Skillings Mining Review September 2022

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2022 SEPTEMBER IN REVIEW 111/09 32 Interview with Mr. Prasanajit Mishra, Founder & ManagingMiningDirector,Today UPONDEPENDENTNOCHINAMOREFOREIGNIRONORE 26 PREVENTION IS THE MININGHANDLINGCURE!PREDICTIVEBULKIN 0840biden administration only permits a small number of new mines on public land, despite President's recommendations for developing a U.S. supply chain to get the metals required for the energy transition. Biden All Set To Promote Minerals However, Lag In Mine Permits

2 | SKILLINGS MINING REVIEW September 2022 RESULTSBIG SMALL TEAM Optiro is a resource consulting and advisory group. Our 5 core services are Geology, Mining Engineering, Corporate, Training and Software. In eleven years, our team has travelled the world providing expertise to improve, value, estimate and audit the world’s minerals. Pound for pound we think you’ll find no-one delivers greater value –and BIG results. +$15 VALUATIONSBILLIONDEALS/ >780 MILLION oz RESOURCEAuAUDITS >64 MILLION oz ESTIMATESRESOURCEAu >3,000 CLIENTS +2,000 TRAINEDPEOPLE 24 COMMODITIES 53 COUNTRIES >4,300 MILLIONNICKELlb >5,100 MILLIONCOPPERlb+5 IRONBILLIONORETONNES +61 8 9215 0000 | 3 THE LEAD 08 Biden All Set To Pro mote Minerals, However, Lag In Mine Permits PROFILES IN MINING 32 Interview with Mr. Prasa najit Mishra, Founder and Managing Direc tor, Mining Today SPECIAL FOCUS 26 China No More Dependent Upon Foreign Iron Ore 36 Resuming the Cut Task: Woodsmith Shaft Boring Roadheaders 38 Prevention is the Pre dictive Cure! bulk handling in mining MINING FINANCE 14 Iron Ore Price To Dip 27% by Year-end 15 The fall of Iron ore prices 42 Copper price: On the road to recovery STATISTICS 46 july 2022 crude steel production 47 Crude steel production December 2020 UNDERGROUND MINING 06 Foley Mine Area Soil Geochemical Program Completed by Q-Gold 18 Clean TeQ Water shares rise, Dewatering Technology 20 Latest Geopolitical Tensions Improved Gold Performance 30 Simandou: China’s Latest Iron Ore Supplier SURFACE MINING 05 McFarlane Lake Completes some Handsome Acquisitions 06 Ollagüe Salar: Strategic Partnership 14 Magnus Mineral Resources and Sixth Wave Innovations sign MoU 16 Latest on Ojos del Salado in Chile 16 The Impact of China Steel Mills on Iron Ore Prices 22 India: Bellary Reddy Mining, Andhra ‘No Objection’ 29 U.S. Representative Mike Galla gher 2022 Legislator of the Year 44 Exciting Lithium Projects in Canada

UNITED STATES $72 Monthly in US Funds $109 Monthly in US Funds 1st Class Mail OUTSIDE OF UNITED STATES $250 US Monthly for 7 - 21 day delivery $335 US Monthly for Air Mail Service SUBSCRIPTIONS SKILLINGS MINING REVIEW NEWS ROOM Digital Monthly Magazine SMR Americas Monday Global Skillings Wednesday Skillings Equipment Gear Friday All funds are monthly $4.95 USD per month PUBLISHER CHARLES PITTS MANAGING EDITOR SAKSHI SINGLA CREATIVE DIRECTOR MO SHINE CONTRIBUTING EDITORS RONNY MUSTAQIEM Metallurgist ALRICH LUISEN BALANAY Electrical & EngineerInstrumentation OMARY MGEMBE Processing Engineering JULIO ELLER Environmental Engineer & Geosynthetics Specialist JOHANNA ROMERO Mechanical Engineer LIVYA KIRUJA Processing Engineer MEDIA PRODUCTION STANISLAV PAVLISHIN MEDIA ADMINISTRATOR SALINI KRISHNAN DIRECTOR OF SALES & MARKETING CHRISTINE MARIE VP OF ADVERTISING SALES MO KAZEMI PROFILES IN MINING mining.profiles@ GENERALINFORMATIONCONTACT 2022 SEPTEMBER VOL.111. NO.09 Skillings Mining Review of CFX Network LLC, publishes GearandAmericas,andReviewviaandmining,informationcomprehensiveonglobalironoremarketscriticalindustryissuesSkillingsMiningMonthlyMagazineweekly.SMRGlobalSkillingsSkillingEquipmentnewsletters. SKILLINGS MINING REVIEW (ISSN 0037-6329) is published monthly, 12 issues per year by CFX Network, 350 W. Venice Ave. #1184 Venice, Florida 34284 Phone: (888) 444 7854 x 4. Printed in the USA. Payments & Billing: 350 W. Venice Ave. #1184, Venice, FL 34284. Periodicals Postage Paid at: Venice, Florida and additional mail offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Skillings mining review, 350 W. Venice Ave. #1184 Venice, Florida 34284. Phone: (888) 444 7854 x 4. Fax: (888) 261-6014. Email: CUSTOMER SERVICE/ SUBSCRIPTION QUESTIONS: For renewals, address changes, e-mail preferences and subscription account status contact Circulation and Subscriptions: Editorial matter may be reproduced only by stating the name of this publication, date of the issue in which material appears, and the byline, if the article carries one. 4 | SKILLINGS MINING REVIEW September 2022

"All three assets have gold mineralization that is close to the surface, which is advan tageous geologically when estimating mine development timelines and operating costs. We are continuing our drilling programme in the near future. We are preparing a similar programme for our High Lake property in the wake of the successful drilling cam paign at West Hawk Lake." In accordance with a binding agreement dated December 30, 2021, the Acquisition was finished. The acquisition cost was $5.5 million, which was paid to Canadian Star in the following ways: I $2.75 million in cash; (ii) the issuance from treasury of 5,625,000 common shares (the "Common Shares") in McFarlane Lake; and (iii) the transfer of 7,000,0000 Common Shares from specific directors or officers of McFarlane Lake. Prior to the Acquisition's completion, Cana dian Star received $500,000 in cash option payments; these payments were applied to the purchase price to bring the number of Common Shares that could be issued to the aforementioned number.

A CAnAdiAn gold explorAtion And development CompAny nAmed McFarlane Lake Mining Limited stated that it had successfully acquired a 100% stake in Canadian Star Minerals Ltd.'s mining claims, rights, and leases for its West Hawk Lake, High Lake, and McMillan properties. | 5

McFarlane Lake Completes some Handsome Acquisitions

T hese assets are quite potential since two or three of them have historically produced gold. With adjacent infrastructure, such as roads and powerlines, it provides the required support for exploration research and any possible mining development.

We see tremendous potential to define eco nomic resources, "President and CEO of McFarlane Lake, Mark Trevisiol, remarked.

Foley Mine Area Soil byProgramGeochemicalCompletedQ-Gold


In the historic Mine Centre 1890s gold area, where 16,025 ounces of gold were extracted from the Foley Gold Mine and the Golden Star Mine, Q-Gold controls 10,000+ acres of contiguous mining claims, Crown leases, and leasehold patents.

Wealth Minerals and thyssenkrupp Mining Technologies will work together as part of the Strategic Partnership to: • Identify, evaluate, and choose the most advantageous and environmentally sustainable processing technology for lithium extraction and puri fication treatment for the Ollagüe Project; • Develop the Ollagüe Project from the explo ration stage through to commercial scale production capacity of high-purity lithium products; and • Define new standards in green mining. The long-term objective of this Strategic Partnership is to work together to advance the Project through its many stages of devel opment and, if necessary, move the Project toward Identification,production.evaluation, and selection of technology for lithium extraction and puri fication for the Project will be the initial step of the Strategic Partnership. The creation of the basic flowsheet and layouts, along with brine testing and the setup of a pilot plant, will bring the Strategic Partnership's first phase to a close. Every phase of the Strategic Partnership is intended to follow the strictest ESG guide lines and emphasizes collaboration with regional communities. Establishing the Proj ect as a pioneering benchmark for green mining in the development of lithium brine resources is the ultimate goal of the Strategic Partnership.

The Foley Mine and a group of auriferous veins to the northeast of Foley, commonly known as the Cone Prospect, were included in the MMITM soil survey, which covered more than 15 line-km. Samples were taken at nominal 50m intervals. The samples have been delivered to SGS Burnaby, and the results should be available in 4 weeks.

A s part of its 2022 exploration program, Q-Gold Resources Ltd. today announced with pleasure that it has finished an MMITM soil geochemical survey over the Foley Mine region on its fully owned Mine Centre Property (the "Property").

Wealth Minerals' CEO, Henk van Alphen, continued: "We placed a lot of emphasis on finding a strategic partner in the industry with a solid technical foundation and depth of engineering knowledge. Therefore, we are even more pleased to have found thyssen krupp Mining Technologies as a partner."

Marcelo A. Awad

Ollagüe Salar: Strategic Partnership

Dr. Andreas Rompel, Chief Executive Officer of Q-Gold, said, "We are very happy to have completed this soil sampling survey as it will facilitate our target selection for the upcoming diamond drilling campaign, which aims to enlarge the known strike extent of our high-grade gold-bearing quartz veins.

T he two parties have engaged into a coop eration and development agreement.

Q-Gold has received the interpreted data from the LiDAR Survey that was flown in June 2022 (See press statement of the Com pany dated June 29, 2022). This information will be combined with the soil survey that was conducted, the aerial magnetic survey that was flown over the property in January 2021, and other data to produce drill-ready targets, with drill mobilization anticipated for late September.


Jan Lüder

WeAlth minerAls ltd. AnnounCed thAt it hAd forged A strAtegiC relationship with Thyssenkrupp Mining Technologies GmbH in order to advance the Company's Ollagüe Salar Lithium exploration project in northern Chile.

"We are honoured to have been selected as the proj ect's collaboration partner and to have been given the trust to assist Wealth Minerals in making the transition from explorer to developer. With this agreement, we will establish a new standard in green mining by building on our historically significant mining and technical knowledge ", claims Jan Lüder, the company's chief executive officer. The executive director for Wealth Minerals in Chile, Marcelo A. Awad, emphasizes the relevance of these criteria and the crucial part that thyssenk rupp Mining Technologies played in obtaining them. He says: "We are unable to use conventional evaporation production techniques in this project. Our goal is to minimise our influ ence on the environment while maintaining the highest levels of sustainability. With its abundance of expertise and experience, thyssenkrupp Mining Technologies will assist us in achieving this."

ME ComminutionElecmetal Solutions Innovative Solutions - Proven Performance ME Elecmetal o ers more than mill liners — we o er innovation, support, custom designs and valuable tools to develop a total comminution solution speci c to your needs. We are on the ground with our customers — setting common goals and providing timely responses based on e ective collaboration. Drawing on over 100 years of experience and advanced technologies, we will help you optimize processes, extend the lifespan of wear parts, reduce operational risks and increase pro tability. Innovative Mill Lining Solutions for SAG, AG, Ball, Tower & Rod Mills • Steel • Rubber • Composite Premium Quality Forged Steel Grinding Media for SAG, Ball & Rod Mills • ME Super SAG®: 4.0” to 6.25” • ME Ultra Grind®: 1.5” to 4.0” • ME Ultra Grind®II: 2.0“ to 4.0” • ME Performa®: 7/8” to 1.5” Wear Components for Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Crushers • Gyratory Crushers • Jaw Crushers • Cone Crushers

As per BLM data, as of late June, that total is noticeably lower than during the final 3 years of the Trump administra tion, when the number of mines allowed ranged from 21 in 2020 to 29 in 2018. The BLM only moves forward with mine plans after receiving all the necessary permis sions from the bureau and other organizations like the EPA. Mine plan approvals allow for the start of digging.


