January - February 2016 www.sleeptechmagazine.com
Turkey’s mattress spring industry develops in line with the mattress industry
INDEX ADS Boyteks............................................. Back cover Boyçelik................................ Inside back cover Mert Makine......................... Inside front cover Mert Makine...................................................... 1 Atlanta............................................................... 3 Ümit Makine...................................................... 4 Bekaert............................................................... 7 Elktroteks............................................................ 8 Nova Sünger.................................................... 10 Aydın Tekstil...................................................... 11 İskeçeli Yay...................................................... 13 Reform Sünger................................................ 15 Casoon Makine.............................................. 16 Punteks............................................................. 19 Ersan Madeni.................................................. 20 Artilat................................................................ 24 Deslee Clama................................................. 28 Onur Kapitone................................................. 32 Comfytex......................................................... 36 Bed Cover........................................................40 Mechinehead................................................. 43 Nano Yay......................................................... 47 Bünteks............................................................. 51 Bor-Sa...............................................................55 Nantong........................................................... 59 Giz Grup...........................................................60 Allbeco.............................................................65 Coverconf........................................................ 69 Kırayteks........................................................... 71 Simalfa............................................................. 73 Jakarteks.......................................................... 75 Arda Kimya...................................................... 77 Yılmar................................................................ 79 Unitech Expo................................................... 81 Desla Clama................................................... 82 Nerteks............................................................. 87 IMS.................................................................... 89 Nobel................................................................ 91 Şiteks................................................................. 93 Histeks............................................................... 95 Feryal................................................................ 97 Doğuş Ofset.....................................................99 Balkan Makine.............................................. 101 Asya Örme..................................................... 103 Pomax............................................................ 105 Dog Chi...........................................................111 Kar-as...............................................................113 Pu Magazine..................................................115 Salteks............................................................ 121 Ercansoy......................................................... 126
EOC’s “Eurotick FRM HM”wins 2BFuntex technology competition
The nature of sleeping, Latexco products dazzled in Sleepwell Expo 2015
A new player in spring production: Nano
furniPRO Asia comes for innovation of interior!
International hall spaces at CIFM / interzum guangzhou 2016 snapped up amidst steady growth of China’s furniture industry
Aydin Textile to complete new facilities in 2016
Turkey’s mattress spring industry develops in line with the mattress industry
Atlanta Attachment Company The Company that
Sudden Service built
ISTMAG Matbaacılık Gazetecilik İç ve Dış Ticaret Ltd. Şti. Adına sahibi H.Ferruh IŞIK
Sleepwell Expo Istanbul impressed! There are some mattress shows in the world. And the mattress industry covers 3 parts: finished mattresses -the main industrymachinery and technology, and finally parts and components. All of the existing trade fairs cover one or two of these industries. There is only one fair in the world covering all. It is SLEEPWELL EXPO launched last year in Istanbul with the contribution and support of Sleep Well and Sleep Tech magazines and organized by their sister company Voli Fair Services Ltd. Co. Covering all, the mattress main sector, sub-industry, machinery and equipment, Sleepwell Expo fair, which has been awaited for a long time by all sleep products industry professionals, was successfully held for the 2nd time in Istanbul Fair Center, which is located opposite the Ataturk International Airport, 22- 25 October 2015. Turkey continues to pursue its development worldwide with its rapidly increasing population, advantageous geography, and contribution of exports. One of the most important sectors in Turkey, without any doubt, is the mattress, mattress machinery and components industry. Developments in the national economy have become the factors affecting the sleep products sector positively. The improvement of macro economic indicators, increasing volume of foreign investments and the stability of the political structure all pushed the success of SLEEP WELL EXPO up and around 117 exhibitors took place in the second edition of the show. Since there is not another fair in a big geography around Turkey and since the growth is continuing, it is expected that the show will also grow fast and become one of the major fairs of the sleep products industry very soon. In line with ever-increasing population, trade volume and relations with neighboring countries, it is clearly seen that a bright future lies ahead of the industry. As the main media partner of the show and the sister company of the organizer, we take pride of the success and wish a successful future for the fair.
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A phone ring at evening hours… 14
It was a January evening time my general manager gave me the ring. The working hours had ended. Mr. Soztutan asked the question direct: “What do you think about issuing a mattress magazine?” He didn’t mention a period for me to offer my answer. The conversation turned out to discuss the plans how we would challenge in this new business. He titled the magazine as SLEEP WELL and we started logo studies the next day with full of enthusiasm. We started works and made a good issue for Interzum Cologne fair of that year with full support of the sector. The magazine has always recorded an uprising trend resulting the SLEEP TECH as a separate magazine which had been planned as a section in Sleep Well. These two magazines led us to organize the SLEEPWELL EXPO show. I cannot know if Mr. Soztutan had foreseen and planned this much when he called me in that January evening but I should admit that I had never thought this much. After a long period of time I learned the potential of the sector I had a strong belief that we could do. Finally, we believed, determined and planned the actions and we have become the part of three important brands serving the industry: Sleep Well magazine, Sleep Tech magazine and Sleepwell Expo international show. These brands belong to the sector and they are the reality of a big dream. I had mentioned some names in my previous article and I had thanked them for their
important contributions for the beginning but I can’t continue mentioning and counting names because there are hundreds of people I need to offer my deepest gratitude. Thank you all.
When it comes to the new decision we took for Sleep Well magazine, we have started to make the magazine bilingual, Turkish and English. As is known it was only in English to offer mattress and sleep products mainly to international markets at the beginning. There was a demand to be influential in hotel projects and furniture markets in domestic market for all advertisers, we gladly accepted the demands and responded them positively although it brought us some more works. As of this issue, we are bilingual. We believe that there will be better relations with domestic market through the magazines.
Another issue I would like to highlight is my main issue, the Sleepwell Expo fair. Although the 2nd edition of the fair was held in a tough time from the standpoints of conflicts broke out at home and abroad, it was productive. Welcoming over 5 thousand professional visitors whom 20% were foreigners coming from 74 countries, their being high-end professionals and realizing very important discussions, lucrative talks of UTIB buyer’s delegation all helped the show to be strong and productive. We had some small problems and we received some warnings
and advise from our exhibitors and we took note very seriously. Those advise and critics are among our most important assets. We have started to improve those issues. I can give the good news that the 3rd edition of the show to be held 20-23 October 2016 has already reached a respectful amount of bookings. Our major target for the show is to reach bigger numbers of exhibitors and visitors and to make the show more efficient, more international and more known. I hope and feel that we will organize better shows hand in hand with you. I wish all the best for you in the New Year.
How Turkish Mattress Industry Can Thrive Better My last article on Sleep Tech Magazine was related about short history of the Turkish Mattress industry and my forecast about expecting booming on it. Also I have mentioned about the reason of why Turkish mattress industry is not as big as it should be. After my article, I have received some feed-backs from the readers; they have given their comments about the Turkish Mattress industry. Some non-Turkish industry people told me that they have surprised with export value of Turkey and success of Turkish mattress component producers. After my article I have spoken with many people from industry about the situation of mattress business in Turkey. In my next article I will mention about the readers’ comments separately but today I will continue to mention about my own comments and thoughts about today and future of Turkish mattress industry. In December 2015, a very surprising acquisition has happened in Turkish Mattress industry. This very important case supports my expectations and analysis written on my Dec2015 article. People are investing mattress industry with big expectations. The biggest, Turkish ready-made zippered mattress cover producer, Polya-Yaysan and one of the very important fiber-wadding producer of Turkish bedding industry Saltex had acquired the Mattress Producer company IDAS. IDAS, is a very good brand name in the market and reputable mattress producer company of Turkey. The details will be announced by the new owners but I would like to tell you that many local and international companies wanted to acquire IDAS for long time. The shareholder of the IDAS took very good decision by selling company to very important tow players of Turkish Mattress industry. When this acquisition has happening I have learned that many international mattress producers has interest to buy Turkish mattress producers to enter the Turkish market directly and to open gates to Middle East, Southern Caucasia, North African and Central Asian markets indirectly. With or without scientific researches, the potential of Turkish mattress market is very clear. The population is still young and total number of the people is increasing over the worldwide growth
rate. If we include the immigrants and refugees, the population of Turkey already reached 80 million. The total consumption plus total export value of the Turkish mattress industry volume is around 300 million USD. And only 20-25% percent of this turnover is from export sales. These figures show us that Turkish mattress industry is around 20 times smaller than the biggest two mattress country (America and China) or 4 times smaller than export of Italy. Export turnover of Poland is 10 times bigger than Turkey. (Poland is exporting around % 80 of their mattress production). We can give many comparisons but the result is same; massive potential is waiting for the industry in Turkey. I would like to continue about the reasons for slow growth of the Turkish Mattress Industry and some suggestions to seduce growth. In Turkey, the Mattress industry has not been an independent industry for long years. There were only few independent mattress producers that was producing only mattress. The big Turkish furniture producers are also biggest Turkish mattress producers of Turkey and most of them has their own or franchised exclusive sales stores spread all over the Turkey. This strong and difficult furniture industry sales channel structure has been very different if we compare with the other part of the world. The big players in furniture industry have their own retails stores that they are also selling their mattress exclusively. It means that there are not multi brand stores that new mattress producers can easily put their mattress and can enter the market suddenly. This is one of the biggest problems of the Turkish mattress industry growth. Under this structure the mentioned independent mattress producers and new producers could not find proper sales channels to sell their products to their end-consumers. When they have been aware this difficulty, they had to change direction of their sales-production policy. The independent mattress producers should find some other ways to sell. Some of them also have tried to open their own stores but it is not easy to open big number of stores they remain small, some of them has started to produce furniture to make more turnover form each stores and tried to increase showroom openings but they became more furniture producer than mattress producers,
Önder Honi onderhoni@gmail.com some of the mattress producers changed direction and became only exporter. These difficult and limited penetrating conditions to the market caused less number of new mattress producers’ existence in the market. The furniture producers that are also producing mattresses are not focused very intensively to mattress sales beside furniture since the turnover of the furniture and profit of each set is more fruitful than mattress. The explanation of the problem is long and difficult but the solution is short and easy. There should be multi-brand bedding stores in Turkey that will help all medium and small producers to penetrate the market easily. They will enter the market without spending money to showrooms, staff, inventory, tax etc. This can be a new retail model and business suggestions to the entrepreneurs. The good examples still exist in America and in Europe. In next issue I will continue to mention the reasons of slow growth of the Turkish mattress industry and suggestions for why the industry is thriving. I wish a peaceful, healthy and happy new year to all the readers and all the people in the world.
HC3500 Yeni Yüksek Hızlı Bilgisayarlı Çok İğneli Zincir Dikişli Kapitone Makinesi
Tam bağımsız sistemi ile hayal gücünüzün sınırlarını zorlayın! Siz hayal edin o gerçekleştirsin.
Special Function / Özel Fonksiyonlar • In dependent sewing heads allows quit with simple patterns, T&J patterns and single head quiting patterns. (Patented product) Bağımsız çalışan dikiş barları ile alışılmışın dışında çok farklı kapitone desenleri Patantli kendine özel T&J desenler ve tek kafa kapitone desenleri • State of the art tracking, superior tracking system allows effortless movement of foam to be fed into quiter (Patented product) Dünyada hiçbir makinede bulunmayan yalnızca size özel patantli haraketli sünger besleyici tasarımı • Adjustable presser foot lifting mechanism enables you to qualit a broad renge of material thickness and patterns. Ayarlana bilir baskı ayağı kaldırma mekanizması sayesindegeniş bir yelpazede kapitone yapar. • A high powered fast speed controlled servo motor for thick quilting with accuracy. Ultra hassas kalın kapitoneler için yüksek enerjili hızlı kontrollü servo motor • New main shaft control for easy timing adjustment. Using high quality sealed bearings. Yüksük kaliteli sızdırmaz yataklar kullanan kolay zamanlama ayarı için yeni ana şaft • Newly updated software allowing quick design changes of operation. Hızlı tasarım yapabilme olanağı sağlayan en güncel yazılım • Thread brake detector. Ultra hassas digital ip kopmalarını algılayan sensörler • Using air cylinder for thread cutting tail length. İplik kesme ve kuyruk uzunluğu ayarı için hava silindiri. • Emergency safety devices. En güncel standartlarda acil güvenlik cihazları • Diagnostic detection. Diagnostik algılayıcı dedektör
Application / Uygulama Alanı
Yatak paneli, yatak pedleri, yatak örtüleri, yorgan, yatak, döşeme ve daha fazla alanda kullanıma uygundur. Technical Specification / Teknik Özellikler Boyutlar
Daha geniş çalışma ekranı
Ağırlık Kapitone Genişliği Dönüş Hızı Üretim Hızı İğne Ölçüleri İğne Düzeni
Bağımsız ip koptu dedektörü
Max. Yatay Hareket İğne Boşluğu Voltaj Dikiş Aralığı Güç Kapitone Kalınlığı
Yüksek hızlı kontrollü servo motor
Yeni ana şaft kontrolü
HC2500 Yüksek Hızlı Bilgisayarlı Çok İğneli Zincir Dikişli Kapitone Makinesi
Application / Uygulama Alanı
Special Function / Özel Fonksiyonlar • New Fabric loading design. Easy loading material. Kolay kumaş yükleme şekli kolay malzeme besleme • Tilted body design. Easy to operate and maintain. Eğimli gövde şikli, kolay kullanım ve koruma
Yatak paneli, yatak pedleri, yatak örtüleri, yorgan, yatak, döşeme ve daha fazla alanda kullanıma uygundur.
• Thread brake detector İğne Kopma alğılayıcı
19inch LCD ekran
Technical Specification / Teknik Özellikler
• Using air cylinder for thread cutting tail length Hava silindiri ile ipin kuyruk uzunluğu kesimi • Operated using high quality sealed bearings that do not need lubrication. Yüksek kaliteli yağlama ihtiyacı olmayan kapalı rulmanlar • Adjustable presser foot lifting mechanism enables you to quilt a broad range of material thickness. Ayarlanabilir ayak bastı kaldırma sistemi ile geniş sıralı kalın kapitone yapabilme
En yeni çift rulman iğne sıra desteği
Ağırlık Kapitone Genişliği Dönüş Hızı Üretim Hızı
• Emergency safety devices Enerji tasarruf cihazı
İğne Ölçüleri
• Improved quilting software control system allows more precise and stable quilting operations. Geliştirilmiş yazılım ile daha hassas ve sağlam kapitone
İğne Düzeni
• CAD Pattern drawing ,pattern system allows you to create your own designs. CAD desen çizim sistemi kendi desenlerinizi uygulama sistemi verir
İğne Boşluğu
• Machine comes with 100-300 design patterns. Makine 100-300 desen ile birlikte gelir • Error problem detection system. Hata tespit etme sistemi
Ayarlanabilir malzama tutucular
• Pattern compensation. Desen düzeltme
Max. Yatay Hareket
Voltaj Dikiş Aralığı Güç Kapitone Kalınlığı
Basit güç besleme kolay koruma
Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 16. Cadde No:32 Melikgazi - Kayseri / TÜRKİYE Tel: +90 352 321 12 60 Fax: +90 352 321 32 67 China: +86-150 880 61060 info@casoon.com.tr | www.casoon.com.tr
EOC’s “Eurotick FRM HM”wins 2BFuntex technology competition
EOC Belgium innovates with the novel flame retardant hot melt for mattress ticking.
EOC Belgium, the Belgian producer of chemicals, wins the 2BFUNTEX Technology Competition with EUROTICK FRM HM. This new product was developed by the Technical Textile Chemicals Division in close cooperation with the Adhesives Division of EOC Group. “By joining the knowledge and competences of these 2 divisions, we managed to develop this exceptional flame retardant product,” says Mr. Dirk Hoorne, Chief Innovation Officer of EOC Belgium. “With this new hot melt we can offer our customers a competitive advantage in their production of mattress ticking.” EUROTICK FRM HM manages to fulfill the required flame retardant properties and seam-slippage properties to the mattress ticking for all types of fabric in one product, with a similar durability as traditional solutions. The innovation allows the elimination of the first stage of the coating process as the flame retardant
products are compounded into the hot melt. Enabling the coating to occur in a single operation allows for faster production speeds on the coating line, generating more profit per production hour for the manufacturer. The traditional coating process of a mattress ticking consists of two stages. In the first stage a waterborne flame retardant coating is applied to the fabric. In a second stage a binder or hot melt is applied on one side of the fabric to give the needed fabric properties. EOC Group is a family owned producer of chemicals with headquarters located in Oudenaarde, Belgium. EOC Group is active on a worldwide scale, with more than 10 production sites spread over Europe and Asia. The product portfolio extends from technical textile chemicals, adhesives, compounds and carboxylate lattices to emulsions, surfactants and polyurethanes.
