.‬‬ ‫من املصابيح إلى الثريات‪ ،‬ومن الوسائد إلى‬ ‫املساند‪ ،‬تضفي منتجات وأكسسوارات "مونو"‬ ‫البلجيكية ملسة أنيقة وبعدا ً جديدا ً إلى تأثيث‬ ‫املنازل‪ .‬بتصاميمها العصرية التي متثل آخر صيحات‬ ‫املوضة في أوروبا‪ ،‬سوف تضع "مونو" مجموعتها‬ ‫الرائعة لتقدمها الى العمالء في الكويت‪ ،‬وحصريا ً‬ ‫في صفاة هوم‪.‬‬ ‫وتعتبر هذه الباقة من منتجات "رنفر"‪" ،‬بوش"‬ ‫و"مونو" إ بداية مشرقة تتبعها للمزيد من العالمات‬ ‫التجارية العاملية الت ستطرح قريبا ً في صفاة‬ ‫هوم‪ .‬ويضم معرض املفروشات الرائد مجموعة من‬ ‫األسماء الالمعة واملنتجات املتميزة التي ال يوجد‬ ‫لها مثيل في الكويت‪ ،‬والتي تضفي طابعا ً فريدا ً‬ ‫إلى معرض صفاة هوم في الري بحلته اجلديدة‪.‬‬


‫‪October 2010‬‬

‫متثل "زجلسترا" ذروة الفخامة‪ ،‬وجتسد منتجاتها‬ ‫املبتكرة اجلودة الراقية واألناقة التي ال تضاهى‪.‬‬ ‫ويجري جتميعها باستخدام أفخر أنواع‬ ‫لتصدر إلى أكثر من‬ ‫الكريستال في هولندا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫‪ 25‬دولة حول العالم‪ .‬وقد اكتسبت منتجات‬ ‫"زجلسترا" مكانة متميزة بفضل مقاومتها‬ ‫للصدأ وقواعدها املتينة املصنوعة من معدن‬ ‫النيكل‪ ،‬ما يجعل منها مثاال ً حيا ً للجودة‬ ‫الفائقة‪ .‬وتضفي "زجلسترا" طابعا ً أوروبيا ً متميزا ً‬ ‫على كافة املنازل‪ ،‬وهي متوفرة للعمالء حصريا ً‬ ‫في صفاة هوم‪.‬‬ ‫بوصفها الشركة الرائدة عامليا ً في مجال تصنيع‬ ‫الساعات منذ العام ‪ ،1970‬تقدم "نكستامي"‬ ‫لعمالئها منتجات جتمع بني التصميم الراقي‬ ‫واجلودة الفائقة والقيمة العالية من خالل‬

‫متثل "رنفر" ذروة األناقة اإليطالية‪ ،‬وجتسد منتجاتها‬ ‫الراقية سحر احلياة العصرية‪ .‬وتكتمل روعة‬ ‫منتجات "رنفر" باألكسسوارات املتألقة واملتميزة‬ ‫بألوانها الزاهية التي تضفي حسا ً فريدا ً وطابعا ً‬ ‫أوروبيا ً متميزا ً لكل منزل‪.‬‬ ‫من بلجيكا الساحرة مباشرة إلى الكويت‪ ،‬متثل‬ ‫"بوش فاشونيشن" أرقى ما توصل إليه فن تأثيث‬ ‫املنازل‪ .‬بتاريخها العريق وسمعتها العاملية‪ ،‬صنعت‬ ‫"بوش فاشونيشن" لنفسها اسما ً من ذهب في‬ ‫عالم املفروشات املنزلية‪ ،‬حيث باتت منتجاتها‬ ‫مثاال ً حيا ً للفخامة األوروبية‪ ،‬بأقمشتها الفاخرة‬

‫أعلنت صفاة هوم مؤخرا ً عن إضافة أحدث‬ ‫مجموعة من العالمات التجارية الهولندية‬ ‫احلصرية والعصرية "زجلسترا"‪" ،‬نكستامي" و"اليف‬ ‫ستايل هوم كولكشن" إلى مجموعتها الواسعة‬ ‫من العالمات التجارية األوروبية احلصرية‪ .‬وتتميز‬ ‫العالمات التجارية الثالث بتصاميمها األنيقة‬ ‫العصرية وملساتها الفريدة‪.‬‬

‫جـديـد صـفـاة هـــ‬ ‫و"اليـف ستـــ‬


2010 MTV Video Music Awards

Lady Gaga, on stage while accepting the Best Female Video award for Bad Romance2

Justin Bieber, on stage while accepting the Best New Artist award for - Baby2

MTV brought the VMAs back to the west coast for a live, star-studded show in Los Angeles, packing a powerful punch of side-splittingly funny entertainment, awe-inducing performances, and twitter trend-worthy moments. Host Chelsea Handler was uncensored and all-out hilarious as she riffed on everyone from Justin Bieber to Jersey Shore. But the night truly belonged to another lady—Lady Gaga. Gaga dominated, winning in eight categories and wowing in wardrobe changes, which included a gown made of meat. Yes, meat. Handing out Moonmen and marvelling at outrageous celebrity fashion moments is a part of the VMAs, but the night is really about the music. Eminem opened the show with surprise special guest Rihanna for "Love The Way You Lie." Usher KILLED it with a mash-up of "DJ Got Us Falling In Love" and "OMG" that had everyone, Jersey Shore included, wanting to beat the beat. Justin Bieber earned his place as Best New Artist during his outdoor set (with drum solo!), and fellow performers Florence + the Machine, Drake, Mary J. Blige and Swizz Beatz, B.o.B, Bruno Mars and Hayley Williams, deadmau5, Jason Derulo,Robyn, Travie McCoy and Linkin Park (phew!) all nailed it on stage. The most talked about performances of the night went to Taylor Swift and Kanye West who each settled their infamous 2009 VMA Beef through song. The VMAs have etched their place in pop culture as the go56 to source for an unforgettable night that EVERYONE will be talking about. That is, until next year's show.