T he Biden presidency has been not so good news for some large, prominent mine projects in the United States, putting the brakes on or halting plans for the Pebble mine close to a prime salmon fishery in Alaska, the Twin Metals mine close to the Boundary Waters wilderness in Minnesota, and a titanium mine near the Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia.

The federal government, though, is like wise taking its time with smaller mining operations. The majority of mine permits on federal lands are administered by the

Biden All Set To MineralsPromote

However, Lag In Mine Permits

However, his administration only permits a small number of new mines on public land, despite President Joe Biden's rec ommendations for developing a U.S. supply chain to get the metals required for the energy transition.

Bureau of Land Management, which has formally approved 20 mine plans: six so far this year and 14 last year. As per BLM data, as of late June, that total is noticeably lower than during the final 3 years of the Trump administration, when the number of mines allowed ranged from 21 in 2020 to 29 in 2018. The BLM only moves forward with mine plans after receiving all the necessary permissions from the bureau and other organizations like the EPA. Mine plan approvals allow for the start of digging. | 9

"Permit delays also arise when mining cor porations alter their plans, frequently for entirely acceptable explanations. Like shifts in ownership or changes in commodity prices," Mintzes emailed.

It's a concerning development for a country that is desperately attempting to secure its own mineral resources and wean itself from the supplies provided by geopolitical rivals like China and Russia.

And when Biden took office, it appeared like investing in minerals was a good idea because organi zations like the International En ergy Agency anticipated a sharp increase in metal consumption as a result of the move away from fossil fuels. This could get worse in the United States because a crucial tax credit for electric vehicles is tied to utilising domestic minerals under a clause of the climate funding plan that the Senate passed. An argument that could soon take center stage is whether this nation takes exces sively long to approve mines, as the industry claims, or is prudently strict with projects that could irrevocably ruin landscapes, as environmentalists contend. Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia required the Senate to enact a separate "suite of basic permitting reforms" this fall as part of the reconciliation agree ment he reached with Democratic leaders on a climate and health care package.

In his message on climate action, Biden has included this policy. For instance, lithium, cobalt, nickel, manganese, and graphite supplies are crucial for producing electric vehicles. However, the Chinese industry dominates the global supply chain for all five of these metals. The United States may have considerable potential for producing these EV metals.

The BLM data doesn't only show a decline in mine permits following the change from a Republican to a Democratic administra tion. Additionally, fewer mine plans were approved under the Trump administration than they were during the four years of the Obama government.

According to representatives of the mining sector, investors' interest in funding mine development has decreased as a result of the legal challenges to notable projects like the proposed Twin Metals copper mine and the permission backlog, which currently stands at more than 280 projects.

The administration's policies, according to Mark Compton, executive chairman of the American Exploration and Mining Associ ation, "have truly been antithetical to giving that domestic mineral output." Currently, permitting is still making it difficult to attract mining investment to the United States. According to environmentalists, federal safeguards against potential air and water pollution should not be reduced because mine permits take so long to approve. According to Aaron Mintzes, senior policy counsel for mining advocacy group Earthworks, several causes, including a staff exodus from the BLM under the Trump administration and efforts to move the bureau's headquarters, could be responsible for permitting delays.

Despite numerous demands for comment, the White House remained silent. Although the Biden administration has taken steps of its own to streamline licensing procedures,


Over the past decade, fewer federal mine permits have been granted

Nevada has enormous potential for lithium and is seeing a surge in lithium development. A business in Idaho is attempting to mine the "cobalt belt" of the state. Others in Alaska are interested in developing a coastal graphite deposit that may be one of the largest in the world, which would be advantageous for American battery manufacturers. However, extracting these elements frequently necessitates a protracted envi ronmental review at the federal level. There may be disharmony between the need for metals to be obtained as soon as possible for climate action and strict environmental protection laws in the United States because the deposits are found on federal lands, are close to endangered species, or pose a risk to protected natural areas like wetlands.

The Biden administration has supported a Trump-era program to increase domestic production of "critical minerals," a collection of 50 metals that are vital to the economy and national security of the country but are mostly mined and produced elsewhere.

Simply put, mining companies are less keen to delve into federal property. Since 2011, the number of applications has decreased practically every year, indicating that there are more factors at play here than just the president and political party in power. Com pared to the 72 applications it received in 2011, the BLM only received 32 new mine application requests last year.

It's unclear how exactly this legislation will work out. Still, Manchin, last week, released a list of ideas he wants to be taken into account, including time limits on envi ronmental reviews, revisions to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act permitting, and the explicit oversight of mining projects by a federal permitting council.

But lately, neither in this nation nor else where, mining companies have launched many new projects. Instead, they have been repaying loyal investors and avoiding the risks associated with investing in initiatives that might fail. For the American energy transition, this might have significant ram

A grinding mill installed at the Arcadia lithium mine in Goromonzi, Zimbabwe. The Chinese firm Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt earlier this year said it would pay over $400 million for the hardrock lithium mine. Tafadzwa Ufumeli/Getty Images

"Blockades to reaching net zero" According to the numbers, the Biden administration might be the best moment to buy into a U.S. mine, especially if it produces the kinds of minerals needed to create the batteries for electric vehicles.

Asifications.perarecent estimate by analysts at Bank of America Corporation's global research division, the mining industry would need to invest a staggering $81 billion annually in order to meet demand projections for the world in order to avoid "bottlenecks to attaining net zero" by 2050. According to the research, "Mined raw materials are critical to the energy transition, but a shortage of several metals crucial for future technologies is placing Net Zero at danger." "This threat is only beginning to be recognised by the globe." | 11

Hires cited a GAO report from six years ago that revealed it takes two years on average to approve a mine plan of oper ations. But the survey also discovered that the time it takes to fully approve a mine plan can vary greatly, from one month to 11 years. The Forest Service, which regulates mine development in federal lands and has defended its lack of approval of mine plans under the Biden administration, concurred. But as long as capacity permits, Muehlhof added, "the Forest Service takes all rea sonable steps to process submittals in a timely manner in conformity with mission requirements." He added there is no precise information on the number of plans that have historically been accepted, rejected, or pending.

Investors demand transparency, according to Gabriela Herculano, CEO of green technol ogy investment company iClima Earth. Do I pay a dividend or invest in [a new project] and say, "Don't you worry investors, you're not going to be getting cash in your pocket now, but with the high returns I'm going to derive out of this [project]," if you're on the board or in the investment community of a listed company? Mine development has also been cited by Biden's administration as the main obstacle to achieving his climate targets. Simplified

it is unclear at this time if mining operations will be covered by those initiatives.

According to some industry experts, the risk involved with a government approval process during a precarious and unpredictable period in the economic world order is a likely factor keeping mining corporations from investing the money necessary to establish mines in the United States or elsewhere.

The length of time needed for these assess ments "may vary greatly, depending on the size, geography, complexity of the proj ect, and other factors including litigation, economics, and the completeness of the Additionally,application."

According to Brian Hires, a spokesman for the BLM, the agency performs "careful, method ical, and rigorous evaluations of all projects.

And when Biden took office, it appeared like investing in minerals was a good idea because organizations like the International Energy Agency anticipated a sharp increase in metal consumption as a result of the move away from fossil fuels. This could get worse in the United States because a crucial tax credit for electric vehicles is tied to utilising domestic minerals under a clause of the climate funding plan that the Senate passed.

With his Energy Department, Biden expanded on a Trump administration initiative to use federal loans to jump-start domestic minerals processing and refining. Biden invoked the Defense Production Act to finance min ing-related projects. He also assisted in guiding the bipartisan infrastructure law's approval, which included a few potential clauses meant to smooth things up in the federal permitting system.

According to BLM, the project's approval "spanned into President Biden's administra tion," which made the decision to approve the mine plan.

The Fixing America's Surface Transpor tation Act's improvements to permitting, which resulted in the formation of the Per mitting Council and a dashboard to follow evaluations of essential projects, form the foundation of much of Biden's proposal.

One lithium mining project was permitted to proceed by BLM; it was an exploration project in Nevada run by the Canadian mining business Pure Energy Minerals Ltd. and the world's largest oil services company, Schlumberger Ltd. Their initiative would make use of direct lithium extraction, an experimental variation on filtered lithium extraction that is favored by environmen talists for having a less detrimental effect on the environment than more conventional lithium mining techniques.

"It'sevaluations.feasible to permit a mine in less than a few years, but practically speaking, it tends to take a while if an agency has to carry out complicated environmental studies under numerous legislation," she added.

Otis claimed that even though the Biden administration is preparing to draught new regulations, they aren't intended to hasten mining projects. Instead, they will estab lish clear and uniform standards regarding climate change, ensure that decisions are supported by science, and prioritise envi ronmental justice. Parts of Biden's approach, such as creating timetables, initial scoping, and public outreach, were praised by Otis for potentially accelerating complicated and time-consuming environmental reviews through early problem detection. According to him, the process of approving a mine can take ten years or even longer if there is "Thislitigation.isprobably as far as you can go if you're not going to amend any legislation," he added.

A partner at the law firm Kramer Levin Naf talis & Frankel LLP named Andrew Otis said he's eager to see the solutions developed by the sector-specific team put together as part of Biden's plan.

The Thacker Pass lithium mine in Nevada obtained its final environmental impact statement and record of decision in the last days of former President Donald Trump's administration, but the BLM data also gave that agency credit for authorizing the project.

What's Biden up to? Republicans have generally backed the notion of overhauling permitting for all sorts of projects, including mines. Still, a number of senators have expressed doubt that Democrats will implement the rough plan outlined by Manchin. However, some analysts claimed that even if the Senate is unable to reach a consen sus on legislation, the Biden administration has made moves to expedite infrastructure projects that could help the mining sector.


In May, the administration unveiled a multipronged "action plan" to expedite complex infrastructure projects. This included allocat ing funding to the White House Interagency Permitting Council, cutting redundancies at federal agencies, updating antiquated per mitting regulations, and bringing together experts from various industries to discuss topics like the sourcing of essential minerals and Uncertaintymaterials.exists around whether these initiatives will indeed hasten the lengthy and complicated environmental processes that mine developers must undergo.

permitting was the Energy Department's top suggestion in a comprehensive review of supply chain risks published in February to address the shortage of raw materials for the energy transition.

As staff employees within federal agencies reposition themselves, Navarro warned that the process, should it include the cre ation of new regulations, might initially drag down already complex and time-consuming

In order to assist the permitting council in tracking and facilitating projects, Navarro said it's unclear whether the administra tion plans to increase staffing or merely put together more interagency teams. Employees with project management skills should be added to organizations like BLM to speed up and simplify the procedure for mines on public Accordinglands.toher, the council is most useful for settling conflicts and coordinating across agencies, and it might be able to more effec tively calm disputes between agencies when it comes to complicated mining projects.

But most of what BLM has authorized since Biden took office has little bearing on the energy transition. The bulk of officially sanc tioned mining enterprises on BLM lands was modestly sized gold operations. Plans to mine clay, calcium, and diamonds were also granted. One of the initiatives was a treasure hunting group in Utah called the Septarian Dragon Egg Nest, where hobbyists search for rocks that resemble actual "dragon eggs." This organization wasn't even a mine.

The FAST-41 permits steering program was extended by Biden's bipartisan infrastructure package, which was then expanded by the Trump administration to cover significant mining projects in an effort to expedite approvals. The infrastructure measure also established a two-year deadline for FAST41-covered project permits.

Biden's proposal, according to Bracewell LLP partner Ann Navarro, sees a more signifi cant role for the permitting council and the sector-specific teams as part of a genuine attempt to better organize the federal gov ernment and prioritize complicated projects.