COTTON USA – quality, purity and responsibility With the claims of “quality, purity and responsibility,” COTTON USA is putting responsible cotton cultivation in the United States at the center of its trade fair message for Heimtextil 2016, thereby showing its support for manufacturers and retailers, helping them in their quest to offer responsibly-produced products. At the COTTON USA booth in hall 8.0/H60, the trade can gather information on the global cotton market and responsibly-produced U.S. cotton, as well as find out how the CottonLEADS® program helps to identify suppliers using U.S. cotton, ensuring they take the first decisive step towards a sustainable supply chain. As a global brand for high-quality cotton products, COTTON USA stands for the most important natural fiber – namely cotton – which is one of the most environmentally-friendly and socially-compatible fibers in the global market. Responsibly-produced U.S. cotton provides necessary sustainability throughout the entire supply chain. Sustainable agricultural practices have been used in the United States for more than 30 years. Such practices seek to preserve land for future generations, and to continually support environmentally-friendly and energy-conscious production. Since cotton in the United States is aligned with other food crops,
there are extensive, binding federal regulations that must be followed in cotton production. Consequently, the United States is one of the leading countries producing responsible cotton today. In addition, research findings and best practices are shared internationally to continuously optimize cotton sustainable cultivation worldwide. The industry and trade both face increasing challenges of transparency in the supply chain. To meet such a challenge, after ginning and classification, U.S. cotton bales are assigned barcodes and sold worldwide. The PBI system, developed to identify bales in the United States, ensures the traceability of each bale from the textile mill to the cotton gin – to create transparency in the entire supply chain. The COTTON USA quality brand stands for innovative, advanced, environmentally-friendly and socially-conscious
cotton cultivation and processing technology as well as unique, quality-oriented classification and control of all U.S. cotton fibers. The COTTON USA booth at the trade fair in Frankfurt is the meeting point for the international cotton industry. U.S. cotton organizations—Cotton Council International (COTTON USA), Cotton Incorporated and Supima—provide visitors with comprehensive background information on the development of the global cotton market, the findings of current market and consumer studies, and ongoing sourcing programs such as COTTON USA’s proactive support with respect to procurement issues, which includes organized sourcing trips to important procurement regions. Marketing campaigns and collaborations with leading brands/retailers represent another focus of the international COTTON USA program. Consumer-oriented marketing and communication
initiatives directly address consumers all over the world. Social media is becoming an increasingly important part of the communication strategy. The international COTTON USA and Supima licensing program, as well as the trend forecasts and technical support of Cotton Incorporated, are additional resources in the comprehensive support program of the U.S. cotton industry. At Heimtextil, CCI will present product samples from the new collections of international COTTON USA licensees such as Bassetti (Italy), Caliphil (Taiwan), Cogal and Camillatex (Italy), Graser Exclusive Bettwäsche (Germany), Kimpeks and Nesa (Turkey), Liztex (Guatemala), Ningbo Guangyuan, Sunvim and Shijiazhuang Changshan (China), Textiles Brito and Zermatex (Mexico) and Zucchi Group (Italy).
Jowat AG offers efficient adhesive systems for mattresses and upholstered furniture
When new products generate added value and fully meet customer requirements, they are called innovations – and this applies not only to the field of bonding. This is a principle by which Jowat SE as leading company in technology and innovations for the wood and furniture industry is constantly pursuing numerous ideas and projects with future potential in the adhesives technology. New product standards are regularly set for the most diverse areas of application. These innovations are frequently only successful when all those involved in the process – the individual sub-suppliers as well as the customers – join in “thinking differently“.
Solvent-based adhesives from renewable raw materials for the manufacture of upholstered furniture An outstanding example for the manufacture of upholstered furniture is the new generation of solvent-based adhesives, formulated with over
photos + text: Picture 1: Rolf Benz sofa Jowatac®: solvent-based adhesives from renewable raw materials for sustainable upholstered furniture Source: Rolf Benz AG & Co. KG / Jowat SE
80 % of renewable raw materials. The consequent utilisation of environmentally safe materials and methods supports the manufacture of sustainable and ecologically compatible furniture. The upholstered furniture industry also uses solvent-based adhesives from the Jowatac® series as established products for its premium applications. The manufacture of upholstered furniture means a great mix of materials, quite often manual processing steps, and cycle times that vary widely. The characteristics of the adhesives used in production have to match exactly these high demands, like a long open time, a broad spectrum of adhesion, and superior initial strength. The new generation of solvent-based Jowat adhesives
entirely satisfy the customer by meeting these conditions.
Thermoplastic and reactive hot melt adhesives for the mattress manufacture In response to the increasing demands of the mattress industry concerning efficiency, health, comfort, and safety, Jowat is also presenting the advantages of a production with thermoplastic and reactive hot melt adhesives. In the assembly of mattresses, many companies still use dispersionand solvent-based adhesives today, for instance in the laminating and coating steps of mattress cover fabrics, in textile compound lamination, mattress assembly and the laminating of foam-based materials. The increase of efficiency due to using hot melt adhesives in the mattress manufacture is mainly achieved by the faster buildup of strength reached by these products with the associated faster production cycles. Other advantages are higher durability levels and improved comfort due to soft and flexible adhesives. The emissions which are clearly reduced when hot melt adhesives are processed lead to more safety and staff protection in the workplace.
Primer not only as adhesion promoter, but also finishing base The finishing of wood-based substrates is another area where the use of primers from the Jowat® family of products may allow customers to profit from “thinking differently“. Apart from the wellknown, tried and proven primer application on mainly thermoplastic profiles, edges, and foils as well as aluminium and other metals, modern primers can also be used as finishing bases for subsequent printing and lacquering steps of surface-treated woodbased substrates and thermoplastic materials.
The nature of sleeping, Latexco products dazzled in Sleepwell Expo 2015 We made an interview with Mr. Alexander Bolliou, CEO of Latexco about Sleepwell Expo 2015
Latexco is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of latex foam components for the bedding industry. The company produces a large range of mattress cores, toppers and pillow cores. Always in search for the true nature of sleeping they find ways to improve the quality of people’s sleep. Latexco combines the flexibility and responsiveness of a family-owned business with the strengths of an
international player. Besides the headquarters in Tielt (Belgium), Latexco also has production and logistical facilities in Spain (Zaragoza), USA (Georgia & California) and Indonesia (Surabaya) & decentralized sales offices in Singapore, Italy and Spain. The bedding manufacturers that transform their cores and toppers into finished mattresses and pillows can count on a strong integrated approach:
Alexander Bolliou, CEO of Latexco
a high-quality product, developed in an ecologically balanced and sustainable way and delivered through fast and reliable service.
Can you inform us about you and your company? “My name is Alexander. I am CEO of Latexco. We are latex producing company from Belgium. That is the second time that we present here at Sleepwell Expo. We are very happy and satisfied about how everything is well organized.” How is your fair? This is the second time held. Which one is better? “I think what we have seen is the
fair has grown. There is much more exhibitor compared to last year and more attendance of people. It has better professional atmosphere compared to last year. So there are steps have been taken.”
What do you think about next years of fair? “The fair will surely grow in the coming years. Maybe we should consider to do it only once every two year. Because every year is quite for us, it is a quite big investment to be here. We see that other fairs like in U.S. and Germany are only done every two year so maybe that could be an advice to you and you should consider to
do it every two years. And then I think it will further grow and you will have more people coming to the show.”
What about exhibitors? “You see booths and stands are nicer compare to last year. You see exhibitors are investing more to be present here are being more professional and nicer. So I think everyone is very happy with the show.” What would you like to add? “I want to congratulate Sleepwell organizer and good luck for the future.”
Rayson Global, a reliable supplier of PP nonwoven fabric for different industries Rayson Global Co., Ltd is a Sino-US joint venture, established in 2007 which is very professional in making PP non woven fabric, non woven finished products and mattresses with more than 400 employees. Over 90% of products are exported to Europe, the Americas, Australia and other parts of the world.
Now the company has six PP production lines with annual output of 15,000 tons and has become one of the most professional furniture used nonwoven fabric manufacturers. With the development of market demand, its self-developed product non-woven tablecloth is sold well in European market, which takes 30% of market share. And the
newly developed UV protection non-woven fabric with maximum width of 25.6m is widely used in agriculture. After years of development, Rayson has fostered a mature group of professional technicians and well trained marketing experts. With top quality, competitive prices, punctual shipment and good services, Rayson keeps moving forward in the competitive market.
Product range: 1. PP spun bond non-woven fabric
6. Agriculture non woven
Landscape fabric
Weight: 10gsm to 150gsm
Weed control fabric
Width: maximum 320cm (can be split into different sizes)
Frost protection fleece
2. Anti-slip non woven 3. Laminated non woven 4. Printed non woven 5. Pre-cut non woven
7. Non woven tablecloth 8. Medical non woven fabric 9. Disposable bed sheet 10. Spring mattress
Rayson can be contacted at: Rayson Global Co., Ltd Foshan Ruixin Non Woven Co., Ltd Tel: 86-757-85896199 Fax: 86-757-81192378 e-mail: service@raysonchina.com www.raysonchina.com
Quality and comfort through 26 years by Bed Covers
Rendering service to the sector for almost 30 years Bed Covers has always been following the latest trends to launch the firsts. Detailing that they have been manufacturing at high quality standards in their facilities located on a production area of 2 thousand sqm in Gersan, Ankara, Hakan Gunaydin, general manager of Bed Covers stressed that they had been continuing to manufacturing with human health friendly materials. The interview with Gunaydin follows:
Can you brief us about the establishment of your company? How do you serve the mattress sector? Bed Covers was established in 1989. We have currently been manufacturing at high quality standards in our facilities located on a production area of 2 thousand sqm in Gersan industrial site in Ankara. Realizing the manufacturing with a quality and reliability understanding by our team our brand has been operating at high production capacity and high quality standards. Evaluating the demands we manufacture at appropriate costs and on time
delivery. We subject the products to strict quality control and then we deliver them. We care for after sale service for the sake of customer satisfaction.
What kinds of products have you been manufacturing? What are the specs of those products? We have been following up the market closely in order to offer fashion, comfortable and innovative products first. We start product studies at our convenient workshop when we develop new products. Thanks to our team capable to integrate the developed product with appropriate machin-
ery, we have the present respectful position. Our company always renovates itself to maintain its existence and sustainability with its quality and modern lines in our products.
How do you provide your raw materials? Do you have imports? Bed Covers brand has realized a lot of big projects in addition to its home textile products manufactured by using human health friendly raw materials and has proved itself as a sought after and reliable company. Can you mention some of your references? Bed Covers has produced and has been continuing to produce the products of leading names such as Isbir Mattress, Isbir Foam, Yatas, Moda Life, Modamed, S端nsa Mattress, Istem Medikal, Med-Line Mattress, Pierre Cardin Furniture, Rapido Furniture, Demoteks, Baran AS, TDU Defense Industry, Demotel, Laressa-Ankara Mattress, T.H.K, Visco-Pro, Misafir Furniture, M.E.B, Brillant, Ergo Mattress, E.G.M, Pretty Life Mattress and Defense Ministry.
Adres - Address: Gersan Sanayi Sitesi 2306 Sok. No:39 Ergazi - ANKARA Tel - Phone: (312) 256 46 08 - 256 50 24 Faks - Fax : (312) 256 38 87 E-posta - E-mail: hakankardesler@hotmail.com
time for the change
Machinehead, a reliable name in machinery
The Bulgarian manufacturer is active in engineering and construction of machines and high-tech automatic solutions for manufacturing plants Established in 2009, Plovdiv-based machinery manufacturer Machinehead Ltd. Active in countries such as Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Romania, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Lithuania, Brazil, Peru, India etc. the company has been offering mattress and pillow packaging and roll-packaging machinery, filling machines for mattresses and pillows, spring bending and straightening machines, conveying lines, etc. The company offers the following sevrices:
• Installation parameters and tolerance set up; • Total technical service including general repair; • Technical consulting on machines, equipment and installations. Attaching extra importance of product and service quality the company possesses ISO 9001:2008 Lloyd’s Register certificate.
MACHINEHEAD is a machine-building company specialised in the design, manufacture, maintenance and aftersale service of machines for mattresses. Our product range embraces wide variety of machinery for the industry like Mattress packaging machinery, Filling machines for mattresses and pillows, Spring bending and straightening machines, etc. Offering clever decisions for the industry is our primary goal. All our electronic designs are automatic, managed by means of touch-screens, user-friendly, and labour-saving. As an additional service, installation and training are provided for the operators to ensure proper maintenance and exploitation. The general policy of MACHINEHEAD is to offer high quality products and services tailor-made to the specific needs and requirements of the business customers. The company supplies and services furniture producers, especially in the bedding industry, and manages individual projects. Innovation and professional attitude are in the core of providing excellent results.
More particularly, services offered by MACHINEHEAD include repair, maintenance and upgrade of machines and equipment for furniture manufacturing, as follows: Regular facility and installation check-up and maintenance to ensure correct and effective processing; Installation parameters and tolerance set up; Total technical service including general repair; Technical consulting on machines, equipment and installations. The company is based in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. It has a great team of professionals – some of the most qualified machine engineers and IT specialists in Europe. This great potential sits in the basis of company’s fast and successful tend of development. During the last few years MACHINEHEAD became a well-known company at export markets like India, Brazil, Peru, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lithuania, UK, Romania, and others. MACHINEHEAD ltd. participates regularly in some of the most significant exhibitions for technology, machinery and supplies for mattress and furniture industry as Interzum, Sleepwell Expo, India Mattresstech Expo etc.
Machinehead Ltd. 4027 Plovdiv, BULGARIA www.machinehead.bg Goliamokonarsko Shausse e-mail: office@machinehead.bg tel. /fax: 00359 32 623 943
A new player in spring production:
Started to produce springs two years ago, Nano Yay emphasizes on R&D based productions. Investing on the production of tablet pocked spring systems, a first in Turkey and in Europe, the company produces more than 300 thousand springs annually. Serkan K覺r, general manager of the company, informed about his plans and activities of the company. Serkan K覺r, General Manager of Nano Yay
Would you brief us on Nano Yay? What does your company want to add to the industry? The company was established as a result of ten years of experience in the sector in 2013 in Bursa. We want to help our customers as solution partners by introducing them the latest technologies.
What can be said about your production facilities and production capacities? We specifically decided to produce a new spring system, tablet pocked springs, the first in Turkey and in Europe. We are
also able to produce bonnell and pocket spring carcass production. We have a factory of 1500 sqm. operating with an annual capacity of 60 thousand for tablet pocket springs, 100 thousand pieces pocked springs, and about 150 thousand bonnell spring carcasses.
What is your opinion about the differences in production of springs between Europe and Turkey? Which country is the leader? What is your assessment about recent developments in the industry? We have to accept the fact that we as a nation are lacking on R&D investments to produce technology. It is also true in our sector. Companies are focused on
common types of productions. The companies in Europe are emphasizing on research and development and produce higher value added products. Another problem for national companies is their insistence on price competition instead of improving their product and service qualities. German companies are ahead of competition in technology. But, I can proudly say that in terms of production capacities Turkish companies are leading in the markets. During the last 15 years, Turkish companies producing springs for mattress and furniture industries have leaped forward by investing more. As a result the difference between national companies and foreigners is narrowing. I forecast that the industry will keep growing in the future.
What kind of technologies do you use in the production of spring? What are the specs of the products?
In our investments we have focused on the production of tablet pocket springs that is the smallest and the most ergonomic spring system in the world. The system is used as an additional layer on known spring systems and improves the comfort levels of traditional mattresses and sofas up to 30 to 40 percent. Air circulation inside the mattresses is increased and pressure on the body is decreased to provide seamless and comfortable sleep. You export all of your production. What are your target countries you want to enter? England and European countries ore our major export markets. We also targeted to America, North Africa and Brazil. We buy our raw materials from major companies active in Turkey and in Europe. We want to be a leading company in the sector with our experienced staff by proving our dependability and quality.
Bunteks aims 1 million meter Now producing 400 thousand meter fabrics monthly, Bunteks aims 1 million by the end of 2016
Cemal AslandaÄ&#x;, General Manager of BĂźnteks
Having a factory in the same location where Bunyan Blanket company was established in 1929, Bunteks has been producing for export markets. General Manager Cemal Aslandag informed about his company and activities.
On production facility and capacity We are producing fabrics in the old facilities of Sumerbank established in 1929. 14 businesses of Sumerbank have been privatized during 1995-1998 period. We bought one of them, the only facility that is still operational, to produce blankets. In
2005 we started to produce fabrics for bed industry. In 2010 we innovated our production machinery and focused on bed fabrics production. The factory has a 30 thousand meter-covered area on 60 thousand meter land. We produce about 400 thousand meter fabrics monthly. Variety in bed fabrics is proliferated recently. We produce economic type of bed fabrics, including anti-bacterial, leak-proof, stain repellant types. I think that some of fabric manufacturers over emphasize properties of their products by mentioning aromatic products. The
odor is vanishing in certain period. Human body has unbelievable chemical properties. They exaggerate some of the features.
On exports and export markets 95 % of our manufacturing is sold in export markets. UAE, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Balkan countries, and England are our export markets.
About the industry Earlier we were not aware of the volume of consumer market in the world. There is a huge demand for beds. There are great potential for further development as long as you can keep the quality and price in balance. There are 12 fold larger companies in the world. Right products and right prices can find their buyers easily.
On product development and plans for the future We as Bunteks are continuously studying the fabrics for further developments in terms of their colors, structures, finishing, touching etc. Our production target for 2015 is 700 thousand meter. Next year it will be 1 million meter. To this aim, we invested about 650 thousand dollars in our machinery park. We mostly produce fabrics made of polyester and polypropylene, both are flammable materials. We apply special treatments to fabrics to make them flame-resistant products by imbedding them into special chemicals. The fabrics are then subjected to heat treatment by 250 degrees centigrade for 2 to 3 seconds. The last stage is packaging of the fabrics.
BOR-SA provides the competitive advantage to small & medium sized mattress manufacturers Would you kindly brief your company? How do you serve to the mattress industry? BOR-SA has been established in 2007 in Kayseri, the center of Turkish Furniture production. At the beginning we were supplying iron pipe and profile to furniture manufactures. Then by the time, we
Mehmet KÖKSAL – Chairman
Established in Kayseri in 2007, BOR-SA is providing a wide range of materials for the soft furniture mattress, sofa and sofa bed manufacturers, including fiber to pocket and bone springs, mattress ticking fabric to elastic webbing and mattress tape to air capsules. BOR-SA also shines out with her exclusive spray glue Bor-sa S-500. Aiming to provide all raw materials and semi-products at one point, BOR-SA builds a bridge between big producers and middle and small size furniture producers. Mehmet Koksal, Chairmain, BORSA informs about his company:
have widened the range of goods that we provide. Now we supply for the needs of especially the so-called “soft furniture” mattress, sofa and sofabed manufactures. Our product range includes fiber, felt, pocket and bone springs, mechanism, gas spring, mattress ticking fabric, upholstery fabric, elastic webbing, mattress tape,
air capsules etc. In shortly except cheap board, we provide all components and material to produce furniture. We have to say that our main supply sector is the mattress industry. We have special spray glue for mattress production called Bor-sa S-500. Our mission is to provide all raw material and semi-products to be produced at one point.
