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Batakl›ktan cennete Alaçat› - Alaçat›, from marshland to paradise Hazineler ve afl›klar yurdu Uflak - Uflak, land of love and treasure Fransa’da Türk Mevsimi - Turkish Season in France

27.07.2009 18:39

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27.07.2009 18:39

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YÖNET‹M / MANAGEMENT Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› Chairman of the Board Candan Karl›tekin Türk Hava Yollar› Ad›na Sahibi Publisher on behalf of Turkish Airlines Genel Müdür ve Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi CEO and Member of the Board Temel Kotil

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TORONTO: Bugünün Ve Yar›n›n fiehri! TORONTO: A City For Today And Tomorrow!


UfiAK: Hazineler Ve Afl›klar Yurdu UfiAK: Land Of Love And Treasure



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Yavru Kufl Uçtu The Little Bird Has Flown

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ALAÇATI: Batakl›ktan Cennete ALAÇATI: From Marshland To Paradise

108 Elif fiafak: “Çeliflkilerle ‹lerleyece¤iz Bu Dünyada” Elif fiafak: “We Advance Through Contradictions In This World”


A⁄RI DA⁄I: T›rman›fl›n 180. Y›l› MOUNT A⁄RI: The 180th Anniversary Of First Climb

118 Türkiye’nin K›rg›zlar› The Kyrgyz Of Turkey


100 100 Fransa’da Türkiye Mevsimi Turkish Season In France


130 ‹stanbul: Mükemmel Bir Sa¤l›k Kenti Istanbul: A City Of Healthcare Excellence


8 Cityscope 140 Rehber / Guide 161 Bilgi / Info 186 Video ve Müzik / Video and Music 192 Ay›n Konu¤u / Guest of the month

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HOfiGELD‹N‹Z WELCOME ABOARD Say›n Konuklar›m›z, Türk Hava Yollar› olarak, uçufl emniyeti, hizmet kalitesi, ürün yelpazesi ve rekabetçilik aç›s›ndan tercih edilen ve Avrupa’n›n önde gelen havayolu olma misyonuyla ç›kt›¤›m›z yolculu¤umuzda her geçen gün yeni baflar›lara imza at›yoruz. Sizlerden ald›¤›m›z güçle, sürekli daha iyiyi hedefliyor ve sorumlulu¤unu her noktada hissetti¤imiz Türkiye’nin bayrak tafl›y›c›s› olma gururuyla, uluslararas› alandaki etkinli¤imizi art›r›yoruz.

Dear Guests, In the journey it set out on with the mission of becoming one of Europe’s leading airlines, preferred by customers for its flight safety, service quality, range of products and competitiveness, Turkish Airlines is chalking up new successes with every passing day. We are aiming to go ever higher with the strength we derive from you. We are therefore stepping up our activities in the international arena, filled with pride in being Turkey’s flagship carrier, a responsibility of which we are aware at every step.

Tüm bu çabalar›m›z›n sonucunda her geçen gün daha da iyi sonuçlara imza at›yoruz. Bunlardan birkaç›n› sizlerle paylaflmak ve Türk Hava Yollar› olarak nas›l bir geliflim süreci içerisinde oldu¤umuzu aktarmak istiyorum.

As a result of our efforts, we are reaching new heights every day. I would like to share a few of them with you and tell you about Turkish Airlines’ current process of development. Based on data compiled by the Association of European Airlines (AEA), Turkish Airlines was Europe’s fourth largest in terms of number of passengers carried in the January-May period of 2009. Serving some 8.9 million people following a ten percent increase in passenger numbers, Turkish Airlines today is right behind Germany’s Lufthansa, France’s Air France, and England’s British Airways. Our target now is to become one of the top three. As the only airline in Europe that has managed to increase its passenger traffic and numbers compared with figures for 2008, I am confident that we are soon going to achieve this goal thanks to the successful strategies we have implemented in the recent past and to the favor you have shown us.

Türk Hava Yollar›, Avrupa Havayollar› Birli¤i (Association of European Airlines – AEA) verilerine göre 2009 y›l›n›n Ocak-May›s döneminde tafl›nan yolcu say›s› bak›m›ndan Avrupa’n›n dördüncü büyük havayolu oldu. Yüzde 10 yolcu art›fl›yla 8,9 milyon kifliye hizmet veren Türk Hava Yollar›; Almanya’n›n Lufthansa, Fransa’n›n Air France ve ‹ngiltere’nin British Airways flirketlerinin hemen ard›nda yer al›yor. Bundan sonraki hedefimiz ilk üç s›ra içerisinde yer almak. 2008 y›l› verileriyle karfl›laflt›r›ld›¤›nda Avrupa’da yolcu say›s›n› ve trafi¤ini art›rabilen tek havayolu flirketi olarak son dönemde baflar›yla uygulad›¤›m›z stratejilerimiz ve sizlerin teveccühü sayesinde bu hedefe en k›sa sürede eriflece¤imize inan›yorum. Bir di¤er önemli ve sevindirici geliflme de havac›l›k sektöründe son derece önemli bir yere sahip olan AviationWeek dergisinin yapt›¤› de¤erlendirme sonucunda elde etti¤imiz konumdur. Dergi, befl farkl› bafll›kta ele ald›¤› ve sa¤l›kl› bir flirket yap›s›na sahip olmay› temel alan kapsaml› bir araflt›rma sonucunda bir s›ralama oluflturdu. Türk Hava Yollar› olarak, dünyadaki tüm havayollar›n› kapsayan bu s›ralamada 4. olman›n mutlulu¤u içerisindeyiz. Bir önceki y›l 13. s›rada yer alan Ortakl›¤›m›z, bu y›l 9 s›ra yükselerek en çok geliflim gösteren havayolu flirketi olma unvan›n› da kazand›.

In another important and encouraging development we have also earned a strong position in a survey conducted by Aviation Week, one of the most respected publications in the aviation sector. Based on the results of a comprehensive survey under five headings, the magazine ranked airlines in terms of the soundness of their corporate structure. Turkish Airlines is pleased to have placed fourth in this ranking, which included all the airlines in the world. At thirteenth in last year’s survey, our airline rose this year by nine places to earn the title of the airline showing the biggest development.

De¤erli konuklar›m›z, Ekonomik krizin etkilerini hâlâ hissettirdi¤i, rekabetin her geçen gün fliddetini art›rd›¤› günümüzde bu geliflmeyi sa¤lamak, bu sonuçlar› elde etmek Türk Hava Yollar› çal›flanlar› olarak bizleri mutlu ve gururlu k›l›yor. ‹mza att›¤›m›z ortak uçufl anlaflmalar›yla eriflim noktalar›m›z›n say›s›n› her geçen gün art›r›yoruz. Dünyan›n bir noktas›n› di¤er noktas›na ba¤layabilen bir havayolu flirketi olma sürecinde çok emin ve h›zl› ad›mlarla ilerliyoruz. Bu süreçte de gücümüzü sizlerden al›yoruz.

Turkish Airlines is proud and happy to have achieved these results and accomplished this development at a time when the effects of the economic crisis are still being felt and the competition is becoming more fierce by the day. We are continuously adding new destinations to our flight network through the code share agreements we sign with other airlines. With sure steps, we are rapidly moving forward towards becoming an airline that can link any point in the world with any other. And in that process we are deriving our strength from you.

Yolculuklar›n›zda Türk Hava Yollar›’n› tercih etti¤iniz için teflekkür ediyor, iyi uçufllar diliyorum.

I thank you for choosing Turkish Airlines and wish you a pleasant flight.

Sevgi ve sayg›lar›mla, Doç. Dr. Temel Kotil, Genel Müdür ve Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi

Sincerely yours, Temel Kotil, Ph.D. CEO and Member of the Board


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MÜZ‹K MUSIC Eski rockç›, yeni hikâyeci Alev Lenz Old rock artist, new storyteller, Alev Lenz Almanya’da kurup ad›n› verdi¤i rock grubu Alev’den ayr›lan Alev Lenz, ilk stüdyo albümü Storytelling piano playing Fräulein ile karfl›m›zda. Bir aya¤› Do¤u’da, bir aya¤› Bat›’da eski rockç› yeni hikâye anlat›c›s› Lenz, Alman bir baba ile Türk bir annenin k›z› ama

albümün tüm parçalar› ‹ngilizce. Vokal ve piyano temelli ‘Storytelling piano playing Fräulein’, yayl› düzenlemeler yan›nda farkl› enstrüman kombinasyonlar›n› baflar›yla bir araya getirmesiyle dikkat çekiyor. Albümün bir özelli¤i de her yafla hitap etmesi.

Leaving the group, ‘Alev’, which she formed in Germany and to which she gave her name, Alev Lenz now brings us her first studio album, Storytelling piano playing Fräulein. With one foot in the East and one in the West, the former rock artist/new storyteller Lenz is the daughter of a German father and a Turkish mother. But all the songs on her album are in English. Vocal and piano based, ‘Storytelling piano playing Fräulein’ is noteworthy for successful combining string arrangements with different combinations of instruments. The album also appeals to all ages.

‘BATI YAKASI’ çocuklar› ‘West Side’ kids

Bestekâr III. Selim Han an›s›na… In memory of composer Selim III

BATI YAKASI’n›n ilk albümü PMD Yap›m’dan ç›kt›. Korhan Çelik (vokal/gitar), Can Bezgen (gitar), Altu¤ fienkal (bas gitar) ve Ergün Y›ld›z’dan (davul) oluflan ekip Çanakkaleli. Albümde Çanakkale Zaferi’ne ithaf edilen bir flark› bulunmas› (Son Nefes) biraz da bu sebeple. Söz ve müziklerin BATI YAKASI’na ait oldu¤u albümün ç›k›fl parças› ise müzik listelerini zorlayan ‘4 Gün Önce’.

Osmanl› Sultan› III. Selim’in 18 y›ll›k saltanat›n ard›ndan 1808’de isyanc›lar taraf›ndan öldürüldü¤ü bilinir. Ama III. Selim’in pek bilinmeyen bir taraf› var ki; o da befl yafl›nda bafllad›¤› e¤itimini fliir, hat ve musiki üzerine sürdürdü¤ü ve birinci s›n›f bir bestekâr oldu¤u… ‹stanbul Büyükflehir Belediyesi Kültür A.fi, ölümünün 200. y›l› an›s›na bestekâr III. Selim’in eserlerinden oluflan iki CD’lik bir albüm haz›rlayarak bu sanatkâr padiflah› an›yor.

WEST SIDE has released their first album from PMD Yap›m. The team, which includes Korhan Çelik (vocals/guitar), Altu¤ fienkal (bass guitar) and Ergün Y›ld›z (percussion), is from Çanakkale on the Dardanelles peninsula, which explains why one song (Son Nefes/Last Breath) on the album is dedicated to Turkey’s victory at Gallipoli. ‘4 Gün Önce/4 Days Ago’, the first single released from the album, words and lyrics by WEST SIDE, is already topping the charts.

8 SKYLIFE 8/2009

The Ottoman Sultan Selim III is known to have been murdered by rebels following a reign of 18 years. But Selim III also has a lesser known side; namely, that he was a first-rate composer who all his life pursued the poetry, calligraphy and music that he first began studying at the age of five. Kültür A.fi. is now honoring this composer-sultan in a double CD album of his works on the 200th anniversary of his death.


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ETK‹NL‹K EVENTS Foça’da rock tatili Rock holiday at Foça Geride b›rakt›¤› 4 y›lda yaklafl›k 200.000 seyirciye ulaflan ve 700’ü aflk›n müzisyen a¤›rlayan aç›k hava festivali Rock TatiliFOÇA; de¤iflen ad›, mekân› ve çehresiyle bafll›yor. 13-16 A¤ustos tarihlerinde ‹zmir Foça ‹ngiliz Burnu’nda gerçekleflecek festival, Türkiye’nin

en önemli rock gruplar›n› a¤›rl›yor. Poem Organizasyon’un düzenledi¤i etkinli¤in kat›l›mc›lar› aras›nda Mor ve Ötesi, Babazula, Çilekefl, Duman, Mo¤ollar, Pentagram ve Yüksek Sadakat var. Festivalin DJ’leri ise Murat Befler, Murat Meriç, Ça¤lan Tekil ve Mete Sohtao¤lu.

Hosting more than 700 musicians and reaching some 200,000 spectators in the last four years, the open-air festival Rock Holiday-FOÇA is back this year with a new name, venue and face. The festival, to be held at Izmir Foça’s ‹ngiliz Burnu 13-16 August, is welcoming Turkey’s leading rock groups. Among the participants in the event, which is being organized by Poem, are Mor ve Ötesi, Babazula, Çilekefl, Duman, Mo¤ollar, Pentagram and Yüksek Sadakat. The festival DJ’s are Murat Befler, Murat Meriç, Ça¤lan Tekil and Mete Sohtao¤lu.

Moda tek bir çat› alt›nda Fashion under a single roof Türk moda tasar›mc›lar› ve haz›r giyim markalar› tek bir çat› alt›nda toplanmaya haz›rlan›yor. 26-29 A¤ustos tarihleri aras›nda tarihi ‹TÜ Taflk›flla binas›nda düzenlenecek Istanbul Fashion Days (‹stanbul Moda Günleri) 12 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

kapsam›nda üç gün boyunca çeflitli etkinlikler gerçeklefltirilecek. ‹stanbul Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon ‹hracatç› Birlikleri ile Moda Tasar›mc›lar› Derne¤i iflbirli¤indeki etkinlik; Türk tasar›mc›lar›n çizgilerini dünyaya yans›tmay› planl›yor.

Turkey’s fashion designers and ready-to-wear brands are getting ready to join forces under a single roof. For three days from 26 to 29 August, Istanbul Fashion Days are going to be held at Istanbul Technical University’s Taflk›flla campus. The project, which includes a variety of different events, is a cooperation of the Associations of Istanbul Exporters of Textiles and Fashion and the Fashion Designers Association aimed at presenting the fashions of the Turkish designers to the world.


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ETK‹NL‹K EVENTS Cohen için geri say›m bafllad› Countdown for Cohen begins Sadece ‹stanbul’un de¤il, tüm Türkiye’nin dört gözle bekledi¤i efsane müzisyen Leonard Cohen, ‘2009 Dünya Turnesi’ kapsam›nda ‹stanbul’da. Cohen, 5 A¤ustos Çarflamba ve 6 A¤ustos Perflembe günleri saat 21.00’den itibaren Harbiye Cemil Topuzlu Aç›khava Sahnesi’nde olacak.

74 yafl›ndaki Kanadal› yazar, flair, müzisyen; ülkesinde bafllad›¤› turne kapsam›nda 3 A¤ustos’ta Venedik San Marco Meydan›’n›n ard›ndan ‹KSV ve BKM iflbirli¤iyle ‹stanbul’da. 21 Eylül’de Barcelona’da turnesini nihayetlendirecek sanatç›, Avrupa’n›n 34 farkl› flehrinde 40 konser vererek küçük bir rekor da k›racak.

Eagerly awaited not only in Istanbul but all over Turkey, the legendary musician Leonard Cohen will soon be in Istanbul on his 2009 World Tour. The 74-year-old Canadian writer, poet and musician will perform at Istanbul’s Cemil Topuzlu Open Air Theater in Harbiye starting at 9 p.m. on Wednesday, 5 August, and Thursday, 6 August. Following an appearance on 3 August at Venice’s St. Mark’s Square on the tour he launched from his native Canada, Cohen will be in Istanbul with the cooperation of the Istanbul Foundation for Art and Culture (‹KSV) and the Befliktafl Culture Center (BKM). Wrapping up his tour in Barcelona on 21 September, the artist will also break a small record by giving 40 concerts in 34 different European cities.

Türkler Fransa, Frans›zlar Bodrum sahnesinde On stage: Turks in France, French in Bodrum Bu y›l 7. kez düzenlenen Bodrum Uluslararas› Bale Festivali 19 A¤ustos’ta bafll›yor. Festivalin konuk ülkesi ‘Fransa’da Türk Mevsimi’ne paralel bir jestle Fransa... Devlet Opera ve Balesi Genel Müdürlü¤ü’nün düzenledi¤i ve 30 A¤ustos’a dek sürecek festivalin mekân› Tarihi Bodrum Kalesi. Ankara Devlet Opera ve Balesi Modern Dans Toplulu¤u’nun Bin Kalp At›fl› isimli eseriyle bafllayacak festivalde; Fransa Kafig Toplulu¤u’nun Tricote adl› temsili yan› s›ra Marsilya Devlet Balesi’nden üç ayr› koreograf a¤›rlan›yor. Antalya Devlet Opera ve Balesi’nin Harem’i ise festivalin gözdelerinden. Held this year for the 7th time, the Bodrum International Ballet Festival begins on 19 August. In a friendly gesture, the festival’s guest country, France, is holding ‘Turkish Season in France’ in parallel. The venue for the festival, which is organized by the State Opera and Ballet, until 30 August, is the historic Bodrum castle. Kicking off with a performance of A Thousand Beats of the Heart by the Ankara State Opera and Ballet’s Modern Dance Ensemble, the festival will also host a performance called Tricote by the France Kafig Ensemble as well as three choreographers from the Marseilles State Ballet. Harem meanwhile, staged by the Antalya State Opera and Ballet, is tipped to be a festival favorite.

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‹stanbul ve mahalleleri Istanbul and its neighborhoods Çocuklu¤umuzda top koflturdu¤umuz ya da ip atlad›¤›m›z mahalleler, metropol yaflam›nda unutuluyor mu? ‹stanbul 2010 Avrupa Kültür Baflkenti Ajans›’n›n Tafl›nabilir Sanat projesi kapsam›ndaki Mahalle sergisi bu soruya cevap verir nitelikte.

Silva Bingaz, Korhan Karaoysal, Sevim Sancaktar, Yusuf Sevinçli, Serkan Taycan ve Kerem Uzel gibi alt› genç foto¤rafç›n›n mahalle kültürünü irdeledikleri sergi, 15 A¤ustos’a dek Kartal Bülent Ecevit Kültür Merkezi’nde görülebilir.

Are the neighborhoods where you played ball and skipped rope as a child disappearing in today’s metropolitan life? An exhibition called Mahalle/The Neighborhood, which is part of the Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Agency’s Portable Art project, is designed to answer this question. The exhibition, in which six young photographers, Silva Bingaz, Korhan Karaoysal, Sevim Sancaktar, Yusuf Sevinçli, Serkan Taycan and Kerem Uzel, examine the city’s neighborhood culture, is on at the Bülent Ecevit Culture Center in Kartal through 15 August.

Evin’den kapsaml› bir yaz karmas› A full summer at Evin Eskiden yaz aylar›nda galerilerin ço¤u kapal› olurdu. Hem maddi hem de tatil ihtiyac› gibi manevi sebeplerle… fiimdilerdeyse yaz aylar› karma sergiler zaman›. On üç y›ld›r Türk plastik sanatlar›n›n önemli bir merkezi olan Evin Sanat Galerisi, sanatsevere tüm sanatç›lar›n› bir arada görme flans› sunuyor. Resimleri sergilenen sanatç›lar aras›nda Nuri ‹yem, Naile

Ak›nc›, Nefl’e Erdok, Nedret Sekban, Temür Köran, ‹rfan Okan, Hakan Gürsoytrak, Mustafa Pancar, Hakan Cingöz, Emin Turan ve Setenay Alpsoy gibi Türk resminin önemli temsilcileri var. Nasip ‹yem seramik, Rahmi Aksungur ise heykelleriyle efllik ediyor sergiye. Evin Sanat Galerisi’nin kapsaml› yaz karmas›n› görmek için son tarih 29 A¤ustos 2009.

Art galleries used to close for summer, both for lack of interest and for their owners’ need for a holiday. Now summer is the season for joint exhibitions. A leading center of the plastic arts for thirteen years, Evin Art Gallery is offering art lovers a chance to see all its artists at once. Among the artists showing their works are Nuri ‹yem, Naile Ak›nc›, Nefl’e Erdok, Nedret Sekban, Temür Köran, ‹rfan Okan, Hakan Gürsoytrak, Mustafa Pancar, Hakan Cingöz, Emin Turan and Setenay Alpsoy. Accompanying the exhibition are ceramics by Nasip ‹yem and sculptures by Rahmi Aksungur. Through 29 August 2009. 16 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9


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SERG‹ EXHIBITIONS Yeni yap›tlarla yeni ufuklara do¤ru Towards new horizons with new works ‹stanbul Modern Sanat Müzesi, beflinci y›l›n› yenilenen ve geniflleyen koleksiyon sergisiyle kutluyor. Yeni Yap›tlar, Yeni Ufuklar bafll›kl› sergi, ülkemizin modern ve ça¤dafl sanat›n›n geliflimini ayr›nt›l› biçimde yans›tmas› bak›m›ndan önemli. 30 A¤ustos’a kadar sürecek sergide 134 sanatç›n›n 200 yap›t› var. Müzenin her iki kat›na yay›lan sergide; Kutlu¤ Ataman, Ayfle Erkmen, Gülsün Karamustafa, Nil Yalter,

Hale Tenger, Erda¤ Aksel, Sarkis, Nezaket Ekici, Canan fienol, Taner Ceylan, Halil Alt›ndere, Serkan Özkaya ve Leyla Gediz gibi yak›n dönem sanatç›lar› yer al›yor. Küratörlü¤ünü ‹stanbul Modern fief Küratörü Levent Çal›ko¤lu’nun yapt›¤› sergide ayr›ca; bu y›l 53. Venedik Bienali’nde Alt›n Aslan Yaflam Boyu Baflar› Ödülü’nü alacak Yoko Ono’nun ‹stanbul Modern’e ba¤›fllad›¤› Ex It bafll›kl› yerlefltirmesi de var.

Istanbul Modern Art Museum is celebrating its fifth year with an exhibition of its renewed and expanded collection. Entitled New Works, New Horizons, the exhibition is significant in terms of reflecting in detail the development of modern and contemporary art in Turkey. Shown in the exhibition on both of the museum’s two levels are 200 works by 134 artists, including recent painters such as Kutlu¤ Ataman, Ayfle Erkmen, Gülsün Karamustafa, Nil Yalter, Hale Tenger, Erda¤ Aksel, Sarkis, Nezaket Ekici, Canan fienol, Taner Ceylan, Halil Alt›ndere, Serkan Özkaya and Leyla Gediz. Curated by Istanbul Modern’s Chief Curator, Levent Çal›ko¤lu, the exhibition also includes an installation entitled Ex It, donated to the museum by Yoko Ono, who is to receive the Golden Lion Lifetime Achievement Award at this year’s Venice Biennale. Through 30 August.

New York’tan seçme eserler Selected works from New York Suna ve ‹nan K›raç Vakf› Pera Müzesi, New York’taki School of Visual Arts’› a¤›rl›yor. 1947 y›l›nda kurulan New York’taki School of Visual Arts’›n Güzel Sanatlar Bölümü ö¤retim üyeleri, mezunlar› ve ö¤rencileri taraf›ndan gerçeklefltirilen resim, desen, heykel, yerlefltirme, foto¤raf ve dijital sanat ürünlerinden oluflan sergide

111 yap›t yer al›yor. ‹ki Türk sanatç›n›n (Elif Uras ve Soner Ön) da yer ald›¤› serginin ad› Octet: School of Visual Arts/New York’tan Seçme Yap›tlar. 12 A¤ustos - 4 Ekim tarihlerinde Pera Müzesi’nde izlenecek sergi, 24 Kas›m 23 Aral›k tarihleri aras›nda New York Visual Arts Galeri’de olacak.

The Suna ve ‹nan K›raç Foundation’s Pera Museum is currently hosting New York’s School of Visual Arts. Included in the exhibition are 111 works - paintings, drawings, sculptures, installations, photographs and digital art products - by faculty members, graduates and students of the Fine Arts Department of the School of Visual Arts, which was founded in 1947. The exhibition, which is entitled Octet: Selected Works from the School of Visual Arts New York, also includes works by two Turkish artists, Elif Uras and Soner Ön. 12 August - 4 October at the Pera Museum, 24 November - 23 December at New York’s Visual Arts Gallery. 20 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

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Türk Hava Yollar›’ndan bol milli kampanya Big miles campaign from Turkish Airlines 15 Temmuz - 31 A¤ustos 2009 tarihleri aras›nda, Sao Paulo’ya, fiangay’a, Singapur’a, Bangkok’a, Johannesburg’a ve Cape Town’a Türk Hava Yollar›’n›n ücretli ekonomi s›n›f bileti ile gidifl-dönüfl seyahat eden Miles&Smiles üyelerinin bu uçufllardan kazand›klar› milleri 15.000 mile tamamlanacak. Miles&Smiles

üyeleri bu hatlar için statü mili kazan›rken, ekstra olarak bonus mil kazan›p toplam mil de¤erini 15.000 mile tamamlayabilecekler. Bu millerle yurtiçi gidifldönüfl limitli yer kapasiteli ödül bilet al›nabilecek ya da üyenin di¤er milleriyle de birlefltirilerek farkl› ödüller için de kullan›labilecek.

Miles&Smiles members who fly round-trip to Sao Paulo, Shanghai, Singapore, Bangkok or Johannesburg/Capetown on a Turkish Airlines economy class ticket between 15 July and 31 August are going to top up their miles to 15.000 with miles earned on these flights. While earning status miles on these routes, Miles&Smiles members can also earn extra bonus miles, bringing their total miles up to 15.000 They can then use those miles for award tickets on limited capacity round-trip domestic flights or combine them with their other miles for different awards.

Lviv (Ukrayna) seferleri bafll›yor Flights to Lviv (Ukraine) get under way Türk Hava Yollar›, ‹stanbulLviv-‹stanbul hatt›nda ilk seferini 27 Temmuz 2009 tarihinde düzenledi. Türk Hava Yollar›’n›n 118’inci yurtd›fl› uçufl noktas› olacak Lviv’e seferler, Pazartesi, Perflembe

ve Pazar olmak üzere haftada 3 gün icra edilecek. Lviv hatt›, Dnepropetrovsk. Donetsk, Kiev, Odessa, Simferepol’dan sonra Türk Hava Yollar›’n›n Ukrayna’da sefer düzenledi¤i alt›nc› uçufl noktas›d›r.

Uygulanacak seferlerin uçufl program›: The timetable is as follows: ‹STANBUL - LVIV

Kalk›fl / Departure

Var›fl / Arrival

Pazartesi, Perflembe, Pazar



Monday, Thursday, Sunday

12:35 p.m.

2:40 p.m.


Kalk›fl / Departure

Var›fl / Arrival

Pazartesi, Perflembe, Pazar



Monday, Thursday, Sunday

3:40 p.m.

5:35 p.m.

Turkish Airlines made its first flight on the Istanbul-Lviv-Istanbul route on 27 July. Flights to Lviv, the Airline’s 118th destination abroad, are three days a week on Monday, Thursday and Sunday. Lviv is Turkish Airlines’ 6th destination to Ukraine after Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kiev, Odessa and Simferopol. 22 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

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Jet Airways ile özel yolcu program ortakl›¤› Joint frequent Flyer Program with Jet Airways Türk Hava Yollar›, Jet Airways ile Özel Yolcu Program ortakl›¤› anlaflmas› imzalad›. 7 Temmuz 2009’dan itibaren geçerli olacak olan anlaflma ile birlikte Türk Hava Yollar›’n›n Özel Yolcu Program› Miles&Smiles üyeleri Jet Airways ile gerçeklefltirecekleri uçufllardan mil kazanabilecek, millerini Jet Airways uçufllar›nda ödül bilete dönüfltürebilecekler. Ayn› flekilde Jet Airways JetPrivilege üyeleri de Türk Hava Yollar› uçufllar›ndan mil kazanabilecek ve milleriyle ödül bilet alabilecekler. Miles&Smiles üyelerine 24 havayolunda mil

kazanma ve harcama imkân› sa¤layan Türk Hava Yollar›, Özel Yolcu Program› ortakl›¤› yapt›¤› havayollar›n›n say›s›n› Jet Airways ile birlikte 25’e yükseltti. JetPrivilege üyeleri, Türk Hava Yollar›’n›n 36 iç hat ile Avrupa, Orta Do¤u, Afrika ve Amerika’da olmak üzere 116 d›fl hat noktas›na gerçeklefltirdi¤i uçufllarda mil kazan›p milleri ile ödül bilet alabildikleri gibi, Türk Hava Yollar› Miles&Smiles üyeleri de Jet Airways’in Hindistan’da 45 ve Kuzey Amerika, Avrupa, Asya ve Orta Do¤u’da 18 noktaya gerçeklefltirdi¤i uçufllarda mil kazan›p, ödül bilet alabilecekler.

Turkish Airlines has signed an agreement for a joint Frequent Flyer Program with Jet Airways. Under the agreement, which went into effect on 7 July, members of Turkish Airlines’ Miles&Smiles Frequent Flyer Program will be able to earn miles on flights made with Jet Airways as well as turning their miles into award tickets on Jet Airways flights. Similarly, Jet Airways’ JetPrivilege members will be able to earn miles and use those miles to request award tickets on Turkish Airlines flights. Turkish Airlines Miles&Smiles members, who already had the chance to earn and spend miles on 24 different airlines, will now enjoy this convenience on a 25th airline with the addition of Jet Airways’ frequent flyer program. JetPrivilege members will be able to earn miles, and request award tickets with those miles, on flights they make on any of Turkish Airlines 36 domestic routes or to any of its 116 international destinations in Europe, Africa, America and the Middle East. Turkish Airlines’ Miles&Smiles members in turn will be able to earn miles and use those miles to request award tickets on flights they make to Jet Airways 45 destinations in India and 18 other destinations in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and North America.

Türk Hava Yollar› yolcu say›s›yla Avrupa dördüncüsü oldu Turkish Airlines fourth in Europe in number of passengers Küresel krizde Avrupal› rakipleri h›zla küçülürken, transit yolcuya ve Avrupa-Orta Do¤u hatt›na a¤›rl›k verme stratejisiyle büyümeye devam eden Türk Hava Yollar›, May›s ay› itibariyle yolcu say›s› bak›m›ndan Avrupa’da dördüncü s›raya yükseldi. Avrupa Havayollar› Birli¤i’nin verilerine göre yolcu

say›s›nda geçen y›l Avrupa’n›n yedinci büyük havayolu olan THY, bu y›l›n ilk 5 ayl›k döneminde SAS Scandinavian’› (‹skandinav), ‹beria’y› (‹spanya) ve KLM’yi (Hollanda) geride b›rakarak Lufthansa’n›n, (Almanya) Air France’›n (Fransa) ve British Airways’in hemen ard›ndan dördüncülü¤e yerleflti.

Even as its European competitors are contracting in the global economic crisis, Turkish Airlines is continuing to grow thanks to its strategy of placing emphasis on transit passengers and its Europe-Middle East routes. In May the airline rose to fourth in Europe in terms of number of passengers. According to data released by the Association European Airlines (AEA), Turkish Airlines, which was Europe’s seventh largest by number of passengers last year, displaced SAS Scandinavian, Iberian (Spain), and KLM (Holland) in the first five months of this year to rise to fourth place immediately behind Lufthansa (Germany), Air France (France) and British Airways (The United Kingdom). 24 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9


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Toronto seferleri bafllad› Flights to Toronto get under way Türk Hava Yollar›’n›n 117. uçufl noktas› olan Toronto seferleri; Ulaflt›rma Bakan› Binali Y›ld›r›m, Türk Hava Yollar› Genel Müdürü Doç. Dr. Temel Kotil, Türkiye’nin Kanada Büyükelçisi Rafet Akgünay ve Toronto Havaliman› Yetkilisi Lloyd McCoomb’un kat›ld›¤› törenle bafllad›. Uzun süredir beklenen hatt›n aç›l›fl›nda bir konuflma yapan Y›ld›r›m, “THY, havac›l›k birinci liginde hak etti¤i yeri alm›flt›r. THY, Toronto da dâhil dünyan›n 960 noktas›na seyahat imkân› sa¤l›yor. Toronto'ya yap›lan ilk seferde, uça¤›n kapasitesinin yar›dan fazlas› yolcularla doluydu. Onlarla sohbet ettim, mutluluklar›n› yüzlerinden

okudum. Seyahatlerinde aktarmalar nedeniyle çok beklediklerini anlatt›lar. Bu sayede bu do¤rudan uçuflun önemi ortaya ç›kt›. Yolcular aras›nda Afganistan, Pakistan, Hindistan, ‹ran, Rusya gibi pek çok ülkeden insanlar›n olmas›, bu seferlerin ne kadar genifl alanda etkili olabilece¤ini gösteriyor. Kanada gibi pek çok ülkeden insanlar›n yaflad›¤› bir ülkeye dünyan›n dört bir yan›ndan yolcu tafl›mak THY için çok anlaml› olacak.” diyerek Toronto uçufllar›n›n önemini vurgulad›. Seferler Pazartesi, Perflembe ve Cumartesi olmak üzere haftada üç gün yap›lacak.

Flights to Toronto, Turkish Airlines’ 117th flight destination, got under way at a ceremony attended by Transport and Communications Minister Binali Y›ld›r›m, Turkish Airlines’ President and CEO Temel Kotil, Ph.D, Turkey’s Ambassador to Canada Rafet Akgünay and Mr. Lloyd McCoomb, President and CEO of the Greater Toronto Airports Authority. Speaking at the long-awaited opening of the new route, Y›ld›r›m said, “Turkish Airlines has taken the place it deserves in aviation’s first league. Turkish Airlines flies to 960 points around the world including Toronto. On the first flight to Toronto the plane was filled to more than half capacity. I chatted with the passengers, and I could read the pleasure in their faces. They expressed high expectations in their travels due to transfers, which brings out the importance of this direct flight. Among the passengers,” Y›ld›r›m emphasized, “were people from countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Iran and Russia, which shows over how broad an area these flights can have an impact. Carrying passengers from all over the world to a country like Canada where people from many different countries live is going to be very meaningful for Turkish Airlines.” Turkish Airlines flies to Toronto three days a week on Monday, Thursday and Saturday.

Anadolu Jet’ten ustalara sayg› Anadolu Jet honors the masters Datça Belediyesi ve Kültür Bakanl›¤›’n›n katk›lar›, Birikim Medya’n›n organizasyon deste¤i ve Anadolu Jet’in ulafl›m sponsorlu¤unda düzenlenen 4. Datça Ustaya Sayg› Sinema Günleri 27 Haziran – 4 Temmuz 2009 tarihlerinde gerçeklefltirildi. Geleneksel hale gelen etkinlikte Türk sinemas›n›n önde gelen isimlerinden fiener fien Datça’da

sevenleriyle bulufltu. Gani Müjde, Olgun fiimflek ve Menderes Samanc›lar’›n da kat›ld›¤› gala gecesinde halk›n sorular›n› yan›tlayan fiener fien’e Anadolu Jet maket uça¤› hediye edildi ve uçufllar hakk›nda bilgi verildi. Tüm etkinlikler boyunca Datçal›lara ulaflma imkân› yakalayan Anadolu Jet Ustalara Sayg› etkinli¤ini önümüzdeki y›llarda da sürdürecek.

The 4th Datça ‘Honoring the Masters’ Cinema Days took place 27 June to 4 July 2009, sponsored by Anadolu Jet with organizational support from Birikim Medya and contributions from the Ministry of Culture and Datça Municipality. Now a tradition, the event brought fiener fien, one of the leading names in Turkish cinema, together with his fans. Answering questions from the public at the gala evening which was also attended by Gani Müjde, Olgun fiimflek and Menderes Samanc›lar, fien was presented with a model Anadolu Jet airplane and briefed about the airline’s flights. Seizing the opportunity to reach Datça residents for the duration of the events, Anadolu Jet is planning to continue to support ‘Honoring the Masters’ in the years ahead. 26 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

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Anadolu Jet’in yeni sponsorlu¤u Anadolu Jet takes on new sponsorship Türk Hava Yollar› kuruluflu olan Anadolu Jet, Renault Williams pilotu Tayfun Apuhan'a sponsor oldu. Türk Hava Yollar› Bölgesel Uçufllar Baflkan› Sami Alan, Çorlu Havaalan›’nda düzenlenen toplant›da, 2009 Türkiye T›rmanma fiampiyonas›'na da sponsor olduklar›n› belirterek, ''Bu 1 y›ll›k sözleflme kapsam›nda Türkiye'de Renault Clio Williams gibi özel bir otomobille yar›flan tek sporcuya destek veriyoruz'' dedi. Anadolu Jet'in çal›flmalar› ve genel durumu hakk›nda da bilgi veren Sami Alan, Anadolu Jet olarak Ankara'dan 25 noktaya uçufl gerçeklefltirdiklerini ifade ederek, ''Biz, Anadolu'nun bütün noktalar›n› birbirine

ba¤l›yoruz. Anadolu Jet olarak genele bak›ld›¤›nda yüzde 85 doluluk oran› ile hizmet veriyoruz. Geçen seneye oranla yolcu say›m›z yüzde 25 artt›. Bu çok iyi ve hafife al›namayacak bir oran. Ekonomik durgunlukla an›lan bir y›lda bu rakamlar çok önemli. Anadolu kendi jetine sahip ç›km›flt›r, müteflekkiriz'' dedi. Anadolu Jet olarak yeni bir program oluflturduklar›n› belirten Alan, Çorlu'dan, Ankara'ya gidifl dönüfl bilet alan herkese üçüncü bileti vergiler hariç ücretsiz olarak verdiklerini bildirdi. Yap›lan bas›n toplant›s› ve kokteylin ard›ndan ralli pilotu Tayfun Apuhan, apronda yar›fllara kat›ld›¤› arac› ile k›sa süreli bir gösteri yapt›.

A subsidiary of Turkish Airlines, Anadolu Jet has undertaken sponsorship of Renault Williams rally driver Tayfun Apuhan. Director of Regional Flights Sami Alan announced the airline’s sponsorship of the 2009 Turkey Rally Championship at a recent meeting at Çorlu Airport. “As part of this one-year contract,” said Alan, “we are supporting a single driver of a very special car like the Renault Clio Williams in Turkey.” Briefing participants on Anadolu Jet’s operations and overall situation, Alan said that the airline currently flies to 25 destinations from Ankara. “We are linking all points in Anatolia,” said Alan. “Taking at Anadolu Jet as a whole, we are serving at 85% occupancy. This means an average increase of 25% since last year in our number of passengers. This is a very good and non-trivial percentage. These figures are especially important in a year that will be remembered for an economic downturn. Anatolia is standing up for its jet airline and we are grateful.” Pointing out that Anadolu Jet has developed a new program, Alan told participants that everyone who purchases a round-trip ticket from Çorlu to Ankara will be given a third ticket tax-free. After the press conference and reception that followed, rally driver Tayfun Apuhan took a brief turn around the track with the car he has used in races.

Türk Hava Yollar› Bosna & Hersek Havayollar› ile ortakl›k anlaflmas› imzalad› Turkish Airlines and Bosnia & Herzogovina Airlines sign code share agreement Yolcular›na alternatifli uçufl imkânlar› sunmay› öncelikli hedefleri aras›nda tutan Türk Hava Yollar›, 22 Aral›k 2008 tarihinde yüzde 49 hissesine ifltirak etti¤i Bosna & Hersek Havayollar› ile Saraybosna’da kod code share (ortak yolcu tafl›mac›l›¤›) anlaflmas› imzalayarak ortakl›¤›n› perçinledi. Temmuz 2009 itibariyle hayata geçen anlaflma uyar›nca Türk Hava Yollar›’n›n haftada 7, Bosna Hersek Havayollar›’n›n ise haftada 6 sefer düzenledi¤i ‹stanbul Saraybosna seferlerinde her iki havayolu

birbirlerinin seferlerine kendi kodlar›n› koyarak sat›fl yapabilecek. Bu kapsamda, Bosna & Hersek Havayollar› (JA) yolcular›n›n Türk Havayollar›’n›n genifl network imkanlar›ndan faydalanarak Ortado¤u, Uzakdo¤u, Avrupa, Afrika, Kuzey ve Güney Amerika’da farkl› ba¤lant› alternatifleriyle daha fazla say›da noktaya ulafl›m› sa¤lanabilecek. Türk Hava Yollar› yolcular› ise transit nokta olarak Saraybosna üzerinden Bosna Hersek iç hat ve ötesi noktalara uçabilecek.

Turkish Airlines and B&H Airlines, has signed a reciprocal code share agreement in Sarajevo. Turkish Airlines had become a shareholder of B&H Airlines by acquiring 49% of its shares on December 22, 2008. Turkish Airlines and B&H Airlines code share flights will begin as of 03 July 2009. With the commencement of code share flights B&H Airlines will place its flight code, JA, on Turkish Airlines’ daily flights between Istanbul and Sarajevo, and also Turkish Airlines will put its flight code, TK, on B&H Airlines’ six weekly flights on the same route. With Istanbul, the cross-roads of Europe and Asia, B&H Airlines passengers will be able to enjoy the convenience of Turkish Airlines’ wide network of connections. Turkish Airlines passengers will also be able to connect on B&H Airlines’ network to any of their domestic and international destinations.

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Bugünün ve yar›n›n flehri! A city for today and tomorrow!


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Kanada’n›n hareketli ve sofistike flehri Toronto; farkl› kültürlere, modern sanata ve do¤al güzelliklere ev sahipli¤i yap›yor. Canada’s most dynamic and sophisticated city, Toronto boasts modern art and natural beauty as well as cultural diversity.

¤er Kanada’n›n kalbi Toronto’da at›yorsa Toronto’nun kalbi de dünyan›n en uzun caddesi olan Yonge ile Bloor’un köflesinde atar. Yaz akflamlar›nda, Kanada’da yaflayan Çinliler, ‹talyanlar, Portekizliler, ‹ngilizler ve Hintliler kafelerde ve popüler restoranlarla dolu olan kald›r›mlarda turistlere efllik ederler. Sokak çalg›c›lar› gitar, davul ve hatta Ant bölgesine özgü flütler çalar, gezginler ise bu müreffeh ve derin flehrin enerjisini içlerine çekerler. Kanada’n›n Ontario eyaletinin baflkenti olan Toronto, dünyadaki en çok kültürlü


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flehirlerden biridir fakat nüfustaki bu çeflitlili¤e ra¤men tüm Kuzey Amerika flehirlerinden daha düflük bir suç oran›na sahiptir. Genç ve heyecanl› bir nüfusa sahip olan Toronto, yaflamak ve çal›flmak için dünyadaki en uygun flehirlerden biridir. Bu mega flehir, seyahat edenler için konserlerden, festivallerden, müzelerden, parklardan ve sahillerden oluflan birçok kültürel ve do¤al zenginlik sunar. Ekonomik krizin çok fazla etkilemedi¤i ve silüetine yepyeni çelik ve cam gökdelenler ekleyen Toronto, 21. yüzy›l› güvenle karfl›layan bir flehirdir.

f Canada’s heart beats in Toronto, then Toronto’s heart probably beats at the corner of Yonge (the longest street in the world), and Bloor. On summer evenings, Canadians of Chinese, Italian, Portuguese, British and East Indian origin mingle with tourists at sidewalk cafes and trendy restaurants. Buskers play guitars, drums and even Andean flutes on the sidewalk, and strollers soak up the energy of this prosperous and sophisticated city. Toronto, the capital of Canada’s province of Ontario, is one of the most multi-cultural cities in the world, and despite the


great ethnic diversity of its population, the crime rate here is lower than in any other North American city. In fact, with its young and ambitious population, Toronto is one of the best places in the world to live and work in. To visitors, the mega-city offers a rich array of cultural and natural riches: concerts, festivals, museums, parks, water sports and beaches. Hardly touched by the global economic crisis and its skyline now being transformed by dozens of gleaming glass and steel towers, Toronto greets the 21st century with confidence.

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fiEHR‹N TAR‹H‹ Kanada’n›n en büyük flehri, ticaret ve kültür merkezi olan Toronto, 643 kilometrekarelik bir alan› kapsar fakat bu geliflmenin tarihi çok da eskiye dayanmaz. Aborjinler 11 bin y›ldan daha uzun bir süre Ontario Gölü’nün kuzey bat› taraf›ndaki düz arazide yaflam›fl ve 17. yüzy›la kadar Avrupal›lar ile hiçbir temaslar› olmam›flt›r. 18. yüzy›lda Frans›zlar bölgede küçük ticaret noktalar› oluflturdular fakat as›l ‹ngiliz kolonileri yerlilerden arazi sat›n al›p bir askeri üs ve meskun bölge kurarak buraya yerlefltiler. 1940’lara kadar Toronto’nun nüfusu yo¤unlukla ‹ngiliz kökenliydi. 20. yüzy›lda, özellikle de II. Dünya Savafl›’n›n ard›ndan flehir, göç almaya bafllad›. K›sa süre sonra Toronto, ülkenin kültür merkezi olma aç›s›ndan Montreal ile rekabet eder hâle geldi. Bugün Toronto’da befl buçuk milyon insan yafl›yor ve bunlar›n yaklafl›k yar›s› Kanada d›fl›nda bir ülkede do¤mufl.

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THE CITY’S PAST… Toronto, Canada’s largest city and its commercial and cultural center, now sprawls over 643 sq. kms, but this bustling development is astonishingly new. The city’s history goes back only about two hundred years. For more than 11,000 years, only aboriginal peoples lived on the flat expanse of shallow marsh area – the former lake bed of Lake Iroquois – on the northwest shore of Lake Ontario, and they had no contact with the Europeans until the 17th century. In the 18th century, the French set up some small trading posts in the area, but it was the British colonizers of the Province of Upper Canada, in the late 18th century, who bought the land from its aboriginal population and set up a military post and civilian settlement here. Until the 1940’ies, Toronto’s population was largely of British origin. In the 20th century, especially after World War II, the city began to receive waves of immigrants. Soon, Toronto was competing with Montreal as Canada’s cultural centre. Today, more than five and a half million people live in the Greater Toronto Area, and half of them were born outside Canada.

fiehrin çok kültürlü yap›s› mimarisine de yans›m›fl. Even the city’s architecture reflects its multiculturalism.

Mimarinin yerel ve klasik örneklerinin yan›nda gökdelenler de Toronto’nun silüetinin modern taraf›n› oluflturuyor. Cheek by jowl with the traditional local architecture, skyscrapers dominate Toronto’s modern skyline.