Halcor is the copper tubes division of ElvalHalcor S.A. and together with four more companies form the copper segment of ElvalHalcor S.A. that specializes in the production, processing and marketing of copper and copper alloys products with dynamic commercial presence in the European and global markets. For more than 80 years, Halcor has been offering innovative and added-value solutions that meet contemporary client demands in fields, such as plumbing, HVAC&R, renewable energy, architecture, engineering and industrial production.

The copper segment of ElvalHalcor S.A. develops and distributes a wide range of products, including copper and copper-al loy rolled and extruded products with Halcor being the sole producer of copper tubes in Greece. High quality in production is achieved through strict controls applied throughout the production process. With a consistent quality focus, the company implements an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Management System and leverages high technologies and expert staff. As a result of the Group’s strategic invest ments in research & development, Halcor is recognized as one of the leading copper producers globally, setting new standards in copper processing. The company main tains a consistent focus on quality and environmental protection and a strong commitment to the principles of sus tainable development. In this context, all production facilities in the Group’s plants leverage advanced technologies to bring in the market innovative products that are energy efficient and environmen tally friendly. For more information, please visit our web site

The copper segment of ElvalHalcor S.A. is composed of six subsidiaries and seven associates/joint ventures, based in Greece, Belgium, Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey, while it operates a total of five production plants in Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey. | 13 HALCOR PRODUCTS Copper tubes with or without lining or industrial insulation for applications in: • Drinking water and heating networks • Underfloor heating and cooling • Gas and medical distribution networks gases • Cooling and air conditioning systems • Solar energy applications • Various industrial applications

Operational: Why Better kinetics • Smaller plant due to high throughput and purity • Lower to no attrition or lost gold from attrition


Environmental factors include: straight forward low-temperature elution, the absence of thermal regeneration, reduced water use, recyclable elution chemicals, reduced CO2 emissions, and the absence of harmful airborne pollutants. Magnus will construct an IXOS®-Au adsorp tion, desorption, and recovery (ADR) facility under the terms of a definitive agreement once Sixth Wave and Magnus have agreed that test work has achieved sufficient and good results. The whole mining strategy aims to produce 20tph of ore. The current USD$60M budget excludes the pre-treatment plant, the mill, and the IXOS-in-pulp ARD plant. A plan for collaborative project management is being created. In return, Sixth Wave will designate Magnus as the sole distributor of IXOS®-Au in Africa and the Gulf Cooperation Council nations (GCC).

Magnus Mineral Resources and Sixth Wave Innovations sign MoU Sixth Wave Innovations Inc. and Magnus Mineral Resources will conduct ongoing tests at the Penhalonga Gold Project Mine using SIXW's patented IXOS molecular imprinted polymer for extraction and purification of gold and silver.

T he feasibility studies that have previously been completed at the Penhalonga Gold Property will be included into a thorough test programme. The test work's main objective is to validate IXOS®superior -Au's performance characteristics in comparison to activated carbon, as shown by Sixth Wave's numerous productive laboratory and field studies with various ore types.

• Less complex circuit with fewer parts

To Dip 27% by Year-end Concern over the Covid-19 outbreak in China has caused the iron ore price to plummet last week. The price for the main ingredient in steel making remained unpredictable due to the pandemic, supply chain disruptions, recession, and ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. For BHP Group, Rio Tinto Limited, and Fortescue Metals Group Limited, the fluctuating iron ore price is a major setback which can and will impact their company’s profitability. Iron ore which is the raw material in steel-making, contributes greatly to their operation, and the slumping price of iron ore is expected to pummel their core Accordingprofits.tothe Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA), the price of iron ore will finish the year at US$100 per ton. Last Thurs day, July 28, 2022, the BHP Group showed an update on their production for the fourth quarter of this year and the full year. The report stated that the company showed that they have gotten an average price of US$113.10 per ton for the fiscal year 2022 for its iron ore. The figure however is below 13% as compared to last year’s figure of US$130.56 per ton. Goldman Sachs anticipates a price of US$120 per ton for benchmark iron ore 62% fine by this year. Their analysts also foresee a decline of almost 17% for the fiscal year 2023 which is about US$100 per ton. scan the qr code to storythereadfullonourwebsite


Iron Ore Price

The fall of Iron ore prices

scan the qr code to storythereadfullonourwebsite | 15

sincelegalindustrytheEquippingfryberger.comminingwithservices1893. ›› Paul Kilgore ›› Paul Loraas ° MINING & MINERALS LAW ° ∙ Mineral purchase agreements, leases and options ∙ Land assembly and mineral rights acquisition ∙ Severed mineral registration and title work ∙ Environmental permitting and compliance

As of July 2022, the price of iron ore is at 119.00USD. According to Com monwealth Bank of Australia or ASX:CBA, the iron ore price is expected to fall to 120USD per tonne by the end of September and by the end of 2022, its value will eventually be 100USD per tonne. This price decrease is mainly caused by the current crisis that we are facing, the Coronavirus or COVID-19. It is still expected to fall in 2023 and it can eventually reach 80USD per tonne. Back on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a global pandemic. Since it can be transmitted through respiratory droplets and other bodily fluids, protocols were set to limit the transmission. Face masks, social distancing, and frequent sanitizing were all mandatory. Businesses, schools and other institutions were forced to shut down in accordance with the safety health protocols. All of us were greatly affected, including the mining industry. Production stopped because people were restricted from going outside of their own homes. The COVID-19 outbreak affected our entire population most especially the members of those social groups in the most vulnerable situations.

IRON ORE PRICE GIVES UP ITS GAINS FOR THE YEAR AS CHINESE DEMAND SLOWS Investors’ concerns about construction output in a key market have weighed on steelmaking commodities. Iron ore, a key source of financial gain for some of the world’s largest mining companies, has given up all of its gains for the year as investors worry about diminishing Chinese demand. According to Platts, a division of S&P Global Commodity Insights, iron ore fell 8% to a six-month low of $111.35 per tonne, follow ing reports of steel mills in China cutting production. The move marked the ninth consecutive session of declines. Analysts did warn that if China’s flagging property market continues to deteriorate, it could fall to as low as $100 per tonne for the first time since November. The country produces roughly half of the world’s steel, and iron ore is a key component in the pro duction of the metal.

There have been no injuries as a result of the sinkhole's appearance, and all employees at the operation and in the neighborhood are secure.

the AlCApArrosA mine is pArt of lundin mining CorporAtion's minerA ojos del sAlAdo oper ations in Chile. On July 30, a sinkhole was discovered nearby, and Lundin Mining Corporation is still looking into what caused it. It is also working closely with the relevant regulatory authorities in Chile. The National Ser vice of Geology and Mining (Ser nageomin) of Chile issued a notification on August 4 or dering all suspended.parrosaoperationsmininginAlcatoremain

Following the discovery of the sinkhole, all mining operations at Alcaparrosa were suspended as a precaution and development activity in a section of the underground mine at Alcaparrosa was immediately stopped.

The National Service of Geology and Mining (Sernageomin) of Chile issued a notification on August 4 ordering all mining operations in Alcaparrosa to remain suspended.

ACCORDING TO PETER ROCKANDEL, PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER OF LUNDIN MINING, "Our efforts in reacting to this situation are directed first and foremost by the safety of staff and community people." In addition to conducting our own inquiry, "we are completely committed to cooperating with an impartial investigation by Sernageomin and to engaging regularly with community residents, union leaders, and other stakeholders to ensure they are informed of developments." In contrast to several media claims, the sink hole's size has not significantly changed since it was discovered. On July 30, the sinkhole had a 64-meter depth, a surface diameter of about 32 meters, and a bottom diameter of 48 meters. The sinkhole is being regularly watched, and the surface diameter has expanded slightly to 36.5 meters, while the depth has reduced to 62 meters and the bottom diameter has stayed consistent at 48 meters. As circumstances necessitate, especially following the findings of inquiries into the sinkhole's origin, more details will be released.

Iron ore prices experienced a nice rebound in mid-June. This came after Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged to take effective steps to achieve the country’s economic and social development objectives. Iron ore prices have been on a roller coaster since 2022, and they fell again in July. Of course, the supply of Chinese steel remains the primary reason for price movements. As it turns out, this week was no exception. In fact, prices fell immediately after analysts described their “bleak outlook” for demand, citing losses at Chinese steel mills and production cuts.

The Impact of China Steel Mills on Iron Ore Prices


Latest on Ojos del Salado in Chile

Prices then plummeted in the second half of the year after Beijing instructed its vast steel industry to reduce output in an effort to cool the Chinese economy. At the end of 2021, the commodity was worth $119. scan the qr code to storythereadfullonourwebsite have long supported the region’s mining industry by providing safe, reliable and competitively priced electricity. In 2021, half of the energy we provide to all of our customers will come from renewable sources. Together, we power northeastern Minnesota’s economy. | 17 Proud to be your partner.reliable We

The price of reinforcement bars, a product broadly used in the construction industry, has dropped 20% since the beginning of May, reducing corporate profitability.

“Construction starts have been weak, and orders have finally stalled,” said Colin Ham ilton, head of commodities research at BMO Capital Markets. “Steel mills are now forced to reduce output.” TO CHINA DEMAND CONCERNS

The property sector accounts for up to 40% of the Chinese steel supply, but new home starts have fallen this year as Beijing has relocated to control prices and reduce debt levels at large developers. May was especially awful, with new starts down between 30 and 40% year on year. At the same time, the country’s vast steel industry has maintained steady output, with output in May annualizing at more than 1.1 billion tonnes. As a result, the steel market has suffered.


“It’s all about the margin picture, and they’re very weak to lower right now,” said Peter Hannah, index manager at Fastmarkets, referring to Chinese steel mill profitabil ity. “Something has to break.” Iron ore hit a record high of more than $230 per tonne a year ago as supply surged in tandem with the global recovery from the pandemic.



License terms According to the conditions of the license, Clean TeQ must pay Soane Labs up to $300,000 over an 18-month period. Clean TeQ will pay Soane Labs A$3 million in cash, shares, or a mix of cash and shares, at Clean TeQ's discretion, if it chooses to exercise its option to purchase the technology.

F ollowing the conclusion of an exclusive global technological licensing deal with Soane Labs LLC for its ATATM (Accelerated Dewatering Technology), Clean TeQ Water Ltd (ASX:CNQ) shares increased 6% intraday to $0.62.

Dewatering Technology Clean TeQ Water shares rise

By quickly separating water and solids to create stackable tailings and recycled water, the ATATM technology was created to provide a secure and affordable mine tailings treatment method.

According to Clean TeQ, mechanical-basedbetteryieldwasteapproacheschemical-basedtominedewateringsignificantlyresultsthanones.

"We are happy to have signed this deal with Soane Labs," said CEO William Vriesendorp. "We feel that this is an extraordinarily exciting and diverse portfolio of technologies that will strongly position our company to provide innovative solutions in mine waste management." Our current objective of developing innovations that use low-cost solu tions to address big challenges and with a reduced energy impact is complemented by licensing the ATATM technology.

The deal grants Clean TeQ a sole global right to use the ATA technology and gives Clean TeQ the option to buy the technology at its own discretion within 18 months. During the 18-month evaluation period, Clean TeQ will finish its due diligence and start a pilot-scale demonstration to verify the technology's effectiveness and costs.

In South Africa, the ATA technology is already in use in applications for the quick dewatering of mine tailings. Soane Labs will continue to be the owner of the current apps, while Clean TeQ will handle the clients going forward in accordance with a mutually agreed-upon revenue-sharing structure.

Additional advantages of the ATA technology, according to Clean TeQ, include the ability to recover important metals as part of a comprehensive mine rehabilitation program when combined with its own ion exchange systems (Clean-iX®).

