City Pages september_2010

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Monthly Magazine

September 2010

Pe o p l e  L i f e s t y l e  E v e n t s

Dealing with the Queen of Clubs

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Contents INTERVIEWS 34 Nadia Ali - Dealing with the Queen of Clubs 44 Sarah Sadeq - Building Plans ... 48 Saud Abdulaziz Al-Sharifi - Watersport Wonder



24 Importance of Banana in Our Life 26 Good Swimming Exercises 27 Obesity, Longevity 28 Back-to-School Essential Medical Checkups

39 City Guide 54 Did You Know ? 57 Question of the Month



29 Plastic Society 30 ‫!!!كيف التعامل مع التعرق ؟‬ 31 ‫كوني جميلة هذا العيد‬

52 A Vagabond in France




08 That's what Eid is all about 09 How to share Eid Celebrations with Non Muslims 10 ‫دعهم يتساءلون عن سر ابتسامتك في أول يوم دراسي‬ 11 Back to School Preparation and Tips

50 Ferrari World Abu Dhabi

12 What is a Bachelors Degree? 13 ‫العودة الى املدارس كيف حتضر طفلك ألول يوم دراسي؟‬ 14 Back to School Backpack Safety 16 Saudi Arabia to test 'world's largest clock' 17 Sustainability – Are we aware of it? 18 COFFEE The Healthier Experience 19 ‫أين ميكنك أن تشارك بعمل تطوعي في الكويت ؟‬ 22 Footwear that’s Fast Being Snapped-up! 23 The Chocolate Love Affair


ENTERTAINMENT 60 U.S. Top 40 61 September Hollywood Movie Releases 62 September Bollywood Releases 63 September Book Releases CITYPAGES SPECIAL

32 City Fashion

IN EVERY ISSUE 15 Homework for Grown Ups 55 A World of Nebula in 4 Colours 56 Hind Al-Nahedh Blog 58 Automotive Pages 64 Gadgets 67 Kids Pages 72 Press Releases 76 Horoscopes & Famous Birthdays

c o py o f e e r f r u e P ic k yo one of th m o r f s C it y Pa ge t e d o n Pa ge : 7 5 li s lo c a t io n s



It’s common sense that we should take every opportunity to look after ourselves and others in the best way possible, but we don’t always have even the basic knowledge we need. Health and well-being are important issues year-round, so to highlight some of these we will feature our October issue around this theme. For now, and for this “Go Back To School” issue, I invite you to go back to flicking through the pages and dipping in!


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Until the next issue ... enjoy your Eid; stay happy; stay healthy; and Happy Reading!

We love to hear your feedback! Email

This month’s exclusive interviews will introduce you to Nadia Ali, who you will already have spotted on this month’s cover and who is an internationally-acclaimed recording artist; to Sarah Sadeq, who designs jewellery and property here in Kuwait; and to Saud Al-Sharifi, who is a local jet ski champion.

P. O. Box 1541, Safat - 13016, Kuwait Tel. 22656552 Fax. 22656523 E-mail:

Of course, the summer break is also now finished for most people, too, and in this issue there are features that should be of interest to teachers, students and parents as preparations get underway to get back to Kuwait; get back to work; get back to school; and, for all of us, to get back to a routine! I expect that, by now, everyone will be ready with smart new uniforms and equipped with books, pencils and all the essential paraphernalia on the shopping list, but I hope you will find our last minute advice and other articles will be helpful, and of interest.

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Ramadan has now finished, and I am pleased to offer my congratulations and good wishes to everyone at this time of celebration. I hope you all have a wonderful Eid.

Extra care has been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this magazine. However, the publisher will not accept responsibility for errors and omissions in the publication. In addition, the views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Photos have been altered to comply with the Laws of Kuwait.

Eid Mubarak!

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Dear Readers...

C ontributors y Amal A. AlBaqsh Colleen M. Stor y Del-sandeen een Dr. Nazia Naush Eva Gregory George Thomas Hind Al-Nahedh Intesar Al-Saif

James S. Fell Joanretiro John MacArthur Kyle Chapman Michael Streich Al Nafoury Shorouq Al-Din Zeeba Rafiq

September 2010


That's what Eid is all about Amal A. AlBaqshy


id is a very special event. We call it special because of religious reasons; it comes after great patience and faithful prayers. Normally, people gather with their families and exchange greetings for Eid Alfitr. Now, however, I see people race to the airport to escape the crowd which you cannot step a foot into. It seems like a sort of comparison, in waiting for every Eid, I worry as if it was the day of the finals, it is 'the day' when you meet people you've never met long time ago. It is also the day when you go out you'll get stuck in unmoving traffic line and end up spending your Eid in a vehicle. But why does it have to be that way? Why cannot it be like always, where families hang out with each other in their big house? I do not see family gathering as a sort of tradition or as an order, other than that we can see it as a change of routine. You know that you will not have time to spend it with your family later, so why not spend these few days with them? I am sure you will have fun with them exploring their weird and funny characters. Another thing about Eid is the excessive shopping mania! I do not go out much but is there a sort of competition for the freakiest custom? People tend to push it too far when


it comes to dressing up for Eid. There is no harm in wanting to dress up for the occasion, but we see many people try so hard to impress people, or may be themselves! As Thoreau says "simplify, simplify, simplify" I bet that it would look nicer and more sophisticated than dressing up like a clown only to get people to notice you. Moreover, the most important things that we have to have on Eid is a smile, and a light spirit. But more importantly, to remember the main reason for this occasion, to reward yourself and others after the great prayers and good deeds you have done during Ramdan. This reward does not have to be something bad or harming, but rather both pleases God and has a good outcome on you and your society. Because if only a single person is harmed by what you do, then your happiness is called stealing other's happiness, and this of course is not acceptable. If you need a clue for what Eid is supposed to be, just look at the reactions of the little children. The way they smile when someone gives them a small amount of money, when they rush to spend it on the silliest thing; like a bar of chocolate, or a lollipop. Look at them when they play with each other, they do not

care about how others think of them, or how silly they are acting, they are just enjoying the time of their lives, and they have a long time ahead. So, how about us, the grownups, we have shorter time ahead to spend, and we try to worry ourselves about the dumbest things. Even if it was a matter of life and death, worrying about it will not solve anything, so throw the worrisome away, and try to enjoy the moments of your life, nobody is going to give you another one to make up for the one you wasted. And remember, when you say "Eidek Mubarak" it means you are sending your blessing to the person you are directing your words to, so mean it when you say it, and spread the blessings. That's what Eid is all about.

INSIGHT How to share Eid Celebrations with Non Muslims Learn how to share the Eid Holiday with Non-Muslim Families and Friends. Learn ways to include the non-muslims in your life in the special occasion. Things You'll Need: Open mind, Friendly Attitude and Willingness to Share. • Step 1 Explain the significance of Ramadan early in the month. Prepare a short note, postcard or e-mail explaining briefly the month. Include a reference for them to visit to learn more if they are interested. Also explain that the end of the month is celebrated with a prayer service, "feasting" and gifts.

• Step 2 Make small treat bags or gift baskets of candies and cookies. Pass the bags out to co-workers

and friends and explain that it was the traditional gift during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Explain that "Eid Mubarak" the traditional greeting means "blessed celebration" and teach them to say the greeting with you.

• Step 3 Invite friends and co-workers to your home for a traditional "feast" or dinner. Plan party games and decorate with Eid Mubarak balloons and decorations. Make sure that everyone who leaves, gets a small parting gift.

‫‪September 2010‬‬

‫دعهم يتساءلون عن سر ابتسامتك‬ ‫في أول يوم دراسي‬ ‫أمل أحمد البقشي‬ ‫لقد بدأت استمع إلى عبارات التذمر من قرب‬ ‫موعد العودة للدراسة منذ الشهر الفائت‪ .‬و ما‬ ‫أتعجب منه هو التناقض الذي أراه عند حلول موعد‬ ‫الدراسة‪ ،‬فبدال من عبارات التذمر التي اسمعها‬ ‫أثناء وقت الفراغ‪ ،‬فإني أرى عقول مبدعة تنتظر‬ ‫معلومة بسيطة كي تبدأ باالستناد على تلك‬ ‫املعلومة كحجر أساس لتبني منه برجا عال من‬ ‫الطموح و األحالم‪.‬‬ ‫إن مسألة كره العودة للدراسة هو شيء متوارث‪،‬‬ ‫فلقد اعتاد اجلميع على التذمر من الدراسة و‬ ‫املدرسة و املدرسات أو املدرسني‪ .‬و األمر الذي ال‬ ‫يستطيعون رؤيته هو أنهم يتذمرون فقط بداعي‬ ‫الكسل و قلة النشاط الذي يدفعهم ملزاولة العمل‬ ‫مجددا و الرغبة في النوم املتواصل‪ .‬إنني أشكر‬ ‫اهلل على هذه املؤسسات التعليمية‪ ،‬فحتى و لو‬ ‫كانت ليس باملستوى املطلوب قإنها أفضل من ال‬ ‫شيء‪ ،‬ألنها قبل كل شيء‪ ،‬تنظم وقت الطلبة و‬ ‫جتعلهم يبرمجون عقولهم على جدول زمني معني‪،‬‬ ‫ليس فقط للدراسة‪ ،‬بل أيضا لألكل‪ ،‬للنوم‪ ،‬و للقاء‬ ‫األصدقاء‪.‬‬

‫فحني نزيح السلبيات التي نراها في األمور‪ ،‬فسوف‬ ‫تتضح لنا الرؤية و يصبح العسر أهون لنا‪ .‬فعلى‬ ‫سبيل املثال‪ ،‬نحن دائما نفكر بالدراسة على إنها‬ ‫من أصعب األشياء في احلياة‪ ،‬و لكنها ليست‬ ‫كذلك‪ ،‬إنها فقط عقولنا البليدة حتاول التملص من‬ ‫األشياء املفيدة كي تنسحب إلى عادات الكسل و‬ ‫حب االسترخاء الالنهائي‪ .‬فكر في األمر كنوع من‬ ‫التحدي‪ ،‬ال جتعل الدراسة عبء على نفسك‪ ،‬بل‬ ‫كوسيلة كي تطور من قدراتك و تتعلم أمور جديدة‬ ‫في احلياة‪ .‬ال تقل أن هناك من املواد ال متد للواقع‬ ‫بصلة‪ ،‬فبكل شيئ تتعلمه هناك نوعا من الصلة‬ ‫بحياتك سوف تعرفه ذات يوم‪ ،‬سواء كان مباشر أو‬ ‫غير مباشر‪.‬‬ ‫إضافة إلى ذلك فإن التعلم هي وسيلة للتقرب‬ ‫من اهلل‪ ،‬فهناك وسائل كثيرة كي نكون أشخاص‬ ‫جيدين‪ ،‬و من هذه الوسائل هي أن تكون شخص‬ ‫متفاعل بشكل ايجابي مع مجتمعك و مع عائلتك‪،‬‬ ‫فانتهز هذه الفرصة كي تطور من نفسك و تصبح‬ ‫من األشخاص الذين يعتمد عليهم و اجلديرين‬ ‫بالثقة‪.‬‬

‫اذا كانت النتائج تبدو لك بعيدة عن الواقع و من‬ ‫الصعب الوصول إليها فحاول أن حتدد هدفا تريد‬ ‫الوصول إليه‪ ،‬و اعتبر الدراسة هي الطريق للوصول‬ ‫إلى هذا الهدف‪ .‬أعرف أنك لن تكون إنسانا ناجحا‬ ‫من غير شهادة أو دليل على أنك إنسان ناجح و‬ ‫يعتمد عليه‪ .‬فرمبا قد تكون إنسانا ناجحا و لديك‬ ‫العديد من الهوايات التي تعمل على تنميتها ليال‬ ‫نهارا‪ .‬لكن هذه الهوايات ليست لها قيمة من غير‬ ‫دليل على النجاح‪ ،‬فالشهادة دليل لك و لغيرك‬ ‫على أنك تستطيع اجناز ما عجز الكثير عن اجنازه‬ ‫و سبب لك لكي تواصل الصعود في سلم النجاح‬ ‫املتواصل‪.‬‬ ‫و من أهم األشياء التي يجب تذكرها هو أن ال‬ ‫يعيقك عائق‪ .‬فإن أحسست بالهزمية قد اقتربت‬ ‫منك‪ ،‬فاعلم أن هذه ليست النهاية‪ ،‬بل بداية جديدة‬ ‫قد تعلمت منها بعض األمور التي يجب جتنبها‪.‬‬ ‫فلقد استفدت من أخطاءك كي تصنع املزيد من‬ ‫النجاح‪ .‬و لقد أخطأ من سمى الفشل باملعنى‬ ‫السلبي‪ ،‬فالفشل هو من أفضل األشياء التي ميكن‬ ‫أن حتدث للشخص‪ ،‬حيث مع الفشل تأتي التجربة‬ ‫احملفوفة باخملاطر و املليئة بالدروس التي يتعلم منها‬ ‫الشخص أطنانا من املعرفة و الوسائل التي سوف‬ ‫يجبه فيها أمور حياته‪ .‬فإن فشلت فابتسم‪ ،‬فأنت‬ ‫أفضل من هؤالء الذين يسيرون بثقة مغمضي‬ ‫األعني و ال يدرون عن تلك احلفر التي سيقعون فيها‪.‬‬ ‫اآلن‪ ،‬يجب أن ترحب بالدراسة من جديد‪ ،‬كمنطلق‬ ‫ملغامرة جديدة في اآلفاق ال تعلم سوف كستكون‬ ‫بدايتها أو نهايتها‪ ،‬أو من ستلتقي فيها‪ .‬إن صعود‬ ‫اجلبل أصعب من نزوله‪ ،‬لكن الرؤية أجمل بكثير‬ ‫عندما تكون في القمة‪ .‬لذا‪ ،‬إبدأ بزخرفة دفاترك‬ ‫باأللوان و حتضر لليوم الدراسي األول‪ ،‬واجه زمالؤك‬ ‫باالبتسامة الكبيرة‪ ،‬فالناس دائما تتساءل عن‬ ‫األشخاص املتبسمني و تريد أن تعرف السر وراء هذه‬ ‫االبتسامة‪ ،‬دعهم يفكرون مليا‪ ،‬ال تخبرهم السر‪،‬‬ ‫أعطيهم فقط شيئا ليفكرون فيه؛ رأس اخليط و دع‬ ‫صناراتهم تصطاد واحدا من الغنائم الثمينة التي‬ ‫تنتظرهم في بحر الفرص الواسع‪.‬‬ ‫‪10‬‬

September 2010


Getting Children Organised to Return to School after Summer Holidays After the long summer vacation, it is important to be prepared for the return to school to avoid a last minute rush. Checking school uniforms, organizing clothing labels and purchasing school supplies need to be organized in advance. Online school supplies companies can be cheaper, but time needs to be allowed for shipping.

Lunchboxes and water bottles need to be replaced occasionally and the beginning of the school year is often a good time to do so. These are usually also on sale with the school stationery. Choose items that will fit easily into a school bag and which will also be big enough to hold the required recess and lunch containers.

School Uniform

School bags will often last more than one year. At the end of the previous year, check the bag for wear and, if possible, wash it on a gentle cycle in the washing machine. Soaking the bag overnight before washing will help to loosen worn in dirt and stains. If the bag is too worn, replace it. If students have a large number of books to carry or if they

Children often experience a growth spurt over the long summer holiday break, so it is best to check that items fit later in the holidays. If there are items that must be purchased from the school, note which days during the holidays the uniform shop will be open. Ensure that uniforms are tried on and checked before the final shop date before school goes back. Check hems of skirts and tunics before school returns and adjust accordingly. Shoes should be replaced if they are too tight or no longer fit well. Once again, it is best to wait until 2 – 3 weeks before school returns before purchasing new shoes to avoid outgrowing them too quickly. Always waterproof and polish shoes before they are worn for the first time. Clearly label all clothing with a laundry marker or iron-on label. Write on the family name only if items are likely to be handed down to younger family members. In addition to labeling school uniform, mark the tag using a colored marker. Children rarely take the time to read names on labels, but will quickly recognize a brightly colored tag as they pick up a jacket to check if it is theirs.

and school bags clearly with a permanent marker or adhesive labels. If the school requires a standard school bag, students can often use colorful key rings or other tags attached to the zipper rings to help them more easily recognize their own bag. Extra items such as library bags and paint shirts are sometimes needed, but these can easily be bought after school has commenced for the year. Don’t forget to also practice spelling and math skills to prepare students for a return to their studies. By planning ahead, the final days before school returns can be as relaxed as the rest of the holidays.

There are many things to organise for children returning to school after summer vacation. Plan ahead to avoid a rush at the end of the holidays. need to walk a significant distance to and from bus stops to get to school, it is worth investigating bags that have added shoulder and back support. These will be more expensive than a normal backpack, but are designed to reduce strain on developing spines. Label all stationery, lunchbox items, drink bottles

School Supplies Many shops have stationery sales in the month before school returns. It is possible to economize with most items (e.g. lead pencils, pencil sharpeners, pencil cases etc), but it is usually best to buy good quality glue-sticks, such as Bostik or Uhu, as cheaper glue is often not as adhesive or long-lasting.


September 2010

What is a Bachelors Degree? Kyle Chapman


bachelor’s degree is the first degree awarded by a college or university after a successful four years of full time higher learning. The term means a young apprentice, derived from the English word bachelor. After you have successfully passed your academic career, you earn a bachelor’s degree. If you wish to pursue additional years of study, the next degree that you will earn is a master’s degree and this can be followed by a doctorate degree if you want to devote more time for further learning. Different Terms, Facts and Trivia 1. In many countries a bachelor’s degree is more commonly know as a baccalaureate degree based on the German word bakkalaureus that was first awarded in Germany. It was later referred to as the magister degree awarded for a five-year undergraduate study and was later called a diplom, before the being officially called the bachelor’s degree in 1998. 2. Japan calls a bachelor’s degree program for a six-year course as gakushi. Bakalavr is the term used for the bachelor’s degree in Russia. 3. Currently there are seven types of bachelor’s degree that you can earn: • The Bachelor of Arts or a BA degree and the Bachelor of Science or BS degree are the most common type of bachelor’s degrees that are awarded to graduates of a four- or fiveyear college or university course. The Bachelor of Science degree is for those students who want to enter the different fields of science. The Bachelor of Arts degree is awarded to students who successfully passed the arts and humanities course. The rest of the categories are the Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of


Applied Science, Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees. 4. The first two years of college or university study for a bachelor’s degree is more focused on general education subjects. By the third year, a student should think of a specific field of specialization or a major when the focus of learning will be concentrated. You can stop at that after graduation or be more adept at using the knowledge to further your studies to earn a master’s and eventually a doctorate degree. 5. The bachelor’s degree is the standard used for entry into the professional careers. Most employers will look for candidates with a bachelor’s degree and for some companies

this can be the minimum criterion just to be able to apply for a specific position. With the demand for a more knowledgeable workforce, a bachelor’s degree is a must for you to be able to compete in the professional environment. 6. With a bachelor’s degree you can earn so much more that those without a degree or with an associate degree. There are more career opportunities that will be open for you when you have a bachelor’s degree. In this day and age of computer technology you can earn your bachelor’s degree from a reputable school by attending onsite or online. If you are in the senior year in high school and plan to get a bachelor’s degree, chose a field of study where you excel the most. Look into several college or university coursework before you make a decision and get yourself ready for college by maintaining a high grade percentage and taking more courses in your field of interest such as the different branches of science, humanities and the arts, mathematics and languages. Today’s colleges and universities offer a variety of courses and programs that are designed for entry into the professional world.

‫‪September 2010‬‬

‫العودة الى املدارس‬ ‫كيف حتضر طفلك ألول يوم دراسي؟‬ ‫انتصار السيف‬

‫انتهت العطلة الصيفية وعادت املدارس لفتح‬ ‫أبواها من جديد مستقبلة آالف التالميذ من جميع‬ ‫املراحل الدراسية ‪،‬وقد يكون أول يوم دراسي صعبا َ‬ ‫على بعض األطفال بسبب األتتقال من بيئة املنزل‬ ‫املألوفة الى بيئة جديدة ‪ ،‬وقد اليتأقلم الطفل مع‬ ‫هذا األنتقال بسبب ارتباط الطفل باملنزل و تعلقه‬ ‫باألم ‪ ،‬وبالتالي تظهررغبته في عدم االنفصال‬ ‫عنها على شكل بكاء ورفض للذهاب الى املدرسة‬ ‫‪،‬ألنه سوف يقابل أشخاص غير مألوفني بالنسبة‬ ‫له ويتواجد في مكان جديد فيه تعليمات وأنظمة‬ ‫تقيد حريته فيبدي مقاومة وبكاء ‪ ،‬وقد يعتري‬ ‫أيضااخلوف و القلق بعض أولياء األمور إذا ما‬ ‫شعروا أن طفلهم يرفض الذهاب إلى املدرسة‪ .‬وقد‬ ‫يحتاج طفلك لتهيئة اجلو الستقبال العام الدراسي‬ ‫اجلديد ‪ ،‬وهنا بعض األرشادات التي ميكن أن تساعد‬ ‫طفلك على التأقلم مع أول يوم في املدرسة‪:‬‬ ‫‪ .1‬نظم مواعيد نوم طفلك تدريجيا‏‪ ،‬فعود طفلك‬ ‫على النوم مبكرا َ واألستيقاظ مبكرا َ بوقت كافي‬ ‫قبل بدأ العام الدراسي و قلل من ساعات مشاهدة‬ ‫التلفاز وألعاب الفيديو وال تترك األمر آلخر أيام‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬قبل بدأ العام الدراسي اصطحب طفلك لشراء‬ ‫لوازم املدرسة و املالبس فهي وسيلة جيدة لتهيئة‬ ‫ابنك أو ابنتك للعام اجلديد‪ ،‬واترك له اخليار فيما‬ ‫يتعلق بالقرطاسية وميكنك مساعدته في اختيار‬ ‫أدوات مدرسية ذات الوان جذابة وليكن استعدادك‬ ‫الستقبال العام الدراسي اجلديد فيه شيء من‬ ‫الفرح‪.‬‬


‫جديدة مفيدة وحتدث معه عن األنشطة الترفيهية‬ ‫التي ميكن أن يشارك فيها باملدرسة‪.‬‬ ‫‪.6‬ال تسأل طفلك ماذا كان يشعر باخلوف أو الرهبة‬ ‫قبل العام الدراسي ألنك قد تزرع فيه مشاعر غير‬ ‫موجودة في األساس‪.‬‬