Would you kindly brief your manufacturing facilities? What is your production capacity? Our company mainly deals with distributing goods of main producer as a trade company. But in our facilities we produce ball fiber
also. Our capacity of ball fiber production is 40 tons/month.
What sorts of products do you manufacture? What are the specifications of these products? As we mentioned above, we are Trade Company. It means that we build a bridge between big producer and middle and small size furniture producers. As you know, there is a direct connection and trade between suppliers and big producers. But small and middle producer don’t have such a big consumption capacity. So we provide them competition chance and to get the goods as much as possible close prices with our contract capacity. Again, it is
necessary to mention here that we supply all materials according to the needs of small and medium size companies at one point.
How would you define “healthy mattress?” What sorts of materials should be used in a healthy mattress? According to our experience in the mattress industry, a healthy mattress is the mattress which meets the needs of people to sleep in comfort, rest peacefully and wake up fresh. We know that there is an increase of customer consciousness about what they need and how they can meet their need. In the internet age, they can easily reach all necessary information
through net. They can decide what kind of mattress meet and satisfy themselves. The materials used inside a healthy mattress are very important. But the most important thing is how the customer could find the right mattress. That is why customers have to determine their needs first of all and look for the mattress which meets their needs. At this point, mattress seller and producer have wide range products presenting to customers’ taste and service.
price and service policy. In 2016, we are expecting not too much but little jump in furniture sector. These all depends on the parameters outside of furniture sector. Our plan for 2016 is to increase our service and quality much more. On the other hand, we export our goods to 5 countries since 2014. Our main aim is to increase our export both at the customer and country wise. We have organized and built up a foreign trade team inside the company in order to achieve that.
Can you evaluate 2015 for your brand and the sector in whole? What are your future prospects and projections for 2016? Generally speaking, 2015 was not the year of furniture because of many parameters both domestic and international. As you know, furniture is one of the few goods easily give up under the crisis time.
Would you brief your export markets? Our main market is the neighboring countries. We export to Georgia, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt and Tunisia. Differs country by country, we mainly sell felt, adhesive, packaging nylon, mattress ticking fabric, mattress tape, air capsule etc.
On the other hand, despite this depression at the furniture sector, our trade was successful and satisfied us thanks to our customers who believe in us and know our
How do you provide your raw material and product supply? Do you have imports? As mentioned above, we only pro-
duce ball fiber and we import the raw material from Vietnam. All the rest is supplied from the domestic market. But with the hard competition inside the domestic and foreign markets, we are looking for alternative solutions to get the goods and supply our customers both price and quality wise.
What are your final remarks? 2015 has passed with all happy and painful matters. With the New Year we hope to all around the world peace and happiness. Also we thank you for giving us this opportunity.
Professionals produce excellence! Nantong Healthcare impresses the customers with good faith, and gains trust with service
Nantong Healthcare Machinery Co., Ltd was founded in 2003, specializing in research, design and manufacturing of CNC contour cutting equipment. We are the largest and most successful manufacturer of CNC equipment in China. From the beginning we have operated with the spirit of “good faith� business philosophy. We are a proactive, innovative company striving to provide customers the highest quality products and best customer service available in the
industry. An installed base of more than 1,500 machines worldwide speaks to our success. Further testament to our success is that we have captured more than 65% of the Chinese market.
Products: CNC foam cutting machine Block Rack Roll coater
Product introduction-CNC foam cutting machine Since 2003, our primary focus has been the production of CNC foam cutting machines. We feature two lines of machines: Oscillating Blade and Continuous Blade. All of our oscillating blade machines (seven models) come standard with our proprietary precision control system. During cutting the system checks the load on each motor, phasing between the two for maximum efficiency. This also extends the life of the cutting blade.
Our continuous blade machines (two models) come standard with our own CNC software. A hybrid system of stepper and servo motors, and an air control system provide the greatest stability and highest quality available. Continuous blade machines cut at a very high speed. Our continuous blade machines are very efficient and easy to operate. They are a perfect solution for companies with high volume demand and make a great choice for those requiring a variety of contour cutting.
Product introduction-Block Rack It plays an important role in foam factory for the storage of foam blocks after foaming and cutting-off. It saves the curing time and space, also avoids the foam scorch issue. It can transport very soft block which cannot be lifted by the clamp. Product introduction-Roll coater It has automatic detection system which can adjust the roller height automatically according to foam thickness. It’s efficient and saves a lot of glue. We can design and produce the gluing production line for mattress factory.
furniPRO Asia comes for innovation of interior! 64
The regional trade exhibition for the woodworking, furniture and panel production industries will be concurrently held with IFFS and The Décor Show at the Singapore Expo, 10 - 12 March 2016. Utilizing a holistic approach, furniPRO Asia held in conjunction with IFFS and The Décor Show covers the entire process – from primary processing to finished products. In addition, for its third edition, furniPRO Asia brings the latest trends in material, technology and design with the Innovation of Interior and shapes a trading platform for the ASEAN industry players with the ASEAN Exporters Pavilion. The Innovation of Interior presents the latest in trend-setting materials, designs and technology. Specially curated by renowned materials expert Dr. Sascha Peters, the special showcase will highlight the potential of 3D printing for furniture designers, interior
designers and architects, bringing to them a delight for the mind and an inspiration for creativity. As a joint initiative program organized by Haute Innovation and SFIC Institute; Interior Designer Day will be held on 10 March 2016, offering networking and new opportunities for joint projects between designers, companies and institutions. With our guided tours, workshops and live demonstrations of the BigRep One 3D printer, exhibitors, partners and visitors alike can expect to be inspired by the latest advancements in technology at furniPRO Asia. furniPRO Asia, International Furniture Fair Singapore (IFFS)/ASEAN
Furniture Show (AFS) and The DÊcor Show are staged in quick succession so that international visitors can attend all three shows in a single trip. Together they cover a very broad spectrum of exhibition topics ranging from primary processing to finish product. furniPRO Asia 2016 brings together ASEAN buyers and sellers with a focus on woodworking, wood products, materials and furniture production to buy, sell and network. It will feature five main components – a professional trade exhibition, innovation and best practice showcases, business matchmaking services, customized networking events, as well as seminars and exhibitor talks. By providing the best sourcing platform for professionals from the panel and furniture manufacturing industries, furniPRO Asia 2016 will also be the ideal gateway for strategic collaborations with key players in the ASEAN region.
The 3-day professional trade exhibition will feature the latest furniture production technologies from the following key product segments on the show-floor: * panelPRO Asia: Panel Production & Primary Processing * furniPRO Asia: Furniture Production & Secondary Processing * Materials & Components: including Materials & Nature, Function & * Components, and Textile & Upholstery. * Others: including Associations, Media and Consultancy Services. Highlights of the event include Innovation and Best Practice Showcases, Seminars and Exhibitor Talks, C-Level Networking Receptions, Hosted Buyers’ Program, Business Matching Services, and specially organized Buyers’ Tour in collaboration with supporting associations and industry partners. Onto its 3rd edition, furniPRO Asia 2016 continues to enjoy the strong support and endorsement of AFIC - The united body of the key furniture industry associations in South East Asia, which is the key success factor for furniPRO Asia 2014’s positive visitor attraction. This year, with furniPRO Asia 2016 being held in conjunction with the IFFS organized by the Singapore Furniture Industries Council (SFIC), there will be more synergy and coordination towards a concerted marketing outreach program. Over four days, the furniPRO Asia 2014 had attracted over 2,500 trade visitors from 47 countries to the show. With a 223% growth from the inaugural edition in 2012, 188 participating companies and brands from 32 countries including Austria, Malaysia, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey, to mention a few, displayed their latest state-of-theart machineries, technologies, and materials on the show-floor.
“Allbeco will continue to complete your sourcing in 2016�
We have seen that the Allbeco was an important player for mattress industry in 2015. Allbeco has expanded its export capacity to 15 countries in 3 continents and has the sales right for 7 companies in 2015. The differences between Allbeco and the other companies are innovation and the completing customers sourcing according your needs. First of the Allbeco’s main objective for 2016 has expand the
export capacity 50 country and 4 continent and has the sales right for 20 companies. Demand of the natural products and the innovative products is steadily increasing. so companies will need Allbeco in 2016. Allbeco also planning to became a strong player in pillow market. Allbeco will create pillow fashion with Italian design and natural products. Elegance and healthcare, this is the main objective of 2016 for all mattress markets.
Allbeco’s main philosophy is to convey innovation in the mattress industry from to world to the turkey and from the turkey to the world. Allbeco can supply all the raw materials necessary for mattress industry. ın parallel to the development of the mattress industry Allbeco is doing product presentations and selling materials according to domestic and overseas market expectations. Allbeco’s target is to reach all world markets and the company in extremity of the world can be their customer. They have focused world-bedding market closely. The companies will see that easily when start working with Allbeco. Allbeco will always support all their customers with their knowledge, experience and products in right time with right prices as they have expected. Boditrak pressure mapping system, breathair (washable cushion material with excellent durability), memory foam pillow with gel and of course sleepiest
pillows will make de difference between Allbeco and the other companies. Also Allbeco offers you to use and get easily such products like the coolness of cotton, thermal comfort effect of wool, incredible natural comfort of horsehair, the natural antibacterial and comfort effect of coco (pads made from coconut fiber), the effect quick drying and not affected by moisture of camel hair and of course the latex foam containing natural rubber.
Elegance and Italian design… wait for 2016! 70
Healthy people sweat out up to 500-1000 ml per day. Mattress covers activated in this case fully protect you from disease bacteria as well as carrying the human fluid bed. This is the main reason why mattress and pillow covers are important so much today. Adding the new generation covers with borders to your collection is very easy now without making machine investment. Established in Italy, Coverconf srl, the world’s most famous cover manufacturer has now started to produce cover production in Turkey and can do monthly or weekly shipments. An official of CoverConf Turkey explained, “We will offer you Italian mattress design with renewing. Coverconf Turkey will send the covers and you will put the materials to ensure the comfort of your customers
want. CoverConf Turkey will convey innovation in the mattress cover industry from to world to Turkey and from Turkey to the world with washable knitted fabric mattress covers with rich borderline. You ready to live an unforgettable experience with renew your body, lowers body temperature and takes you to exotic beach with its smell with many various fabrics with Italian design. CoverConf Turkey is ready to give you comfort sleep with fashion.” In 2015 CoverConf Turkey has expanded the production capacity 100 pcs per day and export capacity 11 countries also CoverConf
Turkey became a important and powerful player in mattress cover industry in local market. CoverConf Turkey ‘s target is to reach 1000 pcs prodıction capacity per day and expand the export capacity to 30 countries. “CoverConf has the knowledge, vision and creativity for these targets. CoverConf has expanded the production range of 120 designs and still respond to your design requests in 2015. You can select your fabric, wedding, border style, etc. whatever you want and we can produce the 4 side zipped washable mattress covers for you,” the official noted.
Outlast materials generate an optimum sleeping climate 速
Humidity is found to be the key for climate comfort
What is “climate comfort” about? Climate comfort is a term often used in connection with the weather. But when looking at the human body – especially in sleeping environments – it is obvious that climate comfort plays a role in better sleep. However, “temperature” is not the only factor, as there are many subjective perceptions involved. Interesting: Humidity is widely agreed as big contributor to being uncomfortable. Outlast Technologies, market leader in phase change materials (PCM), has examined the topic and has generated some interesting results. “We have run various tests to investigate the optimum sleeping climate,” says Martin Bentz, President of Outlast Technologies LLC, Golden/USA. “We are often asked to give evidence of the
in creating a comfortable sleeping environment.”
It must be dry
performance of our heat managing Outlast® products. Therefore we have looked at other test methods than climate chamber testing and have gained valuable knowledge demonstrating that the proactive nature of phase change materials positively influences sleeping comfort. Quickly, we found that ‘temperature’ is not the only indicator
A third party expert in Europe in the field around microclimate, Christoph Russ - owner of c.russNETCONSULT, Otterfing/ Germany - says: “An important requirement for human comfort perception is the quality of the surrounding climate. But what is comfortable? What makes sense to one may not be the same for others – some will prefer warmer environments, and some will prefer cooler. But just with humidity, there is a wide consensus that being dry is more comfortable.” He continues by saying, “scientific studies on the correlation between subjective climate perception and objective climate confirm these
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same points. The evaluation of human comfort perception with the measurement of absolute humidity clearly outranges the one with temperature. Simply speaking: When a human perspires, the body is attempting to cool itself. When it doesn’t perspire, typically the body is comfortable.”
Climate comfort = less perspiration Excess humidity is critical in terms of discomfort. Therefore one important key to climate comfort is efficiently managing moisture. Christoph Russ confirms that the point of climate comfort is reached when the human – theoretically speaking – does just not perspire. “Then the climate is perfect.” In ad-
dition, Russ shows evidence with his testing method THG AreaView providing a live insight into the thermoregulation of a human body. “This method measures the individual’s limit between climate comfort and discomfort.” In general, there are two ways of optimizing the climate comfort: the reactive deduction of humidity (humidity transport) and the proactive limitation of the production of humidity.
Convective trap Less sweating, less humidity makes the difference in sleeping comfort. “Once the body finds ways to reduce overheating without perspiring it will take advantage
of it in order to save energy,” confirms Christoph Russ. This is exactly where Outlast® materials make sense since they proactively manage moisture through the absorbance of heat. The body reacts in a sensible way to temperature changes and normally starts sweating when it is getting too warm. Perspiration is a mechanism of the body to release excess heat and to regulate the body temperature. “The perspiration causes humidity beneath a duvet which, in spite of its intention to cool, actually increases the perception of temperature by approximately 2°C,” says Russ. “We call this a convective trap which is caused by a poor exchange of
airflow. The individual then would need to move positions or remove the covers to create airflow - the consequence is a disturbed sleep.” It is different with Outlast® technology: As Outlast® products absorb excess heat the body does not have to perspire to achieve cooling. The production of transpiration is already reduced, providing the additional benefit of better hygiene. This is a huge advantage - especially in bedding.
The evidence The evidence: The independent test system THG SleepView (developed by Christoph Russ) makes it possible to visualize the benefits of Outlast® products related to heat and moisture, and to document the numerous advantages of the smart performance material. “We have conducted various tests with THG SleepView visually demonstrating that Outlast® materials can reduce moisture significantly during the phase where you fall asleep,” says Volker Schuster, Technical Director of Outlast Europe GmbH. “As the data sensors of this new measuring system are very small they can be built directly inside the microclimate to measure the air between the skin and duvet – this is where comfort plays a role,” says Volker Schuster. “We have found out that Outlast® materials support humans in their attempt to cool down the organism during the phase of falling asleep producing more than 10% less humidity. A very good start into the night leading to an efficient improvement of comfort.”
The Outlast® difference Phase change materials help to actively balance temperature and to reduce humidity during sleep significantly. “We found out, that a
duvet with an Outlast® PCM fiberfill can reduce absolute humidity by 48% compared to a traditional duvet,” adds Martin Bentz. “This is an impressive added value,” says Bentz, “which clearly demonstrates the proactive way our technology works. It is very important for us that our Outlast® products optimize the climate inside bedding proactively – contrary to other technologies which work through humidity transport.” This is exactly the Outlast® difference: This
technology works continuously to manage heat and moisture while reducing sweat production right from the beginning, so less humidity is created inside the bed. The Outlast® difference then influences a person’s overall comfort that leads to a better night’s rest. Bentz adds: “Naturally, we lose up to one liter of sweat each night. Outlast® materials can reduce this amount by an average of 50%. You sleep drier and more comfortably.”
Outlast® technology Outlast® technology was originally developed for NASA to protect astronauts from temperature fluctuations in space. Outlast® technology utilizes phase change materials (PCM) that absorb, store and release heat for optimal thermal comfort. Outlast® technology is comparable to ice in a drink; as it changes from solid to liquid, it absorbs heat and cools the drink, keeping that drink at the desired temperature for a longer period of time. Outlast® phase change materials work in the same way. The PCMs have the capacity to absorb, store and release excess heat. This gives any product containing Outlast® technology the ability to continually regulate the skin’s microclimate. As the skin gets hot, the heat is absorbed, and as it cools, that heat is released.
Outlast® technology is not wicking technology, which manages moisture by reacting to your sweat and pulling it away from the skin. Outlast® technology will proactively manage heat while controlling the production of moisture before it begins. That’s the Outlast® difference. The benefits of Outlast® products at a glance: •Absorbs excess body heat •Manages moisture •Reduces overheating •Reduces chilling •Reduces perspiration •Continuously adapts to thermal changes Outlast presents the newest innovations at Heimtextil from 12 to 15 January, 2016, in Frankfurt; Hall 8.0, Stand D 74.