Sofia Vergara, on stage while accepting the Best Hip-Hop Video award for Eminem's

30 Seconds To Mars, accepting the Best Rock Video award for -Kings and Queens2

Main winners at the

2010 MTV Video Music Awards Best Female Video: Best Male Video: Best Hip-Hop Video: Best New Artist: Best Pop Video: Best Rock Video: Best Dance Music Video: Best Art Director: Best Choreography: Best Cinematography: Best Direction: Best Editing: Best Special Effects: Best Breakthrough Video: Video of the Year:

Lady Gaga Eminem Eminem Justin Bieber Featuring Ludacris Lady Gaga 30 Seconds to Mars Lady Gaga Florence and the machine Lady Gaga Jay Z and Alicia Keys Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Muse The Black Keys Lady Gaga


‘Bad Romance’ ‘Not Afraid’ ‘Not Afraid’ ‘Baby’ ‘Bad Romance’ ‘King and Queens’ ‘Bad Romance’ ‘Dog Days Are Over’ ‘Bad Romance’ ‘Empire State of Mind’ ‘Bad Romance’ ‘Bad Romance’ ‘Uprising’ ‘Tighten UP’ ‘Bad Romance’

October 2010


ENTERTAINMENTPAGES Katy Perry Calls Out High School Crush in Front of Adoring Crowd

George Clooney finds Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie very useful as hoilday companions


n Tuesday, the 25-year-old pop star returned to her alma mater, Dos Pueblos High School in Goleta, California (which she attended her freshman year before earning her GED) for a homecoming concert. With an acoustic guitar strapped around her neck, Perry started talking about the difference between teen boys and girls, and unrequited love. "It's like, don't break my heart, because I'm going to go and write a song about you," she said. "I'm so thankful that God gave me that gift." Pointing out into the audience, she identified one specific member of the crowd and asked, "Is that Shane Lopes? You were the most popular kid in my class, but you never wanted to date me, it was always Amanda Wayne." As the crowd laughed and cheered, she adopted a bit of swagger and added, "Oh 58

yeah, you really chose right, honey. What's up now, playa?" Becoming an international, Grammy-nominated pop star evidently does wonderful things for your self-confidence. Lopes, a former high school football star in Goleta, played quarterback at Delaware State, reports, before returning to his hometown to coach the high school team. Lopes told he was a little embarrassed when Perry turned the spotlight on him, but claims her version of events wasn't totally accurate. Calling her story "pretty fabricated," he said, "I never got the feeling that she had a crush on me. We've always been friends. I think it was more for entertainment and she was figuring out a way to segue into her next song and kinda embarrass me just for fun."



eorge Clooney explains how being friends with Brad and Angelina has its benefits

George Clooney enjoys escaping to his villa in the beautiful village of Laglio, Italy, but it's no longer the quiet retreat it once was. ‘My life over there takes me away from the circus aspects of being a celebrity and that's a pleasant change for me,'George reveals. ‘But unfortunately Laglio is turning into a bit of a tourist mecca now and so I have to be a little more careful.' George's tactic to escape the attention of the paparazzi is simply to divert their gaze elsewhere. ‘Whenever I want, I can always stage a diversion and invite Bradand Angie and their 15 children to come over,' George, 49, says. ‘Then I can sneak away to the other side of the lake by boat and do whatever I want.'

Ash, Akki had fun with cancer patients


ollywood stars Akshay Kumar and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan sang and dance with cancer patients in an event organized by the Cancer Patients Aid Association. Speaking during the event, Ash appeals people to come forward and lend their support financially and personally to the diseased people.

"I think everybody should come forth, contribute in whichever way, in whatever manner you can, to help fund the treatment of people, be it children or whoever the people in need because cancer is a big fight and I think it is something that's an ongoing fight with a large part of the human community. So, do whatever you can, financially, personally in spending time, in being there and lending support and strength," said Aishwarya.


he 29-year-old heiress has Twittered that she recently walked into a pet shop and was shocked to learn that several rabbits would become food for snakes. "I had to save them," she wrote. "I rescued 20 of them. They are now happy living in my backyard. They are all so happy, so nice to have changed their fate." Hilton's playtime with her pets may soon be strained. The heiress was recently charged with felony cocaine possession following her Aug. 28 arrest in Las Vegas. If convicted, she faces four years in prison.

Actress Kelly Mcgillis Weds Longtime Girlfriend

Ash and Akki danced to the tune of their movies. Akshay was stunned to see the stamina of the children dancing and singing. "Today I felt very good after looking at them (children) dance and even looking at their stamina. I have a very old relation with cancer as my father had cancer, So, I can feel the pain," said Akshay Kumar. Akshay and Aishwarya will be seen together for the first time in a movie, titled, ‘Action Replay’.

Freida Pinto to pair opposite Antonio Banderas 'Slumdog Millionaire' actress Freida Pinto is all set to star opposite Antonio Banderas. It is a Hollywood periodic film titled, 'Black Thirst’ to be directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud. The story is set in 1920 that speaks about how America targets the Gulf countries for oil. Freida plays an Arabian princess and she is paired opposite Rahim. But she has also some important scenes with Banderas. The film is highly inspired from Hans R Ruesch's globally acclaimed work South of the Heart: A Novel of Modern Arabia published in 1957. After the success of ‘Slumdog Millionaire’, Freida Pinto shot to fame. She has acted in Hollywood films like ‘Rise of the Apes’, ‘Immortals, Miral’, You Will Meet a Tall, Dark Stranger. In the Toronto International film festival, Pinto walked the red carpet with boyfriend and actor Dev Patel.


he actress, who romanced Tom Cruise on-screen in 1986's "Top Gun," wed girlfriend Melanie Leis in a civil union on Wednesday in Collingswood, NJ, the New York Times reports. McGillis and Muzak sales executive Leis, 42, met in 2000 in Key West, Fla.; Leis was a bartender at a restaurant owned by McGills and her second husband Fred Tillman. The star has been divorced twice and has two daughters with Tillman: Kelsey, 20, and Sonora, 17. October 2010



George Clooney: I use Brad and Angie's kids as decoys


USA Singles Top 40 1

Just The Way You Are Bruno Mars


Mine Taylor Swift


Power Kanye West


Teenage Dream Katy Perry


Deuces Chris Brown


Billionaire Glee Cast


Love The Way You Lie Eminem & Rihanna


Dog Days Are Over Florence & The Machine


Right Above It Lil Wayne & Drake


DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love Usher


Never Say Never Justin Bieber & Jaden Smith


Cooler Than Me Mike Posner


Dynamite Taio Cruz


Smile Uncle Kracker


A Year Without Rain Selena Gomez & The Scene


Only Girl (In The World) Rihanna


Billionaire Travie McCoy & Bruno Mars


Airplanes B.o.B


Like A G6 Far East Movement


Empire State Of Mind Glee Cast


Hot Tottie Usher


Just A Dream Nelly


Telephone Glee Cast


Break Your Heart Taio Cruz


I Like It Enrique Iglesias


Fancy Drake


Misery Maroon 5


Take It Off Ke$ha


California Gurls Katy Perry


Secrets OneRepublic


2012 (It Ain't The End) Jay Sean & Nicki Minaj


Miss Me Drake & Lil Wayne


King Of Anything Sara Bareilles


Radioactive Kings Of Leon


Listen Glee Cast


September Daughtry


The Only Exception Paramore


Why Wait Rascal Flatts


OMG Usher &


Check It Out & Nicki Minaj



D O O W Y HOLL Life As We Know It

Directed by: Christian Alvart Starring:Renee Zellweger, Ian McShane, Kerry O'Malley, Bradley Cooper, Callum Keith Rennie, Adrian Lester

Directed by: Greg Berlanti Starring:Katherine Heigl, Josh Duhamel, Josh Lucas, Jean Smart, Christina Hendricks, Faizon Love

"Case 39" is a horror film starring Renée Zellweger as family services social worker Emily Jenkins. Emily thinks she has seen it all until she meets her newest, most mysterious case, troubled 10-year old Lilith Sullivan (Jodelle Ferland). Emily's worst fears are confirmed when the parents try to kill Lilith, their only daughter. Emily saves her and decides to take her in herself until the right foster family comes along.