‫‪ .3‬في اليوم السابق لبداية العام الدراسي اطلب‬ ‫من طفلك أن يساعدك في حتضير مالبسه‬ ‫وأن يقوم بتحضير حقيبته وأن يضع فيها ماقام‬ ‫بشرائه‪.‬‬ ‫‪.4‬اذا كان في األمكان زيارة املدرسة قبل أن بداية أول‬ ‫يوم دراسي‪ ،‬فاصطحب طفلك في جولة باملدرسة‬ ‫واطلعه على مرا فق املدرسة وفصله ومعلميه‪.‬‬ ‫‪. 5‬في صبيحة اليوم األول أيقظ طفلك مبكرا َ‬ ‫قبل املوعد احملدد بوقت كافي ‪ ،‬واحرصي على أن‬ ‫يتناول وجبة اإلفطار قبل الذهاب إلي املدرسة و‬ ‫حاول اضفاء جوا َ من احلماس ‪ ،‬فعلى سبيل املثال‬ ‫أخبر طفلك بأنه سوف يلتقي بأصدقاء جدد أو أنه‬ ‫سوف يلتقي بأصدقائه القدامى الذين لم يرهم‬ ‫خالل العطلة الصيفية ‪ ،‬وأنه سوف يتعلم أشياء‬

‫‪ .7‬اذهب الى املدرسة بوقت كافي قبل انتهاء اليوم‬ ‫الدراسي حتى اليشعر الطفل باخلوف والضيق‬ ‫عندما ينتهي اليوم الدراسي واليجدك واستقبله‬ ‫بابتسامه حانية واسأله عن ماذا فعل في أول‬ ‫يوم؟ومن هم معلميه ؟ومن هم زمالؤوه؟ وهل‬ ‫استمتع بأول يوم ؟ وامتدح سلوكه وجناحه في‬ ‫الذهاب إلى املدرسة‪.‬‬ ‫‪.8‬اسأله عن هدفه في احلياة وماذا يريد أن يصبح‬ ‫عندما يكبر ؟ وكيف ميكنه أن يحقق هذا الهدف؟‬ ‫اجعل له هدفا ً في احلياة يضعه نصب عينيه ‪،‬‬ ‫ليكون ذلك حافزا ً له لبذل اجلهد‪.‬‬ ‫‪.9‬اذا كان الطفل يرهب املدرسة فال يكون العقاب‬ ‫هو احلل لذلك ولكن يتم ذلك عن طريق بث الثقة‬ ‫في نفس الطفل وقد تنفع بعض احلوافز األخرى‬ ‫كالذهاب الى مطعمه املفضل أو شراء هدية اذا لم‬ ‫يقم بالبكاء وقد يستجيب الطفل عند تشجيعك‬ ‫له ولكن الجتعل ذلك عادة‪.‬‬ ‫‪.10‬من واجب املدرسة واملعلمني ازالة اخلوف وا‬ ‫الرهبة من نفوس األطفال اجلدد والقدامى فنجد‬ ‫الكثير من املدارس هنا في الكويت تقيم حفل‬ ‫استقبال ترفيهي في بداية العام الدراسي اجلديد‬ ‫لطلبة مرحلة الروضة واألبتدائي‪.‬‬

September 2010

Back to School Backpack Safety Colleen M. Story

As you get your child ready for school this fall, most likely you’ll do everything you can to ensure his/her safety. You’ll make sure she’s up-to-date on her vaccinations, set up a schedule to make sure she gets enough sleep, plan for healthy breakfasts and lunches, and get all the supplies her teacher says she needs. But then, as you lay all the supplies out the night before that first day, you’ll realize: This is a lot of stuff. How is my child going to carry it all? It’s a fact of modern education that today’s children have more to carry than ever before. There are more books and notebooks, but there may also be calculators, cell phones, musical devices, athletic equipment, and even a computer. How do you know when it’s all too much for your child to carry without risk of injury? Back Pain from Backpacks Experts recommend that a backpack weigh no more than 15% of the child’s body weight, but a recent study found that over half of the over 300 participants, grades five through eight, carried more than that.1 The National Association of School Nurses has stated that children are particularly susceptible to orthopedic injuries from wearing backpacks because their bodies

are growing and developing.2 These injuries can include strains, sprains, and general back pain, as well as poor posture that could lead to back problems later in life. The problem is exacerbated when children use only one strap, putting all the weight on one side of the body, increasing the risk of headaches and muscle spasms. A heavy backpack pulls a child backward, forcing him to compensate by bending forward at the hips or shoulders and arching the back, putting pressure on the spine. To see what your child is up against, consider loading up his pack with enough stuff to make up 15 percent of your body weight, then imagine carrying that around all day.

• Try to find a pack with a waist strap-it helps direct the load onto the waist and hips, putting less stress on the back. • Pack as light as you can, using compartments to keep items distributed evenly. Pack heavier items closest to the center. Remind your child to always use both straps to avoid straining shoulder muscles. • Tighten the straps so that the pack is close to the body. • Be sure your school allows students to stop at their lockers throughout the day, so they can unload heavy items.

Tips to Avoid Injury


Unfortunately, most parents can’t get around the fact that children must take a fair amount of supplies with them to school every day. What you can do is help your child make some adjustments that will lower her risk of injury. Consider the following recommendations:

1 Goodgold, Shelly, et al. Backpack use in children. Pediatric Physical Therapy Fall 2002, Volume 14, Issue 3: pp 122-131.

• Start with a quality backpack—this is not a piece of equipment to skimp on. Choose one that’s lightweight with wide, padded shoulders, and a padded back. Those with lumbar supports can help prevent slouching. You may consider a rolling pack if your child doesn’t have too many obstacles to travel through. Make sure the handle is long enough so she doesn’t have to crouch. • Choose the right size backpack for your child. It should be no larger than his back. To make it easy, measure from the shoulder line (about halfway between the neck and shoulder joint) to the waistline (belly button), then add two inches. The pack should fit two inches below the shoulders and up to four inches below the 14

waist. Then make sure the pack is centered between the shoulder blades.

2 Position Statements: Backpacks. National Association of School Nurses.

September 2010

September 2010


The term comes from the story of the little girl who said, “I know how to spell ‘banana’, I just don’t know when to stop”. The banana problem basically means not knowing where or when to stop. It is usually used in computer programming when an algorithm with improper termination commands leads to repetition. It also applies to a web design, which is subjected to feature creep or the rapid expansion of features which complicate the simple design.

What colour is an insect’s blood?

What is the pasteurized milk?

Did you know that insects don’t have red blood like us? Instead their blood is either colourless or a very faint green or yellow. If you manage to squash an insect, and you see red blood, you can be sure that that red has come from the blood of some animal the insect has bitten.

Milk is pasteurized by heating it to a temperature of about 62 Centigrade (about 143 Fahrenheit) and maintaining that temperature for half an hour. The treatment kills most of the bacteria, which cause milk to go sour quickly, or many produce disease in human beings.

Is blood the only fluid circulating in the body?

Pasteurized is therefore much safer than untreated milk, especially for babies, and in many countries is the only milk allowed to be sold. The process is named after the French scientist Louis Pesteur (18221895) whose discoveries revolutionized knowledge about the effects of bacteria.

There almost 5 litres of blood in the human adult's body. But it is not the only fluid to circulate. A substance called 'lymph' circulates through a network of vessels throughout the body.





Why do flamingos have bent beaks?

Flamingos like to live in shallow lagoons and lakes. Despite their large size and their large beaks flamingos feed on the smallest of organisms in the water. The flamingo stalks along with its head bent right down to dip the beak in the water. In this position the upper half is underneath and the beak is now an ideal scooping organ. The flamingo sweeps its head from side to side through the water to collect tiny mollusks, crustaceans and singlecelled algae. As the tongue pumps water through the beak, this food is caught on a sieve-like structure inside and passed down the throat.

Complete the five words below in such a way that the two letters that end the first word also start the second word, and the two letters that end the second word also start the third word etc. The same two letters that end the fifth word also start the first word, to complete the cycle.


** IV ** ** OT ** ** IC ** ** NG ** ** RA **




Soduku 7 4 8 3 1 2 9 3 1 4 5 6 7 2 6 3 7 4 5 6 3 7 9 2

Last Month's Solution

2 4 8 7 1 6 9 5 3 1 5 3 9 4 2 7 6 8 6 9 7 5 3 8 1 4 2 4 7 2 8 9 5 6 3 1 3 6 5 4 2 1 8 7 9 9 8 1 6 7 3 4 2 5 8 2 9 3 6 7 5 1 4 7 3 4 1 5 9 2 8 6 5 1 6 2 8 4 3 9 7



September 2010


Saudi Arabia to test 'world's largest clock'

September 2010

Timepiece that "will dwarf Big Ben" to be unveiled soon. S

audi Arabia is beleived to test what is being set in the transparent roof of the shopping billed as the world's largest clock in the complex. holy city of Mecca. The complex overlooks Mecca's famed Grand The four-faced clock tower will top a massive Mosque, which Muslims worldwide face during skyscraper that when completed will be around their five daily prayers and is part of Saudi 1,970 feet (600 meters) tall, the second tallest efforts to develop the city visited by millions of pilgrims every year. in the world after Dubai's Burj Khalifa. A three-month test run for the clock will start The clock will dwarf London's Big Ben, once during the first week of Ramadan - the monththe largest four-faced clock in the world, with long period of prayer, reflection and sunrisedials more than five times greater in area is to-sunset fasting. revealed. Only one of the clock's four faces has so far The around 130 feet (40 meter) diameter been completed and is covered with 98 million Saudi clock dials are also bigger than the pieces of glass mosaics. current world champion at the Cevahir Mall Each face will be inscribed with "God is greatest" clock in Istanbul, which has a 36 meter face in Arabic and fitted with thousands of colored


September 2010

lights. The clock will be visible from more than 16 miles (25 kilometers).

entire clock, from the base up to the crescent, itself will be 820 feet (251 meters) high.

An observatory deck is planned at the base of the clock.

German and Swiss engineers designed the clock and according to the Ministry of Religious Endowments, the entire project will cost $800 million.

A huge golden crescent moon, 75 feet (23 meters) in diameter, will eventually rise above the clock on a 200 foot (61 meter) spire, from which some 15 beams will shoot up into the sky. The

The seven tower complex is being built by developer Saudi Binladen Group. I am sure you all would be as excited us myself to witness the completed tower.


September 2010

September 2010

INSIGHT George Thomas

Business Development Manager Arab Development Center(ADC)

Sustainability – Are we aware of it?

One of the most widely used word these days is sustainable and sustainability. But what does it mean exactly? Is it about people, geographical border, culture, environment, job, companies, cities or the country? Is it about you and me or is it something for other people to worry about? To be fair and frank, sustainability encompasses all of these and more. The English language dictionary defines sustainability as “the capacity to endure” or in other words it can be defined as an ability or capacity of something to be maintained or to sustain itself. It’s about taking what we need to live now, without endangering the potential for both humans and animals in the future to meet their needs. The present times can be truly termed as an age of quantity. The media regularly bombard us with the idea that larger, faster, taller, wider and more are often synonymous with better. The society, the advertisements that we come across etc all constantly tells us that we need to have more possessions to be truly happy. The general public is accustomed to such grandeur thinking which is a total contradiction to the concept of sustainable living. It is easy to recognize doings that are unsustainable and activities like deforestation, carbon emissions etc are prime examples. Take for instance the massive flooding that happened in Pakistan recently. Experts have identified that such flooding are byproducts of extreme deforestation of hills; trees on the hill sides acts as a buffer absorbing the rain water which otherwise would run riot damaging the low lands. Extinction of some species of animals, often due to the activities of humans,

chemicals leeching from brown fill sites in to ground water and in the process poisoning the food chain etc are few of the unsustainable practices employed by humans regularly. However in future the most impactful of all unsustainable practices would be the world population growth and its consequences. Just as the 20th century marked the search for oil, there is a high probability that 21st century will be defined by the search for food and water. In another four decades, there will be nine billion of us in this planet and that is a serious concern whether we will be able to develop the capacity to feed what is equivalent of another three Chinas. We have the knowledge and technology to do this but are these practices sustainable? Can we do it without environmental degradation or climate change? In Middle East, rampant development from oil wealth has created a host of unsustainable practices severely damaging the environment. Air pollution from oil refineries, construction, desertification etc is prime examples. For Kuwait, it is still counting the environmental and health costs of Iraq's occupation and the subsequent Gulf War. Off the coast, oil covers large patches of the seabed and Kuwait's once pristine coral reefs have yet to recover. In spite of such a tragedy, the society here still has very little concern for the environment and it is high time we do something radical before it is too late. The most effective way to implement changes in society is to start educating the children. Children and young people are potential agents of change for the development of sustainable communities. We can teach kids about habitats,

pollution and ecosystems, but if you want them to really understand sustainable living and what it means, we have to set strong examples and let them experience it for themselves. Children already play a key role in becoming more sustainable by encouraging changes in behavior of those around them whether in terms of recycling, saving energy, healthy eating etc. With their dynamism, energy and new ideas; children demonstrate considerable potential as agents of change, but as a society we neither encourage nor capitalize that energy and creativity. This is the grave reality specifically in this part of the world. It has fostered a social environment of intellectual paralysis fuelled by a weak reading culture and an education system that does not support creativity. The education system is mostly based on memorization and copying, and also does not promote field work, independent research or reading. As a society we have to create opportunities where children and young people can contribute to development within their community. Education for sustainable development needs to be made a priority for schools. Kuwait schools needs to have an approach which focus on doing rather than just knowing and such a concept will activate children's creativity, critical thinking, problem solving skills and develop action based competences. Children who are raised in such a proactive concept, eventually as grown up adults in which ever industries they take root in, will become creators of innovation, strong skill base and research & development; and that is significant for the sustainable future of planet earth. 19

September 2010


COFFEE The Healthier Experience

The Healthier Experience Joanretiro


ho wouldn’t love the aroma and taste of freshly brewed coffee in the morning? Or travel your mind while enjoying its smooth and rich aftertaste blended with sugar and creamer? Or just enjoying a cup as a gourmet after a sumptuous meal? Next to water, this beverage is loved by almost anyone. Coffee, which is continuously evolving into a better and healthy beverage, from being a mere perk-up drink, to being a beauty enhancing ingredient to being a healthy antioxidant agent. At present, scientists are continuously searching for ways in how this favorite drink can be more helpful in terms of one’s healthy being. Finally, there’s a new discovery that will not only perk up the senses of all coffee lovers but make them healthier as well. Scientists have found out that the delicious and exotic blend of the finest coffee when enriched

with healing wonders of Ganoderma Lucidum or Red Reishi Mushroom helps promote health and responsible for prolonging one’s life. Red Reishi Mushroom has more than 5,000 years of medicine history in China. The Chinese calls it the miraculous “King of Herbs” and the ‘mushroom of immortality”. In fact, Ancient Chinese Emperors who called it Ling Zhi or “herb for spiritual potency” valued it more than gold. And more than gold indeed, for health is next to none. Recently, Ganoderma Lucidum has been the subject of much scientific research in the Western world. Scientists call it as “supernatural eastern mushroom” after they discovered that it is very rich in peptides and water soluble polysaccharides that are beneficial for the cells. Peptides are known as one of the building blocks of life or simply called protein. While water soluble polysaccharides were identified to have anti-tumor, immune modulating and blood pressure lowering effects. The coffee and mushroom combination helps build the immune system and boosts the stamina. It oxygenates and energizes the cells while fighting free radicals and other cause of disease. The Ganoderma also removes the negative effects of acidity and caffeine found in coffee. The blend of these two products has been noted for improving a number of health conditions from hypertension to cancer and has gathered several testimonies around the world for its effectiveness. There are varieties of flavored coffee blended with LingZhi in the market. Now, you can indulge yourself without having to worry about your health.


‫‪September 2010‬‬

‫أين ميكنك أن تشارك بعمل تطوعي في الكويت ؟‬ ‫انتصار السيف‬

‫بات العمل التطوعي مطلوبا في جميع اجملاالت‪،‬فالعمل التطوعي فرصة رائعة للمشاركة في خدمة مجتمعك ‪ ،‬فهو عمل‬ ‫غير ربحى وغير وظيفي يهدف الى تقدمي املساعدة و العون إلى شخص أو مجموعة من األشخاص أو الى جهة في مجتمعك‬ ‫دون مقابل مادي ‪ ،‬كما يعود عليك بالنفع في تعلم مهارات جديدة أو حتسني مهارات متتلكها ‪،‬فاذا كنت ترغب في خدمة‬ ‫مجتمعك فهناك الكثير من األماكن في الكويت التي بامكانك األنضمام اليها واملشاركة في هذا العمل األنساني و منها ‪:‬‬ ‫‪.1‬مركز العمل التطوعي‬ ‫مركز العمل التطوعي يخدم جهات مختلفة من‬ ‫اجملتمع الكويتي ‪ ،‬وله نشاطات عديدة في الكثير‬ ‫من اجملاالت ويرأس هذا املركز الشيخة أمثال‬ ‫األحمد اجلابر الصباح‪ ،‬ويضم املركز عدة فرق منها‬ ‫فريق إدارة احملميات و الذي يهتم باحلفاظ على‬ ‫البيئة و احليوانات والنباتات املهددة باالنقراض‪ ،‬كما‬ ‫يضم املركز فريق التصوير والتوثيق و الذي يهتم‬ ‫بتوثيق كل مايخص دولة الكويت من مواضيع‬ ‫سواء كانت فوق اليابسة او حتت املاء وسواء كانت‬ ‫كائنات ام معمار ‪،‬أما فريق احلرفيني فيهتم باملهن‬ ‫اليدوية واحلرفية ويضم مجموعة من املتطوعني‬ ‫واملتطوعات املهتمني باحلرف اليدوية التشكيلية‬ ‫والفنية‪ ،‬أما فريق املمرضات فهو عبارة عن‬ ‫مجموعة من املمرضات الكويتيات املتقاعدات‬ ‫املتطوعات حتت راية مركز العمل التطوعي والالتي‬ ‫هدفهن تقدمي املساندة املطلوبة من خالل مشاركة‬ ‫اجملتمع ملواجهة الكوارث واألزمات‪،‬كما يضم املركز‬ ‫فريق املهندسني املتطوعني الذين من أهدافهم‬ ‫املساهمة في وضع احللول للمشاكل الفنية‬ ‫والهندسية التي تواجه الدولة‪،‬ومن الفرق األخرى‬ ‫التي تعني بالبيئة أيضا َ فريق سنيار وهو عبارة‬ ‫عن مجموعة من الغواصني الشباب املهتمني‬ ‫بالبيئة البحرية‪ ،‬والننسى فريق عبير ‪ 2‬الذي يعمل‬ ‫حتت مظلة مركز العمل التطوعي ويهدف الى‬ ‫مساعدة ذوي االحتياجات اخلاصة وفريق وصال الذي‬ ‫يعنى بالناحية األعالمية‪.‬‬ ‫املوقع على شبكة األنترنت ‪http://www. :‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪ .2‬لوياك‬ ‫هي منظمة غير ربحية تتخذ من بيت لوذان مقرا َ‬ ‫لها تتيح للشباب فرصة املشاركة‬ ‫بالبرامج التطوعية اخملتلفة‬ ‫سواء كانت داخل الكويت‬ ‫أو خارجها وتعمل من أجل‬ ‫ايجاد فرصا ً مميزة للشباب‬ ‫من شأنها أن تطور‬ ‫‪21‬‬

‫شخصياتهم و تساهم في الكشف عن قدراتهم‬ ‫االبداعية ‪.‬‬ ‫املوقع على شبكة األنترنت ‪ :‬‬ ‫‪.3‬مركز الكويت للتوحد‬ ‫وهو أول مركز تعليمي تدريبي ملرضى التوحد في‬ ‫الوطن العربي و يخدم هذا املركز األطفال الذين‬ ‫يعانون من التوحد ويهدف أيضا َ الى دمج األطفال‬ ‫املصابني بالتوحد في اجملتمع ‪،‬باألضافة الى نشر‬ ‫الوعي بإعاقة التوحد في اجملتمع الكويتي ‪.‬‬ ‫املوقع على شبكة األنترنت ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫‪ .4‬مركز عبير ‪ 2‬التطوعي‬ ‫يقدم املركز خدمات تعليمية واجتماعية وعالجية‬ ‫وترفيهية لألطفال والشباب من ذوي االحتياجات‬ ‫اخلاصة وذلك ملساعدتهم في االعتماد على‬ ‫أنفسهم ‪ ،‬كما يقدم الدعم ألسرهم ‪ ،‬و يعمل‬ ‫املركز أيضا َ على دمج األطفال ذوي االحتياجات‬ ‫اخلاصة في اجملتمع من خالل األنشطة االجتماعية‬ ‫والثقافية والترفيهية والرياضية اخملتلفة‪،‬كالتدريب‬ ‫على ركوب اخليل والسباحة والبولينج ‪،‬باألضافة‬ ‫إقامة مخيمات خارج وداخل دولة الكويت من شانها‬ ‫تنمية مواهب ذوي االحتياجات اخلاصة اخملتلفة‪.‬‬ ‫موقع على شبكة األنترنت ‪http://www.abeer2. :‬‬ ‫‪com‬‬ ‫‪.5‬اجلمعية الكويتيه لرعاية األطفال في‬ ‫املستشفى كاش (‪)KACCH‬‬ ‫هي جمعية خيرية غير حكومية هدفها مساعدة‬ ‫األطفال املرضى وأسرهم الذين ميكثون مدة طويلة‬ ‫في املستشفى على التعامل مع الضغوط في‬ ‫املستشفى وتدار اجلمعية من قبل متطوعني ويتم‬

‫متويلها من قبل الشركات والبنوك واملدارس واألفراد‬ ‫داخل الكويت ‪ ،‬أما من اهم اجنازاتها فهو بيت‬ ‫عداهلل والذي هو عبارة عن بيت مت بنائه من أجل أن‬ ‫يعيش فيه االطفال الذين يعانون من ظروف صحية‬ ‫غير قابلة للشفاء بعيدا عن جو املستشفيات‪.‬‬ ‫املوقع على شبكة األنترنت ‪http://www.kacch. :‬‬ ‫‪org‬‬ ‫‪.6‬جمعية الهالل األحمر الكويتي‬ ‫جمعية إنسانية تطوعية تهدف الى مساعدة‬ ‫منكوبي الكوارث و تقدمي املساعدة واحلماية‬ ‫للجرحى واألسرى واملنكوبني في زمن احلرب وتقدمي‬ ‫املساعدة اإلجتماعية والصحية للفئات احملتاجة‬ ‫واملساهمة في عمليات اإلنقاذ وتوفيراإلسعافات‬ ‫األولية‪.‬‬ ‫املوقع على شبكة األنترنت ‪ :‬‬ ‫‪kw‬‬ ‫‪.7‬جمعية حماية احليوانات ‪PAWS‬‬ ‫هي مجموعة نشطة من املتطوعني الذين يعنون‬ ‫بحماية ورعاية احليوانات املصابة و الضالة و‬ ‫املهجورة باألضافة الى العمل على ايجاد منازل تأوي‬ ‫هذه احليوانات‪.‬‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫‪.8‬رابطة أصدقاء احليوان‬ ‫وهي كذلك جهة تعنى باحليوانات التي ليس لها‬ ‫مأوى وتضم مجموعة من املتطوعني ‪،‬كما أنها‬ ‫بحاجة في الوقت احلالي الى متطوعني واذا كنت‬ ‫ترغب بالتطوع ميكنك عبر هذا الرابط ‪http://www.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬‫‪help‬‬ ‫املوقع على شبكة األنترنت ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