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TORONTO’DAYKEN MUTLAKA… Uzun y›llard›r tebrik kartlar›nda ve anahtarl›klarda Toronto’nun sembolü olarak Canadian National (CN) Kulesi kullan›ld›. Bugün birçok görkemli ve yüksek yap› CN Kulesi ile yar›fl›yor ama bu kule hâlâ turistlerin ziyaret etti¤i yerlerin bafl›nda geliyor. Bir mühendislik harikas› ve dünyan›n en yüksek ikinci yap›s› olan CN Kulesi, Toronto’nun silüetini kaplar. Saatte yaklafl›k 22 kilometre h›z yapan asansör sayesinde, tüm bölgenin izlenebilece¤i veya dönen restoranda fl›k bir yeme¤in yenilebilece¤i tepe noktas›na birkaç saniyede var›labilir. Toronto’da iken ziyaretçilerin görmeden geçmeyece¤i bir di¤er kültürel ve mimari harika Royal Ontario Museum’dur. Kanada’n›n en önemli ve genifl eser koleksiyonuna sahip olan bu müzenin en son eklenen k›sm› mimar Daniel Libeskind taraf›ndan çelik ve cam kullan›larak infla edilmifltir. (Befl katl› olan ve dev kristalleri and›ran bu bina k›sa bir süre sonra dinozorlarla ilgili bir sergiye ev sahipli¤i yapacak.) Birçok ziyaretçi bu modern flehirde Casa Loma gibi Edward

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Bir zamanlar Toronto’nun sembolü olan Canadian National (CN) kulesi. Canadian National (CN) Tower, once the symbol of Toronto.

döneminden kalan bir yap›y› gördü¤ünde flafl›r›r. Sir Henry Pellat ad›ndaki bir zengin, 19. yüzy›l›n sonlar›nda Kanada’daki en büyük malikâneyi infla ettirmek istemifl ve flehre tepeden bakan bu 98 odal› dev yap› ortaya ç›km›fl. Her ne kadar Casa Loma, Sir Henry’nin iflas›na neden olsa da ortaya zengin ahflap oymalar ve cam dekorasyon a¤›rl›kl› bir sanat eseri ç›km›fl. Nostaljik mimari severler için Toronto’nun Distillery Bölgesi mutlaka görülmesi gereken bir yerdir. Toronto’ya bundan birkaç y›l önce yapt›¤›m bir seyahatte

Casa Loma. Bir servete mal olan bir zarafet. Casa Loma. Elegance that cost a fortune.

NOT TO MISS WHILE IN TORONTO… For many years, on postcards and key chains, the CN (Canadian National) tower was the symbol of Toronto. Today, other high-rise structures compete for the visitors’ attention but the CN tower is still the first landmark most tourist visit first. An engineering marvel, and the world’s second highest structure, the CN tower dominates the Toronto skyline. It takes less than a minute for an elevator to take visitors up to the top of the tower at 22 km/hour for a breathtaking view of the entire region, or an elegant meal at the revolving restaurant. While in Toronto, the visitor should also see a cultural and architectural wonder: the Royal Ontario Museum. This is Canada’s largest museum of human heritage, with a new, stunning steel and glass structure designed by architect Daniel Libeskind: the Michael Lee-Chin Crystal. (A series of giant crystals that rise five-storeys from street level will soon house the dinosaur exhibition of the museum to dazzle the passers-by on Bloor Avenue). Many visitors will be surprised to find an Edwardian castle called Casa Loma in such a modern city. In late 19th century, an eccentric millionaire named Sir Henry Pellatt, out to build the largest residence in Canada, constructed an extravagant, 98-room mansion, over-looking the city. Unfortunately, the lavish Casa Loma drew Sir Henry to bankruptcy, but with its rich wood carvings and stained glass decorations, it’s a magnificent museum. For those on the look-out for nostalgic architecture, Toronto’s Distillery District is a must. During a visit to Toronto

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Ve flehrin yeni sembolü Toronto Belediye Binas›. Toronto City Hall, another urban icon.

Hollywood’dan gelen bir film ekibi bu bölgedeki 19. yüzy›ldan kalma bir fabrika binas›nda 1920’lerin Chicago’sunu canland›ran bir set kuruyordu. 19. yüzy›lda ‹ngiltere’deki en büyük viski üreticisi olan Gooderham and Worts Distellery’nin tu¤ladan yap›lan binalar› bugün sanat galerilerine, butiklere, bir çikolata fabrikas›na, restoranlara ve hatta bir sinemaya ev sahipli¤i yap›yor. Toronto’nun yeni simgesi olan belediye binas› da mutlaka görülmesi gereken yerlerden biridir. Bu modern bina, Finlandiyal› mimar Viljo Revell taraf›ndan 1965 y›l›nda tamamlanm›fl ve binadaki iki yar›m daire fleklindeki kuleler, ‘flehrin gözleri’ olarak düflünülmüfl. Torontolular›n tamamlanmas›n› heyecanla bekledikleri bir di¤er yarat›c› tasar›m ise Diamond Schmitt taraf›ndan tasarlanan ve Canadian Opera Company ile National Ballet of Canada’ya ev sahipli¤i yapan Four Seasons Performing Art Centre’d›r. Toronto’da sanata olan ilginin artmas›yla birlikte Toronto Sanat 40 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

Galerisi de Frank Gehry taraf›ndan yeniden tasarland› ve sanatseverlerin gözlerine ziyafet çektirecek bir hale getirildi. Kanada’n›n milli sporlar›ndan olan hokey için flehirde kurulan Hockey Hall of Fame müzesi, tüm Kuzey Amerika’daki en büyük hokey müzesidir. Hokey fanatikleri burada hokeyin k›tada bafllang›c›ndan bugüne dek

çeflitli evrelerine tan›kl›k etme flans› bulurlar. 20. yüzy›l›n hemen bafl›nda infla edilen bir di¤er temel mimari eser olan Fairmont Royal York Hotel Toronto flehir merkezinde hâlâ ayaktad›r. Lord Willington taraf›ndan 1929’da devral›nan bu aristokrat görünümlü bina bir zamanlar Büyük Britanya ‹mparatorlu¤u’nun en yüksek

a couple of years ago, I was amused to see a Hollywood film crew in the Distillery District, re-creating the Chicago of the 1920’ies, in the best preserved 19th century factory complex in Canada. The brick buildings of the Gooderham and Worts Distillery – the largest whiskey producer in the British Empire in the 19th century – are now restored to house art galleries, boutiques, a chocolate factory, bistros and even a theatre. Of course the new symbol of Toronto: the city’s new City Hall also has to be seen. This is a modernist structure completed in 1965 by Finnish architect Viljo Revell who thought of the two semi-circular towers as ‘the eye of the city.” Another innovative structure long awaited by Torontonians, is the Four Seasons Performing Arts Centre, designed by Diamond Schmitt, housing the Canadian Opera Company and the National Ballet of Canada. While an architectural renaissance gathers momentum in Toronto, the venerable Art Gallery of Ontario has been re-designed by architect Frank Gehry, to offer a feast for art lovers’ eyes. Not to be outdone by arts organizations, hockey, Canada’s national sports has found an honoured place in Toronto. The city prides itself with the largest hockey museum in North America: the Hockey Hall of Fame. Hockey fans will surely enjoy seeing relics belonging to all time hockey starts of the continent. An architectural landmark that dates from the early 20th century, the Fairmont Royal York Hotel, still stands

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binas›yd›. Toronto’daki al›flverifl alternatiflerine de¤inmemek hata olur. Kuzey Amerika’n›n ilk flehir içi al›flverifl merkezlerinden biri olan Eaton Center, 1977’de Toronto’da aç›lm›flt›r. Genifl koridorlara ve cam tavana sahip olan bu bina o dönemde devrimsel bir yap› olarak görülmekteydi. Buras› al›flverifl severler için bir cennet. Daha özel ürünler peflinde olan al›flverifl severler içinse do¤ru adres, üst uç ürünlerin sat›ld›¤› Yorkdale Mall. TORONTO’NUN SOSYAL YAPISI Toronto’da yaflayan bir dostuma bu flehrin nesini sevdi¤ini sordum. “Bence Toronto hakk›ndaki en güzel fleylerden biri ço¤unlukla etnik karaktere sahip olan ama her daim kendine has özellikleri de bar›nd›ran mahalleleridir” dedi. Gerçekten de Toronto kendine has etnik özelliklere ve çeflitlili¤e sahip bir flehir. ‹statistiklere göre 2006 y›l›nda flehirde 200’den fazla de¤iflik etnik kökene sahip insan yafl›yor ve bunlar›n yar›s›ndan daha az› son 15 y›ld›r

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in downtown Toronto. The aristocratic structure, inaugurated by the Viceroy Lord Willingdon in 1929 was once the tallest building in the British Common Wealth. The city of Toronto grew around the Royal York. Last, but not the least, the shopping opportunities in Toronto certainly deserve a mention. One of North America’s first downtown shopping malls opened at the centre of Toronto, in 1977. With its spacious galleries and glass ceiling, the Eaton Center was considered revolutionary at the time. It is still a shopper’s paradise. Those who want exclusive shopping will find their heart’s desires fulfilled at the upscale Yorkdale Mall. TORONTO’S SOCIAL FABRIC I asked a friend who lives in Toronto what he most loves about his city. “For me the most wonderful things about Toronto are the neighbourhoods, very often of ethnic character, but always claiming a specialty of some

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Casa Loma bir kßltßr sanat merkezi olarak kullan›lmakta. Casa Loma at the same time is an art and culture center.

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Farkl› milliyetler, renkli sohbetler. Different nations, lively conversations

fiehirde 200’den fazla etnik kökene sahip Kanadal› bir arada. (altta). Canadians from more than 200 different ethnic groups live in Toronto. (below).

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Kanada’da yaflamay› sürdürüyor. fiehirde 140’dan fazla dil ve lehçe kullan›l›yor ama herkesin ortak dili ‹ngilizce. fiehrin mutfa¤› ve kültürel yap›s› bu etnik çeflitlili¤i yans›t›yor. Spadina Avenue’nun birkaç sokak ötesine yürüdü¤ünüzde karfl›n›za Çin Mahallesi ç›k›yor. Burada ucuzdan pahal›ya birçok restoran ve oryantal yemek malzemeleri satan dükkanlar bulunuyor. Kensington Market olarak bilinen bölgede yapaca¤›n›z k›sa bir yürüyüflle ‘Little Italy’ye ulaflabilirsiniz. Burada ‹talyan mutfa¤›n›n en güzel örneklerini bulman›z mümkün. Toronto’daki East Indian Enclave’de bin bir çeflit farkl› baharatla servis yap›lan hafllanm›fl m›s›r› sokak sat›c›lar›ndan sat›n alabilirsiniz. Yedi binden fazla restoran alternatifiyle Toronto, Kanada’daki en iyi mutfa¤› sunar sizlere.

sort,” he said. It’s true that Toronto owes its special texture and cultural flavour to the ethnic and racial diversity of the city. According to the statistics of the City of Toronto, in 2006, the city’s residents had more than 200 different ethnic origins, and only half of the immigrants in Toronto had lived in Canada for more than 15 years. More than 140 different languages and dialects are spoken in the city – yet English is the language that connects everyone. The cuisine and cultural flavour of the city reflect this ethnic and racial diversity. Walk just a few blocks East of Spadina Avenue, and you’ll find yourself in Chinatown, with restaurants ranging from luxurious to inexpensive, and stores selling all manner of oriental foods. Another short walk up

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Toronto, birbirinden farkl› do¤al güzelliklere de sahip. Toronto outdoes itself in natural beauty.

DO⁄AL GÜZELL‹KLER VE PARKLAR Önce iklimle ilgili birkaç söz: Kanada’da k›fllar›n zorlu geçti¤i aflikârd›r. Fakat Ontario Gölü nedeniyle Toronto’nun havas› nispeten daha yumuflakt›r. Torontolular, turistlere bilgi verirken flehrin Frans›z Riviera’s›yla ayn› rak›mda oldu¤unu söylemeyi ihmal etmezler. K›fl›n ise popüler bir yer olan Queens Quay’den birkaç kilometre ötede Ontario Gölü’nün harika kumsallar›n› ve adalar›n› görmek iyi bir fikir olabilir. Yaz›n ise Ontario Adalar›’nda birçok etkinlik bulman›z mümkün. Buradaki yürüyüfl parkurlar›, kumsallar ve oyun alanlar› hem Torontolular hem de turistler için dinlenme ve tazelenme sa¤lar. Niagara fielaleleri flehre sadece 2 saat uzakl›ktad›r. KÜLTÜR VE SANAT Toronto, kültür aç›s›ndan oldukça geliflmifl bir atmosfere

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the neighbourhood called Kensington Market will take you to “Little Italy.” Now you’ll be assured of the finest in Italian cooking. I’ll never forget a foray into the East Indian Enclave of Toronto, where corn on the cob was being sold on the street, salted with exotic spices and served with fresh lemon. With more than 7000 dining alternatives, Toronto boasts the finest cuisine in Canada. NATURAL BEAUTIES AND PARKS First a word about climate: it’s no secret that Canadian winters are fierce. But thanks to Lake Ontario, Toronto is blessed with a milder climate. Torontonians point out to visitors that their city is on the same latitude as the French Riviera, and in winter, the Lake Ontario has wonderful beaches and islands only one km away from the popular

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sahiptir. fiehrin gurur kayna¤› olan Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) 1912’de yap›lm›flt›r. Toronto Senfoni Orkestras› 1922’de kurulmufltur. Orkestra, 1982’den bu yana camdan bir kubbeyi tafl›yan çarp›c› bir mimariye sahip olan ve King St. Disctrict’in simgesi haline gelen 2630 koltuk kapasiteli Roy Thompson Hall’da sahne al›yor. ‹ki büyük ve birçok küçük opera kumpanyas› y›l içinde performanslar›n› sergiliyor ve ço¤u zaman da bu gösterilere bilet bulmak imkâns›z oluyor. Toronto, New York’dan sonra en fazla tiyatroya ve sinemaya sahip olan flehirdir ve her y›l Eylül ay›nda uluslararas› film festivaline ev sahipli¤i yapar. Kuzey Amerika’daki en büyük Karayip festivali olan Carabina Temmuz’un sonunda bafllar ve A¤ustos’un ortas›na dek sürer. Toronto Müzik Festivali flehrin parklar›n› birer müzik odas›na dönüfltürür. A¤ustos’un sonunda gerçekleflen Chinatown Festivali’nde caddeler ve sokaklar, Çin yemeklerine, de¤iflik kostümlere, müzi¤e, dansa ve Kung-fu gösterilerine ev sahipli¤i yapar. GELECEK fi‹MD‹... San›r›m ki Toronto’nun 21. yüzy›ldaki durumunun en iyi

Toronto’nun 21. yüzy›ldaki durumunun en iyi göstergesi, sürmekte olan mimari rönesanst›r. It’s the sudden architectural renaissance that symbolizes Toronto’s mood in the early 21st century.

göstergesi, sürmekte olan mimari rönesanst›r. fiehir, bu yeni yüzy›lda de¤iflime aç›kl›k ve farkl›l›klar›n tolerans› ile özdeflleflecektir. E¤er gelece¤in kendine güvenli, sofistike, çok kültürlü flehri nas›l olmal› diye merak ediyorsan›z Toronto’yu mutlaka görmelisiniz.

Queens Quay neighbourhood. The Toronto Islands offer many attractions. The hiking trails, playground and beaches on the islands provide rest and recreation to Torontonians and tourists alike. And, the magnificent Niagara Falls are only two hours away.

Türk Hava Yollar›’n›n ‹stanbul’dan Toronto’ya Pazartesi, Perflembe ve Cumartesi olmak üzere haftada üç gün karfl›l›kl› seferleri bulunuyor. Turkish Airlines flies round trip from Istanbul to Toronto on Monday, Thursday and Saturday.

CULTURE AND ART Toronto has a dizzyingly sophisticated cultural life. The city’s pride and joy, the Royal Ontario Museum (the ROM) was built in 1912. The Toronto Symphony Orchestra was established in 1922. Since 1982, the Orchestra is housed in the Roy Thompson Hall, an impressive concert hall with 2, 630 seats, whose striking architecture with a glass dome, has made it a landmark in the King St. Theatre district. Two major opera companies and many more smaller ones perform regularly to near sell out crowds. Toronto boasts the largest number of theatres after New York and hosts a major international Film Festival each year in September. The largest Caribbean festival in North America, the Caribana, will be in full swing in late July, and until mid-August, the Toronto Summer Music festival will fill some of the city’s parks with chamber music. In late August, the Toronto Chinatown Festival will enthrall crowds with chinese food, costumes, music dance, Kung-fu shows and street stands.

THE FUTURE IS NOW… Perhaps it’s the sudden architectural renaissance now underway, that symbolizes Toronto’s mood in the early 21st century; a mood characterized by an openness to change and tolerance for differences. Do you wonder what a confident, sophisticated, multicultural city of the future world will look like? Take a look at Toronto. 8 / 2 0 0 9 S K Y L I F E 47




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Yavru kufl uçtu The little bird has flown AHMET B‹LAL ARSLAN

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ocuklu¤umdan arta kalan zengin miras›n en de¤erlisi san›r›m annemin hemen her gece yatmadan önce kulaklar›ma f›s›ldad›¤› dilek: “Umar›m rüyanda kufl gibi uçars›n.” Belki de bu nedenledir; büyüdü¤ünde ne olacaks›n sorusuna her zaman “pilot” cevab›n› verirdim. Bu hevesimi gerçeklefltirmenin ilk ad›mlardan biri olan yamaç paraflütü konusunda y›llar boyu yapt›¤›m araflt›rmalar sonucunda Eskiflehir, Bolu ve Adapazar›’n›n d›fl›nda bu iflin en iyi Fethiye Ölüdeniz’de yap›ld›¤›n› ö¤renmifltim. Gönüllüsü oldu¤um bir dernekteki çal›flma arkadafl›m›n Ölüdeniz’de eski bir yamaç paraflütü pilotu oldu¤unu ö¤rendi¤im an kalbimin nas›l çarpt›¤›n› hâlâ unutam›yorum. Kendisi bana bu ifle bafllamak için do¤ru yer ve kifliyi tavsiye etti. 66 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

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Yamaç paraflütünün anlam›, keyfi ve kolayl›¤› üzerine bir güzelleme… Like a song, paragliding means pleasure and ease.


riceless in the rich legacy of my childhood memories is the wish my mother whispered in my ear every night before I went to sleep: “I hope you will fly like a bird in your dreams!” Perhaps it was for this reason that whenever I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up I always said, “A pilot.” As one of my first steps towards realizing that dream I did research on the subject of paragliding over the years and learned that, apart from Eskiflehir, Bolu and Adapazar›, this sport was best practiced at Fethiye’s Ölüdeniz. I will never forget how my heart skipped a beat when I found out that a colleague of mine in an organization in which I was a volunteer was a former paragliding pilot there. His recommendations regarding the best place and person for getting started made my job considerably easier.

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O günden bugüne üç y›l kadar zaman geçti. Her bahar ve sonbaharda yamaç paraflütü ö¤renmek için yol haz›rl›klar› yap›ld› ama vuslat her zaman baflka bahara kal›yordu. Hayat denilen o nehirde sürüklendikçe, uçma hayalleri de ertelenip gidiyordu. Sonunda bir gün, zaman ve ifl k›skac›ndan kurtulabildi¤im bofl bir anda yamaç paraflütü e¤itmenine telefon açt›m. Her zamanki gibi “Ne bekliyorsun! çok çabuk gel! Uçma zaman›!” dedi. Hayallerimi çantama doldurup motosikletime atlad›m ve bir akflam üzeri Ölüdeniz’e ulaflt›m. Çok düzenli bu yerleflkenin sokaklar›nda yamaç paraflütü e¤itim okulunu ararken, kafam›n üzerinden geçen paraflütleri izlemenin nefesimi nas›l kesti¤ini anlatamam. K›sa bir zaman sonra onlar gibi Three years have passed since that day. Travel plans were laid every spring and fall for learning paragliding, but each time fulfillment was postponed to another spring. As I was swept along in the river called life, my dreams of flying were constantly being put off. Finally one day I rang up the paragliding trainer during a free moment I was able to snatch from the clutches of time and work. As always he replied, “What are you waiting for! Come as fast as you can. This is the time to fly!” Packing my dreams in my bag I jumped on my motorcycle and was at Ölüdeniz the next morning. I can’t possibly describe how it took my breath away to see the paragliders passing over my head as I searched for the paragliding school in the streets of this very regularly laid out town. I arrived at the school thinking how I, like them, would soon be gliding through the air. The minute I met the trainer for 68 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

Akdeniz’in turkuvaz rengi sular›n› yukar›dan izlemek her insan nasip olmaz. Every person could not have chance to watch the turquoise waters of Mediterranean from up above.


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‹yi bir e¤itmenin gözetiminde üç günde uçmaya haz›r hâle gelebilirsiniz. Under the supervision of a good contructor, you could learn to fly within three days.

gökyüzünde süzülece¤imi düflünerek e¤itim okuluna ulaflt›m. E¤itmenle ilk defa karfl› karfl›ya geldi¤im, ayaküstü on dakikada toplam e¤itim program›n› ald›¤›m, iyi bir e¤itmenin gözetiminde bir insan›n üç günde kendi bafl›na uçabilecek hâle gelebilece¤ini ve yar›n sabah ilk defa s›rt›ma paraflüt alaca¤›m› ö¤rendi¤im o anlar sanki bitmesini hiç istemedi¤im bir rüyan›n parçalar› gibiydi. ‹LK E⁄‹T‹M Ertesi gün Ölüdeniz’in s›ca¤›nda s›rt›mda eski model harnes ve kontrolü zor olan ideal e¤itim paraflütü ile sahilde yapt›¤›m kofluflturmalar, anne kufllar›n yavrular›na yapt›rd›¤› uçufl talimlerini and›r›yordu. Çünkü uçmak isteyen bir insan›n yapmas› gereken ilk fley, sahilde kumlar›n üzerinde s›rt›nda paraflütle defalarca koflmas›yd›. Sahilde geçen çok zevkli ve bir o kadar yorucu üç günün ard›ndan, ilk uçuflumuzu yapaca¤›m›z Perflembe gününün hava durumunu takip ederken, elimden her fleyin yolunda gitmesini dilemekten baflka 70 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

the first time and, within the short space of ten minutes, got the entire training program from him and learned that under the supervision of a good instructor a person could learn to fly on his own within three days and that I would be strapping the glider on my back for the first time the next morning, it was as if those moments were part of a dream I wanted never to end. INITIAL INSTRUCTION The runs I made on the shore the next day in the Ölüdeniz heat with an old-fashioned harness and an ideal, difficult-to-control training glider on my back reminded me of the flying instructions my mother used to give baby birds. For the first thing a person who wants to fly has to do is to run time and time again on the sands at the shore with the glider on his back. After three very pleasurable but equally exhausting days at the shore, we listened to the weather forecast for Thursday, when we were to make our first flight. All I could do was hope that everything would go as well as possible. The weather conditions were crucial, because paragliding is an almost one hundred percent safe sport as

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bir fley gelmiyordu. Hava durumu çok önemliydi, çünkü yamaç paraflütü kurallara ve hava durumuna tam uyuldu¤unda neredeyse yüzde yüz güvenli bir spordu. Talimatlar kesin ve netti, ya¤mur ya¤arsa veya rüzgâr uygun olmazsa uçufl olmayacakt›. Neyse ki her fley yolunda gitti. Perflembe sabah› ders arkadafl›m Remko ile arabaya bindik. Bitmek bilmeyen bir 20 dakikan›n ard›ndan e¤itim için kullan›lan 100 metre yüksekli¤indeki Karaçulha pistine geldik. Harnes ve kanatlar› s›rt›m›za al›p yamaca t›rmand›k. E¤itimlerde ö¤rendi¤imiz biçimde kanatlar›m›z› yere serdik. Harnesleri kufland›k. Uçufl tak›mlar›m›z ve telsizlerimiz e¤itmenimiz taraf›ndan dikkatli bir flekilde kontrol edildi. Sonra pozisyonumu ald›m, rüzgar› hissettim ve… A¤lamakla ba¤›rmak aras›nda gidip gelirken telsizden e¤itmenimin sesini duydum: “Yavru kufl uçtu.” Havadayd›m. Yer ayaklar›m›n

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alt›ndan uzaklafl›rken e¤itmeninim komutlar› kula¤›ma sanki ça¤lar ötesinden geliyordu; Sa¤ fren, sol fren, düz git. Tam fren… Uçarken dikkat etmem gereken ana kurallar olan; kolonlar›n konumlar›, fren iplerinin ve kulaklar›n durumu, yere ve tepeye olan uzakl›¤›m, inifl alan›na yaklafl›m aç›m gibi bilgiler beynimde ifllenirken akl›mdan geçen tek fley, bir sonraki uçuflumun ne zaman olaca¤›yd›. Ayaklar›m yere bast›ktan sonra uçmadan geçirdi¤im y›llar için hay›flan›rken bir sonraki uçufla haz›rlanmak için e¤itmenin ö¤retti¤i gibi paraflütümü katlamaya koyuldum.

long as one follows the rules and heeds the weather. The instructions were clear and unambiguous. There would be no flying if it rained or if the wind was not conducive. Anyway, everything was going well. On Thursday morning my classmate Remko and I got in the car. After what seemed like an interminable twenty minutes, we arrived at the 100-meter high Karaçulha piste which is used for training. We spread our wings on the ground as we had learned in training and strapped on our harnesses. Our flight equipment and wireless sets were carefully checked by our instructor. I then took my position, felt the wind and... Not knowing whether to weep or scream, I heard my instructor’s

Yamaç paraflütü, kurallara ve hava durumuna tam uyuldu¤unda neredeyse yüzde yüz güvenli bir spor. Paragliding is almost one hundred percent safe sport as long as one follows the instructions and the weather.

voice over the wireless. “The baby bird has flown!” I was airborne. As the ground receded beneath my feet, my instructor’s commands seemed to be coming to my ear as if from beyond the ages. Brake right, brake left, go straight... The only thing going through my mind as information like the position of the controls, the brake ropes and position of the ears, my distance from the ground and from the hill, my angle of approach to the landing field all the main rules I had to pay attention to while flying - was being processed by my brain was when my next flight would be. The minute my feet touched the ground I regretted all the years I had spent not flying and immediately folded up my paraglider as my instructor had taught me in preparation for my next flight. LANDING IN A TEA GARDEN Following three days filled with training flights made from a 100meter high hill that passed like a dream, on the last day I went up to the 300-meter high piste in












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ÇAY BAHÇES‹NE ‹N‹fi 100 metrelik tepeden yap›lan ve rüya gibi geçen e¤itim uçufllar› ile dolu üç günün ard›ndan son gün ve son uçuflum için Ölüdeniz s›rtlar›ndaki 300 metrelik yüksek irtifa pistine ç›kt›m. Akdeniz’in turkuaz rengi sular›n›, Ölüdeniz’in alt›n kumsallar›n› izlemek umar›m dünyadaki her insana k›smet olur. Paraflütümü yere serdim. Harnesi kufland›m. E¤itmenimden rota komutlar›n› do¤ru flekilde ald›m. Ama içimdeki bitmek bilmez uçma arzusu beni havada biraz daha fazla kalmaya itti. Hal böyle olunca rotay› flafl›r›p inmem gereken yerin 100 metre gerisinde sahildeki çay bahçesine iniflim kesinleflti¤inde gülmekten kendimi alamad›m. Plaj flemsiyelerinden birkaç›n› devirip bir pufun üzerine iniflimin ard›ndan o kadar rahatlam›flt›m ki göklerden gelen bu davetsiz misafire flaflk›nl›kla bakan yan›mdaki garsona “‹ki demli çay verir

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misin” deyiverdim. “Di¤er çay kimin için” sorusuna verdi¤im cevab›n ard›ndan garsonun flaflk›n bak›fllar› görülmeye de¤erdi: “Hocam yukar›da. Ders bitti, flimdi gelecek ve birlikte çay içece¤iz.”

Yamaç paraflütü o kadar keyifli ki ayaklar›n›z yere de¤di¤inde uçmadan geçirdi¤iniz y›llar için hay›flanabilirsiniz. Paragliding is so joyful that the minute your feet touch the ground you will regret all the years you had spent not flying.

the Ölüdeniz ridges for my final flight. I wish that every person in the world could have a chance to see the Mediterranean’s turquoise waters and the Ölüdeniz’s golden sands... I spread my paraglider on the ground and strapped on my harness. I received the route commands correctly from my trainer. But my irrepressible urge to fly impelled me to stay in the air a little too long. I got off course and couldn’t help laughing when my landing in a tea garden some 100 meters

inland from the shore became inevitable. After overturning a few beach umbrellas and landing on a pouffe, I was so relieved that I immediately asked the waiter, who was gaping in amazement at this unexpected guest out of the sky, to bring me two glasses of tea. If you could only have seen the astonished expression on his face when he asked me who the second glass was for: “My instructor,” I replied. “He’s up there. The lesson is over now and he’s going to come and have tea with me.”


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Batakl›ktan cennete From marshland to paradise


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Alaçat›’n›n, s›tma kayna¤› batakl›ktan kurtulup uluslararas› cazibe merkezi olma yolundaki hikayesi… From malaria-ridden marshland to international center of tourism, the story of Alaçat›.


850’lerin ortalar›nda, Osmanl›’da k›rk gün Sadrazaml›k yapm›fl Hac› Memifl A¤a’n›n teknesi, Cezayir dönüflü f›rt›naya yakalan›r. Hac› Memifl A¤a efrad› ile birlikte küçük bir limana s›¤›n›r. Birkaç parça önemli geminin bir anda bu limana gelmesi ola¤an de¤ildir. Bu durum bölgenin ileri gelenlerinin dikkatini çeker. “Gelenler kimdir, sorunlar›m›za çare olurlar m›?” diye merak ederler. Ve bugün Alaçat› ad›yla bildi¤imiz bölgenin misafirperver insanlar› bu beklenmedik ziyaretçileri misafir ederler. Onlar›n kaderlerini de¤ifltirece¤ini bilmeden…


n the mid-1850’s, when he had been Ottoman Grand Vezir for only forty days, Hac› Memifl A¤a’s ship was caught in a storm returning from Algeria. The vezir and his entourage took refuge in a small harbor not normally accustomed to the arrival of so many important ships at once. The anomaly drew the attention of the local notables who wondered who had come and if the new arrivals could solve their problems. And so the hospitable people of the region we know today as Alaçat› hosted their unexpected guests. Never suspecting how it would alter their fate.

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ensurethat rainwater flowed into the swamp. The banks of the Yumru were reinforced with walls, creating an outlet from the swamp to the sea. The swamp was drained with the help of rainwater as well as the natural circulation of the river water. Meanwhile the workers brought over from the islands settled at Alaçat› and intermingled with the local people.

Alaçat›l›lar›n müzmin bir sorunu vard›r. Limandan içeriye do¤ru uzanan Yumru Deresi batakl›kt›r ve batakl›k s›tmaya, s›tma da ölümlere neden olmaktad›r… Alaçat› ileri gelenleri, f›rt›na yüzünden limana s›¤›nmak zorunda kalan bu önemli misafirlerden batakl›¤›n kurutulmas›n›, ölümlerin önüne geçilmesini isterler. Hac› Memifl A¤a da emrini verir; “Batakl›k tiz kurutula!” Ve batakl›¤› kurutma çal›flmalar› bafllar. Çevre adalardan Rum iflçiler getirtilir. Buca Deresi, Osman A¤a, Sülemifl Dereleri kaz›larak, ya¤mur sular›n›n batakl›¤a ulaflmas› sa¤lan›r. Batakl›ktan denize uzanan Yumru Deresi’nin kenarlar›na duvar örülür. Batakl›kla deniz aras›nda irtibat sa¤lan›r. Do¤al dolafl›m ve ya¤mur sular›n›n da yard›m› ile batakl›k temizlenir. Adalardan getirtilen iflçiler Alaçat›’ya yerleflir ve yöre halk›yla kaynafl›r. TOPRAKLA TANIfiMA Alaçat›, f›rt›na nedeniyle liman›na s›¤›nan bir devlet büyü¤ü arac›l›¤› ile kötü talihini yenmifl, insan k›r›m›na yol açan batakl›¤›ndan kurtulmufltur. Alaçat›l›lar, bölge co¤rafyas›n› çok iyi bilen adal›lar eliyle 80 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

Belki Alaçat›; gelecekte huzur, dinginlik, yaflama keyfi veren bir “yavafl flehir” olarak ç›kacak karfl›m›za… Perhaps Alaçat› is going to emerge one day as a ‘slow city’ of peace, tranquility and joie de vivre.

bölgenin temiz ve bol rüzgârl› havas›n›n biçimlendirdi¤i tar›m koflullar›na uygun ürünler yetifltirerek uluslararas› üne kavuflacak yeni ekonomik düzene yelken açt›lar. Alaçat›l›lar, süratle ba¤lar diktiler, zeytin, sak›z, incir

The people of Alaçat› had a chronic problem. A swamp that extended inland from the harbor along the Yumru River caused malaria, and malaria in turn caused death. The leading men of Alaçat› pleaded with the important guests the storm had forced to take refuge in their harbor to drain the swamp and thereby put a stop to the endless round of deaths. And Hac› Memifl A¤a obliged by ordering the swamp to be drained at once. Thus began the draining of the swamp. Greek workers were brought in from the neighboring islands. The Buca, Osman A¤a and Sülemis Rivers were dredged to

GETTING TO KNOW THE SOIL Through the mediation of a prominent statesman who took refuge in their port during a storm, Alaçat› conquered its unfortunate fate and was ridded of the swamp that had been decimating its population. Thanks to the islanders, who knew the local geography well, crops were raised that were suitable to the agricultural conditions created by the area’s clean air and abundant winds, paving the way to a new economic order that would achieve international fame. The people of Alaçat› quickly planted vineyards as well as olive, almond, fig and terebinth trees. They processed the grapes they grew in their vineyards in a factory they built at the harbor, from where they also marketed abroad the local olives (hurma zeytin), olive oil, dried figs and almonds they raised. Meanwhile they created a town of narrow streets lined with hipped-roof stone houses with cantilevered wooden balconies where living was a pleasure. Having built their houses in line with the wind patterns and with little exposure to the sun, they also laid out the streets in line with the prevailing breezes, inviting the winds that would virtually transform their fate. In short, they established a new way of life shaped by the

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soil, the climate and sheer hard work, now drying grapes on their rooftops, now airing earthenware jars in their cellars.

badem diktiler. Ba¤lardan elde ettikleri üzümü limana kurduklar› fabrikada ifllediler. Ürettikleri hurma zeytini, zeytinya¤›n›, kuru inciri, bademi limandan yurt d›fl›na satt›lar… Keyifle yaflanacak, tafl duvarl›, ahflap cumbal›, k›rma çat›l› evlerin s›raland›¤› dar sokakl› bir kasaba yapt›lar. Evlerini rüzgâr›n yönüne uygun, günefli az görecek flekilde yapt›klar› gibi sokaklar› da adeta kaderlerini de¤ifltiren rüzgâr› davet eden, esintiye uygun do¤rultularda konumlad›lar. Kâh çat›lar›nda üzüm kurutarak, kâh bodrumlar›ndaki küplerini havaland›rarak toprak, iklim ve emekle flekillenen yeni bir hayat kurdular. 1914 y›l›nda Balkanlar’dan Arnavut, Boflnak as›ll› Müslüman göçmenler geldiler Alaçat›’ya… Bu göçmenlerin yaflam biçimlerine hayvanc›l›k flekil veriyordu. Buna karfl›n Alaçat›’da farkl› bir ekonomik ve sosyal düzen mevcuttu. 82 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

1924 ilkbahar›nda Mübadele Anlaflmas› ile Selanik’ten ikinci dalga göçmenler geldi. Selanikli mübadiller beraberlerinde tütüncülü¤ü de getirdiler Alaçat›’ya… Hem toprak, hem de üzerindeki eski sakinleri yabanc›s› olduklar› tütünle tan›flt› ve yaflad› Alaçat›’da... Bu durum Alaçat›’n›n ekonomik yap›s›n› da de¤ifltirdi. Ba¤lar, zeytinlikler, incir, badem, sak›z yerini tütüncülü¤e b›rakt›. Bölgenin iklim özellikleri tütün yetifltirmek için yeterli olmad›¤›ndan Alaçat› uzun y›llar boyunca “kendi ya¤› ile kavrulabildi.” Bir ara köyden

1980’li y›llarda sörfçüler taraf›ndan keflfedilen Alaçat›, bugün dünyan›n her yerinden turisti kendine çekiyor. Discovered by surfers in the 1980's, Alaçat› attracts tourists from all over the world today.

In 1914 Muslim refugees of Albanian and Bosnian descent arrived in Alaçat› from the Balkans. These refugees were livestock farmers by trade. But a different economic and social order reigned in Alaçat›. In the Population Exchange that followed the Lausanne Treaty, a second wave of refugees from Salonica arrived in the spring of 1924, bringing with them their livelihood of tobacco-growing. Strangers to tobacco, both the soil and the long-standing residents soon came to know it well at Alaçat›. But the introduction of tobacco changed the economic structure of the region as vineyards, olive groves, figs, almonds and terebinth gave way to tobacco fields. Because the region’s climate was not conducive to raising tobacco, Alaçat› barely scraped by for many years, stewing in its own juices. People even migrated away from the town, providing the cities with workers, ironworks and cement factories. Then, in the 1970’s there was migration into Alaçat› again, this time from Anatolia. It wasn’t long before melons were being grown and exported abroad.

SURFING BRINGS GOOD FORTUNE At the start of the 1990’s Alaçat›’s fate was once again transformed by the wind, its virtual soul, which this time brought surfing to the town. With steady winds in the absence of breakers, Alaçat› turned out to be one of the most suitable sites in the world for the sport of surfing. The first wind surfing club opened in Alaçat› in 1993. Enclosed on three sides and open to the sea only on the south, Yumru bay provides a sense of security reinforced by the mountains to the east. Since the bay is mostly shallow with a sandy bottom, even those who barely knew how to swim had no trouble learning to surf here. Early in 2000, Alaçat› made a rapid return to the global agenda with its stone-built hotels and surfing beaches, waking up from its long slumber as if in defiance of its painful past. As the locals like to put it, ‘ecotourism’ created its own economy. The area’s coastlines were protected, wind surfing and kite surfing clubs opened, world championships were held; one by one the stone houses were restored and a plethora of small hotels, each more charming than the last, opened for business.

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kente göç oldu. Alaçat›; kente; demir ve çimento fabrikalar›na iflçi verdi. 1970 y›llar›nda bu defa Alaçat› göç ald› Anadolu’dan… Az bir zaman kavun üretildi, gönderildi yurt d›fl›na… SÖRFLE GELEN TAL‹H 1990’l› y›llar›n bafllar›nda Alaçat›’n›n kaderi yine çak›flt› rüzgârla, adeta ruhu olan rüzgâr, bu kez sörfle ç›kt› karfl›s›na… Alaçat›’n›n sürekli esen ama dalga olmayan liman›, dünyada sörf yapmaya uygun çok önemli birkaç yerden biri imifl me¤er… 1993 y›l›nda Alaçat›’da ilk rüzgâr sörf kulübü aç›ld›. Üç taraf› kapal› olan, yaln›zca güney taraf› denize aç›lan, do¤usundaki da¤›n güvenlik hissini pekifltirdi¤i Yumru Koyu’nda, koyun büyük bir k›sm› s›¤ ve kum oldu¤u için neredeyse hiç yüzme bilmeyenler dahi kolayl›kla ö¤rendi sörf yapmay›.

150 y›l öncesinden kalan tafl evlerin restorasyonuyla oluflan otellerde eskiyle yeninin uyumu insan› büyülüyor. Restored stone houses over 150 years old, hotels literally spellbind visitors with their harmony of old and new.

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2000‘li y›llar›n bafl›nda Alaçat› tafl otelleri ve sörf alan› ile birlikte çok h›zl› bir dönüfl yapt› dünya gündemine… Geçmifl y›llar›n ac›s›n› ç›kar›rcas›na, uykusundan uyand›… Alaçat›l›lar’›n deyimiyle “korumac› turizm” ekonomisini kendili¤inden yaratt›… Sahiller korundu, rüzgâr sörfü, kite sörf kulüpleri aç›ld›, dünya flampiyonalar› düzenlendi; tafl evler birer birer restore edildi, birbirinden güzel küçük oteller aç›ld›; restoranlar lezzette ve hizmette birbiriyle yar›fl›r oldu; sak›z a¤ac›, ba¤lar, zeytin, lavanta ülke gündemine tekrar girdi… ALAÇATI’NIN fiÖHRETLER‹ Türkiye’nin en güzel küçük otelleri art›k Alaçat›’da. Birço¤u 150 y›l öncesinden kalan tafl evlerin restorasyonuyla oluflan bu otellerde eskiyle yeninin

Restaurants vied with each other in offering excellent service and outstanding tastes, and vineyards, olives, terebinth and lavender reemerged on the national agenda. FAMOUS ALAÇATI PRODUCTS Alaçat› today is an area with some of the loveliest small hotels in Turkey. Most of them restored stone houses over 150 years old, these hotels literally spellbind visitors with their harmony of old and new. Owned and operated mainly by women, they offer with an array of local sweets. Homemade jams, hurma zeytin (a breed of olive) grown only on the peninsula, and country eggs make up the memorable breakfasts served by Alacat›’s hotels. If your travels happen to bring you to Alaçat› one day, whatever your age don’t

leave without visiting one of the surfing schools which serve everyone from seven to seventy. As you stroll through the market, be sure to try the lemon ice cream and milk pudding made with gum mastic. Know, too, that you will regret it if you don’t sample some village bread from one of the local bakeries with their authentic woodburning ovens, some Izmir cheese in a goatskin from the Saturday market, and the tomatoes and white onions grown on the plain. If you happen to be there in October or November, don’t forget to ask about the local ‘hurma zeytin’. Make the acquaintance of the terebinth trees that grow only at Çeflme Alaçat› and on the island of Chios. Have a gift sachet of lavender made up for yourself with its unique windy fragrance. Savor the pleasure

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uyumu insan› büyülüyor adeta. ‹flletmecili¤e de¤en kad›n eli sayesinde bu oteller, Alaçat›’n›n yerel tatlar›yla donat›lm›fl kahvalt› hizmeti sunuyor misafirlerine. Ev reçelleri, yaln›zca Yar›mada’da yetiflen hurma zeytin, köy yumurtas› ile unutulmaz kahvalt›lar sunuluyor Alaçat› otellerinde. E¤er bir gün yolunuz düflerse Alaçat›’ya, yafl›n›z kaç olursa olsun, yediden yetmifle her yaflta gence hizmet vermeye haz›r sörf okullar›na u¤ramadan geçmeyin. Çarfl›s›nda flöyle bir dolan›rken sak›zl›, limonlu dondurmas›n›, sak›zl› muhallebisini yememezlik etmeyin. Kara f›r›nlar›ndan köy ekme¤ini, Cumartesi pazar›ndan ‹zmir tulumunu, liman ovas› domatesini, beyaz so¤an›n› tatmazsan›z mutlaka piflman olaca¤›n›z› bilin. Aylardan Ekim, Kas›m ise hurma zeytini sorun… Yaln›zca Sak›z Adas› ve Çeflme – Alaçat›’da yetiflen sak›z a¤açlar› ile tan›fl›n. Kendine has rüzgâr kokulu lavantas›ndan hediye paketi yapt›r›n. Sokak aralar›ndaki bahçeli, tafl otellerinde dinlenmenin,

uyuman›n keyfini yaflay›n, dostlar›n›zla restoranlar›nda buluflup hofl vakit geçirin, cafelerinde çay, kahve yudumlay›n. Alaçat›’da üretilen seramiklerden ›smarlay›n… Hac› Memifl A¤a’n›n yolunu kesip, liman›na s›¤›nmas›n› sa¤layan rüzgâr, Alaçat›’n›n kötü talihini yenmiflti 150 y›l önce... Sonras›nda sak›z›n›, ba¤›n›, zeytinini, lavantas›n› farkl› k›lan rüzgâr, flimdilerde Alaçat› ile dans›na devam ediyor hâla… Sörfçüleri ile oynafl›yor, lavanta kokusunu yay›yor, hurma zeytinini olgunlaflt›r›yor. Ovalar›nda yetiflen sebzesinin tad›n› farkl› k›l›yor. Rüzgâr de¤irmenlerinde elektrik üretiyor… Mimari dokusu, çevresi, sosyal yap›s› korunarak oluflturulan “korumac› turizm” ekonomiye hayat verirken, rüzgâr de¤irmenleri arac›l›¤›yla elde edilen elektrik, enerji alan›nda sürdürülebilir kaynak yarat›yor. Sörf istasyonlar› rüzgâr sayesinde turizme önemli katk›lar sa¤l›yor… Kim bilir belki Alaçat›, gelecekte huzur, dinginlik, yaflama keyfi veren bir “yavafl flehir” olarak ç›kacak karfl›m›za…

of relaxing and cat-napping in the stone-built hotels surrounded by gardens in the town’s back streets. For a good time, meet your friends at the restaurants, sip tea or coffee in the cafes... The wind that crossed Hac› Memifl A¤a’s path and made him take refuge in the harbor transformed Alaçat›’s unfortunate fate some 150 years ago. That same wind, which later made the region’s grapes, olives and lavender different from all others, still continues its age-old dance today, frolicking with the surfers, wafting the scent of lavender, ripening the local olives. Enhancing the flavor of

the vegetables grown on the plain, at the same time it drives wind turbines to generate electrical power. Created to protect the architectural fabric and social structure as well as the environment, ‘ecotourism’ also breathes life into the economy. The electricity generated by wind turbines creates sustainable energy resources. Thanks to the wind, surfing stations make a major contribution to tourism. Who knows? Perhaps Alaçat› is going to emerge one day as a ‘slow city’ of peace, tranquility and joie de vivre.

Rüzgâr haz›r, sörfler kullan›c›lar› bekliyor. The wind is ready and waiting for the surfers.

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T›rman›fl›n 180. y›l› The 180th anniversary of first climb

A¤r› Da¤› Mount A¤r› NASUH MAHRUK‹

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Efsanelere konu olan A¤r› Da¤›’na ilk t›rman›fl›n 180. y›l dönümü 9 Ekim’de kutlanacak. u y›l 9 Ekim tarihinde, ülkemizin en yüksek da¤› olan A¤r› Da¤›’na ilk t›rman›fl›n 180. y›l› Do¤ubayaz›t’ta yap›lacak törenlerle kutlanacak.