Holly Berenson (Katherine Heigl) is an up-and-coming caterer and Eric Messer (Josh Duhamel) is a promising network sports director. After a disastrous first date, the only thing they have in common is their dislike for each other and their love for their goddaughter, Sophie. But when they suddenly become all Sophie has in the world, Holly and Messer are forced to put their differences aside. Juggling career ambitions and competing social calendars, they'll have to find some common ground while living under one roof.

My Soul to Take Directed by: Matt Reeves Starring:Henry Lee Hopper, Denzel Whitaker, Shareeka Epps, Emily Meade, Raul Esparza, Paulina Olszyinski In the sleepy town of Riverton, legend tells of a serial killer who swore he would return to murder the seven children born the night he died. Now, 16 years later, people are disappearing again. Has the psychopath been reincarnated as one of the seven teens, or did he survive the night he was left for dead? Only one of the kids knows the answer. Adam "Bug" Hellerwas supposed to die on the bloody night his father went insane. Unaware of his dad's terrifying crimes, he has been plagued by nightmares since he was a baby. But if Bug hopes to save his friends from the monster that's returned.


Red Directed by: Robert Schwentke Starring:Morgan Freeman, Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren, Mary-Louise Parker, Julian McMahon, Ernest Borgnine Frank, Joe, Marvin and Victoria used to be the CIA’s top agents - but the secrets they know just made them the Agency’s top targets. Now framed for assassination, they must use all of their collective cunning, experience and teamwork to stay one step ahead of their deadly pursuers and stay alive. To stop the operation, the team embarks on an impossible, cross-country mission to break into the top-secret CIA headquarters, where they will uncover one of the biggest conspiracies and cover-ups in government history.

Saw 3D

Directed by: Randall Wallace Starring:Diane Lane, Dylan Walsh, John Malkovich, Scott Glenn, Fred Thompson, Margo Martindale

Directed by: Kevin Greutert Starring:Tobin Bell, Tanedra Howard, Cary Elwes, Costas Mandylor, Betsy Russell, Sean Patrick Flanery

Based on the remarkable true story, "Secretariat" chronicles the spectacular journey of the 1973 Triple Crown winner. Housewife and mother Penny Chenery (Diane Lane) agrees to take over her ailing father's Virginia-based Meadow Stables, despite her lack of horseracing knowledge. Against all odds, Chenery--with the help of veteran trainer Lucien Laurin (John Malkovich)-manages to navigate the male-dominated business, ultimately fostering the first Triple Crown winner in 25 years and what may be the greatest racehorse of all time.

As a deadly battle rages over Jigsaw's brutal legacy, a group of Jigsaw survivors gathers to seek the support of self-help guru Bobby Dagen (Sean Patrick Flanery), a man whose own dark secrets unleash a new wave of terror on the world.

Paranormal Activity 2

Jackass 3D

Directed by: Tod Williams Starring:Micah Sloat (Rumored), Katie Featherston

Directed by: Jeff Tremaine Starring:Johnny Knoxville

A sequel the low-budget camcorder-filmed horror movie, "Paranormal Activity 2" will look to repeat the original's surprise box office success. No plot details are available.

Johnny Knoxville and his buddies are up to their daredevil comic antics again. And this time they’re coming at ya’ in 3D.

October 2010



Khichdi - the movie

Rakta charitra


Directed by: Priyadarshan Starring:Ajay Devgan, Akshay Khanna, Bipasha Basu, Reema Sen, Paresh Rawal Genres: General The film revolves around a lower caste guy who had gone along with his 2 friends to a village - Jhanjhar in Bihar, his native place, to watch Ramleela. These 3 students of Delhi University go missing in the dusty village. Earlier during 3 months there was no clue where the young students have vanished. Media and students movement all over Bihar takes a pivotal step for getting hint of these students, its then government appoints CBI officers Sidhant Chaturvedi and Pratap kumar and find out the truth under it.

Directed by: Mani Shankar Starring: Sanjay Dutt , Kangana Ranaut , Irrfan Khan Genres: Action

Directed by: Aatish Kapadia Starring:Supriya Pathak , Anang Desai , Rajeev Mehta Genres: Comedy

Directed by: Ram Gopal Varma Starring: Vivek Oberoi , Radhika Apte , Shatrughan Sinha Genres: Biography

Knock Out is a fast-paced thriller that happens in real time. In just two hours- 11am to 1pm - an enigmatic vigilante pulls off an incredible, mind-blowing coup and a new chapter of Indian history is written. Sanjay Dutt plays a new age lone ranger who has the latest weapons and gadgets at his fingertips, and is a man who trusts and depends on no one. Working alone, he effortlessly uses his wit, his skills at handto-hand combat, and his love for stealth technology, to manipulate and trap his elusive target.

Narrated through the two wise kids of the hilariously madcap Parekh family, namely Jacky and Chakki. Khichdi - The movie is about a hare brained dream of a snail brained bunch of lovable losers. Hansa's brother Himanshu has born a ridiculous ambition that is to have a memorable legendary love story. It's all together another matter that he is not in love with anyone and neither is he capable of getting any sensible girl smitten to him. But as Babuji over wisely says that for every idiotic Praful there is an even more idiotic Hansa made, his prophecy turns out to be true.

Rakta Charitra film is a biographical tale of Paritala Ravi from Andhra Pradesh, a prime accused in a number of murder cases. It is the story of a man's phenomenal rise to power and a story of the most intense blood curdling conflict ever heard of between two individuals. Moreover, the story is also the ultimate statement on the often heard disastrous consequences of a fatal mixture of caste, crime, family feuds and politics.

Jhootha hi sahi

Directed by:Abbas Tyrewal Starring: John Abraham , Pakhi Tyrewala , Madhavan Genres: Comedy - Romance If you could read her deepest thoughts… Know her every emotion. Manipulate her every choice. And all you had to do was lie a little. Well, not that little. The kind of lie that, if she knew, would break her heart. What would you do? Would you give up your secret? Would you hang up the hotline? Or would you lie? Lie for love. A story about lies and laughter. Fun and friendship. Journey to self-discovery. But above all, it is the journey of love. True love The story traces the friendship between Sid and Mishka which is forged over the phone.