September 2010


Footwear that’s fast being snapped-up! I

’m the first to admit that it’s really strange I should be writing this article, because there’s really very few people on the planet who are less interested in footwear than I am, but I was drawn to put pen to paper by two things – firstly, by the current focus on going back to school; secondly, by a recent purchase made whilst preparing to go on my summer vacation. But let’s start at the beginning... My earliest recollection of going to buy shoes was when, as a very young lad, I was dragged to the store each August to buy some shiny new shoes for the new school term, each time having my feet measured for length and width to ensure a proper fit (allowing room for growth, of course!) Oh yes, and some new plimsolls for PE. For those too young to remember, plimsolls were the most unfashionable footwear imaginable, but almost everyone of school age (in the pre-trainers era) had a pair in either black or grey, or perhaps white. For me, wearing something on my feet has always been something that I’ve done out of necessity rather than as a fashion statement. It’s clothing that protects my toes, soles and heels from damage caused by weather, ground conditions, litter, and so on, and which helps to keep my tootsies warm in winter, too, when the rain falls or when the ground is covered in snow and ice (so important when living in the unkind British climate!) Thus I have always believed in the importance of selecting the most appropriate type of footwear to match the intended use and environmental conditions above all else. In spite of my lack of interest, I should stress that I’ve never suffered from a lack of footwear – Since I’ve been responsible for my own purchases I’ve maintained a wardrobe incorporating one pair of good black leather shoes for work; one pair of casual shoes (usually brown); a pair of trainers, a pair of sandals, a pair of flip-flops and a pair of wellington boots. Okay, so Wellingtons aren’t exactly essential here in Kuwait, and I no longer have these, but had long since figured that I could happily exist with my minimal collection without needing to become obsessed with having shoes in every conceivable colour and style. What is it with some women and their shoes? Some ladies of my acquaintance are, I am convinced, trying to compete with Imelda Marcos! I guess that, as a man, I am destined never to fully understand such obsession! 22

Paul Tunbridge

It’s not that I have disregard for fashion, or for style, as I hope you will appreciate, and I believe it is important to wear the correct type of shoe for each specific occasion. I recall my father’s view that a man should always wear a good pair of plain black shoes with a nice suit, and he had a preference for simple Oxfords or Brogues, and that the shoes should be well polished (which is one of those tasks I’ve never enjoyed). My conservative upbringing also instilled in me a sense of what men should and should not wear on their feet – Black shoes (and I mean black shoes only) should ever be worn with a black or grey suit, for example, and no shoes other than white trainers should be accompanied by white socks! Sandals are great for summer, but to wear them with socks is such a no-no. And so on. Of course I went through a rebellious phase in my teens, regularly wearing fluorescent green, pink and orange socks (and not always in matching pairs) and even persuaded my mother to allow me to wear a pair of black, heeled ankle boots for school – much against her will, I should add. When I moved to Kuwait just three years ago, I made just a few changes to my footwear collection. I ditched my wellington boots and left my heavy walking boots back in England (where my ‘ex’ chose to send them for recycling, but that’s another story) and I invested instead in a couple of pairs of flip-flops. Buying two pairs did seem a bit extravagant, and certainly one pair has enjoyed considerably more use than the other, but I felt the climate warranted a greater exposure of my feet! These flip-flops have served me well but, when I decided to go on a summer vacation this year, I realised I would have to dig into my wallet for something new. After all, I have never found flip-flops or sandals to be particularly comfortable for walking long distances, or for a long time, in much comfort; and neither

did I relish the thought of constricting my feet with trainers in the summer heat, accompanied by the resultant sweaty foot odour. All of which brings me to my discovery, and to an inspired purchase. I bought my first-ever pair of Crocs. Okay, so perhaps not so much a discovery as an enlightenment, as they’ve been around since 2002, but I’d only recently become aware of them. I had heard about some curious, brightly coloured ‘plastic’ sandals a few years back, but they had never appealed to me. And earlier this year some friends here in Kuwait were enthusing about the Crocs which they wore constantly. So when I was in the Al-Kout Mall in Fahaheel and spotted a store devoted to these weird shoes, I popped in for a closer look, spotted some styles I really liked and tried on a pair. I was amazed how light and comfortable they were, and I did not need further persuasion to make a purchase. Just one week later and I had become a huge fan – so much so that I returned to but another pair, only to find the shop almost devoid of all stock! By all accounts, these Crocs are being snapped up with such verocity that supplies had all but run out and a new delivery was awaited. I’ve since discovered that Crocs are an acquired taste – people either love them or hate them. On the internet, there are numerous social networking fan sites dedicated to them; but just as many which are ultra-critical. However, their success cannot be denied, and there are currently almost four hundred different styles from which to choose, dependant on whether you select from the Ladies’, Men’s, Girls’ or Boys’ ranges. A separate fashion has also been spurned, whereby you can purchase add-ons to personalise your Crocs. I remember a time when alligator-skin shoes were much sought after. Now it seems that it’s the turn of the Crocs!.

September 2010


Eva Gregory

The Chocolate Love Affair I

n order to bring those wanted changes in our lives we have to change the way we are asking. Once you have established a goal, reflect on the way you are asking for that goal to occur. It is easy to state it as something you do NOT want rather than something that you DO want. For example, let's say you want to lose weight. You might express this as "I do not want to be fat." Now consider how this statement makes you feel. You might feel guilt or embarrassment at the thought of being overweight. Now change that statement to something like "I want to be at a healthy weight." This is less negative. Note how this statement feels versus the previous statement. The new statement takes the sting away, because 'fat' does not exist in the statement. The focus of being healthy has replaced it. Let's take this one step further and make a definitive statement rather than a wish. Consider the statement "I have decided to be a healthier weight." This is a statement that you have made a decision and that you will make it happen rather than wishing that it MIGHT happen. When I was in my 20's I had a 'thing' with chocolate. We had this love affair in which every meal, chocolate was invited. I had to have chocolate with breakfast, lunch, dinner and every snack in between. In fact, chocolate became the meal rather than just an invited guest in many cases. No matter what I tried

my thoughts always turned back to chocolate. I was totally head over heels for chocolate. I decided that enough was enough. I made a decision, "I have decided to eat healthy foods." This created a reality that gave little room for chocolate to live in. In making this decision, I was focused on eating healthy foods rather than feeling guilty over eating chocolate. This shift in thought led to a new habit of eating yogurt-covered raisins. I ate them but did not have a craving for them. They did however replace my yearning for chocolate and I went a solid year without eating any chocolate whatsoever - without missing it! The love affair was over and my new love was for healthier foods. Now if I am in the mood, I might have a bite or two of chocolate, but I can take it or leave it. What are the habits you want to change? DECIDE today what you'd prefer instead and make that your new focus. Soon you'll find you'll be guided to the people, places, circumstances, events and ideas that will support your new habit and it can happen in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way! -------------------------------------------------------

Eva Gregory, Law of Attraction expert, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity and Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction with Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hanson and Jeanna Gabellini, is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Law of Attraction.




igh in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of haemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia. Blood Pressure: This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it the perfect food for helping to beat blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration have just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke. Brain Power: 200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert. Constipation: High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives. Depression: According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banatna. This is because bananas contain trypotophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier. Hangovers: One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and rehydrates your system.

September 2010

Importance of Banana in Our Life Heart-burn: Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body so if you suffer from heart-burn, try eating a banana for soothing relief. Morning Sickness: Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness. Mosquito bites:

Temperature Control: Many other cultures see bananas as a 'cooling' fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand, for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD):

Here it is, different ways to eat your Banana:

Bananas can help SAD sufferers because they contain the natural mood enhancer, trypotophan.



Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.

Bananas can also help people trying to give up smoking, as the high levels of Vitamin C, A1, B6, B12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.



Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system. Overweight and at work? Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and crisps. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods such as bananas every two hours to keep levels steady.

Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's water-balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be rebalanced with the help of a high-potassium banana snack.

PMS: Forget the pills eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood. Ulcers: The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronic ulcer cases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.

of the fiber, 15% of the vitamin C, and 11% of the potassium we need every day for good health! When you compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals.

Strokes: According to research in 'The New England Journal of Medicine' eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes by as much as 40%!

Add sliced bananas to cold cereal; make banana pancakes or banana muffins; make a banana and yogurt shake; add bananas to a bowl of mixed fruit; mix with low fat yogurt. Lunch: Eat a banana with your lunch; add sliced bananas to a fruit salad; make a banana and peanut butter sandwich. Snack: Eat a banana! Make a smoothie. Dessert: Top low fat yogurt or low fat ice cream with sliced bananas; make a low fat banana milk shake. Now you can say, "A Banana a day keeps the doctor away!"

Warts: Those keen on natural alternatives swear that, if you want to kill off a wart, take a piece of banana skin and place it on the wart, with the yellow side out. Carefully hold the skin in place with a plaster or surgical tape! So you see, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. In fact, bananas have an exciting nutritional story. They are a good source of fiber, vitamin C, and potassium. One banana has 16% 25

September 2010


Good Swimming Exercises Del-sandeen


variety of good swimming exercises will help you get fit and strong while staying cool in the heat of summer. While the summer season is a perfect time to fit in pool exercises, you can also swim yearround in indoor or heated pools. Mixing up your aquatic workouts will keep your fitness routines interesting and will keep your body guessing. Swimming: Great Low-Impact Cardio Exercising in the water is beneficial for just about anyone, but is particularly useful for anyone whose joints can't take the pounding of high-impact exercises, such as running and high intensity aerobics. People who are overweight will find that aquatic routines give them a sense of buoyancy and lightness that helps to prevent injury while still allowing them to be active and work toward a healthier lifestyle. Because swimming is suitable for just about everyone, people of all ages can enjoy this activity, making it a great choice for youngsters and seniors alike. Good Swimming Exercises to Try

Swimming for 30 to 60 minutes at a time can burn anywhere from 250 to 700 calories, depending on your weight and your workout intensity. The next time you're ready to take a dip, try any of these exercises to get your heart rate pumping and your muscles working together.


• Crawl or freestyle: It may not be the most exciting activity to swim the length of a pool from one end to the other, but this is a straightforward workout that's good for the entire body. Not only does it get your heart rate up, swimming laps also tones your arms and legs as you work to propel your body through the water. This is a good swimming exercise that can be done in the pool or in the ocean. • Breaststroke: Considered a more advanced stroke, this one is best performed by strong swimmers. You lift the upper part of your body out of the water with this stroke. Generally regarded as a slow-paced exercise, you'll no doubt feel the effects of this difficult move well after you're out of the pool. • Backstroke: Easier than the breaststroke, you can perform the backstroke without having to hold your breath since your face remains out of the water during this move. Keep your arms and legs moving fluidly to propel yourself from one end of the pool to the other. • Kickboard: To focus on your legs, try balancing on a kickboard and simply kicking around the pool. Move your legs in a scissor-like motion, up and down. You can also move your legs side to

side, bringing them together and apart again. Keep your legs underwater while kicking to get the most resistance. • Running: Technically, it's not swimming, but you'll still reap the benefits of running underwater. To make the most of this move, submerge your entire body except for your head. This way, you get the full resistance of the water while you move. Instead of running around the pool, stay in one spot and move your arms and legs in a pendulum-like swing instead of the forwardbackward motion you use when running on land. Concentrate on keeping your head and torso as upright as possible instead of leaning forward. Better Weight Loss Options When it comes to losing weight through exercise, swimming falls on the lower end of the spectrum. Most experts will advise speed walking or jogging if your aim is to lose a lot of pounds. Still, swimming shouldn't be discounted. It's a wonderful exercise for overall body toning and fitness, including all of the major muscle groups and the heart. Plus, swimming often feels like so much fun that you forget you're exercising, which is just another benefit of this low-impact activity.

September September 2010 2010


Obesity, Longevity And the Paradox of Living in the Modern Age James S. Fell


nyone who is overweight can blame their genes. Mind you, anyone whose genes survived the millennia of culling through natural selection can thank that same genetic material. To one degree or another, the vast majority of humanity is genetically programmed to be fatstorers. This was a valuable survival trait that saw homo sapiens through some tough times in our history. In terms of caloric intake, we've seen far more lean times than feast times. In case you haven't noticed from looking around you, we're in a time of feast right now. Prior to the 20th century hunger was commonplace. So was physical activity. We didn't have machines doing most of our labour for us, nor did we have much food to eat. What's more, the food we did eat was unprocessed and didn't taste as good. There were no bags of Miss Vickie's salt and vinegar potato chips, there were no Pizza Huts, and there was nothing resembling a Dairy Queen Peanut Buster Parfait. Even when people did have enough to eat it was more of a challenge to engage in massive gluttony because you can only scarf so much meat, whole grains, fruit and vegetables. When you've been working the fields all day or tracking mammoths through the wilderness, you can only force yourself to eat so much if it doesn't taste like Haagen Dazs. Learn more after the jump. Still, in historical times of feast people did gorge as much as they could because they never knew when their next meal would be. If there was drought or a failed hunt their fat stores would help them to survive a time of famine. Those that didn't have the ability to store ample amounts of fat were phased out in the cruel reality that is evolution via natural

selection. Humans in the developed world have only been living in a period of sustained feast for about a century, which certainly isn't enough time to have any effect on our genetic coding. Afterall, being a fat storer in modern times doesn't mean your genes will be removed from the human equation because even seriously overweight people live long enough to pass their genes to the next generation. This is where the paradox comes in. Prior to the 20th century the average life expectancy in the western world was 40 years. These people got plenty of exercise, didn't overeat, consumed unprocessed foods, and had limited exposure to chemical pollutants. They weren't overweight and their harsh labor conditions made them physically strong and gave them high endurance. And the poor buggers dropped like flies. In just over 100 years the average life expectancy in Canada has doubled to 80. But we're fat. And we don't exercise. And we're stressed out. And there are chemicals all over everything and in the air we breathe. It kind of makes you think, what the hell? But there is a simple explanation: The technological advancements that gave us labour-saving devices and easy access to ample supplies of yummy food also gave us modern medicine. We have clean water (arguably the most important health advancement in modern times), antibiotics and the germ theory

of medicine, cholesterol drugs, blood transfusions, safer births for mother and child, bypass surgeries, organ transplants... the list goes on. The paradox is simple: Modern technology has allowed us to live terrible lifestyles of sloth and gluttony, yet at the same time it has provided significantly longer life expectancies through advancements in medicine. Circumstances used to watch our waistlines for us, but circumstances have changed and so must we. A while ago I wrote an article about how much exercise you need to contribute to significant weight loss. The answer is that you need a lot, and judging by some of the comments, people didn't like to hear this. Compared to our ancestors, who tracked game through the forest for long hours, or walked behind a plow all day long, twenty minutes of exercise three times a week on some crappy machine just doesn't cut it. Some fear injury, thinking that lots of exercise is too much, but in reality our bodies are highly adaptable. You don't jump into multiple hours of rigorous effort right away; you work your way up to it. History shows that you can handle it; you aren't going to fall apart as long as you pace yourself. Our bodies have been programmed to move a great deal and to store fat easily if we're in a caloric surplus. In modern times we need to make time in our schedule to move a great deal more, and focus on eating healthy foods that are low in caloric density so that we can reach and sustain a healthy body weight. Yes, you can blame your genes, and you can blame society, but the only person who can solve the problem of being overweight is you. 27 27

September 2010


Back-to-School Essential Medical Checkups Make sure your children are as healthy as can be before school starts Dr. Nazia Nausheen Send your kids back to class healthy by making sure to schedule these important checkups.

hasn't seen an optometrist in the last two years I’d advise you to take him or her for an eye examination,

Keeping with the theme of the magazine of Backto-School, I am writing this time about the essential medical checkup, which is often ignored in the Back-to-School preparation list.

signs your child could have a vision or eye-related problem:

There is a general feeling among most of us that there is no need to have medical tests or checkups done unless we have particular symptoms that indicate that we have a medical problem. One of the most valuable tools to maintaining good health is having regular health checkups.


Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Test Why: To screen for ear infection, hearing loss, sleep apnea, allergies When: Between ages 6 and 8; also if child snores, has chronic congestion, stuffy nose or other sinus symptoms, speech delay, or hearing problems Who to See: Otolaryngologist; allergist as needed Dental Exam and Cleaning

Head-to-Toe Physical Examination Why: To track healthy development and pinpoint problems. Essential if your child will be involved in school sports.

Why: Dental and related conditions are the #1 reason kids miss school, more than 51 million hours a year. When: Every 6 months beginning at their first birthday Who to See: Pediatric or family dentist

When: Every year on his or her birthday (if before September) or in summer Who to See: Pediatrician or primary-care physician. Send your kids back to class healthy by making sure to schedule these important checkups Vision Test

Review of Recommended Vaccinations Make sure that your child has been vaccinated according to the recommended vaccination plan of the Ministry of Health. 28

Good vision during a child's early years (before the age of 12) is vital as visual learning accounts for 80 per cent of the learning process. “Some children are inaccurately labelled as slow learners, dyslexic or even troublemakers when in fact they have an undetected vision condition,” There are a number of signs that your child may be experiencing problems with their vision. If you recognize any of these symptoms, or your child

 Tend to bump into objects  Have red eyes or lids  Have excessive tearing  Avoid coloring, puzzles or detailed activity  Has difficulty with eye-hand-body co-ordination  Rub eyes frequently  Have encrusted eyelids School-age children  Lose place while reading  Has headaches and tends to rub eyes frequently  Make frequent reversals when reading or writing  Avoid close work  Has poor handwriting  Hold reading material close  Red, sore or irritated eyes As children return to school for the start of the new academic year now is the ideal time to take your child for an eye exam to ensure they make the most of their education. Many parents also don’t realize that it’s never too early to take your child for an eye examination. It’s a common misconception that children’s eyes cannot accurately be checked until they can read, but in fact, several special tests can be carried out at a very early age. As the child develops and communication skills improve, more detailed tests are also possible.

September 2010

September 2010

BEAUTY Shorouq Al-Din Al Nafoury Managing Partner R-Jaan Co.

Plastic Society I

had recently been on a cruise from the Mediterranean to the Latin American countries, cutting across huge swathes of Atlantic Ocean and going around the tip of Argentina, our final destination was Tierra del feugo and Ushuaia. Isolated and one of the southernmost land mass on planet earth, distance alone should protect the pristine landscape from the environmental problems facing rest of the planet. What I saw on the beaches made my jaw drop; miles of golden colored sandy beaches covered in plastic rubbish washed up from around the world; toys made in China, diapers made in Turkey, plastic wine bottles made in South Africa, empty noodle packs made in Korea - A united cocktail of plastic. It’s a wakeup call friends, threat from plastic is real and dangerous. Kuwait’s beaches just like the remote beaches in Argentina are now covered with more litter than ever before. As a child I remember, me and my brothers and sisters would play for hours and hours on the beaches in Kuwait. My mum even reminds me on how much sand I have eaten as a toddler playing on the beaches here. Can the same be said now? I would think ten times now to let my sons go and play on the

beaches. The plastic that washes ashore, due to the repeated friction, eventually breaks down to form tiny flakes that gets embedded in the sand and takes ages to biodegrade. These plastic flakes are not only a threat to humans but to the marine life as well. Apart from a tiny quantity of plastic that is being incinerated, all the plastic that has been manufactured, totaling millions of tons is still in the environment in some form. A huge amount of plastic rubbish has been stuffed in landfills from which chemicals have got in to ground water supplies poisoning millions of people. Cancer was a disease we hardly heard about when we were young, has now become as common as a cold or fever. One of the prime culprits for various diseases is plastic which is universally found on a variety of products that we use or consume every day. No doubt plastic makes our life easier; beauty products packed in plastic containers, drinking water and aerated drinks in plastic bottles, food packed in plastic are all examples of how plastic we can be. What actually makes plastic a danger is the presence of the compound Bisphenol A (BPA) and what makes BPA a worrisome issue is the unstable nature of this product. When exposed to heat

(shipping of any products in non refrigerated trucks in hot weather), acid (beauty products contains various kinds of acids which can trigger a chemical reaction with the plastic), or strong detergents (washing of plastic containers/bottles for reuse), the respective components can break up and leech in to the product, making plastic a dangerous product. According to a study conducted by the Canadian organization “Environmental Defense”, various diseases triggered by BPA includes Obesity, Low sperm count, Infertile sperm, Breast cancer, Prostate cancer, Early puberty, Hyperactivity, Miscarriage, Diabetes, Altered immune systems and Schizophrenia. At stake is the future of our planet. We need to reject the main culprits i.e. plastic bags and plastic bottles. In recent news from Bangladesh, I read that the society there is abandoning the use of plastic bags and plastic bottles in favor of jute bags and glass bottles. Few other African countries too are following suit. If they can do it in Bangladesh and Africa, we too can do it in Kuwait. Let us not be plastic for a noble cause. 29

‫‪September 2010‬‬


‫كيف التعامل مع التعرق ؟!!!‬ ‫زيبا رفيق‬

‫تقريبا كل شخص يتعرق كردة فعل طبيعية لإلجهاد احلراري و ممارسة الرياضة‬ ‫‪ .‬ومع ذلك فإن بعض األشخاص يتعرقون بشكل مفرط من حتت اإلبطني ‪ ،‬على‬ ‫اليدين أو القدمني مما يتسبب في حرج اجتماعي ونفسي شديد ‪.‬‬ ‫هؤالء الناس يعانون من حالة تعرف بإسم فرط التعرق األساسي ‪ .‬فهو يؤثر‬ ‫على واحد من عشرون شخصا في جميع أنحاء العالم ‪ .‬بعض األشخاص‬ ‫يشعرون باإلحراج من هذه احلالة بحيث أنهم ال يسعون أبدا الى املساعدة‬ ‫الطبية من األطباء ‪.‬‬ ‫التعرق ميكن عالجه ‪...‬‬ ‫على عكس ما يعتقد الكثيرون ‪ ،‬التعرق املفرط ميكن‬ ‫عالجه ‪.. .‬‬

‫العالجات التقليدية وتشمل ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬مضادات التعرق ( يتم وضعها على الطبقة العليا‬ ‫للبشرة ) ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ ‬اإلزالة اجلراحية للغدد العرقية ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ ‬قطع األعصاب السمبثاوية املرتبطة بغدد التعرق ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ ‬سد الغدد العرقية بواسطة التيارات الكهربائية‬ ‫الصغيرة ‪.‬‬ ‫وعلى الرغم من فعاليته بالنسبة ملعظم الناس‬ ‫‪ ،‬إزالة الغدد الدرقية ميكن أن تؤدي الى ظهور ندب‬ ‫حتت األبطني ومضاعفات أخرى ‪ .‬وكذلك اجلراحة‬ ‫السمبثاوية والتي هي أيضا فعالة جدا ‪ ،‬حتمل في‬ ‫طياتها خطر اآلثار اجلانبية للجراحة فتتعرق أماكن‬ ‫اخرى من اجلسم لم تكن تتعرق سابقا ( فرط‬ ‫التعرق التعويضي ) ‪ .‬العالج بالشحنات الكهربائية‬ ‫يتطلب جلسات متكررة بانتظام ‪ .‬اآلثار نادرا ماتكون‬ ‫كاملة وغير مريحة ملعظم الناس ‪.‬‬ ‫باإلضافة الى هذه اخليارات ‪ ،‬ميكن لبعض الناس‬ ‫اإلستفادة من األدوية ( مضادات الكولني ) عن طريق‬ ‫الفم والتي متنع أجهزة اإلرسال العصبية السيطرة‬ ‫على الغدد العرقية ‪ .‬وعلى الرغم من فعاليته‬ ‫للعديد من الناس ‪ ،‬إال أن هذا العالج لديه عيب‬ ‫شديد في التسبب بآثار جانبية أخرى في اجلسم‬ ‫مثل عدم وضوح الرؤية ‪ ،‬جفاف الفم ‪ ،‬اإلمساك ‪،‬‬ ‫احتباس البول وضعف الذاكرة ‪.‬‬