Da¤c›l›¤›m›zda çok de¤erli bir yeri olan bu ilk t›rman›fl›, Estonyal› fizik profesörü ve gezgin Johann Jakob Friedrich Wilhelm Parrot, üç ö¤rencisi ve daha sonra ünlü bir flair olacak Khachatur Abovian’la birlikte gerçeklefltirmifl. Befl kiflilik ekibin A¤r› Da¤›’n›n zirvesine ulaflt›¤› 9 Ekim 1829 tarihi, hem Türkiye’de hem de Estonya’da da¤c›l›¤›n bafllang›c› kabul ediliyor. Bu nedenle bu y›l her iki ülkenin de katk›lar›yla kapsaml› bir etkinlik düzenlenecek A¤r› Da¤›’nda. Estonyal› ve Türk da¤c›lar taraf›ndan gerçeklefltirilecek olan 180. y›l anma t›rman›fl›ndan önce 4 Ekim’de 90 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

Turkey’s legendary Mount A¤r› is celebrating the 180th anniversary of its first climb on 9 October.

n 9 October this year the first ascent of Mount A¤r›, the highest mountain in Turkey, is going to be celebrated in the nearby town of Do¤ubayaz›t. This first climb, which occupies a very important place in the history of mountain climbing in Turkey, was carried out by the Estonian traveler and professor of physics, Johann Jakob Freidrich Wilhelm Parrot, together with three of his students as well as Khachatur Abovian, who would later become a famous poet. The 9th of October 1829 when the five-man team reached the summit is regarded as the beginning of mountain climbing in both Turkey and Estonia. To mark that date, a large-scale celebration is therefore going to be held this year with


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that day, the mountain has continued to attract both mountain climbers and seekers after the ark.

‹shak Pafla Saray›’nda Profesör Parrot’›n çok yönlü hayat›n› ve A¤r› Da¤›’na yapt›¤› t›rman›fl› anlatan, Türkçe, Estonca ve ‹ngilizce bir de sergi aç›lacak. Profesör Parrot’›n A¤r› Da¤›’na t›rman›fl› sadece da¤c›l›k tutkusu için de¤il ayn› zamanda Nuh’un Gemisi’ni de aramak amaçl›yd›. A¤r› Da¤› o gün bugündür hem da¤c›lar›, hem de Nuh’un Gemisi araflt›rmac›lar›n› kendine çekiyor. ‹DEAL B‹R BAfiLANGIÇ A¤r› Da¤›’n› Marco Polo’nun seyahatnamelerinde de görüyoruz, hatta bu notlarda A¤r› Da¤›, hiçbir zaman t›rman›lamayacak bir da¤ olarak an›l›yor. Sönmüfl bir volkan olan A¤r› Da¤›, 5137 metre yüksekli¤iyle da¤c›lar›n yüksek irtifa t›rman›fllar›na bafllamalar› için ideal bir da¤. A¤r›’ya yaz›n t›rmanman›n herhangi bir teknik zorluk içermemesi nedeniyle, her y›l çok say›da yerli ve yabanc› da¤c› ve da¤ yürüyüflçüsü buray› ziyaret eder ve ço¤u zaman da hayatlar›n›n en yüksek zirvesine t›rmanm›fl olarak büyük bir mutluluk ve heyecanla evlerine dönerler. K›fl t›rman›fllar› ise, hem mevsim flartlar›n›n a¤›rl›¤› hem 92 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

5137 metre yüksekli¤iyle A¤r› Da¤›, da¤c›lar›n yüksek irtifa t›rman›fl›na bafllamalar› için ideal bir da¤.

Mount A¤r› at 5137 meters is an ideal mountain for climbers making their first high-altitude climb.

contributions from both countries. Prior to the 180th year commemorative climb to be made by Turkish and Estonian mountain climbers, an exhibition in Turkish, Estonian and English chronicling Professor Parrot’s remarkable, multi-faceted life and the climb he made on Mount A¤r› will open at the ‹shak Pasha Palace in Do¤ubayaz›t on 4 October. Professor Parrot’s climb was not only a manifestation of his passion for mountaineering but at the same time was aimed at searching for Noah’s ark. And ever since

AN IDEAL START Mount A¤r› also appears in Marco Polo’s accounts of his travels, where it is in fact described as a mountain that can never be scaled. A dormant volcano, Mount A¤r› at 5137 meters is an ideal mountain for climbers making their first high-altitude climb. Since a summer climb poses no technical difficulties whatsoever, Mount A¤r› is a mountain visited every year by large numbers of Turkish and foreign hikers and mountain climbers who return home having experienced the thrill and the pleasure of making the highest climb of their lives. Winter climbs however are a different story since severe seasonal weather conditions and the crossing of a glacier at 5000 meters have to be taken seriously and require good preparation. The first winter climb on Mount A¤r› was made on 21 February 1970 by Dr. Bozkurt Ergör. Since then, tens of thousands of Turkish and foreign mountaineers have succeeded in scaling Mount A¤r› via different routes both summer and winter. While winter climbs are suitable only for experienced, well-trained and well-equipped climbers, summer climbs usually consist of nothing more than a rigorous hike in the cold. THE LEGEND OF NOAH’S ARK A majestic volcanic mass rising abruptly in the middle of a flat plain, Mount A¤r›

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Yerli ve yabanc› da¤c›lar, A¤r› Da¤›’na hem yaz hem de k›fl mevsimlerinde de¤iflik rotalardan t›rmanmay› baflard›. Many Turkish and foreign mountaineers have succeeded in scaling Mount A¤r› via different routes both summer and winter.

de 5000 metre civar›ndaki buzul yan geçifli nedeniyle ciddiye al›nmas› ve iyi haz›rlan›lmas› gereken bir özelli¤e sahip. A¤r› Da¤›’n›n ilk k›fl t›rman›fl› 21 fiubat 1970 tarihinde Dr. Bozkurt Ergör taraf›ndan yap›ld›. ‹lerleyen y›llarda on binlerce yerli ve yabanc› da¤c› A¤r› Da¤›’na hem yaz hem de k›fl mevsimlerinde de¤iflik rotalar›ndan t›rmanmay› baflarm›flt›r. K›fl t›rman›fllar› sadece donan›ml›, yetiflmifl, da¤lar› ve da¤c›l›¤› iyi bilen da¤c›lar için uygundur ancak yaz t›rman›fllar› ço¤u zaman s›k› ve so¤uk bir yürüyüflten ibarettir. NUH’UN GEM‹S‹ EFSANES‹ Düz bir ovada aniden yükselen heybetli volkanik kütlesiyle, A¤r› Da¤› tüm çevresine hakim durur. Hele bir de Nuh’un Gemisi’ne ev sahipli¤i yapt›¤› yönündeki dünyaca kabul gören inan›fl, A¤r› Da¤›’n› dünyadaki di¤er tüm da¤lardan ay›r›r ve kendisinden daha büyük da¤lar›n bile birço¤undan 94 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

daha özel k›lar. Bu özelli¤i nedeniyle de hem da¤c›lar hem de Hristiyanlar için bir t›rman›fltan ve bir da¤dan daha fazlas›n› ifade eder. Dünyan›n pek çok ülkesinde Nuh’un Gemisi’ni bulmak için kurulmufl dinsel veya bilimsel kökenli yüzlerce dernek ve kulüp bulunuyor ve hepsi bir gün insanl›k tarihinin en önemli olaylar›ndan birinin s›rlar›n›n bu da¤da gün ›fl›¤›na ç›kaca¤›na inan›yor. A¤r› Da¤›’na t›rman›fl yapmak ve kutsal kitaplarda ad› geçen A¤r› Da¤›’n› ziyaret etmek isteyen yüz binlerce insan oldu¤unu söylemek yanl›fl olmaz. Bu özelli¤iyle A¤r› Da¤›, bölge ve Türkiye için çok önemli bir turizm potansiyeline de sahip. Bu potansiyelin çok verimli kullan›ld›¤›n› ne yaz›k ki söylemek pek mümkün de¤il ama önümüzdeki y›llarda bu eksikli¤imizi kapataca¤›m›za inan›yorum. 2005 y›l›ndan bu yana düzenlenen A¤r› Da¤› ve Nuh’un Gemisi sempozyumlar›n›n bu konuda çok önemli bir çaba oldu¤unu söylemek isterim.

dominates its surroundings. And a pervasive worldwide belief that Noah’s ark rests on it distinguishes it from all other mountains in the world, rendering it even more special than many higher peaks. For mountain climbers as well as Christians, it is therefore more than just a mountain or just a climb. In many

countries around the world there are hundreds of societies and associations either religious or scientific in nature that have been founded to hunt for Noah’s ark, which all of them are convinced is going to turn up one day on this mountain and thus bring to light the mystery of one of the most important phenomena in the

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Da¤c›lar 180 y›ld›r A¤r›’ya t›rman›yor. Neden onlardan biri de siz olmayas›n›z? Climbers have been climbing Mount A¤r› for 180 years. Why not to be one of them?

A¤r› Da¤›’na t›rman›fl için en çok tercih edilen rota, güvenli ve rahat olan Do¤ubayaz›t taraf›ndan ve güney yüzünden yap›lan t›rman›fllard›r. Bunun d›fl›nda da da¤a yaklafl›labilecek de¤iflik rotalar mevcuttur. A¤r› Da¤› t›rman›fl› için izin al›nmas› gerekmektedir. Türk da¤c›lar için bu izin oldukça rahatt›r ancak yabanc› da¤c›lar için biraz zahmetli ve zaman alan bir bürokrasisi var. Bence yabanc› da¤c›lar›n izin alma meselesi de çözülmesi ve kolaylaflt›r›lmas› gereken bir konu. Ülkemizi ve A¤r› Da¤›’n› ziyaret etmek isteyen pek çok yabanc› bu zahmetli izin ifllemleri nedeniyle gere¤inden fazla zorlan›yorlar. Z‹RVE YOLUNDA A¤r› Da¤›’n›n en rahat ve güvenli rotas› olan güney yüzü rotas›n› t›rmanmak için, Do¤ubayaz›t’ta kald›¤›n›z 96 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

otelden 2400 metredeki Eli köyüne araçla iki saatten k›sa süren bir yolculukla gidiliyor. Buradan sonra herkes yürüyerek devam ediyor. A¤›r yükler ise 3300 metre civar›ndaki ilk kampa ve daha sonra 4200 metredeki ikinci kampa kadar at s›rt›nda ulaflt›r›labiliyor. Bu durum A¤r› Da¤›’na t›rman›fllar› çok rahatlatan bir imkan sunuyor herkese. Böylece sadece o günlük ihtiyac›n›z kadar malzeme tafl›yarak t›rman›fl› sürdürebiliyorsunuz. Yükseklikten daha az etkilenmek için yap›lan bir günlük uyum t›rman›fl› ve dinlenmeyle birlikte, 5 – 6 gün içerisinde gerçeklefltirebilece¤iniz bir serüven A¤r› Da¤› t›rman›fl›. A¤r› Da¤›’na t›rmanan bir da¤ yürüyüflçüsünün, profesyonel bir da¤c›n›n yaflad›klar›na en çok

history of the world. It would not be wrong to say that there are hundreds of thousands of people who want to climb Mount A¤r› or visit this mountain whose name is mentioned in the holy books. Mount A¤r› therefore possesses a very significant tourism potential for Turkey and the region. Unfortunately however this potential cannot be said to have been effectively exploited up to now, but I believe that in the years ahead we are going to close the gap. I should hasten to add that the Mount A¤r› and Noah’s Ark symposiums that have been being held since 2005 are an important effort in this regard. The most popular route for climbing Mount A¤r› is the safer and easier one on the southern face of the mountain from the

Do¤ubayaz›t side. There are also other routes for approaching the mountain. But whichever route you choose, climbing Mount A¤r› requires the permission of the Turkish government. For Turkish mountain climbers securing this permission is quite easy; for foreigners it is more difficult and a certain degree of timeconsuming bureaucracy is involved. To my mind, this is a process that needs to be facilitated and streamlined for foreign climbers. A large number of foreigners who want to visit Turkey and Mount A¤r› are unnecessarily deterred by the plethora of bureaucratic details. TO THE SUMMIT To climb Mount A¤r› via its southern face, the easiest and safest ascent to the summit, you first make a brief journey of two hours by car from your hotel in Do¤ubayaz›t to the village of Eli at 2400 meters. Heavy loads meanwhile can be transported on horseback to the first camp at 3300 meters and from there to the second camp at 4200 meters. This offers everyone the possibility of a comfortable climb and means that you can continue your climb carrying only enough provisions for that day. Including a oneday acclimatization climb and a rest, Mount A¤r› can be climbed in a total of five or six days. The place where an amateur mountaineer climbing Mount A¤r› is going to get closest to the experience of a professional climber is at the passage to the summit where crampons must be worn starting from 4950 meters and during the steep

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climb from there on up to the top. The final steps to the summit give the climber the feeling that he is scaling a very steep, cold, white void lashed by harsh winds. Completing this last stage of the climb is truly a moment of victory. Those last meters of effort will be remembered over and over again for years, conjuring up a sense of pride every time.

yaklaflaca¤› yer ise, yaklafl›k 4950 metrede art›k kramponlar›n tak›larak ilerlendi¤i zirveye do¤ru yükselen yan geçifl ve devam›ndaki dik yükselen t›rman›fl etab›d›r. Zirveye ulaflan son ad›mlar ise, son derece dik, so¤uk, sert rüzgârl›, bembeyaz bir bofllu¤a t›rman›yormufl hissini verir da¤c›ya. Bu son etab›n bitifli gerçekten de bir zafer an›d›r. O son metrelerdeki çabalar, y›llar sonra tekrar tekrar hat›rlanacak ve her hat›rlay›flta gurur duyulacak özel an›lard›r. A¤r› Da¤›’na t›rmanacak kadar kendinize güveniyorsan›z ve bu yönde bir iste¤iniz varsa, bence iyi haz›rland›¤›n›z bir yaz kendinize bu flans› vermelisiniz. ‹nternetten bir araflt›rma yaparak, A¤r› Da¤›’na tur gruplar› götüren çok say›da organizasyondan kendinize uygun birini bulabilirsiniz. T›rman›flla ilgili tüm detaylar› ve haz›rl›klar› bu tür gruplarla planlayabilirsiniz. Size 98 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

düflen, t›rman›fl öncesinde iyi bir antrenman program› uygulamak ve kendinizi A¤r› Da¤›’n›n tafll›, karl›, buzlu patikalar›na hem fiziksel hem de psikolojik olarak haz›rlamak olacakt›r. T›rman›fl›n ak›fl› ve güvenli¤i ile ilgili kararlar› bu konuda deneyimli rehberlerin ald›¤›, gerekli malzemeler konusunda da destek alabilece¤iniz bu t›rman›flta, s›n›rl› da¤c›l›k tecrübesi olan ancak iyi sporcu disiplinine ve kondisyona sahip pek çok kiflinin uygun hava koflullar›nda baflar›l› oldu¤unu da bilmenizi isterim. Bence kendi s›n›rlar›na bir yolculuk yapmak isteyen, düzenli egzersiz yapan ve kendine güvenen pek çok kifli, hayat›n›n en büyük maceralar›ndan birini A¤r› Da¤›’nda bulabilir ve kendi zirvelerinden birine t›rmanabilir. A¤r› Da¤›’na da¤c›lar ve iyi haz›rlanm›fl da¤ yürüyüflçüleri tam 180 y›ldan beri t›rman›yor, neden siz de onlardan biri olmayas›n›z?

If you have the selfconfidence to climb Mount A¤r› and desire to do so, you should give yourself this opportunity one summer when you are ready. There are many tour groups going to Mount A¤r›, and if you search on the internet you can find one suitable for you and plan all the details and preparations for your climb in conjunction with them. It is up to you to undertake a good training program before your climb and to prepare yourself both physically and psychologically for Mount A¤r›’s stony, snowy and icy trails. Decisions regarding

the safety and flow of the climb will be made by guides experienced in such matters, who can also advise you about what equipment is needed. I want you to know that many people with only limited climbing experience but with good discipline and in good physical condition have succeeded in climbing Mount A¤r› under suitable weather conditions. As I see it, many people who exercise regularly, have self-confidence and want to test their own limits can have one of the greatest adventures in their lives and reach one of their own highest summits on Mount A¤r› Professional mountain climbers and well-prepared mountain hikers have been climbing Mount A¤r› for 180 years. Why not be one of them?

Zirveye ulaflan son ad›m alabildi¤ine dik, so¤uk, sert rüzgârl›, bembeyaz bir bofllu¤a t›rman›yormufl hissi verir da¤c›ya. The final steps to the summit give the climber the feeling that he is scaling a very steep, cold, white void lashed by harsh winds.


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aksi, Paris Charles de Gaulle Havaalan›’ndan ald›¤› bagajs›z ufak tefek han›mefendiyi flehir merkezine, Louvre Müzesi’ne ba¤l› Tuileries Bahçeleri’ne götürüyordu. Aç›k olan radyo istasyonunun kal›n sesli DJ’i; ‘Saison de la Turquie en France’tan (Fransa’da Türkiye Mevsimi) bahsediyordu. Cezayir kökenli hofl sohbet taksi floförü, “Daha önce de bir sürü Mevsim gördük ama bu defa sanki bütün Paris Türklerden bahsediyor.” dedi ve ekledi: “Han›m gitmifl geçenlerde, tam da sizin geçece¤iniz yerde bir kahvehane kurmufllar; mis gibi Türk kahvesi ikram etmifller. Mutlaka u¤ray›n…”


n route from Paris’ Charles de Gaulle Airport where he had picked her up, the taxi was taking a diminutive lady with no luggage to the Tuilleries Gardens of the Louvre. The radio was on and a DJ with a deep voice was talking about the ‘Saison de la Turquie en France’. “We’ve seen a lot of Muslims around here before,” said the taxi driver, a congenial man of Algerian descent, “but this time it’s like all Paris is talking about the Turks!” And then he added, “My wife went there recently. They’ve set up a coffeehouse right at the place you’re going. They serve delicious Turkish coffee. You’ve got to stop there...”

Televizyonlar, radyolar, gazeteler… Bir flekilde herkes ‘Fransa’da Türkiye Mevsimi’ni konufluyor. Ve görünen o ki, etkinlikler silsilesinin sürece¤i 9 ay boyunca konuflacak da… 2006 y›l›nda dönemin Fransa ve Türkiye Cumhurbaflkanlar› taraf›ndan karara ba¤lanan ‘Fransa’da Türkiye Mevsimi’, iki y›ll›k bir haz›rl›k süreci sonras›nda lay›k›yla bafllad›. Eiffel Kulesi’nin gölgesinde, Trocadéro Meydan›’nda Mercan Dede konseri ve Anadolu Atefli gösterisiyle...

Television, radio, newspapers... One way or another everybody is talking about ‘Turkish Season in France’. And it looks as if they’re going to keep on talking about it for the next nine months... Decided on in 2006 by the then presidents of France and Turkey, following a two-year period of preparations ‘Turkish Season in France’ commenced in style in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower with a Mercan Dede concert and an ‘Anatolian Fire’ spectacular on the Place du Trocadéro.

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Fransa’da Türkiye Mevsimi Turkish Season in France JÜL‹DE KARAHAN



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Fransa’da 80’e yak›n noktada 400’den fazla etkinlikle tam anlam›yla bir ‘Türkiye Mevsim’i yaflan›yor. With more than 400 events at close to 80 different venues, this is ‘Turkish Season’ in France.

Fransa ve Türkiye D›fliflleri Bakanl›klar›’n›n deste¤i, ‹KSV ve CulturesFrance organizasyonuyla 2010 Mart’›n›n son gününe dek sürecek Mevsim; tüm boyutlar› ve renkleriyle bugünkü Türkiye’yi anlatma niyetinde. Fransa’n›n Paris, Marsilya, Lille, Strasbourg ve Bordeaux baflta olmak üzere 80’e yak›n yerleflim bölgesinde plastik sanatlardan sinemaya, tarihten edebiyata 400 kadar etkinlik var. Mevsim’in bu kadar genifl bir co¤rafyaya, hatta neredeyse tüm ülkeye yay›lmas› Fransa için bir ilk. Fransa 1985’ten beri bir yandan yabanc› ülke mevsimleri, bir yandan da di¤er ülkelerde Fransa mevsimleri düzenliyor ama bu kadar etkili bir baflka örne¤in yaflanmad›¤›nda herkes hemfikir. Bu tür mevsimler Paris baflta olmak üzere bir iki flehirle s›n›rl› kal›rm›fl genelde. Oysa Türkiye Mevsimi küçük köylere kadar ulaflt›. Örne¤in Fatih Sultan Mehmed’in o¤lu Cem Sultan’›n 1486-1488 y›llar›n› geçirdi¤i Limousin Bölgesindeki Bourganeuf köyüne... Fransa’n›n D›fliflleri ve Kültür Bakanl›klar›, kamu ve özel sektördeki kültür kurumlar› ve tüm yerel yönetimleri Mevsim’i destekliyor. Emekli Büyükelçi Necati Utkan ve Axa flirketler grubu Baflkan› Henri de Castries etkinli¤in baflkanlar›, Frans›z Büyükelçili¤i eski Kültür Müsteflar› Stanislas Pierret ve ‹KSV Genel Müdürü Görgün Taner de organizasyon komiserleri olarak görev al›yor. TAR‹H‹ ‹L‹fiK‹LER Mevsim’in bu kadar desteklenmesinde kökleri 15. yüzy›la kadar uzanan Türkiye-Fransa iliflkileri önemli rol oynuyor. 5361 Türkçe kelimenin Frans›zca kökenli oldu¤u düflünüldü¤ünde iliflkilerin ne denli derin oldu¤u anlafl›l›yor zaten. Mevsim biraz da Fransa-Türkiye iliflkilerini göz ard› edenlere cevap niteli¤inde. “Fransa’daki Türk imaj› her zaman olumlu olmayabilir. Ama Türkiye hareket eden ve de¤iflen bir ülke. Sadece kendini Fransa’da yeteri kadar tan›tamad›.” diyor ve ekliyor Pierret: “Ancak Mevsim’i siyaset için bir araç olarak görmek do¤ru olmaz. Mevsim, her fleyden önce kültürel bir organizasyon. Önemli olan Türk kültürünü tan›mak, önyarg›lardan kurtulmak ve her alanda karfl›l›kl› diyalog bafllatmak.” “Mevsim’in iki ülke aras›nda siyasi yak›nlaflmalara vesile olaca¤›na dair kuvvetli mesajlar var.” diyen

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With the backing of the Foreign Ministries of both countries, the Istanbul Foundation for Art and Culture (‹KSV) and CulturesFrance, the ‘Season’, which is going to continue through the last day of March 2010, is intended to present today’s Turkey in all its many facets and dimensions. Some 400 events are planned in genres from cinema and the plastic arts to history and literature in close to 80 cities including Paris, Marseilles, Lille, Strasbourg and Bordeaux. A cultural event on this scale, spread over almost the entire country, the ‘Season’ is a first for France. Such foreign country ‘seasons’ as well as French ‘seasons’ in other countries have been being held since 1985, but everyone is agreed that none up to now has made such an impact. Most events of this nature have been confined to one or two cities, mainly Paris. Turkish Season in contrast has penetrated down to even the small villages. The village of Bourganeuf, to name one, in the Limousin region where Mehmed the Conqueror’s son Cem Sultan spent the years 14861488. The Season has the backing of France’s Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Culture and all local administrations as well as many privately funded cultural organizations. Retired Ambassador Necati Utkan and the President of the Axa Group, Henri de Castries, are the chairmen of the project, and the former cultural attaché of the French Embassy, Stanislas Pierret, and the President of the Istanbul Foundation of Art and Culture, Görgün Taner, are the organization commissioners. HISTORIC RELATIONS With roots going back to the 15th century, relations between Turkey and France have played a key role in galvanizing support for the ‘Season’ on this scale. It’s no wonder that these relations are as profound as they are considering that there are 5,361


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Görgün Taner’e göre ise kültür ve sanat›n sosyoekonomik ve siyasi gündem üzerindeki olumlu etkisi kaç›n›lmaz. ETK‹NL‹K S‹LS‹LES‹ Kültürel etkinlik takibinin yaflam›n önemli bir parças› oldu¤u Fransa’da, dokuz ay ayn› heyecan› ve ilgiyi ayakta tutmak kolay de¤il. Ama Fransa’daki kültür sanat etkinliklerinin yüksek standard›n› göz ard› etmeyen ve iki sene boyunca özenle çal›flan Türk ekip, yabanc› kültürleri keflfetmeye merakl› Frans›zlar›n ilgisini ve merak›n› tatmin edecek çok çeflitli bir program haz›rlad›. “Program›n temel ekseni dün, bugün ve yar›n aras›ndaki köprüyü kurmak. Hedefimiz Frans›zlara, Türkiye’nin gelece¤in Avrupa kültürüne yapaca¤› katk›lar› göstermek.” diyen Taner, her disiplinde ça¤dafl bir yaklafl›mla Türkiye’yi anlatt›klar›n› söylüyor. Güncel sanat, Mevsim’in öne ç›kan ayaklar›ndan biri. Uluslararas› alanda kendini ispat etmifl Türk sanatç›lar›n yap›tlar›n›n yer ald›¤› ve Fransa’n›n önemli güncel sanat küratörlerinden Caroline Naphegyi taraf›ndan düzenlenen ‘‹stanbul Traversée’ sergisi, bu modern bak›fl›n en önemli göstergesi. Atlanmamas› gereken bir di¤er fley de Frans›z yetkililerin, projelerin gerçekleflmesi için adeta seferber oldu¤u. Örne¤in Tuileries bahçelerinde inflaat yap›lmas›na Louvre’un tarihinde ilk defa izin verilmifl. Bahçede, yaklafl›k 600 metrekarelik bir alan üzerinde, mimari tasar›m› Han Tümertekin taraf›ndan yap›lan ve Mevsim’in Paris’teki buluflma noktas› olarak düflünülen bir Türk Kahvesi infla edildi. 17 Temmuz’da Kudsi Erguner’in yönetimindeki ‘Trakya’n›n Bohemleri’ konseriyle aç›l›fl› yap›lan mekân, 8 A¤ustos’a kadar aç›k. Türk kahvesi konsepti etraf›nda gerçekleflen tad›m ve sohbetlerin efllik etti¤i mekân, ‹stanbul ve kahve kültürünü anlatan müzikli edebiyat okumas› ‘Kahve Bahane’nin iki gösterisinin de ev sahibi. Geleneksel Türk kahvehanelerinin ça¤dafl bir yorumu olarak tasarlanan kahvehanede zengin tarihsel mirastan beslenen fakat bu mirasa ça¤dafl bir sunum getiren konserler, atölye çal›flmalar› ve sergiler var. Türkiye Mevsimi’nin bir di¤er ayr›cal›¤› da Paris Belediyesi’nin, Eiffel Kulesi’nin Türk bayra¤› renkleriyle ›fl›kland›r›lmas›na verdi¤i izin. Söylenen o ki bugüne kadar Eiffel sadece Brezilya ve Çin sezonu için ›fl›kland›r›lm›fl. Eiffel Kulesi, 8-29 Ekim tarihleri aras›nda 21 gün

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Fransa’da Türkiye Mevsimi’, Eiffel Kulesi’nin gölgesinde Mercan Dede konseriyle bafllad›. ‘Turkish Season in France’ commenced in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower with Mercan Dede concert.

Mevsim’in desteklenmesinde, kökleri 15. yüzy›la kadar uzanan Türkiye-Fransa iliflkileri önemli rol oynuyor. With roots going back to the 15th century, relations between Turkey and France have played a key role in galvanizing support for the ‘Season’.

words of French origin in Turkish! But the Season is also intended in part as a reply to those who would downplay those relations. “The Turkish image in France may not always be positive,” says Pierret, “but Turkey is a dynamic and changing country. She just has not promoted herself sufficiently in France.” He added: “It would however be wrong to see the ‘Season’ merely as an instrument for politics. The Season is a cultural project above all else. What is important is promoting Turkish culture, overcoming prejudices and initiating a dialogue in every area.” As Görgün Taner sees it, the positive impact of art and culture on the political and socioeconomic agenda is inevitable. “There are strong indications that the Season is going to be an occasion for a political rapprochement between the two countries,” adds Taner. In other words, ‘Turkish Season in France’ is not going to be limited to presenting Turkish culture and art to the French people but is going to have many more benefits for the two countries. A SERIES OF EXCITING EVENTS It’s not easy to sustain the same excitement and interest for nine months in a country like France where following cultural events is such an important part of life. But the Turkish team, which is well aware of the high standard of artistic and cultural offerings in France, has worked hard for two years and put together an extremely diverse program to satisfy the interest and curiosity of the French, who are eager to discover foreign cultures. “The basic focus of the program,” explains Taner, “is to establish a bridge between

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boyunca k›rm›z› ve beyaz renkte ayd›nlat›lacak. Ifl›kland›rma, Fransa’n›n itibarl› sergi mekânlar›ndan Grand Palais’de ‘Bizans’tan ‹stanbul’a: ‹ki K›tan›n Liman›’ sergisinin aç›l›fl›yla bafll›yor. Ocak 2010’a kadar sürecek sergide; Topkap› Saray› Müzesi, ‹stanbul Arkeoloji Müzesi, Ayasofya Müzesi, Türk ve ‹slâm Eserleri Müzesi gibi önemli Türk müzelerinin yan› s›ra Louvre Müzesi, Fransa Ulusal Kütüphanesi ve önde gelen Avrupa müzelerinin koleksiyonlar›ndan seçilen eserler yer alacak. B‹R F‹NCAN KAHVE Mevsim, oldukça verimli ve uzun soluklu iliflkilerin kurulmas›na kap› aral›yor. Türkiye’deki ve Fransa’daki birçok sanatç› ve kültür kurumu flimdiden ortak projeler üretmeye bafllad› bile. Geçti¤imiz Ekim ay›ndaki aç›l›fl›ndan bu yana Fransa’n›n önemli sanat platformlar›ndan olan 104, ‹stanbul’daki Garajistanbul ile ortak projeler gelifltiriyor. Paris’teki Cité International des Arts’ta Türkiye’den sanatç›lar›n çal›flmalar›na 20 sene olanak verecek bir atölye kiraland›. Fransa’n›n 80’e yak›n noktas›nda 400 etkinlik demek; edebiyattan müzi¤e, sinemadan güncel sanata, klasik müzikten tiyatroya, danstan sokak sanatlar›na uzay›p giden kocaman bir liste demek. Bu bir anlamda Türk kültürünün ‘Tour de France’›. Mevsim sayesinde Türkiye, önümüzdeki 9 ay boyunca; Fransa’n›n kültür, politika ve ekonomi gündeminde üst s›ralarda yer alaca¤a benziyor. Gerçi Frans›zca’da “Bir k›rlang›çla bahar gelmez” diye güzel bir deyifl var. Ama unutmayal›m ki bizim de bir fincan kahvemizin k›rk y›ll›k hat›r›… 106 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

2010 Mart’›n›n sonuna dek sürecek Mevsim; tüm boyutlar›, renkleri ve çeflitlili¤i ile bugünkü Türkiye’yi anlat›yor. The Season, which is going to continue through March 2010, is intended to present today’s Turkey in all its many facets, dimensions and its diverse structure.

past, present and future. Our aim is to show the French the contributions that Turkey can make to the European culture of the future,” adding that the team have portrayed Turkey in a modern approach in every discipline. Contemporary art is one of the mainstays of the Season. An exhibition entitled ‘Istanbul Traversée’ which has been organized by Carolie Naphegyi, one of France’s leading curators of contemporary art, and includes the works of Turkish artists who have proved themselves in the international arena, is a key indicator of this modern outlook. Another point not to be overlooked is the way that French officials have literally mobilized to bring the projects to fruition. For the first time in the history of the Louvre, for example, permission has been given for construction in the Tuileries Garden. A Turkish Coffeehouse, with architectural design by Han Tümertekin, has been set up in an approximately 600-square meter area of the garden and is hoped to be the Season’s meeting place in Paris. Opened on 17 July with a concert by the ‘Bohemians of Thrace’ under the direction of Kudsi Erguner, this venue will remain open until 8 August. The coffeehouse, where conversation and taste are centered around the concept of Turkish coffee, will also host two shows by ‘Kahve Bahane’ (Coffee is just an excuse) in the form of readings with music from literary works describing Istanbul and its coffee culture. Designed as a modern adaptation of the traditional Turkish coffeehouse, the venue will also host exhibitions, workshops and concerts, in a presentation which is inspired by Turkey’s rich cultural history but puts a modern face on that heritage. Yet another distinguishing feature of ‘Turkish Season in France’ is that the Municipality of Paris has given permission for the Eiffel Tower to be illuminated with the colors of the Turkish flag. It is said that the tower up to now has been illuminated only for the Brazil and China seasons. Now, for 21 days from 8 to 29 September, the Eiffel Tower is going to be bathed in red and white light. The illumination will begin with the opening of an exhibition, ‘From Byzantium to Istanbul: Port of Two Continents’, at the Grand Palais, one of France’s most respected exhibition venues. Included in the exhibition, which will continue through January 2010, are items culled from Turkey’s leading museums such as the Topkap› Palace Museum, the Istanbul Archaeological Museum and the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Art, as well as from the Louvre, the French National Library and other leading museums in Europe. A CUP OF COFFEE ‘Turkish Season in France’ is opening the door to the establishment of fruitful and long-term relations between Turkey and France. A number of artists and cultural institutions in both countries have already begun producing joint projects. Since it opened last October, for example, 104, one of France’s leading forums for art, has been developing projects jointly with Istanbul’s Garajistanbul. Meanwhile, the Cité International des Arts in Paris has rented a workshop which will give artists from Turkey an opportunity to work for the next twenty years. Four-hundred events at close to 80 sites around France means an enormous list encompassing everything from music and literature to film and contemporary art, from theater and classical music to dance and street art. This is, in a sense, Turkey’s ‘Tour de France’. The Season looks putting Turkey at the top of France’s cultural, political and economic agenda for the next nine months. There’s a saying in French: ‘One swallow does not make a spring.’ Let’s not forget however that for us a cup of bitter coffee means forty years of friendship!

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“Çeliflkilerle ilerleyece¤iz bu dünyada” “We advance through contradictions in this world”

Elif fiafak JÜL‹DE KARAHAN


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“Çok içine kapan›k ve yaln›z bir çocuktum. Kitaplardaki dünyay› gerçek dünyadan daha çok sevdim. Öyle bafllad›m yazmaya. Hayal âlemine yolculuklar yapa yapa... Bugün hâlâ ‘hayal’ dünyas›n› ‘gerçek’ dünyadan daha renkli ve hakiki buluyorum.” “ I was a very withdrawn and lonely child. I liked the world of books more than the real world. That’s how I started to write, by making journeys into an imaginary world. Even today I still find the ‘world of imagination’ more colorful and real than the so-called ‘real’ world.”


lif fiafak’›n her yönden aflk› anlatt›¤› son kitab› AfiK, 2010 içinde hem Frans›zca hem ‹ngilizce yay›nlanarak dünyay› dolaflacak. T›pk› yazar› gibi. fiafak, “‹stanbul bana ilham veriyor” diyerek bir aya¤›n› pergel misali sabitlese de di¤eriyle dolaflmaya devam ediyor. T›pk›; ‘bir taraf›yla son derece yerel, bir taraf›yla da bir o kadar evrensel’ olan hikâyeleri gibi. Albert Camus’nun ‘Bir yazar çokluk okunmak için yazar. Bunun tersini söyleyenleri alk›fllayal›m, ama inanmayal›m onlara’ deyiflinden hareketle AfiK’a okur için yazd›¤›n›z bir kitap diyebilir miyiz? Her yazar okunmak ister. Bunu samimiyetle söyleyebilmek lâz›m. Ve tabi ki her yazar daha fazla insan taraf›ndan okunmak ister. Bu da bana son derece do¤al geliyor. Öte yandan ‘okur yazd›klar›m› be¤ensin’ diye yazmak ayr› bir fley. Ben yazarken sadece hikâyeye odaklan›yorum. Benim için önemli olan yapt›¤›m ifli sevmek ve sevdi¤im ifli yapmak. AfiK’› yazarken bir hayal âleminde gezindim hep. Aflkla yazd›m bu kitab›. ‘Okur için’ yazmad›m. Ama tabii ki okunmas› için yazd›m. ‘Bektafli ve Mevlevi Düflüncesinde Kad›ns›l›k-Döngüsellik’ bafll›kl› yüksek lisans tezinizle bafllayan ve 15 y›ld›r okumalarla geliflen entelektüel yaklafl›m›n yavafl yavafl gönlünüze s›z›fl› sizi kaç›n›lmaz olarak ‘AfiK’a m› getirdi? Tasavvufla on befl sene önce tamamen kendi bafl›ma tan›flt›m. Etraf›mda gördü¤üm ya da ailede buldu¤um bir kültür de¤ildi. Okudukça okumay› sevdim. Okudukça açl›¤›m artt›. Tasavvuf benim hemen her roman›mda bir alt metin olarak vard› asl›nda. Kimi zaman daha belirgin, kimi zaman daha örtük bir biçimde hep benimle gelen bir gölge gibiydi. Bu kez bütün perdeleri kald›rd›m. Tasavvuf pat diye ö¤renilen bir fley de¤il. Yaflamak, gönülden yaflamak laz›m. Uzun, zor, engebeli bir yol...

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ublished in both French and English, Elif fiafak’s latest book, Love, in which she describes the emotion in all its aspects, is circumnavigating the world. “Istanbul inspires me,” says fiafak, like a typical writer, who has one foot rooted in place like the point of a compass while the other goes round and round. Just like her stories which are “very local on the one hand, but equally universal on the other.” Albert Camus said, “A writer writes to be read by the majority. Let us applaud those who claim the opposite, but let us not believe them.” Could we say that Love is a book you wrote for the reader? Every writer wants to be read. I have to be able to say that sincerely. And of course every writer wants to be read by more people. This too strikes me as completely natural. Writing to please the reader on the other hand is something else. When I write, I focus only on the story. The important thing for me is to love the work I’m doing and to do the work I love. While I was writing Love I was constantly wandering in an imaginary world. I wrote this book with love. I did not write it ‘for the reader’. But of course I wrote it to be read. You wrote a graduate thesis entitled ‘The Deconstruction of Femininity Along the Cyclical Understanding of Heterodox Dervishes in Islam’. Did that and the intellectual approach you developed in fifteen years of reading bring you slowly but surely to the writing of Love? I discovered mysticism completely on my own fifteen years ago. It was not a culture I saw around me or that I found in my family. The more I read about it, the more I liked it. My appetite for it increased the more I read. Mysticism was actually there for me as a sub-text in almost all my novels. It was like a shadow that always followed me, sometimes more explicitly, sometimes more implicitly. This time I raised all the curtains. Mysticism is not something you can learn overnight. You have to live it, experience it in your heart. It is a long, difficult and rough road...

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Burada söyleflinin yolu inançla kesifliyor. ‹çinde ‘ruhaniyet’ ve maneviyat’› bar›nd›ran bir kesiflme bu. Evet, söz sizde… ‹nanç benim için önemli bir mesele. Ama benim için aslolan flekil de¤il, öz. O özün evrensel ve bir oldu¤una inan›yorum. Bence hepimizin tasavvufa ihtiyac› var. Tasavvufun en çok sevdi¤im özelliklerinden biri özelefltiriye dayanmas›. Sufiler kendilerini elefltirir, kendi içlerini tamir ederler. Birinde kusur görürlerse o kusuru örterler. Muazzam bir edep ve ahlak... Bunlar› ben fikren ve zihnen biliyorum ama yaflamaya gelince tabii ki zorland›¤›m oluyor. Mesela tasavvufun insana ö¤retti¤i ‘hiçlik’ bilinciyle yazarl›¤›n insana verdi¤i fliflkin ego aras›nda derin bir çeliflki var.

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Romanc›l›k bana diyor ki ‘Bu kitab› sen yazd›n, sen yaratt›n.’ Tasavvuf bana diyor ki ‘Sen sadece arac› olup hikâyeyi ilettin. Yaratmad›n, yarat›ld›n! Kalem gibi, k⤛t gibisin. Kelimeler senden ak›yor. Ama onlar›n sahibi de¤ilsin...’ Bazen bu çeliflkiyi çok yo¤un yafl›yorum. Ama çeliflkilerle ilerleyece¤iz bu dünyada.

This brings us to the subject of faith. In the sense rather of ‘morality’ and ‘spiritualism’... Faith is a very important issue for me. But what is important for me is not the form but the essence. I believe that essence is universal and one. In my opinion, we all have a need for mysticism. One of the things I like best about mysticism is that it is based on self-

“Bir sürü ar›zam, tak›nt›m, kusurum var. Ama bu ar›zalar› kutsamak yerine düzeltmek ve iyilefltirmek için çaba harcamak önemli.” “I have a lot of faults, flaws and hang-ups. But rather than exalting those flaws, it’s important to try to improve and correct them.”

criticism. The Sufis criticized themselves, they reformed their souls. If they saw a flaw in one of their members, they would cover it up. This shows tremendous decorum and moral decency. I know these things intellectually, but when it comes to practicing them in my life I of course find it difficult. There is a profound contradiction, for example, between the inflated ego that writing gives a person and the awareness of ‘nothingness’ that mysticism teaches. Writing novels tells me, ‘You wrote this book, you created it.’ Mysticism tells me, ‘You are only the instrument for conveying the story. You did not create it, you were created! You are like pen and paper. The words flow out of you. But you are not their owner...!” Sometimes I experience this contradiction very intensely. But it is through contradictions that we advance in this world.”

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Birbirinden farkl› 9 kitap. Çünkü günden güne de¤iflen bir Elif fiafak. ‘Baba ve Piç’, ‘Siyah Süt’ ve ‘Aflk’ bir yerde; Pinhan ve Mahrem baflka… Hatta dil, üslup ve kurgu olarak geriledi¤inizi düflünenler var. Bu bilinçli bir tercih mi? Yoksa ‘Yok öyle bir fley’ mi? Yazarl›k sürekli bir yolculuk. Tek bir limana demir atmak, kendimi tekrar etmek istemiyorum. Hikâye bana nas›l geliyorsa öyle yaz›yorum. Bilinçli bir kurgu yapmak yerine sezgilerimle... Kendimi yapt›¤›m ifle tamamen veriyorum. Beynimin içinde baflka kap›lar aç›l›yor. Gündelik hayatta kapal› kalan kap›lar... Yaz›n›n ak›fl›na kap›larak yaz›yorum. Yani ‘Yok öyle bir fley.’ Aile kavram› ‘yolun yar›s›’nda tan›flt›¤›n›z bir fley. Tan›fl›p da sevdiniz mi? ‹yi ki mi? Ben otuz befl yafl›ma kadar göçebe yaflad›m. Hep bir yerden bir yere kal›b›m› tafl›yarak. Hiç ‘yuva’ kavram›m olmad›. Zannettim ki böyle fleyler umurumda de¤il. Me¤er benim içimde de ev hayat›n› seven ve önemseyen bir kad›nc›k varm›fl. Onunla yazar yan›m› dengelemek çok zor oldu. Gene tabii içimdeki sesler çeliflebiliyor. Gene zaman zaman çekip gidiyorum. Bir yandan çekip gitmeyi istemek, bir yandan aile sorumlulu¤u... Bu sizi zorlam›yor mu? Bir kad›n yazar için ailevi sorumluluklar hem çok güzel ve zenginlefltirici, hem de zaman zaman zor... Ben tek çocuk büyüdüm; yaln›zl›¤›ma düflkünüm. Yazarl›k zaten sanatlar›n en yaln›z›. Bazen ‘göçebe ve ba¤›ms›z’ yan›m ile ‘evcimen ve ba¤›ml›’ yan›m çelifliyor. Yazarl›k bencil bir tutku. Tamamen yaz›ya veriyorsunuz kendinizi. Anne olan kad›n yazarlar›n en çok 114 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

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ihtiyaç duydu¤u fley ‘bofl zaman’. Do¤rusu ben ilk baflta de¤iflimden ürktüm. Ard›ndan yo¤un bir post-natal depresyon yaflad›m. Siyah Süt’ü yazd›m. Kitapta annelik ve yazarl›k ikilemini açt›m. Hiç iflime gelmeyen yanlar›m› iffla ettim, bunlarla dalga geçtim. Çok can›m yand› yazarken. Ama ortaya samimi bir kitap ç›kt›. Ve bu kitab› yazmak beni iyilefltirdi, dengeledi. Açmazlar›n›z›, çalkant›lar›n›z› ve kendinizle kavgalar›n›z› ‘Siyah Süt’le d›fla vurdunuz ve flimdi çok daha baflka, çok daha huzurlu bir Elif fiafak m›s›n›z? Depresyonlar ayn› zamanda insana yeniden yap›lanmak,

You have written nine very different books, because Elif fiafak changes from day to day. ‘The Bastard of Istanbul’, ‘Black Milk’, and ‘Love’ are one thing; Pinhan (The Sufi) and Mahrem (The Gaze) are another. There are even those who believe your language, style and sense of plot have regressed. Was this a conscious choice, or is it something that just happens? Writing is a continuous journey. I don’t want to cast anchor at only one port, I don’t want to repeat myself. However a story comes to me, that’s how I write it. With my intuition, rather than by consciously inventing a plot.

“Yazarl›¤›n tek bir reçetesi yok. Nas›l parmak izlerimiz farkl› farkl›ysa yollar›m›z da farkl› farkl›.” “There is no single recipe for writing. Our ways as writers are as different as our fingerprints.”