According to Clean TeQ, mine waste dewatering offers a large market opportunity.

| 19

By quickly separating water and solids to create stackable tailings and recycled water, ATA technology was created to provide a secure and affordable mining tailings treatment method. The solids in ore slurries are swiftly agglomerated by ATA using clever chemistry. The solids are either screen filtered and dewatered using grav ity, or low-pressure filters might be employed instead. The materials that are produced can be compacted and piled, and the extracted water can be recycled, significantly low ering the amount of water used. The compact material may be used for back fill in underground mining operations, either with or without cement.

At many mine sites across the world, dewatering is a serious environmental and safety concern, especially in tropical areas where natural evaporation rates are low or where seismic activity raises geotechnical risks.

Massive market potential

Quick separation of solids and water

Additionally, Clean TeQ is also evaluating the ATA technology in applications involv ing base metals and precious metals. In the upcoming months, it is planned to deploy the technology to possible client locations for pilot-scale testing.

According to Clean TeQ, chemical-based approaches to mine waste dewatering yield significantly better results than mechan ical-based ones. To extract water from a slurry, current technologies use a combi nation of high-pressure filtration and/or mechanical evaporation, which is costly and energy-intensive. Applications for base and precious metals

Rapid and inexpensive dewatering technol ogy, like ATA, will also become crucial for achieving the mining industry's ESG goals as environmental bonding requirements rise in reaction to the greater perceived risk in maintaining tailings storage facilities.

The licensing agreement is already in existence, and a consulting services agreement will be added so that Soane Labs may continue to support Clean TeQ as long as the license is in effect.

Gold performance vastly improved and breached the $1,800 per ounce mark Thursday amid the latest geopolitical tensions between the United States and China. The price of gold rallied by 1.5% to $1,790.65 an ounce, its best gold performance in about four weeks. US Gold futures had a better performance at 1.7% to $1,807 an ounce.

The chief market strategist added that Bei jing continues to harass Taipei while US President Joe Biden urged the US senate to recognize Taiwan as a “major non-NATO ally.” Biden also pushes that Taiwan must be allowed to be represented in a major international forum. The current geopolitical tensions have greatly improved gold performance plus the stronger currency triggered a selloff to $1,700 per ounce last month. A strategist at TD Securities said on a Thursday that it would be a boost should the price hover at $1,789 per ounce. The analyst further said that going over the mentioned current gold performance could turn a shift in momentum.

Han Tan, an analyst for the Exinity Group said that the aggressive tone coming from China in response to the house speaker’s visit to Taiwan has made for a typical haven play in recent sessions, with the precious and Treasuries picking up together with US Dollar and Japanese Yen.

The center of the latest geopolitical ten sion between the two giants is the small country of Taiwan which China claimed as its province. The market was shaken after communist China launched several ballis tic missiles around the strait of Taiwan as retaliation for Pelosi’s state visit. China like wise conducted various aggressive military exercises which included live-fire drills just 12 miles from Taiwan.


Marc Chandler of Bannockburn Global Forex believed that the current situation will con tinue to develop going into the weekend.

Earlier, China warned the US that the rela tionship between the two countries would be affected if the latter insists on having Pelosi visit Taiwan. China does not recognize Taiwan as a sovereign country and stresses that it belongs to the country.

China reiterated that the US will bear the responsibility and will pay the consequences of undermining their sovereign security interests. Hua Chunying, China’s foreign ministry spokesperson said that the action of the US will stain the US-China relationship.

the Current geopolitiCAl tensions hAve greAtly improved gold performance plus the stronger currency triggered a selloff to $1,700 per ounce last month. A strategist at TD Securities said that it would be a boost should the price hover at $1,789 per ounce. The analyst further said that going over the mentioned current gold performance could turn a shift in momentum.


Latest Geopolitical Tensions Improved Gold Performance

The price of gold bounced back after the visit of US House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, boosting the demand for the precious metal. Her visit however resulted in retaliation from mainland China which fired several ballistic missiles around Taiwan. But, unemployment back in the US could pull the price back, disrupting the momentum it enjoyed. The December gold futures grew $33, Thursday, hitting the daily high of $1,812 per ounce.

Economists in the country are looking to have an additional quarter of a million jobs last July in order to boost the economy. Last June, more than 372,000 jobs were created.

Mr. Win Thin of the BBH Global Currency Strategy said, “One after the other, they stuck to the script that has been established. What we are seeing are coordinated and wellcrafted communication efforts by the Fed.”

The Analyst further added, “It is meant to leave no doubt as their intent to keep raising rates until inflation eventually goes down, regardless of the cost to growth and employment.” | 21

The gold performance is picking up after several weeks, employment reports in the US however could send the price of gold back to terra firma. The employment report is deemed as the biggest obstacle to the performance of the precious metal.

Friday saw the Bureau of Labor Statistics handling out reports that the country managed to create more than 578,000 jobs last January and are expecting to have 250,000 more jobs.

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What is next for the gold performance? Last March 2022, the performance of gold peaked at more than $2,000 per ounce as Ukraine was being invaded by Russia. The invasion of Ukraine prompted investors to seek safe-haven assets like gold. but as the war ravages on, the interest in the precious metal as a safe haven somewhat waned over the recent months. This might probably be the fact that a much larger scale of war has decreased. Mike McGlone of Bloomberg Intelligence said that the metal looks more likely to continue its enduring upward trend and breach resistance at $2,000/ounce against sustaining lower than $1,700 per ounce.

Hawkish Fed speakers were also seen as one of the driving forces which led to better gold performance this week. This was so by push ing against the sentiment of the country’s central bank turning away from rate hikes.

SEPTEMBER 2010 SC asks for another CEC report

DEC 2009 • State handedgovernmentovertheprobe to the CBI. OMC moved HC which sus pended the ‘stop mining’ order. SC stayed the HC order.

DEC 2017 • SC sets 12-week deadline to determine AP-Karnataka boundary.

MARCH 2010 • SC stayed the HC order, stops mining until demarcation done

JULY 2018

India: Bellary Reddy Mining, Andhra ‘No Objection’ the BellAry reserve forest in AndhrA prAdesh WAs Closed to iron ore mining in 2010 due to encroachment on forest land and other alleged violations, mostly committed by the Obulapuram Mining Company (OMC) of former Karnataka minister G Janardhan Reddy. The Andhra Pradesh government has informed the Supreme Court that it has no objections to the mining being resumed there.

APRIL 2011 • CEC files second report 2011-2013 SC stops mining in Bellary, Karnataka. CEC files multiple reports on Karnataka mining leases.


JAN 2010 • SC asked HC to hear CEC and decide the matter

APRIL 2009 Based on a complaint, MoEF suspended mining operations till leases demarcated. Andhra denied any encroach ment. MAY 2009 MoEF kept its order in abeyance. A local miner moved SC. AUGUST 2009 SC issued notice to CEC. NOV 2009 CEC recommended suspen sion of mining, demarcation of leases and recovery of exemplary cost. Report of a 3-member state committee also flagged grave illegalities State suspendedgovernmentminingoperations.

FEB 2010 • HC quashed the ‘stop mining’ order.

• Yardstick set for resumption of mining in Karnataka based on extent of illegalities.

• SC reprimands both states for delay. 22 JULY 2022 • States agree on interstate boundary; OMC seeks mining permission, Andhra says no objection.

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R eddy, who served as the Karnataka government's minister for tourism and infrastructure development from 2008 to 2011, is the subject of a CBI inquiry into claims of unlawful extraction and money laundering.

After the Central Empowered Commit tee (CEC) of the SC reported widespread encroachment and recommended that companies guilty of mining outside lease areas be allowed to resume mining and made to pay exemplary penalty, mining in Andhra's Anantapur district was halted until the mining leases were demarcated on the ground.

After OMC requested permission from the Supreme Court to resume mining operations, the state submitted to the court that "nothing further survives" in the matter because the boundary issue between Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, which had halted mining operations, had been addressed.

On July 21, 2011, the Supreme Court (SC) was told that the two states had finally approved the Surveyor General of India's state border report. The attorney for Andhra Pradesh stated, "on instructions, that the State has no objection to mining activities being carried out within its defined territory," at the same session where OMC claimed that this paved the way for restarting mining.

A number of authorities who helped turn the tide against the Reddy brothers throughout 2009–2010 are irate over the state's alleged change in position.

The Andhra Pradesh government informed the Supreme Court in January 2010 that the Reddy brothers had illegally mined approx imately 1.95 lakh tonnes of iron ores in the Bellary forests and that permitting them to continue would be "a premium on dishon esty" shortly after Konijeti Rosaiah succeeded YS Rajasekhara Reddy as Chief Minister.

It was required to first establish the interstate line before demarcating individual leases, measuring encroachments, and establishing accountability since the permanent pillars and rocks marking the state boundary were destroyed to infringe on forest territory. According to a forest official who worked in the Anantapur area, this is intended to be the start of the process rather than its conclusion. None of the mining leases had any physical boundaries. Dumping on forest reserves. The removal of border pillars to expand the area under lease. Illegal 12- to 17-year extensions of mining leases. Mining without clearing any forest.



There, every lease was examined before being assigned to one of the three categories based on the severity of the violations discov ered. "A production ceiling was established to prevent over-extraction while the worst offenders were banned and others were permitted to restart mining after making reparations," he claimed.

Former Karnataka minister G Janardhan Reddy. (Image: Facebook)

Janardhan Reddy, along with his brothers Karunakara Reddy and Somashekara Reddy, became well-known in Andhra Pradesh in the early 2000s by capitalising on a boom in the world steel market. 134 of the 188 hectares covered by the iron mining lease in the state's Anantapur district's Bellary reserve forest were given to OMC. The CBI is looking into several businesses, including Reddy's OMC and Brahmani, for possible financial ties to Jagan Mohan Reddy, the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh and the son of YSR. The Reddy brothers served as ministers in Karnataka's first BJP adminis tration from 2008 to 2011. On BJP ballots, Somashekara Reddy and Karunakara Reddy won seats in the Assembly in 2018. The attorney for Andhra Pradesh stated, "on instructions, that the State has no objection to mining activities being carried out within its defined territory," at the same session where OMC claimed that this paved the way for restarting mining.

Multiple companies, according to a senior official with the Andhra Pradesh mining department, transported iron ore that was illegally mined in Karnataka's Bellary through forest roads to mines in the neighbouring Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh and then to one of the ports as legitimate con signments to be shipped out.




Even the SC claimed that material retrieved by at least two businesses was sent through OMC, and it ordered the CBI (in Septem ber 2011) to look into the connections, the speaker stated. The official advised Andhra Pradesh to "broadly follow the route adopted on the Karnataka side" of the Bellary woods rather than "resuming business as normal."


• Building unauthorised roads across the forest, including one into Karnataka that was allegedly done to carry iron ore across the border. The mines' reported production capacity was substantially exceeded by the reported quantities of iron ore shipped.

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China No


The new state-owned iron ore giant in China, which was set up to handle purchases of the crucial raw material for steelmaking and consolidate the nation's mining holdings, is impacting people from Simandou to Sydney.

The management team of China Min eral Resources comprises the top five executives from the four mining giants supported by the national government: China Baowu Steel Group Corp. Ltd., China Minmetals Corp., China Baowu Iron and Steel Group Corp., and Aluminum Corp. of China (Chinalco). Most people have already made the decision to buy minerals through the new However,portal.despite its domestic mining initia tive and its associated costs and ramifications have not been fully investigated, its interna tional initiative and its effects on purchasing have garnered attention. | 27

T he Group,ResourcesMineralChina created on July 19 with a registered capital of 20 billion yuan ($3 billion), will centralize purchasing for stateowned steel makers and merchants in order to present a consistent front in negotiations with foreign suppliers. Additionally, it will have mining equipment utilised abroad.