BOYTEKS continues to grow with new investments 82
Boyteks Tekstil San. Ve Tic. A.S., operates in manufacturing of mattress ticking, upholstery fabric and carpet, invests 35 million euros for capacity increase, modernization and new construction investments. Boyteks, becoming number one preference for the manufacturers in domestic market and on abroad with its innovations and investments in the industrial textile, is among the leading manufacturers of the entire world today. The Company ends the year of 2015 with a growth rate of 20%. Mustafa Yıldırım, General Manager of Boyteks Tekstil San. Ve Tic. A.S. has spoken that “We continue to be the pioneer in this sector globally through our on-going consistent strategies, efficient operational skills and effective risk management. We are now ending the year of 2015 with a growth rate of more than 20%. Our Boyteks branded products become number one preference for bedding and furniture manufacturers in more than 100 countries. We rank among the top 10 companies in Turkey in the category of branded export. We carry on with being the pride of our country in this area.” Yıldırım, also presents statements for the objections for the year of 2016, as “We are aiming to utilize a budget of 35 million Euros as Boyteks Tekstil for the investments next year. Our investments shall
Mr. Hacı Boydak, Chairman of the board ( right side), Mr. Fethi Unal, Member of board ( middle), Mr. Mustafa Yıldırım, General Manager ( left side),
be in the areas upgrade and modernization of old machinery, construction investments and capacity increase. We have already doubled the indoor manufacturing area of Bursa upholstery fabric facility, which was 25.000m2 previously. We will be able to achieve a 25% manufacturing increase through machinery investments in this factory of ours. Within this context, we have participated in the ITMA, which is a renowned trade fair in the world, and we have established the infrastructure of our machinery investments and signed new agreements. We strengthen our human resource correspondingly with these investments. We continue to strengthen our collection and R&D teams both in terms of quality and quantity.” Yıldırım also gives information regarding the sales and marketing activities for the year of 2016
and says: ‘an intensive trade fair marathon will keep us busy in 2016. We will be participating in 16 international trade fairs in next year with our three product groups. We begin with the Heimtextil and Domotex trade fairs that will be held in Germany in January and then we are entering into an intensive process that will start with our participation in ISPA in USA, Interzum and Domotex Asia in China and afterwards Evteks in Istanbul and Mood Belgium. Our sales, marketing and collection teams are ideally getting ready for these trade fairs. Besides this, our active customer visits shall increasingly proceed. Our team is performing travels to more than 50 countries annually. Our collection teams are already ahead of time and continue their ceaseless endeavours in order to display the trends of 2017.
Artintechs offers effective mattress exhibition solutions Producing several systems for exhibiting products of the mattress industry, Artintechs develops new products. Having its special modular mattress exhibition system, the company expands its product line to cover other items of bedding industry, including pillow, base, and cross-section showcases. Hakan Akdemir, export manager of the company, has informed our publication about his company.
Artintechs produces systems to show and exhibit products that are offered to end-users. We are developing better and more efficient solutions to exhibit mattresses, pillows, bases and cross-section of them, utilizing our experience we accumulated from our contacts with several firms. Our story is started in 2011.
Will you brief about your company? What services do you offer to the mattress industry?
We started our business with mattress exhibition systems. We are producing the most durable
What are the changes you made in your products in 2015? Hakan Akdemir, Export Manager of Artintechs
to reach out more customers. We aimed to increase our exports.
What are your plans and targets for 2016?
systems that need minimum space. In 2015 we launched our latest mechanism for exhibiting mattresses, the modular exhibition stand, in Sleepwell sleep and sleep products fair. Each mattress can be showed separately at every location. Besides we are designing concept products to be applied in sleep centers of our customer companies. We offer 3D store designs for our prospects. The base exhibition system that we developed recently can be used as stands alone, is transportable and have sign tables to show the specs of the products. Our system for pillow exhibition is also liked by our customers. We procure our material needs completely from domestic sources.
Will you give us information about your special works for firms? Lately, we are developing special products to be used by textile com-
In contrast to the last year’s score, we think that there is a great potential for growth in 2016, so we planned to invest more to increase our production capacity. We will expand our production site, machinery inventory and production power in the new facility in 2016.
panies in trade fairs and stores. Our railed drapery exhibition system is used by curtain selling stores. Companies can easily show their products and combinations easily with the help of our railed system.
Do you export your products and to which countries? Buyers in foreign countries are highly interested in our products, especially those in Europe, in more than thirty countries. In 2016 we will be more active in trade fairs
Sleep Technology Owners report improved sleep, better overall health according to new research from National Sleep Foundation and CEA
Sixty percent of sleep technology owners say they’re more aware of their sleep patterns, according to the results of a new consumer research study released today at the inaugural Sleep Technology Summit & Expo in Santa Clara, CA. Conducted jointly by the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) and the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)®, Consumer Awareness and Perceptions of Sleep Technology explored consumer satisfaction and interest related to the growing sleep technology segment.
In addition to being more aware of their sleep patterns, 51 percent of sleep technology owners say they’re sleeping better knowing the technology is helping them and 49 percent say they feel healthier since they started using the technology. Nearly sixty percent of sleep technology owners say they’re satisfied with their devices, according to study results. That’s an encouraging number for a still nascent technology, says David Cloud, CEO of NSF.
“We’re at the very beginning of this sleep technology wave,” said Cloud. “The pace of innovation in this space is astounding. The devices are getting better and better, as is the value they provide to healthy consumers looking to improve their sleep. We expect that as people learn more about sleep technology and how it can benefit their overall health, they’ll be convinced to give it a try.” “Health and fitness technology has advanced considerably in recent
years, thanks in large part to the wide deployment of sensors and ubiquity of smartphones—and the progression of sleep technology is no different,” said Chris Ely, senior manager of industry analysis, CEA. “Led by the popularity of sleep tracking abilities within most wearable fitness activity trackers, our research with NSF shows sleep technology in its various forms is having a positive impact on users’ sleep.” Indeed, according to the study results, forty-six percent of those who use sleep technology say they benefit from the technology. However, the research also revealed a contingent of non-users who don’t think they need it, with only 27 percent reporting that they believe sleep technology will help them be healthier. “It’s a misperception that you need to have a sleep disorder to
According to the study results, 46% of those who use sleep technology say they benefit from the technology. benefit from sleep technology,” added Cloud. “Sleep is a vital sign of health and wellness, even more so than diet and fitness. In NSF’s most recent Sleep Health Index, more than 40 million Americans
reported that poor sleep or lack of sleep impacted their activities at least once in the previous week. Everyone can benefit from better sleep. This represents a significant—and achievable—education and marketing opportunity for the sleep technology industry.” The study results also illuminated another education opportunity made possible by engaging healthcare providers. While nearly 60 percent of survey respondents said a recommendation from their healthcare provider would be important in their decision to use sleep technology, only 18 percent of users reported they received such a recommendation. Given the significant health benefits of better sleep, from improved mood and memory to the ability to maintain a healthy weight, support from the healthcare community could have a critical impact on user rates.
International hall spaces at CIFM / interzum guangzhou 2016 snapped up amidst steady growth of China’s furniture industry
Asia’s largest and most influential furniture production and woodworking trade fair - CIFM / interzum guangzhou - has once again proven its appeal to international industry manufacturers and suppliers with a sold out event in 2016. Slated to take place from March 2831 in its namesake city alongside the China International Furniture Fair (Office Show), the combined event will span 16 halls to cover an area of 140,000 square meters. Over 1,200 exhibitors from around the world will gather at this flagship event of the industry. CIFM / interzum guangzhou attracts
visitors from over 120 countries and regions to visit and procure at the event annually, with representatives from furniture manufacturing enterprises accounting for the majority. China, as the world’s largest furniture producer as well as furniture consumer market, has been ranked first place for global furniture production for many years. In 2014, China’s furniture export was valued at US$53.1 billion, accounting for 37 percent of the world’s total furniture exports. In the past, domestic consumers could only purchase standard furniture, but increasing affluence has raised consumers’ demands for quality
and customization. The custom furniture market has maintained a strong growth momentum, occupying more than 40 percent market share. Conventional furniture purchase focuses on brand and design, but with the development of custom-made furniture, consumers are now also concerned about the raw materials used, such as the kind of wood, surfaces, handles and even hinges and rails. The trend is expected to shift towards the finer details, and high quality, imported furniture materials are poised to be a big hit in the domestic market.
Some of the local and international industry heavyweights to be featured at the 2016 edition include: Wellex, Dongtai, Nanxing, Nantong, Lianrou, Yuantian (China); American Softwoods, Leggett & Platt, HB Fuller (US); French Timber (France); Titus (UK); Repon (Taiwan); Boyteks Tekstil, Comfytex (Turkey); Bekaert, Artilat, Latexco (Belgium); SCM, Italiana Ferramenta, Sige, Ferwood, ICA, Servetto (Italy); Homag, IMA, Leitz, Beckhoff, GreCon, Leuco, Duerkopp, Rehau, Schattdecor, Kleiberit, Lehmann, Vauth-Sagel, Pytha, Renolit, Pollmeier, Okin Refined (Germany); Urufor (Uruguay); Cyber Lock (Thailand); Ecoid (Korea); and Alvic (Spain). A series of engaging activities aim to enhance the participation experience of exhibitors and visitors alike. On March 29, a forum titled “The History & Trends of Furniture Surface Materials� at the PIAZZA lounge of International Hall 14.1 will seek to impart knowledge on the latest consumer likings and products. Attendees of the forum will stand to win attractive prizes. In addition, the PIAZZA will now offer complimentary freshly brewed coffee to visitors besides the regular choice of fruit juice and red wine. They will also be pleased to know that they can still stay connected to the Internet with free Wi-Fi in Hall 14.1. CIFM / interzum guangzhou 2016 online visitor pre-registration is currently in full swing. Exclusive benefits await pre-registered visitors. To learn more about the event, visit www.interzum-guangzhou.com
Mattress fire testing regulations in US
The primary US regulations are the federal standards CFR 1632 and CFR 1633. These have been described under the “History & Review of CFR 1632 and CFR 1633”. (See “Mattress Fire Testing – US Regulations: Part II”.) Some of the US building codes and some of the local jurisdictions require full-scale fire testing which are in addition to the federal requirements. The additional tests are summarized below.
1.ASTM E 1590 This is a full scale mattress test that is mandated by some of the building codes for certain unsprinklered occupancies. The actual test procedure is substantially the same as that described in California Technical Bulletin 129 (See item # 6.). When the building code specifies ASTM E 1590, they set a maximum heat release value of 100 kW which is considerably less than the 200 kW allowed by federal mattress standard CFR 1633.
2.Boston Fire Department IX-11 This test is mandatory for certain occupancies that are regulated by the Boston Fire Department. The configuration of the test is quite different from most other full
scale mattress tests. The mattress is covered with typ-
The bedding material is ignited and test observations are made.
ical bedding materials – primarily
The pass /fail criteria are much
sheets, a blanket, and a pillow.
more detailed than CFR 1633.
Products which pass CFR 1633 might fail this Boston test. The usual failure during the Boston test is related to mattress weight loss.
3. California Technical Bulletin 121 This is a full scale fire test which is cited for penal institutions. The ignition source is a bucket of burning paper placed underneath the mattress. The pass /fail criteria are primarily related to weight loss rather than heat release value. The intent of this procedure is to determine whether or not the fire penetrates through to the surface of the mattress.
4. California Technical Bulletin 129 This test is the precursor to CFR 1633. The mattress is ignited with a barbeque type burner where the flames impinge on the side of the mattress. There are two major distinctions between this test and 1633. 1633 has a side and top burner. The way mattresses are usually constructed, the main assault comes from the side burner. The flame application time under CFR 1633 is 50 seconds for the side burner. The flame application time of California 129 is 180 seconds. California 129 has a more severe limitation on heat release: 100 kW maximum versus 200 kW maximum permitted by CFR 1633. California Technical Bulletin 129 is frequently cited by dormitory authorities.
5. NFPA 267 This is a full scale mattress test
that is mandated by some of the building codes for certain unsprinklered occupancies. The actual test procedure is substantially the same as that described in California Technical Bulletin 129. (See Item #4.)
This also includes the maximum heat release of 100 kW versus the 200 kW maximum permitted by CFR 1633. Also, the reporting requirement of NFPA 267 encompasses more categories than the Technical Bulletin 129 test.
6. Michigan Roll Up Test (ASTM F 1085, Annex A3) The Michigan Roll Up Test first appeared in the early 1980s. It seems to have been a “word of mouth” test without documentation. ASTM F 1085 2010 Edition does document the test in Annex A3. The standard seems vague as to pass / fail. Govmark has determined that the key report values are weight loss and peak heat release. ASTM F 1870 2011 Edition has a reference to the “Michigan Roll Up Test” in Section 10.2. The mattress is rolled up with newspaper inside. The rolled mattress is raised so that it is tested tically. The newspaper is then ignited. Govmark was founded in 1971 when the first regulation was considered for cigarette ignition resistance of mattresses.
We know the standard today as CFR 1632. In the decade of 1970, cotton felt was the predominant filling material in mattress production. The heat of an unattended lighted cigarette on the mattress was sufficient to cause extensive smoldering and eventually open flaming of the mattress. The popular solution was to insert a 0.25 to 0.50 layer of foam (or similar barriers) between the ticking and the cotton felt. Another method was to add dry chemicals to the cotton felt. The powdered chemicals are still used today with cotton-filled futons. If the chemicals are not properly dispersed throughout the futon, a failure could occur at a location where the dry chemical is lacking. CFR 1632 requires that six mattress surfaces be tested for each prototype design. Design and component changes require that a new prototype be tested. CFR 1632 does have a special provision that permits the manufacturer to change tickings without redoing the prototype test. There is a separate test procedure contained in CFR 1632.6 that rates tickings: Class A, B, or C. Most tickings in the market place are Class B. If the original prototype was made with a Class B ticking, manufacturers are allowed to change the ticking without further testing provided that the new (substitute) ticking has a “B� classification or better. Continuing the discussion on prototypes in terms of CFR 1632. The upper 1.5 inches of the mattress is critical to the CFR 1632 test. In Govmark’s opinion, a new prototype test is not required if compo-
nent changes are made at least 1.5 inches below the mattress surface. When CPSC issued CFR 1633 open flame test they eased the testing burden of CFR 1632. Prototypes that comply with CFR 1633 only need to have two surfaces (rather than six) tested to comply with CFR 1632. Govmark has received many inquiries concerning prototype design, subordinate prototypes and quality control requirements. The mission of mattress manufacturing is to make sure that any time a mattress is selected by CPSC (or any other interested party) for testing, that particular mattress should pass the test. A “prototype” is basically a design. If a mattress of the same design is made with varying thicknesses of one of the components, Govmark recommends testing a mattress containing the thinnest and thickest component of that particular design. CPSC does allow certain design changes and allows the manufacturer to offer evidence that the design change won’t affect the flammability. This permission is granted under “subordinate prototypes”. Govmark offers that it is prudent to test at least one mattress to substantiate that the design change was benign.
QUALITY CONTROL It should be the mission of every manufacturer, supplier, retailer and others in the chain to make sure that any mattress pulled off the shelf by CPSC for testing will pass the CFR 1633 test. CFR 1633 does have a provision that provides for a quality control
program that controls the components going into the mattress. They also encourage quality control testing. Quality control testing is within the purview of the manufacturer. Depending on the volume and frequency of production, Govmark recommends pulling random (not cherry picked) mattresses from production or from incoming shipments from various plants that manufacture. Some people have asked Govmark about guarantees. When the Flammable Fabrics Act was first issued back in the early 1950’s, it was
meant for garments and the fabric going into garments. Most garment manufacturers would issue guarantees to the retailers. In order to issue a guarantee, a supplier needs to have a test report in hand to support the guarantee. A guarantee without a supporting test report is basically fraudulent. CFR 1608 discusses guarantees and has sample guarantee forms. Testing and labelling of compliant mattresses have in effect made the guarantee forms possibly redundant.
96 Allen Blvd, Farmingdale, NY 11735 | Tel: 631-293-8944 | Email: testing@govmark.com | Web: www.govmark.com Copyright © 2015 The Govmark Testing Services, Inc.
OEKO-TEX® attending the Heimtextil 2016 fair with a specialist presentation and info event Subject: Sustainability in Home Textiles - Exhibition Stand in Hall 8, Level 0, Stand D96 Just in time for the start of the 2016 season, the Heimtextil fair in Frankfurt am Main, the leading international trade fair for home and commercial textiles, will open its doors to industry visitors from all over the world. From 12 to 15 January 2016, these guests have the chance to learn about new product features and trends and get fresh inspiration for the new season. As a partner of companies from the home textiles sector and specialized trade, the OEKO-TEX® Association will once again take part in Heimtextil 2016 with its own exhibition stand. In hall 8, level 0, stand D96, experts from several OEKO-TEX® organizations will be there to provide expert consulting regarding the certification options for the more than 65,000 expected specialist visitors. Held over four days in January, the Heimtextil fair is the most significant and major platform for manufacturers, retailers and designers and is establishing a tradition as the first important event of the year for presentations and orders. Some of the main focuses of Heimtextil 2016 include sustainably produced furnishings such as bathroom, bedroom and table textiles and textile products for window decoration, upholstery, floor coverings, wall coverings and sunshades.
Headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, the International OEKO-TEX® Association is an association of 16 independent textile testing and research institutes with contact offices in more than 60 countries worldwide. The member institutes are responsible for the joint development of the testing methods and limit values that form the basis of the product labels for the OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 and Made in Green by OEKO-TEX® and the production facility certifications based on STeP by OEKO-TEX® (Sustainable Textile Production). They are also authorised to perform the associated laboratory tests and company audits. At present, more than 10,000 companies from around 100 countries throughout the world and across the entire textile value-creation chain use the OEKO-TEX® system as an integral part of their sustainability strategy. ©OEKO-TEX®
Talks on why the subject of sustainability in furnishings is becoming more and more important worldwide and what its successful implementation might look like will be provided by top-class representatives from the North American, Asian and European furnishings sector in the SYMMETRIE 3 Conference Room, in hall 8, level 1: * Warren Shoulberg, Editorial Director, Home & Textiles Today Topic: Sustainability is Not the Wave of the Future: It’s Here. * Xiangzhong Li, Marketing Manager, Loftex China Ltd. Topic: Build Green Textiles. Promote Sustainable Development. * Artur Soutinho, President of the Board, More Textile Group Topic:
Sustainability as a Competitive Global Value in Today’s Market. The event takes place at 11:00 on 14 January 2016 and the talks will be in English. Attendance is free, but spaces are limited. For more information, please contact bklaus@certification-oekotex.com. You can also use this address to confirm your attendance. On 13 January 2016, Jörg Diekmann from the Hohenstein Textile Testing Institute will give a talk on the subject MySTeP by OEKO-TEX® - Transparency in the Supply Chain Labelled with Made in Green. The event takes place from 5:00 to 5:30 in hall 8, level 0, F44 in the Speakers Corner (Green Village - Kompetenzzentrum für Nachhaltigkeit - Expertise Centre for Sustainability).