I give myself completely to the work I’m doing. Other doors are opened in my brain, doors that are closed in everyday life. I become totally swept up in the flow of the writing when I write. It’s something that just happens, in other words. The concept of family is something you became acquainted with midway through your life. Do you like it? Is it good? I lived like a nomad until I was thirty-five years old. Always carrying my shell around from place to place. I had no concept of a ‘nest’. I thought I didn’t care about such things. But it seems inside me there was also a woman who loves home life and thinks it’s important. It was very difficult to balance that with my writer’s side. Of course, voices can still conflict inside me. I still withdraw and go away from time to time. Wanting to withdraw and go away on the one hand, family responsibility on the other... Isn’t that difficult for you? For a woman writer, familial responsibilities are lovely and enriching as well as difficult at times. I grew up as an only child. I treasured my solitude. Writing in any case is the loneliest of the arts. Sometimes my ‘nomadic and independent’ side conflicts with my ‘domestic and dependent’ side. Writing is a selfish passion. You give yourself completely to your writing. The thing women writers who are mothers most feel a need for is ‘free time’. To tell you the truth, I was scared to death of this change at first. I suffered from postnatal depression after the birth of my child. I wrote Black Milk. In the book I exposed the dilemma between motherhood and writing. I revealed aspects

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kendini yeniden infla etmek için f›rsat veriyor. Yani her depresyon ayn› zamanda bir ‘tamirat ve tadilat’ dönemi. Siyah Süt benim tek otobiyografik eserim. Kendimi bu kadar açt›¤›m ve anlatt›¤›m tek kitap. Kendimle samimiyetle yüzlefltim ve sonras›nda gelen huzurla AfiK’› yazd›m. Siyah Süt’teki Kapal›çarfl› sahnesini anlat›r m›s›n›z? Hani boncuklar, çay bardaklar› ve sizin ‘Ah Mine-l Aflk’ dedi¤iniz… Kitab› okumayanlar için... Evlilik karfl›t› bir kad›n›n sevdi¤i erke¤e evlenme teklif etti¤i bölüm... Bu benim bafl›mdan geçti. Kendi kendimle dalga geçerek yazd›m. Türkiye standartlar›na göre ‘geç’ evlenenlerdeniz. ‘Evde kalm›fl’ say›l›yoruz. Tabii bu kriterler hep kad›nlar için... Yo¤un çal›flan bir gazeteciyle gezgin bir yazar nas›l götürüyor birlikteli¤i? Ben de eflim de evlilik kurumuna çok s›cak bakmayan insanlard›k. Aç›kças› bizim gibi ba¤›ms›zl›¤›na düflkün tipler için evlilik zor bir kurum. ‹ki yo¤un ve ba¤›ms›zl›¤›na düflkün insan›n evlili¤i kolay olmuyor. Bazen birbirimizi zorluyoruz. Ama Eyüp (Can) de, ben de esnek insanlar›z. O benden çok daha sab›rl› ve sakin. Ben de ö¤reniyorum. Güzel bir evlilik öyle bir günde ya da bir ayda kurulan bir fley de¤il. Her gün u¤rafl vermek gerekiyor. Kendine göre zorluklar›, inifl ç›k›fllar› var. Önemli olan aflk›n devam etmesi. Aflk yoksa evlilik solgun, aflk varsa evlilik güzel oluyor. En önemlisi k›ymet bilmek. Birbirinin k›ymetini bilmek. 116 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

of myself that were not at all in my interest and I made light of them. It caused me a lot of pain as I wrote. But in the end a candid book emerged. And writing that book balanced me and made me well.

“Benim iflim kelimeler, hikâyeler, hayaller üretmek.” “My job is to produce words, stories, dreams.”

You expressed your dilemmas, your upheavals, and your struggles with yourself in Black Milk. So are you now a very different, much more tranquil Elif fiafak? Depression gives a person a chance to renew herself, to invent herself all over again. In other words, every bout of depression is at the same time a period of ‘repair and reconstruction’. Black Milk is my only autobiographical

work. The only book in which I have opened up and described myself to this extent. I confronted myself frankly, and in the calm that came afterwards I wrote Love. Could you describe the Grand Bazaar scene in Black Milk for those who have not read the book? I mean the beads, the tea glasses, what you called your ‘Oh, what we won’t do for love!’. That’s the chapter in which a woman who is opposed to marriage proposes to the man she loves. It actually happened to me. I was making fun of myself as I wrote it. By Turkish standards you I’m somebody who married ‘late’. I was regarded as an ‘old maid’. These criteria are only for women of course. How do you combine being a writer who travels with being a hard-working journalist? Both my husband and I are people who take a rather dim view of the institution of marriage. To be perfectly frank, marriage is a very difficult proposition for types like me who are fond of their independence. Marriage is not easy for two people who are both intense and attached to their independence. Sometimes we put a strain on each other. But Eyüp (Can) and I are both flexible people. He is much more calm and patient than I am. But I’m learning. A good marriage is not something made in a day or a month. You have to work at it every day. It has its own difficulties, its ups and downs. What is important is that the love continue. If there is no love, then the marriage is dead; if there is love, marriage is wonderful. The most important thing is to know how to value each other.



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Türkiye’nin K›rg›zlar› The Kyrgyz of Turkey COfiKUN ARAL

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Pamir Yaylas›’ndan Van’a uzanan yolculuklar›nda K›rg›zlar, geleneklerine hâlâ sahip ç›k›yorlar


arihi M.Ö. 10 binlere uzanan co¤rafyada, masmavi bir göz gibi ›fl›ldar Van Gölü. Bu topraklar güçlü medeniyetlere taht olmufl, yüzy›llard›r bereketini sunmufl, insanlar›n› doyurmufltur. Uzakta parlayan bir y›ld›z gibi davetkâr; yurt arayanlara ev olmufltur. Van Gölü’nü besleyen sularda yaflayan inci kefalleri üremek için uzun bir yol gider. Soylar›n›n devam›n› sa¤layabilmek için ak›nt›ya karfl› yüzer, sonra geri dönerler. Yeryüzündeki tüm canl›lar gibi onlar 120 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

On their journey from eastern Afghanistan’s Pamir Mountains to the Turkish city of Van, the Kyrgyz Turks have not failed to preserve their age-old traditions.

ake Van sparkles like a bright blue bead in a landscape whose history dates back to the 10th millennium B.C. Home to many powerful civilizations, these lands provided fertility over the centuries, nourishing the peoples who settled there. Gleaming invitingly in the distance, the lake offered a refuge to people seeking a new homeland.


The pearl mullet that live in the waters that feed Lake Van travel a long way to breed. They swim upstream against the current to

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da yaflamak için zorlu bir savafl verir. ‹nci kefallerinin verdikleri mücadele, bu topraklarda tek de¤ildir. Buralara kök sal›p, yurt bilen K›rg›zlar da ayn› yollardan geçmifllerdir. Atalar›n atas› Manas’›n destans› kiflili¤i ve milleti için verdi¤i mücadeleler, hâlâ K›rg›zlar›n masallar›nda yer bulur. Yeni topraklarda kurulan hayatlara tutunmak isteyenlere Manas’›n hikâyeleri yol gösterir. Manas gibi bafl›nda ak kalpak, at s›rt›nda da¤lar› deviren kahramanlar art›k yok. K›rg›zlar›n bu topraklarda filizlenen yeni hayatlar›n›n ilk ilme¤ini atan Han Hac› Rahman kul Kutlu da hayatta de¤il. GEÇM‹fiTEN BUGÜNE… Manas’›n destanlar yazd›¤› co¤rafyalardan kopup,

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Anadolu’nun yüksek bozk›rlar›nda yaflayan K›rg›zlar›n göç öyküsü bundan 27 y›l önceye uzan›yor. K›rg›zlar keçeyle sard›klar› ak ota¤larda yaz› k›fl› atlat›r, sa¤d›klar› yaklar›n sütünü içer, y›lk›lara çocuk yaflta biner, Pamir’in kurak ayaz›nda yaflarlard›. Geçimlerini hayvanc›l›kla sa¤layan K›rg›zlar, Kabil’den gelen tüccarlarla takas usulü ticaret yaparlard›. Pamir Yaylas›’nda yaflam güçtü ama K›rg›zlar’›n al›fl›k olduklar› yaflam biçimi buydu. Halk, hanlar› Hac› Rahman kul’a ba¤l›yd›. Bir a¤aya benzetilebilecek olan han, adaletli ve otoriter bir liderdi. E¤itime ve ö¤retime önem verirdi. Birçok anlaflmazl›¤› çözen kifliydi. Gün döndü, co¤rafyada

K›rg›zlar, ana vatanlar›ndan kopup Anadolu’nun yüksek bozk›rlar›nda yaflam kurdular. The Krygyz, who left the mainland were penned to live high in the Eastern Anatolia.

propagate their species and then return. Like all living creatures on the face of the earth, they wage a tough battle to survive. But the struggle waged by the pearl mullet is not unique on these lands. The Kyrgyz who now call it home have made similar journeys. The struggles they have waged for their people and for the legendary figure of their ancestral father Manas still figure prominently in the tales told by the Kyrgyz today. But the heroes who, sporting a white kalpak on their heads like Manas, once moved mountains as they galloped on horseback are gone now. And Khan Hac› Rahman kul Kutlu, who sowed the first seeds of their life on these lands, is no longer among us either. 122 S Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

FROM PAST TO PRESENT The story of the migration of the Kyrgyz, who left the lands where the Manas legends were penned to live high in the steppes of Eastern Anatolia, goes back 27 years. Inhabiting the cold and barren Pamir highlands, the Kyrgyz lived summer and winter in white felt tents, drinking the milk of their trusty yaks and learning to ride as small children. Living by raising animals, they traded in kind with merchants coming from Kabul. Life in the Pamir Highlands was difficult, but it was the life the Kyrgyz knew.

The people were closely attached to Hac› Rahman kul Kutlu. This khan with the status of a revered elder was a just leader with natural authority who placed


Dünyan›n bu en mucizevi besini, do¤adan, do¤an›n özündeki sa¤l›kla, safl›kla geliyor. Do¤al: Naturel! Türkiye’nin en iyi bal veren yörelerinden, özenle seçilip derleniyor. Nitelikleri, Avrupa’n›n en ileri teknolojiye sahip, en büyük analiz laboratuvarlar›ndan biri olan özel laboratuvar›m›zda en kapsaml› biçimde yap›lan titiz analizlerle kan›tlan›yor: Do¤al, gerçek! Ve eflsiz lezzetler, gurme özeniyle harmanlan›p sunuluyor. Her zerresi katk›s›z, kal›nt›s›z. Her zerresi, Balparmak: Natureel!

Sa¤l›kl› beslenmeniz için

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Çocuklar›n yeni vatanlar›na uyum sa¤lamalar› daha kolay olmufl, büyüklere göre... The children have adapted to their new homeland more easily than the elderly.

yaflanan geliflmeler K›rg›zlar› da etkiledi. Han, ak sakall›lar› toplad› ve göç karar› al›nd›. Büyük güçlerin ç›karlar› çat›fl›rken, bir avuç K›rg›z, hayvanlar›yla birlikte, kendilerine kalacak yurt aramaya bafllad›. Asl›nda onlar›n yurtlar›, yaklar›n›n s›rtlar›ndaki ak ota¤lard›. Yaflanacak vatan bulmak ise uzun zaman alacakt›. Önce Pakistan’›n Gilgit flehrine gittiler ama 3500 metrede yaflamaya al›flk›n olan K›rg›zlar, buran›n s›ca¤›na dayanamad›. Hayvanc›l›¤›n yerini ticaret ald›; buna da uyum sa¤layamad›lar. Afganistan’a geri dönenler oldu, Han Hac› Rahman kul Kutlu yine göç karar› ald›. Türkiye’den davet geldi; K›rg›zlar yola ç›kt›. Sonunda Van’›n Ercifl 124 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

ilçesine ba¤l› Ulupamir Köyü’nü ev, Türkiye’yi vatan bildiler. K›rg›zlar› bu topraklara getiren Han Hac› Rahman kul Kutlu, 6 A¤ustos 1990’da Türkiye topraklar›nda öldü. Yepyeni bir yüzy›lda ana topraklarda filizlenen yeni hayatlar›na can suyunu o vermiflti. Ölmeden önce halk›na vasiyet etti: “Dininizi ve Türklü¤ünüzü unutmay›n. Namazlar›n›z› zaman›nda k›l›n ve okumaktan geri kalmay›n.” ULUPAM‹R’DE YAfiAM Güvenli bir gelecek hayali için Afganistan’dan yola ç›kt›klar›nda, bugünlerin özlemi içlerini kavurmaktayd›. Yaflamlar› Anadolu’da

importance on education and learning. A man capable of resolving differences between people. But times change and there came a day when the Kyrgyz, too, were affected by political developments in their region. So the khan gathered his white-bearded elders together and took the decision to migrate. Scorning the interests of the great powers, a handful of Kyrgyz began to seek a new home. Their true home of course was the white felt tents they carried on the backs of their yaks. But finding a new homeland would take them a long time. They traveled first to the city of Gilgit in Pakistan. But the

Kyrgyz, accustomed to living at 3,500 meters, could not tolerate the heat there. Commerce also took the place of livestock raising, and they were unable to adapt to that either. After some of them returned to Afghanistan, Khan Hac› Rahman kul Kutlu decided to migrate again. When an invitation came from Turkey, the Kyrgyz set out. In the end they arrived at the village of Ulupamir in Ercifl township of Van province and made Turkey their new home. Having led his people to these lands, Khan Hac› Rahman kul Kutlu died in Turkey on 6 August 1990. It was he who gave his people a new lease of life, sending up green shoots in a brand new country and a brand new century.

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yeniden filizlendi ama al›n yaz›lar› hiç de¤iflmemiflti. Köyde zaman›n acelesi yoktur. Çocuklar okula gider, kad›nlar gündelik ifllerle u¤rafl›r; y›llar ak›p gider. ‹letiflim ça¤›n›n nimetleriyle buluflan Ulupamir K›rg›zlar›, Afganistan’daki akrabalar›yla buluflma f›rsat› elde eder. Eski günleri hat›rlayan kocam›fllar, birer birer bu dünyadan göçer. K›rg›zlar, geleneklerine ba¤l›d›r ama yeni nesille birço¤u yitip gitmektedir. Pamir, gençler için sadece masallarda yaflar. Zamanla gençlerin ilgisi ve gözleri büyük flehirlere çevrilmifltir. Kimi okumak, kimi çal›flmak için Ulupamir’i terk eder. K›rg›z dü¤ünleri eski geleneklerin hâlâ yaflat›ld›¤› renkli törenlerdir. Geline boncuk dizmek âdettendir. Köyün tüm kad›nlar›, gelini kendi k›zlar›ndan ayr› tutmaz. K›smetleri aç›ls›n, onlar da muratlar›na ersin diye, evlenmemifl her genç k›z›n eli

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de¤er dizilen boncuklara... Geçim derdi olsa da, K›rg›zlar›n gönlü zengindir. Dü¤ün dernek oldu mu, kimde ne varsa, herkes onu getirir. Bazen bir fleker, bazen bir kal›p sabun... Dü¤ün evinde her gelene yemek sunulur. Erkek taraf›n›n akrabalar›, gelen kad›nlara yemek piflirir. Yemekte mutlaka et ve pilav vard›r. K›rg›z yemekleri koyun eti a¤›rl›kl›d›r. Ba¤›rsak dolmas› ve sütlü ci¤er, dü¤ünün bafl yemekleridir. K›rg›zlar›n geleneksel yemek düzeni de bundan farkl› de¤ildir. Kalabal›k ailelerden oluflan köyde, yemekler yer sofralar›nda yenir. Bu, hem sofran›n bereketini artt›r›r, hem de sohbet etmek için iyi bir f›rsatt›r. K›rg›zlar özel günlerde buskafli (gökbö¤rü) oynar. Ustal›k ve cesaret isteyen

Before he died, he told his people: “Never forget your religion or your Turkish identify. Pray at the proper times and do not neglect your education.” LIFE IN ULUPAMIR When they set out from Afghanistan with dreams of a secure future, the Kyrgyz were consumed with longing for what they have today. Their lives sprouted anew in Anatolia, but their fate was unchanged. Time passes slowly in the village. The children go to school, the women tend to their daily tasks; the years pass quickly by. Discovering the blessings of the age of communication, the Ulupamir Kyrgyz find an opportunity to communicate with their relatives in Afghanistan. One by one those who

Geçim derdi olsa da K›rg›zlar›n gönlü zengindir. While they may be short of wordly riches, Kyrgyz are generous of heart.

remembered the old days depart from this world. Although the Kyrgyz are attached to their traditions, many of the ancient ways have inevitably been lost with the new generation. For the young people, who over time have turned their eyes and attention to the big cities and are leaving Ulupamir - some to work, others to study the Pamirs live only in stories. But Kyrgyz weddings are still colorful occasions where the old traditions live on. Pinning beads on the bride, for example, is de rigueur. All the women of the village treat the bride as if she were their own daughter. And every as yet unmarried young woman touches the beads, that fate may smile on her and her desires be fulfilled. While they may be short of worldly riches, the Kyrgyz are generous of heart. And when it comes to a wedding, everyone brings whatever they can, be it a piece of

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bu oyun, ata yadigâr›d›r. Polonun atas› olan bu oyunda herkes, kafas› kesilmifl bir o¤la¤› kapmak için dörtnala yar›fl›r. Savaflç›l›¤›yla ünlü Orta Asya erkeklerinin, buskafli oynayarak, at sürme yeteneklerini gelifltirdikleri ve savafl için al›flt›rma yapt›klar› söylenir. Bugün K›rg›zlar, yaflad›klar› co¤rafyada buskafli oynayarak geleneklerini yaflat›yor, sahip olduklar› miras› koruyorlar. Y›llar önce terk ettikleri ana yurtlar›n›n yerine Türkiye’yi koyuyor ve Van Gölü’nün k›y›s›nda yaflamlar›n› sürdürüyorlar. Mutluluk ve bar›fl içerisinde… 128 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

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K›rg›z dü¤ünleri, eski geleneklerin yaflat›ld›¤› renkli törenlerdir. Kyrgyz weddings are still colorful occasions where the old traditions live on.

candy or a bar of soap. Food is served to everyone who comes to the house where the wedding is taking place. The groom’s relatives prepare food for the women guests. Kyrgyz dishes being heavy on lamb, meat and rice are standard. The stock wedding dishes are stuffed tripe and liver cooked in milk. Nor is a traditional Kyrgyz dinner any different. In villages with big families, meals are eaten on the floor, which is believed not only to enhance the bounty of the table but to stimulate conversation as well. On special days, the Kyrgyz play a game called ‘buskafli’ (gökbö¤ru). Demanding skill and courage, the game is a throwback to their

ancestors of long ago. A forerunner of polo, it involves several players galloping on horseback after the severed head of a young goat. Famous for their prowess as warriors, the men of Central Asia are said to have developed their riding skills and prepared themselves for battle by playing buskafli. The Kyrgyz today preserve their cultural heritage and keep their traditions alive by playing buskafli wherever they live. Turkey has now replaced the homeland they abandoned years ago, and they pursue their existence on the banks of Lake Van, in peace and happiness...

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Mükemmel bir sa¤l›k kenti A city of healthcare excellence

‹stanbul RENÉE-MARIE STEPHANO, ESQUIRE President, Medical Tourism Association

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stanbul, dünyan›n en farkl› flehirlerinden biri. Bir flehir ki arad›¤›n›z her fley var - iyi yemekler, tarihi yap›lar, mimari ve turizm. Geçmiflin gelenekleriyle bugünün yeniliklerini incelikle dengeleyen bir kent. ‹stanbul’un ve Türkiye’nin pek de bilinmeyen bir özelli¤i ise dünya çap›nda mükemmel sa¤l›k merkezlerinden ve dünyan›n en önemli medikal ve a¤›z bak›m› duraklar›ndan biri olmas›.

Her y›l check-up, ortopedi, kozmetik ve plastik cerrahi, a¤›z ve difl bak›m›, göz, kalp ve di¤er sa¤l›k ve cerrahi hizmetlerinden faydalanmak üzere 200 bin hastan›n dünyan›n çeflitli ülkelerinden Türkiye’ye seyahat etti¤i tahmin ediliyor. Hastalar; ABD, ‹ngiltere, Hollanda, Belçika, Azerbaycan, Rusya, Bulgaristan, Romanya, Kosova, Orta Do¤u ve Avrupa’n›n di¤er bölgelerinden ülkeye ak›n ediyor. Hastalar›n baz›lar›n›n Türkiye’ye gelme nedeni, Türkiye’de kendi ülkelerine oranla çok daha kaliteli hizmet alabilmeleri. Kimileri ise sa¤l›k hizmetinin daha ucuz olmas› nedeniyle Türkiye’yi tercih ediyor. Örne¤in Amerikal›lar Türkiye’ye gelerek sa¤l›k maliyetlerinden y›lda yüzde 76’ya varan tasarruflar elde edebiliyorlar. Medical Tourism Association*, taraf›ndan yak›n zamanda gerçeklefltirilen bir ankete göre ABD’de kalp bypass ameliyat›n›n ortalama maliyeti 130 bin dolarken ayn› ifllem Türkiye’de ortalama 13 bin dolara mal oluyor. Bu hem ödemeyi kendi cebinden yapan hastalar için hem de sigorta flirketleri için muazzam bir tasarruf demek. Türkiye ayr›ca sa¤l›k turistleri için genifl bir sa¤l›k d›fl› faaliyet yelpazesi de sunuyor. Sa¤l›k nedeniyle seyahat eden hastalar›n yüzde 80’i bir refakatçiyle birlikte geliyor.

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Bu bazen eflleri, bir yak›nlar› ya da bir aile bireyi olabiliyor. Genellikle hastalar ve refakatçileri ülke d›fl›nda iki ya da üç hafta kal›yor. Medical Tourism Magazine taraf›ndan yap›lan bir ankette hasta ve refakatçilerin yüzde 95’inin turizm faaliyetlerine kat›ld›klar› görülüyor. ‹stanbul, hasta ve refakatçilerine pek çok seçenek sunuyor. Hastalar ve yak›nlar› Topkap› Saray›, Sultanahmet Camii, Aya Sofya, Kapal› Çarfl› ve M›s›r Çarfl›s›’n› ziyaret edebiliyorlar. Joint Commission International (JCI) kalite aç›s›ndan dünyan›n en iyi akreditasyon ajanslar›ndan biri olarak kabul ediliyor. Dünyan›n JCI taraf›ndan akredite edilen en fazla hastaneye sahip ülkesi ise Türkiye. Kalite o kadar yüksek ki Amerikan sa¤l›k sigortas› flirketleri

I stanbul is one of the most diverse cities in the world, a city that has it all – fine dining, historic buildings and architecture, tourism – a city balanced gracefully between traditions of old and the innovations of today. What Istanbul and Turkey are not as well known for is their reputation around the world as a center of excellence for healthcare and being one of the top worldwide destinations for affordable medical and dental care. It is estimated 200,000 patients travel from other countries each year to Turkey for health checkups, orthopedics, cosmetic and plastic surgery, dental care, eye care and heart care,

plus many other types of healthcare and surgery. Patients travel from as far as the United States, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Belgium, Azerbaijan, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Kosovo, the Middle East and some other areas in Europe. Some of the patients traveling to Turkey are traveling because Turkey has a higher level of quality than in their own home country. Others travel to Turkey for more affordable healthcare. For example, many Americans travel to Turkey because they can receive a savings of up to 76 percent each year. In a recent survey conducted by the Medical Tourism Association*,


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the ever popular heart bypass in the United States costs on average $130,000 while in Turkey, this procedure averages $13,000, a significant savings for the out of pocket cash paying patient and insurance companies alike.

Türkiye sa¤l›k turistleri için genifl bir sa¤l›k d›fl› faaliyet yelpazesi de sunuyor.

Turkey offers a rich array of non medical activities for medical tourists.

Amerikal›lara büyük cerrahi operasyonlar› Türkiye’de yapt›rabilme olana¤› sunabilmek için Türk hastaneleriyle anlaflmalar imzalamaya bafllad›.

teknolojiyi bir araya getiriyor. Branfllaflmaya ve VIP hizmetler sunmaya odaklanan sa¤l›k kurumlar›n›n say›s› da her geçen gün art›yor.

JCI taraf›ndan akredite edilen kurulufllar aras›nda binin üzerinde doktora, onlarca farkl› lokasyonda hastaneye ve poliklini¤e sahip entegre sa¤l›k yap›lar› ön plana ç›k›yor. Bu kurulufllar›n bir k›sm› dünyan›n önde gelen sa¤l›k kurumlar› ve organizasyonlar› ile yak›n iflbirli¤ine gidiyor. Hasta odakl›l›ktan taviz vermeyen bu sa¤l›k kurulufllar›, yaln›zca ulusal de¤il, uluslararas› kalite standartlar›na da s›k› s›k›ya ba¤l› bulunuyorlar. Türkiye’deki hastaneler onkoloji, kardiyoloji, jinekoloji, tüp bebek, nöroloji, cerrahi, iç hastal›klar› gibi tüm temel branfllarda yüksek kaliteli tedavi hizmeti verirken hasta dostu bir ortamla yüksek

ÖNCE ÜLKEY‹ DESTEKL‹YOR Türk Hava Yollar› da uluslararas› hastalara özel bir önem veriyor ve ABD’deki bir doktordan sevk alan ya da Türkiye’deki bir hastane ya da doktordan kabul edildi¤ini belgeleyen tüm hasta ve yak›nlar›na yüzde 25 indirim uyguluyor. Bu tür bir indirim uygulayan ilk havayolu flirketi olarak Türk Havayollar› böylece Türkiye’nin sa¤l›k turizmi endüstrisi içerisinde üst s›ralara ç›kma çabalar›n›n da en büyük destekçisi oldu¤unu gösteriyor. Türkiye’de sa¤l›k turizmiyle ilgili daha detayl› bilgi için www.medicaltourisminturkey.org

sitesini ziyaret edebilirsiniz.

Turkey also offers a rich array of non-medical activities for medical tourists. When patients travel for medical care, over 80 percent of patients bring a companion with them, such as a spouse, loved one or family member. Typically patients and their companions spend two to three weeks in the foreign country. Over 95 percent of patients and companions recently surveyed by the Medical Tourism Magazine said they engaged in tourism activities. Istanbul provides many options for patients and their companions. Patients and their companions can visit Topkapi Palace, the Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia, The Grand Bazaar and Spice Bazaar. The Joint Commission International (JCI) is considered one of the best accreditation agencies in the world for quality. Turkey has the largest number of JCI accredited hospitals in the world. The quality is so high that U.S. health insurance carriers are now starting to contract with Turkish hospitals in order to allow Americans the choice to get their major surgeries done either in the U.S. or in Turkey. Integrated healthcare institutions with thousands of doctors as well as hospitals and polyclinics in scores of different locations

are in the forefront among the institutions accredited by JCI. Some of these facilities are entering into close cooperation with the world’s leading healthcare institutions and organizations. Uncompromising when it comes to patientorientation, these health care institutions adhere closely not only to national but also to international quality standards. While providing high-quality treatment in all the basic branches of medicine, such as oncology, cardiology, gynecology, in-vitro fertilization, neurology, surgery and internal medicine, hospitals in Turkey combine high technology with a patient-friendly environment. The number of healthcare institutions focused on specialization and providing VIP services is growing by the day. PROMOTING COUNTRY FIRST Special consideration is being offered through Turkish Airlines for international patients to receive 25% discount over their system fares from USA to Turkey for both patient and provider with proof of referral from an American physician or acceptance from a Turkish Hospital or doctor. Turkish Airlines is the first to issue such a discount, which clearly demonstrates them as the lead supporter for Turkey in its effort to move forward in the medical tourism industry. For further information about medical tourism in Turkey visit: www.medicaltourisminturkey.org 8 / 2 0 0 9 S K Y L I F E 133


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‹ster yafl, ister kuru Fresh or dried, however you like

Kay›s› Apricot

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Lezzeti ve aromas›yla öne ç›kan kay›s›, pastac›l›kta da kullan›lan bir meyve. Known for their delicious taste and aroma, apricots are a fruit also used in pies and cakes. VEDAT BAfiARAN


eyve kelimesi dilimize Farsça ‘mive’den türetilerek girdi. Orta Asya Türkçeleri’nde ve Anadolu’nun baz› yörelerinde ‘meyve’ yerine ‘yemifl’ terimi kullan›l›r ama meyve kelimesi tan›mlad›¤› tüm türlerin tad›n› tafl›yan melodisiyle dilimize ve dama¤›m›za yerleflmifl durumda.


Biz bu yaz›da meyvelerin içinde hem ad›, hem tad›, hem de çeflit çeflit kullan›m›yla kendine has lezzet zenginli¤i sunan koyu sar›, koyu tatl›, kimine göre koyu Malatyal› kay›s›dan söz edece¤iz. Gülgiller ailesinden olan kay›s› meyvesi; erik, fleftali, kiraz ve bademin yak›n akrabas›d›r. Kay›s›n›n gerçek vatan›n›n Çin oldu¤u söylenir. ‹lk olarak Çinliler’in iflledi¤i kay›s›, ‹pek Yolu ticareti nedeniyle ‹ran üzerinden bat›ya do¤ru yay›l›r. ‹ranl›lar kay›s›ya “zard alu” (sar› erik) ad›n› vermifllerdir ki ülkemizde

he Turkish word ‘mevye’, meaning fruit, came into the language from the Persian ‘mive’. Although the word ‘yemifl’ is used in place of ‘meyve’ in the Turkic languages of Central Asia and in some parts of Anatolia, ‘meyve’ has firmly established itself in our language as well as on our palates thanks to its euphonious sound and the wide range of flavors offered by the many species it includes.


We are going to talk here about the very dark yellow, very sweet, and, according to some, the very Malatya apricot, which offers a unique richness in terms both of its name and taste and of its wide variety of uses. A member of the Rosaceae family, the apricot is a close relative of the plum, the peach, the cherry and the almond. It is said to have come originally from China. First processed by the 8 / 2 0 0 9 S K Y L I F E 135

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kay›s›n›n biraz ufak ve ekfli olan›na zerdali denir. Osmanl› dönemi yemek kitaplar›nda zerdali kelimesi kullan›lm›flt›r. Bugün Türkiye’yi de kapsayacak flekilde Himalaya, Çin, Güney Avrupa, Kuzey Afrika ve Kaliforniya hatt›, dünya üzerinde kay›s› kufla¤›n› oluflturuyor. Bezelye boyutundan fleftali büyüklü¤üne kadar farkl› ölçülerde beyaz, gri, siyah, sar› ve pembe renk ve farkl› cinslerdeki kay›s›lar sadece Türkiye ve Türkistan kufla¤›nda yetiflir. Kay›s›, baz› di¤er meyveler gibi kurutulmaya çok müsaittir. Fakat kay›s›n›n kurutulmuflu, di¤er meyvelerinkine k›yasla farkl› özelliklere sahiptir. Lokum yumuflakl›¤›nda olan kuru kay›s›, lifli yap›s›ndan dolay› kabu¤u alt›nda taze aromal› ve nemli bir doku tafl›r. Di¤er meyve kurular› gibi kaskat› de¤ildir ve yumuflamas› için ›slatmaya gerek yoktur. Bu nedenle

lokum veya flekerleme amaçl› tüketim için en sa¤l›kl› seçenektir. Kay›s›n›n aroma ve lezzet bak›m›ndan dünya pastac›l›k sektörünün en çok kulland›¤› yard›mc› ürün oldu¤unu da belirtelim. Malatya ilimiz tart›flmas›z dünyan›n en kaliteli kay›s› çeflitlerini ve yan ürünlerini üretir. Ülkemizde farkl› amaçlarla birçok kay›s› türü yetifliyor. Kurutmal›k kay›s› da bunlardan biri… Kurutulmufl kay›s› çekirde¤i ezmesi (persipan) badem ezmesi gibi (marzipan) pastac›l›k sektöründe kullan›l›yor. Bunlar› tane olarak aktarlarda bulmak mümkün. Fakat uzmanlar kay›s› çekirde¤inden ancak 5-6 tane tüketilmesini önermektedir. “Yeflil iken a¤ar›r / Yavafl yavafl sarar›r / Sarard›kça sallan›r / Salland›kça ballan›r.” Afiyet olsun !

Chinese, the apricot spread westward via Iran thanks to the Silk Road. The Iranians called it ‘zard alu’ (yellow plum), and a somewhat smaller and less sweet variety is known in Turkey as ‘zerdali’, which is also the word used in cookbooks from the Ottoman period. A swath of land stretching across the Himalayas from China to Southern Europe, including Turkey, and as far as North Africa and California constitutes the world apricot belt today. But varieties ranging in size from as tiny as a pea to as large as a peach and in colors ranging from white, grey and black to pink and yellow grow only along a line running from Turkey to Turkestan in Central Asia. Like certain other fruits, the apricot readily lends itself to drying. But dried apricots are very different from other dried fruits. As soft as a morsel of Turkish delight, dried apricots, due to their fibrous properties, retain

their moist texture and fresh aroma beneath the skin. Unlike many dried fruits they are not rock hard and therefore need not be soaked in water before using. For this reason they are easily the healthiest choice for consumption as candy or a snack. I might also point out that apricots are used frequently as supplemental ingredients in the world pastry business for their fine taste and aroma. There’s no disputing the fact that Turkey’s eastern province of Malatya produces the highest quality apricots and related products in the world. Several different species of apricot are produced in Turkey for different purposes, of which drying is only one. Like almond paste or marzipan, a paste made from crushed apricot pits is also used in the pastry sector. Although these pits are sold in herbalist’s shops, the experts recommend consuming only five or six apricot pits at one time. ‘While green it turns white / Then slowly yellows / As it yellows it sways / Getting sweeter all the while” Bon appetit!

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Tarifler Recipes Kay›s› yahnisi Apricot stew Malzemeler: 250 gr kuru kay›s› veya taze kay›s› 400 gr kuflbafl› kuzu eti 3 su barda¤› su 2 yemek kafl›¤› pekmez 1 adet kuru so¤an 3 yemek kafl›¤› tereya¤› 1 tatl› kafl›¤› tuz 1/2 kahve kafl›¤› karabiber 2 adet defne yapra¤›

Ingredients: 250 gr fresh or dried apricots 400 gr lamb stew meat 3 cups water 2 tbsp molasses Turkish ‘pekmez’ 1 onion, chopped 3 tbsp butter 1 tsp salt 1/4 tsp black pepper 2 bay leaves (Laurel)

Haz›rlan›fl›: Tencerede tereya¤› eritilip ince do¤ranm›fl so¤an pembeleflinceye kadar kavrulur. Kuflbafl› do¤ranm›fl kuzu eti ilave edilip 4 -5 dakika daha kavrulur. Defne yapra¤›, tuz ve karabiber ilave edildikten sonra su

eklenip a¤›r ateflte etler piflene kadar kaynat›l›r. Etler piflmeye yak›n kay›s›lar ilave edilip pekmez dökülür. Kay›s›larla birlikte bir tafl›m kaynad›ktan sonra oca¤›n alt› kapat›l›p s›cak olarak servis edilir.

Preparation: Melt the butter in a pot, add the chopped onion and saute until it begins to color. Add the lamb stew meat and brown for 4-5 minutes. Then add the bay leaves, salt and pepper and let simmer over low heat until the meat is tender. When the meat is almost tender, add the apricots and the molasses. Bring to a boil briefly, remove from the heat and serve hot.

Kabuk kavurma Candied apricots

Malzemesi: 1/2 kg kuru kay›s› 1 su barda¤› fleker 1 su barda¤› çekilmifl ceviz 1 yemek kafl›¤› tuzsuz tereya¤› 1 su barda¤› su 2 adet kabuk tarç›n

Ingredients: 1/2 kg dried apricots 1 cup granulated sugar 1 cup ground walnuts 1 tbsp butter, unsalted 1 cup water 2 sticks of cinnamon

Haz›rlan›fl›: Kay›s›lar, kaynam›fl suda 15 dakika kadar bekletildikten sonra y›kan›p suyu süzülür. Tencereye dizilip üzerine toz fleker, kabuk tarç›n ve su ilave edilip oca¤›n alt› yak›l›r. A¤›r ateflte kaynamaya b›rak›lan kay›s›lar, suyunu çekene kadar piflirilir. Tereya¤›

tavada eritilip kay›s›lar›n üzerine dökülür. Kay›s›lar, her iki taraf› tereya¤›nda çevrildikten sonra servis taba¤›na al›n›r. Pifltikten sonra üzerine çekilmifl ceviz serpifltirilen kay›s› kabak kavurma, ›l›k olarak servis edilir.

Preparation: Place the dried apricots in boiling water for 15 minutes, then rinse and drain. Arrange in a pot and cover with the sugar and cinnamon stick. Add the water and turn on the heat. Let simmer over low heat until the water is absorbed and the apricots are cooked through. Melt the butter in a skillet and pour over the apricots in the pot. Turn to coat evenly, remove to a serving plate and sprinkle with the ground walnuts. Serve warm. 8 / 2 0 0 9 S K Y L I F E 137

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Kaymakl› kay›s› dolmas› Apricots stuffed with clotted cream Malzemeler: 500 gr kay›s› ( kuru kay›s› ) 250 gr kaymak 1 yemek kafl›¤› yeflil f›st›k 250 gr toz fleker 250 gr su

Ingredients: 500 gr dried apricots 250 gr clotted cream (Turkish ‘kaymak’) 1 tbsp green pistachios 250 gr granulated sugar 250 gr water

Haz›rlan›fl›: Kay›s›lar 2 saat kadar so¤uk suda bekletilir, flekerli suda 5 dakika kaynat›l›r, so¤umaya b›rak›l›r.

So¤uyunca b›çak ile kay›s›lar›n aras› aç›l›r, içlerine kaymak doldurulur. ‹ste¤e göre f›st›¤a bat›r›larak servis edilir.

Preparation: Soak the apricots in cold water for about two hours. Boil in water with the sugar for 5 minutes, then cool. When cool split halfway open with a knife and stuffed with the clotted cream. May be dunked in ground pistachios before serving.

Kay›s›l› kek Apricot cake Malzemeler: 5 adet yumurta 300 gr un 250 gr toz fleker 10 gr kabartma tozu 250 gr tereya¤› 200 gr kuru kay›s›

Haz›rlan›fl›: Kar›flt›rma kab›na yumurtalar k›r›l›r, toz fleker ilave edilir, ç›rpma teli ile fleker eriyene kadar ç›rp›l›r. Kabartma tozu ve tereya¤ ilave edilip kar›flt›rmaya devam edilir. Un kar›fl›ma azar azar yedirilir, iyice kar›flt›rd›ktan sonra ufak 138 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

Ingredients: 5 eggs 300 gr flour 250 gr granulated sugar 10 gr baking powder 250 gr butter 200 gr dried apricots, finely chopped

do¤ranm›fl kay›s›lar ilave edilir. Kek kal›b› ya¤lan›r, hamur kar›fl›m› kek kal›b›na boflalt›l›p 170 derecede 40 dakika piflirilir. Kay›s›l› kek, so¤umaya b›rak›l›r sonra servis edilir.

Preparation: Break the eggs into a mixing bowl, add the sugar and beat until the mixture thickens. Then add the baking powder and butter and continuing beating. Add the flour little by little. When the ingredients are mixed well, add the chopped apricots. Pour the batter into a greased cake pan and bake for 40 minutes at 170° C. Cool and serve.

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Çirli et Meat and apricot stew Malzemeler: 500 gr kemikli kuflbafl› et 300 gr kay›s› kurusu 1 tatl› kafl›¤› tuz 1/2 kahve kafl›¤› karabiber 1 adet ince do¤ranm›fl kuru so¤an 2 yemek kafl›¤› tereya¤› 2 su barda¤› su

Ingredients: 500 gr lamb stew meat with bones 300 gr dried apricots 1 tsp salt 1/4 tsp black pepper 1 onion, finely chopped 2 tbsp butter 2 cups water

Haz›rlan›fl›: Tencerede tereya¤› eritilip ince do¤ranm›fl so¤an eklenip pembeleflinceye kadar kavrulur. Kemikli kuflbafl› etler ilave edilip beraber kar›flt›r›l›r. Etler suyunu b›rak›p çekene kadar

kavrulur. Tuz ve karabiber eklenip suyu dökülür. A¤›r ateflte etler piflmeye b›rak›l›r. Etler piflmeye yak›n kuru kay›s›lar at›l›r ve beraber kaynamaya b›rak›l›r. Etler pifltikten sonra s›cak olarak servis edilir.

Preparation: Melt the butter in a skillet, add the onion and saute until it begins to color. Add the lamb stew meat and bones and mix well. Brown until the meat juices are absorbed. Add the salt and pepper and water. Cook over low heat until the meat is tender. When the meat is almost done, add the dried apricots and let simmer until done. Serve piping hot.

Kay›s›l› sufle Apricot souffle Malzemesi: 500 gr süt 125 gr toz fleker 100 g tereya¤› 150 gr un 5 adet yumurta 200 gr kay›s›

Ingredients: 500 gr milk 125 gr granulated sugar 100 gr butter 150 gr flour 5 eggs 200 gr apricots, finely chopped

Haz›rlan›fl›: Süt ve fleker tencereye al›n›p ocakta kaynamaya b›rak›l›r. Baflka bir tencerede tereya¤› eritilip un azar azar yedirilir, a¤›r ateflte unu iyice kavurduktan sonra kaynayan süt üzerine dökülür. Kafl›k yard›m› ile kar›flt›r›larak hamur iyice piflirilir, oca¤›n alt› kapat›l›p kenara al›n›r, yumurtalar›n sar› ve beyazlar› ayr›l›r. Hamur so¤uyunca sar›s› hamura yedirilir. Yumurta beyaz› kar gibi

oluncaya kadar kabart›l›r. Kay›s›lar ince ince do¤ran›r. Haz›r olan hamura önce kay›s›lar› sonra yumurta beyaz› yedirilir. Sufle kab› tereya¤ ile ya¤lan›p toz fleker serpifltirilir, sonra kar›fl›m sufle kaplar›na paylaflt›r›l›r. Önceden ›s›t›lm›fl 200 derecedeki f›r›nda 20 dakika piflirilir. S›cak olarak servis edilir. Not: ‹ste¤e ba¤l› olarak pudra flekeri ve krema ile servis edilebilir.

Preparation: Mix the milk and sugar in a pot and let simmer. Melt the butter in another pot. Then add the flour little by little, browning slowly over low heat. When browned, pour the boiling milk over it. Cook the mixture well, stirring constantly with a spoon, then set aside to cool. Separate the eggs and add one by one to the cooled mixture. Beat the egg whites until stiff. Add the finely chopped apricots to the souffle mixture, then carefully fold in the egg whites. Grease the souffle molds and sprinkle with sugar. Divide up the mixture into the molds and bake for 20 minutes in a pre-heated 200° C. oven. Serve piping hot. May be served with powdered sugar and/or cream. 8 / 2 0 0 9 S K Y L I F E 139

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‹STANBUL GUIDE Emergency Ambulance Tel: 112 (All over Turkey) Police Tel: 155 (All over Turkey) Fire Tel: 110 (All over Turkey) Tourism police Tel: 527 45 03 Gendarme Tel: 156 (All over Turkey) Tourism Information Turizm Dan›flma Atatürk Airport Atatürk Havaalan› (Yeflilköy) Tel: 465 30 00 Harbiye Tourism Information Tel: 233 05 92 Karaköy Sea Port Karaköy Liman› Tel: 249 57 76 Sirkeci Tourism Information Sirkeci Turizm Dan›flma Müdürlü¤ü Tel: 511 58 88 Sultanahmet Square Sultanahmet Meydan› Tel: 518 18 02 Association of Turkish Travel Agencies TURSAB Dikilitafl, Befliktafl, Tel: 259 84 04 The Turkish Touring and Automobile Club Türkiye Turing ve Otomobil Kurumu (Head Office–Merkez) Tel: 282 81 40 Museums / Müzeler Archeological Museum ‹stanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri Osman Hamdi Bey Yokuflu Gülhane, Tel: 520 77 40 09.00-16.30, closed Mondays. The museums, each of which consists of a main building and annex, house rich collections extending from prehistory to Byzantium and including the sarcophagus of Alexander the Great as well as finds unearthed at Troy.

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Orhan Kemal Museum Orhan Kemal Müzesi Akarsu Caddesi No: 32 Cihangir Tel: 292 92 45 10:00-17:00, open daily / her gün aç›k

Ana bina ve ek bina olmak üzere iki ayr› yap›dan oluflan müzeler, prehistoryadan Bizans’a uzanan, aralar›nda ‹skender Lahti’nin ve Troya buluntular›n›n da yer ald›¤› çok zengin bir koleksiyona sahip. Atatürk Museum Atatürk Müzesi fiiflli, Tel: 240 63 19

In Istanbul’s first modern art museum you will find a selection of Turkish modern and contemporary works ranging from the turn of the 20th century to the present day. ‹stanbul’un ilk modern sanat müzesinde, 20. yüzy›l›n bafl›ndan günümüze Türk modern ve ça¤dafl sanat›n›n seçilmifl yap›tlar› sergileniyor.

Aviation Museum Hava Kuvvetleri Müzesi Yeflilköy Tel: 662 85 52 Byzantine Great Palace Mosaic Museum Büyük Saray Mozaikleri Müzesi Torun Sokak, Arasta Çarfl›s›, Sultanahmet, Tel: 518 12 05 09.00-16.30, closed Mondays / Pazartesi kapal› Calligraphy Museum Hat Sanatlar› Müzesi Beyaz›t, Tel: 527 58 51 Church of St. Saviour in Chora Kariye Müzesi Edirnekap›, Tel: 631 92 41 09.00-16.30, closed Wednesdays / Çarflamba kapal› Do¤ançay Museum Do¤ançay Müzesi Beyo¤lu, Tel: 244 77 70 Haghia Sophia Ayasofya Müzesi Sultanahmet, Tel: 522 09 89 ‹stanbul Modern Meclis-i Mebusan Cad. Liman ‹flletmeleri Sahas› Antrepo No: 4 Karaköy, Tel: 243 43 18 10.00-18.00, closed Mondays / pazartesi kapal›

‹stanbul Toy Museum ‹stanbul Oyuncak Müzesi Ömerpafla Cad. Dr. Zeki Zeren Sok. No: 17 Göztepe Tel: (0216) 359 45 50 closed Mondays pazartesi kapal› ‹fl Bankas› Museum ‹fl Bankas› Müzesi Hobyar Mahallesi Bankac›lar Caddesi No: 2 Bahçekap› - Eminönü Tel: (0212) 511 13 31 Military Museum Askeri Müze Harbiye, Tel: 232 16 98 09.00-16.30, closed Mondays and Tuesdays / Pazartesi ve Sal› kapal› This museum is host to regular concerts by the Mehter band playing Ottoman military music. Müzede düzenli olarak Mehter tak›m› konser veriyor.