‫مضادات التعرق ‪...‬‬

‫اختيار املالبس واألحذية ‪...‬‬

‫التعرق الزائد ميكن إيقافه باستخدام مضادات تعرق‬ ‫فعالة ‪ .‬وميكن استخدامها على اإلبطني ‪ .‬وهناك‬ ‫أيضا بخاخ ميكن أن يكون له تأثير مضاد لتعرق‬ ‫القدمني ‪ ،‬ولكن ال يوجد هناك حلول لوقف تعرق‬ ‫الوجه أو راحة اليد ‪.‬‬

‫يعتبر اختيار املالبس واألحذية أمر مهم ملنع التعرق ‪.‬‬ ‫حيث أنه ميكن للنايلون واملواد اإلصطناعية ان تسبب‬ ‫التعرق ‪ .‬اتخذي األقمشة الطبيعية مثل القطن‬ ‫‪ ،‬الصوف واجللد للتأكد من أن املالبس ‪ ،‬اجلوارب‬ ‫واألحذية التي ترتدونها التزيد من تفاقم املشكلة ‪.‬‬ ‫ارتداء املالبس الواسعة والتي تسنح للهواء بالتوزيع‬ ‫وسيتم حينها منع التعرق املفرط ‪ .‬ارتداء املالبس‬ ‫واألحذية التي يتم تكييفها وفقا لدرجات احلرارة في‬ ‫منزلك او السيارة او باخلارج ‪ .‬بحيث كونها باردة جدا‬ ‫أو حارة جدا ميكن ان يسهل التعرق ‪.‬‬

‫بودر االطفال ‪...‬‬ ‫ميكن استخدام بودر األطفال لوقف التعرق ‪ .‬حيث أن‬ ‫البودر سوف يعمل على امتصاص العرق ‪ .‬ومع ذلك‬ ‫‪ ،‬ميكن أن يكون من الصعب استخدامها كما أنها‬ ‫ميكن أن تترك آثار بيضاء على املالبس ‪.‬‬

‫حقن البوتوكس ‪...‬‬ ‫حقن البوتوكس قد تكون فعالة في احلد من التعرق‬ ‫الزائد في الوجه ‪ .‬حقن البوتوكس هو عالج جتميلي‬ ‫يحتوي على كميات مخففة من حقن البوتولينوم‬ ‫والتي يتم وضعها للقضاء على التجاعيد‬ ‫الديناميكيه ‪ .‬وسوف يثبط عضالت الوجه مما‬ ‫يخفف من التعرق في جميع األوقات ‪ .‬وميكن لعالج‬ ‫البوتوكس أن يكون فعاال ملدة تتراوح بني ‪ 6-9‬شهور‬ ‫‪ ،‬لذلك يجب أن تتكرر بشكل دوري ملنع التعرق ‪.‬‬

‫العالج الطبي ‪...‬‬ ‫يوجد هناك نوعان من التعرق ‪ :‬تعرق بسبب اإلجهاد أو‬ ‫إرتفاع درجات احلرارة ‪ ،‬والتعرق بسبب حاالت أساسية‬ ‫مثل مرض السكري أو الغدة الدرقية ‪ .‬واملرأة في سن‬ ‫اليأي قد تواجه أيضا مشكلة فرط التعرق ‪.‬‬ ‫اذا كان فرط التعرق بسبب حالة طبية ‪ ،‬وينبغي‬ ‫أن تعالج هذا احلالة بواسطة االدوية ويجب ان يتم‬ ‫تنظيم التعرق ‪.‬‬

‫اإلستحمام مرتان خالل اليوم ‪...‬‬ ‫ميكن لإلستحمام املتكرر أن يقلل من كمية العرق ‪.‬‬ ‫لذا يجب القيام باإلستحمام مرة في الصباح وأخرى‬ ‫مساء ‪.‬‬

‫راقبي نظامك الغذائي ‪...‬‬ ‫ميكن أن يسهم النظام الغذائي أيضا في زيادة‬ ‫التعرق ‪ .‬جتنبي األطعمة احلارة أو احللويات الزيادة‬ ‫لتقليل التعرق ‪.‬‬

‫جتنبي اإلجهاد ‪...‬‬ ‫ميكن لتحنب اإلجهاد من أن يخفف من زيادة التعرق‬ ‫‪ .‬راقبي أشغالك التي تؤدي الى اإلجهاد في حياتك‬ ‫وأقضي عليها ‪ ،‬إذا كان ذلك ممكنا ‪ .‬وميكن أيضا‬ ‫اختيار مختلف األفكار أو ممارسة دروس اليوغا والتي‬ ‫من شانها ان تخفف الضغط ‪.‬‬ ‫‪30‬‬

‫‪September 2010‬‬

‫كوني جميلة هذا العيد‬ ‫انتصار السيف‬

‫العيد هو موسم الفرح والسرور ‪ ،‬ففي العيد تكثر املناسبات‬ ‫واألفراح والليالي املالح‪ ،‬ولكي تكوني متميزة وجميلة في العيد‬ ‫عليك مراعاة بعض األمور التي جتنبك اإلرهاق والتعب‪ ،‬فاالعتناء‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫بالبشرة واجلسم واالهتمام بهما من أهم عناصر اجلمال‪ ،‬الن أكثر‬ ‫ما مييز املرأة هو جمالها ونعومتها وبشرتها الصافية‪.‬‬



‫اخليار‬ ‫خذي شريحتان من اخليار الطازج وضعيهما مباشرة على‬ ‫عينيك‪ .‬فهذه الطريقة البسيطة لن تخفف الدوائر الداكنة‬ ‫وحسب بل ستقلل االنتفاخ‪ ،‬وتخفف من إجهاد العيون‪.‬‬

‫أكياس الشاي‬ ‫ميكنك تغيير لون شعرك أو قصه للظهور بلوك جديد‬ ‫في العيد ‪ ،‬كما ميكن أن متنح بعض منتجات الشعر‬ ‫كثافة وقوام أفضل للشعر وخاصة املوس الذي مينح‬ ‫شعرك ملعانا جميال كما أنه يجعل الشعر يبدو أكثر‬ ‫سمكا وقوة‪ .‬أماالشعر املصبوغ فيحتاج إلى عناية أكبر‬ ‫من خالل إضفاء طبقة واقية حوله عبر أنواع جيدة من‬ ‫البلسم واملنتجات األخرى اخلاصة به ‪.‬و من املهم أيضا َ‬ ‫أن حترصى على تغذية شعرك بتناول غذاء صحى متوازن‬ ‫غني بالفيتامينات املفيدة‪ ،‬كما ميكنك تغذية شعرك‬ ‫عن طريق حمامات الزيت ‪ ،‬فهذه الزيوت تساعد في‬ ‫احلفاظ على رونق وجمال شعرك‪ ،‬والتي هي مفيدة أيضا َ‬ ‫لفروة الرأس وتساعد على زيادة منو الشعر وخصوصا ً إذا‬ ‫مت استخدام الزيوت املناسبة للشعر‪.‬‬

‫طريقة عمل حمام زيت بالزيوت الطبيعية‪:‬‬ ‫‪ 1‬اخلطي و سخني كميات متساوية من‪ :‬زيت اللوزو‬‫زيت الصبارو زيت اجلو جوبا و زيت األفوكادو و زيت اخلروع‬ ‫و زيت الزيتون‪.‬‬ ‫‪2‬ضعي خلطة الزيوت على فروة الرأس واعملى مساج‬‫بأصابعك‪.‬‬ ‫‪3‬قومي بلف فوطة معصورة بعد تبليلها باملاء‬‫الساخن حول رأسك ‪.‬‬

‫بشرتك بحاجه للغذاء الصحي لتنمو وتتجدد فاهتمامك‬ ‫بغذائك هو دليل على اهتمامك بجمال بشرتك وعلى‬ ‫الرغم أن النساء ينفقن الكثير في شراء مستحضرات‬ ‫التجميل في سعيهن إلخفاء عيوب البشرة إال أن‬ ‫معظم هذه العيوب في احلقيقة يرجع سببها إلى سوء‬ ‫التغذية ونقص العناصر الغذائية‪ ،‬فعلى سبيل املثال‬ ‫ففيتامني أ هو الغذاء الصحي األول للبشرة فهو ميد‬ ‫البشرة باحليوية ويكسبها النعومة ويقاوم التجاعيد‬ ‫ويؤدي نقصه إلى جفاف البشرة وتشققها‪.‬‬ ‫ويتوافر في اجلزر واملشمش والسبانخ واخلضروات الورقية‬ ‫عامة ويوجد أيضا في الزيوت‪.‬‬

‫طريقة عمل ماسك ينقي الوجه‪:‬‬ ‫‪1‬اخلطي ملعقه خميرة و ملعقه خل التفاح وعلبة روب‪.‬‬‫‪ 2‬ضعي املكونات و على وجهك ودعيه يجف و اغسلي‬‫وجهك باملاء الفاتر‪.‬‬


‫‪4-‬اتركي الزيت على شعرك ‪ 3‬ساعات‪.‬‬

‫‪5-‬اغسلي شعرك بالشامبو‪.‬‬


‫هل تعانني من عيون مرهقة ومتعبة ومنتفخة من‬ ‫السهر أو العمل؟ من مشاكل العيون اجلمالية الشائعة‬ ‫الشكوى من وجود اسوداد باجللد أسفل العينني وهناك‬ ‫العديد من العالجات املنزلية الطبيعية التي ميكن أن‬ ‫تفيدك في هذا اجملال‪:‬‬

‫ضعي أكياس شاي مت استخدامه على جفنيك ملدة عشر‬ ‫ثم‬ ‫دقائق وبعد ذلك ارفعي أكياس الشاي وتخ ّلصي منها ّ‬ ‫أي لطخات من الشاي‪.‬‬ ‫اشطفي وجهك باملاء البارد إلزالة ّ‬

‫قدماك‬ ‫قدماك تكشف عن مدى اهتمامك بجمالك ومظهرك‪،‬‬ ‫لذلك من املهم العناية بهما ومعاجلة اخلشونة‪ ،‬وجلعل‬ ‫قدميك تبدوان فى أفضل حال لهما‪ ،‬اختارى عالجا ً‬ ‫جتميليا َ متخصصا ً للعناية بالقدمني يشتمل على‬ ‫جلسة لقص األظافر وإزالة مسامير القدم واجللد‬ ‫القاسى املتصلب والعالج بالبرافني‪.‬‬

‫أظافرك‬ ‫جمال اليدين يبدأ من اإلهتمام بجمال األظافر و التى‬ ‫تعتبر عنوان جمال اليدين ‪ ،‬فكثرة استخدام طالء‬ ‫األظافر و مزيل طالء األظافر يزيل طبقة من طبقات‬ ‫األظافر وبالتالي يغير لونها ويجعل لونها مييل إلى اللون‬ ‫األصفر ويجعل أظافرك هشة وضعيفة‪ ،‬وللتغلب على‬ ‫هذه املشكلة ينصحك خبراء التجميل بدلك األظافر‬ ‫واألصابع في الليل مبزيج مكون من زيت الزيتون و زيت‬ ‫اللوز ترك املزيج على األظافر حتى الصباح‪.‬‬

September 2010

CITY FASHION Good Luck for the Louis Vuitton Monogram Aviator


New Shoe Tr

What is one of the most popular bags from star in this period? Definitely Monogram Aviator The new tote signed Louis Vuitton that has already stolen By now you would our hearts to dissimilar celebrities. From the beautifully embellished jacquard, have noticed that the Monogram is revised according to a vintage trend that unites a bit clogs have stormed ‘ all the dresses and accessories collection Prefall 2010 Louis Vuitton. their way back onto Accessible in gray tones, burgundy ruddy and blue.

feet everywhere - but

The Aviator is leading the bag collection Prefall 2010. This is a tote be they chunky woodentrend retro A feature that we discover a bit ‘in all the beautiful collection soled sandals or boots, of Maison Prefall 2010, motivated by the hippie -chic trend of the seventies. the emphasis is always on

height. Equipped with practical handles and shoulder strap, measuring 39cm x 54cm x 25cm and is therefore a bag capacious and just ideal to contain whole thing you require. Accessible tone ruddy Clogs. Say it; it sounds clunky, burgundy, khaki and navy blue, interior is a technical fabric awkward, uncomfortable. It quilted lining fluorescent orange. appears that as footwear goes, A bag which, like Monogram Antheia, Has already made an clogs must be just as uncomfortable idiot of numerous celebrities. Katie Holmes withdrew its to wear as their name makes them Lanvin glad Bag to take her on walks with Suri, though sound; wooden soles?. But awkard Gwen Stefani has even betrayed the bags she designs names and the potential for awkward a queue LAMB But the initial to find it is definitely Rachel Bilson That he understood from the outset the potential of Monogram Aviator.


K atie Holm

l Rache

Chanel clogs with dark wood and black leather


Now here's an alternative from Louis Vuitton. This pair features short heel, akin to a clog interpretation of a kitten heel. In comparison to Chanel's pair it's visually unappealing. And if you're still not convinced of the superiority of a high-heeled clog, let me illustrate with the original picture again. 32

Gwen Stefani

Finally, avoid flat clogs; they're known as Crocs.

Most Wanted: Omega Grey Speedmaster

September 2010

The Omega Grey Speedmaster was introduced at this year's Baselworld show. It is offered in a 40 mm stainless steel case, with both polished and brushed surfaces, and for the most part, looks like a typical Speedmaster. It is powered by the standard, yet reliable Omega Calibre 330 mechanical movement that is officially chronometer certified (COSC) and has a power reserve of 48 hours. However, by adding a black Cordura strap and grey dial, Omega has taken the traditional Speedmaster DNA and created a more modern and sporty looking timepiece. This new look, in contrast to the more conservative designs seen on most Omegas, really stands out.


rend Reports

"Black Gold" Rolex 2-tone PVD Rolex Leading pre-owned Rolex watch dealer Time & Gems, one of a handful of retailers around the world that customize Rolex watches (pre-owned Rolex watches), is proud to announce a world exclusive and the next step in their hugely successful Black PVD Rolex watches (a PVD process is used, which produces a DLC coating). Time & Gems worked hard on their process and had their designers come up with something amazingly unique that raises the bar in Rolex customizations. The 2-tone PVD Rolex watches, that takes 2-Tone 18K Yellow Gold and Stainless Steel watches, and puts our ultra-hard scratch resistant coating on them.

Lum-Tec Combat B43 Watches walking hasn't stopped the rerise in the popularity of clogs; a populaity that you can expect to only increase. And a popularity that will see the trend carry over from Summer into Autumn / Fall 2010, and then again as one of 2011's fashion trends.

Swedish clogs, with their wooden sole and leather upper, have had the largest style impact on the trend. And it's such a combination of materials that you want to be wearing should you invest in a pair of clogs. Of course, the upper doesn't have to be leather; the pair of Chanel clogs featured here combine a wooden heel and sole with a studded, linen upper.

Louis Vuitton clogs

Lum-Tec is a watch brand based in the United States that specializes in luminous watch dials and hands. Every Lum-Tec watch features their exclusive MDV Technology™ (Maximum Darkness Visibility). This is a special 8-layer application of ultra bright glowing superluminova photoluminescent material. The process consists of a chemical base layer, six luminous layers and a final clear layer on the top. The result, are some of the brightest watch dials and hands in the industry. LumTec MDV technology is not limited to Lum-Tec timepieces, though, they can even reapply their signature lume to older watches whose luminous paint has worn out over time.

Mido Multifort PVD Special Edition Chronograph Founded in Switzerland in 1918 by George Schaeren, Mido is now based in Le Locle. Situated in the heart of the Swiss Jura mountains, Mido is currently owned by the Swatch Group The Mido Multifort PVD is a special edition version of their most popular collection. It has a 44 mm x 14.5 mm 316L stainless steel treated case that is PVD treated (PVD gives the watch a black finish, as well as protecting it from scratches and corrosion). Inside is a reliable and accurate ETA/Valjoux7750 chronograph (Swatch owns ETA/ Valjoux).

Parmigiani Fleurier Bugatti Super Sport

Parmigiani Fleurier launched the car inspiredBugatti Super Sport timepiece. A super watch made in conjunction with the world's fastest production car, the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport. The car is an amazing feat in engineering as is this new Bugatti timepiece from Parmigiani. I really liked the original watch Parmigiani created for Bugatti, however, this version has been fully redesigned. The new watch is arguably better looking, and maintains an unmistakable look, much like a Bugatti super car. The design is more restrained, the case is sleeker and it is much more wearable. The 33 excellent design perfectly blends subtle Bugatti Veyron elements, without being quite as loud as the previous model, and that is definitely a good thing.

September 2010


Dealing with the Queen of Clubs Jameel Arif Nadia Ali is an American singer and songwriter, and the former front-woman and songwriter of the band iiO whose 2001 hit “Rapture” reached number 2 in the UK Singles chart. While 17 years old, Nadia was working in the New York offices of Versace, and aspiring to start a music career, when a co-worker introduced her to producer Markus Moser who was looking for a female singer to collaborate on some of his original dance music production. The two teamed up and started a group that was originally named "Vaiio," named after the Sony laptop Nadia was working on, but later dropped the "va" to avoid any potential problems with Sony. Working with Moser, she wrote the lyrics and the vocals for the songs. After the success of “Rapture” the duo toured worldwide and released more singles, including “At the End”, “Runaway” and “Smooth”. Leaving the group in 2005 to pursue a solo career, Nadia released her debut album, “Poetica”, in 2006, while Moser continued to release iiO material featuring her on vocals. Most notably, these releases include the 2006 single “Is It Love?” which went to number 1 in America on the Billboard Dance Chart. Apart from writing her own songs, Nadia also writes for a growing number of DJs and producers, including BT, Matt Darey, Tocadisco, Tritonal, Andy Moor, and Hardwell. Taking a brief break from her dance music, Nadia agreed to collaborate with CityPages on this interview... Your name has mixed influences, but where are you from? Nadia is a variant of the girl’s name Nadya which originated in Russia, and which is now more commonly used in the Western world. It began to be used in France in the 19th century, but it’s also an Arabic name. I was actually born in Libya to Pakistani parents, then relocated with my family to the Queens district of New York City when I was still a child. When did you start singing? I started singing when I was about 8 years old. Did you receive any kind of music/vocal training? No … at least, none before embarking on my professional career. What did you study at college? I studied education, because I had wanted to be a teacher. Who are your principal musical influences? I am most influenced by the work of Stevie Nicks, U2, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Sade, and Sarah Mclauglin. Who are some of your favorite singers? I love all the singers who influenced me (as I’ve already mentioned) but recently I've also been enjoying Amr Diab, Beyoncé, and Bjork. Can you tell us a bit about your experience with the group iiO? 34

It was a great learning experience, and completely unexpected to have been so successful. What have you been doing since you left the band? I have been recording music since going solo and am now really focusing on writing for other singers/performers. How many albums have you released to date? Up until now I’ve released 2 full length albums as well as a number of collaborations with other dance artists. Who writes your music? I prefer to write all of the lyrics and the vocal melody myself, as it is important to me to express myself freely in those areas. From where do you draw your inspiration? Life experiences are the best inspiration for me. And matters of the heart are usually the best fuel. Where have you given live performances? I've been privileged to have performed in every continent except Antarctica. I think I've been to thirty-six countries so far, and to what seems like hundreds of cities! Is there anywhere else where you would like to perform? Definitely! South Africa is up there on my list, along with Italy & Argentina.

September 2010


September 2010

Can you tell us about some of your achievements? I have been fortunate to have received many awards for records sold, but most recently I've been especially happy with all of my online social network connections. Can you tell us about some of your music collaborations? I've recently worked with Armin Van Buuren, Sultan & Ned Sheppard, Chris Reece, and Morgan Page, along with a few others. What is the title of your new album? And when will it be released? My new album, scheduled for release in August, is the first of my Queen of Clubs Trilogy: (Best of Nadia Ali Remixed) compilation. The total package has been broken into 3 releases entitled Ruby Edition (August 2010), Onyx Edition (October 2010), and finally Diamond Edition (December 2010). This package of club tracks will feature brand new remixes of some of my biggest dance hits as well as introducing some brand new tracks by an allstar list of producers. What are some of your favourite tracks from the album, and why? It was a fun process to witness my songs getting remixed by so many talented folks, so it is really hard to choose. But I particularly love the Alex Kenji remix of "Ride With Me" which will be released this summer. What can you tell us about your future plans? At the moment I'm just so excited about the "Queen of Clubs Trilogy" which is releasing through this autumn, along with some great new music videos this summer. Do you have a message for your fans in Kuwait? I'm so happy to hear that I have fans in your country. I really look forward to coming to perform there soon. And finally, do you have a message for CityPages? Thanks so much for your amazing support. I look forward to meeting your team when I am in Kuwait. 36

September 2010



September 2010

Tulsi Tea

A unique flavorful brew made from the leaves and blossoms of Tulsi plant that contains important antioxidants that strengthen the immunity system of the body & boasts properties that lower cholesterol and keep the heart healthy

Green Tea

Softness of Chinese brew with a sweetish aftertaste, made from unfermented leaves that contain the highest concentration of antioxidant which helps in anti-aging & preventing cancer


September 2010

September 2010 Emergency


Fire Brigade

100, 105

Traffic Violation Inquiry


Consumer Protection Hotline 24820281 / 25720252 Labour Complaints Hotline

24344954 Fax: 24347562

The Scientific Center



The Grand Mosque The Grand Mosque is the largest and most modern mosque in the country of Kuwait. Muslims often refer to the mosque by its Arabic name, which is Masjid Al Kabeer. The Grand Mosque was completed in 1986 and is an outstanding example of Islamic architecture. It is located in the heart of Kuwait City. It is built on 45,000 square meters, out of which the building itself covers 20,000 meters. The main prayer hall measures 72 meters wide on all sides. It has 22 teakwood doors. The hall is lit up by 144 windows. It is a big open hall and in the middle there are small shelves that form a 350 foot square. They contain Islamic reference books and documents. The ceiling is a beautifully painted dome that is 26 meters in diameter and 43 meters high. Painted on it is the "Asma al-hosna," which means the 99 names of Allah Almighty. They are the names of Allah Almighty that are revealed in the Qur'an, the religious text of Islam. The mosque can accommodate up to 10,000 men in the prayer hall. The women have a separate hall and that can hold up to 950 women.