Enkev converts traditional materials into the hippest products! We made an interview with Marc Dokter, Owner & Managing Director ENKEV Natural Fibres about SleepWell Expo 2015 Enkev is a creative group of companies with a long history in the production and development of materials made of natural ingredients. They work with customers in the mattress, horticulture, packaging and automotive industry globally. Nature constantly replenishes these raw materials, which are unsurpassed in resilience, durability and ventilation. So Enkev supplies a complete environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic materials. Enkev is a company that has strong roots in the Netherlands. But, with branches in the UK, Poland, Russia and France, and joint ventures in China and Sri Lanka. Enkev is a truly global company.
Peter De Jong, International Sales Manager of Enkev
Can you give information about you and your company briefly? “My name is Marc Dokter. I am CEO of the Enkev Group. Our company is a group has many manufacturing facilities located in all Europe. We have one in England, Poland and Belgium. We are Enkev, and we make quality products from natural fibres. Since our foundation in 1932, we have become the leading processor of natural fibres. Our products can be used in almost limitless types of applications. We make filling and covering materials for the mattress and furniture industry, but our natural products are also great for packaging purposes, automotive seating, filter products and many more. We use only the very best natural sources to make our products. We produce a wide range of products from natural fibres in countries and on two continents, with exports to more than 40 countries on all continents. We sell our products which are made of natural fibers basically all of the world. Turkey is a growing
country. We decided to be more closer to our customer.”
What do think about the second edition of Sleep Well Expo? “The fair is a nice show for us. It is not huge but it is good for us, we made new people and prospects. We don’t need existing customer so it is interesting for us.”
What about next editions of the fair? “It will be little bit depend on work. We are in the fair to take notice for our products.”
Aydin Textile to complete new facilities in 2016
A new plant of 70 thousand sqm is being built in Sogutlu, Adapazari. One of the major producer of fabrics for mattress industry, Aydin Textile launches new innovative and certified products for the manufacturers of mattresses. Despite all its hardships, the company has hit its targets for the year 2015 and will pursue more assertive path of growth in export markets this year. Export sales team of the company have informed about their company and activities in fairs and exhibition.
What makes Aydin Textile for mattress industry? We have been producing fabrics for upholstery companies since 1965. Ten years ago, we invested in the production of fabrics used by mattresses manufacturers. We
have had our names felt in this segment as well. We organized teams for the segment and sales are growing up fast. In our factory of 110 thousand sqm. in Istanbul we employ 1,200 people. We are now in the process of completing
the construction of a new plant in Sogutlu, Adapazari. We have a special unit for knitted fabrics for upholstery. The building of another unit covering 70 thousand sqm. aimed to mattress fabrics production is about to begin.
What kind of new fabrics do you have for mattress industry? What are the specs of your certified fabrics? There are some polyester based fabrics. We have a serious capacity for producing, polyurethane, chenille, and acrylic yarns, a dyeing unit. We also produce specially finished yarns and fabrics. We have efar and cashmere products all have certificates. We make products with new patterns. Each time we add new items to our product catalogues, because, every mattress has its own theme, concept and story. We as the R&D and sales departments, are going to participate in several fairs this year, including ISPA, Interzum, the fair in Sao Paulo in Brazil in August. We are preparing for them and for Ecotex and Argan oil certificates.
What are your target markets for exports? We have businesses in about 79 countries as Aydin Textile. We export mattress fabrics to 69 countries in all continents. Some production centers for mattress are emerging globally, that Europe comes first. Far East is highly dynamic and there is growing demand from Chinese market. Earlier we were visiting fairs and markets in China from buyer perspective. Now, with support of our partners in China we sell our products to middle and upper segments. Since labor is relatively cheap in China they are able to produce low level cheaper polyester fabrics. We are successful in finished and yarn categories demanded by quality
mattress manufacturers. Cooperation with producers are important. We satisfy the expectations and demands of our customers with our certified products.
Lately, even in mattress fabrics, trend matters in the markets. What is the role of Turkey and other countries are playing as trendsetters? We observe most of our companies have sales orientation. European competitors are more innovative both in finishing processes and patterns. We have to accept this fact. Turkish producers sell more, provide services, and quality. The new trend in Europe and Scandinavian countries is toward natural fibers and natural processes. Needs and trends have to be assessed separately for each market. How was the year 2015 for Aydin Textile? Did you hit your targets? We realized our targets in mat-
tress segment. It was successful, because we got what we expected. We invested more in the year. Sogutlu project was started at the beginning of the year. We keep the activities in 2016. We kept our businesses and customers in global markets. We have had to adopt to the conditions and developments in terms of sales and after sales services. Political and geopolitical events have caused some problems during the last three months.
It was not an easy year, but we got the sales figures we have targeted. Product conjectures were changed, as a result of harsh conditions. We expect a difficult period in the first half of the coming year. It will become harder to keep customers and maintain customer loyalty. Recent developments in Middle East, in Russia will affect us negatively. The second half of the year may be better.
Sleep Smarter with Sleep Apps & Health Tools As a general rule, we advocate for powering down laptops, TVs and smartphones to eliminate light, sounds and stress associated with electronic devices that could disturb your slumber. But, smartphones do present some opportunities to get better sleep. If you’re tech-savvy and have trouble sleeping – or if you’re just curious about trying a new alarm clock – installing a sleep app on
your smartphone could be a great option.
determine which sleep app is right for you.
We considered seven of the best sleep apps and health apps that can help track and analyze your sleep, so you can wake up feeling more rested. From tracking hours slept, frequency of REM sleep, movement and snoring to waking you in your lightest sleep, the breakdown below can help you
All apps were selected based on standings and reviews in popular app stores. The Better Sleep Council does not endorse or promote the use of these or any applications. We do, however, promote a good night’s rest on a quality mattress. SOURCE: BETTER SLEEP COUNCIL
Technology meets Design Sleep smart, sleep well 116
Over 100 employees use state-of-theart production machinery in three factories to help people all around the world get a restorative and calm night’s sleep.
For over 40 years Hartmann Kunststofftechnik has focused on the successful development of sophisticated technical solutions for a healthy night’s sleep and has launched a succession of clever, groundbreaking products onto the market. The Herford-based company is a leader in the manufacture of standard and special parts for the slatted frame, bed and furniture industries, operating through a series of international agencies. In collaboration with well-known orthopedic and anatomy specialists it has developed durable, top quality products that satisfy the high expectations of its customers. Hartmann Kunststofftechnik boasts a rich and varied portfolio. Over
100 employees use state-ofthe-art production machinery in three factories to help people all around the world get a restorative and calm night’s sleep. Hartmann offers ingenious solutions for optimum sleep comfort and constantly uses its experience and spirit of innovation to bring new, well-engineered components onto the market. One of the Highlights is the new micro spring for mattresses and upholstery furniture, which is manufactured from high performance plastic. Among different hardnesses the spring offers a very good spring reset. The advantage is that the spring isn’t only sold separately. Customers can also
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buy preassembled modular units consisting of hundreds of micro springs. This offers to the manufacturer of mat- tresses or upholstery easy processing and the end customer profits by an outstanding point elasticity. The “HV 1.1” is the first height adjuster of its kind. This clever device, for which Hartmann has a patent pending, can be adjusted quickly and easily by hand. The “HV 1.1” is made of high quality plastic and bolted onto the slatted frame, which means that it is compatible with all Hartmann plastic caps that are mounted in this way.
The height can be adjusted simply by lifting the adjuster from the initial starting position through its five settings to a maximum height of 26.5 mm, and easily re- leased again by hand. The exceptional flexibility of this device and the active sup- port it provides for the lumbar and neck vertebrae guarantee a high degree of sleeping comfort. The “BFS” bow spring system combines ingenious technology with a clever de- sign. It consists of spring elements and a plastic crosstie that interact to provide optimum weight and pressure relief. It is also possible to create
Coming Soon...
Head Office: ISTMAG Matbaacılık Gazetecilik İç ve Dış Ticaret Ltd. Şti. Güneşli Evren Mah. Bahar Cad. Polat İş Merkezi B Blok No:3 34197 Güneşli / İSTANBUL Tel: +90. 212 604 50 50 Fax: +90. 212 604 50 51
Liaison Office: Buttim İş Merkezi D-Blok K-4 No:1267 Osmangazi / BURSA Tel: +90 224 211 44 50-51 Fax: +90 224 211 44 81
numerous firm- ness zones that can be individually adapted to any body shape due to the integrated hardness adjuster. The exclusive spring element made from the high performance material TPEE is simple to fit while providing excellent resilience and passive mattress ventilation. Further technical details include a bearing block for bolt assembly and a special bracket that allows it to be mounted on a wooden or metal frame. “MATF-F5 / MATD-F3-F4“, the spring elements for mattresses, upholstered furniture and box spring beds are made of high-quality TPE-E and can be supplied in four
different degrees of tension. Both springs have a deflection of ca. 40 mm and a height of ca. 70 mm. Particular mention should be made of the spring’s very good recovery properties. Another highly sophisticated design is the end cap with integrated hardness adjuster from the H 54 Series. This can be easily adjusted by simply moving the hardness slider. The end cap, made from the high performance material TPEE, is available with a 20mm or 40mm bar projection and can be supplied in various degrees of hardness. Like all Hartmann products, the latest innovations use top quality materials
and are both highly durable and fully recyclable. Two innovations that Hartmann launched are the SCH 3.1 and SCH F02.39.16 hardness zone sliders for clamping slatted frames. This clamping option ensures firm and lasting positioning of the slider: unlike the situation with conventional sliders, once the weight has been set, the hardness zone slider no longer slips. “PFS”, “VFS” and “SFSK”, all on display in Cologne, represent three sleeping sys- tems for multi-zone surfaces. The “PFS-System” has the largest possible, bellow- shaped spring deflection of 30 mm at a
www.sleepwellexpo.com | 0212 604 50 50 | www.voli.com.tr This Fair is organized with the audit of TOBB (The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey) in accordance with the Law No: 5174
very low overall height of just 47 mm. Like all systems this is also available in various different degrees of Shore hardness. The benefit that this brings is that the pump effect of the bellows design increases air circulation and therefore improves the ventilation of the mattress. The “VFS-System” offers good combination options for the multi-zone surface of a mattress with the adjustment caps of the series “H 43” and “H 38” and has an integrated hardness adjuster, which permits specific firmness adjustment within the mattress area of a slatted frame with multi-zone surface. The “SFSK-System” is based on the air cushion technology with integrated air- cushion-ball, which has already proven its worth in slat holders. The cushion of air is compressed when weight is applied, resulting in progressive counter pressure to ensure the best conditions for optimal adaptation to the body and restorative sleep. A further highlight is BELITEC®, the motor-driven cabinet bed with high- quality slatted frame and cold foam mattress which can be integrated into every cabinet or room divider with the slatted frame and mattress disappearing into the base and behind a vertical compartment in the cabinet. As well as that, a motor system for electrical retraction and extension, for example for sofas, is also being shown.
DesleeClama launches colorful Harmony Collection with new iDC Cloud As the trends are shifting very fast, DesleeClama introduces its brand-new collection, called HARMONY 2015. HARMONY can be perceived as a sequel on the IMAGINE Collection launched during the Interzum 2015 Trade Fair in Cologne. The lead through the new collection of DesleeClama is again represented by the five key styles that each bundle several themes together. Typical of the HARMONY Collection is that DesleeClama uses color as an inspiration.
Behind every sample, there is a story Five key styles help the customer to create a total sleeping concept, including mattress fabrics, borders and upholstery. Within each of these styles, the DesleeClama design team has developed several themes or stories that translate perfectly the hot trends of today and tomorrow. For this collection, color is definitely the main trend. The Multiple Flat Constructions, the new Maurice D fabrics and the colorful designs are proof of that.
PURE BLUE JEANS - Blue Jeans is the biggest worldwide trend. Timeless, however still very hot... For this collection, the design team of DesleeClama decided to put BLUE JEANS into the spotlights, as this is incontestably the biggest worldwide trend. BLUE JEANS is a theme that literally occurs everywhere: in fashion, architecture, decoration, etc. BLUE JEANS refers to the style of pants that dates back to the end of the 19th century, which proves that this style is timeless and still very hot when in search for a casual look.
TRUE PASTELS - Get inspired by the softest pastel colors that are very trendy these days. The theme TRUE PASTELS proves that colors are one of the key drivers of this new collection. DesleeClama used white and the softest pastel colors that are very trendy these day. HAUTE COUTURE RAINBOW LOVE - A rainbow love story about colors. RAINBOW LOVE tells you a story about colors and the possibility to combine different colors in one fabric at the same time. With the Multiple Flat Constructions, Desle-
eClama uses up to four colors at once and challenges you to make your own combinations. With the new five color combinations, DesleeClama accomplished to create a rainbow effect. A small color range has been developed to let the customer play with different color combinations.
SPARKLE - Glitter & glamour, a timeless trend. SPARKLE continues setting the trend of glitter and glamour. Different in this collection are the borders that have a glittery touch of gold and silver. Moreover, the designs contain much more noticeable motives. It has been integrated in a lot of fine and sophisticated designs for the Finesse brand using the ELLA SILK quality. CLASSIC-TRANSITIONAL PLACED ORNAMENTS - Classical ornaments placed in a modern interpretation. PLACED ORNAMENTS is a theme that has been inspired by classical ornaments, which are very consciously placed. These panel designs with a nice ornament in the middle need to be customized for each bed size. HISTORIC OPULENCE - Combining classical motives with warm colors. HISTORIC OPULENCE combines classical designs, such as medallions or classical swirls, with warm colors, like brown and beige. Notice also the fine details of the classical motives that evoke nostalgia for the past.
FUSION VOLUME - Heavy fabrics in light and dark colors! These fabrics make quilting unnecessary. New this season is that DesleeClama seduces you with
dark colored voluminous fabrics. A lot of new structures, patterns and 3D effects have been introduced. FOCUS - Stay focused on the fool the eye designs. FOCUS is very much influenced by French design, which shifted
from the HAUTE COUTURE to the FUSION style. Nowadays, much more colors are used to create technical designs that have some kind of twist. FOCUS fits perfectly into this style, as this theme also carries out graphical elements and patterns that fool the eye. So stay focused! PERFORMANCE - A reflection of the technical characteristics of the designs and their touch. Ready, set, GO! PERFORMANCE is the theme that highlights DesleeClama’s added values the most. The sporty look and the fluorine colors of your Nike outfit serve as an inspiration to this theme. PERFORMANCE designs focus on reflecting the technical characteristics of the fabrics and their touch.
ROMANTIC-WELLNESS CULTURE MIX - A harmonious mix of ethnical motives. CULTURE MIX is a theme that brings all cultures together in
a harmonious mix of ethnical motives. These cultural elements are so different, and yet they go hand in hand. This cultural mix will only be the beginning, because DesleeClama can already tell you that this theme will have a bigger scope for next collection.
TROPICALS - Contoured flowers in vivid colors. The theme TROPICALS uses floral patterns and leaves in a very distinct design. Flashy colors, clean-cut elements and contoured designs are very typical. TIMID NATURE - Dreamy watercolor designs in soft tones. TIMID NATURE brings you dreamy watercolor designs in soft tones. Foggy drawings, floral patterns
and leaves are key to this romantic theme.
that you like on a basic mattress template.
The online iDC Cloud and its new features All designs, fabrics and sleeping solutions are available in the online iDC Cloud. Thanks to its online configurator, a mattress producer or retailer can simulate any bed concept by choosing the desired designs for the top panel, the borders and the headboard of a mattress. When in search for a specific sample, you can filter by fabric, style, collection theme, functionality / brand, and now even by color. Another new feature that has been implemented in the iDC Cloud is the 3D tool that allows you to upload any picture
The greatest advantage of this tool is that all fabrics are available in the cloud and can be reached from anywhere in the world. In some cases this environment already serves as some kind of virtual showroom that guides any customer type, even the end user, through the collection. The iDC Cloud enables the mattress manufacturer or retailer to freewheel about the complete concept that they had in mind, and mix and match infinitely. Get inspired by the new Cocoon fabrics that can be used for headboards, bed bases, box springs and even borders, and/or create your own full design headboard.
Nova’s novelties get positive feedbacks from the sector Nova Sßnger ve Çelik (Nova Foam and Steel) has got full point from the manufacturers with its innovations developed in many fields notable in the mattress and furniture industries. Stressing that especially the ultra-high resistant industrial wires got very praising feedbacks from the export markets, Mustafa Taka, Chairman of the Board of the company said they took pride of these developments for the behalf of their brand as well as for the country. He responded the questions of Sleep Tech:
How was 2015 for Nova Foam company? Have you reached the target figures from foreign markets? 2015 has been the year of growth and innovation for Nova Foam and Steel company. We had great innovations in technical products and we made a lot of innovations thanks to the joint efforts of our R&D and innovation teams realized notably in the mattress and furniture industries as well as in the medical, automotive, nature sports, filtration and textile in line
Mustafa Taka, Board Chairman with demands of our customers. It made us proud for ourselves and for behalf of our country to have our new investments in innovative works in all of our product portfolio from spring systems to ultra-high resistant industrial steel wires made in the comfort field getting positive feedbacks from many markets. Since we realized the yearly targets in the third quarter we had to revise our targets for which we are thankful to all of our customers, our staff and our suppliers.
What kinds of feedback have you received especially from the mattress manufacturers? Upon the reflection of growth and innovation of our company to our customers and offering them industrial and technical solutions our customers expressed their satisfaction for being in Aydin Group. We will continue to be the biggest supporter of our valued business partners with the surprising products developed by our assertive innovation and R&D team. We have been anxiously waiting for the influences of our progressive growth to our costs and service quality.