Miniaturk ‹mrahor Cad. Sütlüce, Tel: 222 28 82 (pbx) 10:00-18:00, open daily / her gün aç›k Miniaturk is the world’s largest miniature city, with models —on a scale of 1:25— of 105 historical structures. From classical antiquity to Byzantium, from the Seljuks to the Ottomans, many periods are represented. Dünyan›n en büyük minyatür kenti olan Miniatürk’te, antikça¤dan Bizans’a, Selçuklu’dan Osmanl›’ya uzanan tarihin önemli 105 eserinin 1/25 oran›nda küçültülmüfl maketleri yer al›yor. Museum of Painting and Sculpture Resim ve Heykel Müzesi Befliktafl, Tel: 261 42 98 This museum, which houses the most comprehensive collection of Turkish painting, also has sculpture, ceramics and original prints. Türk Resim Sanat›’yla ilgili en kapsaml› koleksiyonu bar›nd›ran müzede heykel, seramik ve özgün bask›lar da yer al›yor. Museum of Turkish and Islamic Art Türk ve ‹slam Eserleri Müzesi ‹brahim Pafla Saray› Sultanahmet, Tel: 518 18 05-06 08.30-16.30, closed Mondays / Pazartesi kapal› Naval Museum Deniz Müzesi, Befliktafl, Tel: 327 43 45 09.00-17.00, closed Mondays and Tuesdays cuma ve sal› kapal›

Ottoman Bank Museum Osmanl› Bankas› Müzesi Voyvoda Cad. (Bankalar Caddesi) Karaköy, Tel: 334 22 70

Pera Museum Pera Müzesi Meflrutiyet Cad. No:141 Tepebafl› Beyo¤lu, Tel: 334 99 00 Proje 4L Elgiz Contemporary Art Museum Proje 4L Elgiz Ça¤dafl Sanat Müzesi Meydan Sokak, Beybi Giz Plaza B Blok Maslak, Tel: 290 25 25 Fax: 290 25 26 The Post, Telephone and Telegraph (PTT) Museum PTT Müzesi Postane Sok. Hobyar Mah. Zaptiye Cad. Eminönü (Büyük Postane’nin içinde / (in the Great Post Office) Tel: 519 19 99 Rahmi M. Koç Industrial Museum Rahmi M. Koç Sanayi Müzesi, Hasköy, Tel: 369 66 00 - 01 02 10.00-17.00 weekdays (closed Mondays) / hafta içi (Pazartesi kapal›); 10.0019.00 weekends / hafta sonu

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Santralistanbul Eski Silahtara¤a Elektrik Santral› Kaz›m Karabekir Cad. No:1 Eyüp Tel: 444 0 428

Sak›p Sabanc› Museum SÜ Sak›p Sabanc› Müzesi Sak›p Sabanc› Cad. No: 42 Emirgan, Tel: 277 22 00 10:00-18:00, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday / 10:00-18:00, Sal›, Perflembe, Cuma, Pazar 10:00-22:00, Wednesday, Saturday / 10:00-22:00, Çarflamba, Cumartesi Closed Mondays / / Pazartesi günleri kapal› Sabanc› University Sak›p Sabanc› Museum presents a versatile museological environment with its rich permanent collection, temporary exhibitions that it hosts, its conservation units, educational programs and the various concerts, conferences and seminars held there. Sabanc› Üniversitesi Sak›p Sabanc› Müzesi zengin koleksiyonu, evsahipli¤i yapt›¤› geçici sergileri, konservasyon birimleri, e¤itim programlar›, gerçeklefltirdi¤i konser, konferans ve seminerleriyle çok yönlü bir müzecilik ortam› sunuyor. Sabri Artam Classic Automobile Museum Sabri Ataman Klasik Otomobil Müzesi Natoyolu Bosna Bulvar› No: 104 Çengelköy Üsküdar Tel: 329 50 30 09.00-17.00, closed Mondays / Pazartesi kapal› Sadberk Han›m Museum Sadberk Han›m Müzesi Sar›yer, Tel: 242 38 13 The Afliyan Museum Afliyan Müzesi Bebek, Tel: 263 69 86

Open between 10 am-8 pm everyday except Mondays / Pazartesi hariç hergün 10.00-20.00 aras› aç›k. The earliest power plant of Turkey on an urban scale Silahtara¤a, was preserved and reintroduced to ‹stanbul as a complex of public functions. In addition to the Energy Museum, Santralistanbul incorporates spaces for contemporary artistic and cultural activities, a public library, open air recreation areas, international artists’ residencies and educational units. Türkiye’nin kentsel ölçekteki ilk elektrik santral› Silahtara¤a, korunarak yeniden hayata döndürüldü ve ‹stanbul’a geri kazand›r›ld›. Santralistanbul bünyesinde Enerji Müzesi’nin yan› s›ra ça¤dafl sanat ve kültürel etkinlik mekânlar›, herkese aç›k bir kütüphane, aç›k hava rekreasyon alanlar›, uluslararas› sanatç› rezidanslar› ve e¤itim birimleri yer al›yor. The City Museum fiehir Müzesi Y›ld›z, Tel: 258 53 44 The Tanzimat Museum Tanzimat Müzesi Gülhane Park›, Tel: 512 63 84 Topkap› Palace Museum Topkap› Saray› Müzesi Sultanahmet, Tel: 512 04 80

09.00-17.00, closed Tuesdays / Sal› kapal› Reflecting the glory of the Ottoman era, the palace was built by Mehmet the Conqueror immediately after the conquest of Istanbul. It consists of pavillions surrounded by four large courtyards, with the Treasury and the harem being of particular interest. Also open to visitors is the 6th-century Church of St. Irene in the palace grounds.

Osmanl› döneminin görkemini yans›tan saray, ‹stanbul’un fethinden hemen sonra Fatih Sultan Mehmed taraf›ndan yapt›r›lm›flt›r. Dört büyük avlu ile çevrili köflklerden oluflan sarayda, Hazine Dairesi ve harem özellikle dikkat çekiyor. Saray›n bahçesindeki 6. yüzy›ldan kalma Aya ‹rini Kilisesi de ziyarete aç›k. TÜRVAK Cinema and Television Museum TÜRVAK Sinema ve Televizyon Müzesi Beykoz, Tel: 425 19 00 Ural Ataman Classic Automobile Museum Ural Ataman Klasik Otomobil Müzesi Nuripafla Cad. No: 81 Ferahevler / Tarabya Tel: 299 45 39 - pbx 11.00-18.00 only on Saturdays / sadece Cumartesi günleri Women’s Library and Information Center Foundation Kad›n Eserleri Kütüphanesi ve Bilgi Merkezi, Haliç, Tel: 534 95 50

Y›ld›z Palace Museum Y›ld›z Saray› Müzesi Befliktafl, Tel: 258 30 80 Palaces / Saraylar Beylerbeyi Palace Beylerbeyi Saray›, Beylerbeyi, Tel: 321 93 20

Dolmabahçe Palace Dolmabahçe Saray› Befliktafl, Tel: 258 55 44 236 90 00 09.00-17.30, closed Mondays and Thursdays Pazartesi ve Perflembe kapal› Construction of the palace began in 1842 at the command of Sultan Abdülmecid, and the edifice contains 43 salons and 285 rooms. With its inlay and marble, walls hung with oil paintings, and crystal marble bannisters, the palace has a dream-like atmosphere. ‹nflaat›na 1842’de Sultan Abdülmecid’in emriyle bafllanan saray›n 43 salonu ve 285 odas› bulunuyor. Saray, kakma ve mermer iflleri, duvarlardaki ya¤l›boya tablolar› ve kristal mermer trabzanlar› ile düflsel bir mekâna dönüflüyor.

Maslak Kasirs Maslak Kas›rlar› Maslak, Tel: 276 10 22 Yerebatan (Basilica) Cistern Yerebatan Sarn›c› The cistern was built by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian in A.D. 542 on the other side of the Hippodrome to meet the Great Palace' water requirements, and nowadays it is a museum and an exhibition hall, as well as hosting concerts and poetry readings.

542 y›l›nda Bizans ‹mparatoru Justinyen taraf›ndan At Meydan›'n›n di¤er taraf›nda bulunan ve Büyük Saray'›n su ihtiyac›n› karfl›lamak üzere yapt›r›lan sarn›ç, bugün hem müze olarak kullan›l›yor hem de sergi, müzik dinletisi ve fliir okumalar›na da ev sahipli¤ini yap›yor. Yerebatan Cad. No: 13 Sultanahmet, Tel: 522 12 59 09.00-17.30, open daily her gün aç›k Y›ld›z Kiosks fiale, Malta and Çad›r Y›ld›z Köflkleri, Tel: 276 10 22

Ihlamur Kasir Ihlamur Kasr› Befliktafl, Tel: 261 29 91

Telephone: International code for Turkey: 90. ‹stanbul area codes: European side 212, Asian side 216. For intercity calls within Turkey first dial ‘0’, then the area code, and then the local number. For international calls first dial ’00’.

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‹STANBUL GUIDE Mosques / Camiler Blue Mosque Sultanahmet Camii

Tel: 518 13 19 The Blue Mosque takes its name from the Iznik tiles that adorn its interior. Mavi Cami olarak da bilinen yap›, ad›n› içini süsleyen mavi ‹znik çinilerinden al›r. Rüstempafla Mosque Rüstempafla Camii Has›rc›lar Cad. Eminönü Built in the 16th century, this mosque is famous for the Iznik tiles that grace its interior. 16. yüzy›lda yapt›r›lan cami, içindeki muhteflem ‹znik çinileri ile ünlüdür.

Süleymaniye Mosque Süleymaniye Camii Prof. S›dd›k Sami Onar Cad. Vefa, Tel: 514 01 39 Designed and built by Mimar Sinan, the most famous of Ottoman architects, this mosque was erected for Süleyman the Magnificent and is the largest mosque in Istanbul. Osmanl›’n›n en ünlü mimarlar›ndan Mimar Sinan’›n eseri olan cami, Kanuni Sultan Süleyman için yapt›r›lm›flt›r. ‹stanbul’un en büyük camisidir.

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Yeni Mosque Yeni Cami Yeni Cami Meydan› Eminönü Among the most majestic of the ‘sultan’ mosques on the seashore, this mosque is also known for the pigeons which crowd its courtyard, and for the people who feed them. Deniz k›y›s›ndaki sultan camilerinin en görkemlilerinden olan yap›, avlusundaki güvercinler ve onlara yem verenlerle de bilinir. Churches and synagogues Kilise ve sinagoglar Ayios Yeorgios (Greek Orthodox Patriarchal Church of St. George) Sadrazam Ali Pafla Cad. 35 Fener, Tel: 531 96 70-6

St. Mary's Cathedral (Armenian Patriarchate) fiarapnel Sok. No: 3 Kumkap›, Tel: 516 25 17 Sightseeing Gezinti Bosphorus Cruise Bo¤az turu Istanbul lies where two continents and two seas meets, and its main artery is the Bosphorus. Fine shoreline houses known as yal›s grace its shores, while boat cruises and special ferry runs are a matchless way to enjoy the pleasures the Bosphorus has to offer. ‹ki k›tan›n ve iki denizin bulufltu¤u yerde kurulan ‹stanbul’a, Bo¤az hayat verir. Yal›lar bir dantel gibi k›y›lar›n› süsler. Tekne turlar› ya da özel sefer yapan vapurlar, Bo¤az’›n keyfini ç›kartmak için birebirdir.

Christ Church (Anglican) The Crimean Memorial K›r›m Kilisesi Serdar› Ekrem Sok. 82 Tünel (Behind the Swedish Consulate), Tel: 251 56 16 Sundays 10.00 a.m. Dutch Chapel (Union Church) ‹stiklal Caddesi Dutch Consulate Beyo¤lu, Tel: 244 52 12 Sunday service in English. ‹stanbul Presbyterian Church Yusuf Kamil Pafla Sok. Moda, Tel: 449 39 74 Neve Shalom (Synagogue) fiiflhane, Tel: 244 75 66San Antonio di Padova (Catholic) Church Beyo¤lu, Tel: 244 09 35 Sunday service in English, Italian, Polish.

e¤lence aç›s›ndan Beyo¤lu’nun ve hatta ‹stanbul’un kalbidir. Maiden’s Tower K›z Kulesi

Salacak Üsküdar, Tel: (0216) 342 47 47 12.00-01.00, open daily / her gün aç›k This site of myth and legend, among the most important symbols of Istanbul, is now home to a restaurant and cafeteria. ‹stanbul’un en önemli simgelerinden biri say›lan efsanelerin mekân›, flimdilerde restoran ve kafeterya olarak hizmet veriyor. Piyerloti Coffee House Piyerloti Kahvesi Gümüflsuyu Cad. Karya¤d› Sok. No: 5, Tel: 581 26 96 08.00-24.00 open daily / her gün aç›k

Galata Tower Galata Kulesi Büyük Hendek Sok. Beyo¤lu, Tel: 293 81 83, 09.00-20.00, open daily her gün aç›k ‹stiklal Caddesi With its historical streetcar running up and down the avenue from Taksim to the Tunnel, ‹stiklal Caddesi hums with culture and entertainment that make it the heart of Beyo¤lu and indeed of Istanbul. Taksim’den Tünel’e gidip gelen tarihi tramvay›yla ‹stiklal Caddesi, kültür ve

Taking its name from the French novelist Pierre Loti, an ardent friend of the Turks, this famous coffee house is an ideal place to view the Golden Horn from the slopes of Eyüp. Ad›n› Türk dostu, Frans›z romanc› Pierre Loti’den alan bu ünlü kahve, Eyüp s›rtlar›ndan Haliç’i seyretmek için ideal bir yer. Princes’ Islands Adalar Perfect for those seeking to escape the hubbub of the city, these islands can easily be visited in a single day. Of the nine islands, the four largest-K›nal›ada, Burgazada, Heybeliada and Büyükada-are called

at in turn by most ferries. fiehrin karmaflas›ndan kaç›p huzur bulmak isteyenlerin mekân› olan adalar, bir gün içinde kolayca gezilebilir. Vapurlar›n ço¤u s›rayla dokuz adan›n en büyük dördüne; K›nal›ada, Burgazada, Heybeliada ve Büyükada'ya u¤rar. The Spice Bazaar M›s›r Çarfl›s› You find shops selling spices, traditional appetizers and gifts here in Istanbul's second largest historical bazaar. ‹stanbul'un ikinci büyük tarihi çarfl›s› olan M›s›r Çarfl›s›'ndaki dükkânlarda baharatlar, geleneksel mezeler ve hediyelik eflyalar sat›fla sunuluyor. Turkish Bath Hamam Ca¤alo¤lu Bath Ca¤alo¤lu Hamam› Tel: 522 24 24 Çemberlitafl Bath Çemberlitafl Hamam› Tel: 520 18 50 The hamam or Turkish bath, one of the most important components of Turkish culture, is far more than simply a place to get clean. At Istanbul’s historical hamams you can experience this ritual, which for centuries has been part and parcel of the life of Anatolia. Türk kültürünün en önemli bileflenlerinden biri olan hamam, basit bir temizlenme mekân›ndan çok daha derin anlamlar tafl›r. Anadolu insan›n›n yüzy›llard›r süren bu önemli ritüelinin tad›n› ‹stanbul’daki tarihi hamamlarda ç›karabilirsiniz.

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Ridos Thermal Hotel & Spa İkizdere/Rize

Sağlık keyif verir...

Dünyanın en zengin 5 termal suyundan birine sahip İkizdere Kaplıcaları’nda şifadan daha fazlasını bulacaksınız. Kaçkarların tertemiz havası, yemyeşil ormanları sizi spor, tur gezileri ve doğa yürüyüşleri için kışkırtacak. Kış mevsiminde gelirseniz kayak yapmaya çağıracak. Cennet gibi bir vadinin tüm güzelliklerinin tam ortasında yer alan İkizdere Ridos Hotel, size unutulmaz bir doğal tedavi ve tatil fırsatı sunuyor. İkizdere Ridos Hotel’de geçireceğiniz günlerin ardından eve daha sağlıklı, dingin bir vücutla ve unutulmaz anılarla dönmek... Daha güzel bir tatil, daha keyifli bir tatil dönüşü var mı?

Sağlık Üniteleri •Kapalı ve açık termal havuzlar •SPA Wellnes & Health Club •Jakuzili özel banyolar •Türk Hamamı •Sauna •Fizik Tedavi Üniteleri •Yürüyüş alanları •Roof Bar •Cilt bakım ve güzellik odaları •Kese-Köpük banyo uygulamaları •Masaj Odaları (18 çeşit masaj tekniği) •Çocuk alanları

Otel İmkanları 6 suit, 4 aile odası toplam 128 oda, 20 apart oda, 250 kişilik çok amaçlı toplantı salonu ve 40 kişilik özel toplantı salonu, 200 kişilik restaurant (1. sınıf), 80 kişilik ala carte restaurant, Roof Bar, yürüyüş parkurları ve açık alanlarda dinlenme üniteleri.

Ridos Thermal Otel & Spa (Sağlık Bakanlığı Kaplıcalar Yönetmeliği kapsamında belgelidir.) www.ridosotel.com.tr iletisim@ridosotel.com.tr Ilıca Köyü, İkizdere Rize 0464 416 21 50 (10 Hat) ridoshotel indd 1

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Ambulance Tel: 112 (All over Turkey) Police Tel: 155 (All over Turkey) Fire Tel: 110 (All over Turkey) Tourism police Tel: 527 45 03 Gendarme Tel: 156 (All over Turkey) Coast Guard Tel: 158 (All over Turkey) Tourism Information Turizm Dan›flma Ministry of Culture and Tourism Kültür ve Turizm Bakanl›¤› Bahçelievler, ‹smet ‹nönü Bulvar› 5 Tel: 212 83 00 Tourism Information Turizm Dan›flma Maltepe G.M.K Bulvar› 121, Tel: 231 55 72 Esenbo¤a Airport International Terminal Esenbo¤a Havaalan› D›fl Hatlar Terminali Tel: 398 00 00 / 1578 – 398 03 48 146 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

Atatürk’s Mausoleum

Çengelhan Rahmi M. Koç Museum

Museums Müzeler Ankara State Museum of Painting and Sculpture Ankara Devlet Resim ve Heykel Müzesi Opera – Ulus, Tel: 310 20 94 09.00-12.00; 13.0017.00, closed Mondays / Pazartesi kapal› This museum, which houses works of Turkish painting and sculpture, also organizes temporary exhibitions by local and foreign artists. Türk resim ve plastik sanat›na ait yap›tlar›n yer ald›¤› müzede, yerli ve yabanc› sanatç›lara ait geçici sergiler de düzenleniyor. Ataturk Culture Center, Museum of the Republican Period Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Cumhuriyet Devri Müzesi Tel: 342 10 10 8:30 to 5:30 daily except weekends / Pazar hariç The entrance level of the museum building is decorated with reliefs containing quotations from Ataturk on youth, art and independence. Sound and light shows are staged by illuminating the reliefs section by section. Müze binas›n›n girifl kat› duvarlar› Atatürk'ün ba¤›ms›zl›k, gençlik ve sanatla ilgili sözlerini içeren

here in a space in which examples typical of each period are represented. Her dönemin karakteristik örneklerle temsil edildi¤i mekânda, eski ça¤lara ait çanak-çömlekler, tekstil üretim aletleri vb. eserler yer al›yor. Mevlana Museum Mevlana Müzesi

An›tkabir Müzesi An›tkabir Komutanl›¤›, An›ttepe, Tel: 231 79 75 09.00-16.00, open daily / her gün A museum devoted to various objects belonging to Atatürk and the gifts presented to him by visiting men of state. Atatürk’e ait çeflitli eflyalar, kendisini ziyaret eden yabanc› devlet adamlar›n›n sunduklar› arma¤anlar›n sergilendi¤i bir müze. Atatürk and the War of Independence Museum Atatürk ve Kurtulufl Savafl› Müzesi An›tkabir Komutanl›¤› An›ttepe, Tel: 231 79 75 This museum presents the battles of the Dardanelles and Sakarya, the Great Offensive and the battle of Dumlup›nar (dubbed the Battle of the Commander-in-Chief), together with the founding years of the Republic of Turkey and the period of Atatürk in a series of striking displays. Müze; Çanakkale, Sakarya, Büyük Taarruz



ve Baflkomutanl›k muharebelerini, Türkiye’nin kurulufl y›llar›n› ve Atatürk dönemini çarp›c› biçimde sunuyor.

rölyeflerle süslüdür. Rölyefler bölüm bölüm ayd›nlat›larak, ›fl›k ve ses gösterileri yap›l›r.


Telephone: International code for Turkey: 90. Ankara area code: 312. For intercity calls within Turkey first dial ‘0’, then the area code, and then the local number. For international calls first dial ’00’.

Tourism Police Turizm Polisi Ankara Emniyet Müdürlü¤ü, Tel: 384 06 06

Çengelhan Rahmi M. Koç Müzesi Sutepe Mah. Depo Sok. No:1 Alt›nda¤, Tel: 309 68 00 Ethnographic Museum Etnografya Müzesi Talat Pafla Bulvar› Ülkü Sok. No: 4 Opera, Tel: 311 30 07 08.30-12.30; 13.0017.00, closed Mondays Pazartesi kapal› The museum has examples of Turkish art from the Seljuk period until the present day. Müzede Selçuklu döneminden günümüze Türk sanat›ndan örnekler sergileniyor. Gordion Museum Gordion Müzesi

Yass›höyük köyü Polatl›, Tel: 638 21 88 08.30-17.00, open daily / her gün Ancient pottery, tools of textile production and other items are exhibited

Mevlana Mah. Konya Tel: (332) 351 12 15 The museum has manuscript books of Mevlana's, Mevlevi costumes and a large number of items from the Mevlevi period as well as the grave of Mevlana. 10-5 Mondays, 9-5 other days of the week. Müzede, Mevlana'n›n el yazmas› kitaplar›, Mevlevi k›yafetleri ve Mevlevi dönemine ait pek çok eflya ile Mevlana’n›n mezar› birarada bulunuyor. Pazartesi 10.00 – 17.00, dig˘er günler 09.00-17.00 aras›nda ziyaret edilebilir. MTA, Natural History Museum MTA, Tabiat Tarihi Müzesi Eskiflehir Yolu, Balgat, Tel: 287 34 30 09.00-17.00, open daily / her gün The museum exhibits fossils, minerals and rock examples from all geological eras. Here you can see the assembled original skeleton of the Marafl elephant (Elephas indicus) dating from the second half of the first

Telephone: International code for Turkey: 90. Ankara area code: 312. For intercity calls within Turkey first dial ‘0’, then the area code, and then the local number. For international calls first dial ’00’.


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millenium BC, and the fossilized footprints found in Manisa belonging to people who lived in Anatolia approximately 25,000 years ago. Müzede, yerbilimlerinin tüm evrelerine ait fosil, mineral ve kaya örnekleri sergileniyor. Burada MÖ 1000. y›l›n ikinci yar›s›nda yaflam›fl olan Marafl filinin (elephas indicus) orijinal iskelet montesi ile yaklafl›k 25 bin y›l önce Anadolu’da yaflam›fl insanlar›n, Manisa’da bulunan fosil ayak izlerini görebilirsiniz.

Museum of Anatolian Civilisations Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi Gözcü Sok. No: 2 Ulus, Tel: 324 31 60-62 08.30-17.00, open daily / her gün Anatolian archaeological remains starting from the Palaeolithic Period are exhibited at the museum in chronological order, and include artifacts from the Neolithic city of Çatalhöyük, and sites dating from the Hittites and Urartians. Müzede, aralar›nda Çatalhöyük, Hitit ve Urartulara ait buluntular›n da yer ald›¤› Anadolu arkeolojik eserleri, Paleolitik ça¤dan bafllayarak günümüze kadar kronolojik bir s›rayla sergileniyor.

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Museum of the Republic Cumhuriyet Müzesi II. Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Binas› Cumhuriyet Caddesi, No: 22 Ulus, Tel: 310 53 61 09.00-17.00, closed Mondays Pazartesi kapal› The Meeting Hall of the National Assembly with its original furnishings, the chambers where the Atatürk reforms were hammered out, and documents and certain personal objects reflecting the periods of the first three presidents, Atatürk, ‹smet Inönü and Celal Bayar. Özgün eflyalar› ile Meclis Toplant› Salonu, Atatürk ilke ve ink›laplar›n›n anlat›ld›¤› odalar, ilk üç cumhurbaflkan›n›n, Atatürk, ‹smet ‹nönü, Celal Bayar dönemlerini yans›tan belgeler ile baz› flahsi eflyalar› sergileniyor.

Museum of the War of Independence Kurtulufl Savafl› Müzesi I. Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Binas› Cumhuriyet Caddesi No: 14 Ulus, Tel: 310 71 40 08.30-12.00 / 13.3017.00, closed Mondays Pazartesi kapal› The original building of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, this museum houses a number of items from the period of the first parliament and the War of Liberation. An office in the building used by

Ataturk is preserved in its original state. Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi'nin kuruldu¤u ilk binad›r. Müzede ilk meclis dönemine ve Kurtulufl Savafl›'na ait birçok eflya sergileniyor. Binada bulunan ve Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'e ait olan çal›flma odas› ise ilk günkü haliyle muhafaza ediliyor.

The castle, which has guarded the city for centuries, is now a symbol of Ankara and its history is as old as the city itself.

Sightseeing / Gezinti

As›rlard›r kentin bekçili¤ini yapan ve tarihi kentin tarihi kadar eski olan Ankara Kalesi, kentin sembolüdür.

Ahi Elvan Mosque Ahi Elvan Camii Ahi Elvan Mah. Pirinç Sok. Koyun Pazar› The mosque was built after the Seljuks, either in the Akhi or early Ottoman periods (the end of the 14th and beginning of the 15th century). The mosque’s pulpit is interesting because of its wood carving and form. Selçuklulardan sonra Ahiler veya Osmanl›lar›n ilk devirlerinde (14. yy sonu, 15. yy bafl›) yap›lm›flt›r. Caminin minberi ahflap iflçili¤i ve flekliyle ilgi çekicidir. Aslanhane Mosque Aslanhane Camii Ahi fierafettin Mah. Atpazar› Yokuflu The interior of this 13th century mosque is in contrast to the restrained exterior, and it is one of the most beautiful examples of Seljuk mosques. The stucco mihrap with its faience mosaic is spectacular. 13. yüzy›lda yapt›r›lan caminin iç mekan›, d›fl görünüflünün mütevaz›l›¤›na tezat, Selçuklu camilerinin en güzellerinden birini teflkil eder. Mozaik çinili, alç› mihrab› göz kamaflt›r›r. Ankara Citadel Ankara Kalesi Hisarpark› Caddesi


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Beypazar› Located 99 km from Ankara, Beypazar›’s history goes back to the Hittites and Phyrgians. This charming district is famous for its historical houses, silver craftsmen and for its carrots. Ankara’ya 99 km uzakl›kta bulunan Beypazar›’n›n tarihi Hitit ve Friglere kadar uzan›r. Bu flirin ilçe, tarihi evleri, gümüfl iflçili¤i ve havucu ile ünlüdür. Hac›bayram Mosque Hac›bayram Camii, Ulus, next to the temple of Augustus / Antik Augustus tap›na¤›n›n yan› This mosque was built in the early 15th century in Seljuk style, in honor of Hac› Bayram Veli. 15. yüzy›l›n bafllar›nda, Hac› Bayram Veli ad›na yapt›r›lan cami, Selçuk stilindedir.

dört minareli bu büyük cami, klasik Osmanl› mimarisinin özelliklerini tafl›yor. Mother Mary Church (Catholic) Meryem Ana Kilisesi Birlik Mah. 3. Cad. No: 35 Oyak, Çankaya (Beside the Vatican Embassy), Tel: 495 35 23 Roman Baths Roma Hamamlar› Çank›r› Caddesi, Ulus, 08.30-12.30/13.30-17.00, closed Mondays Pazartesi kapal› The baths, built in the 3rd century AD in honor of Asklepion, the god of medicine, sit on a platform about 2.5 m above the street. Caddeden 2.5 metre kadar yükseklikte yer alan Roma Hamam›, MS 3. yüzy›lda sa¤l›k tanr›s› Asklepion ad›na yap›lm›fl. St. Nicholas Church (Anglican) St. Nicholas Kilisesi fiehit Ersan Cad. No: 46, Çankaya (Inside the Embassy of Great Britain) Sunday service at 10.00 Tel: 468 62 30 / 32 85 St. Theresa Church (Catholic) St. Theresa Kilisesi Ifl›klar Caddesi Kardefller Sk. No: 15 Ulus, Tel: 311 01 18 Samanpazar› Synagogue Samanpazar› Sinagogu Sakalar Mahallesi Birlik Sk. No: 8, Samanpazar›, Tel: 311 62 00

Kocatepe Mosque Kocatepe Camii This is a recently constructed mosque of great size in classical Ottoman-style with four minarets. Yak›n zamanda infla edilen 8 / 2 0 0 9 S K Y L I F E 147

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Embassies / Elçilikler

Afghanistan / Afganistan Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 442 25 23

Estonia / Estonya Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 405 69 70

Libya Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 438 11 10-14

Slovak Republic / Slovak Cumhuriyeti Kavakl›dere, Tel: (0312) 467 50 75

Albania / Arnavutluk Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 441 61 03

Ethiopia / Etiyopya Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 436 04 00

Lithuania / Litvanya Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 447 07 66

Slovenia / Slovenya Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 405 60 07

Finland / Finlandiya Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 426 19 30

Macedonia / Makedonya Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 439 92 04

South Africa / Güney Afrika Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 446 40 56

France / Fransa Kavakl›dere, Tel: (0312) 455 45 45

Malaysia / Malezya Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 446 35 47-8

South Korea / Güney Kore Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 468 48 21-23

Georgia / Gürcistan Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 442 65 08

Mexico / Meksika Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 442 30 33

Spain / ‹spanya Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 438 03 92

Federal Rep. of Germany Almanya Kavakl›dere, Tel: (0312) 455 51 00

Mongolia / Mo¤olistan Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 446 79 77

Sudan Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 441 38 84-85

Greece / Yunanistan Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 436 88 60

Morocco / Fas Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 437 60 20-21

Sweden / ‹sveç Kavakl›dere, Tel: (0312) 455 41 00 (pbx)

Hungary / Macaristan Y›ld›z-Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 442 22 73

Netherlands / Hollanda Y›ld›z, Tel: (0312) 409 18 00

Switzerland / ‹sviçre Kavakl›dere, Tel: (0312) 467 55 55-56

India / Hindistan Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 438 21 95-98

New Zealand / Yeni Zelanda Kavakl›dere, Tel: (0312) 467 90 54

Syria / Suriye Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 440 96 57-58

Indonesia / Endonezya Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 438 21 90-92

Nigeria / Nijerya Gaziosmanpafla Tel: (0312) 448 10 77-78

Tajikistan / Tacikistan Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 446 16 02

Iran / ‹ran Kavakl›dere, Tel: (0312) 468 28 21 (pbx)

Norway / Norveç Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 405 80 10

Thailand / Tayland Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 467 34 09

Ireland / ‹rlanda Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 446 61 72

Oman / Umman Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 447 06 30-31

Tunisia / Tunus Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 437 78 12

Algeria / Cezayir Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 468 77 19 Argentina / Arjantin Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 446 20 61-62 Australia / Avustralya Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 459 95 00 Austria / Avusturya Kavakl›dere, Tel: (0312) 419 04 31-33 Azerbaijan / Azerbaycan Oran, Tel: (0312) 491 16 81-83 Bangladesh / Bangladefl Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 439 27 50-51 Belarus / Beyaz Rusya Çankaya Tel: (0312) 441 67 69-70 Belgium / Belçika Gaziosmanpafla Tel: (0312) 446 82 50 Bosnia & Herzegovia Bosna Hersek Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312)427 36 02 Brazil / Brezilya Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 448 18 40-41-43 Bulgaria / Bulgaristan Kavakl›dere, Tel: (0312) 467 20 71 Canada / Kanada Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 409 27 00 Chile / fiili Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 447 35 82 China / Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 436 06 28

Israel / ‹srail Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 446 36 05 Italy / ‹talya Kavakl›dere, Tel: (0312) 426 54 60-63 Japan / Japonya Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 446 05 00

Croatia / H›rvatistan Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 446 08 31

Jordan / Ürdün Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 440 20 54

Cuba / Küba Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 442 89 70-71

Kazakhstan / Kazakistan Oran, Tel: (0312) 491 91 00 (pbx)

Czech Republic Çek Cumhuriyeti Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 446 12 44

Kuwait / Kuveyt Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: 445 05 76-80

Pakistan / Pakistan Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 427 14 10-13 State of Palestine / Filistin Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 436 04 23 Philippines / Filipinler Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 446 58 31 Poland / Polonya Kavakl›dere, Tel: (0312) 467 56 19 Portugal / Portekiz Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 446 18 90-91 Qatar / Katar Oran,Tel: (0312) 490 72 74 Romania / Romanya Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 427 12 43

Turkish Rebuplic of Northern Cyprus / Kuzey K›br›s Türk Cumhuriyeti Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 446 01 85 Turkmenistan / Türkmenistan Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 441 71 22-24 Ukraine / Ukrayna Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 441 54 99 United Arab Emirates Birleflik Arap Emirlikleri, Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 447 68 61-62 United Kingdom / Büyük Britanya ve Kuzey ‹rlanda Birleflik Krall›¤› Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 455 33 44 United States of America Amerika Birleflik Devletleri Kavakl›dere, Tel: (0312) 455 55 55

Kyrgyz Republic K›rg›zistan Y›ld›z, Tel: (0312) 491 35 06

The Russian Federation Rusya Federasyonu Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 439 21 22

Denmark / Danimarka Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 446 61 41 (5 Lines)

Latvia / Letonya Gaziosmanpafla Tel: (0312) 405 61 36

Saudi Arabia / Suudi Arabistan Gaziosmanpafla Tel: (0312) 468 55 40-42

Venezuela Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 447 81 31-447 85 01

Egypt / M›s›r Kavakl›dere, Tel: (0312) 468 22 40

Lebanon / Lübnan Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312)446 74 85-8

Serbia / S›rbistan Kavakl›dere, Tel: (0312)426 02 36

Yemen Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 446 31 78

Delegation of the European Commission to Turkey Avrupa Komisyonu Türkiye Delegasyonu Gaziosmanpafla, Tel: (0312) 459 87 00

Uzbekistan / Özbekistan Çankaya, Tel: (0312) 441 38 71-72

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Telephone: International code for Turkey: 90. ‹zmir area code: 232. Kufladas› (area code for province of Ayd›n): 256. For intercity calls within Turkey first dial ‘0’, then the area code, and then the local number. For international calls first dial ’00’.

Selçuk, Tel: 892 63 28892 69 45 Tourism Police Turizm Polisi Turizm fiube Müdürlügü, Tel: 417 37 85

Museums / Müzeler Archeological Museum Arkeoloji Müzesi


Ambulance Tel: 112 (All over Turkey) Police Tel: 155 (All over Turkey) Fire Tel: 110 (All over Turkey) Tourism police Tel: 527 45 03 Gendarme Tel: 156 (All over Turkey) Coast Guard Tel: 158 (All over Turkey) Tourism Information Turizm Dan›flma Adnan Menderes Airport Tel: 274 22 14 274 21 10 Provincial Director of Tourism ‹l Turizm Müdürlü¤ü Tel: 483 51 17483 62 16 Alsancak, Tel: 445 73 90489 92 78 Bergama, Tel: 631 28 51 Çeflme, Tel: 712 66 53 Foça, Tel: 812 12 22 150 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

Bahri Baba Park›, Konak Tel: 483 72 54 09.00-12.00 / 13.0017.00, closed Mondays Pazartesi kapal› Atatürk Museum Atatürk Müzesi Birinci Kordon,148, Tel: 464 48 05 09.00-17.00, closed Mondays Pazartesi kapal› Bergama Museum Bergama Müzesi Zafer Mah., Cumhuriyet Cad. No: 6 Bergama, Tel: 631 28 83 08.00-12.00 / 13.0017.00, closed Mondays Pazartesi kapal› The museum with a large collection of material from Stone Age to Byzantine times, is in the centre of the modern town. fiehir merkezinde yer alan müzede, Erken Tunç döneminden Bizans’a kadar de¤iflik dönemlere ait arkeolojik eserler sergileniyor.

Birgi Çak›ra¤a Mansion Birgi Çak›ra¤a Kona¤› Birgi, Ödemifl, Tel: 531 52 05 08.00-12.00 / 13.0017.00 closed Mondays Pazartesi kapal› This stately mansion, construction of which began in 1761, is one of the rare homes of its kind to survive intact. Outstanding for its wood workmanship, it is a twin-pavilion of three stories with an exterior hall. Open to visitors since 1995. 1761 y›l›nda inflas›na bafllanan konak, günümüze dek ayakta kalabilen ender konaklardan. Ahflap iflçili¤iyle dikkat çeken mekân, üç katl›, d›fl sofal›, çift köflk odal› bir yap›ya sahip. Konak 1995 y›l›ndan bu yana ziyarete aç›k. Ephesus Museum Efes Müzesi Atatürk Mahallesi, Kufladas› Caddesi, Selçuk, Tel: 892 60 10 08.30-12.00 / 13.0016.30, open daily / her gün aç›k The most visited museum in Izmir exhibits artifacts found in excavations of the ancient city of Ephesus. The museum is organised into the Hillside Houses and the House Artifacts Room, the Coins and Treasury Section, the Tomb Artifacts Room, the Ephesus Artemis Room and the Emperor Cults Room, and there are numerous architectural elements and sculptures in the inner and central gardens. ‹zmir’in en çok ziyaret edilen müzesinde Efes antik kentinde yap›lan kaz›larda bulunan eserler

sergileniyor. Yamaç Evler ve Ev Buluntular› Salonu, Sikke ve Hazine Bölümü, Mezar Buluntular› Salonu, Efes Artemisi Salonu, ‹mparator Kültleri Salonu olarak düzenlenen müzenin iç ve orta bahçelerinde de çeflitli mimari eserler ve heykeller yer al›yor.

Tel: 482 03 93 08.00-17.00, closed Sundays / Pazar kapal› Ödemifl Archeological Museum Ödemifl Arkeoloji Müzesi Birgi yolu, No: 88 Ödemifl, Tel: 545 11 84 08.00-12.00 / 13.0016.30, closed Mondays Pazartesi kapal› Sightseeing / Gezinti Alsancak Quarter

Ethnographic Museum Etnografya Müzesi Bahri Baba Cad. No: 4 Konak, Tel: 483 72 54 09.00-12.00 / 13.0017.00, closed Mondays Pazartesi kapal› The Ethnographic Museum that is situated next to the Archaeology Museum contains folkloric artefacts, which include a fine collection of Bergama and Gördes carpets, traditional costumes and camel accessories. Arkeoloji Müzesi’nin yan›nda yer alan müzede, Bergama ve Gördes hal› koleksiyonu, yöresel k›yafetler ve develere tak›lan aksesuvarlar›n da yer ald›¤› geleneksel el sanatlar› sergileniyor. Museum of Painting and Sculpure ‹zmir Resim ve Heykel Müzesi Mithat Pafla Cad. No: 94 Konak,

This perfectly lovely quarter contains restored traditional houses as well as amusements and entertainment including bars, cafes and restaurants. Kentin en canl› e¤lence ve ticaret merkezlerinden biri olan bu popüler bölgede restore edilmifl çok say›da Levanten ve Rum evleri de bulunuyor. Balçova Thermal Springs Balçova Kapl›calar› ‹zmir province abounds in mineral and thermal springs, those at Balçova being just 15 kilometer from the city centre. ‹zmir çevresinde çok say›da kaynak suyu ve kapl›ca bulunuyor. Bunlardan Balçova

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Ephesus have an unforgettable charisma. In nearby Selçuk there is the basilica of St. John (6th century), a superb museum and ‹sa Bey Mosque. Also in the vicinity is the House of the Virgin Mary, and the Cave of the Seven Sleepers. ‹zmir’den (72 km) ve Kufladas›’ndan (18 km) kolayl›kla ulafl›labilen ola¤anüstü ilginç, caddeleri ve yap›lar›yla bugün de benzersiz bir atmosfere sahip antik kent. Efes’in çok yak›n›nda St.Jean Bazilikas›, Meryem Ana Evi, Yedi Uyurlar Ma¤aras›, Selçuk ‹sa Bey Camii gibi baflka tarihsel ve turistik gezi yerleri bulunuyor.

kapl›calar› kent merkezine sadece 15 km uzakl›kta ve kent içi toplu tafl›ma araçlar›yla ulaflmak mümkün.

Beaches / Plajlar


The province of Izmir has a huge coastline on the Aegean, with beaches and areas for watersports easily accessible from the city by private or public transport from Üçkuyular bus station. Good beaches include Selçuk-Pamucak, Urla, Gülbahçe, Çeflme- Il›ca, Alt›nkum, Foça and Dikili. Ege Denizi’ne çok uzun k›y›s› bulunan ‹zmir’in plajlar› su sporlar›na da olanak tan›r. Plajlara özel araçla ya da Üçkuyular garaj›ndan kalkan tafl›tlarla rahatl›kla ulaflabilirsiniz. Selçuk-Pamucak, Urla, Gülbahçe, Çeflme-Il›ca, Alt›nkum, Dikili ve Foça, kumsallar›n›n güzelli¤i ile öne ç›kanlar plajlar aras›ndad›r.

Ephesus Efes Within easy reach of ‹zmir (72 km) and Kufladas› (18 km), the spectacular buildings and streets of ancient

Kadifekale Fortress Kadifekale The fortress overlooking ‹zmir has sections dating from Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine times. The 20-25 metre high walls were originally 6 km in length. Today the fortress is a famous excursion spot with pleasant tea gardens, commanding a fabulous view of the city. ‹zmir’in içinde, kente hakim bir tepedeki bu kale Helenistik, Roma ve

Bizans izlerini tafl›yor. Yüksekli¤i 20-25 metre olan duvarlar›n›n uzunlu¤u eski dönemlerde 6 km’yi buluyordu. Günümüzde çay bahçeleri ve ola¤anüstü kent manzaras›yla ünlü bir gezinti yeri.

Pergamum Bergama The ruins of Pergamum, a major centre of civilisation of the ancient world, are situated 105 km from ‹zmir. The acropolis and amphitheatre perched on a towering hilltop, and on the outskirts of the town of Bergama the Asklepion or health centre dedicated to Asklepios the god of health are in a remarkable state of preservation. The site is open daily between 08.30 and 18.30. ‹zmir’in 105 km kuzeyindeki bu ilçesinde antik ça¤›n büyük uygarl›k merkezi Pergamon’un kal›nt›lar› bulunuyor. Görkemli bir tepedeki akropolis ve amfiteatr›n yan› s›ra, ilçenin giriflinde sa¤l›k Tanr›s› Asklepios ad›na infla edilen ve günümüzde bütün özellikleriyle ayakta duran sa¤l›k merkezi her gün 8.30-18.30 aras›nda ziyarete aç›k.

Telephone: International code for Turkey: 90. ‹zmir area code: 232. Kufladas› (area code for province of Ayd›n): 256. For intercity calls within Turkey first dial ‘0’, then the area code, and then the local number. For international calls first dial ’00’.

Mosques / Camiler Hisar Mosque

illuminations dating from the 18th century. 17. yüzy›lda infla edilen yap›n›n 18. yüzy›ldan kalma kalem ifli süslemeleri görülmeye de¤er. Churches and synagogues Kiliseler ve sinagoglar

Hisar Cami Hasana¤a Mah. Hisarönü Mevkii 899 Sok. Konak The mosque was constructed in the 16th century and is one of the most imposing in Izmir. 16 yüzy›lda infla edilen cami, ‹zmir’in en gösteriflli camilerinden biridir. Kemeralt› Mosque Kemeralt› Camii The entrance to Kemeralt› Bazaar / Kemeralt› çarfl› girifli This 17th century structure has beautiful

Aya Fotini (Orthodox) Aya Fotini Kilisesi Alsancak, Tel: 421 69 92 Only open on principal feast days. Yaln›z büyük bayramlarda aç›k. Berkholim Synagogue Berkholim Sinagogu. ‹kiçeflmelik Cad., 40 Tel: 441 90 97 Beth Israel Synagogue Bet Israel Sinagogu Mithatpafla Cad., 265 Tel: 425 16 28 House of the Virgin Mary Meryem Ana Evi Efes, Selçuk, Tel: 892 60 08

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ANTALYA GUIDE Çocuklar›n da ilgisini çekecek bir salon bulunan müzeyi tarih merakl›lar› mutlaka gezmeli.

Alanya, Damlatafl Cad. Müze yan› Tel: 513 12 40

Tourism Police Turizm Polisi Kaleiçi Yatliman›, Tel: 243 10 61

Emergency Ambulance Tel: 112 (All over Turkey) Police Tel: 155 (All over Turkey) Fire Tel: 110 (All over Turkey) Tourism police Tel: 527 45 03 Gendarme Tel: 156 (All over Turkey) Coast Guard Tel: 158 (All over Turkey) Tourism Information Turizm Dan›flma Tourist Information Phone / Alo Turist Hatt› Tel: 0 800 511 07 07 0 800 511 07 08 Provincial Director of Tourism ‹l Turizm Müdürlü¤ü Tel: 242 247 76 60 Antalya, Cumhuriyet Cad. Yavuz Özcan Park› içi Tel: 241 17 47

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Sightseeing / Gezinti Alanya Archaeological Museum Arkeoloji Müzesi Tel: 513 12 28 8 to 5:30, closed Mondays This is a museum in two sections, archaeological and ethnographic. The archaeological section has bronze, marble, glass and mosaic finds from the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods, as well as an inscription in the Karamanid language and coins of various civilizations and periods. Works of Turkish and Islamic art, and kilims, saddlebags and garments from Alanya and its environs are exhibited in the ethnographic section. Müze, Prehistorik Bizans dönemine kadar olan buluntular›n sergilenmesi amac›yla kuruldu. Mozaikler, çanak ve çömlekler, heykel koleksiyonlar›, ‹zmir Konak'ta bulunan müze binas›nda ziyaretçilerin be¤enisine sunuluyor.