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The first book from Gruen since her 2006 bestselling novel,Water for Elephants. In Ape House, Sara Gruen once again makes connections between animals and humans, this time through a group of bonobo apes. Bonobo apes are the closest animals to humans genetically. In Ape House, a bonobo language lab is attacked, and a series of events leads to the apes being exploited for financial gain. A scientist and journalist have personal and professional reasons for wanting to expose what is happening in the "Ape House."

'Safe Haven' Nicholas Sparks Nicholas Sparks releases a new book each September, and while he tends to follow a formula (sweet love story with a sad twist, usually in North Carolina, usually with family issues involved), it is a formula that his fans love, and they don't seem to be complaining. Safe Haven is the story of Katie, a woman with a tough past who settles in a small North Carolina town and must decide whether she will allow herself to fall in love again.

'A Secret Kept' Tatiana de Rosnay

'Mini Shopaholic' Sophie Kinsella

A Secret Kept by Tatiana de Rosnay is the story of a French brother and sister who return to the island where they used to vacation as children until their mother died there. On the island, the sister gets into a serious car accident when suppressed memories of her mother come flooding back. Antoine must deal with his sister's revelation and a series of other tragedies in his life.

At some point a couple novels ago, Sophie Kinsella announced that she planned to end her wildly popular Shopaholic series. Then, perhaps, she remembered how lucrative it is to write books that are sure to become bestsellers. Mini Shopaholic is the seventh book about Becky Brandon, the heroine introduced in Confessions of a Shopaholic. In Mini Shopaholic, Becky must deal with a stubborn two year old with expensive tastes, and tries to cheer up her husband by throwing him a surprise birthday party.

'The Fall' Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan

The Fall by Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan is the second book in their dark vampire trilogy that started with The Strain. We thought The Strain was one of the Top 10 Books of 2009, so have been eagerly awaiting The Fall.

Fall of Giants' Ken Follett

Ken Follett's Pillars of the Earth and World Without End are moder classics. Follett returns with Fall of Giants, the first in a new trilogy that will follow five families through the major events of the twentieth century. Fall of Giants takes place around World War I, but also touches on the Russian Revolution, coal mining and women's suffrage.

'Legacy' Danielle Steel

Legacy by Danielle Steel spans several centuries, focusing on a modern academic writer and an eighteenth century Sioux Indian. Brigitte Nicholson's genealogical quest draws her into the journey of a brave Sioux woman, and helps her deal with frustrations in her relationships and path.

October 2010


TECHPAGES Never Ending Pencil

Sanyo Xacti VPC-CG21 Full HD Pocket Camcorder

To cut a long story short, what we have here is a simple writing tool called the Continuous Pencil, which can be used till the very end. We usually end up discarding pencil stubs…I know my children waste too many saying that short pencils are uncomfortable to hold. So basically you keep increasing the length of your stubs with a handy interim-headlesslong stick that fits snugly into its rear. Quite simple and straight, but is it a refinement of the 1 + 1 Pencil? The Continuous Pencil won an iF Concept Design this year!

The VPC-CG21 is the newest addition to Sanyo’s Xacti Full HD pocket camcorder line-up. This compact video camera is equipped with a 10-megapixel CMOS image sensor, a 5x optical zoom lens, a 2.7-inch fold-out LCD display, an 80MB of internal memory, an SD/SDHC/SDXC card slot, a USB 2.0 port, an HDMI port and has the ability to capture both 1920 x 1080p Full HD video at 60fps as well as 10-megapixel digital still images.

a 21st century upgrade for painting Easter eggs Painting Easter eggs is a quaint tradition, one beloved by kids everywhere. But why must we remain rooted in the same methods that have been used for decades? Paintbrushes are so last century.

For The Apple Geek Of The Day!

I’m sure this concept is going to bring smiles to many iGeeks (me included) and keep us lusting for it to become a reality! The Docking and Storage Base is a convenient tray that fits under the screen of the iMac or PC and docks everything ‘i’; iPod, iPhone, iPad. It covers the area below and to the back of the screen allowing you to sync, charge, store and display up to 3 devices. Two of the docks are towards the end of the ramp so that they don’t obstruct the main screen, allowing them to be used as secondary screens (clever!). The tray also provides easy access to USB ports that are located in the front, plus all the wiring is concealed to give it a clean look. The only wires you’ll see are the ones for a firewire and a power source. Two storage cabinets for other smaller electronic devices, documents and pens, complete this panel’s features.

Select-A-Spice Carousel (12-bottle) Here's a spice rack that stores, measures and dispenses your spices from a convenient turntable that spins like a carousel! Each spice container (12 in all) features a dial at the bottom that dispenses 64 64

1/4 teaspoon with each click.

Reversible Acacia Serving Tray This is a great 2 in 1 tool. You can use it as an elegant serving tray for your guests at home.Also can be used as a table so you can watch tv and eat comfortably on your sofa.Or you can use it as a laptop table.Good thinking.

Cherry and Olive Pitter With the invention of this handy kitchen tool, removing cherry and olive pits has now become much easier. The Pitter is equipped with a thumb rest that gives you a comfortable, firm hold as you press down to eject the stone, making the process so simple.

Herb Savor

Nothing makes your meals taste better than the freshest ingredients. The Prepara Herb Savor will prolong the life of your fresh herbs for up to 3 weeks so you can enjoy fresh, flavorful meals every time you cook. It fits inside a typical refrigerator door and includes an easily refillable water well base and a removable stainless steel herb basket.

Egg Timer Accurately calculate the cooking times for eggs,

iPod-compatible Travel Kit With FM Transmitter

from soft- to hard-boiled, with this easy-to-use Egg Timer. Simply place it in water with eggs. As they cook, watch the timer change color until the eggs reach the desired state.

Bring some life into your cubicle with a USB aquarium

Face it: your cubicle is a little lifeless. Sure, you’ve got a Nerf gun and pictures of your family, but where’s the life. You need to be able to take care of another living thing in order to feel alive in your cube, and that cactus ain’t cutting it.

The iPod-compatible Travel Kit with FM Transmitter from will keep your Apple iPod cables and accessories organized, and at your fingertips. The kit consists of an iPod FM transmitter that lets you easily enjoy your iPod music library over your car or home stereo, while the included AC and DC adapters ensure power in either setting. There are also an iPod dock to USB cable that connects to your computer to charge and sync your iPod, the iPod dock to 3.5mm cable that provides a direct stereo connection to an external sound system, and the headphone splitter cable that enables music sharing with a second listener. 65 October 2010 65


LEARNING TO COUNT THE NUMBER Count the numbers of pictures in groups, and then circle the groups that have 1 item.