Awaqaf & Islamic Affairs......... 22480000 Commerce & Industry............22480000 Communications.....................24819033 Defence.................................. 24848300 Education............................... 24817702 Health.................................... 24877422 Higher Education...................22401300 Electricity & Water..................25371000 Finance.................................. 22480000 Foreign Affairs....................... 22425141 Housing.................................. 25301000 Information............................ 22415301 Justice, Legal & Administrative Affairs.............22480000 Energy................................... 22415201 Planning................................. 22425200 Social Affairs & Labour..........22480000 Public Works.................................25385

IMMIGRATION OFFICE Farwaniya.......................... 24341770 Shuwaikh........24839380, 24839607 Hawally...........25712537, 25712635 Jahra................................. 24555600 Ahmadi.............................. 23986761 Mubarak Al-Kabeer........... 25415071

MEDICAL SERVICES Central………….24722000 Ambulance Central Ambulance ....................... 23940600/23941455 Amiri Hospital.................... 22422366 Da'iya................................ 22510854 Fahaheel........................... 23919098 Farwaniya.......................... 24883000 Farwaniya.......................... 24725149

Jahra................................. 24570583 Mubarak Al-Kabir.............. 25311437 Sabah................................ 24815000 Salmiya.............................. 25739011 Shuaiba............................. 23261927

Public Hospitals Adan.................................. 23940600 Allergy............................... 24849252 Amiri.................................. 22450005 Amiri Casulty..................... 22450005 Blood Bank....................... 25336538 Burns Centre..................... 24840300 Cancer Control Centre....... 24849100 Chest Diseases...24838990/24849400 Drug Control..................... 24837245 Farwaniya....... 24883000/24888000 Ibn Sina............................. 24840300 Infectious Dieseases......... 24870351 Islamic Medical Centre...... 24849000 Jahra................................. 24575300 Kidney Centre.................... 24840027 Maternity........................... 24848067 Military............................ 247299911 Mubarak Al-Kabir...........25312700/9 Opthalmology.................... 24840300 Psychiatric Centre............. 24843900 Quarantine........................ 24873272 Razi................................... 24846000 Sabah...................... 24812000/5000 Sulabikhat Orthopedic...... 24874240 Transplant Centre............. 24840300

Private Hospitals Ahmadi.............................. 23985174 Dar Al-Shifa....................... 22423151 Hadi................................... 25312555 Mowasat............................ 25711533 Rashed.............................. 25624000 Salam...................... 25333177/3254 39

September 2010

MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATION TELEPHONE TEST & COMPLAINTS Jabriya (Surra).................. 25310000 Jleeb Al Shuyoukh............. 24310000 Old Jahra........................... 24770000 New Jahra & Abdaly.......... 24570000 Hawally.............................. 22610000 Ras Al-Salmiya.................. 25710000 Al-Riqa............................... 23940000 Salmiya.............................. 25610000 Shuwaikh........................... 24810000 Sabah Al-Salem (Messila).25510000 Sulaibiya............................ 24670000 Sulibikhat.......................... 24870000 South Sabahiya................. 23610000 Fintas................................ 23900000 Zoor.................................. 23950000 Ahmadi.............................. 23980000 Ardiya................................ 24880000 Fahaheel........................... 23910000 Farwaniya.......................... 24710000 Kuwait City......................... 22400000 Mishref.............................. 25380000 Mangaf.............................. 23710000 Nuzha................................ 22510000 Umm Al-Haiman & Wafra... 23280000 Shuaiba............................. 23260000

POLICE STATIONS Abu Halifa.......................... 23717656 Ahmadi.............................. 23980304 Ardiya................................ 24881273 Bayan................................ 25387762 Dahar................................ 23830500 Dahiya............................... 22560855 Dasma............................... 22531917 Fahaheel........................... 23912959 Faiha................................. 22552693 Farwaniya.......................... 24711977 Fersous............................. 24890583 Fintas................................ 23904388 Hawally.............................. 22641116 Jabriya............................... 25315855 Jahra Ind. Area.24575565/24587392 Jahra North....................... 24552295


Jleeb Al-Shouyoukh........... 24311234 Keifan................................ 24832839 Mina Abdullah................... 24722590 Nugra................................ 23261144 Omariya............................. 24742160 Qadsiya............................. 22574386 Qurain............................... 25423772 Rabiah............................... 24742160 Rawda............................... 22560058 Riqqa................................. 23941958 Rumaithiya........................ 25624123 Sabah Al-Salem................. 25517229 Sabahiya (Kuwait City)...... 22427157 Salmi................................. 24576576 Salmiya.............................. 25726950 Salwa................................. 25626950 Shamiya............................ 24845953 Sharq................................ 22442566 Sulaibia Ind. Area.............. 23261789 Shuwaikh........ 24813726/24844842 Sulaibekhat....................... 24876555 Sulaibiya............................ 24670672 Sulabia Ind. Area............... 24672728 Surra................................. 25312220 Tayma'a............................. 24571700 Wafra................................. 23810421 Waha................................. 24557902 Zour.................................. 23950160

CAR RENTAL Europcar........................... 24842988 Al-Mulla............................. 22421660 Avis................................... 22465282 Budget.............................. 24810844 Al-Sayer............................. 22441425 Rent a Honda.................... 24838470 Hertz................................. 24319326 Sanbouk............................ 22446297 Autoleas............................ 24846999 United Hospitality for Limousine.................... 22407777 National............................. 24343139 International Car Rental Co. .22453827 Al-Zamel Auto Est. ........... 24832626

PRIVATE CLINICS Andrology, Male Infertility and Impotence Specialist Abdullatif A. Al Salim......... 25334438 Dentists & Oral Surgeons Ahmed Al Balool................ 22622211 Badri K. Al Rayes.............. 25742557 Duha Al Shaqan................ 22644614 Ebraheem Behbehani....... 25730000 Farida Al Herz................... 22573883 Maria Blanaru................... 25730000 Najat Essa-Bahman.......... 22624595 Najeeb Kassim.................. 25739277 Salwa A. Abdulsalam......... 25730000 Kuwait Medical Center..25759044 / 5 Endrocrinologists Latifa Al Dowaisan............. 25728004 Kamal Abdulaziz Al Shome.25329924 Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeons Hossan Eldin Abdulfattah.. 25745056 Abdulmohsen Mousa Jafar.25655535 Dermatologists & Venereologists Fahad I. Al Othman........... 22665166 Taibah M. Almonayes........ 25737477 Dr. Mohamed Bo Hamra... 22665166 Gastroenterologists Mohamed A. Al Shimali.............25322030 / 22639955 Eurologists Fawzi Taher Abul............... 25650064 Ali Yousef Mehdi................ 25333501 General Practitioner Dina Al Rifai.. 25333501 / 25333502 Obstetricians & Gynecologists Samira Al Awadi................ 25738055 Ma'asouma Maksheed...... 25731275 Mohamed Gamal............... 25349077 Mai Al Snan....................... 25321171 Psychological and Sociological Services Fahad Mubarak & Nisirine Aboul-Hosn................. 25659800

Capital : Kuwait City Emir : HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah Crown Prince : HH Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah Independence : June 1961 National Day : 25 & 26 February Area : 17,818 sq km (6880 sq miles) Populations : 3,328.136 million Governorates : (Al Ahmadi, Al Farwaniyah, Al Asimah, Al Jahra, Hawalli, Mubarak Al-Kabeer

Dr. Vincenza A. Tiberia, Ph.D.............. .......................................... 99816522 Soor Center....................... 22901677 Dr. Kazen Abal................25711411 / . .......................................... 25737773

FOREIGN EMBASSIES IN KUWAIT AFGHANISTAN.............................. 25329461 ALGERIA....................................... 25323014 ARGENTINA...............................25323014/5 AUSTRIA....................................... 22552532 BAHRAIN...................................... 25318530 BANGLADESH...........................25316042/3 BELGIUM...................................... 25722014 BHUTAN....................................... 25331506 BOSNIA & HERCEG....................... 25392107 BRAZIL......................................... 25328610 BULGARIA.................................25314458/9 CANADA....................................... 22563025 CHINA........................................... 25333340 CYPRUS........................................ 22433075 CZECH REPUBLIC......................... 22529018 DENMARK.................................... 25341005 EGYPT.......................................22519955/6 ERITREA....................................... 55317426 ETHIOPIA..................................... 25330128 FINLAND...................................25312890/1 FRANCE.....................................22571061/2 GERMANY..................................... 22520832 GREECE........................................ 24817102 HUNGARY..................................25323901/2 INDIA............................................ 22530600 INDONESIA................................... 24839953 IRAN............................................. 22560694 ITALY............................................ 24817400 JAPAN........................................... 25312870 JORDAN........................................ 25312293 KOREA (SOUTH).......................... 25339601 LEBANON..................................22562103/4 LIBYA........................................... 22575183 MALAYSIA..................................... 25342091 MAURITANIA................................. 25312943 MOROCCO.................................... 25312980 NETHERLANDS.........................25312650/2

Time : GMT +3 Electricity : 240 Volts at 50 Hertz; single phase Geographic coordinates : 29o22' 11"North, 47o58'42" East Kuwait Islands : Failaka, Bobyan, Meskan, Garoh, Om Almaradem, Om Alnamel, Kubar, Warba Land boundaries : Iraq 240 km, Saudia Arabia 222 km, Coastline: 499 km Natural resources : Petroleum, fish and natural gas

September 2010

September 2010 NIGERIA....................................... 25320794 NIGER........................................... 25652943 OMAN........................................22561956/7 PAKISTAN................................25327649/51 PHILIPPINES................................ 25325167 POLAND.........................................25311571/2/8 QATAR.......................................... 22523107 ROMANIA..................................... 24845079 RUSSIA......................................... 22560427 SAUDI ARABIA.............................. 22550021 SENEGAL...................................... 22573477 SOMALIA...................................... 25394795 SOUTH AFRICA............................. 25617988 SPAIN........................................... 22550021 SRI LANKA................................... 25339140 SWEDEN....................................... 25321485 SWITZERLAND............................25340172/4/5 SYRIA.......................................... 25396560/59 THAILAND.................................... 25317530 TUNISIA........................................ 22542144 TURKEY........................................ 22531785 UAE.............................................. 22528544 UK.............................................22403335/6 USA...........................................25395307/8 VENEZUELA..............................25324367/9 YUGOSLAVIA................................. 25327548 ZIMBABWE................................... 25621517

LIBRARIES Kuwait National Public Library.22415181 Kuwait University Library......... 24816497 Document Center..................... 25320900 British Council.......................... 22515512 Library Gulf University............. 22645806 Al-Ahmadi Public...................... 23987086 Al Dae'ah Public....................... 22515686 Dahiyat Abdulla Al-Salem Public ................................................ 22548878 Al-Dasma Public (Woman)....... 22530842 Al-Faiha'a Public...................... 22540898 Al-Farwaniya Public.................. 24720570 Fahaheel Public....................... 23913810 Al-Khaldia Public...................... 24813331 Al-Qadseia Public..................... 22515298 Rumaitheia Public.................... 25610399

Al-Shameia Public.................... 24818343 Al-Sabaheia Public................... 23619658 Hawally Public.......................... 22644738 Kaifan Public............................ 24815724 Kheitan Public.......................... 24712691 Al-Babtain Central Library....... 22474010

MUSEUMS Bait Al-Bader Est..................... 22429158 Kuwait House Museum............ 24846336 Kuwait National Museum......... 22451195 Mohd Al-Shaybani Museum..... 25320901 Tareq Rajab Museum............... 25339063 Educational Science Museum .22421268 Dar Al Athar Al Islamiyah......... 22400992 KOC Display Centre.................. 23982393 Popular Traditional Museum.... 22429158 Bayt Al-Qurain......................... 25430343

THEATERS Abdulaziz Hussein Cultural Center...................... 1804500 Al Dasma Theater.................... 22521059 Al-Shameia Theater................. 24845737 Al-Tahreer Theater.................. 24813376 Kuwait Public Theater.............. 24816222 Kuwait Elizabethans................. 25631725 Kuwait Players......................... 25625316 The Little Theater.................... 32952680 Sha'ab Theater........................ 25613777 Sha'ab Leisure Park..................... Ext.228 Kuwait Theater........................ 25720983

DINING Japanese Bonsai Japanese Restaurant.225109999 Edo.......................................... 22659590 Kamikaze................................... 1824060 Kei J.W. Marriott..................... 22422650 Kei Marina Cresent................. 22244630 Maki......................................... 25733561 Sakura..................................... 25744447 Sushi Club................................ 25712144 Wasabi..................................... 22494000

Thai Thai Chi................................. 22253120.1

Pizza Peppe's Pizza.......................... 25744442 Pizza Express.......................... 23719866 Pizza Inn.................................. 24924400 Prego....................................... 25737500 Sbarro's................................... 25743180 The Pizza Company................... 1800400 Villa Pizza................................ 25715452

Greek Zorba's Greek Taverna............ 25715124

Mexican Burrito..................................... 22552233 Castello...................................... 1806666 Chi-Chi's................................... 25625811

Spanish Viva Espanole.......................... 25755668

Indian Asha's.....................................2244502/3 Caesar's................................... 22411711 Dawat....................................... 22411685 Mughal Mahal.......................22425131/2 Rangoli..................................... 25673000 Taal.......................................22253142/3 Winner's................................... 25739954

Italian Biella........................................ 22244662 Ciro's Pomodoro...................... 22424004 Johnny Carino's........................ 22663050 La Pizza................................... 22426639 Loranzo................................... 22400747 Nino......................................... 22541900 Piano Piano............................. 22533993 Pizza Express.......................... 22560273 Spago........................................ 1808060 Tosca......................................... 1824060

Sea Food

Al Boom................................... 25673000 Al-Marsa.................................. 22510999 Danah...................................... 25756284 Totally Fish............................... 22244960

International Al Bustan................................. 25673000 Astra Lounge........................... 22629779 Avenue Restaurant.................... 1844444 Bays......................................... 24610033 Beit 7....................................... 22450724 Bredz....................................... 22407707 Fresh....................................... 25625838 Jeans Grill................................. 22409846 La Marina................................. 22426672 Lamarine.................................. 22426672 Lebresserie.............................. 22455550 Ola's Restaurant........................ 1830083 Richoux.................................... 22244815 Ritz........................................... 25755668 Sea Shell.................................... 1844444 Square..................................... 22437680 Teatro..................... 23725500 Ext. 7309 The Jungle................................ 25750647

American 360O Mall Level 3 Tel: 25309903 Applebee's............................... 22407536 Buffalo's Cafe.......................... 25728989 Burger Boutique...................... 22997775 Chili's....................................... 22452200 Fuddruckers............................ 22407103 Hard Rock Cafe.....................25710004/5 Johnny Rockets........................ 25754040 Ruby Tuesday........................... 24444454 Subway.................................... 25748974 TGI Friday's.............................. 22544300 The Burger Hub....................... 22464818

Steak House Cascade..................................... 1831831

midnight pm












September 2010

September 2010 Le Entrecote............................ 25729600 Ponderosa............................... 23983113 Terrace Grill............................. 22455550 The Gaucho Grill...................... 25667370

Arabian Al-Bustan................................. 25652589 Al-Safadi.................................. 25753555 Al-Saraya Palace...................... 25711101 Awtar........................................ 22244815 Berdawni Palace...................... 25661117 Burj Al-Hamam........................ 22550965 Classical Cafe & Restaurant..... 25740077 Fircej Suweileh......................... 25755991 Kababji.................................... 22550964 Masi Al Ghanim........................ 22460456 Palm Palace............................. 25715283 Ruby Tuesday........................... 23734440 Sarai.....................................22253180/1 Veranda Cafe & Restaurant..... 25727120 Villa Fayrouz............................ 22652030 Yaldez Palace........................... 22455212 Zaatar W Zeit........................... 22244944

French Dalloyau Paris.......................... 25712541 Le Notre..................................... 1805050 Paul.......................................... 22244588 PQ (Le Pain Quotidien)........... 25633684

Cafés Astra Lounge........................... 22629779 Cafe Blance.............................. 22244644 Cafe Rio................................... 25732226 Cafe Supreme.......................... 25758858 Casper & Gambini's...............22430054/6 Chateau Cafe............................ 22426802 Chocolate Bar.......................... 22244880 Columbus Cafe......................... 25720186 Costa Coffee............................. 25728199 Danish Cafe................................ 1805544 Diva's Restaurant & Cafe......25723083/4 Gloria Jean's..........22457099, 23930533 Hangout Lounge...................... 25755588 Jamaica Blue.........25747656, 22412114 Lazord..................................... 22420837 Lina's Cafe............................... 22244966 Milano Plazz............................ 25727172 42

Numi Rea House...................... 25725870 Shay W Nanaa.......................... 22452055 Sketch...................................... 99842878 Song Bird Cafe......... 23725500 Ext.7314 Starbucks Coffee...................... 22409755 Tea Lounge.............................. 24610033 The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf.... 25714174 Zahra Cafe............................... 25717064

Arabic Cafés Balbak Cafe & Restaurant........ 25750588 Classical Cafe & Restaurant..... 25740055 Latino Cafe............................... 25652770 Port Cafe.................................. 22456651 Puerto Banus.......................... 22456650 Veranda Cafe & Restaurant..... 25727120

Lodging Costa Del Sol Hotel.................... 1830083 Courtyard by Marriott Hotel.... 22997000 Crowne Plaza........................... 24742000 Four Points Sheraton Kuwait... 22242205 Hilton Kuwait Resort................ 22256222 Holiday Inn Down Town.............. 1841000 Holiday Inn Salmiya.................... 1847777 Imperial Hotel.......................... 22528766 J.W. Marriott Hotel Kuwait City.. 22455550 Kempinski Julai's Hotel & Resort.1844444 Kuwait Palace Hotel................. 22571030 Le Meridian Kuwait Hotel......... 22510999 Le Meridien Tower Kuwait.......... 1831831 Movenpick Hotel Kuwait........... 24610033

Tel: 22253100

New Park Hotel........................ 25634760 Oassis Hotel............................. 22465489 Radisson Blu Hotel.................. 25673000 Ramada Kuwait Hotel................ 1821111 Ritz Sharq Boutique................. 22499911 Safir Airport Hotel................... 24722670 Safir Al Bastaki Suites Hotel.... 22555081 Safir Heritage Village................. 1881118 Safir International Hotel Kuwait.22530000 Sheraton Hotel.......................... 1835555 Swiss Inn Plaza Hotel Kuwait... 22436686 The Palms Hotel & Spa.............. 1824060

Suites Carlton Tower........................... 22452740 Kuwait Continental................... 22527300 Refad Palace Suite Hotel......... 23908630 Ritz Salmiya Boutique.............. 25711001 Second Home.......................... 22532100

Hotel Apartments Farah Motel............................. 22442104 Hala Motel................................ 22560927 Mirage Hotel Apartment.......... 25750001 Motel Maha House................... 22523211 Royal Residence....................... 25710057 Sadari House........................... 22443136

International Dialing Codes AFGHANISTAN ................................... +93 ALGERIA.......................................... +213 ARGENTINA ....................................... +54 AUSTRIA ............................................ +43 BAHRAIN .........................................+973 BANGLADESH .................................. +880 BELGIUM ........................................... +32 BHUTAN ..........................................+975 BOSNIA & HERCEG ..........................+387 BRAZIL.............................................. +55 BULGARIA .......................................+359 CANADA ............................................... +1 CHINA ................................................ +93 CYPRUS ...........................................+357 CZECH REPUBLIC............................ +420 DENMARK ......................................... +45 EGYPT ............................................... +20 ERITREA ............................................ +29 ETHIOPIA ........................................+251 FINLAND .........................................+358 FRANCE............................................. +33 GERMANY........................................... +49 GREECE.............................................. +30 HUNGARY .......................................... +36 INDIA................................................. +91 INDONESIA ........................................ +62 IRAN .................................................. +98 ITALY ................................................. +39 JAPAN ................................................ +81 JORDAN........................................... +962 KOREA (SOUTH)................................ +82 LEBANON........................................ +961 LIBYA ..............................................+210

MALAYSIA .......................................... +60 MAURITANIA ....................................+222 MOROCCO....................................... +212 NETHERLANDS ................................. +31 NIGERIA........................................... +234 NIGER ..............................................+227 OMAN.............................................. +968 PAKISTAN.......................................... +92 PHILIPPINES ..................................... +63 POLAND ............................................ +48 QATAR .............................................+974 ROMANIA.......................................... +40 RUSSIA ................................................ +7 SAUDI ARABIA................................. +966 SENEGAL .........................................+221 SOMALIA......................................... +252 SOUTH AFRICA .................................. +27 SPAIN ................................................ +34 SRI LANKA ........................................ +94 SWEDEN ............................................ +46 SWITZERLAND ................................... +41 SYRIA ..............................................+963 THAILAND ......................................... +66 TUNISIA........................................... +216 TURKEY............................................. +90 UAE .................................................+971 UK ..................................................... +44 USA ..................................................... +1 VENEZUELA ...................................... +58 YUGOSLAVIA.................................... +381 ZIMBABWE...................................... +263



Domino's Pizza








Little Caesar's Pizza 1888855 Pizza Hut




Chicken Tikka


Burger King


Zaatar W Zeit


September 2010


Architect Sarah Sadeq

Building Plans ... S

ince graduating from university in the United States in 2005 with a Major in Architecture and a Minor in Art History, local architect Sarah Sadeq has been working to improve the architectural image of Kuwait’s landscape. Her studies abroad had brought Sarah into close contact with many people from different countries, cultures and religions, learning from each the respect of the other and exploring another side of the world. Tasked with the Interior Design of Al Tijaria Tower, an office building and mall in the heart of Kuwait City which is one of the top architectural features in Kuwait, Sarah travelled to Dubai, Turkey and India for the selection of design materials and gave direction on some materials and techniques which were used for the first time in Kuwait. With projects for the Juman Complex and Ruba Complex also under her belt, Sarah has recently been working on another of Kuwait’s new architectural icons – the Symphony Project – which will house the world’s second Missoni Hotel. For this project Sarah travelled to the Italian fashion capital, Milan, to review the design and the materials that will be used, and met the great architect William Nolan as well as Madam Rosita Missoni, co-founder of the Missoni fashion line and design director of the Missoni Hotel concept. To consider the roles of fashion and art in modern architecture, CityPages collared Sarah for a quiet chat... Did school prepare you well for your working life? School life and working life are totally different concepts, but at school I was provided with theories and guidelines; I was shown how to work within parameters; and I was shown how to be creative. Does your family support your career choice? My husband is a great support to me in my chosen fields – in both the architectural and in the art design – and at all times encourages me to chase my dream of being a great architect. Also I cannot forget my parents’ support throughout my years in the United States to reach this level of education, confidence and to be strong socially. You were in the United States when the Twin Towers were struck – how did this affect you? The attacks experienced on 9th September were horrendous, and resulted in one of the worst, but also one of the best times for me. I was working on one of my final projects at The Roger Williams University in Rhode Island, and it was ruined by some angry students who had reacted to the recent violent acts. As a result, I was requested by the university cultural office and the university president to give a speech to the other students about my country, and about Islam, to clarify everyone’s understanding about our people and that it had 44

September 2010

been just a small and misguided minority who had been involved in these attacks. Although there were hard moments I also gained so many friends, many of whom have remained in contact for more than ten years since. In 2001 I also received the Woman Honour Award for that year at the Roger William University. Do you think that Kuwait displays good architectural vision? As an architect, I would like to think of Kuwait as one of the best exponents in designing its new buildings to be built with the best new materials in the most environmentally efficient way. So it is very sad that the only concern lately appears to be about how many towers should be built, and how much the towers are covered with glass with little consideration for the user, the hot local climate and the overall environment. We also face a great crisis in Kuwait when we construct all these new buildings without taking into consideration where all the users of the buildings will park. Is there a place for the older buildings, alongside the new? Absolutely! It actually makes me very sad when I see the destruction of some of our original Kuwaiti buildings, many of which could be considered as iconic to our history and which should be seen by many future generations, but instead are being demolished to make way for the building of more glass boxes. What is your personal vision for the future of Kuwaiti buildings? My vision and mission as an architect is to incorporate architectural features into buildings that reflect us as Kuwaitis, Arabs and Muslims, and thereby to create a modern architectural statement with a connection to our identity . I am also interested in landscape architecture, which I would love to see included in all of the projects in Kuwait. Do you favour any architectural styles? I love the Islamic architectural style, Spanish style villas, and also the touch of modern architecture. But I am also interested in the style of Japanese villas and their way of thinking.