2016 targets Our major target set by all of our staff is to dominate our existence in our current markets and to penetrate into the rest of the markets that we are currently not in without changing our progressive growth strategy. We have been considering the entire world as our market and planning to participate in fairs first in SLEEPWELL EXPO-Istanbul and then in ISPA USA, INTERZUM CHINA, FORMOBILE BRAZIL and EVTEKS-Istanbul. We are also planning to serve our valued business partners with B2B system.
New machines from
Katermak Entering the mattress industry with its multi-needle quilting machinery in 1990 Katermak has been continuing production of new machinery with its innovative and quality manufacturing principle. Pointing out that they would manufacture new and special machinery in 2016, Ahmet Kater, proprietor of the company is optimistic about the new year. He said he believed that the problems experienced in 2015 would be repaired this year and he outlined their plans for new machinery and commented about the sector. Ahmet Kater, Board Chairman
2015 was an R&D year We had a tough year influenced by political conflicts and fluctuations in 2015. The markets influenced negatively by political instability made a negative effect on us. We made 2015 a year for our R&D studies. We renovated the designs of our machinery by making them more technological. This approach supported our foreign sales. We got positive feedbacks for our products. The innovations and our new products were welcomed by the manufacturers. We made it a habit to offer technologic novelties to meet the needs of manufacturers for 25 years and we are very happy for this.
New machines in new year We have a hope that 2016 will be a year of offering new machines to our customers. We know that staying still means to be vanished in an ever-changing world. We are targeting to reach quilting manufacturers in 2016 with our new product fiber feeding machine. Besides, we have a novelty surprise of offering 15-head 3000 rotation/ min. fast quilting machines to both mattress manufacturers and quilting manufacturers. We hope that this will push up our exports and turnover.
Comfytex aims 20% growth in export markets 134
Having been producing fabrics for mattresses Comfytex expands its export network in South America and Australia and targeted 20% growth by participating in five trade fairs in 2016. Chairman Hasan Kucuk informed about his company.
How was the year 2015 for Comfytex? Did you hit your sales target in abroad? 2015 was our third year in the business. We completed all requirements for international quality certificates, ISO and OHSAS. We renovated our production facility and started to set up ERP. We were in four fairs, two in Turkey, two in abroad. We empowered our staff. We have got rising sales in export markets. We adjusted our export market in order to get more profit. We add new markets to export operations.
What were the responses to your products you produced this year? We always try to change and renew our collections. We try to enter the catalogues of our business partners. We become more product oriented than being customer oriented. Our customers are happy with this situation.
What kinds of products Comfytex will launce in 2016? Since Europe is in proximity geographically, we started first export to Europe. Because of rising competition in this market, we are gradually getting away from this market in favor of South American and Australian markets. We planned to participate in 5 trade fairs in 2016 and targeted to raise our exports by 20%. We emphasize on increasing customer satisfaction more than getting new customers.
Turkey’s mattress spring industry develops in line with the mattress industry One of the most important features of a mattress is to form as human body. To do this, the materials used at the mattress such as foam, felt, mattress ticking fabric and spring are very important. Maybe the most important one of these is spring. Specs as number of springs per square meter, flexibility against pressure of body weight, etc., maximize the comfort of sleep.
Developing fast especially in recent years Turkey has a rising trend in the mattress industry as well. Increasing their production quality and export activities, the mattress manufacturers contribute to the sector as well as to the national economy.
From foam to spring mattresses The materials used in production are naturally affecting the quality of the mattresses. The sector would be dominated by egg-carton type of mattresses but the innerspring mattresses dominated in the meantime and the sector was improved considerably. Sleep Tech magazine conducted a survey to learn the factors behind the success of the development of innerspring mattresses and the spring industry in Turkey.
ture approximately 3,5 million mattresses a year. However, production capacity is 7 million mattresses a year that means there is still a market gap in Turkey’s mattress industry. Turkey also exports USD 54 million, which is about 20% of total production value and imports USD 9 million.
Feridun TOSUN, Sales and Marketing Manager of Boyçelik
FERIDUN TOSUN, SALES & MARKETING DIRECTOR, BOYCELIK: It is going to be much better to talk firstly about mattress industry in the World and Turkey as well. The volume of the world mattress industry is about twenty billion dollars. USA, China and Brazil are listed as top 3 in production and consumption. Production and consumption numbers are increasing and are expected to grow more. One of the most important mattress markets is USA, which has approximately 6 billion USD mattress market, and there are more than 800 companies manufacture mattress in the USA. Total manufacture numbers of mattresses in USA is around 36 million pcs per a year. According to analysis made in Turkey, the volume of the mattress industry has exceeded USD 300 million. Turkey has a total of about 30 companies, engaged in the production of beds, which manufac-
Now we can talk about what kind of mattresses manufacture in the World and Turkey. The mainly there are 3 types of mattresses such as spring, latex, and visco mattress. The most popular mattresses are springs mattress which have a market share of around %65-70% in the world. The rest is latex and foam mattresses. Market share of spring mattress is around 90% in Turkey and rest of them is foam mattress. The main reason why spring mattress has more production is because there are lots of spring types you can able to use it for the mattresses. Such as Pocket spring, Bonnel Spring, Continues Spring, LFK Springs, Offset Springs and Verticoil Springs. Those all kind of springs have different advantages for mattress and it is easy to explain how it has advantage to end customers. For example you can easily manufacture low firm, middle firm and high firm mattresses and able to use different kind of spring wire in the same pocket springs. On the other hand, the other advantage is the cost. Spring or Foam has very important cost in the mattress production and mattress makers have to pay a lot of money for transportation cost so springs transportation cost is much cheaper than foam. Today, the pocket spring mattresses getting popular recently and demand of pocket spring is incredibly İncreasing since 2012 that’s why there is a lack of supply in the market and Springs companies are making investment to increase
capacity of pocket spring production. We feel that pocket springs mattress will be top on mattress production shortly. It is not easy to compare Turkey’s mattress manufacture style with European countries, American, or African, Middle East countries because of that each country has different type of mattress that’s why it will not be correct to say Turkey mattress style has the same mattress style like Europe, America, Asia, or Middle east. For instance if you go to African countries such as Nigeria ı can say that production of mattress is 95% is foam mattress but if you go to England 90% is spring mattress, middle east countries have almost 70% spring mattress and 30% foam and latex mattresses so each countries have its own mattress style. There are lots of factors that affect mattress industry such as culture, life style, and economic conditions. Culture is one of the most important factor for mattress type if you go to Europe or America 100% matters color is white color but if you go to North African countries you can be surprised it is not easy to find white color mattress such as Morocco i can say that 95% of mattress have different color like blue, green, there are only a few mattress in White color you can find which are only for hotels. That’s why culture has more accent on mattress style.
machineries and their output is only used in their mattresses or furniture. Their production is standard based; no many specs they need to manage. There is no direct supply to the market which means their springs must full fill their satisfaction only as everything is consumed inside their facility.
Mahmut Öztürk, International Sales Marketing and Brand Manager of Metal Matris
MAHMUT ÖZTÜRK, INTERNATIONAL SALES MARKETING AND BRAND MANAGER, METAL MATRIS: Who is Metal Matris? Metal Matris is located in the middle of Turkey (Kayseri) who is producing spring wire, bonnell spring units and pocket spring units as a member of Has Celik Group. We are concentrated on supplying mattress and sofa producers. We have been exporting to about 40 countries and in domestic market the most of the significant mattress manufacturers are supplied by Metal Matris. We are among top 1000 exporters of Turkey.
Mattress Production in Turkey and The World We can consider the spring producers as two groups: Producers for their own usage and supplier producers for the mattress manufacturers. With a simple look, the first group usually own coiler and assembler
The second group, where Metal Matris must be considered, they do not make mattress or Furniture production and their high quality spring wire and spring manufacturing and is only for the market (the mattress producers and the whole sealers who know the market they are running in and manage the trade with local companies). This kind of companies need to manage the global demand from the customers and the potential customers and also the current or future trend of the relevant markets. There are some sub-aspects of the evaluation on the developments on this sector. High quality mattress producers with the know-how they gather from the market and R&D department studies drive them to present new ideas and outputs. They share what they have and ask our strategically partnership on any project. We also search and gather fresh information about change in demand and study on of the effectiveness by many points and update our range of production if the tests and feedback results would be positive by the market which is supplied by our customers as mattress producers and/or whole sealers.
The most innovative item with our range of production is the pocket spring. It is elastic, comfort oriented and it has the feature to act independently by its each spring. Many options on the height, hardness, shape and its being easy to be modified definitely makes pocket spring the rising trend in the sector.
How to provide better development in the sector and increase quality of production? Everybody says, “The world is global�. The demand is getting bigger but affected from each other closely than ever. We must separate the demand in two at the first plan: Cheap mattresses and expensive (lux) mattresses. A company targets to produce cheap mattress usually has its own coiler/
assembler machinery which means we supply him with spring wire or loose bonnell only. Lux mattress producers they are open to the developments and eager to lead the market. These producers have energy and desire for searching and developing. Mostly they supply European countries plus USA plus Canada. In Turkey there are some worldwide companies with this vision already. For poor countries or developing countries still the big demand is on cheap mattresses. So if any producer targets an African country (for example) the most important topic would be the price then. This obviously means that there may be need to change the specs and innovative them very rarely and only if something pushes the producer about.
What should we do about making it higher quality? Saying is simple but doing not. In fact for Turkish companies quality mustn’t be something that market drives but sine qua non of the production. Thankfully it is not like before: Branding is a key thing that private sector prioritizes and the Government promotes.
Final Note Metal Matris has recently been approved by the Ministry of Economy
for the Turquality Branding Program. We are preparing a development road map for during next four years. It is about all departments of Metal Matris to be perfectly coordinated and definitely about concentration on how Metal Matris would become a worldwide brand as a Turkish brand with improved and well-scheduled marketing activities. Also by further years we have been aiming raising awareness on the end consumers to look for the Metal Matris quality while they are purchasing mattresses for themselves.
Alper Ocak, Board Member of İskeçeli Çelik Yay
ALPER OCAK, BOARD MEMBER, ISKECELI CELIK YAY: The sector has been developing day by day. As is the case for every sector Turkish people started to source quality products in the mattress industry too. Turkey has some very quality spring manufacturers, too. We have companies making production at world standards. But what makes me upset is the leading companies such as Iskeceli Yay export a big part of their production and leave more economical springs for the domestic market. So, lower quality springs are demanded in the domestic market. We can easily say; Turkey has the ability to produce more lucrative, more quality and most importantly, more innovative products than many other countries. While many countries focused on manufacturing standard springs and to reduce the cost of manufacturing, Turkish spring manufacturers such as Iskeceli Yay focused on R&D to produce more innovative products. The sector has gained momentum in the world with more innovative and patented products. We should train Turkish consumers and we should place extra importance on developing demand to ask better products in the industry. We gladly see that the demand has been improving at this regard but still it is not at world levels.
Erdal Özdemir, General Manager of Özdemir Group
ERDAL OZDEMIR, GENERAL MANAGER, OZDEMIR GROUP: The sector started to use spring more than foam. The leading ones are Bonnell and bag springs. The manufacturers usually develop springs according to their measurements in the world especially in the UK. They have developed more comfortable systems by using spring in the system what we call “box spring”. At the box spring made in Turkey, a shock-absorber o silencer
is used in bow springs. In the UK and other EU countries they place spring in these box springs as well. In other words, they use four times more springs to increase the comfort. The features used in the system are different than each other. They use hardest ones at the bottom level and softer ones over them to provide better comfort. This is done especially in Greece and some west European countries where luxury mattresses are produced. But it is most common in the UK. Also pocket springs are very common in those regions. The more we go to west from the east the softer the mattresses are. In Turkey, Bonnell springs are used mostly. The usage of pocket springs is also on an increasing trend. The Hercules spring system is mostly used at orthopedic mattresses. These springs are produced ticker than bonnell springs. The diameter of a regular bonnell spring is 2.20 but it is 2.38 at a Hercules spring. When the thickness of a spring increases its flexibility also increases at the same rate. With the same token, when you reduce the diameter of a Hercules spring, the number of spiral increases at the same rate.
Better-featured springs needed Springs are already used. We should develop better-featured springs. Pocket spring is a good example for this. There are varieties of these springs depending on their height and thickness. In Turkey there are springs up to 3 cm. The compa-
nies which can do this mean they are already at European standards. Bonnell spring usage is more common in Turkey than foam mattresses but pocket spring usage is more convenient for health because they take the shape of human body.
‘Mert Makina’ 144
excels in mattress machinery lines As an emerging value in Turkey, Mert Makina has progressed successfully in the ‘mattress production machinery’ sector for more than 22 years.
The brand Mert Makina has become one of the most recognized and reliable firms among the mattress machinery manufacturers. Mert Makina’s strategy towards the customers and manufacturing processes helped a lot to match the brand name to trust, high quality, and innovation.
M. Nebi Doğan, Sales & Marketing Director, Mert Makina
Mert Makina has managed to export 90 % of their production to numerous countries. They have more than three thousand machineries operating in the mattress production industry throughout the world. Their target is to raise this rate up to 95 % at the end of 2015. Mr. Mustafa Nebi Doğan, Sales and Marketing Director of Mert Makina, said that they reached their target for the year
2015 by exporting to 70 different countries and is proud to say that they will definitely reach 75 in the year 2016. He also added that their markets are mainly in Europe, Middle East, North Africa, Russian Federation and Asia. Their company is specialized in “Full Automatic Mattress Finishing Line”, “Automatic Hotmelt Glue Line with Conveyor System” and “Turnkey Projects” as well as providing technical services and assistance after closing the deal. Mert Makina has recently been focused on automatic mattress manufacturing lines in order to decrease the operational costs and to increase the quality of the products. “Mert Makina’s high quality is combined with the
latest technology, which makes the mattress production a simple job”, is what their customers say. The inception of relieving starts in your mind. The first thing Mert Makina does is to show you how many mattresses you can produce a day with the lowest costs. They are firstly demonstrating the manageable aspects and continue to prepare a perfectly fitting project according to your factory’s layout. A guaranteed customer satisfaction awaits you at the completion of the project. They explain all the steps of the mattress production with the required hygiene on the mattress during these years. Their system maximizes the occupational health and safety measures. Many stories could be written about the doubling of capacities with Mert Makina’s machineries. Automation is covering all our life nowadays and unfortunately those who ignore to move without this innovation won’t be able to succeed in business. Imagine producing a mattress within minutes, this will spectacularly lower your costs and the time spent. Mert Makina has managed as a team to make this dream come true. As they were one of the first manufacturers that produced automatic mattress production lines, they have become an experienced company and know all the crucial benefits which cannot be ignored, and they use it to assist their customers towards better, faster and stable production. They continue to provide you with the necessary information about the mattress production procedure. Mert Makina is also very well known for all other Mattress Production Machineries, such as Quilters, Wrappers, Edge Tapers, Coiler, ad Assemblers. The compa-
ny has been producing these machineries for over 22 years now. In the early years of Mert Makina, a faultless Mechanical Multi Needle Quilting Machine was well inspired by the biggest mattress, sofa, and bed linen manufacturers since this first machine was able to sew the thickest materials used by these sectors with the perfect stitches. Couple of years later, Mert Makina has embodied its experiences to the mechanical model. It was one of the first quilters to work with a computer, allowing the operators to choose multiple designs in no time. This machine is developed with the fully computerized Multi Needle Quilting
Machine. Thanks to its brilliant history, Mert Makina has done a perfect work as an outcome. After long R&D works and exchange of know-how among the Mattress Manufacturers, Mert Makina is producing the first Roll & Flat Mattress Package systems in Turkey since 2014. Competing with the European Manufacturers, the Roll & Flat Mattress Packing has brought much interest during the exhibition Interzum which was held in Cologne Germany in May 2015. On the other hand, the new Double and Single Head Quilting Machine of Mert Makine has one
of the highest speeds with lowest vibrations on the planet, which is tested during the exhibition and observed by visitors how it works stable on 3000 rpm speed. The new generation Single & Double Head Quilting Machines of Mert Makine seemed to be a mixture of know-how, European Raw Material Quality and long term experience of Multi Needle Quilting Machines. Every customer is a project for Mert Makina. They are both friends and business partners
with their customers and a guide showing all the developments and new opportunities in the sector for their clients. Transferring the knowledge is an easy task for Mert Makina, the knowledge comes from the heart of Mattress Business itself and let them make more operator-friendly machines. This has a headache-free outcome and provides more easiness. Mert Makina should be considered as a model to competitors with this kind of development and innovations.
Go green, go natural with Lien A 150
We made an interview with Mr. Hu, Lien A Co., Ltd. in SleepWell Expo 2015 Established in 1987 by Mr. Lam Ngoc Hiep, Lien A has globalized the Vietnam mattress industry. A family owned business, Lien A has over 25 years of expertise in producing premium latex using a proprietary recipe. Today, Lien A continues to satisfy the need of its diverse clientele through quality products and excellent customer service.
Nguyen Thanh Vu (Vincent) International Business Director of Lien 'A
Can you inform us about you and your company? “Lia is latex manufacturing in Vietnam. We only do %100 percent natural products. We came here because we think that Turkey is manufacturing alerted market. And we are very happy to have show here and we can charge show here.�
What do you think about the second edition of the SleepWell Expo? “SleepWell Expo exhibition is like a trend and organic product. I think you should promote the exhibition more.”
Will you attend the next SleepWell Expo? “I think so. If you can improve a little bit more about the natural and organic products like a trend and way of living products. A lot of people need natural products.”
What do think about the mattress industry in Turkey? “Turkey has not much different mattress industry from Europe and U.S. You have other different thing as an advantages compared to other countries. Also some latex in Turkey is interesting for us. Asia is best for latex anyway.”
The youngest in felt production Has been producing felts since 2007 Mitsan keeps investing to expand its production capacity with additional lines.