1. What product was the first to appear in a UK TV commercial (in 1955)? 2. Who discovered penicillin? 3. What is the capital of Peru? 4. By what process does the sun's energy reach the earth? 5. What 2 creatures are on the Australian coat of arms? 6. What is the Capital of New Zealand? 7. What is the opposite of a 'Concave' lens? 8. What is a nickelodeon? 9. Where is the Ceremony of the Keys held every evening? 10. What do Sumo wrestlers throw into the ring prior to a match? 11. Pb is the chemical symbol for which element? 12. What is the Tasmania?



Every row, column and mini-grid must contain the numbers 1 through 6. Don't guess - use logic!

2 4 4

2 2 4

3 6


6 3 5

Make Words How many words can you make with at least 3 letters from the word


ANSWERs 1.Toothpaste (Gibbs SR) 2. Alexander Fleming (1928), 3. Lima 4. Radiation, 5. Kangaroo and Emu 6. Wellington, 7. Convex 8. A cinema, 9. Tower of London 10. Salt, 11. Lead, 12. Hobart


MATCH THE CLOCK DRAW A LINE TO CONNECT THE MATCHING TIME. Match the clocks to the time they are set to.

JUMBLED WORDS Rearrange the letters on the left to make proper words












Spot the 20 differences

The Two Frogs Two frogs had lived in a village all their lives. They thought they would like to go and see the big city that was about ten miles away. They talked about it for a long time, and at last they set off to see the city. It was a hot day, and they soon began to feel tired. They had only gone a little way when one said to to see it." the other, "We must be nearly there. So he climbed up on the back of the Can you see the city?" other frog to see the city.

behind, and not what was in front. So he saw the village they had just left. "Can you see the city?", asked the frog who was below. "Yes," answered the frog who had climbed up. " I can see it. It looks just like our village."

Then the frogs thought that it was not worthwhile going any farther. They went back and told the frogs round the village that they had seen "No," said the other frog; "but if I Now when the frog put up his head, the city, and it was just like theirs. climb on your back I might be able his eyes could only see what was Write a suitable moral for this story:


AUTOPAGES Mazda Shinari

Dodge Durango

The Mazda Shinari is a pure design concept model of a four-door, fourseater sports coupe which perfectly expresses the 'KODO - Soul of Motion' design theme in a graceful and carefree form. The Japanese word Shinari describes the powerful yet supple appearance of great resilient force when objects of high tensile strength, such as steel or bamboo, are twisted or bent. It also refers to the appearance of a person or animal as it flexibly transforms its body to generate a fast movement. Within this movement, Mazda designers discovered the potential to realize 'KODO - Soul of Motion'. One glance at Mazda Shinari Concept stirs the emotions. Its form expresses the powerful movement of a lean body with highly developed muscles, supple but at the same time filled with tension. Mazda's desire is to reach car lovers' hearts and go beyond the notion of rational logic. This form purely embodies that desire.

The Dodge brand team laces up their running shoes to compete in the 'Dodge Rock ‘n' Roll Virginia Beach Half Marathon presented by SunTrust' in Virginia Beach, Va., over the Labor Day weekend. In addition to being title sponsor of the Sunday, Sept. 5, race, the Dodge brand will proudly show off its all-new 2011 Dodge Durango as the official pace vehicle of the race. The Dodge brand team will make their way to the race in a caravan of more than a dozen Dodge brand vehicles, including three all-new 2011 Dodge Durango SUVs.

Fiat 500

The reborn and re-imagined Fiat 500 is arriving soon to America. Born in Italy, perfectly tailored for America, the Cinquecento is as vibrant and engaging as it is fit and nimble. The Sport model, featured in these images, illustrates Fiat's smart and stylish design aesthetic. Like the original Fiat 500 a half-century ago, the new Cinquecento continues its timeless value while embracing individual expression and opportunity – all infused with world-class craftsmanship. The Cinquecento offers unique adaptations for the North American market and is designed for individuals who demand that style and fashion can coexist with practicality and functionality. Matching its sporttuned suspension, the Fiat 500 Sport features athletically styled front and rear fascias with a larger grille and flared aerodynamic treatment. Between its unique 16-in. aluminum wheels with Mineral Gray painted pockets, the Cinquecento incorporates new bodyside sill cladding for an enhanced sport appearance. 70

Lotus-Evora-S Ahead of the official unveil at the Paris Motor Show on September 30th, Lotus announce the latest evolution of the award winning Evora – the Evora S and Evora IPS (Intelligent Precision Shift) option. Lotus has taken the award winning Evora and re-created it with a 350 PS 3.5l V6 engine to create the Evora S. Dany Bahar Lotus' Chief Executive Officer summed it up beautifully when he said: 'You don't realise what you were missing from your driving experience until you get behind the wheel of the Evora S.'


Kia Pop Concept

Kia Motors will continue its tradition of unveiling convention-challenging and design-led concept vehicles at motor shows when it reveals an all-new electric concept car at the Paris Motor Show on the 30th September. Called the 'POP', Kia's latest concept car boasts zero-emissions - whilst in use - and at three metres long, yet with a three seat layout, brings innovative design chic and dramatic styling to the city car segment. Further information will be released in due course. The 2010 Paris Motor Show runs from the 30th September to the 17th October.

Ford of Europe is launching the most stylish and technologically advanced Mondeo model ever. With a fresh, restyled exterior, an enhanced interior, plus new high-efficiency Ford EcoBoost petrol and TDCi diesel powertrains and a host of new driver comfort and convenience features and safety technologies, the new Mondeo completes the rejuvenation of Ford's large car range, and takes its position as the flagship model in the company's European portfolio.

Ford Harley-Davidson F-150

Following significant updates to the Ford S-MAX and Galaxy models earlier this year, the new Mondeo is the latest Ford car to benefit from the continuing evolution of Ford kinetic design, with subtle visual differences incorporated into key areas such as the front and rear end. -The Mondeo interior has also benefitted from a comprehensive rework with changes to the centre console and door panels, plus a range of new, high quality materials.