China's "Foundation Plan" for Iron Ore, which will be implemented over the next ten years, supports the measure. The proposal was allegedly developed by the China Iron and Steel Association, the trade group for the biggest iron and steel producers in the world, who had been charging outrageous prices for the raw material to foreign suppliers.

The idea has gained strong backing from the local governments of large steel-producing provinces as well as the National Devel opment and Reform Commission, China's top state planner, enabling it to advance to the highest levels of the Leakednation.material has been disseminated in bits and pieces, mainly by the mining industry press. But no formal text has been made available to the public. For the nation that manufactures the most steel globally, the goal is simple: secure access to iron ore. This requires employing market power com mensurate with the sector's size to lower the price of the commodity, which is mostly bought from companies like Australia's BHP and Fortescue Metals Group, Anglo-Austra lian Rio Tinto, and Brazil's Vale. China makes half the steel in the world, but it is incred ibly reliant on imported ore; between 2015 and 2020, it will import more than 80% of its ore, up from 76.2% in 2017. In 2021, China will have imported iron ore worth about $180 billion. Its pur chasing power is constrained by the fact that its 500 or so steel mills are scattered around the country. With roughly three-fifths coming from Brazil and onefifth from Australia, its origins are also concentrated. In foreign iron ore mines, decades of mining investment had only resulted in equity of only 8% by the year 2020.

The foundation plan aims to change the equa tion in two ways: by adjusting the supply of iron ore in China and by changing the com position of the country's iron and steel sector.

When negotiating with foreign miners, steel manufacturers who are more self-suffi cient are allowed to receive a discount on imported However,ore.high costs might not matter if current geopolitical trends persist. The senior expert argued that, in order to safeguard the country against supply shortages, expanding China's industrial capacity may be essential.

In the past ten years, few nearby iron ore mines have received fresh money for exploration and development, an insider observed. Not that iron ore is short in China. Its known reserves, or those that are still underground, are ranked fourth in the world with 10.8 billion tonnes. The bulk of them reside in the provinces of Sichuan, Liaoning, Shanxi, Shandong, Hebei, and the autonomous territory of Inner Mongolia. These reserves are widespread and difficult to access, so it will take more time and money to dig them up. Since they are predominantly composed of lower-grade magnetite, they take more effort to refine than the higher-grade hematite deposits in Australia and Brazil. The entire cost to extract iron concentrates from the earth in China varies depending on the mine, ranging from $60 per tonne to more than $100. An estimated $30 is spent on a tonne in Australia and Brazil.

"Market oriented" To boost domestic mining, the CISA and the China Metallurgical and Mining Enterprises Association have developed a list of more than 50 domestic projects that merit enhanced funding and development.

This school of thinking holds that when major iron and steel producers directly invest in iron ore mining capacity, they are not required to make a profit on the ore. The mining sector's capacity to provide the steel mill with ore at or near cost makes it possible for the steel industry to be more lucrative.


According to industry insiders, achieving such targets may reduce China's annual iron ore needs by 47%, assuming peak steel production of 1.065 billion tonnes in 2025. But the devil is in the details.

The establishment of mines is also subject to a multitude of complex approval pro cesses, environmental impact evaluations, safety precautions, taxes, and levies, just like anywhere else. Nevertheless, some of those challenges might be overcome with national cooperation. higher-level calculus

China's "Foundation Plan" for Iron Ore, which will be implemented over the next ten years, supports the measure. The proposal was al legedly developed by the China Iron and Steel Association, the trade group for the biggest iron and steel producers in the world, who had been charging outrageous prices for the raw material to foreign suppliers.

The foundation plan is "market-oriented," according to Lu Zhaoming of the CISA, and the state-owned companies involved will independently choose which programs to Achievingsponsor.the goals of the strategy would be challenging, given the costs and risks involved in investing in indigenous iron ore.

The most ambitious aspect of the plan is probably increasing China's domestic iron ore supply. The goals are to increase domestic mine output to 370 million tonnes yearly and source 220 million tonnes through scrap recycling, according to Lu Zhaoming, the CISA's deputy secretary-general. Both show an increase of 100 million tonnes from 2020 levels. In 2030 and 2035, respectively, the targets for scrap steel will increase to 350 million tonnes and 400 million tonnes.

The domestic production of iron ore con centrate barely climbed 5.2% to 285 million tonnes in 2021, despite iron ore prices reach ing all-time highs. To reach the aim of 85 million tonnes, annual output growth must double every year through 2025.

For a project to be financially viable, regulators and big iron and steel firms may not require domestic iron ore mining interests to be cost competitive with foreign mines, according to one analyst, Caixin.

If China can increase its own supply of iron ore, investments in domestic mines will reduce the likelihood that Chinese steel industries will be cut off from raw materials in the event of a serious geopolitical conflict with suppliers.

SPECIAL FOCUS Increasing Domestic Resources

Therefore, it should not be surprising that Chinese companies have focused on investing abroad, despite the fact that they have learned that market access has been hampered by political and environmental restrictions and a lack of knowledge and Theexperience.amount spent on domestic iron ore mining decreased from 169 billion yuan in 2013 to less than 100 billion in 2019, and it has since decreased to roughly 80 billion yuan, according to statistics from China's National Bureau of Statistics.

But a lack of sufficient icebreaking in recent years has shown that Congress needs to modernize the Coast Guard’s icebreaking mission on the Great Lakes,” said Rep Gal lagher. “The Great Lakes Winter Commerce Act is a bipartisan, bicameral bill codifying an icebreaking performance standard to meet the reasonable demands of commerce. This will help ensure that small businesses in Northeast Wisconsin can continue shipping goods from point A to point B — no matter the month or the weather.” | 29

“At a time when the American supply chain is struggling, Congressman Gallagher champi oned critical legislation to rebuild Great Lakes ports and waterways. The Port of Green Bay is grateful for the passage of WRDA 2020 and the effort Congressman Galla gher put in to ensure an equitable portion of funding for the Great Lakes Navigation System,” stated Dean Haen, Director of the Brown County Port and Resource Recovery Department. He continued, “The Great Lakes Maritime Task Force’s Legislature of the Year Award is a fitting tribute to Rep. Gallagher and acknowledges all that he has done for our region and our industry.”


U.S. Representative Mike Gallagher 2022 Legislator of the Year on fridAy, july 22, 2022, the greAt lAkes mAritime tAsk Force (GLMTF) recognized the unwavering commitment of Wisconsin Congressman Mike Gallagher to protect and advance the Great Lakes maritime supply chain at the U.S. Venture, Inc. facility in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

“At a time when China is commissioning three ships in a single day, we desperately need to strengthen the American shipbuild ing industrial base to expand, support, and service the fleet,” said Rep. Gallagher. “The bipartisan, bicameral SHIPYARD Act makes critical investments to better ensure ship yards across the country, such as Marinette Marine, can build the Navy the nation needs.”

Congressman Mike Gallagher was a staunch supporter of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) 2020. He ensured a 13% set-aside in the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund for the Great Lakes Navigation System. Previous legislation included funding for small harbors like the Port of Green Bay but failed to sufficiently increase the funding to adequate levels. This bill increased the amount allotted to harbors on the Great Lakes Navigation System from 10% to 13% with actual funding levels this year approaching “Congressman15%.Mike Gallagher has helped to solidify thousands of good paying jobs for the hard-working people of Wisconsin. U.S. shipyards are critical to our national defense and Mike Gallagher continues to make that a priority,” stated Craig Perciavalle, Vice President and General Manager of Bay Shipbuilding.

He also introduced the Great Lakes Winter Commerce Act, a bill that would clearly define the U.S. Coast Guard’s (USCG) respon sibility for icebreaking on the Great Lakes. Currently, the USCG conducts Great Lakes icebreaking based on an 85-year-old Exec utive Order that fails to clearly define the USCG’s mission. This bill would update that mission to help ensure it meets the modern demands of commerce in the Great Lakes region. “In cold winter months, icebreaking helps keep our Great Lakes economy moving.

Congressman Mike Gallagher introduced the Supplying Help to Infrastructure in Ports, Yards, and America’s Repair Dock (SHIP YARD) Act of 2021 which would provide $25 billion to make investments needed to optimize, improve, and rebuild shipyard facilities, electrical infrastructure, environ mental systems, and the equipment of public and private shipyards in the U.S. that support the U.S. Navy fleet.

C ongressman Mike Gallagher has spearheaded legislation that invests in shipbuilding on the Great Lakes, improves the maritime supply chain during the winter, and ensures the Great Lakes Navigation System remains viable for years to come.

In a joint statement, the consortium owners and the Guinean government stated that "WCS and Rio Tinto Simfer are committed to co-develop the rail and port infrastruc tures in compliance with internationally established environmental, social, and gov ernance criteria." In addition to the mining operations, it will support "the infrastructure that forms the backbone of the Simandou project, which presents a huge opportunity for the economic expansion of the Republic of Guinea."


Simandou: China’s Latest Iron Ore Supplier S

The future Guinea mines, however, are famously challenging to develop, leading to years of delays and a production stalemate.

However, the Guinean government and the two consortium owners of the four blocks— Winning Consortium Simandou and Rio Tinto Simfer—agreed to jointly create multi-user infrastructure for Simandou, which will advance mining activities.

imandou is significant because it can offer major iron ore users like China an option to top supply sources like Australia and Brazil, allowing Chinese and other steel mills to diversify their sources of raw materials while also supplying highly sought-after higher-quality ore.

They are spread across four blocks on two northern and southern parcels and over 100 kilometers of rugged and sensitive terrain.

Simandou, one of the largest undeveloped high-grade iron ore re serves in the world, is being developed after miners reached an agreement to build crucial infrastructure there in West Africa.

The signed agreement follows a number of delays, including one last month when the consortium parties failed to meet a deadline and the Guinean government once more suspended operations at Simandou.

China only produces 15% to 20% of the iron ore it needs, as per Vivek Dhar, a mining and energy commodities analyst at Com monwealth Bank of Australia, who wrote in a note last week: "China is particularly sensitive to international iron ore pricing." It's not a novel concept in China to take market power away from companies like BHP, Rio Tinto, Vale, and Fortescue. Along with accelerating the development of new iron ore sources, Dhar claimed that China is also trying to control the amount of iron ore it imports by centralizing purchases rather than letting steel mills buy it piece meal. However, Dhar acknowledged that this project might be challenging to coordinate. When fully operational, Simandou will be able to export up to 100 million tonnes of iron ore annually, rivaling the output levels of Brazilian mega-miner Vale and Australian powerhouse Fortescue.

TheInternational.Simferjoint venture consists of Simfer S.A., which is owned by the Guinean gov ernment, and Simfer Jersey, which is made up of the Chinese company Chalco Iron Ore Holdings and the Anglo-Australian mining company Rio Tinto Group.

Given its significant reliance on Australian ore, in particular, Beijing hopes to further investigate and diversify its iron ore sup plies, as seen by the participation of Chinese enterprises in the Simandou activities.

Simandou Consortium is made up of the Chinese corporation Weiqiao Aluminum, the Singaporean company Winning Inter national Group, and United Mining Suppliers | 31

About 60% of China's total imports come from Australia. Brazilian imports account for an additional 20%, according to Chinese customs However,data.deteriorating ties between China and Australia in recent years have sparked a discussion about China's willingness to move the Simandou project forward.

The two consortiums claim they will look for funding to build a port infrastructure in the Forecariah prefecture in Maritime Guinea, as well as more than 600 kilometers of rail infrastructure spanning from the south to the southwest of Guinea.