Using recycled materials, the company is also sensitive to ecology. “We have the youngest machinery inventory in Turkey,” says, Mustafa Cetinbulut, chairman of Mitsan, who detailed about his company:
On machinery in factory We have five lines for production, all the youngest in Turkey. The eldest machinery in our factory is of 2007, the youngest is 2013 model. We invest serious amounts of funds in them and now getting the fruits from both domestic and foreign markets. With all our competitors our industry is able to sell felts to all over the world. We try to
differentiate ourselves from rivals. Standards and quality is important as well as the quality of services and response rates.
Homogeneity is important for felts We produce 500 – 2000 grams felts. They are ultra hard, hard and soft kinds. We also produce paddings for quilting. Homogeneity is important for felts. Turkey has a powerful position in the world, a homeland for felts. Main inputs for felts are textile by-products. We make some portion of inputs from recycled textiles, having certificate for this. Recycling is on the agenda of many other industries, including
Mustafa Çetinbulut, Board Member of Mitsan
mattress industry. We are somehow in the recycling business. We export recycled materials.
On investments We are investing for automation in our processes. That reduces the need for unskilled labor and simplifies the processes for packaging and transport operations. Every year we invest certain amounts in our factory. This year we are going to invest in both felt and foam production. Automated storage and barcoding investment were completed last year.
On exports We deliver both felt and foams to more than 30 countries. We have more share in the north African markets. We targeted to new markets, because problems in neighboring countries have forced us to seek new markets. Mattress manufacturers have reliable data about the number of felt and foam producers in the country. Markets are becoming more transparent. We try to expand our coverage in the world by seeking new and far away market.
SIMALFA - from the vision to the leading manufacturer of water based and solventfree adhesives for the foam bonding industry ®
After a long day at work you get home and curl up on your cozy couch, sit on your soft padded chair or stretch out on your comfortable mattress. While enjoying the silence, you smell the fresh leather of the chair or the nice aroma of the newly laundered linens on your mattress.
With the adhesives from the SIMALFA® series, ALFA Klebstoffe AG focuses on solvent-free, water based products since 25 years. What started with small experiments in the local market, is now used worldwide for bonding foams.
Klebstoffe AG and the inventor of the SIMALFA® adhesives, Emil Simmler, not an option. After a few or rather thousands of trials, the first SIMALFA® adhesive was born: water based, high-performing, user-friendly... solvent-free (1990 applied for patent).
It all started with the vision
What you do not smell, is the adhesive with which the foam has been glued within your furniture or in your mattress. It was not always like that.
Certainly you know situations in which you are being told: “You cannot. This doesn’t work like that.”
For the foam industry which was characterized by solvent based adhesives, this was revolutionary in 1990 and it began a rethink of our environment and the health of the employees. What started in Europe, spread over the years
The acquiescence of such a statement, was for the founder of ALFA
more and more and is today a central element in the evaluation of technical solutions for the bonding of foams.
sives offer an exceptionally high initial tack, which can easily keep up with solvent-based systems. This allows to process SIMALFA® quickly, mainly appreciated by the users. Further developments such as the overspray-free additive or frost-resistant types simplify the handling, storage and processing additionally.
“Ever since the first generation of the SIMALFA® adhesives in 1990, our top priority is to provide an adhesive solution which is easy to use for the operator, provides best possible results and is completely solvent-free. The responsibility towards our fellow human beings and the environment is more important than ever. We are proud that we can make an active contribution since 25 years,” says the managing director of ALFA Klebstoffe AG, Thomas Simmler.
Continuity without compromise Since the first trials with SIMALFA®, much has changed. As a pioneer and revolutionist ALFA stepped into the adhesive market a quarter of a century ago, established a new technology and fought to increase the awareness of the customers about the environment. The products were well received by the market.
Another advantage is the extremely low application quantity. Even with the minimal consumption of material, the adhesives reach their full potential. It is obvious that this fact influences the economic and ecological objectives of the customers in a very positive manner. The demand of water based adhesives became bigger and bigger and with a worldwide growing customer base, the adhesives were continually developed. The success of the product is a result of a variety of factors. In first place is the excellent bonding performance that SIMALFA® provides. In addition that no solvents are needed or used, the adhe-
The products are complemented by the specifically for the SIMALFA® adhesives developed free-flowing system. The system offers the user maximum flexibility, minimal maintenance work and can be installed at any workstation with just a few simple steps. Designed from a single source, the perfected adhesive system optimizes each bonding process, impresses with its simplicity and saves time and money.
More than just a product Behind every product stand individual human beings. With the work they do every day, their ideas and their know-how that flows into the development of the products of ALFA, they carry the biggest chapter of the success story. As the success, the team and the associated knowledge has grown steadily over the last 25 years. From the development work in their own laboratory, over the uncompromisingly focused on quality-orientation work in the production, up to a maximum customer oriented service in administration and sales, the work of the company is aimed to offer a complete solution tailored to the needs of their customers. Today ALFA’s role as an expert for adhesive solutions includes much more than just a top product and the related application system. Furthermore, it is to accompany the customer from the evaluation of the proper adhesive to the continuous optimization of its complete adhesive process. With their own people, their partners and a specially built distribution network, the company is worldwide closer to its customers today than ever.
International growth From the idea originated in the mind of a visionary and pioneer, ALFA has grown to an internationally operating company, that today produces in Switzerland and the USA. Both production sites closely work together and steadily grow with the increasing success of SIMALFAÂŽ. Today, customers benefit from the proximity of the supplier and the exchange of knowledge between the two plants, their partners and their customers. The result are contin-
ually improving products that set international standards and that are used in the most famous foam converting companies in the world. Since the first type which was patented in 1990 up to the latest developments of SIMALFAÂŽ, all types are solvent-free and along with the easy to use application
system, they play their part in making workplaces worldwide safer and more economic.
Growth demands investment With the success over the past 25 years, the company reached international leadership in the field of water based foam bonding
adhesives. But once leadership is reached, there is no time to rest on the laurels. There are still new markets that can be opened and new potential that can be developed. The same is also true for ALFA.
New distribution company opened in Turkey As a hub between Europe and Asia, Turkey is well known for the connection of the two huge markets and its economic potential. ALFA recognized the associated possibilities and founded a company in Izmir that opened its doors in November 2015. “Entering the Turkish market is a further step to be closer to the customer and to improve the availability of SIMALFA® in that region. With the willingness of the local market players to use water based and solvent free products, we are able to bring our adhesives and technologies to a large number of companies in the foam industry. Companies that want to improve their bonding process and make their working places safer and more economic,” says the managing director of ALFA Klebstoffe Eurasia, Zafer Tazim. It is without a doubt that in the present days service is more import-
ant than ever. The proximity to the customer and the rapid availability of products and services is becoming increasingly important. With the opening of the new distribution company ALFA did that step towards the customer. Companies in Turkey and over the medium term in the middle east, benefit from the fast availability of the SIMALFA® adhesives, from new and innovative technologies for their bonding process and last but not least from the excellent know-how of the adhesive experts on the spot. It is obvious that providing fast and efficient adhesive solutions out of one hand is one of the driving forces behind the new distribution company. The closing words come from Thomas Simmler, managing director of ALFA Klebstoffe AG: “The success proves us right, that the internationalization strategy we have chosen was the right decision. Opening new markets, understanding our customers even better and accompany them in finding their proper solutions are challenges for all of us in the future. And we are sure that we are in the right position to master these tasks. Today, better than ever.”
Leotext aims Turkish market in 2016 A supplier of yarn, Leotext enters the new year with enthusiasm. Chairman of the company, Ugur Aslan Aydin, informed us about the developments in the mattress industry and emphasized on the trend towards recycled products and the quality in all stages of value chain.
How was the year 2015, and targets for 2016 at Leotext?
Ugur Aslan Aydin, Board Chairman Mech. Eng. (B.Sc., M.Sc)
Our motto is “less labor, more automation�. Our sales in 2015 was poor, even we thought not to sell in April and May. In Turkey, demand is high by no payment. We lost money in the first quarter. In the last quarter the market began to move. In 2015 we decided to focus on American market where we have a good business. Now, we want to do some business in Turkey as well.
You do not produce in Turkey. Where do the products come from? We have a small operation in Turkey to support our logistic activities. We call this customer service support. We do it for better services and for higher customer satisfaction, not for profit. Since the costs are high, we do not have any bulk production plant in Turkey. We have production operations in an integrated textile factory in China. We employ about less than 400 people. Arranged lean manufacturing unit and dynamic distrunbition as a target. So we have less cost reflact to our customier. Technology enabled us to oversee the production processes through online faloow from everywhere. We can keep our eyes open for every detail of operations in integrated automated system. We produce about more than one thousand tons of sewing and embroidary yarns of which
30% is for embroidery and 70% is for sewing. Our yarns are not only used in mattress production but also in the footwear leather and gorment industry. Only half of our sales go to the mattress industry.
What do you have to say about the general outlook in the mattress industry in the world including Turkey? Actually, the mattress industry in the world is rather large. 70 billion dollars of business volume is running in this industry. Breakdown of the market to the countries is as follows: Asia Pasific 39%, North America 31%, Europe 18%, East Europe and Russia 6%, South America 5 %, Middle East and Turkey 1%. Asia Pacific market is now stabilized. In America volume of production raised 4 %, while in terms of product value the market expanded by 6 percent. Trend is towards high value products. Recently, recycled products are seen as another trend. There is a growing promotional effort in this regard especially in North America where so much collection points were established for recycling of metals and textiles. Pet bottles are collected and turned into filaments and fiber for yarn. They are then used in carpet, textiles and garment. In Turkey mattress companies try to buy back the old mattresses for the new ones. It is made for marketing purposes, I suppose. There are similar systems in France and in the US.
What about the issues of health in the industry? 5 companies, not factories only, accounts for 67 % of mattress production in the world. These five companies cover most of the market under the same or different names by their factories in the world. There are a few number of major companies in this field.
Labels are important for chemical products especially in the US. Customers in America demand that every ingredient used in the production has to be shown on the labels. They are sensitive especially to toxic materials. Mattress is a medical product. Consciousness of the buyers is higher in America and England. In Turkey the subject is gaining momentum. We have to keep close fallow up trends in the world. Small companies in the country do it wrong. So many smaller companies emerged recently to produce mattresses, in Turkey, in the Balkans and in Middle East. This is not a problem per se. But they do it wrong in their investments. They are able to establish factories by having a small amount of money. But they are not thinking about the costs of running a business, about managing materials and cash flows. They have to procure foams, yarns, fabrics, springs, accessories etc. They are not sensitive on productivity. The quality of mattress machinery produced in Turkey is better than the ones in Far-east. Mattress producers are
still tend to by imported machineries. Producers have to be keener on their investments on machinery. They have to prefer the ones that may cause fewer problems. It is not a matter of prestige having imported machinery. There are good companies that produce quality machinery in Turkey. Machinery manufacturers also have to try to reduce their prices to compete with others. Actually, every companies in the mattress industry either suppliers, sellers, workers and producers have to emphasize on competition, because, buyers are becoming more selective in their choices.
On Sleepwell Expo It was good for us to participate in Sleepwell Expo in the last quarter of the year. We began to get business following the fair. Sleepwell has contributed much to our business and to the industry in general. In the next editions of the event I hope that several measures will be taken to engage the producers more. Info leaflets and reports about the situation and outlook of the industry may be available to all visitors. As Leotext, we are hopeful for the year 2016, because, it seems that it will be better than the year 2015.
Heimtextil open and lays the bed 164
The ‘bed’ product group is growing. Good sleep theme will be on the agenda.
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The home textile sector starts with Heimtextil every year. It is considered as the New Year celebration of the sector. The professionals of the sector inflow to Frankfurt from all corners of the world. Held over four days in January every year, it has been the sector’s first trade fair of the year for decades and is the foremost platform for manufacturers, retailers and designers. From 12 to 15 January 2016, international exhibitors will present their products to trade visitors. Heimtextil is expanding its offer of mattresses, bedding and bed systems. Renowned new exhibitors join returning companies to unveil new sleeping products at the international trade fair for home and contract textiles. Overall, Heimtextil sees growth in the ‘bed’ product group, which is made up of the areas of bed linen, bedding, duvets, decorative pillows and mattresses.
“We are delighted that leading representatives of the international mattress industry have opted for Heimtextil. The trade fair is distinguished by its comprehensive product portfolio in the ‘bed’ sector. It serves as an optimal platform for the mattress industry, especially because of the strong visitor interest. Nearly one in five visitors at Heimtextil 2015 was interested in mattresses, sleeping systems and bedding,” states Meike Kern, Director of Household Textiles at Heimtextil. After over ten years away, Rössle & Wanner is back at the event with a special exhibition. The Swabian company has had over one hundred years of success in producing bed systems and beds for the European market. ‘There is hardly any other sector that is as international as the textile industry. This is one reason why we participate in Heimtextil. Above all, however, it’s because
this is where the entire specialist trade meets,’ explains Manfred Greiner, Managing Director Rössle & Wanner. In Gallery 1, Rössle & Wanner will be using its Röwa brand to address a wide range of topics. Alongside a historical exhibition, innovative designs and sustainably produced articles will be displayed, in addition to attractive concepts for the POS. ‘We are pleased to be represented at Heimtextil. The special exhibition aims to unveil new inventions to the sector, whilst also offering a communicative platform for the exchange of knowledge,’ adds Greiner.
Focus on mattresses Individuality, growing health awareness and sustainability dominate the mattress industry. Textile digital printing, for instance, enables completely unique bed design. At the same time, companies manufacture bed systems using recycled fibers and wood from sustainable forestry. Box spring beds remain firmly in fashion. Embellished by the addition of bed linen, covers and accessories, these beds catch the eye with their strikingly opulent look. Numerous companies from the international mattress industry will be presenting these trends and much more at Heimtextil. Another prestigious returnee to Heimtextil this year is f.a.n. Frankenstolz. The German-based company will present its new products for mattresses and quilts. The exhibitor has particular praise for the new fair schedule. ‘From our
point of view, one of the reasons that Heimtextil has become more attractive to exhibitors is because it has brought the date forward by a day,’ says Eberhard Künstler, Director of f.a.n. Frankenstolz. ‘We have also found that especially our customers from abroad are extremely dedicated about visiting Heimtextil. This trade fair is therefore of great importance for our export business.’ Just a few months before Heimtextil, spirits within the industry remain high. ‘We view current market developments for mattresses and bed systems extremely positively. Consumers are increasingly willing to invest in high-quality mattresses and bed systems, and
are developing more awareness of quality. Our brand obviously benefits from this, too,’ states Frank Gänser, Director of Brinkhaus GmbH. The premium bedding manufacturer has been represented at the fair since 2012. ‘For us, Heimtextil is one of the most important trade fairs, especially when it comes to bedding.’ Visitors can discover the entire range of textiles in the ‘bed’ area in halls 8 to 11. Renowned manufacturers will present the perfect combination of bedspreads, pillows, bed linen, mattresses and bed systems. The sleeping campaign in Gallery 0 will also offer comprehensive information on the topic of “good sleep”.
Select comfort acquired bam labs 168
Select Comfort, the leader in sleep innovation, has acquired BAM Labs, Inc. the world’s leading provider of Smart Bed TechnologyTM solutions and the Silicon Valley-based pioneer of biometric sensor and sleep monitoring for data-driven health and wellness. Select Comfort previously held an equity investment in BAM of approximately 18 percent and is now acquiring the remaining interest for approximately $58 million in cash.
Select Comfort knows BAM well, having partnered with the company since 2012 in the development and commercialization of SleepIQ® technology. BAM will operate as an independent business unit called SleepIQ® LABS, which will continue to be based in San Jose, Calif.
Number’s passion for innovation and dedication to its mission to improve lives. Sleep Number will provide extensive consumer expertise and resources as we further develop smart, connected biometric solutions that improve sleep and wellness.”
“Together, Sleep Number and SleepIQ LABS will continue to redefine and elevate what consumers can expect from their sleep experience,” said Shelly Ibach, president and chief executive officer of Select Comfort. “This acquisition supports our growth and future financial performance by accelerating innovation at a time when consumers are rapidly adopting new digital tools and using their personal data to improve health and wellness.”
“We are very excited to work even more closely with SleepIQ LAB’s team of talented engineers as we continue to innovate with sleep data and insights in support of our mission of improving lives by individualizing sleep experiences,” said Annie Bloomquist, senior vice president and chief product officer of Select Comfort. “This acquisition strengthens our intellectual property and our competitive advantages.”
SleepIQ technology measures each sleeper’s presence, movement and average heart and breathing rates, and analyzes the data with a proprietary algorithm to provide consumers with an individual daily SleepIQ® score and supporting data. Unlike data from other devices, this knowledge is complemented by the ability to make adjustments to the firmness of each person’s side of the bed – their Sleep Number® setting – for optimized sleep. Consumers have quickly adopted SleepIQ technology as part of their daily life and are using this personal data to improve their sleep, and therefore their overall health and wellness. Commenting on the merger, Rich Rifredi, co-founder and chief executive officer of BAM said, “We share Sleep
Select Comfort also announced today that it has obtained a new $100 million senior secured revolving credit facility, though it does not expect to draw on the facility for the acquisition, which is expected to close in the third quarter of 2015, subject to customary closing conditions. The  acquisition is not expected to be dilutive to the company’s full year 2015 earnings per share (EPS), and is expected to be accretive to EPS within two years. Select Comfort is being represented by the Palo Alto, Calif. law firm Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, the Minneapolis-based law firm Oppenheimer Wolff & Donnelly LLP, and is also being advised by Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
Mattress Industry Terms 170
Source: ISPA, International Sleep Products Association
Adjustable base: An electro-mechanical or manual bed frame construction that permits the raising and lowering of the head and/or foot portions of the mattress.
Backing: Any fabric or sheeting material that is used during quilting to anchor the stitches. Batting: See Cotton Felt.
Airbed: An air mattress with a core that is an air-filled vinyl bladder. Better airbeds are multichambered, covered with cushioning, upholstered with ticking and sold with a foundation.
Bedding: Commonly used as a generic term for a mattress and foundation set, but may also apply to accessory items such as blankets, sheets, pillows, comforters, mattress pads, etc.