September 2010

How do you approach each new project? My way of working is, first and most importantly, to put aside a few hours for brain storming, through which I will try to come up with new, creative and effective concepts, and from which I can create a collage of thoughts as a guideline. Do you have any favourite architects? I admire the work of Zaha Hadid who, in 2004, became the first woman to receive the Pritzker Architecture Prize, and I like the works of Frank Gary, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Mies van der Rohe. I also admire Peter Walker as a landscape architect. What advice would you give to someone entering the field of architecture? Make sure you are well read and well educated, but follow your own path; travel a lot, remembering that the visual part is the best school from which to learn; and it’s never wrong to make mistakes because that’s what will make you, one day, a great designer. Finally, you should respect your architectural heritage, and use it on the journey to create your own direction. What would be your dream project? My dream project is to design a medical city in Kuwait, combining the best medical facilities with architectural and landscaping features that will assist the process of healing with great views and surroundings. Such a place would be an icon for Kuwait. My thesis project was for an Alzheimer facility, where the architecture provided a healing process which medicine cannot. Also would like to design Bobyan to be one of the best-ever resorts! Do you have any artistic interests, other than architecture? Having enjoyed the opportunity to travel a lot and to meet people from different areas, I became interested in jewellery design and created jewellery which incorporated my ideas of colours, materials, and fabrics from different periods of time and different cultures and styles, and I call the collection “Imagine” (using ideas from existing cultures but creating 46

a new concept, mixing the luxury and the simplicity of each style). I held my first exhibition in 2008 which was a great success, taking inspiration from Victorian historical paintings and adopting their creative colour themes, all used with a touch of the romantic luxury of that period. My second exhibition will be held in September 2010, and will display a new theme in which I imitate the vibrant mix of colours and techniques of African jewellery and mix it with a touch of luxury from Victorian and French fabrics. Can you leave us with any favourite sayings? “Always treat people the way you want to be treated” and “Less is more”. I also have one in Arabic: ‫اتقي شر من احسنت اليه‬

September 2010


September 2010


Watersport Wonder Although it’s actually a brand name owned by Kawasaki Heavy Industries, "Jet Ski" has become the most commonly known generic term for a whole range of personal watercraft since the company was responsible for a limited production of stand-up models in the early/mid 1970s. Almost forty years later, jet skis have become a popular sight on regulated lakes and shorelines worldwide, and riding them is enjoyed by casual users and professional sportsmen alike. Like other sports, an array of competitive events has now developed which encapture the skills and thrills of riding a jet ski. Saud Abdulaziz Al-Sharifi is serious about his jet skiing, and continues to enjoy success in competition. CityPages decided to catch up with Saud before he sets off on his quest to bring home another trophy... Before we talk about jet skis, can you tell us a bit about your personal life? Sure. I attended Kuwait University and graduated with a degree in political science. I now work at the Kuwait Stock Exchange as a broker. Apart from riding your jet ski, what hobbies do you enjoy? My hobbies include fishing, kite flying and biking. What kind of cuisine do you like? I love traditional Kuwaiti food. What first inspired you to get on a jet ski? Actually, my uncle was my inspiration. He was a very good jet skier and often participated in jet skiing competition. I used to go with him when


I was young and it inspired me a lot; I guess from then onwards I always held on to my wish to be a jet skier one day. Can you tell us about your recent achievements? In July the Kuwait Sea Sports Club (KSSC) organized its second round of the Jet Ski Competition and I achieved first place in the Standing 800 category. In addition I am also a holder of a special award, which has been presented by KSSC for the last two years. What do you mean by the term “standing category”? There are a whole range of different categories in a jet ski competition, such as the runabout category, seated, and standing category. I prefer the standing one, in which all the participants are supposed to remain standing as they ride throughout the competition. However, I actually started with the runabout style in 1999 and participated in several competitions, even winning quite a few of them until 2001 when I changed to stand up style. What can you tell us about your other achievements? I regularly participate in the competition held in Dubai and, with the grace of Allah, I have won the title there for a few consecutive years although, last year, I lost the title by one point only. What is your next goal? I had wanted to participate in the International Jet Sports Boating Association World Final which is held annually in the U.S.A. This year it will be held from October 3rd until 10th at the Crazyhorse Camping Grounds and Resort in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, and I am very proud to say that I have qualified to compete there. Soon I will be travelling to U.S.A and I would love to bring a World Title to my country when I return. Do you have sponsorship?




Yes, and I would really like to take this opportunity to thank the Al-Farsi family in general, and Mr. Faisal Al Farsi in particular, for their tremendous support when I started my jet ski career. Currently I am also immensely grateful for the enormous support provided by Mr. Abdullah Hamed Al-Farsi and his establishment, Power Boats and Safari. Without their support I could not reached the position I’m in today.

September 2010

What kind of jet ski do you use for the competition? Since 2006 I have used a Yamaha Hydrospace, which I believe is one of the best. Competitive jet ski riding must be physically demanding, so how do keep yourself physically fit? I regularly go to a gym, and have a special trainer who works with me for sessions lasting at least two hours. Besides that I practice in the water daily for at least another two hours. Even during Ramadan I ensure that don’t miss my practice sessions. In addition it’s important that I observe a healthy diet. What, in your opinion, is the future of jet ski as a sport in Kuwait? Although the Kuwait Government provides quite a lot of support, I think there is still a lot more needed to be done if newcomers are to be properly encouraged. The IJSBA World Finals is the world’s premier event for all things related to personal watercraft. Now in the 29th consecutive year of operation, the IJSBA World Finals continues to

be the unrivalled showcase of the human spirit in forms of engineering, athletic achievement, camaraderie, and sportsmanship. The World Finals is centred around the sports of Closed Course Racing and Freestyle Competition. Closed Course Racing has a starting line of Personal Watercraft dashing towards a first turn buoy and then navigating several laps through a buoy course. Freestyle has individual athletes demonstrating tricks and stunts during a two minute routine for a judge’s score. Professionals, Amateurs, Juniors, and Womens divisions will each bring together hundreds of athletes from more than 50 nations to compete for the title of World Champion. Only the Olympic Games have more individual nations represented at a single venue. CityPages congratulates Saud on his qualification to participate, and wishes him every success in his event.


September 2010


Ferrari World Abu Dhabi Jameel Arif


errari World Abu Dhabi, set to open on October 28, 2010, is the world’s first Ferrari theme park and largest attraction of its kind. It will be an intense multi-sensory experience and a mustvisit for enthusiasts, fans and families. The Park pays tribute to the passion, excellence, performance, technical innovation that Ferrari has established over the years and represents today. Its iconic sleek red roof is directly inspired by the classic double curve side profile of the Ferrari GT body, spanning 200,000 m2 and carrying the largest Ferrari logo ever created. Ferrari World Abu Dhabi will host a number of attractions, including rides for children of all ages, providing the complete Ferrari experience: over 20 state-of-the-art attractions, each designed to bring to life a different part of the Ferrari story, including the world’s fastest rollercoaster, reaching speeds of up to 240 km/h, emulating the thrilling sensation of being in a Ferrari F1 car, or the G-force experience taking passengers on an adrenalinepumping ride up over 62 m, through the roof and back down again. There will also be a wide variety of Italian delicacies and of course unique shopping experiences. The Park is located on Yas Island - set to become a global tourist destination with a wide range of accommodation and entertainment facilities - on the North East side of Abu Dhabi’s mainland. Abu Dhabi, at the crossroads between Europe, Asia and Africa, was chosen as the ideal location to build the Ferrari theme park, motor sports being extremely popular in the United Arab Emirates. Ferrari World Abu Dhabi will offer enthusiasts, fans and families the opportunity to experience Ferrari in a unique


and intensely fun way. The Park is owned by Aldar Properties PJSC, Abu Dhabi’s leading property development, management and investment company. Farah Leisure Parks Management L.L.C, a joint venture between Aldar Properties PJSC and ProFun Management Group Inc. (international leisure facilities management and operating company) will be responsible for managing and operating Ferrari World Abu Dhabi. Ferrari’s key principles of excellence and performance in the context of technological innovation will underpin every aspect of the project. Ferrari World Abu Dhabi Key information General World’s first Ferrari theme park  World’s largest indoor park  Opening October 28, 2010  Owned by Aldar Properties PJSC Managed by Farah Leisure Parks Management L.L.C, a joint venture between Aldar Properties PJSC and ProFun Management Group Inc. Located on Yas Island on the North East side of Abu Dhabi’s mainland Yas Island is a 10-minute drive from Abu Dhabi International Airport, 30 minutes from the city of Abu Dhabi, and 50 minutes from Dubai Marina Adjacent to the Yas Marina Circuit, home of the Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Building Designed by globally renowned architectural firm


Building height is 50m, with a roof edge circumference of over 2,200 m Enclosed space (area accessible to the general public) is 86,000 m2 Over 12,370 tonnes of steel have been used to reinforce the structure Landscaped area around the main building is over 450,000 m2 Roof Design

inspired by the classic double curve side profile of the Ferrari GT body Made from metal and glass designed to reduce glare and heat Total 3D surface area is 200,000 m2 The Ferrari logo is 65m x 48.5m, the largest Ferrari logo ever created Highest point is 48m, with a total of 6,900 meters of roof guttering Rides Designed by one of the world’s most prominent design firms Jack Rouse Associates Over 20 state-of-the-art rides and attractions Featured attractions include: The

world’s fastest roller coaster, reaching speeds of up to 240 km/h, emulating the feeling of being in a Ferrari F1 car G-force experience taking passengers on an adrenaline-pumping ride up over 62m, through the roof and back down again State-of-the-art racing simulators as those used by the Ferrari racing team Flume ride journey through the heart of a Ferrari

599 engine Driving and Racing school for junior drivers, with expert training Aerial voyage over Italy following a Ferrari Food & Beverage A broad range of VIP lounges, restaurants and fast and fun cafes that add to the unique experience that is Ferrari World Abu Dhabi Italian and internationally inspired cuisine complimented by local flavours and dietary requirements Traditional service combining style and convenience Highlights include: Two restaurants inspired by the real Maranello food experience Live food shows A true Italian ambiance of

a traditional delicatessen, including: Customized fresh pasta and pizza made-to-order An array of international dishes to satisfy all tastes Shopping Visitors can expect a retail experience that celebrates Ferrari’s rich heritage in a way never seen before. Highlights include: 825 m2 store celebrating Ferrari’s rich history with vintage and contemporary racing memorabilia Souvenir photo opportunities for capturing the thrill of the moment “Interactive Corners” where children can customize their own park souvenirs 1300 m2 flagship store offering Ferrari and special Ferrari World Abu Dhabi items

Frequently Asked Questions What is Ferrari World Abu Dhabi? Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, set to open on October 28 2010, is the world’s first Ferrari theme park and largest attraction of its kind. It will be an intense multi-sensory experience and a mustvisit for enthusiasts, fans and families. Ferrari World Abu Dhabi pays tribute to the passion, excellence, performance, technical innovation that Ferrari has established over the years and represents today. The Park will host a number of attractions, including rides for children of all ages, a wide variety of Italian delicacies, and of course unique shopping experiences. How much will tickets cost? Ticket prices will be released as we move closer to the opening date. However, I can reassure you that we will offer our guests great value for money. What type of attractions will Ferrari World Abu Dhabi feature? Ferrari World Abu Dhabi will feature over 20 rides and attractions designed to tell the Ferrari story in ways which will appeal to a broad audience of different ages and interests. Some of these will include the world’s fastest rollercoaster, an interactive 4D fantasy adventure for the family and a flume ride through the heart of a Ferrari 599 engine. How big is Ferrari World Abu Dhabi? Ferrari World Abu Dhabi’s iconic sleek red roof is directly inspired by the classic double curve side profile of the Ferrari GT body, spanning 200,000 m2 and carrying the largest Ferrari logo ever created. The indoor enclosed space (area accessible to the general public) will be 86,000 m2. Where exactly is Ferrari World Abu Dhabi? Ferrari World Abu Dhabi is located on Yas Island - set to become a global tourist destination with a wide range of accommodation and entertainment facilities - on the North East side of Abu Dhabi’s mainland, a 10-minute drive from the Abu Dhabi International Airport, 30 minutes from the city of Abu Dhabi and 50 minutes from Dubai Marina.

Why Abu Dhabi? Located at the crossroads between Europe, Asia and Africa, Abu Dhabi is the ideal location to build Ferrari World Abu Dhabi. Motor sports are extremely popular in the United Arab Emirates. Ferrari World Abu Dhabi will offer enthusiasts, fans and families the opportunity to experience Ferrari in a unique and intensely fun way. Who is Ferrari World Abu Dhabi owned by? Ferrari World Abu Dhabi is owned by Aldar Properties PJSC, Abu Dhabi’s leading property development, management and investment company. What is Ferrari’s involvement in the project? Ferrari is closely involved in all aspects of the Park. Ferrari’s key principles of excellence and performance in the context of technological innovation underpin every aspect of the project. Who is responsible for the operation of Ferrari World Abu Dhabi? Farah Leisure Parks Management L.L.C, a joint venture between Aldar Properties PJSC, the leading Abu Dhabi-based real estate developer and ProFun Management Group Inc., an international leisure facilities management and operating company, will be responsible for managing and operating Ferrari World Abu Dhabi. Who was the brain behind the idea? In April 2007, Aldar Properties PJSC, Abu Dhabi’s leading property development, management and Investment Company, announced the signing of an exclusive contract with Ferrari to construct the Ferrari Theme Park on Aldar’s Yas Island project. The agreement between these two pioneering industry leaders reflects the unique foresight and deep rooted relationship that, through this exciting new park, will meet a significant entertainment and leisure need for fans and families in the region.


September 2010


A Vagabond in France John MacArthur regional. Brittany is nothing like Burgundy or Provence, each region stoutly guarding its unique traditions. The climate and landscape is variable, people speak with a different accent and regional e u rg a m a C food is ull Wrestling


everywhere. Spending a couple of months in France, not as a tourist, is educational. Most have visited Paris – it’s a grown-up city with a cultural heritage stretching back two thousand five hundred years, from the Celts to the Romans – at least the roads are straight - to the Merovingian kings who ruled from the middle of the fifth century through the Revolution and the horrors of Madame La Guillotine. Everything the heart desires can be found, iconic names were birthed here like Louis Vuitton; the shop is housed in an architectural masterpiece at 101, avenue des Champs-Elysées, Fauchon in Place Madeleine and endless more. Variety accompanies quality; put simply, one is spoiled for choice. Louis XIV cultivated thirty-three varieties of peach in the gardens of Versailles. Leaving the delights of Paris and its surroundings brings one into contact with a different France, parts unseen by casual visitors with cameras and the coach tour, seeit-all-in-an-hourworldview. In the country, it’s 52

I could write a short novel. But I won’t. Instead, imagine travelling with me to a few special, perhaps a little more out-of-the-way places. A long day’s drive south from Paris are the Cévennes, the French equivalent of the Appalachians. Here, it might be Scotland, but grander and warmer, with purple heather, chestnut and pine. The eyes gaze into the far distance, old mountains, worn down into gentle, rolling woodland, the landscape stretching grey and blue to the horizon which seems to go on for ever. Scattered en route are tiny villages with stone dwellings clustered around either a church or a simple Huguenot Temple. This is the land of the Rebellion where for a hundred years Protestant Camisard guerrillas worshipped in secret – a pulpit could be camouflaged in minutes to look like a grain bin - and fought the armies of Catholic King Louis for the right to worship freely in much the same way as Wallace harried Longshanks' troops. "Braveheart" could have been filmed here.

Driving on mountain roads here, much like on the 30 during rush hour, 'can be hazardous'. People come here to enjoy the scenery, swim in the rivers and generally get lost in a National Park almost as big as Kuwait, frequently with insouciant disregard for the rules of the road, like driving on the right side of it. Lest you be tempted to imagine that this is the kind of place where nicely dressed ladies and doddery old men with spindly legs take a little picnic by the river, believe me, it isn’t. It’s tough, wild, unforgiving country. People can, and frequently do, get lost here. There's a refreshing absence of public misbehaviour, probably because there aren't very many Brits, a British accent speaking bad French causes a curious uplifting of the eyes in some of the smaller, more outof-the-way places. An upside is that even with large numbers, population density is often quite thin, and so a river swimming hole can be virtually tourist-free. The French keep the best secrets for themselves, however. I have seen more narrow streets, twelfth century churches and Crusader staging posts than most people get to see in a lifetime, I imagine. In 1878, Robert Louis Stevenson (Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde) undertook a kind of vagabond walkabout with a donkey in these hills, much like myself, minus the pack animal, I think. Apart from a few motor vehicles, not a lot seems to have changed. The granite rock


r les

Coliseum A

formations are now as they were then, the cavernous gorges cut deep by flowing rivers. He stood on the same plateaux and smelled the heather reminding him of his Scottish homeland. Perhaps the quality of the coffee has improved. Driving south, the land gets flatter and warmer – the Rhone delta might as well be Bangladesh. It's flat, salty, and mostly marshland and seems to go on for ever. If global warming is a reality, and there's even a moderate rise in sea level, the place will disappear. This is bull-breeding country and the Gardiens – Camargue cowboys – are the ones who do the 'Rawhide' bit with lariat and pointed stick, supplying the arenas with both fighting bulls and those bred for entertainment, leather and meat.This is a real job - not just a divertimento for tourists. In every restaurant in the capital, Saintes Maries de la Mer, there's 'pavé de taureau' on offer, or bull steak, along with the obligatory gypsy flamenco and guitar music. Yes, the bulls are still used for entertainment. In the Roman arena in Arles – where Van Gogh painted – agile, white-clad young men are chased by a young bull as they try to pluck a ribbon from between its horns, before vaulting nimbly over a four foot wooden barrier. In the summer, in almost every small town, there’s a feriá or festival of some sort in honour of the local patron saint and bulls are chased down narrow streets by young men perhaps with something to prove and wrestled to the ground. A five hundred kilogram bull which is disinclined to be so treated can lose its temper very fast. I left reluctantly and turned north again since I had always wanted to visit Avignon. Quite a shame, really, since it turned out to be something of a disappointment. Not because it Bullring wasn't beautiful Ar les

in all its medieval splendour but because it seemed so much like other, smaller and prettier local towns, with the exception of the chic little boutiques with Paris prices on every ticketed trinket. The old town is walled throughout and the walls are remarkably well-preserved. Pope Pius V built a large monument when the papal seat was here rather than Rome and the papal palace is grand indeed, but one seventeenth Cevennes Collage century castle seems much like another with the inevitable snail with audio link craning its bells. The Aubrac dairy cow is mated with the collective neck to admire yet another mildewed Charolais bull to bulk them up a bit, and the ceiling and being disgorged into the gift shop resultant beef is quite simply outstanding. The at the end. The famous bridge – it's actually calves feed from their mothers for the first half a bridge – over the Rhône was a bit lame, six months, then have five thousand square I thought. There's a tiny church perched like metres each of free grazing in flowery pasture. a wart at the end which I really didn't see the Each.Per cow. I have eaten the marbled Kobe point of getting out of the car to visit. beef from Japan, Argentine steaks and USDA The Auvergne is the bit - the rather big bit, prime, but this stuff beggars description. The as it happens - in the middle of France. It's flavour is strong but subtle and you are left huge, volcanic - the best mineral waters with a kind of genuine respect for the animal trickle through the rock here - and there are itself. Unless you want to leave the restaurant a number of spa towns where the French in a body bag, don't ask for it to be 'well-done'. government actually sends people on the It came with a potato dish first made by three equivalent of the National Health Service for bishops in the Middle Ages. They each brought treatment. The gateway to the Auvergne is some local produce to a kind of Diocesan Synod, or Church Gathering - one brought Aubrac cow bread, the other cheese and the last cream. Mixed together, (the bread is now replaced by potatoes) you get 'aligot' which looks like very thick wallpaper paste and tastes divine. I almost heard my arteries hardening. Like the food, the people here are bulky and solid, the men having vast bellies and the women wide, strong peasant hips. With matching forearms. the Millau Viaduct - a masterpiece of both An overnight stop in picturesque Laguiole engineering and traffic control, being the where some of the finest cutlery in the world longest, highest and tallest in the world. This is still hand-forged, the cheese wins prizes area is home to the Bras culinary family - they and Michel Bras (of whom Parisians speak in even provide special recipes for the autoroute hushed tones) has a restaurant at 175 euros cafés - and of Roquefort cheese - there are a plate, then en route for home. The radio said tastings of local produce in the villages. The there were 130 km of tailbacks in total on the idea with cheeses is that the mildest is tasted autoroutes into Paris. I went on the RN roads first, then the stronger - usually older - one and was back home in the Arabic area of Paris by one. I bought a small amount of the local before nightfall. Just in time for Iftar. Perfect. prizewinning stuff, which – so sorry for being rude - is as far removed from thepre-packaged and overpriced sawdust that you buy in the Sultan Centre as is possible.Small towns with little churches are everywhere since it's on the pilgrim route to Compostela. The town and region of Aubrac looks almost Swiss. It's on a high plateau so people come here in the winter to Nordic ski and even the door handles are made from Aubrac cow horn.These contentedlooking fawn coloured beasts graze on verdant pastures, often wearing huge, tonkling

Roman Viaduct


The fur of the binturong, also known as the "Asian Bear Cat," smells like popcorn. The scent is believed to come from a gland located near the tail One out of 20 people have an extra rib Cinderella is known as Rashin Coatie in Scotland, Zezolla in Italy, and Yehhsien in China The typical lead pencil can draw a line that is thirty five miles long CityPages AMBASSADORS WANTED

Most lipstick contains fish scales

/A CityPages Ambassador is someone who supports the magazine, open new opportunities and spread the magazine to as many people as possible./ Anyone wishing to become a CityPages ambassador can contact us at

The sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the English language Istanbul, Turkey is the only city in the world located on two continents


September 2010

In memory of and dedication to “Denise”

- The birth of a warrior Ah! what an immense and divine scene it is but to witness the birth of a young warrior… a knight in full brightness, thirsty for the knowledge of our universe !