Simandou's premium ore, which has a 65% iron content, is another unique selling advan tage. The majority of miners in Australia and Brazil typically ship ore with a 60% to 62% percent. Better yield and profits for miners result from higher iron ore content. Simandou is scheduled to begin production in 2025, but there have been a number of set backs over the previous 20 years, including scandals involving bribery and corruption.


profiles in mining Interview with Mr. Prasanajit Mishra Founder and Managing Director, Mining Today Email: Web: A seasoned, dynamic, successful & result orient ed, leader having strong managerial background in executive level with 14 year experience and cross sector exposure. A good track record of strategic appreciation and vision, able to build innovative business solution and implement in planned & sophisticated way, to convert every opportunity into success and of driving profit and Possessinggrowth. excellent client facing and configura tion skills and highly successful in helping define company direction, achieving goals and optimiz ing business. Utilize keen & insights analysis & team approach to drive organizational improve ments, implementations of best practices, superi or interpersonal skills, capable of resolving mul tiple & complex issues (Sales, Human Resources, Legal, Financial & Operational) & improving staffs to pick performance. CORE COMPETENCY Merging & Acquisition Investor, Lease Holder & Lender FeasibilitySupportStudies & GeologyAssessments&Mineral Exploration Resource & Reserve Estimation Mine Design & Mine Planning Engineering & Instrumenta Operationaltion Advice to Mine AssetOwnerManagement GENERATIONSFORINVESTINGFUTURE | 33

A seasoned, dynamic, successful & result oriented leader having a strong managerial background in executive level with 14-year experience and cross sector exposure. A good track record of strategic appreciation and vision, able to build innovative busi ness solutions and implement in planned & sophisticated ways, to convert every oppor tunity into success and to drive profit and growth. Possessing excellent client facing and configuration skills in International Mining Business. Tell us a bit about your prestigious com pany, “Mining Today” please. We as “Mining Today,” are a team of highly motivated & target driven team of miners and geologists with a gigantic dream to contribute to the newer exploration and mining techniques and bring about revolution in the long run. We, together with a century-long experi ence in exploring and mining minerals, are confident in measuring the mineral poten tial across the world. We are here to create unique opportunities for our stakeholders by assisting them in finding the right mineral resources that fulfill their expectations. Therefore, mining today is the right place for investing for future generations as this firm is found on experience, built on integrity. So, all of you are welcome to invest today with mining today, RETURNS MATTER A LOT, INVEST WITH US FOR BETTER…

Describe your education and profes sional experience


Tell us in detail, how did you start your professional career, how did it take a turn towards mining, how did you reach the current position you are at? My core branch is in Mining, and I have around 14 years of strong experience of working in India as well as Africa in Mineral exploration and Mining. I have always had

Throw some light on some of the project portfolios that you've handled so far. We have worked for Manganese and Graphite exploration in Tanzania and found information of very high-grade ore deposits. We’re also currently on the lookout for Chrome, Iron and Manganese in Zimbabwe and Iron ore and Base metals in Namibia.

getting into the venture timely and costeffectively. Our core focus is largely to understand the demand-supply game of any particular commodity to reap benefits for the investors. We develop a trustworthy and profitable partnership through transparency and simplicity.

By positioning itself in strategic sectors of the economy, Mining Today is set to bring about revolution in the mining sector by:

‚ Providing solutions that promote 360 0 mining development. ‚ Support the prospecting and exploration at competitive procedures and pricing.

‚ The businesses we support are human capital driven and generate employment opportunities as well as develop revenues for the country.

My core branch is in Mining, and I have around 14 years of strong experience of working in India as well as Africa in Mineral explora tion and Mining. I have always had that strategic vision to build new business solutions and implement in a planned and sophisticated way to convert every possible opportu nity into success. that strategic vision to build new business solutions and implement in a planned and sophisticated way to convert every possible opportunity into success.

Also, I had a keen desire to construct an optimistic team to develop the best possible practices and skills in this sector which gradually led to the birth of, “Mining Today”.

We are not only responsible for the completion and execution of the client’s task in the most professional way possible, but we also deal in fulfilling other needs of the companies/clients as well, such as Claim staking and permitting, Operational strategy, Core drill planning, Resource Modeling, DeRisking, Finance Management of Project, Production Design, etc How do you help prospective investors in the mining space?

‚ Promote the ore minerals in their respec tive industry sectors.


SOME CORE COMPETENCIES OF THE COMPANY INCLUDE: ‚ Merging & Acquisition ‚ Investor, Lease Holder & Lender Support ‚ Feasibility Studies & Assessments ‚ Geology & Mineral Exploration ‚ Resource & Reserve Estimation ‚ Mine Design & Mine Planning ‚ Engineering & Instrumentation ‚ Operational Advice to Mine Owner ‚ Asset Management

Please talk about "multidimensional analysis" that your company undertakes before venturing out in any project.

‚ Support investors to achieve global com petitiveness.

Summarize your company busi ness and current projects you are involved in please To collaborate with investors and to make them understand the mineral potential all across the globe. We do multidimensional analysis before venturing out for the project. As of the investor’s interest, we assist them in | 35 profiles in mining

We, firstly, identify all the potential economic mineral deposits throughout the area by employing techniques of Reconnaissance Survey, Remote Sensing, Geological Analysis and Sampling and Technical Investigation and then proceed with the feasibility of the Project by analyzing the risk factors involved too. We make the investors understand the complete Geotechnical and Mining Scenario of the site as well as the future prospective which gives them a thorough idea about choosing the perfect area for exploration/mining.

How do you collaborate with investors to make them understand the mineral potential all across the globe?

Polyhalite Sirius Minerals Projects, North (England)Yorkshire

The principal shaft sinking contractor, DMC Mining, was relieved of its responsibilities by Anglo American as a result of the own ership transition and reevaluation of plans

The Woodsmith project in north Yorkshire has been on the radar for several reasons, making it one of the most closely watched shaft sinking projects in the industry at the moment. It is a project that has lately changed hands, to start with. The 10 Mt/y project, which was initially managed by Sirius Minerals, was acquired by Anglo American in 2020. This acquisition resulted in a new perspective on the entire project execution phase.

RoadheaderstheResumingCutTask:WoodsmithShaftBoring 36 | SKILLINGS MINING REVIEW September 2022 SPECIAL FOCUS

The second generation of the technology, SBR 2.0, was put to the test in Belarus at the Slavkaliy-owned Nezhinsky potash project after making its debut at the Jansen potash project in Saskatchewan, Canada, where it excavated two blind shafts with diameters of 8 to 11 m down to a level of about 1,000 m deep. DMC served as the contractor for this project. Under the direction of the contractor Redpath Deilmann, it ultimately broke shaft sinking records while working on a project to sink two 8 m diameter shafts (one to 750-m depth and one to 697-m depth). With its expertise in automated tunnel ing, Herrenknecht created the SBR for the automated sinking of blind shafts in soft to medium rock. According to the business, the SBR offers better safety performance com pared to traditional shaft sinking methods while also attaining higher advance rates. It is based on the tried-and-true technology of the Herrenknecht Vertical Shaft Sink ing TheMachine.SBRis a suspended shaft sinking machine that stands 60 meters tall and has 12 work decks and two service platforms. A partial-face cutting technique is used to extract rock carefully with a telescopic, boom-mounted cutting head. The cutting head operates in cycles, begin ning each cut from the center of the shaft to the shaft wall and repeating this process until a layer of material is removed. 1-m intervals of excavation are followed by SBR lowering sequences. As opposed to the traditional drill and blast approach, the SBR was chosen for Wood smith by Sirius because of its advantages in terms of enhancing safety and schedule. By abandoning the use of explosives and imple menting this system, the corporation would be able to achieve a number of operational goals while also implementing a method of work that was safer and more predictable.

Since the first cut was made in July 2021, however, Anglo American and Redpath Deil mann—which is now in charge of the sinking project as shaft sinking contractor—have been reviewing the current plans for sinking with the SBRs, making minor hardware changes to the machines, and making sure all staff is properly trained to make the process easier to complete. The materials transport system (MTS) shaft's drill-and-blast sinking is another project that the Redpath Group is working on.

In the past, Woodsmith has considered a number of different shaft sinking rates, and Anglo American is presently striving to develop the best option for the plant-based on technical requirements.

The SBR is a suspended shaft sinking machine that stands 60 meters tall and has 12 work decks and two service platforms. A partial-face cutting technique is used to extract rock carefully with a telescopic, boom-mounted cutting head. Four triple sheaved winches from SMS SIEMAG, as well as conveyors owned by Herrenknecht's H + E Logistik GmbH, are among the support equipment used for these SBRs. The "first cut" with the SBR in the ser vice shaft was confirmed by former Anglo American Chief Executive Mark Cutifani in July of that year, marking the start of con struction on the shaft. This progress was made even though the company was still working on a thorough technical study of Woodsmith to guarantee the technical and financial soundness of the entire design. The development of the underground mining area, the sinking of the two main shafts, and the adjustments needed to accommodate both increased production capacity and the more effective and scalable mining method of using only continuous miners are all given particular attention in this review, according to Anglo American.

Another level at Woodsmith to take into account is the MTS level, where lateral development work will be done around the 360-meter level to connect the production shaft with this level, from which polyhalite ore will be delivered by a 37-kilometer tunnel to Wilton near the port. This means that while the MTS level connection is being formed, vertical cutting and loading may be stopped.

created by Sirius, a considerably smaller firm that was influenced by different investor demands and operational practices. The project's intended use of Herrenknecht's Shaft Boring Roadheader (SBR) technology is another reason to keep an eye on it.

The SBR eliminates the need for a linear procedure and enables work to be done as the shaft is being sunk, minimizing damage to exposed host rock and increasing safety while reducing downtime. As excavation progresses, workers can construct shaft lining and tubbing on work decks above the cutting head while waste rock is being removed by a pneumatic mucking system.

According to the Sirius plan, the third gen eration of technology will sink production and service shafts with a 6.75-m diameter to depths of 1,594 m and 1,565 m, respec tively, at Woodsmith. This technology builds on the first two deployments. It includes, among other things, the addition of two retractable robotic probes to test and grout the ground ahead for safer excavation and an additional control cabin on the surface for more remote operation. | 37

Compared to the first two SBR operations carried out to this point, the sinking at Wood smith provides a unique problem. To start, unlike what happened in Canada and Belarus, Woodsmith is not anticipated to experience ground freezing. Even though it takes a long time and is only used to freeze the unstable water-bearing layers near the shaft, this method can improve rock homogeneity and help maintain cutting rates.

The engineering work Anglo American is performing at Woodsmith will take into account all of these variables, as well as the success of previous SBR work. However, in terms of the SBR, there are indications that work on the service shaft may resume soon, with plans to begin sinking in the production shaft by the end of the year.


bulk handling in mining

Components are allowed to continue oper ating until they malfunction, which causes unplanned, expensive, and disruptive system downtime. Unplanned production halts, ancillary equipment damage (when a dam aged component harms something else), overtime, and emergency service charges are some of the expenses associated with this Otherstrategy.drawbacks include uncontrolled bud gets, potential safety risks, and a reduced asset life expectancy since components are not kept in the best possible operat ing condition. Furthermore, when under pressure to resume operation as soon as possible, technicians oftentimes take more chances and make more errors. Figures estimate 50% of all conveyor repair efforts in the typical North American facility use

Prevention is the Predictive Cure!

Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of reactive maintenance (RM), preventive maintenance (PM), and predictive maintenance (PdM) is necessary to create a strategy with objectives like minimizing unscheduled downtime, improving safety, increasing efficiency, and lowering overall operating costs to get a better return on investment (ROI).

Many businesses still use their conveyors in what is known as reactive maintenance, which entails fixing whatever fails.

Maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) specialists require a comprehensive plan with a foundation founded on worker safety to effectively manage high-tonnage conveyor systems.