Anti-microbial fiber and foam: Treatment that inhibits the growth of microbial contaminates.
Bedding ensemble: A complete sleep support system, consisting of a metal frame or a bed, a founda-
tion and a mattress set. Bed frame: A metal or wood frame with legs used to support a mattress and foundation. Conventional height is 7-1/4 inches and the low-profile version is 5-3/4 inches when measured from the floor to the bottom of the foundation. Generally a headboard can be attached. Metal frames are sometimes known as a “Hollywood� frame. Bedsprings: Open-spring or wire fabric box springs without uphol-
stery materials or cover. Binding tape: Fabric tape used to bind and close the mattress or foundation where the vertical and horizontal panels of outer ticking come together, providing the edge trimming for the mattress or foundation. See Tape and Tape Edge. Body impressions: Indentations occurring on the surface of a mattress over time, due to the compression of materials by the human body. Bonnell: A knotted, round-top, hourglass-shaped steel wire coil. When laced together with crosswire helicals, these coils form the simplest innerspring unit, also referred to as a Bonnell. Border: The vertical side or edge of a mattress or foundation. Prebuilt borders are constructed by stitching together the ticking, foam or other filling materials and a backing material. Commonly quilted or vertical-stitched. Border rod: A heavy gauge wire rod attached to the perimeter of the innerspring unit (top and bot-
tom) by means of a helical wire or metal clips. Boric acid: A chemical additive applied during the garnetting of cotton and/or other fibers to provide cigarette ignition resistance characteristics. Box spring: Also referred to as a “foundation.” A base for an innerspring mattress, consisting of coils or other forms of springs mounted on a wood or metal frame and secured with a wire-interlaced or welded-wire grid, topped with upholstery and insulating materials (felt, urethane or other resilient materials), and covered on the top and sides with ticking and on the bottom with a dust cover. It is an important part of a bed set since it serves as a shock absorber, distributes weight, and supports and interacts with the innerspring mattress to properly support the body. Box-top mattress: A mattress featuring a raised surface finishing treatment where a separate, sided and rectangular encasement of
soft materials–usually with a tape edge–is attached via a welt to the entire surface on top of existing cover and upholstery. Bunk bed: A two-tiered wood or metal frame designed to accommodate two mattresses, typically twin-size, one above the other. Some models allow the upper and lower units to be detached and used as separate beds. Bunkie: A mattress, usually twinsize, and platform base used on bunk beds. Cal 117: Refers to California Technical Bulletin 117, which specifies a vertical flame testing procedure for bedding and furniture component materials. Foam referred to as “Cal 117 foam” has passed this test. Carbon: The principal hardening element in steel. The higher the carbon content, the harder the metal and the more temper it will take, thus giving longer “memory.” Cellulose acetate pad: Woody fiber compacted into a pad and used as an insulator. May be glued or
sandwiched between plastic netting to help hold it together. Coil count: The number of coils in an innerspring unit. Though the count can effect weight distribution, it is not the determining factor for firmness. The count is usually based on the number of coils in a full-size unit. Coils: The individual wire springs that form an innerspring unit. See Hourglass, Continuous and Offset Coils. Coir pad: An insulator pad made from coconut husk fiber, garnetted, needled, bonded and pre-cut to size. Comfort system: Refers to the upholstery layers of the mattress, generally consisting of a combination of materials (cover, cushioning, topper pad, insulators, etc.). Conjugate polyester fiber: Spirally crimped fiber that is crimped chemically rather than thermally. Is very durable and resilient. Continuous coils: An innerspring configuration in which the rows of coils are formed from a single piece of wire. Conventional bedding products: Mattresses and foundations in the conventional adult sizes of twin, twin extra long, full, full extra long, queen and king. Convertible sofa: A sofa with a bed folded beneath the seating surface, generally consisting of a mattress resting on a metal mechanism. Also called “sleep sofa” or “sofa sleeper.” Convoluted foam: Better known as “egg-crate” foam that is specially cut to produce hills and valleys, giving gentle softness and more surface comfort. Foam surface treatment is available in multiple
patterns. Cornell test: Devised by Cornell University School of Hotel/Motel Administration. Designed to test cosmetic performance of bedding sets, such as body impression or support firmness. Two round surfaces are pounded into the finished product 100,000 times and checked periodically for failure or changes. Corner guards: Molded plastic or metal, (sometimes upholstered) fittings secured to foundation corners to prevent material damage from the bed frame. Cotton felt: Produced by a garnett machine which combs cotton and other fiber binders into a continuous web or layer. Several such layers combined are called cotton “batt”. For compressed cotton felt, thick layers of garnetted cotton fiber are mechanically compressed to reduce body impressions. Cotton linters: The short fibers adhering to the seed after the long staple fiber has been removed in the ginning process. Used in making cotton felt. Cotton pickers: “Fall out” from ginning or garnetting. These shorter staple cotton fibers are blended with linters to produce cotton felt. Crown: A convex surface on a mattress. Mattresses with a half-inch crown are a half-inch thicker at the center than at the edges. Cushioning: Materials that lie above the insulator and below the fabric covering in an innerspring mattress. These materials are typically combinations of polyurethane foam, cotton felt, and/or mademade fibers. Damask: Woven ticking produced on a loom that has yarns running at 90-degree angles to each other, the warp and the weft. The damask
design is woven into the fabric rather than printed on the surface. Density: A measure of weight per cubic volume, usually expressed in pounds per cubic foot. Often referred to when discussing foam. Double tempering: Heating of wire components, usually in an oven, after they have been given shape or form and have been electronically stress-relieved. Refers to tempering coils as well as border rods and helicals in a complete spring unit. Dual-purpose: A broad term used to include all sleep pieces, which can be converted to other uses, including: convertible sofas, high-risers, daybeds, futons, etc. See Convertible Sofa. Dust cover: A woven or non-woven fabric attached to the underside of a foundation to prevent the collection of dust inside. May also be known as “sheeting” or “cambric.” Edge guard: Generally an extra component added to the edge of a mattress and/or box spring to give support on the sides. Engineered edge support: A special design where the coils on the outer edge of an innerspring unit are actually positioned under the border rod. Most units have the coils recessed from the edge, which can contribute to a “roll out of bed” feeling. Euro-top mattress: A mattress featuring a raised, squared-off surface finishing treatment filled with soft comfort layers and attached to the mattress upholstery at the tapeedge. Fabric cover: Cloth or textile material woven, knitted or felted of any fiber or mixture of fibers. Often referred to as “ticking” or mattress fabric.
Fales pad: Compressed cotton felt that is stitched together to better retain compression. Fiber pad: Usually refers to manmade or natural fibers (wool, silk, etc.) that are garnetted, needled, carded and/or bonded together. Often used in quilting panels for mattress tops. Filler cloth: Refers to a plain fabric used on the top of a foundation instead of ticking. Commonly offers non-skid characteristics. Flanging: The process whereby a strip of fabric is sewn to the edge of the mattress cover and, in the assembly process, secured to the perimeter of the innerspring unit to prevent the cover and filling materials from shifting. Foam foundation: Consists of a built-up wood slat frame covered with a sheet of cardboard or similar material, topped with at least 2” of foam and covered with ticking.
Foundation: Any base or support for a mattress, sometimes used as a generic term for box spring. A foundation may be made entirely of wood or a combination of wood and steel or steel springs. See Box Spring and Foam Foundation. Futon: A Japanese-style mattress construction, consisting of a cover and filling material, which is typically cotton but can be innerspring and/or foam. Garnetting: A mechanical process whereby short cotton fibers and/ or other fibers are combed into a specific orientation and formed into a thin web, which are then layered to create a batting used as an upholstery material. See Cotton Felt. Gauge, coil: A measurement of the diameter of the steel wire used in coil construction. Wire gauge for innerspring coils range from 12.5 to 17. The higher the gauge, the thinner the wire. Gel foam: Generally a visco-elastic
foam that is infused with beads or swirls of gel during the foam pouring process. Hair pads: Horse tail or mane, cattle tail or hog hair, which has been processed and curled for use as a mattress or upholstery filler. Hammocking: An undesirable characteristic sometimes associated with worn out or low-end mattresses. When weight is placed in the center, the corners tend to rise and bow in response to deep compression much like a hammock. Terms “dish” and “sagging” also used to describe this phenomenon. Hand: Term used to describe the touch or feel of fabrics (e.g., soft, smooth, etc.). Hand-tied: The process of hand-lacing the coils in a box spring together with twine. Seldom used, this process has been replaced with modern technology and new designs.
Headboard: An upright unit of wood, metal, plastic, or upholstered material, to be attached at the head of a bed, usually with the bed frame. Helical: A tightly-coiled, elongated wire used in the manufacture of innerspring units to join individual coils to each other and to the border rod. High-contour mattress: Measures 9” – 13” thick. A mattress under 9” thick is considered “standard”; over 13” thick is considered “custom.” High riser: Usually a frame or sofa with two mattresses of equal size without a backrest. The frame slides out with the lower bed and rises to form a full bed or two single beds. Hog ring: Metal ring used to secure the insulator and flange material to the innerspring unit. Takes its name from its similarity to the metal ring in a hog’s nose. Hourglass coils: Coils that taper inward from top to middle and outward from middle to bottom, thus resembling an hourglass in shape. Employed in bonnell and offset coil
designs. Hybrid: Commonly used industry term for a mattress that combines an innerspring unit with specialty foams such as visco-elastic or latex.
knitting process (tricot) rather than weaving. Designs are printed onto the surface. Lacing wire: Finer gauges of wire used to form helicals.
Ideal weight distribution: Equalization of support in such a way as to eliminate pressure points that cause discomfort resulting in tossing and turning. Best achieved with coil on coil construction and properly designed insulation and cushioning material.
Latex: A flexible foam created from a water dispersion of rubber, either from the rubber tree (natural latex) or a man-made, petroleum-based product (synthetic latex). Most latex used in mattresses today is a combination of natural and synthetic latex rubber.
Innerspring unit construction (for mattresses): The spring construction used as the main support system inside an innerspring mattress. Some common types are: pocketed (see Marshall) and all metal (i.e., bonnell, offset and continuous wire).
LFK: An unknotted offset coil with a cylindrical or columnar shape.
Insulator: Any material used on top and bottom of an innerspring unit to prevent the upholstery layers from cupping down into the coils. Some common types are: a fiber pad, non-woven fabric, netting, wire mesh or foam pad. Knit: A basic polyester or nylon ticking fabric produced through a
Link fabric: A wire foundation for bedsprings, cots, studio couches, sofabed mechanisms and gliders. So called because the fabric is a succession of metal links. Marshall: A type of innerspring construction in which thin gauge, barrel-shaped, knotless coils are encased in fabric pockets. Also known as “pocketed coils.” Mattress: A manufactured product to sleep on, consisting of various resilient materials covered with an outer ticking. Comes from the Arabic term “matrah” meaning to throw
down. Early Arabs traveled with their bedding and threw it down on the ground or floor at night. Memory: The ability of tempered steel, foam or some fabrics to return to their original state after being compressed or stretched. Mesh: Plastic netting generally stretched across the face of an innerspring unit as an insulator. Microcoils: A low-profile metal spring unit, typically with individually wrapped coils, used in the top comfort layers of a mattress. Molded foam core (for mattresses): A core made of flexible foam is made in molds and used as the main support system in a foam mattress.
construction fabrics are produced. These fabrics are produced by garnetting fibers, entangling or inner-locking these fibers together by a series of needles and then mechanically bonding or fusing them together via heat to produce a fabric without glue or binders. Needlepunched pad: A manufacturing process used to produce insulator pads and non-woven fabrics whereby loose, garnetted fibers are inner-locked by a series of “needles.” This process usually requires additional bonding to keep the fibers in place.
Mounting: Attachment of a box spring unit to a wood or metal frame.
Offset coils: An hourglass type coil on which portions of the top and bottom convolutions have been flattened. In assembling the innerspring unit, these flat segments of wire are hinged together with helicals.
Needlepunched fabric: A manufacturing process for which high strength, lightweight, non-woven
Orthopedic: Generalized term to imply set gives proper postural alignment and support. Should not
necessarily mean hard or board feeling. Proper support with a degree of comfort to contour to the body is best. Panel: The part of the ticking that constitutes the top sleep surface of a mattress, as well as the bottom of a mattress on a two-sided bed. Pedestal-type metal or wood bed frame: A low-profile bed frame with a solid pedestal base underneath each side of the frame, instead of legs. Pillow-top mattress: A mattress featuring a surface finishing treatment where a separate encasement of soft materials is attached to the entire surface on top of existing cover and upholstery. Plus 4 edge: Two border rods engineered with one inside of the other and designed so that they make the edge 4% firmer than the balance of the sleep surface to eliminate that “roll out of bed” feeling and edge sag.
Straightline deflection: Pertains to mattress innerspring construction and refers to the constant ratio between stress and strain, weight and movement. The benefit is that constant support is provided regardless of the weight applied. No bottoming out of soft spots. Basically it means that two people of unequal weight, sleeping on the same mattress, receive the same support.
Pocketed coil: See Marshall. Polyurethane foam: See Urethane Foam. Print: A ticking fabric, which can be a woven or non-woven sheeting, commonly of synthetic fiber composition, on which a design has been printed. Quilting: The surface treatment in which the cover, foam and/or other fibers are sewn together, using various stitch patterns on quilting machinery, including scroll or panel quilters (single needle) and multi-needle quilters.
Stretch knit: A heavy-weight mattress ticking consisting of a top layer, bottom layer and filling material knitted together and intermittently stitched to keep the filling yarns stable.
Resilience: Surface liveliness and spring-back ability. Rollator test: An approximately 230 lb., six-sided roller is passed across a sleep set to determine the structural strengths or weaknesses of the set and components (i.e., foam or quilt failure, breaking of helicals and coils). The industry standard to duplicate the life of a mattress is 100,000 passes. Rollaway bed/cot: A portable metal bed/cot with a frame that folds in half with the mattress when not in use so it can be rolled away into a closet (or elsewhere) for compact storage. Sheeting: a woven or non-woven fabric other than knits that have a degree of sizing and are somewhat stiff.
spring frame. Also used in a bedstead to support the box spring. Sleep Products Safety Council hangtag: Used voluntarily by bedding producers since 1987, the safety hangtag program provides critical consumer information about the safe use of sleep products. Manufacturers certify that they use the tag only on mattresses that meet the Federal Standard for the Flammability of Mattresses and Mattress Pads.The tag is available in a hangtag or permanent label. Smooth top: A plain surfaced mattress, neither tufted nor quilted. Also called button-free.
Side rail: A metal or wood rail, which hooks into the outside edges of a headboard and footboard to provide the support base for a foundation and mattress.
Spring wire: Wire made from high carbon steel, characterized by toughness, strength and ductility. Typically furnished in 8 to 18 gauge for bedding industry applications.
Sisal: A product of the henequen plant formed into a pad and used as an insulator. Named after the. small port of Sisal in Yucatan.
Steel unit construction (for box springs): The spring construction used as the main support system inside a box spring.
Slats: Narrow strips of wood used to support the coils in the box
Stitch bonded pad: See Fales Pad.
Super zoned box spring frame: A support, generally wood, attached longitudinally to the underside of a foundation for added support where the main body weight rests. Another important structural point is that the vertical slats are turned on edge for added strength. This is extremely important on queen sizes and for 4-poster beds where typically no center support is provided. Also known as a “center rail.” Tape: Fabric material that closes over the rough-sewn edge where the top and bottom panels are joined to the border of a mattress or box spring. Tape edge: A specified type of sewing machine designed to stitch binding tape around the top and bottom edges of the mattress, joining the panels with the border and closing the mattress. Tempering: Heat treatment of wire to reduce brittleness. Accomplished by electric charge, oven heat or both. Also known as “stress relieved”. Ticking: Fabrics for covering mattresses and foundations. Common
types include: stretch knits, woven damasks, knits and nonwovens. Torsion bars: A type of spring system used in box springs characterized by square-shaped wire forms. Trundle bed: A low bed that is rolled under a larger bed. In some constructions, the lower bed springs up to form a full bed or two single beds as in a high riser. Tufting: Consists of passing twine, cords or tape vertically through the mattress from top to bottom, knotting and securing the loops thus formed with tufts, buttons, or lacing. The purpose is to hold the mattress filling in place. Uniflex grid: A steel wire grid used to bridge the “mouth” of the coils on an innerspring unit to prevent “pocketing” of insulation down into the coil and to eliminate “coil feel.” Also helps to distribute the body weight of a person. Urethane foam: Synthetic (chemically foamed) flexible urethane used for mattress cores and as a
cushioning material. As a core, it’s the main support system. Generic term covering both polyester and polyether foams. Ventilator: Metal or plastic screens attached to the sides and sometimes the ends of mattresses to permit the passage of air. Unnecessary with normal high quality materials used today, except for hospital type mattresses with wetproof covers. Visco-elastic foam: Also known as “memory foam.” Slow recovery urethane foams that are temperature sensitive. They conform to the body and distribute pressure according to body heat and dynamics. Waterbed: A sleep system employing a water-filled vinyl bladder as its primary support system. Original models relied on rigid framing to contain the vinyl components and were known as a “hardside”. Newer styles consist of vinyl components (bladder and liner) typically encased in foam and
made to look like a conventional mattress, usually paired with a regular upholstered foundation. Also called a “softside” waterbed. All versions are sometimes referred to as “flotation beds.” Welded grid top: Basic wire welded into a lattice to which box spring coils, formed wire or modules are fastened. Offers even weight distribution, yet allows some flex and give. Wood bed: A bed with a headboard and footboard made of wood, having side rails of wood or metal that support the foundation and mattress. Wood frame (for box springs): The wood frame in a box spring on which the spring construction is mounted. Woven stripe: A once ubiquitous woven ticking with colored stripes. The style was referred to as “ACA”, the traditional designation for the 8 oz. blue- and white-striped ticking that has mostly fallen out of favor and is seldom produced.