Alanya Citadel Alanya Kalesi This splendid Byzantine citadel surmounting the rocky peninsula is walled (8 km). The ‘Red Tower’ was built by the Seljuk’s Sultan Keykubad in 1226. Today it is a small museum containing etnographical collections. Bizans zaman›ndan kalma, ‘K›z›l Kule’si 1226’da Sultan Alaaddin Keykubad taraf›ndan infla ettirilen görkemli Alanya Kalesi flehri ikiye ay›ran bir yar›madan›n üzerinde yer al›yor. K›z›l Kule, bugün etnografik eserlerin sergilendi¤i bir müze. Antalya Museum Antalya Müzesi Kenan Evren Bulvar›, Konyaalt›, Tel: 241 45 28 08.30-17.30, closed Mondays / Pazartesi kapal› Antalya Museum covers an area of 30.000 square metres with thirteen galleries, an open-air gallery, a children’s gallery (where children may be left) and a wide yard. Antalya Müzesi çok genifl bir alanda 13 teflhir salonu ve bir aç›khava galerisinden olufluyor.


Kemer, Belediye Binas› Tel: 814 15 36-814 11 12

Aspendos A major port and commercial centre in antiquity. Aspendos today lies inland, 48 km east of Antalya. Its magnificent amphiteatre is the best preserved in the world and known for its superb acoustics and is still used for concerts. Antalya’n›n 48 kilometre do¤usunda, antikça¤›n önemli liman›ndan kalma muhteflem bir amfiteatr. Ola¤anüstü akusti¤i ve iyi korunmufl olmas› nedeniyle bugün de konserler için kullan›l›yor.


For international calls first dial ’00’.

Kafl, Cumhuriyet Meydan› Tel: 836 12 38


Telephone: International code for Turkey: 90. Antalya area code: 242. For intercity calls within Turkey first dial ‘0’, then the area code, and then the local number.

Düden Falls Düden fielalesi A very beautiful waterfall (12 km north of the city centre). It’s a perfect choice to hacqve a picnic. Kent merkezine kuzey yönünde 12 km uzakl›kta çok güzel bir flelale. Piknik için mükemmel bir tercih.

Hadrian’s Gate Hadrian Kap›s› The beautiful decorated, three-arched gate was built in honour of Hadrian when he visited the city in 130 A.D. MS 130 y›l›nda imparator Hadrianus'un Antalya'ya gelifli onuruna yap›lan üç kemerli kap›n›n oyma ve kabartmalar› ola¤anüstü. Köprülü Canyon National Park Köprülü Kanyon Milli Park› The Köprülü Canyon National Park is within the boundaries of Manavgat, a 14 km long and 100 m wide valley between Bolasan village and Beflkonak.It is thickly covered in cedar trees and its resemblance to the ‘fairy chimneys’ of Cappadocia, albeit in the from of nature, is striking. Manavgat s›n›rlar› içerisinde yer alan park, Bolasan köyü ile Beflkonak aras›nda 14 km uzunlu¤unda, 100 metre derinli¤inde bir vadidir. Gür sedir ormanlar› ile kapl› vadide, Kapadokya’daki peri bacalar›na benzeyen ilginç do¤al oluflumlar› görebilirsiniz. Karain Cave Karain Ma¤aras› The caves are 27 kilometer northwest of Antalya. It is the largest cave in Turkey to have been inhabited. Finds from these remarkable caves go back to the paleolithic, some 30,000 years ago. Antalya’n›n 27 kilometre kuzeybat›s›nda yer al›r. Türkiye’nin içinde insan yaflam›fl en büyük ma¤aras›d›r.


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Yap›lan arkeolojik kaz›larda elde edilen buluntular, paleolitik ça¤lara, yaklafl›k 30 bin y›l önceye tarihlenmektedir.


Built over 55,000 square meters at Konyaalt› in Antalya, Minicity tells the stories of the Anatolian civilisations in a series of miniature 1:25 scale-models. The mini-monuments chronicle the millenniaold past of the Hittites, Assyrians, Lydians, Phrygians, Troy, Cappadocia, Halicarnassus, Ephesus, the Byzantines, Seljuks, Ottomans, and modern Turkey. With its pools and waterways, Minicity offers a refreshing tour on Antalya’s searing summer days. Antalya, Konyaalt›’nda, 55 bin metrekareye kurulu Minicity, Anadolu uygarl›klar›n›n öykülerini, 1/25 oran›na küçültülen minyatür modellerle anlat›yor. Hitit, Asur, Lidya, Frigya, Troya, Kapadokya, Halikarnassos, Efes, Roma, Selçuk, Osmanl› ve Modern Türkiye’nin binlerce y›ll›k geçmiflten yadigâr kalan eserleri bir araya geliyor. Havuzlar ve suyollar›yla donat›lan Minicity, Antalya’n›n s›ms›cak ikliminde, serin bir gezinti sunuyor.

Manavgat Waterfall Manavgat fielalesi A priority address for those who want to cool off on the hot, sweltering days of summer,and a natural wonder created by the stream of the same name. With its thunderous cascade and icy waters, this waterfall, located in Antalya’s Manavgat township, is a haven of tranquility.



Yaz›n s›cak ve bunalt›c› günlerinde serinlemek isteyenlerin bir numaral› adreslerinden biri; her mevsim bol suyu olan Manavgat Çay›’n›n oluflturdu¤u bir do¤a harikas›: Manavgat fielalesi. Antalya’n›n Manavgat ilçesinde bulunan bu flelale, gümbür gümbür sesi, buz gibi suyuyla insana huzur veren bir cennet.

Minicity Konyaalt›, Tel: 228 92 28 09.00-23.00, open daily her gün

Old Quarter Kaleiçi The historic nucleus of Antalya. This district is now restored and has became an attractive touristic centre

with its taverns, hotels, restaurants and entertainment facilities. Its narrow streets lead down to the old harbour (today an international yachting marina). fiehrin tarihi çekirde¤i olan Kaleiçi; restore edilmifl hali, otel ve pansiyonlar›, restoranlar› ve e¤lence olanaklar›yla turistik bir merkez. Dar sokaklardan inilen eski liman ise bugün uluslararas› bir marina. Perge The origins of this ancient city 18 km north-east of Antalya go back to 1000 BC, but the surviving remains are Hellenic and Roman. An exceptional open-air museum. Antalya’n›n 18 kilometre kuzeydo¤usundaki bu antik kentin geçmifli MÖ 1000 y›l›na kadar uzan›yor. Ancak bugün gezilen kal›nt›lar Helen ve Roma dönemlerinden kalma bir aç›khava müzesi. Phaselis Situated at the foot of Mt Tahtal› (Olympos), 15 km south of Kemer, the three harbors of Phaselis were the reason for its historical role as a commercial center. Tahtal› Da¤›’n›n eteklerinde, Kemer’in 15 km güneyinde yer alan antik kent, üç liman› ile zaman›n›n önemli bir ticaret merkeziydi. Side At this lively resort east of Antalya, the houses and ancient ruins are inextricably interwined. There are two agoras, an amphiteatre and a museum in which statues and other works of art found here are exhibited.


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Antalya’n›n do¤usundaki bu turistik k›y› kasabas› antik kal›nt›larla içiçe. ‹ki büyük agora, genifl bir amfiteatr ve burada gün ›fl›¤›na ç›kar›lan heykel ve öteki eserlerin sergilendi¤i bir müze. Termessos Perched 1050 m above sealevel, this is an ancient city and a national park northwest of Antalya. There is a natural history museum at the park entrance. Denizden 1050 m yükseklikte, inan›lmaz bir manzara, flafl›rt›c› bir antik kent ve do¤a müzesiyle bir ulusal park. The Suna-‹nan K›raç Kaleiçi Museum Suna-‹nan K›raç Kaleiçi Müzesi, Kaleiçi, Tel: 243 42 74 Museum consists of two buildings, each one of which deserves designation as a cultural asset with protected status. Cross-sections of life in the castle in the first half of the 19th century are exhibited with special effects in the Museum’s first section, located inside the defense walls. The second section, an ancient church, houses an exhibition of cultural artifacts and works of art from the Suna and ‹nan K›raç collection. Korunmas› gerekli kültür

varl›¤› olarak tescilli iki binada yer alan Suna‹nan K›raç Kaleiçi Müzesi’nin birinci bölümünde, 19. yüzy›l›n ikinci yar›s›na özgü Kaleiçi yaflam›ndan kesitler özel efektlerle birlikte sunuluyor. Müzenin eski bir kilise binas› olan ikinci bölümde ise, Suna-‹nan K›raç koleksiyonuna ait kültür ve sanat eserleri sergileniyor. Underwater Kafl Sualt›ndaki Kafl With its cold underwater springs, crystal clear waters and first-rate underwater visibility, Kafl is a number one address for diving buffs. Sualt› kaynaklar›n›n neden oldu¤u so¤uk suyuyla dünyan›n en berrak ve görüfl mesafesi en uzun denizalt› co¤rafyalar›ndan birine sahip olan Kafl, dal›fl tutkunlar›n›n birinci adresi. Yivli Minare (Fluted Minare) Yivli Minare is the symbol of Antalya and the city’s oldest Seljuk monument, dates from the reign of Sultan Alaeddin Keykubad (1219-1238). Antalya’n›n sembolü say›lan Yivli Minare, Sultan Alaeddin Keykubad (1219-1238) döneminden kalma, kentin en eski Selçuklu yap›s›d›r.

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MU⁄LA GUIDE 09.00–12.00 / 02:00–07.00, closed Mondays / Pazartesi kapal› Remarkable ancient artefacts and ships discovered by sponge divers and nautical archaeologists on the seabed along the southwestern Turkish coast are exhibited in this museum, which is located in Bodrum Castle. Bodrum Müzesi içinde, sünger avc›lar› taraf›ndan ve çeflitli sualt› kaz›lar›nda ç›kar›lm›fl olan eserlerin sergilendi¤i bir müze.

Telephone: International code forTurkey: 90. Mu¤laarea code: 252. For intercity calls within Turkey first dial ‘0’, then the area code, and then the local number. For international calls first dial ’00’.

Emergency Ambulance Tel: 112 (All over Turkey) Police Tel: 155 (All over Turkey) Fire Tel: 110 (All over Turkey) Tourism police Tel: 527 45 03 Gendarme Tel: 156 (All over Turkey) Coast Guard Tel: 158 (All over Turkey) Tourism Information Turizm Dan›flma Bodrum Bar›fl Meydan› Tel: 316 10 9 Dalaman Havaliman› Tel: 792 52 20 Dalyan Ortaca Tel: 284 42 35 Datça Hükümet Binas›, ‹skele Mahalle Tel: 712 31 63 Fethiye ‹skele Meydan› 1 Tel: 612 19 75 158 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

Köyce¤iz Atatürk Kordonu, Tel: 262 47 03 Marmaris ‹skele Meydan› 1 Tel: 412 10 35 Milas-Bodrum Milas-Bodrum Havaliman›, Tel: 523 00 66 Mu¤la Marmaris Bul., 24 Tel: 214 12 61 Museums Müzeler Fethiye Museum Fethiye Müzesi Kesikkap› Mah. Okul Sok. Fethiye, Tel: 614 11 50 Opened for the purpose of exhibiting the finds of this archaeologically rich region, the museum consists of two halls where archaeological and ethnographic items are exhibited. Almost all the items on display were collected from Fethiye and its environs.

The museum's most important pieces are a 'Stele' with inscriptions in three languages which made a significant contribution to the deciphering of the Lykian language, and a 'Statue of a Girl with a Dove'. Arkeolojik aç›dan zengin olan bölgedeki buluntular›n sergilenmesi amac›yla aç›lm›flt›r. Müze arkeolojik ve etnografik eserlerin sergilendi¤i iki salondan olufluyor. Sergilenen eserlerin neredeyse tamam› Fethiye ve çevresinden derlenmifltir. Üzerinde üç dilde yaz›lm›fl metinlerin yer ald›¤› ve Likçe'nin çözümüne büyük katk›lar sa¤layan 'Stel' ve 'Kumrulu Genç K›z Heykeli' müzenin en önemli parçalar›. The Bodrum Museum of Underwater Archeology Sualt› Arkeoloji Müzesi Tel: 316 25 16

Marmaris Archaeological Museum Marmaris Arkeoloji Müzesi Tel: 412 14 59 Kemeralt› Mah. Kale içi Marmaris 08.30-12.00 and 13.00-17.30 / closed Mondays / Pazartesi kapal› Marmaris Citadel, which houses the Marmaris Archaeological Museum, was restored between 1980 and 1990 and opened to visitors. Important for both its history and its architecture, the Citadel also contributes positively to the character of the museum. A building with seven doors, the museum has both archaeological and ethnographic exhibits. Marmaris Arkeoloji Müzesi'ne ev sahipli¤i yapan Marmaris Kalesi, 1980-1990 y›llar› aras›nda restore edilerek hizmete aç›ld›. Gerek tarihi gerekse mimarisi ile büyük önem tafl›yan Kale, müzenin karakterine de olumlu aç›dan katk› sa¤l›yor.

Telephone: International code forTurkey: 90. Mu¤laarea code: 252. For intercity calls within Turkey first dial ‘0’, then the area code, and then the local number. For international calls first dial ’00’.

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Yedi kapal› mekâna sahip müzede, arkeolojik ve etnografik eserler sergileniyor.

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ç›kar›lan fosillerin sergilendi¤i müzede, birçok hayvan ve bitki türüne ait fosillerden oluflan koleksiyonlar yer al›yor. Befl ila dokuz milyon y›l önce yaflam›fl canl›lar›n fosillerinin yan› s›ra, Yata¤an-Stratonikeia antik kentinden ç›kar›lan eserler de müzede sergileniyor.

Ortaca ilçesine ba¤l› küçük bir yerleflim yeri. Dalyan kanal› k›vr›mlar›yla, sazl›klar›yla gezilecek bir do¤a harikas›.

Sightseeing Gezinti Milas Museum Milas Müzesi Hay›tl› Mah. Köprüler Cad. No: 6 Milas, Tel: 512 39 70 Archaelogical finds from ancient cities in the province of Milas Such as Labranda, Herakleia, lassos, and Euromos can be seen here. Milas çevresindeki Labranda, Herakleia, ‹assos, Euromos gibi antik kentlerde yap›lan kaz›larda ç›kan eserlerin sergilendi¤i bir müze. Mu¤la Museum Mu¤la Müzesi Tel: 214 49 33 Eski Adliye Binas› arkas› 8 to 5, closed Mondays Pazartesi kapal› Situated on the northern slopes of Kakl›ca Tepe, this museum has exhibits from its collections of fossils of numerous plant and animal species unearthed from three different fossil beds. Besides these fossils of creatures that lived between five and nine million years ago, the museum also has exhibits of artifacts unearthed from the ancient city of Stratonikeia (Yata¤an). Kakl›ca Tepe'nin kuzey yamaçlar›nda bulunan üç adet fosil yata¤›ndan

Bodrum Castle Bodrum Kalesi This castle dedicated to St. Peter was built by the Knights of Rhodes in the 15th century. Located on the edge of the harbour, it covers an area of approximately 30,000 square metres, and has five towers. 15. yüzy›lda Rodos flövalyeleri taraf›ndan St. Peter ad›na infla edilen kale limana hakim durumda. Yaklafl›k 30 bin metrekarelik alana sahip olan kalede befl kule mevcut. Dalyan This village southeast of Mu¤la is named after the river which links Lake Köyce¤iz to the editerranean. The channels of the river wind through the reedbeds of the estuary amidst spectacular mountain scenery.

Datça Datça lies on the Refladiye Peninsular, which in geographical terms marks the confluence of the Aegean and Mediterranean. At the western tip of the peninsular is the ancient city of Knidos, where traces of almost all the periods of western Anatolian history are to be seen. From Datça on the coast there are also day trips by boat to the bays of Karg›, K›z›lbük, Palamutbükü, Domuzbükü and Hay›tbükü. Datça ya da Refladiye Yar›madas›, Ege ile Akdeniz’in co¤rafi olarak birbirinden ayr›ld›¤› yer. Antik Knidos kenti de, Bat› Anadolu tarihinin hemen hemen bütün izlerini bar›nd›ran bu yar›madan›n tam ucunda. Datça ilçe merkezinden kalkan teknelerle Karg› Koyu, K›z›lbük, Palamutbükü, Domuzbükü ve Hay›tbükü’ne günübirlik gezi yapmak mümkün.

Marmaris Lying on a large bay encircled by pine covered hills, Marmaris enjoys one of the most beatiful settings of any Turkish resort. It is close to such ancient ruins as Physkos, Saranda, Amos and Loryma. ‹lçede gezilip görülmeye de¤er Physkos, Saranda, Amos, Loryma gibi antik kentler bulunuyor. Ölüdeniz Lagoon Ölüdeniz With its clear turquoise waters this lagoon 15 km south of Fethiye is one of Turkey’s most renowned natural sites. It is surrounded by sand beaches and pine woods and is a conservation area. Fethiye’ye 15 kilometre uzakl›kta, Türkiye’nin bilinen en önemli koylar›ndan biri. Bir benzerine az rastlanan Ölüdeniz, hareketsiz özelli¤i, deniz ürünleri ve kumsal›yla ilgi çekiyor.

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Say›n Yolcular›m›z,

Dear Passengers,

Cep telefonlar› uça¤›n uçufl aletlerini olumsuz yönde etkilemekte ve uçufl emniyetini tehdit etmektedir. Uçaklar›m›zda uçufl emniyeti ve can güvenli¤i aç›s›ndan cep telefonlar›n›n uçufl boyunca ‘flight mode’ da olsa dahi, flirket kurallar› gere¤i kullan›lmas› yasak olup kapal› tutulmas› gerekmektedir. Say›n Yolcular›m›z, Uçufl emniyeti için iniflte, kalk›flta ve kemer ikaz ›fl›klar› yanarken; kaset çalar, elektronik oyunlar, tafl›nabilir bilgisayar, disk çalar, radyo ve televizyon al›c›lar›, tafl›nabilir video aletleri, DVD, VCD ve benzeri batarya ile çal›flan elektronik ve elektrikli aletler kullan›lamaz. Uçak içinde tüm uçufl boyunca; radyo ve telsiz vericileri, tafl›nabilir telefonlar, uzaktan kumandal› oyuncaklar ve elektromanyetik dalga yayan tüm aletlerin kullan›lmas› yasakt›r. Say›n Yolcular›m›z, Tüm uçufl boyunca, lütfen sigara, pipo, puro ve sigarillo içmeyiniz.

Mobile phones interfere with the flight instruments and compromise flight safety. For the safety of our passengers, our company regulations therefore prohibit the use of mobile phones, even in ‘flight mode’, for the duration of the flight and require them to be switched off when boarding. Ladies and Gentlemen, The operation of the following items is forbidden during take off, landing and when the seat belt sign is on: Casette players, electronic games, portable computers, compact disc players, radio and TV receivers, portable video equipment, DVD, VCD or similar battery powered electrical and electronic equipment. The operation of the following items is forbidden during the entire flight: Radio and TV transmitter, portable phones, walky talkies, remote controlled toys, or any other electronic equipment transmitting electromagnetic waves. Ladies and Gentlemen Please refrain from smoking cigarettes, pipes and cigars during the flight.

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Türk Hava Yollar› websitesi Turkish Airlines’ website www.thy.com

Sizi internetten uçuruyoruz! We’ll fly you on line! www.thy.com

Uçuflunuzu planlayabilirsiniz. You can plan your flight.

Ayr›ca interneti kullanarak: Using the internet you can:

Rezervasyonunuzu yapabilirsiniz. You can make your reservation.

Farkl› ödeme seçenekleriyle biletinizi sat›n alabilirsiniz. (kredi kart›, EFT/Havale, web bankac›l›¤›)

You can purchase your ticket by the payment method of your choice. (credit card, EFT/transfer, internet banking) Kalk›fl var›fl bilgilerini gözden geçirebilirsiniz You can review your departure and arrival times.

Check-in ifllemlerinizi gerçeklefltirebilirsiniz. You can check in.

Koltu¤unuzu ve yeme¤inizi seçebilirsiniz. You can choose your seat and your meal. üyeli¤inizle ilgili pek çok ifllemi on line yapabilirsiniz Many on line transactions related to your Miles&Smiles membership are available. 162 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

Binifl kart›n›z› yaz›c›n›zdan bast›rabilirsiniz. You can print your boarding pass on your own printer. Hiçbir yere u¤ramadan do¤ruca binifl kap›s›na gidip konforlu ve güvenli bir flekilde uçabilirsiniz. You can proceed directly to the gate.



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Türk Hava Yollar› Bilgi Turkish Airlines Info Bebekler için Bebek mamas›, uçufllar›m›zda “özel yemek” kapsam›ndad›r. Rezervasyon s›ras›nda ve tarifeli kalk›fl saatinden en az 24 saat önce; özel yemek (BBML Bebek Mamas›) talebi yap›lmal›d›r. Cam kavanoz içinde yüklenen mamalar 2 çeflit olup, meyveli ve sebzelidir. Talebin yap›lmad›¤› durumlar için ise; IST ve ESB ç›k›fll› iç hat ve tüm d›fl hat uçufllar›m›zda, uçaklar›m›zda k›s›tl› miktarda ekstra bebek mamas› bulundurulmaktad›r. Yo¤un talep nedeni ile bu ürünümüz tükenmifl olabilir. Kabin ekibimizle talebiniz konusunda lütfen temasa geçiniz. Kabin giriflinde, sa¤, sol veya orta s›ra koltuklar›n önünde sadece düz uçufl s›ras›nda duvara monte edilebilen pusetleri kullanmak için, yer numaran›z› al›rken, bebe¤inizin oldu¤unu ve önde oturman›z hususunu hat›rlatmal›s›n›z. Bebe¤in alt›n› de¤ifltirmek için, kabindeki koltuklar yerine, bu ifllemi kolaylaflt›ran özel modifikasyonlu tuvaletleri denemenizi tavsiye ediyoruz. Hasta ve hamile yolcular için Hasta yolcu için bilet al›n›rken ‘Hasta Yolcu Formu’ düzenlenerek bilet kapa¤›na mutlaka ilifltirilmesi gerekir. Hasta yolcunun uçmas› için hastal›k türünü belirten ve bu hastal›¤›n

uçak yolculu¤una engel teflkil etmeyece¤ine dair bir doktor raporu gereklidir. Bu raporun tarihi 10 günden eski olamaz. Bak›ma muhtaç hasta olan yolcu beraberinde refakatçi getirmezse uçurulmaz. Tek bebe¤e hamile yolcular›n 28 haftadan- 36 haftaya kadar kendi doktorundan ald›¤› “Uçakla Seyahatinde Herhangi Bir Sak›nca Yoktur” ibaresi yer alan raporu ile seyahatine izin verilir. 36 haftadan sonra ise doktor raporu olsa dahi seyahatine izin verilmez. ‹ki veya daha fazla bebe¤e hamile yolcular›n 28 haftadan- 32 haftaya kadar kendi doktorundan ald›¤› “Uçakla Seyahatinde Herhangi Bir Sak›nca Yoktur” ibaresi yer alan raporu ile seyahatine izin verilir. 32 haftadan sonra ise doktor raporu olsa dahi seyahatine izin verilmez. Doktor raporunun tarihi 7 günden eski olamaz. Evcil hayvanlar için Uçak kabininde evcil hayvan tafl›nmas› için rezervasyon yap›lmas› gerekir. Evcil hayvan, yolcu taraf›ndan getirilen uygun özel bir kafes, kutu ya da çanta içerisinde kabine al›n›r. Yolcu taraf›ndan getirilen Ortakl›k standartlar›na uymayan muhafazalar kabul edilmez. Kabine al›nacak evcil hayvan›n geçerli bir sa¤l›k belgesi, kimlik cüzdan›, afl› ka¤›d› yolcu beraberinde mevcut olmal›d›r. Evcil hayvanlar kabinde olduklar› süre içinde bulunduklar› muhafazalar›ndan ç›kart›lamazlar ve muhafazalar sahiplerinin oturduklar› koltuklar›n önünde kabin içindeki gidifl ve gelifle engel olmayacak flekilde yerlefltirilir. Yolcu kabininde tafl›nmas› mümkün olmayan ve yolcu beraberinde seyahat eden evcil hayvanlar ise, yolcu taraf›ndan gerekli flartlara uygun muhafazalar›n içinde, kargo kompartman›nda tafl›n›r. Check-in esnas›nda sadece kedi ve köpek (amerikan pitbull terrier, amerikan

staffordshire terrier, bull terrier, staffordshire bull terrier, japanese tosa, dogo argentino, doberman, rottweiller gibi tehlike arz eden köpekler hariç) kabul edilir. Infant Passengers Baby food falls into the category of ‘special food’ on our flights. Requests for special food (Baby Food) must be made either when making a reservation, or at least 24 hours before scheduled takeoff. Two types of baby food, fruit and vegetable, are available in jars. In case of failure to request in advance, a limited amount of extra baby food is available on flights originating from Istanbul and Ankara airports. Due to high demand, however, we may run out of baby food. Please contact our cabin crew for your request. To use the cribs, which can be hung only while the aircraft is cruising on the walls at the entrance to the cabin in front of the right, left and central rows of seats, you must specify that you have an infant with you at check-in so that you can be placed in the front row of seats. To change your baby’s nappy we suggest that you try using the specially modified lavatories which facilitate this task, rather than the cabin seats. Sick Passengers

and expectant mothers When purchasing their ticket sick passengers should fill in a Sick Passenger Form, which must be attached to the cover of the ticket. A doctor’s report specifying the nature of the illness from which the passenger is suffering and declaring that there are no reasons why the person concerned should not fly is also required. This report must not be dated more than 10

days prior to the flight date. Passenger whose illness is severe enough to require care cannot fly unaccompanied. If the mother is pregnant with one baby; it is permitted to travel between 28-36 weeks pregnancy with the medical clearance which states “Fit to travel by air carriage” by the doctor. It is not permitted to travel after 36 weeks pregnancy even with a medical clearance. If the mother is expecting twins or more; it is permitted to travel between 28-32 weeks pregnancy with the medical clearance which states “Fit to travel by air carriage” by the doctor. It is not permitted to travel after 32 weeks pregnancy even with a medical clearance. Medical clearance must be dated 7 days prior to the flight. Pets Reservations are required for pets. Passengers may carry pets in the cabin only if they are in cages which meet airline specifications. Domestic animals flying in the passenger cabin must possess a valid and up-todate record of health and vaccination. While on the aircraft pets may not be allowed out of their carrying containers, which must be placed in front of the owner’s seat so as not to obstruct movement within the cabin. pets accompanying passengers and which cannot be carried in the cabin can be carried in the hold in appropriate containers supplied by their owners. Only cats and dogs (except American pitbull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier, bull terrier, Staffordshire bull terrier, Japanese tosa, dogo argentino, doberman, rottweiller etc type of fighting dogs) are allowed on Turkish Airlines flights. 8 / 2 0 0 9 S K Y L I F E 163


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D›fl Bürolar International Offices




ABU DAB‹ - ABU DHABI Salem Travel Agency Hamdan Street, Sultan Bin Yousef Bldg. P.O. Box 346 Abu Dhabi UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Tel: (971-2) 6261010-6267771 auhsales@turkishairlines.ae auhstation@turkishairlines.ae Tel: (971-2) 6218000-6211116 travels@salemtravelagency.com ADDIS ABABA Heritage Plaza, 2nd Floor, Number: 2231 Kebele 03, Addis Ababa ETHIOPIA S/R Tel: (251-11) 6627781/82 turkishairlines@ethionet.et ALMAT‹ - ALMATY Furmanova Str. No: 100 480091 G. Almaty KAZAKHSTAN S/R Tel: (7-3272) 506773-506774506220-501067 sales@turkishairlines.kz AMMAN Jabal Amman Third Circle A. Riyadh Centre 8th Floor P.O. Box 39177 Amman JORDAN S/R Tel: (962-6) 46591024659112 thy@go.com.jo AMSTERDAM Terminal West, Room D716, Schipol Airport 1118AA Amsterdam NETHERLANDS S/R Tel: (31-20) 405 96 36405 36 45 info@turkishairlines.nl ASTANA JSC International Airport Astana New Passenger Terminal on the 2nd Floor No: 2043 Astana KAZAKHSTAN Tel: (7-3172) 777020-777021 -777881-777882 AfiKABAD - ASHGABAD Magtymguly Ave. No: 73 7444000 Ashgabad TURKMEN‹STAN S/R Tel: (993-12) 392919-356612 AT‹NA - ATHENS Athens International Airport Building 17th, 5th km Spata-Loutsa Avenue 190 04 Athens GREECE Tel: (30-210) 3537280-81-82 thyoffice@athensairport.gr BAGDAT-BAGHDAD GSA: Baghdad Al-Iraquia Aviation Al Sa’adoon St.near by fuel station Q101 Str.9 75/1 BAGHDAD Tel:00 964 7709686995/96 BAHREYN - BAHRAIN Manama Travel Centre W.L.L., The Diplomat Radisson Hotel (Lobby Area) Building 59, Road 1701 Manama 317 KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN Tel: (973) 17211896-1722264717222648 turkair@batelco.com.bh BAKÜ - BAKU Husi Hac›yev Cad. No: 11 Baku AZERBAIJAN Tel: (99-412) 977300-975438 thy.baku@azeurotel.com BANGLADEfi-BANGLADESH GSA: Air Solutions (PVT) Ltd. Red Crescent Concord Tower, 16th floor, 17 Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka 1212 BANGLADESH Tel: (88 02) 9886874 BANGKOK Gulf Express Transport Agency Ltd.CP Tower 3rd Floor,

164 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

313, Silom Road 10500 Bangkok THAILAND Tel: (66-2) 2310300-07 tksales@thy.co.th BARSELONA - BARCELONA Aeropuerto de Barcelona, Terminal A Modulo 5, Planta 2° Numero: 24 08820 El Prat de Llobregat Barcelona SPAIN R/Tel: (34 93) 2984170-2984331 bcnreservation@turkishairlines.com.es bcnairport@turkishairlines.com.es BASEL Flughoff Flughafen Basel 4030 Basel SWITZERLAND Tel: (061) 3254959 (0) 848 444 849 BATUM Georgia Tel: (00) 995 222 35110 zekaia@thy.com BELGRAD-BELGRADE Turkish Airlines Inc. Knez Mihailova 30/V 11000 Belgrade Republic of Serbia Tel: 381 (11) 303 61 95 directorserbia@thy.com BERL‹N - BERLIN Budapester Strasse 28-30 10787 Berlin GERMANY S/R Tel: (49-30) 2624033-35 ber@tkgermany.com Schoenefeld Airport Tel: (49-30) 60915500 Tegel Airport Tel: (49-30) 41013412/13 BETHLEHEM GSA: JOY International Tours and Travel, Nativity Str. P.O. Box 630 Bethlehem PALESTINE AUTHORITY Tel: (972-02) 2770130 – 33 BEYRUT-BEIRUT Emir Bachir Str. Lazarists Bldg. A2-2 Block Mazzenine Floor Al Bashoura-Central District, Beirut LEBANON Tel: (961-1) 999849-999848-999850 md@thylb.com BIRMINGHAM Birmingham International Airport Terminal 1 BIRMINGHAM B26 3QJ Tel:0044 (0) 01217828788 birmingham@thy.com B‹fiKEK - BISHKEK Sovyetskaya 136 Bishkek KYRGYZSTAN S/R Tel: (996-312) 301 660008 info-kg@thy.com BRÜKSEL - BRUSSELS 51. Cantersteen,1000 Brussels BELGIUM S/R Tel: (32-2) 5001932-5117676 sales@turkishairlines.be BUDAPEfiTE - BUDAPEST Apaczai Csere Janos U. 4 1052 Budapest HUNGARY Tel: ( 36-1) 266 42 91/69/83/60 turkishairlines@axelero.hu BUENOS AIRES GSA: Intercontinente S.A. Av. Santa Fe 1114-1 Floor B Buenos Aires ARGENTINA Tel: (54-11) 48162307 info@turkishair.com.ar BÜKREfi - BUCHAREST BD. N. Balcescu 35-A Bucharest ROMANIA S/Tel: (4021) 3112410-3113210 thy@mb.roknet.ro

CAPE TOWN MSP 1 LOBYA Ground Floor Cape Town International Airport Tel: 0027-(0) 936 34 40-41-42-43 CENEVRE - GENEVA Geneva International Aeroport Cp 825 1215 Geneva 15 S/R Tel: (41-22) 7316120 (0) 848 444 849 customergva@thy.com CEZAY‹R - ALGIERS 30 Rue Hassene Benamene Les Verger, Bir Mourad Rais ALGERIA Tel: (213-21) 541313-446866 GSA: Four Winds Travel FWT 01 Avenue Pasteur Algiers Tel: (213-21) 739340-739342 C‹DDE - JEDDAH City Center Bldg. Annex 12/13 Medina Road. P.O. Box. 11563 21425 Jeddah SAUDI ARABIA S/R Tel: (966-2) 6600127 thyinc@awalnet.net.sa GSA: ABC Travel Agency Gulf Plaza Center Medina Road P.O Box: 11679 Jeddah 21463 Tel: (966-2) 6637683-6636787 COLOMBO GSA: Pership Holidays Pvt. Ltd. Pership House Level 4, 35 Edward Lane Colombo 03 SRI LANKA Tel: (94-11) 2559884-2553689-5360143 DAHRAN - DHAHRAN GSA: ABC Travel Agency King Abdulaziz Str. 25th Cross P.O. Box: 739 Alkhobar 31952 Dhahran SAUDI ARABIA Tel: (966-3) 8670044-8676269 DAKAR Leopold Sedar Senghor International Airport,BP8412 DAKAR Tel: 221 33 820 13 66 dakarmd@thy.com D‹NYEPER - DNEPROPETROVSK Turkish Airlines Inc. Shevchenko Str. 53A Dnepropetrovsk UKRAINE 49000 Tel: 380-56-3774730 sales1@thy.dp.ua sales2@thy.dp.ua DOHA KATAR-DOHA QATAR GSA: Trans Orient Agency P.O. Box 363 Trans Orient Travel & Tourism Centre Bldg. Doha QATAR Tel: (974) 44 33 027 / 44 33 028 DONETSK Donetsk Airport, 2nd Floor, Turkish Airlines Inc. Rep. 82021 Donetsk UKRAINE Tel: (380-62) 3120516 / 3120526 / 3120824 / 3120892 DUBAI Al Sholala Building, A Block No: 608 P.O. Box 1200 Dubai UAE S/R Tel: (971-4) 2940099-2957467 sales@turkishairlines.ae customer@turkishairlines.ae GSA: Al Naboodah Travel&Tourism Al Shoala Complex-Alittihad Street P.O.Box: 1200 Dubai UAE DUBLIN Dublin Airport Arrival Floor Co Dublin IRELAND S/ Tel: (353) 18447920 Tel: (353) 18447922 sales@turkishairlines.ie

DUfiANBE - DUSHANBE GSA: Kaynak Ltd. fiti, Bokhtar Cad. No: 37/1 (Vefa Center) Dushanbe TAJIKISTAN Tel: (992) 487011501/02/03474410721/22 thydushanbe@mkf.tj DUSSELDORF Graf Adolf Platz 1/2 D-40213 Dusseldorf GERMANY S/R Tel: (49-211) 3854260 dus@tkgermany.com EKATERINBURG Ulitza Belinskova 32,Ekaterinburg RUSSIAN FEDERATION Tel: (7-343) 355 63 66 svxsales@thy.com FRANKFURT Baseler Str. 35-37 60329 Frankfurt-Main GERMANY R/Tel: (49-69) 95517200 fra@tkgermany.com GÖTEBORG - GÖTHENBURG Landvetter Airport, Departure Hall Box 2023, SE438 80 Landvetter-Gothenburg/ Sweden Tel: (00 46) 31 94 19 14 - 16 HALEP-ALEPPO GSA: Noura Wings Tourism Travel Baron Caddesi Numara 116 Baron Oteli Karsisi HALEP/ SURIYE Tel: (00 963) 21 211 87 18 (00 963) 21 211 87 19 halepsatis@thy.com HAMBURG Hermannstr. 46,20095 Hamburg GERMANY Tel: (49-40) 325805-0 S/R Tel: (49-40) 32580511-13-14-15 ham@tkgermany.com HANNOVER Flughafen Hannover-Langenhagen Terminal B (Abflugebene) Postfach 42 02 20 30662 Hannover GERMANY Tel: (49) (511) 30 48 20 haj@tkgermany.com HARTUM - KHARTOUM GSA: Sudatürk for Travel and Tourism Agency Afriqiya Street, Mzk Afra Shopping Center, First Floor, No: 32 Khartoum SUDAN R/Tel: (249) 15-5180111 Tel: (249) 18-3250485/86 sudaturkaviation@gmail.com HELSINKI Lentäjäntie 1, 01530, Vantaa, Helsinki, FINLAND Tel: (358) 9 75 99 81 13/10 Lines Airport tel: (358) 9 75 99 81 17 sales@turkishairlines.fi operations@turkishairlines.fi HONG KONG Best Holidays Ltd., Room 1805 Jubilee Centre 18, Fenwick Str. Wanchai Hong Kong P.R. CHINA Tel: (852) 31010592 thyhkg@netvigator.com GSA: Best Holidays Ltd., Room 1805 Jubilee Centre 18, Fenwick Str. Wanchai Hong Kong P.R. CHINA Tel: (852) 8613111 bestholidays@iawhk.com.cn ISLAMABAD GSA: Pakturk Enterprises 64/E Masco Plaza Jinnah Avenue Blue Area Islamabad PAKISTAN S/R Tel: (92-51) 2277595-99 JAKARTA GSA: Pt Dharma Buana Experindo Mayapada Tower 16th Floor Jl Jend



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Sudirman Kav 28 Suite 16-05 Jakarta 12920 INDONESIA Tel: (62 21) 5212029 JOHANNESBURG Rosebank Corner 191, Jan Smuts Avenue, Johannesburg Tel: (27 11 ) 994 62 00 KAB‹L - KABUL GSA: Arya Tourism Travel & Cargo Services Co. Ltd. Shar-e-naw, Insaf Hotel 1st Floor, Ansari Waat Kabul AFGANISTAN S/R Tel: (93) 799418542-799394465 thy@aryatourism.com KAH‹RE - CAIRO Nile Hilton Commercial Center 2nd Floor, Suit No: 32-33 Tahrer Sq. Cairo EGYPT S/Tel: (202) 5749009 turkish@turkish-eg.com GSA: Imperial Travel Center 21, Mahmoud Basiouny Str. Cairo EGYPT Tel: (20-2) 5759102-5743336 KARAC‹ - KARACHI Jinnah International Airport Level 5, Room 5057 Karachi PAKISTAN S/Tel: (92-21) 4599210-4599215 R/Tel: (92-21) 5685922-5685487 thykhi@cyber.net.pk GSA: Paktürk Enterprises Nacon House, Strachen Road Karachi 74200 PAKISTAN Tel: (92-21) 5685922 KAZABLANKA-CASABLANCA Tour des Habbous, 7 eme Etage, Avenue des F.A.R. Casablanca 20.000 MOROCCO Tel: 00212 522 53 81 21 R/Tel: 00212 522 46 45 00 casasales@turkishairlines.ma KAZAN Pravo-Bulachnaya Street,35/2 2nd flor,office 213,420111 KAZAN / RUSSIAN FEDERATION Tel: (7-843) 533 19 29-30 kazansales@thy.com KIEV 19 Pushkinska Str. 01004, KIEV UKRAINE S/R Tel: (380-44) 49059332296461-2352562 kiev.sales@thy.com.ua K‹fi‹NEV - CHISINAU Chisinau Republic of Moldova Buld. Dacia 80/3 Airport Chisinau Moldova MD 2026 S/Tel: (373-22) 525472-525095 kivoperation@thy.md KOPENHAG - COPENHAGEN Kastrup Lufthavn Terminal 2, Departure Hall, Ground Floor 2700 Kastrup DENMARK S/RTel: (45-33) 144055 info@turkishairlines.dk KÖLN - COLOGNE Am Hof 28 50667 Cologne GERMANY S/Tel: (49-221) 272480 R/Tel: (49-221) 27248200 cgn@tkgermany.com KUVEYT - KUWAIT Al Shuhada Str. Aliaa Center, PO Box 23959 13100 Safat KUWAIT

Tel: (965) 2447847024475030 thy_kwi@hotmail.com GSA: Al-Kazemi Travel Agencies Fahad L-Salem Str. Abrar Bldg. P.O.Box: 23959 13100 Safat KUWAIT Tel: (965) 2450655 (11 Lines) LAGOS 25A, Karimu Kotun Str. Victoria Island Lagos NIGERIA Tel: (234-1) 7610246 GSA: Vefa Tourism & Travels Ltd. Plot 152 Ahmedu Bello Way By Kashim ‹brahim WayWuse II, P.O.Box: 4473 ABUJA LAHORE GSA: Pakturk Enterprises, National Towers 28, Egerton Road Lahore PAKISTAN S/R Tel: (92-42) 6309926/9 LEFKOfiA - LEFKOSA Mehmet Akif Cad. 52 Lefkosa TURKISH REPUBLIC OF NORTHEN CYPRUS S/R Tel: (392) 2271061-2277124 kibrissatis@thy.com kibrismd@thy.com LÜBYANA - LJUBLJANA Turkish Airlines Inc., PO Box: 76 Zgornji Brnik-130a 4210, Brnik-Aerodrom Ljubljana SLOVENIA Tel: (386 4) 2061680 thyljubljana@siol.com L‹ZBON - LISBON Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, No: 35-4 H1080-118 Lisbon PORTUGAL Tel: (351) 210078800 jdias@tkportugal.com LONDRA - LONDON TURKISH AIRLINES LYRIC HOUSE, 149 Hammermsith Road, LONDON W14 OQL S/R Tel: (0) 844 800 66 66 (0) 207 471 66 66 info-uk@thy.com Heathrow Airport Tel: (44-20) 88971731-3614 Stansted Airport S/Tel: (44) 1279 681822 Tel: (44) 1279 681450 LYON Lyon St Exupery Aeroport BP 135 69125 Colombier R/Tel: (33-4) 37916670 thy.lyon@turkishairlines.fr MADRID Avda. Gran Via, 69-3-303 28013 Madrid SPAIN S/R Tel: (34) 917582335 marketing@turkishairlines.com.es reservation@turkishairlines.com.es MALTA GSA: Arrigo Group Ltd. 248 Tower Road Sliema MALTA S/Tel: (356) 21345271-5 MANCHESTER Olympic House, Room 1012 Manchester Airport, M90 1QX UNITED KINGDOM Tel: 0044 161 489 5287-89 S/R Tel: (0) 844 800 66 66 info-uk@thy.com MANILA GSA: Citadel Air Services Corp. G/F SGV II Building 6758 Ayala Avenue Makati City 1200

PHILIPPINES Tel: (63-2) 812 7711-18 MED‹NE - MADINAH GSA: ABC Travel Agency Sultanah Alnazel Street Saad Center P.O BOX :3645 Medine/K.S.A SAUDI ARABIA Tel: (966) 4 822 1828-4106 isitki@thy.com MEKKE - MECCA GSA: ABC Travel Agency, Mansur Str., Al Khazindar Bldg. P.O. Box 3844 Mecca SAUDI ARABIA Tel: (966-2) 5434887-5476052 MEfiHED - MASHAD Mobile part Building,Between Pastor and Ghaem,Ahmadabad No:2/11 Mashad / Iran Tel: (98) 511 8443217-18-19-20 mhdinfo@thy.ir MILANO - MILAN Piazza Fontana 6. 20122 Milan ITALY S/R Tel: (39) 0272008078-028056051 v.giudici@turkishairlines.it mxp@turkishairlines.it MINSK Yanki Kupali S.25 204/1 Minsk BELARUS Tel: (375-17) 2066878-2273713 msqmanager@gmail.com

NÜRNBERG - NUREMBERG Fluggast Terminal, Flughafen Strasse 100, 90411 Nuremberg GERMANY R/Tel: (49-911) 92972012-14/16 S/Tel: (49-911) 9372011/12 nue@tkgermany.com ODESSA Pushkinskaya 19/17 Odessa UKRAINE Tel: (380-482) 347906-08 thy_odstztk@farlep.net OSAKA Turkish Airlines Inc. 6F Moresco Honmachi Bldg., 3-2-15 Bingo-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0051, JAPAN Tel: +81 6 6262 5151 ssaglam@thy.com OSLO Gardermoen International Airport Departure Hall, 2061, Oslo NORWAY S/Tel: (47) 648 20 530 (4 hat/lines) R/Tel: (47) 648 20 531 PARIS 58 Rue La Boetie 75008 Paris FRANCE Tel: (33-1) 56693350 info@turkishairlines.fr

MOSKOVA - MOSCOW B. Dimitrovka 7/5, Building 2, 2nd Floor Moscow RUSSIAN FEDERATION Tel: 7 (495) 980 52 02 svomd@thy.com

PEK‹N - BEIJING W103, Kempinski Center, 50 Liang Ma Qiao Road, 100016, Beijing P.R. CHINA Tel: 0086 10 64651867/68/69/70 bjssales@thy.com

MUMBAI GSA: Interglobe Travel 1st Floor, Podar House, 10 Marine Drive Mumbai400020 INDIA Tel: (91-22) 22821591 farhad.kuka@interglobe.com

PRAG - PRAGUE Vaclavske Namesti 19/1, Praha 1 Prague CZECH REBUBLIC Tel: (420) 234 708 708-715 info@turkishairlines.cz prg.sales@turkishairlines.cz

MUSKAT - MUSCAT GSA: MAJAN WINGS DESTINATIONS LCC P.O. Box 488, Postal Code 112, RUWI, SULTANATE OF OMAN Q101 Tel: (968) 247 65 000 wings@majantravel.com

PR‹fiT‹NA - PRISTINA Bob Doll Str. Q.T.Perparimi Nr: 45 Prishtine Tel: (381-38) 247711-247696 GSA: AMK International Lidhja E Pejes-Drini, ‹bardhe Str. No: 45 Pristina KOSOVA Tel: (381-38) 502052-55 thyprn@prn.ipko.net