Repairs made as needed

Preventing future problems

Shifting millions of tons of rock, aggregate, and sand in erratic weather conditions puts a constant strain on bulk handling equipment and may result in dust emissions, spillage, and carryback. PM extends component life, boosts output, enhances overall effectiveness, and lowers maintenance costs. A successful PM schedule also needs to be adhered to strictly and updated frequently. | 39

Budget is the apparent factor: Reactive maintenance involves less personnel, less preparation, and a smaller initial outlay. However, such a tactic results in inadequate planning, monitoring, and system management.

The price of maintenance in advance Calculating cost estimations based on the rate of failure derived from data of similar applications remains mostly theoretical because equipment life estimates frequently do not take into account performance in a range of service circumstances.

This kind of data-driven system gives ser vice technicians and operations staff much more comprehensive, accurate, and usable information when used in conjunction with routine physical inspections.

It employs software and sensors to gather data over time, aggregate the facts, and use an algorithm to produce a useful result that is made available to stakeholders.

Performing routine maintenance on equip ment to lower the likelihood of failure has been a component of PM virtually since the invention of the wheel. The same strategy is used by customers to prolong engine life when they bring their automobile in for routine oil changes.

Preventive maintenance has taken over Due to the shortcomings of reactive maintenance, a more preventive strategy has evolved to reduce failures that necessitate unscheduled shutdowns for repairs. Norms are frequently determined by length of service or business hours.

Some businesses handle this internally, while others discover that specialized service providers provide a higher return on their maintenance investment by relying on the knowledge and planned maintenance from industry specialists so their personnel can concentrate on essential tasks. The PM method to conveyor maintenance often assumes that each component has a typical equipment life based on prior similar uses and circumstances. It may also assume that each component is triggered by time, metered inspection, or common signs (mis tracking, spillage, etc.). The PM estimates the appropriate time to retire, replace, or repair pertinent parts prior to the anticipated failure point based on observation and experience. As a result, there is generally more safety, a more effective system, less leakage, and better overall system control.

Given the environment, application, and operation schedule, PM is typically little more than a best-guess estimate (among several other variables). However, a major problem with PM is that some parts will undoubtedly need servicing more frequently than necessary, increasing expenses, while others won't, resulting in subpar performance at best and catastrophic failures at worst.

this tactic, despite the obvious drawbacks of this approach.

The ability to undertake maintenance on bulk handling systems is further influenced by the parts' accessibility, the equipment's age, the availability of skilled staff, and the rules governing each procedure.

To more precisely predict failure, predictive maintenance (PdM) closely analyses equipment performance while it is in use.

There may be cool-down and ramp-up times needed for operations like coal-fired boilers, cement production, and smelting plants. These intervals might last days on either end of the maintenance work and add to the safety concerns (personal protective equipment, confined space entry, exposure limits, etc.).

The use of maintenancepredictive Data collection and storage are the primary tasks in a predictive maintenance program before moving on to analysis. Adding new sites of measurement used to be a laborintensive and expensive process, but wireless equipment have significantly lowered these expenses.

Although the initial capital investment for these systems may seem high, cloud-based technology might help offset some of the early life, more accurate budget forecasting, more dependable main tenance scheduling, improved productivity, and higher worker efficiency all contribute to a quick return on investment.

Some bulk material handlers are realiz ing that each important component can and should be monitored and studied to maximize performance as a result of more easily accessible data collecting, storage, and analytics choices. Additionally, data from sensors can be broadcast to mobile apps in the field through cloud-based software.

When traveling to and from the equipment that has to be fixed and recording informa tion in their reports, highly skilled service professionals add another set of eyes to the Theyconveyors.frequently spot issues that general maintenance employees overlook or have grown accustomed to ignoring since they see so many varied applications. With fac tory-direct managed service, the provider is in charge of maintenance, freeing up the team to concentrate on other tasks. PdM is based on the actual state of the equip ment, as opposed to PM, which is decided by an average or predicted life statistic. When a possible problem is identified through predictive analysis, also known as "con dition-based maintenance," a repair can be planned to have the least amount of an impact on production.

Benefits from a more automated, analyt ics-based system include improved system performance and component life, a decrease in the requirement for visual examination, and a reduction in guesswork. This method saves time and lessens possible risks for conveyor systems that can be miles long and, in some cases, traverse treacherous terrain, even though it does not entirely eliminate the need for manual inspections and maintenance.

As part of a managed service arrangement, certain component manufacturers pro vide structured conveyor inspections and belt-cleaning maintenance. Their monitoring systems can track component deterioration and inform the service professional and/or operations staff of impending servicing needs through wifi or mobile phone. In stance of not so desired conditions, the system will also transmit a notification via a mobile app, giving service professionals and plant operators access to real-time data. Some modern systems can even automatically change the tension of a belt cleaning.

A belt cleaner position indicator, which monitors the blade and tracks and reports its remaining service life, is a recently marketed example. The user-friendly tool collects information on primary belt cleaners continually and alerts factory-trained ser vice professionals and/or plant operations staff when re-tensioning or replacement is necessary or when abnormal situations



Computer learning Machine learning adapts maintenance requirements to the operation and service environment, fed by all prior input, in contrast to preventative maintenance (PM), which depends on wear life defined by the manufacturer and/or operator observations.

The advantage is a customized experience that gives the impression that equipment is speaking to decision-makers directly about what it requires.

arise. Information on any networked cleaner may be instantly accessed by managers and service professionals using a mobile device or wifi.

The PM estimates the appropriate time to retire, replace, or repair pertinent parts prior to the anticipated failure point based on observation and experience. As a result, there is generally more safety, a more effective system, less leakage, and better overall system control.

Instead, the chores are carried out automat ically, cutting down on maintenance time while increasing each cleaner's useful space. This elevates the idea of preventative mainte nance to a new level by prioritizing real-time profitability and over-optimizing for a pro cess parameter or other statistic. Utilizing PdM and PM's combined power Predictive maintenance is superior to preventive maintenance in many ways, but historically it has been difficult or prohibitively expensive to use it on all but essential parts. Additional parts and systems will probably join a plant's conveyor maintenance program as data collecting, storage, and analysis grow simpler and more Whenaffordable.theyare brought on by random, anomalous overloads or a human mistake, unexpected failure events in bulk material handling systems operating in challenging operating environments can be challenging to foresee. Therefore, maintenance personnel must be able to respond to unexpected fail ures in some way. Managed service providers might make use of unscheduled downtime for equipment maintenance or upgrades.

Because unscheduled downtime, prema turely degraded wear parts, and unnecessary labor have such a serious impact on the cost of operation, applying both methods to a maintenance strategy maximizes the effectiveness of both.

In addition, some service providers are assisting clients with limited access to their facilities during the Covid-19 pandemic by remotely training maintenance staff to prop erly maintain their conveyor systems and providing instructions on preventive main tenance, inspections, and blade replacement options. Factory-direct technicians maintain regular check-ins and constant communi cation with management to ensure optimal Humanperformance.laborwill always be required to plan and implement solutions with the aim of a successful and economical maintenance schedule, just as data will always depend on human experience to be properly used. The optimal strategy is to take advantage of both PM and PdM benefits.

This innovative powered assembly includes sensors that continuously check the pressure on the blades and change the assembly's position to maintain the best possible clean ing tension. The requirement for maintenance staff to manually re-tension each cleaner has been eliminated. | 41

The gadget increases efficiency and safety by reducing worker exposure to moving conveyors and delivering crucial real-time intelligence. By making precise information readily available, service employees may deliver and install replacement of worn parts during planned outages, simplifying maintenance planning.

The indicator maximizes the blade's usable surface area by relying on real operating conditions rather than human judgment to monitor blade wear and tension for the best cleaning performance. It also reports with confidence when a blade is getting close to the end of its useful life.

A patent-pending device that combines the position indicator with an automated belt cleaner tensioner advances the technique.

In coordination with the attempt to revive the economy, Chinese President Xi Jinping declared the construction of infrastructure in April as well as the investment fund. China ruled out all possible circumstances; they knew that the possible high demand for metals could be well-handled by inven tories. However, the rest of the world may have a hard time keeping up with demand still in mind. With these efforts to help the economy, China also suggested banks extend loans to qual ified real estate projects while still meeting the developers’ financing needs in order to continue their projects for unfinished infrastructures such as houses.

However, of course, there are cons to using this nanowire spray which is why it is not yet launched for public use. Nanoparticles can dissolve and eventually become toxic, which is not great for the overall well-being of a human being and the environment. They are currently still doing some tests, lab work and researching further to make it safe for human interaction without harming healthy cells. They are also trying to study the use of iron oxide in eliminating cancer cells that have been existing in the global health problem for centuries and decades. The continuous development of technology helps in creating possible solutions for long-existing problems such as cancer and COVID-19.

Reserve hikes interest rates. However, supply issues will most likely help boost the demand for Copper in the next six to 12 months.

2022 Predictions According to the Goldman Sachs Group Inc., copper may eventually trade for 6,700 USD per ton in the next three months. This means around 22% of the downfall from the previous 7,040USD per ton. Even after these heavy losses, copper is still expected to rebound in a couple of months.

L ondon Metal Exchange or LME copper prices are falling as of July 2022 at 7,040USD per Ton and the reason for this is the Coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown which significantly slowed down the entire world’s economic growth. It is often used in power and construction, this makes copper essential for economic expansion.

Copper in the Medical field

Copper price: On the road to recovery

Copper’s standing on the market is relatively promising as of today. China and Copper Of course, the copper market’s performance still depends on a lot of factors such as how global sentiment changes as the U.S. Federal

Copper priCes Are expeCted to rise By the end of 2022 At An average of 9,570 USD per Ton, 9,580 USD per Ton by 2023, and 10,400 USD per Ton by 2026. It is definitely not the time to give up on copper prices.

The fear of aggravating a real-estate crisis has definitely put a threat to the home buyers from all over China, which resulted in them stopping making mortgage payments for stalled property projects.


It is well-known that copper can destroy certain bacteria and viruses. In accordance with the COVID-19 Pandemic, Ames National Laboratory of the US DOE (Department of Energy), Iowa State University and the University at Buffalo have joined forces into making a Copper Nanowire Spray that makes any surface antimicrobial. There are two varieties for this said spray: the first one uses pure copper nanowire while the second one uses copper-zinc nanowire. Both of which have been tested in the laboratory and inactivated the virus for less than 10 minutes.

However, these two greatly affected indus tries during the global crisis that we are currently facing. Since 2011, this is one of the biggest quarterly falls which was almost down to 20%. Copper has always been a leading indicator of the economic health of a country since it is used in many sectors. Even if copper prices fell for an amount of time, according to Daniel Homes of ANZ, improvement is actually pretty visible in China’s demand for copper which is a great sign for a recovering economy.

Last July 20, a sinkhole was discovered near the site of Miners Ojos del Salado copper mine, according to Chile’s National Service of Geology and Mining. The good news is that no one was injured in the said incident. No people, equipment or even facilities were affected, but work was suspended for pre cautionary measures.

Copper prices are expected to rise by the end of 2022 at an average of 9,570 USD per Ton, 9,580 USD per Ton by 2023, and 10,400 USD per Ton by 2026. It is definitely not the time to give up on copper prices.

“In fact, it’s the exact opposite — we’re actu ally seeing signs in China of that demand picture improving,” he said. Investors are still investing on power and infrastructure developments despite the downfall that we have experienced because of the pandemic.

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On July 25, Arbor Metals Corp. announced that it had completed the inaugural prospecting program at its wholly-owned Jarnet Lithium project located in the St. James Bay region of Quebec. The helicoptersupported program found a corridor in the northern exploration area containing swarms of previously unmapped pegmatite dykes. These dykes are the principal host unit for lithium. Patriot Metals has had significant success in drill testing Pegmatite dykes at its Corvette Project which is adjacent to Arbor’s Jarnet project.