The 2011 Ford Harley-Davidson™ F-150 combines two rich traditions into an extraordinary package for customers who crave capability and long for the open road. With authentic styling, a new standard 6.2-liter V8 engine and plenty of technology upgrades, it's the most powerful and capable Ford Harley-Davidson F-150 yet. 'The new 2011 Ford Harley-Davidson F-150 perfectly blends the flexibility and capability of F-Series trucks with the free spirit of HarleyDavidson® motorcycles,' said Eric Kuehn, chief engineer. 'Both companies have a passion for the road, which shines through in our specialized truck.' The successful collaboration between these two icons of the open road has produced nine F-150 models, as well as six Super Duty F-250 and F-350 models, and in 2009, the first Harley-Davidson F-450 edition truck. The exterior of the 2011 Ford Harley-Davidson™ F-150 offers a bold front fascia and six-bar-shaped billet-style satin chrome grille and boasts 'Harley-Davidson' satin chrome badging. The truck also has a lowered appearance because of a standard, fully integrated deployable running board. October 2010



All Fair and Street Paul Tunbridge


raditional fairgrounds have a sound, smell and atmosphere all of their own. The sound of laughter and screams ringing out amidst the mix of music from a multitude of sidestalls and rides; the smells of freshly-cooked hamburgers and hotdogs, toffee-apples and pink, whispy candyfloss; and an overriding feeling of fun, expectation and adventure, with even a small underlying sense of danger. During my youth, back in England, I enjoyed visits to the fairgrounds as much as anyone else, but not for me the thrill of the Waltzers, Rotors, Cliffhangers or Chair-O-Planes – my favourite attractions were the Haunted Houses and, first and foremost, the Dodgems, or Bumper Cars. If I’m honest, I was never too sure how to tell the difference between Dodgems and Bumper Cars. The very names implied that one (Dodgems) were to be driven in such a way as to avoid hitting all others in the arena; whilst the other (Bumper Cars) were to be driven with the express intention of crashing into as many of the others as could be managed within the time allowed. Of course, for most people the idea of either ride has always been to bump into the other cars, although safety-conscious (or at least litigation-conscious) owners would often put up notices reading "This way around" and "No bumping" but, depending on the level of enforcement by operators, these rules were mostly ignored by Dodgem and Bumper Car riders alike ... especially younger children! Even the cars looked pretty much the same in


either attraction, each controlled simply with just a foot throttle and steering wheel, and were equally loads of fun. Of course, there are many who might regard Kuwait’s road system as one big dodgems’ arena... witnessing the way some drivers weave in and out between other moving traffic, often at outrageously fast speeds and across multiple lanes with little or no warning, it is sometimes amazing that other drivers do, actually, manage to dodge ‘em! On the other hand, there are many examples at the roadside of those that have suffered from being bumped, too. Whilst the thought of illegal dodgems activity on Kuwait’s highways is likely to make most people quiver in their boots, you might be fascinated to hear about some road-legal dodgems that I’ve come across in California, USA. Instead of drawing power from the floor or ceiling like regular flat rides, these bumper cars seen around the San Diego area not only run independently, but are driven along public roads. That’s right ... these bumper cars, which have been reconfigured to run on four wheels, are completely street legal! Created by California-based builder Tom Wright, the original set of modified bumper cars came from the Long Beach Pike Amusement Park’s compound of discards. Instead of watching them join the trash heap, Tom replaced the electric motors with regular gas-fuelled engines and redesigned the cars to pass city driving standards. His fleet now consists of

CityPages Q





eight crazy-looking street bumper cars (culled from different amusement parks), all licensed to give anyone’s hottest ride a run for their money. The first bumper car Tom purchased and hot-wired was a retired Lusse (which has a second-hand, unrestored, retail value around $5,000). The process of making the small vehicle ready for the road took over a year, with Tom choosing a Harley motor to power the bumper car. Due to the excessive vibrations caused by the engine over time, though, the Harley motor was replaced with a 750cc power unit. It is worth noting that neither this first car, nor any of the subsequent models, was created by simply dropping a restored body on top of a quad-bike ... far from it. Each chassis has been custom built by Tom and his friends, with some powered by 500cc engines and others sporting 750cc. From that first bumper car, Tom can now boast a fleet of 8 road-ready bumper cars, all graced with customized bodies and interiors. The cars’ design alone would be enough to attract their fair share of attention on the road. The fact that these babies have clocked in at as much as 160 mph is an added bonus!

Who do you think was Best Dressed at the MTV Video Music Awards 2010?

I’m told that none of these wonderful creations are for sale, or being built for sale ... this is just a hobby; something that Tom likes to do for fun, putting smiles on the faces of strangers everywhere the cars travel. Now, I’d challenge you to deny you have a desire to relive your childhood memories down at the funfair... See page 29

Let us know what you think! Email us at Your answer could be published in our next issue. 73 October 2010

PRESSPAGES HUBBLE 3D AT SCIENTIFIC CENTER The Scientific Center released the latest IMAX 3D film “Hubble 3D” during the first day of Eid Al-Fitr as announced by the Chairman and Managing Director of the Scientific Center Mijbil Almutawa. Almutawa said that the film is the latest IMAX films, and takes the viewer into outer space and experiences flight at altitudes of 600 km from the Earth's surface in a task of great importance aimed at reforming the Hubble Space Telescope. “Hubble 3D” reveals to the viewer the difficult process of repairing the Space Telescope and the efforts made by the astronauts in order to accomplish this complex task of paramount importance, and exercises they have fought before departure of the task carried out in 2009, as the atmosphere of the planet is full of challenges, including the lack of gravity, and extreme cold. The work started on this task in 2005 and aims to extend the life of the telescope, which began orbiting Earth in 1990 and completes a full cycle around the Earth every 96 minutes. Since its inception, the telescope captures high-resolution images of the planets, stars and galaxies that are not picked up from ground which takes photos of galaxies as far as 12 billion light-years away. To get the best shots in 3D on this mission, astronauts have been trained on how to use IMAX cameras in addition to some basic rules in photography and film training which lasted eight months. The camera lens on the Hubble captures a new collection of stunning high-definition images, such as a huge column of newborn stars in the cloud present in the nebula (Karina), and the death of an exciting star is an exquisite butterfly. The cameras also capture the stars in infrared and ultraviolet to see the age of the star from the temperature. Almutawa said that the film carries an environmental message which is very important, which is that we must preserve our fragile environment, as the Earth is the only planet known to be fit to live.

Essa Hussain Al-Yousifi & Sons Co.-Systems and Business Service Sector Launches Panasonic Smart Solutions Exhibition To appreciate the latest integrated systems technology Panasonic, the globally trusted company and preferred brand name in the Middle East as a manufacturer of electronic appliances, unveiled on Wednesday 29/09/2010 at the Holiday Inn Salmiya, Dana Hall a series of its novel products that represent smart technological solutions being the latest of their kind in the world of integrated systems that support one another and can also be used independently. Among these products there is the electronic interactive “Panaboards equipped with a set of unique technologies that uplifts the performance of business and learning environment to unprecedented levels .Also Scanners received the appreciation of many representatives in the health care, insurance, transpiration, government, financial and banking, and other vertical sectors as a model option capable of supporting document processing centers in need of extensive photocopying potentials. The company also launched at the exhibition a new range of projectors designed to meet the needs of academic and government institutions and business. These Projectors are equipped with a three-layer chip engineered with digital optical processing technology of 1:10,000 Lighting Lumins capable of producing up to 10,000 operation hours that is perfect solution for large auditoriums. The products in addition included a series of laser printers, wired with the


latest operational advanced features supportive of work effectiveness and performance for fast and high- quality colored printing using 3.5 inches LCD display with FTP transfer protocol. In addition to the presentation of water and shock resistant Panasonic lap tops. Worthy of mentioning that the activity of this unique event has attracted a significant presence by the invitees and a number of dignitaries, journalists and those interested in this industry that reflect the level of admiration and attention to Panasonic modern and smart products. The event received wide media coverage by several of journalists who attended specifically for this purpose.