MÜN‹H - MUNICH Schwanthalerstrasse 10/2. Floor D-80336 Munich S / Tel: (49-89) 51410930 R / Tel: (0180) 5849266 (Call-Center Germany) muc@tkgermany.com Munich-Airport Terminal 2, Ebene 03 S / Tel: (49-89) 97592700 / 701 / 703 NAIROBI GSA: Imaan Air Ltd. Sasini House, 1st Floor, Loita Str. P.O. Box 41127 Nairobi KENYA Tel: (254-20) 240024-253029-340357 NEW YORK John F. Kennedy International Airport Terminal One Jamaica 11430 New York USA S/Tel: (1-718) 7512601-7512618 Local S/R Tel: (516) 2475402 Toll free no: 1-800-8748875 passengerservices@tknyc.com info@tknyc.com NICE Aeroport Nice, Cote D’Azur Terminal 1 06281 Nice Cedex 3 FRANCE S/Tel: (33-4) 93214479 (3 Lines) nice@turkishairlines.fr

RIGA Riga Airport 3rd Floor, Riga 10053 LV LATVIA Tel: (37) 17359444 / 17359445 sales@turkishairlines.lv R‹YAD - RIYADH King Faisal Foundation, P.O. Box 25194, 11466 Riyadh SAUDI ARABIA Tel: (966-1) 4631600-4632087 turkishairlines@sol.net.sa ROMA - ROME Via Barberini 47, 00187 Rome ITALY R/Tel: (39-06) 42014491 roma@turkishairlines.it ROSTOV Sholokhova Prst. 270/1 (In the building of the New Air Terminal) 2nd Floor, 344066 Rostov-on-Don RUSSIAN FEDERATION Tel: (7-863) 2688231 rovkztk@rambler.ru SAN’A GSA: Universal Travel & Tourism P.O.Box: 18266, 60, Meters Road San’a YEMEN 8 / 2 0 0 9 S K Y L I F E 165


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Tel: (967) 1 445970 (4 hat / lines) iktk@universalyemen.com




SAO PAULO Turkish Airlines Sao Paulo City Office Av. Paulista 2073, Horsa II, 23Rd Floor, 2301, Conjunto Nacional Building BRAZIL Tel: ++55 11 2172 2172 sales@flyturkish.com.br SARAYBOSNA - SARAJEVO Ulica Kulovica Br. 5 Sarajevo BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA S/R Tel: (387-33) 212 938-666092-206241 SEUL - SEOUL 1105,Seul Center Building,91-1 Sogong-Dong,Jung-Gu, Seul-KOREA Tel: (82) 23789 - 7054/55/56/58/59/61 S‹DNEY - SYDNEY Suite 2601,Level 26 Maritime Trade Towers, 201 Kent St.Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 02 9247 8222 info@turkishairlines.com.au SIMFEROPOL Simferopol Airport Crimea, 95491 Simferopol UKRAINE S/R Tel: (380) 652248163 turkish@pop.cris.net S‹NGAPUR - SINGAPORE 150 Beach Road 15-04 Gateaway West 189720 SINGAPORE Tel: (65) 67324556-67324557 sales@thy.com.sg SOFYA - SOFIA Saborna Str. No:11-A Sofia BULGARIA Tel: (359-2) 9883596-9874220 thy-sof-sat@medicom.bg ST. PETERSBURG Malaya Morskaya Str 16 Tel: (7-812) 314 17 25 St.Peterburg RUSSIAN FEDERATION ledsatis@thy.com STOCKHOLM Turkish Airlines Inc. Arlanda International Airport Terminal 5, Departure Hall, PO Box:172 19046 Arlanda SWEDEN Tel: (46-8) 7977258 turkishairlines@telia.com tksales@telia.com STUTTGART Büchsenstrasse 15, 70173 Stuttgart S/R Tel: (49-711) 225820 / 7 lines thystr@t-online.de fiAM - DAMASCUS Abu Faddel Elmurady Str. 32 Damascus SYRIA S/Tel: (963-11) 2212263-2457277 GSA: Noura Wings Tourism Travel Tajheez, Monatabi Str. Damascus SYRIA Tel: (963-11) 44685032/33 fiANGAY - SHANGHAI RM 342, Shanghai Centre, 1376 West Nanjing Road 200040 Shanghai, P.R. CHINA S/R Tel: (86-21) 3222002262798392 shasales@thy.com fi‹KAGO - CHICAGO 625 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1400 Illinois 60611 Chicago USA Tel: (312) 9437858 (8 Lines) info@tkchi.com

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TAHRAN - TEHRAN Ostad Motahari Avenue No: 239 Tehran IRAN S/R Tel: (98-21) 88737464 / 88748450-1 / 88737381/82-5 info@thy.ir

VARfiOVA - WARSAW Al Jerozolimskie 123, Millennium Plaza, IX Floor 02-017 Warsaw POLAND Tel: (4822) 5297700/01 director@turkish.pl

TAIPEI GSA: Golden Foundation Tours Corp. 8/F, 134 Chung Hsiao E. Road Sec. 4 Taipei TAIWAN R.O.C. Tel: (886) 227733266 alan@gftours.com.tw

VENED‹K - VENICE Turkish Airlines Marco Polo Airport 2nd Floor Via Luigi Broglio, 8 30300 Venice ITALY Tel: (39-41) 2698190 vce@turkishairlines.it

TRABLUS - TRIPOLI GSPLAJ P.O. Box 4565, Elfateh Tower, 16th Floor Office Nr: 161 Tripoli LIBYA S/R Tel: (218-21) 3351352/53 thytip@yahoo.com TAfiKENT - TASHKENT Navaiy Cad. No: 11/A Tashkent UZBEKISTAN Tel: (998-71) 1367989/90/92 thytasmng@sarkor.uz TEBR‹Z - TABRIZ Tabriz International Airport Turkish Airlines Tabriz IRAN Tel: (98-411) 2670151-5 tbzkztk@thy.ir TEL AVIV Hayarkon Str. No: 78, 63432 Tel Aviv ISRAEL Tel: (972-3) 5172333-35 sales@turkish.co.il T‹FL‹S - TBILISI 147, David Agmashenebeli Avenue Tbilisi GEORGIA S/R Tel: (99532) 959022-940703 thytbs@access.sanet.ge T‹RAN - TIRANA Kam Int. S.H. P.K., Tirana Int. Hotel, Business Hall Skanderbeg Square Tirana ALBANIA Tel: (355-4) 227 22 92 227 27 18 tkkamgsa@icc-al.org TOKYO Toranomon Rapport, 4th floor, 16-6 Toranomon 1-Chrome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001, JAPAN Tel: (81) (3) 5251 1551 TORONTO GSA: Stellar Travel Inc. 100 University Ave. Suite 100 Toronto ON M5J 1 V6 CANADA Tel: (416) 596-6886 info@thycanada.com TUNUS - TUNIS Complexe Hotel El MechtelBloc Ctkd Blvd. Quled Haffouz, 1 Ier Etage 1005 El Omrane Tunis TUNISIA S/R Tel: (216-71) 787033-786473 turkish.airlines@planet.tn UFA TURKISH AIRLINES INC. UFA International Airport Terminal-2 No:1, 450501, UFA Republic Of Bashkortostan RUSSIAN FEDERATION Tel: 229 52 05/229 52 12 ÜSKÜP - SKOPJE Dame Gruev 3/2 Skopje MACEDONIA Tel: (389-2) 3117214-31161493148670 thyskp@mt.net.mk

VIETNAM GSA: Huong Giang Aviation Service Company Ltd. 194 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, Ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, VIETNAM Tel: (84-8) 933 0333 Fax:(84-8) 933 0633 V‹YANA - VIENNA Operngasse 3 A-1010 Wien AUSTRIA S/R Tel: (43-1) 5862024 office@thy.at YEN‹ DELH‹ - NEW DELHI GSA: Interglobe Air Transport Thapar House 1st floor No: 124 Janpath New Delhi INDIA R/Tel: (91 11) 43513230-35 S/Tel: (91 11) 43513236-40 del.tkres@interglobe.com ZAGREB Jurisiceva 12, 10000 Zagreb CROATIA Tel: (385-1) 492 18 55 sales@thy.t-com.hr ZÜR‹H - ZURICH Turkish Airlines Terminal 2,8060 ZURICH FLUGHAFEN R/Tel: (41-1) 2252323 S/Tel: (0) 848 444 849 zrhtk@bluewin.ch

444 0 849

Uçufl Hatt› Flight Line

‹ç Bürolar Domestic Offices ADANA Adana Havaliman› Kargo Terminali 01010 Seyhan Tel: (322) 4332121-4331052-4359175 byilmazturk@thy.com ADIYAMAN Kahta Yolu Ad›yaman Havaalan› ADIYAMAN Tel: (416) 244 20 66 A⁄RI THY A.O. A¤r› Sat›fl fiefli¤i A¤r› Havaalan› Tel: (472) 215 95 13 AKSARAY GSA: Aksaray Turizm ve Seyahat Acentas› Lise Karfl›s›, Kütüphane Sok. D: 2 Tel: (382) 2132332-2127509 AMASYA GSA: Ayflafak Air Turizm Seyahat Acentas›, Hac› ‹lyas Mah. Yeniyol Cad. Saatçi Apt. No: 112/1 Tel: (358) 2122228 thyamasya@ttnet.net.tr ANKARA Atatürk Bulvar› No: 154

Kavakl›dere Tel: (312) 4280200 (5 Lines) S/R Tel: 444 0 849 (7/24) ekirisci@thy.com ANTAKYA GSA: Ant-Tur Antakya Turizm ve Seyahat Acentas› ‹nönü Cad. Rana Apt 15/D Tel: (326) 2149497-2160150 ANTALYA THY A.O Antalya Sat›fl Müdürlü¤ü, Antalya Havaliman› ANTALYA Tel:(242) 330 33 30 ARDAHAN Kongre Caddesi No:54 ARDAHAN Tel:(478) 211 25 55 BAFRA GSA: Lamirjen Turizm Seyahat Acentası Hacınabi Mah.19 Mayıs Cad. No:3 Bafra SAMSUN Tel: (362) 543 15 00/543 83 00 yaseminsens55@hotmail.com BALIKES‹R GSA: Konak Arda Turizm Seyahat Acentas›, Eski Kuyumcular Mah. Çavufl Sok. ‹nal Apt. No: 15/1 Tel: (266) 2424462-2398575 konak.arda.tours@superonline.com BATMAN Batman Havaalan› Yaprak Tütün ‹flletmesi yan› / BATMAN Tel: (488) 2146073 B‹NGÖL GSA: Tütünen Turizm ve Sey.Acentas› Yeniflehir Mah. Genç Cad. Polat ‹fl Han› Kat: 4 No: 4 Tel: (426) 2135767 B‹TL‹S GSA: Öztaç Turizm Seyahat Acentas› Nato Cad. Vak›flar ‹flhan› No: 1 Tel: (434) 2260707 BODRUM K›br›s fiehitleri Cad., Oasis Kültür ve E¤lence Merkezi, (Gümbet Kavfla¤› Karfl›s›) No: 83/Z/22 BODRUM Tel: (252) 3171203/04 S/R Tel: 444 0 849 (7/24) Bodrum Milas Havaliman› / Airport Tel: (252) 5230129-5230132 bodistmd@thy.com BURSA Yeniflehir Havaalan› Yeniflehir Bursa S /Tel: (224) 781 80 15 C‹HANBEYL‹ GSA: Vatan Turizm Seyahat Acentesi Ankara Cad.Ayvaz Pasaj› No:41 Cihanbeyli KONYA Tel: (332) 6732306 ÇANAKKALE GSA: Sudalar Turizm ve Tic. A.fi. Anafartalar Oteli ‹skele Meydan› Tel: (286) 2123366 ÇORLU Çorlu Sat›fl fiefli¤i S/Tel: (282) 682 41 11 ÇORUM GSA: Çavuflo¤lu Turizm ve Seyahat Acentas›, Gazi Cad. Kesim ‹flhan›, No: 22 Kat: 3 Tel: (364) 2243928 cavuso¤lutur@ttnet.net.tr



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DALAMAN Tel: (252) 7925395 S/R Tel: 444 0 849 (7/24) aturut@thy.com DEN‹ZL‹ Çardak Havaalan› DEN‹ZL‹ Tel: (258) 846 1115 / 846 10 27 D‹YARBAKIR Sivil Havaalan› Terminal Binas› Ba¤lar Tel: (412) 2355714 -2368960-61 EDREM‹T DHM‹ Körfez Havaalan›, Edremit Tel: (266) 3761399 Tel: (224) 2211167 bursasatis@thy.com ELAZI⁄ Elaz›¤ Havaalan› Tel: (424) 255 11 57 ibaltacioglu@havas.net ERZ‹NCAN THY A.O. Erzincan Sat›fl fiefli¤i Erzincan Havaalan› Tel: (446) 226 21 14 ERZURUM Türk Hava Yollar› A.O. Erzurum Sat›fl Müdürlü¤ü Erzurum Havaliman› Tel: 0442 327 14 31/32/33 ESK‹fiEH‹R Anadolu Üniversitesi ‹ki Eylül Kampüsü Muttalip Yolu Üzeri Eskiflehir Tel: (222) 323 68 69 FATSA GSA: Çotanak Turizm Seyahat Acentası Mustafa Kemal Pas¸a Mh. Cumhuriyet Meydanı No.2 Tel: (452) 4235477 fatsa@otem.com.tr GAZ‹ANTEP Gaziantep Havaliman› THY A.O Sat›fl Müdürlü¤ü O¤uzeli GAZ‹ANTEP Tel: (342) 582 11 01/ 02 /04 S/Tel: (342) 582 10 45 gztsatis@thy.com G‹RESUN GSA: Çotanak Turizm Seyahat Acentas› Atatürk Bulvar› No: 9/A Tel: (454) 2124880-2162890 giresun@otem.com.tr

‹STANBUL Pazarlama ve Sat›fl Baflkan Yard›mc›l›¤› (‹ç) Cumhuriyet Cad. No: 199-201 Kat: 3, Elmada¤, Harbiye Tel: (212) 2250556 S/R Tel: 444 0 849 (7/24) Sat›fl Bürolar› – Sales Offices 1. Kad›köy Sat›fl Müdürlü¤ü Recep Peker Cad. No: 27 K›z›ltoprak Tel: (216) 4184486 S/R Tel: 444 0 849 (7/24) 2. Taksim Sat›fl Müdürlü¤ü Cumhuriyet Cad., Gezi Dükkanlar› No: 7 Taksim Tel: (212) 2521106 (6 Lines) S/R Tel: 444 0 849 (7/24) 3. Harbiye Sat›fl Müdürlü¤ü Cumhuriyet Cad. No: 199-201 Kat: 3 Elmada¤ Tel: (212) 2250556 (6 Lines) S/R Tel: 444 0 849 (7/24) harbiyesatis@thy.com 4. Genel Yönetim Sat›fl Bürosu Yeflilköy Tel: (212) 4636363 Ext.3111-3119 GSA: Sabiha Gökçen Havaliman› Kurtköy Tel: 5855850/51-52-53 ‹ZM‹R Halit Ziya Bulvar› No: 65 Çankaya Tel: (232) 4841220 (5 Lines) S/R Tel: 444 0 849 (7/24) thyizm@thy.com KAHRAMANMARAfi Kahramanmarafl Havaalan› Gaziantep Yolu KAHRAMANMARAfi Tel: (344) 23642 31 KARAMAN GSA: Cicitur Seyahat Acentas› Hasan Ali Yücel Cad. Güzelzade Apt. No: 55 Tel: (338) 2120680-2142488 KARS THY A.O. Kars Sat›fl fiefli¤i Kars Havaalan› Tel: (474) 213 56 72 KAYSER‹ Kayseri Erkilet Havaalan› Hizmet Binas› No: 111 38100 Kocasinan Tel: (352) 338 70 00-338 70 10 S/R Tel: 444 0 849 (7/24) kayserisatis@thy.com KIRKLAREL‹ GSA: Korur Turizm ve Seyahat Acentas›, Karakafl Mah. Karakafl Bey Sok. No: 14 Tel: (288) 2122066

HAKKAR‹ GSA: O¤uzkurt Turizm Seyehat Acentas›, Cumhuriyet Cad.Aydo¤anlar ‹fl Han› No: 13 HAKKAR‹ Tel: (438) 2115257

KIRfiEH‹R GSA: Çavuflo¤luTurizm ve Sey. Acentas›, Atatürk Cad. Tüccarlar ‹flhan› No:7/2 Tel: (386) 2121172-2121718 m.inal@kaynet.net

I⁄DIR GSA: Eger Turizm Sey. Acentas› Belediye Park› Karfl›s› No: 179 Tel: (476) 2279435/3231

KIZILTEPE GSA: Bilem Turizm Seyahat Acentesi Hükümet Kona¤› Karfl›s› No: 31 K›z›ltepe Tel: (482) 3125086

ISPARTA GSA:Belmondo Travel Seyehat Acentas› ‹stasyon Cad. Valikona¤› Karfl›s› Güntaç Apt. ISPARTA Tel: (246) 218 0 022 ticketing@belmondotravel.net

KONYA fieyh Sadrettin Mah. Feritpafla Cad.10/B An›t Alan› PK.42040 Meram Tel: (332) 3212100-3211518

‹SKENDERUN GSA: Rende Tia Tour Sey. Acentas›, Mareflal Fevzi Çakmak Cad. Kilise Dükkanlar› No: 21/B Tel: (326) 6138383-6134294 tiatur@superonline.com

KUfiADASI GSA: Osman Turizm Seyahat Acentas› Sa¤l›k Cad. Akdafl Apt. No: 63 AYDIN Tel: (256) 6144205-6149382

KULU GSA: Orhangazi Y›ld›z Seyahat Acentesi Atatürk Cad. Emniyet Sok. No: 10/B Kulu KONYA Tel: (332) 6416710 KÜTAHYA GSA: Serhat Turizm Seyahat Acentas› Atatürk Bulvar› Arel Apt. No: 29/1 Tel: (274) 2123041 MALATYA THY A.O Malatya Sat›fl Müdürlü¤ü Erhaç Havaalan› MALATYA Tel: (422) 266 00 00 /06 /07 S/ Tel: (422) 266 00 01 MAN‹SA GSA: Yoltur Seyahat Acentas› Anafartalar Mah.Gaziosmanpafla Cad. Merkez ‹flhan› No: 54/13 Tel: (236) 2346311-2386649 MARD‹N GSA: Bilen Turizm ve Seyahat Acentas› Karayollar› Karfl›s› Yeniflehir Tel: (482) 2133773-74 MARMAR‹S Atatürk Cad. No: 26/B Tel: (252) 4123751/52 S/R Tel: 444 0 849 (7/24) marmarissatis@thy.com MERZ‹FON Medrese içi No: 16 MERZ‹FON Tel: (358) 513 1 889 MUfi Mufl Havaalan› Sungu / MUfi Tel: (436) 217 01 32 NEVfiEH‹R Kapadokya Havaliman› ‹ç Hatlar Terminali No: 57 Gülflehir 50900 NEVfiEH‹R Tel: (384) 421 40 35 N‹⁄DE GSA: Sobek Turizm Sey. Acentas›, ‹stasyon Cad. No: 67 Tel: (388) 2132117-2321507 ORDU GSA: Çotanak Turizm Sey. Acentas›, Sarkiye Mah. Belediye Saray› Alt›, No: 1/A Tel: (452) 2252054 ordu@otem.com.tr OSMAN‹YE GSA: Osair Turizm Seyahat Acentas›, Alibeyli Mah. Orgeneral Cevdet Sunay Cad. fiehitlik Karfl›s›, Sar›katipo¤lu Pasaj›, No: 2 ADANA Tel: (328) 8149229-8133404 SAKARYA GSA: Sakarya Turizm Uzunçarfl› No: 1 Kat: 2, Adapazar› Tel: (264) 2749688 SAMSUN Çarflamba Havaalan› Tel: (0362) 8448824 samsunsatis@thy.com S‹‹RT GSA: Bat-Air Turizm Sey. Acentas›, Cumhuriyet Meydan›, Cumhuriyet Cad. Erdef Oteli Alt›, No: 2 Tel: (484) 2237574 - 2237584

S‹VAS Sivas Havaalanı Terminal Binası No:15 58000 S‹VAS Tel: (346) 225 15 35 fiANLIURFA THY.A.O. fianlıurfa Satıfl Müdürlü¤ü Uluslararası GAP Havaalanı Diyarbakır yolu 38.km fianlıurfa Tel: (414) 378 11 23 sanlıurfasatmd@thy.com fiEREFL‹KOÇH‹SAR GSA: Çavuflo¤lu Turizm Seyahat Acentas› Ankara Cad. Çavuflo¤lu Sok. No: 1/B fiereflikoçhisar ANKARA Tel: (312) 6872383 unsalinaltekin@ttnet.net.tr TATVAN GSA: Öztaç Turizm Seyahat Acentesi Cumhuriyet Cad. No: 197 TATVAN Tel: (424) 8279910 TEK‹RDA⁄ GSA: Trakya Turizm ve Seyahat Acentas›, Orta Cami Mah. Hükümet Cad. Belediye ‹fl Merkezi K:1 D: 1 104 Tel: (282) 2618438 TOKAT GSA: Ay fiafak Air Turizm Seyahat Acentas› Gaziosmanpafla Bulvar› Aky›ld›z Apt. No: 206/4 Tel: (356) 2147254 ay-safakair@ttnet.net.tr TRABZON Trabzon Havaliman› Tel: (462) 3256738 - 3257536 UfiAK GSA: Vatan Seyahat Acentas› Durak Mah. Fatih Cad. No: 12/A Tel: (276) 2152033-2125129 ÜRGÜP GSA: Argeus Turizm Seyahat Acentesi ‹stiklal Cad. No: 13 Ürgüp Tel: (384) 3414688 VAN Kaz›m Karabekir Cad. Serhat ‹fl Merkezi Alt› No: 1-2 Tel: (432) 2155353/2155354 S/R Tel: 444 0 849 (7/24) vansatis@thy.com YALOVA GSA: Oba Turizm ve Seyahat Acentas› Huzur Sok. Balkan ‹flhan› 19/B Tel: (226) 8141342 YOZGAT GSA: Çavuflo¤lu Turizm Sey. Acentas›, Lise Cad. Vali Kona¤› Yan›, No: 49 Tel: (354) 2129193 (4 Lines) binaltekin@turk.net

R : Rezervasyon / Reservation S : Bilet Sat›fl / Ticket Sales GSA : Genel Sat›fl Acentas› General Sales Agency

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Türk Hava Yollar› Uçufllar› ve Mesafeler - Turkish Airlines Flights and Distances (D›fl Hatlar-International Flights)

Uçufl bilgileri Flight information

Dergimizin bu sayfas›nda yay›mlanan km ve mil (deniz mili) de¤erleri, uça¤›n uçtu¤u irtifada takip etti¤i rotan›n yer üzerindeki iz düflümünün ölçülen mesafesidir. The distance in kilometres and nautical miles in the table on this page is the projected distance on the ground for the route flown by the aircraft. Uçaklar›m›z›n içindeki monitörlerde görülen rakam ise, uça¤›n havada katetti¤i mesafedir. The figure shown on the cabin monitors give the actual distance flown by the aircraft through the air, including adjustments of direction to compensate for wind, and other weather conditions. Türk Hava Yollar› Özel Yolcu Program› Miles&Smiles’da uygulanan mil de¤erleri ise, Uluslararas› Sivil Havac›l›k Teflkilat›’n›n (IATA) yay›mlam›fl oldu¤u rakamlar olup yukar›da yaz›lan mil de¤erlerinden farkl›d›r. The miles used by Turkish Airline’s Frequent Flyer Programme Miles&Smiles are those published by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and therefore they are different from the distances in miles noted above.


Km 3246 3935 4145 1528 2356 3902 2636 580 1890 2787 1845 7819 2278 1963 1122 893 1858 1046 2750 1395 4047 2228 1189 576 9185 1952 2471 2584 5480 1009 3122 1150 3274 3033 3587 2182 3035 1909 2389 993 2180 2061 2963 2292 9078 7920 1293 4210 3469 2252 2109 724 1109 2146 2632 4852 837 3484 2580 1337 1149 2174 2821

N. Miles 1753 2125 2238 825 1272 2107 1423 313 1021 1505 996 4222 1230 1060 606 482 1003 565 1485 753 2185 1203 642 311 4959 1054 1334 1395 2959 545 1686 621 1768 1638 1937 1178 1639 1031 1290 536 1177 1113 1600 1238 4902 4276 698 2273 1873 1216 1139 391 599 1159 1421 2620 452 1881 1393 722 620 1174 1523


2785 Km 2399 2806 1735 1561 1932 5014 3531 1637 8575 4884 1983 1733 663 10536 2734 2358 7690 1613 860 1866 2602 1489 1379 3550 10905 1461 8708 659 9172 574 2253 2408 1830 1193 8566 9204 2165 3517 1552 1261 1439 872 10149 8597 1941 1796 2619 704 1446 1510 1356 4841 1198 1830 Km 2702 2590 2495 2299 2210 1764 1699

1504 N. Miles 1295 1515 937 843 1043 2707 1907 884 4630 2637 1071 936 358 5689 1476 1273 4152 871 464 1008 1405 804 745 1917 5888 789 4702 356 4953 310 1217 1300 988 644 4625 4970 1169 1899 838 681 777 471 5480 4642 1048 970 1414 380 781 815 732 2614 647 988 N. Miles 1459 1398 1347 1241 1193 952 917

Türk Hava Yollar› Uçufllar› ve Mesafeler - Turkish Airlines Flights and Distances (‹ç Hatlar-Domestic Flights)


Km 824 955 419 535 1144 526 267 648 461 1087 961 987 1091 305 983 959 419 874 1265 696 530 861


Km 1140 610 1168 635 698 543 734 1072 974 424 1304

Ankara’dan / From Ankara (Esenbo¤a Airport) ‹STANBUL ‹ST SAB‹HA GÖKÇEN SAW

Km 467 402

‹stanbul’dan / From Istanbul (Sabiha Gökçen Airport) ANKARA ESB ANTALYA AYT BODRUM BJV DALAMAN DLM ‹ZM‹R ADB

Km 393 489 555 565 431

* Gümrük uygulaması olan istasyonlarımız; ‹stanbul (IST), Ankara (ESB), ‹zmir (ADB), Antalya (AYT), Adana (ADA), Trabzon (TZX), Gaziantep (GZT), Dalaman (DLM), Bodrum (BJV), Samsun (SZF), Konya (KYA), Kayseri (ASR), Denizli (DNZ), Nevflehir (NAV), Malatya (MLX) ‘dır. * Customs; Istanbul (IST), Ankara (ESB), Izmir (ADB), Antalya (AYT), Adana (ADA), Trabzon (TZX), Gaziantep (GZT), Dalaman (DLM), Bodrum (BJV), Samsun (SZF), Konya (KYA), Kayseri (ASR), Denizli (DNZ), Nevflehir (NAV), Malatya (MLX).

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Göçmen yönetmeli¤i

Immigration regulations

ABD’ye uçakla giden bütün yolcular›n (ya da her aileyi temsilen yaln›zca bir kiflinin) Gümrük Deklare Formu doldurmas› gerekmektedir. ABD vatandafllar›, ikamet kart› (yeflil kart) sahipleri, Kanada vatandafllar› ya da yeni göçmenlerin d›fl›nda, geçerli bir ABD vizesine sahip ve son var›fl noktas› ABD ya da ABD’nin d›fl›ndaki bir ülkeye transit olan yolcular›n her biri taraf›ndan beyaz renkli I-94 formunun doldurulmas› zorunludur. Afla¤›da ad› geçen ülkelerden birine ait bir pasaport tafl›y›p girifl yap›yorsan›z ya da ABD vizesi olmadan (vize muafiyet program› alt›nda) transit yolcu gibi konakl›yorsan›z yeflil renkli I-94W formunun doldurulmas› gerekmektedir. Ülkeler: Andorra, Avustralya, Avusturya, Belçika, Danimarka, Finlandiya, Almanya, Büyük Britanya, ‹zlanda, ‹talya, Japonya, Liechtenstein, Lüksemburg, Monako, Hollanda, Yeni Zelanda, Norveç, San Marino, ‹spanya, ‹sveç ve ‹sviçre.

If you are flying to the United States, please note that all passengers (or one passenger per family) must complete a Customs Declaration Form. Apart from US citizens, green-card holders, Canadian citizens and new immigrants, all passengers travelling to the United States, whether as their final destination or in transit to another country, are obliged to fill out the white I-94 form. The green I-94W form must be completed if you hold a passport from one of the following countries: Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Liechtestein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, San Marino, Spain, Sweden or Switzerland, and are either entering the United States or making an intermediate stop there as a transit passenger without a U.S. visa under the visa waiver program. 8 / 2 0 0 9 S K Y L I F E 171



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B 777-300 ER Number of aircraft Uçak adedi: 3 Maximum take off weight Azami kalk›fl a¤›rl›¤›: 351.534 kg

Passenger capacity Yolcu kapasitesi 312

Wing span Kanat aç›kl›¤›:: 64.80 m

Seat pitch (inch) Koltuk aral›¤›: 33, 34 (EC); 54 (BC)

Length Gövde uzunlu¤u: 73.90 m

Maximum cruising altitude Azami yatay uçufl yüksekli¤i: 43.100 ft

Height Yerden yüksekli¤i: 18.60 m

Maximum passenger range Azami menzil: 14.685 km

Cruise speed Yatay uçufl sürati: 900 km/h

Maximum cargo capacity: 57.784 kg/201.6 m3

A 340-311/313 Number of aircraft Uçak adedi: 9 Maximum take off weight Azami kalk›fl a¤›rl›¤›: 257.000 kg (A 340-311), 262.000 kg (A340-313)

Passenger capacity Yolcu kapasitesi: 271

Wing span Kanat aç›kl›¤›: 60.30 m

Seat pitch (inch) Koltuk aral›¤›: 33, 34 (EC); 54 (BC)

Length Gövde uzunlu¤u: 63.69 m

Maximum cruising altitude Azami yatay uçufl yüksekli¤i: 41.100 ft

Height Yerden yüksekli¤i: 16.85 m

Maximum passenger range Azami menzil: 11.952 km

Cruise speed Yatay uçufl sürati: 890 km/h

Maximum cargo capacity Azami kargo kapasitesi: 44.836 kg/152.80 m3

A 330-203 Number of aircraft Uçak adedi: 7 Maximum take off weight Azami kalk›fl a¤›rl›¤›: 233.000 kg

Passenger capacity Yolcu kapasitesi: 250

Wing span Kanat aç›kl›¤›: 60.30 m

Seat pitch (inch) Koltuk aral›¤›: 33 (EC); 61 (BC)

Length Gövde uzunlu¤u: 58.80 m

Maximum cruising altitude Azami yatay uçufl yüksekli¤i: 41.100 ft

Height Yerden yüksekli¤i: 17.40 m

Maximum passenger range Azami menzil: 10.371 km

Cruise speed Yatay uçufl sürati: 890 km/h

Maximum cargo capacity Azami kargo kapasitesi: 37.528 kg/105.95 m3

A 321-111/231/211 Number of aircraft Uçak adedi: 20 Maximum take off weight Azami kalk›fl a¤›rl›¤›:

Passenger capacity Yolcu kapasitesi: 155/181/186/195/202

83.000/89.000 kg

Seat pitch (inch) Koltuk aral›¤›: 30, 31, 32, 33 (EC); 33, 34, 36 (BC)

Wing span Kanat aç›kl›¤›: 34.09 m

Maximum cruising altitude Azami yatay uçufl yüksekli¤i: 39.000/39.800 ft (TC-JMG)

Length Gövde uzunlu¤u: 44.51 m

Maximum passenger range Azami menzil: 2.250/3.200 km

Height Yerden yüksekli¤i: 11.76 m

Maximum cargo capacity Azami kargo kapasitesi: 12.837-11.548 kg/58-46.49 m3

Cruise speed Yatay uçufl sürati: 835/844 km/h



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B 737-800 Number of aircraft Uçak adedi: 48 Maximum take off weight Azami kalk›fl a¤›rl›¤›: 79.015 kg

Passenger capacity Yolcu kapasitesi: 165

Wing span Kanat aç›kl›¤›: 34.31 m/35.78 m

Seat pitch (inch) Koltuk aral›¤›: 30 (EC); 31 (EC); 35 (BC)

Length Gövde uzunlu¤u: 39.47 m

Maximum cruising altitude Azami yatay uçufl yüksekli¤i: 41.000 ft

Height Yerden yüksekli¤i: 12.55 m

Maximum passenger range Azami menzil: 4.755 km

Cruise speed Yatay uçufl sürati: 858 km/h

Maximum cargo capacity Azami kargo kapasitesi: 8.408 kg/45.05 m3

A 320-214/232 Number of aircraft Uçak adedi: 22 Maximum take off weight Azami kalk›fl a¤›rl›¤›: 73.500/75.500/77.000 kg

Passenger capacity Yolcu kapasitesi: 150/156/159/167/168

Wing span Kanat aç›kl›¤›: 33.91 m/34.09 m

Seat pitch (inch) Koltuk aral›¤›: 30, 31 (EC); 32, 33 (BC)

Length Gövde uzunlu¤u: 37.57 m

Maximum cruising altitude Azami yatay uçufl yüksekli¤i: 39.000/39.800 ft

Height Yerden yüksekli¤i: 11. 91 m/11.76 m

Maximum passenger range Azami menzil: 2.963/3.350 km

Cruise speed Yatay uçufl sürati: 858 km/h

Maximum cargo capacity Azami kargo kapasitesi: 9.435 kg/37.06 m3

B 737-400 Number of aircraft Uçak adedi: 6 Maximum take off weight Azami kalk›fl a¤›rl›¤›: 68.038/ 65.090/64.637 kg

Passenger capacity Yolcu kapasitesi: 148/150/152

Wing span Kanat aç›kl›¤›: 28.90 m

Maximum cruising altitude Azami yatay uçufl yüksekli¤i: 37.000 ft

Length Gövde uzunlu¤u: 36.40 m

Maximum passenger range Azami menzil: 3.350 km

Height Yerden yüksekli¤i: 1.125 m

Maximum cargo capacity Azami kargo kapasitesi: 7.491 kg/39.22 m3

Seat pitch (inch) Koltuk aral›¤›: 29, 30, 31, 32 (EC); 34, 38 (BC)

Cruise speed Yatay uçufl sürati: 797 km/h

A 319-132 Number of aircraft Uçak adedi: 4

Passenger capacity Yolcu kapasitesi: 126

Maximum take off weight Azami kalk›fl a¤›rl›¤›: 70.000 kg

Seat pitch (inch) Koltuk aral›¤›: 33 (EC); 37 (BC)

Wing span Kanat aç›kl›¤›: 34.10 m

Maximum cruising altitude Azami yatay uçufl yüksekli¤i: 39.800 ft

Length Gövde uzunlu¤u: 33.84 m

Maximum passenger range Azami menzil: 3.704 km

Height Yerden yüksekli¤i: 11.75 m

Maximum cargo capacity Azami kargo kapasitesi: 6.786 kg

Cruise speed Yatay uçufl sürati: 844 km/h



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Siz ve bagaj›n›z

You and your baggage

Seyahat etmek üzere seçti¤iniz havayolu flirketinden bagaj›n›z› hangi noktaya kadar etiketleyece¤ini ve kaç kiloya kadar tafl›ma hakk›n›z oldu¤unu mutlaka ö¤reniniz ve biletinizden kontrol ediniz. Kabin içine alabilece¤iniz el bagajlar›na iliflkin ebat ve kilo s›n›rlamalar› hakk›nda bilgi edininiz. Türk Hava Yollar› standart boyut ve a¤›rl›¤› 23x40x55 cm ve 8 kg’d›r. Bagaj›n›z›n üzerine ad/soyad, telefon numaras› ve adres gibi bilgileri içeren isim etiketini mutlaka tak›n›z. Etiketler bankolar›m›zdan temin edilebilir. Daha önceki seyahatlerinize ait etiketlerinizi bagaj üzerinde b›rakmay›n›z. Lütfen mücevher, para, cep telefonu, bilgisayar doküman vb. de¤erli eflyalar›n›z› el bagaj›n›zda tafl›y›n›z. Çuval, naylon torba, teneke kutu, bidon vs. bagaj niteli¤i tafl›mayan eflyalar›n uça¤›n bagaj bölümüne ve kabin içine kabul edilmeyece¤ini unutmay›n›z. Çak›, b›çak, t›rnak makas›, çakmak vs. gibi kesici, delici ve patlay›c› eflyalar›n kabinde bulunmas› güvenlik aç›s›ndan sak›ncal› olup, kabul edilmedi¤ini unutmay›n›z ve yan›n›zda bulundurmay›n›z. 32 kg’› aflan bagajlar hiç bir flekilde check-in ifllemi esnas›nda kabul edilmemektedir. Bagaj/bagajlar›n›z›n tafl›ma esnas›nda fazla doluluktan dolay› zarar görmemesi ve sap›n›n kopmamas› için genifllik s›n›rlar›n› ve a¤›rl›k tafl›ma kapasitesini zorlamay›n›z. Tafl›ma hakk›n›z› aflt›¤›n›z takdirde fazla bagaj ücreti ödemeniz gerekti¤ini unutmay›n›z.

Bagaj/bagajlar›n›z›n teslim ifllemlerini kendi ad›n›za yapt›r›n›z ve teslim etti¤iniz bagaj/bagajlar›n›z için size verilen etiket kuponlar› üzerindeki bilgileri kontrol ediniz. Bagaj›n›z› bir baflka yolcu ad›na kaydettirmeyiniz, aksi halde kay›p veya hasar durumunda taraf›n›za tazminat ödenmesi mümkün olmayacakt›r. Uça¤a binmeden önce bagaj gösterme uygulamas› var ise bagaj/bagajlar›n›z› görevlilere gösteriniz. Var›fl›n›zda; bagaj band›ndan size ait bagaj/bagajlar› al›rken yanl›fll›kla benzer bagaj almamaya dikkat ediniz. Var›fl›n›zda teslim alamad›¤›n›z bagaj/bagajlar›n›z ve an›nda fark edebilece¤iniz türden hasarlar›n›z için, havaliman›n› terk etmeden once Kay›p ve Bulunan Eflya ofisine yapaca¤›n›z baflvuruda seyahat biletinizi, bagaj etiketinizi ve kimli¤inizi ibraz ediniz. An›nda fark edemedi¤iniz hasar ve eksiklikler için ise seyahat tarihinizden itibaren 7 gün içinde ilgili havayoluna müracaat ediniz. Bagaj›n›z 5 gün içinde bulunamad›¤› takdirde lütfen verilen bagaj talep formu, orijinal biletiniz, bagaj etiket(ler)iniz, varsa- fazla bagaj biletiniz ve hüviyetiniz ile birlikte en yak›n THY ofisine veya Bagaj Aksakl›klar› Takip Merkezi Müdürlü¤ü’ne müracaat ediniz.

‹rtibat Bilgileri: Tlf: +90 212 444 0 849 Faks: +90 212 465 23 87 Email: bat@thy.com Web: www.thy.com Unutmay›n›z ki, bagaj›n›z› internet üzerinden takip etmeniz size zaman kazand›racakt›r. Web adresimiz: www.thy.com

Please check destination to which your baggage should be labelled and the weight limit permitted by the airline you are flying with. Also check the weight limit marked on your ticket. Check the size and weight limits for hand baggage allowed in the cabin for the airline you are flying with. Turkish Airlines allows one piece of cabin baggage measuring 23x40x55 cm and weighting a maximum of 8 kg. Every piece of your baggage should be labelled with your name, telephone number and destination adress. Tags are available from our check-in desks. Remove any tags and labels from previous journeys. Please carry valuable goods like jewelry, mobile phone, laptop, documents, etc in your hand baggage. Baggage packed in sacks, plastic bags, plastic containers, tins and other unsuitable packaging will not be allowed either as check-in or cabin baggage. Knives, penknives, nail scissors, cigarette lighters and other cutting, piercing and explosive items are not allowed in the cabin for security reasons, so please check that you are not carrying any such items in your hand luggage. Do not overfill your suitcases and bags beyond their weight or volume capacity. This can lead to the handle breaking and other damage to your baggage. Therefore, baggage exceeding 32 kg. will not be accepted in THY flights. If your baggage exceeds the weight allowance, remember that you will be liable

to pay additional charges. Present your baggage in your own name, and check the information on the baggage receipts given to you at check-in. Do not register your baggage in the name of another passenger. Remember that in this event you will not be able to claim for lost or damaged baggage. You may be required to identify your baggage before boarding the aircraft. Please point out each piece of your baggage to the staff member on duty. On arrival, be careful not to collect baggage resembling your own by mistake. In the case of luggage that does not arrive at your destination, or that arrives with immediately apparent damage, present your your ticket, baggage claim check and ID to the Lost and Found Office before leaving the airport. With damage that only becomes apparent later, contact the airline in question within seven days of your travel date. Should your baggage not be traced within 5 days, please apply to the nearest Turkish Airlines office or Baggage Tracing Center with your Property Irregularity Report, original ticket, original baggage receipt(s), excess baggage receipt (if any) and a valid identification document. Contact Information: Phone: +90 212 444 0 849 Fax: +90 212 465 23 87 Email: bat@thy.com Web: www.thy.com Please note that tracking your baggage via the Internet will save you valuable time. Our web address is: www.thy.com 8 / 2 0 0 9 S K Y L I F E 177

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www.thy.com adresinde bulunan ‘Online ‹fllemler’ linkini kullanarak biletlenmifl rezervasyonunuza Online Check-in yapabilirsiniz. By using ‘Online services’ link from www.thy.com you will be able to check-in online for all ticketed reservations.

Online Check-in

Online check-in ifllemlerinizi, uçuflunuzun kalk›fl saatinden 24 saat öncesinden bafllay›p 90 dakika kal›ncaya kadar gerçeklefltirebilirsiniz. Online check-in is available 24 hours before and 90 minutes up to departure time of flight. Online check-in ifllemlerinize; isim ve soyad› bilgilerinizin yan› s›ra, Elektronik bilet numaran›z› ya da Rezervasyon numaran›z› (PNR) yazmak suretiyle bafllayabilir, Beside the name information, you can start Online check-in process by using either Elektronic Ticket number or reservation code (PNR) only.

Rezervasyon kayd›n›zdan check-in yapmak istedi¤iniz yolcular› seçebilir, You can select passengers whom you intend to check-in online from your reservation record.

Online check-in ile ilgili di¤er tüm detaylar için web sayfam›z›n ‘S›kça Sorulan Sorular’ linkinden bilgi alabilirsiniz. You can get all other details by clicking ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ link in our web page.

Ba¤lant›l› tüm uçufllar›n›za check-in yapabilir, You will be able to check-in online through to the last destination.

Tüm uçufllara ait koltuklar› seçebilir, You will be able to select your seats for every flight you intend to check-in online.

‘Koltuk de¤ifltirme’ imkân›ndan faydalanabilir, You may also use seat change facility.

Miles&Smiles kart bilginizin sisteme ifllenmesini sa¤layabilir, You can also enter your Miles&Smiles card number if it has not been recorded in your reservation.

Uygulaman›n geçerli oldu¤u istasyonlardan bafllayan uçufllar›n›z için binifl kart› basabilir, You will also be able to print your boarding cards beginning from departures where this application is in use. Binifl kart›n›z› bast›ktan sonra do¤rudan binifl kap›s›na gidebilirsiniz. (Elektronik biletli yolcular›m›z içindir.) You can directly proceed to the boarding gate with your online printed boarding passes. (Only valid for electronic ticket holders.)

Bagaj›n›z var ise! Baggage deliver! Online check-in kontuarlar›ndan bagaj ifllemlerinizi tamamlayabilir, binifl kartlar›n›z› da bu kontuarlardan temin edebilirsiniz. You may get your boarding pass and complete your baggage operation from online check-in desks at the airport. 182 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9



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Havaliman›na ulaflt›¤›n›zda Self Check-in cihazlar›yla buluflabilirsiniz. Following your arrival at the airport you can easily locate the Self Check-in devices.

Self Check-in

Ekrana dokunarak uygulamay› bafllatabilirsiniz. You can simply activate the touch screen to initiate your check-in.

Tercihinize göre Miles&Smiles veya herhangi bir banka kart›n›z› kullanarak ya da ad, soyad yan› s›ra Rezervasyon kodu (PNR) veya Elektronik Bilet numaran›z› girerek bir sonraki ad›ma ilerleyebilirsiniz. (Biletini internet üzerinden kredi kart› ile alan yolcular›m›z›n check-in yapabilmeleri için ödemeyi yapt›klar› kredi kart›n› kullanmalar› gerekmektedir.) Based on your preference you can either use your Miles&Smiles or any credit/debit card or enter your name and surname and your reservation code (PNR) or Electronic Ticket number to proceed to the next step. (Passengers who have purchased their tickets via the internet using a credit card must use the same card to be able to check-in.) Uçufl numaran›z› veya rezervasyon kodunuzu (PNR) girerek uçuflunuza ulaflabilir, By punching in your flight number or reservation code (PNR) you can view your flight itinerary.

Listeden kendinizi ve/veya beraberinizdeki check-in yapmak istedi¤iniz yolcular› seçebilir, You can select yourself and/or accompanying passengers that you intend to check-in.

Koltu¤unuzu seçebilir, You can select your seats.

Bagaj›n›z var ise! Baggage deliver! Bagaj ifllemlerinizi check-in bankolar›ndan ya da ‘Bagaj Teslim Bankosu’ndan tamamlayabilirsiniz. You may complete your baggage operation from check-in desks or if exist from ‘Baggage Drop Off’.

Binifl kart›n›z› bast›rabilir, You can print your boarding cards.

Do¤rudan uçufl kap›s›na gidebilirsiniz. Please proceed directly to your boarding gate once your check-in has been completed.