- Inception of hope Unexpected wishful events will only occur when the unexpected is unconditionally welcomed by man, For the world of unexpected is the Kingdom of He always at ease to give, should you but breathe in and out your belief and hope into it as the breathe of air you intake, And the unexpected shall come into shape under a thousand forms and a million more colorful encounters, The magic of the assembling of a parentless child who embraces his new loved ones , The rising of a woman who touched by an alchemist of sugar and spice shall rise in turn hundreds of life thereupon, The fusion of a title less man who meets a queen and one day becomes the elevated king that gives birth to a new nation, A blank page bound to stay empty till an unknown writer leaves words that speak and shall be spoken of for a thousand years to come and thence ripens into a legend…

- Gathering thought And if a color i am, tell me what color would that be … And if a number i am too, let me have the number that transpires into me…

- The search within And as you shall contemplate on your own life, And try to feel that which you are, To succeed you shall, as you try hard, But knowing the multitude of attributes of your own self

Whilst unraveling the invisible name, That reflects the essence of your core, Is the affair that shall always be served best by other selves, So hearth them well and the answer that you seek shall be yours!

- Mirror in the self Complex and above all complications indeed will the self seem at times, For in truth, the soul and everything contained in it is as big as the world at large that shows itself to us, And thus seeing a self in its true face is as seeing an entire world in constant thinking… A world where energy replaces matter that no longer exists, A world where time ceases to be and past, present and future coagulate and are lived by the self all at once, A world up scaled by a plentiful of emotions that thirsts to be shared,

divine sights enacted from the voyage, Amazing heights, where the horizon will suddenly seem as clear as an Alabaster stone … Winds that shall whisper louder and remind you of their existence and meanings… The grass under your feet that breathes Gaia in all its splendor and energy… And when the journey will have brought the fruit of its seed and knowledge will have sank in your mind, You shall return to your departure point no longer as the knight who wishes to conquer the queen and her kingdom but as a true king who has conquered it all and now strives to begin life as a phoenix bird…

- Diary of a continuous journey -

A world that shall make all of your senses quake as you tap in the mass consciousness to which the self belongs to, as you remember,

I am the child within, that shall have bore three names in a life time

Thence to comprehend such world is to know one self…

But fortunate enough to have had wisdom as one of them…

To know such self is to grasp the ultimate reality and existence of the macro above and within which you shall find Him…

I am a seeker of truth with enough might to throw the arrow when time shall say so

- Bon voyage –

And far will it go!

And on the eve of this calm summer night,

I am a walker of life who privileges the vertical way amongst all other availab‫ذ‬le ways

Whilst prayers are being sent forth to and fro high above,

For isn’t where the horizon lays?

From the oak tree that is your place of rest, I now see you flying high into the sky, like the Simurhg

I am the avatar that shall pierce your circle and force you to seek what you never dared seeking For you had been thinking the universe has little to give and little thinking indeed it is…

On his way to a world he has never seen….and that has never seen him. And once you descend onto the land, it is with the eyes of a child that you shall see a plentiful of 55

September 2010

HIND AL-NAHEDH'S BLOG HIND AL-NAHEDH Integrated Marketing & Social Media Manager VIVA Telecom Kuwait

Improve your Social online life. Step by step... For centuries, close friendships have been forged principally by face-to-face contact. During more recent years great value has been attributed to business networking, in which links are established for personal progression as well as for business gain. The advent of the internet, and the ease in which it facilitates contact with others around the globe, has to a major extent redefined the way in which we establish and maintain our social and business relationships. In her August Blog, Hind considered the potential productivity benefits derived from social media, and touched upon online tools for both business and social networking. Also in our August issue, Rupali Behl Bhagat provided an “at-a-glance” guide to some of the most popular social networking sites. This month Hind offers some comments and guidance on how to develop your online social life, step by step… Man is a social animal and can’t exist in isolation; we like to make friends and to socialize, bonding mostly with others who have one or more shared interests. The internet has provided us with a great communications link and, with it, an even greater platform on which social networks (such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Digg, etc.) are growing. The same basic concept is shared by each: to enable individuals to find friends or share information, to pursue common interests and explore new ones. If you decide to develop an online social life you might want to consider the potential impact it could have on your work, business and prestige. Then, as you explore the different sites available, you should research thoroughly before deciding which might be the best ones for you. However, first things first ... you’ve decided to take the plunge, but what comes next? I’d like to offer a few hints and tips.

1. Educate yourself

There are numerous ways to network socially on the internet; you should aim to go for those which reflect your personality, interests, and work; and most importantly for those which are fun. The earliest social network sites were chat engines where communities were developed for specific interests; these sites provided a virtual platform for self-expression and for making friends online who you may never meet or see. This provides a great refuge for some to socialize when they prefer to shy away from making contact in the real, physical world. But before making friends and working towards 56 a social network site useful for you, try making reading the site’s policies as, in some cases, your

actions might fall foul of the site regulations and result in the loss of your account. Digg, for example, does not allow a user to make multiple accounts, unlike “Stumble” and “Twitter”, which do.

2. Make yourself accountable

When you surf on the net and you visit a blog/article on which you want to comment, then usually you will have to first register with the site. Registering will encourage and enable you to keep updated with all the things you like and to connect with people who have similar interests. Some contributors don’t understand the need for sincerity and respect in the virtual world and post unhelpful, negative, or even derogatory comments. Caution should be exercised to avoid such behaviour if you want to build a good online reputation. Some employers have been known to review the online behaviour of their employees on different social networks (especially on Facebook and personal blogs) and have even taken disciplinary action against employees who post content which defames their companies.

3. Enter into discussions on “Internet Forums”

as well, After all, if you are not appreciative of others’ postings, then why should you expect them to be appreciative of yours?. The key to making contact with people is to be a regular visitor to the message boards of your interest, where you can contribute and share views and, in the process, you will get the opportunity to engage with some fascinating people. One big advantage of special interest forums is that, when you have a problem which you are unable to solve, you can ask a question of others on the forum. If you have developed a good online relationship with others on the message board, and especially if you have a clean and honest image and have also helped others, then there’s a good probability of you being directed to a solution to your problem! On each specialist forum, you are likely to find experts and novices in equal measure.

4. Be available and reach out

Conversation is the key to social networking, but for this you will need to reach out to others and make yourself available. Obtaining personal contact details for online friends with messaging tools such as Yahoo IM or GTalk ID will increase opportunities for online conversation and, gradually, you can build your network.

5. Netiquette & online posting style

It’s important that you are familiar with site updates ... not just with your own contributions but with others

Netiquette will vary from site to site, so you will need to check for the kind of posting style an online community uses. For example, depending on the position of the reply (text) with respect to the original message (text) the posting style is determined, and might be either interleaved posting, bottom-posting or top-posting.

CityPages Q

process. You cannot expect people to trust you and be friends if you simply hang around; you need to spend time and effort to cultivate friendships. By sharing online, by demonstrating a positive outlook, and as you become more mature and trusted in the network, others will respect and listen to you as well.


There is a certain “netiquette” that should be followed when you write online or in emails, and this should be kept in mind when you chat and post online. Netiquette may be defined as the set of social norms which facilitate conversation in the virtual world.



9. Be open to criticism and don’t enter into “Flame War”

6. Register for RSS feeds

If you want to keep updated with news from a website but don’t have enough time to continually surf through the contents, you can register with the site’s RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds through which any recent updates can be delivered directly by email.

Criticism is a way others may present their views, whatever they may be, and you should always try to have a learning attitude and accept criticism with an open mind. Of course, criticism can be positive as well as negative! If you want to improve in your life then you should be able to accept criticism and respond appropriately. Constructive criticism is often a great help, and gives space for self-evaluation.

It is advantageous for all of us not to have to check our favourite blogs or news channels all the time, knowing that updates related to discounts, articles, news, forums or any site-specific topic of interest will be received via RSS feeds.

In online terminology, “Flame War” may start when any heated topic is touched upon. Whether the subject is politics, religion, philosophy, or anything else that can provoke deep sensitivities, you need to learn to avoid such situations so that you are regarded as neither villain nor victim.

7. Beware of your actions and don’t be insensitive


At a movie theater which arm rest is yours?

It goes without saying that when you want to improve socially you must take care of your behaviour and communication with others. As in the real world, an online network will thrive only when participants give due respect to others and understand the outcome of their behaviour. This helps in making friends online, because any misbehaviour may result in never being able to communicate with that person again. And if you make a mistake, do something wrong, or say something you regret, you must be ready and willing to make your apology!

8. Don’t expect to build your online social network overnight

Improving your social skills is a time-consuming

This month I have given you some tips and suggestions for improving your online social skills. I hope these will be helpful to those of you who want to make your online social life a fun experience. President Obama was very active on Facebook before the US Presidential elections, and almost every successful person on the planet today is participant in one or more online social networks, making these a part of their lives and using them for their personal and business purposes. Social networking is key to man’s survival in this world. Online social networking makes the world a smaller place. Until next time ... Happy Networking!

Let us know what you think! Email us at Your answer could be published in our next issue.

September 2010


2011 BMW 535i - First Drive

Good news: The best sports sedan in the world just got a lot better. Douglas Kott Decommission all the electronic helpers and you’ll find there’s accurate and well-weighted steering that almost seems to find the apex by itself, predictable balance, confident brakes and enough torque from its turbocharged inline-6 to exit corners in a sublime, countersteering slide. That’s nearly a foregone conclusion; BMW has rarely disappointed us in the handling dynamics department. What’s more interesting is seeing the direction in which BMW has taken the new 5, treading the delicate line between not alienating the core buyers, and showing the world a brash newness and forwardthinking technology. Well, for starters, the new 535i uses the 7 Series’ architecture and suspension, at the front trading the long-used MacPherson struts for what’s essentially an upper and lower A-arm setup. It also endows the new 5 with a wheelbase of 116.9 in., the longest in its class. There’s a lot of aluminum, in the door skins, hood, front 58 fenders and suspension components. The

September 2010

power steering assist is fully electric, and uses no power whatsoever when the wheel isn’t being moved. And by using the 7 Series’ electrical infrastructure as well, there are high-tech options galore, including an all-new ultrasonic Parking Assistant, Frontal Collision Warning, Active Cruise Control, Blind Spot Warning, Lane Departure Warning, a Head-Up display, Integral Active Steering and BMW Night Vision with Pedestrian Detection. Also, a stand-alone option is Integral Active Steering, a rear-steer system that’s opposite-phase below 35 mph and same-phase above for parking ease and high-speed stability, respectively. Order the Sport Package and all manner of adjustments can be made to throttle response, suspension damping, shift characteristics, steering effort and traction/stability control intervention, by tapping rocker switches conveniently located on the center console. For each mode, a cutaway illustration of the car shows up on the center-dash screen, where the affected systems in any mode (Comfort, Normal, Sport and Sport +) appear in orange. The 535i’s new 300-bhp 3.0-liter turbocharged inline-6-dubbed N55-also brims with technology, being the first BMW inline-6 to combine direct injection, turbocharging and Valvetronic valve control. The small twin turbos of its N54 predecessor are gone, replaced by a somewhat larger twin-scroll unit, but rest assured that lag is all but unnoticeable. Torque is delivered over a broad range; a full 300 lb.-ft. is available from 1200 to 5000 rpm, 200 rpm lower in that critical tip-in range than the engine it replaces. The 400-bhp 4.4-liter twinturbo V-8 will be offered too, and either engine can be paired with an all-new 8-speed automatic or a 6-speed manual. Its five clutch packs are configured in a way that an 8–2 downshift is made with only one disengagement for a very snappy kickdown reaction. And the torque-managed shifts offer just enough “nudge” to be sporty. Styling looks edgy and dynamic, kind of a smaller 7 Series with extra attitude, but without the granny-glasses headlights and odd sloping trunk cutline of the 5 it replaces. A powerfully angled shoulder line, dramatic LED lighting in every conceivable spot and a bolder version of the double kidney grille make it instantly identifiable as a 5, as does the deeply cleaved, upward sloping character line along the side. Inside, there’s slightly more space-BMW claims 0.5 in. more rear seat knee room-and a fourth-generation iDrive interface that can finally be considered user-friendly, showing crisp graphics on an optional 10.2-in. high-resolution screen. The overall feel here is of elegant, sporty evolution, with a simple gloss-black instrument panel being the most striking change.


September September 2010 2010


U.S. TOP 40 1

Love The Way You Lie Eminem & Rihanna


California Gurls Katy Perry


Teach Me How To Dougie Cali Swag District


Dynamite Taio Cruz


Airplanes B.o.B


OMG Usher &


Teenage Dream Katy Perry


Mine Taylor Swift


Never Say Never Justin Bieber & Jaden Smith


I Like It Enrique Iglesias


Bulletproof La Roux


Your Love Is My Drug Ke$ha


DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love Usher


Billionaire Travie McCoy & Bruno Mars


Bottoms Up Trey Songz


Right Above It Lil Wayne & Drake


Take It Off Ke$ha


Smile Uncle Kracker


Stuck Like Glue Sugarland


Alejandro Lady Gaga


If I Had You Adam Lambert


Cooler Than Me Mike Posner


Half Of My Heart John Mayer


Hey, Soul Sister Train


Power Kanye West


Un-Thinkable (I'm Ready) Alicia Keys


No Love Eminem


Just A Dream Nelly


Misery Maroon 5


Secrets OneRepublic


Break Your Heart Taio Cruz


Faithfully Glee Cast


Miss Me Drake & Lil Wayne


E.T. Katy Perry


Deuces Chris Brown


There Goes My Baby Usher


If I Die Young Band Perry


Why Wait Rascal Flatts


Not Afraid Eminem


Find Your Love Drake



September 2010


Directed by: Robert Rodriguez, Ethan Maniquis Starring:Danny Trejo, Steven Seagal, Lindsay Lohan, Michelle Rodriguez, Jessica Alba, Jeff Fahey Genres: Action Adventure He looked like just another day laborer from the streets, and the perfect fall guy for a crooked political assassination. But he turned out to be Machete (Danny Trejo), a legendary exfederale with a deadly attitude and the skills to match

Resident Evil:

The Romantics

Easy A

The Town

Directed by: Paul W.S. Anderson Starring:MillaJovovich, Johnny Messner, Boris Kodjoe, Wentworth Miller Ali Larter, Kim Coates Genres: Action Adventure Sequel Fantasy Sci-Fi 3D

Directed by: Galt Niederhoffer Starring: Katie Holmes, Anna Paquin, Josh Duhamel, Malin Akerman, Elijah Wood, Adam Brody Genres: Drama Romance

Directed by: Will Gluck Starring:Emma Stone, Amanda Bynes, Lisa Kudrow, Alyson Machalka, Thomas Haden Church, Stanley Tucci Genres: Comedy

Directed by: Ben Affleck Starring: Ben Affleck, Jon Hamm, Rebecca Hall, Jeremy Renner, Chris Cooper, Blake Lively Genres: Comedy

In a world ravaged by a virus infection, turning its victims into the Undead, ALICE (Milla Jovovich), continues on her journey to find survivors and lead them to safety. Her deadly battle with the Umbrella Corporation reaches new heights, but Alice gets some unexpected help from an old friend. A new lead that promises a safe haven from the Undead leads them to Los Angeles, but when they arrive the city.

Set on the eve of a wedding celebration, seven close friends gather to watch two of their friends get married, but the maid of honor and the bride have had a long rivalry over the groom.

After a little white lie about losing her virginity gets out, a clean cut high school girl sees her life paralleling Hester Prynne's in "The Scarlet Letter," which she is currently studying in school - until she decides to use the rumor mill to advance her social and financial standing.

oug MacRay (Ben Affleck) is an unrepentant criminal, the de facto leader of a group of ruthless bank robbers who pride themselves in stealing what they want and getting out clean. With no real attachments, Doug never has to fear losing anyone close to him. But that all changed on the gang's latest job, when they briefly took a hostage-bank manager, Claire Keesey (Rebecca Hall). Though they let her go unharmed, Claire is nervously aware that the robbers know her name...and where she lives. But she lets her guard down when she meets an unassuming and rather charming man named Doug...not realizing that he is the same man who only days earlier had terrorized her. The instant attraction between them gradually into Fickman a passionate Directed turns by: Andy romance that threatens Starring: Kristen toBell,take them both down a dangerous, and Sigourneydeadly, Weaver, potentially path.Jamie Lee Curtis, Kristin Chenoweth, Odette Yustman, Betty White Genres: Comedy

Afterlife 3D

Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

Directed by: Zack Snyder Starring:Ryan Kwanten, Hugo Weaving, Jim Sturgess, Geoffrey Rush, Rachael Taylor, David Wenhem Genres: Drama Fantasy Family Kids Animation 3D The film follows Soren, a young owl enthralled by his father's epic stories of the Guardians of Ga'Hoole, a mythic band of winged warriors who had fought a great battle to save all of owlkind from the evil Pure Ones. While Soren dreams of someday joining his heroes, his older brother, Kludd, scoffs at the notion, and yearns to hunt, fly and steal his father's favor from his younger sibling.

Directed by: Oliver Stone Starring:Michael Douglas, Shia LaBeouf, Josh Brolin (In Talks), Frank Langella, Carey Mulligan, Susan Sarandon Genres: Drama Sequel The adventures of young Ramona Quimby come to life in this all new film based on the best-selling books (over 30 million…and counting) by Beverly Cleary. Ramona’s vivid imagination, boundless energy, and accident-prone antics are put to the test when she helps her family face its biggest challenge. Along the way, Ramona must deal with her overachieving older sister Beezus and the on-again, off-again romance between her Aunt Bea and Bea’s former beau.

You Again

No matter how old you are, you never get over high school. Successful PR pro Marni heads home for her older brother's wedding and discovers that he's marrying her high school arch nemesis, who's conveniently forgotten all the rotten things she did so many years ago. Then the bride's jetsetting aunt bursts in and Marni's not-sojet-setting mom comes face to face with her own high school rival.


September September 2010 2010


We Are Family


Anjaana Anjaani

Directed by: Abhinav Kashyap Starring: Salman Khan, Arbaaz Khan, Sonakshi Sinha, Sonu Sood, Mahie Gill Genres: Action

Directed by: Siddharth Malhotra Starring:Kareena Kapoor,Kajol, Arjun Rampal Genres: Drama ,Comedy

Directed by: Sushil Rajpal Starring: Raj Singh, Swati Sen Chaudhary,Vinay Pathak,,Akhilendra Mishra,Jaya Bhattacharya,Neelima Genres: Crime

Directed by: Siddharth Anand Starring: Ranbir Kapoor,Priyanka Chopra, Zayed Khan, Anupam Kher Genres: Comedy ,Romance

Directed by:Mohit Suri Starring: Emraan Hashmi, NehaSharma Genres: Social

The movie is set in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Salman Khan plays a character with negative shades in the film. His role is that of a corrupt police officer, named Chulbul Pandey, also known as Robinhood Pandey. The film tries to highlight the flaws and loopholes in the system. The film will primarily deal with the unlawful practices in the states of UP and Bihar and the involvement of police in it

The movie is the remake of the 1998 film Stepmom. Maya is the perfect mother. Her life revolves around her three children, Aleya, Ankush, and Anjali, who think nothing less than the world of her. Despite being divorced from her husband, Aman Maya has ensured that everything runs smoothly in her house , under her watch, and that they continue to remain a happy family unit .

Antardwand is a film that stokes the sensitive, thinking viewer’s ire, concern and empathy. The boy- Raghuveer who has just appeared for his Civil Services exams is admonished by his father against marrying his pregnant girlfriend in Delhi. Distraught and defenseless Raghu terminates his visit home in the interiors of Bihar and leaves for Delhi. But before he could get out of the village he gets ABDUCTED by another headstrong and ambitious father of a girl wanting to have a potential IAS officer as his son-in-law.

Anjaana Anjaani (Anjana Anjani) movie is a romantic comedy, where Priyanka is playing a character based in San Francisco, while Ranbir is essaying the role of a New York City boy. They meet in NYC and travel across cities. Both are trying to find luck in their life after several failed attempts to be successful in their careers and in love.Fed up, they both decide to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge.

Crook (Crook – Its Good To Be Bad) movie is about racial attacks on Indian students in Australia. Neha Sharma plays a girl born and brought up in Australia. She plays a student who tries to mend the cultural gap between Indians and Australians.


Crook: It’s Good To Be Bad

September September2010 2010

BOOK RELEASES Mentor Tom Grimes

The Red Queen Philippa Gregory

'The Murder Room Michael Capuzzo

Mentor by Tom Grimes is a memoir about Grimes' relationship with Frank Conroy and their lives as writers. Conroy is the author of Stop-Time and t h e director of the Iowa Writers' Wor kship. Grimes met Conroy when he was an aspiring writer who wanted to join the workshop. Mentor follows their relationship and explores the writing life.

Philippa Gregory is known for her historical fiction, which looks at the lives of prominent women from the past and tells their stories with romance and intrigue. Some of her previous bestsellers include The Constant Princess and The Other Queen. In The Red Queen, Gregory looks at Margaret Beaufort, mother of Henry VII, and tells the War of the Roses from a unique perspective.

The Murder Room by Michael Capuzzo tells the true story of the three founders of the Vidocq Society of Philadelphia -- a group o f homicide detectives named after the real life detective who inspired Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes. In The Murder Room, Capuzzo details real cold cases that the Vidocq Society tackles and solves. This is a page turner.

Tough Customer Sandra Brown

Last Night at Chateau Marmont Lauren Weisberger

Mockingjay Suzanne Collins

Tough Customer by Sandra Brown is the story of Dodge Hanley, a private investigator who receives a call from someone he hasn't spoken to in 30 years -- a former lover and the mother of a child he has never met. When Caroline King tells Dodge that their daughter's life is threatened by a deranged stalker, guilt causes him to get on a plane and help solve the mystery. This is a murder mystery novel that also touches on family relationships.

Lauren Weisberger, author of The Devil Wears Prada, once again looks at the dark side of success in Last Night at Chateau Marmont. When Brooke's husband, Julian, finally hits it big as a musician, the couple is ecstatic. But then Julian is constantly on the road and the couple is followed by paparazzi nonstop. Brooke starts to feel the strain in their relationship even as she reads about it in the tabloids. Brooke must then decide what she really wants.