PRESSPAGES EXXONMOBIL, KUWAIT ENERGY AND PARTNERS LAUNCH THIRD KUWAIT SCIENCE FAIR COMPETITION Largest science competition in Kuwait Endorsed by the Minister of Oil, Information and US Ambassador Public and private companies team up to inspire students in math and science

The Kuwait Science Fair, the largest science competition founded by ExxonMobil Kuwait and Kuwait Energy was launched on 26th September. The competition in its third run with continued support from the public and private sectors, to generate student interest and excitement in math and science and help inspire the scientists and innovators of tomorrow. The third annual Kuwait Science Fair competition is endorsed by HE Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, the Minister of Oil, Minister of Information, and Chairman of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, for the third year in a row. Supporting the competition for the first time, HE the US Ambassador to Kuwait, Mrs. Deborah Jones, joins as its leading chief ambassador to support the efforts of the competition at large.

students in science and math fields. The competition inspired many students looking forward to becoming innovators in fields of their interest. I’ve personally witnessed the excitement and anxiousness of these students as winners were announced last March. Many great and innovative projects were honored and recognized and many more were exhibited, showing that these students can excel and give their best when given the opportunity. Students will take our place in the world tomorrow, so it is important that we provide them with a platform to discover innovative solutions, and an opportunity to make their mark. I am proud to be a chief ambassador to the Kuwait Science Fair and I also look forward to support students in their journey to become the scientists of tomorrow.”

Following two consecutive and successful years, the founders of the Kuwait Science Fair are joined by returning sponsors as well as new partners: Platinum sponsors for the second year in a row:  Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC)  Kuwait United Facilities Management Company (KUFM) Gold sponsors:  Information Technology Institute (ITI) Silver sponsors:  The Scientific Center  Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait  Asnan Clinic Partners:  Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science (KFAS)  Schlumberger Kuwait  American University of Kuwait (AUK)  Arab International Industrial Projects Company (AIIP)

AUK's President - Dr. Winfred Thompson

Extending his support for the third year in a row, HE Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah AlAhmad Al-Sabah said: “The Kuwait Science Fair continues to encourage students to innovate in math and science, engages them to learn and explore science fields and to apply what they have learnt at school under the supervision of the Kuwait Science Fair team of professionals. We look forward to the participation of more students this year and we hope to see these talented students excel in math and science on an international level.” HE The US Ambassador to Kuwait, Mrs. Deborah Jones, said: “The Kuwait Science Fair competition was founded on the vision of encouragement and support to engage

From left:

Representatives of - ITI Education, Scientific Center, and Ahli Bank October 2010


PRESSPAGES ÇILEK Launches HAPE Range of eco friendly, educational kid’s toys Safat Home’s leading children’s furniture brand, ÇILEK, offers the latest in contemporary children's furniture as well as their introduction of this award winning range of toys.ÇILEK stores are located in the Safat Home Al-Rai showroom, Al Tilal, Discovery Centre and in Fahaheel.

For the first time in Kuwait, the award winning toy ranges from HAPE are now available from ÇILEK at Safat Home. HAPE are one of the world's leading toy manufacturers who support children's learning and fun by creating innovative and educational play ideas and products with high play value. All HAPE products are designed to focus on traditional play patterns for baby, toddler and preschoolers. HAPE has developed a range of toys that combine designs in natural wood with updated and visuallyappealing colours and design. The collection varies in design and is value-priced for consumers to purchase more than one piece at a time. All packaging for HAPE toys lists developmental benefits and play tips – researched from a variety of expert sources - are offered to extend the toy beyond normal play patterns. Parents and caregivers are provided suggestions on how they can enhance playtime. HAPE brands are sold through its network of specialty retail and school supply stores and catalogues in over 40 countries. HAPE brands have won numerous awards from prestigious independent toy testing groups for toy design, quality and safety.

Gatehouse Bank acquires Oxford Brookes student accommodation property for £29million Kuwait, 04 October 2010: Gatehouse Bank plc (Gatehouse), a wholesale Shariah compliant investment bank in the City of London, has completed its third student accommodation deal this year, with the £28,895,000 acquisition of an 8,414 square meter, newly built student accommodation property in Oxford. This latest transaction follows the acquisition of two earlier student accommodation properties in Loughborough and Liverpool last April, and brings the total value of Gatehouse Bank’s real estate portfolio up to £150 million. The property has been purchased at a net initial yield of 6.73%, and will deliver an average cash yield of 9.3% per annum, with the university guaranteeing 97% of the term time rent and the developer, Berkeley Homes; guaranteeing the Summer vacation rent for the first five years.

opportunities,” added Mr. Boodai. Leading a team of real estate specialists at Gatehouse, Philip Churchill, Executive Vice President and Head of Real Estate said, “Student accommodation is an extremely well-established sector in the UK, worth £6.5bn. It is also one of the few sectors experiencing rental growth at the moment, with average increases of 5% per annum over the last six years. When combined with the inherent supply and demand imbalance, which guarantees nearly 100% occupancy rates, student properties make a particularly attractive investment option and we see it as an area of considerable growth for the bank.” The Oxford property comprises 350 en-suite rooms in apartments with independent kitchen and lounge facilities, as well as 24 self-contained studios constructed around a central courtyard. Of its 18,035 students, Oxford Brookes is currently only able to accommodate 19% in halls of residence, and so this latest property will meet significant local demand. The property, developed by Berkeley Homes, is subject to a Nominations Agreement with the Oxford Brookes University for a period of at least 15 years. The UK’s largest operator of privately managed student accommodation, CRM, will provide day to day management.

Chairman of the Board of Directors at Gatehouse Bank, Mr Fahed Boodai commented: “Gatehouse has a proven track record in securing the best investment opportunities for its investors, clearly shown by the acquisition total of “5 star deals” within the last 10mths across the commercial office, student and healthcare sectors.” “The latest Oxford Brookes acquisition showcases the team’s superior knowledge of the UK’s real estate market dynamics combined with its capability to source high quality asset allocations. These investment opportunities are acknowledged by our investors who have been swift to take up these high yielding income producing 78

Fahed Boodai

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October Planet Overview: The New Moon on October 7 is in the "we" sign of Libra, and the Full Moon on October 22 in the "me" sign of Aries. Coinciding with the time of the fiscal year, this could turn thoughts to other career opportunities. It's an annual decision time regarding whether to go along with the current program or look toward possibly greener pastures. October 17 through October 20 could be a week of rumination and vacillating ideas. There won't be a lot of final developments happening, but there will be an examining what exactly you owe others and what you owe yourself. At the very least October will be a time of evaluating your career and, in some cases, your romantic future.