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Türk Hava Yollar› Kargo Turkish Airlines Cargo Türk Hava Yollar› Kargo'yu Ne Kadar Tan›yorsunuz? De¤erli Yolcular›m›z, Rahat ve konforlu koltuklar›n›zda seyahat ederken, Uzakdo¤u'dan Amerika'ya, Avrupa'dan Ortado¤u ve Afrika'ya ayn› uçakta sizlerle birlikte kargo tafl›d›¤›m›z› biliyor musunuz? Yolcu uçaklar›n›n kargo kompart›manlar›n›n yan› s›ra 36 ton kapasiteli A310-304 kargo uçaklar› ile de kargo hizmeti sunan THY Kargo, tarifeli kargo seferleri düzenledi¤i Frankfurt, Maastricht, Londra, Tel Aviv, fiam, Almaata, Delhi, Paris, Zürih, Köln, Tiflis, Dubai, Cezayir, Milano, Amman, Casablanca, Madrid, Prifltine, Kahire ve Beyrut noktalar›na sizlerden gelen talepler do¤rultusunda yenilerini ekleyecektir. Tekstil ürünleri, yedek parça, makine aksam›, hi-tech ürünler, çiçek, canl› hayvan, deri, yafl sebze, meyve, de¤erli eflyalar›n›z... Kargonuzun cinsi ne olursa olsun, nereye göndermek isterseniz isteyin, yapaca¤›n›z tek fley gönderinizi Türk Hava Yollar› Kargo'nun güvenilir ellerine teslim etmek. 24 saat/7 gün ‹nternet üzerinden, www.TKCargo.com adresinden kargolar›n›z› sürekli takip edebilir, iç hat kargo ücret ve tarife bilgilerimize ulaflabilirsiniz. Ayr›ca Alo Kargo Servisimiz vas›tas›yla 24 saat telefonunuzun tufllar›n› kullanarak, konflimento numaran›z ile kargonuz hakk›nda her türlü bilgiyi ö¤renebilirsiniz. 184 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

Alo Kargo eriflim numaralar›: (+90) 212 465 25 25 / 7 hat Türkiye'den yurtd›fl›na kargo göndermek istedi¤inizde, size gümrük ifllemleri, konflimento kesimi, ücretlendirme, paketleme vs. konular›nda yard›mc› olacak IATA (Uluslararas› Hava Tafl›mac›lar› Birli¤i) üyesi kargo acentelerimize baflvurmal›s›n›z. IATA üyesi kargo acentelerimizin eriflim bilgilerine, (+90) 212 463 63 63 / 5815-5841 no'lu telefonlardan ulaflabilirsiniz. Yurtd›fl›ndan Türkiye'ye kargo göndermek istedi¤inizde ilgili ülkedeki sat›fl ofisimizle ba¤lant› kurman›z gerekecektir. Kargonuzu, tarifeli yolcu ve kargo uçak seferlerimizin yan› s›ra, özel kira (charter) seferlerimiz ile istedi¤iniz gün ve saatte, istedi¤iniz yere tafl›mam›z mümkün. Özel kira taleplerinizi (+90) 212 465 24 67 ve (+90) 212 463 63 63 / 5311 / 5807 no'lu telefonlar› arayarak, (+90) 212 465 24 74'e faks çekerek ya da cargocharter@thy.com adresine mail göndererek yapabilirsiniz. Sabiha Gökçen Havaliman›'ndan, iç hat noktalar›na haftan›n her günü minimum kargo tafl›malar› gerçeklefltirilmektedir. Daha ayr›nt›l› bilgiye (+90) 216 588 02 09 (+90) 216 585 59 34 (+90) 216 585 59 35 no'lu telefonlardan ulaflabilirsiniz.

How familiar are you with Turkish Airlines Cargo? Dear Passenger, Did you know that while you are traveling in your comfortable seat in the cabin we are transporting cargo from the Far East, the Middle East and Europe to America and Africa on the same plane as you? In addition to the cargo compartments of its passenger aircrafts, Turkish Airlines Cargo also offers cargo services with its 36 tons capacity A310-304 cargo aircrafts which are scheduled to fly from Istanbul to Frankfurt, Maastricht, London, Tel Aviv, Damascus, Almaty, Delhi, Paris, Zurich, Cologne, Tbilisi, Dubai, Algiers, Milan, Amman, Casablanca, Madrid, Pristina, Cairo and Beirut. In line with demands coming from you, its customers, it is now going to add new destinations to those. Textile products, automobile and machinery spare parts, hitech products, fresh flowers, live animals, leather, fresh fruits and vegetables, valuable goodswhatever your cargo and wherever you want to send it, all you need to do is turn it over to our reliable Turkish Airlines Cargo staff. As well as accessing our domestic cargo rates, scheduless and other details, you may also track your cargo once you have sent it over the Internet any time 24/7 on our website www.TKCargo.com). You may also call our Alo Cargo Service 24 hours a day for information by punching in your airwaybill number on your touch-

tone phone. Alo Cargo Service access numbers: (+90) 212 465 25 25 / 7 lines and If you want to send cargo abroad from Turkey, you may consult our cargo agents. As members of IATA (International Air Transporters Association), they will assist you with customs formalities, airwaybill issuance, rates, packaging and other questions. You may reach our IATA-member cargo agents by telephone at (+90) 212 463 63 63 / 58155841. If you want to send cargo to Turkey from abroad, you will need to contact our sales offices in the country from which you are sending. If you want to send your cargo not on one of our scheduled passenger or cargo flights but on a special charter flight, we can transport it any day and any time to any place you wish. You may submit your special charter requests by calling either (+90) 212 465 24 67 or (+90) 463 63 63 / 5311 / 5807 , by sending a fax to (+90) 212 465 24 74 or by sending e-mail to cargocharter@thy.com. Minimum cargo transport service is given daily to domestic destinations from Istanbul's Sabiha Gökçen Airport. For further details, please call (+90) 216 588 02 09 (+90) 216 585 59 34 (+90) 216 585 59 35.



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Yolcular›m›z›n ihtiyaçlar›na yönelik haz›rlanmakta olan özel yemekler, son derece önemli bir hizmet oldu¤undan, dünya standartlar›nda, ihtiyaca yönelik ve yolcular›m›z›n bireysel istekleri do¤rultusunda amac›na uygun olarak sunulmaktad›r. Yap›lan araflt›rmalar, özel yemek ihtiyac›n›n ve servisinin yolcular›m›z›n bireysel ihtiyaçlar›n› karfl›lamas› anlam›nda son derece önemli oldu¤unu kan›tlamaktad›r. Türk Hava Yollar› son derece yüksek kalite standartlar›nda üretilen özel yemek sunumu ile yolcular›m›z›n uçaklar›m›za özel misafir konumunda davetli olduklar›n› hissetirmenin yan› s›ra, yolculuklar›n›n uzun süre hat›rlanabilecek güzel hat›ralarla dolu olmas›n› da amaçlamaktad›r. Özel yemek talepleri uçufl rezervasyonunuz s›ras›nda veya uçufltan en az 24 saat öncesinde yap›lmal›d›r. Lütfen f›nd›k, f›st›k alerjisi gibi alerjik bir durumunuz varsa doktor raporunuz ile birlikte bu konuyu iletiniz. Afla¤›da talebiniz üzerine Türk Hava Yollar› uçufllar›nda sunulabilecek özel yemek çeflitlerine ait k›sa bilgiler verilmektedir. ‹ç hat seferlerimizde özel yemek servisimiz yoktur. AVML (Asian Vegetarian Meal) Bal›k, kabuklu deniz mahsulleri, et, domuz ürünleri, yumurta içermez. Et içermeyen baharatl› yiyeceklerdir. BBML (Baby Meal) Kavanoz haz›r bebek mamalar› istek üzerine verilebilir. Ailelerin yanlar›nda mamalar›n› getirmeleri halinde uçufl ekibimiz haz›rlanmas› konusunda yard›mc› olacakt›r. BLML (Bland Meal) Bu yemek tipi sindirim sistemi ve ba¤›rsak düzensizlikleri yaflayan ve çi¤neme problemi olan yolcular›m›z içindir. Haz›rlanmas›nda hardal, turflu, sar›msak, k›zarm›fl ve a¤›r ya¤l› yiyecekler kullan›lmaz. CHML (Child meal) E¤lenceli bir tabak sunumu ile servis edilen, çocuklar›n yemekten hofllanabilece¤i yiyeceklerdir. 2-12 yafl aras› çocuklar için önerilmektedir. DBML (Diabetic Meal) Kan flekerini düzenli tutmak zorunda olanlar içindir. Bu yiyeceklerin haz›rlanmas›nda fleker, flurup, reçel, kekler, çikolata, diyabetikler için özel haz›rlanm›fl de¤illlerse kullan›lmaz. GFML (Gluten Free Meal) Bu¤day ya da bu¤day unu, arpa, yulaf ve çavdar, ekmek, kekler, hamur iflleri, sosis ya da un ana malzemeli yiyecekler kesinlikle kullan›lmaz. Yemeklerin haz›rlanmas› esnas›nda un gerekli ise glutensiz özel un kullan›l›r. HFML (High Fibre Meal) Mide, kalp ve metabolizma ile ilgili rahats›zl›klar› olan veya korunmak isteyen kiflilerin talep etti¤i bir yemek türüdür. Bol lifli yiyecekler kullan›lmaktad›r. Taze sebze ve meyve gibi sade yiyeceklerden oluflur. HNML&JNML (Hindu Meal-Jain Meal) S›¤›r ve dana eti içermez. Hindistan geleneklerine yönelik yemek çeflitleridir. KSML (Kosher Meal) Bu yemekler tamam›yla Musevi

beslenme ve inan›fl kurallar›na göre haz›rlan›r. LCML (Low Calorie Meal) Düflük ya¤l›, yüksek proteinli ve fleker içeri¤i bak›m›ndan düflük seviyede olan yiyecekler ile haz›rlan›r. LFML (Low Cholesterol Meal/ Low Fat Meal) Hayvansal ya¤lar bak›m›ndan zay›f, k›zartma ve yumurta içermeyen yemekleri kapsar. LPML (Low Protein/Potassium Meal) Böbrek ve karaci¤er problemi olan yolcular›m›za yöneliktir. Düflük proteinli ve az tuzlu g›dalardan oluflur. LSML-NSML (Low Salt/Sodium Meal) Tuzsuz yemek çeflididir. Tüm tuz çeflitleri kullan›lmaz. Tatland›rmak amac›yla bitki ve baharatlar kullan›lmaktad›r. MOML (Muslim meal) ‹çeri¤inde domuz ve domuz ürünleri kapsamaz, ayn› zamanda yiyeceklerin hiçbir aflamas›nda alkol kullan›lmaz. Türk Hava Yollar›’n›n uçufllar›nda sunulan tüm yemek çeflitleri MOML kategorisi kapsam›ndad›r. NLML (Non Lactose Meal) Süt proteinine alerjisi olan yolcular›m›z taraf›ndan tercih edilen bu özel yemekte, süt ve süt ürünleri kullan›lmaz. ORML (Oriental Meal) Baharatl› ve Uzakdo¤u stilinde piflirilmifl yemeklerdir. PRML (Low Purine Meal) Ürik asite e¤imli olan kifliler içindir. Soya, et, bal›k, deniz mahsulleri, ançüez, yengeç, ringa, ci¤er, sakatat ve karides gibi ürünler kullan›lmaz. RVML (Raw Meal) Çi¤ sebze ve meyvelerden oluflan yemek çeflididir. SFML (Seafood Meal) Sadece deniz ürünleri içermektedir. SPML (Special Occasion Cake) Do¤um günü, y›ldönümü gibi özel günler için kutlama pastas›d›r. VLML (Vegetarian Lacto Ovo Meal) Et, bal›k, deniz ürünleri içermemektedir. ‹çeri¤inde süt, tereya¤›, peynir vs. bulunan günlük üretimler kullan›labilir. VGML (Vegetarian Meal) Günlük üretimler ve bitkilerden elde edilen yiyecekleri kapsar. Yumurta, et, domuz eti, bal›k, kabuklu deniz mahsulleri ve bunlara ait ürünler kullan›lmaz.

Special meals, an important segment of our personalised service concept, are prepared according to the world standards, catering to the needs of our passengers. Recent polls carried out, have shown that meeting special meal requirements is of utmost importance for customer satisfaction. By presenting special meals with the highest degree of quality and consistency, Turkish Airlines aims not only to make you feel like you are a special guest on our airplanes, but also wishes to make your travelling experience with us a memorable one. Special meal requests have to be done during your reservation to a flight or at least 24 hours in advance of your flight. Please do not forget to advise if you have any allergies, like nut allergy etc., with a doctor report. Here are the special meal types which can be served in Turkish Airlines flights with your requests. Special meal requests can not be taken in domestic flights. AVML (Asian Vegetarian Meal) Does not contain fish, shellfish, meat, poultry or eggs. A meatless meal and spicy in content. BBML (Baby Meal) Tinned baby food will be available on request. Parents are advised to bring their usual powdered milk which can be prepared and heated in the aircraft by our cabin crew. BLML (Bland Meal) For those with digestive tract, gut disorders or chewing problems. Exclused mustard, pickles, garlic, fried and fatty food. CHML (Child Meal) Contains a combination of familiar fun foods. For children ages 2-12 years. DBML (Diabetic Meal) For those who need to manage blood sugar level. Foods excludes are sugars, syrups, jams, cakes and chocolate, unless specifically for diabetics. GFML (Gluten Free Meal) Does not contain wheat or wheat flour, barley oats and rye bread cakes (unless wheat free) pastry, sausages or any flour based products. If wheat is needed during baking a special gluten free wheat is used. HFML (High Fibre Meal) Passengers with stomach, heart and metabolism problems request this meal type. High fibre products are used. HNML&JNML (Hindu MealJain Meal) Does not contain beef or veal. Meals mostly requested by our Hindu passengers.

Özel Yemek Servisi Special Meal Service KSML (Kosher Meal) These meals are prepared to comply with Jewish dietary laws. LCML (Low Calorie Meal) A low calorie diet should not contain excessive protein portions and the meal is low in fat and sugar. LFML (Low Cholesterol Meal/ Low Fat Meal) High fibre meal with reduced amounts of fat. Does not contain egg, fried products in fat. LPML (Low Protein/Potassium Meal) For those with kidney or liver problems who need to manage protein intake. Includes low protein and low salt. LSML-NSML (Low Salt/ Sodium Meal) Does not contain salt. Herbs and spices are used to flavour the meal. MOML (Muslim Meal) Does not contain pork, byproducts of pork or foodstuffs containing alcohol. All the meals served in Turkish Airlines flights can be categorized as MOML. NLML (Non Lactose Meal) Does not contain cheese dairy products and their derivatives and lactose or milk products. PRML (Low Purine Meal) For those who have a tendency to form uric acid. Anchovies, crab, herring, liver, offal and shrimps are not used. RVML (Raw Meal) Contains only raw vegetables or fruits. SFML (Seafood Meal) Contains a selection of seafood for those restricted to eating seafood only. SPML (Special Occasion Cake) Cake for your birthday, anniversary etc. VLML (Vegetarian Lacto Ovo Meal) Does not contains meat, fish or seafood. May contain dairy products such as milk, butter, cheese etc. VGML (Vegetarian Meal) Contains dairy products and all plant derived foods but no eggs, meat, poultry, fish or shellfish or products derived from them. 8 / 2 0 0 9 S K Y L I F E 185


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AVOD (Audio Video On Demand) S‹STEM‹ Uzun menzilli uçaklar›m›z ile gerçeklefltirilen okyanus afl›r› hatlarda, kabin içi e¤lenceye yönelik AVOD (Audio Video On Demand) dijital sistemi kullan›lmaktad›r. Tüm yolcular›m›za sunulan AVOD sisteminde yer alan programlar›n ana bafll›klar›, ‘Bilgi’, ‘E¤lence’ ve ‘‹letiflim’den oluflmaktad›r. E¤lence bölümünde: Klasik, Vizyon, Uluslararas› ve Çocuk filmlerinden oluflan filmler; dizi, belgesel, çizgi filmden oluflan k›sa program kanal›; Pop, 80’ler,Pop&Rock, Jazz&Blues, Klasik, Latin, New Age, Unutulmayanlar, Dünya Müzi¤i, Türk Sanat Müzi¤i, Nostaljik Pop, Türk Rock, Modern Folk, Tasavvuf, Türk Halk, Arabesk bölümlerini içeren 250 cd’lik albüm; Jazz, Pop, Türk Halk ve Türk Sanat Müzi¤i, Hafif Müzik, New Age, Türk Konuk Sanatç›, Türkçe Pop’tan oluflan radyo kanallar› yer almaktad›r. Ayr›ca bireysel ve çoklu oyunculu Oyun Kanal›, Çocuk Kanal›, Sesli Kitap kanal› mevcuttur. ‹letiflim bölümünde: K›sa mesaj/elektronik posta gönderebilme ve karfl› taraftan cevap alabilme imkân› bulunmaktad›r. Sistemde yer alan haber kanal›nda ekonomi, magazin, finans, hava durumu vb. içerikli dünya haberleri text halinde yolcular›m›za sunulmaktad›r. On-line gerçeklefltirilen yay›nda hava durumu haberleri dört saatte bir, di¤er haberler ise saat bafl› yenilenmektedir. Bilgi bölümünde: Filo, Kargo, Türk HavaYollar› Özel Yolcu Program›, Destinasyon Rehberi, Türkiye Bilgi Rehberi, Yolcu Anketi, Havaalan› Haritas›, Uçufl Haritas›, Uçufl Kameras› yer almaktad›r. Uça¤›n önünde ve alt›ndaki iki kamera ile tüm yolcular›m›z inifl ve kalk›fl› izleyebilmektedir. UÇAK ‹Ç‹ ‹LET‹fi‹M SMS, E-MAIL KULLANIM fiEKL‹ VE fiARTLARI AVOD sisteminde yer alan iletiflim faaliyetleri yolcular›m›za telefon ve faks kullan›m›n›n yan›s›ra, yak›nlar›na k›sa mesaj ve elektronik posta gönderebilme imkan›n› sunmaktad›r. Her bir k›sa mesaj ve/veya elektronik posta 1.60 USD ile ücretlendirilmekte olup, geçerli olan bir kredi kart›n›n telefonun yan yüzünden geçirilerek okutulmas›na mütakip seyahat eden her yolcumuz k›sa mesaj veya elektronik posta gönderebilecek ve karfl› taraf›n kendisine göndermifl oldu¤u k›sa mesaj ya da elektronik postay› yine kredi kart›n› geçirip okutarak 1.60 USD bedelin kredi kart›ndan tahsil edilmesini onaylad›ktan sonra görüntüleyebilecektir. Mesaj gönderirken ya da al›nm›fl olan bir mesaj› görüntülerken, kredi kart›n›zdan çekilecek muhtemel ücretlerle ilgili olarak önceden bilgilendirilecek ve onay›n›z istenecektir. ‹nifl esnas›nda mesaj›n›z teknik sebepler nedeniyle gönderilememifl ise gönderilemeyen mesaj için ücret al›nmayacakt›r.K›sa mesaj›n›z› veya Elektronik postan›z› gönderilen adrese ulaflt›rma garantisi verilememektedir. On Line Haber Yay›n› Sistemimizde yer alan Haber kanal›ndan Ekonomik, Magazin, Finansal, Hava durumu vs. içerikli Dünya haberleri text halinde yolcular›m›za sunulacak olup, Hava durumu haberleri 4 saatte bir, di¤er haberler saat bafl› yenilecektir. Ba¤lant›l› Seferler Yolcular›m›z flimdilik sadece Istanbul istasyonundan devam edecekleri ba¤lant›l› seferlerine iliflkin kap›, sefer saati, rötar vs bilgilerini Ba¤lant›l› Seferler kanal›ndan ö¤renebileceklerdir. Detayl› Harita Dünya Haritas›n› uydu, Küre, Gündüz/gece, Gece, Uçufl Rotas›, Pilot Görüflü, Zaman Dilimi, Uçufl Bilgisi gibi farkl› seçeneklerle görüntülemeyi sa¤lar. Ayr›ca tüm haritalar zumlanabilmektedir Kamera Uça¤›n önünde ve alt›nda iki adet kamera bulunmaktad›r. Söz konusu iki kamera ile tüm yolcular kalk›fl› veinifli izleyebilirler.

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AVOD (Audio Video On Demand) SYSTEM The digital AVOD (Audio Video On Demand) in-cabin entertainment system is in use on long haul routes served by our extended range aircrafts.Programs the AVOD system fall into three categories: ‘Information’, ‘Entertainment’ and ‘Communications’. The Entertainment section includes a selection of Classical, Feature, International and Children’s films; a channel with short films including series, documentaries and cartoons; and a 250-CD album with Pop, 80s, Pop&Rock, Jazz&Blues, Classical, Latin, New Age, Oldies, World Music, Classiccal Turkish Music, Nostalgic Pop, Turkish Rock, Modern Folk, Turkish Spiritual, Traditional Turkish Folk, and Arabesque selections, as well as radio stations featuring Jazz, Pop, Traditional Turkish Folk and Classical Turkish Music, Easy Listening, New Age, Turkish Guest Artist and Turkish Pop music. Also available are a Game Channel with games for single or multiple players, a Children’s Channel and AudioBooks.The ‘Communications’ section enables passengers to send and receive SMS/email, while the news channel presents world news in text format with economy, magazine, financial and weather report content. And on-line broadcast gives a weather report every four ours, and other news is updated on the hour. The ‘Information’ section includes the following choices: Fleet, Cargo, Turkish Airlines’ Frequent Flyer Program, Destinations Guide, Informative Guide to Turkey, PassengerSurvey, Map, Flight Map, and Flight Camera. All passengers can watch takeoff and landing on two cameras mounted in the front and back of the plane. IN FLIGHT COMMUNICATION SMS, E-MAIL TERMS & CONDITIONS Provides the oppurtunity for all our passengers to send SMS and E-Mail to their relatives besides Telephone and Fax Service. Each SMS and/or E-mail fee is 1.60 USD and all our passengers are able to send and receive SMS and E-mail by swiping a valid credit card to the system and approve charging amount of 1.60 USD both for to send and receive. When sending or viewing a received message, you will be informed of any potential charges and asked for a confirmation prior to your credit card being charged. If your message has not been sent from our on board server by the time the flight lands, you will not be charged for unsent messages. We cannot guarantee delivery of email and sms messages. Live Text News World news such as Economy, Financial, Magazine, Weather etc. are presented in Live Text News Channel and Weather news are renewed in every 4 hoursi the other news are renewed every hour. Connecting to Gate Passengers are able to follow their connecting flights’ time, gate number,delay information etc from Connecting to Gate Channel, at the moment just from Istanbul Airport. Advanced Ixplore World Map can be followed in Globe, Satellite, Day/Night, Night, Fllow Plane, Pilot’s view, Time Zone, Flight Info view alternatives. All maps can be zoomed. Camera There are two cameras, in front and under the aircraft. All Passengers may view landing and take off.

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Yoksul bir Hint genci olan Jamal Malik'in "Kim Milyoner Olmak ‹ster" yar›flmas›n›n Hindistan versiyonuna nas›l kat›ld›¤›n›n öyküsü. Jamal'in amac›, yar›flman›n tutkunu olan arkadafl›na aflk›n› kan›tlamaktad›r.

The story of how impoverished Indian teen Jamal Malik became a contestant on the Hindi version of "Who Wants to be A Millionaire?", an endeavour made in an effort to prove his love for his friend, who is an ardent fan of the show.

Peri Tozu, riske girmenin, inanman›n ve aniden büyümenin öyküsüdür. Filmde Deniz ve Cem'in yaflamlar› birlikte ele al›n›yor ve kaybetmekle nas›l bafla ç›kt›klar›, sorunlar›n› nas›l farkl› flekilde çözdükleri gösteriliyor.

Peri Tozu is a story about taking chances, believing and growing up unexpectedly. The film follows Deniz’s and Cem’s lives in a parallel manner and explores how they deal with loss and handle their problems differently.

HAYATTAN KORKMA Oyuncular / Cast: Zeki Alasya, Tar›k Pabuççuo¤lu, Suzan Aksoy, Zeynep Eronat Yönetmen / Director: Berrin Da¤ç›nar

DUPLICITY Oyuncular / Cast: Clive Owen, Julia Roberts, Paul Giamatti Yönetmen / Director: Tony Gilroy Takma ad› Kirpi olan Reflat Sapmaz ifl hayat›nda devaml› baflar›s›z olmaktad›r. En büyük baflar›s›, kendisine yap›lan kötülükleri asla unutmamakt›r. Baflka bir inatç› adamla bafllatt›¤› hesaplaflman›n sonu ulusal bir krize varacakt›r.

Resat Sapmaz, nicknamed Kirpi, constantly fails in his professional life. His biggest feat is never forgetting bad deeds made towards him. Unaware, he is starting a competition between two stubborn men, which will result in a national crisis.

Talat mand›rac›l›k yapmakta, Bedrettin tavuk yetifltirmekte, R›fk› da f›r›nda ekmek üretmektedir. Üç arkadafl hep ayn› kasabada yaflam›flt›r. Her birinin kendi ailesi vard›r ama Talat'›n çocu¤u hastalan›nca tüm hayatlar› de¤iflir.

Talat is a dairy farmer, Bedrettin raises poultry and R›fk› makes bread in a bakery. They are three friends that have lived in the same town all their lives. They each have their own families but when Talat's child is ill their whole lives change.


K‹RP‹ Oyuncular / Cast: Mazhar Alanson, Güven K›raç, ‹rem Altu¤, Zihni Göktay Yönetmen / Director: Erdal Murat Aktafl

SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE PER‹ TOZU Oyuncular / Cast: Dev Patel, Madhur Mittal, Freida Pinto, Anil Kapoor Yönetmen / Director: Danny Boyle

Oyuncular / Cast: ‹pek De¤er, Mehmet Ali Nuro¤lu, Bar›fl Y›ld›z, Serkan Ercan Yönetmen / Director: Ela Alyamaç

Bu heyecanl› aksiyon filminde, Oscar ödüllü Julia Roberts ile Oscar'a aday gösterilen Clive Owen, rakip firmalar›n› doland›rmak için ayr›nt›l› bir plan› uygulayan flirket casuslar› ve afl›klar rolünde oynuyor.

Academy Award-winner Julia Roberts and Academy Award-nominee Clive Owen star as long-time lovers and corporate spies who team up to stage an elaborate con to rip off their rival companies, in this fast paced thriller. 8 / 2 0 0 9 S K Y L I F E 187


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STAR TREK XI Oyuncular / Cast: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Eric Bana Yönetmen / Director: J. J. Abrams

X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE SORRY BHAI Star Trek XI, James T. Kirk ile USS Enterprise mürettebat›n›n ilk dönemini, Y›ld›z Filosu Akademisi günlerini ele al›yor. Bir Federasyon y›ld›z gemisine sald›r› düzenlendi¤inde, zamanda yolculuk devreye giriyor.

Oyuncular / Cast: Sharman Joshi, Chitrangda Singh, Boman Irani, Shabana Azmi. Yönetmen / Director: Onir Siddharth, kardefli Harsh'›n dü¤ünü için anne-babas›yla birlikte Mauritius'a gider. Harsh iflleriyle meflgul oldu¤undan, ailesiyle niflanl›s› Aaliyah ilgilenir. Aaliyah ile Siddharth aras›nda yak›nlaflma bafllay›nca, ifller 盤›r›ndan ç›kar!

Oyuncular / Cast: Hugh Jackman, Liev Schreiber, Ryan Reynolds Yönetmen / Director: Gavin Hood X-Men destan›n›n bu ilk bölümünde, Wolverine'nin romantik ve fliddet dolu geçmifli ile Weapon X program› anlat›l›yor. Zaman içerisinde Wolverine pek çok mutant ve X-Men evreninin baz› efsaneleri ile karfl›lafl›yor.

Siddharth travels to Mauritius with his parents for his brother Harsh's wedding. Harsh is pre-occupied with work, so his fiancé, Aaliyah, shows his family around. When Aaliyah and Siddharth become drawn to each other, all hell breaks loose!

Star Trek XI chronicles the early days of James T. Kirk and his fellow USS Enterprise crew members during their time at Star Fleet Academy. Star Trek’s time travel plot is set in motion when a Federation starship is attacked. 188 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

This first chapter in the X-Men saga tells the story of Wolverine's violent and romantic past and the Weapon X programme. Along the way, Wolverine encounters many mutants, with appearances from several legends of the X-Men universe.

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GOLMAAL RETURNS Oyuncular / Cast: Devgan, Kareena Kapoor, Arshad Warsi, Tusshar Kapoor Yönetmen / Director: Rohit Shety

Oyuncular / Cast: Erdal Beflikçio¤lu, U¤ur Polat, ‹smail Hac›o¤lu, fiebnem Dönmez Yönetmen / Director: Ça¤atay Tosun

Maden Tetkik Arama'dan bir mühendis tak›m›n›n uranyum yataklar› buldu¤u Denizli'nin valisi Faruk Yaz›c›'d›r. Faruk Yaz›c›, enerji kaynaklar›n›n yabanc›lara verilmesini isteyen bürokrat Ceyda Ayd›n'a karfl›


Bir cinayet davas›n›n bafll›ca flüphelisi olan Gopal, masum oldu¤unu kan›tlamas›na yard›mc› olacak esrarengiz kifliyi aramaktad›r. Bunun yerine, dostu olma numaras› yapan baflka birini, Anthony Gonzales'i bulur. Gopal is the prime suspect of a murder case. Although innocent, Gopal is struggling to find his mysterious alibi. Instead, he finds someone who pretends to be his friend and alibi, Anthony Gonzales.

Oyuncular / Cast: : Sienna Miller, James Franco, David Carradine Yönetmen / Director: Gregory Mackenzie Camille, eski bir hükümlü olan Silas Parker'a delice afl›k olmufltur. Aflk, evlilik ve balay› sayesinde Silas'›n bencil al›flkanl›klar›n›n de¤iflece¤ini ummaktad›r. Ama ikili balay›na ç›kt›¤›nda beklenmedik bir fley olur.

Camille is unconditionally in love with an ex-con, Silas Parker, and believes that love, marriage and their honeymoon will make him change his selfish ways. But when the two embark on their fantasy honeymoon, something unexpected happens.

verilen savafla kat›l›r.

Faruk Yaz›c› is the governor of the Aegean city of Denizli, where a team of engineers from the Turkish Mining Exploration Institute have discovered reserves of uranium. Faruk joins forces in a fight against bureaucrat Ceyda Ayd›n.

Okyanus afl›r› ve Avrupa seferlerimizde yolcular›m›za sunulan Video Gösterim programlar›m›z uçak tipine ve uçufl süresine ba¤l› olarak de¤iflmektedir.


I The video programs available to passengers on our European and trans-Atlantic flights vary with the type of aircraft and length of the flight.

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UÇA⁄A G‹R‹fi MÜZ‹⁄‹ BOARDING MUSIC A. Akaçça, Ç. Erça¤, B. C a n ö z e r I Hasret M e r c a n Dede I Napas H ü s n ü fi e n l e n d i r i c i I Çi¤ K a y a h a n I Masal Yüzlüm M e r c a n Dede I Halitus F u r t u n a I Keyif A y h a n G ü n y › l I Gitti Gideli F o l k e s t r a I Dut A¤ac› – Yaral› Ceylan Best o f E t h n i c M u s i c I Serap D o ¤ a n C a n k u I Sultan-› Yegah Sirto S h a h i n & S e p e h r I The Last Goodbye ‹ n c e s a z & M a c a r Radyo Senfoni Ork. I Günefl Yolu ‹ n c e s a z & Macar Radyo Senfoni Ork. ‹ncesaz

I Göç Yolu ‹ n c e s a z & Macar Radyo Senfoni Ork. I Kral Yolu ‹ n c e s a z & Macar Radyo Senfoni Ork. I Baharat Yolu ‹ n c e s a z & Macar Radyo Senfoni Ork. I ‹pek Yolu ‹ n c e s a z & Macar Radyo Senfoni Ork. I Hezarfen KLAS‹K MÜZ‹K CLASSICAL MUSIC T c h a i k o v s k y I Sleeping Beauty Op. 66 (The Waltz) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart I Clarinet Concerto In A Major K622 Adagio J o h a n n Sebastian Bach I Orchestral Suite No 2 In B Minor Badinerie R o s s i n i I Ouverture: William Tell P u c c i n i I Madame Butterfly (Un Bel Di) G e o r g e s B i z e t i I L'Arlesienne, Suite No2 Frandola M u s s o r g s k y I Pictures at an Exhibition Promenade A l e x a n d e r


B o r o d i n I Prince Igor / Polovietzkian Dances O f f e n b a c h I Orpheus In The Underworld CanCan T c h a i k o v s k y I Ouverture: The Nutcracker G i u s e p p e V e r d i I La Traviata Brindisi Drinking Song G e o r g F r i e d r i c h H ä n d e l I Largo from the opera “Xerxes” G e o r g e s B i z e t I Carmen Suite 2 Danze Boheme Mendelssohn I Midsummer Nights Dream Op21 R o s s i n i I Ouverture: The Barber of Seville A n t o n i o V i v a l d i I Concerto For Mandolin In C Major RV425 Allegro Johann Sebastian Bach I Double Violin Concerto In D Minor W o l f g a n g Amadeus Mozart I Laudate Dominium J o h a n n S t r a u s s I Annen-Polka Ludwig Van Beethoven I Ave Maria W o l f g a n g Amadeus Mozart I Concerto for Flute and Harp A l b i n o n i I Adagio In G Minor F r é d é r i c C h o p i n I Polonaise No6 A Flat Major Op53 Heroic CAZ - JAZZ K i r k W h a l u m I Any Love B o n n i e R a i t t I I Cant Make You Love Me Dave Koz I You Make Me Smile L e d i s i I My Sensitivity (Gets in the Way) D i a n a

K r a l l I Temptation Earl K l u g h I Canadian Sunset C r y s t a l G a y l e I Dont It Make My Brown Eyes Blue Peter White & Christopher C r o s s I She's In Love A s t r u d G i l b e r t o I Girl From Ipanema B o n e y J a m e s I Wait For Love D i n a h W a s h i n g t o n I Mad About The Boy K e n n y G I Songbird M e l o d y G a r d o t I Quiet Fire P a u l H a r d c a s t l e I Marimba D e P h a z z I Garbo Goodbye Eric M a r i e n t h a l I Easy Street E v a C a s s i d y I Wade in the Water Q u i n c y J o n e s I Soul Bossa Nova (Austin Powers Theme) T h e S a x Pack I Goin Home J u l i e L o n d o n I Go Slow Noel E l m o w y I El Bobo Alma C o g a n I Somebody Loves Me

POP - HITLINE Flo-Rida feat. Kesha I Right Round P i t b u l l I Calle Ocho L a d y G a G a I Poker Face K e l l y C l a r k s o n Lady GaGa

HAF‹F MÜZ‹K EASY LISTENING S o u l A s y l u m I Runaway Train S h a n i a T w a i n I Got a Hold on Me S a v a g e G a r d e n I I Knew I Loved You Dido I Life For Rent S i m p l y R e d I Sunrise C y n d i L a u p e r I Time After Time D e f L e p p a r d I Two Steps Behind D i a n a R o s s I When You Tell Me That You Love Me E l t o n J o h n I

Elton John

Müzik programlar› okyanus afl›r› seferlerimiz ile uçufl süresine ba¤l› olarak Avrupa seferlerimizde müzik sistemine sahip uçak tiplerinde dinlenebilmektedir. 190 S K Y L I F E 8 / 2 0 0 9

The One L i s a S t a n s f i e l d I Never Gonna Give You Up D o n H e n l e y I Boys of Summer B r a z i l i a n G i r l s I Lazy Lover P e a b o B r y s o n & R o b e r t a F l a c k I Tonight I Celebrate My Love K e n n y Rogers & Dolly Parton I Islands In The Stream Rem I Drive S p a n d a u B a l l e t I True R i c k y M a r t i n I She's All I Ever Had D e x y ' s M i d n i g h t R u n n e r s I Come On Eileen Moby I In This World E u r o p e I Carrie K i m C a r n e s I Bette Davis Eyes

I My Life Would Suck Without You T h e F r a y I You Found Me Akon I Beautiful ft. Colby O'Donis and Kardinal Offishall B e y o n c e K n o w l e s I Halo L i l y A l l e n I The Fear Katy P e r r y I I Kissed A Girl Flo Rida I Sugar C a r r i e U n d e r w o o d I Home Sweet Home L i f e h o u s e I Broken B r i t n e y S p e a r s I If U Seek Amy M a d c o n I Liar N e - Y o I Mad T a y l o r S w i f t I You're Not Sorry D a v i d A r c h u l e t a I A Little

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Too Not Over You Katy P e r r y I Thinking Of You Pussycat Dolls ft. A.R. R a h m a n I Jai Ho (You Are My Destiny) T h r i v i n g I v o r y I Angels On the Moon W h i z z k i d s f t I n u s a D a w u d a I Rumours (Digi Digi) M i l e y C y r u s I The Climb J e n n i f e r H u d s o n I Spotlight NEW AGE P a n d a n a I Imagination Enya I Stars And Midnight Blue F r i e d e m a n n I Aquamarine L o r e e n a

Loreena McKennitt

M c K e n n i t t I Seeds of Love M i d o r i I Seraphim (The Spirits Of Love) B l a c k m o r e ' s N i g h t I 25 Years R i c k W a k e m a n I Dewy Morn B l a n k & J o n e s I Angel (With Sarah McLachlan) A m e t h y s t i u m I Autmn Interlude G r é g o r i a n I Once In A Life Time BT r i b e I Hablando S e c r e t G a r d e n I Nocturne (New Version) E n i g m a I Almost Full Moon B a l l i g o m i n g o I Purify V a n g e l i s I Ask The Mountains C h a m b a o I Volando Voy K a i l a s h I Anu K a r u n e s h I Beyond Heaven (Remix)

TÜRK HALK MÜZ‹⁄‹ & TÜRK SANAT MÜZ‹⁄‹ TRADITIONAL & CLASSICAL TURKISH H a k a n A y s e v I fiark›lar Söylüyorsan E k r e m Düzgüno¤lu & Gaye Aksu I Çaml›¤›n Bafl›nda Tüter Tütün A l i A l t a y I ‹nce Memet V o l k a n K o n a k I K›randa Aflan Ayd›r H a k a n A y s e v I Kalbin Aflkla Çarp›yorsa B i r g i t a y A k t a fl I Bir Darac›k Pencere R e c e p E r g ü l I Ayr›l›k da Sevdadand›r Z a r a U l u s I De¤men Benim Gaml› Yasl› Gönlüme Ö z g ü r A k d e m i r I Urfaya Pafla Geldi Onur Ak›n I Bekle Bizi ‹stanbul E m e l S a y › n I O Beni Bir Bahar Akflam› H ü l y a S ö z e r I Hüsran M u a z z e z E r s o y I Deli Gibi Sevdim H ü n e r Coflkuner & Erol Büyükburç I Dudaklar›mda fiark›s›n Z e k i M ü r e n I Gücüme Gidiyor Böyle Yaflamak F u n d a A r a r I Ben Küskünüm Fele¤e M e d i h a D e m i r k › r a n I Seninle Düfltüm Dile S e ç i l H e p e r I Bofl Mektup M u a z z e z E r s o y I Güz Gülleri T a h i r E n g i n B o z I Ah fiu Gönlümüz H ü l y a S ö z e r I Gönlümün ‹çindedir

Emel Say›n

TÜRK POP MÜZ‹⁄‹ TURKISH POP Nil Karaibrahimgil I Seviyorum Sevmiyorum Y u s u f G ü n e y I Heder Oldum Aflk›na F u n d a Arar I Senden Ö¤rendim A s l › G ü n g ö r I Son Öpücük A t i y e I Muamma Ba d e m I Geceyedir Küsmelerim S›la I Seviflmeden Uyumayal›m Z u h a l O l c a y I Yine Aflk Var R a f e t E l R o m a n I Aflk›ndan Haber Ver Ö y k ü & B e r k I Seni Ben Unutmak ‹stemedim ki M u s t a f a C e c e l i I Karanfil Ö z g ü n I Biz Ayr›ld›k N a l a n I Aramad›n G ü l b e n E r g e n I Giden Günlerim Oldu Gülben Ergen

U m u t K a y a I Mevsimler Geçerken P i n h a n i I Ne Güzel Güldün N a z a n Ö n c e l I Seni Bugün Görmem Laz›m Z e y n e p D i z d a r I Boflver D u m a n I Senden Daha Güzel B e r k s a n I Zaaf N a l a n I Demode G ö k h a n T ü r k m e n I Büyük ‹nsan PORTRE - PORTRAIT 7 ' n B i t i r d i n I Aflk›m Baksana Bana Ben Böyle Aflk Görmedim I Geceler Kara Geceler Yan Yana Foto¤raf

Ç e k t i r e l i m I Hay Hay H a t › r › n a S u s t u m I Seni Bugün Görmem Laz›m Yan Yana Foto¤raf Ç e k t i r e l i m I Ukala Dümbele¤i B i r H a d i s e Var I Gitme Kal Bu fiehirde S o k a k K › z › I Ben Sokak K›z›y›m 7'n B i t i r d i n I Omzumda A¤la Yan Yana Foto¤raf Ç e k t i r e l i m I Beyo¤lu 7'n B i t i r d i n I 7'n Bitirdin Ben Böyle Aflk Görmedim I Dillere Düflece¤iz Seninle Yan Yana Foto¤raf Ç e k t i r e l i m I Beni Hat›rla Hat›r›na Sustum I Hat›r›na Sustum Yan Yana Foto¤raf Çektirelim I Hokka S o k a k K › z › I Erkekler de Yanar Ben Böyle Aflk Görmedim I Bunu Bir Ben Bilirim Bir Allah Y a n Y a n a F o t o ¤ r a f Ç e k t i r e l i m I Küçük Gemiler 7 ' n B i t i r d i n I El K›z› B i r H a d i s e V a r I A¤la Erke¤im A¤la Yan Yana Foto¤raf Çektirelim I Nereye Böyle 7'n B i t i r d i n I Direkten Döndüm B i r H a d i s e V a r I Ayn› Nakarat Y a n Y a n a F o t o ¤ r a f Ç e k t i r e l i m I Gül Pansiyon

Nazan Öncel

Music programmes can be listened on long distance flights and Europe flights depending on the flight duration with the aircrafts equipped with music system. 8 / 2 0 0 9 S K Y L I F E 191


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fiehri gökyüzünden alg›lamak Taking in the city from the air

Hakan Gürsu, Dr. / Tasar›mc›

Yaflad›¤›m›z flehri gökyüzünden görmek; yönleri, yollar› ve flehrin kritik noktalar›n› alg›lamak her seferinde inan›lmaz bir yaflam deneyimidir. Kâh gece karanl›¤›nda, kâh güneflin p›r›lt›lar› aras›nda bir flehri bafltan bafla saniyelerle ölçülecek bir zaman diliminde katetmenin keyfi; her seferinde insana teknolojinin ulaflt›¤› noktay› ve yaflam›n asl›nda ne kadar h›zl› seyretti¤ini hat›rlat›r. Okyanus ötesi uçufllarda, güneflin do¤uflunu bulutlar›n üzerinde herkesten önce görmenin ayr› bir yeri oldu¤unu belirtmek isterim. ‹stanbul’u havadan görmek ise; her seferinde, flehrin doku zenginli¤ini, do¤al güzelli¤ini ve bo¤az›n çekicili¤ini an›msad›¤›m›z o özel anlar› ça¤r›flt›r›yor. Her uçuflta yeni yaklaflma aç›lar› ile flehri farkl› noktalardan yakalamak; kâh iki yakan›n üzerinden süzülürken, kâh denizin üzerinden alçal›rken tekneleri, sandallar› alg›lamak ve ya¤murda denizin rengini görebilmek her seferinde insan› istemeden etkileyen ve kendine hayran b›rakan yaflam deneyimleridir.

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Ph.D. / Designer

Bir seferinde Hong Kong uçuflunda adalar›n üzerinden geçerken dokunun izleri bana bir anda ‹stanbul’u hat›rlatm›fl; flehirlerin ve yerleflimlerin birbirine ne kadar benzedi¤i hissinin ötesinde bilinçalt›n›n, benzerlikleri hemen yakalad›¤›n› ve bask›n figürün h›zla ön plana ç›kt›¤›n› an›msatm›flt›. Van Gölü’nü haritada görmekle, havadan alg›laman›n fark›n› anlad›¤›m bir baflka yurt içi uçuflu hat›rl›yorum. Bir bahar günü Van’a uçakla giderken efsanevi gölün havadan görüntüsünün ve o mavi-lacivert rengin beni ne kadar etkiledi¤ini hiç unutmad›m, unutamam. K›y›s›nda yer alan çiçek açm›fl beyazl›, pembeli a¤açlar ve lacivert uçsuz, bucaks›z bir su ile o yeflil dokunun do¤al ahengi hep zihnimdedir. Unutamad›m… Uçmak bana her seferinde insan› sürprizlerle buluflturan özel anlar› ça¤r›flt›r›yor. Her inifl an›nda, di¤er kanat aks›nda kim bilir neler gözüküyordur açl›¤› ve merak›, içimde her seferinde yeniden canlan›yor.

Seeing the city we live in from the air, and taking in its many aspects, its roads and its critical points is an incredible experience. Whether by the dark of night or in the sun’s brilliant rays, the pleasure of flying over a city from one end to the other in a matter of a few seconds never fails to remind one of the high level technology has achieved today and how fleetingly life races by. Seeing the sun rise before anybody else high over the clouds on a transoceanic flight is something else entirely. And seeing Istanbul from the air always brings to mind those special moments when we remember the richness of its texture and natural beauty and the sheer allure of the Bosporus. On every flight, one catches the city at different points from new and different angles of approach, whether while gliding in over its opposite shores or descending over the water. One enjoys the pleasure of glimpsing the yachts and rowboats down below, and the color of the sea in the rain. These are experiences that inevitably touch a person and leave him filled with awe.

Once while flying over Hong Kong’s islands on a flight to that city, I was reminded of Istanbul. And beyond a sense of how much cities and places of settlement resemble each other in their texture, I recalled how the subconscious immediately perceives the similarities and thrusts the dominant pattern into the foreground. I remember, too, a domestic flight on which I understood the difference between seeing Lake Van on a map and viewing it from the air. I have never forgotten-and I will never forget-how moved I was when flying to Van one spring day by the sight of that legendary lake and its azure blue color from the air. The natural harmony between its vast azure expanse and the pink and white trees blossoming on its shores are engraved in my mind forever. I have never forgotten... Flying for me is associated with special moments that are full of surprises every time. Who knows what is visible below the other wing at the moment of landing? The eager curiosity this sparks inside me every time is still vivid in my mind.

Skylife Agustos Kapak 437x275.indd 2

27.07.2009 18:39





Skylife Agustos Kapak 437x275.indd 1

Batakl›ktan cennete Alaçat› - Alaçat›, from marshland to paradise Hazineler ve afl›klar yurdu Uflak - Uflak, land of love and treasure Fransa’da Türk Mevsimi - Turkish Season in France

27.07.2009 18:39

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