The Dessert Game SIMPLE TRICKS, SKILL-BUILDERS AND SHOWSTOPPERS TO UP YOUR GAME THE DESSERT GAME IS EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR SWEET, SWEET VICTORY AT YOUR PLACE. Up your baking game with desserts that start simple through to adventure bakes, from MasterChef dessert king and founder of KOI dessert bars. Perfect your butter cake, curd tart or creme caramel with Level 1. These are all the crowd pleasers and perfectly simple desserts for beginners or aficionados, each with a 'Reynold twist', like pavlova flavour pairings or a honey glaze for your cheesecake. Kick it up a notch with Level 2, for swoonworthy jar desserts, the perfect oozy lava cake or the ultimate praline tart. Step by step, Reynold shows how each element is made so you can dream up your own combinations and increase your confidence. Are you an adventure cook? Or want to blow everyone's minds? Level 3 is an access-all-areas pass to the signature dishes and secret recipes for white noise, onyx, magic mushrooms and more - these creations need to be seen (and tasted) to be believed.
• 150g unsalted butter, plus extra for greasing • 150g 60 percent dark chocolate • 65g dark palm sugar (jaggery) • 3 eggs • 3 egg yolks • 40g plain (all-purpose) flour • Pinch of salt METHOD
• 180g white (granulated) sugar • 50ml water • 90g egg whites
Combine the butter, chocolate and palm sugar in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water and stir occasionally until melted and combined. Whisk in the eggs and egg yolks. Add the flour and salt and whisk until the batter is thick and smooth. Transfer to a bowl and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 170°C. Grease four 7cm cake rings with butter and tightly wrap the bottoms with foil to create a base, then grease the foil bases. Place the cake rings on a baking tray. Alternatively, grease four 8.5cm ramekins with butter.
• 150ml thickened (whipping) cream • 150g 55 percent dark chocolate • 15g unsalted butter
ME T H O D Pour the cream into a small saucepan and bring it to a simmer. Put the chocolate in a heatproof jug. Pour in the hot cream and, using an immersion blender, blend in the chocolate. Add the butter and blend until glossy and smooth. Pour the ganache into four 5cm diameter silicone mini muffin moulds. Place in the freezer for 4–5 hours or until frozen solid.
Transfer the chilled batter to a piping bag and half-fill the greased moulds, then place a frozen ganache round in the centre of the batter. Make sure the ganache is sitting directly in the middle of the batter. Pipe more batter over the ganache until the moulds are threequarters full. Bake the lava cakes for 18–20 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the Italian meringue. Allow the cooked cakes to cool for a few minutes, then run a small knife around the edge of each one to loosen it and turn it out.
66 slim magazine Autumn 2022
METHOD We’ve got left-over egg whites, so we may as well turn them into meringue… Combine the sugar and water in a small saucepan over low heat. Once the syrup reaches 100°C on a sugar thermometer, put the egg whites in a mixer fitted with the whisk attachment and turn the speed to medium–low. As soon as the syrup reaches 118°C, remove the pan from the heat, turn the mixer to medium speed and slowly pour the syrup onto the egg whites in a thin stream down the side of the bowl. Turn the mixer to full speed and whisk until the bowl has completely cooled down.
ASSEMBLY Freeze-dried mandarin segments Grated citrus zest, to garnish (optional) Edible flowers, to garnish (optional) Ice cream of your choice, to serve Stand each lava cake on a serving plate. Place a spoonful of the meringue on the side of each cake. Work it upwards, making little peaks with the back of the spoon. Use a blowtorch to brown the meringue. Lightly brown the freeze-dried mandarin segments with the blowtorch. Garnish each lava cake with the mandarin segments, some citrus zest and edible flowers, if using. Top it all off with some ice cream and cut into that bad boy to see it ooze.