A r i es

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Personal responsibility to loved ones should be a priority this month. Extra care and attention to relationships will be needed, and you'll need to use tact and be polite. This isn't a good time to force your will on someone. With the help of the New Moon in Libra on October 7, you'll learn to use diplomacy and be cooperative, especially with your partner. Keep the lines of communication open and be kind. A Full Moon in your Rising Sign on October 22 will bring out your aggressive and overbearing tendencies for a few days. You'll need to keep your temper in check when frustrated

Tau r u s

(Apr 20 – May 20)

Improving relationships at work will be on your mind this month and totally within your reach. You'll team up with other staff to get things done and collaborate on ideas. The Sun, Mercury, and Saturn will all be in the sign of Libra and your work sector over the next few weeks. Communicate clearly, put things in writing, and be cooperative. Be cautious and keep your promises. Personal relationships will be passionate and intense. You'll tend to keep secrets from your significant other. Neptune retrograde in Aquarius will continue to cause confusion over your career. Don't make firm decisions or commitments now


(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

This month you'll put a lot of energy into connecting with your immediate family and entertaining at home. This would be a good time to host a family dinner or small party that includes close friends. You'll get along well with anyone in your home and strive to create a comfortable and pleasing environment. The Sun and Mercury in Libra and your sector of home and family will bring out the need to spend time with loved ones, but Saturn in this area will add responsibilities and obligations. Pluto in Capricorn will continue to bring much change in your relationships.

Alvin Toffler 4th October Mahatma Gandhi 2nd October


(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Get together with relatives, neighbors, and others in your community this month. You'll have good relations and interesting conversations most of the time due to Mercury and the Sun traveling through Libra. You'll be able to make others feel comfortable and enjoy themselves, and you'll be a calming influence. Saturn will also be in Libra, lending a serious vibe that may tone down some of your natural enthusiasm and need for attention. You'll probably think of others before yourself. A New Moon in Libra will help you be cooperative and empathetic for several weeks.

Toni Braxton 7th October

Kate Winslet 5th October

Usher 14th October

G em i n i

(May 21 – Jun 20)


Donna Karan 2nd October

Winona Ryder 29th October

Alicia Silverstone 4th October


Gwen Stefani 3rd October

You'll be flirtatious and in the mood for love and affection this month. The Sun, Mercury, and Saturn will be in the sign of Libra and your love sector. If you're single, this will mean increased chances for romance. With Venus and Mars in Scorpio and your work sector, there may be a strong attraction to someone at the office. If you're in a relationship already, you'll be inspired to spend quality time with your partner that will help rekindle your feelings. Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces may create disruption in your career plans for a while.

Nikki Hilton 5th October

Vir go

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Vladimir Putin 7th October

Pluto in Capricorn will continue to create havoc in your love life. With the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn moving through the sign of Libra, you'll be affectionate and loving. With Venus and Mars in Scorpio, feelings will be passionate. Saturn may bring out shyness and reserve. The planets in Libra will affect money matters by bringing good timing and luck, but you should use caution and common sense in all your financial dealings. Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces will bring a disruptive influence to your relationship with your partner. You may feel that he or she is acting unreliably or erratically

FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 28th October


(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Hugh Jackman 12th October

This will be a powerhouse month for you with a planetary emphasis on your sign. The Sun, Mercury, and Saturn will move through Libra, bringing a busy month with plenty of personal contact. The Sun and Mercury will help to increase your confidence and attract what you need. You'll be loving and social, and your popularity will increase. The presence of Saturn, however, will restrict some of this energy and make you reserved and shy in some situations. You may have fears that you have to get past before you connect fully with others. A Full Moon in Aries on October 22 will bring a confrontation.

Ashanti 13th October

Ca pricor n (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Ralph Lauren 14th October

Career matters will keep you busy and take up some of your time this month. The current influences in Libra will help you make valuable contacts and get help and advice if you need it. Saturn in Libra may delay some of your initiatives or cause you to hesitate about taking action. Pluto in the early degrees of your Rising Sign will continue to create change and transformation in your personal life and outlook. A Full Moon in Aries on October 22, in square to your Rising Sign, will bring a high level of frustration and a few angry outbursts.

Sarah Ferguson 15th October Pele 23rd October

Sc o r p i o (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

You'll value friendships and close relationships now, even if others think you're withdrawn or you don't talk about it much. You may only want a chosen few around you or need a lot of time alone this month. A New Moon in Libra on October 7 will help you be cooperative, helpful, and willing to be a team player. Venus and Mars will be in your Rising Sign, turning up the intensity and passion. You'll be a love magnet and have a strong libido. Creativity will also be enhanced. Pluto in Capricorn will bring changes in your extended family. Many relationships will be transformed.

Bill Gates 28th October

Sa g i t t ar i us (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Freida Pinto 18th October

Katy Perry 25th October

A quarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

This month will be an excellent time to express your thoughts and feelings and communicate in writing or orally. You'll be busy with social commitments and find interactions with others engaging and stimulating. Use caution when meeting new people, but don't spend too much time alone. You'll need other people to bounce ideas off of and to give you feedback. Venus and Mars in Scorpio may be a distraction if you're trying to focus on your career. An intense attraction to someone could easily throw you off course and you may become obsessed. You'll have a lot of drive and ambition nonetheless.

Eminem 17th October Snoop Dog 20th October

You'll make new friendships and acquaintances this month if you get involved in an organization or group you believe in. This will give you the chance to connect with like-minded people who share your interests. You may be reserved and cautious at first, but you'll slowly begin to build trust. Mercury in Virgo will bring new business contacts early in the month, but some may not be helpful. A Full Moon in Aries on October 22 will make you irritable and argumentative for a few days. Family life will be unstable all month with Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces.

Hillary Rodham Clinton 26th October


(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Julia Roberts 28th October

You'll focus a lot of energy on working with others to get funding, negotiate settlements, or plan joint finances. Try to work as a team and be willing to compromise. The Sun, Mercury, and a New Moon in Libra will help you do that well. However, Saturn in Libra may force you to move slowly, use common sense, and do your homework. Venus and Mars in Scorpio and the sector related to travel, education, and communication will intensify goals related to these areas of your life. Jupiter and Uranus, now back in your Rising Sign, will cause insecurity or 81 overconfidence. October 2010


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