At the company’s Bourier prospect, Lomiko and Critical Elements Lithium Corporation (Operator) have started the 2022 field exploration program. The expected duration of the field program is four weeks. Of particular interest are the lithium-tantalumcesium anomalies as they represent an unprecedented discovery in the Bourier claim. This anomaly stretches along a 2.5 km long NE-trending mica-rich white pegmatites system.


Exciting Lithium Projects in Canada

The publicly traded exploration company Musk Metals announced that it was planning an eight-hole drill program to commence on its 100% owned “Elon” lithium project in Quebec. This project is located approximately 600 meters northeast of the Lithium Amérique du Nord project in Abitibi (Quebec).

Intervention permits had previously been received on May 18th, 2022 for the opening of access trails and exploratory trenches. The permit will be reused for the drill program.

The country’s favourable regulatory envi ronment has drawn the attention of many stakeholders towards Canadian lithium. Here’s a roundup of some lithium projects in Canada: ARBOR METALS DISCOVERS PEGMATITE DYKES

The demand for lithium-ion batteries has grown exponentially in recent years. This has propelled global expansion and enabled the growth of new lithium projects. It goes without saying that achieving net zero emis sions will necessitate a high reliance on both new and recycled sources of lithium for Canada’sbatteries.lithium

L ithium is being hailed as a critical metal for the energy transition. A highly reactive element, it is an essential component for energy-dense rechargeable batteries, which are used in electronics, including laptops, cell phones, electric vehicles, and grid storage, amongst others.



In the backdrop of the increasing push toward electric vehicles, there have been a series of exciting developments for lithium projects in Canada. Given the country’s favourable regulato ry environment, it comes as no surprise that Canadian lithium and Canadian spodumene are eliciting interest.

resources are distributed across the country and have been discovered in Québec, Ontario, Northwest Territories, Alberta, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, New Bruns wick, and Nunavut. The country has large hard rock spodumene deposits and brinebased lithium resources. Recognising its potential, the Canadian Government has designated lithium as a critical mineral for the renewable energy transition and wishes to become an important supplier.

Azcon 45 ABT 21 Barr Engineering 15 CR Meyer 23 FloLevel Technologies ................. 25 Fryberger....................................... 15 General Equipment Supplies ....... 05 Global Minerals Engineering ....... 45 Golder Associates ........................ 45 Halcor ........................................... 13 Lake Superior Chapter ISEE ......... 45 Malton Electric Company ............ 45 ME Elecmetal ............................... 07 Minnesota Power ......................... 17 Mielke Electric Works .................. 17 Naylor Pipe ................................... 48 Neo Solutions ............................... 19 Northern Engine & Supply ............ 45 Optiro ............................................ 02 SEH ............................................... 21 ADVERTISING INDEX onWegolder.comthrivechallenges MEDARO SET TO OPTIMIZE HARD ROCK LITHIUM RECOVERY TECHNIQUE Medaro Mining recently announced an update on the advancement of its hard-rock lithium recovery technology. The company aims to develop innovative spodumene processing technologies to support its lithium exploration projects in Canada. Medaro’s dual closed-loop thermochemical technology has been designed to rapidly extract lithium from spodumene and convert it to high-purity lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide and/or lithium metal. | 45


FRONTIER Lithium recently released the results for four drill holes which were completed during the Phase 12 drill program on the Spark pegmatite. The deposit is part of the company’s PAK lithium property located north of Red Lake (Ontario). in 2019, the Spark pegmatite deposit currently contains mineral resources of 14.4 million tonnes averaging 1.40% lith ium oxide in the indicated category and 18.1 million tonnes averaging 1.37% lithium oxide in inferred. The Spark pegmatite is one of the two premium spodumene-bearing deposits which Frontier has delineated on the PAK project.


China produced 81.4 Mt in July 2022, down 6.4% on July 2021. India produced 10.1 Mt, up 3.2%. Japan produced 7.3 Mt, down 8.5%. The United States produced 7.0 Mt, down 6.4%. Russia is estimated to have produced 5.5 Mt, down 13.2%. South Korea produced 6.1 Mt, down 0.6%. Germany produced 3.0 Mt, down 2.0%. Turkey produced 2.7 Mt, down 20.7%. Brazil produced 2.8 Mt, down 8.7%. Iran produced 2.0 Mt, up 34.1%.



World crude steel production for the 64 countries reporting to the World Steel Association (worldsteel) was 149.3 million tonnes (Mt) in July 2022, a 6.5% decrease compared to July 2021.

julychange22/21 2021jan-july(mt) %jan-julychange22/22 africa 1.2 -5.4 8.4 -8.6 asia and oceania 110.1 -5.2 812.6 -4.8 eu (27) 11.7 -6.7 86.0 -5.6 europe, other 3.5 -16.5 27.5 -6.7 middle east 3.2 24.2 25.3 4.4 north america 9.6 -5.4 66.4 -3.2 russia & cis + ukraine 6.4 -29.1 50.5 -18.8 south america 3.6 -7.8 25.5 -3.4 total 64 countries 149.3 -6.5 1,102.3 -5.4 Table 2. Top 10 steel-producing countries july 2022 (mt) % julychange22/21 jan-july22(mt) % jan-julychange22/21 china 81.4 -6.4 609.3 -6.4 india 10.1 3.2 73.3 8.0 japan 7.3 -8.5 53.3 -4.9 united states 7.0 -6.4 48.0 -3.0 russia e 5.5 -13.2 41.4 -7.0 south korea 6.1 -0.6 39.9 -3.4 germany 3.0 -2.0 22.5 -5.1 turkey 2.7 -20.7 21.6 -6.9 brazil 2.8 -8.7 20.3 -3.5 iran 2.0 34.1 17.4 3.7 46 | SKILLINGS MINING REVIEW September 2022


The 64 countries included in this table accounted for approximately 98% of total world crude steel production in 2020. Regions and countries covered by the table: Africa: Egypt, Libya, South Africa. Asia and Oceania: Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Korea, Taiwan (China), Vietnam. CIS: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. European Union (27). Europe, Other: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Turkey, United Kingdom. Middle East: Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates. North America: Canada, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, United States. South America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela 1. Crude steel production by region 2022 (mt) %


Africa produced 1.2 Mt in July 2022, down 5.4% on July 2021. Asia and Oceania produced 110.1 Mt, down 5.2%. The EU (27) produced 11.7 Mt, down 6.7%. Europe, Other produced 3.5 Mt, down 16.5%. The Middle East produced 3.2 Mt, up 24.2%. North America produced 9.6 Mt, down 5.4%. Russia & other CIS + Ukraine produced 6.4 Mt, down 29.1%. South America produced 3.6 Mt, down 7.8%. The 64 countries included in this table accounted for approximately 98% of total world crude steel production in 2021. Regions covered by the table: Africa, Asia and Oceania, European Union (27), Europe, Middle East, North America, Russia & other CIS + Ukraine, South America. july 2022 crude steel production


COUNTRY DEC 2020 DEC 2019 %CHANGE DEC-20/19 2020 % CHANGE Austria 530 e 521 1.7 6 665 -10.2 Belgium 359 505 -28.9 6 119 -21.1 Bulgaria 40 e 43 -6.3 485 -14.3 Croatia 15 e 7 101.9 47 -32.0 Czech Republic 408 359 13.7 4 465 0.6 Finland 339 186 81.8 3 500 0.8 France 1 155 918 25.7 11 596 -19.8 Germany 3 137 2 835 10.6 35 658 -10.0 Greece 110 e 94 17.0 1 430 5.9 Hungary 90 164 -44.8 1 513 -14.5 Italy 1 500 e 1 404 6.9 20 200 -12.9 Luxembourg 113 97 17.3 1 886 -11.0 Netherlands 540 521 3.6 6 054 -9.1 Poland 680 e 642 5.9 7 890 -11.9 Slovenia 50 e 34 45.0 570 -8.5 Spain 891 765 16.4 10 934 -19.5 Sweden 410 376 8.9 4 409 -6.6 United Kingdom 710 e 550 29.0 7 185 -0.5 Other E.U. (28) (e) 680 e 642 6.0 8 180 -12.1 European Union (28) 11 757 10 665 10.2 138 786 -11.8 Bosnia-Herzegovina 75 70 6.5 759 -5.2 Macedonia 33 24 35.9 180 -24.8 Norway 41 40 3.2 624 0.5 Serbia 119 158 -24.8 1 456 -24.6 Turkey 3 403 2 893 17.7 35 763 6.0 Other Europe 3 671 3 185 15.3 38 782 3.9 Byelorussia 200 e 225 -11.2 2 490 -5.0 Kazakhstan 355 e 374 -5.0 3 835 -7.2 Moldova 45 e 35 28.2 465 18.7 Russia 6 110 e 6 159 -0.8 73 400 2.6 Ukraine 1 906 1 561 22.1 20 616 -1.1 Uzbekistan 80 e 84 -4.8 950 42.6 C.I.S. (6) 8 696 8 438 3.1 101 756 1.5 Canada 1 070 e 1 092 -2.0 11 078 -14.1 Cuba 20 e 22 -8.5 181 -21.4 El Salvador 8 e 8 -5.7 79 -22.5 Guatemala 25 e 26 -3.9 237 -22.6 COUNTRY DEC 2020 DEC 2019 %CHANGE DEC-20/19 2020 % CHANGE Mexico 1 550 e 1 361 13.9 16 854 -8.3 United States 6 434 7 292 -11.8 72 690 -17.2 North America 9 107 9 801 -7.1 101 119 -15.5 Argentina 388 326 19.0 3 651 -21.4 Brazil 2 886 2 462 17.2 30 971 -4.9 Chile 105 e 109 -3.5 1 165 2.8 Colombia 110 e 97 13.5 1 126 -15.5 Ecuador 50 e 50 0.5 477 -21.5 Paraguay 3 e 3 -4.4 22 -17.5 Peru 105 e 91 15.8 671 -45.4 Uruguay 5 e 5 -7.2 47 -24.6 Venezuela 2 e 0 315.8 29 -43.6 South America 3 654 3 143 16.3 38 158 -8.4 Egypt 994 574 73.0 8 229 13.4 Libya 73 63 16.2 495 -18.4 South Africa 292 e 297 -1.5 3 877 -37.0 Africa 1 359 934 45.5 12 600 -10.1 Iran 2 660 e 2 224 19.6 29 030 13.4 Qatar 85 186 -54.3 1 218 -52.4 Saudi Arabia 440 664 -33.8 7 775 -5.1 United Arab Emirates 280 297 -5.8 2 722 -18.2 Middle East 3 465 3 371 2.8 40 745 2.7 China 91 252 84 692 7.7 1 052 999 5.2 India 9 796 9 383 4.4 99 570 -10.6 Japan 7 526 7 785 -3.3 83 194 -16.2 South Korea 5 952 5 880 1.2 67 121 -6.0 Pakistan 380 e 261 45.6 3 743 13.3 Taiwan, China 1 700 e 1 693 0.4 20 570 -6.3 Thailand 410 e 357 14.8 4 420 4.1 Vietnam 1 600 e 1 876 … 19 500 11.6 Asia 118 616 111927 6.0 1 351 117 1.6 Australia 473 449 5.4 5 490 0.0 New Zealand 59 57 3.8 586 -12.2 Oceania 533 506 5.2 6 076 -1.4 Total 64 countries (1) 160 858 969151 5.8 1 829 140 -0.9 (1) - HADEED only. (2) - the 64 countries included in this table accounted for approximately 99% of total world crude steel production in 2019. e - estimated CRUDE STEEL PRODUCTION DECEMBER 2020. Source – World Steel Association | 47

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