Blameless Gail Carriger

The Trouble with Paradise Jill Shalvis

Quitting her husband's house and moving back in with her horrible family, Lady Maccon becomes the scandal of the London season. Queen Victoria dismisses her from the Shadow Council, and the only person who can explain anything, Lord Akeldama, unexpectedly leaves town. To top it all off, Alexia is attacked by homicidal mechanical ladybugs, indicating, as only ladybugs can, the fact that all of London's vampires are now very much interested in seeing Alexia quite thoroughly dead.

When a violent storm strands the passengers of a singles cruise on a deserted island, Dorie Anderson will have to choose where she feels safest-in the arms of a sexy pro baseball player or a mysterious French doctor

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins is the final book in the Hunger Games Trilogy. Although the Hunger Games is officially young adult, the series has followed in the footsteps of Harry Potter and the Twilight Saga, gaining just as big a following among older readers as youth. In Mockingjay, the Capitol is mad at Katniss, and no one is safe -- not Katniss, her family, her friends or District 12.

An Artificial Night Seanan McGuire

An Artificial Night is the third book in the October Daye series, a modern urban fantasy set in both the San Francisco Bay Area and the Faerie Kingdom of the Mists which overlays Northern California. It will be released in North America by DAW Books on September 7th, 2010.


September 2010


Canon EOS 60D DSLR Camera Announced After months of speculative rumors across the net, Canon has finally announced the newest member to its DSLR camera line-up, the EOS 60D, which is actually an upgraded version of EOS 50D. Specs-wise, the camera boasts an APS-C sized 18-megapixel CMOS sensor, a DIGIC 4 image processor, a Vari-Angle 3-inch LCD screen, an SD/SDHC/SDXC card slot, ISO up to 12800, in-camera RAW processing and 1080p Full HD movie recording capabilities (30fps). The EOS 60D will go on sale from October for $1,099 (body only).

The Everlasting Baby Pram

The new-age prams are a step-up from the old-gen and transform to become strollers but beyond that I don’t think any designer has come up with ingenious ideas to extend their useful life. Babyoom is what I’d like to call useful thinking, with all probabilities of becoming a cherished family heirloom passed down generations! From ages 0 to 3 it serves as a faithful baby buggy and car seat; from ages 3 to 6 it transforms to a children’s cycle; and beyond that it can be used as a shopping cart for all your shopping sprees. The lightweight body and easy steps to assemble make this concept a winner. The beauty is that one frame is used for all the 3 setups. If this was around when I had my kids, I know I would have bought it for them.

One Person Camper APE

Do you know about the Piaggio APE 50? It’s the cutest little three wheeled vehicle you’ll ever set your eyes on. Do you love camping? How about totally on your own? How about camping totally on your own inside an APE? The project you’re about to set your eyes on is called the “Bufalino,” and it’s a one-person camper using the APE 50 as its platform. Made for absolute flexibility, the Bufalino contains all the elements needed for living. Only the engine, frame, chasis, and parts of the cab were kept perfectly APE. The APE is a unique vehicle in that it is exempt from taxes in some countries because of its extremely economical working nature. It is also allowed in certain metropolitan areas that larger cars are not. It uses only a tiny amount of gas. It’s super cute. Inside the Bufalino you’ll find a bed, two seatings, a cooking zone, basin, relatively lots of storage, a refrigerator, and more. 64 64

Motion Activated Wall Switch Spy Camera

USB Geek has rolled out the new Spy Camera with a motion activated sensor. The camera is powered by a 2.0-megapixel CMOS Motion sensor that allows it to record 640×480 resolution video in AVI file format. This security camera also supports a microSD card (up to 8GB), which is enough to store around 6 hours video. The gadget’s internal rechargeable Li-ion battery provides enough juice for 13 days of standby time. Measuring 79mm x 79mm x 17mm and weighing 70 grams, the USB Geek Motion Activated Wall Switch Spy Camera retails for $37.

September 2010

Halo Bicycle Lock can send you a message

Just when I thought I was finished with biking gadgets for the day with the Bendable Bike, along comes the Halo Bicycle Lock. The Halo has nothing to do with the popular video game series of the same name, but probably derives its name from the perfect circle that it creates when the two halves are put together.

USB Gets A New Face

The USB interface is quite fascinating, it’s got an entire peripheral industry started to cater to its existence! We have USB hubs, compatible heads for car-charging, compatible plugs for wall sockets, etc. To cut this long route of buying compatible peripherals just for the sake of charging, why not include the USB seat into a normal socket plate? Let it sit pretty next to the 3-pin socket…just as we see in this picture! So super simple that it snapped an iF Concept Award this year!

The Halo Bicycle lock can also do something that I might be willing to describe with the word “angelic”. You see, it comes equipped with an Eye-Fi card so it will send out an alert if it is tampered with. This gives bikers a new set of security as they will receive a text or phone call on their mobile if some thief is trying to make off with their favorite set of two-wheels.

DIY Water Powered Calculator

Instead of purchasing an eco-friendly water powered calculator and tossing out your old one, only for it to slowly rot in a landfill, you could make your own. It seems to be a whole lot more eco-friendly to convert your current items into something eco-friendly rather than replacing the gadgets you already own. Thanks to a tutorial, you could easily make your own earth friendly calculator.

GefenTV Auto Volume Stabilizer Keeps TV Volume Consistent

Don’t you just hate it when you’re watching TV, a commercial break comes on and suddenly your television is blaring at you? Gefen has a solution to this annoying problem. The GefenTV Auto Volume Stabilizer keeps the volume the same throughout TV programs and commercials. It will also level the volume on different CDs and audio mixes. The GefenTV Auto Volume Stabilizer works with most A/V systems and uses Dolby Volume technology. Low frequencies are boosted and high frequencies adjusted to optimal levels that you set. Three inputs/outputs are provided for both analog (L/R) and digital (optical; coax) audio devices. All three inputs are switchable and live; you select which audio source will be adjusted. There is also a bypass feature allowing audio to pass through without adjustment. The Auto Volume Stabilizer installs easily, and sits between the audio/video source and the A/V receiver or HDTV display. You select the connected source, set the volume, and the Auto Volume Stabilizer maintains consistent sound. And when not in use, the Auto Volume Stabilizer moves to standby mode, giving you energy savings. Get more information atwww.

Dog, Luggage And You On The Same Scale

The truth of the matter is that weighing dogs & luggage on a domestic weigh machine is cumbersome to the point of being impractical. So what’s the solution? How about a sleek scale that expands its base to accommodate anything from a small sized pug, to humans, to great danes & huge suitcases. Say hello to your bathroom friendly Scale Z! Besides its stunning physical attributes, this baby is capable of recognizing your feet (not from their stink!) and pull out your past records like weight, BMI etc, record the new readings and send it to your computer via Wi-Fi. All this fuss is to make sure you manage and follow-up your weight loss program efficiently. I definitely see this gracing my room.

65 65

September 2010

Every row, column and mini-grid must contain the numbers 1 through 6. Don't guess - use logic!

1 6 6

1 1 5

6 3


Using just the letters in the words below, can you make at least 12 new words? Rules: You may only use a letter as many times at it is shown in the key words. Each word must be at leasr 4 letters long. GOOD LUCK


5 5 4

School Words Find and circle the words


Find the difference






September 2010


Choose the correct option Identify the picture & choose the correct option to form a correct sentence:

I .............. children. (a)teach (b)study

Once a wolf was drinking water at the head of the stream. All of a sudden, he saw a little lamb drinking water at a distance downstream. On seeing the lamb, the wolf licked his chops and decided to eat it up. So, he walked towards the lamb. While going, he kept thinking of some excuse for his action. Getting near the lamb, he looked at it with blood-shot eyes and thundered, How dare you spoil the water for me?

The children ............... in the park. (a)play (b)swim

There are .............. in the sky. (a)cars (b)stars

Trembling in fear, the lamb replied, How can I do that, sir? The water is flowing from you to me. The wolf had no words to say. Then he again thought of something and suddenly burst out, Why did you abuse me last year? Meekly, the lamb retorted, How is it possible, sir? I was not even born at that time. Well if it wasn't you, it must have been your mother. Saying this, he attacked the lamb and tore it into pieces. The wolf already decided to eat the lamb and he was just giving excuses to kill it. The End..


The postman ............... the doorbell. (a)bites (b)rings

I ............... the bread. (a)bake (b)cook

The ............... is funny. (a)doctor (b)joker

Before & After Write the numbers that come before & after?

Spring Time

September 2010

Unscramble each of the words on the right side of this page, then copy the letters from the numbered boxes to the boxes below to find the hidden phrase

































5 6 3 2 4 1

2 4 1 5 6 3

1 3 4 6 2 5

6 2 5 1 3 4

4 5 6 3 1 2

3 1 2 4 5 6



Choose the correct option



Before & After







1. a, 2. a, 3. b, 4.b, 5. a, 6. b

53 - 54 - 55 277 - 278 - 279 188 - 189 - 190 110 - 111 - 112 96 - 97 - 98 100 - 101 - 102 66 - 67 - 68








Popular Springtime Phrase 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17




21 22 23 24 25 26 27


September 2010


September 2010


September 2010

PRESS RELEASEs ANNUAL MEDIA GHABQA EVENT AT CROWNE PLAZA KUWAIT The management of the Crowne Plaza Kuwait organized its annual Ghabqa event at the Al Afrah Ballroom of the hotel, along with the people of the press, to celebrate the very special month of Ramadan. Warmly welcomed by the Hotel Manager, Ahmed Serafi, the event was hosted in a décor that took the attendees to the days of old. Hany Nabil, the Director of Marketing, PR and Loyalty Marketing wished the guests a night of joy and delight, while expressing his heartfelt gratitude to every member of the Banqueting team who take careful efforts towards making the night a success. For the first time in the hospitality industry, every customer gets the unique chance to get back up to 100% of the cash that he has paid at the restaurant of his choice after dining. Reinforcing the message of generosity, the Crowne Plaza Kuwait has chosen this step to appreciate our guests during this month of fasting and prayers. Another feature was the reversing of the check – in and check – out times for the rooms’ package during this month. Guests are now able to check – in to their rooms at midnight and check – out the next day at midnight, and enjoying 1 free Iftar meal and 2 free Sohour meals during their stay. This Ramadan is also special with the boost to the Egyptian tourism that was given by Crowne Plaza Kuwait. Tying in with the Egyptian week, the Soul of Egypt during Ramadan was celebrated during the first week of Ramadan at the hotel, featuring highlights of the culture and tradition of the country with a live Egyptian band and the famous Fishawy coffee from Egypt.

Gulf Bank Sponsors Girgai’an at Al-Kharafi Activity Kids Center Gulf Bank recently sponsored Girgai’an at the Al-Kharafi Activity Centre for Kids held on the 25th August , Under the Patronage of Sheikha Shaikha Al Abdullah Al Khalifa Al Sabah . The event started with a welcome speech by the Center’s Director, Mrs. Aisha Salim, followed by an impressive theatrical play performed by the children. Mrs. Sabeeka Al Jassir, Al Kharafi Activity Kids Center’s Chairman, then thanked and awarded the sponsors as well as the organizers. Children were kept entertained by BuTabiliah and Nassour, Gulf Bank’s famous cartoon character, who handed out Girgai’an bags. Gulf Bank continues to reach out to children with special needs throughout the year, reiterating the Bank’s commitment to the wider community.

Hadeel Al Fadhli, Manager in the Marketing department at Gulf Bank, receiving the token of appreciation from the Center’s Director, Mrs. Aisha Salim


The Gulf Bank team handing out Girgai’an

One of the children in hospital hugging Nassour

September 2010

Wataniya Airways Guests Celebrate Girgi’an in the Sky Drawing a smile on children’s faces and taking part of the society’s traditional celebrations Wataniya Airways, Kuwait’s premium service airline, celebrated traditional Girgi’an onboard of its flights to all destinations during the period of 14th – 16th of Ramadan. The airline’s cabin crew handed out special Girgi’an bags filled with sweet treats to all children on board. Jassim Al Qames, Wataniya Airways Head of Public Relations said: “It was great to celebrate Ramadan with the children. Wataniya Airways is committed to Kuwaiti society and upholding its traditions. Sharing and participating in occasions such as this is an important part of this involvement.” “Ramadan is a special month for all us. To help celebrate, we have created special Ramadan hours to fulfil the needs of our guests as well as promotions in addition to Umra special offers. We have also held a traditional ghabka with our employees, their families and our travel agents; so that we could all celebrate the Holy Month together, as members of the Watanya Airways Family.”

Jassim AlQames Head of Public Relations Wataniya Airways

ANNUAL MEDIA GHABQA EVENT AT THE HOLIDAY INN SALMIYA KUWAIT The annual Ghabqa event was held at the Tang Chao Chinese restaurant of the Holiday Inn Salmiya Kuwait celebrating the holy month of Ramadan, in the presence of the people from the media and press. The General Manager of the hotel, Ramy Haykal, addressed the invitees, warmly welcoming their presence on this occasion and thanking the members of the media for the publicity and coverage that they provide during the year around. He applauded their valuable support in all the advertising and marketing activities of the Holiday Inn Salmiya. Samer Harfouche, the Executive Assistant Manager of the hotel as well as Hany Nabil, Director of Marketing, PR and Loyalty Marketing along with the Marketing Team were also present, greeting the guests and making them feel at home during the special evening. Reinforcing the message of generosity, as taught by our elders, 10% from the bill of every person who dines at any of the restaurants is given towards charitable needs. This is also applicable in the case of any outside catering service as well as for all group events held at the Amwaj and Al Danah ballrooms. Featuring the reverse in timing for check – in and check – out for the rooms, guests are now able to check – in to their rooms at midnight and check – out the next day at midnight, and enjoying 1 free Iftar meal and 2 free Sohour meals during their stay. A number of games were hosted throughout the evening, keeping the guests entertained, and winners taking home exquisite gifts, the memories of which would last them a long time. Ramadan drinks were served throughout the evening along with the ever – present Shisha and a traditional Oriental buffet, which boasted of years of expertise, along with the strains of the melodious music that filled the restaurant throughout the evening completed the magic of the evening.


September 2010

PRESS RELEASEs CAB DRIVERS CELEBRATE IFTAR WITH LE MÉRIDIEN HOTELS IN KUWAIT Starwood Hotels and Resorts Middle East celebrated an ‘Iftar for Cabs’ initiative that brought more than 30 of their properties in the region together for a worthy cause. During the hour of Iftar, representatives from participating Starwood hotels including Le Méridien Hotels distributed fast-breaking packs of food and drinks to cab drivers as they drove through the main entrance of each hotel. Catering teams at each property prepared up to 200 Iftar packs for drivers, which included a variety of food and beverages. Staff from all departments within the hotels – including catering, administration, and guest services - worked together on the ‘Iftar for Cabs’ initiative.

Schwarzkopf: 55% of women in Kuwait spend less than 8KD a month on their hair, and an average of 14 minutes a day on grooming Schwarzkopf launches world’s first 10 minute hair dye into Kuwait Schwarzkopf’s latest beauty survey, conducted by YouGov Siraj, looking at the renowned beauty regimes of women in Kuwait, has found that the luxurious pampering days and salon trips appear to be a thing of the past, as women start to watch costs. The survey of 369 respondents across the country showed that 55% of women now spend less than 8 KWD per month caring for and styling their hair, with 37% no longer choosing to go to a salon. The research also shows that time, as well as money, is also something that Kuwaiti women are looking to be smarter with. While watching the dinars, they have also cut back on grooming, spending an average of 14 minutes per day caring for or styling their hair. Despite, the significant reduction in spending, when it comes to beauty, women of Kuwait still remain extremely “looks conscious”, 69% of women say that having nothing to wear could prevent them from leaving the house – a general consensus in Kuwait, KSA and the UAE. Unsurprisingly, signs of aging and hairy legs are also listed as women’s major beauty concerns. With time and money clearly being of the essence, Schwarzkopf has launched Palette 10, the world’s first 10-minute hair dye, into the Kuwait, UAE and KSA markets. Although the treatment only takes 10-minutes, the effect is long lasting like that of a standard-time home coloration. Palette 10 contains colour boosting Arginine which helps colour pigments to quickly penetrate into the hair´s core, giving intensive hair colour and grey coverage in a very short time, while minimizing the hair stress. Focused on the protection of each individual strand, its Anti-Hair-Damage Formula means women can be confident that they will have healthy-looking hair and fabulous shine. As for the worst beauty faux pas – the survey revealed that both men and women in Kuwait were in complete agreement, that wearing too much make-up tops the charts.


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September 2010

HOROSCOPES & September Planet Overview: The wheels of change have barely even been churning the past few weeks, but September brings the release of any stoppage. On September 9 Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, optimism, and abundance, shifts from sudden action Aries to the more contemplative Pisces and brings with it a sense of quiet confidence. On September 12 Mercury moves into direct motion and the path clears for progress in whatever projects may have been shelved. September 18, Jupiter meets up with the planet of abrupt action, Uranus, and a positive change could get a thumbs up. The Autumn Equinox coincides with the enthusiastic Full Moon in Aries on September 23 and what may have seemed foggy clears, and a bright new direction is revealed.

A r i es

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

This month, Aries, work will take up much of your time and attention. You'll be preoccupied with details and concerned with perfection with the Sun and Mercury in Virgo and your work sector. A New Moon in Virgo on September 8 will intensify your work ethic and help you be organized and efficient for a few weeks. Venus and Mars in Libra during the first half of the month will help you be a team player and foster personal relationships. It may be hard for you to be diplomatic and willing to compromise, but you'll try to get along.

Gloria Estefan 1st September


(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

For a few weeks this month you'll be taking care of details regarding a community initiative or event. This may involve contacting participants or taking care of logistics. Be careful while Mercury is retrograde before September 12, however, because some things may go awry. Jupiter and Uranus near your career and reputation sector will cause some upset but also bring new opportunities. Pluto in Cancer will bring change and transformation to your relationships. Venus and Mars in Libra during the first part of the month will help improve teamwork and maintain peace when working with your family.

Michael Douglas 25th September Shakti Kapoor 3rd September

Tau r u s

(Apr 20 – May 20)

A strong emphasis on the sign of Virgo this month will help you stay organized and in control of your affairs. You'll be concerned with order and cleanliness at the office and at home. This is a good time to clear out clutter and do some filing. A New Moon in Virgo on September 8 will help you take control of paperwork and outstanding tasks. Venus and Mars will move to Scorpio and your relationship sector after the middle of the month. You'll be passionate and affectionate with the person you love. During the first two weeks, you'll seek perfection during romantic encounters.

Sameera Reddy 8th September


(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Get your finances organized and find advice if you need it. The Sun and Mercury will be in Virgo and your financial sector and help you get sorted and in control. Messages and documents may be lost while Mercury is retrograde before September 12. Much of your time will be spent with relatives, neighbors, and others in your community. You'll be part of a team to facilitate a family gathering, neighborhood party, or community project. Use your leadership skills to help get things going. You may have some good ideas that you can bring to the table.

Salma Hayek 2nd September Vivek Oberoi 3rd September

G em i n i

(May 21 – Jun 20)

76 76

Gwyneth Paltrow 27th September

Take care of tasks at home and clear up any outstanding projects this month. You'll be concerned with organization and improving storage, and you will be inspired to do some cleaning. This would also be a good time to get in touch with family members, but wait until after Mercury turns direct on September 12. Venus and Mars will be in Libra and your love sector until the middle of the month. Under this transit, you'll be amorous, passionate, and in the mood for romance. Saturn in the same area keeps you from being too impulsive, though.

Kareena Kapoor 21st September

Vir go

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Beyonce Knowles 4th September

This is will be a time of personal power that sees the realization of some of your goals. The Sun and Mercury in your sign will help you feel confident and increase your capacity for organization and analysis. Mercury will be retrograde until September 12, and you may experience a few misunderstandings or lose things under this influence. A New Moon in your sign on September 8 will inspire you to improve your health and lifestyle choices. With Saturn, Venus, and Mars in your finance sector, you may make a large purchase. Do some research first so you avoid impulse buying.

September 2010


With permission from

Naomi Watts 28th September

Adam Sandler 9th September

You'll exude charm and sexual magnetism and others will find you attractive while Venus and Mars are in your sign. Venus, the planet of love, will be in Libra until September 8. Mars, the passionate planet, will be in Libra until September 14. These transits should help heat up your love life, but Saturn in Libra will add an element of caution. Jupiter and Uranus opposite your sign will create some havoc, but add excitement and bring opportunities for personal expansion and relationships. Neptune retrograde in Aquarius and your romance sector may bring confusing romantic situations and mixed messages.


(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Pink 8th September

Ca pricor n (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Hugh Grant 9th September

Amy Winehouse 14th September

With the Sun and Mercury in Virgo this month, this would be good time to review some of your plans and goals and realistically consider the way you'll carry them out in the future. With Mercury retrograde until September 12, you may experience misunderstandings when dealing with your friends or an organization. Venus and Mars will be in your sign after the middle of the month, intensifying feelings of love and passion. You'll have a lot of sexual magnetism and charm. This would be a good time to put some energy into a community project or learn something new.

Sc o r p i o (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Prince Harry 15th September

You'll have a good reputation this month and be well liked, but you may feel uneasy and unsure of yourself. Under the current influences, you may be prone to self-sabotage. Saturn at the top of your chart will make you cautious when making career moves. Jupiter and Uranus at the bottom of your chart and Pluto in your sign are contributing to your feelings of uncertainty and chaos. Many aspects of your life are changing now, and you'll have to get used to a new order. The Sun and Mercury in Virgo will help you master a new skill or do some writing.

Hilary Duff 28th September

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Go over finances in detail, especially if you have a spouse or business partner or you're borrowing money from another source. Take the time to read the fine print and be informed. Venus and Mars in Libra during the first half of the month may bring the chance to travel or experience other cultures. You may only be able to afford to eat at a Mediterranean restaurant and not go to Italy, but this will give you a chance to try something of that area. When these planets move to Scorpio, you may run into conflict with someone over career choices.

Avril Lavigne 27th September David Copperfield 16th September

Sa g i t t ar i us (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Will Smith 25th September

Pay close attention to detail when dealing with career matters. If you're sending out a resume or cover letter, proofread it carefully. If you're planning to make a career transition, do some research now while the Sun and Mercury are in Virgo. A New Moon in Virgo on September 8 will bring a desire to have a spotless reputation and be known as reliable, and you'll work hard to achieve this over the coming weeks. Venus, Mars, and Saturn will be in Libra this month, bringing team spirit with friends and social events connected with organizations with which you're involved.

Monica Bellucci 29th September


(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Catherine Zeta-Jones 25th September

Your finances and self-confidence may be unstable this month. Try to remain calm even if things seem chaotic at times. Tap into the energy of the Sun and Mercury in Virgo to deal with uncertainty in a level-headed manner. Both Jupiter and Uranus will be back in your sign, and you'll need to find time to relax and become centered in order to deal with these disruptive influences. Try to analyze what's going on and gather information before you react. Mercury will be retrograde until September 12, bringing frustration due to misinformation, lost data, 77 logistical problems, and misplaced items.


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